#medical steddie au
xenon-demon · 1 year
med student steve and nurse eddie who is sick of his shit please <3 from wip wednesday i know it's not wednesday anymore but plz
yessssss i love this AU so much because it's just me projecting onto steve and daydreaming about Eddie Munson, Certified Hot Nurse™
also don't worry i have very little free time and am also australian so for me, WIP wednesday is a state of mind, not an actual time frame lmao
Snippet for you under the cut!
Shaking off the black cloud currently hanging over him, Steve finally lays eyes on the person trying to get his attention. A nurse is leaning over the desk of the nurse’s station a few meters away to look straight at Steve, and– wow, okay. Steve knows damn well what his type is, the kind of person and style he goes weak in the knees for, but this guy is aggressively punching every single one of Steve’s buttons. He’s got dark, curly hair that’s done up in a bun, some small strands of hair hanging out to frame the guy’s face. It gives Steve an eyeful of the guy’s killer jawline and the jewellery glinting in his ears – studs, of course, they are on the job, but at a glance Steve can see at least a couple in each ear. The guy’s arms are spread out on the desk in front of him, and Steve can feel his brain freeze at the sight of dark ink poking out from under the guy’s scrubs. He forces himself to look up and away from those (tempting, deliciously tempting) arms and into the nurse’s face – and okay, that’s not much better. The way this guy is looking at him, big brown eyes locked onto Steve’s face, he feels like he’s getting sucked in.
“Sorry?” Steve says, taking a moment to blink and regain his composure. He hopes to God he doesn’t look as flustered and distressed as he feels. “Are you talking to me?”
“Yup,” the nurse says, popping the p. He gestures at the sample bag Steve’s holding, with a few different vials and one syringe of blood inside, as he continues. The smile he gives Steve is almost apologetic as he says, “Pathology isn’t going to take those bloods from you, sweetheart. Not like that, at least.”
“Excuse me?” Steve instinctively bristles at the pet name, the way it just drips off this guy’s tongue. Just like that, the black cloud is back. He crosses the distance over to the nurse’s desk. “What’s wrong with them? They’ve all been labelled properly, and signed.”
“Well…” The nurse says, drawing out the word. Steve feels himself start to frown, just the tiniest bit. “You left the needle on your blood gas.” With a couple of fingers, the nurse points to the offending syringe in Steve’s sample bag. Sure enough, the needle is still attached to the syringe full of blood, the sharp end embedded in a small piece of foam.
Steve frowns even deeper. “My intern told me it’s fine like this.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me.” The guy grins and rolls his eyes before giving Steve a ‘what can you do’ kind of expression. “It’s a common mistake to make, actually, since they don’t really explain this stuff officially, but-”
“Listen,” Steve interrupts, gritting out the word between his teeth. He’s sure this nurse, whoever he is, has more important things to do than patronize him. Steve sure as fuck isn’t going to stand here and be made fun of while this guy takes his sweet-ass time to get to his point. “I’m pretty sure my intern knows what they’re talking about, seeing as they’re, you know, a doctor. If you really want to be helpful”–Steve’s eyes flick down to read the nurse’s name badge–“Eddie, then you can point me in the direction of the specimen drop-off.”
Eddie actually rears back at that, straightening up and pulling his arms back so he’s holding on to the very edge of the desk instead of casually leaning over the top of it. If Steve were having a better day, he might feel bad about it. As it is, all Steve feels is a sick sense of satisfaction at the way Eddie’s face has shuttered off, his eyes no longer shining the way they were a moment ago.
“It’s that way,” Eddie says bluntly, pointing back in the direction Steve came. His voice has lost all the character, the theatricality that he spoke with a minute ago. “Turn left once you step out of this ward and follow that hallway straight down.”
“Thanks,” Steve says, trying very hard not to feel like an asshole. He almost succeeds.
Eddie just grunts in acknowledgement. He gives Steve a quick once-over and says, “Good talk,” in a tone that clearly states it was anything but.
As he strides off towards the specimen drop-off, Steve can’t help but agree.
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wheneverfeasible · 2 months
Because I’m terrible and the plots won’t leave me alone, I’ve now got an idea based on this post about a demon who feasts on pain and suffering being a medical practitioner for the chronically and terminally ill and the patients fully loving it. And then my brain rot had to say “make it Steddie” because I’ve lost all control of my life.
cw: terminal illness, minor and major character death (with a happy ending tho)
But imagine it. Eddie is a demon, a low ranking one at that originally. He gets a job at a medical facility for the chronically/terminally ill. Over time at the happy and consensual feasting he really does become one of the strongest demons because he’s constantly fed to the brim and he even has human worshippers, not that they’re traditional worshippers.
No, his followers are little old senior citizens who slip him butterscotch candies and other sweets they’re not supposed to have, which technically count as offerings. They thank him for his work, because he does actually take care of their bodies as well and even listens to their life stories, which count as praise and worship. They love and are devoted to him and they bring in their friends and family who are suffering too and Eddie’s accidental cult grows.
One day, things change. A young man, an anomaly in his youth, is brought in by parents who no longer wish to be burdened by their disabled son. Steve just shrugs it off and moves in with a smile, seemingly fine with being abandoned by his parents because he dared to be anything other than perfectly healthy.
He puts around the facility in his terry cloth robe and slippers on some days, others he dresses up in polos and slacks or even jeans when he’s feeling more casual, and always with a smile on his face. He makes those around him smile and laugh too, and his cheeks get pinched and he’s slipped candies too and he listens to others’ stories and he seems happy and content.
But Eddie feeds on his pain and suffering all the same, knows that behind that smile is a young boy who was told he probably wouldn’t live to see 30, who listens to the older folks knowing he would never get to live a life like that. Eddie knows that sometimes Steve cries himself to sleep at night.
Over time, Eddie and Steve grow closer. Steve hadn’t believed that Eddie was a demon at first, had thought it all just a joke, until one night Mr. Wozniak was laying in his bed, and Steve hadn’t meant to overhear, but he was passing by and the door was cracked open.
“Will I go to Hell now?” Mr. Wozniak was asking, but he seems peaceful all the same, like the thought wasn’t the terrifying ordeal so many people thought it was.
“No, sweetheart,” Eddie was saying, but his voice sounds a little off, huskier, like…like brimstone sat in his throat. “I’ve never claimed your soul. It’s still your own. Go find Irena. She’s been waiting for you for too long.”
Irena, Steve knew from speaking with Mr. Wozniak, was his young wife who had died decades earlier.
“Will I get to see you again?”
Eddie’s long fingers reach out, his nails long and sharp, dark in a way that was not nail polish. He lightly and gently strokes the papery skin of Mr. Wozniak’s cheek. “You will be at peace. You will find the afterlife is so much more than this Good-vs-Evil rhetoric so popular in this plane of existence. Go in peace, my child, and should you wish it, perhaps one day we might meet again.”
Mr. Wozniak smiles at that, and he closes his eyes with a softly whispered, “Irena, I’m coming…”
A moment later, he was gone.
Steve watches as Eddie seems to grow smaller, appear more normal, and though he knows he should be terrified, he isn’t. Instead he continues on his way, letting the knowledge of more percolate in his brain, though by the next morning when news of Mr. Wozniak’s passing spreads and Eddie assures everyone that he passed away peacefully and in no pain, Steve knows Eddie speaks the truth and he realizes that nothing has changed. Eddie is still Eddie.
They continue to grow closer. He spends more time with Eddie, lets Eddie in fully on how much he hurts, and tells the demon that he wished things had been different and that they could have met under better circumstances.
Eddie tells him that he never enjoyed the taste of regret. It was far too bitter.
They fall in love, encouraged by their friends in the facility new and old, who don’t seem to care that he is a mortal with a short life expectancy and Eddie is an immortal demon lord. What is all that in the face of true love?
And then it happens, and Steve is the one lying in bed, knowing his time has come. He smiles up at Eddie and decides not to regret any of it, not wanting their final moments to be flavored with bitterness.
“Stevie,” Eddie whispers mournfully, and he’s beautiful. It’s not his full true form, but his eyes are a dark blood red, his teeth elongated into sharp fangs, and his pale skin veined with reds and blacks. Horns curl out from his curly hair.
“You said once that I get to be with my loved ones after this,” Steve says, still smiling, and he reaches up to cup Eddie’s jaw with a weakened hand. Eddie nods against him, and Steve wonders if all demons can cry, or if it’s just his. “Then take my soul, darling. It already belongs to you.”
Eddie flinches back, like Steve knew he would, because souls are not little things. Eddie had explained before, after everything, that he didn’t even actually deal in souls, that that wasn’t the sort of demon he was. Steve had asked if he could, on a technicality, and Eddie had paused because saying yes, any demon could, but souls were priceless. When you gave one up to a demon, you gave up everything. You would be theirs until the end of days. Eddie had said he wasn’t that sort of demon.
“Baby, no,” Eddie breathes now, shaking his head gently enough not to dislodge Steve’s hand. “You would be—”
“Yours,” Steve interrupts. “But I already am. You already own my heart. I now willingly give you my soul. All you have to do is accept it.”
And Eddie protests, at first, because Steve is giving him complete control over him for eternity. Steve gives it freely with open arms, and in the end, Eddie can do nothing but accept it. He tells Steve that he doesn’t know if demons have souls or not, but his belongs to Steve just as assuredly as his own heart does.
Steve’s final mortal breath is gifted into Eddie’s crimson mouth, full of peace and love and the understanding that this thing between them will always beat eternal.
It turns out that, whether it was still unknown if all demons had souls, Eddie was the sort that does.
And it also turns out that, when you’re gifted a demon lord’s soul, you become a demon too.
Eddie’s cult ends soon after, disbanded into non-existence. In its place, however, rises a new one that worships not just one demon caretaker, but two as Eddie is soon joined by another with floppy brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that for once smiles without hidden pain. They take care of their charges, gently coax them into eternal rest when it’s their time, and together prove that true love is forever.
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disjointed-art · 10 months
A fictional scientific pamphlet on the pathology of Hanahaki disease in Catch my Breath
Tw: medical anatomical imagery and medical problems
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I’m in my mysterious flesh pit era and making pamphlets for fictional science topics lol
Did I write up a whole ass fake history? Yes yes I did
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findafight · 1 year
Tw for hospitals and use of of pain medication, infection, and canonical injuries, brief mention of the AIDS crisis. Ohhhh steddie dating pre S4 au where Robin has now been subjected at work to Steve both striking out spectacularly and flirting like he knows he's getting laid that night. She isn't sure which is worse. (The striking out is worse. She is glad her friend is happy. She's just painfully single and pining away)
The same stuff happens in s4 minus Robin and Eddie pushing Steve and Nancy together romantically (Dustin is trying to push Steve to both Robin or Nancy he's like dude these are girls you like why are you not making a move on them! I want you to be happy!!! And Steve rips his eyes away from Eddie's lips like huh?) But they're still like hey Nancy! It would be nice! If we could be friends maybe! And it's still awkward.
Robin is out here sweating and glaring at Steve and eddie trying to beam thoughts into Eddie's brain in the Upside Down like Eddie please cool it I know it's a stressful situation but stop staring at Steve's tits for five minutes pl-oh giving him your vest??? You think that's going to help? Ok buddy. I'm just going to. Distract Nancy up ahead a little bit while you and Steve chat aaaaand neither of you are listening. Fine.
And it's still a mess. Max and Eddie and Steve end up in the hospital. The ground split open but sealed itself once Steve cut Henry's head off. Everything is over.
Eddie gets discharged first, despite having more bites than Steve, because his didn't have two days to get infected with Upside Down nastiness. So he ends up camped out with Robin at Steve's bedside as he fights the infection with antibiotics (the doctors hope will work), pain meds, and a slight fever.
Which is to say, completely out of it and high as a kite.
So when Dustin visits and Steve is awake, he gets to see a big, goofy grin spread across his best friend's/adoptive older brother's face as he reaches out and says "dusssstyyyy! Cmere. Lemme. Boop you." And yeah, okay, it makes him feel a bit like a baby but Steve is out of it and apparently drugged Steve likes to Boop his younger friends noses. Dustin can accept that. He sighs and leans forward and allows his nose to be booped.
Steve giggles and smiles and pats his head. "Good to see you, man"
Dustin smiles, a bit watery because it's hard to see Steve in the hospital again, and because it was fucking terrifying to watch him nearly drop to the ground after making sure Eddie got treatment, only being caught by Robin. Dustin almost lost three people he loves, and he is so fucking glad they're all alive, if not well.
"yeah, Steve. Good to see you, too. They say when you're allowed to blow this pop stand?"
Steve frons. "No. Still got Upside Down goobies in my guts, 'parently."
Robin sighs. "They said a few more days. Make sure the infection is clear and there's no suspicious side effects."
"yeah. That's what I said, Robin."
Dustin grins, then settles down beside Robin, across from Eddie. He hasn't said anything since Dustin walked in, but was playing with the sleeve of Steve's hospital gown and tracing patterns on his arm. He looks up at Dustin, and offers a small smile.
It's a bit weird, how close he's stuck by Steve this whole time, but Dustin guesses they probably bonded when they got sucked through the watergate, and that Steve saving his life really endeared him to Eddie. He hopes they can be actual, real friends once things settle. Given how much Eddie is at Steve's bedside, he thinks they're well on their way to it.
They all chat for a while, Steve sometimes getting off topic and dreamy, but looking happy even when he isn't quite following what they're all saying. Dustin is pretty sure Steve doesn't have his hearing aids in on top of the drugs, so he isn't really surprised.
His mom eventually bustles into the room, and fusses over Steve. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Let me know if we can do anything, I mean anything, to help, okay? I'm sorry I cant visit for longer today, but what with everything happening like this, I -"
"isss okay, Mrs. H...Ma." Steve corrects himself immediately, smiling. Dustin's insides always get a bit squiggly when Steve calls his Ma, Ma. Like they're actual brothers, and she's their mom, and no one could ever argue they're not family for real. What makes it better that it was Ma who insisted Steve call her that since January of '85, as though she knew just how much both Dustin and Steve needed each other like that.
"I'll be by tomorrow, okay, dear? Robin, you and Eddie are alright for tonight? I'll stay tomorrow but today I re-"
"it's fine! Seriously, Mrs. H. Don't worry about us. My parents will force me home tomorrow anyways, but tonight we're good." Robin grips at Steve's ankle, grounding herself. Dustin doesn't think there's been a day when she hasn't been in Steve's room. Doubts if the places were reversed Steve wouldn't have to be dragged out to shower and change clothes. They're so weird, but Dustin is glad Steve has someone older that loves him like Robin does. It makes it easier to not be able to spend all day with him like he wants to.
"okay. Alright." She leans forward and kisses Steve's forehead a few times, brushes some stray hairs out of his face, just like she does when Dustin is sick in bed. "You take care Steve, sweetheart, and make sure you let Robin and Eddie take care of you too." She turns to Dustin. "I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye and then meet me down at the car, okay?"
Dustin nods, and his mom is out the door. He sighs. "Well. I guess I'd better head out." He gives Steve a hug, a bit awkward from Steve lying down, but it's fine, Steve wraps his arms around Dustin and tries to give him his normal double squeeze, but it's more of a press with his hands than anything. Dustin'll take it. "I'm glad you're getting better Steve. Glad we're all safe."
Steve's smile is soft, gooey in a way that he usually tries to hide. "Glad you're safe, too, man. Love you." Something in his smile sharpens, then. "Unlike some people in this room you actually...listened? When I told you not to be a hero. And didn't nearly almost die."
Eddie groans, dramatic. It seems like a game they're playing with each other more than anything, but it's a game Dustin doesn't know the parameters of, and it's jarring. "C'mon, Steve. I said I was sorry! I wasn't going to let Dustin get hurt."
Steve glares at Eddie, which would be more intimidating if he wasn't scrutching up his nose or propped up by pillows freshly fluffed by one Claudia Henderson. "Which is the reason why you're allowed in here even though you almost died. Dustin is safe, and that's good. But I'd've been so fuckin pissed if you died."
Robin snorts, pats Steve's hand. "Oh, buddy. You'd have been inconsolable."
"yeah. Exactly. it would have fucking sucked, Eddie. So. I'm still mad at you, even though I love you. Probably because I love you."
Which is. Not what Dustin was expecting. Sure, Steve was pretty open about his love. Especially after Starcourt, when he finally seemed to settle into something Dustin thinks of as comfortable with who he is. (Which is, actually, a big softie with a bit of a bitchy mouth) He's told Dustin he loves him before, and he's pretty sure he's told Max too. Steve says he loves Robin all the time, just not romantically even if Dustin doesn't think that's entirely true, but.
This feels different.
It is different, given the way Eddie squeaks a bit and sways towards Steve. "Steve..." He breathes, his eyes big and wet and wide. He swallows. "Steve. Dustin doesn't. He's still here, i--"
Steve's brow furrows. "Yeah? So? Did you not want...oh." something in the blankness that drops over Steve is scary, especially in comparison to how Steve's been open and lax the entire time Dustin's been in the room.
Steve turns his head slightly towards Eddie, ten slightly away, like he doesn't know if he wants to look at him or not. Dustin shuffles his feet, not quite sure what's going on, feeling awkward and wrongfooted. Robin stands, puts her hand on Dustin's shoulder, tries to turn him away and out the door, but Dustin isn't leaving when Steve's face is all stiff and blank like it is.
"steve--" Eddie sounds wrung out, wrecked. What the hell is going on?
Steve sniffs ever so slightly, interrupting Eddie. "You don't have to say it. You don't even have to-uh. To feel it, right now. That's okay. I've done that before. I can wait." Dustin sees a muscle twitch in his jaw. "But if you- if you don't think you can, I need to know now, actually. Because now Dustin knows but he's my brother so that's good and fine but if you don't want to--if you don't think this is gonna, like, be a long-term, tell people important to us kind of thing; if you're realizing that it's been long enough that you should feel that--that way about me but you don't, then I need to know because I don't want you lying about how you feel. I can't do that again. When you say it back I want to be sure you mean-"
"I love you too, Steve! Jesus fuck." Eddie blurts, apparently having had enough of. Well. Everything Steve was saying.
It's dawning on Dustin that maybe when Steve and Eddie said they knew each other they didn't just mean from highschool. That they. Well. Obviously they love each other. Which is....something to consider later because Steve looks like he's about to cry. Because Woah, Dustin has misread a lot between the two of them if they're...like this.
"yeah? You're sure?" He says, wobbly now he isn't rambling.
