#meanwhile Donnie and Mikey are like ?????????? are they fighting??????
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Mind melding is such a cool ability for all it’s used exactly Once.
Like do Raph and Leo ever talk about that. Do they ever think back like y’know that was kinda cool how the heck did we do that.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
I actually like several AUs that take the exact opposite philosophy of what I’m about to say here but I really truly feel like in a world where Draxum kept some/all of the turtles he would consider Donnie his biggest success.
First of all I think it’s kind of weird when people act like Draxum would be surprised/disappointed by Donnie’s softshell. Like yeah I guess it’s funny to think he grabbed 4 random eggs without knowing what would hatch, but actually if your goal is to make a bunch of super soldier turtle tots it makes sense to get a softshell. They’re predators, they’re aggressive, they’re fast (for a turtle) on both land and in water, their soft shell affords them more agility and flexibility than other turtles, they can stay under water basically indefinitely, and they have strong chompers for chompin’.
Donnie himself is hyper intelligent, morally gray, indifferent to the plights of people he doesn’t personally care about, unafraid of physical confrontation (he gets right in Draxum’s face in episode 1 and he swings that bo like it’s a battle hammer half the time), and his love for his family is the only thing keeping him from his villain arc anyway. Add all that to his need for Parental Approval at All Costs and you have the perfect recipe for a little murder turtle tot all your own.
Sure, he’s not so good at mystic stuff, but lbr Draxum probably wasn’t expecting any of them to be and that would just come as a bonus.
tldr Donnie is Draxum’s truest son and everyone should be glad Splinter got him in the divorce
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
You were talking about Leo being a straight dudebro in the body of a gay man (fashion wise) and tbh thats the jumping off point for me to say that whenever I picture him in human clothes he is Always wearing the classic "green triforce shirt + khaki cutoffs pants" combo every middle school boy rocked circa late 2000s early 2010s. You just know he wears those shirts that say "eat, sleep, game, repeat" and the same basketball shorts for 5 years straight. Like, I can see Mikey, Donnie, and Raph having campy and fun fashion sense and having cool elaborate outfits but like. Its not Leo if he doesn't rock a fit that screams the fanciest place he'll eat out at is Olive Garden tbh
Leo is one of those fuckbois that spends hundreds of dollars on a pair of ugly tennis shoes and then freaks out if any dirt gets on them and walks like an idiot to avoid scuffing them.
He'd wear his pants with his ass hanging out and pop his collar. He'd wear those deep v-neck shirts and birkenstocks, probably with socks.
He'd wear puka shell necklaces and shark tooths despite living in NYC and having never been surfing. If he had hair he'd absolutely have had a frosted tips phase.
Not to mention this boy reeks of axe body spray. He's one of those guys that hasn't figured out he stinks more as a teenager and substitutes spray-downs for basic hygiene. He has a twenty-product nighttime skincare routine and then he rolls out of bed and sniffs a random shirt on the floor to determine if it's suitable for another go. At least once a week he'll show up to the breakfast table and Splinter will gag and force him to take a shower.
Meanwhile Donnie is legit prancing around in heavily coordinated outfits that he seemingly threw together effortlessly and he looks like a fashion model. April sends him pictures of her prom dress choices and takes his critique as gospel. He's always invited to Girl's Night and it took Cass several get-togethers for her to even realize the irony. He and his girlfriends do their makeup together and probably get into fights over how they apply eyeliner. Somehow he is the straighter twin.
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chiscribbs · 1 year
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This is something I'm calling the Disconnected AU.
It's an alt-movie-ending AU which focuses on the bonds of the four brothers (primarily: Leo and Mikey, Raph and Donnie) and how each of them fights to keep their family together when circumstances threaten to tear them apart possibly for good.
I originally wanted to fit all four of the brothers' perspectives onto one page, buuut it ended up being too massive that way, so I decided to just divide it into two separate posts instead, lol.
MIKEY & LEO (coming soon...)
Summary below the cut (TW: loss of limbs, implied death, mind-control):
In an alternate version of the movie's finale, Donnie is not conscious to help Mikey open the portal; Mikey and Raph don't have enough power between the two of them to keep it open, so the portal ends up collapsing, taking Mikey - and one of Raph's arms - with it. Donnie awakes just in time to see two of his brothers vanish into nothingness...but before that, he sees something strange as the portal is collapsing, something that gives him reason to believe they could still be alive...
In the weeks following the invasion, the remaining members of the Hamato Clan each deal with the loss in various ways - some grieving, others not yet willing to give up hope. Donnie - certain that his brothers are not dead, just lost, and determined to get them back - spends every waking moment in his lab, pouring over any scrap of footage or evidence of the event that he can get his hands on. Meanwhile, Raph - eaten with guilt for failing to protect his brothers and constantly reminded of it due to his new arm - becomes closed-off. This worsens when Donnie starts spending more and more of his time in isolation; Raph believing/fearing that it's because he blames him, too. He copes by trying to be there for the rest of his family - the ones that will let him in.
As time passes, the others gradually start to move on, accepting that Leo and Mikey are gone for good. Donnie becomes increasingly frustrated with them (namely Raph, who he thinks must have seen what he saw, since he was also there) and desperate to prove that his brothers aren't dead. Tensions between the two finally hit a boiling point when a shrine is dedicated in Leo and Mikey's memory, resulting in a heated argument that ends with Donnie retreating back to his lab. Unable to find the clear evidence that he needs (and having no luck with contacting Draxum), Donnie decides to take matters into his own hands - he builds a device that can tap into his mind and recover the memory of what he saw the moment the portal collapsed. Unbeknownst to him, however...
When the portal collapsed, it left a fissure between the dimensions - one that made it possible for the Krang to connect with, and take control of, the mind-altering tech Donnie built to save his brothers.
