#me when. the. the amazing devil.
alldrowning · 6 months
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in-kyblogs · 3 months
Devil’s Minion hints - Iwtv part I and link to part II
Part I Ep 1
- the tapes. No postage on it, I remember noticing that they put emphasis on this when I first watched episode 1: Daniel turns the package in his hands looking for it. They were hand delivered. Of course it’s a stretch, but it seems probable to me that Louis or Armand are quite regularly hanging around Daniel’s house and not just making the trip for the first time when delivering those
- Literally the first shot of Daniel in the Dubai penthouse has Rashid (Armand) serving him tea. Both Daniel and Armand’s faces in the very first shot in there* might allude only to the Armand reveal but still. They put him in a shot with Daniel and not with Louis
- not dm related but fucking hell the shot of Louis burning his arm right in front of Armand’s face is sick so sick
- Daniel says the best drug he ever had was in Berckely, 1978. I remember people pointing out that in the books that’s the year Armand gives him blood (I didn’t fact check this)
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"now we're bursting at the seams cause the noise is crushing us we think it's so much worse than it seems but that voice unsaid is rushing us and in a moment of total rapture with every strength i have i ask if you play d&d and your face lights up like you've woken up from this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you this is us, this is me and this how we're meant to be but your smile tells me i'm safe and that voice unspoken's heard cause if god make us all in his image then god's a fucking nerd"
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radioactive-cloud · 7 months
time isn't real because wdym the horror and the wild the album came out four years ago??
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The ending chorus of Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious, where Joey sings "I'm not lonely/ if I'm with you" while Madeleine sings, "I'm not lonely/ I just like being on my own", which are beautiful lines in and if themselves, but because of the way the two parts combine I always hear, "I'm not lonely, I just like me if I'm with you." And that my not have been what they intended but by high heaven that's what my soul hears and it hurts.
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the-butternut-tree · 1 year
when the amazing devil said “pick your chords well loves, but sing your notes off key” and when they said “tell them all your names” and when they said “we’ll be all that you hate about yourself so you can grow” and when they said “we were the winter nights so you could be the morning snow” and when they said “life begins by leaving and our love is shown in the letting go”
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ash-tree-eyes · 5 months
Welly Boots by the Amazing Devil except it’s Arthur imagining the life he never had with Faroe.
I’ll see myself out
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Fasching with König
Because today is Faschingsdienstag, I just had to write something for him on that day! Today is the only day I can post this, afterwards I'll have to wait over a year again! Fasching is an Austrian holiday that is essentially the last day before fasting for 40 days, so people go all out with food and drinks and festivities, they even dress up in costumes! It's not nearly as fancy as what some other countries have, but it's tradition! Besides, who am I to say no to a Krapfen with König!
Mentions of alcohol, but König is Austrian, so what did you expect?
First off, he hates going to the city during that “holiday”, there are far too many people, the crowds are way too big and it’s too loud for his liking as well. The only reason he’s taking you to the city on that day is so you can experience more of Austria with him. At least that’s what he tells you, in reality he just really wants to go eat a Langos or two and drink a few beers. No one would judge him for that on Fasching, there are crazier bastards out there than him. He’s never been a fan of Fasching, not even when he was a kid. The only reason he looked forward to that day was because he could go home from school earlier than usual. But other than that Fasching had always irritated him. He was never one for playing dress up either.
He couldn’t say he was surprised when you came up to him, demanding for the two of you to dress up as something. The most König would do on his own would be to put on a pair of bee feelers on top of his head, but he would never consider putting on a full costume. Not only was there a chance people would stare at him, but he’d feel awkward as well. Besides, which place would actually sell a costume in his size? Not a common one. You’d need to be a bit annoying for him to put on more than just bee feelers. He’s more willing to play dress up with you as long as you put on something as well, though, even if it still wouldn’t be anything too fancy. If he can find one, he might put on a Winnie the Pooh onesie, but only because it’s somewhat comfortable, somewhat warm and because there are weirder people than him out there.
