#melon-headed whale
cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Melon-headed Whale (Peponocephala electra)
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(Photo from Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Tropical Pacific Ocean; Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Size (Weight/Length)- 2.5 m
Diet- Fish; Cephalopods; Shrimp
Cool Facts- Named after their rounded head, the melon-headed whale lives in mass groups of up to 500 individuals and sometimes growing to over 2,000 whales. These mega pods have smaller, female-led family units within them while males travel from one giant pod to another. Melon-headed whales occasionally travel with other porpoises like Fraser’s dolphins and bottlenose dolphins along with pilot whales. Female whales give birth only once every 4 years after a 12 month pregnancy. Sadly, melon-headed whales are threatened by pollution, human hunting, bycatch, and noise. These whales have tight knit pod structures, resulting in mass beaching due to interruption of their sonar. Luckily, many of these stranded pods are saved by volunteers and authorities working to move the whales back into deeper water .
Rating- 12/10 (Cantaloupe, watermelon, cucamelon, honeydew…)
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inatungulates · 1 year
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Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra
Observed by kdlafferty, CC BY-NC
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namu-the-orca · 2 years
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The Eclectic Electra
Alright then. One last illustration, one last far-fetched alliteration. Couldn’t bear to leave the lonely Melon-headed whale unpublished just because I hadn’t thought to put it in with any of the others. Not just for completionist reasons, but also because they’re very nice dolphins and I like how this illustration turned out. I got my fair share of Melon-headed whales (or “peps”, as the client called them) in my painting “As above, so is below” which holds no less than 57 unique individuals. And unique they are, with their long, pointy pectoral fins, quite severely dipping cape, and funny blunt heads with huge bandit masks. I think they have a friendly look to them.
Their scientific name is interesting too. Genus Peponocephala was created in 1966 by Nishiwaki and Norris, however the scientists made a small mistake. They thought “Pepo” meant melon, but in fact it translates to pumpkin. Wrong fruit. So, the Pumpkin-headed whale then. Nonetheless the name has been accepted and the common name kept intact. What the beautiful specific name electra refers to (they are also known as the Electra dolphin) is less certain. Most likely one of two Electras in Greek mythology; favour falls to Electra the daughter of Agamemnon who mourns her slain father. Perhaps the dolphin’s dark colours and “cape” on the back reminded of someone in mourning.
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cetsue · 2 years
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trylynarie · 6 months
The bad batch at a bar
Wrecker: I could get a girlfriend if I wanted one, if I wanted to
Crosshair: as if
Wrecker: and you think Tech can?!
Hunter: yeah, even if by a fraction wrecker has more of a chance
Echo: mans probably doesn’t even know what melons are
The bad batch: 👁️👄👁️
Tech: the beluga whale used the melon to aid in echolocation-
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gemwolfz · 11 months
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you two should bump melons or something
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bethanythebogwitch · 3 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: beluga
Welcome back to Wet Beast Wednesday and cine it's been unbearably hot here I'm going north to discuss the magnificent beluga. The whale, not the sturgeon. I know a few of you will be disappointed by that, but I'll get to sturgeons eventually. The beluga is one of the most popular cetaceans and it is threatened. Let's learn why this white whale has more to fear from Captain Ahab than the other way around.
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(Image: a beluga whale seen from the side. It is an animal reminiscent of a dolphin that is white all over. It lacks a dorsal fin and its head is bulbous with a short snout. End ID)
Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) are one of two whales in the family Monodontide, the other being the narwhal (which has its own WBW you can read if you can tolerate by complete inability to write useful image descriptions back then). Belugas are small for whales, reaching 5.5 meters (18 ft) and 1,600 kg (3,530 ft), with males being about 25% larger than females. The name beluga comes from the Russian word for "white" and is fitting because belugas are, uniquely among cetaceans, bright white all over. Belugas have short snouts and enlarged melons, giving their heads a distinctive lumpy shape. The melon is an organ containing fat and wax that helps with echolocation by focusing and amplifying sound produced and received by the whale. Uniquely amongst whales, the beluga can alter the shape of its melon at will. This likely assist echolocation by altering factors such as the direction, frequency, and size of the echolocatory clicks. Another unusual feature of belugas is their lack of a dorsal fin. Instead, they have a short ridge running down the back that serves the same function, which is aiding in turning and keeping the animal from rolling over. Belugas and narwhals are also the only whales with unfused neck vertebrae, meaning they can turn their heads side to side. The lack of dorsal fin and mobile neck helps belugas navigate under sea ice without getting stuck.