Things quickly go from bad to worse when the Krang-possessed device causes Donnie to become less and less like himself and more like a cold, emotionless machine with only one objective: find the key and free the Krang. In a moment of clarity, Donnie flees the lair to put some distance between himself and the others until he can fix the problem. Unaware of what's causing the sudden change but nonetheless bound and determined not to lose another piece of his family; Raph puts together a team to find and bring his brother home before he, too, is forever lost.
Meanwhile, in a distant dimension: Mikey is also on a quest to find & save his lost brother...before it's too late...
(To be continued...)
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shantechni · 6 months
Don't touch me, they looked back at him🥺
But it's not just the fact that they all hesitated and turned back. Leo and Raph are looking directly at Splinter, hyperaware of the looming threat of death hanging over his head, all while feeling the weight of their mission pressing on the backs of their shells. They've spent the past three or four months away from him, fighting on unfamiliar lands hundreds of thousands of miles from Earth. They're clearly not prepared to part ways with Splinter so soon.
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Meanwhile, Donnie seemingly glances at the pair to confirm if they're really going to leave like this. He and '87 Donnie were the ones to inform everyone of the time limit they're on with Krang trying to blow up dimensions, but there are so many things he knows Leo wants to say before they leap through the portal.
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Right next to him is Mikey, who looks around the lab like he isn't ready to leave not just Splinter, but their home. Everyone missed the lair not even two months into their stay at the farmhouse, and the pattern repeats itself on their travels through space, but Mikey's always been the one to frequently and most openly express his woes.
And, just to rub salt in the wound, Mikey's face drops even more once Leo and Raph turn to bow. He looks as though he was slapped with the reality of their situation and remembers he doesn't have time to recover from his homesickness.
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I'm honestly a little glad this scene isn't longer than it is because I definitely would've been messed up💀
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Leo is often shown to kind of be more skeptical than his brothers so I find it kind of funny that at least two members of the Hamato Clan are redeemed villains 
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Leo: Okay, anyone else think we shouldn’t follow a stranger we just met into who knows what-now?
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Big Mama: Draxum? Whatever is a Draxum?
Leo: I’m sorry you’ve never heard of Baron Draxum?
It can be argued that Leo is often shown as more skeptical or arguably less trusting than his brothers which can be seen in the episode Bug Busters, & not only is Leo shown to be arguably more skeptical but when compared with the rest of his family he is also shown to be kind of less comfortable around villains.
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Ghostbear: Peekaboo losers!
Mikey, Leo, April & Donnie: Ghost Bear!?
Raph: Oh! Love the new look! Oooh hey, can I get a quick selfie?
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Mikey: There he is Todd, the brilliant chef and my personal hero
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April: I just can’t quit you Warren Stone
Several villains that the Hamato Clan faces are people that they admire with Raph being a fan of Ghost Bear, Mikey being a fan of Meat Sweats & April being a fan of Warren Stone & they are shown to still be fans of them even when fighting against them. 
Even when going against them, they still admire their skill’s & achievements. In contrast Leo is shown to be less comfortable or at least arguably less willing to help villains than the rest of his family.
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Mikey: We haven’t found the armour and we can’t leave him to get eaten
Leo: Oh great, we get to save the guy who once repoed a birthday cake
When it comes to the villains that the Hamato Clan has faced Leo seems to have a harder time trusting or forgiving them as seen by the grudge that he holds against Draxum.
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Leo: You threw me off a roof!
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Mikey: Isn’t this nice? When’s the last time we all got together like this huh?
Leo: The time Draxum dropped me off a building?
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Narrator: Red eared slider’s are peaceful & mostly harmless turtles but they can also be very territorial so don’t mess with their home or they might send you home
Red eared sliders are said to be territorial turtles so Leo’s skepticism or hesitancy to trust villains or former villains could stem from his protective nature of trying to keep his family safe from people who have previously proven themselves a possible threat. Which is why Leo has kind of shown reluctance or even confusion over working with former villains.
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Raph: Dad!
Mikey: Draxum!
Donnie: April!
Leo: Foot Recruit?
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Which makes the fact that two former villains ended up joining the Hamato Clan kind of funny since even with his skeptical nature, Leo still has to deal with his family adopting former enemies.
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If you also take into account that the Rise crew have hinted that Big Mama’s Assistant is one of the Turtle’s missing siblings, if Rise had continued then Leo would have possibly had to deal with a third former villain joining his family.
It kind of feels like Leo is trying to protect his family by being the skeptical one & hesitant to trust anyone who has been shown to be willing to hurt his family & meanwhile his family keep on bringing former villains home.
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Karma At First Sight: part 1
2012!Raphael x reader
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Part 2
Raph learns pretty quickly that what goes around comes around, especially when teasing one of his brothers.
Very much inspired by the first time Donnie sees April.
Warnings: None other than Raph wanting to beat his brothers up.
The night was cool and breezy as the turtles perched on the rooftop, watching over the city, looking out for Kraang or other sudden beings. Raphael groaned in annoyance, listening to Leo and Donnie’s conversation, and how Donnie - once again - managed to mention April and somehow turned the whole conversation with the oldest brother, to be about Donnie’s not so secret crush.
"Can you shut up about her for once?", Raph groaned out, throwing his hands in the air. “If I have to hear about the way April’s eyes sparkle one more time, I will be punching more than just Kraangs! Just tell her and get it over with!”
Donatello rolled his eyes. "It's not that simple, Raph. It's a delicate situation-".
Raphael groaned, leaning back against the rooftop ledge with his head resting in his hand, eyes lightly scanning over the street in front of them. "Delicate situation, my shell. Just tell her you like her, you dork".
“Hey! Don’t call me a dork!”
“Quiet down guys”, Leo whispered from his spot. “Someone could hear us-”.
“I will keep calling you a dork till the day you tell your girlfriend-!”
“She isn’t my girlfriend! And I will tell her the way I see fit!”
