#me: yes. she was a good wife to her cousin and the mother of a p*do
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Valyrian Heritage | Yan!Mom Rhaenyra Targaryen, Yan!Dad Laenor Velaryon
— summary: Being the only legitimate child of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon is not an easy task and you have learned the truth the hard way.
❝warnings: is not compatible with canon, Reader is referred to as having classic Valyrian characteristics, mention of violence, insults to the Velaryon brothers, and yandere platonic relationships, messy writing.
❝ 🐉 lady l: I don't know if it was good and I apologize for that. This imagine focuses more on the drama and I would love to write a sequel if anyone wants! Good reading and drink plenty of water. Love you all.
❝word count: 1,877.
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Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's screams could be heard throughout most of the Red Keep.
The princess had gone into labor over two hours ago and everyone was looking forward to the birth of Rhaenyra and Laenor's first child. Even though some had different motives and some were more selfish than others, anxiety could still be felt.
After what seemed like days of excruciating pain, a loud sound of crying was heard inside Rhaenyra's room.
''Shh...'' Rhaenyra whispered to the crying baby in her arms, trying to calm them down. She had no experience with this, however, this was her first child.
But she loved them. Oh, and how she loved them. Rhaenyra never thought she could love someone as much as she loved her child the first moment she held them in her arms.
She knew she would do anything for them.
Laenor entered the room at the exact moment the baby finally stopped crying and was about to fall asleep. Rhaenyra looked at him sternly and her husband was silent.
He approached silently and Rhaenyra handed him the baby.
''They are beautiful.'' Laenor whispered, moved. They looked exactly like their parents, the very definition of a valyrian. A few silver strands, its father's nose, its mother's skin, and beautiful dark purple eyes when they opened their eyes for the first time.
''They are.'' Rhaenyra confirmed, sitting down again. She was very tired and wanted to rest for a while.
''What's their name?'' Laenor murmured, looking fondly at the baby in his arms. So perfect, his child was so perfect.
Rhaenyra thought for a few minutes and then smiled, ''(Y/N) Targaryen.''
Laenor faced his wife and smiled in agreement, ''(Y/N) Velaryon.''
Rhaenyra smiled at her husband. Yes, Velaryon and Targaryen. It didn't really matter as this child was the product of both sides and she knew she would care for and protect them no matter what.
It was with these thoughts and the comfort in knowing that her child was being well looked after by the drooling father who cooed lovingly at the baby, that Rhaenyra finally allowed herself to fall asleep.
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Later that day, Rhaenys and Corlys went to visit (Y/N). Laena could not be present, unfortunately, but she had sent a letter congratulating her brother and cousin on the birth of their child. Rhaenys had this letter with her when she entered the room with her husband.
Rhaenyra was holding her baby protectively and Laenor was glued to her side, arms crossed and staring at Alicent suspiciously.
Alicent had also entertained the idea of meeting her grandchild and Rhaenyra didn't seem willing to let her stepmother get her hands on her child.
''Let me see my grandchild!'' Corlys said excitedly and approached the protective mother. Rhaenyra looked at him for a few seconds, sighed and handed the baby to her father-in-law.
''They look like you, Laenor.'' Rhaenys commented after picking up her grandchild. Laenor smiled proudly.
In fact, (Y/N) looked like him even though they were so young. Laenor was sure that when they grow up they will be just like him. A powerful feeling took over Laenor's body. And he smiled even more at that.
Pride. He was completely proud.
Alicent approached Rhaenys, ''Let me see them.'' She said softly but firmly. Rhaenys hesitated a little, but let Alicent take her grandchild.
Rhaenyra was alarmed and Laenor placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her.
It's okay, Alicent would never dare do something with so many witnesses. Rhaenyra's shoulders relaxed a little but there was a tension present.
Alicent rocked the baby in her arms lovingly, smiling at them. They were beautiful, she thought. A pang of envy rose within the Queen. She wanted (Y/N) to be hers.
She blinked in surprise. That was it? But it was and Alicent knew it. Part of her knew that Rhaenyra wouldn't be a good mother to (Y/N) and she wanted to prevent future disappointments for them.
"They need to sleep." Rhaenyra said suddenly, standing up with her husband's help. Alicent looked at her skeptically and reluctantly handed (Y/N) over to Rhaenyra.
Rhaenys watched Alicent carefully and Corlys looked suspicious. The Queen was forced to retreat.
For now.
"I need to go see Aegon." Alicent stated to no one in particular, "But I will visit (Y/N) again with Viserys later."
Rhaenyra's only response was a slight nod, but she wasn't really paying attention.
Under the watchful eyes of the three Velaryon's present, Alicent left the room with hesitation and disgust.
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As you grew, everything changed and it wasn't just your growth.
But family intrigues.
You had been the only legitimate child of the marriage of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon.
Everyone knew that Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey were bastards and sons of Harwin Strong. There was no denying it, not when you were Laenor's legitimate child, not when you looked exactly like him.
Not even Viserys had any arguments for that. And Alicent, Criston and Otto always made sure of reminding Rhaenyra about this.
Jacaerys' birth was a stab in the chest for Rhaenys and Corlys. And a triumph for Alicent.
You were only a year older than Jace, but you loved him deeply. It didn't matter that Jacaerys was different and this difference became even more visible after he grew up.
It didn't matter because you loved him. You loved Jace, you loved Luce, and you loved Joffrey. You loved all of your younger siblings and defended them fervently when their appearance was brought up. You constantly fought with Aegon and Aemond about it.
You got along well with Alicent and Viserys' children, your aunt and uncles. Mainly Helaena. You adored her, so sweet and so kind and she loved you fervently in return. It was very common for you to be together.
One day, you were in your room reading a book that Rhaenyra gave you and Aemond ran into your room. You dropped the book and got up in a hurry.
''What happened?'' Your voice was serious and Aemond blinked and pulled you into a hug, seeking comfort.
''They gave me a pig!''
You frowned, ''W-What?''
''Aegon, Jacaerys and Lucerys!'' Aemond held you tighter and every word that came out of his mouth was full of hatred. ''They said they were going to give me a dragon and they brought me a pig!''
Oh. You squeezed him back, trying to comfort your uncle.
''I'll talk to them.'' You stated and Aemond muttered a thank you under his breath, squeezing you as if his life depended on it.
When you scolded Aegon and your younger brothers, Aemond could be seen smiling creepily in the background.
You loved your entire family, your paternal and maternal grandparents, your parents, your uncles, your aunt, your brothers, all of them. And being a Velaryon and a Targaryen was amazing, but you felt trapped sometimes.
Trapped by your family.
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You were often seen as the anchor of your family. What held them all together.
And you always agreed with that. Many of the fights that occurred you had to get involved in to separate both sides and as you grew up, you noticed it even more.
You realized that your family would never truly be reunited. And you found that out the hard way.
It was during the funeral of Laena Velaryon, your late aunt. You didn't spend much time with her but you felt sad. You stayed close to your grandparents and your father the whole time, trying to comfort them for the loss of their daughter and sister. They felt immensely grateful to have you there.
You have finally met your great-uncle, the infamous Daemon Targaryen. The Rogue Prince.
He was everything the stories said. You felt uncomfortable with his strange looks in your direction and clung even tighter to your father who noticed Daemon's looks.
Laenor looked at Daemon suspiciously and pulled you away. Neither you nor your father noticed Daemon's eyes darken.
You lay in your room, trying to fall asleep when you were called to Driftmark's main hall after an accident involving your uncles and brothers. It wasn't until you found out what happened to Aemond that you knew all was lost.
You gasped in horror when you saw Aemond's face. Mutilated and missing an eye.
You approached him, under the burning gazes of those present. Alicent was furious and Viserys did nothing.
Your heart skipped a beat when Alicent stole Viserys' dagger and stormed off to try and gouge out Lucerys's eye in revenge. Your mother got in front and she was cut off.
You watched in horror at the cut and the way the blood dripped onto the floor. Aemond hugged you tighter and said everything was fine for his mother. It had been a fair exchange, he had lost a eye but had gained a dragon.
You knew the eye story wouldn't end there and you had confirmation years later.
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You were stroking your mother's hair while she was being stitched up by the maester. You agonized every time the needle penetrated her soft skin and did your best to try and ease her pain.
Rhaenyra appreciated your concern and kissed your cheek after scolding your brothers.
Laenor entered the room and you hugged him, ''My child... I'm glad everything is okay with you'' He whispered against your hair, squeezing you tightly.
''I'm fine, dad. Mom is the one who's hurt.'' You mumbled. Laenor hugged you for a few more minutes and let you go, he turned and looked at Rhaenyra.
''I'm sorry for what happened to you and our children.'' Laenor took a deep breath and took a chair next to her. You stayed silent watching your parents interact.
Rhaenyra shook her head, ''It's not your fault.''
''No, it's not but I can't help but feel guilty. I've been neglecting you and Jace and Luce and Joffrey. And I regret that.''
Rhaenyra reached out and touched his arm, ''It's not your fault.'' She repeated again, with more firmness in her voice.
''I hate that I'm not the husband you needed, the father our children need.'' He whispered, ''I hate the way the gods made me.''
Your heart sank and you went to your father's side, hugging him. He smiled weakly at your affection.
''I don't hate.'' You mumbled.
''Neither do I.'' Your mother stated, ''You are a good and honorable man. That's something rare.'' They smiled and you felt lighter on that tragic day.
''I'm going to change. I will become a better husband and father.'' Your father said and pulled you into his arms, you smiled and hugged him back. Rhaenyra got up from her chair and walked over to you. She wrapped her arms around you and hugged you too.
You stayed for a while hugging your parents, feeling grateful for the peace that dominated your heart for a few minutes.
Because you knew it wouldn't last. Not when the next day a tragedy involved your entire family.
Dragons roared and storms broke out in the tragic night.
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flem17ng · 5 months
Vault Dweller's guide to perpetuating America:
Lucy Maclean x Fem!reader
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Summary: Lucy is getting married and reader is forced to watch. but vault tech never planned for the inevitability of Sapphics…
Content: Fluff and angst, systematic homophobia, happy ending, no use of y/n
Authors note: Let me know if you want more of this or have any prompts to send it :)
Word count: 3.1K
Gay people were not a thing according to Vault Tech. They did not add to the breading pool, they did not fit into the nuclear future, they simply did not fit in the vault. Unlike sperm, cola, and corn, homosexuals did not play a key part in perpetuating the American dream. This was a good enough explanation for anyone willing to enquire (and enquire they had in the early years of Vault 33), but overall, as the years of confinement and isolation dragged on, and marriage for the sake of breading continued, homosexuality was quite simply... forgotten.
Rely on a schooling system created by greying, rich, white men to eradicate historical depictions of minorities. Education in the vaults was about the great west, cowboys, the splitting of the atom, the creation of the commonwealths, and the importance of capitalism; education was certainly not for understanding the distant Stonewall riots or the ancient tunes of "Freddy Mercury". heck! This was the new world! a once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape society! If Vault Tech could systematically remove a section of society that could not reproduce and thus could not recolonize the wasteland then they sure as hell would do just that.
Now let's be clear: Vault Tech loves and values all its customers! The fight against the Reds was the fight for American freedom, for the dream, for the nuclear family, for the blue, white, and red! America celebrates freedom for all! but even in the great year of 2077, scientists at Vault tech simply couldn't work in the variable of homosexuals into the Vault system. At least not into the control vaults. Systematic eradication is, by all means, easier than acceptance.
Vault 33! One vault in a triad with 31 and 32. A dedicated meritocracy built on the values of one's good deeds. Lucy Maclean prided herself on her merit and her ethics. She knew how to de-escalate a conflict, she knew how to stand up for her beliefs, and she knew the importance of kindness. She also knew her valuable role as a woman in the Vault 33 society.
As a woman, the daughter of the overseer, she would be a community leader, a history teacher, and maybe later in life, she would run for council. As a woman, she would also get married (preferably not to her cousin) and have little vault babies who would grow up, learn their own merit, and so on and so on. To say that Lucy was comfortable and fulfilled by this prediction of her life would be... a vast exaggeration.
Yes, she understood her importance as a potential mother! Yes, she loved and valued her community, her family, and her job. But something stopped her from becoming stagnant. Something about this perfect path she had been given just wasn't right for her. It grated at her relentlessly, a thorn in her side, a nagging hunch she couldn't shake. Surely it would change on the day of her wedding. She would meet her husband, kiss, make babies, have cake and everything would settle. The unease she felt would lessen and she would accept her designated role.
"I am so glad your marriage application was accepted! I just cannot wait for you to join us wives!" Steph squeaked, one hand cradling the ever-growing bump in her tummy while the other waved around to illustrate her excitement. Steph was the carbon copy of what Vault Tech stood for: she was a wife, a soon-to-be mother, smart and strong-willed. She was drop-dead gorgeous with well-maintained hygiene. when you thought of the "American dream" you thought of Stephanie Harper.
Lucy grinned back, fighting the urge to roll her eyes (eye rolling was rude and there were more effective ways to respectfully communicate your disdain).
"Oh golly! to think in a few short hours I’ll be on my way to furthering the vault's great aim!" She smiled for real this time because she knew her discomfort did not stem from contempt for motherhood.
"Oh, Lucy spare me the lewd details!" Steph giggled before winking.
"I know you don't mean that Steph. you and me both know you want as much detail as I can give." Lucy chuckled, picking at the canned tuna on her plate.
The dining area near the cornfield was particularly packed today; everyone wanted one last glimpse of Lucy Maclean before she was assigned to the ranks of wife. The stares and whispers were not unwelcome, however. They reminded her of the community that she was a part of the community she had been raised to help and to eventually add to.
"I hope he's handsome" Steph breathed, looking begrudgingly at her own husband who was standing awkwardly next to the Nuka-Cola machine with Chet. Lucy just swallowed hard and nodded. It was easier to think about the more fun parts of marriage than linger on the particulars of her mystery partner.
She was grateful for the marriage of course. It meant an excuse to cut things off with Chet who had been steadily grating on her nerves since she was 15 (he seemed to love her and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't begin to think of him like that in return. his warm body was truly his only perk.) It was also a milestone for her, a badge of honor to her community service. This is what vault tech wanted! This is what America wanted!
Lucy pushed back from her chair, suddenly feeling nauseous. 
"Lucy, are you ok? you look a little pale dear?" Betty called from the seat next to her father. At the sound of her voice, the vault dwellers looked up to find Lucy standing awkwardly by her table.
"Oh! Yes, quite alright thank you!" she shrugged, teeth glinting with faux charm. "I just... I just wanted to have a nap before it gets too chaotic." lying was wrong. You were taught that very young in Vault 33. Lucy pushed down the stab of guilt before turning on her heels towards her family's shared apartment.
You watched her stand up from her table with a start that made you furrow your eyebrows and look away quickly. You would never admit to anyone that you had been staring at her, but you knew you had been. She was easy to stare at! She was a figure of authority, in a sweet and slightly clumsy way. Your excuse, should anyone catch you, was simply that you admired her can-do spirit! (that wasn't a lie though you couldn't label it as the truth either).
The other part of the truth was that you had been staring at her like a lost puppy since her marriage arrangement was announced. You and Lucy's friendship was... complicated. You had grown up together (as all vault children did), and your families were close (but not related as a "fun class DNA test" had proved during your school years). things got rocky as you got older though: Lucy was outgoing, confident, and stunning. All together just all the things you wished you were. That is, not to say you weren't pretty! In fact, you had received a few proposals in the past year (mostly from an anonymous admirer you knew was Davey, and a couple from Chet after he realized things with Lucy wouldn't work out). You and Lucy where still close, and to her, probably as uncomplicated at a friendship could get!
The complication was simply that to you it had become increasingly obvious that you were desperately in love with her.
You had noticed it first when you were about 14. Lucy was stunning, having never suffered the "awkward teenager" phase of adolescence, and was quickly discovering her hypnotic power over Chet. You weren't jealous of course! at least... not at first. But then it was more than Lucy's teasing flirtation: it was kissing, it was spending time with him more than usual. Suddenly you were jealous. Jealous in a way that couldn't be explained by the "Vault-Tech: Guild to female friendships" or "Vault-Tech: female adolescence in the Vault" or even by your mother's trusty copy of "surviving the teenage years: a manual sponsored by General atomics."
It got worse when you turned 17. Sex Education was vitally important in Vault education. it prevented the spread of disease, enabled knowledgeable future mothers and fathers, and fostered respect and dignity between men and women. It was in one of these detailed lessons that you caught yourself watching Lucy's expression: laughing at times, cringing at the birth diagrams, blushing at parts with a quick side eye to you. 
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks as your eyes fluttered to her lips and lingered there for a moment too long. It hit you again at 18 during your "prom" when Lucy danced with you slowly as the light from the 2.5D Telesonic projector scattered across her cheekbones and lit up her doe-eyes. you remember almost pushing her away from the force of it. The force of the feeling, the emotion, the unholy urge to press your lips to hers that caught you like a punch.
That night you had curled in a ball and prayed. you did not know who "god" was, but you'd heard about him in class before. You prayed to him to make you a boy, to change your emotions, to make things make sense again. Your mother had stroked your hair, not truly understanding your grief but accepting it and holding it for you like only a mother can.
In your world of perfect underground utopia, the truest sorrow you had ever felt was the realization that you loved Lucy Maclean.
It took you a split second to stand up and follow Lucy out of the atrium. A second in which your mind reeled and hesitated sickeningly before you shut it up. Lucy was your friend, and she needed you now. Your footsteps echoed down the hall as you took the familiar path along the "street" toward Lucy's home. The door was only just sliding shut as you reached it and you rushed to duck under.
Lucy was where you expected her to be: knees to her chest, curled up on the sofa. Her hands were clenched in front of her, and her eyes were set at some point just beyond the "radiation king" television set that was blasting its usual nature documentary. She didn't look up as you entered, but the slight dip in her shoulders told you that she knew you were there.
"Lucy?" you called quietly, kneeling on the rug near her. she turned to you slowly and smiled politely as she was raised to.
"hey" she muttered, clearly trying to keep her tone cheerful.
you fixed her a look before sitting softly next to her on the sofa. She remained in her tight ball.
"pre-wedding nerves?" you asked, ignoring the lump that formed just next to your heart at the thought of Lucy's marriage. You watched her expression for confirmation, but it never came. Instead, she furrowed her brows and looked back at the nothing behind the TV.
"I'm sure everyone gets nervous before their wedding Lucy. Steph could tell you a million stories of her 'pre-wedding wobbles'" you chuckled, remembering Stephs wedding day not long ago.
"Its... it's not that." Lucy finally responded, tightening her grip around her legs.
"Then wha-"
"What if I don't want this... Like I thought I did" she blurted, the words mushing together as she fought to get them out of her mouth. You pursed your lips, desperate for her to continue. After a moment of silence, she started again, quieter and more measured.
"I feel so... Wrong. and I don't know-" she cut herself off, swallowed, and began again, "I don't want what Steph has anymore." 
"What? the wedding? I'm sure your father would agree to a smaller celebration if you told him! I think he just likes to make a fuss of you."
Lucy shook her head. Finally, she let her legs fall away from her chest as she turned to face you with a dramatic sigh.
"I've always been so certain. and now... well I am certain but just not of the things I should be." She shut her eyes, needing to get away from your face for a moment. The lessons flashed in front of her eyes in quick succession: reclamation day, the purpose of the vaults, reproduction, male anatomy, romance, how to be a wife, the American dream. It flashed and flashed and then sank into her gut like an over-set Jello cake. 
You watched her face shift from carefully masked to strangely tortured and back again before she opened her eyes once more. how you missed those eyes in that moment you couldn't see them.
She reached forward and held your hand, her finders dusting over yours curiously as if she was handling some strange new specimen. she'd held your hand before, countless times in the 20 years you'd known each other; and yet her fingers felt tentative in a way they hadn't before.
"Lucy... it's ok to be scared, it's ok to feel unsure. heck, you know I spend most of my time feeling unsure." you cast her a weak smile, "I know you, and I know you will be an amazing bride to whoever you marry. You'll be a perfect wife; you’ll be an amazing mother and one day I know you'll make an amazing overseer as well. And Lucy? even if it feels hard, you know I'll always be here." You had long ago settled into your role of best friend, nothing more. You would be there, and you would love her (in a way approved by social expectations).
Lucy stayed quiet for a long time, still slowly tracing over your fingers with her own. It had clocked for her the moment you had entered the room after her dramatic exit from the atrium. she wasn't unsure, she wasn't uncertain. I fact, she felt as though she had never been more certain in her whole life.
Maybe it had started when she was 12, when you had helped her take her first ever stimpack: holding the needle steady, wiping her eyes with your own hand and giving her a little Vault-Boy band-aid to cover the little hole. 
Maybe it had started when she was 15 and getting a steady stream of attention from boys (mostly Chet) and could only watch your disdained reaction to her suitors. Even then she had a hunch that she cared more about your opinion on her "boyfriends" than the boys themselves.
Maybe it was when she was 18, pulling you through a maintenance tunnel by your hand with a high-pitched giggle and a determination to find a good meeting place for when you no longer had school to attend. She remembers your initial reluctance, followed by rebellious cheek that pushed you both further into the guts of the vault than you had planned on. She remembers the oil that had got on your face that she insisted on wiping away herself.
She tore her eyes away from your hands and stared at you with all the intensity and authority that the overseer’s daughter should possess.
"I’m not scared. and golly I feel about as far from unsure as a girl can be." her hands tightened around yours. "This vault... we are told what we do and what we feel. heck, they even tell us who we should marry! Maybe I'm being silly but that doesn't fit into the 'American dream' they are always yammering on about!" her voice rose had she got more passionate. you watched her with a mix of shock and awe (an emotion you often felt yourself feeling when you were around her)
"I've always nodded along to what they've told us! who am I to doubt the rules?" she continued, her eyes never leaving yours, "but this marriage... I don't want that!" she concluded with a huff, finally blinking and pursing her lips as if she'd suddenly gotten shy.
It was your turn to reach out to her now, freeing one of your hands from her grip and placing it softly on her shoulder. you put on a calm expression, but your heart betrayed you: beating rapidly as if trying to escape its spot behind your ribs.
"What is it you want if not the marriage?" you whispered, feeling the moments fragility.
a beat.
Lucy sighed, stealing herself. her eyes were no longer full of angry passion, but rather softer, watery. her expression seemed to mirror the way you knew you were looking at her.
"I think- no, I know... Gosh, I want you so badly" she breathed. 
Another war could have started and ended, and you wouldn't have noticed. The air stilled despite the constant circulation of the vents and the clock on the wall must have stopped ticking. Silence, a long silence that must have only spanned a fraction of a second.
Her words, like the flash of light as a fission reaction begins, followed by a lull followed by...
You launched forward before Lucy could hesitate, before you could leave her hanging, before she could dare think that you didn't want her back. her lips touched yours and it reminded you of the desperate prayers you used to send to the man called "god" (you thanked him now that he never changed you). There were no fireworks like the books said, no large, forced explosion, no splitting of an atom. Instead, it felt... inevitable, like the slow decay of an element, like aging gracefully, like coming home.
Her lips slotted against yours perfectly, softly and she gasped as she kissed you back. you kissed not for the purpose of "perpetuating America" or building the next generation of vault dwellers, but simply because you wanted to. 
She pulled back after a while, bleary eyes and pink-cheeked with a grin that made your heart grow.
"I did... know we could..." she let out before laughing, one hand covering her mouth while the other found its way to the side of your face where it lingered. You laughed too, sides splitting and eyes watering.
"Who the hell cares" you spluttered between laughs, leaning into Lucys hand.
"If it wasn't clear... I want you to. in a um... kissing way"
"Oh really? I wouldn't have guessed" she drawled playfully, "well then... I think we have a wedding to wreck."
"What will you tell them?"
She shrugged and scooched a little closer. "That's a future Lucy problem. Current Lucy is preoccupied..." She smiled at you in a manner that was really more of a smirk.
You had barely enough time to squeak out a rather excited "Okey Dokey" before it was her turn to shut you up with a kiss.
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vulpes115 · 6 months
Narcissa, specifically the Marauder’s fandom take on her, makes me want to sob and I need her to be appreciated more. Just, imagine you are the third daughter of parents that only wanted sons. A flower in a sky full of stars. A flower, an object only meant to be looked upon and be pretty. You know your parents never loved you, will never love you, you who is not the long awaited son they asked for. But even still, you can’t help pushing yourself to fulfill the mold they expect from you, beautiful and perfect. But even still you receive love from your family, just in the form of your older sisters. Your eldest who tries so fiercely to protect you and your sister but is clearly starting to slip into insanity. The middle starting to slip away, finding comfort in a man who’s kind you were poisoned to hate. Still, you love them. No matter what you love them, you have so little else. The only other one you have is your baby cousin, made in the same mold as you, who you try so desperately to protect.
At Hogwarts you are expected to be a good mark on your family, prefect, ace student and quidditch player. Willing to drop it all as soon as graduation to be a wife and mother. You only let yourself break the rules once, for her, the one decision you made that goes against your family wishes, the girl whose kisses taste like powdered sugar, whose natural kindness and beauty shines like a candle in your otherwise dark life. For years you let yourself indulge it. For years you pretend. But you know it must end.
The end comes quicker than thought. Your middle sister comes to you, she’s going to elope with her own secret love, she’s going to escape the family and the rot it contains. She asks if you want to come with. You want so badly to say yes. But you have been the perfect daughter for so long, being anything else scares you. So you say no. So you close the door. So you marry the fiancée that sister left behind. So you accept it when your lover breaks up with you, unwilling to be just a mistress. So you tell yourself you’re better without her, all the while knowing you will never find love like her again. Never stop loving her. You say as much when your cousin asks you if it ever gets better, heartbroken over his own Gryffindor. But still you made your choices and well, your fiancée is…fine, as pure-blood men go. He loves you but you don’t love him, can’t ever love him but you’re ok playing your part, even if it’s never him you picture when you play it, not even on your wedding night.
Before you know it, war is at your doorstep. Your eldest, no, only sister and your husband both pledge allegiance to the Dark Lord. So does your youngest, no, only cousin. Your cousin, so young, so naive. He dies, you never find the body, he was only eighteen and you couldn’t do anything to protect him. And the only person you ever loved? Well when you first realized she was going to be fighting on the opposing side you figured she’d be ok. Her and her new husband were powerful, well respected aurors, true Gryffindors, if anybody was going to be ok it was them. You were wrong, oh so wrong. Death would have been kinder with the fate they suffered. A fate brought on by your sister. The only one you ever loved as much as the love of your life. A love now only matched by hate.
You watch as your sister is dragged off in shackles, trying to hide any expression behind an icy mask. You watch as your lover looks back at you with distant lifeless eyes, eyes that don’t recognize you. You visit as often as you can but it’s hard to get away from your duty as mother and wife, even harder to see your lover permanently near death like this. You don’t mean to, but you stop visiting as often.
You only have one thing left to hold on to now, your son. Your darling boy. As a second war fast approaches you fear for him. You saw what happened to your cousin, you fear history is doomed to repeat itself. You do everything you can, extract whatever vows are needed, you do not believe you can survive if he too is taken from you. Then the pivotal moment comes. You have no idea if your son is alive or dead, but the chosen one is lying on the ground and he tells you he’s alive. In that moment you make a choice, you lie, you lie to the most powerful man alive, you lie to a mind reader, you lie to save your son, and you never admit it to yourself but you lie to avenge your lover he stole the sanity of, your cousin he stole the life from, and your sister he stole the soul of.
When the war is over, your action lets your family escape consequences. For the first time since the war began, you find the courage to come and visit your old lover. You apologize for not visiting more, and tell her about your sons, how her son had finished what she started, how your son had done what you never could. It takes several years longer until you make a visit to a different ghost of your past, knock cautiously on the door, a door opened by your sister, a woman you haven’t seen in almost thirty years. Things are awkward at first, of course they are, she is resistant, she’s lost so much to this war and she is slow to trust again, but eventually you two are having a heart to heart over tea, apologizing to each other about old wrongs. It’s not much, but it’s a start. As for your boy, he finds comfort in, of all people, the chosen one, the boy your whole family was supposed to hate, the boy who you helped save the life of. You are glad he is happy, you saw how miserable he was during the war. But a small part of you can’t help but feel envious, that this is a happiness that you could’ve experienced, that your cousin could’ve experienced, if you had made different choices, better choices, found your voice earlier, instead of being left with just an empty shell. Still, you made those choices, had made your bed, and now you must lie in it. But, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, if you get to see your son smile, if you get to hold your grandchildren, if you get to see your sister for monthly tea, if you get to hold your old lover’s hand once in awhile and pretend for just a minute that everything turned out ok between you two.
That’s something your parents didn’t know when they named you after a daffodil, that even after a harsh cold winter, they can make a comeback.
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tumblerlove · 7 months
I really needed Simon with an unknown breeding kink and definitely a daddy kink 🫠😌
Simon never really gave much thought about having children one day. He didn't think he'd get an opportunity to meet someone and love them enough to have children with them. He didn't know if he would even make a good father really...until you of course
You guys had been dating for quite a while before getting engaged a few months ago. You couldn't be more excited to get married to Simon, and neither could he to you. He was excited to get to call you his wife. He even wore an engagement band, too. Letting everyone know that he was proudly taken...
Today, you and Simon were at a family gathering with your family. Simon liked your family a lot. They accepted him with open arms and never made him feel uncomfortable. He had been watching you from afar while sipping his beer sitting next to one of your cousins who was sharing a story
He watched you play with one of your little nieces and nephews. Simon was watching you make them smile and laugh. He had a tiny smirk on his face thinking about how your children would be loved like that and more. He watched you pick up your niece, put her on your hip, and she rested her head on your shoulder, latching on to you, and Simon couldn't help but look at you in wonder. He knew that you would be an excellent mother. He'd never thought about this before... but he can't help but wonder what you would look with a bump on you....from his doing.
