#also she has blue hair because genetics
lyingfallow · 8 months
i think i've been doodling fowler's mom a little reminiscent of mizu but it's kinda fun because of the ambiguity. we don't know if fowler is her real father it's all up in the air so i just enjoy it
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madelinemccoolname · 8 months
Slime girl hrt
So, you’ve decided you’re a slimegirl. I’ve been on fluid replacement therapy, commonly referred to as slime hrt or shortened to frt, for five years but I haven’t managed to find a decent guide on the effects I’ve been experiencing anywhere on the internet. So I’ve decided to make this little guide for anyone who might still be on the fence. Keep in mind obviously I don’t speak for everyone and other goorl’s timelines might look a little bit different based on like genetics or something.
0-6 months
• For the first 3 months the effects are, I’m told, similar to estrogen’s first couple months, you’ll notice for sure your skin getting softer, your face might round out a bit, but the most you get are the side effects
• I personally was not prepared for how thirsty I got, I had heard about it but you really don’t know how much of your body isn’t liquid until you’re replacing all of it
• At 4 months is when I noticed my skin and body were moving kinda differently, tho this got the most pronounced at 6 months
• At 6 months all of my skin rippled like the surface of a pond whenever anyone touched me or like if the wind started blowing
• My joints got a lot more flexible, and my elbows and knees became double jointed (don’t do this too much)
• My hair didn’t get tangled overnight anymore
• My finger prints went away
6-12 months
• Here’s where the real magic starts, I got a lot thirstier for one and specifically had cravings for gatorade, I think this has something to do with slimegirls being partially salt water, but it could also be the food coloring in it (this is a joke about me drinking a lot of light blue gatorade and then being light blue)
• On the subject of color my skin got a sort of blue tinge to it, and most notably got completely see through by my 8 month mark
• The changes start from the thinnest part of your body and goes in towards your core, so even by 5 months your fingertips might be completely clear
• This next part is partially why I wanted to make this guide, so obviously your body doesn’t liquify at the same rate all over, for me this meant I was able to see the muscle in my upper arms if I looked through my fingers, this is both normal and something you’re going to have to get used to as you continue your journey
• Your toes are also going to turn at the same rate, this will probably be your first experience with lint getting in your slime bits, you don’t need to worry about your bloodstream getting infected with sock but regularly picking out bits is good hygiene and something you wanna get into the habit of
• My hair officially finished it’s transition into one solid shape, it still had defined follicles but if you tried to grab a strand of hair the rest would try to come with it
• People also started to ask me who dyed my hair, please note it’s always funny to say “it’s the way Goo-d made me” in response to this
12-24 months
• This window is larger than the others because all you’re going to notice from now on are the big changes
• Avoid tanktops past 14 months, your arms should be entirely translucent at this point and while having a buncha stuff floating around in my goo is kinda gender for me, people generally do not like to see slightly dissolved organs and ribcage
• 14 months was also when I noticed that my arm bones had entirely disappeared, my leg bones were also just barely holding in there, moving without bones was so freeing
• if you ever want anyone you know to stick their fingers in your slime, now’s probably the first time anyone's willing to stick their fingers far into your arms and legs, try to get them to wiggle their fingers. if they’re really adventurous they’ll stick their whole arm through to the other side, which still makes me a little squeamish
• Now that we’re at the part where I was mostly slime, we should probably talk about slime color. I’m going to dispel this misinformation, there is no way to find out what color a slimegirl is going to be before she starts transitioning. Some people say its eye color but that’s a lie. I am naturally a blue slime girl but my eyes pretransition were green. To dispel another myth you can dye yourself with food coloring, so you don’t even really have to stress about it
• By 18 months the only part of me that wasn’t slime was my head, the skull takes the longest time to dissolve because you’re doing the skull and all the organs in there all at once, see the human body really really wants to keep the brain safe, so when your brain gets the signal to get rid of your bones, it just does it all at once
• Some people say their eyesight got better, tho that seems to be anecdotal (mine stayed the same sadly)
• 18 months is also when I started experimenting with my shape. This was probably the most frustrating part of it for me, shapeshifting your goo is like a muscle, the more you do it the easier it’ll get. If you want a specific shape, spend enough time in it, and it’ll become your default shape, though you’ll never forget your original shape.
• 24 months is the last point I want to cover, by 24 months I was 100% liquid, the heavy viscosity from early transition leads to something closer to a liquid jello. I can detach parts of my body and then move to replace it, and I can reabsorb the parts I leave behind
• Clothes should rest just on the surface of you, though I know a lot of girls just change themselves to look clothed (probably more than you think ;)
• Suspenders and heavy cardigans break surface tension for me, luckily that's also a cute look so sometimes I match my cardigan with overalls for an aquarium effect on the overall straps
• This was also when I stopped breathing and going to the bathroom
• Some people report “knowing” when certain parts of their brain turn into goo, I didn’t experience that but it certainly could happen
Things I didn’t know where else they would fit
• I feel like a lot of this post was mainly dry, so in the interest of avoiding having a dry slime girl post, this section will mostly just be slime things that brought me joy
• I love speaking in slime puns, I keep a little book of slime puns and slant rimes just in case the slime arises that i would ever ooze some
• Being out in the rain or being out on a windy day is so much better when you can feel your entire body move in the wind, in particular go out on a rainy day without anything on, and lay down on the ground, the rain rippling through your entire body is heavenly
• Speaking of weather, when I first noticed I was refracting light on a sunny day I almost started crying, I felt so pretty and right :)
• I said I stopped needing to use the bathroom, but I still do siphon off some goo once a month. Mostly this is to get out bits of trash that accumulate and also because it feels exactly like taking a shower after a hard sweaty day’s work
• Speaking of bits, get a powerful magnet and metal shaving and you could probably waste a whole day just moving metal shavings through your body
• This might be a bit late in the guide for this, but when my arms finally turned I pulled a great prank on my at the time girlfriend by sticking my hand into a blender (do not do this if you still have bones, or value your girlfriend not being really really mad at you)
So that's all you need to know before starting frt, becoming the slime of your dreams is a difficult and beautiful process. I know a lot of what i described here might be frightening but if it sounds enticing at all know that it’s worth it.
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rainbow-banana-slug · 3 months
eye strain warning
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gummy 🌈🐬
[plain text: gummy 🌈rainbow emoji🐬dolphin emoji]
(^ shark emoji not blue enough)
[id: dark skinned black person with williams syndrome in decora kei fashion walk with posterior walker. person have pink hair with rainbow bangs n all sorts hair clips in hair & stickers on cheek. have many rainbow necklace include one with double yoke egg. wear blue sweater with white cloud where one sleeve is yellow horse with pink leash thing. there many pins on sweater include gummies (gummy shark, peach ring, gummy worm, gummy bear) & green crayons & others. she wear cross body green dino plushie (bag?). rainbow vertical stripe pants with rainbow n star chain. one shoe red one shoe blue. posterior walker made of different color crayons. there text around character describe her which be functionally described below. end id]
girl (complicated gender) with williams syndrome n love decora kei fashion & bright colors (she call them happy colors/excited colors)!! she has lotssss of bows n head pieces n hair clips n necklaces n bracelets n other decoration & big wardrobe with bright colored clothing! she love wear different outfits but it consistently decora kei.
she love gummy candy & named herself after them >:) blue/red gummy worm & blue gummy shark her favorites (blue gummy shark also my favorite. to look at.)
williams syndrome (also known as williams-beuren syndrome) is genetic developmental disorder micro-deletion of some of chromosome 7. for gummy, WS lead her have moderate intellectual disability (ID) & global developmental delay, level 2 autism, ADHD-c; congenital heart defects (CHD); hypotonia (low muscle tone), & loose joints.
like many people with WS, gummy very friendly & social! she love hugs & talking to people & talk lot & very physical in show affection! but also often struggle tell when other people not want be social / be social with her, be called “a lot” & “too much,” which lead her have trouble make n keep friends n make her sad—even tho WS make her extra outgoing, she also still get sad n mad n not hide it. she also struggle with danger awareness & often treat strangers like would with friend, n it been something that her support team very focused on work with her entire life because this lead her be very easily taken advantage of n be put in danger.
also like many ppl with williams syndrome, language & verbal abilities her strong suit—tho it’s relative to her moderate ID, so one shouldn’t expect she write speak communicate like average person without struggle. her words more simple, n still need many help for communication, including various form of AAC & aide person.
she has aides that pretty much 24/7 present because WS & moderate ID but working on skills so can be more independent! it something she been work very hard on entire life n she quite proud of progress.
she has many classic facial features associate with williams syndrome, like epicanthal folds at eye, upturned nose, wide mouth & small teeth, small jaw, full cheeks (badly drawn), n large ears.
70% or more people with WS have some sort cardiovascular problem, n so do gummy. she has supravalvar aortic stenosis (narrowing of aorta) which form of congenital heart defect (CHD). hers not very severe n be closely monitored.
she also have hypotonia & loose joints due to WS & uses posterior walker full time to get around. she really like her posterior walker, it shaped like many crayons :D also wear SMOs but forgot write it so oops
art fight character profile
[reblog welcome but please no repost]
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charliesvarietyhour · 2 months
me while playing fo4 because i’m an opinionated bitch and i disagree with bethesda’s character design
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anyway. presenting,
a detailed look at every companion’s appearance, according to me.
(these are all headcanons. they might not be yours, but they are mine. i wrote this as a fic-writing reference, but i don't mind sharing so long as we're all nice about it. also, spoilers ahead for companion quests, both in vanilla game and dlcs. you've been warned okay love you have fun. sorry in advance that you can clearly tell who my favorite character is.)
cw: heights represented by the united states customary system. sorry metric users :/
Ada. Modified RobCo Assaultron. 2074 model. SN has been sanded off and replaced with "ADA", painted carefully (lovingly) in blue script. It's clear that it has been reapplied multiple times, as many times as necessary. Post-Mechanist quest, she requests to have the names of her fallen friends painted on her body as well.
