#smart goals
lovinterstellar · 7 months
Setting and accomplishing goals is an important aspect of personal and professional development. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of success:
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SET SMART GOALS : Use the acronym SMART to set your goals
S: specific: set real numbers with real deadlines.
M: measurable: make sure your goal is trackable
A: attainable: work towards a goal that is challenging, but possible.
R: realistic: be openly honest with yourself.
T: time bound: give yourself a deadline
DEFINE YOUR GOALS: Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve.
BREAK IT DOWN: Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This will make them less overwhelming and easier to tackle.
CREATE A PLAN: Develop a detailed plan of action for each goal. Identify the steps you need to take and set deadlines for each task.
STAY FOCUSED: Avoid distractions and stay focused on your goals. Prioritize your tasks and allocate time each day to work towards them.
TRACK YOUR PROGRESS: Monitor your progress regularly. Keep a record of your achievements and make adjustments to your plan if necessary.
STAY MOTIVATED: Find ways to stay motivated throughout your journey. Celebrate your accomplishments, seek support from others, and remind yourself of the reasons why you set these goals.
LEARN FROM SETBACKS: Setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of goal-setting. Instead of getting discouraged, view them as learning opportunities. Identify what went wrong and adjust your approach accordingly.
Remember, setting and accomplishing goals is a journey. Be patient with yourself, stay committed, and celebrate your achievements along the way!
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ahb-writes · 7 months
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8 Ways to Write More, More Often:
Set smart goals and stretch goals. Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. Stretch goals are the little bit extra you can reach if a writing session goes well.
Build small habits. Small habits are easier to build than large ones. Writing fifty words every day for a week can become 500 words daily more easily than starting with a big and daunting target. Big habits begin small. Consider establishing a system that works, instead of setting lofty goals that you aren't quite sure how to reach.
Work on perspective and your locus of control. "Locus of control" refers to whether a person sees events as unfolding due to external forces more, or due to their own agency and action. Keep reading for more on how this connects to productivity. Keeping productive (not just in writing) comes easier to people when they believe in their own agency, in the power of actions they take to create the outcomes they want.
Check in with a productivity or writing coach. If you struggle with creating the systems and accountability to stay productive, ask for help. A writing buddy or coach can hold you accountable with kindness and thoughtful, measured input. A writing coach helps through a combination of discussion about your work and ideas, feedback on writing identifying improvement areas and providing stimulating questions and/or suggestions, and encouragement and support when you most need them.
Embrace the motivating power of groups and teams. Writing is a solitary pursuit but a caring writing group may help you sustain your commitment to your story. It's easier to keep showing up together. The best writing groups provide a safe place to find something like beta readers who are writers, too. A place to renew your focus through productive discussion.
Use planning and productivity tools. Calendars, spreadsheets, or a place where you record your daily writing streaks help you keep track of progress. Your story planning tools may be as simple as a calendar to set alarmed reminders for writing sessions or sprints, or a more complex system.
Build in vital breaks. Build breaks into your writing routine – self-care keeps muses happy. In planning smart goals and stretch goals, writing sprints and sessions, remember to build in breaks. Not writing is not necessarily not writing. Burnout is both easy to reach and easy to avoid.
Feed your writing focus. What are the ingredients of better productivity in writing and other endeavors? Motivation. Focus. Intention. Discipline. Identify your best creative environment. Eliminate prominent distractions. Schedule focused time.
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My SMART goal for today:
In order to create real or mockplots that make sense i will create first a story for my presentation until 17:00 that will have structure and goal and will be a single storyline for a paper. From that i will be able to choose which figures i want to show later.
I would like to use more smart goals on every day tasks and make fewer and more specific goals with a purpose.
Update: i got so deep into making hypotheses that i opend my code and ran analyses that never finished instead of actually doing the task.
Same goal for today. Lets try again. 😅
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1) Keep your Vision Alive
2) Fuel up with Purpose
3) Believe the Best is Yet to Come
4) Focus on the Process, not the Outcome
5) Trust in a Bigger Plan
Nothing comes easily and it’s the struggle that gives us the right to succeed.
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college-cowgirl · 5 months
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HARD goals are superior to SMART goals.
I said what I said, and I stand by it! Why? I love setting HARD goals because it forces me to include my motivating forces. When I'm having a really tough day where I'm feeling unmotivated or absolutely cannot focus, I can always go back and read my "why." HARD goals encourage you to break your goal down at a much deeper level, and for myself, this has made the biggest difference! H- Heartfelt: Why do you want to accomplish this goal? How will it benefit you? A- Animated: Visualize yourself after accomplishing your goal? How do you feel? How does this goal add value to your life? R- Required/Research: What is required of you in order to accomplish your goal? (This is where you do your research.) What concrete steps can you take today to make it happen? What is your plan of action for the next three months? The next six months? D- Difficult: What skills do you need to work on in order to accomplish your goal? How will you improve these skills?