He’d hate seeing the Faschingsumzug, but he’d tolerate it just for you so you can see all the wagons together and comment on all the costumes. The music is far too loud, there are people surrounding him on every side and he still hasn’t had a single drink yet. Tragic. You might wanna hold onto his arm before you’re being swept away by the crowds. Although König usually isn't one for PDA, in this case he’d prefer to keep you close. It keeps him a bit calmer and you’re not getting lost in a city or town you barely know. You can drag him around all you want, though, he’ll comply, even if he might roll his eyes a bit whenever you wanna go take a closer look at some of the other costumes and wagons. However, get ready to be dragged to one of the nearest stands for a few Langos. They’re not amazing, nothing special in the slightest, but they’re not bad either. He’ll pay for them, naturally. You can choose between a regular Langos, a Toast Langos or even a Käsekrainer Langos. König will likely have eaten all three due to his massive appetite, but you’re more than welcome to take a bite out of them as well.
Once it’s finally getting a bit later and the masses are starting to disperse, that’s when König will be a bit less grumpy. He gets to finally go to a bar with you and drink to his heart's content, his highlight of the day. You can drink whatever you want, from soda to Pago, from Spritzer to Jägermeister, he’ll always go for a few beers. While he might seem a bit grumpy at first, once he’s had his first beer he’s a bit more cheerful, König just really hates big crowds. However, he got to spend another day with you, which is all he could ever want. While you’re sitting at the bar he might take out a few Krapfen for the both of you to enjoy as well. Might joke about getting some Heringsschmaus with you the next day, even if you don’t like fish. It’s tradition, it’s part of the Faschingszeit, but that doesn’t mean he’s a big fan of it either. No, he much prefers the Krapfen you can eat during Fasching. Not big on fasting, he loves beer and meat too much to give up either of those things and won’t even do so if you ask him to. He’s a simple man, he knows what he wants and he knows what he likes. You can pry his Schweinsbraten from his cold dead hands, and even then he’d put up a fight.
Although König loves spending time with you, he will be glad once Fasching is over and once you finally voice the thought of going home. He’s tired from all the people and the alcohol makes this situation only slightly better. Even so, despite all of that, he’s looking forward to the next holiday, proper or not, he can spend with you. Due to him having drunk some beers, he’ll likely stay in bed a bit longer the next day. A perfect opportunity to snuggle up to him for a bit. Afterwards you can discuss what you would like to eat together.
#cod#cod x reader#könig#konig#könig x reader#konig x reader#I was so unhappy when I had to go through town today and there was no way through so I had to go around town to get home#I was so incredibly pissed about that#but hey my father made Gulasch today! and he put a blueberry quark strudel in the oven! it was so creamy and good!#so food wise today was amazing for me!#I even wore some cat ears at wok. the other apprentice and me were the only ones who “dressed up” today which was a shame#even though he only wore devil horns and that's it so nothing big either#but there are people who dress up entirely! but you barely see couple's costumes here. I saw none today in all honesty#I saw a lot of ladybugs though! a few bees! piglets! sunflowers!#it's a colorful festival! but a lot of people drink on this day so not a lot of them will be at work tomorrow! good#the only reason König would love this holiday would be because of the beer#you guys don't understand just how much alcohol Austrians drink we're far far above the EU average#the state I live in is far above the Austrian average as well my father told me today#so yeah we drink lots and lots of alcohol. beer for the most part but Spritzer is also really popular. Spritzer is superior though#beer is just disgusting and gross. I've tried it once and it was so bitter. but this is coming from someone who likes Jägermeister haha#I didn't get a Krapfen today though which is so incredibly sad :( Maybe some other time but it won't be a Faschingskrapfen :(
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everythingisconfetti · 10 months
what is the best love song ever written and why is it Fair by The Amazing Devil?
