ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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i'm back with MeiRocma, have the two hugging! Ref: posereference.tumblr.com/post/… ------- regrese con MeiRoma, aquí están los dos abrazándose! ---  WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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a quick, pretty rushed drawing of Meikai and Rocma after quite the busy night... is Meikai... is he even alive at this point? based on this meme:knowyourmeme.com/memes/guy-tir… ------ un rápido y apresurado dibujo de Meikai y Rocma después de una noche de diversión... esta Meikai...  acaso siquiera esta vivo a este punto? --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Rocma and Meikai) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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Meikai: pretty neat, huh? Rocma: huh Meikai wanted to show Rocma something on his phone, she seems interested. base: twitter.com/KureNaiZ1/status/1… ------ Meikai: interesante, no? Rocma: huh Meikai le quería mostrar a Rocma algo en su teléfono, ella parece interesada. --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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the princess of the mushroom... iceberg... whatever kingdom is here! good luck trying to kidnap her, because she will surely tear you to shreds before you even lay a single finger on her... oh, and Meikario is here too! ------ la princesa del reino de los hongos... icebergs... lo que sea, esta aquí! buena suerte intentando capturarla, porque ella con seguridad va a despedazarte antes de que siquiera le eches un dedo encima... oh, y Meikario esta aquí también! --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Rocma and Meikai) by Funamusea the Super Mario franchise (and Princess Peach and Mario) is owned by Nintendo
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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atleast one of them seems to be happy, ah, parenthood it's such a complicated thing (based on this image:i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/ne…) ------ al menos unos de ellos esta feliz, ah, ser padres son una cosa tan complicada --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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HAPPY NEW YEARS 2023, EVERYBODY, i must say, 2022 was one heck of a year, both in good and bad stuff, i wish 2023 to be a better year for everyone! to celebrate the ocassion, i rushed this drawing of my favourite crackship, MeiRocma, that's it everyone, hope you have a great 2023! ------ FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2023 A TODOS, debo decir, 2022 fue un año bastante loco, con muchas cosas buenas y malas, deseo que 2023 sea un mejor año para todos! para celebrar la ocasión, me apresure para hacer este dibujo de mi crackship favorita, MeiRocma, eso es todo, espero que tengan un gran 2023! --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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Meikai: s-sorry, you're a little heavy Rocma: are you calling me fat!? another MeiRocma drawing, because it's the only thing i can think of drawing because i kinda don't have any other ideas, sorry if i haven't been uploading as much, i've been kinda busy, but i hope you guys enjoy this little drawing i quickly cooked up. original pose by AdorkaStock (www.deviantart.com/adorkastock…) ------ Meikai: l-lo siento, eres un poco pesada Rocma: me estas llamando gorda!? otro dibujo de MeiRocma, porque es la única cosa que pensé en dibujar porque estoy mas o menos sin otras ideas, lo siento si no he estado subiendo tan seguido, he estado algo ocupado, pero espero que disfruten este pequeño dibujo que hice. --- Ice Scream and WATGBS (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
MeiRocma headcanon
how Meikai reacts to someone insulting Rocma: gets angry, but firm and calmly tells the person to take back what they said
how Rocma reacts to someone insulting Meikai: "Local person gets mauled by wild polar bear, more news at 5"
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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a while i ago i posted on my other sites a drawing of a MeiRocma (Meikai x Rocma) fanchild, i never posted that drawing here and the oc's design never convinced me, so i decided to redesign the boi and came up with this guy (also the drawing is a little odd because i kinda rushed it), so yeah.
