#medical affairs consulting
ndgcs · 10 months
Navigating Excellence in Medical Device Development with a Regulatory Specialist
In the dynamic landscape of medical device development, having a seasoned Medical Devices Regulatory Specialist is paramount for success. This professional plays a pivotal role in ensuring that medical devices comply with stringent regulations, guaranteeing safety, efficacy, and swift market access.
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Medical Devices Regulatory Specialists are experts in navigating the complex web of regulatory requirements governing the industry. Their proficiency extends to interpreting and implementing regulations, such as ISO 13485 and FDA guidelines, ensuring that every facet of the medical device development process aligns seamlessly with these standards.
In the realm of Medical Device Development, the role of a Regulatory Specialist is multifaceted. They collaborate with cross-functional teams, providing strategic guidance from product conception to market launch. This involves conducting thorough risk assessments, crafting robust quality management systems, and liaising with regulatory authorities to secure necessary approvals.
The significance of a Regulatory Specialist becomes even more evident in today's global market, where varying international regulations add an extra layer of complexity. Their expertise in harmonizing regulatory requirements across different regions ensures a smoother path to market entry for medical devices.
For organizations immersed in Medical Device Development, partnering with a seasoned Regulatory Specialist is a strategic move. This collaboration not only streamlines the regulatory process but also enhances the overall efficiency of product development. It's a proactive approach that minimizes risks, accelerates time to market, and instills confidence in stakeholders.
In conclusion, a Medical Devices Regulatory Specialist is the linchpin in the success of any medical device venture. Their role in harmonizing regulatory compliance with the intricacies of development is indispensable. Embrace excellence in Medical Device Development by integrating the expertise of a Regulatory Specialist from inception to fruition.
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methodsense · 1 year
Medical Device Quality Management System
ISO 13485 audit helps determine the actual status and health of your current processes. We provide a framework for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of quality management measures. For more details, reach our website or call us at 919-313-3960.
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queenshelby · 4 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 42: Big News
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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Life, however, had other plans for you and it was a Monday afternoon, exactly four days before your trip to Los Angeles, that you received some life changing news.
You had just finished yet another treatment session with your therapist who informed you that you were ready to walk unaided again, albeit slowly. No high heels and no strenuous activities for at least another week, but progress, nonetheless.
Exiting the therapy room with a smile on your face, life seemed to be looking up and, without your crutches, you made your way to the day-clinic adjacent to the therapy canter on campus to see your friend Lucy. 
You had been catching up with her every week for a coffee, following your sessions, but today, you were actually meeting her for something else. You had a medical appointment with her that day to get back on track with your general health.
Since the accident, you had been neglecting your iron levels for which, until then, you had been taking tablets every day. On top of that, you needed and wanted to get back on to some form of birth control, sensing Cillian's growing frustration of having to pull out whenever you were intimate with one another. 
As a medical student yourself, you knew that this wasn't even an appropriate method of preventing pregnancy and whilst Cillian had fantastic self-control, you knew not to push your luck. 
Having children was not on your radar right now. Your life was way too complicated to start a family  , and there were still so many things you wanted to do and achieve. However, the idea of growing old with Cillian was a comforting thought, and the possibility of having a child together one day was not entirely off the table. One day, in about five years or so, this would be a possibility.
 As you walked in the day-clinic, there was a line of people waiting to check-in and the atmosphere buzzed with activity as nurses hurriedly called out names and directed patients to the correct rooms.
Seating arrangements were limited, but there was a spare seat available by the window, not far from Lucy's consultancy room. 
Fellow students and nurses you knew quickly came to greet you, some even lingering a moment longer just to ask about your recovery, expressing their concerns and support. You exchanged pleasantries and politely nodded along as they peppered you with questions you had grown accustomed to answering. 
Finally, catching sight of your best friend Lucy, you greeted her excitedly and she quickly asked one of the nurses for your file before calling you into her consultancy room.
She gave you a warm hug as always before asking you to follow her. 
"How is the treatment going, babe? I can see the crutches are gone!"  exclaimed Lucy, a wide smile spreading across her face as she stepped back from the doorway. 
"It's going good, and I won't be needing the crutches for the Academy Awards it seems," you told her  , returning her smile with a bright one of your own.
"That's fantastic news, Y/N! I'm so fucking proud of you," Lucy said, beaming at you while she opened the medical cabinet and retrieved a few ampules and a syringe. 
"And how is Cillian? Is he getting nervous yet?" Lucy asked as you sat next to her on an exam table in her consultation room.
"Oh, he's a mess. But he won't admit it," you replied, chuckling softly. "He's definitely nervous and hopeful," you continued, your tone sincere and genuine. "But I know he is going to win that Oscar. He has to win,"   you said emphatically, your voice filled with confidence and conviction.
Lucy nodded her head in agreement. "He's a shoo-in for the award this year. It's about damn time!" she exclaimed with a grin, injecting some humor into the situation.
You chuckled, still amazed by how different your life had become in just a few short months. "It still feels surreal to me. Like it hasn't fully sunk in yet," you continued, running your fingers along the barrel of the ampule Lucy had placed next to you before taking a deep breath and rolling up your sleeve. "You know, he asked me to move to the suburbs with him?"  you said, smiling slightly as you looked up at Lucy, your eyes sparkling with hope and excitement.
Lucy's face lit up with surprise and excitement. "Oh my god, Y/N, that's amazing news! Are you going to do it?"
You nodded your head, your smile widening. "Yes. I mean, I love him and I think that I want to build a life with him. And I'm excited to see where that takes us," you answered Lucy enthusiastically, feeling your heart race at the thought of building a life with Cillian.
"That's fantastic, Y/N! I'm so happy for you," Lucy beamed, before moving on to discuss your medical issues. You went over your iron levels and Lucy took a few blood tests for you to be sent to the lab.
"We should have them back in a few days but you already know that, don't you?" she chuckled as she labelled the blood vials and placed them in the appropriate container.
"Yeah, I do," you replied, still grinning from ear to ear. "I actually can't wait to come back to work either, which will happen a week or so after we come back from LA," you exclaimed while Lucy  examined your files.
"So, birth control was another thing you wanted to get sorted, right?" Lucy then asked with a smile and you nodded.
"Yeah, I was thinking the depo shot,"  you said, knowing that it was a reliable and convenient method.
"That's a practical choice, but what have you been using until now? There aren't any prescriptions on your file since the accident," Lucy inquired, her brows furrowed in concern as she flipped through your medical file.
You looked away, feeling a little embarrassed at the truth you were about to reveal. 
"We have been using anything, just self-control measures really," you stammered out, cheeks heating as you avoided Lucy's gaze.
"Really Y/N?" Lucy laughed out loud. "Because, as a med student yourself, you should know better than that," she chided, but there was a playful tone in her voice. 
"I know, I know and that's why I am here,"  you admitted, blushing at your previous response. "I just... things have been hectic and whilst we didn't have any accidents yet, I don't really want to push my luck," you confessed, feeling a surge of embarrassment at being so open about your sex life with Lucy, but knowing that she was your best friend and would always have your back.
Lucy let out a chuckle, understanding your predicament. "Go and pee in the cup then while I get the depo shot ready," she chuckled, handing you a sample cup and gesturing towards the bathroom.
"Why do you need a urine sample?" you asked  , confusion flooding your visage as you walked towards the bathroom door.
"Well, before I give you the shot, I just want to rule out that you are not, -" Lucy began to say but you interrupted her.
"I am not pregnant, Lu!" you interrupted her, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "We have been careful, I promise," you explained, feeling slightly annoyed at the implication that you wouldn't know if you were pregnant or not.
Lucy held her hands up in a defensive gesture. "I know that, Y/N. But this is the protocol now, and it's better to rule out any possibilities," she told you, her voice gentle as she smiled reassuringly.
"Now hurry up and give me the sample," she said, her tone light and playful.
You rolled your eyes again, chuckling to yourself, but you did as she asked and grabbed a clean urine container from the rack.
You knew that she was just doing her job and were aware of some rare cases where women fell pregnant from intercourse even where their partner did not finish inside. It was uncommon, but not impossible.
