#mechanic Dean
jarpadandjensens · 2 years
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dean  |  fan fiction |   baby
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rockhoochie · 10 months
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You're welcome ❤️
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Together, again
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Summary: You meet up with Dean on yet another Saturday.
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: fluff, meet-cute, banter, jokes about serial killers (there is nothing graphic/it’s only funny banter), strangers to friends trope, there is only one bed trope, friends to lovers? trope, idiots in love trope, cuddling & snuggling, fluff
<< Part 1
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Eight months later, your apartment...
“Come on, kill her,” you stuff a mouthful of popcorn into your mouth, chewing audibly. “Man, she’s right there. Use the knife.”
“Dude, you are cold-blooded, sweetheart,” the man next to you complains. “Months ago, you believed I want to murder you, and now, you cheer for the killer.”
“Only,” pointing a finger at Dean you narrow your eyes, “if the chicks are dumber than a slice of bread. Moldy bread.”
“As I said, cold-hearted,” the cocky mechanic concludes. “You should cheer for the girls, not the guy chasing them.” He tuts. “If a serial killer ever chases me, don’t cheer for him. Please.
“Nah. I like you, Winchester,” you pat his thigh. “I’d help you hide in a basement and stab the bastards back.” You chuckle darkly as Dean slowly turns his head toward you. “I swear. If a serial killer ever wants to kill you, I’ll strike him down, or her.”
“Phew,” he places one hand on his heart, “I feel so much better now, Y/N. If you got my back, nothing bad can happen to me.”
“See, you are lucky you brought burger and pie this time, Dean,” you point out. “You bring food and good company; I’ll have your back.”
“Sweetheart, that’s not only a burger. It’s the Elvis,” rolling your eyes you fight the giggle bubbling up your throat. “You will fall in love with it after the first bite.”
“Dean, I want to have a bite now. Don’t torture me for much longer. A girl can’t live on popcorn and slasher movies alone, Sir.”
“Here,” he carefully unwraps the burger to place it on the plate in front of you, “take a bite and tell me what you think.”
“I think that this thing will kill me,” you greedily take a bite, groaning as it’s the best burger you ever ate. “Fuck me, that one is good. If the burger was a guy, I’d fuck him…no marry him…”
“Whoa…sweetheart,” Dean shifts on his seat as you feast on the burger, moaning, and munching. “You have some appetite.”
“I haven’t eaten all day, just like you said…well, I had an apple,” you laugh as Dean watches you eat. “Eat your burger, Mr. Winchester. I want to watch the next movie.”
“You only want to cheer for the killer again.”
“You can bet your cute ass on that, Winchester. Now, eat and tell me which movie you want to watch next.”
“All Saint's Day,” you chuckle at his choice. “I know we already saw it some weeks ago but—”
“It’s your favorite slasher movie, I got it,” he nods eagerly as he steals your remote control.
“You gotta love Hatchet Man, sweetheart. Let me show you his world.”
“You’re are dork,” flashing you a smile Dean starts the movie. “You’re lucky I like you. And the food is good.”
“I’ll always get you the best food, Y/N,” he puts his head in your lap, humming happily as you start to play with his short strands. “Your couch is so cozy and comfortable. I wanna steal it.”
“It’s mine,” you pull at his ear. “I dare you to put your hands on my couch, Winchester. If you do not behave, I’ll tell Sofia about it, and she won’t give you her cookies next time we visit her.”
“But I love her cookies,” Dean whines. “That’s cruel, Y/N. You can’t make Sofia hate her favorite table neighbor.”
“Dude, I’m her favorite table neighbor, not you,” you clarify. “She only tries to be kind to you; the poor guy selling his soul for cookies and pie.”
“She loves me,” he grumbles. “Sofia is like a granny to me. Don’t steal her!” 
“Poor boy,” you coo while running your hand over his hair. “Sofia loves you, Dean. She’s a damn nice old lady and would have her back any time of the day, too.”
