#meanwhile? gerry? just vibing
god-i-hope-so · 4 months
"Both sides have problematic people"
Meanwhile, the Gerries are hacking accounts while we're just vibing.
So tell me now, where does the problem come from? We've been under gratuitous, continuous attacks since we dared enjoy another ship than bvddie. Out of nowhere, we became the target of an immature bunch of totally unhinged people.
Just, what the fuck?!
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robyn-i-guess · 5 months
gerrymichael enjoyers and writers i want your opinion 🎤
ok so i have this au fic for gerrymichael where it's college au, and it's a like the whole bad boy/good girl (minus the fact they're both boys, and even that's questionable)
basically, gerry is stereotyped due to his more alternative looks and everyone assumes he's probably doing illegal things or just sleeps around a lot
meanwhile michael is the head of student council "goody two shoes" type, who most are sort of aware of but don't know anything about
gerry thinks about michael. a lot. he sees them in the halls for only a few seconds a day but thinks about him for a lot longer. hallway crush vibes. and when they get put into a painting class together, suddenly they have an opportunity to meet, and gerry is freaking out a usual amount. (there's more to the whole plot but that's just the beginning bit)
putting a short lil concept thing under the cut
Gerard Keay does not know Michael Shelley.
The only reason he knows their name is because they're in the student council, meaning it's not uncommon for their name to be said during school events.
He has only seen them in hallways, passing by in a rush while holding papers or books that always seem like they're going to fall out of their hands. Even in those moments, most of what Gerard is able to catch is a blur of golden curls and eyes that are ridden with exhaustion.
So, it is safe to say that he does not know Michael.
That fact only caused confusion to him whenever Gerard realized his strange excitement once learning that Michael would be in one of his classes for the semester.
It was an art class, one that he had picked due to him already being practiced is painting and drawing. He assumed it would be a fun class, or at least one that wouldn't be too stressful. However, when he had first walked into that classroom and saw Michael Shelley sitting at an area in the back, Gerard had assumed the emotion he was feeling was stress. He couldn't pinpoint why, it wasn't like he was intimidated by their status, but he couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness he felt when he accidentally locked eyes with them. He turned his head quickly in that moment, deciding to sit in the front of the room despite that not being where he'd usually prefer to be. Something about Michael sitting there made Gerard think twice about sitting in the back as he normally would.
The lecture went smoothly, it mostly being an introduction to the professor and what would be happening throughout the classes. So did the next, and then the next one after that. That didn't get rid of the feeling he felt, however, every time that Gerard walked into that room and attempted to avoid looking at the one with golden curls in the back. He knew he'd have to talk to them at some point, it was inevitable, but there was something about them that meant he was more nervous to talk to them than he usually would be. And he very much denied the idea that it could be caused by any... feelings he may have. Gerard ruled it as impossible, as he had never spoken to them, and he wasn't that much of an idiot to fall for someone he'd only mostly seen in hallways.
Michael wasn't one to speak up in class, and instead they'd work silently on any research on the history of art they may have been doing, only giving simple responses or nods when the professor would come around and ask how their work was coming along. When Gerard thought about it, he didn't really know what their voice sounded like because it was always quiet or unintelligible from their distance. That only made him more interested in talking to them.
That day never came, though, much to Gerard's disappointment.
They both went through that class without talking to each other once, and when Gerard left that room for the last time he couldn't help but feel like he had failed at some kind of goal. A failure that had meant he would be left with only seeing the elusive Michael Shelley in hallway rushes again, which annoyed him in a way he didn't understand.
He did talk to them one day, though.
(note this is old as heck lmao i've gotten better at writing since i wrote this)
anyways yeah. should i continue it or is it too basic idk, i want to write it for me but it would also be multiple chapters long and my "1k-words-is-rare-for-me" self probably won't bother to write it unless someone else is interested
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l-wandering-etranger · 10 months
• jmart both get rings and both get a mangalsutra because i love symbolism sm. also its customised. idk exactly into what but its upto interpretation
• i feel like they dont invite lonelyeyes but they show up anyway and do nothing except judge What's Happining like those aunties ykow the ones who show up just for the food and gossip about everyone and their mothers
• in weddings its rlly common for the groom's and bride's friends and family to playfully lift them up higher so its hard for the other to place the garland this except gerry and tim are just lifting jon up one arm each cause martin is already so tall and everyone is laughing while throwing flowers
• both of them cry. So much.
• i feel martin would just vibe while waiting for his henna to dry meanwhile jon is having tim hold statements and sasha the recorder as he reads them with his forearms upright. georgie has that disappointed look on her face while martins just making heart eyes as actual eyes appear around jon
• i dont think they would let anyone officiate the wedding as in a outside person... they managed to convince georgie to get ordained just for this
• bangels. Jon would probably find a few from his grandmother's stuff although he isnt sure if its hers or not cause they look much more stylish than what she would wear he doesn't know it but they were his mother's
• the admiral is there. and he is sitting on jons lap and occasionally martin's through the sitting part of the rituals
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measuringbliss · 1 year
So I guess this is a Succession S2 finale reaction post + a review of season 2 as a whole.