“Here we go”, Mikey said, watching as his hot-tempered brother got more and more heated.
“Oh, you wanna fight about it, smart guy? Come at me!”
And that's how that argument started. Donnie Raph bickering back and forth, to the point where Leo and Mikey had to pull the two of them apart.
But as the argument continued, your soft footsteps echoed on the street below. Music playing in your ears as you hummed along to the song playing. The turtles, too busy with their fighting, didn't pay much attention to the street below them. That until Raphael turned his gaze slightly to the side, right as he raised a fist at Donnie, and caught sight of you. Your humming floated up to the rooftop, catching his attention, like a pleasant and satisfying siren. His eyes widened, his mouth slightly agape with his fist still in the air as he watched you walk by, completely captivated by the way your hair caught the moonlight. His brothers stared at him in confusion, wondering why he never tried to throw his punch at Donnie. But any thought of punching his brainiac brother was gone from Raph’s head. All in his head at that moment was you.
You seemed carefree, unburdened by the possible dangers lurking in the shadows. The corners of Raphael's mouth twitched as he found himself strangely drawn to you. His fist lowering slowly and his gaze softening.
His brothers, noticing the sudden change in Raphael's demeanor, exchanged confused glances. Mikey, almost frightened by Raph’s sudden change, tapped his shoulder. “Hey, you good man?”
“Wow”, was all Raph could say, still absent minded staring at you walking past them on the opposite side of the street. His brothers turned, just in time to see you smile at a text you had gotten from one of your friends, still unaware of the four pairs of eyes on you.
Leonardo snorted a laugh. "Looks like someone else just got a crush". Mikey and Donnie giggled.
Raph attention flew straight to Leo scowled at him, trying to play it cool. "What are you idiots talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, Raph. I can practically hear your heart pounding from here", Leo teased.
"I don’t blame you Raph, they look really nice", Mikey teased leaning further over the roof edge to get a better look at you.
Raphael grumbled under his breath, his hands once again balling into fists, ready to throw them at the next person that spoke a word. Meanwhile, you continued on your way, humming at the new song that started playing in your headphones, unaware of the turtle watching you from above.
Raph watched as you walked away, his fists loosening as he learned over the edge of the roof to get one last look at you. A slight sadness fell over him as he watched you turn a street cover. He wouldn’t have minded just a few seconds more to look at you.
As the night progressed, Raphael found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything other than the mysterious girl he'd spotted on the street. He forgot to listen when Leo spoke, caught up in his own head. Not that he usually would listen to what Leo had to say, but this time he wasn’t doing it on purpose.
Even as they returned to the lair, Raph was still a bit out of it. He tried to turn his attention towards a comic book in the main area, but found that he would just stare at the page while thinking of you.
Donatello, noticing the distraction, couldn't resist a sly comment.
"Hey Raph, have you ever heard of the saying, what goes around comes around?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes.
Raphael shot him a glare, but a slight blush betrayed his attempt at nonchalance, causing him to pull the comic closer to his face. "Shut it, Donnie”.
Leo pulled his attention from Space Heroes on the TV screen, turning to his red clad brother with a sly smile. "Crushes are not as easy as you thought, huh Raph?”
Raph’s grip tightened around the pages of his comic book, fighting the urge to give his brothers the beating of their lives.
Mikey chimed in, laying on his shell with his hands spread out above him, "Love is in the air!"
Raphael crossed his arms, throwing his comic book to the ground, before standing to leave for his room. "You guys are unbelievable."
But deep down, he couldn't deny the truth. You had left a lasting impression on him, and as he watched you disappear into the night, he couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary had just walked into his life.
Raph went to his room and slammed the door shut, before flopping onto his bed with an annoyed groan. He turned to lay on his back, staring at the ceiling of his room with you circling his thoughts. He could help but wonder if he would ever see you again, and if you would talk to him if he did. His heart made a jump at the thought. Maybe he could know your name, and maybe, just maybe, you would like him too…
Who was he kidding? There was no way he would ever see you again. You were a stranger in New York City. You probably didn’t even live in the area, let alone ever come back. And even if you did, he had no chance. He was a turtle for crying out loud. A mutant turtle from the sewers. You would probably scream him in the face like April had done with Donnie… Or maybe you wouldn’t. Maybe you would become a friend just like April had.
Raph turned to his side with the thought lingering in his mind. He was allowed to dream, wasn’t he? Just like Donnie did with April… Well in that case he had to find a way to be less insufferable than his brother, while keeping a secret eye out for your pressens.
Good shell, he was hit as hard as his brother, wasn’t he? Sewer apples…
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
A Character First, A Love Interest Second: RaMona Did It Right!
((A TMNT 2012 RaMona Analysis))
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Something I feel we as a fandom don’t give Raph enough credit for is how he’s the only brother to NOT have a “love at first sight” trope with his love interest Mona Lisa, and I feel that says a lot about his character and relationship with her, not only that, but it saves Mona’s character.
How you may ask? A lot of people don’t seem to realize this, but I love how when Mona Lisa is first introduced she’s not immediately established to be a love interest unlike the other girls. Mona is given some time to be her own character and show off a bit of her personality. For the other girls, there introduction is through the Turtles POV, established as a love interest FIRST then her own character/personality is shown later. This is made clear just from each Turtles reaction when first meeting their love interest. We are introduced to the female character through the “love at first sight” moment!
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Leo (I hate that I’m using this as an example this but this help prove my point)
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I wanna clarify before people start assuming, no, I’m NOT saying that the other 2012 girls have no personality. They do, it just bothers me how they were introduced. Them being the love interest seemed more important to establish to the writers then her own character first.
Meanwhile for Mona Lisa; she’s introduced to the audience NOT the Turtles. This gives her a chance to establish her character/personality first then show her as a love interest later!