Shit... you'd look good is what you'd look like. He's imagining you walking around wearing his shirts because yours aren't fitting anymore. He's imagining how your tits would look all big from growing. How everyone would know he did that to you and your carrying your twos child.... and how everyone would know how you came about said child
After coming back from the gathering, you went to get ready for bed in the bathroom while Simon changed. You changed into panties for the night along with one of Simon's big t shirts. His thoughts came running back from earlier seeing you in his shirt. All your missing is a swollen belly...shit
"Love, do you want children or want to start having them?" Simon's blurts out as you crawl next to him into bed. You looked at him a little shocked just from how random the timing was. "I mean, I would love to have kids with you Si, um I didn't really give much thought when to have children really I don't think it matters too much to me" you say to him still looking at him with curiosity. "Why's this coming up right now, Si?" You ask him as you reach across to brush his hair off his forehead. He gently grabs your wrist, pulling you closer to him, grabbing a hold of your waist and hauling you on his lap
"Because I uh saw you earlier with your nieces and nephews and couldn't help but think... " he pauses, not sure what your answer will be. "How good you would look carrying my- our child" You look at him for a second and think about what it would be like having Simon's child and raising them with you and Simon's looks and personality...
It made you happy to think about it. "I wouldn't mind carrying your child. Raising them with you sounds wonderful," you tell him as he leans across to kiss you softly. "You think I'd make a good father?" He asks with worry on his face he didnt wannna be like his father and you knew that..."Yes, of course Simon all kids like you... you would do so well being a father an amasjng one," you tell him with a kiss
He looks at you, and he knows what's he's gonna say now. "Can I make that happen now... I wanna start now," he says with big eyes, looking at you
You think for a second and think to tease him for just a second before you say yes to start now. "Well, what if someone says something at the wedding if I get pregnant beforehand?" You say faking worry. "I don't give a fuck if your pregnant at the wedding let someone say something...I'll handle it" he says starting to plant kisses to your neck
You tell him, "I won't take my birth control tonight." You look at him with a smile. The second, the words leave your lips, he flips you both over. Having you lay on the bed on your back, him hovering above. "I'm gonna fuck my cum into you every chance I get love until it sticks" Simon says while pulling his shirt off while you take your top off too. "No I'm fucking you with it on...it looks good" he says. He removed your panties pushing your shirt up over your stomach to reveal your already soft tummy that he's gonna fill up, and that cunt...my god he's gotta touch you
Simon starts rubbing his massive hand up and down your slit. He separates your slit seeing your hole dripping down and your clit was twitching aching to be touched. He massages your hole gathering your wetness to use over your clit. "Mmm Si that feels good" you whine to him holding onto the sheets while he keeps playing with your clit. He's massaging your clit so good and firm it's sending such pleasure through your body. "Ginna give you my fingers then my cock hun" he smiles at you as his other hand comes up teasing your hole. "Please Si please" you whine to him, trying to grab a hold onto anything, wanting more
He finally pushes his finger inside of you "Oh fuck" you groan his finger feels bigger then yours does and warm. You loved it so much. He starts pumping his finger inside of you, finding your g-spot, and then adding another finger. Hes doing this while still rubbing your clit. "Oh, I'm so close, Si," you claw at his biceps, holding on to him. He quickens his fingers on your clit adding to your pleasure even more. Your shaking as your cumming and your toes curling. "Fuck that's it...took my fingers so good...time for my cock" he says in your ear while planting kisses all over you
He spreads your legs farther apart, rubbing your thighs up and down. "I'm gonna fill you up and I don't care how long it takes us" he says while pumping his cock. You're whining just looking at his dick it always was a little stretch when he put it in but it felt so fucking good too. "Please fuck me...please...wanna make you a daddy for real" you whine starting to lose your mind a little wanting his cock inside you and his cum. He groans. "Oh shit your in for it now, love" hearing you say that to him, he loses it and plunges inside of you. Both of you grunting out and your cunt clenching down onto Simon. "Your pussy feels so good" he's grunting out in between his thrusts. "Fuck Daddy keep going I-uhh" you try to say to him till he moves your legs up to ears putting you into a mating press. Simon's hovering above you basically humping his cock inside of you getting as close as possible to fuck his cum right in
He snakes his hand down to your clit while his mouth latches onto one of your nipples licking at it. Its all so much stimulation coming from everywhere you can barely get words out at how good Simon's fucking you. He's making sure that you feel good before him and you are. "I'm gonna, mmm." you can't speak his thrusts getting faster "Me too uh me too" he's grunting out his face shows he's losing all restraint getting ready to cum. His thrusts are getting sloppy while his fingers are spending up onto your clit. You both are cumming at the same time, your clenching and dripping around Simon's cock while he just keeps emptying himself inside of you ropes and ropes of cum hoping it sticks
He doesn't move for a while until he thinks his cum is really inside of you good. He slowly pulls his cock out while looking at your cunt and watches his cum flood out of you. "Mm can't have that" he says before pushing his fingers inside of you again to push his cum back in causing you to groan from being sensitive. "Gotta make sure it sticks, honey." he looks up at you with a smile...fuck it's gonna be a long night
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Can I request one for Jacaerys Velaryon where Rhaenyra betroths him to his twin sister and they're both super awkward about it. You can write it as you wish.
warnings: i didn't make them twins so interpret her as you'd like, targ!cest (unintentional?), aemond and aegon taunting jace, high valyrion (i'm not fluent forgive me), takes place in 1.08 (lord of the tides), more angsty than awkward, aemond x reader if you squint really really hard?
“Her children are bastards! And she is a whore,” Vaemond Velaryon spoke with vemon on his tongue.
You and your brothers shared a glance of embarassment with one another.
Viserys hobbled up from his seat on the throne, “I will have your tongue for that.”
Before Viserys could get any further Dark Sister flung through the air, taking Vaemond’s head with her. Everyone in the room jumped back, your mother pushing you behind her, as your younger brother gasped.
“He can keep his tongue,” chaos erupted with the King’s guard.
“Disarm him!”
Daemon wiped the Velaryon blood off his sword and sheathed it, ushering you and his daughters out of the room, “No need.”
Later in the dining hall, you and your estranged family stood around a large table, Viserys was carried in and sat in between your mother and Alicent, “How good it is… to see you all tonight… together.”
One he was situated, all sat in the respective places, you between Jacaerys and Lucerys.
Alicent looked to her husband, “Prayer before we begin?”
“Yes,” your family was not the most religious, you looked to Jace, you looked back at you with an annoyed expression.
“May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest.”
Viserys was the first to speak, just barely lifting his cup, “This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandson Luke, will marry his cousins Rhaena, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Prince… and his betrothed! Hear, hear!”
The rest of the table rose their glasses and toasted to your younger brother.
Aegon, sitting next to Jace leaned over and spoke quietly, “Your younger brother bests you once again. Laying with a women before you.”
Viserys spoke again, “Let us toast as well Prince Lucerys… the future Lord of the Tides. Hear, hear!”
You smiled at him, squeezing his hand, “You’ll be great.”
Aegon continued on with him, “You do know how the act is done, I assume? At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that.”
“Let it be, Aegon,” Helaena chastised him, tired of his jokes.
“You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my sister,” Jace defended you.
Your family sat in tension, your grandsire felt the need to clear the air, “It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world… yet grown so distant from each other… in the years past.”
He takes his mask off his face and drops it on the table, “My own face… is no longer a handsome one… if indeed it ever was. But tonight… I wish you to see me… as I am. Not just a king… but your father. Your brother. Your husband… and your grand sire. Who may not, it seems… walk for much longer among you.”
He breathes heavily and struggles with his next words, “Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances. If not for the sake of the crown… then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly.”
Your grandsire sits and the room was filled with silence, your mother arose from her place next to him.
“I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood… more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with… unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude… and my apology.”
Alicent smiles solemnly to Rhaenyra, “Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess.”
She stands and raises her cup, “We are both mothers… and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you… and to your house. You will make a fine queen.”
Each at the table took turns toasting to the family, each aggrivating Jacaerys more.
Aegon, drunkenly, rose, turning to Luke, “I, um… I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask.”
Aegon smiles and turns to Jace now, “Ask me, of course. Your older brother would not know how to guide you.”
Jace stands, slamming his hands down on the table, you grab his wrist, “Jace.”
Sternly looking at him, he glances to you before raising his glass, “To Prince Aegon and… Prince Aemond,” Aemond’s face hardens, “We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family’s good health, dear uncles.”
Jace sits and Heleana stands, “I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They’ll be married soon. It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you… except sometimes when he’s drunk.”
Aegon rolls his eyes in embarassment, Viserys smiles at his youngest daughter, and Daemon gently laughs.
Viserys feels ill and is taken out of the room. Only the Hightower side of the family is left.
You’ve always had a strained relationship with your uncles, but you did love Helaena, often times strolling in the gardens with her, or her teaching you some embroidery tricks.
Aemond glances at you from across the table, a dark and hungry look in his eyes. You look away from him and to your mother. She nods at you, as a way of saying that she would take care of it.
The pig comes out of the kitchens and is brought to the table, Luke chuckles at the sizzling pig. Aemond slams his fist on the table, capturing everyone’s attention.
“Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace… Luke… and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise… hm… strong,” he looks to you and smirks, “And my niece, you are of age now, luck to you in finding a husband. Perhaps someone strong, maybe you will find home in the Riverlands.”
“Aemond,” Alicent warns.
You can see Jace fuming from beside you, but you gently nudge his foot under the table with yours. You keep your composure.
You hum, smirking back at him, “Kirimvose, yn nyke gīmigon nyke kostagon become tolī than sepār mirtys’s riñnykeā ābrazȳrys… Kepa.” Thank you, but I know I can become more than just someone's lady wife… uncle
“Kostilus se ābrazȳrys hen nykeā darilaros?” Perhaps the wife of a prince?
“Nyke unyishishk jorrāelagon daorun tolī than naejot sagon se ābrazȳrys hen dārys's tȳne tresy.” I would love nothing more than to be the wife of the king's second son.
Aemond’s face hardened. Only you, Aemond, your mother, and Daemon fully understood the words exchanged. Your mother and Daemon shared a look of pride.
Alicent looked at the interaction with confusion and furrowed brows.
“What are they saying?”
“Aemond has proposed a marriage it seems,” Rhaenyra speaks.
Jace looks at you almost angrily, “What did you say?”
All eyes were on you, “What she said is not important,” your mother interrupted.
She cleared her throat, “What matters is that my daughter will wed her brother, Jacaerys, heir to the Iron Throne. She will become queen one day; something more than someone’s lady wife.”
Everyone’s eyes widened. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. There is no way that your mother would have you marry your brother?
Aemond’s hardened grin turned to a smug one, “Well then, congratulations is in order to my niece and her strong husband.”
Jace stood and walked towards the center of the room, challenging his uncle, “I dare you to say that again.”
Aemond stood with him, walking to him, “Why? ‘Twas only a compliment,” he leaned into Jace, whispering into his ear, “Do you not think yourself Strong?”
Without hesitation, Jace swung at Aemond, getting in a good punch onto his jaw. Everyone around the table gasped, your mother yelled sternly, “Jace!”
Aemond reached for his blade, but his mother’s voice stopped him, “Aemond! That is enough!”
“Go to your quarters. All of you go, now.”
You stood and watched Jace walk out. You didn’t follow him to his quarters to check on him. You stayed in the hall and waited for your mother.
As she came out of the dining hall, you caught up with her.
She turned to you, “Were you telling the truth… about me.. and Jace?”
Holding your face in her hands she stroked your cheek with her thumb and smiled gently at you, but you could not meet her eyes, “You will make a great queen one day, my sweet girl.”
She tugged at your chin to force you to look at her, “But now, you need to rest, we have quite the journey ahead of us back to Dragonstone, tomorrow.”
You nodded before heading back to your quarters. Nodding at the guards standing at your door, you pushed them open.
Jace, who was waiting for you on your bed, stood at your entrance. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“Jacaerys, it is not proper for you to be in here… not anymore.”
“Please just listen.”
You walked around the room, releasing the maids of their duties, “Leave us.” The maids were quick to exit.
“I did not know she was going to say that!”
“I did not know Aemond would try to wed me tonight.”
“I’m sorry. We do not have to wed if you choose to take someone else’s hand—”
“No,” shaking your head, “It is.. our duty now, as the future queen’s eldests.”
“I promise to be a good husband—”
“Jacaerys, I do not wish to speak of this any longer.”
He spoke your name softly, “I’m sorry.”
“Leave me, Jace.”
He said your name more sternly now.
“Leave me, your grace.”
He sunk into himself, hands on his sheathed sword, nodding at you, “As you wish.”
You watch him leave, the door slamming behind him. You groaned in frustration, running your hands over your face and through your hair.
How are you supposed to marry your brother of all people?
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raya-hunter01 · 26 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 13 Final
Not My Sister’s Keeper
Jey Uso X OC (Kayla)
Roman X OC(Regina)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspiciously.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Five Months Later
Rebecca’s House
Rebecca’s POV
“Sweetie I’m just glad you agreed to come over to help me cook thanksgiving dinner.”
“I know you trying mama and I’m going to try to meet you halfway.” Kara said with a tired sigh rubbing her belly.
“Wait were you using the bathroom?” I asked seeing the shower in the background.
“Yes, the baby keeps sitting on my bladder and I’m peeing constantly,” Kara moaned washing her hands.
“I guess I didn’t help calling you at 7:00 a.m.,” I joked as Kara genuinely smiled.
“It’s no problem, I be up with the chickens these days trying to get comfortable.”
“It will end soon enough and then you’re going to be tired from lack of sleep.”
“I can’t wait either.”
My daughter was going to be an amazing mother. “Uh, is Josh still leaving later on today?”
“Yea, he’s gotta film some stuff but he will back tomorrow night in time for thanksgiving. Tani is going to drop me off at your house and come back and get me when I’m ready.”
“Well, that’s nice of her, I know how I ain’t on her list of people she likes.”
“Karbug, who on the phone?” I heard Jey asked as I chuckled seeing Kara turn the camera on him.
“Hey, Josh sorry to wake ya’ll up so early.”
“Nah, you good I got to get up soon anyway,” he said waving at me.
 “I know ya’ll want to spend a little more time together, so I’ll let you go. I love you, Kara and be safe coming out in this weather.”
“I love you too mama, and I will. See you a little later.”
“I felt joyful, I had my baby back and was about to become a grandma again. While fixing breakfast for Logan, our local news alert interrupted my favorite morning show. “What the hell goin’ on now in the middle of a fucking hurricane.”
Channel 10 news
“I am April, and this is Channel 10 news. Early this morning before daybreak we’ve been told three inmates escaped the Pensacola Women’s State Prison. A security breach occurred, and caused the prison to go into lockdown, but three prisoners managed to bypass the system and count of inmates.”
“Oh my god,” I gasped in shock…This isn’t happening…Not now.
“Through an emergency investigation it was discovered Taylor Green, a newly hired guard was having sexual encounters with the three women. In exchange for the sexual encounters, Green helped the inmates escape.”
“Lord, please don’t let it be her...Don’t let it be her.”
“As of 7:00 a.m. two of the women have been captured but Tia Morris is still at large and is armed and dangerous. Please be safe everyone and if you have any information, please call 911.”
“Tia…What are you doin’?”
Cutting the TV off, I rushed to check the doors to make sure everything was locked and secure.  The storm raged outside and within me as I rushed upstairs to check on Logan.
 I signed in relief seeing her still asleep. Gently kissing her forehead, I then went and checked the rest of the upstairs before going back downstairs.
“Calm down Rebecca, she probably on the road trying to get the hell outta town. Your safe and Logan is safe,” I whispered trying to calm down but deep down I felt something bad was going to happen.
-Jey’s & Kara’s House
Jey’s POV
These last five months had been a dream, and it was getting harder and harder to leave Kara. She had been traveling with me some during her pregnancy, I even bought us a bus. I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible when she was with me.
She had been doing great up until these last two months though. Our son or daughter was determined to make his or her arrival early. We had been spending a lot of time at the hospital lately stopping her labor.
 Then the baby, won’t cooperate at all during the ultrasounds so we still don’t know if we’re having a boy or a girl. We don’t care though as long as he or she is healthy.
“Jey, we will be fine, you’re coming back tomorrow night.”
“I don’t want to leave ya’ll though,” I said kissing Kara’s belly. The storm raging outside making even harder to leave. I wanted to stay home in this bed with my wife.
“Well daddy, you gotta go so you can film. Then you get to come home and be with us for the next nine weeks.”
Damn right I was, my mom was going to stay with us, but I wanted to be home to be with Kara and the baby. I was going into a feud with the new bloodline so we were going to film some stuff that would air over the next two months. Then when I come back, I will be rejoining Roman and Jimmy to reunite the original bloodline.
“Doody, you heard me?” Kara said running her fingers through my hair.
“Yea, I heard you baby. I know I gotta go, but I don’t like it.”
“We will be fine, I promise.”
 “Hey, I’mma need you to stay in mama’s belly while I’m gone kid. No hospital visits, please.”
“I know right, these hospital visits with these contractions ain’t been no joke but I haven’t had any for two weeks.”
 Feeling a strong kick, I smiled and kissed her stomach. “I will take that kick as you telling yo’ daddy you gon’ be good,” I chuckled getting up and grabbing my bag.
“Let me get up-” gently pushing her back against her pillow, I shook my head.
“Nope….. Stay there, Ma will be here soon.” Leaning over to kiss her I knew I had to leave now, or I wouldn’t. “Fine, I’ll sleep a little longer,” she whispered against my lips. “Thank you for your cooperation, Ma.”
I suddenly had a nagging feeling, but I don’t want to scare her. It probably was me just not wanting to leave her.
“Be safe, we love you, daddy.”
“I love ya’ll too, and I’ll be back soon.”
Walking out of our bedroom I looked back one last time at my family quickly taking my phone out and snapping a picture of Kara laying in bed her belly on full display.
“Bye, Josh.”
“Ok, I’m gone…Love ya’ll.”
“We love you too!”
I felt like I should have stayed but I tried to push down the feeling that I was making a big mistake leaving.
Two hours Later
Kara’s Parents House
Rebecca’s POV
Still no updates on Tia but the prison assured me they were looking everywhere but told me to stay put. I tried to call Kara but no answer, I even called their house phone. It was best if she just stayed home and didn’t come over. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her or the baby. “Come on Josh, pick up.”
“This is josh, you know what to do. Leave it at the beep..Yeet.”
“Josh, its Rebecca. I’ve tried to get Kara on the phone, but she isn’t picking up. Tia has escaped and they can’t find her, don’t leave the house or if you have go back!”  
“Oh my god, No! Logan, sweetie, are you ok?!” I yelled running upstairs. Peeking in on her again I saw her still sound asleep. What the hell is going on?
Once again, I cautiously headed to check out my room.  As I opened the door, I heard a loud bang followed by a sharp pain shot through my stomach.
Tia’s POV
That was so easy, I didn’t think it would be this simple. “I told you that you’d be sorry.” I didn’t want to hurt my mother, all she had to do was listen and help me. She turned her back on me so as far as I’m concerned she’s collateral damage.
T-T-Tia, don’t h- hurt the baby,” my mother cried collapsing to the floor in pain. Not a care in the world about her own self.
“I would never ever hurt her; she’s coming with me.” I couldn’t leave without her; she was my ticket to getting what I needed out of Roman.
As my mother lay gasping for breath, I grabbed her cellphone as she tried to reach for it.
“Oh, you want help? Well, go find the phone,” I said throwing it out of the room as she sobbed in defeat. Just as I was about to go get Logan I heard the front door open.
“Ma, you ok? My phone is acting up and I saw I had some missed calls. Tani dropped me off and went to run a quick errand but will be back in a bit to take me to Verizon. I swear Jey will lose his mind if he can’t get in touch with me,” Kara rambled as she walked around downstairs looking for mama.  I couldn’t believe my luck right now.
“Oh, this is too good. I swear God loves me,” I chuckled as my mother lay gasping for breath pulling at my legs.” N- No, T- Tia.”
“Get off me,” I hissed kicking as I heard Kara coming up the stairs. “Ma, Logan, ya’ll ok?”  
I heard her go into Logan’s room down the hall. “Yea, come on in here next bitch, I got a surprise for you.” I could practically smell the worry on her from down the hall and I loved it.
All I had to do was wait for her to come down here to check on mama.
Kara’s POV
“Logan,” I whispered shaking her a little as she moaned opening her eyes. “Tee Tee, you here,” her tiny innocent voice said stretching her arms out wide.
“Yea, sweetie it’s me. I need you to get up ok, but don’t make a sound.” Making that statement alone in a mere whisper seemed to wake her up as she nodded, giving me a hug.
“Mommy here?” her tiny voice asked with worry as I nodded, holding her close. “Yea, I think so, and I need to get you out of here. Remember what we practiced?” I asked as she nodded.
“I run to Ms. Ruby house, her light on.” She whispered rubbing her tired eyes. “Yes, that’s right pretty girl, her outside porch light will be on and she will get some help for us.”
“I scared Tee Tee.” Logan cried, my heart breaking. Logan was an innocent child who didn’t deserve any of this mess.
“I know baby, but I got you and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” I felt helpless, that we had to teach a four-year-old how to run for help but thank God she was smart and understood.
Tia thought she was smart but the eerie silence when I came in and seeing mom’s phone laying in the hall. I knew something was up and I knew we needed help.
“I left the front door open, and when I go down the hall, I want you to tip toe down the steps, try not to make a noise. Once you get to the front door start runnin’ and don’t stop till you get to Ms. Ruby’s house, ok?”
“Tee Tee come wit me?”
“No baby I can’t run, I’d never make it. That’s why I need your help and no matter what, don’t look back or stop running until you get there. Tell her grandma is hurt and we need help.”
The fear in her tiny face broke my heart but I had to be remain calm on the the outside, inside I was losing it. After I put on her shoes and coat she once again wrapped her tiny arms around me. “I love you Tee Tee Kara.”
“I love you too baby, I want you to always remember that.”
Putting her hood on I took a breath, trying to dial 911 once again but to no avial.. we had no choice it was now or never. As I left her room, I signaled for her to go downstair. Seeing her follow my directions as she tip toed down the steps, I had a hard time controlling my tears.
“Logan, try to get dressed and I will look for grandma sweetie,” I said closing her door. Glancing over the rail, I saw she was finally at the front door. She quickly turned on the porch light and glanced back up at me.
Her tiny face filled with determination as she nodded at me and took off running as fast as her little legs would allow. “Thank God,” I whispered thankful she had escaped.
 Slowly going down the hall I could see Tia’s reflection in the huge hall mirror that was adjacent to my mother’s room. There she was standing in our mother’s room with a gun. I  felt my heart drop hearing my mother crying in pain.
“Run! Kara, get Logan and run!” My mother screamed as I took off back downstairs trying not to fall.
“Uh, not now ,” I cried feeling a sharp pain shot through my stomach. “Not yet please, just give mama a little time,” I pleaded looking for my dad’s gun.
“Looking for daddy’s gun Kara?” Tia’s cold voice sending chills down my spine. It was either me or her and in this moment and I will do anything to keep my child safe, even if it means killing my own sister.
Logan’s POV
I was tired but I couldn’t stop running. Ms. Ruby house was close, I just had to keep running.  “Ms. Ruby!” I cried finally seeing the blue house with the front porch light on. “Ms. Rubby help!” I cried knocking and kicking her door trying to make sure she heard me.
I ran into her arms the minute the door opened. “Ted, call 911 Tia’s at Rebecca’s!” she yelled as I continued to cry. “Please help my grammy and Tee Tee.”
“We’re getting help sweetie, you did so good our sweet girl,” Ms. Ruby whispered, holding me close as I cried.  
Ruby’s POV
“You ok, I got you, sweet girl,” I reassured Logan carrying her inside as my son called the police. “The lines are busy; the hurricane is messing with towers and phone lines.”
 “Keep trying Ted!” I screamed as he nodded once again trying to get help.
“Finally! Yes, we need the police and an ambulance at 1254 Greer Road. Tia Morris, an inmate that escape earlier this morning is there and is dangerous. She has two hostages.”
“I want my daddy,” Logan cried as I pulled out my cell and tried to dial Roman and after a couple of times my phone finally dialed through.
“Hey, Ms. Neslon-”
“Roman have ya’ll left yet?”
“Uh, no we are grounded at the airport until the weather slacks off, is everything ok?”
“Roman, Tia has escaped and is at Rebecca’s.”
“Roman, she got out, but Kara and Rebecca are still in the house with Tia. Rebecca is hurt from what Logan is telling me.”
Putting the phone on speaker I continued to comfort Logan. “Logan, your daddy is on the phone.” Her tiny head perking up at the new information.
“Daddy, she hurt grammy,” she cried as I could hear the worry and relief in Roman’s voice.
“Daddy’s coming my baby, we are so proud of you.”
“Tee Tee help me runway,” she cried as I could hear Roman crying. “Grammy and Tee Tee Kara are going to be ok. I promise.”
Jimmy’s POV
“What you talkin’ bout Uce?” Jey asked hearing Kara’s name. “Daddy loves you and we are on the way to you.” Roman said in a panic hanging up the phone.
“Kevin, get the car back up here we need to get off this plane!” Roman yelled as I felt the room starting to spin.
“Stop and tell us what the fuck is going on!” Jey demanded as Roman wiped his tears. “Tia has Kara and Rebecca hostage. Logan ran to get help, and they have the ambulance and police on the way.”
“Kara…My Kara?” Jey asked in disbelief reaching for his phone as I placed my hand on my shoulder. “She’s gon’ be ok, they both are,” I tried to reassure him.
“Roman, call Regina and warn her,” I advised trying not to freak out as Jey kept redialing Kara’s phone, the color draining from his face each time he got a busy signal or no answer at all.
“Regina it’s me baby, I need you to listen to me carefully.”
Jey’s POV
“We gotta get there!” I yelled pulling away from Jimmy and grabbing my coat. I had to get to my wife, this isn’t happening right now.
“No, I want you to stay at the house and lock everything up. Logan is ok with Ms. Nelson. I don’t need you in any danger, Tia is insane.” “Jimmy, have you heard from Trin? I know she was supposed to help Kara and Rebecca with the food today.” I asked, the realization hitting him hard that Trin was once again in danger of being hurt because of Tia.
The silence as we all tried to call our loved ones frustrating us more and more by the second as each call was met with a busy signal or no answer.
“Pick up, pick up Trin,” he whispered dialing her number again.
“Come on baby, pick up please.” I pleaded. Damn it, where is the fucking car? I kept trying to call Kara but no luck.  I even took a chance calling Rebecca’s house phone.
 “Fuck!” I screamed getting a busy signal, but I kept calling as we made our way to the car.
“Please keep them safe.”
I knew I should have followed my first mind and not even left. The darkness, wind and rain were a blessing in disguise, and I was thankful we were still here when Ms. Nelson called.
“I knew one thing, I was going to Kill her…I was going to kill Tia if Trin didn’t beat me to it.
Rebecca’s house
Trin’s POV
Whoo, I made it. I had gone to the store to get a few more things to help make dinner for tomorrow. I even ran into Tani and told her I would take Kara later on to get her phone looked at and for her to just go home and get out of this weather.
 Hell, I really believe it’s just the weather messing with the towers. After the weather passes, I think we will be good.
“Why the hell is the front door open?” I muttered. “Kara where you at?  I saw Tani at the store and told her that she could go home,” I said walking in and placing the groceries on the counter in the kitchen.
“Trinity, we good, just leave and turn on the porch light. I’ll hit you up later.” I heard Kara yell causing me to pause.
Trinity?.....The porch light?…Why was Kara calling me by my first name, she always calls me Trin…The porch light is already on, what is sh-. ….Oh shit, Tia is here. She was giving me hints, to get the hell out and get help.
“Uh, yea sure, I’ll make sure to turn it on. I love you girly and I’ll holla at you later.” I said going back out to the car. Picking up my phone I tried to dial out and no luck.  
I then drove out the gate and parked my car out of sight a little way down the road and headed back up to the house. I had to think of a way to get back inside, I couldn’t leave Kara.
Kara’s POV
“Where is mama, Tia?” I asked rubbing my stomach as another pain jolted down my spine as she smiled. “Upstairs in her room, hopefully bleeding out or already dead,” she smiled as I gasped seeing Trin’s reflection in the patio window.
We had to get the drop on this crazy bitch, and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I knew I was going into labor because the pain was different than the Braxton hicks I had experienced before.
“I got to get up Logan and pack her a few things. Go over there and have a seat. Looks like you’re in labor sis.”
She still didn’t know Logan was long gone and I had faith she made it to Ruby’s house by now and the police were on the way. I had to believe that. “You sure you ain’t gon’ shoot me in the back again?” I groaned trying to breathe through my current contraction.
“Nah, you safe this time, my niece or nephew is your only saving grace right now,” she whispered watching me closely as I steadied my breathing.
Suddenly another sharp pain it. “The contractions are too close,” I cried collapsing to the floor as I saw Trin looking at me with worry before taking off towards the side of the house.
“You betta hold it in, I ain’t delivering no baby. You on your own with that shit. Just let me get me kid and I’ll leave you to it.”
“I don’t want you touching me anyway, let alone passing your evil ass spirit onto my baby,” I snapped as she kicked me in the stomach. “Now watch yourself,” she hissed as I rolled into a ball.
“Ugh! Fuck you!” I cried cradling my stomach as I felt another kick, this time across my lower back.
“T-Tia stop,” I heard my mom cry as I refused to uncurl my body. I had one job and that was to protect my child.
 “Oh, mama so nice of you to join us. Look at you clawing your way down the stairs to help your baby girl,” Tia laughed as I heard the sound of glass shattering from the side of the house. Trin….Trin was back inside the house.
“What the hell?!” Tia shouted running towards the sound as I pulled myself towards my mother.  “Ma, are you ok?” I cried truly terrified seeing her covered in blood and holding her stomach.
“Yea, get Logan,” she coughed, fighting to keep her eyes open. “I did, she’s gone to get help, just hang on.”
“End it Kara….Keep Logan safe,” she moaned before she passed out from the pain. Feeling her chest rise and fall under my hand I gently kissed her forehead.