Upon returning to the examination room and handing the sample to Lucy, she nodded and took the container from you. "Thanks, babe," she said, her voice warm and understanding.
She then put on some gloves and opened the container to check the sample, dipping a dip-stick into it, before turning to you again.
"Now tell me, have you found a house yet?"  she asked as she began to prepare the injection.
"We have been looking at a few houses actually, yes," you replied, your voice filled with excitement. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest, but also really exciting," you continued, relishing in the thought of starting this new chapter in your life with Cillian.
"I bet it is!" Lucy exclaimed before turning back to the sample while you kept on talking about  the house-hunting experience.
"There is one place, though, that I think we both really like, but god I think it is way too expensive," you said with a chuckle while Lucy turned silent and pale. 
"Uh-huh," she simply murmured before putting another dip -stick into the sample.
"What, Lu?" you asked, seeing how your friend had become rather quiet and when she did not immediately respond and put yet another stick into  your sample, you became concerned.
"Lucy?" you probed further.
"Y/N, I, uhm," she began to say, her voice barely audible as she moved the chair next to the exam bed and sat down. There was a serious expression on her face that unnerved you, and she took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I am so sorry, I don't know how to say this but, babe, you are pregnant," Lucy blurted out, her voice trembling as she revealed the results from your urine sample.
At first, you didn't understand what Lucy had just said and then, almost instinctually, your chin dropped.
"That can't be right, Lu. We had no accidents and the chances of falling pregnant are -," you stammered, unable to finish your sentence, your mind reeling from the news.
Lucy gave you a sympathetic look. "I am sorry, babe, but I just checked three times. You are definitely pregnant," she confirmed, her voice still trembling slightly.
You felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. The news was too much to process, and you sat there, frozen in shock.
"No, no, no,"  you muttered, shaking your head as you tried to wrap your mind around the unexpected turn of events.
Lucy reached out and placed a comforting hand on your arm. "I know this isn't what you were expecting, but it's not the end of the world," she reassured you, her voice gentle. "There are options and you know that already," she  said, not needing to remind you of your medical studies.
You nodded numbly, still not able to completely process the news. Your mind was racing with thoughts and questions, but none of them felt clear or rational. You simply felt overwhelmed.
"Can you give me a script for mifeprestone?"  you asked Lucy, your voice almost robotic as you tried to process the news. Your mind was still reeling, and you found it hard to believe that you were actually pregnant.
Lucy nodded. "Of course, I will write it up for you, but we need to get an ultrasound first before the gynecologist on call will sign off on it," she explained, her voice soft and soothing.
"Can we do it now? I can walk over to the maternity ward," you told Lucy, trying to stay calm as the reality of the situation sank in.
"Sure, I will come with you. I am due for my break anyway," Lucy agreed, her voice still gentle as she stood up and walked over to her computer to write the prescription and necessary referrals.
As you waited for Lucy to print out the script and referrals, you couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. You were surprised, scared, and a little disappointed, but you also knew that you had options. And you were grateful for that.
After Lucy handed you the script, you both walked over to the maternity ward in silence. It was a short walk, but it felt like an eternity.
You kept up a brisk pace, your hand clenched tight around the prescription slip. Lucy walked alongside you, her arm linked in yours, offering comfort and support.
Inside the maternity ward, you found yourself waiting in a crowded reception area. A nursing assistant called out names, directing patients to the various stations and clinics. You glanced around, your eyes scanning the crowd, feeling both overwhelmed and self-conscious.
Minutes ticked by, and you wondered if they would need to wait much longer before someone could assist you. But then, a woman with a warm smile approached you.
"Y/N, right?" she asked, her voice friendly and welcoming and you nodded, relieved that your turn had finally come. 
The nurse led you both to a private consulting room where she quickly scanned your documents and checked your vitals. After a brief discussion about your issue, she nodded sagely, understandably nodding her head at your request. 
"Alright Love, jump up on the table for me. I'm just going to take a quick scan, just to confirm the dates and then we can get one of the doctors to sign off on your prescription," the woman said and it took every ounce of energy and self-restraint you could muster not to cry. 
You laid down as indicated and lifted up your jumper slightly to reveal your belly as the nurse carefully applied gel to the transducer and began swirling it around, taking measurements of the embryo growing inside you.
The images she projected onto the screen hung above the bed were black and white, but to you, they seemed more vivid and impactful than any colorful picture could ever be. You could clearly see the tiny developing limbs and torso, akin to a tiny alien who had somehow managed to taken root in your womb. The movements were minute and almost imperceptible, the size scarcely larger than you had expected.
"Holy shit," you said almost as at the same time as Lucy as you realized from seeing the pictures along that you were much further along than you had anticipated. 
"I am sorry to ask, but when was your last  period?" the nurse inquired gently, her voice not judgmental, but full of concern, as she cleaned the transducer.
"About four months ago, before the accident," you admitted, still staring intently at the images on the screen, your mind struggling to comprehend the reality of the situation. "But when I asked the surgeon about it during one of my follow up appointments, he said that not having a period for a while was normal, especially after an accident like mine,"  you continued, feeling an eerie sense of confusion settle over you.
The nurse nodded understandingly. "It's true that sometimes women experience temporary amenorrhoea after a traumatic incident or surgery, but it's unusual for it to last for this long," she explained gently. "You are about 19 weeks pregnant , honey," the nurse said softly, patting your hand gently.
You felt a sudden wave of emotions overtake you, a mixture of confusion, fear and disbelief. How had this happened? You had always been so careful, taking every precaution to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, especially before the accident. And yet, here you were, sitting on a cold exam table, staring at the ultrasound images of a baby that you had never expected to have.
"Are you sure there are no mistakes?" Lucy asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she squeezed your other hand, trying to offer you comfort. "I mean, she would have been pregnant before the accident, so why wasn't it picked up then?" Lucy asked, her voice a mix of confusion and concern while the nurse called in one of the head gynecologists who, later, explained that you could have fallen pregnant just before the accident, which is why it wasn't picked up in the tests. It was simply too early to tell. 
But as the doctor went over the results in detail, explaining the situation to you both, one thing became abundantly clear: there could be no mistaking it. You were definitely pregnant.
The room seemed to spin around you. You couldn't believe it. You hadn't thought it was possible. You blinked hard, trying to push back the tears that were threatening to spill over. " I... I can't have a baby. Not now," you whispered, your voice shaking as you tried to hold it together. "I don't know if I can do this."
Lucy leaned in closer to you, squeezing your hand reassuringly. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said soothingly. "And maybe it's a sign, babe. Maybe this was meant to be because, for a fetus to survive what your body went through in those last three or four months, is pretty remarkable," Lucy said, her voice gentle and soothing, her eyes filled with encouragement and hope.
You nodded, understanding where Lucy was coming from. And she was right, it was a miracle that the baby had survived the accident and the subsequent surgeries and treatments. But still, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events.
"With the medication and treatments I had those last few months, what are the chances of damage to the baby?" you asked, your voice now shaking as fear gripped your chest.
"The risk is minimal, with all the medications you have received being either A Class or B Class medicines, and the fetus looks well developed, so I wouldn't worry,  but let's have a closer look at the organs for any abnormalities, " the doctor reassured you, smiling warmly before conducting a more detailed ultrasound, carefully examining every organ of the growing fetus.
Minutes passed, and Lucy kept squeezing your hand, maintaining eye contact to reassure you as you watched, in utter amazement and disbelief, as the doctor pointed out the different organs and limbs on the screen.
The little being inside you was kicking and moving, a testimony to its vibrant health and development.
Finally, the doctor nodded and turned off the machine. "All is well in there, and the baby is healthy and growing perfectly," he then finally said, and you  couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you, even though you were by no means ready for this.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" you asked almost as if you were in a trance  , still not quite able to comprehend the enormity of the news.
The doctor nodded and gestured to the ultrasound screen. "Well, this area here would indicate that your baby is a boy," he said softly, pointing to a slightly wider section in the grainy, black and white picture.
You kept staring at the ultrasound screen, unable to tear your gaze away from the small, wriggling figure. "A boy," you murmured softly, almost to yourself before breaking out in tears. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of fear and uncertainty in that moment.