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pretty sure joey batey injected crack cocaine into his lyric delivery of "don't you think i look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor"
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gabetheunknown · 1 year
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Ah, there it is! I saw a post like this the other day and I could not, for the life of me find it back, so I'm glad I get to share my thoughts about this after all (not that anything would've stopped me) Prepare for the essay, I never keep things short!
The Rockrose and the Thistle, is in my opinion a love song of sorts, but a different kind of love song that Extraordinary Things is, focused on the first part of it. Both songs are very similar in more ways than just recurring notes. Both songs are written in Dminor. (wheras Extraordinary Things has Minor Melodic elements that raises the 6th note to create the G major chord he plays when he sings the lyrics ‘extraordinary things’ and sings an A on top which sounds really pretty and immediately caught my ear) 
The notes everyone is referring to are in the intro of Extraordinary Things, D C D E F E F G A B♭ A G A  (I put it on a scale because I can and I’m a nerd. I also love the harmonies)
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And it doesn’t just come back in the Rockrose and the Thistle, there’s two other songs written in Dminor in the Horror and the Wild and that is The Horror and the Wild, where the repetition of these tones are beautifully audible in Madeleine’s ‘You are the son of every dressing up box’ and Farewell Wanderlust, where they immediately accentuate that B♭ (which is the 6th note of the Dminor scale) in instrumentals. In Farewell Wanderlust they also play with more chromatic elements as they add a flat second note and a flat seven. The use of chromatic elements (half note distances) isn’t new for Joey and Madeleine and in my opinion it just adds a lot to the musicality of it all, it’s clever, it immediately catches my ear, it’s subtle things like that that make me keep coming back to their music. Rather than a melodic minor scale, Joey could’ve just added that half note distance to add a major G chord to his scale, because the use of major chords in minor scales is just chef’s kiss in my musical opinion, especially in combination with the words he sings. The notes he uses are not uncharacteristic for Joey’s music.
NOW LISTEN, I LOVE this ask because it means I can break down every aspect of what I love about Joey’s singing and what different things I love about Jaskier’s singing. Because oh my god the TALENT, to still make people go ‘wait I just found out that Joey Batey sings both in the Amazing Devil and as Jaskier in the Witcher’ to this day astonishes me and I’m never surprised when someone stumbles upon that realization. The breathiness he uses on his voice in both the Rockrose and the Thistle (and more TAD songs) and Extraordinary Things blows my mind. But there’s a difference to the way he uses it in both songs, let me try to explain. He sings with an aspirated voice (Which means to sing with a breathy voice) in The Rockrose and the Thistle, but in Extraordinary Things, it feels like sometimes he is just breathless and it’s so beautiful and small and soft and intimate, considering the words he’s singing. We, as singers at the conservatory, were taught to make our breaths as inaudible as possible, to remove as much breath from our voices as possible, when singing on record. So needless to say it is a DELIGHT to hear Joey just put his whole heart and soul into every breath he takes, he’s considerate of every syllable, the volume of his voice, the clearness or lack thereof, the shakiness of his breaths fucking kill me dead… ALSO what astonishes me the most about the difference between his TAD songs and his Jaskier songs is the change in vibrato. Jaskier uses more vibrato in his voice than Joey does in the Amazing Devil and I go INSANE about that because my teachers have always said that vibrato is a hard thing to control and requires a lot of training and he’s just out there, mending it to his will as if it is no big deal, like :-) King? I’m jealous, hello? 
