#melvin feller and success
melvinfellerstuff · 6 years
Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Why Coaching is Important For Every Business
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Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Why Coaching is Important For Every Business
Melvin Feller Business Group in Burkburnett Ministries and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 Melvin Feller is an organizational consultant who works with individuals, teams and organizations in both the private and public sectors to enhance individual and team capabilities and to make organizations more effective.  He provides executive coaching, team development, action learning and consultation to leaders around strategic organizational change and succession planning.  Melvin has worked with senior management teams to develop talent management and leadership development programs and is a Board Certified Coach.
 Business is competitive, and when a new trend comes along that gives you an edge, most jump to try it out. Some of those fads come and go, but others become tried-and-true methods that really make a difference. One method that stands out as a game changer is business coaching. It has surpassed the trend status and become an unparalleled business tool for garnering success.
 Business coaching works; rather than run your business through a series of hits-and-misses, guessing at solutions to problems, and managing the whole shebang in isolation, coaching provides an expert partner who will guide and teach you.
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There is nothing wrong per say with the go-it-alone approach, but it may feel frustrating and take longer to find success.
 True, you could head to a networking event or join a business group for some answers, but much of the ideas will be techniques that worked for them. By the time you sift through their results to see which might apply to your situation, there may be nothing left of the answer because it just does not fit your circumstances.
 Trying to work with others in the same situation may also create an unproductive, negative feedback loop. Everyone is struggling, and despite the best intentions, these sessions often sound more like commiserating than problem solving. How can someone help you fix a flat tire when their tire is also flat?
 In the end, if you go-it-along, you may feel alone, an effect of the isolation that comes with the territory as sole proprietor of a business.
 That is why business coaching has grown beyond a fuzzy fad and into a real tool for business owners; you are no longer alone, and you have a competent resource for help with issues specific to your business.
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Defining Business Coaching
What causes someone to become a business coach? Like any profession, there are those who see clearly and succeeded, but a few passionately believe in paving the way for those that come next. Coaches are business professionals who have already been in the trenches, scaled the highest peaks, and learned the answers. They have expertise, but they also have the kind of spirit that inspires them to share. They want to help other business owners achieve.
 Coaches have discovered the magic formula:  there is no magic formula! However, a coach has the benefit of a wide range of knowledge from which to pick. Coaches see clients from all industries and so they bring collective insights. They funnel this knowledge about business to your specific needs. Whereas you struggle in the mire, they see the big picture and guide you through.
 Instead of an impersonal, generic business truth gleaned from a public website, coaches can delve into your issue and find custom answers for your situation.
  It is like the home-chef meets a Cordon Bleu master. Anyone can follow a recipe, but when it comes to making something special that delights and thrills, it takes an expert who instills skills and information to bridge the knowledge gap between ordinary outcomes and truly gourmet masterpieces.
 Now, there is a reason not everyone can become a gourmet French chef; it takes years of practice, talent, and education. Surely, you do not have spare time to devote to such a lengthy learning process, and luckily, you do not have to with a mentor.
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 Like the chef-and-student relationship, business coaches reduce the time it takes to reach mastery of your business. They can make your recipe for business successful in less time and with less struggle.
 Business coaches have been through or seen it all, and they know the methods that lead to success. They guide you; mentor you in these methods, teaching you the strategies that will achieve results.
 While there is a cost associated with hiring a business coach, the fee becomes an investment that pays back. They dig into your business, learn your process, understand your vision, direct your practices, and establish goals in lock step with you. You gain an expert partner who will work alongside you and for you.
 What To Expect From a Business Coach
By definition, a coach is one who leads and builds your innate talents. Therefore, like any coach, you can expect encouragement and support, knowledge and information, and practice and development.
  Business coaches will do anything within their power to help you succeed; from sounding board to holding one of the reins, a business coach makes success attainable. Coaches are an instant resource for questions, a tutor for overcoming challenging obstacles, and teacher to hone your abilities.
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 The process starts with a deep dive into your business philosophy, the reason you are in business. The coach will need to understand your practices and purpose. Then, a business coach works with your needs. They will target your goals, work backwards from the vision, and help you break down the big picture into smaller, manageable pieces. Finally, the coach will work through the process with you, establishing success strategies and mile markers.
 Most importantly, the coach keeps you focused. There are so many varieties of businesses and levels of success, and competing concepts can become distractions that cloud your vision and make it difficult to see. Coaches are the lens of the microscope; allowing you to see the finer points and helping you develop the right scope of business to meet your needs.
 What Services Do Business Coaches Offer
When business is faltering, it’s a vital time to bring in a coach, but it’s not the only time. Struggling business owners need relief and fast intervention, and a coach can pinpoint and redirect those flailing efforts. Whether a revised business plan or complete overhaul of strategy is in order, a coach can identify the need and lead the charge toward change.
 However, thriving entrepreneurs also benefit from coaching because their business needs to maintain success, but why stop there? Coaches can help strong businesses identify any limits, push beyond, and find more success. From re-branding to new ways to disrupt the industry, a coach can help blooming success grow to new heights.
 Types of Coaches
There are big and small businesses, and every range in between. So how do you choose a coach? It helps that small business coaches differentiate themselves as experts working with  smaller-size organizations. While all coaches possess the qualities that allow them to work with any entrepreneur, there are needs for smaller organizations that require some degree of specialty. The small business coach has a better grasp on the unique challenges that confront business owners and entrepreneurs, and they have the expertise to guide and maneuver through those issues.
 Famous Entrepreneurs Who Had Business Coaching
 …And coaching is nothing new. For just about every industry, there are coaches. Everyone is familiar with sports coaches, but you also find coaches in healthcare, acting, teaching, cooking, and more.
 There are many famous people who have turned to a coach for help and achieved success.
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Steve Jobs, a name that resonates throughout the business world at the helm of Apple, had a series of coaches that guided him throughout his career.
 Then, Steve Jobs returned the favor as a mentor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
 The connection between coaching and success is powerful, and the world of business has long ago accepted that coaches fill in the blanks in the equation for success.
 Did You Know… Surprising Business Coaching Statistics
One thing that coaching creates as a by-product is a greatly reduced level of stress and an increased level of satisfaction with life. That may not affect your business directly, but when you are doing great personally, as a business owner, then that sphere of well-being encompasses your business.
 Take a look at the impact of coaching as reported by business owners who experienced the following:
 62.4% smarter goal-setting
 60.5% more balanced life
 57.1% lower stress levels
 52.4% more self-confidence
 43.3% improvement in quality of life
 –And it is more than just a byproduct. Coaching has a direct effect on financials:
 46% profit margin increase
 25.7% more income
  Common Business Coaching Questions
Q: What is the first step to hiring a business coach?
 A: It all begins with a conversation. Once you locate your coach and reach out, you can expect an initial call to cover the facts: length of time you have been in business, type of business, location, etc. Then, you will meet with your coach and have a longer conversation about yourself and your business. In a warm, comfortable environment, your coach will listen as you describe your business at length: what do you want to achieve, why are you in business, how are you doing, and which goals you want to achieve. At this point, a coach will be able to offer reassurance about their ability to help and begin to establish their deeper understanding of your needs.
 Q: How soon will I begin to see results?
  A: Much depends on the circumstances of your business to determine when the results will become apparent, but as soon as your business coach engages with you, you will see a variety of changes. In addition to success factors, your coach will address any harmful habits, productivity obstacles, and growth limitations. You will see results in your organization, mind-set, and quantity of work accomplished.
   Q: Is a coach good for small business?
 A: Probably more than large businesses, a small business has the agility to respond to suggestions and implement change, key benefit from the guidance of a business coach.
 Q: Why doesn’t everyone have a business coach if it’s such a big factor to success?
