jjsstars · 1 year
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tw rarepair week 23: day 2, season 1 lydia/scott
|| for @teenwolfrarepairevents event
|| tags: alternative universe, mechanic!scott, bartender!lydia, underage drinking/working at a bar, creepy guys, protective scott mccall, slight angst, confessions, first kiss, somehow set in the summer but also s1 idk
After getting a side job at an automotive repair shop just outside of Beacon Hills, a way to get away from all the chaos of supernatural creatures, the last thing Scott expected to see was Lydia Martin working the bar attached to the shop. But after months of working in the same vicinity, he’s made a point not to go into the bar, assuming she came out here to escape Beacon Hills the same way he has.
Yet that’s where he stands, watching how she smiles with her glossy lips before pouring a drink for an older gentleman sitting at the bar.
Scott hesitates before making his way over to the bar, sitting furtherest away from all the other patrons. He didn’t even know teenagers could serve alcohol, but then again, he wouldn’t be surprised if the owners were paying Lydia under the table the same way they pay Scott.
“Hi Scott.” Lydia says nonchalantly as she wipes down a glass with a white towel that mirrors the one sticking out of the back pocket of her shorts. He makes a point not to stare at them, or at how tight they are, or how small her top is and how low cut it is. It’s nothing like what she usually wears, it makes Scott a little uncomfortable to see this much of Lydia, as though he’s seeing something he’s not supposed to. If anyone asked him how old he’d think Lydia was without knowing her he’d say in her early twenties, he wonders if being here makes him look older too.
If the grease on his hands and uniform add a couple years, or maybe that’s the newfound werewolf features. His fangs itch to come out, not in anger, not because of danger, but just to let them be free for a moment. To feel them in his mouth.
“You gonna order a drink?” He blinks himself away from his thoughts and nods, trying to think up a drink order.
“Whiskey, neat.” It’s what his dad would order, and Stiles’ dad, he knows because he sat in the bar next to them more than once as a kid. Stiles never did, Noah’s too good to do that shit, but Rafael definitely isn’t.
“Whiskey neat, enjoy.” The glass gets slid towards Scott, he quickly sips it, both out of how hot it is outside and how nervous he is being in a bar like this.
It feels all sorts of wrong to watch as Lydia laughs and jokes with the costumers, ignoring how their eyes linger on her chest, or how they make a point to hand her her tip just so their hands can linger a moment too long. It makes Scott feel sick, angry, he wants to slam their heads into the bar and ask what the hell they’re doing. Lydia’s eyes catch his own, probably seeing how hard he’s staring and how angry he is, he softens seeing Martin shoot him a reassuring smile.
“I deal with it everyday Scott, you don’t have to get all wound up.” She hustles back over and starts to pour more whiskey into the glass Scott didn’t even realize he finished. It’s not like he’ll get drunk anyways.
“It’s gross.” A small sigh escapes Lydia, she settles her elbows on the bar and leans towards Scott, looking a little exhausted in the action.
“Like I don’t see the girls out there harassing you when you’re trying to work.” She has a point, nobody knows either of them in this town so they assume it’s okay to flirt and get touchy with them. Scott’s always quick to politely decline and mutter up an excuse of having a girlfriend that doesn’t really exist, it doesn’t always make the people back off, but he cares about this job so he keeps his mouth shut.
“That’s different, you shouldn’t have to deal with those guys.” He side eyes the men talking amongst themselves, oblivious to Scott and Lydia even being in the room. Self centered assholes.
“And you should? Scott, it’s just part of the job, and I need this job so I handle it.” A piece of hair falls forward and without thinking Scott leans to push it back behind Lydia’s ear, fixing a few pieces so it looks like how she normally wears it.
“You’re too sweet to me.” Lydia’s hand wraps around Scott’s wrist, pulling his hand down from her face and dropping her head as she does. Scott frowns, he can smell the guilt on Lydia, the small hint of sadness that makes Scott’s heart squeeze.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” There’s a sheen layer of tears built in Lydia’s eyes, she looks over a moment, the group of men are leaving change and crumpled bills on the bartop before they stumble outside into the California desert heat.
“I was so mean to you and Stiles before, me and Jackson— we were assholes.” She huffs, Scott hates that she blames herself for the control Jackson had over her. Scott forgave her ages ago, and Stiles never even held a grudge in the first place.
“None of that matters now.” Instinctively Scott threads their fingers together, squeezing slightly to try and ease the hurt coming from Lydia.