Eddie's squished himself more into Steve's space. "yes, yeah, of course Steve. Fuck. You met Wayne! I want you in my life, for a long, long time. I don't- I didn't do anything to make you think I didn't, did I?" His voice is a little rough, and little pleading.
Steve shakes his head, grips Eddie's hand in his m, even as Eddie uses it to support himself over top Steve. "No. I just. I know it freaks people out, is all, and I don't want you to freak out, or leave, or think you had to because we've been dating for a few months and I want to say it. It just came out because it's true."
Eddie laughs, leans in reeealy close to Steve. "Honey. It came out because you're high and morphene."
Steve grumbles a bit, but he's smiling too, and knocks their foreheads together. "Yeah. And also because it's true. I love you."
Eddie's eyelids flutter, Dustin can see, as he grins. "And I love you." He says, before closing the distance and kissing Steve squarely on the mouth.
Robin clears her throat. "As...heartwarming and sappy you two are. Dustin has to leave, and probably...has some questions? That he's not going to be a dick about?" She says this as she grips his shoulder tightly, in a way that is definitely a threat.
Dustin nods furiously. Eddie sighs but pushes away from Steve, not before pecking him again, drawing that dopey smile back into Steve's face. "Yeah." He says. "I'll walk you out Henderson."
Dustin waves goodbye to Steve, who seems cheery once again, wiggling his fingers are Dustin and Eddie, before walking out the door behind Eddie.
"so. How long have...has that been a thing?" He asks, as soon as they clear the doorframe.
Eddie huffs, but seems good natured about it. "Few months. December."
"okay." Says Dustin. "Uh. I didn't. I didn't know you...or Steve, I guess...I didn't know you guys were-" he lowers his voice, despite the hallway being surprisingly empty. "Gay."
There's something steely in Eddie's eye when he answers. "We're not. Well-we are, but we both also like women."
Something doesn't sit right about that with Dustin. "But! You just said-"
Eddie holds his hands up, and Dustin shuts his mouth on instinct. "You can like both while just dating one person, Dustin. Just because you like women doesn't mean you're going around with girls who aren't Suzie, right?" He nods. He adores Suzie, can't really imagine looking at any other girl like that because she's just. Amazing. She's his girlfriend and they love each other, and just because girls are pretty great doesn't mean Dustin wants anything other than friendship wi--oh. He sees where Eddie is going.
"right. Yeah. Sorry."
Eddie shrugs. "Steve kinda dropped a bomb in both of us, today"
""isn't it weird though?"
"well...girls and guys are different"
"they are indeed."
"so, if you like girls, why do you like...boys...too?"
"why do you like girls and not boys, Dustin?"
Which is hard to answer because, well. Dustin's never really thought about why he likes girls. He just does. And maybe that's what Eddie means. There's no reason, really. People just...like what they like.
Or there are reasons, because girls are pretty and often smell nice and Suzie looks like a mad scientist when her ponytail gets a little loose after hours of working on a project, her eyes glinting behind her glasses as she giggles and bites her lip, just a little. But that's mostly Suzie. So. He can't really put a finger on why he's only ever had crushes on girls, or why before last summer they've never been as much or as consuming as his love for Suzie. Never been anything like the long days spent together at camp building and creating and blasting ideas off each other, before one day Suzie took his hand and they ended up sneaking away to look at the stars, trying to outdo each other's knowledge about them and slowly being pulled into the other's orbit like binary stars. He's never really wanted to kiss anyone like he wants to kiss Suzie, not even when he had a brief and fleeting crush on Max.
"oh." Is what he says, and feels pretty lame for it.
Eddie shrugs. "You can't really choose who you like." He says before breathing in. "But you do choose who you love, and how you love them."
And. Well. Dustin thinks of his Ma sweeping Steve up into family dinners every other week, and how the party absorbed Max into it as easy as anything, and holding Suzie's hand as they looked up at the stars in dew covered grass feeling like the world starts and ends there, and of Steve and Robin cackling together and having seemingly no personal space or boundaries between them. And of Steve and Eddie, saying I love you for the first time in a hospital room after saving the world.
"That's pretty good." Dustin says, and Eddie smirks at him.
"yeah. Steve said it to me, way back on our second date."
Dustin scoffs. Because he should have known; it's so typically Steve to say something like that. "And you were surprised when he said he loves you?"
Eddie's eyes twinkle in the florescent lights of the hospital. "Nah. Just... it's different being pretty sure, and knowing for sure. I also didn't want him saying something in front of you he'd regret."
He nods. "That's fair. I...don't know how I would've taken it if Steve weren't in the hospital, honestly. Like!" He tries to reassure Eddie "I would have gotten over it, for sure! But if had had sat me ore the party down and talked it out I might've been, like, y'know. Super weird about it. Because. I mean. This talk is good, right? I'm think about things and thinking about how I've only ever really wanted to kiss Suzie, even if I thought about maybe abstractly kissing other people. And how we as humans have all these quirks that let us be human, but different, which enable us as a species to thrive." He heaves a breath. "But. Seeing Steve all loopy and saying it, and then being worried you felt pressure about it, I dunno. It makes sense, I guess. I don't know how you two met or got to know each other, but. I guess it makes sense, how you like each other. And talking to you now. It's helped, I think."
Everything is a bit scrambled in Dustin's brain, the love and the confusion and the worry, because it's setting in that in Hawkins, something like this, for Steve and Eddie, is dangerous. Something that could get them hurt or killed, scorned by the town they've helped save.
His mother always grumbles agrily when ads about how the virus going around is God's punishment for sinners, or how it's cleaning up the streets of unwanted people gays and addicts. She huffs, swears. Says that just because bigots don't consider the people getting sick as wanted or valuable, doesn't mean no one does. That no one deserves to get sick for things they cannot control, or for things they can. A smoker is more likely to get lung cancer, but that doesn't mean they deserve it more than someone who's never seen a cigarette.
Their families will mourn them the same.
They reach the main doors, and Dustin sees his mom has pulled into a pick up lane, blinkers on. He turns to Eddie, and burries his face in his neck.
Eddie takes it in stride, parting his back and giving him a bit of a squeeze. It's not as good a hug as Steve gives, but that bar is only really surpassed by his mom, so it's still a good hug.
"please be careful, Eddie."
"ah," says Eddie, and he pulls back slightly. "We are, man. You're close to both of us and didn't suspect. We know what we're doing."
Dustin raised his eyebrows. Now that he has context, a lot of interactions between Steve and Eddie in the wake of getting them out of the Upside Down seem a lot less friendly.
Eddie chuckles. "Seriously. We are. It was just hard during everything, and, well, we both feel safe around you guys. I think Steve's been gearing up to ask me if we can tell all of you sheepies soon."
"yeah, bud. Don't worry about us."
"Considering you just got released and Steve is still in the hospital, I think a little worrying over you jackasses is justified."
Eddie smirks. "Fine. A normal and reasonable amount of worrying, then. But no more than that. Now, git! Your ma's waiting on you."
Dustin smiles, "yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
"yep. You know where to find me."
He waves again as he hopes into the front seat, and buckles his seatbelt before Ma can ask him to. He smiles at her, and feels oddly...grounded. a mystery has been solved, even if Dustin doesn't have all the pieces, he still has the big picture.
"everything alright, Dusty? Nothing wrong with Steve, is there?" She asks, even as she changes out of park.
"yeah, yeah. Just accidentally stumbled over something saying goodbye, and was worried about them. But everything is fine. Robin and Eddie have Steve handled."
They turn out of the hospital parking lot, heading for home. Ma smiles. It's softer, more indulgent than usual. "Yes. They're good for each other, I think. Compliment one another nicely."
Dustin doesn't bother asking which set she's talking about, thinks maybe they both know.
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nerdygingergremlin · 2 years
I'm supposed to be doing a training thing via zoom call and my boss is late. So y'all are gonna get this thing that's been in my brain for a while.
Pirate!Eddie who needs a medic for his crew except the best medic that he can find is Steve who comes with four kids who he adopted after each one attempted something on his person. (Max tried to stab him and Dustin tried to pick pocket. Erica succeeded on the pickpocket and Lucas was just the distraction.) Plus his twin sister Robin (who his not his actual sister but anyone who says that will get a feral medic).
Medic!Steve is a package deal and Eddie eventually accepts his terms.
Except they get hunted down by Nancy Wheeler's crew where the 3 children there are upset because Steve didn't take them too while Nancy and Jonathan would have just appreciated a heads up so that their siblings don't wreak havoc in port again.
At some point, they come to some sort of alliance and a shovel talk gets squeezed in somewhere when one of them realizes he has less than platonic feelings for Steve. Barb, Robin, Steve, and Argyle meanwhile are chilling on the deck and being bitchy about the latest attempts from the Navy to find their crews.
Only for Steve to drop a figurative bomb a la "You'd think my father would have realized I do not want to come home when he hasn't been able to find me in the last 3 years."
And that's how Eddie and the Hellfire crew find out that their slightly bitchy medic is in fact the missing Prince.
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slowandsteddie · 6 months
Lazy Petals
Okay. This work is NOT completed. I cannot guarantee an update schedule because only the first chapter is completed. However, I DO have everything plotted out (assuming it doesn’t get a mind of its own) and the goal is to be 50k+ words.
This story is very personal to me. I’ve taken my grandparents love/live story and made it Steddie. The characters are going to be OOC. Just letting you know right off the bat in case that is something you aren’t interested in. Also, this is a No Upsidedown AU.
My grandparents were immediately obsessed with each other, but didn’t date until after they had graduated high school. Which means that while this isn’t a slow burn, it is going to be slower than the stuff I usually write.
I don’t want to give too, too much stuff away. There there is a post where I described the main highlights and asked your opinion on reading it. There is also a poll where I asked if I should start posting before it was finished, and I got a pretty definite yes.
I saved the divider that I plan on using for this series back when I first started talking about it. I have since lost my note that told me whom to give credit to. If you know who made it (or know how to find that information on mobile!!) please let me know.
I think that’s enough of a preamble. Without further ado, here be the CW’s and the first 3,489 words.
Content Warnings: Steve was hit by a car and in a full body cast for over a year - he makes a bowling joke about it, his parents are very distant, his grandparents got very distant after his injury and he doesn’t understand why, Wayne is very careful while babysitting to make sure that no one can accuse him of being inappropriate, mentions of his mom overmedicating him so he’s easier to deal with, mentions of how weak he got from being in the cast. And as always, let me know if I missed anything.
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Steve didn’t remember much about that night.
His mother said that it was a blessing and refused to fill in any blanks for him under any circumstances.
His father, however, if he had drunk enough whiskey, would look at the six year old Steve as though he were a much older man and sigh before telling him anything he wanted to know.
Which meant that Steve knew that the car that hit him swerved in order to do so. (He didn’t know if the lady in the little blue car did it on purpose, or if she was a distracted driver. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know that.) He knew that she had to have been going over forty miles per hour because the impact sent him flying at least a dozen feet before he slammed into that bus stop. He knew that the driver kept going and that at least half a dozen people ran to his aid and that one of the women had screamed because he was unconscious and she was so certain that he was dead. His little body was so broken and bloody and they couldn’t see him breathe.
He also knew that his father got to his hospital room before his mother, sweat pouring down the older male’s body as though he had showered in his clothes because he had run there from work. His mother showed up over twenty minutes later, all put together like she had taken the time to clean herself up before appearing. Something his father wasn’t sure if he could forgive her for. (This was one of the few times that his father would express just how much that he loved Steve, and he would carry that warmth with him forever.)
He knew that they had to revive him four times, that they had done twelve surgeries, that they had put him in a full body cast because nearly every bone in his body had been broken, including parts of his spine. He knew that his parents had been told that he would likely never walk again. He knew that a specialist had pulled his father aside to inform him that his brain wouldn’t develop normally after all of the trauma that it had been through after being smacked around in his skull. They’d have to be careful, and that they’d have to understand if he never progressed much past the age that he was now. That he could be in his fifties and still acting five and that there was nothing that could be done beyond what they had already done – remove a small part of bone behind his ear to help relieve the pressure and pray for the best while preparing for the worst.
And, while he couldn’t remember the absolute agony that he must have been in. He did have the descriptions that he used to tell his father. That there was lava in his veins and his bones were shards of ice cold glass threatening to tear him apart completely. His father had only told him that part once, with tears in his eyes. “There wasn’t anything I could do to help you, boy. I couldn’t take the pain away. I would have died to save you even a fraction of that.”
That was one of the few times that he could remember his dad hugging him. He had been so careful and gentle while pressing his face into his hair. He inhaled deeply and he cried. And Steve had done his best to hug him back despite the plaster that made it near-impossible to move his arms at all.
At first, Steve had thought that it was really cool to be stuck in bed all the time. He didn’t have to do anything. That got boring within a week and he still had at least a year ahead of him where he was meant to stay in bed unless he was in the bathroom or at a doctor’s appointment.
Even eating in bed, something that had once been unacceptable and even punishable before, lost its novelty pretty quickly.
He liked having his mom read him notes from the teacher and his classmates. He liked her reading him his homework assignments and writing down his answers for him so that he would still be on track. It made him feel like an important man, like his dad was going to be, with a secretary.
The thing is, though, that he really missed going outside. He missed playing in the woods outside of the trailer park where he lived. He missed going to his grandparents house with the pool and the stairs that he’d probably never be able to walk again. He could climb them, though, after the cast was removed. He was pretty sure. He might not have a lot of muscle left at that point, but that would just mean that he was lighter and had less to have to move anyway.
When Steve brought that up to his mother, her lips would turn into a very tight, thin line and something he couldn’t name would flash in her eyes. “You are not going to go to that house any time soon, young man. It’s best to let those ideas go.”
“But I miss Grandma Marty and Grandpa Pete, and they won’t come here,” he whined.
“The Harrington’s won’t come to the trailer park and you know that.”
“We’re Harrington’s too,” he’d say defiantly.
She’d leave the room at that. Effectively ending an argument that they had had multiple times before. But what else did Steve have to talk about? He didn’t really have anyone else to talk to either, other than their neighbor that he had taken to calling Mister Wayne.
Wayne was probably a few years older than his dad and lived alone in a trailer that had always seemed so lively despite the quiet man who lived in it. He always had the tv or the radio on when he was home and Steve lived for that. Because his window was always cracked open for the breeze, which meant the sound could drift to him as well.
It was better than the quiet of his house that only seemed to get broken up with arguments and slamming doors. He was so used to it, but he still flinched every time and did his best to pull the blanket over his head as though that would muffle the sounds.
Sometimes, Wayne would come to his window and read him a book that his own nephew liked. The Hobbit. Steve fell in love with the adventure of it, and Wayne never seemed to mind reading him the same book over and over, a few pages at a time while he smoked.
More often than not, Wayne was the one who came over to babysit once he noticed that Steve had been left alone. He never once complained about it, never once gave someone else the chance despite all the ladies who would come over with food. And wine for his mom, when they could spare it.
Sometimes, Wayne would talk about his nephew. He was a scrawny kid, a few years older than Steve, named Eddie. Had a dark mop of long curly hair, and eyes that always seemed to have mischief in them. They’d like each other, Wayne was pretty sure, and he’d introduce them the next time that Eddie came to visit.
Steve would want to ask when that would be, but he never did. He had Mister Wayne and that was more than enough for him. His dad was staying later at the office, trying to prove that he deserved that promotion that would get them the hell out of the trailer park, without his parents' money. His mother was getting into yoga and book clubs, and Steve was being left alone a lot. Because, what kind of trouble could he get into when he was stuck in bed? Besides, the neighbors could hear if he shouted for anything and Wayne seemed very invested in making sure that he was okay.
Steve never knew why the older man made sure that his curtains were always wide open and that his light was on so that others could see that he was reading to him, or talking with him, from a chair that was always at least three feet away. Maybe it was so they would know he wasn’t alone? He wasn’t going to ask about it, not wanting to chance scaring away the one adult who never raised his voice at him, who never abandoned him when things got hard like his grandparents seemed to.
Months went by like this. His parents not being home, his grandparents not even calling about him, and Wayne doing his best to fill in the difference despite his own job. The other neighbors would come on occasion, but Steve was very sullen with them where he would laugh with Wayne. That didn’t deter them from coming over as he would have liked, and begrudgingly he found himself becoming friendly with a few of them.
It was the beginning of summer when Steve was finally able to get the casts removed. His father took him to the appointment, and he tried to not be disappointed that his mother wasn’t there at first. By the time he was wheeled out to the front of the office, though, his mother was sitting where his father had been.
He did his best to not look at himself. He was pale and scrawny and kind of stinky from not being able to wash himself properly because of all the plaster that had basically covered him for over a year. Most of his bones had healed great, according to the doctor. He wouldn’t know because he still hadn’t looked.
His father came back from wherever he had been, paid the bill with tight lips, and then took Steve out to the car. His mother helped him into the seat before covering him with a blanket that he was grateful for. It wasn’t that he was cold, he just didn’t want the chance to look at himself yet. He wanted to do that when he was home, where if he broke down and cried, no one else would know. Or, he wouldn’t have to see them knowing in any case. And that was enough for him.
They stopped for ice cream on the way and Steve asked for a small strawberry cone. Strawberry wasn’t his favorite, but it was what Grandma Marty had all the time, and he missed her even though she didn’t acknowledge him anymore. Wouldn’t answer his calls, wouldn’t call him back. He didn’t even know if she got the letters that Wayne had helped him write.
When they got home, Wayne wasn’t home. Not for the first time, Steve found himself deeply upset by that. He’d never voice it. Adults had responsibilities outside of him. And he knew that he only got about an hour with Wayne a day, maybe two if he was incredibly lucky.
His father came to help him out of the car, because he had more muscle if Steve should happen to fall. He clung to his father’s arm with all the strength that could muster as he walked like a baby giraffe toward their trailer. Well, he called it walking. It was more like wiggling his lower spine and hips while throwing his legs forward. After maybe five steps like that, he found himself being lifted into his father’s impatient arms as he was carried the rest of the way in and sat on the couch.
“Thank you,” Steve said instead of complaining about not being able to use his legs. He had wanted to walk, to prove that he could.
His father simply grunted in response before going to the kitchen to grab a drink. The same way he always did when he was home for the night.
His mother was inside a few minutes behind them, having stopped to talk to a neighbor briefly. She looked at Steve on the couch and tilted her head at him with a calculating look in her eyes.
“Would you like a bath?”
“Yes, please.”
This time, Steve did get to walk on his own two feet to the destination. He was leaning heavily on the wall, almost gripping on to it with one hand as he practically threw himself forward. He was breathless by the time that he got to the bathroom and pain seemed to radiate out through his entire body, starting at his tail bone.