 A: Unfortunately, this is a driving question among coaches because the benefits are unparalleled. Too often, it comes down to cost. Many small business owners balk at yet another expense, but that represents the narrow-vision that requires a coach’s help to expand and enlarge the scope.  Coaching is an investment in your own success.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Believes That God Has a Plan for You!
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Have you ever asked the question; Why is life so hard? Melvin Feller has.  In fact, Melvin Feller points out that sometimes the hardest parts of life turn out to be the catalyst to really grow and learn.  We all deal with circumstances that are of our own doing or caused by others.  Many people feel that they are defined by their last mistake or relationship.  But you are not and nor should you be.
God loves you as His child, and wants you to enjoy a relationship with Him. He is the answer to your search for that ultimate relationship. He will fill the hole in your heart. He is the one Creator of the universe and all it contains, including you. You won't be complete inside until you have a personal relationship with the God who created you.
 How Can We Know That This is Even Possible and the Truth?
Melvin Feller believes that God, Himself, oversaw the writing of the most important Book of all time, The Bible.  Melvin Feller also believes that “God’s Owner's Manual" for our life. Within the Bible are all the answers we need to live life and in addition to finding God. This in turn will aid us in facing our problems and issues.
Being at harmony with God is not instinctive, because by natural law we are separated from God. This separation is the "something wrong" that is at the root of our basic selfishness, loneliness, and shadowy feelings. Feelings of imperfection.  Through many acts, thoughts and attitudes, we keep moving away from God, not toward Him. ALL of us do this, no matter how moral and upright we may seem on the surface. If you search your own heart honestly, you already know this is true. This has caused a split between us and God. This split is the reason we become sinful.
In the Bible we are told that, “God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” (Psalm 53:2-3, NIV)
 Thus, the Question is How do We Find God?
We can find God because we know He loves us, God cannot and will not use viewpoint that this will allow us to remain apart from him.  But then again because God is perfect, He cannot allow our sin to go unpunished without ceasing to be perfect, because he would then cease to be God. Our sins demand that they must be paid for.  Our religion and good living cannot solely pay it off.  Therefore, God designed the perfect solution. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to earth. The Bible tells us of His story. He was both God and human. He lived a normal life, but lived it as God. Jesus truly loves each and every one of us. While on earth, Jesus talked with everyone that would listen, even healing them and making them promises. He even submitted to an unjust death sentence for all of us. But that wasn't the end. After three days, He rose up out of His grave. Alive! God saw and planned the death of His Son Jesus as payment for our sins. Jesus took our place on a cross over 2000 plus years ago! Therefore, Jesus overcame death, actually came back to life to show us His celestial power. And His power over sin and death is ours just for the asking.
This has been proven through the Bible.  It says that “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21, NIV  
Ever since Jesus came to earth, people have had questions. As life becomes more and more complicated, chaotic and society in general has become more decadent and hurtful, we now know people are asking more and more questions about this life and society in general. However, the most important decision we will ever make in our life is what we decide about Jesus Christ. God is actually looking for only two simple things:
·         Will you turn your life over to your Creator and believe that Jesus Christ is that one Person, that one relationship you need?
·         Will you admit you need Him and confess your wrongdoing to Him?
 By us actually doing these two simple things we are guaranteed a place in God's family.  This simply means turning to God and asking Christ to be part of our lives. God has already implemented that ability when He planned His Plan of Salvation.  That occurred when His only begotten Son died for us. Turning to God means we are turning from something. If we turn to the right, we must turn from the left, thus, we cannot face two totally different directions at the same time. It is also the same with Jesus Christ and sin. Only as we turn to Him, we are able to "repent", which means we comprehend that we cannot fully embrace Jesus and His teachings while hanging onto our sin.  The same sins He died for. That means turning our back on wrong choices such as judging people, lying, sexual immorality, becoming quick to anger, etc. in order to begin doing things God's way.
 So, the big question for most of us is how do we turn towards God?  God only asks that we do the four simple actions.
·         Admit your spiritual need. Admit we are sinners.
·         Believe that Jesus Christ died for Us and/or You on the cross.
·         Receive Jesus Christ into our hearts and our life, thereby choosing this relationship over our current life of sin and separation from Him.
·         Being repentant and willing to turn from sin.
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Remember that the Bible tells us that, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12, KJV
Therefore, we all can belong to God from today forward, but only if we will tell Him with total sincerity. Your prayer should be our own because it needs to flow from deep within us. If you have a need I have written a sample of what you might say to God:
Lord, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I was made for You, but I've been living for me. I want to begin a relationship with You now. I believe that You died in my place, to pay the penalty for my sin, and rose again for my salvation. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name.
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ourmrmel · 5 years
Every Wealthy Person Owns Real Estate in Oklahoma and Texas and Here is Why by Mel Feller MPA, MHR
Every Wealthy Person Owns Real Estate in Oklahoma and Texas and Here is Why by Mel Feller MPA, MHR
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Every Wealthy Person Owns Real Estate in Oklahoma and Texas and Here is Why by Mel Feller MPA, MHR
Mel Feller is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. He also owns Mel Feller Ministries. Mel Feller is an Innovator, Business Leader, Investor and Entrepreneur. Mel Feller is currently working closely with his son-in-law and partner on an incubator for young…
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Defines the Reasons for Personal Development
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The Melvin Feller Group is a leadership consulting and business training company serving the United States, Canada and Australia since 1998. CEO Melvin Feller offers expertise in a variety of areas that include business sales and profitability, result oriented leadership, goal setting, productivity, and communication. Melvin Feller targets solutions to strive for result in higher profits, engaged and committed employees, and improved client relationships.
 Many years ago, I had a conversation with someone that I respected at that time when he burst out the term ‘Quality of Life’. In fact, he asked me this: ‘What is your definition when it comes to your own Life Quality and most importantly… What are you going to do about it?’
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I have to admit that back then that was a waving flag for me as my discussion partner already had the ideal quality life that I had in mind as my desired one. I wanted to learn more about this and go deeper. Furthermore, I wanted to find a surefire way to obtain this quality of life for myself.
People use the general term “quality of life” aiming to measure somehow the level of well-being not only individually but for societies also. The term covers a broad range of topics, such as the healthcare system, and political affairs and international development.
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Quality of life is a phrase term that is frequently misinterpreted as the representation of the “standard of living”. The ‘Living Standards depend on the level of income a person is making. On the other hand, the main indicating factors that can define the quality of life incorporate not only the financial situation and the status or state of employment a person enjoys, but also the overall and wider environment they live in.
 An environment that consists of the following:
 Mental and Physical Health
  Time for Recreation and Leisure
 The Sense of Social Belonging
 In addition
 The sense of Freedom
 Human rights
 The feeling of Happiness
Now, Happiness is very hard to measure as each one has their own individualized perception of what being happy means. It’s a personal thing. Personally, I strongly support and believe that quality life definitely includes the feeling of personal happiness and self-recognition.
 And how can a person get the reward of having a quality life?
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 Melvin Feller MA firmly believes that personal development is actually a process of individual self-growth as well as development of other people. At the level of the particular person, personal development comes with ambitions, strategies or steps oriented towards a number of the following goals:
  1) Improving self-awareness.
 2) Enhancing self-knowledge.
 3) Building or renewing id.
 4) Developing advantages or talents.
 5) Distinguishing and improving potential.
 6) Building employee’s abilities and people – human capital.
 7) Enhancing each one’s chosen lifestyle.
 8) Gratifying individual aspirations.
 9) Defining and carrying out self-improvement projects.
 The concept contains a broader field compared to self-improvement or self-help: personal development furthermore includes improving many others. This may happen by means of roles for example those of a teacher or advisor, most likely through a particular skill including the expertise of specified managers in increasing the potential of employees) or any skilled company like providing training, appraisal as well as mentoring.