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(Image: a shot of a beluga's head emerging from the water. Its skin is slightly wrinkled and has a yellowish tint, indicating it will molt soon. End ID)
Belugas are carnivores who hunt fish, squid, and other invertebrates. Belugas are slower than most toothed whales and their teeth are tiny, eliminating the possibility of chasing down prey or ripping apart large prey. Instead, they hunt via suction. By suddenly opening their mouths, belugas create a vacuum that water and food is sucked into. Belugas swallow their food whole. Belugas have also been observed hunting prey on the seafloor by spitting water to blow away sediment covering buried animals. Belugas are social animals that hunt in groups. They will cooperate to herd prey into kill zones or have a few belugas break off of the pod to chase prey toward the rest. While hunting, belugas will dive in search of food. The typical dive reaches around 20 meters (66 ft) for 3-5 minutes, but can dive up to 900 m (2,953 ft) deep and last up to 20 minutes. Often the whales make a sequence of 5-6 shallow dives followed by a deeper one. During dives, the heart rate drops from 100 beats per minute to 12-20 and blood is redirected to the brain, heart, and lungs to conserve oxygen. Furthermore, oxygen can also be stored in the muscle and the red blood cells carry more oxygen then those in land mammals.
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(Image: a beluga foraging for food near the seafloor. It is rotates so its belly faces the camera. Its head is down, looking toward the camera. Three other belugas are visible in the background. End ID)
Belugas are social animals who live in pods that typically reach a maximum of 25 members. Unlike some cetaceans, pod membership is not family based or fixed. Members will leave their pods to join others at will. Belugas are highly playful and when they are not hunting, they tend to play with each other. Games observed in the wild include chasing, play-fighting, rubbing against each other, synchronized diving, and playing with and carrying objects. Belugas in captivity show more complex play behavior including blowing bubbles for others to pop, something similar to Simon says, and following and startling human observers. Physical contact seems to be important to belugas as they will rub against each other and make mouth-to-mouth contact as an apparent sign of affection. Belugas both in the wild and captivity are curious and will approach humans. Belugas in aquariums will examine humans through the glass while those in the wild will approach boats and even interact with humans in small vessels. Belugas have also been known to follow bowhead whales, likely because the larger whales are better at punching breathing holes in ice. They have also been observed joining narwhal pods. Belugas are some of the most vocal cetacean species and have a very wide range of vocalizations with 11 distinct types of sounds. Belugas use these noises to communicate and do so frequently. Captive specimens vocalize to each other almost non-stop. Like with some other cetaceans, beluga vocalizations show region-based distinctions that may be akin to regional dialects or different languages. Belugas are sometimes called canary whales due to their high-pitched noises.
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(Image: a pod of 6 belugas seen from above. One has exhaled, leaving a trail of bubbles. A single male narwhal has joined this pod and is swimming with them. The narwhal has a similar body shape but is skinnier and a mottle gray and white color. A long, straight, tusk extends from the front of its head. End ID)
(video: an employee at Mystic Aquarium, Mystic, Connecticut, USA instructing a Beluga to demonstrate a variety of vocalizations. End ID)
Belugas live in Arctic and sub-Arctic marine waters. Different populations of belugas have been identified based on their home region. Belugas migrate seasonally. During summer, they spend their time along coasts and in estuaries. In winter, when the ice sheets expand and cover their summer habitat, belugas move to the open ocean, hunting alongside or underneath the ice. Some populations who live in coastal ares that do not frees do not migrate. Migration patterns are passed from parent to child. During summer, belugas will come together in massive pods that can number hundred to thousands. All the belugas in a given population group will typically travel to the same summer water. Belugas may reduce or eliminate their food intake during migration. While primarily marine, belugas often summer in estuarine bays and will even swim up river. Belugas have been found up to 1,700 km (1,056 mi) upriver. They may chase migrating fish upriver and mothers with calves likely use rivers as a safe place away from predators. Exposure to fresh water also seems to help with the yearly process of shedding their skin and growing a new layer, something that must be done in warmer water. Belugas may rub themselves against gravel at the bottom of rivers to help loosen their shed skin.