“You can have some meds after your bath,” his mother said gently. “And I’ll get you your refill before dinner, okay? So you don’t have to worry about running out.”
Steve didn’t think it was time to refill his medicine yet, but he didn’t question it. His mom was on top of it. He was a kid who lost track of time a lot.
He sat on the toilet and he watched his mom prepare the bath for him, knowing that she would only let him have the water a little above room temperature. His skin was sensitive and the steam wouldn’t be good for him with the medicine that he was taking. He couldn’t even have hot food without the steam making him nauseous.
Carefully, he was pulled back to his feet and stripped of his clothes before he was helped into the tub that seemed to be more bubble than water. He sat down carefully, wincing a bit as he did so, before letting himself lean back in the water that felt warmer than it probably was because of his weakened, cool skin.
He sighed in contentment as his mother washed his body for the first time in what seemed like years. He was nearing seven years old and thinking about years in the past, it would make his dad laugh if he shared that thought with him, an idea that made him smile.
His mom washed his hair, tilting his head back and using a hand to make sure that no soap got in his eyes that he had squeezed tight. He got to play in the bubbles for a few minutes, his dad standing at the door as his mom got him some comfy clothes and a towel.
It was his dad who dried him off and helped him get into his clothes.
“Thank you, Daddy,” he said softly. He knew he was expected to thank his dad for everything he did that was above and beyond, which meant he ended up thanking him for everything.
Steve was carried back to his bed, something that he would have whined about if he wasn’t so tired and in so much pain. He was tucked in and his mom came to give him some toast and juice to take his pills with. He knew he was only meant to have one, but he took both that his mother gave him anyway. He washed it away with grape juice and half of the slice of toast she had brought him.
“Thank you, Mommy,” he murmured.
“Get some rest, love,” she replied while kissing his forehead. “You had a big day today.”
Steve nodded in agreement, wishing that it could be that easy to just let the sleep overtake him. He closed his eyes as his mom left the room.
His father checked on him once a day, his mother gave him two pills instead of one, and made sure he at least had breakfast and dinner. One of the neighbors made sure he had lunch and new puzzles to work on, new toys to play with. Steve would wander around the trailer as best as he was able, and Wayne would read to him before he went to bed.
Days turned to weeks like that.
One day, Wayne wasn’t at work and both of Steve’s parents were gone. He wandered over to his bedroom window and opened it wide.
“Mister Wayne, if I can get to the front door, can you help me out?”
His walking was still unsteady and stairs were very difficult for him.
“Are your parents okay with you being outside?” Wayne asked sympathetically.
“Uh. Dad said I could as long as I either finished my puzzle or put it up first.”
Wayne gave him a knowing look. “Okay, you little hellion. But only because I know you’d hurt yourself trying to do it anyway.”
Steve beamed and closed his window most of the way before making his way to the front door. It was a struggle to unlock the door because of the latch chain, but he managed. Wayne was waiting there for him with an unlit cigarette hanging between his lips.
“Getting outside used to be easier,” he sighed before reaching out.
“Maybe it’s the weight of knowing that you’re doing something you shouldn’t be,” Wayne teased as he picked Steve up and set him back down on the ground.
“No idea what that means, but thank you for helping me pass the stairs.” Steve grinned widely, the dirt and grass squishing slightly beneath his toes. It felt so good.
“You’re welcome, brat.”
Steve giggled before doing his version of walking. He took maybe ten steps, very much aware of how closely he was being watched. His breath came a little harder from the effort, the times between walking so close together. Shakily, he sat down as carefully as he was able. Movement caught his attention and made his head snap up to look toward Wayne’s trailer.
“You gotta ghost!” He exclaimed.
Wayne laughed at that, shaking his head. “That’s the nephew I’ve been telling you about. He’s staying with me for awhile. Treat him like a skittish cat until he’s used to ya, and I’m sure y’all would be good friends.”
“Eddie,” Steve said happily. “Can he come out so I can meet him?”
“I’ll send him out after I smoke my cigarette,” he said as he put more distance between them before lighting up.
“Thank you!”
Steve laid down flat on the grass, spreading his arms and legs out as much as he could without the pain becoming unbearable. It wasn’t very far, but he didn’t care. He got to grip the green strands in his fingers. He got to feel the light and heat of the sun soaking into his skin and settling into his bones. He was beyond convinced that the bright yellow thing in the sky was much more healing than the meds that made him feel tingly from his head to his toes.
He must have fallen asleep like that, because next thing he knew he was being awoken by a toe nudging his shoulder. His eyes flashed open and he was met by the most dark, beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen.
“Uncle Wayne said you just got released from the mummy’s curse.”
“He said that?”
“Well. He said your name was Steve and you just got a full body cast removed a few weeks ago.”
“That sounds more like him.”
“So…What happened?”
“A lady tried to go bowling with me and her car. The only pin she knocked down was me.”
Eddie snorted. “Shoulda planted your feet more firmly, she woulda gotten a strike.”
Steve’s lips tugged into the widest smile that he had ever had on his face. “My parents don’t like it when I joke about it.”
“Parents are stupid.”
“Yeah. How long are you stayin’?”
“As long as I can.”
Steve hummed in thought. “You any good at reading out loud?”
“Depends. What book?”
“The Hobbit.”
Eddie’s entire face lit up, his huge smile showing off the chipped front tooth. “My favorite book in the entire world? Yeah, I’m pretty good at reading it out loud.”
“We should read to each other. I have troubles with some words, but I am trying.”
“I’d like having someone to read and play with.”
“Oh, uh. Playing is hard for me right now. I’m still trying to get my strength back.”
“It’s okay. We read The Hobbit, we gotta have a pretty good imagination. We can pretend to play.”
Steve blushed and looked away. He never had someone his own age willing to work around his limitations before.
“I heard about a game with dice where we can talk out stuff and the dice decide how well it goes,” Steve said suddenly.
“Dungeons and Dragons!” Eddie apparently decided that he was tired of standing because he flopped down next to him at that. He rolled around in the grass before eventually settling on his side, propping his head up on his hand. “I can find a way to make that work with just two people.”
“Turn that frown upside down, friend. I like a challenge. We’ll make this work because it sounds like fun.”
Steve beamed.
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Taglist (let me know if you want added or removed! I was just trying to get who I remembered to seem interested!):
@estrellami-1 @eriquin @epiclazershark @morganski-19 @ellaelsinore @y4r3luv @valinwonderland @thespaceantwhowrites @jackiemonroe5512 @spectrum-spectre @princessstevemunson @ghost--enthusiast @gothwifehotchner @kas-eddie-munson @auroraplume @salisbury-at-the-stake @currently-steddiebrainrot @finntheehumaneater @marshmellowpaint @littlewildflowerkitten @perseus-notjackson @sapphirecobalt-1 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @gloomysoup @anne-bennett-cosplayer
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marvel-ous-m · 2 years
*another installment of Modern Elementary School Steddie AU* *TWs: Hospital visit, medical scare*
It’s a rainy Friday in March when everything goes to shit. They’re coming up on Steve and Eddie’s 6 month anniversary, and Eddie’s using his lunch break to browse some potential weekend getaway spots. They can’t go too expensive- they’re both living off of a teacher’s salary after all, they can barely afford their living expenses, plus Valentine’s day just happened and they went a little overboard with a nice dinner- but Eddie had picked up a couple extra shifts at his old shop over the last few weekends while Steve was busy grading papers and lesson planning, so he had a little money set aside to treat Steve to something special. 
Eddie’s just about to press the ‘reserve’ button on an AirBnB in Chicago for the weekend when Mike Wheeler and Will Byers walk into his library holding hands. 
And Mike looks like he’s been crying. 
Eddie stands from his chair and circles his desk, crouching in front of the two boys. “Hey guys. You should be doing…” Eddie searches his brain for a moment, trying to remember Steve’s schedule for the kids. “Math problems right now, right? Does Mr. Steve know that you’re here?”
“He told us to come here.” Will sniffs, and Eddie notes that he looks on the brink of tears. “He stopped teaching and then turned all the lights off and then sat down and then made us come an’ get you. ‘S he gonna be okay?” 
Eddie tries very, very hard to keep the panic off of his face. He honestly has no clue what’s going on, but he doesn’t waste time trying to figure it out. “Let’s go make sure. Good job being safe by coming here together, boys.” Eddie walks out of the library with them and down the hall- and goddamn why was Steve’s classroom so far from the library?!
Finally, after the longest three minutes of Eddie’s life, they make it to the classroom and Eddie finds a dark classroom of quiet kids sitting politely at their desks and Steve sitting at the front of the room, his forehead against the metal of his teacher’s table. Eddie clears his throat, smiling at all the kids. He needs to check on Steve, but if something is seriously wrong, he knows that Steve wouldn’t want the kids to see it. “Alright everyone, line up, we’re gonna visit Mr. Argyle’s 2nd grade class. C’mon, hop to it.” 
Argyle teaches across the hall, so Eddie figured it would be fastest to usher the kids across the hallway to him. He gets them all in a line within a minute (which is probably a world record for any elementary school anywhere, but he doesn’t exactly have the time to parade his accomplishment around at the moment). Argyle accepts the kids without question, having them all join him on the carpet at the front of the room for story time. He must see something in Eddie’s expression because Argyle waves him off the second the last kid steps into the classroom.
Eddie’s back across the hall in a heartbeat, kneeling next to Steve and brushing some hair out of his face. “Hey pretty boy. What’s goin’ on?” 
Steve lets out a low groan, shaking his head slightly against the table. Eddie sighs in response. “I need to know what’s wrong so I can fix it, babylove. Can you give me any direction? Is this a need-a-break-for-30-minutes thing or a need-to-call-the-paramedics thing?” Eddie sends a quick prayer to whatever being is listening that it’s not the second option. 
Then Steve unfurls his fist that was previously clenched in a fist and holds up two fingers, and Eddie’s stomach drops.
He uses Steve’s phone to dial Nancy’s extension, petrified of letting Steve out of his sight. He tells her it’s a code red and that she needs to come to Steve’s classroom pronto. Steve doesn’t complain about anything, like, ever. They were making dinner one night about a month ago and Steve cut his hand open on a potato peeler and laughed it off- then kept laughing it off as they went to urgent care to get him stitches. 
Eddie meets Nancy in the hall- reluctant to leave Steve, but also conscientious of not freaking Steve out as they go through the motions of getting him help. Nancy’s got her cell phone out and she dials for a paramedic first, then texts Johnathan to let him know that his afternoon library session had to be canceled. They both wait with Steve in the dark of his classroom until Nancy gets the call from the front office that the ambulance arrived. She stalks off, returning five minutes later with four paramedics and a stretcher. 
Eddie is pushed out of the way- and fuck, he hates having to stand by and watch, chewing at his fingernails as he sees the gaggle of paramedics speaking quietly between themselves and making Steve respond to questions and open his eyes for them to shine a light and check his pupils. Then they’re loading him on a stretcher, and everything starts to go by too quickly for Eddie to process.
Eddie blinks, and he’s in the back of an ambulance, his hand wrapped around Steve’s ankle- the only spot Eddie feels like he can touch without messing with wires, but he’s desperate to hold onto something. To show Steve that he’s here. 
He blinks again, and Eddie’s standing at the doors to the emergency room, staring at the doors through which they had just taken Steve, the doors through which he was not allowed to follow.
Another blink and he’s sitting at Steve’s bedside, head in his hands while Steve takes a medically-induced nap next to him. He’d been taken in for scans- MRI, CT, XRay- Eddie wasn’t sure, he got the letters mixed up in his panic, all he knew was that they scanned his head because his pupils weren’t dilating correctly, then took his blood to run some tests, then put him to sleep because he had thrown up from pain and had begged for them to turn the lights off.
Which, Eddie hated the image of Steve feeling that way. He could barely stand it. But he was glad that the nurse had told him- because seeing Steve wheeled back to the hospital room asleep had scared Eddie in an entirely different way. 
Steve woke up about two hours after he had been returned from his scans. He was groggy, but had reached for Eddie almost immediately and said that he was feeling a lot better, which made Eddie’s heart rate go down to a semi-normal bpm (in comparison to the previous extremely high heart rate- his anxiety was a bitch). A doctor joined them a few minutes later and Eddie held Steve’s hand as they got the update. 
Steve had a migraine, which the doctor explained could be chronic- Steve would need to speak with a neurologist about that. The emergency room doctor said he suspected it was due to head trauma and was latent until something knocked it into presenting itself. And that’s how Eddie found out that Jonathan Byers, 5th grade teacher, once beat up Steve when they were teenagers to protect Nancy Wheeler’s honor? Which... it was a very confusing timeline, not aided by Steve’s exhaustion, but Eddie made him promise that they would talk about it in detail when Steve was feeling better. 
Then Steve confessed to getting in a bar fight with a guy that happened to be Max Mayfield’s much older step-brother, where he had a beer bottle smashed over his head (a story which Eddie also couldn’t follow due to Steve’s current condition, and also made Steve promise to tell again when he was feeling better). 
Then there was a story about Steve getting punched by a Russian guy who was mugging him a year or so ago- which, how does that even happen? 
Then Steve finished off his recounting of his head trauma history by sharing that he’d slipped on some ice at the bottom of the stairs of his apartment complex about a month ago, and that the back of his head had hit the bottom step when he fell. He apparently didn’t think much of it at the time other than that it hurt like hell (which made Eddie have Steve promise to tell him anytime he got hurt- because things like this couldn’t keep happening). 
After recounting all his concussions, the doctor handed them a referral to a neurologist and had a nurse get them discharged. Eddie took Steve back to his place that night, unable to let Steve out of his sight. Steve was exhausted from the day, and in Eddie’s opinion, rightfully so. Eddie helped him get changed into sweats and then changed himself into more comfortable clothes. Finally, after they were both settled in Eddie’s bed, Eddie wrapped himself around Steve and kissed Steve’s forehead, watching his boy sleep the day’s stress away. Nancy gave them both the rest of the week off, knowing that Steve needed the rest and Eddie needed the peace of mind.
The two went to the neurologist that weekend and, after some more tests, Steve was diagnosed with chronic migraines due to multiple traumatic brain injuries. He was prescribed a daily medication, a preventative medication in case he began to feel a migraine coming on, and some high-strength pain medication to take if a migraine happened. He was also given strict orders to avoid any activities that could cause further brain injury, as that could lead to results that, for Eddie’s own health, were best not to talk at length about. 
Their anniversary money ended up getting used to offset the costs of the specialist visit and medication copay, and they ended up spending their 6 month anniversary curled up in Eddie’s bed while Eddie read Steve The Hobbit, but if the experience taught them both anything, it was that they didn’t need fancy trips out of state or five-star dinners to celebrate their love- the most important thing was just having time with each other, because they could have lost that completely, and they were never going to take that for granted again. 
Taglist: @goodolefashionedloverboi
Drop me an ask if you want to get added to the taglist or if you have any ideas/questions about this series!
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
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AYYYYYY I got the first two chapters up on A03
This bad boy’s A03 is now in my Pinned Post as well, which I finally updated lol. Meant to get it up whatever two days ago was but alas, I crashed and then had a Bad Health Day BUT IM GOING STRONG RN SO 
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xenon-demon · 1 year
apparently i'm going with the crowd but you had me at nurse eddie for wip weekend!!
-dani/inairbinad (have i sent you an ask from my main before? can't remember. just in case 💜)
DANI HELLO!!! i am aware this is your main yes but also i am a big believer in better safe than sorry so i get it lmao
blah blah this snippet is a continuation of the previous two, here you go!
Especially since a glance up ahead shows he's ended up walking right back to the ward he just left. The one Eddie works in. Great. Taking a quick glance around, Steve notices a bathroom just down the hall from him and ducks inside. It's only got three stalls, which is thankfully small enough that Steve knows straight away he's alone in here. Not that he can rely on things staying that way, of course; this is a hospital. Steve approaches the bathroom mirror and takes a good look at himself. He immediately grimaces, the bags under his eyes and flyaway strands of hair jumping out at him like neon signs proclaiming 'Look! This guy can't handle the pressure!' Okay, Harrington, says a voice in his head that sounds distinctly like Robin, got any other zingers from your emo Notes app poetry? Steve takes a moment to clip the sample bag he’s holding to his ID badge, knowing he’ll want his hands free for this. Technically the sample bag is sealed, and the vials inside are sealed away from contamination, but Steve is absolutely not going to risk placing his blood samples on a random bathroom counter.
Make me write some of my WIPs! 🖋️
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Slick Sunday or any day!! So sorry if this comes through twice, tumblr said there was an error with the first one, so we're trying again!
Childhood friends Steddie au idea where Eddie lives with Wayne in Hawkins but Steve only visits there during the summers to see his grandparents (Joyce and Hopper), due to him living across the country. Jopper and Wayne are good friends, but steddie meets one day at the creek between their houses when they’re pups. Steve stumbles across it, but doesn’t see Eddie there, who is looking for minnows. They fall into the water and get soaked, starting things off on the wrong foot. Soon enough though, they’re having splash fights and playing make believe after discovering their mutual love for fantasy and sci-fi. This soon evolves into them going to each other’s houses for sleepovers and playing games, and they learn DnD together. This goes on for years, with the two exchanging letters during the school year until Steve returns once school is out. They quickly become each other’s best friends, telling the other everything and having no secrets. Until Steve stops replying to Eddie’s letters all of a sudden. What Eddie doesn’t know is that Steve (17) has presented as an omega just a few months after he had presented as an alpha. Eddie becomes frantic, worried that something serious has happened, and tries calling his house and asking Jopper if they’ve heard anything. When he learns that they haven’t, he makes the drive to Steve’s house only to be turned away at the door by his parents who inform him that they no longer have a son. Eddie takes this literally, and naturally assumes this means that Steve, his best friend, has died. He’s broken by the news, and makes it back home without knowing how he got there. Once home, he drops into a severe case of rejection sickness caused by the grief of losing your soulmate. That doesn’t click for him immediately, but it adds a new layer of heartbreak when it does. He’s lost both his best friend and soulmate all at once. He doesn’t leave his room for weeks and fails his second senior year attempt bc of the absences. He eventually starts a medication that alleviates some of the symptoms, but not completely. In order to help with his grief and to cope, he begins writing letters to Steve like he used to, one for every day since he found out that he was gone. It helps him feel more settled and like he’s still there. He doesn’t send them, but keeps them under his bed in a box instead. The school year starts again, and on his third go around as a senior Eddie adopts a group of freshmen who love DnD like he does. Like Steve did. Time goes on until one day that Eddie decides to go to the game shop he hadn’t been to since learning of Steve. Inside, he hears his group of freshmen chattering away at someone, and he wonders who they’ve cornered this time. Then he hears a laugh, and it sounds so much like how Steve used to laugh unrestrained when he found something funny. Heart hurting, he turns to leave when he runs right into Jopper, who looked equally surprised to see him. They tell him that they’ve been looking for him bc they have news. At that moment, he smells something soft and delicate and turns to see a boy who looks just like Steve, just a little older with longer hair and a more slender build. He stares in shock until the boy gasps into a sob and a blinding smile before launching himself at Eddie, who immediately catches him with muscle memory and knows that he’s holding Steve. The kids come over, oblivious to the reunion happening, to introduce Eddie to their new friend who will be a senior at the high school soon.