 Further than enhancing yourself and also improving others, personal development is often a region of training as well as research. Being a field of exercise, it provides personal development procedures, studying plans, evaluation systems, resources and strategies. Being a field of study, self-development topics progressively can be found in scientific publications, advanced degree reviews, management magazines and books.
 Any sort of progress — whether or not commercial, political, biological, business or personal — needs a framework if an individual wants to find out whether or not transformation has definitely happened. Regarding personal development, a person often operates as the main judge of improvement, but validation regarding objective improvement usually requires assessment making use of regular key elements.
 Personal development frameworks can sometimes include targets or even benchmarks which determine the end-points, practices or plans for accomplishing goals, measurement and review of progress, levels or periods that will identify goals along an improvement avenue, and a feed-back system to deliver information on improvements.
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 Developing Yourself
 At the actual level involving personal development someone can possibly elaborate individual growth to incorporate this type of aspects as:
 1. Transforming into the individual one aspires to be.
  2. Establishing social character via self-identification.
 3. Maximizing common internal understanding or identifying of one’s main concerns.
 4. Increasing awareness or defining associated with someone’s beliefs.
 5. Increasing awareness as well as understanding an individual’s selected chosen lifestyle.
 6. Increasing awareness or understanding of a person’s ethics.
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7. Strategizing as well as acknowledging hopes and dreams, aspirations, professional and life-style priorities.
 8. Generating professional ability.
 9. Developing skillsets.
 10. Developing personal expertise.
 11. Mastering upon the actual given task each and every time.
 12. Developing the quality of chosen lifestyle within such aspects as wellness, prosperity, traditions, family, friends in addition to communities.
 13. Grasping strategies or approaches in order to increase awareness.
  14. Mastering skills and strategies to gain control of your existence.
 15. Discovering new techniques or methods to accomplish intelligence.
 Personal Development is a single way street regarding just about every individual in order to inspire themselves and in the long run manage their own lives path.
 To ensure that people to take accountability for all the successes and downfalls, grow to be content individuals and arm themselves with limitless and continuous internal strength and power to overcome problems, Personal development training without a single doubt is the next best thing.
 The Melvin Feller Group is a leadership consulting and business training company serving the United States, Canada and Australia since 1998. CEO Melvin Feller offers expertise in a variety of areas that include business sales and profitability, result oriented leadership, goal setting, productivity, and communication. Melvin Feller's targeted solutions strive to result in higher profits, engaged and committed employees, and improved client relationships.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Be the Best You can Be! Follow Your Goals! By Melvin Feller MA
Be the Best You can Be! Follow Your Goals! By Melvin Feller MA
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As a business person, running Melvin Feller Business Group and other ventures, I have always had an incredible drive to work hard. I am motivated and driven and focused on getting an incredible amount done, and all of it is positive, nonetheless my problem lies in fact that I regularly don’t know how to put things down and stop working for the night. There is always one more email, one more phone call, one more contract to review, and the list goes on and on and on. Often times it’s so late at night when I finish working that I only have time to eat a late meal and go right to bed, only to wake up early the next morning and start over again.
 As a person, I get so busy with being busy that I forget the importance of balance in one’s life. I forget the need to step back occasionally, take a deep breath, meditate, take a walk, and enjoy the smell of the Roses.
 In the meantime, I wanted to share with you my uppermost goals for the last quarter of the year — for my life in general. I hope this will inspire you to take a look at your own goals for 2020 and see if you would want to add some of these to your list. I pray this list inspires you to make taking care of yourself while you also consider those around you. Remember, at the end of the day, or the end of your life, these are the things that really matter!
     Drink plenty of water.
   Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
   Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants & eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
   Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
   Make time to pray.
   Play more games
   Read more books than you did in 2019
   Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
   Sleep for 7 hours or more every night.
   Take a 10–30 minute walks daily. And while you walk, think grateful thoughts and smile.
     Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
   Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
   Don’t over-do it. Keep to your limits and make them reasonable.
   Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
   Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
   Dream more while you are awake
   Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
   Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind others with their mistakes of the past.
   Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate.
   Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
   No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
   Realize life is school & you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum — they appear & fade away like algebra class; but the lessons you learn last a lifetime.
   Smile and laugh more.
   You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
   Avoid hanging around those who don’t support your aspirations
   to do, be, give and have all that you wish for.
     Spend a few minutes talking to each member of your family often.
   Each day give something good to others.
   Forgive everyone for everything.
   Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of 13.
   Try to make at least three people smile each day.
   Make what other people think of you none of your concern.
   Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
     Do the right thing!
   Stay away from anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
   Remember, with time, GOD heals everything.
   However good or bad a situation is, know it will change.
   No matter how you feel… get up, dress up and show up.
   Always focus on — “The best is yet to come”
   When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
   Your Inner most is always happy. Let it show — be happy.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Looks Emotional Management and Your Business
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Melvin Feller MA Looks Emotional Management and Your Business
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 Emotions are powerful forces influencing our everyday behavior.  Yet until recently, emotions have not received the attention they deserve.  The first step in regulating and managing emotions is learning to identify and label them as they occur.  This ability often requires not only the ability to observe one’s emotional responses in situations but also to describe with a sense of accuracy the context in which the emotions occur.  Hence, learning to identify an emotional response is aided enormously if one can recognize, describe, and understand the major attributes that constitutes each emotion and then use these attributes to create a more effective result.  However, for most of us this is not an easy task.  However, by becoming one with our emotional experiences, we can learn the relationship between our thoughts, feelings, and reactions in order to manage them better.
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 It starts by understanding how the struggle to meet emotional demands affects you.
  Stress cannot be avoided.  How we deal with “it” can greatly influence how “it” affects us.  Emotional stress is predictable and always has the same effect on others, the environment, and ourselves.  For example, when emotional stress persists too long, it causes a reaction.  At first, our body will resist the emotional imbalance.  We may continue to resist successfully unless the stress continues for too long, too hard, or too often.  At some exhaustion and the results are usually sabotaging, disruptive, or destructive.  It is not the emotional stress itself that causes damage, but your ability or inability to successfully cope with it.  The three major factors that determine the degree of emotional stress we will experience with any given situation are lack of predictability, lack of control, and lack of outlets for frustration.  We realize that the best and most optimal plan for managing emotional stress is prevention—through understanding emotional stress and then creating acceptable coping skills.
76.6% of Americans are faced with the daily effects of     emotional-stress
Pressures of Expectations:  41.18%
Frustrations:  39.32%
Conflicts:  19.50%
Emotionally Balanced Professionals Make More Effective Decisions and Choices
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The constant question in today’s workplace is if it is possible to improve the social and emotional competence of adult workers.  Research in training and development, sports psychology, and behavior change suggests that it is possible, but the typical approach used in present day training programs usually fail to accomplish this intended goal.  Social and emotional learning is different from cognitive and technical learning, and it requires a different approach.
 From the time we enter kindergarten, our educational systems focus on honing our cognitive or technical skills.  Virtually no emphasis is placed on the education of managing the inner conflicts and unbalanced emotions we experience every day.  As "emotional intelligence" becomes more widely used and understood, educators are realizing that cognitive ability is not the sole critical determinant of our aptitude to flourish in today's society.  Proficiency in emotional management, conflict resolution, communication and interpersonal skills is essential to develop inner self-security and become able to effectively deal with the pressures and obstacles that will inevitably arise in our lives. 
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Effective Communication
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Effective Communication
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 Although all of us have been communicating with others since early childhood, the process of transmitting information from an individual or group to another is a very complex process with many sources of potential error.  By the time a message gets from a sender to a receiver, there are four basic places where transmission errors can occur and at each place, there are multitudes of potential sources of error.  Social psychologists estimate that there is usually a 40-60% loss of meaning in the transmission of messages from sender to receiver.  People in organizations typically spend over 75% of their time in an interpersonal situation.  Therefore, it is no surprise to find that at the root of a large number of organizational problems is poor communications. In a work setting, interactions involve people who often do not have years of experience communicating with each other.  These interactions are further complicated by the complex relationships that exist at work.