“Still, I- I don’t think you’d be so nice to me if you knew that—.” She stops herself with a click of her mouth closing.
“What?” Lydia’s eyes level with Scott’s, her heart rate speeding up enough for concern to grow in McCalls chest.
“I like you. Like- really like you Scott, and I know you deserve someone better than me and—.” His lips are pressed into Lydia’s before he can think about it, cupping his free hand around her cheek and not daring to open his eyes in fear of this all being a dream. Martin kisses him back just as deeply and desperately, leaning herself in as close as she can get with the bar still acting as a barrier.
“Your fangs are out.” She pulls back with blown pupils watching how Scott’s tongue flicks across his teeth, she’s right, he doesn’t know when they came out.
“Sorry.” He mutters and tries to get them to go back up but it’s not working all that well, he isn’t good at that type of selective control yet.
“No, it’s okay, I like it.” She smiles into another kiss, Scott forgets about his fangs.
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skrimbloz · 1 month
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scott a little drawing here for ya on this fine evening
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I am here in the nightmare realm at the bottom of cauldron lake.
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sapphia · 1 year
okay hear me out. dream teams for next season:
grian & etho (grian wants it soooo much, please etho 🥺)
jimmy & scar (chaos incarnate, and i want them to torment grian)
joel & scott (scott's had so much betrayal this season, he deserves a loyal teammate)
cleo and tango (*marge voice* i just think they're neat)
skizz and bdubz (wholesome, i think they’d be hopeless but they’d have fun)
pearl and impulse (i think they both have interesting ideas, are loyal to their team, and could be kinda dangerous working together)
bigb and martyn (bigb was so untrusting this season and martyn is so untrustworthy. i want to watch them like bugs under a microscope)
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omegamoo · 7 months
thinking about how pearl won double life. she won it! she won the game where she was hated, where she was the odd one out, where almost everyone was loved except for her and she won! she defied the game. pearl won the game that hated her the most can you hear me in a game of love pearl was hated and she won its about defiance its about persistence its about love im sorry its still about love
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lenfantdeverone · 4 months
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People on Facebook were sharing this everywhere with the Hazbin Hotel characters, I took it upon myself to make it Thunderbirds themed (i tried my best to associate everyone sorry if some feel off)
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pareidoliaonthemove · 4 months
Unexpected Delivery
There had been many changes when their father returned home. Some were new, some were the old status quo reasserting itself.
As Jeff had taken over the daily running of Tracy Industries and the paperwork associated with International Rescue, Scott had managed to take back some of his old duties on the Island.
One of those was unpacking the supplies Virgil regularly brought back from the mainland.
First was the perishables: foods, some of Brains’ more exotic experimental materials, whatever-the-hell it was that Gordon was ordering in to assist in rehabilitating their surrounding sea-scape. Personal deliveries came second, portioning out the mail orders; of which a not-insignificant portion was personal food stocks – Grandma still couldn’t be dissuaded from cooking, even though everyone now had more time to contribute to kitchen duties. Third was domestic consumables: toilet paper, light bulbs, cleaning supplies, and personal grooming and hygiene products – including so much deodorant. And then maintenance supplies; raw materials for production of the custom parts necessary for the maintenance of the Thunderbirds, parts for maintenance for the Villa and auxiliary buildings.
It was a comfortable routine, and one that Scott enjoyed, especially dealing with the maintenance supplies. Checking the packing slip against their internal register of projected deliveries, using the pallet-bot to deposit the large crates and bins at the appropriate areas, before unpacking the individual crates, confirming the itemised stock within, and storing them in the appropriate locations, as he updated the warehousing inventory.
It was a simple – and satisfying – job.
Today there was an extra crate. A large roughly square crate, one and one half to two metres in every dimension and solidly built. Scott frowned at it. There was no sender’s ident, and the anonymous holographic label implanted in the rough-hewn, tightly-spaced wooden slats simply read ‘International Rescue’.
Nothing was unaccounted for on the projected deliveries. There was nothing left over from previous runs, nothing on back order.
Scott checked Virgil’s collection register. This package had been collected from their mail facility at Tracy Industries Headquarters, the security assessment on this crate was attached. Nothing untoward. No radiation, no explosive compounds, no biological matter …
Thunderbird Two’s pod sensors hadn’t detected a threat, either.
“What is it?”
Scott started, jumping as the Mechanic materialised beside him, looking between Scott and the crate curiously.
A slight hesitation – he still hadn’t fully overcome his distrust of the other man, nor had the Mechanic suddenly taken a liking to him – and he explained the situation.