I’ve nothing else to say about this for now (lies) it’s already become a full on essay, so I hope this satisfies your needs for now lmao
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oh my god I just realized that in ruin, there's the lyrics "I play our song / to see if it's in tune / (I'll sing silence" and those lyrics are from drinking song for the socially anxious which is a song about finding connection and i cant form a coherent thought about it but for some reason the "our" is making me lose my mind
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rachthechaosbi · 5 months
never really quite getting the knack of
knowing no one will not ever come back for you
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secondstar-acorn · 2 years
“I chipped my teeth on every joke you cracked”
“You stole the best years of my life (I’ll give them back)”
“Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep/but a place for crows to rest their feet”
“You’re not flawed, darling, just a little under-rehearsed”
“And now, even though you’re mad, and these memories won’t stay/ that’s okay/ cause now I get to meet you for the first time every single day”
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I'm re-entering my Ruin phase where I exclusively listen to Ruin (album) for weeks at a time and I'm HYPED about it
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amethystina · 7 months
Hi hi, I was drooling all over the tags of Who holds the devil again and I remembered to ask if the kidnapping will refer to Ga On? Or if it's a big spoiler then maybe you could please tell if we'll see protective Yo Han because you write his feelings so well I just can't get enough or over it, you're so talented.
I wouldn't call it a big spoiler, exactly, since I think most people can (correctly) guess that it refers to Ga On xD I mean, what kind of BL fanfic would this be if it was someone else? Gotta check all those dramatic romance boxes!
That said, I will repeat what I've said before, which is that it won't happen anytime soon and, if I were you, there are other tags I would be more worried about. But that's just me ;)
As for Yo Han being protective, that will feature quite heavily as a part of another plot thread long before the kidnapping tag comes into play. And I do mean protective as in full-on Abyss — with all the violence and ruthlessness that entails. To be honest, one of the scenes I look forward to writing the most right now is the culmination of that whole plotline. Partly because writing Yo Han when he's like that is so much fun, but also because Ga On will do what Ga On does best.
That's to say: Place himself in front of Yo Han and be the immovable object to slow down the unstoppable force.
And it will be delicious.
Because with all that Ga On has learned about Yo Han at that point, he's going to realise that the best way to calm Yo Han's desire for vengeance — and remind him of his humanity — isn't to get preachy or aggressive and demand he stop. It's to go soft and vulnerable and needy and a little desperate and just say:
"Please come back to me."
... I think we ALL know Yo Han won't stand a fucking chance.
So you've got that to look forward to, I guess ;)
And thank you so much! I have a lot of fun with Yo Han's emotions, not going to lie. He's got a pretty unique way of both showing and dealing with them and it's particularly interesting to try and convey that from an outside POV (Ga On's in this case). Because even if Ga On is correct in his observation the majority of the time, there are still times when he misses certain details. He often gives Yo Han the benefit of the doubt when he maybe shouldn't, for example x'D
Like, there are times in this story when Yo Han may seem kind, caring, and vulnerable but, in reality, something COMPLETELY different is happening inside his head.
Chapter 39 was actually a good example of that, specifically when Yo Han was pressing his thumb against the scar on his palm. Ga On automatically assumed that had to mean Yo Han was in pain, but that's not it at all. Not even close. Pressing the scar (which was first established in The Gentle Light, which I wrote over a year ago now) has become Yo Han's way of curbing his less-than-moral impulses when it comes to how he approaches his and Ga On's relationship.
Yo Han wasn't pressing the scar because it hurt (though he does have flashes of psychosomatic pain, too) but because he needed to remind himself not to do what he ACTUALLY wanted. Which certainly wasn't to resign himself to being rejected and go: "Then I won't."
In that moment, Yo Han wanted to claim and possess — not surrender.
And it was a struggle for him to choose the path he knew Ga On wanted him to.
In short, both Yo Han's protectiveness and possessiveness are sometimes hidden in the small things he does, which might not always be apparent to Ga On or the reader. Remember that Ga On is an unreliable narrator and while he is astoundingly good at reading Yo Han sometimes, not even he sees all.
And that, on the whole, Yo Han is a lot more vicious and immoral than Ga On wants to admit. It may not be as apparent now that Yo Han is without a revenge quest and more focused on doting on his family, but it's by no means gone. Just dormant.
The Abyss will never fully stop abyssing.
(Yes, I am definitely making this fic and the characterisation unnecessarily complex with breadcrumbs sprinkled across stuff I've written literal years ago — thank you for asking)
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