On one hand, the Con-head stuff is delightful. On the other hand, I feel like a fan of the Muskrat–but Connor is fictional, so it's fine.
The writers completely predicted that we would love the firstbump.
Roman is such a great character. They're (almost) all great characters. I love that he gets a chance to shine.
Gosh Connor is so hot.
I'm enjoying this episode simply thanks to the vacation vibes.
Some stuff hits close to home though...
I really enjoy Tom and Shiv as a couple because sometimes they're incompatible but other times, like when they discuss the threesome, they're trying to support each other anyway.
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HAHAHAHAAHAHA no but for real don't let it be Gerri I love her. And Roman subtly supports her too! Roman is on fire this episode. And this whole scene is excellent, truly comedy genius. Matthew MacFayden plays the pathetic loser expertly.
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Gerri must be respected as well.
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Tom really is a pathetic little meow meow, I can't help but pity him.
So Stewy comes to the rescue and naturally enjoys it a lot. He's tired (as am I) of Ken's baseless, stupid, infantile speeches. Stewy is me?!
"Thank you for the chicken is a great scene."
So after making us agonize, Logan picks Kendall. It's a betrayal, of course, of the one who's been his lapdog for a whole season. Hopefully this triggers a change in Kendall, because while seeing less of him this season was great, I was almost beginning to warm up to him.
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"The truth is that my father is malignant presence, a bully and a liar..."
oh. what.
so that makes it much more interesting. Kendall finally had agency in his own story! That's good.
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tier list time! Stewy went up because he's the one bitch who sees everything as it is. Roman went up because he finally got compelling moments this season. Rhea had an annoying voice but I enjoyed making fun of her so she's fun too. Greg went down! I'm sorry Greg, your shtick is limited, your role doesn't have much range and as it is, you're simply unneeded. Mom Roy was very interesting to see but I needed more. Ken's girlfriend is fine but doesn't amount to much, I always wonder who she is because I keep forgetting her. Kendall went up! Good for him.
Logan got some losses this season and was better, but he's still, you know, Logan. But he was better this season. And overall, the season itself was much better, notably thanks to not having a shitty final episode. Looking at my grades, only eps 2 & 3 went below 8/10. Meanwhile, in S1, only 3 episodes went *above* 7/10 (6, 7 and 9) while the finale achieved the lowest grade for now, 3/10.
I just reread my review of the first season and I still stand by it.
Let's consider my conclusion:
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I absolutely still consider the curtains make people think more of the show than what it actually is. It could be more funny, more incisive, more fun. However, S2 was a clear improvement on that front. We got more of the other characters, thanks to Kendall staying in the background and Logan being put down a few times.
And I know *what* happens in 4x03 and honestly can't wait to be there. Maybe then will the show be finally what it aims to be: excellent.
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navree · 5 months
Tell us about your journey through The Magnus Archives!
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The year, 2020. The month, May. Springtime in Boston, which means that it's already ten million degrees and humid and I, already intimately aware that working on a political campaign means that you're either gonna be making phone calls or entering data (so much fucking data) am using my limited free time, given that Circumstances meant I was in my apartment at all times, to watch shows and whatnot while on break. I finish my rewatch of seasons 1-3 of The Originals (given that they're some of the best television the CW ever put out and seasons 4 and 5 suck ass anyway) and am looking for new content.
Meanwhile, my friend has been listening to The Magnus Archives, mostly just to send me clips of Gerry and Gertrude (makes sense, they were a big RomanGerri during season two of Succession) and, given that this friend already has a track record of getting me to watch shows that they like, I decide, why not? Why not give it a shot? After all, I like supernatural stuff, and I like workplace vibes, and I even heard that there was some boss dude a lot of people like to talk about in various different ways, based on the little amount of content I've seen on Tumblr. So, I listen to one episode, remember that I am a giant scaredy-cat who currently lives alone with all my family across the whole country, and decide not to listen to this show once it got dark out (Anglerfish freaked me out, OK?) . This didn't necessarily last, one because once the time change happens in MA it stays light pretty late, and two, because honestly after the first few episodes the show stopped being scary and I didn't mind listening to it in the nighttime.
So anyway I finished season 1 and 2 in literally one single week. I'm not even kidding. I started the show May 1, got to Elias killing Leitner on May 7. And granted my primary thoughts were mostly "I like Elias" and "season 2 Jon is a fucking nightmare" with a sprinkling of "I wanna know more about the Lukas family" (anyone who knows me knows this isn't a surprise), but I'm still really surprised I was plowing through it that fast. And then i completely stopped listening to it, because the campaign was ramping up in the summer months and it slipped away from me.
