hotgirlhotart · 2 years
Mark Rothko Catalogue, use of dark muddy colours that he is known for in comparison to his brighter lighter work.
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Untitled, Mark Rothko, 1960
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Mark Rothko (1903-1970, American) ~ Green, Blue, Green, 1969
[Source: Sotheby’s]
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Mark Rothko, Four Darks in Red, (oil on canvas), 1958 [Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY. © Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko / ARS, New York]
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Mark Rothko (American, 1903-1970), No.7, 1951. Oil on canvas, 240.7 x 138.7 cm
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Mark Rothko, “Untitled”, 1969
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orange-coloredsky · 5 months
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a development team that looks like this could not possibly have any preconceived biases against Black people. noooo way. its just a mistake that all of the Black people in fo4 are slaves or named after fascist colonizers or murdered or stereotypical conspiracy freaks. there is no way that the reality of this team is reflected in the art they create over and over and over and over and over and over and
[ID 1: A photo of the Fallout 4 development team taken from above and forward, showing a large crowd smiling at the camera, made up apparently entirely by white people, and almost entirely by white men. End ID.]
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its-a-me-mango · 4 months
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They were cowards for not letting maid SMG4 into 3's sussy notebook.
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galactic-rhea · 18 days
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This one was for my partner! He asked this little scene from an AU we have.
Very short context for this particular scene: Anakin survives ROTJ to b come the most bonkers dad and then grandpa ever, which means the whole Sequels timeline gets a bit to the left (or more like a 180° shift), Rose builds what's basically an UFO and, accidentally, it's so dangerous and intuitive that only a force sensitive can fly it.
Luke, like usually, is pretty much amused. Poe and Ben are...confused.
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lololololchips · 7 months
Yoon Jeonghan || in which love is everywhere…
synopsis: in which love is everywhere, especially in chat logs of two random strangers
genre: one shot smau, fake texts, fluff, strangers x lovers, non!idol
warnings: cursing, fem pronouns, fluffly sighness i need a jeonghan
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aesults · 7 months
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brokeback midtain tbh (<— will never recover)
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iceemoondemon · 6 months
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First Fundamental Paper Education OC : D
Meet Nurse Medi
Nurse Medi is a school nurse, and she's Miss Bloomie's crush
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sanjiscurlybrows · 2 months
Trying different lighting and style. Sorry for being gone for so long.
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curiosity-killed · 4 months
the one thing i will say on the Trump verdict is I'm seeing a lot of posts about basically "how can we let a FELON run for PRESIDENT (and/or vote)" which is making me feel very "don't make me tap the sign" about why folks who've been convicted of felonies also deserve the right to run for office/vote and how creating categories of people who are not allowed to run for office/vote is a great way to incentivize pushing political opponents (or members of marginalized groups) into those categories in order to disenfranchise and disempower them
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coolade · 6 months
To celebrate my last post getting 1k notes, here’s BLU team
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jksian · 8 months
Yes or no? | JJk (m)
00 - intro
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Note: So this is something completely new for me!!! I just got an idea and thought about writing it! Loosely inspired by Yes or No song by Jungkook. Hope y'all gonna like it🤞🏻
Genre: college au, FWB, smut, angst and fluff
Tag-list is open!
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medi-melancholy · 3 months
listen to me. listen. look at me. goredolf musik is one of the most fuckable men in all of chaldea. goredolf is as much househusband material as emiya. do you understand this
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sanchomps · 9 months
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comm of halley and caduceus-3!
halley (left) belongs to @laur-rants and cadueceus-3 belongs to @medi-jay!
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cyn-bot · 22 days
This video was made by someone who works at Glitch Productions.
That means it's canon.
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 months
How will Clarke learn that Medi finds her (body) extremely attractive?
Well this story is only told through Lexa's POV so from her perspective, she does not know when Clarke figured out just how attracted to her she was. I mean eventually Lexa herself pushes through her own charade of grumpiness and becomes much more sweet and affectionate, but that is after a rather... upsetting split between them shall we say. So in her mind, Clarke wasn't entirely aware of her attraction and affection until she made it blatantly obvious, because, ya know, she's just so good at hiding her thirst and burying her feelings (you can read that as sarcasm)
But in reality, Clarke figured it out the night they sit beside the fire and get drunk together. This moment in particular (sneak peek)
The frayed ends of her shift grow hazy in the flicker and dance of fire light. She traces her fingers along its edging made silken and tattered with time. She considers her words a moment, but only a moment, before they bubble up and out of her mouth in a slurred offering. 
"Would you like to touch my face?"
Clarke half chokes on a sip of wine. "Excuse me?"
