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Cuirassier’s Armor.
Date: dated 1621; helmet brim and buffe, 19th century.
Culture: possibly Dutch.
Medium: Steel, gold, leather.
Dimensions: Wt. 80 lb. 6 oz. (36.45 kg).
🏛The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
📝This armor appears to belong to a small group of finely made Dutch armors from the first third of the seventeenth century. The date is found in the decoration of the lowest plates of the poleyns (knee defenses) and reads, ANNO (left); 1621 (right). The helmet’s brim and falling buffe (face defense) are restorations dating from the nineteenth century. Both the breastplate and backplate of this armor were proved, that is, a pistol or musket was fired at them to ensure that they were bulletproof. The resulting dent was then hammered out to leave only a slight depression, which was incorporated into the decoration.
Photos credit: T. Hoog.
📌#usa #museum #armour #medieal #knight #metalartist (à The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
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absinthundblut · 4 years
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capxtony · 7 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Well...there will be! Summary:
Steve doesn't believe in rushed marriages and knows that he can find his mate if he's given the time. The Council disagree, seeing as Steve is a king who needs a worthy partner by his side. Especially when he needs to be married by the age of twenty-five. Steve is twenty-three and running out of time.
Tony has been forced into a betrothal with an alpha who only sees him as a object and a tool. He has fought and protested but no one listens due to his omega status. All Tony wants is to be free and live life the way he wants, free from the restraints of what an omega should be.
Then it all changes when their worlds collide, for the better and for the worst.
I’ve read the 8 chapters that this has, and I’m hoping it’s gonna update. Naturally, I’m a sucker for things like medieval!au’s so I really like this. Check it out if interested!
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Castle Combe, Wiltshire, Cotswolds, England, UK
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generationalreality · 7 years
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Chapter Thirty-eight: Budding Romance; Part 5
Several days after Ivy lost her virtue to her husband, King Alton, the two began to become rather close. Not that they weren’t close before, but now, they were as close as they could be. Whilst Ivy was silently stressed over conceiving, Alton couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he really didn’t attempt to impregnate her. Due to the new politics and alliances being thrown around Alton’s mind, he was rather restless and couldn’t find the time to sleep; if it wasn’t ruling, it was Ivy. Despite popular belief, Ivy was more than a handful, and Alton knew this from experience - though he knew she was now even more high strung due to her expectation of conception. They needed an heir soon...  
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julibf · 5 years
I told in some of my past metas, that I wrote after the show was done, why the ending was so unsatisfying and I am going to try to explain why here in some point. Its not because it was sad and heartbreaking, or some of our theories never really turned out to be true.
I am afraid to say, Its George RRM who is letting me down, not Benioff and Weiss. So lets start with the points that are making my head spin.
If accept Bran Stark as the final King of this story, I have to pretend I didnt read the past books A CLASH IF KINGS and a FEAST FOR CROWS, where we had very good contenders fighting for the Throne (Rob Stark, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, etc) Yes, some of those men were not so good from a moral point of view, but they brought strength, militar support, militar and political alliances, legitimate claims to the Throne...
I could go on and on and on. There is absolutely no reason for why would Yara Greyjoy would bend the knee to Brandon Stark and accept him as her leader and ruler; or the Prince of Dorne, or the Lords from the Westerlands. This choice is absolutely absurd and if you read the books you would know that picking a boy king, with no claim to the Throne or no powerful armies makes any sense at all. Whe we add the fact Bran had hardly any experience ruling or leading people during the 7 years of this story, this pic gets even more and more bizarre.Not to mention, I really dislike the idea that humans are incapable to control their own emotions, and because of that we must pick a God like creature with no emotions.
 I understand George wanted a surprising ending and he wanted to go against the expectations, but this choice is an utopia. I cant get behind this choice. I am sorry.
Again, do I have to pretend I didnt read the books and actually know that being a Kingslayer is a very terrible sin to carry on Westeros??? Tyrion is not a beloved figure in this story, even before he killed his own father, Tywin Lannister.
Tyrion decision to kill his father, not only started the downfall of House Lannister, it also made the entire region of the Westerlands political weaker and more vulnerable to future attacks.He must be a very despised figure in the entire realm. Yet, he will be the second person in charge of Westeros??
At this point I am at loss of words. I have no idea what George is planning with this.
Awful, terrible, horrible idea. Any way you slice, this was a terrible idea to end such amazing novel. Its corny, outdated and down right dangerous, considering we live in a world where females are at risk of being murdered by their male partners all the time.