Cait. Pre-addiction recovery, scrawny-strong. Blood, muscle, bone and not much else. Very short. Like, south-side of 5'3". Has a very rectangular body shape. Hard angles. Was bright strawberry blonde when she was a kid, but it got darker as she got older. Hazel eyes. Freckles year-round and all over. She doesn't burn super easily, but she doesn't really tan either. Just freckles. Nose is crooked from being broken too many times. Post-addiction recovery she is a beef. cake. With Sole's help and resources she gains plenty of weight post recovery. Other than the normal weight gain that comes after recovering from addiction, she finds she enjoys exercise—especially weight lifting—and that it helps her manage her cravings. Her biceps are unfair. If I can be honest, I really only shared this so I can start proselytizing for my Fat Cait Agenda.
Codsworth. Standard GAI Mister Handy. 2076 Model. SN: 01HND-7619-0163. This is only visible because the 2076 Handys had their SN's embossed. All other markings that were printed or painted on have eroded away. A cute fact about Codsworth is that, despite his 200 years of wear and tear, he doesn't have a single dent on his exterior panels. Not. A. Dent. Scratches, yes. Scuffs, sure. No dents. He takes his structural integrity very seriously, thank you. He will brag about this if you let him.
Curie. Pre-companion quest, Modified GAI Miss Nanny. 2072 Model. SN has been scratched off and replaced with what is probably "CURIE", but the combination of chicken scratch writing and 200 year old marker makes it illegible. Post-personal quest, Generic Female Synth Body. Average body weight, brown hair, brown eyes. (I know she technically has "Hazel Blue" eyes but I disagree. It's my post and I get to make the rules here.) Her only deviation from "average" is her height. Generic Synth Height is 5'10", for both male and female synths. Takes time to look neat—neatly trimmed nails, trimmed hair, etc—and enjoys it.
Danse. M7-97 was a vanity design* so Danse looks a little different from the Generic Synth design. Still has the brown hair, brown eyes, but is a touch shorter than the standard. 5'8". Latino or Hispanic. His hair is insanely thick, but his beard always grows in a little patchy and with the odd blond patch just below his right ear. (This was not an intentional part of his “design.” Genetics, even synthesized genetics, get funky sometimes.) Carries weight like a strongman weightlifter. Thicker than average, even for the Brotherhood, so he's always had to have his flight suits and PA specially altered. (Thicker than average in regards to BODY TYPE you sickos– This is not that kind of post lmao.)
(This post from slocumjoe is a huge influence for my headcanon for Danse! Thank you for going through your archive to find it!)
Deacon. The Average Guy Ever™. Average height, average build. I'm firmly in the "Deacon is a Good Spy, actually" camp, so. Uncanny ability to adjust how he looks just by altering his posture. His weight has always easily fluctuated, so he can go from stick thin to bulked up in a matter of weeks. No matter how many surgeries he gets, he cannot hide the freckles. They always come back. He would have had piano hands if he hadn't been a chronic brawler in his youth. Knuckles are very crooked now. Eyes so blue they're nearly grey. Ginger. Has long eyelashes that are frankly illegal for someone who covers his eyes all the time.
Dogmeat. Dog. He has six toes on his back left foot.
Gage. 5'11". In an alternate universe, would tell people he was 5'9" just to fuck with them. Was a towheaded kid whose hair darkened significantly as he grew up. If he spends a lot of time out in the sun, though, it will turn a sandy blonde/light brown. He keeps his hair short because otherwise it gets very curly and floppy and it really kills his "bad-guy raider" vibe. Would be one of those white boys who tans super well but also thinks wearing sunscreen is for the weak. Scarred to shit. Holds onto muscle for a really long time. Underbite. Slutty little waist because I think that's funny.
Hancock. John Prime was already pretty wiry to begin with, and becoming a ghoul has only emphasized this. 5'7" but seems shorter because he's always leaning on something. Draping, even. He's like if a man was also a liquid, somehow. His remaining hair is incredibly thin, but is the most vibrant golden blonde anyone has ever seen. Eyes are dark due to discoloration, but sometimes—if he's taken in a ton of rads—the edges of his irises will glow subtly. Several piercings on his ears, but he used to have more. Lost them on account of his nose falling off. (You know how it is.) Replaced them with an astonishing collection of rings. Cheekbones that could slice a brahmin. Missing his fourth toe on his right foot.
MacCready. Definition of scrunkly. Not a lick of fat anywhere to be found. 5'5". Has a Gunner tattoo on the left side of his forehead and he hates it. It's why he wears his hat so low. Had an ear pierced once, but it got ripped out ages ago. His left earlobe is split now. He very clearly needed braces growing up but obviously didn't have access to that. Bottom teeth are crooked. His cuticles are picked to shit. Sandy brown hair. Cuts his own hair, but only cares about the hair around his face. Line of sight. Sniper. You get it. Is generally too lazy/uninterested in the rest, and will neglect it until it gets too long, so. Mullet (hot).
Nick. See, the problem with my synth grandpa is that this is the only character whose design Bethesda completely and utterly nailed. Like yeah, he does look like that. You got it. You did it. Perfect, no notes. Like all other Generic Synths, he's 5'10".
Old Longfellow. Exactly what you would expect an Old Hermit-Mariner Driven To Eldritch Madness By The Fog and The Sea would look like. The wildest eyebrows anybody has ever seen. Like you could take a comb through those bad boys. His hair is past his shoulders and fades into his beard. Stark white hair due to the stress of living alone on an island and from What He's Seen. You cannot convince me that there are not some Lovecraftian nasties living in the sea. They Know Longfellow, but Longfellow Knows Them. 6' until he stands up straight and then he's like. 6'5". Liver spots across his face and hands. Looks like he has cataracts in both eyes, but somehow can see better than you.
Piper. By far the companion whose Bethesda!verse appearance I disregard the most. In my heart she is a South Asian woman. On the taller side, between 5'8" and 5'9". Super thick, dark brown hair that in fact does just Look Like That (unfair). Her hair grows from fairly far down on her neck. Deep brown eyes. Spends lots of time on her makeup, even when she's out in the 'wealth chasing leads. Prefers red lips and dark liner close to her lid-lines. Her cupid's bow is super pronounced and she does her makeup to highlight it. On the softer side in regards to physique. Has a burn scar on her right forearm from a cooking mishap back when she was still trying to figure out how to live on her own and take care of Nat at the same time. Bites her nails.
Preston. Personification of someone telling you that everything is going to be all right. Tall, 6'. Pretty standard physique for someone who grew up on a farm and then became a soldier in a wasteland militia. Very square hands. Lets his hair grow out a little bit because he (forgets about it) likes it. Brown eyes that look like honey when the sun hits them. Other than the two scars on his face—one running down his left cheek, the other a small nick on his top lip—he has a scar from a bullet wound on his right shoulder. Has a stick and poke tattoo of the Minuteman coat of arms on his left arm, just where his shoulder meets his bicep. Top lip is bigger than his bottom lip. Dimples when he smiles. Huge smile, smiles with his whole mouth. Legs like an adonis. Someone get this man into some 4' inseam shorts, STAT.
Strong. Super mutant. He was a Butcher, so he's a little beefier than your average mutant. Of course, this is only known to other mutants, as the subtleties of mutant physiology tend to be lost on non-mutated humans.
X6-88. Generic Courser Build. While Generic Synths are designed to blend in with the everyman, Generic Coursers are designed to inspire fear in every man. (booo bad joke tomato tomato) 6'3" but stands so perfectly straight that he seems taller. Has the superhero build, but like naturally. Keeps his hair in a short fade. Bottom lip is lighter than the top lip. Has little lines around his mouth from all his frowning. Has one (1) singular scar on his chin. He won't tell you where he got it (it's from him eating it on concrete steps. That was the one mission he asked for an extension on, so the evidence of him beefing it would heal.) Also chronically wears sunglasses. Behind those aviators are grey eyes that are so pale and sharp, they almost look white.
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one-idea · 4 months
Here's an idea: time travel fix it, but the time traveller is Zeff.
Casually fixing what he can for his Eggplant's future Nakama, like bribing Mihawk with a nice wine to mention what Arlong is up to to Jimbe.
I love a time travel fix it with an unlikely hero. Because the Strawhats have a lot of information about what needs to be fixed. Their time travel fix it’s make sense. But the fun ones are their allies who know major events but don’t know everything.
(I saw someone try this with Mihawk and like the man only knows major events that the strawhats get into. Also he’s way more likely just to show up and watch the chaos while drinking wine.)
Zeff being sent back is so fun. 1) he’s a great character who obviously loves Sanji and would want to do what’s best for him. But also 2) he has no idea what half the inciting incidents are! How will he ever know what to stop?
He does have some information though. So let’s say he gets dropped 21 years in the past. He’s still a pirate. Ohara was just burnt last year and Rodger died 3 years ago (fact check me)
Most importantly Sanji is about to be born. His little eggplant is about to be born into one of the worst family on the sea. Well not if he has anything to say about it. He’s still Red-Leg Zeff, the pirate captain.
He knows they can’t do a full frontal assault but some sneaking around gets him to Sora. And a quick “how do you feel about taking all the kids and running?” She’s in. Anything to get them away from Judge.
And it’s stupid easy because they are babies who are only a few days old. Judge only cares about their test results he isn’t watching them. So Zeff and a few of his crew just nab Judges wife and kids, and quite a bit of loot.
Zeff is booking it out of there. But not without kick judge through at least one wall durning the escape.
He makes the decision to quiet the pirate life early. He’s got Sora and the kids to worry about. They open the Baratie early. He knows exactly which cooking staff he’s hiring.
As he separated from the crew he tells them that if they run into a girl named Nico Robin to bring her to him.
He starts establishing the Baratie as a location for all to dine in. But this time he’s focused on making connections. Keeping his thumb on the pulse of both pirate and government movement.
Raising the five kids he’s acquired along side Sora, the genetic programming takes but without it being supported as they grow eventually gets out of their systems. Sanji being the most in touch with his emotions followed by Reiju. Their brothers struggle with emotions but are a lot better and more adjusted than they are in cannon.