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We learn just from her introduction scene and even her moment when confronting the Turtles that she is: strong willed, prideful (she’s proud of being the warrior she is and takes her battle’s seriously), stubborn (fight first, ask questions NEVER, like Raph), honorable, loyal (we learn she’s a lieutenant and respects and highly looks to her Commander), and even a bit short tempered (again, like Raph).
Her and Raph even get to speak to each other and have a little banter of threats before romance between them starts to blossom. There is no love at first sight. Unlike the other Turtles who immediately fall in love with the girl just from looking at her and thinking she’s pretty. Their feelings for each other took more time.
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Raph did not fall for her looks like his brothers, he fell in love with the person Mona is. Physical attraction (I believe) is very important in a relationship and Raph does show and admits he does in fact find Mona attractive (Ex: calling her a beautiful work of art) but her looks is not what caught his attention. It was her personality, her spirit and capabilities as a warrior! I saw someone mentions this in another post once, but on rare occasions do we get to hear the other Turtles explain exactly WHY they like their love interests other then that they found the girl pretty (Yes, Donnie admits he thinks April is “cool” and Leo says Karai’s “fun” but that’s not enough!), meanwhile for Raph from the very beginning he has his list of reasons ready as to WHY he likes Mona! And he has no shame to admit it proudly!
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And throughout the rest of their relationship, we see more of those reasons unfold. We see Raph and even Mona show more reasons as to why they love each other so much. And unlike the others ships, we actually get to see them act and be a couple! They flirt with each other, embrace and hold hands, make out, write love letters to each other, etc. The reason they worked so well is because as I said we get to see them be a couple, but also because Mona got to established herself as a character first before being Raph’s girlfriend.
Many of us can agree that TMNT 2012 failed greatly in the romance department, but they at least did one couple right with the relationship of Raphael and Mona Lisa. So I thank them for that <3
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raindropsyndrome · 1 year
My Bros Before Brooches AU continuation post?!
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Hello! I’m briefly delving back into my AU I came up with a few months ago, “Bros Before Brooches”
Which, is admittedly more of a “self-indulgent-fan-made-continuation-of-a-show-I-really-like-that-got-cancelled-years-ago” that I just call an “AU” for short.
(Also side note, yes, I am aware I made a few mistakes the last couple times I posted about this. I know. I know. 😔)
And now I will proceed to infodump about it if anyone’s interested
Rough Episode Summary:
* Turtles wonder what it would be like to live “normal” lives
* Donnie makes a set of cloaking brooches
* Mikey, Donnie, and Leo (now disguised,) get taken to a mall by April to do some normal teenager activities. Raph stays behind (Out of moral confliction)
* There they arrive at a clothing store where Baxter Stockboy works(?) and where a disguised Usagi works
* (Stockboy has a house-arrest style tracking anklet on, he’s only permitted to go where his parents take him. AKA, only his parent’s various stores and his house.)
* April spots a piece of clothing she REALLY wants
* Leo takes note of both of these and carries on
* Stockboy notices them and immediately recognizes April, but not the boys
* Stockboy then demands that April stops and leaves before he does something that will “ruin her life”(wow, so intimidating)
* After a bit of bickering between April and Baxter, Leo shoves himself between them and convinces Baxter to at least let April have that one piece of clothing she wants, Baxter agrees, if Leo and his brothers help Baxter with a super-secret-special-project he’s been working on (they reluctantly agree)
* Meanwhile, Raph finally decides to try and find his brothers out of overwhelming stress and guilt. (Especially because he thinks he hurt Donnie’s feelings by not using his brooch)
* Cut back to April, who tries to convince the boys that she’ll just go find some other piece of clothing at another shop and continue to do what they all wanted to do and not let her misfortune ruin this for them, but to no avail. She gives up and leaves them with an eye roll and lets them go on their fetch quest
* Baxter then separates the boys from April, bringing them to a storage room behind the shop
* (Not) surprisingly, Baxter has a new scheme to get revenge on the turtles, this time he’s made a decently-sized mech to battle the turtles with. (Which is hilariously dressed up, as Stockboy’s only resources he could get himself without leaving his parent’s shop were clothes and various display parts)
* Un-phased, (with Mikey giggling at the sight of this creation,) all proceed to help Stockboy (it’s for the greater April,) and start gathering things from around the mall to help complete the mech
* (Stockboy got all of his previous tech taken away from the last incident he caused, and needs new resources… which are quite limited, obviously.)
* The boys soon need Usagi’s help, because they have no idea what they’re doing (they haven’t properly gone shopping before.)
* Usagi is reluctant to help at first, but eventually, with some convincing from Leo, (emphasizing how pleased his bosses would be if he helps customers,) he decides to help them
* Later, (now disguised) Raph finds where April is (a completely different part of the mall by now,) and the startled April explains to Raph everything that happened, then they both go to try and find their brothers (to “check up on them”)
* Long story short Baxter finds out the boys are the turtles and they get their covers blown. A real; “How do you know these are disguises?” “Because you just told me.” Moment
* Usagi suspected something was up about the brothers before, (he had involuntary heard a lot about them from Baxter’s rambling,) but this grand reveal moment had confirmed his suspicions
* Baxter (now in his mech,) starts a fight, but the boys try not to harm him in any way (for over-powered mystic abilities beyond humanly possible reasons)
* They stall by parrying and avoiding hits until Leo thinks of what to. (Raph and April had found them by now)
* Usagi is conflicted on whether to stay and fight, or get away from what’s going down, he shows a bit of fighting and parkour skill when he tries to hold his ground and dodge the chaos unfolding nearby
* Leo spots this, then comes up with a plan to take down Stockboy
* Leo instructs the others to try and lead Stockboy out of the store, so that his anklet would alert authorities, while he goes and talks to Usagi, because now he has some suspicions of his own. They (April, Raph, Mikey and Donnie,) nod and carry out the plan
* In an effort to destroy the turtles, Stockboy ends up destroying his own parent’s store (again) and that same destruction is soon to spread to the rest of the mall (uh oh)
* The building is on fire now and starts falling apart
* In a shielded place, Leo finds and confesses to Usagi that he’s been lying about his identity, and reveals his true turtley self in front of Usagi. To the surprise of Leo, Usagi does as well.