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It is critical to understand and be aware of the potential sources of communication barriers and constantly avoid these barriers by making a conscientious effort to make sure there is a minimal loss of meaning in your communication.  The following will suggest a number of barriers to effective communication at work:
The     choice of words or language which a sender uses (called     'encoding the message') will influence the quality of     communication.  In the English language, there are about 500 basic     words that are used everyday.  These 500 words have over     10,000 different meanings.  Because language is a symbolic representation     of a phenomenon, room for interpretation and distortion of the meaning     exists.
Misreading     body language, tone, and other non-verbal forms of communication
Ignoring     non-verbal language
Selective     hearing
Hesitation     to be candid
Value     judgment
Power     struggles
Unreliable     transmission (due to noise or inconsistent sending)
Defensiveness (a     typical barrier
  in a     work situation, especially when negative information or criticism is     involved)
Distorted     perception (How we perceive communication is affected by     experiences.  Perception is also affected by the organizational     relationship two people have.  For example, communication from a     superior may be perceived differently than from a subordinate or peer.)
Distortions     from the past
Stereotyping (assuming     the other person has certain characteristics based on the group to which     they belong without validating that they in fact have these     characteristics)
Cultural     differences (Effective communication requires deciphering the basic     values, motives, aspirations, and assumptions that operate across     geographical lines.  Given some dramatic differences across cultures,     the opportunities for miscommunication in cross-cultural situations are     enormous.)
What are the barriers to effective communication you need to overcome?  How will you overcome these barriers in order to achieve success?  How will you encourage others to be aware of barriers and work to overcome them in order to build and maintain effective communication within your organization?  Answering these questions will begin the process of overcoming communication barriers.
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Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup, organizational, or external levels.
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 6 years
What Does Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma Do?
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What Does Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma Do?
Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful ministry.
Small Business Consulting
You have the idea. You have the talent. You have the drive. All that remains is the flawless execution of a well-crafted business plan.
The success of all companies, large and small alike, is most limited by the knowledge and expertise of that company’s team. Trust the small business professionals at Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries to fill in those crucial missing pieces — you excel at what you do, we excel at building great companies!
Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries is proud to partner with small and medium sized businesses — we’ve been helping business owners to connect ‘the Future’ to ‘the Now’ since 1990. We offer cafeteria-style consulting options for both new and growing companies, as well as established firms looking for help with business plans, strategy and growth, operations management and continuous improvement initiatives.
Whatever your business needs, whenever and wherever, the Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries Team is standing by to provide on-demand support. We will integrate seamlessly with your operation to understand challenges and develop unique breakout strategies to take your business to the next level!
Some of the Small Business Consulting services offers include:
Business Plans
Business Health Check
Strategy & Growth
Business Coaching
Business Licenses, Permits & Certifications
Helpful Resources for Business Owners
Business Plans:
Every experienced entrepreneur will tell you that having a well-thought-out strategy greatly improves your chances of success. At a high-level, the business plan establishes a sound approach to making money with your product or service and helps focus and communicate your vision to others. The exercise of developing the plan guides the entrepreneur to consider those all-important questions:
Who are your customers?
What are they buying?
Why should they buy from you?
How will you reach them?
In many instances, the business plan will serve as a key component to building and growing your business. For companies that will seek bank loans, investors, business partners or vendor lines of credit, the business plan is typically the go-to document requested to aide outside parties in understanding your business model and determining if your company is a proper fit.
A good business plan should be thorough enough to identify and detail those all-important matters, which will contribute to making your business a success. Depending on the specific purpose of your plan, you may include a number of elements, but at a minimum, all business plans will generally include the following components:
An Executive Summary
Your Mission and Vision Statements
A Company Overview, to Include a Description of Your Product or Service
A Description of your Target Market
A Market Analysis and Competitive Plan
A Marketing Plan
An Operating Plan
A Financial Plan, to include a Budget, Revenue and Cash Flow Projections
A SWOT Analysis
Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries works with clients from a variety of industries and business verticals, from retail to manufacturing and startups to legacy companies, to develop and refine professional business plans. Whatever your company is offering — let the experts at Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries help write your success story.
Business Health Check:
You cannot build a home on a faulty foundation — nor can you build a business on one. Trust the professionals at Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries help to assess the health of your small business and assist in developing an actionable strategy to get your operation on track for success.
The ‘Business Health Check’ is an effective tool to ensure that critical strategic components are present and the business and its owner(s) are properly protected. Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries’ Business Health Check includes a preliminary review of the following:
Partnering Agreement(s)
Business Plan
Business Form / Legal Entity
Business License(s)
Employee Payroll
Accounting Systems
Banking Practices
Budget / Business Liquidity
Release of Liability Forms (if applicable)
Facility Inspection (if applicable)
With an understanding of the current business status, Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries can assist business owners in preparing a tailored approach to growing and developing the business.
Strategy & Growth
Most businesses have the “idea”, some have a working operating model, but most are missing a well-defined, up-to-date strategic plan. That missing piece is often the difference between industry leaders and losers. As a cornerstone to moving the business forward — a strategic plan should be referenced, kept current and adapted from time to time as companies grow, industries change and markets and economies shift. Put the Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries team to work for you! Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries offers fundamental business Strategy & Growth consulting in the following areas:
Operations Planning
Competitive Market Analysis
Marketing and Branding Strategies
Developing Winning Proposals
Training, Staff Development and more!
Business Coaching
Where consulting can often be cost-prohibitive for small businesses, professional business coaching is often an effective and efficient alternative to help small business owners get the help they need. Let the experienced business coaches at Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries help set the focus on business optimization and continuous improvement through an effective mentoring program. Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries offers professional business coaching and development in the areas of:
Leadership 101
Optimizing Operations
Contingency Planning
Staff & Team Development
Strengthening the Bottom Line
Effective Reporting Systems and more!
Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries will integrate seamlessly in the business to collaborate with key stakeholders and assist in developing personal SWOT analyses to identify and overcome weaknesses, develop and exploit strengths, capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks and threats.
Business Licenses, Permits & Certifications
The Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries Team can assist you in determining and obtaining the necessary business and professional licenses and permits mandated by City, State and Local governments.
If beneficial, Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries can also assist your company obtain a Supplier Diversity Certification. Various Supplier Diversity programs exist to develop and strengthen participation by certain groups deemed to be disadvantaged. Certifications include Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Female / Women Business Enterprise (F/WBE) and Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE).
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Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group Business Ministries helps business owners and CEOs collaborate with God for success. We show them how to utilize biblical techniques, the power of prayer, and the leading of the Holy Spirit to go to higher levels of success than they have been able to achieve using their talent and business skills alone. Our team members come alongside Christian CEOs and business leaders and serve in a role that can best be described as a combination of business intercessor, prophetic voice, and business confidant. We work closely with business owners and CEOs to help them obtain wisdom and understanding from the Lord in order to make better decisions.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Rural Entrepreneurship in America by Melvin Feller MA
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Melvin Feller MA states that the past 12 to 15 years have seen an increasingly wider acceptance of entrepreneurship as a core rural economic development strategy. While very few new organizations have been encouraging enterprise creation as a means of revitalizing rural places for 20 years or more, broader interest in the potential of entrepreneurship in rural communities and regions is relatively new and Melvin Feller MA believes that is due in part to an increase of 65% new businesses EIN Numbers as just reported by IRS and an increase of floods of new people into rural suburbs since Covid 19.