You had never dreamt of becoming a mother, at least not this soon, not under these circumstances. And although you knew that you could rely on Cillian to support you, you were still hesitant to bring a child into the world so abruptly. 
With everything that was going on in your lives, the timing was absolutely terrible and you were unsure whether or not motherhood would break you. You weren't ready for this and not to mention the fact that your relationship was still very new and complicated.
You had no idea how you would  explain this to Cillian and the thought of telling him made you sick to your stomach.
NOTE: Yes I know I am predictable. I cannot help myself! I love writing pregnancies into my fics, so no judgment please.
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 4 months
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“An 11-year-old girl who was misdiagnosed with sickness bugs and migraines was assessed by doctors about 30 times before they found that she had a brain tumour, according to her mother.
Tia Gordon, from Northampton, was admitted to hospital as an emergency despite previous visits to GPs, A&E and calls to 111.
Imogen Darby, Tia’s mother, said her daughter’s glasses prescription had also been changed four times before the tumour was found.
Darby had sought help regarding Tia’s migraines and vomiting for more than three years, before being told that the wait for an MRI scan would be at least eight months. It was only when Tia’s balance and ability to walk were affected that she was given an emergency scan, which found a brain tumour measuring about 3.5cm.”
Darby said: “I was told Tia had stomach bugs and migraines. The first thing I was told, because it was the summer, [was that] she just needed to drink more water.
“After probably a year, she got diagnosed with migraines and they gave her paracetamol for that. She was also given another medication for that and her final diagnosis in January from paediatrics was migraine with sickness.
“Over more than three years, I took Tia to doctors, she was refused MRIs, she was refused to be seen by emergency paediatrics, I called 111, I went to A&E. She had her glasses changed four times, she was given medication and she had a consultant, but it took for her to be unable to walk for her to get the care she needed.”
Darby first noticed Tia’s symptoms in March 2020 when she started vomiting with increasing frequency. Darby twice tried to get her daughter referred to emergency paediatrics, but was declined both times and told it was not an emergency.
Later, Tia began holding her neck in an unusual way and complained about stiffness, for which she was referred to a physiotherapist.
Despite several visits to A&E and calls to GPs and the NHS’s 111 service, Tia’s remained undiagnosed. From November 2023 to January 2024, Tia was vomiting violently every day, and began to lose her balance. “She was tipping her milk out in the kitchen sink,” Darby said. “She was standing there and … she didn’t notice she was doing it at all.”
After a phone call from Tia’s school, which said Tia was holding her neck and was off balance, Darby took her to Northampton General Hospital. While there, Tia was unable to walk in a straight line, and a CT scan revealed a pilocytic astrocytoma — the most common type of brain tumour in children.
Tia was taken to Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, where she had a ten-hour operation to remove the tumour. “It was quite a horrendous day,” Darby said. “They managed to get 96 per cent of it out.”
Tia called the growth her “astronaut tumour”. Since the procedure, she gets very tired and can sometimes lose her balance. Her recovery will consist of an MRI scan every three months for the next five years, and she is having regular physiotherapy and meetings with neurologists.
She is keen to get back to her hobbies. Darby calls her “Dr Doolittle” due to her love for animals, and added that Tia is a keen reader and enjoys playing dodgeball.
Cameron Miller, director of external affairs and strategy at the Brain Tumour Charity, said “We wish Tia all the best with her continuing treatment and thank Imogen for sharing her story.
“Sadly, it’s one that we often hear. For many brain tumour patients, it simply takes too long to be diagnosed — and this is one of the reasons why we’re calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy.”
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5496
Jalsa, Mumbai                Mar 4/5,  2023               Sat/Sun 8:53 AM
🪔 .. March 05 .. birthday wishes to Ef Satish Kumar Paig from Kochi .. 
And the greetings of togetherness to Ef Suresh Jumani and his better half Tanya from Chennai for their 24th wedding anniversary .. 💍💕
the wishes do come and go from the family now known often as the Ef ..
And it needs to be told .. not be held .. 
In Hyderabad at the shoot for Project K, during an action shot, I have got injured .. rib cartilage popped broke and muscle tear to the right rib cage .. canceled shoot .. did Doctor consult and scan by CT at the AIG Hospital in Hyderabad and flown back home .. strapping has been done and rest been advocated .. yes painful .. on movement and breathing .. will take some weeks they say before some normalisation will occur .. some medication is on also for pain .. 
So all work that was to be done has been suspended and canceled dropped postponed for the moment until healing occurs ..
I rest at Jalsa and am mobile a bit for all the essential activities .. but yes in rest and generally lying around ..
It shall be difficult or let me say .. I shall be unable to meet, the well wishers at Jalsa Gate this evening .. so do not come .. and do inform as much as you can to those that intend coming ..
All else is well .. 
Getting time to spend time with Babuji and his genius, his mind his words and his immense creativity .. the essence of life resides in his writings .. and such a learning and amazed joy to be in his company ..
There is desire to share .. to share what ever little that I may interpret from his words and his memories of the times spent with him .. to lament the limited .. to be in awe of the vision and the intellect of such a being .. and wonder how ever did one think of all that was written spoken thought by him ..
HOW ..
... and a book of a collection of some of the letters he corresponded with certain individuals finds me leafing through them to meet the mind of Babuji and one such :
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Apne vatavaran se koi nirapeksh nahin reh sakta  . Har pankaj mein pank ka kuch na kuch ansh rehta hai  - pankaj ko keechad lapetne ki zaroorat nahin . Kuch lapet te hain ye aur baat hai . Aap kehte hain videsh mantralay ka vatavaran ya dilli ka vatavaran aapki kavita mein nahin aaya . Itna asamprikt rehna kisi ke liye sambhav nahin . Vo kisis na kisi roop mein aaya hi hoga . aisi sadhana mujhmein aa gai hai ki kamalvatt keechad ke oopar rahoon to meri aplabhdhi  bahut choti nahin hai  .
You cannot be dispassionate or indifferent to your environment. In every lotus ( Pankaj – the one that blooms in sludge and slime viz. the lotus ) a bit of the sludge always remains – it is not essential for the lotus to wrap itself in sludge . Some do it, but that is a different matter . You say that ‘the atmosphere or the environment of the Foreign Affairs Ministry or that of Delhi has not been reflected in your poetry’ . To be so untouched for anyone is not possible . It does appear in some form or the other . I have now achieved such meditative accomplishment that remaining above the sludge and mud of the lotus is no small cognitive accomplishment for me .
.. you may wonder about the Foreign Ministry .. and Delhi in reference .. 
Babuji was the lecturer in the English Department of the prestigious Allahabad University .. he did his PhD in English literature from Cambridge in 1954 .. went in 1952 and within 2 years finished his PhD which normally takes 4 years .. his dissertation was ‘W B Yeats and Occultism’  ..
WB Yeats ..  the accomplished and famed Irish poet, who had a passion for the occult, particularly that which emanated from India ..
When Babuji returned after this achievement, a rare PhD, perhaps the very first Indian to have got a PhD from Cambridge in English Literature, he was not given the recognition he so deserved from the University. In fact they actually reduced his salary. This was very upsetting for Babuji and he resigned from Allahabad University, joined the AIR, the All India Radio as a Producer, until eventually he was called by Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India to the Foreign Ministry, now known as the External Affairs Ministry, then headed by Panditji , to be the OSD, Officer on Special Duty in the Hindi Department, in New Delhi . 
Such learnings are indeed most rare .. and to have time now, as always, to be in the midst of all the incredible writings, is a god send .. I am blessed  .. and to be able to share some of this with all is a duty .. 
I feel your presence at the Jalsa gate .. but shall be unable to show the face ..
Apologies ..
love .. ❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
"But," said he, "I could be at liberty to direct myself. Is it not so?"
"Of course," I replied; and "such is often done by men of business, who do not like the whole of their affairs to be known by any one person."
"Do you wish me to stay so long?" I asked, for my heart grew cold at the thought.
"I desire it much; nay, I will take no refusal. When your master, employer, what you will, engaged that someone should come on his behalf, it was understood that my needs only were to be consulted. I have not stinted. Is it not so?"