* Usagi suggests that they get a fresh start together and meet up in the mystic city later, Leo agrees
* (Leo is so obviously crushing hehehehfajdh)
* Usagi says goodbye leaves through a nearby window
* The rest had successfully knocked over Stockboy, which had landed him outside of the mall
* Everyone leaves the mall one-by-one and later they all come to the conclusion that being themselves is better than what just happened, and that they’ll only use their brooches if they absolutely need to
* Stockboy is not left in the now collapsed building, and is found by two angry parents and a crowd of police officers
* The end :)
Alright so that was the episode summary, now here’s a tidbit focused on Usagi
Usagi Yuichi
In typical Rise fashion, Usagi’s character traits mostly get overhauled for new ones. So my version of Usagi is relatively different from past versions, while keeping some of the backstory. (As far as I know)
Usagi gets introduced in “Bros Before Brooches,” when he’s first seen in human form as he’s disguised with his “Hi, my name is” pin. He worked in a store Stockboy’s parents owned inside the shopping mall the boys and April visit.
Usagi immediately presents himself as diligent worker and will do anything someone of authority will ask of him. No questions asked. He’s extremely determined to get his tasks done. He just gets right to the point and is as stiff as a board, and gets easily annoyed when he’s interrupted by anyone other than his manager.
He first comes off as a headstrong and strict antagonistic jerk to the (disguised) turtles and April, not wanting to help or even talk to them.
But he eventually caves and begrudgingly helps them out.
And Even though he’s like this, he eventually softens up when he meets Leo, properly introducing himself and even inviting Leo to meet up with him later by the end of the episode.
After breaking the ice a bit, Usagi is revealed to be a bit of a naive goofball. And such a naive goofball, that he is completely oblivious to Leo crushing on him.
Outside of the episode
Usagi is a Yokai that grew up in a remote part of the mystic city on a farm. He was raised by his great aunt, and leans heavily toward tradition. Especially with mystic powers.
He is greatly determined to become a samurai, specifically by his aunt’s standards. Which… are pretty high.
His aunt and himself always look to their ancestor, Usagi Miyamoto, for reference on how a great samurai should be. His aunt teaches him everything Usagi Miyamoto would know, which with what little remains of his influence, is practically baseless. (But Usagi doesn’t know this, and that his aunt is mostly making things up. She is kind of a control freak in this version. Sorry, I had to be angsty somewhere.)
Usagi is so determined to become a samurai, that he’s developed a lack of interest to make any connections other than his aunt. He’s practically driven anyone his age away because all he cares about is his training.
His aunt sent Usagi on a “mission” to go “undercover” as a human to “infiltrate” their ranks. She filled out Usagi’s job application herself, and gave Usagi the “Hi, my name is” pin. (Which is actually another cloaking brooch.) All of this so Usagi would be able to go there as soon as possible. His aunt just wants to get rid of him for a few hours each day and for him to make some friends.
I imagine if his arc gets expanded on, he’ll have beef with Donnie (who doesn’t use his mystic abilities in the traditional sense,) discover his aunt is lying and start questioning everything he was taught, and by-proxy struggle with his trust issues more. He’d become extremely rebellious, but later with the support of his new friends, become more kind, open-minded, give into his true goofball self, and learn to trust others.
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
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Don’t think I ever quite said what my LGBTQ+ headcanons are for the boys, so these are my current thoughts! Always changing of course but this is what I feel most strongly right now.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#donnie and leo’s sexualities being practically swapped was unintentional but it works way too well#same with mikey and raph tbh it was a happy accident#anyway I kinda hc raph as the type who doesn’t care about physical appearance just if you fight lol#Mikey’s more than happy with friends and family#Donnie is a BIG romantic but he needs time to sus a person out fully before he gets the hots for them#leo meanwhile isn’t keen on romance unless it’s with someone he grows to really really REALLY trust#I could go on and probably will later (knowing me) but it is late and I am tired haha#turtle art tag#curious as to what everyone else headcanons#the only one of these I’ll defend forever is Bi (female-leaning) donnie and trans leo#all the others can change over time but I really like where they’re sitting right now#I hope these are the right flags too because it was kinda hard to find them#went looking for transmasc flag in particular but I couldn’t find a solid agreed upon version 😭#ngl a big part of why I hc mikey as aro is because of a pun#my phone often misspells aromantic as aromatic and- and you get it- because aromatic herbs and- and Mikey is a chef do YOU GET IT#note that while I hc leo as bisexual (male-leaning) I still think he’s prob closer to demi in that as well just not as far into the spectrum#if that makes sense#headcanons are fun and hard to narrow down at the same time alas#I made this in like an hour can you tell djjdjd#I drew them all from memory so if there’s anything wrong…shhh#and if you’re wondering for April and Splinter#Both are Bisexual (female-leaning) but April is also Panromantic#I almost wanna make Splinter demiromantic too so Big Mama’s betrayal hits just a bit harder
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 months
This plot is called “The Island of Doctor Noe”, based on the scrapped episode that the writers hinted to…
In the Bad Timeline Future, Leo tries to get tot Casey to go to bed. He finally gets him to agree if Leo tells him a bedtime story. Leo tells him the story of when he and Raphael were kidnapped by a dentist…
Back before Leo became the leader, he and Raph were out in the woods visiting the puppiest place on earth while Todd was busy in Alaska with his lemonade donations. The two are suddenly attacked and captured by the dentists who take them to Doctor Noe’s personal mansion on an island. Meanwhile, Todd’s puppies tell the squirrels to tell the birds to tell a sewer rat to go find Mikey and Donnie and get them to rescue their brothers. The PBJ duo follow the trail. Raph and Leo wake up inside the mansion where Doctor Noe has prepared an elaborate game for them: they must try to evade and escape him, and he will hunt them down to take Raph’s snaggle tooth. The two fight over what to do at first, and split up. Both plans go wrong because they require a partner to help, and they end up running into each other again. They decide to work together to find a way out. Meanwhile, Mikey and Donnie do their best to evade the tooth fairies, and eventually find a way to break in. However, whilst looking for their brothers they are found by Doctor Noe, who takes them hostage. Raph and Leo get a message that Mikey and Donnie are kidnapped, and the bros decide to go on the offensive and rescue them. They set up a trap and fake the trade-off, rescuing Mikey and Donnie and escaping from the dentists, and in the confusion Doctor Noe gets all his teeth shattered and cries because physical comedy.
