#media but yeah like IDK
ritsukaaoyagi · 5 months
omg i keep wanting to just post random thoughts about loveless but i talk myself out of it because nothing really matters anymore but i'm going to start trying to indulge anyway LIKE i'm already here at ritsukaaoyagi.tumblr.com... ANYWAY
i am generally amused by yun kouga's clear lack of interest in sourit as of late (like whenever she Does acknowledge loveless) and i don't mind it because i just personally don't ship them like that. omg i just hate the word of ship/shipping so much (shivers) but anyway this does also support the general idea around soubi's character and his relationship w/ ritsuka in that the point is that they literally aren't in any sort of romantic relationship blah blah blah ykwim but i think they are way more complex than relationship/no relationship. and the idea of "soubi never had actual romantic feelings for ritsuka" feels way too much like an oversimplification of their relationship to me even if it is currently "true"
but even that thought process is so interesting to me.......... i'm always hesitant to claim that sourit isn't an actual thing in loveless because it literally is HAHAHAHA even if it can now be considered dead. even if sourit not being a thing is the intention in loveless, they are a couple that yun once very obviously enjoyed as she enjoyed (enjoys imo) sexualizing ritsuka's character and all that.
and i'm only really thinking about this because even if i believe that loveless has great characters and portrays the cycle of abuse (generally speaking) in a decent way (my own feelings) it is also true that loveless is rife with shotacon and age-gap and incest fetishes etc etc. it can have both... very often media that surrounds abuse does involve both on purpose hahaha. no bad/good moral here just thinking. and don't even get me started on "yun said she doesn't consider loveless as a yaoi" as evidence of something
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bixels · 3 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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rmtzcoconut · 16 days
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Slight redesign
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pyjamacryptid · 9 months
I’m thinking about Gwen and Elyan tonight folks….. they were siblings, finally reunited after years, reconciled, and obviously cared for one another very much and there were hardly any on-screen interactions between them save for episodes where either one of them was in danger of some kind. Sigh.
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I also know for a fact their exchanges would’ve been hilarious because it seemed that Elyan was the one person that knew how to annoy Gwen at light-speed LOL
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scificrows · 8 months
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The feed ID doesn’t need to say anything other than what everyone else’s says, just name, gender, and…” She trailed off. She was looking at me and I was looking at her. - Martha Wells, Fugitive Telemetry (The Murderbot art I used is the official cover art from the French edition of ASR)
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thelaurenshippen · 5 months
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I spent a chunk of yesterday making a bunch of these trope memes for atypical's shows and when I tell you I BLANKED on how to describe a show I spent the better part of my twenties writing...
I'm really curious, TBS listeners, what tropes/identifiers/hooks would you use to get someone to listen to the show?
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penaltyboxboxbox · 2 months
the annoying fandom post is so funny like. as someone who used to be active in like a lot more classical and big name fandoms. the shit that happens here is so much less annoying to me than any of that ever was........
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Thinking about the Don Suave scene and what it means in terms of LGBTQ+ representation because my brain does nothing if not torment me with random topics to ramble about on the regular.
Anyway, I just wanted to ramble about why I like the scene but to get it out of the way - the scene can very easily be interpreted in so many different ways, and all of them are valid. I personally see it as Leo having at least some attraction to a man. And the following is an explanation of my own interpretation and thoughts on it and what it means especially for Leo’s portrayal in the grand scheme of things.
Long-winded interpretation under the cut!
Now, to start with, it’s important to me that in the scene Leo looks at Don Suave in the very beginning and then for the entirety of the rest of the time the man is on screen, Leo’s eyes are closed. Yet, in the end, he is still visibly enamored with Don Suave, happily cuddling up to him as he’s being carried away.
You can very easily interpret this as Leo being spellbound and that’s honestly super valid and I believe he likely was at least somewhat in the beginning, but considering how fast he looked away and how he never looked again, I personally think it makes more sense to read it as Leo just finding the man attractive, at least somewhat. (For the record, I personally headcanon Rise Leo as bisexual with a heavy preference for men, but I want to be blunt when I say that any interpretation is valid. Literally any. Ace, pan, gay, bi, none of the above or a mixture of something new literally all of it is more than okay and fair. Hell you could even interpret this entire scene as more romantic attraction than physical and it would still work. Anything goes!! Don’t bother people, guys, really.)
The main reason I take this scene to be at the very least LGBTQ+ adjacent isn’t just because of how it’s portrayed, but because of who Leonardo is. Not in terms of Rise of the TMNT, but in terms of the entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™️ franchise.
Leo’s a character who, while changing with each iteration, has still at his core been around for decades upon decades as “the blue one”. One fourth of the team. He’s the one most are going to look at as the Leader, and oftentimes he is the one closest to having the title of Main Character. Not to say the others aren’t just as important, but Leo’s presence in the A plots of basically all TMNT media is often something very main character-esque.
And that’s very, very important to note. Here we have a Main Character of a prolific and decades long-running franchise distributed by a children’s television network. You can play around with his and his brothers’ characters all you like, but there is always going to be challenges to dodge around, especially since this was still in 2018-2019.