“Only one way to find out. If all the scans are clear.”
Scott waved his tablet at the man, who, after a second, took it, and considered the record trail. He handed the tablet back, and summoned two of his ‘scorpion’ mechas to the crate.
“Better blow them up, than us, if your scans are wrong,” was the response to Scott’s raised eyebrow.
Scott agreed without hesitation. The crate was in a secure section of the hangars, there was no danger to any of their equipment – they had learnt that the hard way, soon after Jeff had … gone on sabbatical. The two men backed off a respectful distance, and watched as the two machines surged forward, powerful pinchers forcing themselves under the lid and prising it up, before skittering around the crate to settle either side of it, like guardians.
The back of the lid was hinged, and a holographic sign projected against the rough and splintery wood. ‘A gift. From a friend.’
The two men approached cautiously. And stared in shock at what lay on the straw at the bottom of the crate.
The Hood, bound hand and foot – hands behind his back – lay half curled with in the space. His naked body bruised and bloody, the slight rise and fall of his chest the only sign the man was alive.
Scott Tracy – Commander of International Rescue, First Responder, Qualified Paramedic, and Survivor of a POW Camp – swallowed his bile as he took in the sight of the bloody and weeping bandage around the man’s head that ineffectively protected what he knew would be the bloody and empty socket where the cybernetic eye had been.
Mutely Scott and the Mechanic stared at each other, both searching for answers the other didn’t have.
How were they ever going to explain this?
Febuwhump Day 21 “Unresponsive”.
Whoops. I totally missed posting this one on the date. Other important dates I have missed include my mothers, and my niece's birthdays. Oh well, off to the dog house!
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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ghost-duck0 · 2 months
In the og x-men show when Jean “died” Scott mourned by going to the orphanage he grew up in and saving a bunch of orphan kids from a corrupt politician, and almost kisses his childhood friend for some reason?
Now in X-Men 97 when Rouge loses Gambit she mourns by going on a rampage across the United States, trashing Captain America, and dropping a man from a building and I support her 100%, go girl boss go!
(Though I think rouge and everyone else in this show need better coping mechanisms)
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darkestwolfx · 3 months
TAG Transcripts | Masterpost
So, I'm making a start on organising all of my previous content and I'm starting with Transcripts!
And the reason I'm starting with these is because when I came back and was able to look at messages etc (as opposed to the late night reading I made fanfics) there were a lot asking about these with quite a few questions - so firstly, Q & A;
Where can the transcripts be found? They can now be found on this masterpost, but also back on my 2016 post!
Are all the episodes available? Series 1 is complete, Series 2 is mostly complete, Series 3 is unstarted
Will I finish them? Yes, if there is this level of interest of course I will, but episodes can take a while to transcribe so it may not be a quick process!
Do I make a profit? No. This is something I started doing as a fan, for fans as someone who's previously found issues with subtitles not appearing or being incorrect.
Can I download a copy? Yes, from my mediafire links in word or PDF format
Why can't the documents be edited, copy & pasted? The documents are password protected, yes, because a lot of work goes into them and if they're going to be re-distributed I would appreciate the credit or an update of where they're being shared, so no they cannot be directly copied and pasted
Feel free to reblog and share though, Thunderfam, as these were made for you to enjoy!
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And before there are questions as to where the link can be found on this masterpost, let's put that here!
Above is the link for the TAG transcripts (I have TOS completed but will post this separately).
What can be found here at the moment:
Series 1
in Word & PDF format
25 files per folder
All episodes completed - Ring of Fire is in one combined set
Series 2
in Word & PDF format
Available episodes - 17; Earthbreaker (1) City Under the Sea (4) Colony (5) Up from the Depths I (6) - will be added shortly (amending pieces) Up from the Depths II (7) Volcano (14) Power Play (15) Bolt from the Blue (16) Attack of the Reptiles (17) Grandma Tourismo (18) Clean Sweap (19) The Man from TB5 (20) Home on the Ranch (21) Long Haul (22) Rigged for Disaster (23) Inferno (24) Hyerspeed (25) Brains vs Brawn (26)
I will aim to finish the episodes outstanding here and then start on Series 3, but this will be amongst all my other work but I will do my best to get there!