The two escape for a bit to reconnect and Steve tells him everything that has happened. When he had presented as an omega his parents had been furious. They had quickly come to see it as a business opportunity though, and arranged a match for him to a suitable alpha who was decades older than him. Steve ran away the night he found out, with only a small backpack full of clothes and the shoes he was wearing. With no car, he had to figure out a way to trek across the country to the only place he considered home, Hawkins with Jopper and Eddie. He manages to hitchhike a few towns over where he gets a job and meets Robin, his coworker and fast confidant. She quickly realizes that he has nowhere to stay, so she convinces her parents to let him stay with them. After a while, he saves enough money to get a bus ride to Hawkins, and leaves with promises to stay in touch with Robin. He had just gotten in a couple days before to Jopper’s house, hoping to find Eddie. As it turns out, when Steve’s parents had found out about him running away, they had disowned him. That’s why they said they didn’t have a son anymore. They’re both sobbing by the time they finish their stories and Eddie keeps holding him to ensure that he’s really alive and real. Flash forward, and they’ve started courting while going to school together, going on dates to the creek and playing games with the kids. They are each other’s firsts for everything, and gently learn what the other likes. They both graduate that year after being each other’s support system, and Robin (who also graduated) moves with them a town over to go to college bc she and Steve had stayed in constant contact. They become teachers while Eddie follows his story telling talents to become an author. They get married and live with their hoard of biological and adopted pups from high school, who stay close to them no matter where they go. The end!
I don’t know how you fit an entire story from beginning to end in a single ask, but color me both impressed and emotional🥺😭💕
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 41
Part 1 Part 40
Eddie’s twitchier than usual all throughout the school day. He sits through shop and history and band, rocking back and forth in his seat, staring at the door. He wants to bolt out the classroom door and hunt Steve down.
He doesn’t even know Steve’s school schedule.
It’s too soon for him to be back. Medically and maybe emotionally if that showdown with Hagan and Perkins was anything to go by.
Eddie didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. He’d been picturing Steve slinking back into the shell of King Steve, curling all that jagged edges tight enough to cut himself.
But, no. King Steve had rather publicly and spectacularly abdicated his throne.
Eddie wants to be happy. That was one of the most public declarations of possession Eddie’s ever seen. Steve Harrington had scorned his friends, and walked away, with Eddie.
But Perkin had looked hurt, and Steve’s eyes had gone dead and cold, and that lifeless gaze had stayed all the way through Eddie dropping him off at his classroom like he was a kindergartener and Eddie was his parent.
So, Eddie is stressed, buzzing with useless adrenaline as he speeds through the cafeteria, grabbing his usual droll lunch, and dropping down at his seat.
Gareth plops down beside him and says, “so, I heard a rumor.”
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, eyes flitting around the cafeteria, barely listening.
Steve’s not in his usual seat, center-stage at the jock table. What if he doesn’t show up for lunch at all? Will Eddie have to search the entire school to find him and make sure the asshole is alive and eating?
“I heard Harrington showed up to school in your van.”
Eddie snaps his gaze up, only just noticing that Jeff is sitting across from him, staring him down with furrowed brows. “So?” Eddie asks, like it’s not a big deal at all.
“So?!” Gareth replies, leaning toward Eddie, bringing their faces alarmingly close together so he can glare right into Eddie’s eyes. “So, you’re sick for a week.” He pauses here to emphasize the little finger quotations he puts around the word sick. “And come back to school with the jock of all jocks?”
“Shut up,” Eddie says. He has no rebuttal, can’t say much else without finding himself chained to another chair in that same cold, windowless room. “He’s just going through some stuff.”
“And that’s your problem because?” Jeff asks, biting into his shitty school-lunch lasagna and scrapping his teeth against his fork just because he knows it bugs the shit out of Eddie.
Eddie sighs, running his fingers through his bangs vigorously. It’s been thirty seconds and he’s already frazzled beyond repair.
“Just be nice,” he hisses, glaring between his two friends even as Doug sits down beside Jeff and starts eating his burger like he doesn’t care about anything that’s happening. He’s now Eddie’s favorite.
“Are you serious?” Gareth asks. “You’re asking us to be nice to fucking Steve Harrington of all people? When would we even see him?” He throws his hands in the air; palms open like he wants to slap the shit out of Eddie but he’s hanging on by a thread. Eddie echoes the sentiment.
“Look—” Eddie starts.
But then there’s a lunch tray placed beside his own, and the subject of their conversation takes a seat by Eddie’s side without even a by your leave. Jeff and Gareth are both gawping, lunches forgotten. Even Doug stops eating to look between Eddie and Steve with a raised eyebrow before clearly deciding it’s none of his business.
Steve’s opted for the same over-cooked hockey puck hamburger with fries, but he doesn’t seem interested in eating it. Eddie resists the urge to cram it into his mouth. Just like the doctor ordered.
“What is happening?” Jeff asks, but he, too picks up his fork and begins eating.
“Lunch?” Eddie says. Beside him, Steve snorts, and Eddie’s insides flutter alarmingly.
“And you can’t sit with your friends over there because?” Gareth asks snidely, gesturing rudely over to Steve’s usual table.
“Dude,” Steve says. “My only friends are a twelve-year-old and this guy.” He points at Eddie like he’s something he scraped off his shoe, smirking like he knows he’s making everything worse.
“Stevie,” Eddie says, giving him his most devastating kicked-puppy eyes; the ones that always melted Uncle Wayne when he pulled them out of his arsenal. “Barb would cry if she heard you say that.”
“I would cry if Steve said what?” Barb asks, shoving him gently sideways so she can squish herself into the open spot at his side.
“Stevie here said you two aren’t friends,” Eddie tattles gleefully.
Barb looks over at Steve, eyebrow raised as she looks him up and down, smiling at the wardrobe change that was one of Eddie’s worn-out band T-shirts. “You’ll do, I guess,” Barb says, before turning to glare across the cafeteria. “Besides, I’m going to need some new friends at this rate.”
Everyone’s eyes track the movement, following her line of sight to where Nancy and Jonathan are cozied up next to each other. They both look as studious and serious as ever, but Eddie can see their thighs touching beneath the table. He glances over at Steve, feels relieved when Steve’s little face isn’t scrunched up in heartbreak. If anything, he looks confused.
“Ouch,” Eddie says, nudging her shoulder. “Tough break.”
“I don’t get it,” Steve says, still squinting in confusion over at the pair.
Barb sighs, picking at the seams of the peanut butter and jelly she pulls from her backpack. “All Nancy cares about right now is Jonathan.” Her shoulders slump as she nibbles around her sandwich, only eating the crust like a weirdo. “At least with you, I knew it wouldn’t last.” She keeps talking over Steve’s little, offended, “hey!” “Now, when am I going to get my best friend back?”
Steve’s staring at Barb like he wants to burrow into her skull and root around. “She’s right there.” He points at Nancy rudely. Luckily, Nancy doesn’t seem to notice; too wrapped up in her nerdy little version of a honeymoon phase. “Can’t you just go hang out with both of them?”
“Dude,” Jeff says, staring at Steve like he’s an especially weird bug. Even Gareth is too baffled to seem all that hostile anymore. Eddie feels smug. How Steve passed for a suave, cool jock for so long is a mystery.
Barb groans, biting her sandwich in half viciously. “It’s not the same,” she says. “They’re all wrapped up in each other.”
“Didn’t Hagan and Perkins go through a honeymoon phase?” Eddie asks. “What did you used to do when they’d go on their romantic dates?”
If anything, Steve looks more confused. “Go with them?”
“You’re shitting me,” Gareth says aggressively, like this is some weird hazing ritual.
“Wait, no. Let’s let this play out,” Eddie says, turning his back on Gareth so he can watch Steve. “So, let’s set the stage. It’s valentine’s day, 1982. Tommy Hagan has set up a candlelit dinner with Miss Perkins to celebrate their eternal love. Where are you in this scenario?”
Steve’s still got his brows furrowed like he doesn’t understand the assignment. “Have you been like, stalking me?” The little freak sounds almost flattered at the accusation.
“Are you serious, Stevie?” Eddie asks, unsurprised when Steve nods.
“So, you, Steve Harrington, showed up at your best friend’s valentine’s date last year and that was just fine?” Barb asks, deadpan.
“Usually, I help Carol do her make-up before,” Steve replies, blessedly finally picking up his burger and taking a bite. He looks over at the jock table, something small and forlorn twisting his mouth even as he bites savagely into his burger like he’s trying to kill it. “She’s not good at doing her own eye shadow without looking like a hooker.”
Everyone’s just staring at Steve while he eats his burger, oblivious.
“What the fuck?” Gareth asks.
Eddie looks over to the jock table. Tommy and Carol are both seated, glaring at the back of Steve’s head with poorly concealed jealousy. “You know,” Eddie says, looking away quickly before he accidentally meets either of the wonder twin’s eyes, “this actually explains so much.”
Barb sweeps her empty sandwich baggy into the trash like the middle-class girl she is and says, almost like she’s thinking about it, “I don’t think I can go on Nancy and Jonathan’s dates.”
Jeff, having finished his lasagna in silence, says, “Okay, they’re both freaks.”
“Here that Stevie?” Eddie asks, wrapping his arm around Steve’s shoulder and shaking him as he tries to swallow his bite of hamburger without choking. “You can stay!”
Steve takes another bite and talk around the mouthful like the heathen he is. “I was never going anywhere.”
Eddie smiles down at Steve, not dropping him as he takes a bite of his own lasagna. He lets the warmth in.
Part 42
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar
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stevesjockstrap · 7 months
Off the Court On the Stage
A Steddie Valentine’s exchange gift for Robin @ghosttotheparty 💕
Rated E • read on ao3 • no UD, modern au strangers to lovers, basketball player Steve & rockstar Eddie
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“Look up for me?” Steve looked up, following the medic’s finger. “Do you remember what you ate for breakfast?”
Looking back down, he half nodded. “Uhhh… a burrito, two bowls of cereal, an orange and a protein shake?
The medic’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh. Okay. Well, you don’t seem to have a concussion. Take this paper back to the locker room.”
They both stood, Steve a bit unsteadily but he’d felt worse after a hard workout. It was probably nothing.
He got to the door and peered down the grey hallway where both ways looked identical. Someone had walked him here, he hadn’t paid any attention and he didn’t know where the locker room was.
“Um, how do I…?”
The medic was already typing fast into his computer and barely looked up.
“Go left, two hallways down make a right, fourth door on the right,” he rattled off. Steve blinked and took a few steps into the hall. “Your other left.”
Steve huffed and turned, trying to remember his instructions. After he’d turned down another very similar hallway, he knew he was lost.
“Make a right, he said... then fourth door…” he mumbled to himself. He wished there had been anyone to ask.
More confidently than he should’ve been, he threw open the door to his right and walked in.
In front of him, a man with long dark hair was naked, pulling his tight leather pants from a leg.
“Oh! Shit, I’m sorry!”
He continued to stand in the doorway, staring. He couldn't make himself move. The man didn’t seem bothered, looking him up and down and smirking at him.
“Well hi there, pretty. Could you close the door? Don’t need anyone else seeing the goods.”
Shocked, he complied and pushed the door shut behind him. “S-sorry, I’m- I think I’m just lost.” He rubbed at his face, shaking his head. This had not been his day.
“Well, I don’t remember ordering a basketball player, but I think you found exactly where you’re supposed to be.”
He huffed a laugh, shaking his head. “Yeah, this looks like the locker room. Sorry, I’ll just get out of your hair,” he averted his eyes when he realized they’d been tracking downward, following the man’s tattoos. He turned back towards the door but the man was suddenly close to him, a hand on his arm.
“Now now, we both know that’s not where you want to go.”
The man snatched the paper out of his hand. Steve had already forgotten about it.
“You got knocked down?” The man peered at him suspiciously, looking him up and down once more.
Steve knew he was big, tall and broad shouldered, and he bristled. “I got fouled, the guy tripped me and I hit my head.” He tried to take the paper back but the man evaded him, moving to the side. Still naked, reading his paper.
He frowned, trying to follow him as he paced quickly as he looked over his paper. The man was about the same height as Steve, and lightly muscled like he got his muscles from something other than hours in a gym.
Eddie looked over at him and raised his eyebrows at his probably confused expression. He scoffed, “No signs of concussion? Who is this guy? You’re gunna come with me and I’ll have our people look you over.”
“Your people?”
“Oh. Hi, I’m Eddie Munson,” he held his hand out to shake Steve’s, and held onto it for a long moment.
“Uh. Steve. Harrington.”
Neither of them had the reaction they expected at their names, apparently. Steve started to look around now at the room to try to gain some knowledge of this person. So far all he knew was the man, Eddie, had a tattoo over his hip and onto his ass. And he wore leather pants.
And had zero issues being naked in front of a stranger.
“My band is next door, they don’t usually want to share a dressing room with me,” he then looked down and grinned. “But since I have a visitor, I guess I should put on some pants.”
Steve opened his mouth to say it was his room and he didn’t mind, but quickly closed it. He didn’t know who this guy was, or who he’d share that information with.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Eddie smirked again. “I saw you checking out the package already. You’re safe with me. I’m gunna take good care of you.”
Steve laughed, but something in his chest unclenched, a warmth rolling in his belly. He tried to ignore it.
Eddie had put on a pair of joggers and a tshirt that was mostly holes before escorting him into a different room.
After he was introduced to everyone, Gareth gave him a wide knowing smile as he looked him up and down. “Where’d you find this one, Ed?”
“Oh,” he grinned from his sprawl on the couch next to him. “He found me. Walked right into my room and saw my naked ass.”
Drew snickered from behind his fist.
Jeff choked on his sip of water. “For real? Why can’t you just keep your clothes on, dude?”
Steve tried to keep up with what was clearly an old and ongoing argument, but Eddie handed him a bottle of water and stared at him until he drank it. Then he just settled in.
It was strangely comfortable, even though he had been thrown into this situation. The easy comradery between these guys was just like being with his teammates.
He felt his eyes slipping shut and jerked his head back up when a hand settled on his arm.
“Hey pretty, I don’t think it’s a great idea for you to be sleeping. Let’s go find Argyle and get him to check you out and then we’ll go to the hotel, okay?”
Eddie’s soft voice somehow booked no argument and he found himself nodding, getting to his feet with a tiny bit of Eddie’s help. He still felt strange, off kilter in a way he couldn’t explain.
“Yo Argyle, this is Steve,” he called once they’d reached a more open area, like a big backstage set up from what Steve could figure.
“Hi Steve!” Argyle’s wide smile and friendly eyes made him relax immediately. He’d love to run his hands through his long silky looking hair, it had to be down past his waist. Argyle did the same look over that Gareth had, and turned his knowing look back at Eddie. “Snatched him up after the game, huh? Typical.”
Eddie huffed and rolled his eyes. “I’ll have you know, he actually stumbled upon me! You guys don’t have to throw this in my face every time, you know. But hey! Steve needs your help!”
“My help?” Argyle looked him over again, more scrutinizing this time. “With?”
“He got ‘cleared’ by their medical for a concussion but I’d like to make sure. He seems disoriented, and he almost just fell asleep. So,” Eddie waved his hand between them like he was doing a magic trick and Steve laughed.
Argyle smirked, looking between them. “So you wanna know if it’s safe for, like, any extracurricular activities tonight.”
“Uhh, well, I-“ Steve stammered, looking between the two of them. Eddie simply grinned at him as he felt his ears and cheeks flush.
“Come sit, Steve,” Argyle sighed.
He flicked a pen light over his eyes and asked about his head and past injuries, Steve answering to the best of his knowledge. It was hard to concentrate, especially with Eddie hovering over them and the promise in his eyes.
“If anything, a very low grade concussion. But it could be just dehydration and fatigue from the game and getting a bump to the head.” Argyle looked over his paper and handed it back to him. Then he turned to smirk at Eddie. “You gunna look after him tonight?”
“Sure am,” he grinned back.
Argyle snorted. “Well you have my number, if he starts feeling worse- nauseous, his pupils look weird or he gets a bad headache- just call me. Nothing too strenuous, Ed,” he pointed a finger at him.
Eddie held his hands up in front of him, putting on an innocent face. “Of course not!” But he winked at Steve when Argyle turned his back.
Steve felt drawn to him, in a strange way that he’d never felt before. He’d messed around with guys before, of course, but this felt different. He already felt like he’d known Eddie for years.
“Oh! Hey Argyle, can you find someone to tell that I’m stealing Harrington? He never made it back to Basketball Land after his checkup.” Eddie held his hand out for Steve and he took it, allowing the surprisingly strong arm to pull him to his feet. With his shoes on now, they stood eye to eye and Steve felt that warmth in his belly again.
Steve let himself really look at him now, noticing the big dark brown eyes and his long eyelashes, the defined Cupid’s bow above his plush lips. Eddie was stunning. He let his gaze get trapped in the dark curls that dropped down his chest.
“Okay space cadet, you’re coming with me,” Eddie huffed.
It wasn’t until he got in the car with Eddie that he realized he didn’t have any of his stuff. His clothes, his phone, nothing.
“Ed- um, this is very nice of you, but I need my stuff from the locker room.” Steve fidgeted with his hands, awkward somehow now that he was being taken back to Eddie’s hotel room. He wasn’t used to not calling the shots.
“It’s being sent over, honey. I got it all taken care of. Just relax. Usually I’m at the venue a lot longer than this, miss all the traffic. It might take us a while to get moving.”
Eddie slid his arm over Steve’s shoulders and he found himself leaning in, letting his eyes close.
“Stevie, we’re here.”
Opening his eyes at the voice, he quickly let them fall closed again and couldn’t hold back the smile at Eddie running his hand through his hair. His dried sweat hair.