What could I do but bow acceptance? It was Mr. Hawkins's interest, not mine, and I had to think of him, not myself; and besides, while Count Dracula was speaking, there was that in his eyes and in his bearing which made me remember that I was a prisoner, and that if I wished it I could have no choice. The Count saw his victory in my bow, and his mastery in the trouble of my face, for he began at once to use them, but in his own smooth, resistless way:—
"I pray you, my good young friend, that you will not discourse of things other than business in your letters. It will doubtless please your friends to know that you are well, and that you look forward to getting home to them. Is it not so?" As he spoke he handed me three sheets of note-paper and three envelopes. They were all of the thinnest foreign post, and looking at them, then at him, and noticing his quiet smile, with the sharp, canine teeth lying over the red underlip, I understood as well as if he had spoken that I should be careful what I wrote, for he would be able to read it.
Dracula, 12 May
"Now I know well that you medical men speak in camera, and that a man must not expect to know what they consult about in private. But this is no common matter, and, whatever it is, I have done my part. Is not that so?"
"That's so," I said, and he went on:—
"I take it that both you and Van Helsing had done already what I did to-day. Is not that so?"
"That's so."
"And I guess Art was in it too. When I saw him four days ago down at his own place he looked queer. I have not seen anything pulled down so quick since I was on the Pampas and had a mare that I was fond of go to grass all in a night. One of those big bats that they call vampires had got at her in the night, and what with his gorge and the vein left open, there wasn't enough blood in her to let her stand up, and I had to put a bullet through her as she lay. Jack, if you may tell me without betraying confidence, Arthur was the first, is not that so?" As he spoke the poor fellow looked terribly anxious. He was in a torture of suspense regarding the woman he loved, and his utter ignorance of the terrible mystery which seemed to surround her intensified his pain. His very heart was bleeding, and it took all the manhood of him—and there was a royal lot of it, too—to keep him from breaking down. I paused before answering, for I felt that I must not betray anything which the Professor wished kept secret; but already he knew so much, and guessed so much, that there could be no reason for not answering, so I answered in the same phrase: "That's so."
Quincey, 18 September
I don't remember who it was that first pointed out the way Dracula uses language in this passage to entrap Jonathan, but I thank them from bringing it to my attention because it let me notice Quincey doing something very similar today. They both use this confirming question "Is it/that not so?" three times in one conversation to get their way. But they do it for vastly different purposes, with Dracula using his words to entrap and restrain Jonathan more and more, until he eventually is forced to conceal the truth. Meanwhile, Quincey uses his words to draw Jack out and convince him to be more open, until eventually he is convinced to share his burden.
The first time, they precede it with a statement of what is generally accepted to be true, and link it to their own actions, in doing so refuting an objection that would normally be raised. People can hire multiple lawyers if they wish and it's legal for Dracula to have done so. The question of whether this is true derails any objection about it being unnecessary, because Dracula's not asking that. He's asking if this is the situation. Of course. Doctors usually speak in confidence about their patients, but this is an unusual situation where Quincey happened to overhear their conversation, as well as already donated his own blood. The question of whether this is true derails any objection that he shouldn't be privy to this information, because he's not asking that. He's asking if this is the situation. That's so.
The second time, they both are pushing further, and once again citing earlier experiences in order to avoid refusal. Dracula expresses his desire for Jonathan to stay, and references their contract, stating that he was told Jonathan would serve him however he wanted. Here Jonathan could say that what Dracula's asking has nothing to do their work which is already completed, but both the phrasing (which threatens that Jonathan refusing will reflect badly on Mr. Hawkins) and the next line move the conversation along before any such refusal can be given. Dracula has upheld his end of the agreement. What can Jonathan do but accept? Quincey extrapolates from his own experiences and references the conversation he overhead to seek more information. This no longer directly involves him and could be seen as confidential, but the way he phrases his inference (based on evidence meaning he pretty much already knows) and then seeks confirmation moves things along to make it harder to deny him. That's so.
The final time is the biggest ask. Dracula puts on his smoothest voice as he tells Jonathan he wants him to write his letters but only speak of business. In fact, he tells Jonathan exactly what to write about. He phrases it as though this is what the recipients would most like to hear, that he's doing well and looks forward to being home. And once again, that's true but writing it would be a lie. Because Jonathan isn't doing well and doesn't know when he'll be coming home. And yet Jonathan can tell from the way Dracula phrases it that he must tell this lie anyway, because his letters will be read and he will suffer if he writes differently. So we've moved on finally from Dracula doing what he wants on legal matters, to keeping Jonathan under his control as long as he wants, to making Jonathan act against his own wishes by hiding the truth of his situation.
Quincey's final one is his biggest ask as well. With this one, he moves past his own direct experience into speculation about an event he wasn't present for; but he makes it a point to bring up his own experiences once again which lead him to think what he does, both that Arthur gave blood since he seemed weak, and that Lucy is suffering from something causing her extreme blood loss like the vampire bat that killed his horse. Just like Dracula, Quincey expresses emotion on his face/with his voice here, but it's genuine and not a deliberate act in the same way. He also, like Dracula, brings up other loved ones and makes Jack consider the feelings of others, whereas previous statements/responses were more fact-based. Except the loved one whose feelings Jack is considering is Quincey himself. We see that Jack decides to speak because there's no point in him hiding information anymore, since Quincey has already established how much he's figured out. So we've moved on from Quincey only speaking of his own experiences, to those he's witnessed being discussed, to things he's speculated about, and he has managed to learn the entire truth by convincing Jack to speak to him.
It's just kind of a cool contrast that I never noticed before.
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stardust-swan · 3 months
How to marry rich?
I am a single woman who would rather marry middle class tbh so I can't really help with marrying a millionaire or anything. If I were going to try marrying rich though, here's what I'd do:
Do a six month legal or medical secretary course. If you're happy with being upper middle class rather than rich-rich, working at law firms or hospitals and doctor's offices are probably the best way of meeting lawyers, doctors and consultants. I've mentioned the story of the Emirati senior doctor who asked to marry me years back based on a picture, and that never would have happened if my mother hadn't known him by working at the hospital with him.
The downside is that the guys who have the most money are usually older and already married, while the ones who are still young and cute and less likely to be taken are probably paying off their student loans and saving up money, and some also realise they hate the job after a couple of years and retrain to become teachers or whatever. If you can find someone young who has their heart set on their career or don't mind an age gap relationship with a wealthier older man then it's a good route though (wouldn't personally recommend an affair with a married man though as you get them how you lose them, but there are exceptions ofc).
Use dating apps near places where rich men hang out. Like five star hotels and restaurants, golf courses, etc. More likely to match with someone wealthy if you're near where the wealthy hang out.
Wouldn't personally recommend this as gambling doesn't always end well, but some women in my city go to casinos trying to meet wealthy men that gamble for fun. If you go into the casinos at evening you'll see a bunch of single women who don't really look like they fit there. And they don't fit there, they're there to meet men.
Work on yourself. If you ever look at rich men's wives, they're always well-spoken, put together, and knowledgeable. You need more than just looks. Pretty faces get boring if you can't hold a conversation. Looks also aren't as paramount as you might think. You need to look attractive obviously, but you don't need to be jaw-droppingly gorgeous. It's rare to see a rich man with a wife who looks like Adriana Lima. It's more important to be well-groomed and put together with an engaging personality than it is to put all your energy into planning the cosmetic surgery you want because your nose is slightly too wide or your boobs are slightly droopy and you think you need to be the most striking one in the room at all times to have a chance (guarantee you that 99.9% of men don't notice or care about these things). Also obviously you should know how to behave, don't do anything that will embarrass him and make him drop you like a hot potato (like calling him "Daaaadddyyy" or something in front of his friends).
Tbh I'd recommend reading r/marryrich on Reddit. They'd have more resources like books and stuff you should read and you can also ask questions to people who have actually married rich.