Okay, I think this is the part of the post where you can cheer for joy :)
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jjsstars · 1 year
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tw rarepair week 23: day 3, soulmates au cora/scott/lydia
|| for @teenwolfrarepairevents event
|| this is in the same au as this post with bartender!lydia & mechanic!scott
|| tags: soulmates au, bartender!lydia, mechanic!scott, set after canon
Cora takes a second to steady herself once she steps out of the old rusted truck she bought with the little money she saved up, refusing to spend any of Derek’s or Peters. They don’t know she’s coming back to Beacon Hills, nobody does, not that she keeps in touch with anyone but her family but still. She’ll be surprising everyone.
The gas station/mechanic shop/bar she stops at makes her cringe, it’s run down and dusty from the sand under her feet, the sign for the mechanic shop is turned off in the late hour but the bar is still open. Technically all Cora needed was gas but she’s half an hour away from Beacon Hills and unsure if she’s really ready to show up on her brothers door step, she decides getting a drink from the bar will ease her.
Stepping into the bar is announced by a loud squeak of the doors, which catches the attention of the two people inside. The bartender is hard to see behind the guy who’s sat on a bar stool with an empty glass in front of him, they’ve both stopped talking, not turning towards Cora but probably listening to every move she makes. She steps to the bar and slides herself onto a stool despite it, it’s too late in the night to care about strangers judging her.
“What can I get for you—?” The bartenders voice dies with an abrupt suck in of air, Cora’s head lifts to look up and- Lydia Martin?- shit.
“Uh- sorry, uh, what can I get for you?” Lydia throws on a quick smile and tries to act like she doesn’t know who’s sitting in front of her, part of Cora appreciates it, she probably knows Cora’s not supposed to be here.
“Just a soda.” She croaks out before Lydia’s turning on her heels to grab a cup that she quickly fills with sprite, it’s what Cora would’ve ordered but she doesn’t know why or how Lydia would know that.
“Here you go, uh- I- I think Scott recognizes you.” Lydia’s head nods towards the other side of the bar, and sure enough Scott McCall is sitting there, mouth dropped open and eyes wide like he just saw a ghost. Cora could laugh at how he still resembles a puppy dog if she wasn’t halfway mortified that he’s about to call Derek.
“Hi there.” She says with a small quirked brow when Scott’s mouth slams shut and he starts to fumble with the mechanic uniform jacket he has on. Cora glances back to Lydia, she shrugs to say she has no idea what he’s doing either, and just as Cora goes to ask, Scott’s suddenly shoving himself into the seat beside her.
“You’re you- or- I knew that but- but it’s you, both of you.” He rambles and Hale has the sudden realization of what the hell he’s talking about. What they said, what Scott just said, it’s scrawled across her ribs right below what Lydia said. It’s them.
“Look, look.” Her eyes land on Scott’s ribs where he lifts the grease covered tank top he has on, sure enough, it all matches. The same spot and same words.
“Fuck me.” Lydia says in a half laugh as she holds her own shirt up. They all match, the three of them, Cora doesn’t even need to check, she just knows. She’s memorized those words since they appeared on her fifth birthday, she always dreamed about meeting her soulmates. The idea of have two only making her want to meet them more, made her long deeper.
“Wait but I’ve met you two before.” It obviously doesn’t matter but she still has to say it.
“But we’ve never been in the same place all at once.” Scott says with an affirming nod from Lydia that yes, he’s right, Cora smiles with it. She knows Lydia’s a genius of some sort and Scott looking to her makes her heart warm.
“What’re you even doing here?” Shit, she has to say it.
“Uh- I’m going to Derek’s, I left where I was and have kinda been aimlessly driving around. Ended up here.” Maybe it was the universe pulling her towards her soulmates, fate of some type. Maybe it’s not the fucked up early twenties breakdown she thought it was.
“You should come home with us.” Scott jumps to say, that half cracked grin on his face that Cora’s only see in the pictures Derek’s shared with her. There was too much chaos and life or death going on for her to see it in person, till now, it’s definitely better in person.
“You two live together?” They nod.
“We started working here together back when Scott was first bit, now we have an apartment together, it’s in the same building as Derek’s loft.” The redhead summarizes as she pours a drink, presumably for herself since neither Scott or Cora can get drunk.
“Are you dating?” Another nod.
“We figured we’d break up when we finally met our soulmates but it’s you so we don’t have to. And- and we don’t have to start dating right away, there’s a second bedroom in the apartment and it’s there rent free if you want it.” Scott smells of nerves and a small bit of hope, Cora hesitates just a moment but leans to kiss his cheek. His skin warms her lips, she can feel how he smiles with the action and it brings a sense of comfort to her.