About two years into this restaurant one 11 year old Nico Robin is delivered by his old crew. The girl is super freaked out but he sits her down and tells her that’s she’s safe, he’s got ears everywhere and will know if the governmental coming after them, and he won’t let them take her. Plus who’s going to be looking for her at a high class restaurant. It also helps that he’s got a gaggle of children already so she can stay off the floor hanging out with the kids. Sora also dyes Robin’s hair purple and that with age is enough to make people not immediately recognize her from her bounty poster.
5 years later the red hair pirates a bouncing around the East blue and Zeff waits. Waits until one day Shanks comes in one arm short and bragging about his son. (It helps that Sanji and his siblings are helping out so Shanks and Zeff are just casually talking about their kids.) He grabs the captain and pulls him to the side and tells him that Luffy is in danger and that there is another little boy on that island, a boy who is the son of his old captain. Shanks thinks he’s crazy at first but he knows things about Luffy. The scar under his eye, and other things.
Enough to make shanks curious enough to turn around and find Luffy and his TWO new brothers. He quickly collects three children and returns to the Baratie. (Kicks door open while holding three children “you were right!” Zeff surprised by the third child but not mad) (I don’t think he knows about Sabo)
Luffy and Sanji get on like a house fire with Luffy loudly declaring that Sanji will one day join his crew as his chef. And Zeff is standing there watching them with a proud smile, because somethings are just meant to happen.
Meanwhile Shanks as turned to look at Zeff
“anything else I should know about?”
Zeff just snorts “a lot. You still friends with Hawkeyes or have you to made it official yet?”
(With the Baratie around earlier he had to witness young Shanks and Mihawk flirting, it was painful)
Shanks gets sad “he’s mad about well you know…” the missing arm. And Zeff feels bad about that but he had no clue how the man lost it in the first place so there was no way he could stop it.
“If you run into him tell him there’s a crazy kid in the east blue gunning for his title. If he wants to keep things interesting he might want to train him.” (The Baratie is Mihawk’s favorite establishment Zeff could also tell him but he has a feeling the swords master would listen to Shanks over him.)
This is how Mihawk shows up at a dojo where a 10year old Kuina and 9 year old Zoro are training. (A year before Kuina’s death) he sees their skill and hears Kuina’s father’s opinion about females and training. He knows it’s an opinion that is also popular in Wano where this man is obviously from, but it’s not the way the rest of the world works. He approaches and offers to take over the training of the girl “who won’t make anything of herself” and the “feral gremlin using sword handles for teething.” Kuina’s father isn’t to sure about all this but he can’t really refuse the greatest swordsman in the world nor will Kuina or Zoro stay once they hear about the offer.
Mihawk has now obtained one verbally polite girl who will break every rule the moment his back is turn and one backpack leash gremlin.
He and Shanks are regulars at the Baratie for parenting advice. Luffy meets Zoro’s and again claims him as part of the crew. Years later Zoro and Sanji argue over who will be the first official member (Sanji: Luffy asked me first! Zoro: but I was the first one to physically join the crew!)
But currently the three run a muck on the Baratie pulling pranks on their older siblings (Ace, Sabo, Kuina, and Reiju are all the same age) or just Sanji brothers (they are still learning emotions and will sometimes join in on the chaos, other times they are a rival faction but if they ever get to mean Luffy and Zoro put them in their place)
but eventually Luffy runs into Robin (she tries to stay out of the way as much as possible to not get the Baratie in trouble. Zeff tells her she doesn’t have to but Trauma is a thing) Luffy loves her instantly. She quitely reading a book and Luffy joins her for story time and she never gets mad at his interruption and is so patient with him. He looks at her with a grin of a small sun and tells her “when I’m captain you’re going to be on my crew!” Robin is a little freaked out because she doesn’t want to bring the world government down on this little boy. But Zeff talks to her later and tells her that Luffy isn’t a force that can be stopped. It takes time but in the next ten years Robin comes around to the idea of being on Luffy’s crew with Zoro and her little brother Sanji. As soon as Luffy claimed her he told the others. Sanji was pumped! Zoro just accept it but he comes around to really love Robin.
At the same time that the boys are all being adopted Zeff is making some calls and contacts. The Baratie has been open for over 9 years he’s got some high connections. He eventually gets a hold of Jimbei and tells him that Arlong is in the East Blue and causing trouble. (Arlong has just started in the East blue, Zeff has no clue of the time clock) he points Jimbei in the direction of Cocoyashi.
Jimbei gets their right at the time of Arlong raid in the village. He walks in right as Arlong and Bell-mére are having their confrontation. I don’t know exactly what happens (I haven’t met Jimbei yet) but he’s able to stop it.
Bell-mére asks how he knew they were in trouble and he tells them about the Baratie. The village wants to thank the man who alerted Jimbei so Bell-mére goes (she is a retired Marine and probably the best sailor.) and takes Nojiko and Nami with her. Of course Shanks is visiting with the boys and Luffy and Nami instantly hit it off. “This is my Navigator!!!” Shanks is laughing because the kids going to have a whole crew before he has a boat.
Once Luffy is ready to set sail he meets up with Zoro and the two head to the Baratie to pick up Nami, Sanji, and Robin. Zeff points them in the direction of Suyrup village to “get a ship” where they pick up Usopp and save Kaya. (This absolutely does not make Usopp’s feeling of inferiority worse by the time they get to Water 7. No way. It’s not like everyone else on the crew until Vivi and Chopper have known each other for 10 years. He’s not the odd man out in any way.)
Zeff doesn’t have a lot of information about their adventures so he can’t truly stop anything but he does know some thing. (Nami leaving the crew. Luffy and Zoro being from the east blue and having connections with Shanks and Mihawk (Mihawk totally goes the the Baratie to drink during the time skip. Zeff knows Zoro is his kid) he knows Ace is Roger’s son and that he dies. But he doesn’t know anything that isn’t in Sanji’s letters or the news paper (which is full of lies)
He makes the best decisions he can for Sanji.
He saves Sanji from Zeff as soon as possible
Accidentally saving Sora, Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji
After Sanji set sail Zeff decides to expand the Baratie. It’s a chain
Patty and Carne take over the East blue branch
Reiju runs the one in the grandline.
Ichiji runs one in the west blue
Niji runs one in the south blue
The north blue doesn’t get one until Judge is dead they all agree on that
Yonji bounces from place to place helping as he is needed
Zeff and Sora open one in the New World.
Zeff might not know everything the Strawhats went through but he knows the major events and by having a home base in almost every sea he’s got ears everywhere. His old crew is still out there acting as ears for him and bring him news.
Anything he can help the Strawhats avoid or remove from their path he sends word
He tells Shanks about Ace.
Accidentally getting Luffy, Ace, and Sabo adopted
Saving Sabo from the Celestial dragons
Giving all three boys the chance to train with the Red Hair Pirates and learn Haki early while also getting a feel for the Grandline and New World
Ace’s death is prevented because he knows about Blackbeards plans and tells Ace to watch out for the man and to not trust him. It helps that Ace grew up with Shanks who never liked Blackbeard at all.
He tells Mihawk about Zoro
Kuina is accidentally saved
Both get to train with Mihawk far before their adventure. Mihawk loves it because the two are “trying to kill him” but they are also competing with each other and it’s MESSY they are so dramatic in their own weird way and he’s living for watching this gremlins fight while he drinks wine. When Perona shows up he finally has a goth child who wants to dress presentable and drink wine while making his other children. The family is complete.
He puts out feelers for Robin having no real hope she will show up
Accidentally gave her a loving home and help her feel safe while also preparing her for the adventure ahead.
He points Jimbei in Arlong direction. He has no clue what Arlong is truly up to.
Accidentally saves village
Saves Bell-mére’s life and kick starts the Strawhats.
The Strawhats still have a lot going on but because of advance trading some received as children and the stronger bonds.
He can’t do anything to Chopper, Franky, Brook or Usopp because their trauma is already passed Franky/Brook or he doesn’t know their stories well enough to intervene, Usopp/Chopper.
But he does make the safest home possible for his little eggplant.
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 6 months
Hello! Could you do aot boys being married to a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and when they have a baby they come out with the same features as her? Tysm! Love your work
eren was positive the baby would come out looking like him. so much, he even put a $5 bet on it. so, you’re five dollars richer but that’s okay, cause he feels rich enough with you two. he also makes a joke about how armin might be the dad but you don’t find it funny.
jean cries when your baby is born, seeing how much they resembles their mother. but they’re all happy tears, of course. the prettiest thing in the world to him made another pretty thing. he’s blessed.
connie’s a little sad that the baby didn’t come out looking anything like him. he always envisioned his baby being a carbon copy of him but nooo, now he has to watch another version of you wreak havoc instead of a lil connie.
armin can’t say he’s surprised about the blonde hair and blue eyes. you guys all kind of look extremely related, lmao. there’s no denying who this baby belongs to.
levi curses you and your weirdly strong genetics but he loves his daughter so, so much. he says that you should be prepared though, because “if she looks like you, does that mean she’s going to act like me?”
zeke claims that the baby looks more like him than it does you. he insists that she gets her looks from her daddy and that’s why she’s such a cutie patootie.
erwin and you fuss over who the baby looks like more. erwin eventually gives in and agrees with you, that the baby is your look-like. but he tells everyone they get their looks from papa.
porco thinks your baby looking like you is both the greatest and funniest thing ever. he thinks they’re beautiful and is so proud of you for birthing his child. what’s funny to him is that, of course you just basically gave birth to yourself. he thinks you’re a witch and did it on purpose (jokingly ofc.)
reiner is a big blubbering mess when the baby comes out looking just like you. he claims it’s the most beautiful thing he’s seen (besides you). you tell him you think it looks like him and it makes him cry harder.
bertholdt loves that baby so much. he tells everyone how much it looks like you. he’s a really sentimental kind of guy about it, taking a billion pictures, saving the baby’s first haircut, etc. one time, the two of you came out wearing matching outfits on easter and he just about cried seeing you and mini-you.