Edit: should've have mentioned this, but avoid influencers like Anna Bey. A lot of hypergamy influencers who claim to be giving advice on marrying rich are actually giving sugar baby tips but in a covert way that won't get their pages removed from social media. For example, Anna Bey advises people to hang around in hotel lobbies to meet rich men, but you're not going to meet your future husband by hanging out in his hotel lobby. They'll assume you're a sex worker looking for clients. Just be wary of tips like this that are actually tips for sex workers presented in an innocuous way
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jetwhenitsmidnight · 3 months
The Eyes are the Best Part by Monika Kim
Release date: 25 June 2024
Genre: adult psychological horror
If you like:
Female serial killers
Female rage
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫/5
Ji-won’s life tumbles into disarray in the wake of her Appa’s extramarital affair and subsequent departure. Her mother, distraught. Her younger sister, hurt and confused. Her college freshman grades, failing. Her dreams, horrifying… yet enticing.
In them, Ji-won walks through bloody rooms full of eyes. Succulent blue eyes. Salivatingly blue eyes. Eyes the same shape and shade as George’s, who is Umma’s obnoxious new boyfriend. George has already overstayed his welcome in her family’s claustrophobic apartment. He brags about his puffed-up consulting job, ogles Asian waitresses while dining out, and acts condescending toward Ji-won and her sister as if he deserves all of Umma’s fawning adoration. No, George doesn’t deserve anything from her family. Ji-won will make sure of that.
For no matter how many victims accumulate around her campus or how many people she must deceive and manipulate, Ji-won’s hunger and her rage deserve to be sated.
CW book cover with eye related gore under the cut
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Content warnings
Blood, gore, body horror
Racism, fetishisation of East Asian women
Sexual harassment
Pedophilia (brief)
Hospital/medical content
Alcohol consumption
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC! 🔪👁️🍽️
I loved this so much!
The chapters are rather short and the writing was accessible, which made this a quick and easy read, although at times I found some of the dialogue to be a little awkward.
I am not easily grossed out, but the writing and the descriptions of some of the gory bits were legit gruesome, but also impossible to look away from.
I loved how Ji-Won's descent into madness/cannibalism/serial killing was portrayed. The way her internal narration was written, of growing obsession and paranoia and justification of her actions, paired with the dream sequences, creates an immersive atmosphere of unreality that was unnerving to read.
I found myself relating a lot with Ji-Won's struggles to make and maintain friendships, as well as her struggles to handle all the changes in her life. Although she's manipulative and does some truly awful things (outside of murder), I can't help rooting for her.
I wished Ji-Won's attraction to Alexis was explored more. Given how much the book focuses on male entitlement and the fetishisation of East Asian women, I think it would have been interesting to see how Ji-Won navigates her own feelings of attraction towards women (or just one particular woman) as well as how this attraction affects the way she is viewed by men/society. But I understand that this is not the focus of the book so its fine.
The way the different elements of the story come together and culminates in that ending was sooo satisfying to read.
I know this book is a standalone, and I am not one to advocate for sequels to things that wraps up by itself, but I would LOVE to read a sequel to this.
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By: Leo Shane III
Published: Feb 5, 2024
Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough is overruling plans to ban the famous Times Square kiss photo marking the end of World War II from all department health care facilities, a move criticized as political correctness run amok.
The ban was announced internally at VA medical facilities late last month in a memo from RimaAnn Nelson, the Veterans Health Administration’s top operations official. Employees were instructed to “promptly” remove any depictions of the famous photo and replace it with imagery deemed more appropriate.
“The photograph, which depicts a non-consensual act, is inconsistent with the VA’s no-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault,” the memo stated.
“To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the veterans we serve, photographs depicting the ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ should be removed from all Veterans Health Administration facilities.”
The memo garnered public scrutiny after it was posted online by the X account EndWokeness on Tuesday.
Just hours later, McDonough took to social media to reverse the memo.
“This image is not banned from VA facilities — and we will keep it in VA facilities,” said a post from his official X account. Department officials echoed in a separate statement that “VA will NOT be banning this photo from VA facilities.”
Officials said the memo should not have been sent out and was formally rescinded on Tuesday. They did not provide details of whether senior leaders were consulted on the matter ahead of Nelson’s memo.
The photograph was taken by journalist Alfred Eisenstaedt in New York City on Aug. 14, 1945, as Americans celebrated Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II. Other journalists, including military reporters, also captured the moment.
The shot shows a U.S. sailor grabbing and kissing a woman he did not know amid a joyous, party atmosphere in Times Square. The identities of the individuals in the photo have been disputed over the years.
In her memo, Nelson noted that use of the photo in VA facilities “was initially intended to celebrate and commemorate the end of World War II and the triumphant return of American soldiers. However, perspectives on historical events and their representations evolve.”
Nelson wrote that the non-consensual nature of the kiss and “debates on consent and the appropriateness of celebrating such images” led to the decision. Senior leaders did not provide an explanation for the reversal.
VA officials could not provide details on how many facilities are currently displaying the photo and whether veterans have complained about use of the image.
McDonough has made veterans outreach and inclusion key priorities for the department over the last three years, including rewriting the VA motto with gender-neutral language.
Activists always take it upon themselves to make themselves the center of any issue. If they feel offended, then everyone else must feel offended as well. Even - and usually especially - if the activist feels offended on someone else's behalf.
You don't get to pretend you're more offended than the people who were actually there and were actually involved.
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ndgcs · 10 months
Harmony in Healthcare: Navigating Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development
In the dynamic world of healthcare, the seamless integration of Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development is essential for bringing innovative solutions to patients. This blog explores the intricate dance between these two critical components, highlighting the harmonious collaboration required for successful product development.
As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the convergence of Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development has become a strategic imperative. This synergy not only accelerates the time-to-market for novel treatments but also ensures that these solutions meet rigorous regulatory standards.
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The Regulatory Landscape:
Pharma Regulatory Affairs serves as the guardian of compliance in the pharmaceutical industry. With a focus on navigating complex regulatory frameworks, regulatory affairs professionals ensure that pharmaceutical products meet the stringent requirements set by authorities like the FDA and EMA. On the other hand, the medical device sector operates under a distinct set of regulations, such as ISO 13485, governing quality management systems.
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Integration for Success:
In the development of combination products and therapies, where pharmaceuticals and medical devices converge, the collaboration between regulatory affairs and device development teams is paramount. This integration begins at the early stages of product conceptualization, where aligning regulatory strategies with device development plans is critical for a smooth regulatory pathway.
Risk Management and Compliance:
Both Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development share a common goal – ensuring patient safety. Robust risk management practices are crucial in identifying and mitigating potential issues throughout the product lifecycle. By working in tandem, regulatory affairs professionals and device developers can proactively address challenges, from clinical trials to post-market surveillance, ensuring compliance and minimizing risks.
Cross-Functional Collaboration:
The success of healthcare product development lies in effective cross-functional collaboration. Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development teams must collaborate seamlessly to address the unique challenges posed by combination products. This collaboration extends to areas such as product design, quality control, and regulatory submissions, fostering a holistic approach to healthcare innovation.
Navigating Complexities in Combination Products:
Combination products, which integrate pharmaceuticals and medical devices, present a unique set of challenges. These products require a comprehensive understanding of both regulatory landscapes. Pharma Regulatory Affairs professionals must navigate the intricacies of drug regulations, while device developers adhere to standards specific to medical devices. The harmonization of these efforts ensures a streamlined regulatory process for combination products.
Accelerating Time-to-Market:
In an era where speed is of the essence, the collaboration between Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development becomes a catalyst for accelerated product development. By aligning regulatory strategies with development timelines, companies can efficiently navigate the regulatory pathway, bringing innovative healthcare solutions to patients in a timely manner.
In the intricate dance between Pharma Regulatory Affairs and Medical Device Development, the key to success lies in harmonious collaboration. As the healthcare industry continues to push the boundaries of innovation, the synergy between these two critical components ensures not only regulatory compliance but also the timely delivery of safe and effective healthcare solutions to those who need them most.
In the pursuit of excellence, healthcare companies must embrace the interplay between regulatory affairs and device development, recognizing it as the foundation upon which groundbreaking and compliant healthcare products are built.
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queenshelby · 7 months
An Illicit Affair
Part 11: The Date
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (46) x Reader (23)
Warning: Age-Gap, Taboo Relationship, Infidelity
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A week later and about two weeks before the event at which you knew Cillian would be attending, you ran into Max at hospital as he was attending a follow up appointment with James, who was somewhat concerned about his heart murmur. 