“Mama, just hang in there,” I cried. Suddenly, I heard another crash followed by a gunshot.
“Trin!” I screamed, willing myself to my feet in spite of another powerful contraction tearing through my body. I had to help her. “Come on baby, just hang in there for a little while longer,” I pleaded making my way down the hall. I saw the broken window but now sign of Trin or Tia.
“I told you bitch! I warned you didn’t I?” I heard Trin yell as I got closer. Thank God she was ok, they had apparently fought their way up to the second floor.
Grabbling the railing I slowly made my way up the back stairs to the spare bedroom.
Trin’s POV
This bitch really tried to shoot at me and then dodge up the back steps to hide. Nah, not today, you gon’ learn to head the warning.
“I told you I was gon’ show you crazy!” I yelled throwing Tia against the wall as she tried to protect herself. “I’ll kill you!” Tia screamed as I grabbed her by the throat choking her.
 “Not if I kill you first,” I hissed as Tia raked me in the eyes and punched me in the stomach. “You gon’ have to kill me!” Tia screamed, tackling me to the floor as I returned the favor by kneeing her in the stomach and elbowing her in the throat.
Her gasping for breath bringing me great joy. “I’ll be happy to make your wish come true bitch!” I yelled climbing on top of her wrapping my hands back around her throat as I slammed her head against the floor. “Ow,” she hissed grabbing the back of head as I kept on. “I told you not to touch my sister, you just don’t listen.”
“Trin, I can hear the cops” Kara said as I punched her again for good measure before getting up to check on Kara who was now bent over in pain.
“Are you ok?”
“What do we do Trin?” Kara cried as I hugged her closely. “I’mma whoop her ass till the cops get here, and they gon’ take her ass back to jail,” I said trying to calm her down as Tia writhed on the floor in pain.
“She could get out again Trin! We can’t keep doing this! What do we need to do?!” Kara cried as I felt helpless. I knew what we needed to do for us all to have some peace, I just hoped Kara felt the same way.
 Grasping her chin, I made her calm down and look at me. “I’ll tell you what we do. We end it, Kara, you hear me? We end this shit once and for all, that’s what we do,” I said making sure she understood what I was saying.
As we both looked down at the gun in her hands, we knew what we had to do. “Ya’ll ain’t got the balls, don’t worry though, I’ll find a way back out,” Tia gloated as Kara put down the gun.
Kara’s POV
“Kara, what you doing?” Trin asked as I stood up trying to gather myself. “It has to look like an accident,” I mumbled not believing the words coming out of my mouth. I said it so low; I didn’t even know if Trin heard me or not.
“Let’s do it,” she said without hesitation as I nodded as we looked at each other knowing if we wanted this to truly be over Tia had to go.
I wanted no room for error or a trial.  Suddenly Trin attacked Tia again as I wiped my fingerprints off the gun and put it in the center of the floor.
I knew Tia would go for it and put her prints back on the weapon. “Stupid bitch!” Tia yelled trying to grab Trin by her hair, coming up short as Trin gripped her by the neck and threw her onto the dresser shattering the glass. “Trin now!” I yelled as she looked at me taking a step back as Tia crawled towards the gun and grabbed it.
“Don’t move,” Tia gasped trying to point the gun at Trin but couldn’t focus. Trin had rocked her and she was unsure of her surroundings. I managed to sneak behind Tia as she stood up preparing to try to attack Trin with the gun. Quickly I grabbed her from behind extending her arms in the air as the gun went off again.
“Trin now!” I screamed as Trin ran towards us.
Jey’s POV
“Uce, there’s the cops,” Jimmy said pointing at the three cop cars surrounding Rebecca’s house. “Thank god!” Roman cried as we jumped out trying to get closer.
“Hey, we got a situation, now stay back,” a cop said as felt myself losing it. “My wife is in there and ya’ll need to get her out or I’ll do it my damn self!” None of us giving a damn about the storm at the moment as the rain seemed to be falling even harder than it had been all morning.
“No, no, no, Kara! Trin!” Roman yelled as I looked up to see Kara, Trin, and Tia tussling over a gun on the small balcony. One of the cops was trying to get a clear shot but Kara was in the way.
Tia suddenly lost her footing, going over the railing still holding on to Kara. “Kara, No!” I cried as Kara cried out.
“Pull Trin!” Kara yelled as Trin tried to pull them both up but this crazy bitch started laughed trying to pull Kara over the rail with her. “It’s over Kara!”
“Shoot her fuckin’ ass!” I screamed as Roman, and I tried to get past the cops.
“Let go, Tia!”  Kara screamed as Trin held on to her tight, trying to pull her back as the rain continued to bombard us all.
“I know ya’ll seeing this shit, she trying to kill’em both! Shoot her ass, what ya’ll waitin’ for?!” Jimmy pleaded as it seemed to be a tug of war with Trin having a tight grip on Kara, and Tia trying to pull her over the railing with her.
“I’m taking you with me bitch! You don’t get a happy ending!” Tia screamed. “Shoot her ass!” I yelled my eyes bouncing between Trin struggling to keep a grip on Kara and Tia’s joy at Kara’s pain.
Seeing Kara’s belly pressed up against the railing as she cried out in pain was all I could take. My wife and my child were hurting, and nobody was gon’ stop me from getting to them.
“Bite her ass Kara!..... Is ya’ll gon’ do something or not?! You know what? Move out the fuckin’ way!” I yelled, pushing through the cops and running inside as Roman blocked their path.
As I made my way in the house, past the EMT’s working on Rebecaa, I heard a blood curdling scream and a huge thud.
“Help us!” I heard Trin scream as I took the back steps two at a time trying to get to them busting in the room and seeing the wreckage. I knew a war had taken place in here and I knew Trin had held it down for Kara.
“I- I- Its….. It’s over,” Kara sobbed as I breathed a sigh of relief seeing my wife curled up in Trins arms as they held each other tight sobbing.
“It’s over, sis.” Running over to them I did the only thing I could and that was hold them both in my arms. It really was over…It was finally over.
“I am so sorry I left you, I should have followed my gut,” I cried as Kara shook her head. “You’re here now and you couldn’t have known baby.”
“I was so fuckin’ scared, Kara I had to get to you.”
“We’re ok.”
“Is Logan, ok?” Trin and Kara asked at the same time as I smiled at them. “Yea, she’s fine. She did everything ya’ll told her to do and got help.”
“I knew she would, is my mom, ok?”
 “Yea, the EMT’s are working on her,” I whispered as Kara nodded, wincing in pain.
“Are you good?” I asked rubbing her stomach as she groaned.
“Yea, I’m good but I’m in labor.” Kara hissed trying to breathe through an apparent contraction.
“Wait what!!”
Roman’s POV
She was dead, Tia was finally out of our lives and I felt bad at the relief that filled my body as they covered her up with a sheet. Logan was free of her, we all were free of her.
Nothing ever sounded so sweet than to hear her voice. Smiling, I turned just in time to catch her in my arms. “Daddy you here!” She yelled as I cried, holding her close. “Daddy is here baby, and I’m so glad you ok Lo Lo.” I said walking down the driveway, and away from the crime scene. Last thing I wanted was for Logan to be traumatized seeing her mother’s dead body under a white sheet.
I know she didn’t know her well but that wasn’t something a four-year-old should have to see. Thankfully the rain had finally stopped for the moment.
“Tee Tee save me daddy.”
“I know baby, I know. ..Thank you, Ms. Nelson,” I said giving her a hug as she scoffed. “No need, this little one is everyone in this neighborhood’s grandbaby. You ain’t never gotta worry when she’s here.”
“I still can’t thank you enough.”
“Gram hurt daddy,” she said pointing as the EMT’s loaded Rebecca in the ambulance as we moved to the side of the road to let another ambulance in.
“Yes, she is but the EMT’s are taking care of her. I don’t want you to be scared,” I said as Jimmy embraced us both. Before running to meet Trin as she came out of the house.
“Jurdy!” she screamed jumping in his arms as he held her close. “Don’t ever do this to me again,” I faintly heard him say they cried together. Where was Kara?
A few seconds later I saw the other EMT wheel Kara out on a stretcher with Jey holding her hand coaching her through a contraction.
“No way,” I said as Trin smiled. “Yes way….Kara’s in labor,” she said giving Logan and I a hug.
“Tee Tee be a mommy?” Logan asked as Trin kissed her on the check. “Yea sweetie, your Tee Tee is about to be a mommy.”
Pensacola General Hospital
Jey’s POV
“Come on baby you got it, just bear down.”
 “I can’t, wait I can’t push!” Kara screamed laying back on the bed as I wiped her forehead.
"Kara, the baby’s head is almost out. On your next contraction I need you to take a deep breath, bear down and push with all you got," Dr. Rivers instructed. “No, I wanna take a nap. Tag you it, you take over, Jey,” I cried as Jey gently kissed me.
“If I could, I would baby, but only you can do this. I know you can do this, and I’m right here wit you.”
“I know and I love you.”
 I love you more, now let’s meet our baby. I bet he or she has your beautiful eyes.”
“And your nose,” Kara whimpered as I kissed her forehead and then her lips once again for good measure.  “Let’s go Mrs. Fatu,” I encouraged as she grunted through another contraction pushing with all her might. “Look Kara, it’s the baby. Come on baby, keep pushing.” I had never seen anything so amazing.
“Ahhh! Get it out! Get it out!” Kara screamed, and finally after ten hours of labor the most beautiful sound I have ever heard filled the room.
“Congratulations, it’s a boy!”
His tiny wails bringing forth my own tears without shame as they placed our son on Kara’s chest.
“He’s so beautiful, look at him Jey,” Kara cried as I fell in love all over again with her, and our son…. We have a son “I love you so much… I love ya’ll so much.” I cried just full and so happy as I kissed my wife and son.
“We love you too, daddy.” I don’t know how Kara knew, but I really needed to hear that. I had almost lost them both today and I just really needed to hear it.
“What are we gon’ name him?” I asked as Kara looked at me and smiled.
“How about after his dad?” she asked as I felt like my heart was about to explode. “Joshua? Like you really want to name him Joshua?” I asked as she nodded placing him in my arms.
“Yea, I can’t think of any better name…Can you?” She whispered reaching up and wiping my tears.
“Joshua, daddy loves you very much and I promise you and ya’ ma gon’ have the best of everything,” I promised as he opened his eyes and looked me.
“He’s looking at me Kara, and he looks just like me,” I said my voice breaking. “I know baby, I know.”
Roman’s POV
“Ms. Regina, can we go eat?” Logan asked as Regina scooped her up in her arms. “Of course, you deserve a hero’s dinner after what you did today, lil lady,” she said as Logan gave her a hug.
“Thank you for taking her,” I said as Regina gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. “You stay here and find out about Rebecca, I got Logan.”
I felt thankful, thankful that Rebecca and Kara had a plan in case Tia came back. Thankful for Regina coming into my life and loving Logan. These last five months just kind of hit me out of the blue. I wasn’t looking for anything or anyone and up pops Regina.
Very headstrong, has her own business and she puts my ass in my place when I need it. She met Logan last month and since then they have been joined at the hip. “You want to join them, Bill?” I asked as shook his head.
“Nah, I’m ok. I mean we’re on the outs, but I need to be here to make sure the old bat is ok,” Bill said as I chuckled to myself.
“Ok, I see your point.” I said spotting the doctor heading towards us.
“Oh, I know him…Tim how is she?” Bill asked shaking the doctor’s hand.
“She’s good, we got the bullet, and it didn’t hit any main arteries. She’s in recovery but will definitely have to take it easy for awhile.”
“Thank you so much, and we will make sure she does just that,” Bill said as I looked up and saw Jey coming from labor and delivery.
“How is Kara?” I asked as he smiled pulling out his phone. “She’s good and so is our son.” He said showing me a picture of Kara and the baby.
“A boy…How about that,” I said smiling. Kara looked so happy. “Tell her I’m happy for ya’ll.” Jey nodded, giving Bill his phone.
“There’s my boy,” Bill gushed as Jey beamed with pride. He was going to be a great dad and husband to Kara. That much I knew, and I wished them well.
“How is Rebecca?” Jey asked as Bill scoffed. “That old bat is tough as nails, she’ll be ok,” he said as Jey laughed. “Well, that’s good to hear, Kara was worried.”
“Tell her that her mama has eight lives left,” Bill said as I shook my head.” I will even though she gon’ wonder why in so many words you calling her mama a cat.”
“I prefer the term bitch in heat, but enough about that. What did the cops say?” Bill asked as Jey smiled. “No charges for Kara and Trin, it was self-defense.”
“Thank god, last thing we needed was another trial,” I said as Bill and Jey agreed. It was over…It really was finally all over.
Kara’s POV
Watching Trin with my son, I knew I couldn’t have asked for a better sister or aunt for my child. She took control and kept me grounded. Geez, I can still hear Tia’s body hitting the ground.
“Jey’s coming, I saw him push pass the cops. It’s now or never, let her ass go,” Trin whispered as I screamed for good measure making it seems as if Tia was slipping.
The look of shock on her face as I let her go was things instant karma is made of. She knew she was about to meet her end and the only thing she could do was scream.
Closing my eyes, I cringed hearing her body hit the ground bellow as Trin pulled me back in the room as we collapsed on the floor in an exhausted, thankful heap.
“Trin, thank you,” I cried as she shook her head engulfing me in a hug. “Don’t thank me….We did what we had to do.”
We walked away with some bumps and bruises, but the most important thing is that Tia is gone.  She’s gone and can’t hurt the people we love anymore.
“Don’t say it Kara…It’s ok,” she whispered placing Joshua back in my arms.  
“But we-”
“Did nothing wrong, and the cops agree. That’s why there were no charges filed.”
“I know, I just hate I had to involve you in my mess.”
“I told you a long time ago you my sister, and I meant that.”
“Trin, I’m just-”
“Overthinking, when you should be enjoying my nephew,” she said as I smiled looking down at my son.
“To the grave,” I whispered extending my pinky out as she chuckled. “To the grave,” she said as we pinky promised to never talk about what happened again. After I fed Joshua and put him down I noticed Trin on her phone.
"What's got you smiling?" I asked climbing back in bed.
"Dear brother posted the baby, let me comment," Trin said full of excitement.
"Glad he didn't post me, I look a mess."
Girl, shut up, you look as beautiful as ever," she scolded giving me a hug.
 In the end, I guess I really was my sister’s keeper after all…And I didn’t mind it at all.
Trin was my sister in every way that mattered, and I would always have her back like she had mine.
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Four Years Later
Pensacola Pediatric and Internal medicine
Kara’s POV
“I want to thank you all for coming today as we get ready for our grand opening next week. I want you all to know that without you all there is no me. Thank you all for loving and supporting me.”
The happy faces of my family as I stood in front of my first practice is something I will never forget. Residency was hard but the completion and certification was well worth it.
“Hey lil man,” I whispered picking up Joshua as Jey put his arm around Logan making sure she was ok. “Mama, we eat now?” Joshua asked as I sighed. “In a few minutes we will eat lunch, ok?”
 His little pout as he laid his head on my shoulder making me smile. “Tee Tee, this is so neat,” Logan said giving me a hug. "Thank you sweetie."  Logan just turned eight a few weeks ago and growing up so fast and is already an amazing young lady.
 After Tia’s death, I felt responsible but every time I looked at this beautiful little girl, I knew. I knew we made the right decision for her, and I would always be there for her and so would Trin.
She also had Regina who has been a huge bright light in her life as well. She was good for Roman, and Logan. Hopefully one day he will take that step and try marriage again.
“Are you staying with us tonight, Logan?” I asked as Roman smiled at Regina. I knew he was loving the possibility of them having some alone time.  
“Yes, I wanted to spend the night if it was, ok? Is uncle Jey still grillin’?”
“Yea, I am, and you can stay whenever you want Lo,” Jey said hugging her as she smiled. “Thanks, uncle Jey.” Logan always relished in the attention and love that Jimmy and Jey showered upon her and I can’t say that I blame her. They loved her dearly and she loved them.
“Well, you can get Janiya too while you at it,” Trin said pointing at her three-month-old daughter, who currently had her father wrapped around her little finger speaking baby talk to her.
“Uh, no that baby is spoiled and gon’ holla for Jimmy all night. No ma’am, we pass until she gets a little older sis,” I said as Trin shrugged her shoulders. “It ain’t me, it’s him. See what you did Jimmy?”
“Aye, get off my back. It’s our first one,” Jimmy said smiling at his daughter.
“I guess you get a pass.. You look so cute being in Daddy mode,” Trin teased as my mother gave me hug. “I’m proud of you baby,” she whispered as I held her tight. “And I’m proud of you.”
“Ya’ll proud of me too, right?” my dad asked, jumping in our hug as we laughed. “Yes, we are very proud of you too, dad.”
My parents never got back together, but they are nice to each other and survive our family get togethers. That’s a plus for me.
“Ok, can I love on my wife now?” Jey asked, tapping my dad on the shoulder. My dad couldn’t get out of the way fast enough for me as I jumped into my husband’s arms.
“ I love you so much and I'm proud of you,” he whispered as I smiled truly happy that I had did everything I set out to do. Everything had been worth it, and a new journey was beginning for us.
"I love you more and like I told you, we did this together." I reassured him as my mother picked up Joshua.
"I was just about to pick him up Rebecca."
"Tani, you snooze, you lose. And how bout you finally admit that you don't hate me as much as you used too?"My mother asked as Tani rolled her eyes. Shaking my head I buried my head in Jey's neck.
"I can admit it, doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Please, you love sharing grammy duties with me."
"Them two a trip," Jey said shaking his head at their exchange. It's never boring, I can tell you that much.
"Think we should tell'em they're going to have another baby to spoil in a few months?" I asked as Jey smiled at me.
"Nah, they can wait a few more weeks. I ain't ready to share you just yet."
"Agreed, we need some peace and quiet for awhile."
"Damn, we really made it here,huh?" he asked still in somewhat shock, caressing my face. "Yea baby, we really made it."
The end.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
@bakugoumarianawrites @empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae
@anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld jeyusosgirl  theninthwonder mya2real  justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant  reignsboy19
wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
harmshake  truefant4sy  yana3sworld amandairene88
unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx tshepisho
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
The Hour of the Wolf (4)
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IV. It is you
Summary: Pressures makes wind, earthquakes, and marriages
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats,arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, 
Wordcount: 3.8 k 
Notes: I don;t think this is going to be a love story, this is about politics, and a truly arranged marriage, their relationship will develop of course, but I just wanted to get that out there
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“You have done a great job with her”, Cregan raised his eyes to encounter the mythical Jeyne Arryn, cousin to the late Queen Aemma, keeper of the East, Lady of the Eyrie, they both contemplated you as you sat the Iron Throne and gave audiences
“I have done nothing, it’s all her”, he said severely
“You are good with her, for her”, she said then, looking at him with her piercing blue eyes
“I know what you are implying…”
“She needs a husband”, she said
“You should stay here in court, as her hand when I leave”, he said almost at the same time
“You can’t leave her”
“I have to, I have a child…”
“She needs you, the realm needs you”
“The North needs me, she will be fine”
“You know that is not true, she is still too young to differ allies from foes”
“She will learn”
“At the cost of the realms”, Cregan Stark looked at her severely, but he had met her equal, this woman was not going to back down
“What about my son? What about my people? How is that going to work?”, he asked then
“You can come and go”
“A year at a time”
“Maybe”, she said. The small council had been relentless, just as Jeyne was being 
His name was in that alliance
He pledged to take you to wife, you, in name, regardless of who you had become… you were his betrothed. And it’s not like he gave his word lightly, only, like he said, he need a wife and a lady of Winterfell, he did not want to become the King consort of the Seven Kingdoms, he did not want to take care of you… forever…
But he had taken the capital for you
Yes he promised your mother…
But he had done it for you, an unknown princess, on his mind
He found himself looking straight at you
Like the first time he saw you, he thought, again, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Since he took the capital, color had returned to your face, you no longer had darkness under your eyes, your cheeks were fuller, you also filled your dresses more, meaning you were eating more, sleeping longer…
You were better
His eyes then trailed over all the faces of the Lords gathered there in the throne room, lickspittles, asskissers, many of them, without honor, just hunger for power and gold
Did he really care for what happens to the people of the other six Kingdoms? Were you really in danger? Kings had been surrounded by traitors all their lives and nothing major had happened…
Well… until Otto fucking Hightower
No, he couldn’t let that happen again
He thought he only wanted to bring justice to the traitors, but it wasn’t true, he cared about what happened
He cared about what happens to you…
The realization made him shift on his feet
He cared about you 
He did not want you to get married to someone who was going to please the small council and take your place eventually, who was going to manipulate you or worse
He didn’t want you married to someone who…
No… he just didn’t want you married to anyone else… that’s it
The bare thought made him shiver
You felt yourself being watched intensely, and found Cregan Stark’s eyes
You felt your cheeks heated, as you looked away like a little girl who had been caught doing something silly 
You were only a young woman, barely turned eight and ten name days
And Cregan was only a young man who had the power of the biggest country in the seven kingdoms and wanted to use it to avenge his Queen
He was himself impulsive, reckless even, maybe the rest saw him like the greatest choice, but he knew the truth
He wasn’t
What if he tipped you off a ledge? What if he sets you off resulting in the destruction of cities and the annihilation of thousands?
And yet…. He was the only one you trusted
Months on the road, maybe years away from you, years away from his home, his child… There must always be a Stark in Winterfell
But when he leaves you to be in Winterfell, he was going to wish he was in King’s Landing, and when he is here, he wishes he could be in Winterfell, he was already missing it, he wanted to see his son, his five year old son, he had left him in good hands, with his loving half sister, and trusted friends and servants… but still
He was so small, he had it when he was so young, the only thing he had left of his dear friend Arra
If he married you… if…
He was going to give you children, his child, second child, was going to sit the Iron Throne one day… and his oldest was going to be Lord of Winterfell
That was… enticing, to say the least
Too good to be true….
Having children with you, a thought that enticed and scared him in equal measure
A child of Ice and Fire, a child who was going to be a Northerner by blood and a dragon rider as well…
He shifted on his feet again
He wanted it
And he could pretend he had a choice all he wanted, but he didn’t… he had signed the pact… the woman… the Queen seated in the Iron Throne…
Was his betrothed
It didn’t have to be two months, a week long boat ride to White harbor and another week on the road and he could be home quickly…
It had to work
Did you want this?
He gave you the service of ending the courts early, and then you abandoned the throne room.
But before he could reach you, he was intercepted by Celtigar
“I need to talk to you”, he said, Cregan only nodded as they walked together to a hallway of the Keep which seemed to be empty
“What is it?” He asked, his patience long gone
“I can marry her”, he said quickly
Cregan stopped in his tracks, and frowned
“You trust me, don’t you?”, he asked when he saw his face
“yes, but…”
“I can get you out of the pact… if she is the one to accept”
He should be relieved, he should have said yes immediately, but the thought of you marrying someone else… he didn’t like it.
Not that he didn’t trust his friend, he did, he was the best choice according to him, the day before he had offered himself, the thing is… he had changed in the last 24 hours… 
He wanted it, you, the seat at your side, the children you were going to give him…
But he wouldn’t even accept it himself, this was deep inside of him, he wanted to protect you, none of those southerners had what it took, only him, he didn’t trust anyone else, not really 
Only him…
“My name is in those papers”, he growled
“But perhaps if I speak to her, began to court her…”
“I’ll talk to her”, he cut him 
“I really think I should be the one…”, with only one look Cregan makes his friend stop speaking. He had just realized what he truly wanted to do, and he did not need to be contradicted now. “You are marrying her, aren’t you?”, he said, a smile sneaking on his friend’s face
“I don’t know yet, I don’t want to pressure her”, Celtigar only hummed
“I want to marry her too”, he said then. Cregan looked at his friend and he understood him, he was challenging him…
“May the best man win her affections then”, Cregan said.
He was not going to lose
And as he walked away Celtigar only smiled, having pushed his friend in the right direction by only pretending to want your hand in marriage
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Cregan had asked Lord Redwyne for help and together they had set you up with young ladies, that shared your age, your ladies in waiting as it were. But instead he found you alone in the Red Keep garden, walking and escorted by one of your white cloaks
“What happened with your ladies in waiting?”, he asked point blank as he approached you, the lack of property, referring to you not as “your grace”, and it made your guard almost wince  
“I send them on their way”, you said simply, leaning in to smell a beautiful flower, barely acknowledging him
“I don’t want you to be lonely”, he said gently, you raised your eyes to look at him 
“yes, I know but they are so… vain… “this lord looked at me”, or “have you seen the dress she was wearing…”, Cregan only smiled condescendingly at you, “and I…”
“You are thinking about the wellness of millions”, he said, “concerned about the future of the entire realm, I understand”
“I understand the need to be distracted for a while, but…”, he only nodded
“I understand”, he said shortly
“Why are you here?”, you asked, nervous, he didn’t understand the change in your dynamic, you had felt confident and calm enough to cry in front of him, but now you were evading his gaze, and shifting in your feet in nerves
In your mind was a bit more clearer
You realized you liked him, you found yourself feeling butterflies in your belly when you saw his handsome face, and you wanted to punch yourself, for being so childish, you were not a young girl in front of her knight in shining armor, you were a Queen now, he was your hand, your advisor, and the head of one of the most important houses on the entire realm.
But you felt your legs shake, and your breath caught in your throat every time you saw him approach you
And every time he was near, you wanted him to stay near you, you felt your chest strangle your heart each time he walked away from you.
Gods this was strange even for you
“I want to ask you something”, he said slowly, you looked at him then, concerned 
“You are leaving”, you said.
You were not an idiot, you knew he had a son, he was the Lord of Winterfell, he needed to rule his home. You couldn’t expect of him to stay here forever 
That took him by surprise
“No”, he said softly
“But you have to go one day, don’t you?”
“That is what I wanted to talk about”, he said softly, your attention was on him then, you tried to pull on those dark feelings that would make you mad at him when he did decided to leave, he could not see that wide-eyed little girl who had a crush on him, not now, and you will not beg when he tells you it was going to be time for him to return home…
“... the marriage offers”, you were lost for a second but that certainly brought you back to attention
“Uh?”, you asked
“You had been offered several hands of many lords over these past few days”
“Did the small council put you up to this?”, you asked, bored
“You need to get married”, he said severely, “we need to make your family strong again, you need to settle your line…”
“I understand”, you said, looking down. You knew he had signed a pact to marry you, but you also did not want to hold him to it, there were different times, it was naive for you to think he was going to hold up his part, he had done enough already 
“A marriage is also an alliance”, he continued, “you need someone who will help you and guide you, but not manipulate you…”
You only nodded
“A strong person, with a powerful family name…”
“If you say Tyland Lannister I swear…”, he chuckled, and shook his head
“No…”, he said. He then stopped all his movements, you felt his gaze on you, so you stopped as well and raised your head and eyes to look at him, “who do you want?”, he asked then
“I’m not sure”, you said, but you did… you wanted him
For the doubt in your mind made him question his own decision. He thought you were going to name him, but you were truly doubtful
You didn’t think he was an option
“I don’t know any of those men”, you said then in a whisper 
“You know some…”, he tried, you looked at him
He felt even guilty for wanting it
He gave in to his deepest desire, of power and lust.
“Yes you are right”, you whispered, looking away from him again, “I just…. need to think this through”, you said with a low voice, you wanted to end this chat
But he didn’t, he needed you to say it
He had heard the small council ask him to, he had heard Lady Jayne Arryn… but he needed to hear it from you.
“There must be someone in your mind”, he said softly, with a gentle, soothing voice
“There was”, you admitted
“Talk to me, I’m your hand”, he continued, “I am here to advice you”
“Until you leave me”, you say then, without thinking, it was barely a whisper
So that’s it, he thought, you resented him for even the mere thought of him abandoning you
“I can come back”, he said then, with a hint of amusement on his voice 
You only hummed, you didn’t believe him, and you were going to feel terribly lost without him, again, alone, like you had been before he saved you…. before he took the city in your name and put you on the throne
He did all of that
There was nobody else you wanted by your side but him
You shared a longing look, a long gaze
What did he want? you asked yourself. He looked like he wanted to listen to you but also to speak, at the same time. You didn’t know what else to say
“What does that mean?”, you asked then. He sighed, loudly
“I signed a pact…”, he said
“Yes, my brother offered my hand in marriage in exchange for your allegiance and your swords”, you said lowly
“No”, he answered back, you looked at him intently, “he asked for my loyalty, he had it already, but he negotiated our union for the simple fact he was scared of something befalling you, he wanted to send you North under my protection to keep you safe from harm, from the war, and from the Greens”
Ah yes, safe from Aemond and Aegon
“That sounds like my brother”, you said, melancholy tainting your voice 
“He wanted to keep you safe”
“In more than one way you had kept your promise”, you assured him, “you took the city, took control…”
“I did”, he said softly, “for you”
“You are going to put a crown in my head”, you said
“In three days”, he said then, “and then you should announced your betrothal”
“I don’t have one”
“You do”, he said finally, his eyes, piercing eyes bore into yours, he dwarfed you in size, and even though he had left his fur cloak behind… he still look big and imposing
“Cregan…”, you called
“Say it”, he encouraged 
“You signed the pact…”, you said.
As you looked at him, you grew angry
What did he want from you? to beg? you didn’t even know. He had signed that past, to marry you one day, and yet, he dodged that part at every turn, he needed to return home, you understood that he had a son, a little boy who needed his father, so why was he here? talking to you in this way? 