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(Image: two narwhals with their head sticking out of the water. They are nuzzling their faces together. End ID)
Most belugas mate between February and May, though they have been observed mating at other times of the year. Gestation is estimated to last between 12 and 14 months. Belugas usually give birth in the warmer waters of their summer habitats. It is possible that belugas can delay fertilization, storing sperm internally to fertilize at a later time. This could help females ensure they give birth at the correct time. During mating season, male beluga's testicles double in size. They prefer to mate in the early morning, between 3 and 4 AM local time. Calves are born around 1.5 m (4.9 ft) and 80 kg (180 lbs). Beluga calves are grey and will have lightened to their adult coloration by age 4. Calves are dependent on their mother's milk for their first year, at which point the teeth grow in. After this point, they will begin supplementing their diet with small fish and shrimp. Most calves wean after 20 months, but there have been cases of calves continuing to nurse for over 2 years. Females will not mate again until their current calf has weaned or died. The average reproduction rate is one calf every 3 years. Belugas in captivity have been seen taking care of the calves of other females. There have also been cases observed in captivity of a pregnant female or female who has lost a calf stealing the calf of another female. It is not known if this behavior happens in the wild, but it is seen in other species of mammal. Males reach sexual maturity at ages 7 - 9 and females at ages 4 - 7. Females seem to undergo menopause around age 40. The maximum lifespan of belugas in the wild is unknown, though some estimates put their lifespan at 70-80 years. Genetic testing has revealed the existence of beluga/narwhal hybrids.
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(Image: a juvenile beluga born in the Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois, USA. It resembles an adult, but is smaller and gray. It is sticking its head out of the water by the ends of its tank. An adult beluga, presumably the mother, is doing the same thing in the background. End ID)
Belugas are classified as least concern by the IUCN, meaning they are not at risk of extinction. The species was commercially hunted heavily in the past for blubber, meat, and skin. beluga skin is the only cetacean skin that can be cured into leather and was used to make some of the first bulletproof vests. Fishermen also killed belugas as they considered them to be a threat to the fish population. Once the end of international whaling, beluga numbers have recovered. In modern times, belugas have national and international legal protections, though indigenous communities in Russia, Greenland, Canada, and Alaska have special permissions to hunt them in keeping with historic practices. These hunted belugas are used for food and their bones and teeth are carved. Belugas are considered a good sentinel species, a species that can be used as an indicator of environmental health. Belugas can sequester pollutants in their cells for long periods of time and are susceptible to pollution. As belugas are near the top of the food chain, toxic chemicals can bio-accumulate up the trophic levels to be sequestered in them. This means that deceased or captured belugas can be examined to get an idea of what pollutants are in their habitat. Belugas are also negatively affected by the noise of boats, which can interfere with their echolocation, drive them from their habitats, and causes considerable stress. Climate change also poses a threat to the species as it alters their environment. Natural predators of the beluga include orcas and polar bears.