This is such underwhelming decision, in a sea of underwhelming decisions that I am starting to think George was simply trying to make us all hate this ending.
We could have the realm raising in Rebelion against the Queen of Ashes; we could have second Dance of Dragons; We could have Arya using her underused superpowers as a Faceless men to kill Daenerys. No, we will have Jon Snow, still making excuses for Daenerys terrible behavior, begging her to start acting better???? telling her she will always be his queen while putting a dagger into her heart!!!
Again, this ending is coming from George himself. I cant really blame the D’s for this mess.
Awful, terrible, horrible idea. Any way you slice, this was a terrible idea to end such amazing novel. If you dont believe Political Jon theory, then Jon Snow is just a completely fool, who fell in love with a tyrant, closed his eyes to all her terrible behavior and in the end was forced to kill the love of his life to save humanity. He is a idiot. and it breaks my heart that this is how Jon Snow will be remembered by audiences.  Some people keep on telling me. “Oh, by, I dont think this is how George will write him, I think its going to be much better” But I have to say, I dont think it will.
I do believe Jon was playing Dany in the beginning of their romance and was manipulating her in order to use her dragons and armies to save the North, but I also believe that once he finds out she is his family too, he became a little torned between his Targ and Stark family. He is a family man in the end of the day and he must feel some sort of guilty for his actions towards D@ny.
I think that George will keep Political Jon hidden between the lines, just like the show did. He may write much better and be more obvious, but I dont think it will ever be revealed explicit to the audience. And this is what kills his character. If he doesnt reveal to the audience that Jon was playing Daenerys, than it seems Jon Snow never really learned anything from his past 10 years and it sucks!!
No matter how you slice it, if George will keep Jon’s actions hidden and make the audience believe he is madly in love with this entitled monster and will keep on defending her until the very end and this is the character assassination of Jon Snow.
If, he is madly in love with Dany and has to be told several times that he must kill her to save the world from her tyranny, he is an IDIOT who never learned a damn thing in his life. If he DOESNT love Dany, but out of duty still is loyal to her, and has to be told several times to kill her in order to save the world, he is an IDIOT who never fucking learns anything. I dont get what George is doing here. He is destroying the character he spend so much time bulding as a hero, but that's exactly what he wants to do it. Maybe there are NO HEROS. (what a shit message).
I wished Jon and Dany had been just allies and later became enemies. This would be a much better ending for both characters.
Jaime can not put Cersei behind him and comes back to die with her in the end;
Jon Snow can never, ever, ever learn with his mistakes and is still struggling after so much pain and misery in his life, over duty and honour.
Jon Snow years and years learning to be a leader and ruler is absolutely pointless and he is sent back to the Wall, where he started???
Sansa, who dreamed about love and family all 5 novels, ends this story completely alone;
Arya, who desperate wanted to go back home since season 1, leaves once again, this time for good??? leaving her younger brother alone in the South (where Stark men dont do well), her sister alone in Winterfell and Jon all alone at the Wall. WHAT THE FUCK?????
Daenerys can never overcome her family tragedy of Fire and Blood, and becomes the monster her father was;
In fact, it seems that its impossible for humans to evolve and become better people than their parents, a God like creature must rule us all, otherwise we are lost. (I can not repeated enough times, what terrible message this ending is, and its no even true!!!!, we live in a world of no magic, and we were able to produce rules who brought us peace, progress and humanity.)
What really got me by surprise in the end, it was how sterile and hopeless this entire story felt. George once said that he writes so much violence, deaths and rapes in his novels because it is part of real medieval life and would be a lie to avoid those themes in his books, but you know whats also real part of medieval life?? Marriages? Marriage alliances, happy normal ones, who produce children, heirs, LIFE, FUTURE!!!
Oh we had weddings on ASOIAF, but most of them ended in slaughter, death, rape, misery. I dont think we had one happy birth inthis entire story? Gilly had a child from her father rapist and Edmure was able to produce a child too, but his bride Roselin was actualy in tears when they had sex (because she was aware of the Red Wedding plans) 
What a miserable tale this was. Our heros never really get to experience real joy. They never get to fullfill their childhood dreams. But they do get to be raped and abused, so, maybe thats ALL IT REALLY happened in the medieal times. Oh wait, its not tue, The War of the Roses ended with the marriage of Henry Tutor and Elizabeth of York. They had a very happy marriage and produced several children. 
In our story, we dont get to have laughter, joy, happiness or hope for a future. We do get several pages of Theon being tortured and dismembered in the books; or Sansa being physically and mentally abused; or Jon being consumed by loneliness and grief. But I guess, thats all it happened in the medieval times, so..........