“You promised to marry me”, you said softly, he barely nodded, his eyes looking intently at you, “but I understand…”, he frowned then, and you started walking away from him. Letting him standing in the garden
You called in a small council meeting, on your own accord
They were right, you needed to make your family bigger and stronger…
“I called in this meeting because I have to make a demand”, you said firmly, your small council looking amongst each other, Cregan was silent, playing with the dragon eye in front of him
“Tomorrow the Barahteon will present themselves to me, and I want to tell you my intentions so you’ll be prepared”, you said firmly, “It is to my understanding that princess Jahaera, daughter of Aegon the Usurper, is still in Storm’s End…”
“As a guest”, said lord Lannister
“As a hostage”, you said then, “It is to my understanding that she was on her way here, when Aegon was poisoned”, you said softly, “I know because it was discussed at the dinner table in front of me, yet, she is not here, I understand they are trying to keep her safe as some sort of leverage, but…”, you continued, and then you soften your gaze, “I want her here, she is a little girl, a Targaryen, daughter to my lovely aunt Helaena, and she should be with me and Aegon, with family”, you said softly
“Your grace is most graceful”, muttered the Maester, the others murmured their affirmations
“Tomorrow I will demand of the Baratheons to bring little Jahaera back to me, when she is here, we will betrothed her to Aegon, to finally solidify the family and end this madness”, yous aid with a soft smile
Aemond, Aegon, Alicent and Otto are and will burn in hell
But not Helaena and her children
She was an angel, so were the little boys that lost her lives
Jahaera was the only one left, you owe it to Helaena to keep her safe
After the affirmation and support of your small council, you walked towards your little brother’s chambers
He had become so quiet and sad, which was expected, but still, you tried to keep his mind busy, you would put Septas and maesters to teach him and accompany him, at all ours, soon, one of your King’s guards will teach him the art of the sword.
Now you make sure to sit and dine with him
Even though he barely spoke
“Jahaera will come to court soon”, you whispered to him as you served yourself a cup of wine
“Who was Jahaera?”, he asked innocently, of course he didn’t remember 
“Helaena’s child”, you said, “she is your age, you can have fun together”
“Oh”, it's the only thing he said, while continue to have little pieces of bread and meat 
“Maybe one day you can get married”, you said lightly
“When are you getting married?”, he asked then and made you laugh
“Soon, but I don’t know with whom!”, you said as it was a joke, it was sad that it was true
“Marry Cregan”, he said simply
“WHy?”, you asked him, amazed
“I see the way he looks at you”, he said simply
“How does he look at me?”, you asked him
“As papa looked at mama”, he said, and you got quiet
“He has to go back North”, yous aid lightly
“You can command him to stay, you are the Queen”, he said, still not looking at you
“If I only command without listening to reason I’m a Tyrant”, you said softly, “not a queen”
“He wants to stay”, he said
“I don’t know if he does, you know Northerners don’t fare well here in the south”, you joked 
“Command him”, he insisted
“Aren’t you a little tyrant?”, you teased, reaching over the table and tickling his side until he squealed in a laugh
But gods if that made you think…
“He looks at you they way papa looked at mama”
Daemon Targaryen wasn’t much of a communicative man, he didn’t need to speak, it was all in his eyes…
He could make men tremble with just his gaze, he could make his children giggle with a wink, and he could make your mother swoon with that sparkle in his eyes.
Even little Aegon could tell 
Even if the nannies took control over your little brother, you were by his side until he fell asleep, and then you went to your own room
You served yourself a cup of wine, another cup of wine.
“Call in Lord Stark please”, you asked Eryk, and he nodded and went to fulfill your requirement 
It was inappropriate, to say the least, to summon a man to your chambers at this late… but you needn't to worry about such matters… Or you did
Your brother was right, you were a Queen, you had to begin to act like one 
Cregan foud you seated by the fire, in a relaxed stance, with a goblet of wine in your hand
“Your grace”, he greeted, he seemed serious, but you believed you found a glint in his eye… you were started to get to know him and his facial expressions, as cold as they may seem
“My Lord Hand”
“You will summon me and believe me, I will attend to your calling, but I must say, if someone sees me coming into your chambers at the hour of the owl, where we are going to be alone…”
“I’m aware”, you said, smiling at him
“What do you need?”, he asked gently, with a smirk on his lips
“Today in the garden…”, you started, “you mentioned the pact you sign”
“Yes I did”, he said
“Why?”, you asked him
“Why?”, he asked back
“Why would you bring it up?”, you asked again, “it seems that you do not intent to honor it”, he got quiet then, analyzing you
“I meant…”
“There is no one else…”, you said, “it is you”, you looked up at him, your eyes sparkling. He softened his gaze
“Is that a command?”, he asked, amusement in his voice, it was like he was playing a game.
“Marry me”, you said, “honor the pact of Ice and Fire… you can come back home, on the condition of course that you come back…”
“To you”, he said
“To me”, you agreed. “Everyone will be at ease, well, except for the Hightowers, when you sit at my side in the throne…”, you said, he barely nodded, still smiling 
“I don’t think so…”, he said finally, you stopped all your movements, was he rejecting you? he was not going to marry you? you had to command him, if he refused, you could fall through, you couldn’t make a man marry you… you started feeling ashamed of even summoning him here… you were starting to feel like an idiot
He turned his back to you and went to the small table in the corner and served himself a goblet of wine.
“I think they will feel threatened..”, he continued, you smiled then, taking a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “you and me together…”, he continued, taking a sip, “soon they’ll realize… the dragon and the wolf sat together… and they are all sheep”
You both smiled widely at each other 
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this is the vibe I was going for jajaja
Cregan is... complex... everyone wanted a tougher Cregan, i'm giving a gray one. He has ambitions, and wants power, and he is not indiferent to us, the beautiful young Queen... of what I read about Cregan, it is what I perceive... anyways... hope you like... maybe I moved it a bit too quickly but I want to get to the good part
taglist! ❤️
@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd
@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos 
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jisunghannie · 4 months
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Save Me Now
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PAIRING: Hyunjin x fem!reader
WARNINGS: Hyunjin being “toxic”, sweet apologies, pet names, unprotected sex, mentions of cheating Hyunjin, Felix is your cousin!, confessions
SUMMARY: Your boyfriend of 1 and a half years has been acting differently lately and you aren't sure why. But you know it's definitely due to a weird reason. When you found what it was, you were heartbroken only for him to pick back up the pieces. Or does he?
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Gahh, sorry this took so long!! I was on the heaviest writer's block along with getting sick back to back. Hopefully, this will make up for it!
This is not proofread! You can get sneak peeks of that piece and other pieces of my works on @mr-hanjisung ! Also, apologies if there are grammar mistakes or anything, I hope you guys enjoy this piece!
“Did you ever get the girl who owed you debt?” You asked as he shook his head. “Funny story, Chan covered her expenses because that's his new fiancée.” He said as you laughed. “Imagine having your client as your boss's wife. That's actually so funny.” You laughed as Hyunjin nodded. “So funny indeed.” He said sarcastically as you kissed his cheek.
“I'm gonna go see if anyone else needs help, okay Jin?” You said as he just nodded. “Okay, love you.” You told him, giggling. “Me too.” He said, waving his hand to you as you left.
You felt, awkward. You and Hyunjin had been dating for 1 and a half years already. Yet he still couldn't bring himself to say, ‘I love you’ back. You didn't feel hurt by it, just wishing that he would return the words.
As you left for your work which was more “civilized”. He continued doing his own thing. You were working as your best friend walked in and gave you a big squeeze. She knew about Hyunjin, well, she knew about your boyfriend, but you never told her his name or what he did. That’s why she is skeptical but she trusts you.
“So when can I meet your mystery man?” She asked as you laughed. “We’ve been dating for a year and a half already, you know?” You reminded her as she pouted, “Exactly, a year and half and I’ve never even met the guy. I hardly know anything about him.” She said as she then gave you a serious look. “Have you guys even said the, you know, the L word?” She asked as you shook your head. “I have but him, not yet, but then again I’m his first girlfriend.” You told her as your best friend frowned. “He’s your first boyfriend too, don't forget.” She reminded you as you nodded. “I know don’t worry.” You told her as a couple came in and you served them.
You were a server and or waitress at a famous restaurant. Unfortunately, you then saw that, that couple was none other than your boyfriend and another woman.
You frowned but shook your head then immediately smiled. “Hi, welcome in. My name is y/n and I’ll be your server today.” You told them, giving your boyfriend a dirty look as he blew you a kiss. The woman he was with smacked his arm as he jerked lightly. “Yes, we'll take a table for two.” She said, her voice delicate and sweet. You nodded and led them to a table as you handed them menus. “Let me know what I can get you and call me over when you are ready.” You said as he chuckled.
You walked back as you didn't understand what was going on. You were so gonna-
“-kill him! I'm gonna kill him when we get home!” You shouted in the worker's lounge with your best friend as you sat on the couch, huffing and puffing. You were angry, which was normal. Your friend, Lily, walked over and patted you on the back. “There, there, it's okay.” She told you, “He's nothing but a lying cheat. I knew he was no good.” She said, sounding like your mother. “What's his name?” She asked as you shook your head, “It doesn't matter.” You told her as she insisted. “Are you gonna break up with him?” She asked, but before you could answer, she bombarded you with questions.
“Where are you gonna live?”
“Are you still going to be able to work here?”
“What does he do for a living?”
“Lily I-”
“How are you going to break up with him? Maybe-”
“Yang Dahee!” You shouted.
That shut her up. She knows you only use her Korean name when you are really upset. “Yes, I'm listening eomma.” She teased. “I'll deal with it.” You replied as she nodded. “If you guys end up breaking up and need somewhere to stay, call me.” She said as you nodded, walking back out to serve Hyunjin and the mysterious lady.
“Are you ready to order?” You asked as the lady giggled and looked at Hyunjin as he looked up to meet your eyes. “I'll take my usual.” He said as you gave him a fake smile as you looked at his mistress. “And for the lady?” You asked as she looked up at you, “I'll have what he's having.” She replied as you nodded and walked off, your smile faltering.
Something she didn't know was that you made his usual so if she made it to perfection and handed it to them she would've lost. But she knew better to deny service to an innocent woman when it was Hyunjin at fault. As you went into the break room, you were on your phone as you got a text from Hyunjin.
Jinnie <3: Are you jealous?
y/nnie: Of course I am!
Jinnie <3: Sorry, I had no choice. I'm marrying her due to business contracts.
y/nnie: What about me?
Jinnie <3: You are and always will be my girlfriend. My lover. My number 1.
y/nnie: Then why are you marrying her?
Jinnie <3: I'll explain when we both are home okay?
y/nnie: Why not now Hyunjin?
You were crying now for sure. Tears ran down your face as you waited for his response.
Once you finished his meal, you opened your phone.
Jinnie <3: Because it's better to talk in person about this.
You left him on seen as you wiped your face and walked out to face him. “Here are your meals.” You said as he ate and fed the woman. She got all the treatment you wanted. It wasn't fair.
“I'm sorry, I need some fresh air.” The woman said as she walked outside as he motioned for you to sit but you turned your heel to walk away as he grabbed your wrist. “Why are you running away? Aren't you gonna fight for your spot?” He asked as you flicked his arm away. “Go be happy with your fiancée. I'll get my things tonight.” You told him as he gripped your wrist tighter. “I have an event I need you to attend. Once you're there you'll understand why I have to marry her. Understood?” He said, his voice laced with danger as you nodded silently. He then kissed your cheek. “Good girl.” He said as he released you.
You walked away from him, rubbing your wrist. You sighed and wondered how you even ended up liking him. But you couldn't help the fact that you would meet him one way or another. You were Felix's cousin after all. Once Felix owed debt, Han kidnapped you all for his induction. Once he succeeded you were taken to convince Felix to join. Now it made sense why he was able to buy you such an expensive gift for your birthday.
In exchange for your life being spared, Felix had to work for them. He regretted what he did but he told you that he’d be lying if he told you that he didn't enjoy doing what he does.
After your shift, Hyunjin texted you to go home and wear the dress, bag, and heels he had bought you. You frowned, still mad at him of course. You then took a deep breath in and out as you got dressed. As you did your hair and makeup. The minute you finished, Hyunjin knocked against the door frame. You glared at him as he walked over to you.
“I knew that dress would look good on you.” He said as you sighed. “Hurry up, let's go.” You said as you walked right past him, to the car. You sat next to your cousin as he chuckled. “Let me guess. Hyunjin pissed you off.” Felix assumed as you laughed, smacking his shoulder lightly. “Is it that obvious?” You asked as Felix nodded. You then laughed as you wiped the tears from your eyes. “Good. Let him know.” You said as Felix leaned in to your ear. “To be honest, I don't think you're gonna like the event we are going to.” He whispered as he continued, “It's literally Hyunjin's engagement party.” Felix finished as he pulled away.
You looked horrified as Hyunjin saw your face across from the limo. He immediately texted you.
Jinnie <3: You okay?
y/nnie: I'm fine
Jinnie <3: Are you sure? You look like Felix just told you that someone died
y/nnie: I said I'm fine Jin.
Jinnie <3: If you say you are then I believe you
y/nnie: Thank you
But it was still eating you up inside. You didn't understand why it was but when you guys walked in, Hyunjin walked over to the mysterious woman who was at the cafe with him. He then linked arms with her as they walked in. You took a deep breath and exhaled trying to calm yourself.
Felix knew what was wrong as he massaged your shoulder lightly. “I know it hurts but you should've known. He's rich behind his loan sharks business. He's only doing this so we have more connections through his family though. Once he inherits everything he'll divorce her.” Felix whispered as you wiped your teary eyes. “What if she gets pregnant by then…” You said, really thinking the worst as Felix sighed. “If you really do love him and trust him, you would believe in him.” He said as you nodded.
As you guys went through the night, you saw him feeding her and holding her dress from dragging, he was holding her close and whispering sweet nothings in her ears. Then, he kissed her. You couldn't believe your eyes. You couldn't take it anymore so you left. You just walked out of the estate and went back to your shared home with Hyunjin. You then cried on the couch.
After an hour, Hyunjin came home, his lips smeared in lipstick. You scoffed as you packed your things. He ran over to you and grabbed your wrist. “What the hell are you doing!?” He said, his voice raised. “I can't handle this Hyunjin! I can't see you with another woman even if it's not real love!” You shouted as you tried to resist, his face furrowed. “Just stop and listen to me!” He said as you stopped resisting. “You have 3 minutes.” You said blatantly as you both sat. “Listen, I know it hurts to see but I assure you that I only have space for you in my heart and nobody else.” He said as you scoffed. “Don't give me that bullshit.” You said as he stuttered, trying to find the right words. “Exactly.” You said.
You then took off your heels and grabbed your bag that he had bought for you and threw them at him. “Keep your stupid heels and bag for your fiancée. I don't need your stupid gifts.” You told him as he smirked, “That dress is a gift of mine as well.” He said, stepping closer to you. You didn't know how to respond, but before you could turn around he snaked his arms around your waist. “So take it off.” He said bluntly as your face was now flushed. “Go ahead…” He whispered in your ear. “Strip it off…” He whispered as you bit your lip.
You knew that you shouldn't give in. But with Hyunjin saying that, you felt weak to your knees. You didn't know what to think. “Jin… I-” He stopped you and hushed you as he tugged on the string of your dress lightly. “Take it off or I will for you.” He huskily said. You don't know what happened or how it even got to this point but he was on top of you, his collar shirt unbuttoned and his tie on the floor now. Your dress was completely off. Let's just say, at least now you knew his goal wasn't to get back the dress.
“You must seduce all your women with your words…” You whispered quietly as his lips barely grazed yours. His lips now smeared in your lipstick. “Don't give me that. You know you love me.” He whispered as he pulled you in for another kiss. You waited for this moment for a while. Sure, you guys had showered together before but nothing to this extent. “Hwang Hyunjin.” You spat at him as he sighed. “I'm sorry for hurting you… really… but I promise nothing will change my feelings for you… I love you and only you. That I can promise you.” He said.
Wait, were you hearing things… “What did you say Jin?” You asked. “That I can promise you?” He answered.
“No, before that…”
“Nothing can change my feelings for you?”
“No after that.”
“That I can promise you?”
He then chuckled lightly as he kissed you again. “I love you and only you.” He repeated as you gave him a happy gentle smile, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked, wiping your tears. “I'm just really happy… I've waited so long to hear you say those words…” You said as he kissed your cheek chuckling. “I'll say it as many times as you want as long as you stay with me.” He said as you nodded, pulling him closer to you, your bodies touching, skin to skin. His breath hitched as he composed himself. “Where were we?” He asked, running his hands through his hair. You bashfully smiled as you covered yourself lightly with your hands.
He then smirked as he ran his fingers against your inner thighs. “So you've been waiting for this or I assume?” He asked as you nodded. “How cute…” He said as he kissed your inner thighs. “I'll leave my mark on you good.” He said as you stayed silent. He then moved your hand, covering your breasts. “I've seen your whole body baby… no need to hide it anymore.” He whispered against your inner thigh. “I know you get off to me seeing you naked.” He said as he chuckled.
“No I don't…” You replied, squeezing his shoulders as he kissed your clit gently. “It’s okay baby… you are so cute when you squeeze me like that…” He said as he hovered over you. “You seem wet enough.” He said rubbing his fingertips against your wet folds. You then looked away, feeling embarrassed. He then kissed and bit at your earlobe gently. “Can I put it in… please..?” He pleaded in your ear. His voice husky and low but whiny as you gave in and nodded gently. You could feel him smile against your ear.
You then felt his cock smack against your stomach. You then looked down and blushed, realizing just how big he really was. “Will it even fit?” You asked as Hyunjin shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.” He said as he aligned himself against you. Your breath hitched as you felt the tip hit your entrance. “Make sure to loosen up.” He told you, he then placed your hands on his shoulders as he looked at you reassuringly. “You ready?” He asked as you nodded. He then pushed himself inside as you just gasped, not knowing what to really say.
“You're so tight…” Hyunjin said as you dug your nails into his shoulders. “Jin…” You squirmed out as he gave a gasp. “Don't clamp…” He said, massaging small circles on your stomach. “You're doing so good…” He whispered as his long hair covered half of his face. You pushed the hair out of his face as you nodded. “I'm ready…” You whispered back as he kissed your forehead, beginning to move slowly.
“Jinnie…” You moaned out as he held onto your hips. “Shh… I know… you're doing so good…” He hushed as you kept moaning. He then began to speed up as you looked down to see how it looked. God, you didn't realize that you had been holding back on such a good feeling. “Hey, my eyes are up here.” He said squeezing your hips, causing you to look up. “There are your pretty eyes, enjoying the… hah… view..?” He groaned out as you nodded. “You're lucky that I gave you that dress… but I knew you looked better without it…” He said as you nodded.
After a while he then shifted and did deep and slow thrusts. “Jinnie…” You moaned out. With how slow he went, you felt every little part of his cock inside you. You felt how big he was and how he reached in every-
“Right there..!” You moaned out grabbing the sheets as he smirked. “What's right there hmm?” He teased. “Jinnie… stop being mean…” You whined as he chuckled. “Honest, honest, what do you need there..?” He asked, still obviously teasing. “It feels good…” You told him as he smirked. “What feels good?” He teased, still hitting your g-spot. “The way you hit that spot…” You whined as he traced his fingers on your stomach still slowly moving inside. “What spot?” He asked, feigning innocence. You whined as he just laughed at you. “Fine, how do you want it baby?” He asked as you pulled him close. “I don't care, just hurry up…” You said as he smirked, ramming into you at such speed.
“My abilities as a dancer help a lot, you know…” He groaned out. He then felt you tighten up around him as you moaned out in ecstasy that he had to kiss you to quiet you down. “Shh…” He hushed as you giggled. “God, you're cock drunk.” He said as you nodded, tracing your fingers on his chest. He chuckled as he pulled out and came on your stomach. “I swear. You are crazy for that being your first time.” He said as you nodded. “It's not that impressive.” You replied as he ruffled your hair and you pushed him. He got back up and took you to the bathroom. “Let's wash up and go to sleep.” He said as you nodded.
After a long bath together, you guys got ready for bed. “Oh please, you almost fell asleep because I was massaging the shampoo in your hair so good.” You said as he continued to deny it. “No, you were so embarrassed because I had to clean you up because you were too tired.” He said as you gasped, faking hurt feelings as he laughed and shoved you lightly. “I love you.” He said as you smiled, “I love you too.”
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@annybah @softkisshyunjin @queenmea604 @hyunmikim @stayceebs97 @boi-bi-ahaha @lilinaskzz @cookiesandcreammy
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piratejoongie · 5 months
All Mine
🍒 Hii, this little or maybe not so little story is my first ever so I hope you enjoy it.
🍒 tw: sexual content, kidnapping, swearing, violence...
🍒 Pirate Hongjoong x reader
🍒 smut hehe with a bit of fluff, because aftercare is important
🍒 word count: 🤷🏻‍♀️ (a lot, i guess)
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Where it all began:
It was when my mom was pregnant with me when a deal was struck between my parents and parents of later very known, vicious and merciless pirate Kim Hongjoong. It has been agreed that I will have to marry Hongjoong when I turn 22, because my family's fortune with his would make one very powerful and united family that would be unstoppable. Little did his parents know how their plan would be ruined, or was it?
As soon as that deal was struck, mu parents went to the king and queen to ask for their help.
"My king, we need your help!"
"Ah, lord Tang, long time no see. Tell me, what seems to be the problem?"
"We were forced to make a deal with pirates, the Kim's specifically, that our daughter Y/N has to marry their son Hongjoong when she turns 22."
"Well, that's unfortunate, lord Tang. What is it that you want of me? I can't declare a war out of thin air."
"We would never ask that of you, your majesties. We hoped that, as soon as Y/N is born, she can live with you as a fake princess and hopefully be safe from Kim's. "
"Lord Tang, that's quite an idea... and a dangerous one if HE figures out."
"I know that's a lot to ask of you, my king... but we just want our daughter to be safe and to never have to witness what horrible things those pirates do."
"Very well, lord Tang. As soon as your daughter is born, she will live here as our 'daughter', learn to be a proper royal and if successful, maybe even inherit the throne. She'll be a better fit than any of my cousins and their bastard children."
"Thank you, my king. I owe you my life for doing this."
"Careful, lord Tang, you might just have to do that if they find her."
"Yes, my king."
Even though my parents had a good plan, and everything went smoothly, eventually, something had to go wrong.
The day has come, my 28th birthday and my coronation. The day when I finally become queen of this country came, the king Jun was proud and so was his wife, Laeya, or should I say, my parents. However, my real parents were in the crowd, watching me, with tears in their eyes and hope that nothing would go wrong.
The coronation went smoothly, and so did the majority of the night, but then all of a sudden, pirates came barging in through the main doors... and it was everything my parents feared... the blood... the screams... people panicking... but I couldn't move, I couldn't run... I knew I had to face them, and I knew I was ready... or so, I thought.
Then he came in the throne room. His presence, his aura... it was very powerful and magnetic, something was pulling me towards him, and I didn't know what it was.
One thing I was sure of... this man is Captain Kim Hongjoong, of the Nightbringer pirates. The cruelest, the most vicious and merciless pirates of them all... and he was here to get me.
"Hello, my queen", he said bowing to me, showing respect. Good for him. "They hid you well from me. I hoped to meet you 6 years ago, and make you my beloved wife, but as you see, I had some misfortune coming my way. I had my most precious treasure stolen from me, I was searching all of the seven seas for you, and as I was about to raid this hideous castle, I have find you. My precious ruby."
Ruby, a nickname I thought I'd never hear again... but here we are.
"Captain, you must me mistaken. I was never promised to anyone."
"My queen, isn't your real name Y/N Tang? Isn't your father one of most respected lords, lord Marcellus Tang and his beautiful wife, Maria Jelena Tang, former princess of Russia. You're their only daughter and, of course, my soon to be wife." he said, and I gulped.
How did he know all of this? Where did he get it from?
I needed answers, and I needed them soon.
"Mother! Father! What is he talking about?" I asked angrily, and they explained everything to me. I was furious, I didn't know what to think, how to act... do I go with them? Do I put up a fight? So I tried being rational and parley.
"Captain, I'm flattered, but unfortunately, I will not be going with you. I have a duty towards this country, this land and all people who live here."
He laughed. He fucking laughed.
"You're in no position to bargain with me,'princess'. You will be a good little princess and come with me. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to everyone because all that will be left of this land is corpses and bloodshed", this prick... "You have a choice pretty, come with me in peace, and I'll let them all live, or you can decline me and see everyone die, so you'll be forced to go with me."
"I pick nothing. You're in no position to bargain with a queen, pirate and you and your small crew are outnumbered."
He doesn't say anything. He just walks up to me, lifts up my head with his finger, looks me in the eyes, and like a feather, he throws me over his shoulders. To my surprise, no one was harmed, and I was taken to his ship, with no one coming after me. His ship, The Illusion, was beautiful and modern, I was stunned. He took me to his cabin and locked me inside. Then, the long one week journey to his kingdom began.
On the ship:
The seconds. The minutes. The hours.
They were passing slowly, but at least I had my fun pissing Hongjoong off. He hated it but I loved it. Serves him right for literally kidnapping me.
Suddenly, I hear the door unlocking... it must me him.
"Rise and shine, Ruby. We are close to my kingdom, and here, you'll be a proper queen. I must admit, giving you up to the royals was a bit over the top, but at least you have the manners and the brains now."
"That's more brains than you'll ever have Hongjoong. " I smiled to myself, good one. He makes me think of comeback so easily, whatever he says, I can just snap it back at him. But the patience this man has, its unbelievable.
"Now now baby, haven't they taught you manners and respect, or are you just a brat in general?" As he was saying that, he gets close to my face, looking me deeply in the eyes, and as always, I get turned on... but I can't let him know that, if I did, he'd have complete power over me and he'll use it well. "I asked you something, 'princess'."
"I just respect people who show respect to me first. That's how it is and how I was taught." I said.
"Hmm, or you just like pissing me off, hoping to get a reaction out of me, but also finding my composure and presence rather magnetic." Shit... how did he know? "Princess, you were bound to be mine, and I will, make you mine." Well, now is not a good time to be horny and wishing he would rail me on his desk. "Be ready in 10, we're close to the main land. And wear something nice, you need to look presentable to my people." He leaves, and with that I go through the dresses I have, and find the sluttiest, dark red dress that hugs my curves well. I can hear, and feel the ship slowing down, which can mean one thing... time to get out.
"Y/N, time to go." I hear Seonghwa, Hongjoong's first man and his most trusted member of the crew, and the sweetest, if I may add. I check myself once more, and I head out. The crew kept whistling, cat-calling 6 it made me feel powerful until Hongjoong turned around and his eyes went dark. Oh, oh. I needed to play this off as cool as possible, which I did. He hasn't said anything to me on our way to his castle, and I didn't mind because San and Wooyoung were keeping me entertained.
Over the next few months, I kept pissing Hongjoong off, talking to San and Wooyoung, who became my friends here and occasionally to Seonghwa. The majority of days here, I spent with the crew, whereas Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen... and to be honest, it had me worried. I stood up and decided to go to his room. Not a brightest idea so far.
His room was across the hall from mine, with big black doors and skulls decorating it. To some, it may seem intimidating, but to me, it has always been normal. I came inside, the room was empty, but it was big, spacious, and it had nice big windows that made the room brighter. I was busy admiring the room and haven't heard footsteps behind me.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out with the crew doing something?" He asked, leaning onto the doorframe. Damn he looked hot. His messy red hair was shining from one sunray that hit it, his dark eyes looking at me curiously, and his lips... those juicy pink lips were formed into a smirk. "Do you like what you see, Ruby?" He asked, slowly moving forward and closing the door behind him.
"Not really, I've seen better." I snap.
"Oh really, so I don't have any effect on you? You don't feel turned on by me? You don't fantasize about me? You don't imagine me pleasuring you until you scream when you finger yourself at night? You don't imagine how my tongue would tease your sensitive clit, how I would eat you out like a starved man, as if you were the last meal I could have, how I would such on those nice tits of yours and make you cum? You don't think about how my cock would fill you up like a skut you are and stretch you so good, you will only need my cock and noone else's? You want to say that you never, not even once, wanted me to fuck you senseless over my desk, make you scream my name so my whole crew can hear how good of a slut you're being for me, your captain. Tell me, Ruby."
I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything I wanted to do because of him, and the effect he had on me.
With one swift movement, he put his hand around my waist and turned me around so my back was pressed against the door. He started kissing my neck, moving his way slowly to my jaw and then kissing my lips. His kisses were intoxicating, and through them, he made sure you knew that he was in charge. There's no doubt that he was good at it, he knew very well what he was doing.
"My precious Ruby, tell me, what do you want." He said seductively, as if he didn't know what I wanted. "Captain, I want you."
"Very well darling." He kissed me again, then stopped, looked at me and just tore my shirt apart. I was stunned. He on the other hand was amused, taking my boobs in his hands, massaging them, and then kissing and teasing my nipples. I squirm and pull his red, ruby hair, making him whine a little. While sucking on my nipples, he quickly disposed my skirt and underwear, kissing his way down on me. Making me shiver, getting wetter and wetter with every kiss he made down my stomach... but he stops... and gets on his knees in front of me, putting my leg on his shoulder so he can have better access. Slowly, he licks my folds, tasting all of my juices and making his way up to my clit. His tongue glides over my clit, goes in circles around it, making me moan loudly. He starts sucking and nibbling on my clit, sending shivers down my spine and making me quiver. Eating me out like a starved man, he speeds up a little and adds a finger inside me, matching the speed of his finger and his tongue. The feeling was sensational, no one made me feel like that. He adds another finger, making me moan from being stretched out. "Look at you, being a good little slut for your captain. Are you gonna cum for me slut? Are you gonna make a mess all over my face and fingers?" He asks, still sucking on my clit but more roughly this time and fingering me faster. "Aye, captain. I'll be a good slut and cum on your face." I moan, and the pleasure keeps growing. I grab a handful on his hair in my hand and pull his face closer to my folds, closing my thighs as my orgasm approaches and squishing his face between them, which he doesn't seem to mind... instead he picked up a pace. "Oh...I-... too much..."
"What's that slut? Don't tell me you can't take it?"
"I- I'm gonna c-..."
Before I could finish, I squirt all over his face, making a huge mess and wetting his clothes.
"Get on the bed slut. On all fours. Head down. Ass up."
I obey.
Before I knew it, he was undressed and stood between my legs, carefully watching my juices leaking out of me from previous orgasm.