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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so, i decided to redesign Umikuma little bit, but not only that, also give him a sibling, so, meet Kori, the other MeiRocma fanchild, the two are basically polar opposites of eachother, but they get along (mostly) well! ------ así que, decidí rediseñar a Umikuma un poco, pero no solo eso, si no que también le di un hermano, conozcan a Kori, el otro fanchild de Meirocma, los dos son básicamente opuestos el uno del otro, pero se llevan (relativemente) bien! --- Ice Scream and WATGBS (and Rocma and Meikai) by Funamusea Umikuma and Kori by me, UnGojiraSapiente
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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second MeiRocma fanchild, Kori, basically Umikuma's opposite, enjoy! ------ segundo fanchild de MeiRocma, Kori, el opuesto de Umikuma, disfruten!  --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 1 year
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not only i'm the #1 MeiRocma shipper, but i'm also a Satanick X Rocma shipper, yeah, the crackships never stooooopppp!  ------ no solo soy el numero 1 shipper de MeiRocma, pero también shippeo Satanick X Rocma, si, las crackships nunca se detieneeeeeeeen! --- Rocma and Satanick by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
Snowed In (MeiRocma fanfic)
The cold wind blew through Iceberg Isle, it was a particularly cold night, more so than it normally was for the place, even the animals who were most adapted to the freezing cold of the artic could be in danger, not only that, the clouds on the horizon were dark, indicating that this wasn’t just a particularly cold wind that was going to come and go, no, there was a blizzard approaching, and Rocma knew that, that’s why she decided to stay inside her house, alongside her daughter, until the storm subsided, too bad someone else decided to come to the Iceberg uninvited.
“looks pretty awful out there, doesn’t it?” Meikai laughed, the sea wizard had become friends with Rocma some time ago and it was pretty common for him to visit the place, usually to have a friendly chat with the polar bear, usually about their daughters, Rocma thought it was pretty nice, she usually didn’t let people, especially from such faraway places, get friendly with her, but Mekai was the exceptionally rare exception, a kind and wise man that Rocma actually looked up to, the polar bear usually asking for parenting advice, which the wizard was ready to deliver, his daughter was already an adult basically, so he had plenty of experience in the parenthood department, today however, Meikai’s presence was more annoying than welcomed…
“yes, which makes me wonder why you even showed up here in the first place” Rocma scolded the wizard, Meikai usually gave a visit to the iceberg every couple of months, he was a pretty busy man, and the sea that he lived in was pretty far away, so those visits were rare and barely a couple hours long.
“well… I thought the storm wasn’t going to hit until later in the morning, but I guess I underestimated it” the wizard laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, for such an intelligent and wise person, when he messed up, he messed up big time.
Rocma sighed in frustration, the two had been chatting for already three hours, all the while Mafuyu played with her toys and some yarn balls they had laying around, not paying much attention to what her mother and Meikai were talking about.
“I don’t know how someone like you can do something so dumb”
“everyone has few lapsus in their intelligence, it’s just a part of life, I guess” the wizard shrugged, Rocma stared, completely incredulous, she was already starting to get mad.
“lapsus, you call this a lapsus!?” 
“well, what other words could I use?”
“i…ugh” the polar bear groaned; this conversation had gotten frustrating for her.
“so… when is the storm going to stop?” Meikai asked, trying to change the topic somewhat.
“it’s already pretty close, and these ones usually last for like a whole day or two, so we aren’t going anywhere for a while”
Rocma stared daggers at the wizard, like she was saying “this is your fault” without even having to mutter a single word, the wizard gave another awkward laugh to try and soften the blow, but it was like using a pillow to protect yourself against a machete. Rocma stared at the clock on the wall, it read 9:00, then she looked at her daughter.
“Mafuyu, its bed time, grab your toys and go to the bathroom to wash your teeth”
The seal girl pouted, staring at her mother with adorable anger while holding a pink ball of yarn in her flippers.
“come on Mafuyu, it’s time for bed” Rocma said again, but the little girl simply sat down, arms crossed, facing away from her mother, making a small “hmph” sound while she did it. Rocma sighed at her daughter’s attitude, even though she loved her with all her soul, she had to admit that the little seal could be pretty frustrating, this was a pretty common characteristic from children of her age, they still had energy left for like a whole week, so seemingly wasting it on sleeping seemed like a nonsensical choice.