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motivexesmotivational · 2 months
Overcoming Little Hurdles: Path to Excellence
Discover the path to excellence in the details! Success isn't a spotlight moment; it's nurtured in the little things. This video explores the essence of managing the small to master the grand Are you ready for what's coming?
🤗💖Thank you for your wonderful time. Please if you like the video, share it
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byrachshop · 1 year
The ultimate guide to CRUSH your GOALS in 2023
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2023 is coming our way faster than we thought. A few days ago it was October and we were all celebrating Halloween and then, as we blinked our eyes, Christmas was here and we were busy buying gifts and having dinner with friends and family. These last couple weeks of December always pass by so fast that we don’t even realize how close New Year’s Eve is. The next thing we know is that it is midnight and there are fireworks in the night sky.
Most of us like to write down some resolutions and things we want to change about ourselves to become our best version and to have the best year of our life - to be successful. However, after two or three weeks into January, we start getting lost, forget about our goals, lose motivation, and end up doing the same as the previous year, only to notice it when December comes again.
To overcome that, I’m bringing you this guide, explaining why such a thing happens, and how to crush all your goals and stick to new healthy habits this year.
Review Your 2022
It is a fact that we learn from our mistakes, so it isn’t an exception in this case.
Go back and think of who you were a year ago, on January 1st, and the goals you wanted to achieve through 2022. Reflect on your past goals and ambitions - did you accomplish all of them? If not, why?
It is important to remember that although we didn’t achieve all our goals and our year didn’t happen as planned, we still learned a lot and grew.
Resolutions for 2023
Knowing the highlights of 2022, you can wisely plan this new year. First, think about all the things you wanted to achieve last year, and write them down. Then, list other things you want to do this year - make sure they’re achievable since you want to work to get them and not do something impossible.
It’s also good to think about relationships and who doesn’t belong in our lives anymore. Don’t be afraid to cut people off when they’re not doing any good to you anymore, or when you don’t do any good to them.
We don’t achieve our goals throughout the year because we don’t use smart goals. But, what are SMART goals, then?
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. What we mean by this is that you have to make sure you don’t grab a piece of paper and write "get healthier", "get good grades", or "get a lot of money", since they’re too generic.
Instead, you should take these generic goals and develop them into something like this:
To get healthier, I will walk 10k steps every day,  drink 2L of water, and go to the gym twice a week; I will lose 5kg by march.
Don’t go too heavy on yourself - you can increase the intensity as the year goes by.
New Habits
Sometimes bad habits hold us back from achieving our goals (for example, procrastinating, going to bed late, or scrolling endlessly on social media). Sit back, reflect on your past days, and point out which bad habits are in your routine. You will need to get rid of them. The best way to do it is by replacing it with a new healthy habit. For example, swipe the number of hours you spend on social media reading a book, practicing an instrument, or exercising. If you want to stop drinking soda, swipe it with water.
Make a list of new habits you want to include in your routine, then check them off every day and see how long you can keep the streak! Reward yourself after a certain amount of time (after a week, a month, you name it).
With these new habits implemented in your daily life, you’ll see your routine changing through the months. If you stick to these habits, you’ll feel a huge difference by the end of the year.
Most of the time we end up not doing things because we lack motivation. It makes us procrastinate for hours and hours, searching for inspiration and trying to find just a little bit of motivation to get up and do what has to be done. That’s right, I’ve been there.
We always ask ourselves “how are they always so motivated?” The truth is, they are not! Motivation isn’t everything, and it won’t make us reach our goals - on the contrary: if we spend our precious time awaiting motivation to come to us, we will spend another year doing nothing. That’s why we create a system to reach our goals - we need to be consistent, even when we don’t feel like doing it. We have to get up and do our work, because who else will do it for us?
Vision Board
Last but not least, create a vision board.
Don’t throw just “cute pictures” on a board to create a good vision board. Instead, pick pictures that make you feel closer to your goals, that help you visualize them, and that is always there in front of you to remind you about the purpose of your day.
You can make a physical vision board or a digital one. To the physical, search for images, words, and phrases that remind you of your goals. Then print them and put them together on a board or in a notebook - but make sure it’s somewhere visible so that you can always reach for it and take a look.
If you rather do it digitally, it’s also quite simple. Instead of printing picture by picture, make a collage. The best way is to put them together in a document that fits your computer/tablet/phone screen. This way you can set it as wallpaper, and look at it multiple times throughout the day, even without thinking of it.