“Ugh, good. I desperately need a shower,” he groaned.
Eddie chuckled, unfortunately his hands leaving him to open the car door. “That sounds like a great plan.” He winked at him as he helped him out of the car.
They took a small elevator up from the deserted lobby, Steve not paying attention to the buttons until the door opened. Directly into a large penthouse suite.
“Wha- Holy shit. This-“ He cleared his throat and shook his head. “This is all yours?”
“Yeah,” Eddie grinned. He typed something quickly into his phone and tossed it down onto a front table. “What, they don’t put you guys up in fancy places?”
“No, I was rooming with fucking Aaron ‘The Mouthbreather,’” he shook his head again, rushing over to the floor to ceiling windows looking over the city. He turned back towards Eddie. “Okay, wait. Who are you?”
Eddie looked sheepish for the first time all evening, and it settled something in him. At least the guy was human.
“I sort of liked it better when you didn’t know. But you’ll find out soon enough. You, uh, ever hear of Corroded Coffin?”
Frowning, he tried to place where he had heard that name before. “Maybe?”
“So, Gareth, Drew, Jeff and I… we’re Corroded Coffin. We hit it big last year, been sailing on some radio hits recently. Our big tour starts tomorrow, we were doing some set up and finalizing everything today.”
“Wow,” he breathed, looking around at the huge space.
“The record company had to really sell us on it, to be honest. We’re pretty much small town boys at heart… so I think this is overkill, but it is fun.” Eddie looked around with him for a moment, a goofy smile on his face.
He had a million more questions.
The door opened behind Eddie and a man stepped out with a bag. Steve’s duffle bag. He started walking over to take it but the man handed it to Eddie, quickly receiving some bills from him.
“Will you be needing anything else, Mr. Munson?” He asked politely.
“I don’t think so, thank you. Have a good night.”
“Thank you sir, you as well.”
Eddie grinned. “I plan on it.”
The man actually bowed before turning and getting back into the elevator.
“This is nuts,” Steve whispered. He’d only seen things like that in movies.
Eddie turned back to him, handing him his bag. “Everything accounted for?”
“Oh. Um.” He unzipped his duffle and located his phone and charger, hairspray, protein bars and clothes that had been in his locker. “Yeah. I didn’t have much. Mostly needed my phone.”
He unlocked his phone and quickly sent a text:
Rob, not going to be able to call tonight. Everything’s fine, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you
Steve turned to see that of course Eddie had read the text over his shoulder. He huffed a laugh. “No, girl best friend, actually. She’d be blowing me up if I didn’t check in.”
Eddie gave him a small smile, “That’s cute. Really none of my business, sorry. I just don’t need any entanglements showing up here to shoot me or anything.” He shrugged but Steve could tell he was more pleased than he was letting on.
“All good, no entanglements who would care if I, uh, entangled with anyone else,” he chuckled.
“Good,” Eddie laughed. “Well, for me at least.”
Steve was hit with the deep and sudden need to kiss him, and he felt himself leaning into him, but then the elevator opened again.
A different guy in a uniform wheeled in a low cart with bottles of water and plates covered in cloches. Steve raised an eyebrow at Eddie.
“Ordered us some stuff,” he shrugged. Again he handed some folded up bills to the man and exchanged pleasantries and Steve was well on his way to falling for him. Pay attention to how a man treats his inferiors or something. Steve was the same way, getting to know their bus drivers and the most lowly handlers they interacted with.
“Food or shower first? Then we can trade off.”
“Oh.” His stomach dropped. “I thought-“ he shook his head. Nothing to get upset about. It would be weird to want to shower with someone you literally just met. “Never mind.”
“Don’t do that.” Eddie came closer, catching his eye. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
Holding the eye contact, taking in Eddie’s accepting face, he shook his head again. It was fine. “It’s nothing. Just- I thought… maybe you wanted to shower with me.” He mumbled the last part and looked away, feeling like a teenager again.
Eddie moved closer still, stopping with a few inches between them. He cupped his jaw and tilted his head up to look into his eyes. “Is that what you want? Me to shower with you? We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” Eddie stared deeply into his eyes, probably trying to decide if Steve was taking this in. “I’m not that guy. I’m thrilled with whatever you want to do. Okay Stevie?”
He nodded and couldn’t hold back the small smile. He could tell Eddie meant it, and his genuine affection was winning him over quickly. “Okay, Eds.”
They could still blame his little stumble as he got into the shower on the light head injury, but he saw the smirk on Eddie’s face when he caught him with a hand around his waist.
“If you wanted me to touch you, pretty boy, you could’ve just asked. Don’t have to go all damsel in distress on me.”
“Already saved me, didn’t you?” Steve teased back. At Eddie’s cocked eyebrow, he continued. “Would’ve been wandering around grey hallways all night.”
“Hmmm,” Eddie hummed, nodding. “True, someone else could’ve gotten their claws into the little lost basketball player.” He brought his free hand to trace his fingers through Steve’s wet chest hair. “Good thing I scooped him up instead,” he said, low and rumbly.
His voice was doing things to him, and the way he was touching him was going straight to his dick. All the attitude he had evaporated and he was suddenly desperate.
Leaning in, trying to catch Eddie’s eye to get him on the same page, he almost whined when instead Eddie pulled back and reached for soap on the shelf.
“Oh no,” Eddie cooed. “What’s that face for? You look like someone stole your toy, baby.” He chuckled and Steve huffed a small laugh, immensely happy when he came back into his personal space again. “Hi there. Are you always this needy or is it just for me?”
Steve actually whined this time, unsure if he’d ever made such an embarrassing noise in his life. “Fuck, I think it’s just you.” He was already uncomfortably hard, his cock straining upwards between them.
“Uh uh, say it properly.” Eddie’s eyes darkened and Steve thought his knees were going to give out.
He floundered, trying to figure out what that meant. “Wha- I-“ he shook his head but couldn't take his eyes off of Eddie in front of him.
“Say you’re so needy for me,” Eddie directed. His tone and low voice zinged down his spine and his dick twitched between them. Unable to place this feeling, he chose not to question it and just followed directions.
“Holy shit,” he hissed. Then, catching Eddie’s eye, he went for broke. “I’m so needy for you, Eds. Please.”
Eddie made a low satisfied sound in his throat that made the warmth in his belly expand. He’d never felt this turned on before in his life. And they weren’t even doing anything.
“Please what, baby?” Eddie moved closer to him, a sly smile creeping across his face. “Wash your hair?” He reached up and pushed his wet hair back from his forehead. His eyes settled on his lips. “Kiss you?” Steve opened his mouth to agree, but Eddie’s gaze traveled lower. “Play with your pretty cock?”
“Yes,” Steve sighed, not sure which one he was asking for but it didn’t matter as lips crashed into his and he was pulled into Eddie’s arms.
Steve groaned and his bottom lip was sucked into Eddie’s mouth, receiving a quick bite and a soothing swipe of his tongue. If Steve hadn’t been desperately clinging to him he might have hit the floor.
Eddie pushed him against the wall of the shower, maybe knowing he was done for, or knowing he needed the stability. Calloused hands traced down his sides before wrapping around his hard length.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart.” Eddie purred at him after breaking their kiss.
Steve complied and gasped at the image in front of him, Eddie’s wet hair even darker and slicked back, sticking to his shoulders. Eddie’s eyes were deep and dark, his mouth reddened and opened slightly.
“Good boy. You doin’ okay? I don’t want to get in trouble with Argyle.” He smirked at him, somehow managing to look devious yet completely innocent as he slowly fisted his cock between them.
Steve nodded and when he didn’t get a response other than a pointed look, he thought hard about answering his question. He felt okay, other than desperately needing to come and very out of his league when it came to Eddie. But he didn’t feel any of the symptoms Argyle had told them to look out for. “I’m okay. Please don’t stop. C-can I touch you?” He ducked his head down but then was staring at Eddie’s complex tattoos and his neglected hard cock.
“Of course, gorgeous. C’mere.” Eddie arranged their limbs for him, thankfully, getting them aligned so they each had a hand on each other, before crashing their lips back together and sliding his free hand around the back of Steve’s head. He got a fistful of hair and used it to keep him right where he wanted him.
Steve tried to focus on getting Eddie off, but his body felt like it was trying to shatter apart from the slippery hand wrapped around his own dick and Eddie taking him apart with his mouth.
His hips rocked forward and their lengths slid together causing them both to groan into the kiss.
“So fuckin’ hot, Stevie,” Eddie panted into his ear before sucking and biting down his neck.
He couldn’t be sure who moved first, but their hips shifted allowing their hands to come together encircling both of their cocks. They chased their release, both shoving into their combined fingers.
Steve got a handful of curly hair and pulled their mouths back together, quickly allowing Eddie to take over the ravenous kiss.
He pulled back quickly as he realized he was- “Gunna come, ah ah!“
Eddie stared at him, tilting their foreheads together as both of their hips stuttered and they came between their bodies.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie breathed, working their lengths through their aftershocks and looking down to see the combined mess. “So glad we did this in the shower,” he snickered.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve laughed, ducking his head as he could feel the blush rise on his cheeks.
“Now he’s gunna try to be shy, huh? After he seduced me into the shower and mnph-“ Steve captured his lips again and they smiled against each other.
Somehow they managed to get washed up, dried off and tumbled into bed.
Steve was warm and comfortable, but something was nudging his subconscious awake while he tried to sink back into sleep.
Becoming slowly more aware of his immediate surroundings, the soft sheets and someone cuddling behind him, he still wasn’t sure what it was. Then something hard pushed between his cheeks and across his entrance.
He must have startled or tensed up because they quickly moved away, mumbling, “Sorry.”
Finally memories of the whirlwind of the previous day floated across his mind, and Steve pulled him closer, arching his back. “No. Please, Eds. Need you.”
He felt the groan behind him and their hips both stuttered.
“God, Stevie,” he panted into his shoulder. A hand came up to ghost across his nipple, rubbing more firmly at his gasp.
They moved together for a few moments, precome allowing Eddie to glide between his cheeks but it wasn’t enough for him.
Steve finally pushed back hard, gasping, “Fuck me, Eddie. I need it. Need more.”
The hand on his chest cupped his pec roughly before coming up to his mouth. He opened automatically and sucked two fingers into his mouth, reveling in the moan it caused behind him.
“Get those wet for me, honey.” Eddie’s rough morning voice made him moan as he licked across the calloused fingers.
Eddie pulled his fingers out and he missed them for a moment before his leg was moved, widening for-
“Oh fuck,” he breathed as the wet fingers rubbed over his entrance.
The small amount of spit wasn’t going to be enough but Steve rocked back into the fingers and hoped Eddie had lube close by. Or that he’d just push himself inside of him. He groaned and a shiver went through him.
“I know, baby. Wait one second, okay?”
Eddie’s warmth disappeared from behind him and he swore under his breath from across the room.
He heard him come closer to the bed and the familiar plastic crinkle of a condom wrapper as he moved around behind him. Without any further preamble he felt a cold slippery finger slide into him and he gasped, but rocked back into it immediately.
“Please,” he panted. Eddie shushed him and pushed another finger in, scissoring them around slowly. Adding more lube and another finger, Steve finally cried out as he rubbed across his prostate.
Eddie lined himself up behind him and rubbed the head of his cock across his hole a few times to tease him before slowly, slowly pushing in. He set a languid pace, tracing patterns on Steve’s hips and up his chest, holding him close.
He had never felt this close to someone before, his previous hookups usually meaningless and hurried. This felt like they were becoming one person, pressed close and breathing the same air. Moving together without the delirious necessity of release, just wanting to feel.
A hot mouth found his neck and he couldn’t hold back the whimper that left him.
“So sweet for me,” Eddie purred, lips never leaving his skin. Kissing down his shoulder, he twisted his hips causing his dick to drag across Steve’s prostate. He hummed into his skin and picked the pace up only slightly as Steve panted.
Unable to hold back anymore, he wrapped a hand around his own dripping cock and Eddie added his hand too, intentionally slowing down his movements.
“Eds, oh, so good. Oh my god,” he rambled, too gone to coherently express all the feelings swirling in his chest.
“Gunna come, gorgeous. Come with me.”
Steve rocked back against the thrusts, gasping as the hot mouth returned to his neck and hands tightened around his length. He was so close.
“Ah, holy shit, ah-“ he bit into his lip as he came hard over their fingers and felt Eddie’s hips stutter against him.
He felt like he’d melted into a puddle. They stayed stuck together, their breaths slowing in time. He whined as Eddie pulled out of him and got out of bed, but he couldn’t move. A wet cloth was wiped over him and he hummed an appreciative sound.
Eddie got back in behind him and snuggled into his neck, yanked the blanket over them before wrapping his arms around him. Right before he sunk into unconsciousness a hand laced their fingers together over his chest.
“Good morning, sunshine.” Eddie kissed his forehead and he smiled. “Well, afternoon, but we gotta get to the arena.”
“That’s a new one,” Steve mused.
“New what?”
“Nickname. Sunshine.”
“Yeah? It suits you.” Kissed down his jaw to his neck. “Could light up a room without even trying.” He scraped his teeth across his collarbone and Steve yelped. “Hmmm or puppy, since you’re so eager and always making these cute little noises.”
Steve should be offended but he felt the blood color his cheeks.
Eddie sat back with a grin. “You like that one, huh? C’mon then sleeping beauty, let’s get some food in you and we’ll get out of here.”
Steve whined and pulled him down for a long kiss first, soaking in this undivided attention for as long as he could. It was so honest and endearing, and somehow the names made him feel like this could be more than just a hookup. He’d never been the one taken care of or doted on before. He took care of everyone. It was a new feeling that he already felt himself getting used to.
He let the warm feeling wash over him as they quietly ate everything on last night’s snack cart and today’s brunch tray. He could really get used to this treatment.
“Eds, I don’t really have anything to wear for a concert,” he called out from the bedroom, looking down at his meager pile of clean clothes.
“There’s not really a dress code, babe,” he heard Eddie laugh from the next room. “Just put something on and we’ll find something for you.”
It wasn’t until he was dressed and shoving his dirty clothes from the night before into his duffle that he found his phone and groaned. It was dead and they needed to leave.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, you can charge it when we get there. The car is already downstairs.”
Steve simply nodded but internally knew he was in big trouble. He hadn’t checked in with anyone in more than twenty four hours and they wouldn’t have even been able to see his location on the app if his phone was dead. Sighing, he grabbed all his stuff and went down the elevator with Eddie.
Once they got back to the arena and Eddie dropped him off in the same room they’d met, he plugged his phone in and sat on the floor by the outlet watching the little red battery blink at him until it powered on.
He watched as all the missed calls and texts from Robin, Dustin and Max rolled in. Instead of reading anything he just dialed Robin. She picked up on the second ring.
“What the fuck, dingus? You better have a really good reason for falling off the face of the earth. And why was your location off?”
He groaned. “I’m sorry, Robs. My phone died.”
“What happened? You’ve never let your phone die after a game before. Dustin said you got fouled last night and never came back out from the locker room.”
He winced and rubbed his hand over his face. “Well, I never made it to the locker room, actually.”
“What does that mean?” He could imagine the speculative face he was sure she was making.
“Listen, this is weird and I need you to not freak out because it’s turned out to be the best thing ever. So. Give me forty five seconds before you start yelling, deal?”
He sighed. “That douchebag fouled me and I hit my head. They brought me to medical where they told me I didn’t have a concussion but I was still kind of out of it. The idiot medic didn’t want to bring me back to the locker room I guess, so I got lost. And I ran into,” he chuckled. Then stopped when Robin huffed at him. “Sorry. I ended up meeting someone, and I spent the night with him. But he’s amazing, Robs…” He wasn’t sure what else he could say, or how much time he had left before she was released. “He’s, um, in a band, we were all in the same place because they’re playing tonight.
There was a long pause before- “Steven Bartholomew Harrington!” He winced again and pulled the phone away from his ear. “You had us all going crazy worried about you and you were getting laid by a dickhead in a band?”
“I know. I’m sorry. He’s not a dickhead though. He saw that I was disoriented and he got me checked out by his own staff and then… took care of me last night.”
“Oh I’m sure he did,” she grumbled.
“Stop, Robin,” he huffed. “I really like him and even though it definitely started as a quick hookup I feel like it could be more. Like he’s amazing. I promise.”
“Uh huh. Let me speak to him.”
“No, Robs-“
“Yes, Steve. Or I’m sending in Max. This asshole had you forgetting you had a phone for twenty four hours? What kind of platonic soulmate would I be if I didn’t look out for you?”
“He’s not here, Robin, he’s doing-“ he didn’t actually know what he was doing.
“That’s fine. You have three minutes.”
Steve scrambled to his feet and the phone fell to the ground when he tried to walk with it still attached to the charger.
“Sorry. Dropped you. I’m going, I’m going.”
Rounding a corner in the direction he sort of remembered going the night before, he followed the sounds of echoing voices until he found the doorway to the open backstage area.
He saw Gareth first and headed to him at a jog. “Hey-“
“Hey basketball, how’s it going?” Gareth grinned at him.
“I’m okay, but I need to find Eddie, quickly.”
Steve watched as he cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled, “EDDIE! EDDIIIIEEEEEEE YOUR BOY TOY NEEDS YOU!”
Steve blinked at him and he continued grinning back.
“Stevie? You okay?” Eddie popped out of nowhere from across the room, heading over quickly. Gareth walked away like this was completely ordinary.
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I, um, this is really weird but I need you to talk to my friend Robin? Just real quick. She’s, uh, not happy that I let my phone die and didn’t check in with anyone today… Please?” He held the phone up between them.
“Sure, honey.” Eddie frowned at him, taking the phone from his hand. “Hello? Hiya Robin, my name is Eddie Munson.” His eyebrows went up and Steve winced. He mouthed I’m so sorry at him and Eddie stared at him with an unreadable look. “Okay, hear you loud and clear, Robin. Hope to see you in person eventually. Uh huh, have a good one.” He handed the phone back to Steve with a blank expression before grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room.
“Wha-“ Steve got out before he was shoved against the wall in the hallway and kissed within an inch of his life. He sank into it and kissed back after a few seconds. Maybe Robin hadn’t ruined this for him after all.
Eddie broke the kiss and hummed at him, looking at him from under his eyelashes. “So, anything you wanna tell me, sweetheart?”
“Uh. That my platonic soulmate doesn’t know the word boundaries?”
Eddie laughed, but shook his head. “Well who really does, but no, that’s not what I’m talking about. She had to tell me if I hurt you they would hunt me down and hit me over the head with a shovel and no one would ever find my body.”