“Mafuyu, you should listen to your mother, if you sleep well like she tells you, one day you’ll grow as strong and as big as her!” Meikai gave words of encouragement to the young seal, making her stand up and look at her mother again, with starry, hopeful eyes filled with wishes and dreams that only a child could have.
“I… yeah! If you want to grow like me, you have to get a good amount of sleep at the right time, so you should go to bed and you can continue playing tomorrow, how does that sound?” Rocma explained, her daughter nodded with enthusiasm, she quickly stored all of her toys in a small wooden chest before running to the bathroom to wash her teeth, Rocma smiled with genuine warmth at the little girl, even an aloof and cold person like her had someone that made her frozen heart melt.
“ah, children” Meikai laughed, he knew how the experience of raising one felt very well, it was tiring, stressful and a bit annoying at times, but seeing them smile, grow up and start making their own accomplishments, as small as they could be, made it all worth it.
“yeah…” Rocma smiled at the wizard, before realizing what she just did. “b-but I’m still mad at you for coming here while the storm is coming!” she quickly corrected herself, almost making a pout, like her daughter.
“like mother, like daughter” Meikai thought, laughing a bit, this time sincerely.
“w-what are you laughing at!?” Rocma scolded Meikai, a faint blush on her face.
“nothing, nothing” replied Meikai, containing a small chuckle.
A couple minutes passed, Mafuyu was already tucked in bed, her little head poking out from under the bedsheets, Rocma stood beside the bed, waiting for the little seal to fall asleep.
“good night, Mommy” Mafuyu said, Rocma smiled, crouched down and gave the seal a small kiss on her forehead.
“good night, sweety, sleep well” Rocma replied, patting her daughter on the head.
“I’ll sleep so I can grow to be big and strong like you, Momma!” the little girl replied with the enthusiasm and innocence a small kid like her could give.
Rocma smiled and nodded, she turned the lights off in the little seal’s room, before opening the door, but before she left the room, she looked back one more time to see the little seal closing her eyes and drifting into sleep, the polar bear was just making sure everything was fine one last time, a bit excessive, maybe, but it did give her the peace of mind she needed, finally, she exited the room, gently closing the door so as to not make any loud noises. Rocma came back to the entrance room of the house, Meikai was sitting there, on the floor, legs crossed, with a warm smile on his face, Rocma stared at the wizard with a bewildered expression, before giving a small smile, Meikai was an odd visitor, but if she said she didn’t like his visits, she would be a total liar, they were nice, short, most of the time, but nice, she could always trust in the sea wizard when it came to parenting advice, he always seemed to know about anything related to that task, it helped Rocma feel a bit more confident in her parenting skills.
“so, she’s already asleep?” Meikai asked, Rocma nodded in response.
“yeah, she falls asleep quite fast, but it’s hard to wake her up in the mornings” the polar bear explained, giggling a bit at the last part.
“Wadanohara’s the same, since she was a kid it was always hard to wake her up, she’s such a heavy sleeper”
Rocma gave a small laugh, but her expression changed to a more concerned one, she looked down, like she was thinking about what to say, or maybe debating if she should say it at all?