The story finished, Leo tucks Casey in. CJ asks where Raph is now, and Leo explains that he’s with Splinter and Karai, watching over them like he always did. Casey asks if he’s with his mom too, and Leo sadly nods. Casey asks if he will ever see Raphael or his mom again, and Leo says “maybe one day”. He leaves Casey for the night, pulls out the picture of April’s graduation, and cries.
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dianagj-art · 1 year
So I guess Leo still uses humor when to cope, huh. Like "My father just made me fight my brothers that I thought were no more. Well damn how unfortunate amiright? Anyway-"
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Ok, I was gonna let you guys figure it out on your own with the story but I want to get this lil bit straight bc is an important part of One's character development
I love the interpretation of "that expression means he cares/ he is freaking out" I honestly just exagerated it to make the next panel more funny. Meanwhile (as of this point of the story) One couldn't care less for this new "brothers"
He knew of their early existence and the incident on the lab, he knows other turtles were mutated and that human DNA were used to do so, he knows the human had taken them, but he also knows that the human got drenched in the ozze and as far as he and Draxum know: that ozze wasn't meant to mutate humans, so they think he didn't survive the mutation and the little turtles consecuentially died too.
After all, One was very little and couldn't fend for himself for years after the mutation, and the other turtles were not gonna be any different. With no one to take care of them their chances of survival were basically zero.
That's what One is surprised and shooked about. Draxum is confirming that these are the same turtles and that somehow they survived on their own all those years.
He quickly brushes it off
The freakout towards his brothers existence don't come until furter down the story, and it actually goes more on the hand of how they have strenght where he sees weakness on himself.
Draxum raised him to be the perfect warrior, the Number One of his army against he humans, but even when he is always giving his best he knows he lacks (the fact that Draxum never tells him he's done good or that he is proud of how far he's come don't help)
So he sees Raph, big and strong. He sees Donnie so so smart. He sees Mikey who is very quickly understanding his mystic weapon and his own mystic powers. And he feels less. He starts to see that if he succedes on bringing them back to Draxum, his spot as Number One is gonna be jeopardized.
And if he isn't Draxum's Number One, his literal name, then who is he?
but to sumarize his reaction to the Mad Dogz:
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Hello! Can I plz request the ROTTMNT turtles where their s/o (who's shorter than them) loves to snuggle up to them? Like just if they're sitting they love to sit on their lap and just snuggle their face into their chest or if they're laying down then the reader also just gets on top of them and snuggle into their chest/neck. Also if they get scared they subconsciously move closer to their turtle and hide behind them because they naturally feel safe in their presence?
Also I love your writing. 😊
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Raph loves to snuggle just as much as you do.
So you guys are always,
And I mean always holding onto each other.
Sometimes if he's got things to do,
He'll just wrap you up in a blanket and carry you around.
Just like,
"Raph, why are you carrying (Name) around like that?"
"Huh? oh, because, they're my emotion support (Name)."
Also that protector part of him loves that you feel safe when he's around.
It makes him feel accomplished in his role as your Knight in Spiky Shell.
Meanwhile on the topic of your height and stature,
I've said this before,
And I'll say it again,
He is terrified of how much smaller than him you are.
Poor baby just doesn't want to hurt you accidently.
Just help him realize you aren't made of glass,
And you two will be a-ok!
Oh, he loves it.
If you just come over and snuggle into his lap,
He will literally start churring because of how happy he is.
His brothers love to tease him about it,
But he still does it because when his chest vibrates from the sound,
It helps you fall asleep.
And somehow you manage to be even cuter in your sleep.
Sometimes you guys will have mini fights over who gets to lay ontop of who when you cuddle.
Because you wanna lay on his plastron because you like to snuggle into his neck,
But he likes to lay on your tummy because it's just so soft and squishy.
It got to the point where you had to make a chart for everyday of the week to stop the dissagreements.
Leo also loves that your shorter than him,
It means he gets to tease you about it.
It also means that he can pick you up,
With your legs wrapped around him and your face snuggled into his neck while he goes about his buisness.
This is his favorite thing to do, but he'll never tell you that.
Mikey loves it so much when you snuggle up to him.
Literally he will lay down somewhere,
Just because he knows you'll come lay with him.
It works everytime
If you're in a particularly clingy mood,
He'll lay with you for as long as you want,
Just let him know sweety!
He likes to give you piggy back rides,
That way you can go with him everywhere <3.
He also likes that you feel safest with him,
Since usually people see him as less capable than his brother due to his appearence.
It feels nice to have you trust him that much.
Mikey loves to sketch you while you're sleeping,
You just look so peacful and cute,
He can't help it!
At first he was like "Wtf?"
He was so surprised when you asked to sit in his lap while he was working.
And you weren't even blushy about it?
Bro was so confused,
But he agreed that it'd be fine.
Now he enjoys it more than you do.
He likes having you close while he works,
So, he's more than happy to let you have your usual seat.
You'll just have to return the favor if he ever feels like snuggling you.
Donnie also likes how you snuggle into his neck,
It's just comforting to him.