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(Image: a black-and-white photograph of Alaskan Inuit carving of animals on a piece of beluga bone. End ID. Source: Canadian Museum of Natural History)
Belugas were among the first cetaceans to be kept in captivity and are still some of the most popular cetaceans found in aquariums, zoos, and other establishments. They are considered good aquarium animals due to their docile temperaments and charismatic personalities. Belugas can be easily trained to perform tricks and submit to medical examination. Ethical concerns over the treatment of captive cetaceans has been raised and a growing number of locations are banning or regulating cetaceans in captivity. Most captive belugas were captured form the wild. Captive breeding programs have been mostly unsuccessful. Belugas raised in captivity rarely thrive when released into the wild, with individuals who were not fed by humans showing the greatest success when released. One captive beluga was reported to be able to mimic human speech. From the 1970s to the 90s, the US navy studied beluga echolocation and trained belugas to seek out submerged objects while wearing or carrying cameras. During the cold war, the Soviet navy trained belugas to assist in removing naval mines. In 2019, a tame beluga named Hvaldimir was found in Norway wearing a Russian harness for mounting equipment, leading to speculations that Russia is still training belugas for military purposes.
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(Image: two people in wetsuits identifying them as employees of Shedd Aquarium. They have a bowl of fish and are instructing a beluga to open its mouth. End ID)
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mutant-distraction · 4 months
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Orcas (Orcinus orca) are marine mammals but they’re not technically whales!🐬
While orcas share many characteristics with whales, their taxonomic classification places them in the dolphin family. Specifically, they belong to the suborder Odontoceti, which includes all toothed whales. Their teeth are a defining feature, growing up to around four inches in length.
Physically, orcas resemble their dolphin and porpoise relatives more than traditional whales. They have a more compact body type, similar to dolphins, and their heads don’t exhibit the typical baleen whale shape. Orcas can grow to be up to about 32 feet long, making them the largest of all dolphin species. In comparison, the largest baleen whale—the blue whale—can reach a whopping 100 feet in length!
Odontoceti, including orcas, have the remarkable ability to echolocate. They use biological sonar to navigate in challenging or murky waters. Their heads contain fatty deposits called “melons”, which emit sounds that bounce off objects in their environment.
Image credit: Carsten Thamdrup
Text credit: Earth of Wonders
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ PUNNY PICK-UP LINES SENTENCE STARTERS. ›   ( in the spirit of Valentine’s day, here’s a compilation of various funny & punny pick-up lines !  Feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses and/or add more context. )
🚪  ❝ I a-door you ! ❞ 🍵  ❝ You’re a cute tea ! ❞ 🧁  ❝ You bake me crazy ! ❞ 🫁  ❝ We belung together ! ❞ 🐚  ❝ You’re very spe-shell ! ❞ 🧈  ❝ You’re my butter half ! ❞ 🔥  ❝ We’re a perfect match ! ❞ 🍲  ❝ You make miso happy ! ❞ 🥕  ❝ I carrot live without you ! ❞ 🐻  ❝ I love you bear-y much ! ❞ 🍌  ❝ I find you very a-peeling ! ❞ 🐳  ❝ I whale always love you ! ❞ 🍞  ❝ You’re the loaf of my life ! ❞ 🦦  ❝ There’s no otter like you ! ❞ 🦐  ❝ You’re shrimply the best ! ❞ 🍉  ❝ You’re my one in a melon ! ❞ 🍕  ❝ You have a pizza my heart ! ❞ 🐰  ❝ Nobunny compares to you ! ❞ 🪵  ❝ Wood you be my valentine ? ❞ 🍋  ❝ This is my best pick-up lime... ❞ 🍅  ❝ I love you from my head to-ma-toes ! ❞ 🌮  ❝ Can we taco ‘bout how cute you are ? ❞ 🍄  ❝ You take up so mushroom in my heart ! ❞ 🍍  ❝ If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple. ❞ 🗼  ❝ Are you a tower? Because Eiffel for you ! ❞ 🌽  ❝ I know it’s corny, but you’re a-maize-ing ! ❞ 🍩  ❝ I donut know what I would do without you ! ❞ ☕️  ❝ Words cannot expresso how much you mean to me ! ❞ 🧀  ❝ This might sound cheesy, but I think you’re really grate ! ❞
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letteredlettered · 4 months
Hi! I'd like to know more about whale evolution please.
(Also you're obviously quality because you have a Deerskin icon)
I love Deerskin. So much.
Whales evolved from land mammals. The mammal was an ungulate. Ungulates are generally hooved (horses, goats, and deer are all ungulates).