It's now January of 2021, I'm living at home with my parents for a couple months before school starts back up and honestly a bit bored out of my skull because my parents' primary residence at the time was in Carmel, CA and my GOD is there nothing to do there except for the aquarium (I love it there but it's true). And I decide to give TMA another shot since the final season is winding down anyway. Plow through the first two seasons again, most thoughts still the same, get to season 3 and start liking it, meet Peter Lukas and decide he's immediately the best character, which is still true, season 4 only reinforces that fact, and then slowly make my way through season 5 because I, uh, did not care for it. Also, true story, I've never actually listened to episode 200, cuz when it came out I was at the salon, so I just read the episode transcript on my phone (it was Fine).
I still work on political campaigns, by the by, and I honestly put on early season TMA when I have to do data entry (getting through season 2 is always a bit of a struggle because I love Jon but my God is he such a fucking nightmare that season, I just wanna shake him). Also, to be completely honest, any time I relisten to season 4, I just skip and skip until I get to the Peter scenes, since again, best character and the only one I really care about in that season.
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shivroyisbisexual · 1 year
My for the record statement and origin of my very url is
Are alllllllll
Not straight
Not gay
Bi sex ual
The only ones I’m genuinely irritated about are the ones where they are on screen having and enjoying het sex and people are out here calling them gay. And to be Clear: I wish more of them were gay. That there were those stories told there, like the one of what if one of extreme homophobe Logan Roy’s kids was gay. It’s just for most of that list it’s inaccurate and kinda insulting to gay people to keep pushing it when it’s clearly not textually there. Acting like that’s what homosexuality looks like — all of the above are depicted as het sex and enjoying it at least some. No matter what the “lesbian master doc that was written by a woman who came out as bi a few years later” said about comphet, sorry that’s just not happening to cause this kind of het partner seeking behavior.
But I totally agree there’s homoerotic vibes all over. So what are they? I’ll say it again. Bisexual. Go on practice sounding it out.
Meanwhile at minimum
Are indeed, I am firmly convicted,
Karolina……. They haven’t depicted her as having any relationships but in an interview she said she would like to see her character having a fling with “one of the brothers” “or Shiv” so! Bisexual. But she said in some other interview she could see Karolina being a lesbian. Could be either way, and either way good for her.
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
“Useless,” Agnes said haughtily. She beat the bone in a steady rhythm against the wall, almost in defiance of Gerry. Thump, thump, thump. “A spoiled child, an aimless teenager, a disaffected young adult. Gertrude bound her and her cult members fawned over her. Then she had some stupid crisis of faith, doubted herself and her journey, and abandoned everything. She was just a useless coward. I’m much better than she ever was. I’m stronger.”
“Dude, you’re going to break the Archivist’s rib -”
“It’s not enough to just not want to end the world,” Agnes said, and she realized for the first time that her head was crowding with the familiar smoke of her anger. She didn’t care, didn’t even try to tamp it down. Thump, thump, thump. “You have to want to save it. She had all of that power, the full flames of the desolation on her side. And she just walked away . She could have done something, could have - could have stopped Jon, stopped Jonah, done something . But she just decided that she wanted to keep living in the world, and she didn’t even fight to keep it. Adults are so - fucking - useless!”
Something splintered underneath her hands, cracked and shattered, and Agnes didn’t even care. She always destroyed whenever she was mad.
“She didn’t even try!” Agnes cried, and drove the rib further into the wall. Her hand punched through the thin drywall, widening the quickly growing hole, and with a cry of fury she whirled around and put her foot through it too. “Now we have to clean up after the grown-up’s mistakes, like fucking always, and it’s not fair! We aren’t the ones who killed the world! Why do we always have to save it!”
Agnes! Agnes! Agnes! She was so much fun writing in TCF I’m afraid she might be a mainstay in future works, lol. This right here is the second half of the capitalist discussion: Jon as the privileged content to live in luxury, Agnes as the privileged who’s fighting to change the system. (There should also be a voice from the people who are actually suffering, and to an extent that is Sasha - but those voices in the narrative is ultimately Martin and Basira, who really didn’t get enough screentime to talk about that due to just how much was happening that late in the story. I consider this a fault and a weakness in the story, and it’s something I’d change on revision). 