If his brothers tease him for it he'll shrug and say something like,
"What, (Name)'s warm."
He likes to lean on you since you're shorter.
Maybe resting his head on your own,
Or leaning his elbow on your head.
It's more of a teasing thing,
But you don't mind.
It keeps you close to him.
(Clingy mf)
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Hi! I saw that request are open, would it be okay to request Bayverse Raph with a reader he has a deep crush on, being insecure about their body? Thank you so much, I hope you have a good day!
Here you go! Hope you enjoy this Nonnie. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a scenario or drabble lol. So I went with this.
Requests are open!
@m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @dilucsflame33 @pheradream-15 @sharpwindow
"You guys know that Donnie gonna win this right?" You sipped your drink watching Mikey holding a game of Twister over his head.
It was game night with April, Casey and you joining the brothers for some shennanigans. You weren't exactly sure how Twister got selected though.
"I do have a superior physique for this, yes," Donnie agreed pushing his glasses up with his knuckle.
"Not if I steal his glasses , he won't," Mikey retorted sticking his tongue out at his tallest brother.
"You should play with us," April suggested.
"Nah, thanks, I'm good." You shake your head. The thought of getting in there with everyone made you deeply uncomfortable. "Plus Leo and Raph aren't playing either."
"That's because Leo's got stick up his butt and Raph ain't as nimble as I am," Mikey leaned in next to you, wiggling his brow ridges.
You snorted and pushed his face away. "I don't think you need a doughball like me in there then," you joked.
A loud sound of glass breaking got everyone's attention.
"Sorry, slippery hands," Raph replied, badly hiding the death glare he briefly send Mikey's way.
"Are you alright?" You asked, immediately getting off of your bar stool and joining him to help clean up.
"It's fine," he grumbled getting broom and a dustpan.
"Let me help," you offered. At the same time you reached your hand and took the duspan out of his hand, brushing your palm over his fingers.
Raph froze a little. "You don't have to, I've got it."
"I know, but it will be faster with help!" You replied cheerfully.
"You should join the others," he told you as he started sweeping the glass shards. Gosh that thing really broke almost to dust.
"Nah, I think they have full house without me there," you brushed that off with a smile. Looking over your arm you saw Mikey dragging Leo to be the one to spin the colour wheel.
Truth was everyone there was just so... fit and attractive, especially April. Meanwhile you... you were just not. With your body rolls, stretchmarks and body hair growing where , according to magazines, it shouldn't. Yeah, it's best to stay out of it.
The red clad turtle humphed something under his breath as he finished sweeping. You threw out the glass. He stomped away irritated for some reason, leaving you a little confused.
You looked at the party going on. Casey was the first to fail. You followed after Raph.
You found him in the gym, angrily starting to pick up the dumbbells.
"Hey, uh..." You hovered by the entrance. "Did I make you angry somehow?"
He paused.
"You've been a bit weird the past couple days and..." You almost jumped out of your skin when he tossed the weights away.
He huffed, inhaling through his nose loudly, then exhale. His jaw was moving as he was clearly working something out. He started to pace.
"You're being stupid!" He suddenly fired.
"You're being stupid," he repeated, "and it's pissing me off! Cause I know what you're doing!"
"What am I doing?" You were getting annoyed and ready to fight him.
"You're thinking!"
"Excuse me?!" Your voice raised.
"No, shit, what I mean is- you- you keep thinking those thoughts! That you're ugly or something," he tried to explain. "That's bullshit you know? You're- you're gorgeous and strong! And- and pretty and you smile so wide and you give best hugs and you don't make me feel like a freak..." He paused staring right at you. "And I want to beat up every single person who made you hate yourself."
Tears swelled in your eyes, so your tried blinking quickly. That took you so completely off guard.
"You are funny and-," he suddenly was in front of you. "I think I might like you." He said that last part quietly. He raised his hand up to your cheek but then quickly dropped it and cleared his throat. "Anyway-"
You cut him off, hugging him tightly. "Thank you."
His arms closed around you tightly. "Yeah, don't mention it."
"Hey, Raphie?" You said after a moment.
"I like you too..."
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shantechni · 10 months
I don't think we talk enough about the boys' different reactions to Splinter's brief chance of becoming human again, as well as the possibility of him regaining bits of his past that were once thought to be gone for good.
Human once more?
When Donatello first presents Splinter with a beaker of retromutagen in The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman, he's evidently excited and expectant of a similar reaction from Splinter. And Leo's expression is mild yet very telling of how he feels about what Donnie did; they're both willing to give Splinter his human form again.
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Raph and Mikey are almost on the opposite side of the spectrum though.
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One could easily pass their reactions for being surprise or shock at Donnie making enough for Splinter, but the fact that only Donnie and Leo are shown with favorable reactions kind of solidifies the possibility of them not being fond of the idea, at least not right away.
Of course, Splinter passes up his opportunity so Kirby could get his turn first, but Stockman buzzes in and ruins whatever chances Donnie had of fulfilling his promise. And by the end of the episode, everyone looks disappointed, including Mikey and Raph.
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Like many things in this show, it's not really explored further or touched upon again (there's probably no need for that), but the duo's initial reactions give away their thought processes: Splinter becoming human again? What does that mean for us?
After all the hullabaloo with Stockman though, they clearly align with Leo and Donnie on the matter and feel bad that the vial of retromutagen was lost. Splinter doesn't speak much about his human life outside of giving his sons cautionary tales, but he doesn't hide how much he misses it at times either, so it's only natural for the boys to want to give him what he misses. Ultimately though, Splinter tells them not to worry about the retromutagen situation since he's content with where and who he is now, and the boys no longer appear forlorn.
Shout out to that 1987 episode with a similar premise✌🏽
That would've been the end of the turtles trying to give Splinter any semblance of his old life if not for the S1 finale.
Karai's our sister!?