 Why the new sharp interest in rural entrepreneurship? Several factors come into my educated guess. Traditional economic activities, which are defined as routine manufacturing, agriculture, and natural resource-based activities, have struggled to remain competitive in the face of increased worldwide competition. As a consequence, the traditional economic development strategies of industrial recruitment and retention and/or expansion have generated fewer favorable conclusions in rural places.
 Rural economic developers and the communities they serve are struggling to find new sources of competitive advantage. Many of these development practitioners are willing to think outside the box in the face of old tools and strategies that are simply not working. Such as destination cities.  Cities that have exclusive twists on products and services.  At the same time, representations of successful entrepreneurship development now exist, so rural entrepreneurship practitioners are not alone on the modernization frontier. A growing body of research describes the outcomes of entrepreneurship development initiatives and tools that can be used to create a new, sustainable economic future for rural places.  These must be looked at with the community and stakeholders of various rural areas and regions.
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Getting to the heart of entrepreneurship development means that it is about more than building a support system for entrepreneurs; it is a strategy of transformation. It is about creating entrepreneurial communities, about changing the culture of rural places and people so that they embrace the potential of entrepreneurship. It also includes fostering public policy that invests in entrepreneurship development and is embraced by public and civic organizations and leaders.  That is generally harder to do than said.  But it can be done.  For this to truly take place it is usually best to bring in outsiders who have a clear and unimpeded look at the possibilities on a grand scale.
 Embracing entrepreneurship requires observing economic development in a new way, one that holds the community accountable for creating development from within. In searching for new sources of competitive advantage, communities and regions must identify and build on their exclusive local assets and take a proactive approach to defining their futures and possibilities.  Bottom line is there direct and long-term impact on creating jobs and revenue for their areas.
This approach suggests that there is no better model for entrepreneurship development. In some ways, local communities and regions are analogous to entrepreneurial startup enterprises, discovering and testing the products and approaches to entrepreneurship development that intertwined well within local expectations and results wanted. While there may be a tendency to want to wait until the models have been tested and proven, Karl Stauber, an expert in economic development, argues that: “America is in the middle of a transformation of its rural areas. It does not have time to find perfect or guaranteed solutions. It must take the best ideas where it can find them and begin to adapt and adopt those ideas.”
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Drawing on observation and study of entrepreneurship development practices across rural America by the Kellogg Foundation, and the CFED, they developed a framework for economic development practitioners who are trying to adapt the best ideas about entrepreneurship for their various rural cities and towns.
 Melvin Feller MA Outlines the Five-Part Rural Development Framework
 The first is the part of a strategy of Understanding Entrepreneurial Talent.  In other words, entrepreneurship development is a human development strategy even more than a business development strategy. The entrepreneur and their dreams need to be at the center of any strategy.
 According to Melvin Feller MA, the first step in creating an entrepreneur-focused strategy is to identify and understand the entrepreneurial capacity in a rural place. Every rural community or region has a range of entrepreneurial talent, from those who have the potential to become entrepreneurs. They include young people, displaced workers, people reentering the workforce, all the way down to existing business owners who aspire to create new business models and expand their reach into new markets, to those high-tech, high-growth entrepreneurs who have the possibility to generate a significant impact on a local economy.
 The mix of entrepreneurial talent may include microenterprises generally defined as employing fewer than five people, larger enterprises defined as employing more than 50 employees, people with limited skill sets as well as, entrepreneurs who are creating their third or fourth financial ventures.  Melvin Feller MA, also sees one more underreported or even looked at in the mainstay which are special populations such as, youth, artisans, and/or new immigrants whose entrepreneurial aspirations need to be nurtured.
 Melvin Feller MA stands firm and remains focused in order to create a strategy focused on the needs of entrepreneurs, communities and regions and that it must develop an understanding and appreciation for the full range of existing and potential entrepreneurs in all solutions to better economic development.
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The second strategy is that of Making the Case. This is mandatory aspect because entrepreneurship development is a newer approach to the age-old practice of economic development for most rural regions, local leaders which may require significant conversations in order to embrace this new approach.
 In overall, making the case for entrepreneurship requires a two-fold strategy. First, the plethora of national and international research that describes the positive relationship between entrepreneurial activity and economic growth should mandatorily be shared with policy makers and leaders at both the state and local levels.
 Part of making the case, is an inclusion for making the case in the stories of local entrepreneurs, who all too often are less visible to local leaders and economic developers.  Stories of their struggles and their victories can often help to make the case in a way that data cannot. Rural areas that are successfully implementing entrepreneurship development strategies have found ways to actively engage entrepreneurs as advisors and leaders in this process.
 The third strategy is that of Laying the Groundwork for Entrepreneurship Development.
 It must be understood that all leaders and advocates of entrepreneurship must lay the groundwork for strategy development. Otherwise, they risk the temptation to reach for the mixed development strategy instead of building a made-to-order strategy appropriate to the region’s unique features.
 It needs to be noted that there are three steps to laying this type of economic development groundwork. The first step is determining readiness for entrepreneurship, which includes the Understanding Entrepreneurial Talent and Making the Case elements as described above. It also includes determining whether there are organizations or individuals who already embrace entrepreneurship and can lead the way, and whether or not the capacity exists within the community to undertake entrepreneurship development.  In additionally, if they do undertake that development what is that cost?
 Once a community has determined that it is ready for entrepreneurship, the next step is to identify the development assets in the area on which the strategy can be built upon. Also, who is already working to support entrepreneurs? What service providers and capital providers exist within the community and the broader area? What youth programs currently exist to encourage entrepreneurship, or that could encourage entrepreneurship? What unique assets exist in the region that could become a source of new competitive advantage, such as, local artists, community colleges, heritage tourism destinations, natural resources, and niche farmers?
 And finally, the community needs to understand their own capacity to undertake any type of economic development effort.  Entrepreneurship development requires innovative thinking and leadership. Who will become the leaders of entrepreneurship development? How can you actively engage entrepreneurs in leadership and strategy development? What new leaders and capacity can be tapped within the community and even the wider region to support entrepreneurship development?
 The fourth strategy is that of Creating a Strategy or Building an Entrepreneurship Development System. However, based on observation of successful entrepreneurship development efforts throughout rural America, a consensus has emerged – an entrepreneurship development system (EDS) is absolutely necessary to transform a rural region. Our thinking about entrepreneurship development systems has evolved over the several years.
 This definition has evolved, through the work of the non-profits, government, city and rural economic development practitioners to include a set of guiding principles for the creation of an Economic Development Standard.
 A solid Economic Development Standard should be:
• Entrepreneur-focused and asset based as described above.
• Collaborative because leadership for the economic development standard should be drawn from public, private and non-profit sectors and should engage service providers from all those sectors in building a system of support for entrepreneurs.
• Comprehensive and integrated. The system should focus on meeting the full range of    entrepreneurial needs such as technical and capital assistance, entrepreneurship education, networking opportunities, as well as on building an environment that supports investment in entrepreneurship development with a community engagement, policy development. Entrepreneurship should be integrated into other aspects of the regional economy such as, workforce development, education, the health care system.
• Linked to policy.   This is done by demonstrating the implementation and success of entrepreneurship development in communities and regions, an economic development standard can inform economic development policy at the local and state levels.
• Community-based but regionally focused – A systems approach should be rooted in communities and have the ability to using the resources of the broader region to achieve scale of impact.
• Sustainable over time. This type of entrepreneurship development is a long-term strategy.
 Finally, the fifth strategy is that of Measuring Outcomes. Thereby, establishing outcome measures that truly reflect the goals of an Economic Development Standard is a necessary part of the framework. In the early stages of application, these measures will primarily capture the process of building an entrepreneurship development system such as the capacity that is built, the collaborative leadership team that is developed, the cross-learning opportunities that are institutionalized. As implementation continues, the measures will reflect the expected outcomes of the system which include new enterprises created, entrepreneurship education capacity built in the schools, youth engaged in entrepreneurial ventures, and cultural changes that reflect greater support for entrepreneurship.