I joke with my friends a lot that Agnes is protagonist coded, along with Gerry, and she absolutely is. Agnes is explicitly the teen girl protagonist in the dystopian YA novel. She is Katniss Everdreen, she is Greta Thurnberg. She’s a super special flame princess messiah with cool superpowers and a legion of cultists, but with her sidekick brother she’s gonna CHANGE THE SYSTEM. Unfortunately this is not a YA novel, so her lamebrain adopted uncle and aunts don’t let her do anything cool. Believe it or not I turn characters into teenagers for a reason lol - Agnes and Gerry being young people is very crucial to their arcs, and it’s THOSE characters specifically who I find are extremely interesting as teenagers - because they are defined by legacy, family, and their futures. 
It’s interesting to me that Agnes would hate her past self. Like Gerry, Jon, and Daisy, she has a past self who feels very different from who she is now - but where Jon and Daisy are scared and actively avoid knowledge of their past selves, Agnes is bitter. She considers her past self part of the problem - that she saw the game was rigged, and she bowed out of the game instead of trying to fix it. Agnes is willing to look at what she did wrong and learn from her mistakes, unlike Jon and Daisy, but it’s because she considers these mistakes the mistakes of the previous generation. It wasn’t teen Agnes who fucked everything up, it was the adults - the cult members, the Avatars, humanity. The big point of her arc was the confrontation with Jude - because it was at that point that Agnes accepted that there was no reconciliation with Jude and her viewpoint, that she could not abide willful ignorance or malice. She didn’t get to kill Jude, but I wouldn’t have wanted her to - she just had to decide to reject her, and then see by what Jon did to her how violent the ideological differences are. 
It is a big part of Agnes that she does essentially want to be a normal person. But she’s been robbed of that. She’s not getting the American Dream (metaphorically), the cheap college, the affordable house, the white picket fence - the idiocy of the adults ruined that for her. There is no possibility of a normal life for her anymore. And it makes her very angry. And she knows just who to blame for it. 
Agnes is the white, upper middle class angry Gen Zer who is part of JSA and wants to be a civil rights lawyer because she physically can’t imagine not caring about other people. It’s never explicitly stated, but Agnes would probably care a lot less if she hadn’t met Gerry - who is part of the group suffering, even if Agnes protects him, and has experienced hardship too. Gerry, for his part, just wants to find his people and stick by his people and survive - but Gerry will always care about doing the right thing to, because that’s part of love for him. 
Agnes and Gerry are characterized very strongly by their love and compassion - for the world, for their family, and for each other. It’s alienated people around them, as seen with Jude, but they want to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. They just had no idea how, or no idea what taking action would mean - until they met Sasha, and then a lot happened very quickly. This care and compassion was very inspiring to Jon, who couldn’t really imagine just caring about something because it was the right thing to do. 
They’re good kids. I love them. Thanks for the ask!
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sizzleitupwithmaria · 4 years
thinking about archivist sasha....
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AU Ask: Jon as a village cryptid in Scotland AU?
Ask Game: send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
1. look he didn't mean to do this. really. this was so utterly fucking unplanned. martin stop laughing
2. martin was gertrude's assistant and fucked right off when she died. he flipped the double fingered salute, stole peter lukas's bank account information, airdropped the info that elias was a bodysnatching victorian twink to the hunters of the police precinct, and then decided to find himself anywhere but fucking here
3. jon, meanwhile, had a lot of problems involving some spiders and this polite and pretty and vaguely sad fire wax woman who helped him out with the spider thing and he was like "are? you? okay?" and she was like "no actually you see im meant to end the world and im not sure if i want to and i sort of want to talk about it" and he was like "im sorry can you say that first bit again the bit about the world ending can we elaborate on that bit." anyway he had a pissed fucking spider god on his ass and she needed a coming of age road trip movie so they fucked off together for a bit and there was a lot of spiders and angry wax people and a thrift store dress up montage and it ended with a lot of really bad physical and mental and emotional scarring and found family and soul sibling love and anyway now all the wax people are dead and the spider lady is dead and his wax soul sister is dead and jon is very much not dead. no, he doesn't want to talk about it.
4. martin is fucking going through it and so is jon and they both fuck off to the middle of fucking nowhere and want absolutely no more emotional healing or self-discovery. they would like to be miserable and alone forever, please and thank you. hello, only neighbor for thirty miles in this isolated scottish farmland. why are you handsome. stop that.
5. the problem fundamentally is that martin is shaped like a friend and jon is shaped like roadkill that got up and walked away again. the village quickly decides that martin is an obviously single and delightful man and everyone wants to date him. they decide jon is a ghost who died in the 1730s and is haunting their fucking village. they think he was lost trying to find the village for the intervening 300 years. he has that vibe.
6. martin stop laughing.
7. see there's this thing where it's a misty morning and jon is sort of lost on his trip into the village and Martin usually makes it because jon has sworn off humanity and soul siblings and road trips and people in general and absolutely no fucking spiders allowed, but martin has a cold and wants tea and they have no tea and jon wants to get him tea but it is so fucking misty and he is so fucking lost, there's a lot of roving the hills and grass and he dresses like they're his funerary garb from 200 years ago so its an easy mistake for the locals to make, really
7. martin stop laughing.