"My face." Lexa scooches along the circle to close the distance. "So that you will know my face."
The orange and blue cast of light across Clarke's face makes her answering smile look like something holy; as though their humble feast of laughter and fermented wine were a part of some complex ritual to honor the gods. 
"That's not actually how that works," Clarke says in a good natured chuckle.
The revelation makes Lexa frown. "I thought that was how those without sight familiarized themselves with others."
That god-like smile slopes all the more lazily as Clarke hands the bottle back. "A silly myth. I doubt I'd know one face from any other by feel. Kiss, perhaps, but just feeling, I suppose not."
Lexa feels her cheeks flush. "... Oh."
"I'm not entirely sure where that idea started,” Clarke muses, before letting out a wine-sharpened snort. "Probably some blind person wanting to cop a feel all over people."
The snap of the fire feels deafening in Lexa's humiliation because of course it had been a ridiculous thought and of course she'd just had to say it. 
"I could still try though."
Lexa's head snaps around at the tiny offering. "What?"
"I could still try." 
"You said it was stupid."
"Not in so many words. But even still, so what?"
"So then… let's not?"
"No, no." Clarke shrugs and tosses the braided crown of grass into the fire. She carefully shifts herself to face Lexa and brushes her hands clean. "Come here."
Lexa catches the searching hand from the air and drags it back down. "No. Stop."
"Why? It was your idea."
"That was before you said it'd be foolish." 
"So then be foolish with me."
The universe is surely too big in that moment with how tiny Lexa's heart feels knocking against her chest. 
Clarke's hand comes up from her lap and Lexa takes it without thought. She feels the calloused patches that litter the palm leans and presses the soft pads of her fingers the apple of her cheek. 
"You're warm," Clarke says with a thoughtful hum. As though a note of surprise colors her words. But she only presses in with more assuredness. Cups her hand to the raging blush of Lexa's cheek more fully. 
The touch sends Lexa's stomach into a funny sort of flop as she swallows down the sudden urge to defend such a normal thing as her body temperature, right along with the urge to yank back. Because those fingers caress up to her temple and that thumb sweep gently along to the curve of her brow. Fingers tickle along the swell of her cheekbone and tap lightly at the fold of her nose. She watches with baited breath as Clarke seems to swallow against some unknown emotion herself as she traces the bridge of Lexa's nose down to the cupid bow of her mouth.
Lexa can't help the way her jaw goes slack, mouth opening enough just enough to suck in some much needed air as Clarke's touch stutters and stalls over the chapped fullness of her lips and lingers there. 
Oceans were forged and mountain ranges dug up by the gods with less effort than it takes for Lexa to ignore the urge to plump her lips against the pads of Clarke's fingers. Her heartbeat is so loud in her ears it blots out the entire world around them, drowning out the tranquil rush of waves and the fire beside them and smothering the far off hoot of an owl. All there is that moment is blue, made brighter in the cast of flame and starlight. It's all that Lexa can do to keep from shaking as she stares into eyes that can never see her back and still fall into them deeper. 
A second hand joins the exploration and, suddenly, Lexa is surrounded so entirely by Clarke it's overwhelming. 
And yet she can't make herself move. 
Instead Lexa holds so still her spine feels it might snap from the wiry tension as fingers regroup their forces at the tip of her chin, dividing and conquering the sloped cliffs of her face to then trace the ridge that line her jaw. 
Clarke's eyes crinkle at the edges when her fingertips drift over the lobes of Lexa's ears as a smile blossoms across her lips and, oh, that's quite lovely too. 
Lexa tries to speak and has to clear her throat when nothing comes out. "I'm sorry?" 
If Clarke notices the breathy strain of her voice, she doesn't comment.
"Your ears," she says with a lazy smirk instead, as her fingers trace the feature in question. "They're small."
"They're not."
"Compared to the rest of you I mean."
Fingertips loop back up to the top and brush along the crest. Lexa watches at the slant of her smile melts into something more calm. More delicately serious.
“Oh..." Clarke breathes as she drags her fingers over and over them again. "They're... They're warmer now too…”
That moment right there. That was when Clarke realized little miss grumpy pants truly wasn't as disinterested as she'd tried very hard to seem. It reads as a nothing moment from Lexa's perspective, because in Lexa's mind it'll truly be a nothing moment beyond just mildly embarrassing. But know in your heart, Clarke had the game figured out from that moment on. She knew. And keep that thought in mind for the um... for the more challenging things that lay ahead. Ok? Ok, good 😀
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you've heard of old man yaoi. now get ready for... weapon yuri
Sasha and medic's medi gun are in love.
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