Scientists used to the whales evolved from odd-toed ungulates. When they found a fossil with a double-pulley ankle, they realized whales evolved from even-toed ungulates. This matters to scientists because these are different cladistic groups. Odd toed ungulates such as horses (one toe, or hoof) are more closely related to rhinoceroses (three toes!) than they are to deer. Camels are more closely related to pigs and goats (two toes, all of them--aka "cloven hoof) than they are to zebras (one toe).
The closest living relative of a whale is a hippopotamus (even-toed)!
Whales have vestigial pelvis/leg bones. You can see in the skeleton that they serve no purpose.
Fossil record shows the nose of the land mammal "migrating" up the skull to the top of the head to become the blow hole. That is, if you line the fossils up in order, the nostrils are progressively higher and higher.
What's cool about that is when you look at a whale skull and ask a kid where the nose is they point at the front, above the mouth. There is even a long divot in the bone on top that makes it look like the nares, which are the nose bones. But that bone on top is actually the maxilla, or the jaw--the tiny part on most mammals between the teeth and nostrils is stretched all the way to the top of the skull. Scientists call this "telescoping" of the skull.
Whale ears are striking because they retained the inner structure of a land mammal. Land mammal ears are adapted to hear through air. Interestingly, the way we hear through air is we have a series of very small, delicate bones in our middle ear that "translate" the air frequencies to move through a different state of matter--a fluid in our inner ear. This fluid vibrates so that the fluid touches tiny cilia attached to nerves that send signals through our brain. But whales don't receive sound through air most of the time; they receive it through water.
But instead of simplifying so that the ear doesn't have to go through the state of matter adjustment our ears do, whales evolved such that their tympanic bone completely disassociated from the skull. This separate bone is surrounded by fleshy sinuses--pockets of air. Basically, sound received from the water moves back into air, then moves through a middle ear that looks just like a land mammal's, adjusting the sound frequency to move through a fluid once more, and then the inner ear is also exactly the same as a land mammal's. Essentially, they receive sound through liquid, then move the sound through air again, then move it through liquid again. It's great evidence that whales evolved from land mammals.
The outer ear is completely different. Whales do have holes in their heads which are vestigial ears, but these are mostly filled with wax. (Incidentally, because the wax builds up over time, you can sometimes see what happened to the whale over time by looking at the wax column, sort of like an ice core--or vertically structured tree rings. A lot more things are like this than trees! You can see how clams grew season to season by the lines on their shells!!!).
Back to the outer ear, whales actually conduct sound through bone. There is a thin part of the jaw that vibrates nicely. Scientists also think they use the fat in their heads. There is a big lump there in the whales that echolocate (toothed whales) called the melon. That's why dolphins have such weird round heads. But mostly, it's the jaw.
Also those sinuses I mentioned are internal, but have pigmentation otherwise only found on skin. This suggests that these pockets were part of their cheeks that folded inward so they could have soft air pockets, more evidence of evolution from land mammals. Whales can't have sinus bones because sinuses would shatter under the pressure of deep water. Which is why your sinuses can sometimes hurt when you dive--the pressure change is too fast.
Unlike fish, whales have bones in their fins! They look just like hands except elongated; they have the knuckle bones and everything.
That's about all I know about whale evolution. Remember, a whale skull may look like a crocodile skull, but look at where the nostrils are!!!!
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
There’s swear words, star trek, and spoilers oh my!
Start it up:
- “The planet of galactic peace.” Somehow. I don’t believe that.
- This guy on his horse looks like death
- “Let us explore it together.” Come take my hand. Let us take ibuprofen together.
- It’s hard to dislike Sybok when he smiles like that so they have to add in a somewhat evil laugh
- Epic music is a go (Music by Jerry Goldsmith)
- “‘You’ll be able to relax’ you call this relaxing? I’m a nervous wreck. If I’m not careful I’ll end up talking to myself.” Kirk convinced him to come here and now he has to watch his idiot husband climb a rock
- Kirk knows Spock and McCoy are there to catch him when he falls but goddamnit if they aren’t both really tired of his shit
- No but seriously what is with science fiction and thinking ‘yeah there’s a race of cat people’ looking at you too doctor who
- Caithlin Dar is awesome already.. I don’t trust Talbot (edit: haha too bad they’re characters don’t really do anything anyway)
- Scotty narrating is my favourite actually
- are Uhura and Scotty dating?