“You’re scary as shit and I like it. If I ever get into trouble, you can save me, sweetheart,” he wiggles on your lap to look up at you. “Did I tell you lately that your couch is great?”
“You want to sleep here, don’t you?” Dean grins up at you. “I already prepared a pillow and blanket for you, Mr. Sleepover.”
“We are going to have a pajama party, Y/N. Be a little more cheerful,” you laugh at his eagerness. “How about we switch to pajamas right now?”
“Let’s get comfortable then.”
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“Best movie ever,” Dean concludes as you slowly drift into sleep. You are currently curled in his side, face pressed into his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around your body. “Sweetheart, we should get some sleep now.”
“Hmm…” you rub your face into his chest. “I don’t want to get up, Dean. Can’t we stay like this? Let’s watch another movie and fall asleep.”
“Y/N, we need to unfold the couch into the comfortable hide-a-bed I’ve missed so much,” he mumbles. “Let me carry you.”
“Dean, the couch won’t unfold,” Dean watches you wiggle in his embrace. “You can sleep in my bed if you want to.”
“Uh—the couch is fine. I can make myself a little smaller,” he nervously laughs as you lift your hand to pat his scruffy cheek. 
“Dean, it’s too small,” tugging at his sleepshirt you look him deep in the eyes. “You are my guest and will sleep in my bed. Come on. I’m tired.”
“Okay, okay. You win,” you squeal as Dean brings you in his arms to carry you toward your bedroom. “Just you know, I’m a blanket hoarder…”
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“Sweetheart?” Dean whispers as he wakes in the middle of the night. You are snuggled around him. One leg draped over his thigh, and your arms wrapped around his middle. “You’re a cuddler, huh?”
“Hmm…” you don’t wake so Dean wraps his arms around you and just enjoys having you in his arms. He’s not the kind of man talking much about feelings, but having you so close makes him feel things he shouldn't feel for a good friend…his best friend. “You’re warm and comfy.”
“That I am, sweetheart. That I am…”
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“Uh-care to explain what you are doing?” your mouth falls open as Dean unfolds your couch into a hide-a-bed. His brows knitted together he glances at you standing in the middle of the living room, speechless. “Dean…”
“I repaired it, I think,” he nods to himself. “I unfolded it. Look.” Dean proudly states. “That beast only needed a strong hand. Tonight, I can sleep on the couch.”
“Yeah…uh…that’s great,” licking your lips you try to hide your disappointment. Dean wants to stay for a few more nights and now you lost your chance to get a little closer to him. At least at night. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Y/N,”  you nervously tug at the shirt you stole from him, praying Dean won’t see through your lie. “Even though, your bed was much more comfortable.”
“I-you can sleep in my bed, Dean. I mean we are friends and it’s totally cool to sleep in one bed. Only if you want to, of course.”
“Awesome,” Dean chuckles as you offer coffee and breakfast to him. He will never know you lied about your broken couch to lure him into your bed. “What do we want to do tonight?”
“Everything we want to,” you slap his ass while walking past him. “Having breakfast for starters would be great.”
One step closer…Sofia would be damn proud of you…  
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frosthexe · 4 months
Hidden Language - chevrolangels - Supernatural [Archive of Our Own]
Las Alas Academy. A formidable-looking place, all brick building and ivy climbing the walls, nestled in the heart of the city. To be accepted is a pipe dream, to succeed is a miracle. When Naomi Alas left the National Ballet, amidst much gossip and whispered rumors, she walked out with her head held high, and started her own school the next year. Within five years it was one of the most prestigious names in the country, hell—any kid with a pair of ballet shoes and a teacher worth their salt instilled in them the hope of one day walking the hallowed halls of Alas.
So why was Dean here again?
Castiel supposes life could be a lot worse. He’s finally got out of ballet, he hasn’t got kicked out of his apartment yet, and oh, yeah—he’s got a competition coming up that’s his entire future on a plate.
The last thing he needs is a distraction.