“You are very cute. And yes, I will come stay with you guys. The longer I avoid Derek and Peter the better.” She huffs once she pulls back, ignoring that Lydia’s typing away on her phone and might’ve just taken a picture of them.
“Well let’s go, we were supposed to close an hour ago anyways. And we can talk more on the ride home.” Lydia finishes her glass off before flipping the switch to turn off the neon sign that sits above the bar. She takes both Cora and Scott’s hand as they walk out, Cora happily lets her and lets Scott pile them all into Cora’s truck while saying they’ll be back here tomorrow to work anyways so leaving Scott’s car isn’t a big deal.
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borpgorp · 4 months
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forgot something
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Mood Board Madness
Three of the bingos I'm in (that I co-mod with @scottxlogan and @stormxpadme) have kicked up a new game - Mood Board Madness. We're trying two formats of the game - one we're trying out in the @marvelrarepairbingo's Discord and the other we're featuring in the @scottsummersbingo and the @scoganbingo. These are the mood boards I've come up with for them:
For the Scott Summers Bingo:
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Scott Summers x Tony Stark, aka Mechanical Boy Band, Scott x Tony
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Scott Summers x Kurt Wagner, why oh why did they stick Kurt in that ridiculous outfit and not in like...sexy jeans and tank tops????
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Scott Summers x Bobby Drake
For the Scogan Bingo:
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Scott x Logan, which Stormxpadme's already written a hella sexy little ficlet for, which you can read here.
And for the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo:
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Justin Hammer x Loki, for the prompt Beach AU, but also College AU, which @kleenexwoman will appreciate.
Write up for this one: Loki decides to 'borrow' Thor's surfer van, Helga, (not realizing that Thor intentionally left the keys where Loki would find them and use them - after all, Thor's off on a trip with their dad) and invites his new friend/potential boyfriend on a trip to the beach on their spring break. Things might finally take a turn for the best where their flirting and occasional dates may have finally paid off during this trip.
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edutainer2022 · 9 months
A bit of angst that kept rolling around in my brain. Gordon doesn't hold his tongue by accident. Scott is being Scott. The Mechanic unassumingly saves the day. It never came up there was only one pilot to man Zero-X... Emotions run a bit thin and raw the closer it gets to Zero-XL launch.
There were things they didn't say to Scott. Not even in jest or in the heat of the argument. Not even at the peak of exasperation. But Gordon was not mad. Gordon was happy - all of his dearest dreams were coming to pass almost at once. Penny (pretty definitely) liked him back and they were going to get Dad. He hadn't felt this giddy since the Olympic pedestal. So he slipped.
Scott was a man possessed these past weeks, once the T-drive was firmly underway, courtesy of the Mechanic, running them rugged with drills and contingency upon contingency scenarios. Grandma tutted, but kept to herself. John and Eos designed elaborate simulations to take the brunt off some. Alan asked Virgil quietly if that was how Dad had been. Gordon didn't remember very well himself, but judging from Virgil's sigh it was exactly how Dad was way back when. Gordon didn't mind at first. Or at all, really. He got it. In space everything was out to get you, and they were all going beyond the event horizon with potentially lethal experimental equipment and no back up available for light years around. Who knew what they'd find there, besides Dad. Actually, the carefully sidestepped elephant in every room they ever stayed together these days was just that - what they would or wouldn't find there, among the stars. Gordon didn't mind as well because he wanted to be sure his top form was back after the crash. Not just run of the mill aquatic resques ready, but deep space mission of a lifetime ready. But it was a long day, and a long drill, and Scott was wound up for another go, while Gordon had a call scheduled with Penny. Because they did this now - holocalled and chatted about everything and nothing, working around commitments and time zones. And so Gordon let an innocuous enough "Gee, bro, calling five! Some of us DO have a life, you know!" roll off his tongue, before it was too late. It wasn't too late to dress it as a joke, though, which it WAS. No harm, no foul. Except he noticed Scott freeze for a second, eyes dark and jaw set. But more importantly it was hard to miss Virgil's wide-eyed panic glare, directed his way.
Gordon would have chalked it up to Virgil overreacting, because Virgil always overreacted around anything that could potentially, finally, shatter Scott. Would have, were they not assembled in the lounge the next day, Scott making a disturbingly compelling case why they shouldn't ALL be risking the trip to Oort Cloud and how it was not prudent to remove ALL Thunderbirds at once from the solar system. Big brother had clearly given it some considerable thought, which should have quietened the sickening guilt that took up residence in Gordon's stomach overnight, but somehow didn't.