“d-did it ever scare you?” Rocma asked, Meikai looked at her, confused, prompting her to elaborate further on the question. “like, did the thought of Wadanohara growing up ever scare you? Her becoming independent and all… that”
Meikai let the question sit in his mind for a couple seconds, thinking of an answer. “well… I would be lying if I said that it didn’t…”
Rocma listened close at the wizard’s experience. “of course it scares you, you are always trying to do what’s best for them, and of course you want to see them become their own person, be independent, have a whole future ahead of them… but…it’s also sad, and scary, you raised for a great part of your life and for a great part of their lives, you are the most important thing to them…” Meikai looked down, with evident sadness in his eyes. “ and then they leave, they don’t need you as much as they did before, they can do things on their own, have their own lives, and that’s… that’s amazing, it gives you this sense of pride, of accomplishment, not only in you, but also in them, especially in them, but it’s also ironic… when they leave and go do their own lives, you also feel like a part of you is being ripped away…”
Rocma stared, waiting for Meikai to finish, he hesitated for a second, before swallowing saliva. “and you are afraid, obviously, because you don’t know what could happen to them, you’re not longer their shelter, the thing they depend on, they depend on themselves or other people that aren’t you… and that’s scary, because you don’t know what they could be going through, you don’t know if they’re safe, or if they’re feeling well, or if there’s something bad happening to them… you don’t know…”
The polar bear reflected on that, the mere thought of something happening to Mafuyu was one of Rocma’s greatest fears, she’s been through entire nights of not sleeping because of those thoughts, worse still, is that that fear wasn’t entirely based on complete paranoia, the iceberg was a dangerous place, orcas frequently attacked the coast, predators lurked around the snowy landscape, waiting for easy prey to sink their fangs on, specially other polar bears, that unlike herself, wouldn’t pass on the opportunity for an easy meal, and god knows what other kind of monsters could be hiding, waiting for their next victim. Rocma shuddered, her nightmares were made out of those sort of scenarios, she would wake up in a cold sweat, shivering at the images her brain conjured in her dreams, images of her daughter getting injured or worse by an animal or a person, and her being unable to do anything, only forced to watch as her daughter’s life was taken in front of her eyes… it was a truly horrible thought.
Meikai noticed that Rocma was trembling, gritting her teeth, tears falling out of her eyes, he, in all of his visits, had never seen the polar bear cry, she was a tough, stubborn lady that usually didn’t listen to anyone and didn’t say anything extra, just enough to state the point she tried to make, only listening to his advice on parenting, and nothing else, so seeing her tear up was something that hit the sea wizard hard…
“but at the same time, you have to remember that they are going to figure stuff out on their own, you have to trust them, they will find out a solution to their issues, they’re going to make their own future, their own destiny and if they do need you, they’ll tell you, because they love you, because you were for them, and they’re also going to be there for you when you need them.” Meikai finished his explanation, the wizard stood up and walked over to Rocma, extended his arms, and gave the crying polar bear a hug, holding her tightly in his arms.
The hug was something Rocma wasn’t expecting, normally she would be completely against the idea of being in someone’s grasp, but this time, in this rare moment of vulnerability, it was something she needed, she reciprocated the hug with another one, holding to the wizard tightly, resting her head on his shoulder, and letting the tears flow out of her eyes, she had to admit, it felt kind of good, like she felt a weigh on her shoulders being lifted, it felt relieving.
“feels better?” Meikai asked, still hugging the polar bear.
“y-y-yes” Rocma responded, doing the same, sobbing a little, her voice choked up.
Rocma stared at the clock from the wizard’s shoulder, it read 11:45, 15 minutes away from midnight, the polar bear gently undid the hug, separating herself from the wizard’s embrace, wiping the remaining tears away from her eyes.
“i-it’s pretty late already, I didn’t even know how much time had passed…” Rocma said to herself.
“it’s fine, I can find a place to sleep somewhere, you have a couch or something? I don’t really mind”
“no, you… helped me a lot, thank you, I can offer you my bed, if you’d like”
“really!... but wait, where are you going to sleep?”
“I’ll figure it out…”
“no, I can’t accept that, this is your home, I can’t just take your bed… there’s gotta be some other option”
Something came to the bear’s mind, her cheeks turned red, she quickly covered them with her paws, trying not to catch the wizard’s attention.
“are you okay?” Meikai asked, concerned for his friend.
“i-I have an idea, but don’t make it weird, okay?”
Meikai tilted his head in confusion, just what was she thinking of? Well, the plan was for them to sleep on the same bed, a bit awkward, yes, but both had to make do with what they had; besides, it was going to be for just a day or two, right?