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These outcome measures provide a way to build and maintain momentum for entrepreneurship development, and are critical to informing the policy-making process. In addition, measuring outcomes can support a commitment to continuous improvement. Progress toward achieving these outcomes can be used to fine-tune, redirect, retool and rethink as entrepreneurship development moves forward in a regions and rural areas in general.
Entrepreneurship is not a new concept in America. In some ways, the recent excitement and embrace of entrepreneurship reflects the old adage that “what is old is new again.  Entrepreneurial aspirations guided the opening of the Western frontier and the cyber frontier. Communities across the country are rediscovering their entrepreneurial roots as they seek new ways to generate economic growth from within.
The results of these innovative models will provide continued guidance to economic development practitioners and community leaders as they embrace entrepreneurship as a way to transform the economic futures of rural regions, cities and towns across this country country.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Asks Is Clutter Keeping You from Being Successful?
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Melvin Feller is an experienced entrepreneur and former executive, so he speaks from experience, as well as years of his own personal and professional development.  Melvin Feller is also an online Business educator who loves to teach all aspects of business. Melvin Feller’s clients hire him for his depth of business knowledge to motivate, educate and inspire aspiring and current executive leaders to achieve a higher level of success, professionally and personally. Melvin Feller aligns leaders to the vision and future of the organization, supports them in the execution of key strategies and tactics to move initiatives forward and helps them build capabilities to transform culture.
Melvin Feller deals with a lot of clients that are dealing with clutter.  Therefore, they know that the clutter is an issue in their production and business. Now you might be asking, what is clutter and why should I care about it? Clutter is essentially anything you don't need, don't want and get no joy from seeing. There might be 100's of items in your home or office right now that could be cleared away.
 According to Melvin Feller, the cost of having a lot of clutter around you is that it:
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Clutter takes up physical space and energy, consider the energy it takes to constantly walk around a pile of clutter or clean up a spill caused by balancing a glass on an uneven pile of magazines.
Clutter takes up mental energy, it's much easier to think of new and creative ideas when you have a clean slate around you and within you.
Clutter takes up emotional energy, it's difficult to feel excited and hopeful when a pile of clutter is in your line of sight.
Thus, the main question is, what will you gain from clearing clutter? New ideas and a fresh perspective, not to mention less stubbed toes and lost phone bills! All kidding aside, in my own life it's been proven that in order to start something new I need to make space for it. It was only after I cleared the clutter from my own office that I made a commitment to become a specialist about it.
 Melvin Feller Gives Five Tips on Getting Started
First, you must imagine the finished product.  You can do this by drawing a sketch or just close your eyes and picture your uncluttered space looking just how you want it. Imagine what you'll do in this space and how much more effective and happier you'll be. Know what you're working towards and why.
Secondly, you must remember that you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time! Work for 15-minutes and then stop before it gets overwhelming.
Thirdly, Melvin Feller recommends that you pick out the hot spots that really drive you crazy, like your mail stack, your in box and that you focus on those. Getting those areas cleared will give you the most satisfaction and motivation to keep going.
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Fourth, Melvin recommends that you fill a bag or even several to give to your favorite charity. Your clutter can mean a lot to someone who is in need. You get to feel twice as good once you've opened up space in your home as well as in your heart.  Or better yet ask around for needy families and deliver anonymously.
And finally, keep up with your clutter; spending 5-10 minutes at the end of the day putting things "back in their place”, I can promise you it will save time, space and energy later on.
Hopefully, you can see an increase in your productivity as well as your own inner piece in becoming better organized and clutter free.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller Believes That If You think Wealth, then Wealth will Manifest Its Self!
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According Melvin Feller MA, our thoughts are magnetic! Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We literally attract the life we want with our powerful magnetic thoughts!  But thoughts and actions go together! This is some of What Melvin Feller Business Group speaks worldwide on and shows how to increase the company and personal bottom line.
You might say to yourself, but Melvin I have been thinking about wealth all my life and the only thing I thing I have is $5.00 dollars in the banks!
However, my question to you is Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth? This is different my friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract? Not enough money of course!  And what are you actively acting on to help manifest your thoughts?
This is a spiritual law! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony. You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like criminals with criminals and saints with saints. It is all about to you.  Because as you think you will change and start to attract the things you are truly manifesting to both yourself and to the world.
We join a group because these group members share the same ideas as ours such as the law of
success. It is a fact that we generally will not join people who do not think same things that we firmly believe in.  Bottom line is that like attracts like - you get the point! I'm sure this makes perfect sense to you and the types of organizations and groups you have been associated with.
We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed ".   You need to replace this with: " I will succeed little by little, day by day ".
Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business we won't start a business. Period. But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen: First
our thoughts will attract information on how to start a business. So, we first learn how to start and grow a business.
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After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee, good marketing, good products or services etc.
We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thoughts form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our beliefs.
It's not difficult to believe in wealth! Look at all the people who succeed and have succeeded. There are not any different from you. They are flesh and bones and not some mythical person.
 In other words, to become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have done it. You can do it too.  It is strong belief and modeling their actions. You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a slick individual to be wealthy.
The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and all the universe is: THOUGHT.  The bottom line is that you can think your way to success.
Think and act. Act and think. Use your creative thought to create wealth or anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember like attract like.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Who Is Melvin Feller — Melvin Feller Business Group
Melvin Feller is the Founder and CEO of Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas and offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Melvin Feller’s mission is to equip entrepreneurs to do business as positive influence in their community. This must be done in both their business and in their community to be truly successful. Melvin Feller Business Group provides workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. In return they provide a positive outreach as the business owner in the areas in which they live and do business. Melvin Feller understands that when the heart of a business is service focused rather than self-focused it can earn larger profits and better serve their customers. In other words, operate under the golden rule. This action also brings about a change in their employees while increasing unity as a business family.
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Melvin Feller also knows that when business owners or entrepreneurs experience trauma or severe life stressors it is common for their personal and their business life to unravel. Often times to the point of losing their family and their business. Therefore, Melvin Feller Business Group, teaches that there is a positive side to these traumas. In addition, God has a plan and together answers can be found and, in most cases, create an even more profitable lifestyle and business. There is always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Bottom line Melvin Feller Business Group increases life experiences and increase profits, which in turn returns more than financial results to those Melvin Feller works with.
Melvin Feller Business Group outlines why you need our Business Group:
Personal Growth: Take advantage of those who’ve walked the path before you. There’s much to be learned from those who’ve been there and done it before us. Sure, times have changed over the years in how we do business, but there are fundamental and enduring principles involved with running a successful business and dealing with people, especially the one you see in the mirror every day. There is no shame in getting help. Work smarter, not harder.
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Save Time: You simply don’t have the time to stay on top of the latest changes in Facebook ads, PPC, SEO and so on. As business gets more complex and the pace of change increases, leverage an experienced coach or mentor to save you and your team time and money.
Leverage Technology: There’s more technology offerings designed for small businesses today than ever before, and these solutions can really transform your business and life. The problem is most small business owners don’t have the time or know how to implement these tools. So leverage an expert resource to help guide you on the journey to success.
Successful business owners look to Melvin Feller Business Group for coaches, mentors, education and training for themselves and their employees to help overcome challenges, learn new skills and deal with complexity. They see help as a way to improve themselves and their business’s competitiveness.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Forget the Goal Setting-Try This Method Instead
Melvin Feller Business Group
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More than anybody, Melvin Feller MA knows and understands all too well that we all have things that we want to achieve in our lives — getting into the better shape, building a successful business, raising a wonderful family, writing a best-selling book, winning a championship, and so on.