8. there's other things becuase jon is just so fucking lost and scotland has so much fucking mist and he is not updating his wardrobe, okay? he got this at a thrift store clothing montage with his soul sibling. he's not stopping his walking routine either he has so little that was left untainted by his soul sibling tragic past. it turns into a local legend. ghost hunt uk investigates. there is a statute made to attract tourists. martin, stop laughing.
9. traveling goth and recovered cancer patient gerry keay has also fucked off anywhere except from where he was to find himself and ends up in this isolated scottish town with a very nice gentleman he met in the tea aisle who has a weird number of marks on him and he hears legends about some weird fucking cryptid haunting the town and wants to make sure this isn't another entity fucking with nice tea man and runs smack into jon who is once again super fucking lost. jon squints at this goth gentleman and quickly realizes they have the same soul and fucks right off because he did that once and he lost his soul sister. the wound is fresh.
10. gerry also instantly knows this man has the same soul and follows because he doesn't really have other plans. martin insists he stays for tea because they never have guests--"on account of the cryptid thing" "yea" "martin stop laughing"--and then he just. never leaves.
11. there is smooching
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jongerrymartintimsasha au you say?
Okay I’m home now and not entirely braindead yet so here we go:
For starters you need to understand how my brain works. With many AUs I just recycle the same headcanons over and over so it just becomes a mashup of whatever things vibe for me the most. So imagine in one hand I have my visible world au (the jgm one) and in the other hand I have the jgt au and then I clap my hands together and BAM! New AU!
So this would be - timeline wise - after Jon, Gerry, and Tim had left university. Jon has a job teaching at said university, Gerry’s degree is in library science and he hasn’t found a position yet so he’s currently working full time at the bar he’d been working in during uni, and Tim is working in a publishing office really close to Jon’s work. So every morning Jon and Tim stop by at this little cafe near Tim’s job to get coffee before work because Tim actually likes coffee and Jon is NOT a morning person and relies on the caffeine. Here we introduce Martin and Sasha who are both baristas that usually end up working the morning shift.
Now, my roommate was a barista and I happen to know every coffee shop AU in the world is a fucking LIE. These places are busy as shit and they don’t have time to stop and gossip with every customer that comes in, okay. And they will hate your guts for trying to flirt when they’re BUSY. BUT one thing that is true is that if you’re either a) really nice or b) an asshole then baristas are sure to remember you. And Jon and Tim just happen to be one really nice guy and one asshole! So Martin and Sasha remember them and sometimes have their regular orders ready to go before they even come in.
Anyway Martin gets this huge crush on Jon just as like a “hey he’s really cute even if he’s kind of rude” kind of thing and Sasha teases him RELENTLESSLY about it even though SHE has a crush on TIM. 
But whatever they’re not gonna, like, do anything about it because that would be weird? Right Sasha? I’m mean, they’re probably dating I’m pretty sure I heard Tim call Jon “love” the other day so probably and- (take a breath, Martin)
Meanwhile! Gerry comes by sometimes in the afternoon because Tim says they have the best pastries and Jon is always going on about how good the tea Martin makes is on the occasions where Jon gets tea on his way home and Martin is working. And he has some hours to waste so he brings his laptop and just kind of chills there and he’s intrigued when he hears one of them mention one of his partners. And then he finds out that Martin thinks Jon has nice hands (he does) and Sasha thinks Tim has a pretty mouth (he absolutely does) and Gerry “actual fucking menace and resident shit stirrer” Keay is like “oh I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I actually live with them and would you maybe want to come over for game night sometime? A couple of our friends haven’t been able to make it recently and Jon’s been meaning to start a new D&D campaign I mean, only if it’s not weird.”
And Sasha is super into it! Yes! Let’s go Martin itll be fun!
And Martin is like absolutely not Sash he could be a serial killer.
So Sasha does the only “sensible” thing here and takes Gerry’s number, and when Jon stops by on his way from work she asks him about it.
Of course Jon fucking blue screens for a minute because he’s like “literally what is Gerry up to” but he hesitantly is like yes that’s all true and actually yeah it’d be lovely if you came.
So they become friends. And they keep hanging out. Tim and Sasha first because their schedules end up aligning best out of everyone’s, but then Jon and Martin too. Martin and Sasha like to do things with Jon that Tim and Gerry don’t usually like long trips to museums or art shows. Sasha becomes Jon’s theater buddy because APPARENTLY Martin doesn’t like theater either, the traitor. 
And at some point they talk about it and Jon is like “oh no I really really like Martin” and Tim is like “yeah I really really like Sasha” and so they end up upgrading to five. Explaining the way it works to other people would end up with like a chart and a power point slide (which Jon DOES have prepared, thank you) but it works for them and that’s all that matters. 