- “Admit it. We’re lost!” “All right, we’re lost. But we’re making good time.” Didn’t know I needed Sulu and Chekov to go hiking together but I do
- “Yes uh- yes, we’ve been caught in a blizzard.” *Chekov starts blowing into the microphone* god I love them. He just went with it!
- Bones ringing the triangle out of spite and love
- The husbands sitting down and eating beans. Why would they make star trek about literally anything else
- Coming back strong with the extra wh sound (it was in the last movie when McCoy said whales)
- The trivia panel is telling me that one of the goofs is Kirk calling Tennessee whiskey bourbon and it looks like something Spock would write
- McCoy laughing and talking about Spock’s Vulcan metabolism and Spock indulging by saying he’s also half human and McCoy responding with “well it certainly doesn’t show” to which he knows Spock’ll take as a compliment. Yes I do need old married mcspirk.
- “You know, you two could drive a man to drink.” Then Kirk with all the innocence and nonchalance in the world says, “me? What did I do?” “What did you do? You really piss me off, Jim.”
- McCoy is lecturing Kirk cause he can’t take anymore of his almost dying bullshit
- “I knew I wouldn’t die because the two of you were with me.” “I do not understand.” “I’ve always known I’ll die alone.” I’m about to cry because this is true. He dies in a distant future without either of them. Thinking about it they all somewhat die alone. Maybe Spock was there for McCoy but we never see his death. And Spock dies in an alternate past :(((
- “It’s a mystery to me what draws us together…Other people have families.” “Other people, Bones, not us.” They are each other’s family.
- SPOCK ROASTING A MARSHMALLOW (not sure why they call it a ‘marsh melon’)
- This is the silliest thing they could have possibly put in a movie (this is like a comfort fic but a movie and I am so here for it)
- “God, I liked him better before he died.” McCoy is getting nasty and Kirk is now like ‘well time to sleep’
- “Life is not a dream.” “Go to sleep, Spock.”
- Why is the head Klingons outfit so cunty. Why’re the Klingons so silly?
- They caught Spock in his jammies
- “Well gentlemen, it seems shore leave has been cancelled.” They can’t go on ONE DATE
- Why’re they huddled together on the ship like that?
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- “‘All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.’” “Melville.” “John Masefield.” “Are you sure about that?” “I am well versed in the classics, Doctor.” “Then how come you don’t know Row, Row, Row Your Boat?” Spock makes the most frowny and tired face imaginable. I think McCoy was justified in biting back there cause imagine you wake up, get in a shuttle, and then get corrected. All I’m saying is Spock was being a bit of a know it all (wouldn’t have him any other way)
- “*laughs* I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier.” McCoy is so jolly in this one
- The yeoman with Kirk’s jacket is played by Shatner’s daughter
- HE ACTUALLY HAS A SHIRT THAT SAYS ‘go climb a rock.’ omg
- That fucking outfit oh my goodness
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- “What’s the matter, Jim?” “I miss my old chair.” And then it switches to Spock who’s going :[
- Love how the Klingons all know who Kirk is. Like he’s THAT important
- Aww Kirk can’t write his diary :((
- Their silhouettes are so cute (34:06) (also they look like how aliens coming out of a spaceship look, I just think that’s neat)
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- McCoy has to turn on the lights like, ‘stop sulking in the damn dark.’
- “Imagine that, a passionate Vulcan.” What McCoy? You want Spock to be more passionate?
- “This is Captain Pavel Chekov speaking.” He’s so silly for that. But also it’s probably best he doesn’t say ‘acting captain’ as that would arouse suspicion cause as everyone knows the captain is always the first to go on dangerous away missions
- What’s going on? Why is Uhura dancing ? What.
