#men over bear
vomits0cutely · 2 months
I want to give my 2 cents about the debate “would you prefer to be in the woods with a bear or a man?” So I wanted to give some reasons why picking a bear is the obvious answer:
• the bear will hurt you because he thinks you’re dangerous, the man will hurt because he knows your not.
• Both won’t stop if you say no, but the bear doesn’t understand what that means and the man does.
• With a bear the only fear is death.
• A bear sees a threat, a man sees an opportunity.
•The bear smelt fear, the man saw fear.
• A bear is violent by nature, a man is violent by choice.
• We can trust a bear to be a bear but can’t trust a human man to be humane.
• The worse thing a bear can do is kill you.
• The bear is doing it for survival, not fun.
• A bear will not seek my suffering.
• A bear can be reasoned with.
• The bear only has two thoughts: prey or escape.
• If I told someone a bear attacked me, they would believe me.
• They would find my body.
• Bears are more predictable.
• Bears is more likely to leave me alone.
• Bears only attack if that are hungry or scared.
• Bears will not act differently when it finds out you’re alone.
Bears attacking humans are 1 in 2.1 million.
Men attacking humans (women) are 1 in 4.
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pink-amphibian · 4 months
daddy bear men save me,,, save me big bear men,,, oh bear men save me,,,
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biracy · 8 months
I can't remember if I've posted abt this before but regardless: I'm sorry but I really and truly cannot get behind the idea that there is any wide-scale societal "pressure for trans men to be feminine" or "to be twinks" or whatever. You are either conflating a very small online community's beauty standard (usually some kind of transmasc pseudo-appropriation of "femboy" aesthetics, which yes, are often Bad and regressive and fetishized and etc.) with Mainstream Society, or confusing society not wanting trans men to transition with "wanting trans men to be feminine", which are certainly not the same thing. Ultimately if a cis person believes there is any validity to the concept of being trans (i.e. not a Posie Parker-esque "there's no such thing as a trans person" type), they are more likely to think that trans men should be like as masc and buff and hairy as possible or whatever bc that's what cis people think men look like and it's easier for a lot of people to recognize someone who Looks Masc as a man. It is difficult sometimes to see derision of trans guys who are Too Feminine and Not Hairy Enough or whatever (which is not always something someone has control over btw) as anything but "this is Skye who I think is a confused little girl because Skye does not pass" slightly restyled for 2023 "filthcore fagdykes" or whatever lol
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medusas-vengeance · 1 month
Whenever I see men question women's choice of choosing the bear over a man or just explaining her fear of men. There's always men telling her that her fear is irrational or calling her a man hater. It reminds me of that quote by Simone De Beauvoir, "Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth."
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citruscrumples · 7 months
there is nothing more agonising then finishing tj klune’s Absolute Behemoth of a gay werewolf book
only to discover insane people have been drawing his characters as TWINKS
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blue-thief · 2 months
pls let me back into the friend group. i was barely a part of it the first time and i won't contribute anything if you let me back in. but i wanna know why the breakup between that one couple was so bad that the entire group is falling apart
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isawthismeme · 1 month
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I can't get enough of these memes😂. Poor bear. Being compared to men☕ is honestly so unfair to the bears!😭
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thebluestbluewords · 1 month
Excerpt from Establishing Council of the United Sovereignties of Auradon, General Meeting Minutes, Early Spring, year XXXX
Motion #22: Villainous Uprising:  King Adam of Rouen-Metz
King Adam presented to the council the current status of the villain uprising, which now controls the kingdom of Atlantica, the border with Waverly City to the east, and the border with Astoria to the west. The troops dispatched by the United Sovereignties upon our last meeting have been returned to their respective kingdoms in the form of a large quantity (roughly equivalent by weight to the bodies of the soldiers originally dispatched) of black sand. 
In light of this development, King Adam proposes that the council dispatch the full military forces of Auroria and Charmingdale to disburse the villain uprising and recover control of Atlantica. 