Funny thing is, you see, before the story started, marriages and children were a common occurence in Westeros. Ned and Cat had several children; Cersei and Robbert had 3; Lysa was able to produce a child too; The Tyrells keep on making babies, even God damn Lyanna Stark, who only spent a few months married to Rheagar, was able to had a child. What miracle, its almost like those events were normal facts in those days.
In our story, no House can produce children, even bastards!!! Jon, Theon and Tyrion had quite lots of sex during this story, yet no children was ever produced. Maybe all men in Westeros became sterile, once ASOIAF started it. 
By the end of the day, I am disappointed in George, not really the TV show, which is even more sadder. I think he wrote a very beautiful story, but his ending is taking away all my joy for those characters and this novel. I know he wanted avoid the expected and subvert the expectations, but he is shooting his own story in their foot. And its braking my heart.
What terrible way to end such fascinating tale...
“[Bran] will be a good ruler bc he’s inhuman - which is a very depressing message. GoT was always about the struggle between human good & human evil w/in each person. Bran being king suggests that the solution to human evil isn’t human good, it’s being not human.”  
ALT SHIFT X described in great words, how I felt about this ending, and you could sense his disappointment in the final message of this story too. It's was an extremely nihlistic ending. Westeros hasn't changed in facts it's worse politically. 
Now, lets compare this to LORD OF THE RINGS ending, who also got a bittersweet ending. Remember, George RRM is always comparing those stories and believes he is having a conversation to Tolkien. 
Honest to God, in comparison LOTR looks like a Disney movie. It has a beautiful coronation ceremony, humanity came together to save the world from evil, and THEY TRIUMPHED!!!! There is JOY, LOVE, HOPE. Aragorn is King of the Reunited Kingdom, the people love and admire him (can we say the same about King Bran?) . 
He marries his childhood love, Arwen and produce an heir. This brings hope and a sense of future for the reader. This story is uplifting, its inspiring, its quite frankly, a good story. 
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Its impossible not feel good about this story and the ending is one of the reasons this story has touched so many people, from all over the world and has remained a classic. Because, the tale of humanity coming together to defeat the evil is a theme that its always occurring in our life times. This is something that Tolkien experienced personally, having to fight in the WWII.
The nazis were defeated because several countries, put aside their differences and fought for the good of humanity and yes, it is possible. And after WWII we actually managed to achieve a lot of humans rights for several people who were considered less in the early century. 
In GOT there was no joy or celebration, no weddings to form new alliances; to make peace; no births to bring new heirs, to bring a hope for the future. In fact, most wedding in the show were always associated with death and pain. Death and pain, yes, there was a lot of death and pain in ASOAIF. Thats all it has to offer the reader and viewer? Death, pain and misery??
I understand that George wanted to do the different and not give what the reader really wanted. But I have to be honest to you, in my opinion, this was a unfulfilling, uninspiring, unpleasant story. I said a few times, i have no desire to re read those long books. This story brought me no joy. And I understand that, stories are not obliged to bring us joy, but, they are supposed to make sense. And, I just dont think the ending made a lot of sense for those who read the books. Hey, maybe that was our mistake. Hee
What sad story :/
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chraustinjesse · 7 years
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Leader of the Mages Guild Agda
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blockheadjnr · 2 years
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webkinzareus · 3 years
I’ll tell YOU a secret
I am a FOOL for the “Mystery Gift.”
When I see one on the “Today’s Activities” list I zoom through ALL my accounts to click it.  I don’t know why.  I’m addicted.
They TEND to be
1) fancy windows (you’ll see them all over my Alice and Medieal Theologians accounts)
2) weird precious-stone lamps and
3) floor tiles with shiny stones.  You’ll see them all over my Alice account too.
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tyebaumhaus · 3 years
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Ein intensiver Probentag liegt hinter allen Beteiligten von “Prometheus dis.order”. Die medieale Inszenierung nimmt ihre finale Form an. Der Premiere heute Abend steht nichts mehr im Wege. 
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mainjudimesin46 · 4 years
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nunoxaviermoreira · 7 years
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Mercado Medieval-4 by GonzalezNovo Mercado Medieal 2017, Melilla http://flic.kr/p/WfBEaY
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whiskeygin23 · 6 years
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Francobollo by SalvatoreGuida
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roggeveen · 8 years
new art by me! featuring @theghostlyshark‘s oc xavia.
and yes, that is a whirligig saw from bloodborne
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