Basically they all end up living in a house together with two dogs and a cat and they all love each other in different ways and it’s beautiful and messy and makes me want to cry. 
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spazzbunn · 5 years
Christmas With Friends
Today was pretty big. It was Christmas Day in Zootopia! The kids were opening their presents, the adults went out to get some items thanks to the gift cards they got, it was even snowing. Overall, this Christmas was really starting to feel jolly. Especially for a house full of mammals. The home had its two owners inside the warm comfortable shelter that kept them cozy from the snow and cold wind outside. Michael and Katrice, the rabbit and red panda couple. They both were huddled close with their paws holding looking over at their fully decorated Christmas tree they made together. It was full of lights and ornaments and had a big bright yellow gold star on top. It truly looked breathtaking for the two of them. Amongst the noise that surrounded them was the television and the voices of their good friends. One other sound was able to catch their attention. A click with a sound of a flash. They turned around to witness what was behind them. It was a tall and slim figure with yellow and white and little bits of black spots and areas around this body. It was Hammy the cheetah. Having to wear his suit being of cranberry red and pine tree green tie to fit the Holidays. He had with him his camera, taking a moment to take pretty good looking pictures on whatever he saw as stunning. It was his passion. “Sorry, just that felt like a postcard moment.” Hammy said as he turned his camera around to show the small screen to have the two witness his very professional photography. “Dang Hammy. This looks good.” Michael told him as Hammy was happy with his work being liked by all. “Thanks. I’ll try to have this be in a postcard for next year. Just hope I don’t forget.” Hammy rubbed the back of his neck with Katrice patting him on his back. “No worries. Just send it to us. I know Michael won’t forget Christmas moments.” Katrice smirked at her rabbit who blushed slightly but nodded. Hammy went into the kitchen to lay down his camera by the counter since the table was full of different types of food to snack on. Michael went over to one side of the living room as Katrice went another. Both of them wanting to be good hosts for their guests, who also were their friends. Michael went over to a group of mammals on the couch. Watching television as it is playing some videos on a tabby cats phone. Next to the male tabby was a male coyote, a male african wild dog, and even a male silver fox. The bunny walked around and sat down next to the tabby. “Hey Jake.” Jake looked over. “Oh hey dude! I’m just showing the guys some videos about this crazy show in Japan.” Milo, the african wild dog, took a sip of water from his red cup. “Yeah. It is very odd. Who the heck would even think of stuff like this?” “Maybe odd mammals?” Shadow the silver fox stated. Having to have no red contacts or any red or purple on his fur. He wanted to look clean for his friends. Mainly, because his girlfriend otter Karen got him to be cleaning the dye off. “That, or the show itself knows its audience?” Evan Coywise, the coyote, told the guys as they all pretty much agreed with his theory. “Eh. Hey, thanks for inviting us, by the way.” Milo said to Michael with the rabbit feeling happy to hear that. “Yeah. This Christmas get together is pretty sweet.” Shadow says as he looks around to see Tod coming back with a plate of food. Having mac n cheese, some turkey, and corn on it. “Oh hey Michael!” Tod the reddish orange fox went over to sit down at the last empty seat of it as he takes a bite of the mac n cheese with the fork he had. “I was kinda surprised everyone showed up early.” Michael says as he looked to see everyone was accounted for. “Well it is rare for us to hang out together. We all are different, but we still care for each other.” Milo points out as he takes another sip of his drink. Tod looked over at Milo. “You must have drank the philosophy juice or something.” Shadow laughed from Tod’s joke as Michael and Jake watch a bit of the weird game show as they questioned about if they both could ever compete with getting a show like this. The answer seemed like a ‘no’ to the tabby and bunny. Katrice in the meanwhile went over to the side of the house where the chairs from the kitchen were moved as a couple of mammals used them to sit down and starting to draw. One pig, the other a rabbit, and the last a raccoon with blue fur where its black should be. All three of them were female and another common thing was they were artists. Katrice raised a brow. “Hey you three. What are you all doing?” The gray rabbit with brown ears and brown stylish hair looked up at the red panda. “Oh sorry! We are doing a sort of challenge here.” “Oh?” The red panda seemed curious to know. Helena looked up as she fixed her glasses. “Yeah! We are trying to draw the tree you guys have and post our artworks on our tweets. The most liked picture wins” “Ah cool!” Said Katrice. “What would the winner get?” “Bragging rights.” The raccoon said as she took a sip of Dr.Pepper as she kept drawing with a smirk. “Oh, after we finish up, we wanna know if you wanna chat and eat with us in the kitchen.” “Awww. I’d love to. The kitchen seems a bit crowded though.” Katrice saw that inside were Hammy, Diana, Karen, and