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esotericas-sims · 5 months
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George and Ruby's outfits going into the 1890s represent the odd dichotomy of their new lives. On one hand, they live a relatively "simple" life on Ruby's father's farm, and are compelled to dress practically, in simple, sturdy clothes, in order to support a lifestyle of hard labor. On the other hand, they have Moses's consistent financial support - less so cash, more often in the form of lavish gifts, especially of expensive clothing. They often have multiple outfits for the same occasion, one more expensive, and one more practical.
George in particular has taken to Moses's habit of giving gifts. George finds the promise of wealth infinitely appealing, and although he hasn't yet obtained said wealth, Moses's expensive presents often make him feel as if he has. Because of this influence from his father-in-law, George's outfits have also trended more towards Moses's all-black color scheme, becoming darker in color and adding in more blues and jewel tones, to replace George's teenage greens and yellows. He dresses in Moses's gift-clothing whenever possible, only returning to more practical garments while working on the farm.
Ruby, on the other hand, seems discomforted by the expensive clothes her father throws at her. Her hunger for independence and identity tends to push her away from making use of his gifts, no matter how lovely. She does dress up when he asks her to, or when the situation arises, but otherwise Ruby favors sturdy, comfortable, practical clothing. Some of her outfits do retain her teenage greens and yellows, especially those given to her by Moses, but the majority of her clothes are in a soft, neutral color palette, made up of mostly creams and browns. Still, Ruby does have a taste for drama, and what she lacks in fashionable clothing, she makes up for in her variable, expressive hats, often covered in flowers or feathers.
Links below the cut
Genetics: Skinblend / Eye shape / Blush / Hair / Beard (High School Years)
Everyday: Outfit / Shoes / Ring (Basegame) On The Farm: Outfit Going Out: Jacket / Pants / Hat / Gloves (Get to Work) Wedding: Outfit / Hat / Gloves (Get to Work) Formal: Top / Pants / Hat Underthings: Pants Sleep: Union Suit (TSR warning) Morning: Robe / Slippers (Basegame) Hot Weather 1: Outfit / Hat Hot Weather 2: Outfit / Hat Cold Weather 1: Outfit / Scarf / Hat Cold Weather 2: Outfit / Scarf / Hat (Basegame)
Genetics: Skinblend / Eye shape / Structure (retired) / Nose Details / Eyebags / Updo / Blush (High School Years)
Everyday: Glasses (TSR warning) / Top / Skirt / Apron Acc / Ring / Shoes (Post deleted) On The Farm: Hat / Top / Skirt & Apron Acc Going Out: Hat / Outfit (1880s set) / Jacket / Gloves (Get to Work) Wedding: Dress (Anachronistic) / Necklace / Veil / Earrings / Gloves Formal: Dress / Earrings (Growing Together) / Gloves / Flowers Underthings: Corset / Combinations / Socks (Dream Home Decorator) / Hair Sleep: Nightgown / Braids Morning: Robe / Slippers (Basegame) Hot Weather 1: Dress / Hat Hot Weather 2: Outfit (The Schoolmistress) / Hat Cold Weather 1: Top / Skirt / Scarf / Hat (Eco Lifestyle) / Gloves (Horse Ranch) Cold Weather 2: Outfit / Scarf / Hat
Playing with SeveralPerson’s Ultimate Decades Challenge Rules
Started: 1800
Current year: 1890
Family tree
CC Finds
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Elizabeth Taylor (Cleopatra, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)—iconic actress with purple eyes and a double row of eyelashes, the real ebony dementia ravenway of old hollywood. known for her stunning tastes when it comes to jewelry and her incredible, incredible advocacy during the AIDS crisis.
Clara Bow (Wings, It)—The original It Girl (literally), Clara was the epitome of a flapper film star. She was obviously a looker, but it was her acting that won over hearts. Watch the movie It (no clowns) to get a sense of her charms. And while she's most known for her silents, (including Wings, the winner of the first ever Best Picture Academy award) she did make some talkies! Contrary to popular belief, sound films didn't ruin her career; she reportedly just hated the process of making them. She had a really interesting background and it's a shame she's not as well remembered as others of her time.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Elizabeth Taylor:
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I've been trying to steer clear of the absurdly-big names, but damnit, those violet eyes got me. The *talent*, the *presence*, the string of marriages and (temporally out-of-bounds) work in combating AIDS and pioneering in the concept of the celebrity fragrance line.
Not only did she have gorgeous violet eyes and lashes for days and one of the hottest voices ever, she was also a big supporter of the gay community
Child actress turned starlet, Liz dominated films as one of the greatest screen legends of classic hollywood. If your protagonist has violet eyes, they're imitating hers.
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A Legend. She was serving milf rage in Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf. A Star in every sense of the word.
She was renowned for the beauty of her eyes; they were a dark blue but could look violet in certain lighting, something that photographers would actually touch up to look even more so in pictures. But even more striking was a genetic mutation that gave her a double row of eyelashes. She was also famed for her string of husbands -- 8 marriages to 7 men. Two-time hubby Richard Burton once said she was “a wildly exciting love-mistress… beautiful beyond the dreams of pornography.”
Her EYES. Early and loud support for gay rights and AIDS victims. Married a bunch of hot dudes, Burton twice!
just look at her. she's gorgeous. there's a video somewhere of her applying her eyeliner in the mirror and I think about it all the time
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THE Hollywood actress of all time. Not only was she known for her long dark locks and blue-violet eyes, she also had one of the wildest life stories ever….. She’s Carrie Fisher’s stepmother because her father Eddie Fisher cheated on Debbie Reynolds with Liz. She was knighted as a dame of England. She was married to seven different men, one of them twice. She was also very kindhearted and did a lot of charity activism.
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Asides from being an iconic actor, she did a lot of philanthropy and co founded the American Foundation for AIDS research. She’s sometimes considered one of the last great stars of old hollywood
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Clara Bow:
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The original it girl! Flapper icon! She's sooo fun and charming and confident, it just shines through any film or picture you see of her.
I love love love her genderbendy boy style and her cute twinkly performances!! watch wings i s2g she absolutely brings it
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She has gorgeous doe eyes, how can you not love her?
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She's literally THE It Girl. Like actually, she's the term's namesake. She was an extremely prolific silent film actress with a reputation for wild behavior who defined the 20s flapper era. Her boyish frame, androgynous style, and red curly hair were widely emulated.
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aeithalian · 1 year
Rick. Buddy. Amigo. Explain something to me. Real quick, I promise.
[The Trials of Apollo: The Tower of Nero, Chapter 4]
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Good genetic package, Rick/Apollo? Are you sure about that?
Estelle's physical description *clap* makes *clap* no *clap* sense. Why on earth does one of the only fully human characters in this series have to have unique and weird physical traits? Also, it makes no sense in the larger scope of Rick's writing style to have chosen this unless he had some sort of larger intention behind it. Not to mention the theories by fans haven't really done much to fully flesh out any perceivable reason as to why this might be:
Poseidon blessed Sally when she was pregnant - By far, this is the most believable to me, but it's still eh, because this feels very weird and I don't get the vibes from Poseidon that he would have done so to the extent that it shows up in Estelle's physical traits. Also if that were true, it doesn't make sense for Rick to just fully drop it in the story without the intention to flesh it out further, because to my knowledge he doesn't have plans for another novel that takes place after ToA.
Paul isn't Estelle's father - Firstly, this is out of character for Sally, and this doesn't fully justify why Estelle has Percy's eyes. PLUS, salt-and-pepper hair still wouldn't be natural for a newborn
Paul is Poseidon in disguise - This explains her traits the best, but Paul's character is so much more satisfying if this isn't true. It's also total bullshit.
Enter me. I have a theory. Yay. But first, we must discuss.
Firstly, I want to talk about her eyes. Going back to the theories, and based on my fair amount of knowledge of genetics (clarification: I write this as I procrastinate studying for my final genetics exam), the eyes are mostly interesting because Apollo specifies that they are immediately similar Percy's. The thing about eye genetics, though, is that they are what we consider to be 'complex traits', meaning that they are influenced by the interactions of multiple genes from both parents. What I mean to point out here is that Sally could definitely have the genes to produce two children with 'sea-green' eyes, considering her canonical eye color is blue. We don't know what Paul's eye color is, which makes my job a whole lot easier because I can assume that it doesn't directly contradict the possibility that Sally just has really strong eye genes (?). ALSO, who's to say that Poseidon didn't just change his eye color to match Percy's when he was born? Ah, yes, the perks of having a shapeshifting dad who seemingly loves you and your eye color a lot (but is still absentee, WHOOPS).
But what I actually found the most interesting about Estelle was her hair color. More specifically, the fact that Apollo says he's never seen an infant with that color hair. And we know Apollo is somewhat of an unreliable narrator (although this rarely affects his descriptions of people other than himself, and has also mostly evolved into a more honest narration since the end of book 3), but I believe we're supposed to trust this dude who just so happens to have been alive for over four millennia. Based on Apollo's previous descriptions of his own powers (see his conversations with Percy in TTC, when he pulls a Mufasa and basically admits to seeing everything the light touches), we know that Apollo knows and has seen a lot of stuff. So, how is this the first time he's seemingly witnessed this type of hair mutation?
I did some research, as one does. To me, it seems as if Estelle has what's called Griscelli syndrome, which is a type of rare autosomal genetic mutation that typically results in phenotypic hypopigmentation of the skin and hair. (It can also result in neurological disorders and immunodeficiency, based on the type, but I digress.) It's also pretty rare, considering both parents have to be carriers, and even then the child still has a one in four chance of being affected. Current statistics from the NIH say that Griscelli syndrome currently presents in less than 1000 Americans, and is rapidly fatal in 1-4 years without aggressive treatment.
That sad note aside, it's weird to me that the way Rick wrote Estelle's physical description makes it seem as if Apollo had never seen anything similar. I feel like a god of both medicine and knowledge would probably be a bit more up to speed with rare genetic disorders, especially because he's so old. The only explanations are that Apollo, in his mortal state, can't make a diagnosis, OR what he's seeing isn't actually something he can diagnose.