Princess Briar Rose of Auroria proposed a second division of troops, in order to lessen the burden on specific kingdoms within the United Sovereignties. 
King Adam reminded Princess Briar that the current troops were returned in ashes, and suggested that perhaps this abject failure at quashing the villains was due to the scattered nature of the previous defense. Furthermore, he brought to the council the proposal of sending all of the troops from each of the united sovereignties in waves so that if the first were to fail once again at suppressing the forward motion of the villains, the second could have an encampment prepared a short distance away so as to avoid the constant moving a troops into position while the villains march forward. 
The council approved the deployment of a united force from the kingdoms of Auroria, Charmingdale, and New London, to attack on the current front lines. An additional contingent will dispatched from each of the other kingdoms in the United Sovereignties who holds a standing military force, to establish a breakpoint in the kingdom of Westerly should the villains evade the front line deployment. Motion approved 16-2, 1 abstained.
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eri-pl · 15 days
So, the Gift of Men
Or: how I interpret it. It has two parts, but probably veery connected. (kinda long)
Fate not defined by Music
This... is either part of the Gift or not actually was there from the start. Which would be hilarious if it wasn't tragic, because it again falls into "Morgoth does stuff that seems genius to him, stuff explodes in his face later".
Humans don't have a natural tendency. Neither to good, or to a particular career path. They do have skills, sure, so for example some make better warriors, but they don't have it on the level of fate. Unless someone puts a fate on a human (Turin, Tuor) but even then, humans are very slippery (Turin did make a lot of bad choices and I don't think the curse would work without this). Humans are not bound by fate.
To clarify: Neither are Elves bound by it absolutely, as they have free-will, but they are (at least: without human intervention) bound in the Oedipus sense. No matter what free choices they make, some things end up happening. It's up to discussion how it works with the Ainur, but i would put them on the Elves-shelf.
Also, if someone was to change the Music... the ability to act independently of it would be necessary for this I guess? How can you even change something back in time?
I would say you can't change the meaning of a piece of music that already exists, but the soundtrack to the infamous series does exactly this (kudos for mr Bear). Recontextualize, at least.
Oh, this soundtrack. If you hate the series, its soundtrack is a perfect illustration of "things more wonderful, which he himself [Amazon] hath not imagined". If you love it, the soundtrack a wonderful. part of it.
Not tied so closely to Arda
So, humans die and are imperfect and get sick and whatnot. but is that a problem with humans or with Arda?
OK now that I think about it more, it's still the same as part 1. Humans can go out because we have no fate (of that kind at least) to bind us in. Unless something does bind, like a ring or an oath (does it mean... does it mean an oath could also unbind an elf? does it mean that darkness everlasting = a stupid name for whatever-happens-to-humans? I asked it before I think.).
Humans will go out because... some reason? Judging by the Numenorians, it may be something in the style of "we make a lot of choices, even if small, that untangle us from Arda, because they don't harmonize with how Arda is)
But with what happens to Arda, this has an aspect of "not being tied to a sinking ship". Kind of?
Lost my train of thought again.
TLDR: It's a beautiful, unpredictable thing even if it's "no beta we die".
Bonus: seeking
To quote another author (also great!) "To be human is to want which we cannot have". Humans are always a) causing problems they can't solve (and sometimes even the Valar can't), and b) wanting things they can't have (elves do this too, and
No, that's a thing the Eldar also do a lot. That's a thing Melkor invented before Elves even happened. Both of those. Still, as humans are Melkor-coded, it is still a very human thing. It doesn't sound like a gift. Then, maybe, the gift would be some kind of solution to this. Creative problems need creative solutions.
Still, humans get crazy ideas.