“I’m sor-“
“No, baby. She said because you ‘really like me’ she needed me to know that you had people looking out for you.” Eddie kissed him again quickly. “I really like you too.”
Steve stared at him a bit dumbfounded for a moment. “Th-that’s what you took from that?”
“Well yeah, your friend is terrifying, sweets, but that doesn’t really bother me because I don’t plan on hurting you. I think it’s great that you’ve found people who would threaten my life. It’s somehow endearing,” he chuckled.
“Well do I have some stories for you, then,” Steve laughed.
“Sure puppy,” he grinned at him when color flooded his cheeks. “C’mon, I could use your help, actually.” He squeezed his bicep and Steve groaned good naturedly. He was feeling much better today and could definitely carry heavy things for them.
Hours later, Steve was feeling pleasantly sore and almost giddy after soaking in all the casual touches and lingering looks from Eddie.
Now after they’d cleaned up, only getting distracted a few times in long kisses, Eddie pulled a faded shirt out of somewhere and threw it at him with a leer.
Steve figured it’d be tight, but he held eye contact with him as he pulled it down his broad chest.
“Fuck, baby. Should’ve had you in my clothes all day.” He reached forward to pull the hem straight. “Maybe not though, we wouldn’t’ve left this room.” His eyes didn’t leave his chest.
There was a loud knock on the door and Eddie sighed. “Come in!”
Jeff opened the door a crack to peek through before finally walking in and Steve laughed.
Jeff shook his head with a grimace. “Apparently sometimes he ‘forgets’ he’s naked and still says come in,” he grumbled. “Not all of us want to see your dick, you know. Anyways! We’re all set up and they need everyone to start sound checks.”
Jeff quickly left the room and Eddie pulled him into a hungry kiss. Steve gasped as a tongue swiped over his lip before teasing across his own. He clenched his hands in Eddie’s shirt but he broke the kiss before he could do anything else.
“Stay here, sunshine. One of the venue guys will come bring you to your spot, okay? Then I’ll meet you back here after.” Steve grinned and nodded and he got a forehead kiss before another quick peck on his lips.
Steve hung out in the dressing room until someone with an earpiece came to get him. But instead of being escorted down where he assumed he’d be, they went up an elevator and shown into a private box, where a lower part had a few rows of auditorium seats.
He turned to the man to ask if he was sure this was right, but he was already gone. There was a sheet of paper in the slot in the door that read ‘Guest of E.M.’ He took a selfie with it and sent it to Robin.
An opening band started a few minutes later and he clapped and cheered in support. He hadn’t really been to many concerts and never in a private box. He entertained himself by poking around the snacks and mini bar, deciding to help himself to a beer.
When the band onstage said their thanks and left the stage, he went down into the seats to wait for Corroded Coffin. He was inexplicably nervous but excited. He munched on some pretzels and a candy bar to keep his hands busy.
Then the lights came back up and he gasped loudly as he caught sight of Eddie bouncing on his toes at the front of the stage, in ripped jeans and a tight mesh shirt, hair wild and huge grin on his face. He was looking directly up at him in his box and sent him a theatric wink when he caught his eye. Steve grinned and waved.
Their music was different than he expected somehow, heavier metal and pounding bass, but it worked so well for them and their energy and the energy from the crowd was infectious. He found himself standing at the edge of his row of seats, jumping and bouncing around. Eddie would often come towards his side of the stage to blow a kiss or just stare up at him as he sang and he felt his heart and his pants tighten. He whooped and laughed and jumped up and down as Eddie thrashed around on stage. He was blown away by the band and the music, even if he hadn’t known Eddie and the guys beforehand.
When he realized the band was wrapping up their set he was momentarily disappointed but then remembered he got to go see Eddie. He groaned and tried to reposition his throbbing dick in his pants.
After making his way back down to Eddie’s dressing room after their encore, he paced around before throwing himself onto the couch. He really hoped Eddie didn’t want to wait to do anything until they were back at the hotel.
The door finally opened and Eddie rushed through it, making eye contact as he pushed it closed behind him and turned the lock.
He went to stand but Eddie shook his head and came over to straddle his lap. Steve rubbed his hands up and down his thighs and stared up at him.
“Hi puppy,” he teased, tracing his fingers down his cheeks and to his neck as he felt them redden. “Got me alI worked up watching me play, Stevie.” He kissed across his jaw and down to his shirt collar. Eddie’s shirt collar. “Watching you jump around in my Metallica shirt was something else.”
He captured his mouth in a filthy kiss and Steve could only hold on for dear life. Eddie pulled away with a nip to his lip and a dark look.
“You were so hot, Eds. It was-“ he shook his head, unable to find words to describe it.
Humming at him as he pushed himself down onto his lap to make him whine, Eddie leered at him. “Can I ride your pretty cock, baby?”
Steve nodded dumbly, mouth hanging open, and could only watch as Eddie went to rifle through his backpack across the room.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled as Eddie came back towards him with a couple small packets of lube and a condom. How had he gotten this lucky?
“Gunna be so good for me, aren’t you sunshine?” He pulled his shirt off and wiggled his pants down as he stood in front of him, hard dick already dripping. Steve automatically pulled his own shirt off and awkwardly unbuttoned his jeans to push them off his hips. They giggled at each other when they had to stop and help each other out of their shoes to get their pants off.
Eddie positioned himself back over his lap, staying up on his knees this time as he ripped open a packet of lube and reached behind himself. They both groaned as Steve watched his face, his hands coming up to grab at a hip and wrap around his hard length.
“Oh fuck, honey. You can’t do that or I’m gunna come too quick. Need to come with your cock inside me.”
Steve whined, nodding again and instead reached beside him to squirt some lube on his hand.
“Let me feel you, Eds,” he breathed and at Eddie’s groan he rubbed his fingers across his entrance, pushing the tip of his finger against the rim.
“God your hands are huge,” Eddie hissed. He rocked back into his finger as it slid further in, Steve watching his face with rapt attention as he squeezed his eyes shut and panted. “Another one. I’m not going to last much longer.”
Steve quickly added a second finger and scissored them around, grinning as he pinpointed his prostate and Eddie cried out beautifully. Eddie pushed his hand away and continued on his own, Steve taking the time to slide the condom down his leaking dick.
“Fuck, gorgeous. Can’t wait to bounce on this cock of yours. Oh, holy fuck-“ Eddie panted and finally arranged himself closer, reaching beneath him to line Steve up to his hole.
They panted against each other as Eddie sunk down his length. Their mouths crashed together and Eddie fucked their tongues against each other as he bottomed out.
“Oh my god,” Steve breathed, not pulling his mouth away. “Please move. I’m dying, babe. God you’re perfect. Please.” He had Eddie’s hips in a death grip and finally helped him raise up and down slowly.
“Jesus Christ.” He watched with a deep satisfaction as Eddie’s eyes rolled back and he planted his feet on the floor to thrust up into him. “Ah! Yes, fuck me, just like that princess.”
The name caught him off guard but made his dick twitch and he cried out, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“Yeah you like that one, huh? I know. Such a spoiled princess already. Gunna make me come so hard on your cock, oh fuck.” His hands slid into the back of his Steve’s hair as he held on for dear life, their thrusts becoming wild as they chased their climaxes.
Eddie clenched around him and came untouched between them, Steve crying out as his hips stuttered up as he came.
“God damn,” he breathed, dropping his face into Eddie’s neck as they came down. “You’re never getting rid of me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it, sweetheart,” he groaned.
The next morning, he blearily clicked on a link Robin texted him. The headline of a news site read, ‘Hot New It Couple? Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson seen leaving concert with Steve Harrington of the Indiana Pacers.’ He showed the little picture of their heads huddled together to Eddie and they shrugged and snuggled back under the covers.
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shoujo-wizard · 16 days
@lexirosewrites srry if this is too late for u to queue up i was writing it out to a place where i wanted/needed to stop it. this was intended as an ask but then i got too into it & filled it with detail after detail so the majority of it is below the read more
Thinking thoughts abt Steve's canon music taste bc I saw/reblogged a post abt how Steve is shown to listen to alternative rock & punk rather than pop & disco like we all characterize him.
This started as a steddie thing & has morphed into an a/b/o O!Max centric blurb with an elumax agenda, everything is below the cut
world building: in all of my omegaverse AU omegas can give mating bites, and betas also have mating glands they’re just noticeably smaller. also, omegas are able to be reliably identified at birth because they have a noticeably sweeter scent than other babies, once puberty starts omegas no matter their primary gender will get periods, female omegas get a period every month while male omegas get a period every other month. it is my personal headcanon tht betas evolved to assist in various biological needs tht the other designations might need i.e. if a beta is caring for an omega during their heat they’ll start giving off vaguely alpha pheromones/scents & male betas will be able to give their omega partner a smaller knot OR if a an alpha is in rut their beta partner gives off an omegas pheromones/scent while they also begin to produce a moderate amount of slick OR if they are in a throuple with an alpha & an omega they’ll maintain their natural scent during either partners cycle & fulfill the social role of caring for needs like feeding their partners, maintaining the structure of the nest, helping their partners remember to take any medication they take daily
So first picture for me: punk band frontman O!Steve, he & the other omegas in the band have those spiked collars tht look actually dangerous tht they wear as a rebellion against the expectation tht omegas should wear collars in public, he takes birth control but personally doesn't take heat blockers bc he sees it as another way society seeks to police omega autonomy, he semi-regularly throws his shirt off into the crowd during shows (omega nipples r treated like women's nipples in this AU, very scandalous), Steve has an intentionally messy mullet he cut himself & Robin helped dye dark pink, he's imitated jacking off on stage & used fake blood once or twice to make it look like he was jerking it while on his period & ofc he’s done this stunt while on his period a few times too, & he has the nail bat tht he uses to smash already broken equipment tht they fish out of various recycling centers. He's got multiple piercings & several tattoos, he'd get a neck tattoo but the most traditional thing abt him is he wants to mate someone he loves, have pups & a neck tattoo messes up anyone's mating gland. 
the majority of his band r also omegas, he's the vocals mostly but he's known to throw on a guitar & step back so the bass player (robin) can step forward for songs they created/rehearsed just for her to perform, he's also done a number of wicked guitar solos, they figure out how to record & burn CDs on their own bc they're thumbing their noses at the industry tht wants to box omegas into bubblegum pop also bc they don't think they'll ever get a record deal.
The band is named Cannibal Impulse, playing around various venues in Chicago. Steve is vocals/2nd guitar, O!Robin is bass, A!Nancy is lead guitar, O!Jonathan is drums, and B!Argyle is part of a throuple with Nancy & Jonathan so he happily acts as a groupie/roadie/pizza bringer. They have a fairly loyal following of local punk enjoyers, especially omegas. For shows Steve & his band mostly wear whatever punk aesthetic they like, steve & robin both tend towards glam punk, Nancy favors a ragged style inspired by 1920s mens fashion, Jonathan likes subdued crust punk, Argyle wears stoner fashion but for their shows he puts on the battle vest Jonathan made him over his typical fashion choices.
Here’s the actual ficlet/set up/idea, idk what the time period is for this exactly, probably a vague late 90s because I want ppl to have cellphones, specifically flip phones. Also warning for implied underage drug (weed) use.
A!Eddie is the frontman to world famous Corroded Coffin & the co-parent to O!Max (he's 33 & was 18 when she was born) she's the result of a rut shared w sugary sweet head banging mosh pit queen B!Chrissy, Max is the best part of his world even if she's entered the stage of teen hood where she's angry at the world & sometimes her parents. He's had to move around once or twice bc his career demanded it, but now they have all settled permanently in Chicago bc the band have put together a music label all their own, Rotten & Revived Records. 
Chrissy used to live permanently in San Francisco, working as a paralegal, but when she got an amazing job opportunity in Chicago the family had a very long talk tht included the rest of the band & everyone ended up deciding tht basing everything in Chicago seemed like the right move. The band enjoyed every concert they'd performed in the city, Max had been once or twice so she agreed it wasn't the worst place in the world plus she wanted to b near both of her parents, & Chrissy would live in a two bedroom apartment that’s a bus ride away from the home Eddie bought for himself & Max.
O!Max (full name: Max Riot Cunningson) is 15 almost 16 & she's had a number of heats & gets her period on a schedule tht is still adjusting as her body changes & ofc her mom Chrissy helped her get birth control. 
Eddie has to go on tour as the summer kicks off after everyone barely settles into their new homes in Chicago, Max decides to spend the summer in Chicago after going to a few shows of the tour, staying with Chrissy most nights but also in the house Eddie owns as a means to feel independent from time to time. She wanders around most of the summer, seeing museums, eating whatever she wants when Chrissy isn’t looking, and going into a bookstore or music shop every so often. She finds herself in a music store tht had an impressive collection of vinyls & CDs, then she sees the poster for a small concert for some local band happening in the basement of the store, it says 18+ but when she asks the omega cashier (Jonathan) he explains tht no one checks ID as long as you bring the cover charge of $5 & don’t very obviously look like a kid. There’s no alcohol allowed anyway which is why it’s advertised as 18+. Max practically skips out of the store, a new CD and the address/date of the concert on a note paper in her tote bag. The concert is on a night Chrissy agreed she could be at Eddie’s alone. She feels free as a bird. 
Night of the concert she eats mac and cheese she made herself for dinner, and begins picking out what to wear. Max is an omega so she’s expected to wear a collar in public which she hates but there’s any number of creeps in the world. She decides on a black collar she got for her birthday the year before. Luckily when your dad is a world famous metal musician you have an endless choice of black as well as any rainbow of color one could want. She chooses to wear a dark purple t-shirt, her custom leather jacket Eddie paid for, her barely decorated faded red battle vest, black jeans ripped at the knees. Max lines her eyes with a color called kohl, and shoves her feet into the work boots her Grandpa Wayne had helped her pick out. Then she’s off through the nighttime to the basement of the music shop.
The basement is lit fairly well, there r seats all along the walls for ppl to take as they need, there’s a few coolers of water bottles guarded by a weasel esque man dressed like a lazy novelist in a zombie apocalypse, a small table of a meager amount of merch, a raised stage tht is set up for the band, the people around her seem to all know each other, a few people glance her way but no one acts as if she shouldn’t be there. 
there’s a circle of ppl tht are very openly smoking weed near/behind the merch table, she recognizes the cashier from the other day in the smoking circle so she approaches because he’s the one person she recognizes in a new environment. Jonathan is welcoming & introduces her to the entire circle of people: Nancy his girlfriend, their merch monitor Argyle his boyfriend, their assistant merch helper B!Eleven (who’s the only one not smoking), he explains tht Eleven’s dad & his step-dad is Hopper the burly man at the door, tht the man at the coolers is the shop/building owner Murray, and his friends Robin and Steve are tangled up in a way tht makes it hard to tell who was sitting on whose lap. She introduces herself as Max Riot & everyone cheers her for her badass name. Eleven eagerly gives her a fistbump telling her tht her name & her look is bitchin’. Max compliments everyone because they’re dressed in a way she never knew punks would dress. Each person is in a slightly different aesthetic but the eclectic look of the group works. Steve explains they all enjoy different flavors of punk fashion.
When she notices the spiked collars practically everyone in the room is wearing she can’t stop from commenting abt wanting one for herself. Robin crows tht she has to go to a specific thrifted clothing store tht has a display from a leatherworker who loves making the kind of collars everyone is wearing. When Max looks uncertain Eleven offers to meet up & go with her because she needs some new shirts to cut up, tht her boyfriend Lucas might also join them because he needs a new jacket to wear under his battle vest. When Max asks if Lucas is coming to the show Eleven says he’ll likely get there shortly after the show starts because he has to finish dinner with his family & bribe his little sister with the newest fear street book before he can pretend he’s going to her house to sleep over & play video games for the next 2 days. Eleven & Max realize they’re going to the same high school & Eleven eagerly invites her to eat lunch with her, Lucas, & their friends. 
Max is so absorbed in her borderline flirty conversation with El tht she’s surprised to hear the noise of drums crashing out a beat on the stage, turning around as she gawks to find the people she’d been chatting with are the band performing. Then she's lost to the music, throwing herself around the edges of the pit, jumping to the overwhelming energy of the music, yelling out the anger she's felt since fully presenting, sweating away her eyeliner, stumbling to get water, & then ending up at the front as the band crashes through their finale with Steve ripping off his shirt to throw into the crowd showing off his tattoos & pierced nipples before pulling out a nail ridden baseball bat tht he uses to smash apart an old stereo she hadn't noticed. It's electric, it's exhilarating, it's pumping adrenaline straight to her heart. The crowd calms as best a punk crowd can as they begin filing out of the basement after an encore tht features Robin at the mic singing an anti-war song from the 70s. The little concert/show was nearly two hours after all & it’s getting so late it’s almost early morning.
The band steps down from the stage as the crowd dwindles, Jonathan asks Max if she's able to join them for some food at a nearby diner & she agrees right away. She's told to just wait by the merch table with El & Lucas as they put away their instruments. Indeed a black boy is sitting behind the merch table with El in his lap. El eagerly greets her, getting up & hugging her, then happily introduces her boyfriend A!Lucas. A CD of the latest from Cannibal Impulse is pressed into her hands free of charge by Lucas while El sticks a pin badge of the band's logo onto her vest. Thus begins Max's whirlwind final month of summer vacation learning abt punk, filling her music collection w previous Cannibal Impulse CDs & other punk bands she ends up liking (both local & famous) through everyone's efforts to help her learn, investing in a new wardrobe, decorating her battle vest, & attending every show Cannibal Impulse plays tht isn't in a bar (which turns out to b the majority of them)
Chrissy is more than supportive, laughing as she thinks abt Eddie “metal is king” Munson’s reaction.
Imagine Eddie's surprise (despair) to come home from a tour shortly before school starts to his daughter blasting punk music, dressing like a punk with notably new piercings he knows Chrissy had to sign off on, loudly going out on weekends to punk shows, & coming home at all hours smelling of weed & sometimes high. He can't complain exactly, he was smoking weed at an earlier age than her, staying out at all hours, blasting metal, taking impromptu trips w his band out to the city to watch some metal concert or other. At least she calls him to let him know she got to the venue safely & to give an estimate of when she'll b home. At least she doesn't seem to have any tattoos yet.