Rocma took out her dress, hanging it in a coat hanger in her closet, she looked around the space for another article of clothing, her pajamas, or atleast the pink button-up shirt she called pajamas, after finally putting it on, she tucked herself to bed, making sure to cover her lower half with the bedsheets entirely.
“can I come inside?” Meikai asked from behind the bedroom door.
“y-yeah!” Rocma confirmed.
The wizard opened the door and entered, carrying his blazer and trousers under his arm, wearing only a pair of navy blue boxers, Rocma turned bright red at the sight of this, she couldn’t help to stare at the wizard’s surprisingly athletic build, Meikai caught wind of this and turned his head to look at the polar bear, the second he did that, Rocma turned to look away from the wizard.
“hey, don’t worry, I don’t mind if you stare” Meikai gave a smug smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Rocma responded, trying to hide the obvious fact that she was ogling at the sea wizard’s body.
Meikai giggled, he proceeded to leave his clothes in a chair that was placed right in front of the bed, before entering the bed, right beside Rocma, and covering himself with the sheets.
Rocma tried her best too look away from the wizard, trying not to have any sort of weird thought about the situation, Meikai was also trying his best not to have anything odd form in his mind, Rocma reached her hand and turned off the bedside lamp.
“good night” Rocma said, laying on her side, turned away from the wizard.
“good night, Rocma” Meikai said back, he was laying on his back, facing the ceiling.
Meikai could be in bed for up to half an hour before actually sleeping, it was hard for him to fall asleep, but during the night he felt Rocma turning on her bed, before feeling himself being grabbed by the polar bear’s arms and being brought closer to her, Rocma was hugging him while she was still sleeping, Meikai also turned to his side, and did the same thing, and that night, the sea wizard fell asleep faster than he expected.
-the end-
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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happy (early) Halloween, even tough here in argentina we don't really celebrate it, but i still like the aesthetic, so i decided to mix it with my favourite Mogekoverse crackship, MeiRocma, so, here's Meikai the vampire and Rocma the polar... cat. (also, i kinda had to rush this drawing so i could post it before Halloween, so sorry if it looks a little rough) ------ veliz (adelantado) Halloween, aunque aquí en argentina no se celebre, pero me gusta la estética, así que decidí mezclarla con mi crackship favorita del mogekoverso, MeiRocma, así que, aquí esta Meikai el vampiro y Rocma la gata... polar. (otra cosa, tuve que apresurar este dibujo para poder postearlo para Halloween, así que lamento que se vea un poco raro) --- Ice Scream and WATGBS (and Rocma and Meikai) by Funamusea
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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Rocma: someone's gonna die Meikai: of fun! (that's how i kinda picture their relationship XD) here's a new drawing of that weird ship i made, Meikai X Rocma, nothing else to say really, i wanted to try out digital shading again ------ Rocma: alguien va a morir Meikai: de diversion! (así es como me parece que seria la pareja XD) así que aquí hay un nuevo de esa rara ship que cree, Meikai X Rocma, nada mas que decir en verdad, quería probar sombreado digital de nuevo --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai and Rocma) by Funamusea Shauta logo from google images and onwed by Toei
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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Rocma's already quite the scary and intimidating chick, now let's turn that to eleven and make her a yandere, now she's fueled by love and jealousy, she's 10x more scary now, Meikai and Shirogane seem to agree. ------ Rocma ya es una mujer bastante aterradora e intimidante, ahora llevemos eso al próximo nivel y convirtámoslas en un yandere, ahora ella esta impulsada por amor y celos, ahora ella es 10 veces mas aterradora, Meikai y Shirogane parecen estar de acuerdo. --- WATGBS and Ice Scream (and Meikai, Rocma and Shirogane) by Funamusea original base (https://www.deviantart.com/amy-exe/art/I-ve-killed-them-all-for-you-Draw-your-squad-OTP-838936954) by Amy-ExE 
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