"You look so pretty spread out for me like this."
"Only for you captain." I purr.
"Good, now you'll take my cock like a good little slut, won't you?"
"Yes captain."
Without any warning, he slams his dick in me, stretching me well and making me full. Each thrust is better than the other, making my legs weak and shaking. He fucks me roughly, penetrating me sweet spot and making me a moaning mess. He picks up his pace again, thrusting hard and deep touching my cervix with a tip of his dick.
"Fuck baby, if you keep clenching around me like that, I'm going to cum and fill that tight cunt of yours with my cum. Would you like that, slut? Would you like being breed by me and have my baby in your belly?" I nod.
"Words, slut. Use your words. I want to hear you say it."
"Ah- yes- I want you to breed me, captain. I wanna be filled with your cum and have your baby in my belly." I scream, and I hear him chuckle as he keeps thrusting. I can feel him twitching inside me, ready to cum. His thrusts become shorter but deeper.
"Fuck baby, I'm gonna cum in that pretty cunt of yours. Cum with me."
As he came in me, he kept fucking his cum back inside me hence it was leaking out. I kept rolling my eyes into the sensation.
"On your knees slut. You need to clean the mess you've made on my cock."
I get down on my knees, in front of his beautiful long dick that still hasn't gone soft. I start pumping it with my hands, sucking on his balls, kissing them and moving up to his tip, sliding it in my mouth, slowly taking it whole.
"That's it, slut. Let me fuck that bratty mouth of yours."
With that, he grabbed a handful of my hair, moving his hips and fucking my mouth. I grab his thighs for support and scratch them because he was too much. He slides out of mouth, letting me breathe for a second before sliding himself back into my mouth, thrusting roughly, and sliding out again. Confused, I see him sit on his bed, tapping on his lap, signalling me to come up to him, and ride him. I slide down his cock with ease, enjoying the feeling of being stretched out once again. I kept bouncing on his dick, feeling euphoric and having Hongjoong sucking on my boots while his thumb was circling around my clit. I couldn't take it anymore, it was too much.
"You gonna cum again slut? C'mon, make a mess on my cock and I'll fill you up once more." I don't know how or why, his words have a huge effect on me. Hearing him saying that and moan, made me ride him harder and faster, urging me to cum.
"Ah- Hon- Hongjoong " I scream, and as I was about to collapse on him, he flipped us over, putting me in missionary and filling me up once again, making me feel warm inside. He never let his cum drip out of me, so he kept fucking it back in, releasing once more and kissing me. God, I loved every second of it.
"You good princess? Not too sore? Can you walk? Do you need anything? Food? Water? Shower? Just tell me, princess, anything you need."
"Some food would be nice, and a shower... and, if we can cuddle after?" I asked, hoping he'll agree.
"Anyhing for my Ruby. You're the queen of my heart after all."
Who knew a pirate such as Hongjoong would have a soft side, or was he only showing that side to you. Nevertheless, you loved it, and even though you were forced to come here, maybe it's better than the life your parents would choose for you. And there's one thing Hongjoong will never admit, but he always knew where you were, how you were and he watched you growing up. You might not remember it now, but he'll tell you what you two met when you were 7, walking along the beach alone and bumping into him. You called him ruby, because of his red hair and he never told you his real name because he didn't want to scare you, instead he admired you and told himself that he'll find you again and protect you with all he has.
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ashblooddragons · 2 months
The Red Queen 1\?
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107 ac Kingslanding
Aemma’s pov
I sit in a rocking chair as I watch you stack blocks only to knock them over, and like always you turn to me for approval and when I clap you smile big showing your first tooth. I sigh once you gets back to playing, the lady Alicent has been coming to play with you since you were six moons stating she noticed Rhaenyra doesn’t play with you, but I know she was sent by her father to get in me and Viserys good graces. 
Today you’ve been quite pouty and upset, and I know exactly why. Daemon has been sent to the Vale to be with his wife for at least half moons turn. Viserys was lucky he got Daemon to agree to that much, as Daemon hardly leaves you as it is. It shocks the court how protective he is of you, he doesnt let anyone hold you in his presence besides me, Viserys, or himself. Because of this over protectiveness you’ve grown quite attached to him and his blasted dragon he demands you ride with him on. If the court thinks Daemon is over protective they havent watched that wyrm growl at me, your own mother, because I picked you up. Thankfully Daemon doesn't believe you should sit on the saddle yet, so he straps you to his chest via cloth wraps commeners use. I must admit my heart about jumps out of my chest everytime you fly with him, but when you come back down, and you have that smile on your face it all seems worth it.
As I’m musing someone knocks at the nursery door. “Alicent would you be a dear and see who that might be?” I ask as I stroke my stomach. Me and Viserys found out two moons ago that I’m with child…again. One of us was over joyed, the other wanted a long nap after finishing raspberry and ginger tea for my nausea and sore ankles. 
Alicent nods and gets up off the floor and goes to the door. “It's Princess Rhaenys and her daughter Laena, Your Grace.” she says looking at me to see if she should let them in. “yes please, and would you leave us darling? I need to have a talk with the princess.” I say to which Alicent nods and moves towards you to pick you up, but i stop her with a shake of my head.
Once Alicent has left and Rhaenys, and Laena are in the room I sigh. “The girl always with you?” Rhaenys asks in that cold tone she always has. 
“Yes, but I must admit she is quite helpful.” I respond through another sigh. This one is quite a mover cause I never can quite seem to chase the nausea away. “So I’m assuming you got my raven?” I ask once she sets Laena down on the ground next to you.
“Yes, I did.” Is the only answer I get, so I nod and watch as our daughters play together. We’ve sat in silence for quite a while, the only source of noise coming from you and Laena as you play and babble. This is why I about jump out of my skin when Rhaenys starts to talk again. “Has Rhaenyra truly not come around to her baby sister?” she asks with a amused smirk.
“No, nothing we do has helped as of yet. We’ve tries stories, games, walks, picnics, even going to the Dragon pit so Rhaenyra can show her Syrax, but that only ended in her throwing a tantrum and getting on Syrax, only coming down once we’ve left.” I say disappointedly, and I must sound truly pathetic, cause Rhaenys reaches over and holds my hand.
She hums in understanding and sympathy. Rhaenys has always been a woman of few words, never seeing the point in hiding ones true thoughts in words, preferring to speak plainly or not at all. I quite enjoy this as you always know what she’s saying is the truth, it’s the main reason she’s my favorite out of my cousins. 
“Well, I cannot say Laena will be here all the time, but I suppose the children and I would like to be closer to Corlys.” She says smiling as you and Laena chase each other, her running away laughing and you crawling after her giggling. “Besides a child needs a friend close in age to them.” she says as we both watch chuckling at you two. 
“I feel a life long friendship in their future, don’t you agree?” she says looking at me. All I can do is nod and smile. My little girl will have a friend for life in the little Velaryon.
109 ac Dragonstone
Your pov 
Me and Laena run out of the feast together, it’s my sisters nameday party and she demanded it be held at this place…Dragonpot? My sister doesn’t seem to like me very much, so me and Laena decided to look for dragons. We heard this place has LOTS of them, I mean it’s called Dragonpot for a reason, right?
“Laena it’s raining! Are you sure this is a good idea? I ask as she drags me out of the castle and into the rain. “Oh it’ll be fine! Stop being a worry wart! You want a dragon or not? This is our chance, might be the only we get!” Laena says back, to which I nod and follow after her towards the beach. The wind is so harsh we’re holding onto each other to stay standing, and our hair is perpetually in our faces. Because of these things we don’t notice the two dragons in front of us, well not until we hear the growls. We both push our hair back and look up at the two dragons, one white as snow and the other a slate grey. The white one is eating a pile of fish, while the other has two dead horses in front of it. 
“Um, maybe I was wrong, I don’t think this is a good idea anymore.” Laena says as we stand frozen in front of the dragons. “What are you on about, they won’t hurt us!” I say matter of factly. Caraxes never hurts me, in fact he doesn’t seem to like people around me not even my Kepus. “Watch Laena, you just walk up and pet them and then they make happy clicky sounds.” I say confidently as I walk forward smiling as I reach out to pet the white one. Laena keeps calling my name and the wind must be bad cause I hear other people calling for us too, but that can’t be true cause they’re all inside for my sisters nameday.
The white one growls abit but once i touch it, the growling stops and almost seems shocked. “Whoa that’s it? I’m gonna try.” Laena says as she runs over to the other dragon. Laena reaches out to touch the other one but it snaps at her, she frowns and yells at it. “Stop being a meanie! I will pet you!” which seems to surprise the dragon enough for her to touch it an start petting.
By this point there is no denying people are calling for us. I turn around and see mine and Laenas Mamas, Papas, Laena’s brother, my sister, Ali, and my Kepus. The Only ones who seem to be moving closer though is Laenas Mama and my Kepus. “Kepus I got a dragon!” I yell to him which catches Laenas attention and she yells to her Mama. “look Mommy, I got one too!” 
“Yes, yes we see now get over here right now!” Kepus yells at us which shocks me cause he’s never yelled at me, not once. We look at our dragons sadly before running over to them. “Dont ever scare me like that again! Do you understand!” Kepus yells and I nod trying not to cry.
Once we get in and they have us in our nightdresses and covered in furs our parents and my Kepus sit us by the fire and stare down at us. “What in the seven hells were you two thinking? Running out in a storm like this to hunt down dragons!” Laenas Papa yells as we hang our heads as we cry from their disappointment.
“You guys said this place has lots of dragons, we just wanted ones of our own. So I can be like Mama and she can be like her Kepus.” Laena sobs out and I nod my head in agreement. “Yes well did you two need to be stormchasers as well? Those damned dragons seem to agree with you on this being wonderful weather to be outside!” Laenas Papa keeps going. We hear a silent ‘my love.’ and he just sighs and sits in a chair hanging his head in his hands.    
“We understand you wanted dragons darling, but you scared us greatly running off like that in a storm. Let alone what those dragons are. Laena you claimed Mongrel and you claimed-” But I cut off Laenas Mama. “I claimed Stormchaser.” I say confidently as my Kepus bends down to wipe my tears away. 
“Is that what we’re calling him?” Kepus asks, to which I make a face. “It’s not a boy Kepus, it’s girl!” I say resolutely, which seems to have amused him as he chuckles and ruffles my hair. “How silly of me, sweetling. Of course it’s a girl.” 
That was the day Laena and I became dragon riders, and our friendship solidified.
Special thanks to @sugutoad for making the header!
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The Realm's Light - 2
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Part One Part three Part four
Part five Part six
As the saying goes,' When a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin. One side greatness, the other madness'.
However, it seems that the gods are having difficulty deciding the fate of the newest Targaryen as the labour of Princess Aemma continued for almost 15 hours.
Finally, at noon, the wails of a baby echoed throughout the palace. Queen Alysanne was the first person to be out of the birthing chamber while carrying something in her arms. The people standing outside gazed at the babe with astonished eyes.
" Mother, this is ?" Crown Prince Baelon was the first to snap out of the awestruck daze." this is my great granddaughter who her family will most cherish and this entire realm ." Queen Alysanne proudly stated.
" Give her to me, Alysanne. I too want to hold her in my arms." The old King demanded his sister-wife. "You can hold her later, Issa valzȳrys. Let the father first hold his babe ." The Queen handed the child to her still-dazed father.
" She is so tiny, father." Prince Viserys softly whispered with adoration. The Prince was carefully holding the baby as if she were a fragile thing who might break at a single touch.
"Congrats on becoming a father, cousin" Princess Rhaenys congratulated Prince Viserys after coming out from the birthing chamber. Even after becoming the wife of Corlys Velaryon,the wealthiest man in Westeros,the Princess still kept her title.
" Thank you, Rhaenys. I hoped Corylys and your children would be present upon this occasion." Prince Viserys said to his cousin. Princess Rhaenys had given birth to two healthy velaryon children three years ago. " The children can't travel on Melys due to their age, Viserys. But Corlys will soon arrive before the feast ." The Velaryon matriarch smoothly replied.
" Grandmother, I forgot to ask about Aemma. Is she okay?" Prince Viserys suddenly realised about not seeing the mother of his child who would want to see her babe. Realisation seemed to have dawned on her too ." She must have taken bathe and be resting in bed, go see her now with the babe, Viserys".
The peaceful Prince and his daughter went to see Princess Aemma. At the same time, the good Queen ordered everyone outside to go prepare for the grand feast only for their immediate family amidst the whining of her husband and son to hold the newborn Targaryen.
Inside the chamber, Princess Aemma could be seen lying on the bed. The aftermath of childbirth took a toll on her as she grew tired.
" Aemma, look who had come to see you." Viserys who was his daughter calmly said. Hearing his voice, Princess Aemma groggily woke from her nap.
Upon seeing her husband holding their baby, whatever fatigue she had seem to be completely disappeared.
" Oh my god! My darling Princess. I am your mother. Oh, Viserys ! She is perfect. Our daughter is perfect." Princess Aemma starts to softly cry while looking at her daughter. The babe seems to have sensed her mother because she suddenly opened her eyes for the first time. Her parents both gasped at seeing her eyes. One eye was emerald green while the other was Targaryen violet. Viserys' eyes glistened with tears as his own mother, Alyssa Targaryen, had two different eye colours. Looking at his daughter now - silver blonde hair with heterochromatic eyes is like looking at his mother's face once again.
If his father had seen her now, he would have broken into tears and said his mother had been reborn as his daughter.
"Do you have anything in mind regarding her name, darling?" Prince Viserys asked his wife." You had once told me that your mother was fond of the name
'Mariana' and wanted to name her daughter that, Viserys." Princess Aemma told.  " Yes. She indeed wanted that name for her daughter. However, her wish went unfulfilled. " Viserys mirthfully said.
"Hence, I want to fulfil your mother's wish by keeping the name for our daughter in your mother's honour, Viserys " Princess Aemma said with a gentle smile.
" Mariana Targaryen is indeed a name fit for a princess, Aemma. Everyone is going to love her name" Viserys said while softly gazing at his daughter now sleeping in his arms.
It is said that the coin has never flipped on one side as the gods can't decide Mariana Targaryen's fate which made her life full of uncertain future. But one thing is sure. Mariana Targaryen will be the only chance for the house of the dragon to be stopped from destruction.
Author's note : hope you like another chapter done hurriedly by my inexperienced self.
@cwallace02sblog @bitchycollectorvoid
@universallyrascaldreamercookie @snowtargaryen @girl-of-multi-fandoms @kpopfanfictionfantacies @sadmonke @immyowndefender
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ksharoly · 8 months
king's needs their queen to survive like the game of chess a queen protects its king from anyone who tried to harm it.
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"mother i dont want to be married" you said as you look down being betrothed to lord stark you didn't want to get married yet.
"I am very sorry my dear but its the only choice and you will need your very own family" daemon said as he sat down.
"i promise once this is over all of us will be unite again" rhaenyra said as she kissed her daughter's forehead.
the day of the wedding was not a very pleasant for you those who celebrates from your family is now determined that the throne will be theirs now as the Green's fall down and the black's rise.
"do you lord of the north cregan stark take y/n targaryen as your wife"
"i do" cregan said as he hope that your answer will be the same as well as his.
"and do you princess of dragonstone y/n targaryen take cregan stark as your husband"
"i do" you respond.
as you answer that the two of your kissed and the people of the north cheers and claps your no longer a Targaryen your now y/n stark the lady of winter fall.
the past months you were pregnant with your baby you were very close to cregan's son rickon the people said you were like he's true mother as his mother was dead at the time she give birth to him.
"rickon what are you doing outside its night time shouldn't you be a sleep" you said as you place your Cloak to him.
"thank you" rickon said while looking at you.
"thank you for what? rickon" you said.
"thank you for taking care of me and my dad" he said as you placed your one arm around him and make his head place in your shoulder.
"it's no problem that's my duty as he's wife and being a mother to you my son" you said.
"thank you mother" as rickon fell asleep you notice an figure behind you cregan suddenly lift's you as well as rickon.
"my queen shouldn't be not out side you will catch cold" cregan said.
"did the meeting go well" you said to him.
"yes my wife it have been heard that alicent will place aegon as the king" cregan said.
he place you in the bed as he cradles rickon in his arms.
"what this can't be my mother was the heir to the throne i knew this would happen" you said with fury you know that alicent will place aegon to the throne as the king will soon die.
"easy my wife you have to remember stress is not good for your health and the baby" cregan said since the day you were wed to him he take cares of you and love you as you were his beloved wife every single day you were falling for him.
"don't worry my love the babe is strong like you" you caress his face showing him that you will be strong for him.
"i will always love you" as you two kiss under the bright moon.
"i will too my love i will always love you"
"how did you live i swore i killed you and your dragon" aemond was at his end he knew to himself that vhagar bit him and his dragon.
"long live cousin they say only Targaryen can drive themselves into madness" lucaerys bring a toast to his cousin aemond.
"what's happening here" alicent enters the room with her servants.
"nothing mother"
"come here my son its time to go" rhaenyra said as they left the kingdom she swear to herself that she will get the throne.
at the great hall an meeting was held by them that day viserys sit at the iron throne as vaemond talks about the heir's.
"say it"
"her children are bastard's and she is a whore"
"i will have your tongue for that" vaemond's head was sliced.
"you can keep his tongue" but before they disarmed him a servant called for her.
"my queen an letter has been send to you from the queen of the north y/n stark would you like me to read it for you".
"no" alicent said quickly.
"yes i would like to hear it its been a long time since i saw my precious granddaughter" viserys smiles the flashbacks of him and y/n bonding like father and daughter.
"the letter said that if you continue placing aegon as your heir i will have your head burning in flames and eaten by Wolf's my mother will sit in the throne and if you're against that we will have a big problem alicent i dont wish to be the queen of ashes not now".
with that said rhaenyra was crowned as the queen of seven kingdoms and sit to the iron throne y/n and cregan celebrate for them and congrats for the new ruler.
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misstycloud · 2 years
New beginning:
Yandere husband x wife reader x platonic son.
TW: bad af parenting
Moving to a new city can be a difficult experience. A new house, a new school, new friends and unfamiliar surroundings. Especially hard can it be if you're forced to bring undesired company. That was the case for Andrew. The new house was built very recently, with a modern interior and tall windows and a supplemental garden filled with beautiful vegetation. Many would say he was lucky to live in such a house, but he much preferred his old home. He only felt dread when the car rolled up in the driveway, sealing his fate. Andrew sensed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see his mother send him a gentle smile.
"We're here, come on let's check out the place."
The boy thanked the heavens for his mother, she was the only one with the ability to cheer him up. What would he do without her? He beamed and stepped out of the vehicle. (Y/n) grabbed her sons' hand and pulled him along to admire the flowerbeds planted in front of the house. There were a considerable amount of carnations, dahlias and marigolds. It reminded the boy about all those times when he and his small family went out to the park, all those years ago. When his father was still alive. He really missed those times, times when his sweet mother wasn't with that asshole. When that thing didn't exist. Before his spiteful mood strayed too far, a familiar voice interrupted them. For Andrew it was like hearing nails on a chalkboard.
"Hey, you coming?" A young man in his early thirties came out of the house. In his arms slept a baby.
"Yes we'll be there shortly. Just have to carry these boxes inside first."
"Want me to help?" Her husband asked and slightly tilted his head to the side.
"No, I'll be fine."
(Y/n) proceeded to unload the boxes from the trunk, and placed them on the ground. Andrew wanted to help her but struggled with the weight of the boxes. He tried renewing his grip, but it did not prevent the cardboard from slipping. The young boy was already annoyed, which didn't alleviate when the person he hated most only added fuel to the fire.
"Need help with that, kid?" His step-father stopped right by his side and glanced down at him. Andrew frowned and spat fiercely at him.
"Why would I need help from the likes of you?"
"Andrew! Apologise to Evan right now." His mother scolded him.
"Nah it’s fine, honey."
"Let's just start unpack these boxes and have dinner after. Sounds good?" (Y/n) reluctantly nodded and went into the house.
Evan turned back to face Andrew. It might have been the lighting, but Andrew could have sworn there was malice behind those blue eyes.
Andrews' new room was spacious with a balcony, giving a pleasant view on the garden. Despite it being the bigger than his former room, it did not coach him into liking his current home any more.
Why did they have to move? He liked his old home, old school where all his friends were. Now he's forced to start over and with them still here. Andrew would have been fine with it if it was just him and his mom, alas it seems like you can't have everything.  
He laid down on the floor, staring up in the ceiling. He thought about when his father died. He remembers hating hearing his mom cry herself to sleep every night.
Many came to the funeral, all his aunts, uncles, cousins along with family friends. They all cried except him.
He was in shock they say. He wasn't sure himself, all he knew was that he felt numb. Like it wasn't real, but it was. Afterward it was just him and his mom. They went about their lives as normal, although they were much closer than before-if possible.
He's a certified mamas boy, all right.
He couldn't imagine a life without her. Andrew felt so happy when she played with him, cuddled with him, read to him before putting him to sleep every night. Now however, they don't get to do those things as much.
It's that Evan and their new baby. It's always crying. Always hungry.
Always there. Always demanding attention.
How he detested that thing. Because of it his mother never got time for him.
They used to play all the time but now her full concentration was constantly on the baby. Sometimes, he is even tasked with keeping watch on him. It things like 'can you keep an eye on your brother a second, so I can bring in the groceries?'- or - 'Why don't you try holding your little brother for a bit?'.
All of his relatives fawn over his younger half-brother.
Treating him like a miracle. When voicing his complains, the only responses he get is that he should stop acting so childish and that he'll eventually come to adore Eli. His aunt once said to him.
'Better not say these thing to your mommy, or she will get really sad. No mother want her children to hate each other.'
Fearing to hurt his mom, he never told her of his resentment. Andrew blinked and sat up inspecting all the boxes. Some stacked on top of each other, building a tower.
'I better get to work or I'll be done next year.'
A few weeks after they first arrive, the family had settled in nicely. Most had been unpacked but there were some moving boxes sitting somewhere.
The neighbours greeted them the second day in town. They came over with a new baked blueberry pie. Awfully friendly people one might say.
Their former neighbours didn't as much look at them, let alone bring them pastry's. Apparently they were swedes.
In the evenings the sun shone inside the house and brought a lovely golden hue. You could just relax in the glow, close your eyes and drift off. Something Andrew decided to do a lot. He especially needed it after an annoying day in school. The boy always told his mother the academy had great teachers and his classmates were so friendly. He would make so many friends in the future! But the truth was that the school had 'okay' teachers, and only some of his classmates were friendly. Not many wanted to give him time of the day actually, being the new word kid and all. Andrew had friends in his former school but they were few in between.
'Not everyone could keep up with him', he liked to imagine. For he was indeed the smartest boy in his grade and since it made his mother very happy, he did everything to keep the title.
During the afternoons, the sun shine inside covering the entire house in a golden hue. Lazing around in the living room just reading or thinking deeply was wonderful then. Mixed with the afternoon glow, it gave the feeling of peace and calmness. It was one of the finest hours spent his new home.
In the course of one of such afternoons, (Y/n) was currently working away on her laptop. Andrew entered and smiled when  spotting his dear mother. In his hands resided a orange ball waiting to be tossed around.
"Hey, mom?"
(Y/n) turned her gaze up to see her oldest son staring expectantly at her. She hummed lovingly in response.
"Yes, honey? What is it?"
"Can you play with me, I've been bored all day?" He pleaded.
"I'm a bit busy right now though..."
the woman hated turning down her child. Especially since he knew very well when to bring out the 'puppy eyes'. She glanced around the room and as she watched her youngest play in the carpet, she got an idea. (Y/n) suggested that he play with Eli to cure his boredom.
"Why don't you play with Eli? Im sure he would love to be with his brother."
On cue, the small child peered up at them. He made happy gurgling noises when he noticed his big brother. After all, he didn't see much of Andrew at home. He was always busy doing homework or playing by himself. Being reminded of the baby, Andrew felt himself withdrawal with repulsion. No way was he going to play with him. Evan had already been enough of a bother, but then suddenly had his mother fallen pregnant and next thing he knew, that thing had plopped out. He recalls when his mother told him the news. She was ecstatic and so was Evan. After their wedding they had already planned to move-one of the reasons being work- and now they had another reason to start fresh.
Somewhere new, somewhere where no one knew them, somewhere with no memories of the past.
Despite wanting nothing more than (Y/n) to be happy, he couldn't find any joy himself in the news. He would have a sibling now? He wouldn't be the only child? He would have someone to play with now, he guessed. But it wasn't really that important since he was more of a studious kid. Andrew's thoughts ran wild, there was one thought that stood out however.
Now he would be forced to share his mom.
Andrew didn't want that! What is she liked the new baby better than him? That wouldn't do. The boy was horribly afraid you'd prefer your baby over him and you'd just toss him aside. Throwing out his stuff and maybe make him live with his grandparents. It was a nightmare he had many times afterwards. The fear of abandonment gnawed at him like a rat.
(Y/n) watched as the light in her son's eyes vanished into nothingness. He obviously wasn't satisfied with her reply. On one hand she really would like to play with Andrew, but on the other hand she also really needed to finish her work. Panicked she tried to come up with another solution and as her knight in shining armour, Evan came to her rescue.
He must have listened to their conversation and decided to step up.
"Hey kid, wanna play with me instead? ”
Andrew deliberately scrutinised Evan with a cold look. He then proceeded to firmly shake his head and say
"No, not you."
"Andrew, don't say that. Evan is a part of this family." His mother's voice sounded. But her son only turned to look her in the eyes with a somewhat sad and anxious expression, which followed by him rushing outside.
"Andrew wait!"
But he was already too far out of reach to hears his mothers pleas. (Y/n) sighed defeatedly and pitched the bridge of her nose. Evan attempted to comfort his wife by saying he'll talk to Andrew and that they'll both come to a mutual understanding about respect, before running out the back door after Andrew.
The mother didn't have a clue to what she did for thing to end up like this. Sure, she had a feeling Andrew wasn't the biggest fan of Evan but she kinda hoped that would disappear over time. Maybe she was a bad mom for dating someone her child didn't have the most loving opinion of, but did she not deserve some happiness as well?
When Andrew's father died, she was heartbroken. Who wouldn't be when the love of your life and father of your child suddenly passes away? When she finally decided to get out there and start dating again, she noticed her dates would abruptly draw back. Like they would meet up and then her date just didn't appear interested anymore, even though they seemed to click.
Maybe the bearings of already having a child just wasn't appealing? Because when she introcued Andrew to them, was around the same time when they messaged they'd like to stop pursuing the relationship. She could understand how they felt though. So she didn't blame them for anything. She was just sad that's all. Sad that she might never find that happiness again. Until she met him.
Evan was the only one who decided to stay. Despite her son's snarky comments and glares from the opposite side of the table. (Y/n) felt forever grateful for all the things he did for her. For loving her so dearly. For never forgetting a special day, like birthdays and anniversaries. For making her so incredibly happy while going down on one knee. As well as giving her a second beautiful son who she'd love with all her heart.
Speaking of, that little bundle of joy stretched his arms out trying to reach for his mother. (Y/n) chuckled and went to pick him up and held him fondly while smothering his forehead with kisses.
"You're my little angel, Eli."
Under a tree sat a young boy sulking by himself. He was upset, very upset. His mother chose someone else over him. Okay, he knew it wasn't really like that but it still felt like it. She had chosen a scum over him. Her own son! He didn't deserve the love his mom gave. Not when the one who actually deserved it was Andrew.
He had been successful in preventing a relationship every time his mother had met someone. Every time! But not Evan. He didn't let Andrew scare him in the slightest. Not his death glares. Not his degrading comments. Not even the mean pranks. In fact, Evan didn't as much as flinch when he found a dead rat in his shoe, nor when he found out the eggs Andrew so happily made him were way outdated. Nothing ever seemed to phase him. That wasn't the only thing about him.
Evan was also...weird. Very weird.
Before they moved the their new home, Andrew would sometimes hear strange noise outside at night. It was when Evan slept over at their house. He basically lived there, even though he had his own apartment. So when the boy woke up during those nights and listened to where the sound came from, he took a look outside.
There in the garden had he spotted a tall silhouette. Andrew had quickly backed away from the window when the shadow had looked up towards his window. He was lucky he tought, because it appeared that the figure did not see him. The boy had then continued to observe the shadow. It seemed like it was digging. But why was a stranger digging in his backyard in the middle of the night? Imagine his surprise when he saw the moon's shine lit up a portion of the strangers face. It was only for a second, and he didn't know the person well at all. But there was no mistake. The 'stranger' in his backyard was none other than Evan. You also can't forget the strange sounds coming from the basement. Evan was the only one who went down there, he allegedly used it as his study. His mother wouldn't know anything since she didn't have a reason to go down there and if she needed something Evan would be the first to volunteer.
Lost in thought he almost didn't notice that said person was currently approaching him. Andrew scowled at his step-father and averted his sights to the grass beneath him. A pair of black shoes soon replaced his vision.
"Hey, Andrew." Evan began.
"I know that we might not get along well but can you at least try? For you mom?" The man asked in a hopeful tone but received no answer. He prepared to repeat himself again, but was surprised at the high pitched voice that suddenly murmured something imperceptible.
"I can't hear you, what did you say?"
Evan leaned in closer with the intention of catching the boy's muffled words.
"Fuck you.." Andrew glared at him.
The man's eyes widened. He wouldn't have guessed this is what the boy was trying to say. Nasty criticism was nothing new from Andrew. But never had he sworn at him. Only things like; where he came from and what he ate to his fashion choice. Evan's expression converted into a perilous smile.
"That's not nice little Andy." He said.
"Don't call me that!" The lad swung his scrawny arm at the older man, but it was easily caught in a tight grip. Andrew froze as he stared into two malicious orbs.
"I will call you whatever I want because I'm the adult here. Listen; I don't like you and I know you don't like me either, but you will do as I say. Because if you don't- well we already have a replacement for you." The man smirked while he watched as Andrew's face distort.