Let’s look at what has been said: before setting goals for 2023, think about 2022 and highlight good and bad moments. Revise the goals you have achieved, and those you didn’t, and try to understand the reason behind them. After that, let’s head to the next step, which is the actual goal-setting: write down your new year resolutions, keeping in mind the definition of SMART goals, so that they’re achievable. Among the new goals, set new habits you want to stick to and find bad habits in your routine you want to get rid of. The last step is to create a vision board and keep it close to you.
Last tip: Before concluding, I’d like to remind you to check your goals and resolutions throughout the year. I recommend taking a look at them every month, and then writing a journal entry by the end of each month and reflecting on what went well, and what went wrong. Always plan and set small monthly steps to achieve your final goals.
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Now that you’re ready to set your goals and get started with 2023, grab now this bundle: 2023 Notion Planner + Crush Your Goals Workbook only for 9€. For the first 15 people, get 2€ off with the code decemberplanning.
I wish you a happy new year, and hope you can reach all your goals in 2023!
Happy planning.
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charligirl33-blog · 2 months
What Is a Smart Goal?
When making goals, it’s important to learn about the acronym S.M.A.R.T. It can help you make better goals. Each letter stands for a different area of the goal. If you create a smart goal, you have created a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable, and Timely. Using SMART goals can set you up for success in your goal setting.
S –
Stands for specific, which means that your goal needs to be spelled out very precisely. Using language that leaves no doubt as to what the goal is, why you want to achieve the goal, and how you will get there is very important. If you are not able to be detailed in your description of the goal, it will be hard to meet it. Take the time to do this part right.
M –
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A –
There are different things that “a” can stand for but it’s usually actionable, assignable or achievable. The preference to really get something good done is to make your goal actionable, meaning something where you can do something for each day that will eventually result in an accomplished goal. Goals should also be achievable or you will only get frustrated. Be accurate about the time it takes to reach a goal, and what actions it takes to get there. Also, know who will be responsible for doing it.
R –
This can stand for realistic or relevant, and either or both are important and are true. If you want your goal to succeed, it should most certainly be something that is realistic or you will fail. It should also be relevant to your life’s vision and match with your values.
T –
Various authors refer to the “T” in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as time-bound, timely or trackable. All of these t’s are important parts of the goal creating and setting process. If you don’t set a time limit and you can’t track what is happening, your goal will be hard to quantified or show as achieved.
Whichever words you use to help you craft your goals, the important thing is that you need to have a process to help you make smart goals. Smart goals are goals that you follow through on achieving and know when you’ve met them.
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allysmaagiesworld · 3 months
January Recap
Now, as the first month of the year has passed, I would like to recount it and kind of see how it went.
I started the journey on the 14th, so bear that in mind.
The week after the 14th I was bombarded with work. But I still managed to make it to the gym one day of the week. And for that I’m really grateful.
Friday the 19th
I got on the treadmill. Accompanied by the first episode of Percy Jackson I made the brilliant performance of 3.8 km in 37:26 minutes. Which may not sound like that good of a time, but I’m happy with it. Especially since I haven’t „run“ in over a year. I think it’s quite a good first time. Ready to be improved.
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22nd to 28th January
The week after that, I actually came down with the flu. I spent all the time not at work in bed, sleeping by 8 p.m. or 9 p.m.
By Friday I was feeling better, but I didn’t want to overdo it, so I simply walked a bit outdoor.
That Saturday I helped my boyfriend repaint the house, or rather find spots that were damaged or dirtied by the installation crew and paint over that. And lo and behold, it proved to be quite the workout.
The day after that, Sunday, him and me drove someplace nice to take a walk. It was a nice hour and we talked all the while about very different things. We started at the topic of dating and somehow ended up at the military.
But it was a nice hour nonetheless.
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29th to 31st January
And that brings us already to this week, which had the last three days of January.
On Monday I went to the gym, this time for strength training. Warm up was a small run on the treadmill, 1.59 km in 16:41 minutes. It actually felt easier, though that might have been because I knew I would only run for roughly 15 minutes.
But I will take whatever win I can get haha
After the run came the different machines for weight focussed exercises. And boy did I miss it. I felt so nice and strong while I did it - albeit I did overdo it on the bench presses. I took out the additional weights of 2.5 kg + 0.5 kg on top of the bar, and that was an experience.
I tried to do them as good as I could. The first set of 15 were… not easy, but doable. But it was a steep decline after that.
The second set I already had to split up in 8/7. The third and last set I quit after 6 repetitions, where the sixth was just barely liftable.
Again, I will put the new measurements under the cut.
I weighed myself on the evening of the 31st January, again after a shower.