FURTHERMORE, from the same chapter, Apollo says something that muddies the waters even further:
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It doesn't make sense that Apollo thinks that Zeus would take such an interest in Estelle. Her nature alone doesn't make me think that the king of the gods would take a sudden interest in a literal newborn, regardless of how much Apollo loves her (and honestly, I don't blame him).
What I think? Rick pulled the strings just tight enough that he has a very interesting plot point to go off of if he ever decides to pick up the pen again and write a new book.
What I think? Estelle doesn't have Griscelli syndrome, she is in much more danger than anyone realizes, and Apollo's subconscious put this together from the second he saw her.
Actually, let's rewind. I'm in the process of writing a fic (stay tuned!) and I had a random thought: do the Greeks have an apocalypse story? You know, like Ragnarök in the Norse mythos, and the Revelation stories in the Bible.
The answer? They don't. I guess that's what you get when the Greco-Roman gods are fully immortal and literally can't be killed.
That didn't stop the rabbit hole, though, and what I found was actually very interesting and I couldn't believe what I was reading.
I give you: Hesiod. More specifically, his poem Works and Days. More more specifically, his 'ages of man'. More more more specifically, the iron age.
For context, Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet who lived in the 8th century BC, and was walking right along with Homer in terms of fame at the time. The poem Works and Days is actually more of a really long Facebook post where he complains about anything and everything, especially in his section on the ages of man.
In summary, Hesiod wrote about what he perceived to be the five stages of human life since the creation of mankind by Zeus' hand:
gold: perfect in every way, pious, and blessed by the gods
silver: real bitches, the ugly middle child, so Zeus killed them
bronze: were so violent they wiped each other out
heroic: golden child, contained the heroes of the Greek mythos
iron: middle-aged men still living in their mom's basement
Hesiod wrote his poem during what he perceived to be the Iron age (it's really just him complaining about being born in the wrong generation), but he ends up listing a lot of qualities: 'everyone works too hard, the gods hate us, nobody respects family values anymore', blah blah blah.
I know what you're thinking: Tia, what does this have to do with an apocalypse?
Well, dear reader, bear with me. You see, every time Zeus didn't like an age of mankind, or it became too violent, or it generally wasn't pious enough, Zeus wouldn't hesitate to destroy that race and start over. Basically, an apocalypse.
So, you may ask a new question: what is the criteria for Zeus to destroy the Iron age? And, assuming that this is the age we're currently in, what would it take for Zeus to destroy everything our beloved Riordanverse characters know and love?
My friend, that is where Estelle comes in. Yes, a baby.
Take this excerpt regarding the Iron age:
"And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth."
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I think you see where I'm going with this.
My theory? Estelle, in her unique position as a bridge between not just the mortals and the demigods (eg. her relationship with Percy), but also the mortals and the gods (eg. her great impression on Apollo), is a living, breathing prophecy. A prophecy that the end is nigh for this current age of mankind.
Furthermore, I also think that Apollo made this connection, somewhere in the back of his mind, the very second he realized that her hair was entirely unique. According to Hesiod (who Apollo also mentions later in the book, so we know he knows who Hesiod is), the day that babies are born with gray hair (or, salt-and-pepper for the sake of the theory) is the second Zeus basically get the go-ahead to commit genocide.
This also brilliantly explains why Apollo suddenly, and seemingly without reason, makes to keep Estelle's existence a secret from Zeus, because he knows that it might be the easiest way to get everyone he knows and loves killed by his own father for "the greater good" as I'm sure Zeus will put it. Plus, in his mortal state, Rick didn't have to explain why Apollo did what he did, since Apollo's been having memory issues since the beginning of the series: why would he remember one line from a poem written almost three thousand years ago?
Frankly, Zeus doesn't care about mortals: the only reason he really cares about anyone is if they have enough power to threaten his own, or if they have some sort of power he can benefit from. This, certainly, falls under the category of the latter. Wouldn't you want a chance to remake humanity into the perfect image that it used to be? You would, if you hadn't gone through a five book long grow-a-conscience speedrun like our lovely Apollo over here.
Fortunately for Rick, this is such an outrageous theory that if it never comes to fruition, I won't be surprised. If he ever writes something similar, though, know I called it first.
EDIT: here's the fic i mentioned i was (am) writing
EDIT: a masterlist of my other metas
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amayanott · 4 months
Damian Wayne's Eyes + Lazarus Pit Genes Headcanon
Okay, so I was writing a chapter for my fanfic (the plot does not have much to do with the headcanon tho), and I was making a point on how all of Bruce's sons had black hair and blue eyes.
However, there's this issue in the fandom you all know about Damian's eyes being either blue like Bruce's or green like Talia's. You know the drill, ethnic representation and etc.
(Before we continue, I'm Arab myself, okay? So I DO know what I'm talking about).
So we all know Damian's eye color is inconsistent through DC Comics and Cartoons.
In the Wayne Family adventures he has brown eyes, in Son of Batman green eyes and in Outlaws he has blue eyes. Then he got green eyes in his own Robin (2021) series, but had blue eyes in Supersons.
My point is, I had trouble depicting his eyes, and then I decided to throw some imagination in it.
So, Ra's must have taken a few Lazarus Pit baths before he conceived Talia. And then his genes must have been affected by it. That's why Talia has both brown and green eyes, because when she experiences strong emotions (not necessarily anger) they turn green. Like, just the feeling of adrenaline could change the color of her eyes, for example.
And I mean, Talia's mom was Chinese after all. It was more probable that she got brown eyes or black ones rather than green. But we could say she's always on edge, mad, etc. and that's why they are green.
With Damian it's similar. His eyes when he first opened his eyes at birth were like Bruce's: dark blue. Sapphire. Then, as he grew up and Talia's genes (from Ra's) kicked in, he got green-eyed whenever angry. And the guy is almost always angry. So when he first arrived to the BatFam, his eyes almost always looked green, especially around Tim, for example. But Bruce and Dick are always sure they are blue despite that. So they do the math and voilà, his eyes' color fluctuates depending on his mood. And the longer he lives with Bruce and the others, the longer his eyes stay blue.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Bonus: if Jason had kids, no matter the eye color they get (let's say blue), they will also get green-eyed when they get angry, although they wouldn't get the Pit's Madness TM.
Honestly, there's so much potential with anything related to the Lazarus Pit and its effects on genetics, it's a shame no one bothers to play with it a bit.
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ilivingonmyway · 3 months
Something, something, part II about Ninja Team headcanons! Part I here
• He knows things he shouldn't know. Spending a good part of your life at Darkleys does that to you. That was a school for future gang leaders, psychopaths and other types of crazy people. You can't tell me that at no point in his life did he learn how to dismember someone by the right way.
• He memorized all the names of all Starfare volumes and sagas. He's a complete nerd about these comics. And it's worse when he and Jay are together.
• Sometimes, he goes out with Nya, Pixal and Skylor just to gossip. These four together talk about everything and everyone that exists in the world.
• Even during the few times of peace in Ninjago, he suffers from insomnia. Often because of nightmares and some night terrors, but also because of his genetics. Both the Oni side and the Dragon side are more nocturnal. So he often stayed up all night just because he wasn't really tired and managed to stay that way until dawn.
• Sometimes he finds himself thinking about Akita. Missing her. Those few days with the wolf girl had affected him. As much as Lloyd tries to deny it, it was better than with Harumi, in more ways than one.
• He loves sweets, but not just any kind of sweets. He likes those that are sweet and at the same time refreshing. Because this way he doesn't get sick and can eat more.
• After the battle against the Oni, he often thinks about the "dream" he had about his Grandfather. He told Master Wu once, but he just smiled and said it was a dream.
• He is extremely protective of his family. Brothers, sisters, uncle, children... You will never lay a finger on any of them and leave in Punishment if the DragOni is around.
• Being the Green Ninja and the guy who is on the front line in both defense and attack, he is very precise with his powers and strikes. One stumble and things could turn out to be fatal.
• At some point, he developed Wu's tea addiction and Garmadon's plant worship. This runs in the family and is completely inevitable.
• Her eyes were brown, exactly the color of wood, like her father's. But after spending a year as part of the ocean, Nya's eyes changed, now having prominent blue-gray spots on the irises. At some point they returned more to brown, but whenever she uses her powers on a large scale, her eyes return to the blue.
• She's better than Kai at making weapons. Swords, axes, clubs, arrows... She always had a lot of free time in her childhood and early teens, and while Kai was busy being a ninja, she had all the time in the world to practice making weapons.
• After she was brought back from the endless sea, for a long time she had these bouts of overpowering. Most of the time this manifested itself in her physical form, with the ends of her hair randomly turning blue and floating as if she were underwater. She also remained with the marks of the transformation, but this has faded over time, almost like a really old scar, you won't notice it unless you're paying close attention.
• She is equally impulsive and the voice of reason. She will think at least 20 times to make sure the punch she will hit you and break your nose.
• Don't be fooled, even though she is usually very calm and is part of the voice of reason trio Zane and Pixal are the other members, Nya can be extremely jealous. She is related to Kai and was raised by him, so she ended up getting this overprotective and jealous instinct. Jay and Lloyd are the main targets of this instinct, because they are her Yin and her little brother. Although she often tries to hide it or not care, she will always end up being somewhat possessive of her loved ones.
• She can still hear the voice of the ocean, more specifically, Nyad. But this time they're not calling out to her, they're congratulating her on finding what she lost.
• She is a master of Aikido, I just think it's matches with her, being the Water Ninja, she long ago learned to go with the flow of the fight. Water never takes you where you want to go, you are the one carried by the force of its flow. Some time later, she trained Lloyd in this style.
• The amount of times she called Kai "dad" as a child is insane. She used to call him that in the most mundane tasks that used to remind her of Ray. Kai held back crying every time that she called him that.