"I also don't want (Y/n) to be unhappy. She wants this new life to go well and your little antics keeps making her sad, and I doubt you want to cause your mother pain. So you will stop your pathetic tantrums and be a good boy from now on, okay?"
Evan released his grip on Andrew's arm and stood up. He began waking back towards the house, but not before turning around and saying.
"Be nice to your daddy from now on."
Andrew caressed his sore arm and winced. He could already feel a bruise forming. Guess he would have to borrow some makeup from mom's bag to cover it up. Looking through the window he could clearly see his mother and step-father conversing happily; like the previous three minutes didn't happen.
Just like he said.
God how he hated that little brat! If he could just get rid of him, then everything would be alright. It would be absolutely perfect with only the three of them as a family.
Evan Carter was no ordinary man. He can't even begin to count how many immoral acts he's committed. Assault, robbery, blackmail, murder.
But that was not all. He realised from a young age that he was different. Many times did he witness the emotions of people around him, the good ones and the negative ones. But not a single emotion could he relate to.
When he tripped and fell as a young boy, he simply stood up again, shedding no tears.
When his middle school soccer team won his towns annual sports tournament, Evan did not understand the length of his teammates joy.
Don't get him wrong he can feel things, although his feeling weren't as prominent or strong like others. Further, when he was in high school and all the other kids started to focus on finding partners, the boy could care less about it. It continued that way even when he wasn’t a young boy anymore and time had carried him into the life of adulthood.
Until he met her.
(Y/n) was his light. They’d met three years ago at a party hosted by a mutual friend. She had been so beautiful that night. With her rosy cheeks and enchanting eyes. She had him trapped the moment they shook hands. Evan wanted to punch himself for thinking he could make it alone in this world. Before her, the domestic lifestyle appeared pointless; Now it was all he wished for.
The day they of their wedding was the best day of his life. Everything went splendidly and the decision to move to a new city had just been finalised. Seeing his wife pregnant with his child made him so happy. Evan loved his wife and son so, so, so much!
Their new life would be amazing if it wasn't for one time detail. His wife's son from her previous relationship.
How awful that brat was.
Always insulting him and being rude, even though he hadn't done anything to deserve it. It was quite obvious he was trying to scare him away. But Evan was not like those other shallow men Andrew had succeeded in frightening. No, he was there to stay.
Evan knew his temper would soon hit breaking point. Still, he didn't desire to kill the boy. Not yet at least. He saw how much (Y/n) loved him and knew how heartbroken she would be if he died. She was unknowingly the only reason he was still alive.
But perhaps in the future, who knows? A small accident may occur.
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 8 Chateau
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Chapter 8 of Moonlight
A/N- You and young Rhaenyra would’ve been the bestest of friends.
Warning- Swearing, angst, NFSW, quickie before mc leaves, FLUFF, talks of blood, death, miscarriage, pregnancy, LONG CHAPTER.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- 1x08-1x10
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
“…and he said to me, well you’re sort of beautiful. So I look at him confused.” You tell Rhaena and Baela about a memory from your years in Winterfell. “I'm like, I'm either one or the other, tell me if I should be offended or touched.”
Rhaena giggles and leans in closer to you. “What did he say?”
You grab onto the edge of the dinner table and lean in between the both of them to whisper. “He went on to throw up on himself,” you grumble and Baela and Rhaena groan in disgust.
“But! The next day he said the same thing to another girl, so,” you snicker, “my friends and I grabbed him after he blacked out and laid him in front of Astraea. When he woke up he shit his pants in front of all the ladies he had been hitting on.”
The three of you burst out laughing at your story, causing Jacaerys to shove himself between Baela and you. “What’s so funny?” He probes.
You part your lips to answer, but Baela cuts him off. “Lady business.”
You peer over at him and snicker.
“Well,” he counters nonchalantly and smirks. “I suppose I won’t share what I just told Lucerys.”
Your curiosity piques and without an ounce of hesitation, you look back at him, noticing him looking all smug.
However, before he can even try and share his part, the hall doors open and guards carrying your grandfather in a chair walk in, silencing the chatter that fills the room, and making everyone, including you, stand from their seats in respect of the King's arrival.
“Tell us later,” you whisper to your brother.
He leans over and counters. “As long as you tell me what you shared.”
You meet his gaze from the corner of your eyes and nod in agreement. You then return your focus to the King getting carried to his spot in the middle of the table, and only return to your spot beside Aemond once the King is put down.
“How good it is,” your grandfather interjects in his raspy voice. “To see you all tonight…together.” He finishes strong and takes a moment to examine everyone gathered around the table.
“Prayer before we begin?” Alicent cuts in.
Your grandfather turns his head to look at his wife and nods. “Yes,” he whispers.
You sigh and clasp your hands together over the table, but you don’t close your eyes like Alicent and her family do.
Even if you do follow the Old Gods, you don’t much pray to them over dinner, nor do you make it your entire personality like Alicent with her New Gods, but out of respect you do stay quiet and listen to her.
“May the Mother smile down on the gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for too long.”
You slowly drop your head and roll your eyes at her comment because after all, who’s fault is this strain exactly? Your mother was nothing but patient during the years she lived here with you and your siblings; the boys only messed around with one another because they were just children messing around. The only reason you don’t like Aegon is because he’s a creep with the ladies, and you, but the hostility? The name calling? That was all Alicent.
So can she please stop acting?!
“…And to Vaemond Velaryon, May the gods give him rest.”
Okay, now that time has passed you have to admit even if you don’t want to…what Daemon did to him was…well deserved. You won't praise the man to his face, but it was impressive. After the disgust and horror passed of course.
“This is an occasion for celebration, it seems,” your grandfather interjects once the prayer is done, pulling your gaze back over the table—“My grandsons, Jace and Luke will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena.”
You smile at the newly betrothed and reach over for your goblet.
“Further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes…and their betrothed.”
A grin spreads on your lips and you don’t fret to raise your cup to all of them.
“Hear, hear!” Daemon exclaims.
As you take a sip from your wine you reach over and interlace your fingers with Aemond’s as you remember your own wedding. He proceeds to immediately glance over at you, finding you a hundred times more interesting than the people he’s forced to break bread with and puts his goblet down to lean over and press a kiss on the side of your head, making you smile and tighten your hold around his.
“Let us toast as well to Prince Lucerys,” the King adds. “The future Lord of the Tides.”
You raise your cup again and this time you exclaim. “Hear, hear!”
Lucerys gaze finds you and a thankful smile shows on his lips before he drifts his gaze to Rhaena.
“You’ll be great,” you hear her compliment him, making you smile softly with joy because you're happy she's showing him a gentle kindness. He deserves someone kind like her.
“It both gladdens my heart,” your grandfather keeps speaking, but this time he stands on his feet so everyone can look at him. “And fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world…yet grown so distant from each other…in the years past.”
You swallow thickly and begin to caress the back of Aemond’s hand with your thumb.
At the feeling of the soft pad of your thumb caressing his skin, his eyes fall on you and linger while you watch your grandfather with hesitation as he begins to take his mask off.
You have seen him without it on a few times, but seeing the muscles of his cheek stick out still brings you goosebumps—Not his eye socket though, Aemond and him share that similarity, and you’ve helped Aemond clean his fleshy eye socket before, but the flesh on your grandfather's cheek is not the same.
“My old face…is no longer a handsome one…if it indeed ever was. But tonight,” he mutters. “I wish you to see me…as I am. Not just a King…but your father. Your brother. Your husband…and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems…walk for much longer among you.”
You let out a deep breath and avert your gaze to avoid having them cloud with tears. Aemond notices and pulls your hand to his lap so he can hold it with both of his hands.
“Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts,” he goes on and slams his cane against the floor. “The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances, if not for the sake of the crown…then for the sake of this old man, who loves you all so dearly.” He lets out a heavy breath and sits back down, letting your mother abruptly stand up with her goblet in the air.
“I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen,” your mother interjects, catching you off guard. “I love my father, but I must admit that no one has stood…more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with…unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude…and my apology.”
You grab your goblet again and take a small drink.
“I also would like to add,” your mother says a bit softer this time, and with a smile, she directs at you. “How thankful I am to my daughter and Prince Aemond, you have made me a grandmother…”
You smile brightly and share your glee with Aemond.
“…I am thankful for that every day. To Aerion, may he continue to grow and be happy.”
“Hear, hear,” Alicent says quietly, whilst Aemond, you, and everyone around the table take a drink.
“I will also like to add,” Alicent continues to say. “That your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess. We are both mothers…and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow.” She goes to pause so she can stand up and raise her goblet. “I raise my cup to you…and to your house. You will make a fine Queen.”
You bring your cup to your lips and take the last sip of wine before you stand up as well, causing one of your hands to slip off Aemond’s. “I would like to toast to my mother and family. Six years was far too long and I'm glad to see you all again, I missed you all—And to my brothers.” You smile, whilst a servant refills your goblet. “And Rhaena and Baela, may you share a loving and fruitful marriage.” You sit back down and take a drink at the same time your family does too.
Silence falls after that, letting you reach over to grab some fruit from the trays. When you sit back down and plop a grape in your mouth, suddenly Jacaerys slams his hands on the table and gets up, pulling the attention of everyone to him, and bringing a deafening silence to the table.
You raise your eyebrow and squint your gaze in confusion, but Jacaerys just clears his throat and only provides you with more confusion. However, that confusion quickly washes away as Aemond stands up and stares your brother down.
“Aemond,” you whisper and take his hand.
Said man keeps his glare on Jacaerys, adding tension to the table. You follow his line of gaze and watch your brother playfully hit Aegon's arm before raising his cup and meeting your husband's gaze.
“To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond…”
You swallow thickly and look up at Aemond again to plead. “<Aemond, my love, please.>”
Aemond blinks and meets your gaze briefly. You think he'll overreact, so you prepare yourself to try and calm him down, but he seems to find a solution to his conflict in your pleading gaze and sighs before he slowly sits back down to just listen.
“We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles.” Jacaerys makes a friendly toast and raises his cup, followed by Baela.
The awkward tension doesn't leave but you slowly drink to your brother's words while you wrap your hand around Aemond’s arm.
“To you as well,” Aegon adds awkwardly.
Now you want this to come to an end before things turn bad. Aemond is already more upset than he initially was. And you can’t just see it in his stiff body, and pursed lips, but he gives his emotions away by pulling his arm from your grasp, letting you know he’s upset that you were trying to stop him from overreacting.
You howbeit don’t take offense to his petty act, you find it funny and immediately put your hand over his again. Aemond slowly drags his eye to the side in annoyance, and you slowly do the same but shoot him a playful smirk when you meet his gaze.
Aemond sighs and looks away as he takes his hand away again, but you pull his hand down and rub his hand against your thigh before you lean close to his ear to whisper cockily. “You can be upset all you want, it makes for a more entertaining night.”
The corner of Aemond’s lips twitch to a smile, but he doesn’t let it show in front of the others.
“Just a little longer, okay?” You assure him and then press a kiss on his cheek before you look to your other side as Helaena gets up too.
“I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena,” Helaena says. “They’ll be married soon. It isn’t so bad. Mostly he just ignores you…”
Aemond grips onto your thigh before you both share awkward glances due to his sister's speech.
“…except sometimes when he’s drunk.”
Scattered laughs spread around the table, but you just blink and glare over at Aegon.
“Let us have some music,” your grandfather brings an end to the toast, letting you turn to face Aemond.
“So I thought,” you tell him, gaining his full attention. “If my family doesn’t end up staying long, after Aerion and I come back from Dragonstone, we go to the vacation house. We can present Aerion to the countryside, just be alone and have calm nights, hm?” You share your idea.
Nevertheless, Aemond’s attention drifts behind you rather quickly, you follow his line of gaze and notice Jacaerys and Helaena starting to dance.
“Aw.” You grin. “How adorable.”
Aemond hums dryly, letting you know he didn't like it one bit, so you block his line of gaze and distract him. “So what do you say? After I come back, do you want to take a nice trip?”
Aemond sighs. “All right,” he agrees as he holds your gaze.
You beam at him and steal a kiss from his lips before you face the table again. Yet just before you can grab any food, a shadow gets cast over you, and Aemond’s grip on your thigh tightens.
“Sister,” you recognize Lucerys say, making you look over at him standing beside your chair with his hand out. “Would you like to dance?” He asks and slides his gaze to Aemond at your other side to shoot him a small smirk. “If that’s okay of course.”
Even though he is playing some stupid game to annoy Aemond, you gladly take your brother's hand and don’t even ask Aemond for permission because Lucerys is your little brother. You don’t need permission to dance with him. However, as you do follow Lucerys out to the floor you do feel Aemond’s gaze on you. When you come to a brief stop and grab your brother's hands, you look back and see exactly that, Aemond watching Lucerys and you carefully, as if your brother was going to suddenly just steal you or something.
Thus just to reassure Aemond of his ridiculous concern you offer him a soft smile before you begin to follow Lucerys’s lead.
“You’ve come a long way from dancing on my feet,” you tell Lucerys as you pull apart and continue to dance. “I’m impressed.”
“There’s not much to do at Dragonstone,” he comments whilst you both hook your arms around each other to spin slowly to the beat. “Besides, mother made us take lessons.”
You giggle. “Well, you’ll make your future wife very happy. It’s always impressive when a man is a willing dance partner.”
“Is it?” Lucerys asks curiously and steals a glance at Rhaena.
You nod. “It is. It’s a way to a woman’s heart. For some anyway.”
He laughs and meets your gaze with a serious look in his eyes. “What’s the other?”
You grin in awe and respond honestly. “Attention, so don't make her feel alone. Listening. Affection and humor.”
Lucerys hums softly before you link arms again and begin spinning slowly once more.
“Dragonstone wasn’t the same without you,” he says again. “We missed you.”
You hold his gaze and offer him a sweeter smile. “I missed you. I’m happy you haven’t changed, don’t let anyone change you.”
You proceed to grab each other's hands and dance around Helaena and Jacaerys before you turn back to back, lift your arms as if forming wings, and then pull away to turn to face each other again.
Before you can finish your dance though, you both come to a slow stop as you notice your grandfather getting carried. When he's being taken away, all you hear him do is groan in pain and you can't help but feel pity that he can’t be the man he once was.
At least he got to witness a part of this family dinner. As tense as it has been, it must've been nice after only seeing the same four walls, and laying in bed all day.
Nevertheless, after he is taken out of the room, a higher tension fills the room at the same time a roasted pig is brought in. Thus you don’t continue to dance in a tense-filled room, instead, you point to the table.
“Let’s go eat some dinner, hm?” You suggest.
Lucerys nods before laughing as he walks you to your chair. “You sound like mother.”
You flash him a simple happy smile before you take your seat beside Aemond and watch your brother return to his seat across the table. And now that you are seated, Aemond fixes his chair to the way it was before.
“I’m still here,” you tease him and take his hand once again. “But if you were so worried you should’ve danced with me.”
Aemond hums, making you snicker before you change the subject. “I have something I want to give you later. It…took me a long while to perfect, but I think you’ll like it.”
Aemond blinks in surprise before he turns his head to face you with confusion and curiosity. “What is it?” He asks.
You shrug softly and bat your lashes. “You just have to wait and see. Or I’ll tell you now if you dance with me?” You tease him with a smirk. “Hm?”
Aemond looks at the dance floor that Jacaerys and Helaena still occupy before meeting your gaze and letting out a deep sigh. “Fine.”
You blink in surprise and pull back. “Really?” You ask him now. “You’ll dance with me?”
Aemond nods. “I will.”
You beam at him with awe and excitement, but…just as you stand up, and before you can pull him up, his gaze drifts away for a second, only a few moments, but it’s long enough for him to catch something that pisses him off so much that he rips his arm from your grasp and slams his hand on the table, cutting off all noise that traveled within.
“Final tribute,” he interjects. “To the health of my nephews.”
Your smile fades completely and instead, you begin to nervously bite the inside of your cheek.
“Jace,” Aemond names. “Luke, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise…” he trails off and takes a long pause while he stares Lucerys down again.
“Aemond,” you warn him without an ounce of softness in your tone this time.
But of course, he ignores you. “Hm,” he hums. “Strong.”
You clench your jaw and fill with anger; not because he dared to say that to them, there’s no need fueling those comments. You're mad because he ruined this supper. Couldn’t he just hold it in and silently just glare and hate? That’s what you’re doing with Daemon.
“Aemond,” his mother attempts to stop him too.
“Come,” Aemond continues and ignores Alicent as well. “Let us drain our cups to these three…strong boys.”
“I dare you to say that again,” Jacaerys snaps at him angrily.
“Why?” Aemond counters and faces him with his cup raised. “‘Twas only a compliment.”
He breaks away from his spot and passes you to stride to Jacaerys. “Do you not think yourself strong?”
You know Jacaerys has a short temper, you know Aemond doesn’t hold back, so you slowly follow after him and try to plead again. “Aemond, please stop.”
Yet now rather than ending up being hit after trying to stop a fight, Jacaerys swings his fist across Aemond’s face.
Your eyes widen in shock, and you reach your hands out to help your husband, but nevertheless, the punch doesn’t seem to affect Aemond, he doesn’t even drop his wine or sway. So you have to admit that it's impressive, it really impresses you, but now isn't the time, besides as Jacaerys and Aemond confront each other, from the corner of your eye you catch Aegon slamming Lucerys face into the table.
Now rather than staying put and trying to plead, as if triggered by your brother's pain and the anger Aemond made you feel, you charge at Aegon without hesitation and quickly slam your hand on the back of his head and clutch a chunk of hair. You then grab his shoulder and yank him back harshly. When Aegon finds his footing he looks at you bewildered, but that expression is quickly wiped away as you proceed to swing your right fist across his face harshly, causing him to stumble back.
“Try that again,” you snap at Aegon.
Guards head over to you to try and stop you, but before they can try and touch you, a threatening “don’t,” is snapped at them.
You quickly dart your gaze to the side and see Daemon stop by you, challenging the guards with his glare alone.
Of course, the guards don’t dare and move toward you now, nor do they hold Aegon back—Not like he made any attempt to hit you back, he just holds his cheek in complete surprise. When he catches your gaze he pulls his hand away and you notice a small bleeding cut under his eye that you had made.
You should feel bad, but you don’t, you actually feel proud that you managed to hurt him. Besides Aegon doesn’t seem at all affected, he notices the blood and begins to chuckle before he walks away.
You scoff and roll your eyes, catching the guards failing to hold Jacaerys back now.
“…Though it seems my nephews aren’t so proud of there’s!” You hear Aemond exclaim, and when you look over you see him stride to Jacaerys, so you quickly turn around to face the scene, but before you can even think of getting in between them, your mother's hand falls on your wrist, stopping you.
“Wait! Wait!” Daemon interjects and nonchalantly strides in between both young men, making the both of them stop in their attempts to continue fighting. He then proceeds to face Jacaerys and walks him back without the need to say anything.
“Go to your quarters,” your mother orders your brothers and cousins behind you. “All of you. Now.”
You glance over your shoulder and watch them all leave. When they’re gone you focus back on Aemond and see him challenge Daemon’s glare in silence.
You tighten your hold around your mother's and watch them both carefully in anticipation, readying yourself in case either of them snap.
However, Aemond then hums and walks away, bringing the entire supper to a dramatic end.
“If you still wish to accompany us to Dragonstone, my Sweet,” your mother interjects. “Pack what you need, we’re leaving tonight.”
You watch Aemond leave out the hall before you look at your mother and nod in comprehension. “I will. I’ll see you in a bit.”
She nods in comprehension and lets you let her go so you can leave the hall after Aemond. Yet when you see him walking toward your chambers you make no attempt to pick up your pace to catch up to him, you keep your own pace behind him, and try to calm yourself down before walking into your shared quarters.
Nevertheless, you ultimately fail when you are in the privacy of your chambers. You don’t speak to another right away. You let a tension fill the room since Vanessa walks in only a few minutes later.
“Pack for two week's worth,” you let her know as you walk to your closet. “We won’t stay long. After that please put Wolf in his crate, we'll take him too, and then take Aerion, we’ll ride with my mother and dare I say it…my stepfather.” You sigh deeply.
“Right away, Princess,” Vanessa says and walks up behind you to take the gowns you were picking out from your hands. “Should I pack riding outfits?”
“Hm.” You think for a second and briefly glance at her. “Yes, just two.”
Vanessa nods, but she then stops what she’s doing and meets your gaze. “I can do it. I know you well, I won’t be long.”
You share a soft and relieved smile before you let her do her job. Yet now you return to the tension, but! Of course, Aemond doesn't look bothered by any of it!
You can be upset at one another and he always looks nonchalant, and it irks you! You want him to be mad at you, you want him to react, not just sit there and brood in front of the fire.
“Whatever it is you want to say,” Aemond suddenly makes you jump. “Say it. You’ll bleed if you bite your tongue any harder.”
You clasp your hands together and slowly begin to fiddle with your hands as you begin pacing with your mouth shut. Vanessa is still here and you don’t want to have an audience.
“Unless you want to leave upset,” he adds and keeps looking at the fire.
When you don’t respond, he presses as he finally peers back at you. “Hm?”
You stop pacing behind him and let out a frustrated breath, but don’t start just yet, you wait. It's not until Vanessa is out and no longer in the hall that you start and give him what he wants. “Why did you do it?” You mutter out in frustration.
Aemond remains as he is and gives you what you want. “I didn’t do anything, I gave a toast, your brother—”
“No,” you cut him off and storm around him to stand in front of him so he can see your anger. “No, don't bullshit me, Aemond. Seven hells, you antagonized them.”
Aemond finally meets your gaze, and you deepen your scowl.
“He hit me first,” he spats but in a very collected manner. “Or are you choosing not to see that?”
You shake your head. “I’m not siding with either of you. It was stupid that he hit you, and it was stupid of you to provoke him.”
Aemond blinks in surprise and finally chooses to slowly stand to his given his height as if trying to intimidate you, but you aren’t at all affected.
“I try to be understanding, I always have,” you continue to argue and step back as he steps forward. “I never try to take sides or try to tell you how to feel, but when you provoke them I can’t help but get mad at you. I told you to wait it out, just for dinner, but…” you trail off and shake your head. “You can’t even do that.”
“He hit me first, what did you want me to do?” He argues and takes a step towards you again, this time you stay put, this time you’re the nonchalant one, making him finally give you a reaction that you want because your calm demeanor pisses him off; you can tell by the way he clenches his jaw, flares his nose, and curls his thin lips.
“You hit Aegon, do you hear me remarking on that?” He spats.
You scoff. “I don’t give a shit about Aegon. Your brother is a bad man, he deserved it.”
“Did I?” He cuts in bluntly.
“No,” you quickly assure him. “No. But I wanted you to just listen. To me. I told you to sit through it. I didn’t say get over it, but you started it,” you stop again to catch your breath before you turn away to avoid shedding angry tears. “If you have so much hatred for my brothers then,” you pause and huff, shoving away all your anger with that huff of air and leaving yourself vulnerable. “…how can you honestly love me?”
Aemond hears the quiver in your voice and sighs, losing all his will to argue with anger, and growing weak and gentle at the mere shift in your emotions.
“You aren’t the same as them,” he says softly and grabs your shoulders.
You want to say what he’s thinking; a bastard, but you can’t, so you bite your tongue and watch the flames as if you’ll find your solace amongst them.
“You never have been,” Aemond continues. “You’ve never been cruel to me, not when we were kids. You never laughed at me because of what I lacked. Even when I lost my eye and people looked at me with disgust, you never scrunched your nose. When we got older and I was distant you still picked me.”
“That’s why I love you,” he says and turns you around to lift your head with his knuckle so you can meet his gaze and show you that he's being honest and vulnerable with you. “Forgive me for upsetting you. I won’t apologize for what I did, I would be lying if I did.”
You scoff and roll your eyes.
“But,” he adds and cups your face to keep you looking at him. “I am sorry for upsetting you.”
You hold his gaze and then can’t help but glance at his lips after those words leave his mouth, feeling a spark of desire coil inside you.
“Say you forgive me,” he whispers. “I don't want to leave things like this.”
You draw in a deep breath and touch his chest. “Just,” you breathe out. “Please stop provoking them. Stop with the snide comments. It’s okay to still be upset, I could never understand what you feel, and I could never ask you to forgive him, but please for me, for Aerion, just leave them alone,” you plead and press your other hand against his jaw. “You are better than that, Aemond. I know it. You have a good heart, you always have.”
Aemond’s gaze softens and he immediately presses his forehead against yours, letting you then slide your hands to the back of his head.
“I’m sorry too,” you add. “I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you.”
Aemond shakes his head and assures you softly. “There’s no need for apologies, not from you.”
You flash him a grin and then gently press your lips against his.
He actually doesn’t kiss you back right away, he savors the taste of your kiss since you’ll be leaving him for two weeks. It’s only when you’re about to pull back that he pulls you back in, leading you into a slow and gentle kiss that neither of you try to rush and instead let fuel your burning desires. You let your affection and need for each other control you. All you know is that you were going to be late meeting your mother and the rest of your family.
“I,” you say between the slow kisses. “I’m not bleeding. It was a false alarm. We can do this. I want you, so I can remember how you felt when I’m alone.”
Aemond chuckles softly and meets your gaze with a smirk. “I wouldn't have cared if you were.”
You mirror his gesture and before long those slow and sweet kisses turn rougher and sloppier, lighting your body on fire with desire, and putting his member at attention for you to drool over.
When he notices your hungry gaze he grabs the back of your hand and presses your palm over his clothed member. You smirk and turn your wrist to grab a hold of his aching cock, but leave him craving your touch, and instead, you strip down to nothing, making him walk back to sit on the couch and watch how the firelight captures your body so perfectly for only him to see.
When you’re left with nothing on but the jewelry you wear, you walk to him and simply unbuckle his pants and pull them down and let his cock spring out and fill your mind with so many dirty thoughts.
Unfortunately, most can’t come to flourish today though, you have to satisfy yourself with one thing so you’re not left in shambles without him in Dragonstone. Thus you saddle his hips and press a kiss on the corner of his lips.
Aemond groans in complaint as he wants more, and wants nothing more but to make each other one, but you must want to keep people waiting because you begin to leave a trail of kisses down to his neck, making a chill travel down his spine, and a wicked smirk to play on his lips.
“Fuck me,” you demand him. “So I can go to sleep tonight thinking about how good you make me feel when you’re inside me,” you whisper so seductively that his breath hitches and his hands fall on your hips to push you down to his aching member because he can’t go on not feeling you gummy walls.
He wanted you since the moment you placed his hand on your thigh, but he kept his patience, and now that you’re in the privacy of your room and he’s no longer bothered by the mere sight of the visitors around the table, all he wants is you; your lips, your breasts, and your aching cunt that weeps for him, that squeezes him so tight he groans in your mouth.
You’ve felt him many times before, but still, each time his cock goes in it’s like the first time; he’s so long.
“Wait, wait,” you pant and take his hand that he keeps on your hip, and bring it up to his face. When he figures out what you want, he grabs his eyepatch and pulls it off his head. Once the firelight gleams against his sapphire you smile sweetly and give him a taste of what he wants by rolling your hips, making him push himself deeper inside you as his breathing falters and his hand slides back to grab a handful of your ass.
“Aemond,” you can’t help but moan.
He bites his lip and once he has his composure he captures your lips and rolls his tongue inside before he starts thrusting his length inside you, making you stop your attempts to suck on his tongue and instead claw his shoulders.
Now that pleasure that coils feels like wildfire. You’re overwhelmed with pleasure in the best way possible, not being able to think about anything but the way his cock keeps rubbing against your walls as he moves in and out of you even if you’re the one on top
You don’t even want to lose touch with his wet lips because it adds to the sensation and the pleasuring fire, but you can’t hold it in, and he’s not moving his lips anymore because he’s so lost in his pleasure; you pull back, but stay connected by a string of saliva for a moment as you catch your breath before you throw your head back and start to moan his name like prayer as his cock keeps penetrating you roughly.
“So perfect. So perfectly made for…me,” he babbles on with a half-lidded eye. “Fuck,” he hisses and grips your ass, leaving marks that you can’t feel because of how lost you are in the sensation of his cock bullying inside you.
You don’t bother to do any work until he fits himself all the way inside and hits that heavenly g-spot.
“Aemond, please,” you beg before you lean back and grab his thighs to start bouncing for him, leaving you in a perfect angle for him to watch how your tits bounce with your delicious movements.
He could keep watching you all day, but you have him too fired up, his insides are turning and threatening to snap, and two weeks without your touch is hell, so he cups your breasts and begins messaging them as he thrusts up to meet your hips, creating obscene sounds of skin slapping that echo around the room.
“Aemond,” you whine, making him moan to the ceiling and move faster.
You keep whining his name as the tip of his cock keeps hitting that perfect spot that is about to tip everything over and bring an end to this quick goodbye sex. And hearing him heave and moan your name isn’t helping, you begin to squeeze tighter, driving him further to the edge, and only fueling his roughness.
You want to prolong this moment, keep feeling him inside your guts, but the time is ticking and they will leave you behind, so you lean in and continue to kiss him, finding his weakness by pushing your tongue in his open-mouthed kiss.
Aemond lets out a throaty groan and starts rolling your hips for you, bringing you to a stop as you can’t hold it back anymore, a blinding pleasure slams in you, and all you see are stars as you drown his cock with your warm cum. He doesn’t last longer either, he grows sloppier, and his breathing grows ragged until he snaps and moans inside your mouth as he spills his hot seed inside you.
After a few sloppy thrusts, he falls back on the couch and you fall on his chest and hang your hands around his neck.
“I will never get tired of this,” you murmur as you caress the back of his neck and lose your gaze on the fire in the distance that makes you both gleam because of the sweat that sticks to your skin. “This is better than flying.”
Aemond chuckles. “I have to admit it is,” he says in that low voice that works to lure you and tempts you to go for a second round. But you hold back for the sake of your waiting family and instead smile and press a kiss on his shoulder before you pull back to face him.
“Once we move to Dragonstone, you will get tired of me.”
Aemond scoffs. “I never could. Never.”