The boys only have a relationship with Karai because of her connection to Splinter and his life as a human, which goes hand in hand with why they went through so much trouble for her.
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As soon as Splinter tells them the truth of Karai's lineage, Leo suddenly has a bigger reason to bring Karai to the good side. Meanwhile, Mikey deploys his famous strategy of silently determining for himself from the sidelines if Karai is trustworthy. Though he admonished Leo for trusting her in The Alien Agenda, he doesn't expresses distaste and distrust for her to quite the same extent as the others (especially Raph), and he's also the first to openly acknowledge her as their sister. Raph and Donnie are constantly honest about how little they think they could grow to trust her, and they have a point; she was raised by the Shredder and is their sworn enemy under the Foot clan, how can they trust her?
Even when she briefly fights alongside them against Tiger Claw, Donnie and Raph still have their doubts. Leo tries to argue his point like usual, but Raph sounds so done with Karai when he reiterates that she was raised by the Shredder. No amount of blood ties will change that.
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But when Leo bears witness to how heavily Karai's absence weighs on Splinter, his determination forces Raph and Donnie to put aside whatever animosity they had left and decide to save her.
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And, after Karai gets mutated through a series of unfortunate events that will surely be blamed on the wrong party by a literal psychopath, the rest of the turtles bear witness to Splinter's pain as he closes himself off in the midst of another grieving process.
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They feel bad for what happened to Karai, but the way they go on to speak about the situation in A Chinatown Ghost Story tells us that they mostly feel bad because Splinter feels bad, a huge change from before when Leo was the only one feeling the guilt. They aren't so close to her to feel genuine grief, but their father lost his daughter for the second time, and it's up to them to find her.
The situation especially hurts in the beginning of The Fourfold Trap because, usually, helping Splinter would bring them together to aim for one mutual goal, but the stress gets to everyone and Raph even goes so far to call Karai a lost cause, a statement that instantly ticks Mikey off. Splinter does his best to mediate by telling them that he's thankful for the four of them, but the boys are too painfully aware of the problem to accept the sentiment.
She was what little Splinter had of his past life as a human, and the boys clung to her so much that they, without realizing it, began to see her as an integral part of their little family.
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TFA X ROTTMNT crossover imagine Idea:
What if back when Splinter was Lou Jitsu he got spirited away in the TFA universe as a cybertronian thanks to a magical artifact long time ago before the first autobots-decepticons War, became a Gladiator against his will, meet Megatron and end up becoming "Friends" with him, build himself a reputation among Cybertronians and became a Well known History figure After managing to get his Freedom back and managed to get all the other Gladiator, Megatron included, free?
What if years After Lou Jitsu managed to get back to his universe and the ROTTMNT canon happen the turtles found the Magic artifact, end up in the TFA universe turned into cybertronians and two of them are warframes while the other two are civilframe?
I got way into this AU crossover the more I wrote about it and I just want to say that you, my friend, are a genius for coming up with it.
-Lou Jitsu's alter ego when he was a cybertronian was Splinter. Yeah, I'm basic like that. His alt mode would have been either a jet or a race car though I'm a bit partial to him having a car alt mode, simply because I could really see him turning into some flashy 80's sport car.
-Becoming a really popular gladiator not only for his fighting skills but also for bringing in his theatrics to the ring. They don't know that but whenever he wants to seem cool he says a one liner from one of his movies. The crowd ate it up every time. He's also really handsome as a bot so he's got a ton of fans.
-Ok but wouldn't be really cool if Splinter kinda revolutionized the cyber-ninja scene??? Like, up until his appearance it had kinda stagnated but when he shows up and shows up his amazing moves all the cyber-dojos go "YOOOOOO, THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME" and he basically starts the cyber-ninja renaissance. He also probably gets offered to become the leader of his own dojo but he declines the offer because he doesn't wanna abandon his new gladiator-buddies.
-Young Yoketron being his pupil??? Showing up one day like Genos in One Punch man and begging for Splinter to become his master??? YOKETRON YELLING "HOT SOUP" EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS???
Prowl: Master, is it true that you trained under the master Splinter?
Yoketron: Yes, my pupil, I indeed did.
Prowl: Amazing, I've heard so much about him. What was he like?
Yoketron: He was... very wise. *flashback to Splinter forgetting how to use his brakes while in alt mode and crashing into a wall*
-Also, as for the brothers, if two of them are warframes then I imagine it being Raph and Leo. Raph because, well, he's built like a brick, it makes sense, and Leo because his weapons are the most lethal, made to kill. Also, Raph would be a tank while Leo would be a jet. Meanwhile, Donnie's alt mode would be like a microscope/telescope or something while Mikey would be a racer, either a motorcycle or a race car. I just want Mikey to have wheels on his pedes and rollerblade around while fighting.
-I also want some cyber-ninja dojo to 'discover' Mikey's talents, both as a ninja and spiritually, and taking him in. And Mikey can't tell them the truth, that he's already trained, so he has to pretend to be a newbie but instead he comes off as an actual genius, a prodigy only seen once every eon (he is a prodigy though so they're not too far off). Mikey shows them his 'magic hands' and the old coots practically faint.
-Meanwhile, Donnie gets similarly 'discovered' by the autobot Ministry of Science when they take notice of his remarkable intelligence and honestly? Donnie eats up the attention and praise. Perceptor and Wheeljack are fighting over who gets to mentor him and Donnie just does "Gentlemen, please, the answer is obvious; You both teach me everything you know. I want to know it all."
-Splinter, after becoming a mutant, turns into a cybertronian again but he looks really different so no one recognizes him. He's a beast-former now with a rat alt mode, about the height of Bumblebe (maybe even shorter). He kinda radiates this mystical air though, only perceivable to those with more spiritual senses, like Prowl.
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Edit: Added some ideas of what Bot-Splinter would look like, both before and after mutating.
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