And for most of us, the path to those things starts by setting a specific and actionable goal. At least, this is how I approached my life until recently. I would set goals for classes I took, for weights that I wanted to lift in the gym, and for clients I wanted in my business.
During my online teaching and working with many students, I’m starting to realize, however, is that when it comes to actually getting things done and making progress in the areas that are important to you, there is a much better way to do things.
It all comes down to the difference between goals and systems.
Let me explain.
The Difference Between Goals and Systems
What’s the difference between goals and systems?
If you’re a coach, your goal is to win a championship. Your system is what your team does at practice each day.
If you’re a writer, your goal is to write a book. Your system is the writing schedule that you follow each week.
If you’re a runner, your goal is to run a marathon. Your system is your training schedule for the month.
If you’re an entrepreneur, your goal is to build a million dollar business. Your system is your sales and marketing process.
Now for the really interesting question:
If you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system, would you still get results?
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For example, if you were a basketball coach and you ignored your goal to win a championship and focused only on what your team does at practice each day, would you still get results?
I think you would.
As an example, I just added up the total word count for the articles I’ve written this year.
What I did focus on was writing one article every Monday and Thursday. And after sticking to that schedule for 11 months, the result was 115,000 words. I focused on my system and the process of doing the work. In the end, I enjoyed the same (or perhaps better) results.
Let’s talk about three more reasons why you should focus on systems instead of goals.
1. Goals reduce your current happiness.
When you’re working toward a goal, you are essentially saying, “I’m not good enough yet, but I will be when I reach my goal.”
The problem with this mindset is that you’re teaching yourself to always put happiness and success off until the next milestone is achieved. “Once I reach my goal, then I’ll be happy. Once I achieve my goal, then I’ll be successful.”
SOLUTION: Commit to a process, not a goal.
Choosing a goal puts a huge burden on your shoulders. Can you imagine if I had made it my goal to write two books this year? Just writing that sentence stresses me out.
But we do this to ourselves all the time. We place unnecessary stress on ourselves to lose weight or to succeed in business or to write a best-selling novel. Instead, you can keep things simple and reduce stress by focusing on the daily process and sticking to your schedule, rather than worrying about the big, life-changing goals.
When you focus on the practice instead of the performance, you can enjoy the present moment and improve at the same time.
2. Goals are strangely at odds with long-term progress.
You might think your goal will keep you motivated over the long-term, but that’s not always true.
Consider someone training for a half-marathon. Many people will work hard for months, but as soon as they finish the race, they stop training. Their goal was to finish the half-marathon and now that they have completed it, that goal is no longer there to motivate them. When all of your hard work is focused on a particular goal, what is left to push you forward after you achieve it?
This can create a type of “yo-yo effect” where people go back and forth from working on a goal to not working on one. This type of cycle makes it difficult to build upon your progress for the long-term.
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SOLUTION: Release the need for immediate results.
I was training at the gym last week and I was doing my second-to-last set of clean and jerks. When I hit that rep, I felt a small twinge in my leg. It wasn’t painful or an injury, just a sign of fatigue near the end of my workout. For a minute or two, I thought about doing my final set. Then, I reminded myself that I plan to do this for the rest of my life and decided to call it a day.
In a situation like the one above, a goal-based mentality will tell you to finish the workout and reach your goal. After all, if you set a goal and you don’t reach it, then you feel like a failure.
But with a systems-based mentality, I had no trouble moving on. Systems-based thinking is never about hitting a particular number, it’s about sticking to the process and not missing workouts.
Of course, I know that if I never miss a workout, then I will lift bigger weights in the long-run. And that’s why systems are more valuable than goals. Goals are about the short-term result. Systems are about the long-term process. In the end, process always wins.
3. Goals suggest that you can control things that you have no control over.
You can’t predict the future. (I know, shocking.)
But every time we set a goal, we try to do it. We try to plan out where we will be and when we will make it there. We try to predict how quickly we can make progress, even though we have no idea what circumstances or situations will arise along the way.
SOLUTION: Build feedback loops.
Each Friday, I spend 15 minutes filling out a small spreadsheet with the most critical metrics for my business. I rarely think about this number, but checking that column each week provides a feedback loop that tells me if I’m doing things right. When that number drops, I know that I need to send high quality traffic to my site.
Feedback loops are important for building good systems because they allow you to keep track of many different pieces without feeling the pressure to predict what is going to happen with everything. Forget about predicting the future and build a system that can signal when you need to make adjustments.
Fall In Love With Systems
None of this is to say that goals are useless. However, I’ve found that goals are good for planning your progress and systems are good for actually making progress.
In fact, I think I’m going to officially declare 2020 the “Year of the Sloth” so that everyone will be forced to slow down and make consistent, methodical progress rather than chasing sexy goals for a few weeks and then flaming out.
Goals can provide direction and even push you forward in the short-term, but eventually a well-designed system will always win. Having a system is what matters. Committing to the process is what makes the difference.
Melvin Feller MA is a business consultant with more than 35 years of business experience. He has an extensive background in planning and managing cross-functional business operations, and both real estate and technology projects. He also continues to teach others to excel in this business realm. He is an adjunct professor and online educator as well.
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melvinfeller · 5 years
Creating Good Characters in Children and Young Adults.
In today's society, children witness behaviors that are completely unacceptable, often on a daily basis.  That is why Melvin Feller has developed this curriculum and wants to share it on all levels with anyone and everyone!  Melvin Feller believes in improving lives as a long-term goal!
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These actions could be as simple as a rude comment, a lack of courtesy or it could be much worse.  Some kids will see or experience verbal, physical, and/or sexual abuse.  Young people are very good at hiding their problems, so don't assume a child is doing fine, based on his/her appearance.
 If they are not experiencing these behaviors in person, they see it on television, in their music, and in their video games.  After viewing these behaviors enough, these Children and Teenagers begin to think the actions are acceptable or at the very least - normal. Unfortunately, the next step in their progression is to begin acting out what they see.  If they do this enough, it becomes a habit.  This is such a vicious cycle.
 Several years back, I decided that something needed to be done about it.  I can't remove the students from their experiences, but I can provide them with good, nurturing experiences.  This was the basis for my creation of Your Character Counts Program.
 Each week students receives a new goal.  For example, during the first week the students' goal is:  "Goal #1:  Try to give a good compliment to three different people this week.  Your kind and uplifting words make more of a difference than you could possibly imagine.  
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Once I give the students their goal, we discuss the goal (what it means, what it looks like, and ideas to act it out).  I try to provide solid examples of the goal - either through my experiences or I share goals that other students acted out.
  I ask the students to do a few tasks when accomplishing most of their goals.
  1.  The students are to thoughtfully consider how they will act out the goal. In the case of the above goal, the student would write down the what they want to say and run it past me to make sure it is a real compliment (no saying "great shoes" for example).  The goal should be tailor made for the recipient - as if it would work only for that person.  One child said " You are one of the smartest people I have ever met. Every day you come in here, do your work, and complete your goals.  Good job!"
 2.   The students are given all week to accomplish their goal.  They are welcome to exceed the limits I set.
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3.  At the end of the week we either have a class discussion regarding their experiences or I will ask them to write in their character journal.  Journal entries should state who the goal was aimed at, what was said/done specifically, what the reaction was of the recipient, and how did it make you feel.
 Last year the students really enjoyed the process. My advice is stick with it.  Time always seems like an issue, though I believe we can give up 5 minutes a few days a week if it leads to creating good people.  I would also encourage you to try out any goal you will ask your students to try.  By experiencing the goal, you will have more authentic input to share and you will have a better understanding of any issues the students might encounter.  I have listed some of the Character Goals I have used in the past.  
  Goal #1: Try to give a good compliment to three different people this week.  Your kind and uplifting words make more of a difference than you could possibly imagine.