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kitsune024 · 2 years
Supernatural Fanfiction
The Bell Tolls by Miss_Indecisiveless
Part 1. For Whom the Bell Tolls | Chapters: 1/1 |
An alternate version of 11x17 “Red Meat” Where one Winchester isn’t coming back. One of them has to end up in the Empty and if Dean has anything to say about it, it won’t be Sam.
Part 2. Death is Not the End | Chapters: 20/21 |
Deep down there was something that itched at his brain. A person, a smile, a voice- that he needed to remember. Shaggy hair and puppy eyes. A beat up trench coat and rough, whiskey-deep voice. There were others too. Glimpses that he couldn’t quite grasp. When he reached for one if slipped through his fingers as easily as his awareness was. In the end, he didn’t know who or where he was. All he knew, was that he wasn’t floating in the empty anymore, and there had been a voice. “Sorry, but you’re needed elsewhere. You have work to do.” Dean comes back from the empty but doesn’t remember a thing.
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its-me-theicequeen · 1 year
The next chapter of Next Generation is up on AO3.
Summery: Dean is volunteering at Sonny's boys home. Here he meets Jack; a young boy stuck in a home with an abusive father.
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j2wincestfanfic · 1 year
Better Angels
✍ A Deed Without a Name
👥️ Sam/Dean
📖 When a human child is born, an angel is assigned to their right shoulder and a demon to their left. They guide them through life, and the hope is that the angel will triumph over the demon. Most of the time. Unfortunately for Sam Winchester, his angel is Lucifer.
🔗 fanfiction.net/s/13044982
Reader's Note:
Tiny angels and demons pulling on Sam's hair to steady their ride on shoulder are so adorable! and Lucifer is such a devilish angel, all bite and no teeth when he's angry. so scary! poor thing is actually in pain when he's left behind so Sam can go on a date with Dean. the picture of four tiny creatures sitting on the rod, watching their bearers make love like porn 😳
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xofemeraldstars · 9 months
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SUPERNATURAL -> 2x2 ❝ everybody loves a clown ❞
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wigglebox · 9 days
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Destiel Pride - Day 10; Fall from Grace
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
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1.01 Pilot
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sky-is-the-limit · 6 months
Here's to the SPN writers who intended to write a dudebro toxic hetero man and ended up creating one of the most bisexual characters who ever bisexualed in the history of bisexuality. Oh, and Jackles' acting choices.
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frosthexe · 10 months
Bullet Points - ImYourHoneyBee - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Dean didn't think he'd be working towards a university degree at the age of thirty, but here he is doing it. Between full time school and his full time job as a mechanic, he doesn't have time for anything other than keeping his nose to the grindstone.
Enter Cas, an accidentally summoned incubus who is determined to, uh, help Dean relax.
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dorkylilguy · 7 months
I gave you malewife Cas, I raise you with white collar and blue collar Dean 💚💙
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I couldn’t choose I had to do both
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holeforjoel · 2 days
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(inspired by @jawritter’s Carry On; and what i imagine happened after the final chapter)
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sampala...what an underutilised concept....something about baby (dimunitive) etymologically rooted as a term of endearment, doll. a doll as a possession, and baby (possession). a car as a possession passed down from your father to you ('I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it) but also john handing baby sam to dean to carry out of the fire, john putting dean in charge of protecting sam while he's away, john telling dean to ('watch out for your brother') on his deathbed. baby is a possession is sam. dean is a mechanic in the same way he's a caretaker.
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phrysic · 13 days
expanding on the idea of sam's imaginary friend sully S11E8
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Sam's brief mention somewhere in S4E13 when he told john he was afraid of a thing in his closet n john gave him a .45 => little 9yo sam coped with this by naming his guns and pretending theyre his (imaginary) friends
dean starting to adopt this belief and name his guns too not sure what names dean would give his guns but i think it would be something macho/masc like Titan-Rex crusher 2000 or The Incredible Steel Hulk or something corny like that...
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