Scott was calm and completely rational - it scared Gordon even more than what big brother was saying: Zero-XL, like Zero-X, was designed to be manned by one pilot, if need be. Dad did so and it worked. The T-drive frame could be propelled by Three. No need to haul all other birds (brothers, all other brothers plus Kayo and Brains!) across the galaxy and remove Five from orbit. It was, essentially, a scout mission, like they did a thousand times with One. It would only need a first responder pilot - Scott, obviously. If things went south in Oort Cloud - Scott would send Zero-XL back to Earth with a message, so the brothers would know to go get him, or not. In any event they would have Three back.
Gordon was perceptive enough to read between the lines what the abject horror in Virgil's gaze was already spelling in pooled up tears - a) Scott decided, unilaterally, he was to go alone because, unlike everyone else, he had nothing to loose, and b) Scott was not going back if Dad were not there, alive. If there was a (c) there, it got lost in the utter chaos that erupted.
Alan cried bloody betrayal through already abundant angry tears. John threw his tablet across the lounge into the wall with such force it shattered. Brains was so astonished he actually began reciting the variables of it being a viable plan, when Grandma put a firm hand on his shoulder, making him stutter to a stop. Virgil was calling Scott's name under his breath, in a nonsensical plea that always, as far back as Gordon could remember, came down to the mantra "please don't, don't go where I can't follow".
Scott was composed and quiet, as he sat back down on the couch, a serene smile landing on Virgil, then Alan. A glimmer in his eyes, though, belied a fever to fight for his decision. Taking advantage of the general frenzy, Gordon slid off the seat and crouched before Scott, practically kneeling, making sure the big brother had his attention. He wasn't vain enough to think his off-handed comment singlehandedly triggered this... whatever brand of martyrdom Scott was up to this time. But he wasn't taking any chances either. Okay, so maybe Gordon wasn't a Sam to Scott's Frodo. That was Virgil. Scott carried the Burden and Virgil dragged Scott away from the haunted murky depths. But Gordon certainly could be a Merry. He could do something stupid and brave. So he spoke in a rushed, heated wisper:
- Hey, big brother! You DARE go alone, I promise I will stow away on board - you'll never find me. You couldn't find me at Gran Roca, and you wouldn't now. And I WILL pour sugar into Centurium deposit if Brains says it's too risky for you to go. You hear me?!
Scott reached out to pull him up by his shoulders, miraculously unperturbed, and equally not mad. If Gordon had been worried before, he was now Virgil levels of petrified.
The salvation came from the least likely source, not for the first time in so many months - the Mechanic. Summoned to the lounge earlier with all the other inhabitants of the villa, he was hanging on the perifery through Scott's speech. If they figured the Mechanic to be anything through their rocky "collaboration", it was to not be one to sugarcoat things. So he didn't that time either. He would pull apart the T-drive, destroy the specs, and surrender back to GDF custody before he agreed to the "neurotic maniac" (direct quote) to go anywhere near it unsupervised. And he wouldn't subscribe to the T-drive being tested in action without an engineer on board "he could actually trust". That settled the argument right where it started. And if things nearly came to blows, there were enough hands on deck available to haul Scott away. Up and all the way into the movie room away.
If Grandma mouthed an inaudible "thank you", the Mechanic just shrugged. If John was intercepted, leaning his forehead on the hatch of the space elevator and punching it methodically - Gordon didn't comment. He got it. John was mad at Scott. Gordon was mad at himself. They both were mad at the set of circumstances that lead their biggest brother to believe in earnest he was dispensible. They all were mad Scott was the first one to beat them to the suggestion of giving only one brother up for the mission. First responder, as ever. Big brother, as ever. They all needed Dad to be found for it all to veer into any semblance of healing. In the meantime, they all clung to each other through a mirthless movie night with almost paranoid vigilance.
Gordon mused, idly, he would still need to bum detailed Zero-XL specs off of Brains, to go over potential stow away nooks.
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nothingrecords · 11 days
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MM's response to Scott posting on the Marilyn Manson BBS in 1998
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So if anyone’s curious we’ve now got Loki from Marvel and Loki from The Mechanisms, meanwhile c!Scott from Origins and c!Scott from Witchcraft are both here too.
My soul craves the chaos so greatly that it has drawn it into my poll bracket
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tanushakyrano · 1 year
i am having wayyyy too much fun editing this stuff heehee
(surprise it's another kayo edit!!!!!!!)
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