For example, you can play around with their designs so long as they’re color coded turtles, but their sexualities? Now that’s tricky.
“But what about Hypno and Warren?” Not main characters and also they’re Rise originals. They have a lot more room to play around with than a character like Leo does. But even talking about main characters in the franchise, you could arguably have an easier time playing around with Donnie or Mikey’s sexualities than Leo or even Raph, as (unfortunately) the former two tend to get more B plots, so they’d likely have had a little more leeway (still not a lot though.)
So, where does this leave us?
It leaves us in a place where outright stating and/or showing undeniable proof of Leo’s attraction to men is very, very difficult. So, workarounds!
Workarounds like the entire Don Suave situation.
To be honest, as left up to interpretation and lowkey and deniable as it is, this whole scene means a lot to me because of who Leo is as a character. It’s just nice when we get so see even the bare bones of representation with characters that have been such a large part of pop culture for decades, y’know? Even if more would be so much nicer, this is better than I thought we’d ever get for these boys.
And, again, literally nothing I’ve said is the only way to interpret it, I’m more than happy when people interpret media on their own honestly, it’s just something I’ve been thinking of lately and I was wondering if others felt the same way.
Whatever you think when you interpret this scene or Rise Leo as a whole, I just thought this would be interesting to think about, even if it was ramble-y, haha.
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ambrosykim · 8 months
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i find it an interesting detail that this is where the thumbnail comes from, specifically the frame where he says "demonized" (from the titular song)
now i've only watched npmd once so idk if there's any like. subtext as to if max was a typical bully in how if he bullied others due to his own background or insecurities or if he was just genuinely just a terrible person, but it seems interesting that starkid chose this specific frame to go on the thumbnail (i get it he does look frightening and cool at once and it conveys the vibe of the musical)
i mean it's obvious that he's a completely deranged person (i think especially after coming back from the dead) but yeah, what i thought was interesting, was that by starkid choosing this specific frame, they're also immediately demonizing him to anyone that stumbles upon the musical, even before starting it so!!!
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wizardsix · 9 months
i guess i have to say it a million times since people insist on being dense: gale is just as much of a victim as the other companions. this isn't the trauma olympics. everyone has been through shit and deserves healing and redemption.
gale is not the self entitled, manipulative abuser people are painting him as. he's a lot of things, but nothing so heinous. he was groomed by a goddess who has a history of preying on wizards that threaten her power, and as a result, gale's ambition and faith was what drove him to discover the netherese orb. what he did was for mystra - in his mind, it was to prove his love by restoring her missing power - and by extension for the betterment of mortals. his actions were never malicious or selfish, in fact he puts himself so low on the priority list it's pretty much non existent. he was never going to use that power to usurp her, but mystra definitely saw it like that, which is why she didn't hesitate to present suicide as his only solution. he never crossed her personal boundaries in the way people are twisting it, he only wanted to cross the boundaries she put on wizards and their power.
people who insist he's all of these things and more clearly only spoke to him once or lack the reading comprehension to see past how much of an unreliable narrator he is. i can understand first impressions might put some people off, but you can say the same about the other companion introductions. i don't like comparing but since people insist on doing it; gale is one of the easiest companions to get along with just by being a good person, yet his honesty and selflessness makes people think he's secretly evil? while the companions with the capacity to be evil don't even try to hide it? how are people being so backwards about this? it's genuinely baffling and tiring to see people continuously spit out incorrect takes all too confidently.
no one is forcing anyone to like him, but it's unfair to completely mischaracterize him because you refuse to learn critical thinking. i promise using your brain is not as scary as it seems, or you can just. not talk about things you don't understand.
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save me 2010s webseries, 2010s webseries save me
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neymiiie · 9 months
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Space Idol
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no yeah it must really suck for you how nazis "reappropriated" mythos and history that would not have been remotely as mainstream as they are today without white supremacist revival. where the modern perspective and perception of them the very "aesthetic" of them is inextricably tied to white supremacist eugenist ideals im so sorry you cant wear relatively historically uncommon symbols in public without people thinking you believe that they, their family, community, and the mere idea of their existence should be wiped from the face of the earth. that must be so hard for you.
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kimchunsgha · 4 months
some people are just in kpop spaces (like twt especially but here too sometimes) to hate on something even on the groups they supposedly “like” which is wild to me! i’m not talking about criticism, which is necessary every now and then, i’m talking about people that go on social media to tweet or post something negative about their fav or another group every single day because they are miserable and i’m sincerely asking… if you hate being a kpop stan so much wtf are you doing here then?? if you hate everything so much just leave and find other people to stan that are not kpop
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astranauticus · 4 months
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shoutout to my friend who introduced me, lover of angst and tragic gays, to omniscient reader, a webtoon with angst and tragic gays, and then was somehow surprised at how fast i fell ass first into the orv hole. real dead dove do not eat situation if you ask me
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
wait james somerton sounds a lot like some people on tumblr when they start spouting off about queer history or supposed controversies within it. is that where you guys are getting your stuff? is it james somerton brain poisoning?
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