Eventually Eddie wants to go with Max to one of these shows. Mostly because he wants to understand his daughter as she’s growing up without them growing apart, and because the band's newly established label has hit a bit of a wall when recruiting new talent. They have a number of metal artists on their label, some rock, and even a couple of bubblegum pop artists. But they feel like their catalog isn’t as well rounded as it could be. So Eddie asks to go with her, and she tells him she has to think abt it & warn her friends because none of them know her dad is world famous Eddie Munson, The Freak King of Corroded Coffin. This makes Eddie sad tht his daughter is basically hiding him from her new friends & mentors but Chrissy knocks him upside the head telling him tht she’s had less than genuine friendships before now due to her dad being a world famous musician.
When Max brings it up after a show that weekend they’re all sitting in their favorite diner digging into greasy delicious food they don’t believe her at first, but then El tells them she isn’t lying despite only have met Chrissy (El has an uncanny knack for knowing when someone is lying) so it turns to disbelief tht Metal King Munson wants to go to a punk show of his own free will. The tension between metalheads & punks is well documented after all. But all in all they agree because Max is one of them, Steve has all but adopted her, Lucas & El have tentatively begun to court her, Jonathan has been teaching her drums, Robin has donated some of her more glam articles of clothing to the cause tht is Max’s continued education in the punk scene, Nancy has helped her (as well as El & Lucas) with their homework, & Argyle makes sure that when she does occasionally join them in smoking weed she’s safe & not getting overwhelmed. So they agree tht Eddie should feel more than free to come to their upcoming show in the basement of Murray’s shop/building & they reassure Max they’re not looking for any kind of record deal.
The night of the show comes quickly & Max sheepishly brings Eddie along. Hopper’s eyes bug out of his head when he notices Eddie behind Max after greeting Max with the handshake he shares with El & Lucas. The basement becomes controlled pandemonium when people process/notice tht Eddie Munson is there in the flesh. No one approaches him for autographs & when they see he’s there with Max they leave him alone in favor of greeting Max because everyone’s gotten to know her by now especially since Cannibal Impulse took her under their wing. Eddie follows Max, feeling out of place for the first time in a long time, to the merch table where all of her closest scene friends are gathered. They’re courteous to Eddie since he’s Max’s dad, and Steve gives him a wave from where he’s a tangle of platonic limbs with Robin. Eddie takes a moment to come back to himself after staring at Steve who’s the most striking omega he’s ever seen. He ends up striking up a conversation with Lucas & El when they reveal they’re the pair that’s been courting Max since school started. Then before he knows it a guitar is wailing from the stage & he gives his attention to the show. Cannibal Impulse put on an electric show. Robin starts them out with another anti-war song this time from the 60s tht they repurposed for the punk genre. Then Steve steps up to the mic & it’s like the crowd comes to life even further. A mosh pit explodes in the room, he’s briefly concerned when Max & Lucas jump right into the center of the pit, but soon he’s absorbed with the performance the band is putting on. When the finale comes Steve’s already ripped his shirt off & as Nancy & Jonathan play a screaming duet with their instruments Steve is smashing apart a piece of equipment tht they got from their favorite recycling center with his nail bat.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Head Filled With Demons (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Ok, a few things here. First I played fast and loose with demon mythology as well as a lot of the themes from the episode of Black Mirror this is based on. There are no spoilers for that episode so don't worry. I guess you could say this is an AU Steddie as in this world they are relatively well known demons in their mythology. I pulled some stuff from the show but...you'll see. No spoilers for either show here lol
I hope this is coherent and makes sense lol I had fun with it and I still have more chapters to go :) .
Warnings: Demon Steddie X Human fem reader; SMUT and ANGST with a dash of fluff. The smut has sprinkles of Dom Steddie (spanking, scolding, dirty talk), Mentions of a sick parent and death of another parent, small scene detailing domestic abuse (may be triggering), Steddie gives the reader visions so she sees bad things people in Hawkins do including the end of the world, there is a murder (very brief; blood is mentioned), y/n and Steddie mention a lot of themes regarding feeling stuck and unhappy.
Word Count: 6842
You jump as the customer in front of you slams her items on the counter. 
“I’ve been waiting here for five minutes for service! Are you going to ring me up or not?!”
“Yes, ma’am. I apologize.”
“Don’t apologize. Just do your fucking job.”, she grumbles as you begin scanning the things in front of you. 
This will be the thousandth time TODAY you got caught daydreaming about being anywhere else but this stupid department store in the Hawkins mall. After graduating high school, you thought your options would be endless but once your father got sick, you knew you had to stay home to take care of him. You thought about applying to colleges nearby but everything was too expensive especially with the added medical and regular bills around the house, you needed to find employment fast. 
After the mall was built, you knew there would be a plethora of available positions and found one with a good hourly wage. The problem was it was incredibly boring. Some days you felt like running out of the store and just flipping over the railing to the second floor. At least you might finally feel something. Add in customers like this one and it was a good mix of pain and annoyance to drive you through to the end of your shift. 
“Are you done or what?!”
“Yes ma’am. Here’s your receipt and, please, have a great rest of your day.”, you say with the biggest fake smile you can muster. 
“You need an attitude check, missy.” She spat before turning and walking out the store. 
“Wow, you sure leave an impression.” Carol comes up behind you and leans against the counter, popping her gum obnoxiously. “Mr. Cline wants you to take those boxes to the basement.”
You glance where she’s pointing at the three boxes stalked against the wall that are taller than you both. 
“My last break is coming up. Why can’t you do it?”
“Because he didn’t ask me to. He asked for you.”, she sneered. “Is there a problem?”
“No,”, you grinned in a thin line. “No problem.”
You huffed as you threw the boxes on to the ground, not even pretending to care if there was anything delicate within them. Leaning against the wall to catch your breath, you look around the illuminated but still extremely creepy basement. 
Most of the stores in the mall kept a lot of their miscellaneous stock down here, segregated to different areas. Your department store usually kept overstocked clothing items like shoes and jackets until the ones upstairs were sold out or someone asked for something specific that was no longer kept on the shelf. The area was right next to the security guard’s desk but today he didn’t seem to be there. 
You walked over to it, glancing at the papers strewn all over the place. 
“Jesus Christ, Paul!”, you exhale as you grip your chest. “Scared the crap out of me.”
“Good.”, he chuckles. “See anything interesting?” He laughs harder when you shake your head. “I’m actually glad I saw you. I found something on the floor here the other day I thought you’d think was cool.”
Paul digs into his desk drawer and produces a necklace with a gem tied to the end. 
“Beautiful, huh? The stone looks kind of like a guitar pick, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, it does. Where did you find it?”
“Like I said, it was on the floor kind of near your stores cage. I’ve never seen you guys sell anything like that and I know you’re into that gems/crystal mumbo jumbo so… I thought I’d give it to you to take a look. At most, maybe, you could ask Richard if they got some new things in.”
“Uh, yeah, ok. Thank you, Paul. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Of course, hon. Tell your dad I said hello!”
You couldn’t stop staring at the little stone connected to the chain as you rode the elevator back up to the main part of the mall. It did look like a guitar pick which wasn’t an abnormal design in the 80s since almost every single metalhead you passed had something like it but this one was different. Usually those necklaces were cheap, the stone on this looked expensive and old. The gorgeous red color shimmered against the light and pierced your eyes in a way that had a small moan leave your lips at its beauty. There were symbols on either side you couldn’t quiet make out. 
It was so odd. As your fingers ran over the material, you got this feeling in your chest, like this thing in your hands was meant for you…
The elevator dinged, startling you back into reality as you quickly hid the item in your pocket and headed back to the store to finish your shift.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, dad. What are you doing moving around? You should be in bed.”
You father walked over to give you a hug as you greeted him in the kitchen. 
“I know but I just wanted to wait for you. See how your day was.”
Sighing, you reach into the fridge to grab a snack before turning towards him so he could see your playful frustrated face. “Oh, you know. The regular; angry housewives and bitchy coworkers.”
He chuckles as he takes a seat at the dining table. 
“Y/N, you know you don’t have to work so hard, right?”
“I know, dad. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of.”
“Sweetheart, I’m fine. I can handle…” His cough cuts him off and you quickly run to the cabinet to hand him his medicine. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”, you smile as you lean over to hug him again. “I’m fine. Trust me. I’m going to go munch on this junk and then crash.”
As you head towards your room, you hear his shaky exhale before taking another puff of his inhaler.
Sitting at your desk, you examine the necklace Paul gave you further and make notes on what you see. Tomorrow, you had the day off so when you went to the library you wanted to be able to have all the information you could. 
-silver chain
-Red Jasper stone 
            -support for stress
            -brings tranquility and wholeness (balance)
One side has a baseball style bat with thorns… Nails? 
            -Maybe meant for protection
Other side is a guitar from a long time ago. 
This is definitely beautiful. I wonder where it came fr—
“Ow! Shit.”, you wince as you place your thumb in your mouth. While looking at the gem, the bottom sliced through your skin causing you to bleed on your notes and the stone. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You run to the bathroom to grab a tissue, wrapping it around your finger before wiping it along the piece of jewelry. The feeling of wind on your back caused you to hastily turn around. It felt like someone had tried to touch your hair making a shiver run down your spine. 
Shaking away the jitters, you turned around, prepared to clean the blood off the paper when you noticed it was already gone and replaced with red, inked words. 
“I could have sworn…”
“Hello, sweetheart.”
“Did I write that? I don’t think—” You’re not sure what made you do it. Maybe it’s because you were so exhausted or just seeing the word sweetheart triggered a warm, safe feeling in your belly. You scooted your pen below the sentence and responded with a nice, little… 
“How are you tonight, pretty girl?”
“Jesus Christ!” Your chair falls to the floor as you stand and back up towards your bed. Your hand covers your mouth as you watch more words appear on the paper. 
“Y/N!? Are you ok?!”
“Um…yeah! Yeah, dad, I’m fine. Just… tripped.”
Slowing inching your way forward, you read the notes in front of you.
“Nice going, Ed.”
“Shit. It’s not my fault! I would be scared to if words magically appeared in front of me.”
“Oh my god. It’s finally happened. I’ve lost my mind. I’m going crazy.”
“You are NOT going crazy. I promise you, babe. What’s your name?”
“A sentient paper is asking me my name. Uh okay… I’m Y/N.”
“Aw, I like that. It’s pretty like you.”
“Y-y-you can see me? Right now?”
You yelped when you felt a breeze again move past your arms.
“Wh-what’s your name?”
“Make you a deal. You give us permission to enter your realm and we’ll tell you our names.”
“Two sides, honey. Two sets of markings on the stone. Two…people.”
You could swear you hear chuckling in the air. 
“Don’t mean to rush you, princess, but we kind of need you to make a choice. Yes or no?”
“I, uh, I don’t—”
“Come on, Y/N. Just say yes. It’s fine. Yes, yes, yes…”
Suddenly, the word “yes” begins to crowd the page repeatedly until it spills over on to your desk. Your breathing picks up as your heartrate increases. Is this really happening? Is this in my head? What’s the downside to this?
Everything in the room stills as the words in front of you disappear. Two words begin to slide across the paper as you lean forward to read them. 
“Good girl.”
The light above you snaps off and you hear the sound of heavy breathing coming from your bed. Your eyes widen as you fall to the floor at the sight of two horned, demon looking figures sitting on your mattress. You cower in the corner covering your eyes as you begin muttering to yourself. 
“This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t—”
“Oh, uh, I forgot humans don’t have people like us running around. Um, sweetheart, what form would make you more comfortable?”
When you don’t answer, they sigh as the bed squeaks when they stand. One creature shuffles beside you towards your door where your poster of Tom Cruise in Risky Business hangs. The other moves towards your picture frame on your dresser of you during your meet and greet with Motley Crue. 
The sound of two sets of snapped fingers fill the room with a glowing red light and when you dare to sneak a peek from under your arm, you no longer see monster legs but a set of sneakers. A strong but soft hand touches your skin and your head shoots up as you push yourself as far back as you can. 
“How’s this? Better?”
The demon in front of you had formed into an everyday man you may see come into your store every now and then. His brown hair fluffed up perfectly and you pushed down the notion to run your fingers through it. Instead of his original rough looking skin, he now donned a soft but muscular form hidden under your typical style polo and jeans. His beautiful brown eyes scanned you over with concern as he kneeled in front of you.
Your eyes flicked to the other one across the room who was now checking himself out in your full-length mirror. His attire was much more torn and rattier than the other ones. His jeans had holes in many different places and the Dio vest was fringing near the bottom. The leather jacket and boots made your tummy flutter. He looked like the kind of man you would have dated back in high school. His long, wavy hair moved quickly as he turned around to face you both, digging into his jacket pocket and producing a cigarette.
“Um, please don’t…my dad…”
He pauses as both boys exchange a look. 
“Don’t worry. He can’t see me or inhale anything I smoke.” They watch as you slowly rise to your feet. “Oh shit. Manners. We made you deal. I’m Eddie. This is Steve.” He wiggles his fingers in a waving motion.
“Why is this happening now? Please. I can’t go crazy yet. My dad still needs me. I—”
“Again, not going crazy.  See, you found our thing here.”, Steve gestures towards the necklace. “You called for us so here we are.”
“No, no, no. I accidently…I didn’t mean…I…”
“Look, we don’t make the rules. We just follow them. Blood. Stone. Permission. Demons. It’s not that complicated.”
Steve rolls his eyes at his friend’s crassness. 
“Yeah. It’s not that big a deal really.” Eddie draws a sharp intake of breath he turns towards to you. “I mean not entirely a big deal. Um, you just have to kill a few people or else the world will end but hey! Demons.”
Your eyes turn into saucers as you stumble to the bed. “I-I-I what now?”
“Three people to be exact.”
“Eddie, stop it. You’re scaring her. Y/N, honey…”, Steve kneels in front of you and places his hands on your thighs. Jesus, his palms are huge. “You do have to kill some people I’m afraid but you will be saving so many lives.” 
“Holy hell.”, Eddie sighs in frustration, snapping his fingers. 
The room around you is suddenly burning as sirens wale in the distance. Running to the window, you looked outside to see all of Hawkins in flames. You sunk to your knees as you covered your ears to muffle the screams of people outside. As quickly as it appeared, the images vanished and you were back in your regular room with two demons staring down at you. 
“I know. It’s not pretty, is it?”
Your world went black as your eyes closed and your head hit the floor.
When you shot up the next day, you clutched your chest as you quickly looked around finding only yourself. 
“It was just a dream. Oh my god.”, you exhaled as you laid back down, laughing under your breath. 
After a quick change of clothes, you grabbed your notes and the necklace to head to the library. You peaked into your dad’s room to make sure he was still ok, leaving him a note on the table to tell him where you were. As you entered the library, you immediately did some quick research that led you to a mythology section of the building. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the placement. Hawkins could be so backward with a lot of things. When you started doing more digging on stones and auras when your mom got sick, this was the same section you found yourself in. This town’s definition of myth was extremely broad. 
You found the book you were looking for and slide down to the carpet to lean against the wall. You flipped through, stopping when you found the symbols that matched the ones on the gem. The baseball bat did have nails and represented the demon that referred to himself as Steve. 
“Steven is a known demon of protection, protecting any soul that calls for him by any means necessary. He is known as one of the more violent demons killing many beings and monsters with his signature sword. In later millennia, it is believed that he was cast out of his realm for killing one of his own kind to protect another relatively violent demon, Edward.”
“Edward is one of many demons known for music. Throughout history it was reported that Edward played for souls who were suffering. His music lulled many unsuspecting creatures towards their demise, however. It’s also been noted that not only did he use this tactic for war but for lust. He was accused of killing the King’s daughter and was hunted across the realm. Steven found him first and they both went on the run. The King banished them both, casting out Edward as well.”
“They walked from realm to realm before finding a talisman that wasn’t what it appeared to be. The gem belonged to another being who forced them into a life of servitude, trapping them within its material unless set free by a soul who summons them. Any soul that calls for them must kill three individuals or bring about the end of the soul’s world.”
“See? We weren’t lying.”
“Jesus!”, you jumped out of your skin at the sound of Eddie’s voice. 
Both men were now sitting on either side of you, arms circled around their knees. 
“It’s not a bad gig. I mean at least we still get to move about and watch people die. I wish we had more of a hand in it but…”, he shrugs.
You bring up the book you’re holding just enough to hide your face as you turn slightly toward him. 
“You’re real?”
“Yes, we are.”
“And this…this is accurate? The world will end?”
“That is correct.”, Steve responds.
“You have the wrong person for this. I-I can’t kill people.”
“Uh, technically, we didn’t choose you. You chose us. And WE can’t kill people. You can.”
“What? I—”
“Actually, we can kill people but only if they are hurting you.”
After getting up from the floor, you place the book back before powerwalking out the door. 
You let out a small squeak when they appear in front of you. “Can you stop doing that?”
“Can you stop running so we can clear the air?”
Bypassing your usual route home, you cut through a forest area so no one would see you talking out loud at what would appear to be yourself. 
“Clear the air. Ok, let’s clear the air. How do I know I can trust you? How do I know what you showed me was real?”
“Besides the fact that we LITERALLY showed you the future?”
“How do I know it���s not a trick? Like…killing three people would kick start the apocalypse instead of stopping it…”
“Well, we’re trapped in this realm to so…an end of this world would be the end of us.”, Steve sighs. 
“You’re trapped here?”
“Actually, it’s either here or a blank realm we fancily titled Oblivion.”, Eddie chuckles. 
“Yup. Just a whole lot of nothingness except me and Ed here.”, he grins as he pats him on the back.
“I still don’t understand exactly why you’re stuck here. Why can’t you go back home?”
“Did you read the book or not?”
You scowl at him as you cross your arms. “Did you kill the king’s daughter?”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed as his sarcastic smile fell. “No, I didn’t.”
“Then why did you run?”
“That’s none of your fucking business.”
“That book said you lured people in not just to kill them but to fuck them. Is that why? Was she like a conquest or something? Is that what I am—”
His hand suddenly wrapped around your throat as he roughly pushed you back into a tree. 
“You don’t know anything, little one, so shut your fucking mouth. Do I make myself clear?”
Your eyes widen as you nod and he tosses you to the side.
Steve kneels on his heels as you cough on the ground trying to catch your breath. 
“You’re not a ‘conquest’, Y/N. Trust me, we prefer doing shit like this ourselves. It just…is what it is.” 
When he reaches out to take your hand, you swat it away, rising to your feet and continuing your walk back home. You hear them murmuring behind you the entire way.
“Hey my angel. How was your day?”, your dad grins as you step into his room. 
“It was good. I went to the library so…nothing too exciting.” He laughs along with you pausing to cough and gather more air. “I’m going to make dinner now, ok?”