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uter-us · 2 months
on tiktok, @/white_woman_whisperer made a post adding to the man vs bear conversation (I'll explain in tags if you dk what it is!), asking (quoted), "hey black women, hey you're at work and you're alone in a room. who would you rather walk in right now, you dk what it is, a white man or a white woman? youre in a conference room alone, you have to be with one or the other. which one is it gonna be?" the responses and comments are overwhelming choosing the white man, so black radfem/radfem-adjacent women, would yall also pick the white man?
(she has a collection/series (idk what they r called exactly but u can find it at the top of her account) where she elaborates more and it's called "🐻vs👨🏼vs👩🏼")
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feralweapon · 23 days
happy pride month! logan is a switch! you're welcome :)
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hopelessromantic5 · 2 days
Okay, here’s a little SydCarmy clip. It’s super short. I’m always so nervous posting new content.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Fak actually uses his brain for once and does not give Claire the correct number.
Thus leaving Carmen focused on his work, and subsequently his work partner.
Who slowly brings him around to the idea of therapy, on top of his regular Al-non meetings.
Before Carmen realizes it, his quality of life has significantly improved. He still has really bad days, and anxiety still wracks him whenever it feels like it.
But he sleeps more. Way more. And he’s able to keep himself level, self-regulating became second nature to him, after seeing the way the kitchen responded to his growth.
He would say the team of the Bear worked like a well-oiled machine. But no. That wasn’t it. It wasn’t so lifeless and mechanical.
No, they were an orchestra of different instruments working in the same rhythm. Dancing around each other seamlessly, orders going out before expected.
Carmen had never been so proud in his life.
Though, the executive chef felt a little guilty when he had to admit to himself that he was just a bit more proud of his CDC.
But could anyone really blame him?
Sydney impressed him on her worst days.
And on her best…
She practically knocked the wind out of his lungs with the precision and skill, yet thoughtfulness and creativity. All while looking absolutely stunning. The harsh lights of the kitchen do nothing to hide the beauty of her hands, the natural glow of her dark skin.
Some days, when Carmen had a little less of a handle on himself, and his eyes, he would get lost for a few seconds. Mesmerized by the living art of Sydni Adamu in her element.
He knew. He’d known for a while.
Carmen was completely blissfully fucked.
In every sense of the word, but one.
Which is where our problem begins.
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HNHHHHHH EXECUTOR MY LIL BLORBO, MY LIL STRANGE CREATURE,, he's simultaneously the most efficient man in the room but he's also emotionally incompetent on a whole other level, it's so fucking hot and pathetic ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂)⸝♡
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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celly on the bench after matthew scored the first (and only) goal for the panthers
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a dpair that scrums together, stays together
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also a bonus monty leaning over the boards to bark at maroon after that hit on stevie late in the 3rd (which lead to a 3 whole misconducts to be handed out with only 2 minutes 22 seconds left to go) while mikksy manages to be at the scene of the crime yet again
boston bruins @ florida panthers game 1 | 5.6.24
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huginsmemory · 7 months
To follow up on the previous post mentioning that I knew I'd be meeting law soon in op and being excited because I'd know I'd like him. WELL. He's not the character I imprinted on. I mean let's be real I'll probably imprint on him aggressively when I learn more about him but u know who I DID IMPRINT ON? EUSTASS KID. THATS RIGHT. my gender envy snatched that boy so fast do u understand the envy of a person who as a kid was so desperately adhered to Toxic Masculinity and Always Wanted to Be Buff. Boy howdy did I mention I so badly wanted to be perceived as Male and that roughness expected of them. And Eustass Kid fulfills that roughly masculine stereotype to a tee EXCEPT not since he's also leaning into punk subculture and gender defying lipstick and it's not meant in an effeminant way but kinda a Don't Fuck With Me Way which his whole look screams and so suddenly that's TEN TIMES BETTER BECAUSE FUCK GENDER STEREOTYPES. and also did I mention he's clearly supposed to be Celtic/Scottish? and as a person whose also Scottish I'm like oh FUCK YES. And oh no that's EXACTLY the gender vibe I want. And then u don't know anything about him for the next age I guess since they all disappeared
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