the brown bear Lou and the other rabbit Gerry. All of them talking and laughing and cracking jokes. “We can slip in fine.” Helena says to Katrice. “Besides, I am about to call quits before my paw breaks.” She sets her paper down on an empty chair they had. “Ehh. Same.” Fever and Trish said in unison as they gave their artworks to Hel as she puts them on top of hers. “I think I am gonna get something to eat as well.” Katrice said to her friends as the girls got up and the four of them started to head into the kitchen. Michael gets up as well, his stomach growling since he had to skip breakfast along with Katrice since they were busy cleaning and setting up the food. “Sorry guys, but I gotta get something to eat.” “It’s cool dude.” Evan says to him. “Hey, could you get me a bread roll? I want to finish this crazy show with the guys before I eat.” Michael obliged as he went around the couch and started to head towards the kitchen where he witnessed his girlfriend and their friends having fun. He walks in to go find a roll as Katrice comes up to him and smiles. “Well, everyone seems to be having fun here.” “Heh. I know. We did great Katrice.” Michael says with him smiling back at her. This got the attention of the skunk who saw the two being cute together and calls out to them. “Awwwe~ You guys having a little date over there?!~” Diana jokingly said with a smug grin. Her glasses even added more smugness to it. Michael and Katrice blushed and were trying to act cool with Diana laughing softly. “I’m just joking you guys.” Karen sipped her cup of tea. “Diana is a jokester I found out. She looks so sweet but yet can act like a spice at times.” “Eh. I just am Yin and Yang really. Both inside and out.” Diana ate a cracker as Lou thought about her sentence and snickers.. “Ok, that’s pretty funny. Especially since you are black and white.” Lou laughed as he was eating some cheese and grapes on his plate with Diana looking at herself but then smirking and trying not to laugh as well. She really walked into that one. Karen smiled along with Michael and Katrice while the mammals then hear that familiar click. Hammy had his camera out and took another picture to treasure. “Sorry again. Just, this whole gives off good vibes. I wanna cherish these you know?” Hammy put the camera down back on the counter as everyone was telling him it was fine. “Yeah dude. Nothing wrong with taking good pictures with friends.” Lou said with Karen and Diana agreeing. Michael looks at the roll in his paw. Then he remembered what he went in here for. “Oh! I almost forgot!” “Forgot about what?” A mammal came into the room with everyone looking over to who said that. It was Daniel the weasel. He was a pretty chill friend of Michael so of course he had to come and celebrate with him and his girlfriend and his friends. He was in the bathroom having to have to take a phone call from his parents. He was finished so he came down to see what was happening. “Oh nothing Daniel. I just gotta give Evan this roll. Also I planned on eating as well.” Michael tells Daniel as the weasel goes to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. Michael looks around with his mind wanting to get a bowl of Katrice’s mac n cheese. She always makes the best food ever. Before the bunny could get started with getting a bowl, Gerry comes over and gives a big hug to both Michael and the red panda. “Jeez your hugs are pretty strong” Katrice said as he lets go with Michael holding on to the roll for dear life. “Hey I give bigger hugs too.” Lou stated with him going to get some sugar cookies. “Sorry, but I was just about ready to head out. My family is gonna head on over to my other family for dinner as well.” Gerry explains as he took a sugar cookie and started to eat one. “Awww. Sucks you gotta go.” Fever said with her and Trish eating some ham as Gerry sighed. “Well, the Holidays are pretty busy this time for year after all.” The light brown rabbit said as he took another bite. “You was pretty chill to hang around.” Daniel tells Gerry who took that compliment. “You gotta hang out with Michael and some of us at ‘Boys Night’” Gerry rubbed his chin. “I think I got time this weekend. So yeah!” He finished his cookie. “Besides, I am gonna throw a New Years Eve party so we can spend more time together!” “Wooo! Boys night!” Jake shouted as he and the rest of the guys came over. Evan seeing the roll and thanking Michael as he takes it and begins to eat it. Fever looked at the whole group that was in the big clean kitchen. Full of laughs and full of cheer. She was there when Hammy took that picture of Michael, Katrice, Lou and Karen with Diana as well. It was starting to give her an idea. She poked on the shoulders of Michael and Katrice as the two looked over and she whispered something into their ears. Both the bunny and the red panda’s ears stood up and had the same smile as their friend. “Hey Hammy.” Katrice says with the cheetah looking over to her. “Got enough space for one more picture?” “Of course!” Hammy said with pride. “What you got in mind?” Michael then spoke up. “We want to take a Christmas picture. Together with all of us here.” Everyone looked at each other. Quickly, they all pretty much agreed to that idea. “Alrighty. Been a rarity since I done one of these.” Trish said as she finished her plate. “Same here.” Jake said as he sipped his drink of cola. “Where would we take the pic at?” Milo questioned with Evan looking over at the tree. “Hmm. What