• She was never a heavy sleeper, always having difficulty for fall sleeping and often waking up in the middle of the night. This only got better after she started living at the Monastery, as she felt that so much Kai and she were safer.
• She has a collection of weapons. Swords and spears are what she collects most, she keeps most of them hidden in Samurai X's cave, but there are also some in her room, for emergency purposes and also because she thinks it makes the decor look cool.
• I got this from some post, but I don't remember who the author was He talks in his sleep. At some point in his life some parts of the voice control were damaged and even after Nya and Jay took a look he continued talking in his sleep. He just can't stop. The worst is on nights when he has nightmares, as he begins not only to scream, but to narrate the dream, right down to the noises in the scene.
• Every time he gets very nervous he starts to freeze himself or the people and things around him. He tends to distance himself when this happens, as he prefers to freeze his own circuits than the people he loves.
• Sometimes he refuses to sleep, not for any worrying reason, but because he wants to do some tasks that he couldn't do while it was daylight. Washing the dishes, sweeping the training yard, putting the clothes to wash... Any household chore that he didn't do due to some unforeseen circumstances, he does at night.
• Whenever he hears an unfamiliar term or slang, he tends to do a quick search. If he doesn't find the meaning, he will ask Jay or Kai later, since they are the two who most spend time online.
• The Ice Emperor episode left him with a lot of trauma as well as some survivor's guilt. Zane never stopped to think that he could actually kill frozen people or commit genocide if his 1s and 0s weren't actually aligned correctly. He never forgave himself and started using his powers less.
• Birds are his favorite animals, of course. But there's one thing no one knows: He can't decide between the hawk or the snowy owl as his favorite kind of bird.
• He has a mental list of all the food preferences of all his ninjas and other friends.
• In the hottest summers, the ninjas fight to spend time with Zane, as he is a walking air conditioner. He finds this particularly funny and always laughs when they start arguing with each other.
• He and Pixal often play board games and experiment human things.
• Before discovering he was a Nindroid, Zane often did non-human things that others found strange. One time, when it was just him, Cole and Jay, they went out on a little scouting mission, and in the middle of the whole thing they ran into some highwaymen who they ended up fighting, and in the middle of the fight, Zane hit his head on a rock, and while Jay and Cole were in complete panic Zane was confused because he didn't feel hurt. The next few days were filled with worry and jokes about Zane being a blockhead.
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worflesbian · 5 months
i think the actress playing miral does a fucking fantastic job but also. as the designated 'annoying about klingon racial politics' person i have to point out that she has really pale blue eyes. this isn't weird on it's own but it casts the simulations b'elanna runs in s7e11 lineage in a dubious light: in that episode, tom and b'elanna's child is predicted to have brown eyes and brown hair, until b'elanna removes all klingon DNA from the simulation which results in blonde hair and blue eyes. i never took biology but from the fact that we see b'elanna's klingon mother has blue eyes and her human father has brown eyes i think something is amiss!
voyager uses b'elanna's klingon heritage to tell multiple stories about race and racism through an allegorical lens, with lineage being a prime example. it's a story about how internalised racism can be passed from mother to daughter through the enforcement of eurocentric standards of beauty, without ever acknowledging that that's what it is. in their eagerness to tell this story about race while absenting race from the equation, the writers latch onto b'elanna's fictional, metaphorical racial identity in a way that actively erases her actual tangible one - for the purposes of the story, eurocentric beauty standards are replaced with 'human-centric', the 'undesirable' racialised traits b'elanna worries her daughter will inherit are all attributed to her klingon side. the idea that b'elanna's human side is latina and therefore her human traits are also racialised doesn't enter into it. the idea that her klingon mother has blue eyes doesn't enter into it. the point i'm trying to articulate is that klingons are schroedinger's racialised people of colour -- they can be played by white actors with blue eyes in one episode and be implicitly understood as a genetic source of racialised features in another.
i think the writers like this ambiguity because it absolves them of any responsibility when writing klingons as one-dimensional stereotypes, while also allowing them to talk around racism through vague allusions when it suits them. the problems with this are rarely more evident than when b'elanna's real latina identity is erased in order to focus on the more comfortingly distant metaphor of her klingon identity, because talking about fake alien racism is less uncomfortable than confronting real human racism.
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Hello! I need advice for writing a character with oculocutaneous albinism who’s a platonic love interest without descriptions of her coming off as fetishising albinism. Her name is Glass and she’s blind and an investigative journalist and will be a reoccurring character in the series. The MC is gay and he describes her very affectionately in the narrative. When she’s introduced he fondly points out (to the reader) a lot of traits about her including things related to her albinism like “slightly wavy snow white hair in a fashionable bob and striking dark blue eyes that gently danced back and forth. One eye was pointing slightly inwards as she tilted her head and smirked at him.” I got the “dancing eyes” idea from a short film made by someone with albinism and nystagmus. I’m going to try and describe other traits about her more, especially about her personality to counter this.
I also have a question that might be too specific? I’m planning on giving her a little brother with ocular albinism, OA. If someone has a daughter with OCA are they more likely to have a son with OA or are the two kinds of albinism genetically unrelated? I wanted to include him to have more then one blind character in the story. Thanks for your time. :) -Anon Blue.
Hi! We don't currently have mods with Albinism, so I'll try my best. I recommend our #albinism representation tag for resources made by people with it! :-)
If you don't put most of the attention of how she looks to her hair or skin color, I think it should be fine. It's okay to mention it - I mean, that's just how she is, would be kinda weird to fully ignore it - but don't make other characters or the narrator gush over her paleness or eye color every time she comes up. Change it up and praise her fashion sense (like you did with her hairstyle!), the shape of her nose, how bushy her eyebrows are, or how her gums show when she's smiling instead! Her appearance shouldn't be reduced to just "girl with albinism" - give her other visual traits! :-) For other descriptors, I would avoid making her "angelic" or "ethereal" because of her disability. Remember to not make it mystic or magical; there's a whole "Magical Albino" trope out here that you should try to avoid.
You mentioning nystagmus and strabismus is great! Those are often forgotten or ignored in characters with albinism because they're not seen as "pretty". I've seen some people describe their nystagmus as "dancing eyes" before too, I think it's a very cool of conveying it!
In general, a good way to avoid fetishization is to include the "boring/mundane" things. When you show the medical parts of albinism like the esotropia, avoiding the sun, having her use a white cane or a guide animal, or using Braille, the representation will be more informed overall and not just an "aesthetic" - which a lot of characters with albinism unfortunately end up being. There's a big difference between a blind journalist guided by a German shepherd who happens to not have melanin and needs a Big Hat, and an evil sniper with bright red eyes and mysterious powers. I hope this makes sense!
In case that Glass is Black, I'd recommend looking at the #albinism tag at @writingwithcolor - it's always good to make sure your descriptions don't come off as unintentionally colorist if you go into her skin color. Things like describing her as more frail or delicate (when compared to other Black characters) would be in poor taste, so look out for that intersectionality if it applies!
The brother with ocular albinism part; those two types are completely unrelated, and it would be incredibly rare (not impossible) for that to happen as far as I know. For reference, almost all OCA (1-7) and OA (1-2) types are caused by completely different genes. The only exception could be OA1 and OA3; we don't currently know what causes the third one, and there's a theory that it's just a different presentation of the first. But I'm not aware of anything like that for oculocutaneous albinism, so if Glass has OCA1 (as I'm assuming from the description), her brother would have OCA1 as well (as opposed to OCA3 or any other subtype) if anything!
One interesting thing that you could do to have him have OA that I never see in fiction is to have him be adopted. I know multiple families who had a child with a certain disability and decided to adopt a second (or third, or fourth...) one with it! I think it could be very cool and would make sense with him being the younger one. Here is an interview/vlog from a real-life family with six adopted blind kids, if you want an example of that :-)
Wanting to include multiple blind characters is a great idea - if adoption doesn't work for your story, he could have the same type of albinism as Glass or have a non-genetic cause of blindness, like CVI, Retinopathy of Prematurity, glaucoma, or a whole lot of other things!
A story about a blind investigative journalist sounds awesome! Good luck with your writing!
mod Sasza
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getosbigballsack · 2 years
𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒔
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𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒖 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒅, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒅𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒉 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑷𝑷𝑫 (𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒎 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏) 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕.
𝑨/𝑵: 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 2.1𝒌 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔. 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒘 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝑻𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒓. (𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏: 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨 𝒃𝒊𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆)
𝑾𝑪: 3.03𝒌
𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐'𝒔 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆✯
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You didn’t think that they wouldn’t have noticed. But they did and they have witnessed you putting yourself to shame long enough and it was now time to let you know that they adored you no matter how you looked. 
Just a little back story info: remember when the reader revealed her pregnancy test on Valentines day in Sweet Treat and A Big Surprise? Well Reader ended up having triplet, they didn’t think that this could be genetically possible but one of the triplets belonged to Suguru and the other Two belonged to Satoru. So your kids names are:
Gojo (Geto) Satomi - Geto’s Daughter. The reason Gojo is Satomi’s last name is because when Geto got married to Gojo, he took Gojo’s last name for financial and personal reasons. However (informally) she is addressed as Geto Satomi. She’s the youngest with beautiful black hair and eyes like her father.
Gojo Sukai - Gojo’s son. He is the carbon copy of his father. The only difference is his curly white hair. But his skin is the same pale and his eyes are the same colour of his eyes. He is the first of the triplets to be born. 
Gojo Sumiya - Gojo’s son. He’s the second to be born of the triplet and when you popped him out, you thought that he was going to be Geto’s son, but as soon as he opened those big beautiful eyes, you knew he belonged to Gojo, even the DNA test proved it to be so. Sumiya has jet black hair like his sister, a bit on the waiver side and he has heterochromia eyes. One shade as blue as Gojo eyes and the other a grey blue colour. Sumiya has a small patch of white hair at the back of his head too. 
You quickly whipped up the last cupcake batter to make sweet and delicious cupcakes for your husband Gojo. He loved sweets, especially the ones that you would usually bake for him. You weren’t in the best of moods to do anything really, but you thought that it would be nice to treat him to something great especially with how much of a good father he is to your triplets. 
