astroyongie · 11 months
Angel Work: Introduction and Hierarchy
Angels are powerful spiritual beings, that can accompany us and guide us through our spiritual life on Earth. We may find angels mainly on monotheist religions such as Christianity, Judaism and even Islam. 
The Kabbalah was the first religious text where Angels are spoken of. There’s 72 angels regrouped in 9 families. Each of these families is headed by a specific Archangel.
This post as a purpose for you to learn more about Angels. While reading through it, you may find and connect with some of them. I would advice for you to choose a family first and then one angel to start your working. But really, listen to your gut and allow their energy to flow through you. 
This trend will have 9 parts, for each family: Seraphims, Cherubins, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. 
Family 5- The Powers, lead by Archangel Chamuel
Chamuel: From his name Chamuel “The one who sees God”, angel that heals the wounds of the heart, of love and kindness 
- Yehuiah
Magic Color: Silver and red 
Emotion: Subordination 
Mirror Hour: 21h11
Work With: Conflits - Personal relationships - Decisions - Emocional 
Angel Of: Perseverance, Work, Subordination and Bravery 
Their Energy: Yehuaih loves knowledge and reading, which can be a good form to connect with them. Also it’s an angel that helps in communicating with the other, that serves those who work and are professional before heart, they give so much support and luck in the working field 
- Lehahiah
Magic Color: Purple and Violet 
Emotion: Obey
Mirror Hour: 11h11
Work With:  Conflicts - Feelings - Professional 
Angel Of: Discipline, Peace, Obey and Collaboration 
Their Energy: Offering them flowers is a good way to communicate,  they love roses specially. This angels accords second chances and answers prayers quickly. Also another way to work with them is through doing humanitarian work helping refuges, associations, etc in their name.
- Khavaquiah  
Magic Color: Pink and turquoise 
Emotion: Reconciliation
Mirror Hour: 23h33
Work With: Conflicts - Consumptions - Family
Angel Of: Harmony, Reconciliation and Joy 
Their Energy: Happiness is really the energy this angel shall provide to those who pray them. They help children but also those that are going through studies or working with children in general. Khavaquiah helps couples and people reconsolidate and also protects during travels 
- Menadel
Magic Color: Blue 
Emotion: Working 
Mirror Hour: 11h19
Work With: Contracts - Employment - Finances 
Angel Of: Liberation, Work and Novelty
Their Energy: Menadel is linked to contraction and to work, so usually it will help those that are focused on their working field or simply those that use their hands as a way of working. They also help get stolen or loss objects back, protects ones from the shadows and stimulate our determination
-  Aniel
Magic Color: Green and red 
Emotion: Patience 
Mirror Hour: 12h12
Work With: Liberation - Changement - Solutions 
Angel Of: Will, Courage and Determination 
Their Energy: Strong energy from them, Aniel gives their time to those who pray for him, he protects one during tough moments and helps healing the wounds of the past while keeping us in a good path. To work with them, is working with the mother earth, so you need to be very eco-responsable 
-  Haamiah
Magic Color: White and orange 
Emotion: Rituals 
Mirror Hour: 12h21
Work With: Balance - Sexuality - Protection 
Angel Of: Truth, Authenticity and Honesty 
Their Energy: Haamiah helps when it comes to heart matters, kindness and love. Helps us become true to ourselves and is also a perfect company when we going through heart breaks and need sleep. Haamiah brings everything we need
-  Rehael
Magic Color: Blue 
Emotion: Receptivity 
Mirror Hour: 11h15
Work With: Listening - Stress and Fear - Social relationships 
Angel Of: Discernment and Comprehension 
Their Energy: This angels is quite strong and also they are hear mostly to purify us from sin. Rahel works through prays, a lot of prayers in help to free us from the bad roots. HRThey are the one that will helps us fight the demons inside of us 
-  Yeiazel
Magic Color: White and Blue
Emotion: Consolation 
Mirror Hour: 13h13
Work With: Creativity - Finances - Freedom 
Angel Of: Tyrannie, Persecution and Hurt 
Their Energy: Works through prayers and usually we feel their energy when doing so, it’s an angel that wants to free us form the bad needs and give us happiness. Yeiazel will help us heal, eat well and take care of ourselves. He can also works and support those who work with art 
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kathyprior4200 · 7 months
Heavenly Boss Woo-Hoo Land
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Part One: Quartet
Azrael “Angel of God” was the Archangel of Death, and like God’s Accuser Samael and other angels of death, he oversaw the annual exterminations that occurred every year in Hell. (Adina was the founder of the Exorcists). Samael was buff, bold, blonde, and fiery in appearance but not Azrael. In his true form, he appeared as a gaunt skeletal man with multiple arms, glowing eyes, and a dozen black feathery wings (Sometimes covered with eyes) extending from his back. In his everyday form, he had thick long black hair sometimes cut short, dark eyes like black holes, and a pale ghostly face. He wore a black well-ironed uniform, a dark hood and carried a sharp reaper scythe wherever he went. When he was younger, he dreaded doing his destined profession, but over time, he grew used to taking life, though he often appeared somber. He kept a special book where he recorded births and deaths of individuals, a rather tedious task.