about the Christmas Tree?” Evan points out. “Sure!” Michael and Katrice said together. “Alright!” Tod says as he went over to pick up a chair and carry it in the living room with everyone starting to follow. Karen and Shadow held each other close in front of the tree. Same with Michael and Katrice. Tod sets down the chair far away from the group so the photo can get the whole view of the mammals, the tree and decorations, even a glimpse of the snow outside. The group starts to form big with Lou being perfectly in place of the camera. The same goes for everyone. Hammy would be the last as Tod goes to join in the photo. He sets the camera down onto the chair and sets up the camera to be timed as it begins to beep. Quickly he runs in and fills in the last spot. “Oh! We should say Merry Christmas.” Katrice tells everyone with Michael loving the idea. “Sounds good my pumpkin spice raccoon. But why?” Michael asked in confusion. “Idk. Seems holly and jolly.” The red panda says with the camera starting to beep more, saying it was close to take the photo. “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” The group all shouted at the same time as the photo flashed and clicked, the picture being taken. Everyone would pretty much agree. This Christmas was the best one yet. Maybe, even the best one ever. They were glad to spend it together. Merry Christmas to all of Zootopia, and to the people that mean a lot to me.           - Spazzie Bunnie Katrice belongs to @msitubeatz Fever belongs to @feverwildehopps Trish belongs to @trashasaurusrex Helena belongs to @helthehatter Diana belongs to @skeletonguys-and-ragdolls Gerry belongs to @androace-bunny Evan belongs to @wartoxdude Hammy belongs to @hammytotherescue Jake belongs to @kingdomofkitten Shadow belongs to @n-p-wilde Karen belongs to @azshade Lou belongs to @firecracker-art-lounge Milo belongs to @juantriforce042 Tod belongs to @thefoxninja17 Daniel belongs to @owningsuperset7
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creativitycache · 4 years
For contextless spoilers, I think that the pic of the father and son are Eric and Gerry when they finally reunite. Meanwhile, Jonah in jail is plotting VENGEANCE on a good few people, starting with the cop who arrested him and the Web is just vibing.
More guesses! Love it anon!
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bartfargo · 5 years
They Won’t Be Getting Their Own Movie/TV Show Anytime Soon: Justice League - The Detroit Years
In the mid-80s, Gerry Conway was the writer for Justice League of America. One day, he had an idea: Make the JLA more like The Uncanny X-Men.
Specifically, he wanted to be able to tell any story he wanted, without worrying about how this would relate to continuity in some other book.
DC gave him the go-ahead, and he set about retooling the League: An attack by White Martians destroyed the Justice League satellite (happens a lot now, but destroying a team’s headquarters used to be a big deal). This happened because the big-time Leaguers were all busy with other things, so Aquaman formally disbanded the League, vowing to rebuild it with only those who could devote 100% of their time to the League.
This eliminated everyone with their own book, but did leave original Leaguers Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, along with Elongated Man and Zatanna. Vixen, a minor heroine, was brought in so the only nonwhite in the team wouldn’t be the green guy yet again.
With these as our established heroes, the League next recruited three newcomers:
* Steel (Hank Heywood III) was the grandson of the original Commander Steel. When his grandson was horrifically injured, Heywood saved his life with updated versions of the cybernetics that had saved his own life before World War II. The younger Heywood quickly developed the hobby of whining about this to anyone who would listen. So why did the League put up with him? Because admitting Steel was the condition the elder Heywood placed on the team in exchange for letting them use his doomsday bunker for a headquarters, making Steel the superhero equivalent of the guy nobody likes, but his folks have a pool and don’t care who takes anything from the liquor cabinet.
* Vibe (Paco Ramone) used his vibration powers to keep the peace among the Detroit gangs before joining the League. For some reason, he wore a neckerchief as part of his costume. He also spoke in an affected accent that the Frito Bandito would have been offended by, apparently because Conway couldn’t think of any other way to let readers know that Paco Ramone wasn’t a white guy.
* G*psy (name unrevealed) lived on the streets, and had “chameleon power,” which let her move about undetected (how this was meant to be different from garden-variety invisibility was never explained). As if the name weren’t enough, she also wore a head scarf and ran around barefoot. Just in case any Rromani were worried that Conway had left any slurs out, she was described as a habitual liar and compulsive thief.
Needless to say, this shit wouldn’t fly today, and didn’t get far off the ground back then, either. Legends saw Vibe killed and Steel suffering so much damage that his grandfather let the young man die as an act of mercy. Meanwhile, Aquaman wound up getting divorced (apparently, devoting 100% of your time to something outside your marriage is a bad idea) and disbanded the League again, making room for the comedy reboot.
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