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Goal #2:  With all of the new gadgets that are available, the gift everybody still enjoys most is gratitude.  This week we would like you to say thank you to any person that does anything for you. You would be surprised at the amount gratitude one could give in one day.  Give it a try!
 Goal #3:  In today's fast-moving society, we often times forget to say the most valued word in the English language.  This word is please.  The word please tells others that you are thoughtful and not expectant.  This simple word can take you far in life.
 Goal #4:  Regardless of what you might think, everybody struggles and needs encouragement from time to time.  This week we would like you to offer some encouragement to one person that looks like he or she could use it.  This person can be a friend or foe or somebody you would normally not talk to.
 Goal #5:  This week’s goal is simple, yet classic. Open a door for somebody today.
 Goal #6:  This week’s goal is to show your teachers that you value their efforts, the lesson they are teaching, and the other students in the classroom. You can do this by participating in class, by raising your hand when you would like to speak, and by listening when a teacher or another student speaks.  There is not one person in your class that would not appreciate your efforts...guaranteed!
 Goal #7:  This week’s goal may be the hardest one to complete as of yet.  Try to make it the entire day without complaining.  You and everybody around you will appreciate your effort!
 Goal #8:  In middle school, EVERYBODY feels self-conscious from time to time.  This week, make it your goal to tell two people, friends or classmates, one quality you like about them.  It may seem silly, but the one compliment can go a long way.
 Goal #9:  This week’s goal is a bit different than all the goals we have set thus far.  Make it your goal to tell one or more family member(s) why you love them.  Often times we take our loved ones for granted.  It is important that they know we love them and why.
 Goal #10:  Everybody should have at least one person in his life that makes him feel special and many of us have many more than just one person.  Think about who makes you feel special.  Take a moment to thank this person for whatever he or she does for you.  Once again, it is very easy to take people for granted.  Let your person know just how important he or she is to you.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Is Your Success based on Other Things by Melvin Feller MA
Is Your Success based on Other Things by Melvin Feller MA
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 I am sure you have heard of a contingency clause in a real estate contract. Contingency clauses are clauses that say, “If that happens then this can happen” some common contingency clauses include.
 Offer contingent on buyer obtaining financing
Offer contingent on the sale of the home at 1111 Maple Valley
Offer contingent on buyer approval of inspections
 Those are examples of the ways that contingencies are used in real estate contracts. Nevertheless, did you know that contingencies could be holding you back from experiencing true success both in life and as a real estate investor?
 Our economic conditions have resulted in many of us using contingencies to unknowingly limit ourselves in many areas of our lives. The main differences between the two are that real estate contingencies have “Real world” constraints while the contingencies that we place on ourselves have no basis in the real world.
 Let us look at some examples of our life contingencies:
 My happiness is contingent upon how much money I make
My happiness is contingent upon whether I have a job or not
My real estate success is contingent on whether or not I can obtain a loan.
My real estate success is contingent on how many courses I can afford to buy
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Do you see the difference? In real estate contingencies, one outcome is necessary in order to achieve the other. In our life contingencies, we set up two completely unrelated things and make them contingent on each other. Your happiness and your salary are not mutually exclusive ideals. You can be happy without a dime to your name. You can experience real estate success without getting a loan.
The best way to counteract this completely absurd way of thinking is to ask yourself “Could I ever have X without Y happening?”
 Let us plug in some examples:
 Could I ever have happiness without making $100,000? Of course
Could I really afford a house if I didn’t sell my own? Of course not this is a real world constraint.
Could I ever succeed as an investor without good credit? Of course there are a million ways to succeed without getting a loan.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA and Secrets of Success
Would you like to realize your goals? Maybe you would like to run your own business, expand your material possessions, or succeed in the arts. There is no one path to the pot of gold, but many people of all backgrounds have successfully found it.
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Whether you want to follow the ways of the great financiers, the famous politicians, or the dynamic movie stars, there are common modes of behavior each of them followed.
Moreover, in many cases, they have shared their secrets so YOU CAN FOLLOW THEIR FOOTSTEPS.
"If you wish to know the road up the mountain, ask the person who goes back and forth on it," said the ancient sage, Zenrin.
What better way is there to know the secrets than to ask those who made it? What goals do you want to achieve? In addition, what amount of effort can you commit? You may want money for the extra things in life, money to build a corporate empire, or money to support yourself while you pursue the fine arts.
Perhaps you would like to take the risk to start something new in your life. You may want to open your own business, devote your energies to an artistic career such as acting, or reap the benefits of your yearly endeavors with fabulous vacations several times a year.
What will bring you happiness? The satisfaction of success takes many forms. Not only are people seeking financial fortunes, but also the ancient goal of peace of mind.
Do you worry? You might be concerned about your health or your family's well-being. You may be anxious about the added expenses of education, medical bills, or the steady increase of cost of living.
There are ways out of the endless cycles of worry, stress and anxiety. Right now, you can rise above the whirl of survival to achieve the accomplishments you dream of! When you are for-real ready to put your whole effort into realizing your goals, YOU WILL SUCCEED.
What are Riches?
"Had I but plenty of money, money enough to spare," wrote Robert Browning. Moreover, money is the greatest attribute of riches. A universal desire, money is the materialization of riches, the stuff that makes the rest possible.
Are you looking for financial security? For retirement, for education or leisure? Riches are the overflowing abundance of material possessions- houses, cars, boats, furnishings- everything you ever wanted.
Centuries ago, Horace wrote, "By right means, if you can, but by any means, make money." For many people it is a path towards happiness, a cure-all for worry and peace of mind.
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For others, riches come in the form of satisfaction and personal independence. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment in employment or attaining goals. It is that feeling of contentment and confidence from a good task well done. Riches are closely linked with success.
In addition, with that comes fame and acknowledgment of position. Success might be the feeling of well-being from the rewards of good effort. Alternatively, the enthusiasm and vitality triggered by recognition. "Success is how well I enjoy the minutes," said producer Norman Lear.
Throughout history, the people who lived with riches often achieved them by hard work, diligence and a belief in themselves. For some people, it took courage, genius and stamina.
Nevertheless, for many others, it took nothing special but the desire to turn dreams into reality. Whether you want millions of dollars, recognition as an artist, or personal freedom, you have the ability to make your life as rich as you want. Think about what you most desire. It may not be hard cash, but what it can buy.
On the other hand, it may be those feelings of inner satisfaction, from creating something beautiful or strong. You may want personal independence from the workweek, or freedom to live anywhere you want.
You may be looking for something meaningful and significant in life- something other than things money can buy.
Whatever your goals, and however difficult they seem to be to accomplish, you have the ability to become who you want.
Take a look- can you see yourself surrounded by riches?
Picture the world open and in front of you, ready to become the form of your dreams, ready to stage your desires. "Why then, the world's mine oyster," wrote Shakespeare, "which I with sword will open."
Who is Successful?
Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. However, they accomplished it through hard work and a plan of action. Every type of person on earth can become successful.
There are saints and scoundrels; philanthropists and poets and politicians; young and old. There are no limitations or physical boundaries for success.
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Success comes to those who deeply think about success and constantly strive for it! Although many rich financiers at the turn of the century had no formal education, they overcame that and went on to great fame.
Some people strive towards a single goal from early in life, and often attain that goal while still young. Others are willing to risk new adventures later and still attain success. "It's never too late to learn," wrote Malcolm Forbes, the money magnate. "I learned to ride a motorcycle at 50 and fly balloons at 52."
Whatever your task, whatever your obstacles, you can be as successful as anyone else can. Study the people who accomplished recognition in the areas of your pursuit.
How did they achieve their goals? Moreover, do not be afraid you do not have what it takes. As Daniel Webster wrote, "There is always room at the top."
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