- What. Was. That. Scene. Why.
- “Spock.” “Yes, captain?” “Be one with the horse.” “Yes, captain.” Oookay
- “Hold your horse, captain.” Good one.
- Spock just. He just nerve pinched that horse.
- Spock does not know how to deal with seeing his estranged brother again (yeah I was spoiled) so, “you are under arrest for seventeen violations of the neutral zone treaty.” Is what he went with
- Sybok complimented and then winked at Kirk HE IS TAKEN
- “We’re going to forego the tractor beam and fly her in manually.” “Manually?” “How often have you done this?” “Actually it’s my first attempt.” Personally wouldn’t trust anyone else to attempt that other than Sulu. He is THAT bitch (/pos)
- whooo space stuff! Sorry the photon torpedo just missing as the enterprise went into warp was cool
- Spock’s got a gun!
- McCoy comes out of the ship and is so confused and looks to Spock and Kirk
- Ohhh no. Sybok is gonna do his thingy magic thing to Sulu and Uhura with Scotty watching ‘em from above
- “What you have done is betray every man on this ship.” “Worse. I have betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me.” “Forgive you? I ought to knock you on your goddamn ass.” “If you think it would help.” “You want me to hold him, Jim?” “You stay out of this. Why, Spock? Why?” Lots to think about in this dialogue. But I think McCoy offering to hold Spock is him going ‘Jim you’re overreacting can’t you see he’s already remorseful?’ I could be misreading but if you understand it as the idea of McCoy holding him down is so redundant because Spock is strong enough to get out of his grasp easily but probably wouldn’t resist in this moment then it’s just like aughhhhhh
- Also Kirk asking Spock to shoot someone is bad enough. But the fact that it was his brother…
- Kirk is in disbelief. He didn’t know his own husband has a brother (half brother technically. Same Spock same.)
- “Stop it, Jim! Spock could no more kill his own brother than he could kill you. If you want to punish him for what he’s done, why don’t you throw him in the brig? Besides, we’ve got bigger problems to deal with.” Bones not only defending Spock, but also getting them back on track
- Apparently both Gene Roddenberry and William Shatner didn’t like that Sybok was Spock’s brother. Roddenberry didn’t think that Sarek would have a child with another woman (I kinda agree but also Pon Farr would’ve made him become engaged to a Vulcan before he met Amanda, so it’s not completely unthinkable). And Shatner didn’t like it cause it was too much like ‘a soap opera plot line’ but they went with it so that Spock’s actions made sense with the way he acted towards Sybok. I personally like that Spock has siblings he never told anyone about. It’s funny.
- lmao this time Kirk gets to stand on top of Spock to reach something (See patterns of force)
- Spock talking about himself in the third person because he doesn’t want to admit that he couldn’t get out of the brig
- “The bond between these three is strong, difficult to penetrate. This will be quite a challenge.” IT’S CAUSE THEY’RE MARRIED
- It’s funny that- canonically - Sybok can sense a really strong bond between them
- Kirk and McCoy’s ass I mean- oh look it’s Spock. With rocket boots!
- Spock holding onto Kirk and McCoy for their dear lives
- “I believe I overshot the mark by one level.” “Nobody’s perfect.” McCoy keeps saying this to Spock and I think it’s healing. Also flirting.
- They’re lit really nicely
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- McCoy is NOT having this “Sounds like brainwashing to me.” You’re so right, back OFF Sybok
- (drawable moment 1:08:17)
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- “Your pain is the deepest of all. I can feel it. Can’t you?” OH WAIT WE GET TO SEE MCCOYS PAIN WHAT
- I have no words for this scene. Holy Shit.
- Forced therapy
- Oh they all get to see each others pain cause they’re connected
- Spock gets to see his own birth… why. What.
- young Sarek 😧😳😳😳
- “So human.” YOU FUCKED THE HUMAN SAREK. God he’s such a bitch.