The weight was 100.3 kg, which is 0.2 lighter than on the 14th, but weight alone does not define whether or not someone is on the right track for a healthier lifestyle.
weight: 100,3 kg
fat: 41,3 kg
muscle: 55,8 kg
arm left: 33,0 cm
arm right: 35,0 cm
chest: 101,0 cm
hip: 129,5 cm
waist: 88,5 cm
ass: 128,5 cm
belly: 116,0 cm
thigh left: 77,5 cm
thigh right: 77,5 cm
calve right: 43,0 cm
calve left: 42,5 cm
Overall the measurements stayed the same or went slightly down. I noticed though that I didn’t catch the biggest part on my legs, so these numbers aren’t really comparable to the 14th. We’ll just have to wait and see in two weeks how the numbers changed.
But for now I am very happy with the current results and am looking forward to the next section.
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Living Below Your Means: A Millionaire's Financial Secret
Unlock the financial secrets of millionaires! 💰 Learn how to live below your means and adopt millionaire habits. Read the full blog - Link-in-bio #FinancialSuccess #MillionaireMindset #SmartGoals #MillionaireThinking #Wealthy #Save #LiveBelowYourMeans
Have you ever wondered how some people manage to become millionaires without having a high-paying job, winning the lottery, inheriting a fortune, or starting a successful business? How do they accumulate wealth and achieve financial freedom while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer is simple: they live below their means. Living below your means is a financial strategy that involves…
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How to set SMART language learning goals by Learn English: 5-Minute Language
Learn to set SMART language learning goals to make sure you're always moving forward and know how to track your progress.
SMART goals:
Specific: Why are you learning the language? What are you trying to achieve? What do you want to use the language for? Be as concrete as possible, and break down your goals into specific tasks.
Measurable: How will you measure or test your progress? How will you check whether you have reached your goals? Put a number on your goals, and device a way to test yourself.
Ambitious: Are your goals ambitious? Are you pushing yourself enough and learning new things? Are you challenging yourself sufficiently? You need to push your boundaries to keep moving forward.
Realistic: Is it possible to meet your goals? Determine through previous experience what’s doable. Remember to take your lifestyle and daily responsibilities into account.
Time-bound: Do you have a deadline for your goals? What are your short-term goals? What are your long-term goals? Set yourself deadlines.
Other tips:
Write down your goals.
Review and adjust your goals periodically.
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allwillbecomeclear · 4 months
Be very specific about your goals or else you'll never know how to get started!!!!
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ahb-writes · 1 year
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How to Finish a Novel: 10 Ways to Follow Through
Make time to write
Create a story plan (outline)
Write to S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based)
Have a system in place to silence doubt
Get a writing buddy
Avoid comparing yourself to others
Use your writing time effectively
Avoid perfectionism (the first draft is for you)
Prepare for the middle slump
Want to finish your book
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iamhealthy-wealthy · 1 year
~Weekly Goals~
April 24, 2023 - April 30, 2023
Wake up by 6:15 am everyday
Exercise twice this week - begin building exercise routine -
Journal everyday
Stretch everyday
Wear sunscreen everyday
No junk food - clean eating
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denishamichelle · 1 year
New Year, New Intentions
So often we hear "New Year, new me!" it has become cliché to say the least. There is always this pressure to be doing something or at least having the appearance of being productive.
I wonder what would happened if instead we set new intentions for the year. Intentions that would benefit our overall health and wellbeing. Intentions that are high vibrational. Intentions that lined up with our morals and values. Intentions that implemented LASTING lifestyle change.
Intention goes beyond task that new year resolutions tend to focus on. People make resolutions to work out or manage their stress, but fall short when they forget to be intentional with WHY they want to do these things in the first place.
This year I challenge everyone to ask themselves what they want to see change this year and why? I encourage you to go deep. Take time to write out your what AND your why? Then align your intention with that goal.
Goals should be SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, realistic/relevant and time-sensitive. You are more likely to achieve SMART goals and they also allow you to look back and track your progress. An example of a SMART goal could be: I will improve my overall health by walking 1 mile three times per week for 3 months. At the end of the three months, a person who has set this SMART goal will be able to look back and see whether they achieved their goal. You can always adjust goals as needed.
As a National Board Certified Health and Wellness coach, I can help you map out this process. It starts with a complimentary health screening where we discuss your general health and determine if this would be a beneficial partnership. I specialize in holistic health which looks at multiple areas of health including but not limited to: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Environmental and Occupational health.
As you set your intentions for the next year, make sure you are intentional about your wellness!
With love,
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peacewise08 · 2 years
applying oneself to mathematics
applying oneself to mathematics
Success is when a person sets a smart goal and then achieves that smart goal. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timely. = Smart. It’s a simple mnemonic to make it easier to become successful. Do you actually want to do things the super duper easy way? If not, why do you want to do them the hard way? Or just the average way? Optimisation of your motivation is necessary. You can…
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