“Hey beautiful,” you heard a voice speaking behind you as the cupcake batter into the heart shaped cupcake tins. You smiled having recognized that voice to be no other than your partner who is also your husband, Geto Suguru. 
“Hey handsome, why are you up? I thought you were sleeping?” you asked as you walked over to the oven that was already heated and placed the cupcakes inside. You grabbed your kitchen timer and set it to 15 minutes. 
“I was but Satomi wouldn’t stop crying. She’s giving Satoru the business upstairs. So I came to grab her bottle,” He chuckled as he walked over to you and placed a kiss on your cheek and then he walked over to the fridge to grab your baby’s bottle. “Did you pump earlier?” 
“Yes I did. You know I can just come upstairs and breastfeed her, you know?” 
“We know, but Satoru needs to start bonding with Satomi, I get along with his sons perfectly so he should get along with my daughter. I know it hurts him that she practically doesn’t accept him to be her other father as yet (even though she’s still a baby), but you know,” Geto explained as he tasted the baby’s milk. 
“I understand, but he shouldn’t beat himself over it. She’ll get used to him in no time. By the way, what are the boys doing?” You asked. 
“Well, Sukai, is sleeping as usual and Sumiya he’s chilling,” he answered and as you were about to respond you heard your daughter crying, Sumiya making baby noises and Gojo’s anxious footsteps coming down the stairs. 
“Su honey, It’s officially confirmed your daughter doesn’t like me. Here take your kid. She threw up on me again and Sumiya pooped and he needs a diaper change,” Gojo complained as he walked into the kitchen with both his kids in his arms. 
You pouted and awed a bit because he looked so cute, flustered and tired at the same time. “No Toru, I’ll change Sumiya’s diaper and you feed Satomi. You have to try,” Geo said as he walked over to Gojo and took Sumiya from his arm and gave him Satomi’s baby bottle.
“No buts,” Geto said as he placed a kiss on Gojo’s cheek before walking. Gojo sighed heavily as he sat around the kitchen island with Satomi who was still crying.
“Maybe you need to hold her properly,” You said as you walked over to him and fixed her in his arms. “Now feed her.” He did as he was told and once the bottle was in her mouth she stopped crying. 
“Thank you,” he said as he sighed in relief. You smiled as you walked back into the kitchen to finish the cupcakes. “The kitchen smells heavenly, by the way.”
“Thank you,” you smiled as you pulled the cupcake out of the oven. “I am baking you some delicious cupcakes and cookies too.”
“Me?” he asked as his face lit up. “Why?” 
“Well, I want to show you how much I love and appreciate you. You’ve been a really good father to our kids, despite the fact that you can’t seem to get along with Satomi, but I can see that you’re trying.”
He gave you a soft smile before speaking. “Thank you, but you don’t need to do all that for me. I already know that you love me very much and just kissing my forehead and my lips during the day and night is enough for me to know how much you appreciate me.” 
“I know, but I just want to do this for you and Suguru too even though he doesn’t enjoy sweets that much, but I’ll make his favourite ramen. I haven’t had the chance to do much for either of you. You know ever since I had our children, I’m unable to tend to both of your needs.”
“What needs?” Suguru asked as he entered the kitchen with both Sumiya and Sukai in his arms. 
“You know those needs,” you whispered as you began to make the dough for the cookies. 
“I’m not understanding, Y/N? What needs are you talking about? I mean you always cook for us, and despite the fact that we told you not to, you still clean the house and wash our clothes. So what other needs do we have?” Gojo asked as he rested the baby's bottle on the table before resting Satomi against his shoulder and rubbed her back until she burped. 
You said nothing in response. You only focused on making that dough for the cookies. You knew to make the dough rest for a few minutes. So while you wait you could just prepared Suguru’s favourite ramen soup. 
As you were about to tend to the soup, you felt a hand wrapped around your waist and a face snuggling into your neck. “Wha…”
“What needs are you talking about baby?” Gojo asked. 
You slowly lift your head up to see Geto looking at you with his brows raised. You heaved a heavy sigh before answering. “You know your sexual needs. I told you that it’s ok if you two wanna do it without me. I won’t have any feelings about it.”
“Y/N, sweetie,” Geto sighed softly as he rested both Sukai and Sumiya in their baby seats that you had in the kitchen before walking over to you. 
“I just don’t want you both to feel like I’ll be upset if you wanna go at it with each other. You are both men and I know that waiting to have sex can be really frustrating you know. And I don’t feel like I’m capable of taking care of those needs.”
After giving birth to your triplets, you had a hard time accepting the fact that your body would have changed so drastically. You were already a chubby girl, you had thick thighs, a soft tummy that would hang just a little bit over your shorts and you didn’t really have the most firm boobs. But after giving birth, your hips got a bit wider, your tummy a little softer than usual, your waist also expanded and your boobs. You don’t even want to talk about it. 
You just felt unattractive and useless. You didn’t look like the woman they married and you surely won’t be able to give them the pleasure that you once gave them and that bothered you a bit. 
“Y/N, how many times do we have to tell you that you have nothing to worry about?” Geto asked as he took Satomi from Gojo’s arms and went to put her in her baby seat as well. Gojo now wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you even closer to him. 
“But I just thought that it wasn’t fair for you guys to…” you started to explain but your words got caught in your throat, so instead of explaining you began to gnaw on your bottom lip. 
“Our kids are our main priority here. Besides, after a long day with our kids, Su and I are too tired to think about sex. All we can think about is laying down in bed with our beautiful wife and sometimes our kids. Yes I admit I miss having sex with you, but that’s not important right now,” Gojo explained as he peppered your cheeks with his kisses. “Besides, I don’t understand why you say that you aren’t capable of taking care of your sexual needs. Remember baby, you still need to heal. I know how hard it was for you to give birth to our kids.” 
“It’s not about healing though, Satoru. That is not what I’m thinking. I understand what you’re saying but that’s not the reason as to why I don’t think I’m capable of having sex with either of you,” you said as you pulled away from him to go and put the pot on the stove to prepare the broth for Geto’s favourite ramen. 
But as you were about to do so, Geto grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. “Then explain to us then. If there’s another reason besides the fact that your body needs rest then you have to tell us.” 
You felt Satoru approached you from behind and he kissed the top of your head. “You need to explain to us mochi. Talk to us so that we can understand what you’re trying to say to us.”
You sighed heavily as you rested your head in Suguru’s chest. “It’s just that after I gave birth to our kids, I just feel so insecure about my body. I mean I still have my pregnancy bump, my thighs are so big and my breasts are starting to look a bit soggier than usual. I have stretch marks on my thighs and ass and also my tummy, you know,” you explained. 
Geto sighed heavily and Gojo just rested his head on top of yours while they continued to listen to your complaints.
“I’m scared that either of you won’t find me attractive anymore. I’m scared that I won’t be able to perform sexually for you like I once did. I feel so uncomfortable wearing short clothes around both of you because I don’t want either of you to think that my body looks unattractive. I'm just scared that you’ll both leave me when you see how unattractive I really am.”
Gojo sighed as he began to caress your thighs, and he sighed even heavier when your body trembled cowardly from his touch. They both knew how you felt about your baby weight. They’ve seen the signs and all, but they didn’t know that it was this bad. Luckily they had already prepared themselves for this.
“What are you talking about Y/N?” Geto asked as he pulled away from you. He pulled you away from Satoru before walking into the living room in front of a big wall mirror. Gojo came shortly after. “I honestly don’t understand what you’re trying to say.” 
“Same here,” Gojo said as he stood in front and grabbed hold of your shirt and before you had time to process what was happening, he ripped it open to expose your naked chest. Suguru did the same thing with your sweatpants. You were left standing in the living room with panties on. 
“What? No! Don’t look at me,” you screamed as you pathetically tried to hide your body from them. “I look disgusting, please stop.” 
“Disgusting? Where?” Gojo asked as he pried your hands away from your body. Geto started to rub tiny circles on your waist while Gojo planted loving kisses on your cheek. “I can’t see what you're talking about.”
It felt hard to breathe, it’s been a while since you were able to stand in just your panties before these two. You were uncomfortable standing in front of them like that. Your breathing began to increase, your head started to feel light, you felt like you were about to pass out but then Gojo began whispering in your ear, “Relax Y/N, you need to take breaths my beautiful queen.”
He released your arms and began to massage your shoulders, while Geto hands moved to rub your tummy. “That’s right baby calm down. You got so worked up for nothing,” Geto mumbled as his hands left your tummy and slowly made his way up to grab your boobs. “We’ve been standing here, looking at you through the mirror and I can’t see what looks disgusting or what part of you is ugly.” 
“Toru… Sugu,” you stuttered as you looked at them both through the mirror and before you could get another sentence out of your mouth, Gojo quickly shut you up with a tender kiss. 
“You’re just as beautiful and sexy as you were before. Personally I think that you’re even more beautiful and sexier now that you gave us three beautiful kids,” Geto whispered while Gojo continued to kiss your lips. “So what if you gained a little weight? Hm? What if your body is not the same anymore? Do you think we care about that? We don’t! We don’t care about how you look. We never did! We never fell in love with your body, we fell in love with you.” 
Hot tears streamed down your face as your husband Geto continued to reassure you with his words, and Gojo he was still sucking the last breath from your body.  
“These,” Geto said before squeezing your boobs. “Your breasts are fucking perfect. You don’t know how Toru’s been dying to get one in his mouth. He’s been obsessed with their growth and how soft they look underneath your clothes.” 
“Can I suck them now Sugu?” Gojo asked as he pulled his lips away from you to allow you to catch your breath. 
“Not yet Toru,” Geto said while chuckling. 
“Wanna take the kids milky straight from the source,” Gojo teased, which made you chuckle a little. 
“Stop interrupting me, you can drool over mama when I’m done here. We still need to let her know how much we love this body of hers.” Gojo nodded his head before pushing Geto’s hands away from your tits to squeeze the heavy mounds in his palms. Meanwhile Geto dropped to his knees and gripped your waist. “Your pregnancy bump makes me wanna put another baby in you.” 