You offer him a soft smile before you grab his shoulders as you remember something. “That’s right! My present!” You giggle and then slip off, making you both groan and leaving you both feeling empty.
Even so, you take no time to think about the chill or the good way you ache, you excitedly run to the chest in your room.
Aemond watches your naked body with a smirk and a craving for more.
“Since we did get married so suddenly I couldn’t have this made before, but…” you trail off and pull out a long-sheathed weapon. “…I do have it now. That’s what counts.”
You turn around and show off the sheathed sword. “This is for you, my love.”
You rush back to him, but he meets you halfway after pulling his pants on so you won't have to carry it all the way to him.
“I do hope you like it,” your voice grows quieter with worry and insecurity. “And any adjustments you may need let the smith know.”
Aemond takes the sheathed weapon from you with hesitance as if he doesn’t believe you’re being honest.
“Come on,” you encourage him. “Open it.”
Aemond takes a moment and looks at you first with awe before he unwraps the pommel first, showing off a dragon's head that is shaped like Vhagar.
You can’t contain your excitement even if you don’t know if he’ll like it, and point at the gems where the eyes are meant to be. “Tiny green emeralds for the eyes because your dragon is green,” you grin and shake his arm. “Go on, reveal the blade!”
Aemond drops his gaze and can’t hide his grin as he unsheathes the long blade that glimmers brightly against the fire's light.
“Now,” you add as you wrap your arms around his neck to admire the silver metal mixes with the dark metal that is Valyrian steel. “I know it isn't fully Valyrian Steel, but…I used my chain necklace to mix some in. Now you’ll always carry a bit of me with you, even when we’re apart.”
You look at him and admire him using his finger to trace the dark metal elegantly swirled in the blade.
“Do you like it?” You whisper and watch for any slight twitch on his face that could give away that he doesn’t.
However, Aemond doesn't let you read the side of his face too long at all because he lifts his gaze as he puts the sword down and turns around to face you with a soft awestruck smile that he only lets you see.
He's usually so stiff and nonchalant because there’s almost always people around, but when it’s just Aerion, and you, he lets go, he laughs with such deep and genuine amusement and lets his blue eye glimmer adoration that makes it hard not to fall in love with him.
“I love it,” he says before he kisses you. Yet it doesn’t last long because he pulls back and whispers against your lips. “I love you.”
You smile with awe and don’t hesitate to repeat those words that once tasted bitter when you spoke them to him. “I love you too. Now and forever.” You mean your words of affection. Truly.
“Now and forever,” he repeats.
With one more kiss from his lips, you then quickly dress yourself and fix what was messed up. Before leaving to meet with your mother though, you prolong the moment longer by bringing in Aerion.
“Now my sweet boy,” you tell him. “Say goodbye to your father.”
Aerion eyes fill with tears and his pout trembles as your words make sense in his mind.
“You’ll sleep again soon enough,” Aemond assures the cranky baby. “I’ll see you in two week's time.” He presses a kiss on Aerion’s head of curls and caresses his cheek one more time before he gives you attention. “Send a Raven if anything happens. I’ll write to you later.”
You nod and steal one more kiss, but linger in each other's taste before you pull away and force yourself to leave before you change your mind and stay with Aemond.
Once you finally meet up with your family to leave, Jacaerys groans. “What took you so long?” He complains.
You shoot him a glare and shake your head. “Don’t worry about it,” you brush him off.
Since your mother is already waiting in the carriage you quickly climb in with Aerion and apologize to her only once you’re sat down. You completely ignore Daemon.
“Sorry,” you breathe out. “We can leave now.”
The carriage door closes behind Lucerys and both of your brothers squeeze in with you even if there’s more space in this moving carriage beside your mother, or quite literally on the same bench.
“Come on little prince,” Jacaerys says and reaches over to take Aerion from you.
Aerion frowns at him albeit and looks away.
“Oh, I see,” Jacaerys murmurs and hits his hands on his thighs. “He takes after his father then.”
You scoff and shake your head. “No,” you counter quickly and smile at your baby boy. “He just got woken up from his slumber. He’s just cranky, aren’t you? But after he gets his sleep then he’ll let you carry him.”
You lift Aerion to get him comfortable, but before you can cradle him in your arms, your mother interjects. “Give him here, I can put him to sleep.”
“Okay,” you whisper happily and hand her your baby.
You expect him to cry or try to reach out for you, but his eyes just water for a moment before he exhales deeply and gets comfortable in your mother's arms.
“He just didn’t like you,” Lucerys teases Jacaerys. “It’s a you thing.”
You snicker and both Lucerys and you nudge him.
“Sure,” Jacaerys grumbles and rolls his eyes. “Anyway!” He speaks louder and hits his thighs again. “Let’s change the subject to what I heard happen tonight.”
They heard Aemond and you making love?
Couldn’t be, they're not on the same floor—seven hells. Your balcony door was open though…
“I heard you punched Aegon.”
Oh, oh! Good. That was scary for a moment.
“Yes, she did,” Lucerys cuts in with excitement. “That ring of hers cut him.”
You begin to smirk. “He deserved it,” you say smugly. “But I can’t brag…he’s a weak fighter. You can even take him,” you playfully jab at Jacaerys.
Your brother shoots you a pointed look, and Lucerys snickers.
“How did you learn to hit like that?” Daemon interrupts, causing your amusement to flicker with annoyance and distaste—“the swing seemed practiced.”
“From lurking in the shadows like a creep,” Jacaerys blurts to try and get back at you.
You roll your eyes and push him away. You don’t want to answer, but your mother is here and she’s also waiting for your answer with Aerion falling asleep in her arms, so as to not upset her, you spare one glance at Daemon and respond.
“I learned when I was young…since I’m a Princess I wasn’t allowed to train like the boys, so,” you sigh and smirk at him. “I watched everything they did and taught myself to do it better.”
A proud smile tugs on your mother's lips, and even if you don’t want to notice, a smirk flashes on Daemon’s lips.
“Besides,” you add and grin brightly. “Ser Harwin always said that nothing is more powerful than a strong right hook. He taught me how to throw a punch.”
“We’ll see how good you are with a sword,” Jacaerys taunts you, pulling your attention to him.
“Yeah,” you give in to his offer smugly. “We’ll see.”
Every day at King’s Landing can never measure up to moments like these with your family. You’ve missed it, all of the chaos and the comfortable atmosphere. Even if you have your differences with Daemon, his presence doesn’t bother you as much—you don’t let it bother you as much anyway.
At King’s Landing with Aemond’s family, it’s always so awkward, they’re never together as one. They spend breakfasts apart, dinners are hardly eaten together and there’s always some kind of uncomfortable tension. It’s why you just spend time alone with Aemond and Aerion, being with the Queen, her father, and the other kids is awkward. Besides, no one at King’s Landing besides Vanessa knows how to style your hair.
“Higher. Raise your blade higher!” Jacaerys scolds Lucerys.
“Mother,” you break your silence and look away from your brothers sparring to mindlessly watch the sand.
She hums in response, letting you continue.
“In our family history,” you pause and blink to glance over at Rhaena playing with Aerion. “Has there ever been Targaryen’s who may be…immune to fire?”
There has to be an answer for the impossible things you’ve noticed. A small mention in your history books.
“Hm, not that I can recall,” she responds and reaches down to pick up a golden cuff from your palm to put it on your hair. “We are known to tolerate heat more than an average person can, but no, there haven’t been any fire-immune Targaryen’s recorded. If there had been we would have known, right?”
Nothing but more questions.
“That’s right,” you agree softly and return your gaze to your brothers.
“Why?” She asks and leans closer to you. “Any particular reason?”
You debate telling her what you have been discovering about yourself lately, but you can’t tell her what you aren’t sure of yet, you'll sound mad without hard proof. What if you just have a higher tolerance than others who have come before you? You need to learn more before you can tell her or anyone else.
“Just curious,” you simply avoid the truth.
“Well you can always try the library,” she offers some aid as she reaches down to grab the last golden cuff from your palm before parting her lips again. “You can also ask Daemon those questions. He knows a lot more than I do. He spends a lot of time reading about our history.”
She’s attempting to have her husband and you bond again. She started this ridiculous mission when you climbed on the ship to come here.
And as thoughtful as her attempts are, she can wipe your father's blood off Daemon's hands, her attempts are futile, but you don’t want to discourage her yet so you just hum to keep her assured.
“Princess,” a different voice suddenly interjects, pulling the attention of all four of you seated on the sand—“A raven came to you from King’s Landing.”
The maester approaches your family and much to your surprise he comes to a stop beside you with the small scroll in his hands.
You immediately smile since you know exactly who it’s from, and quickly push yourself to your feet to gently take the scroll from his hand. “Thank you, Maester.” You tell him sweetly before sitting back down to read what Aemond wrote.
“My love, I write to you urgently to command you to return home at once.
“Oh,” Baela says teasingly. “A raven from your beloved. What does he say? He beckons you home already?”
You blink repeatedly in confusion, finding his urgency concerning. Yet you don’t feel rushed to return home to him; you just arrived at Dragonstone and you told him two weeks. Besides, what if he’s just being difficult because of his indifferences with your family?
Tsk. He can wait.
“He just misses me,” you retort with a smile and roll the scroll back to tuck it in the bracelet cuff around your bicep. “He can stay missing me for the next two weeks.”
Baela snickers.
“I'm glad you can bring out something good from him,” your mother interjects. “Gods know how much Alicent poisons them.”
You mindlessly begin to fiddle with your ring around your finger and query. “You really think so?”
“Yes, I saw it, the way he looks at you. The eyes never lie.”
The corner of your lips tug to a soft flattered smile and your heart skips a beat.
“You!” You hear Jacaerys exclaim, and when you lift your gaze you see that he’s pointing at you.
“Come spar against me,” he taunts you and lowers his arm. “You keep saying you’re good, but I have yet to see it. Your words mean nothing unless you show us.”
You share an amused look with Baela before you shrug nonchalantly. “I’m not so sure now. I wouldn’t want to hurt your ego in front of your betrothed. Just…believe me and leave it at that, dear brother.” You tease him lightheartedly as you cross your legs over the other and lean back on your hands.
“Then you’re not good,” he counters smugly, knowing how to lure you in. “Accept my challenge and show me you are this great swordsman and I will shut up about it. Or don’t and I will annoy you forever and you reign you a liar.”
You roll your head back to pretend that his plan didn’t work the way he wanted it to, and quip, “you already do annoy me. But,” you sigh and sit up. “Fine, only so you’ll shut up about it.”
You walk to your brother nonchalantly as if you're not excited to show your skill, or happy that he wasn't a stickler for stupid sexist rules. When you pass by Lucerys you motion him to give you his sparring sword.
“Be careful,” your little brother says over his shoulder.
“You won’t change?” Jacaerys points to your gown.
You shake your head. “Don’t need to. I can beat you with it on.”
You shoot him a smirk and choose to stand across from him on the sand. “I won’t go easy just so you know,” you let him know. “I will play by your training rules though just so you won’t get hurt.”
“As if,” he grumbles while he fixes his grip around his blade.
You roll your shoulders back and shift your feet in the way Aemond stands. You then narrow your gaze on your brother and wait for his first move.
Thankfully, he grows impatient right away so he comes charging at you right away. When he gets close he swings at your neck, but you duck and then spin around him quickly.
Jacaerys watches you get away and quickly tries to meet your next move before you can give it away, but you surprise him by clawing one hand on his shoulder and using your other hand to grip his arm to shove him down.
Right away rather than staying down and giving you a path to a quick feat, Jacaerys rapidly pushes himself up and thrusts his sword at your side, but you manage to block him and then use your leg to kick him back.
Jacaerys glances down at his throbbing chest and quickly finds you again to flash a bothered frown that he's holding back from showing his impressed smile. You on the other hand shoot him a smug grin to work him up.
And just like you thought, he can't stand your cocky smile, it offends him too much so he comes at you again, and swings down this time, but you avert his blade by turning to the side.
That swift move infuriates him more so he uses his anger to keep swinging, but you just keep swerving his swings.
“Fight back,” he growls.
You click your tongue and roll out, “fight better.”
This time, however, you actually do as he says and charge at him before swinging up. Jacaerys brings his sword over to block you, but at the last second, you trick him and end up spinning around him, managing to hit his arm harshly with your blade before you face his back.
Your brother hisses and grabs his arm, but doesn't stop from trying to attack. You don’t let him move though, instead, you kick him down to the sand and proceed to stride over to him to flip him around and point your sword at his throat.
“What do I win?” You ask proudly.
Jacaerys huffs out in annoyance and throws his sword aside, letting you do the same to offer him your hand.
“Come on, get up,” you offer without that teasing air in your voice.
Your brother sighs deeply in defeat and seems to hesitate, but he ends up taking your hand to let you help him back to his feet.
“You did good,” you compliment him seriously. “A lot better than six years ago that’s for sure.”
Jacaerys snatches his hand away from yours and glances behind you, you follow his line of gaze and catch Daemon is now watching, but you ignore him and focus on your mother's smile instead while she holds Aerion now.
“You…did good too,” Jacaerys redirects quietly as he scratches the back of his head.
You giggle and shove past him to pick up the sword from the ground.
“You did good, Princess,” Daemon interjects, interrupting the pleasurable moment you had been sharing with your family. “But you can do better.”
His footsteps hit the sandy surface and approach you. When he stops near you his shadow casts over you, and your anger breaks out of that little box you wanted to contain it in for the purpose of this trip to go well.
“I don’t need your help,” you snap at him and don’t fret to meet his gaze with a burning glare.
You would have snapped at him and called him a murderer, but you don’t have evidence and you still don’t want to ruin this trip, so you just clench your jaw and stab the sword in the sand before you shove past him and stomp over to your son.
Your mother calls out to you and tries to talk to you, but you just gently take Aerion from her since your anger is not directed at her.
“Come on baby, let’s get you inside,” you whisper to your baby boy and then storm away.
Your mother calls out to you desperately, but you ignore her, and instead of going inside as you said, you take a detour to the hill by the castle when you catch Astraea resting.
“<Hello, girl,>” you greet the dragon as you press your forehead against her jaw.
Astraea growls softly and leans against you, making you smile softly and that frustration melt away.
“Do you want to feel her?” You ask Aerion and then grab his little hand to press it against Astrea’s hard purple scales.
Aerion grins brightly and kicks his feet, he tries to laugh, but he can’t do so just yet so he just gapes like a fish.
“<Goodgirl.>” You praise your dragon in High Valyrian before approaching footsteps interrupt your peace and work to deteriorate all the joy had felt.
Albeit when you check who’s approaching you’re relieved to see it’s just your brothers, and ashamed to say you got worked up without looking at who it was.
“I won’t apologize,” you mutter, knowing that your mother probably sent them to address your previous dramatic scene. “I just need time.” You say and turn to drag yourself down to the ground beside your dragon's head.
“We aren’t here you tell you to apologize,” Jacaerys rebuttals as both he and Lucerys slow down to a stop before you and Aerion. “Nor do I think Daemon cares if you do.”
You turn Aerion around so he can face you, and begin making faces at him so he can smile.
“We've come to tell you that we understand,” Lucerys shares, making you blink repeatedly. “We understand your anger and distance.”
You keep a lighthearted expression for Aerion’s sake, but your voice tells your anger and sadness. “How can you do it? Look at him in the eye every day after what he did?” You can’t help but ask without even a little explanation, you were angry, but they’re also old now, they grasp things better, they understand a lot more than before, and they must suspect what you do.
“What did he do?” Lucerys asks innocently, but you don’t hold back for his sake.
“He killed father to marry mother.”
“Your father,” Jacaerys deadpans. “Laenor was only your father.”
You snap your head to the side and look at him with a pointed glare. “Does that matter? He still raised you, he was still there and Daemon took him away. So how can you do it? Because I can’t…look him in the eye without thinking of father, without wanting to kill him.”
Jacaerys and Lucerys share a brief look before they sit with you. They remain silent for a while, most likely trying to find what to say to try and ease the pain you express to them for the first time.
“I can’t say I haven’t thought about that,” Jacaerys admits softly. “I don’t trust Daemon, but there’s nothing we can do about theories. We have no evidence, and he…makes mother happy.”
You sigh deeply and look down at Aerion watching you. “I know,” you whisper and look up at the sky to avoid crying. “I just have to suck it up. But…you don’t think I’m mad for holding that against him right?” You can't help but ask and look at both of your brothers and wait.
Lucerys meets your gaze and a variety of emotions run behind his eyes before he slowly shakes his head. “No, we—I understand why you’re angry, and it’s okay. You can be mad at him all you want.”
You hold his gaze before you share a soft admiring grin. “You've really grown up, huh?”
Lucerys scoffs softly. “It’s been six years,” he says timidly nonetheless.
You nod slowly in comprehension and glance down at Aerion with a soft smile before you glance at your brothers. “Thank you for coming up to talk to me, and trying to understand.”
Lucerys offers you a soft smile, and Jacaerys averts his gaze to interject. “We stand with you, sister. We need you to know that.” He goes quiet and slowly lowers his gaze to lock his eyes on you and finish. “On this matter, and all the others you may face.”
Lucerys nods in agreement, making your eyes fill with happy tears. “Thank you,” you mewl.
“Don’t cry,” Jacaerys mumbles uncomfortably.
You laugh and shake your head. “I won’t.”
You wipe away a stray tear and hide your face by looking down at Aerion putting a strand of your hair in his mouth. “Just let me enjoy this moment.”
At least now you know you don’t stand alone in the anger against Daemon.
The difference between Jacaerys and Lucery's fighting style is that Lucerys is a bit too gentle and too slow, and Jacaerys is too angry and doesn’t try to be tactical. Jacaerys puts up a fight unlike Lucerys, who leaves himself too open. It’s why you find a way to shove his dominant hand before you raise your leg and kick him back on the sand.
“Lucerys,” you breathe out slowly.
Said boy groans and manages to hastily push himself up. “I know,” he grumbles in disappointment.
You walk over to him and grab his arm to help him to his feet. “You left yourself too open,” you point out the mistakes you caught. “Don’t think too much about it either, or else your enemy will get you a lot faster.”
Lucerys nods in comprehension and you can't stay too stoic, you offer him a small smile and pat his shoulder. “You did better this time though.” You assure him before you walk past him.
“You are speaking to him too gently,” Jacaerys scolds you as he takes your spot across Lucerys. “He won’t get any better that way.”
You spin around as you walk past him and shrug. “He won’t learn anything if you’re mean either,” you counter and plop yourself on the sand to watch Jacaerys spar against Lucerys now.
Once again Jacaerys is too aggressive, and Lucerys is too slow to catch up to his brother. It’s almost too hard to watch, you hate seeing Lucerys get hurt, but you watch for his sake so you can teach him his mistakes in ways Jacaerys is too impatient to do.
“What. Was. That?” Jacaerys spats as he shoves Lucerys to the ground.
“I'm sorry,” Lucerys grunts.
“You might go easier on him, my Prince,” an older Kingsguard knight interjects as he walks to your brothers. “So he can learn what you’re trying to teach.”
You hum in agreement.
“Your lady mother needs to see you!” The sound of your grandmother's voice carries out through the wind, stealing everyone’s attention and catching all of you by surprise. “The three of you!”
You had seen Meleys arrive not so long ago, but her armor wasn’t something you expected her to be wearing. Nor did you expect her to come see you all so soon. Should it be concerning?
“Is everything all right?” You ask your grandmother once you reach her under the cave.
Your grandmother Rhaenys lets out a deep sigh and points to where the castle is. “Go on, she needs you.”
That didn’t help anything whatsoever.
“Have you received any news from your husband?” She cuts you off.
You blink in confusion and answer quietly. “No. Just a raven to demand me back home…why?”
She simply holds your gaze and answers nonchalantly. “I’m sure your mother will explain. Now go, all three of you.”
You share a concerned look with your brothers before you hurry into the castle and do as she says. Once inside you look out for anything suspicious, but Dragonstone is quiet as usual, there’s nothing out of the ordinary.
That is true until you begin to approach your mother's chambers because as soon as you get close you hear grunts and cries of pain echoing out. When you make it inside her quarters you instantly freeze as you notice she’s in a birthing gown, bathed in sweat, and grabbing onto her waist to ease whatever pain she can.
“Mother?” Jacaerys calls out because you can’t muster even a breath.
“Fuck,” your mother groans.
The babe isn’t meant to come out yet.
“Princess,” Maester Gerardys calls out to your mother distracted by her pain.
When she slowly turns to face you and your brothers, you let out a shaky breath and climb down the stone stairs to fall by Jacaerys side and be under your mother's gaze as well.
“Your grandsire, King Viserys, has passed,” she announces with strain, making you gasp.
“V-Viserys?” Lucerys repeats in disbelief, whilst you try to progress the tragic news in silence.
Is that why—Aemond knew, didn't he? That’s why he wanted you home only a day after you left. He knew and he didn’t say a thing.
“The Greens have repudiated the succession,” your mother adds what was beginning to come across your mind. “And claimed the Iron Throne.”
The maester leaves hastily, and more grief piles on you, making it hard to breathe properly.
“Aegon has been crowned King.”
That drunk, rapist with no sense of any kind of responsibility?
“What is to be done about it?” Jacaerys asks what ran through your mind.
“Nothing yet,” your mother says.
“Where is Daemon?”
“I don’t know,” your mother's voice quivers. “Gone to madness.” She shakes her head. “Gone to plot his war.”
“Leave daemon with me,” Jacaerys cuts in and turns on his heels to storm off, taking Lucerys with him, while you stay there frozen to your spot, trying to wrap your mind around your grandfather's death and Aemond’s betrayal.
“Jace,” your mother calls out, but he doesn’t stop—“Jacaerys!”
You blink and slowly look at the entrance and watch him stop and turn to face your mother.
“Whatever claim remains to me,” she says through her pain. “You are now its heir. Naught is to be done but by my command.”
Jacaerys nods stiffly and lingers there for a few more seconds before he walks away to do as he had thrown out moments ago, and you…you look back at your mother and feel your heart sink. Whatever grief and anger you feel over the news, you shove that aside for now and rush to her side.
“I’m here,” you assure her as she begins grunting and crouching down. “I’m here.”
You grab her arm and hook it around your neck. “We should try sitting down, or lying,” you suggest.
Your mother shakes her head and clutches onto your shoulder as another wave of pain hits her.
What could you do to ease her pain? What can you do to make her feel more comfortable at this very moment? She cries and groans, she paces mindlessly trying to relieve herself of the pain, but the babe refuses to come out.
You’ve been through the pain of birth now, you know how much it hurts to have someone come out of your own body. You’ve also witnessed it after Lady Arra suffered through it for hours, but at this very moment, as your mother suffers through early labor, labor is still something you can’t comprehend, something you can’t find words for.
No matter how much you plead to let her ladies-in-waiting help her, she refuses. She refuses water and doesn't let you lay her down. All you can do is walk with her, hold her as she pushes, and hear her as the pain seems to become worse. She even calls out for Daemon, probably so he can comfort her, or so she can give him orders, but he never comes.
Not like that surprises you, not because of how you think he might be, but because he is a man. Men aren’t usually a part of the labor process, Cregan wasn’t there for Arra, and Aemond only came to you after you asked for him; you were so afraid you were going to die and Alicent refused to let your mother go to you, so all you wanted then was Aemond.
You can’t lie and say Cregan didn’t come to mind, he always had a way to comfort you with so much ease. He didn’t struggle like Aemond did, but you never let his name slip when you were on your birthing bed. And when Aemond was there you were grateful that he was and that he found it in himself to try as best as he could. So maybe that’s all you can do now too, try your best for your mother.
You rub her back and move her hair behind her shoulders so it isn’t bothering her. You let her squeeze your hand as hard as she wants and never let her go. There comes a point through her painful pushing that she finally lets you drag her down to the ground, but you can hear her cries are full of much more heightened pain, and the blood that stained the bottom half of her body becomes much more.
“Princess let us help you,” her handmaiden, Elinda pleads, but your mother doesn’t pay them any attention.
“Get out!” She bellows as she lifts her gown. “Get out!”
“Princess please.”
You slide your mother's arm off your body and crawl forward to help her, but she pushes away from you.
“Mother,” you beg between tears you try your hardest to fight away.
“Let us help you,” Elinda continues to press.
Your mother reaches out for your hand, and you quickly return to her side and let her clutch onto you as she screams sharply while she pushes out harder.
Now, however, with this push, blood pours out from her, surrounding your feet and staining the sheer white gown you put over your black training outfit. You want to help her pull the babe out, but she refuses your help and pulls out the baby herself with a long and painful cry.
The moment the baby girl comes out, that pain that riddled her body seems to ease, but the grief that hits her upon seeing the babe is probably worse than her pain.
The babe is so small, her bones are clearly prominent against her skin. There’s bumps you can’t identify poking out of her head, and her skin is…scaly, unlike anything you’ve seen on a human child; It looks like a dragon's skin. Yet throughout all that observation, you still search for a sign of life, you wait to see your baby sister's chest move…but her eyes never open, and a cry never fills the room.
It’s so deafeningly quiet now, your mother doesn’t cry anymore and the handmaidens don’t plead to help. And the baby, little Visenya is so still, so incredibly still. There’s nothing you can do now but be there and cradle your mother as she cradles Visenya’s body.
You don’t say anything, quiet tears stream out of your eyes—tears brought by your own grandfather's death, by the betrayal jabbing your heart, and by your sister's death before she could even take her own breath.
Even so, as paralyzed as you are, you find the strength to press a gentle kiss on the side of your mother's head and let her rest her head against yours as she sits there.
Who knows how much time passed before you moved, but even then your mind is moving too fast to grasp anything at all. It feels like you’re outside of your body just watching it move throughout the castle halls. And funny enough, the only person you want to comfort you is Aemond; the man who helped his brother usurp your mother's throne. You want him with you, hugging you and telling you that it will all be fine, you want him with you.
Flying home even crosses your mind, you want to run into his arms and let him hold you, you want to breathe in his charming scent, and tell him that you’re not really mad at him for what Aegon did, you know the influence his mother holds, and that poisoned him at a young age. You don’t blame him for Aegon’s coronation, you’re just upset that he didn’t say anything.
You still wouldn't side with the Greens though, not only because Aegon makes a terrible ruler, but because your mother is the true heir, your grandfather deemed it that way and never declared otherwise, his word is law and they broke it.
So much for following the rules.
Alas, Aemond can’t be here, and you can’t leave. Your mother needs you, and…if it’s a war that will break out then you want to fight for the right side.
So after a short bath and a change of clothes, you and your three brothers walk out and join your mother and Daemon for the funeral on a stony hill. Other people stand behind your mother and Daemon too; the other residents who live here, a couple of workers, your cousins of course, and your grandmother stands behind the crowd watching the pyre burn in silence
The moment is quiet, deafening so. You can even hear the flames from where you stand, the gentle breaths of your brothers near you, the waves lapping in the distance. After a while though, the sound of swords unsheathing breaks through the grieving silence. You break away from your stupor and see a knight of the Kingsguard who's not a part of the three that were already here walk up the hill.
“I mean no harm, brothers,” the man announces before he takes his helmet off.
Since you stand to the side it’s hard to identify who he is, so before your curiosity can kill you, you step forward and that’s when you see that it’s one of the twins; Ser Eryyk. He kneels before your mother and takes out…your grandfather's golden crown from his satchel.
“I swore to ward the Queen,” he doesn’t wait to proclaim loudly and with confidence. “With all my strength, and give my blood for hers….”
You gasp softly in disbelief, but you can’t help a proud smile from forming on your face.
It’s good that someone isn't afraid to break away from the man who calls himself King, that someone is loyal to your mother; the true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
“I shall take no wife,” Ser Eryyk continues to preach his oath. “Hold no lands…father no children. I shall guard her secrets…obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and honor.”
You look at your mother and watch Daemon approach her with the crown. For once you watch him with pride and glee as he sits the golden crown over your mother's head before he kneels before her.
Your mother does seem a bit shocked that she’s getting crowned, but when it seems to pass you catch her eyes lift to the crowd as they start to kneel before her and declare their loyalty. Her eyes then find you and your brothers, and they proceed to bend the knee too. When her eyes then lock with yours, you shoot her a small proud smile before you lift your skirt and bend the knee before your Queen, making your choice between both sides clear to her and everyone else. She is your Queen from now and until the end.
There are words in high Valyrian that are often used in Velaryon funerals, “From the Sea we came, to Sea we shall return.”
You never really found deeper meaning behind those words, not even when your aunt Laena died. They were beautiful, and a part of your beliefs as a Velaryon, but they were words until your father was the one who returned to the Sea.
Now all you do is desperately look for him. He wasn’t put to rest in Dragonstone, he was put to rest in the sea around Driftmark, next to his sister, but he became one with the sea after death, he is everywhere the water touches, from here, to the coldest waters far North, beyond the tall wall.
Yet no matter how long you stand in the dark waters, all you feel is cold water hitting your legs and weighing your gown, you just feel the cold wet sand between your toes, and a sharp, unfriendly breeze sway you back. There’s no sign of your father's presence to comfort you when you need him the most.
Can't he see that you still love Aemond even if he betray your mother and in turn you? Doesn’t he know you lost a sister, and your mother got her throne usurped? Doesn’t he know you need him now?
Why can’t he be here to embrace you? Why can’t you feel his presence in this vast Sea? You ask yourself in your mind as if a response is given to your inner thoughts, your name is called out and travels over the sound of crashing waves.
You peer back and see your grandmother watching you with a hint of pity and also a bit of disbelief as she recalls his son within you.
“It’s cold, come out,” she urges and only takes a step forward so she won’t get wet.
You look back at the endless Sea, letting the breeze blow through your hair and over your face; drying the tears that roll down your cheeks. You hope to feel a sliver of your father's presence but…you’re left feeling empty, so you trudge out of the water and get met with hands on your shoulders.
“I miss him now more than ever,” you tell your grandmother with a quivering voice.
Your grandmother lets out a deep breath and nods gently as she moves her hands up to cup your cheeks and wipe away your tears.