- SPOCK FOR THE WIN!! He’s not leaving
- MCCOYS STAYING WITH HIS HUSBANDS!!! YEAH LETS GOOO! (Personally I don’t think McCoy would go with Sybok at all, but I wasn’t sure what the writers were gonna do and I was scared they would make him leave)
- I know we’ve moved on from this but maybe Sarek saying that Spock was human was like saying ‘he��s got your eyes’ like comparing Spock to Amanda in appreciation. We’ll never know but it’s still a bitchass thing to say.
- Kirk has a plaque with ‘To boldly go where no man has gone before’ what a nerd
- They’re really hot in their uniforms
- hi god
- Kirk wants to ID god. Fair enough.
- There’s McCoy in the corner. Losing his religion
- “I doubt a God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.” YEAH McCoy’s not standing for this shit
- Oh so Sybok wasn’t the enemy. Yeah that’s a good ending for his character. Saying bye to sock and asking for forgiveness
- “Beam up Spock and Dr. McCoy now.” “Now, just a damn minute-” Kirk said that so fast so that his husbands couldn’t argue with him
- “I am a foolish old man.” “Damn you, sir. You will try.” Spock ain’t fucking around. Also he picked up a couple of words from McCoy
- “I thought I was going to die.” “Not possible, you were never alone.” Throw me out an airlock I need some air
- SORRY the immediate moment after that was SO MUCH WORSE “Please, captain. Not in front of the Klingons.” THEY WERE ABOUT TO MAKE OUT SLOPPY
- “Cosmic thoughts, gentlemen?” “We were speculating. Is god really out there?” They were having a nice quiet conversation and it’s a shame they didn’t show it :(
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- KIRK TALKING ABOUT SAM??? Oh no he was implying it was Spock
- this ending- I’m not okay.
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Unfortunately I really enjoyed this one. William Shatner made a movie that was so shippy and was oblivious to it the entire time.
I know it took a really long time for me to post this one because I wanted to watch undiscovered country first, I haven’t watched it yet but I felt I needed to finally edit and post this one. I hope you enjoyed my silly little thoughts.
Star trekking across the universe. Get that stuck in your head.
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New beluga melon lore just dropped!!!!!
I'm so excited about the implications of this! One of the first ever recorded cases of cetaceans using facial expressions in social interactions!
And something that would have been pretty much impossible to study in wild populations!
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Look at that funky melon action!!!!
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas)
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(Photo from Orlando News)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Arctic Ocean; Northern Pacific Ocean; Northern Atlantic Ocean
Size (Weight/Length)- 1360 kg; 5 m
Diet- Squid; Crustaceans; Octopus; Fish
Cool Facts- The sea canary that is the beluga whale will always put a smile on my face. With thick blubber to help survive freezing temperatures, the beluga’s most iconic feature is their melon head. Within their melon is an echolocation organ. By producing sounds that are more similar to a bird than a whale, beluga whales can find anything from schools of fish to breathing holes in meter thick ice. Belugas live in groups ranging anywhere from ten individuals to hundreds, including other species of whale and porpoise that are adopted into the pod. Constant play is a must. Belugas play catch with each other using wood and will pop bubbles that other belugas blow.
Rating- 13/10 (Not a whale, not a porpoise, more closely related to narwhals.)
Requested by @inewt
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cryptid-quest · 1 year
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Cryptid of the Day: Illigan Dolphin
Description: Before 1971, Willem Bruyns documented a school of 30 unknown dolphins swimming in a bay off the coast of Mindanao, Philippines. He described it as similar to Melon-Headed Whales, but brightly colored. Yet after this documentation, not other specimen has ever been collected nor seen.
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hornyitaliankitty · 9 months
Do you enjoy getting facefucked, and do you swallow or spit?
The beluga whale (/bɪˈluːɡə/;[4] Delphinapterus leucas) is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus. It is also known as the white whale, as it is the only cetacean to regularly occur with this colour; the sea canary, due to its high-pitched calls; and the melonhead, though that more commonly refers to the melon-headed whale, which is an oceanic dolphin.
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horsejawbone · 8 months
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I just know you can squish their heads around like the melon of a beluga whale
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