“Make that 3 more babies,” Gojo whispered in your ear. 
“The soft beautiful tummy of yours is where I want to lay my head when I’m feeling down, when we’re feeling down,” Geto whispered. He then licked his lips before kissing the stretch marks on your tummy. “And these fucking thighs. I just want you to wear them as ear muffs.”
“Thighs and ass like yours are a rare find. And Sugu and I are lucky enough to bag you before someone else does.”
“He’s right baby,” Geto mumbled as he left kisses all over your thighs. “We will love and cherish every part of your body sweet baby.”
“You heard that right, Moochie. We will cherish every inch of your sweet body,” Gojo said, his hand moving from your breast to grip the end of your panties. “Let us cherish this perfect body of yours baby.” 
“Toru…” you whispered when he began to pull your panties down your legs. 
“Let's cherish your body mama, Sugu you know what to do right?” Gojo asked. 
“Of course,” Geto replied as he pulled his hand away from your waist to wrap his hair into a bun. 
“The kids,” you softly moaned as you gripped Gojo’s hand that was holding your thigh above Geto’s head as he worked wondrous miracles with his tongue between your thighs. “Sugu, we… can’t…” 
“Shh… then you have to keep quiet and let him have a taste of you. It’s been a while you know,” Gojo whispered, his fingers digging into the meat of your thigh to keep you steady. Your eyes fluttered, back arching from Gojo’s chest and your thigh trembled in his hands as Geto laid his tongue flat on your clit and hummed at how sweet you tasted on his tongue.
“Fuck I’ve missed this,” Geto groaned into your pussy. 
“Enjoying yourself down there Sugu?” Gojo asked. Geto replied with a hum as he dragged his tongue between your fat pussy lips, collecting your sweet arousal that was dripping from your nectar. Gojo used his hand that wasn’t holding your thigh to squeeze your soft, heavy tits and listened as your sweet little cries left your lips. It sounded like music to his ears when Geto swiftly moved his tongue between your folds, lapping up your juices before switching back to suck off your throbbing clit. 
“Sugu.., it feels so good,” you moaned as your toes curled, your fingers digging deeper into Gojo’s skin. You felt as if you were floating on cloud nine with the way he was eating your pussy like a starved man, sending your body towards its ends and pushing you closer towards your orgasm.
“Toru,” Geto moaned between your folds which sent a trembling vibration through your body. “Move towards the sofa.” he begged. Gojo did as he was told and once he was seated on the sofa, he pulled you into his lip, grabbed your thigh again and left it above Geto’s head. 
Just before Geto was able to resume eating your pussy out, he watched as Gojo slipped his middle finger into your warm hole. His eyes twinkled with excitement and the next thing he knew his lips were on your clit. 
Your hips bucked against Gojo’s finger as he brushed against your sweet spot, slowly dragging his finger against your velvety walls. He added another finger and you immediately clenched around his digits. Geto pulled his lips away from your clit to watch as your pussy welcomed Gojo’s ministrations. “So wet,” he moaned as he watched your arousal coated Gojo’s fingers.
“Damn, your pussy is so wet,” Gojo whispered as he listened as your pussy squelched each time Gojo entered your warm, slippery cunt. 
“Please…” You breathlessly moaned.
“You wanna cum, beautiful?” Geto asked as he gripped your other thigh and spread you just a little bit wider. 
“Please…” you moaned yet again as you vigorously shook your head.
“Can I have a kiss Sugu,” Gojo whispered. Geto hummed before shifting his weight between your thighs and moved up to kiss Gojo’s lips with Gojo fingers still moving inside of you. Geto moaned, his tongue thrusting past Gojo lips to taste the breast milk he had earlier from one of the baby's bottles. You whined, your pussy clenching even more as you watched them share a passionate kiss above you before pulling away.
They always do this to you, always making you feel such immense pleasure, just by sharing a kiss above you.
“Thank you,” Gojo softly hummed as Geto fixed himself between your thighs yet again. Another moan slipped from your lips when Gojo suddenly pulled his fingers from your dripping cunt and Geto’s mouth greedily sucked on your cunt before pressing his tongue into you. Geto’s nails scraped your skin as he tried to hold your trembling thigh apart from the other.
You felt as if you were about to fall apart when Gojo’s thumb pressed itself against your throbbing clit, and Geto’s mouth moved at such a sweet rhythm. Your body felt so overwhelmed with pleasure, your walls trembled at the sweet sensations.
“Oh, God Toru, Sugu… Fuck stop,” You screamed as you gripped at Geto’s hair and Gojo’s arm yet again and tried to push them away. “Too much too much,” you cried. He shook his head no and continued to abuse your pussy with his mouth. You squeezed your eyes shut, your hand gripping onto your lovers, with your orgasm fast approaching.
“Come on princess, cum all over his face, He hasn’t tasted your sweet cum for so long,” Gojo whispered in your ear. You could feel the sinister smile stretching across his beautiful face as he continued to whisper. “Come on, cum for us mama.”
You screamed as your orgasm hit you, your back lurching forward, hot tears streaming down your beautiful face. Geto hummed happily as he against your lower lips as he drank up your cum. “Mhm,” he moaned before pressing a kiss on your clit then pulled away from you and moved up to kiss your lips then Gojo’s.
“I gotta have sex with her now. She’s driving me crazy Sugu. Are you going to let me Su…” Gojo begged as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy. 
“Go head,” Geto said while chuckling. Without another word, Gojo somehow managed to shift his body beneath yours to pull his sweatpants and underpants to free his aching cock. You watched as he grabbed his cock, giving it a couple strokes, tapped it against your cunt before slowly thrusting into your warm hole. 
You both let out a loud moan while Geto stood, happily watching as your beautiful cunt clenched around Gojo’s cock. “Fuck mama, I’m going to put another baby in you,” and just as he was about to pull out to thrust back in. 
The sound of your daughter crying made you both freeze in your spot. Geto chuckled, while Gojo mumbled, “Fuck.” 
“No worries, I’ll go calm her down. You gotta hurry up and try to keep her from screaming ok,” Geto warned Gojo.
“Ok Sugu,” Gojo nodded while smiling at his lover. 
“And you don't ever want to hear you talk like that about yourself again. I don't want you to think that we would hate you because of how your body looks." Geto said as he kissed your sweaty forehead.
"I-I am sorry," you stuttered as Gojo slowly began to thrust inside you.
"Look, baby, it is normal to feel insecure sometimes, but it is our job to  remind you that you are beautiful," then he kissed your lips, "How could I ever dislike the body of the woman, my woman that carried our children."
"I...," but he shut me up with his lips.
“No, buts. We love you so much, right Toru,” Geto asked as he looked over at Gojo who was biting his lips to keep himself from moaning out. 
“Yes, We love you… Go fuck… Go put the baby back to sleep, we need you here with us.” Gojo whined while you softly moaned his name. 
“No worries I’ll be back…” 
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒌𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔. 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
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Random Tweek Tweak hcs bc im thinking bout him yet again :)))
-Has an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, made worse by the increased use of Methamphetamine over the years and mistaken for adhd (canon/implied canon). He is also on the autism spectrum and has OCD
-Has mild Seborrheic dermatitis, a skin condition that causes red and flaky patches of skin and usually flares up due to stress. It starts mainly on his head/under his hair as a kid but worsens in his teens years. Also has dermatillomania (a skin picking disorder), as well. Both of these become a lot worse in his teen years, but do become a lot more manageable for him as an adult. Still however, he does have some faint scars from all the picking and scratching over the years.
-Small tubby lil guy :) (sorta?? implied canon??), below average in height and considerably pudgy compared to most of his peers (genetics/stress eating). Loses a lot of this weight in his teen years due to health issues, but does gain a lot of it back as an adult. Also has a pudgy baby face that he never quite grows out of, even as an adult.
-His eyes a blue hazel, a rare eye color
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-Sometimes snaps and hums to calm himself down.
-Enjoys baking as a casual hobby, though he’s still an amateur and doesn’t know how to make much. (implied canon)
-Once joined every school club because he had an anxiety attack and couldn’t decide what to pick
-Habitual nail chewer, again something he usually does due to stress. Nails are very short and stubby because of this
-Bandages on his fingers due to burns, skin picking, and nail biting
-Chronic ice-chewer
-Never learns to tie his shoes. Kept tripping over his laces before finally taking them out. Untied laces to laceless shoes to crocs to socks with sandals to velcro shoes pipeline
-Also never learns to drive, too much stress. Forever in his passenger princess era ✨
-Lowkey a backseat driver, though not in a “know it all” type of way. He mostly just freaks out the entire time.
-Can not sleep in the car because he’s afraid the second he closes his eyes, they’ll crash.
-Doesn’t know much slang/internet lingo and has absolutely no idea what his peers are talking about half the time (pretends he does and usually just ends up looking stupid 😔)
-Has a fear of rubberhose cartoons, as well as those weird old stop motion Christmas movies (he just finds them unsettling)
-Told about the secret family recipe as a teenager by his father, and is reasonably freaked out about it. Is forced to keep his mouth shut about it and suffers through major withdrawals before his parents are eventually exposed and arrested for the distribution of meth/counts of child abuse. Spends most of his high school years in therapy and rehab, though it’s all made easier with Craig by his side
-He and Craig try breaking up their freshman year of high school, both of them feeling like they need to try new things for a bit. It lasts about a week before they get back together.
-TERRIFIED of scissors and refuses to let anyone come near him with them. Grows his hair out long as a teenager before finally caving in and shaving it off as a young adult. He now keeps it managed, but Craig is the only person he trusts to do so.
-Did once try to cut his own hair in middle school though, and he spent weeks looking like a train-wreck before finally letting his mom fix it.
-His relationship with his mom is considerably better than his relationship with his father, and though he never quite forgives her for what she’s done, the two of them are able to reach some sort of closure with each other in Tweek’s older age
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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