“Me too,” she makes you feel less alone in your longing. “I’ll say that I see him in you all the time. And in your son. He’s still with us.”
You slowly meet her gaze and offer her a faint smile. Can you say you feel completely and totally comforted? No, nothing can ever heal the wound your father's loss left, but her words do bring you peace.
“Can I ask how you’re feeling? You must be torn,” your grandmother asks out of concern.
You sigh and shrug. “I know my side,” you confess that confidently, but you avert your gaze when it comes to bringing up Aemond. “But when I think about Aemond, my heart still races, and I'm still riddled with my love for him, but…I know where his loyalties lie and that he’ll never change and that confuses me because I want to be with him, but also support my mother…I don’t know what to do.”
Your grandmother caresses your cheeks and then slides her hands to cradle your shoulders and keep you facing her. “I could tell you to run back to his arms, I know love. I know you want to be a family for your son.” She nods softly but narrows his gaze to show determination. “But this strain right now will turn into war. You must think if you want to be locked inside a cage of their making, or be free here.”
You don’t want to be locked away, and you know…you can be certain that returning to Kings Landing will guarantee you a seat in a golden cage where Helaena sits because you can’t see Aegons council trusting you. Aemond would trust you after you took a moment to talk, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, but he’s still no king. And you can’t see yourself soaring free unless he somehow takes control, or has a hand in controlling Aegon, otherwise they would most likely lock you away, and you can’t accept it. You won’t.
But Aemond…you want to see Aemond again…
“I see,” is all you can find yourself to tell your grandmother, and she doesn’t seem convinced but it can’t be easy coming to terms with your choice when there’s someone on the other side pulling you back.
“Let’s head inside the meeting should be starting soon, that’s why I came to fetch you,” she changes the subject so you wouldn’t be thinking about the subject a moment longer.
But you still have a lingering worry about Aemond so before you can walk inside the meeting room you share it with someone you know you can trust. “What if they demand Aerion’s return? Or worse they come and take him? He is Aemond’s son after all.”
She faces you with a smirk on her lips and she grabs your hands to reassure your concern. “They can try. They won’t reach my great-grandson, or you.”
You offer her an appreciative smile and walk inside reassured. You know she hasn’t faced war before, but she’s still fierce and a dragon rider you’d trust with your life.
“Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen,” Daemon announces while your mother enters the hall with four guards stiffly around her. “First of Her Name. Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.”
You bow your head after he finishes, like everyone else in the room.
“Your Grace.” Daemon addresses her.
You lift your head and watch her approach the table shaped like the Westeros map, but then see her come to a stop as Rhaena approaches her with a goblet. “Wine, my Queen.”
You see your mother hesitate before she takes the goblet from Rhaena. “Thank you, Rhaena. Come,” she points to the table.
When she passes by Baela, she motions her over as well, letting her fall right by your side while you stand by your mother when she reaches the table.
However, when your mother does reach the table she stands in silence, you look over at her out of curiosity, thinking that maybe she’s taking in the markers on the map, but her gaze is taking in everyone around the table first before she finally breaks the silence.
“What is our standing?” She asks.
“We have a hundred crossbowmen, and 300 men-at-arms,” Daemon shares confidently. “Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest. Our army leaves a lot to be desired. I sent word to my loyal men in the City Watch. I’ll have some support there, but I cannot speak for numbers.”
He speaks with so much ease, it honestly makes you feel some sort of confidence even if your numbers aren’t impressive.
He’d never hear that from you though. Tsk.
“We already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton,” the Maester cuts in. “Massey, Darklyn, Bar Emmon.”
Not much.
“My lady mother was an Arryn,” your mother interjects as you watch Jacaerys place markers on your curtain allies. “The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin.”
“Riverrun was always a close friend to your fathers, Your Grace,” the Maester points out. “With Prince Daemon’s acquiescence, I already sent ravens to Lord Grover.”
Oh by Daemon’s acquiescence? Who gave him permission to do such matters? Your mother when she was in labor?
“Lord Grover is fickle and easily swayed,” your mother argues. “He’ll need to be convinced of the strength of our position, and that we will support him should it come to war.”
You lift your gaze off the table and drag your eyes to Daemon, knowing her comment was directed at him.
“I’m going to treat with him myself,” Daemon volunteers himself and keeps his gaze on your mother. When you glance back at her she holds his gaze as if challenging him and arguing over what he did while she was abed.
“What of Storm’s End and Winterfell?” Lord Darklyn asks, making you snap your attention to him at the mere reminder of Cregan.
Now Cregan is someone who would never betray his oath, he’s a Stark, and he’s simply Cregan; he’s loyal and you can swear by that.
And well he would also never go against you regardless of how things are between him and you currently.
“There has never lived a Stark who forgot an oath,” Lord Bartimos defends Lord Stark. “And with House Stark, the North follows.”
You smirk faintly at the table and mindlessly watch the part of the map where Winterfell is marked.
“Lord Borros Baratheon will need to be reminded of his father's promises,” your mother inputs, causing a knight to put a marker over Winterfell, while Jacaerys puts one down too.
“What news from Driftmark?” Your mother asks your grandmother, turning everyone’s attention to her.
“Lord Corlys sails for Dragonstone,” your grandmother simply says.
“To declare for his Queen,” Daemon assumes, boldly at that.
“The Velaryon fleet is my husband's yoke,” your grandmother counters. “He decides where they sail.”
You scoff smugly and pass a glare to Daemon before looking back at the table.
“We shall pray for both you and your husband's support,” your mother says. “Just as we prayed nightly for the Sea Snake’s return to good health. There is no port on the Narrow Sea that would dare to make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet.”
She then turns and drifts the subject away to a different point. “And our enemies?”
“We have no friends among the Lannisters,” Daemon says. “Tyland has served the Hand too long to turn against him. And Otto Hightower needs the Lannister fleet.”
“Without the Lannisters, we are not like to find any allies west of the Golden Tooth.”
“No,” Daemon quickly agrees before ducking his head and continuing. “The Riverlands are essential, Your Grace.”
“Pray forgive my bluntness, Your Grace,” a Lord cuts in, “but talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons.”
You pick up your gaze and remind the lord of your similarities with the Greens. “The Greens have dragons as well. Older dragons.”
“They have three adults,” Daemon keeps cutting in. “By my count. We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your daughter has Astraea, and your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes.”
Tyraxes? He’s a baby and too small, as well as Joffrey. He can’t possibly want little Joffrey fighting against three old and experienced dragons.
“Baela has Moondancer.”
“Daemon,” your mother argues. “None of our dragons have been to war.”
Without addressing that comment Daemon keeps going about more dragons. “There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmount, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.”
“And who is to ride them?” Your mother asks what you’re thinking.
“Dragonstone has 14 to their 4. I also have a score of eggs incubating in the Dragonmount.”
And what good will that do? Does he want his toddler sons and your infant son to control hatchlings? Tsk, please.
“Now,” Daemon continues as he grabs a marker. “We need a place to gather. A toehold large enough to house a sizable host.”
He places the marker down and without as much as counseling the Queen he shares his plan. “Here, at Harrenhal. We cut off the west, surround King’s Landing with the dragons and we can have every Green head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns.”
You swallow thickly and even if it’s absurd you still worry about Aemond.
“Your Grace,” Ser Eryyk interjects as he strides over. “A ship has been sighted offshore, a lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon.”
The Greens.
“Alert the watchtowers,” once again Daemon gives commands as if he’s King or hand of the Queen. He’s nothing but the simple Prince Consort—“sight the skies.” He takes his sword and storms out, leaving your mother behind.
“Mother,” you say and turn to face her.
“I’ll have Aerion brought in,” she tells you right away while she turns to face you. “I doubt there will be any sort of force, but we need to be assured and I will feel safe if you and Aerion stayed with Jacaerys and the guards.”
You sigh deeply and don’t feel unease until she leaves. Of course, only minutes later Vanessa is brought in with Aerion, but you only grow more worried. You do feel safe with Jacaerys, and you can protect yourself too…unless it’s against Aemond, but it’s doubtful he’ll make an appearance today.
You wait and watch the skies for Vhagar, from a nearby balcony, but as expected he doesn’t show. Your mother eventually returns and brings with her a list of commands given by Lord Otto, and amongst those demands is the immediate release of Aerion and you, as if you were captive here with your mother.
Ultimately though it is up to you, your mother gives you the choice to return to King’s Landing. But being loud and intrusive as he is, Daemon refuses to give you a choice, he finds no need for you to make a choice, or a “stupid choice.”. You’re needed here, he says.
But maybe he just wants to use you because he knows how important Aerion is to Aemond.
Your mother sees right through her husband but says nothing in that regard, at least not in public.
You could run away, you don’t want to be used by Daemon, and he wouldn’t be able to stop you. You can’t imagine it’s that hard to sneak out of Dragonstone. It’s true you don’t know the layout of this castle-like you know the Red Keep, but it can’t be hard.
But you don’t run away even if you’re tempted to go to Aemond. Not to join his side, but to talk to him about all this madness, to well…ease some sense into him.
But you don’t go. Eventually, morning rolls around and you sneak off for a short flight, but you still don’t leave, even if the sky is open and Astraea will do as you please.
“Again!” Jacaerys’ annoying and scolding hits your ears. “This is the third time Mother has sent me to come fetch you.”
You roll your eyes and spin on your heels to skip over and hook your arm around his to lead him to the castle. “Relax, brother, I was just walking and catching some air.”
“In the skies,” he spats. “You were flying on Astraea all morning. Mother told you to keep out of the skies. Have you even gone to see Lord Corlys? He’s here you know.”
You nod. “I know, but he was asleep. I was waiting until he woke up to visit him.”
“Well,” Jacaerys scoffs. “Now you have to wait until after the meeting. Mother is expecting you.”
You sigh. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.”
“You said you wanted to be a part of this,” Jacaerys continues to use that stern voice on you. “Well be a part of it.”
When you enter that hall though you’re consumed by the chaos you just wanted a small escape from. Everyone is talking over one another, pacing around the table, and shouting ideas. It doesn’t come to a stop until Ser Erryk cuts them all off with a booming announcement. “The Lord of the Tides, Lord Corlys Velaryon…”
You lift your gaze and see your grandfather on top of the stairs with a cane and a bandage around his neck. It’s an odd sight seeing such a great man wounded, but it’s the reality of war. He’s lucky he even lived.
“…and his wife, the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.”
You clasp your hands in front of you and begin to fiddle with the ring around your finger as you watch her, your grandfather, and your cousins trailing behind them, walk down the stairs so formally.
“My lords,” your grandfather greets the men around the table once he’s down the stairs.
“Lord Corlys,” your mother greets the Lord. “It brings much relief to see you hale and healthy again.”
“I’m very sorry about your father, Princess,” he says, “he was a good man.” He then turns and faces the painted table to look around at all the faces gathered. “Where is Daemon?” He asks.
“There were other concerns which demanded the Prince’s attention,” your mother responds.
Your grandfather simply hums and passes your mother without as much as bowing, or addressing her as her proper title; Queen. He just walks past her as if she’s another one of the men.
“Your declared allies?” He points out to the few golden markers.
Your mother nods and approaches the table once more. “Yes.”
“Too few to win a war for the throne.”
Your mother spares him a quick glance before countering. “Well, we would also hope to have the support of houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark.”
“Hope…” your grandfather cuts in. “Is the fool's ally.”
You stop fiddling with the ring and lock eyes with your mother before she returns her gaze to Lord Corlys and hardens it. “Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house. But all of them swore oaths to me.”
“As did House Hightower,” your grandfather points out. “If I remember.”
“As did you, Lord Corlys,” your mother redirects with some spite that makes you proud.
Said man stays quiet for a moment, he looks back at you, your brothers standing by you, and your cousins standing by their betrothed for a brief second before focusing back on your mother.
“Your father's realm…” your grandfather interjects loudly. “Was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. This Hightower treason cannot stand,” he makes clear as he proceeds to fix his stance. “You have the full support of our fleet and house. Your Grace.”
You can’t help but share a small, faint smile at the sound of his words. Knowing the man he is, and how it’s rumored his son died, you didn’t think he’d bend the knee to your mother, but he did. Thank the gods.
“You honor me Lord Corlys,” your mother thanks him with a much softer look. “Princess Rhaenys,” she says behind her. “But,” she once again addresses the crowd. “As I said to my bannermen. I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war is first, stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand.”
“You do not mean to act?” Your grandfather questions.
“Taking caution,” your mother clarifies. “Does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war.”
Your proud smile for your mother widens at the sound of her determination.
“The consequence of my…near demise in the Stepstones…is that we now control them,” your grandfather announces. “I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The tiarchy has been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours. If we…further seal the Gullet.” Your grandfather points to the areas on the map. “We can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King’s Landing.”
“I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself.” Your grandmother volunteers herself, seeming to surprise your mother that she did not need to command her, that it was out of her free will.
“When we drain the Narrow Sea,” Lord Bartimos interjects. “We can surround King’s Landing. Lay siege to the Red Keep and force the Greens surrender.”
It’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Aemond has the biggest dragon who has seen and been a part of war. Aegon, you must admit, has a good bond with Sunfyre, and Daeron…well you don’t know him well, but his dragon can be as impressive. You’ll have to deal with them first.
“If we are to have enough swords to surround King’s Landing,” your mother inputs. “We must secure the support of Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm’s End.”
“I’ll prepare the ravens, Your Grace,” the maester assures her, albeit you aren’t convinced by that or sitting at home, and you know your brothers feel the same.
“No,” you break your silence, “we should bare those messages. In my five years at Winterfell, I grew to befriend Lord Stark, and become familiar with Winterfell, I’m sure I can speak to him and gain his support.”
“Besides,” Jacaerys stands tall and finishes your sentence. “Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they’re more convincing. Send us.”
Sure you said that you needed to leave Cregan alone, but this is war and he is a loyal man so if it’s sides he needs to choose, he might sway easier to yours if you speak to him.
“The Princess and the Prince are right,” your grandfather supports your suggestion, surprisingly enough. “Your Grace.”
Your mother holds your gaze and her eyes soften. She lingers in silence as she watches you and your brothers before she gives her answer. “Very well. Prince Jacaerys and the Princess will fly North...”
You and your brother share a brief proud look before focusing back.
You meant to go to Cregan by yourself, but Jacaerys might help calm your temptations.
“First to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jeyne Arryn,” your mother adds. “And then to Winterfell to treat Lord Cregan Stark for the support of the North. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm’s End and treat Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these Lords of the oaths they swore. And,” your mother exhales. “The cost of breaking them.”
You smirk proudly and nod in agreement.
“We’ll just go on a small trip,” you tell baby Aerion. “Your uncle Jacaerys, you, and me.”
Aerion breathes out loudly and his blue eyes seem to search the room with a sad frown. He’s been…upset it seems today, he’s been crying more than usual, and squirming around in your arms. It frightened you at first but it then hit you, he misses Aemond. This is the longest he’s gone without being with him, and Aerion loves his father. He must be so confused as to why he hasn’t seen him, felt his warmth, or smelled his scent.
But as much as you want to cure your son's longing, he needs to wait a bit longer.
“We’ll see your father soon,” you assure Aerion. “I swear. After we return from Winterfell.”
Aerion simply blinks, making you smile at him. A silence once again fills the chambers, but it then is broken by the sound of your name coming from your mother at the entrance.
You turn around and face her with a smile. “Mother,” you greet. “I’m sorry I just came to pick up Aerion.”
Your mother blinks in confusion. “Pick up? Why ever so?”
You swallow thickly and sigh. “If the Greens find out I left him here all alone, I’m sure someone will come and take him. I can’t risk that.”
Your mother nods and then breaks away from the entrance to reach you and grab your hand. “My sweet, leave Aerion here, we will protect him. You won’t take long but with the way things are it’s too dangerous for him to accompany you.” She presses her reassurance as she cups your cheek and caresses it gently. “We swear it.”
You let out a deep breath and nod slowly before you look down at Aerion with sadness. “I’ll return to you, my boy. Soon, I promise.” You lean down and press a gentle kiss on his forehead.
Aerion reaches out to grab your face, so you let him touch your cheeks.
You giggle and then can’t help but snuggle him against you. “Oh, I love you. I’ll see you soon.”
Before you decide not to leave or sob you place him back in his cradle and walk out with a heavy heart.
For however long you’ll be gone is the longest you’ll be without Aerion since he was born. When he was first born even being apart from him for just a couple of minutes pained you, and now? You’ll be gone for days, you’ll probably die.
Yet the promise of seeing Cregan does excite you even if it shouldn’t. Even after the promise you made yourself.
How will he react when he sees you, you wonder? It hasn’t been long since you stopped writing to him, he probably hasn’t grown concerned as to why he hasn’t gotten a response from you, but will he know of your attempts?
You did write back with short sentences last time with attempts to stop yourself from talking to him, so will he know? Will he be upset?
Hopefully not.
Alas, before you could attempt leaving Dragonstone to be one mile closer to Cregan, your mother asks to speak to you and your brothers first before your departure.
“It’s been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men,” your mother says. “The Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms…we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers…not as warriors.” She shakes her head. “You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now, under the eyes of the Seven.”
Ser Eryyk brings forth the holy book of the Seven, and Lucerys has no hesitation to respect your mother's wishes. “I swear it,” he assures her.
Jacaerys and you hesitate, however. Only you don’t hesitate because of any objections to her demands, it’s just why those gods?
You don’t have faith in the New Gods, but if it’s what she wants. “I swear,” you assure your mother after Lucerys, leaving only Jacaerys left. He hesitates for a moment longer, but he then leans in and presses his hand on the book.
“I swear it.”
The book is then pulled away, letting your mother continue with the matter at hand. “Cregan Stark is,” she says, making your breath falter. “Closer to your age than to mine. I would hope that as men you can find some common interests. And well, as friends,” she shifts her attention to you. “You’d find no trouble.” She finishes and hands Jacaerys the messages.
“Yes, your Grace,” you assure her confidently.
Her attention then slowly drifts to Lucerys and her gaze softens at the obviously worried look on your little brother's face.
“Storm’s End is a short flight from here,” she assures him softly. “You have Baratheon blood from your grandmother Rhaenys. And…Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He’ll be honored to host a Prince of the Realm and his dragon.” She hands Lucerys the scroll and holds onto his hand a bit longer. “I expect you will receive a very warm welcome.”
Lucerys nods. “Yes, mother—y-your Grace.”
You share a teasing smile with Jacaerys at the sound of your brother's stammer. When he does return to your side though you caress his shoulder and assure his concerns.
“Go to it then,” your mother orders softly.
You offer her one last smile before you head to where your dragons await for all of you. However, before you can climb on Astraea’s back, you also assure Lucerys.
“Be careful, okay? We’ll see you after we return, hm?”
Lucerys glances at Jacaerys and then at you and nods softly.
You shoot him a grin and pat his shoulder.
“You be careful too,” he redirects.
You scoff softly and walk back to Astraea. “Always, baby brother,” you counter sweetly with one last glance at him.
Now when you turn to face your dragon you can’t help but fill with excitement to see Cregan again. You shouldn’t, but you can’t help it.
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans
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esggs · 2 months
Obeisance to the Arrow - Noritoshi Kamo
#4 - Cursed Bride
[Gojo Satoru vs child marriage - who wins?]
[tw: not much really, noritoshi kamo x reader, forced marriage, child marriage, mention of child murders]
#3 - Menarche #4.5 - Sweet Dreams #5 - Man and Wife
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Jujutsu Tech School, Kyoto
Momo can’t believe it, really. “Married?? Married???? NORITOSHI –” She pants. “MARRIED?”
“Momo, don’t react like this, it’s his duty as a clan lea-”
“Utahime-sensei, HE’S SEVENTEEN!” Miwa cannot believe it either. 
“Miwa, Momo, behave. He feels bad enough already-”
“Ugh, married at his age.” Nitta is actually enjoying this a bit, despite being worried. “I heard he’s been engaged to his -wife- since he was twelve!”
“WHATTT” Momo and Miwa both scream.
“-- and the girl was eight!” Nitta’s breathing hard, excited to be of service. 
“I think i- i have to go sit down.” Momo says, “do you believe this, Mai? Huh, Mai?”
“And actually-” Nitta flashes
“Nitta, I’m telling you, behave yourself, all of you kids, have some class–”
“--the girl is Mai’s cousin!” 
Amid a chorus of shocked gasps, Nitta earns a box on the ear by Utahime. This is the worst way it could have gone, Utahime’s head hurts at that spot near the eyebrow. 
Just last night, Utahime was pouring down a bottle with Shoko on video call when she heard a pounding on her door. An ashen faced Noritoshi Kamo stood before her, trying his best to be composed. She had known about the engagement and all, but to console a student about his impending and inevitable marriage– she had really underestimated the role of a teacher. He asked her what he should do. 
What was there to do? “If you don’t get married, you lose out from the Clan Head position” and by extension the chance to give your mother a good life, but Utahime didn’t say that part out loud. “If you do get married, well, you’ll have a higher rank as a married man.” Gods above, what am I saying, he’s a kid. “It’s her we need to think about, more than you, no?”. 
Utahime had actually offered him a sip of her soju mix, which he graciously declined. Poor chap looked like he really needed it. 
“What does she want to do?”
“I don’t know, Utahime-sensei.”
She mused over it for a moment. “Noritoshi, we’ll take care of it, okay? You go to bed now, it’s late”
But he didnt move from the chair he had collapsed on. “Sensei”
“It’s not just the wedding, it’s all this, the things are set up like, the expectations on me-” he fumbled for a bit. “sensei, we’re expected to have children, as soon as possible.”
I should have brought out the whisky.
“We’ll handle everything, you don’t worry, okay? Besides, do you want to proceed with the wedding, Noritoshi?”
He hesitated. “I see it to be beneficial, and as you said, it’s more of her who’s affected. It is selfish of me, I realise. I want to do whatever would be correct, but I don’t know what.”
Yeah, Utahime thought, the poor girl will have to immediately take on the duties of a wife, managing the household and everything else. And then children, and as many as possible too. Poor child. 
“Sensei, does Gojo Satoru know?”
Gojo Satoru did know. In fact, said Gojo Satoru was at the Kamo estate, waltzing through the sunny gardens with you. You in all traditionals, as was expected, and him in his dark sunglasses and sneakers. 
“I’m happy to see you here, Gojo-sama.”
“Ah, I usually am not invited to things like this.” he grinned. “What excuse did you give to the elders?”
“Asuka-chan, Noritoshi-san’s cousin, is interested in you. I convinced her that I am a close friend of yours.” you said, “In fact, I am setting you up with her now.”
“No one can blame your Asuka-chan, she has good taste!”
“But I called you for something more important, Gojo-sama.”
“Hmm?” He smiled.
“One of Ryomen Sukuna’s fingers is in a school, and it’s attracting curses that would probably kill the children soon.” You looked at him, “Gojo-sama, I’ll tell you more happily, but I need you to fulfil your promise first. I hope you understand my situation.” 
Both of you had stopped in front of the garden lake. Koi swam around, unaware of any Sukuna or weddings. 
“Yaga, Yagaaaa”
“No, Satoru, I’ve said what I said.”
“She’s sharp as a knife, and with the way things are moving, you would be thanking me for finding her! Now -” he stood up suddenly, “imagine if we had her a month ago” The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. 
“You’re trying to kill her then? Make a jujutsu sorcerer out of a non-violent cursed technique!”
“She’ll help Shoko”
“It’ll anger the Zenin Clan, possibly the Kamo Clan too.”
“Blame it on me.”
“Satoru” - and Satoru beamed, knowing he’d won. So Yaga just wanted to cause a show for fun? He didn’t even resist much. “Satoru” sighed Principal Yaga. “Be careful with that child.”
“Ah, yes yes” Satoru was already bouncing out the room.
“I mean it, Satoru!” Yaga yelled behind him. “She’s a danger to society!”
Damn right she is.
Satoru got you a cell phone secretly, which was great even though you quickly realised that you barely had anyone to call or text. The Kamos did not approve of it (apparently, you were too young for a cell phone, as your father-in-law told you, while he was planning the catering for your wedding). You had no friends, really, having been homeschooled (with your technique, all you had to do was to collect all the books and use Distillation and viola! You understood everything. Maybe you should apply for a PhD). Satoru Gojo was the only contact. Except, maybe … 
Next thing Satoru got you was a lawyer to investigate if you had been entrusted with any assets. Bzzzt! Unfortunately not, the assets from the Zenins meant as a wedding gift went to your husband only; besides you were both minors. Satoru opened a bank account for you and put a little something in, for you to have some independent cash.
Satoru Gojo was a good man, despite what the elders said.
#4.5 - Sweet Dreams #5 - Man and Wife
Bonus: This is how I suppose their first text would go. They’re really not close to each other lmao.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Since someone suggested the idea, can we have daemon x rhae’s daughter where he kills her mom to marry her (he mentioned to rhae before hitting her with the rock)
you know the drill him manipulating her probably while fucking her that by marrying him he will take care of her and legalize her. Literally start breeding her the same night he killed her mom and she eventually ends up giving him few white haired children
(probably she will hear some rumors of him being the killer from her mom’s cousin but he will shut it down by killing the cousin and fucking her)
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x Dark Daemon warning !
Daemon could only darkly chuckle as he watched his wife fall onto the ground; her head hitting the rock hard. Oh, everything was finally coming together just nicely, he thought to himself. He was glad you were not riding with your mother this afternoon; it would have just complicated everything. 
“Oh, do not worry about her.” He couldn’t help but taunt her as she called out your name. His smirk was fully across his face now as he stepped closer. His own rock in his hand behind his back; no need to rush right to the end now, was there? “I’ll look after her.” Daemon purred dangerously.
His wife’s eyes could only fill up in confusion as he slowly knelt beside her. “Surely you are not that stupid?” Daemon faked sympathy as he hummed. His smirk is never far from his. “I have been fucking her ever since I laid eyes on her.” The rogue prince announced with arrogance and amusement.
“She might even be with my child already.” Daemon continued to tease her. “You bastard.” She cried out and her only answer was Daemon’s chuckles. “Hmm, yes..but nothing for you to worry about now.” He smirked before the rock was coming down on her again. And again.
Gods, this should not be this hot, Daemon thought to himself as he softly shushed you. His fingers moving through your locks. “Shh, I will look after you.” He whispered his promises as you whimpered and mouthed at his soft neck. He had already taken you; his cock stuffed inside you as you mourned. 
Not that he had come to you. The news had gotten to you quickly and you had come to him sobbing; begging him for comfort. How could he ignore you? His hands slowly moved up and down your back. “I can’t believe she’s gone.” You whimpered into his ear as he helped you impossibly close.
Daemon whispered sweet nothings as you slowly began to calm down. “You have nothing to worry about.” He purred; his hips moving a little. He couldn’t help himself. Daemon never pretended to be a good man. A sharp gasp escaped you at his movements and you shook on top of him.
“I do…where will I stay?” You began to babble your worries now. Your heart racing as you only burrowed into his neck. “Shh, you will stay with me. You want that, don’t you?” Daemon hummed; gently moving your face to lock eyes with him. “I can marry you now.” He purred and watched in delight as your eyes widened. 
“Hmm, would you like that?” He purred; repeating himself as he leaned closer. His soft lips brushing against your own as you whimpered. His words had you tightening around his cock as you finally nodded. “Yes…please…I don’t want you to leave me.” You began to babble out now; clutching to him.
“Sh, I will never leave you.” Daemon darkly promised. His smirk only widened as he began to mouth on your neck. “Hmm, we can start our own family now, can’t we? Just as we spoke about.” He continued to whisper. His hips are moving now as your soft, ample breasts brushed against his chest.
You shivered at his words; your mind racing with conversations that you both had. Well, more like his whispers in your ear as he fucked you. His hand on your stomach as he promised babes for you. “Good girl…” Daemon whispered up at you as you slowly began to bounce once more for him.
His hands moved up and down your sides as he laid back. The rogue Prince becomes lazy once more. He had a busy day after all. Your hips began to move; spelling out his name as his fat head brushed against your soft spot again and again. He couldn’t resist bringing his hand towards your stomach.
“So beautiful.” Daemon purred as his hand moved to gently cup your face. His thumb brushing against your cheek. Your cries of pleasure were loud now that you were able to. A fact that had Daemon smirking once more. Gods, his life was good, he thought as he brought you against him.
The obscene squelching your pussy was making as it dragged up and down his cock had you blushing. You hid into his neck to hide yourself whilst he only chuckled. Your soaked walls tightened around his cock; hugging him as Daemon quickened his thrusts in a fierce manner. He just couldn’t help himself.
“Please…a-ah, ah!” You cried out now as you choked on his name. His arms wrapped around you now as your eyes began to roll back. Your body shuddered and jerked as he kept you still and his cock so deep inside you. You couldn’t stop the orgasm rolling through you whilst Daemon never lost his grip.
His pace never faltered as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. Your oversensitive pussy clamping down on him as you squirted around his cock. His release was close now and it wasn’t long before he was cumming deep inside you. Flooding your already soaked pussy with more of his cum.
“I would not have thought you’d marry so quickly, Prince Daemon.” A man you recognised from the Vale spoke to your now husband. “I guess since you married your first one, there was no sense of slowing the process down.” The man continued to speak whilst your face grew in confusion. 
“I do hope you have evidence of this.” Daemon purred; leaning in whilst his hand moved to your thigh; gently stroking you. The man only hummed but your heart was racing. Was there truth in his words? You slowly looked towards the Prince whilst his eyes were only on the leaving figure of your mother’s cousin.
“Daemon…” You whispered out whilst his hand was moving further up your thigh, taking your dress with him. “Why did he say those things?” Your innocence had his cock twitching as he leaned closer. He gently rested his head on your own. “Shh, he is jealous. I did get her inheritance you see.” He whispered into your ear whilst his hand finally moved to cup your soaked as ever pussy.
That did make sense, you hummed to yourself. How could you have believed him if only for a second, you thought as two of Daemon’s fingers were pushed inside you; curling against your spongey spot that nearly had you creaming around him. “But it is our inheritance ..and our children.” Daemon continued his soft manipulation.
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