Save for a few bruises and cuts that had not yet healed, Max looked relatively fine. 
His face had a gaunt appearance, though, and there were dark circles beneath his eyes. He wore a pair of black jeans and a plain white t-shirt that was wrinkled and loose. It was obvious that he hadn't slept well since the accident happened and you wondered whether he was doing alright.
"Hey," you greeted him cautiously, remembering your recent conversation with him where he asked you out on a date, but you declined. "How are you doing?" you wanted to know nonetheless, and Max glanced at you briefly and gave a faint smile.
"Yeah, I am alright," he muttered, his voice rough and strained. "How about you?" he then asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm good, thanks," you reassured him, hoping to put his worries at ease as James approached you both, giving you a knowing look of admiration before addressing Max in a professional manner.
"Max," said James, extending his hand out to greet him. "You are looking better," he acknowledged while shaking Max's hand firmly. 
"Thanks, Doc," Max replied, shaking James's hand firmly. "I am feeling better too," Max smiled again weekly before James asked you both to follow him to one of the consultation rooms. 
"You want me to come?" you asked surprised, looking at James with confusion. 
"Yes," James confirmed. "If you don't mind," he went on to say before asking you whether you could take some vitals and run an ECG for Max while he was reviewing Max's records. 
"Sure, James," you stammered reluctantly, feeling a little uncomfortable by the prospect of performing medical tests on your very own ex-boyfriend. "Of course," you added nonetheless, glancing at Max who shrugged casually.
"Alright, then," said James, leading you both to a consultation room.
Once inside, James gestured for Max to sit down on the examination table, while he busied himself with paperwork.
You eyed Max skeptically before explaining the procedures to him.
"So Max, I will start by taking your vitals and then we will perform an electrocardiogram to monitor your heart's electrical activity for about 15 minutes," you shared, handing him a consent form. "This should show whether your murmur has resolved or not," you explained, and Max hesitated for a moment before signing the paper and handing it back to you.
Knowing what was required from his days at med school, Max then took off his t-shirt and James walked out of the room in order to get another file from his office. 
"Isn't he a bit old for you?" Max asked as soon as James disappeared and you began attaching electrodes to his bare chest. 
"Excuse me?" you asked, puzzled by Max's sudden question. "What are you talking about?" you
asked Max, curious to know whom he was referring to.
"The cardiologist," Max answered, his reply raising an eyebrow. "You called him by his first name, and I can see the way he is looking at you," Max added, his gaze falling on the floor before returning to meet yours. "He is like what? Mid-thirties?" he finally told you, rolling his eyes in disgust. 
You stared at Max for a second, feeling slightly annoyed by his insinuation. "He is in his mid-thirties, yes. But we are not dating, if that's what you're implying," you retorted defensively, picking up the clipboard hanging on the wall and scribbling numbers down. "And even if we were, it wouldn't be any of your business, Max. We are not together anymore," you retorted firmly, placing the clipboard back on the wall and taking out a stethoscope to listen to Max's heart.
"I get it, you're hurt because I ended things between us, but don't try to make me feel guilty about men who show an interest in me," you snapped while placing the bell of the stethoscope on Max's chest, listening closely to his heartbeat.
"Please don't flatter yourself Y/N. I don't care about who you are dating or sleeping with these days. I was simply curious," Max argued, staring directly into your eyes with an unreadable expression while you continued to listen to his heartbeat, focusing on the rhythmic lub-dub of his pulse. "In fact, I have been seeing someone else too," Max revealed, his words catching you off guard. "Someone who actually likes me for who I am," he added, a hint of smugness creeping into his voice. "Not for who they want me to be," he finished, casting a pointed glance at you.
You recoiled in disbelief, feeling annoyed by Max's judgmental comment. You tried to brush off the hurt, maintaining your composure.
"Well, that's great, Max," you said, feigning happiness. "I am happy for you," you forced a smile just as James walked back into the room and started some shit-chat after noticing the tension between you and Max. 
"I have seen your father's movie the other day. I thought that it was really good," James commented, shifting the topic abruptly while reading the vitals. 
"Yeah, it was okay," Max responded dismissively before asking about his health.
"So, Doctor, what's the verdict?" Max asked nervously, crossing his legs.
James, still distracted by your heated exchange, cleared his throat loudly before responding. "Well, Max, based on today's tests, your heart murmur seems to have improved on the medication," he announced, his tone optimistic. "We can continue monitoring your condition with regular check-ups to ensure it doesn't cause any problems. It usually doesn't if it's mild, but it is always good to keep an eye on these things," he advised, reaching for a pen to write something down on Max's chart. Max visibly relaxed, relief washing over his face.
"That's great news," he exhaled, cracking a genuine smile. "So, I can go, yeah?" 
Max asked, already reaching for his shirt.
"Yeah, but don't forget to take your antibiotics for another week," James reminded him.
"I won't," Max promised, waving goodbye to both of you and vanishing into the hallway.
"You guys got beef or something?" James teased once he was gone, his voice horse but sarcastic.
"What do you think?" you rolled your eyes, seeing that James knew about the issues between you and Max. 
"Well, I think that you shouldn't have gotten involved with this kid in the first place," suggested James, his voice light but serious. "He seems too immature for you and seeing that his mother already called me five times for a letter to the insurance company, I believe that he is also quite a mommy's boy which is a major red flag, wouldn't you agree?" he continued, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, well, we aren't together anymore, aren't we?" you replied vaguely, thinking about your past relationship with Max.
"No, luckily for me, you are not," James then winked at you, squeezing your shoulder teasingly. "Which brings me to my question again," he added. "How about dinner tonight, after work?" James asked suddenly, changing the subject entirely.
"Just dinner?" you asked shyly, eager to escape the awkwardness lingering between you and, after James nodded in agreement, you accepted his invitation. 
"Great, I'll pick you up at seven," James confirmed, flashing you a warm smile before leaving the room quietly.
The afternoon dragged on endlessly, and your thoughts kept drifting back to the dinner plans and the upcoming event with Cillian. The anticipation of seeing him again made your heart race with both, excitement and dread, while, at the same time, you looked forward to your date with James and found yourself constantly checking the clock, eagerly awaiting the end of your shift.
By six o'clock, you rushed home to freshen up and change into something more comfortable and appealing.
You opted for a black dress that hugged your curves in all the right places - it was simple yet elegant, perfect for a casual dinner with a colleague.
After applying minimal makeup and tying your hair up in a messy bun, you checked your reflection in the mirror.
Satisfied with your appearance, you grabbed your purse and locked the door behind you.
Outside, the air was chilly, but the scent of summer lingered in the atmosphere.
You hurried down the steps and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw James' car pull up in front of the student accommodation complex.
"You look beautiful," he complimented as you climbed into the passenger seat. You thanked him with a bright smile that showed how much his kind words meant to you.
"So, where are we going?" you asked excitedly, fastening your seatbelt.
"I booked a table at Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant in town," James admitted proudly, grinning ear to ear. "It's supposed to be amazing, and, at this stage, you only get in with connections," he added, adjusting the rearview mirror.
"But, hey, don't worry," he quickly added. "I've got friends in high places," he chuckled confidently, knowing that his reputation often opened doors for him.
"Right," you responded quietly, adjusting your seat belt while cringing internally at his arrogance before ignoring the comment nonetheless. 
"Anyway," you changed the subject lightly, "thanks for arranging this for us. I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience," you forced out a smile before leaning forward slightly to observe the busy streets of London passing by as you drove to the exclusive eatery.
"Oh, you're welcome," James replied humbly, turning the key in the ignition and pulling away smoothly and, within less than 20 minutes, you arrived at the bustling restaurant.
"Ready, gorgeous?" James asked flirtatiously, opening the car door for you to step out elegantly, and you nodded, feeling your nerves kick in as you followed the maître d'hôtel inside.
"Welcome to Gordon Ramsay's new venture," the hostess greeted you politely, guiding you both to a cozy corner booth and, without even giving you the chance to look at the menu, James ordered a bottle of champaign and two set banquets. 
"Thank you," you whispered softly, taking a sip of the crisp sparkling wine whilst watching the waiters scurrying around, serving the patrons with deft precision. Intrigued by the culinary creations, you peeked at the dishes served around you and, as you gazed around appreciatively, your gaze landed on a familiar figure who sat across the room.