You smile when he nods, gradually leaving the room completely ignoring both demons who are silently waiting for you. As you turn on the faucet to wash your hands, you feel warmth by your side and the sound of snapped fingers before the room around you turns completely dark. You’re no longer in the kitchen but a bedroom from a house when you were much younger. A voice you hadn’t heard in so long echoes through the hallway and you turn to see your mother grinning as she enters.
“Sweetheart, let her sleep.”
“She is sleeping, honey.”, your dad smiles tenderly as he cradles baby you in his arms. “I just can’t believe she’s finally here; you know? She’s going to have the best life. I don’t care what I have to do.”
“Ok, tiger. Calm down.” Your mother pats his back as he carefully lays you back down in your crib. “I understand what you mean though. She deserves the world.”
As she reaches down to caress your cheek, you hear another snap and your current reality comes back into view. You turn to Eddie as a tear falls from your eye. 
“I’m sorry…for…snapping at you.”, he struggles as he tries to apologize. “I thought MAYBE this could be my way of making it up to you.”
“You can see the past and the future?”
His tongue presses into the inside of his cheek as he nods. 
“May I have a moment alone please?”
With that they were gone and you allowed yourself to cry as you began making your dad’s meal. 
After checking in on everything, you grabbed your jacket and headed out the door. 
“Where are you going?” You rolled your eyes at Steve’s question. “It’s not safe to walk around at night, ya know.”
“Well thankfully I have two demons looking out for me.”, you respond sarcastically. 
They follow you as you walk around the town, trying to ignore them as they continue to verbally push you. 
“Hawkins is just rife with people who need to leave this plane of existence. I mean that one there…”, Steve snaps his fingers and images fill your mind. “…he steals from his grandmother to buy drugs for himself.”
“This one…”, Eddie snaps. “She bullied a girl so hard she ended up having a break down and was hospitalized for a year.”
“STOP! Stop it.”, you seethe. “It hurts.”
“It hurts you? Imagine how their victims feel!”
“You don’t think you can kill people. Fine. Why not kill people who are causing harm?”
You sprint till you end up in the woods near your house, skidding to a stop when they appear in front of you again. 
“I can’t ok!?”
“Look, we understand—”
“No, you don’t! You don’t understand! I’m a good person. I—”
“Miss? Are you okay?” Abruptly turning you find a man, standing a few feet from you with worried eyes. “Do you need help?”
“N-n-no. I’m alright.”
“What about him?”, Eddie gestures. “He’s definitely not a good guy.”
“No!”, you whisper.
“No? Are you sure, miss? My home isn’t too far. I can call a doctor or something.”
Fingers snap and images cloud your brain again. 
“He hurts his wife any chance he gets.”, Steve’s voice fills your ears. “Last week she came home from work two minutes too late according to him and he beat her within an inch of her life.”
Something heavy filled your palm as Eddie continued on your other side. “Didn’t even take her to the hospital. She laid there crying for hours till she was finally able to crawl off the floor onto the couch. The next day he took care of her, apologizing.”
“Why do you make me act this way, honey? You know how bad my temper can be.”
“I…I know. I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
“I know, baby.”
Anger filled your heart as you swung your arm, trying to get him away from her. The visions left your eyes and as you looked down you saw the man now bleeding on the ground. Your hand holding the now red stained rock shook as you dropped it and ran.
As soon as you got back home, you headed straight to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you as you began to pace. 
“Way to go, pretty girl!”, Eddie clapped from his sudden spot on your bed. 
“One down, two to go.”, Steve followed. 
You continued to move as they spoke, not hearing a word they said. 
“Hey, hey. Come on now. You did amazing.” The metalhead looking boy reached to touch your hand but as soon as his fingers made contact with your skin, your hand flew out to smack him across the face.
“This is your fault. I didn’t want to do this! I just hurt someone.”
Eddie growled as he rose to his feet and slowly began stepping forward. “No. You didn’t hurt someone. You killed someone. Let’s get that distinction right. Congratulations, sweetheart, you’re one of us.” His chest bumped into yours knocking you back towards the wall, his hand pressing up against it near your head as he glared down at you. 
“The only difference is we’ve killed way more people than you can even imagine in so many different ways. In our realm people were afraid of us. Remember that the next time you think about hitting me.” His face leans in so close that his breath hits your lips making you shiver. “I can hurt you and not even think twice.”
Your sudden giggle surprises him as he leans back to look at your face. 
“No, no. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh but… you can’t hurt me. He won’t let you.”, you gesture towards Steve who sighs as he folds his arms. “He said he’s supposed to protect me from ANYONE who tries to hurt me, even you.” You tilted your head to the side as you continued. “And people from your realm must not have been that frightened by you if the banished you. Hell, you didn’t even fight back! You ran!”
“I like her.”, Steve smirks as the other man’s own eyes scan you from head to toe. “She kind of reminds me of—”
Eddie raises his palm to silence his friend. “Hit me again.”
“What? You just said…”
“I know what I said. Listen to what I’m saying now. Hit. Me. Again.”
“Oh, come on, little one. I know you want to. Just like I know you want to fuck me. Well us.”
You laugh at him again but this time it comes out more shaky than earnest. “Pfft, someone has a big ego.”
“That’s not all we have that’s big.”
Pushing him away, you start to head for the door but it’s still being blocked by Steve. 
“We are yours for the next 3 weeks. Unless you kill two other people pretty quickly…which, let’s face it, probably won’t happen.” He kicks off the wood with his foot stepping forward as you slowly back away from him. “How long has it been, honey, since anyone has made YOU feel good?”
Abruptly, you run into something hard thinking it’s the adjacent wall before Eddie’s arms wrap around your stomach. You should tell him to stop, tell him to leave you alone and not touch you but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel comfortable in his embrace. 
“You took care of your mother when she was sick and now your father. You missed out on opportunities like school and leaving this fucking dreadful town. You work at a job you hate where people degrade you and make you feel worthless. Your last relationship ended because he cheated on you with your coworker yet you still pretend to not know and let her boss you around. Every night you come home and lay in that bed…feeling empty and alone…yet you don’t complain.”
Your head hangs as you try to control the tears from escaping. Fingers snap and you lean back against the other demon’s shoulder as you see the wife of the man you killed grinning as she sits on the floor of her new home cooing at a baby beside her. A man walks in with a wide smile and descends to the woman’s level kissing her lips as she giggles against them. 
“You saved her life, Y/N. If she had stayed with her current husband, he would have killed her within 2 years. He’d go to trial but be out of jail within a year due to a good lawyer and an appeal.”, Steve whispers in a soothing voice. “Now, in three years, she meets this new person who makes her feel loved and respected. He never once lays a hand on her and she finally feels safe. She has two kids with him and dies at 80 a few months after he does.”
He snaps his fingers again and your mind clears for a moment before becoming foggy for a different reason as Steve leans down to kiss your forehead. Your entire body lights up at the feeling of his lips against your skin. Is that normal for demons or is it just him?
Soft kisses trail down your jaw till they attach to your neck making you hum in approval. The hands that had been resting on your tummy glide to your jeans and carefully unbutton them before sliding his fingers through the waistband of your panties. The cold metal of his rings startle you slightly as you push your lower half against his.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I got you.”, Eddie whispers. Your arm loops around to cling to his neck as your fingers tangle in his hair.  A tiny moan leaves your throat when his thick digits run through your folds. “You are so wet, pretty girl. Let us take care of you. Let us…” You head tilts against his shoulder again as two of his fingers plunge into your core. “…relieve some of this stress you’ve been carrying.”
Steve descended to his knees, tugging your pants and underwear with him, biting his lip at the sight of how his friend’s hand was glistening with your slick. You whined when Eddie removed his fingers only to whimper when it was replaced with the other demon’s exceptionally large tongue.
“Oh my God…”
“No, baby. Don’t say his name. Say ours.”
Your eyes roll back as his lips connect to your throat, sucking on your flesh as your fingers reach down to run through Steve’s hair. The world became hazy around you as his mouth wrapped around your clit while pressing and flicking his tongue in just the right way. Eddie carefully lifted off your shirt and removed your bra, throwing them to the side. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Do you know that?”, he asked as he rest his chin on your shoulder, looking down at your body as his palms roamed purposely avoiding your tits. 
“Mmm—how-how many people have you said—fuck—said that to?”
“Steven, she’s still able to form sentences. I think you might be a little rusty, my friend.”, he chuckled.
“Oh…oh God…”, you mewled as he began to lick faster, sliding his fingers into your cunt as he pumped them into you matching his pace. 
Eddie grabbed your chin roughly, turning you to face him. “What did I say? You moan our fucking names.”, he snarled through gritted teeth. 
“Eddie, stop.”, Steve warned, replacing his tongue with his thumb. They glared at each other but something in his stare scared even you. “Not tonight.”
“I’m…I’m…” Your knees buckled and the demon behind you quickly gripped your body to keep you from hitting the floor as you came harder than you ever had before. 
“There you go. Good girl. Good fucking girl.” 
As you gradually came down from your high the demon in front you stood up and lightly kissed your lips. A fire ignited in you, through your soul, and straight to your core. Your arms needily wrapped around his neck as you pulled him closer, walking with him backwards to the bed till you both fell on to it.
You squeaked when your palm ran down his chest and you realized he was suddenly naked. Steve couldn’t help but laugh at your shock. 
“Remember, honey, all of this…”, he gestures at his body. “…is for you. To make you more comfortable. Not that I hate it. I’m kind of growing attached to the hair.” Your eyes closed as he started grinding his cock through your dripping folds. “This part is still me though. Do you want to feel it? Do you want to feel what a demon’s dick can do?”
Nodding, you prepared yourself as you reached around to cling to his shoulders. 
“Can you open your eyes for me? I want to watch those beautiful eyes as I stretch you open.”
As soon as you do as he asks, he grins, gripping the base of his cock and guiding it into your entrance. Just the tip of him had your eyebrows furrowing together. He was much bigger than anyone you had ever had and your walls were resisting his size. When he pushed in another inch, your eyes promptly closed again and his angry grumble immediately hit your ears. 
“Y/N, what did I say?”
“I’m…I’m sorry. You’re just…you’re so…”
“Look at me.”, he growled and your eyes snap open. “Fuck, you feel so good. I’ve never had a being as tight as you before.” This time he pushes in a little more forcefully making you groan. “We’re going to fucking ruin you for anyone else. Fuck me.”
Your pussy fluttered at his statement and a sinister laugh echoed from them both. 
“You like that, baby girl?” Steve’s forehead falls on yours as he finally bottoms out. “You like the sound of us ruining this little pussy? Say it.”, he commands in a firm tone as you nod.
“I want…want you…to…” He nods encouragingly, his nose grazing yours. “To…ruin my—mmm—my pussy.”
His hips roughly roll into yours and your jaw goes slack at the intense pleasure that courses through body. 
“Yeah? Ok, pretty girl. We can do that for you.” Steve leans up on to his knees, lifting your left leg up to chest as his palm holds your other open wide against the mattress. His eyes watch his cock as he begins thrusting into you.
Another set of hands suddenly appear and you quickly turn to see Eddie laying by your side as his fingers lightly play with your erect nipples. 
“You never answered my question. DO you know how beautiful you are?” He leans to trail kisses along your neck till his lips find your breast and you moan while he flicks against the bud as he closes his mouth around it. “I actually don’t say that to many beings. Personally, I think your kind is terrible.”
Your fingers thread through his hair as his teeth graze the sensitive area causing your hips to buck up as you moaned loudly. 
“You have to be quiet, sweetheart. You may be the only one that can see us but everyone can hear you.” Eddie leaned over you like you weren’t even there, picking your panties up off the floor, and shoving them into your mouth.
Smirking, he placed his fingers against his lips in a shushing motion before sliding his palm between your legs and rubbing them against your clit. Steve slammed his hips into yours and the world melted away around you. You felt like you were floating in space and the only thing keeping you grounded was their hands on your body. White light blinded your vision as you screamed which was rapidly muffled more by Eddie’s hand. 
“Atta girl, baby. Let go and just feel it.”
Your climax felt like it lasted hours as Steve slowed his pace, thrusting his cock as deep as he could while you came back down to earth. Suddenly, he grunted as you felt warmth coat your insides. 
“That’s it, honey. Fuck…your pussy is just begging for more of my cum. You’re clinging to my dick so fucking tight.” He hovered over your twitching frame, pulling the gag out of your mouth as he continued to slowly pump his hips, allowing your quivering hole to milk him. “Such a good girl. A good, beautiful girl. I know, baby. I know. It feels so good, you want more. It’s Eddie’s turn next. He’ll take good care of you just like I did.”
You whimper when he pulls out, sad at the empty feeling before your roughly turned onto your stomach and aggressive hands lift your ass in the air. In your state of bliss, you can’t make out the words entirely but you hear both demons exchange a few words. 
“Don’t hurt her…isn’t…like us…”
“Calm…not going to…”
Pushing up on your hands, you feel Eddie press his cock to your entrance before easily pushing himself in, your mouth falling open in a silent moan. He was thicker than his friend and even with you and Steve’s most recent orgasm leaking out of you, there was still resistance within your cunt. 
“Y/N, fuck, sweetheart. Steven, how—mmm—how did you control yourself from not just fucking pounding her into the mattress?” Your pussy fluttered at the thought and he groaned as he leaned his chest down against your back. “Yeah? You like the sound of that? Steve thinks—mmm—we need to be gentle with you.” As his breath warmed your ear, he thrust his hips, pushing himself as far into you as your bodies would allow.
“Naw… you’ve been careful your whole life, haven’t you? You just want to…to let go and be fucked so hard—damn—you forget how unhappy you really are.”
When your only response was your moans, he pushed off your chest and held your hips as he thrust into you. Eddie’s fingers harshly kneaded the flesh of your ass before occasionally slapping it making you mewl. Once again, it was like time and matter evaporated except for you and them. With each slap and thrust, you felt like you could see into another world; a better one. 
Your hair was abruptly tugged, yanking you to your knees as his ringed hand held you tightly. As your head tilted to the side, you noticed his eyes were closed as his face scrunched in pleasure. For a second, you forgot who they were and what they were here for. He seemed like any normal man just trying to make you feel good. Your lips moved towards him, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek causing his eyes to fly open and look your way.
Eddie’s movements slowed as he scanned your face, trying to get a read on you. He wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t like humans. He struggled to find any real good within them and quite frankly they reminded him of some of the lower level demons he fought back home. You seemed different than everyone else, you reminded him of her. 
He shook the images from his head, pushing your upper half back down against the mattress where you found yourself face to face with Steve. His fingers delicately pushed your hair out of your face before he softly slid them down your skin, reaching under your body and between your legs to rub your clit. 
“Cum again, Y/N. You can do it.” He grabs your panties and places it in your mouth again. “There you go, honey. Go ahead and scream. It’s ok.”
His palm firmly covers your mouth as you see that light once more, blinding you as you shriek and moan into your gag as your orgasm shutters through you.
“Fuck, baby. Yes.”, Eddie grunts as he holds your hips tighter, pumping his hips faster. 
“Good girl. I know. I know, sweetie. You did so well. You deserved this. Can you say that for me?”, he asks as he tosses your underwear back to the floor.
“I…I deserve…this.”, you pant. 
Your body jerks forward as Eddie gives you a few more rough thrusts and you feel his seed spill into you. Like his friend, he continues small pumps to make sure he fully empties into your pussy. Whimpering, he pulls out of your now aching core and collapses beside you. He twirls his fingers and a cigarette appears between them as he quickly lights it, blowing smoke towards the ceiling. 
“Y/N, are you okay?”, Steve asks as he rolls you onto your back and caresses your cheek. You mumble something he can’t hear as your heavy eye lids close. Rolling over to face Eddie, you intertwine your fingers with the free hand that’s between you as you push your back into the other demon’s chest behind you. It startles them both as they exchange a glance. 
Usually, the beings that summoned them wanted to get things over with as quickly as possible. When they were sexual with them, the summoner was a willing participant but was never intimate. They were demons who were going to leave them after they completed the task anyway so what was the point?
Your lips moved again and Eddie tossed his cigarette into a void before turning to face you, placing his palm on your side.
“Can you hear what she’s saying?”, Steve asked.
The other demon nods as he heavily sighs, pulling your blankets up over your waist. 
“She said ‘thank you’.”
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sevenmerrymagpies · 4 months
I am not going to write a Star Trek Steddie AU.
Steve is half betazoid/half human, the product of a political/business union for his parents, and a spectacular failure at what they wanted him to do. He doesn't even get into Star Fleet (their backup plan). He ends up working on some vacation planet as a bartender on their "tropicana" resort island, looking like Magnum PI wannabe. His best friend is a woman named Robin who works as a massage therapist, running her own spa near the resort.
Eddie is a medical officer on a vacation when they meet. Something, something Eddie only goes because Dustin - new brat in engineering he's befriended - forces him too, says he wants to meet up with a friend. Something, something Eddie meets Steve and they fuck nasty. Something, something hijinks ensue.
Probably some other plot too, why not. And, eventually, Steve joins the starship in a Guinan type job? He absolutely takes Robin with him.
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i love a/b/o steddie where they get started like so young that if it was someone i knew irl i'd have a panic attack. like,, mated right out of high school, baby pops out a year later, they've got like five kids by the time they're 25
thinking about an au where they were already together pre- start of s4 and steve goes through the whole thing like three months pregnant. like he's stressed about the baby and eddie and eddie's SUPER stressed about the baby and steve, like eddie's trying to get steve to sit this one out for the baby and steve has to yell at him to stop bc yeah, he's worried about losing their first child, but if he sat at home while everyone else dealt with the upside down and someone didn't come back??? he'd never be able to live with himself
and when the bats get eddie and steve tries to use the mating bond to share some of eddie's pain, help him hold on until they get to the hospital, eddie weakly tries to tell him not to, to think of the baby. and steve's just. not having it. and once eddie wakes up from his medically induced coma he's like :(( why'd you do that and steve is just. so mad. he says yeah, if i had lost the baby (he doesn't, she's fine) that would have been the most terrible pain i'd ever felt. but it would have been worse if i lost you. and eddie's like. oh. bc maybe part of him has always been thinking that steve's only stuck with him bc he's the father of their kid. but no, steve loves him.
so eddie's crying, and steve's crying, and then steve shows eddie the ultrasound they did during eddie's coma to check the baby hadn't been hurt by the week of stress and danger and pain-sharing, and it's the first time they've been able to actually see the shape of a baby in all the weird white noise of an ultrasound, and now they're both crying even harder
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