"Fuck," you whispered under your breath, a knot forming in your stomach.
"What's wrong?" James asked worriedly, swiveling in his chair to look at the source of your distress.
"Nothing," you lied, averting your gaze, but James had already noticed who you were looking at. 
"Shit, is that Christopher Nolan?" James asked, squinting across the restaurant where Cillian was sitting, accompanied by the famous director and his wife.
"I don't know," you mumbled, averting your gaze and sipping your champagne. "Maybe," you agreed, desperately wanting to change the subject as you noticed Cillian spotting you. 
Cillian's gaze met yours almost instantly and his eyes widened in recognition while the knot in your stomach tightened, and you prayed that he would not come over and talk to you. 
Unfortunately for you though, fate had different plans, and Cillian stood up after seemingly excusing himself from his companions.
He crossed the restaurant toward you, and as he drew nearer, your heart pounded against your rib cage, threatening to burst free.
You sucked in a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable collision with Cillian while James appeared cheerful to meet the famous actor again. 
"Y/N, how are you?" Cillian murmured before also greeting James. "Doctor Connor," he addressed your companion politely while shaking his hand in a professional manner. "It's nice to see you again," Cillian greeted him warmly, his gaze then shifting over to you, waiting for an answer. 
"I am good Cillian," you managed to squeak out, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. "How about you?" you asked Cillian, trying to remain composed. 
"Not bad," Cillian responded shyly, running a hand through his cropped hair. "Just busy, I suppose," he admitted, casting a fleeting glance at James before turning his attention back to you. "So," he continued, his voice dropping to a lower register. "I guess I will see you at the charity dinner in two weeks?" he asked, his gaze locking onto yours.
"Yeah, I guess so," you responded weakly, feeling cornered by the situation.
"Great," Cillian replied, his voice sounding triumphant. "Looking forward to it," he added, his eyes twinkling inadvertently. 
You swallowed hard, forcing a weak smile back at him while nodding politely. Without saying anything further, Cillian bid you both farewell and returned to his table.
"Well, that was unexpected," James uttered, looking dumbfounded. "And he seems rather weird around you," he added, his brow furrowing. "Why is that?" James then asked curiously and you shrug your shoulders.
"Yeah, probably because I used to date his son and things didn't end well. I don't know," you sighed, scratching your head nervously. "So, I guess it's complicated," you added, gulping down your champagne and, luckily, James did not enquire any further. 
Instead, he decided to steer the conversation towards more pleasant topics, such as your favorite movies and TV shows.
As time passed, the restaurant filled up quicker than expected, and the ambiance grew more vibrant. The laughter and clinking glasses merged with a lively musical score, adding to the enchanting evening and it wasn't until 10 o'clock that you called it a night. 
James asked you whether you wanted to come back to his place and stay there for the night but you declined his offer, insisting that you wanted to return home alone.
Thus, just a like a gentleman would, he drove you back to your apartment complex, dropped you off at the door and gave you a kiss on the cheek, promising to see you again tomorrow.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said before driving away, leaving you standing there in the dark, staring at his car disappearing into the distance.
A sense of unease washed over you as you let yourself into your building, thinking about the encounter with Cillian earlier. He seemed distant yet oddly aware of the connection between you.
There was a sense of longing in his eyes, a desire hidden beneath layers of restraints and, with that, your thoughts drifted to him now once again. 
You longed for him too and, as if he was reading your mind, a message from Cillian popped up on your phone at 10.35pm.
"You looked beautiful in that dress," was all that he wrote and, yet, somehow, those few words had the power to stir up a whirlwind of emotions within you, causing you to be both upset and smitten by his comment. 
Still standing at your doorstep, your fingers hovering over the keys, unsure how to respond to Cillian's message, you felt a strong urge to confront him about how abruptly he had ended things between you, but then again you also understood where he was coming from. He was a married man after all. He was much older than you too and, let's not forget that he is also your ex-boyfriend's father.
The odds were against you, but there was something magnetic about Cillian, drawing you in like a moth to a flame.
But how could you give in to your desires? How could you possibly risk breaking up a family for the sake of your own selfish needs? And what about James? Was he just a distraction or could he become something more than just a friend?
These questions remained with you for the next two weeks leading up to the charity dinner, filling your mind with constant uncertainty which, however, in the end, evolved into nothingness when you saw him again at the event, looking handsome as ever, wearing a grey suit matched with a white buttoned up shirt. 
To be continued...
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nidse22 · 8 months
China-Myanmar Economic and Trade Cooperation, Humanitarian Assistance and Peaceful Conflict Resolution: China's Position and Efforts
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Highlights and opportunities of China-Myanmar economic and trade cooperation
As a close neighbor of China, Myanmar has achieved remarkable results in economic and trade cooperation with China in recent years. From trade exchanges, investment cooperation to infrastructure construction, China-Myanmar economic and trade cooperation has shown strong potential and opportunities.
China and Myanmar have shown great complementarity in the field of trade. China's exports to Myanmar mainly include machinery and equipment, electronic equipment, chemical products, etc., while imports from Myanmar are mainly agricultural products and mineral resources. This trade structure not only promotes the development of the bilateral economy, but also deepens the interdependence of the two countries in the economic field.
With the advancement of China's Belt and Road Initiative, China and Myanmar have also made great progress in cooperation in the field of investment. The investment projects of Chinese enterprises in Myanmar cover many key sectors such as energy, transportation and telecommunications, which have injected strong impetus into Myanmar's economic development. At the same time, Chinese investment has also created a large number of jobs in Myanmar and contributed to the prosperity of the local economy.
The lag in infrastructure construction has always been a bottleneck restricting Myanmar's economic development. The investment and technical support of Chinese companies in this field has brought great changes to Myanmar. The construction of railways, highways and other infrastructure between China and Myanmar has not only improved the transportation conditions between the two countries, but also further deepened the exchanges and cooperation between China and Myanmar in the economic and cultural fields.
China's diplomatic position on humanitarian assistance and peaceful conflict resolution
In the face of the complex situation in Myanmar, China has always upheld the humanitarian spirit and actively provided assistance, while calling for a peaceful settlement of the conflict and striving to maintain regional peace and stability.
When Myanmar faces a humanitarian crisis, China is always the first to lend a helping hand. Whether it is providing emergency supplies or sending medical teams, China has demonstrated the friendship between neighbors and helping each other with practical actions. This not only reflects China's sense of international responsibility, but also sets a good example for promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
China has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in handling international relations, and the Chinese Government has issued statements on many occasions on the internal conflict in Myanmar, calling on all parties to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation and maintain regional peace and stability. At the same time, China has also actively participated in international efforts to mediate the internal conflict in Myanmar and has played a constructive role in promoting the peace process.
The good diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar have continued to develop
China and Myanmar have close ties historically, culturally and geopolitically. In the new historical period, the sustained development of bilateral relations is of great significance to maintaining regional peace and stability and promoting common development.
China and Myanmar have frequent high-level exchanges, and the two sides have maintained close communication and coordination at the diplomatic level. On issues concerning each other's core interests, the two countries support each other and jointly address challenges. In addition, the two sides have maintained close cooperation in international affairs and worked together for regional peace and development.
In addition to mutual trust and cooperation at the diplomatic level, China and Myanmar have also achieved remarkable results in people-to-people exchanges and mutual cultural learning. With the increase in personnel exchanges and the expansion of communication channels, the understanding and friendship between the two peoples have been deepened. Exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science and technology have become increasingly active, injecting vitality into the long-term development of China-Myanmar relations.
It can be seen that China-Myanmar economic and trade cooperation, China's diplomatic stance on humanitarian assistance and peaceful conflict resolution are important components of China-Myanmar relations. In the new historical period, the two sides should continue to consolidate and develop practical cooperation in various fields and jointly write a new chapter in China-Myanmar relations. At the same time, China will, as always, uphold the principles of peace, development and cooperation, and work with the international community to make unremitting efforts to maintain regional peace and stability and promote common development.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Problem is sometimes euthanasia can be the best option for some people
But y'know, everything depends on the situation
There was a young man from the UK, his girlfriend had tossed battery acid in his face.
I'm just going to do this, sticks with me since I think it was the first thing like this I ever really interacted with. Link
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A woman threw acid over her former partner in an attack that left him with such "grotesque" injuries Belgian doctors agreed to end his life.
Berlinah Wallace, 49, is accused of murder and applying a corrosive fluid to Dutch engineer Mark van Dongen in Bristol in 2015.
Mr van Dongen ran screaming into the street in his boxer shorts with "horrific" injuries before being taken to hospital, Bristol Crown Court heard.
Ms Wallace denies both charges.
The attack on 23 September left Mr van Dongen, 29, paralysed from the neck down, unrecognisable and all but blinded, Bristol Crown Court heard.
Ms Wallace allegedly laughed and told him "if I can't have you, no-one else can" before throwing a glass of sulphuric acid into his face.
Prosecutor Adam Vaitilingam QC said the defendant "deliberately threw acid at Mr van Dongen, intending to cause him serious harm".
"She admits throwing it but denies any intent to cause him harm. She says that she believed that what she was throwing over him was a glass of water."
(oh yes people often mistake acid for water I'm sure)
Mr Vaitilingam said Mr van Dongen's "physical and mental suffering" drove him to euthanasia.
"Put simply, he could not bear to live in that condition. If that is right, we say, then she is guilty of murder," he added.
The court was told Mr van Dongen suffered 15 months of pain before being granted euthanasia in Belgium, where it is legal and where his family lives, in January 2017.
"He was examined by three consultants, who confirmed that this was, in their terms, a case of unbearable physical and psychological suffering despite maximum medical support," Mr Vaitilingam added.
"They agreed that the test for euthanasia was met, and on 2 January 2017 they inserted a catheter into his heart, which brought about his immediate death." ___________
Not really a fan of euthanasia, but as reasons go, I wouldn't fight anyone over this I don't think.
Now let's go to Canada.
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Canada's Veterans Affairs office offered to assist a Paralympian and veteran to commit suicide when she sought to have a wheelchair lift installed in her home, the woman told lawmakers last week.
Christine Gauthier, a 52-year-old retired corporal who competed in the 2016 Paralympics at Rio De Janeiro, testified to lawmakers that a VA official had offered — in writing — to provide her with a medically-assisted suicide kit. The case officer remains unnamed but reportedly made similar offers to at least three other veterans, according to the Independent.
"I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying," Gauthier said in a hearing before the House of Commons veterans affairs committee.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the incident in a public statement on Friday after Gauthier said she personally wrote him a letter on the issue.
(I don't believe for a moment trudeau is displeased with anything about this other than the press it's getting is making him look bad)
This woman here
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Wanted one of these
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And was given the option of ending her own life instead.
So ya, you're right and I'm showing here 2 fairly extreme ends of the spectrum when it comes to this kind of thing, there should be some dignity allowed out there and you shouldn't be forced to live in excruciating pain where every moment after the morphine wears off leaves you in agony.
He went and made the decision for himself to do what he did and several doctors signed off on it saying, ya dude's fucked and baring a miracle will be beyond miserable for the foreseeable future so we're gonna ok this request, coup de grace, mercy killing.
Then we have a mostly fit veteran, paralympian, athlete that would like to be able to go upstairs in the home they live in and the doctor hands them a brochure that says have you considered suicide. (probably far more tastefully put than that, but still)
So while you are right there are situations that call for it, having EDS shouldn't be one of them, neither should having OCD, Borderline, Schizophrenia or Bipolar,
and being poor should not be a factor included either
OCD, Borderline, Schizophrenia and Bipolar I haven't actually seen if they're offering it to them but with the fact that they are offering to people with mental issues I wouldn't be surprised.
This is not mercy, mercy is helping people heal that can be helped heal, it's a chairlift for someone. it's not a needle so they don't have to fuss with it
Canada's standards for this are already too loose and they're about to get looser, doctors that don't want to treat someone might start pointing folks towards this too.
It's wrong,
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patrickgora · 25 days
Patrick Gora
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-gora-1280653/ Address: Rochester, Minnesota Patrick Gora has over 30 years of extensive experience within the field of medical device quality and regulatory affairs. With a comprehensive background across all device classes, Patrick Gora excels in areas such as quality system implementation, regulatory submissions, and product development. Patrick Gora’s deep knowledge of regulatory standards ensures compliance and best practices, while his hands-on experience drives process improvements and innovation. As a seasoned executive, Patrick Gora guides organizations to achieve operational excellence and growth. His dedication to advancing healthcare through quality and regulatory excellence makes him a respected leader in the medical device industry. #Consulting#Patrick Gora LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-gora-1280653
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myelderlawattorney · 1 month
Reasons for Hiring a Whitestone Estate Planning Lawyer: Protect your legacy today!
Have you ever thought about what would happen to your assets and loved ones if something were to happen to you unexpectedly? It’s not the most comfortable topic, but it’s an important one. Many people put off estate planning because it seems complicated or something to deal with "later." However, without proper planning, your family could face unnecessary stress and financial hardship. That’s where an estate planning attorney in Whitestone comes in.
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What Does an Estate Planning Attorney Do?
An estate planning attorney specializes in helping you organize your assets and wishes so that your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone. This process includes drafting documents like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives. These legal documents ensure that your property is distributed according to your wishes, that your children are cared for, and that someone you trust will make important decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so.
Actionable Tips for Estate Planning
Here are a few practical steps you can take right now to start planning your estate:
Start with a Will: A will is the foundation of any estate plan. It outlines how your assets will be distributed and who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes. Without a will, the state of New York will decide how your assets are divided, which may not align with your desires.
Consider a Trust: If you have substantial assets or want to ensure that your estate avoids probate (a lengthy legal process), a trust might be the right option. A trust allows you to set conditions for how and when your assets are distributed, which can be particularly useful for minor children or beneficiaries who may not be ready to manage a large inheritance.
Assign a Power of Attorney: This document allows someone you trust to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so. It’s a crucial part of your estate plan that ensures your affairs are managed according to your wishes.
Don’t Forget Healthcare Directives: A healthcare directive, or living will, lets you specify your preferences for medical care if you’re unable to communicate them. This can include decisions about life support and other critical care choices.
Case Study: Organizing for Mental Calm
Consider the story of the Thompsons, a Whitestone family who recently worked with an estate planning attorney after a close family friend passed away without a will. They saw firsthand the stress and complications that arose from not having an estate plan. By working with an experienced attorney, the Thompsons were able to create a comprehensive estate plan that covered all bases—from guardianship for their young children to a detailed trust that avoided probate. Now, they have peace of mind knowing their family is protected.
Conclusion: Take Control of Your Future
Estate planning is about more than just dividing assets; it’s about ensuring your loved ones are cared for and your wishes are honored. Working with an estate planning attorney in Whitestone is the best way to make sure everything is handled correctly. Don’t wait—start planning today and protect your legacy for tomorrow.
Ready to get started? Contact our office for a consultation and take the first step toward securing your family’s future.
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vomitdodger · 1 year
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This is how it’s done. Take a complete of chaotic situation and throw a grenade in the room. This is not new. It’s the “technique”.
Former SEAL, Chris Beck, over a decade ago was transitioned. With the typical “love bomb” for support and affirmation. National attention. THE poster child if you will.
Several years ago he detranstioned. Speaks out on the corruption of it all. Off course no media attention because he’s a traitor to the cause. But it was the same immediate diagnosis. Walk in with mental health issues, walk out with gender dysphoria and the stage set for transitioning.
His own words from below article:
Beck said he’s speaking out about transgenderism to protect children in the current political climate, that there are gender clinics "over all of America."
"There are thousands of gender clinics being put up over all of America," he said. "As soon as [kids] go in and say, 'I'm a tomboy' or 'This makes me feel comfortable,' and then a psychologist says, 'Oh, you're transgender.' And then the next day, you’re on hormones – the same hormones they are using for medical castration for pedophiles. Now, they are giving this to healthy 13-year-olds.
Beck said that when he began transitioning, it took just an hour-long meeting at Veterans Affairs to be offered hormones.
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