Contrary to the ruthless Samael and the cold-hearted Adina, Azrael despised the thought of killing sinners for enjoyment. Death was, after all, a loss of life, no matter if the person had sinned or not. He especially cringed at the various torture methods employed by Samael and Adina. Comparing Samael’s burning, eye-gorging methods to Adina instilling visions of a sinner’s greatest fears, he didn’t know which was worse. He only allowed the Exorcists because 1. It was tradition and God’s order and 2. The sinners’ deaths would be more merciful with the angelic weapons as it was claimed. (But when Azrael discovered that the essences of sinners became part of Hell’s infrastructure, he was horrified but could do nothing about it.) And so, Azrael faithfully and somberly carried out his duties to reap souls and help escort them to the afterlife, providing his victims with as much solace as possible. For those who had sinned, the reaping of their souls was more painful. God would inform Azrael of when it would be time to take a soul…thus Azrael was quite busy.
Azrael also lived in a palace like Samael and other Archangels. However, while Samael’s place was full of fiery torches, golden walls and weapons, Azrael’s palace was…well, deathlike. The palace was made of onyx and frequently decorated with bones of animals, demons, angels, and humans alike. Strangely enough, Azrael’s palace lay underneath Samael’s crimson palace on the outskirts of Heaven. Both men were keepers of the Bible and several books that allowed passage to the other realms. In Samael’s basement, there was a trapdoor portal that led down into Azrael’s attic. Both men needed permission from the other to go into their respective homes.
Azrael’s palace, concealed within dark clouds, had an underground feel to it. In some areas, the walls were made of black stone, with iron torches emitting teal blue fire that felt icy cold. It had several bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a vast high-ceilinged kitchen. The chandeliers were decorated with human skulls over the dark polished dining room table that was shaped like a coffin. A bookcase held several books about human anatomy, diseases, funeral rites, necromancy, undertaking, biology, and a few on astronomy. A few of the rooms had large windows to let in light and show a stunning view of the sky outside.
Azrael had a lovely wife Flora (Stella’s opposite) and a bubbly nature-loving swan daughter: Quartet Enoch (Octavia’s opposite) who was born in April. Well, he was actually her adoptive father. Her real father, Menadel was one of the 72 angels and previous husband of Flora. Menadel was the opposite of the Ars Goetia demon Stolas. Preoccupied with nature and God, the part white swan workaholic Menadel didn’t concern himself with raising her, so the nature angel Flora did it instead. Azrael and Flora fell in love, and he became her adoptive father.
0 0 0
 Before she was seventeen, Quartet was a young child.
“Mommy! Daddy!”
The child voice of their daughter rang from the other room. Sleeping in the master bedroom were Azrael and Flora. Flora was an avian angel of nature, with long black feathers, a crown, and green dresses decorated with flowers and gems. Flora had fallen in love with Azrael, and he soon took her away into his dark domain along with a baby Quartet. (Flora’s mother wasn’t too pleased).
“Tet is calling us, Azrael,” mumbled Flora next to him.
“You get up,” Azrael grumbled. “I have work early this morning.”
Just then, Quartet came bustling into the room with a big grin on her face. She had white hair, a black feathery face, green eyes, and a dark green dress with black flowers on it.
She floated onto the bed with her small black wings as her parents sat up. “I had a dream! A really good dream!”
Azrael yawned. “You’re telling us now at three in the morning?”
“It’s alright,” Flora said, her black hair and eyes matching her daughter’s.
Quartet spread her arms. “I was dancing with you all over the palace. We were singing songs about sunshine and life! And everyone could be alive again…”
Azrael scoffed. “Some thoughts from the daughter of death.”
Flora glared at her husband then smiled down at her. “I think that dream sounds marvelous, my special little Seadrop. But I think it’s time to go to sleep.”
“Can you sing me a lullaby?” Quartet asked. “I promise I’ll go right to sleep. Please?”
Flora looked earnestly at her husband who sighed. “Fine.”
Azrael stood up and carried his daughter back into her room. The room had black walls which were decorated with cut up colorful flowers. She had a canopy over her bed like a princess and snake stuffed animals littered the floor. On a dresser was a figure of Jesus on a wooden cross.
“It may not seem like it now, but…I won’t always be here for you,” Azrael said as he sat on the bed with her in his lap. “Life isn’t just fun and games. You must remember, no matter what happens to me, I’ll never be far away.” Quartet’s face fell as she pondered his words.
Azrael flipped through a Bible, past a spell page used to travel to Earth. He waved his hand and a portal appeared below them. He sang in a calm tone.
“It always seems foreboding in the depths.”
The two of them fell through the portal and into a vast ocean. They were surrounded by swaying seaweed, goldfish and a rocky bottom.
Rahab, an underwater fallen angel, sat on the sea floor, all chained up. He had flowing blue hair that circled his head in a tangled mess. Some areas of his skin were covered with barnacles and spines, almost like he was part of the ocean itself. Similar to Tiamat and Leviathan, he was seen as a water dragon of chaos. But Quartet only saw a longing for peace and freedom when she gazed into his fathomless eyes.
Azrael turned her away from him and continued his song.
“Mystery with each step”
“How silence grows under the sea”
“As bottomless as can be.”
He carried his adoptive daughter, walking underwater, both of them breathing normally.
As Azrael took steps, the flora and animals around him shriveled up and died.
“I used to think that I was brave.”
“That my duty was all said and done.”
“And now all my stories have been told”
“Except for one”
He looked down at his daughter with love and uncertainty in his eyes as they rose to the sea surface.
A giant tidal wave swept up and crashed onto a nearby town.
“As the waves start to arise, I hope it comes as no surprise”
“That even on that day”
He hugged her, trying to get her to sleep.
“Everything will be okay.”
Overhead, lightning flashed across the sky. The ground shook and broke apart while volcanos spewed lava and ash that coated all of Earth.
“And when the Heavens crash aground”
“And you hear the trumpets sound”
“You will make it through”
“And I’ll be here for you.”
Quartet yawned and fell asleep in her father’s arms.
Angels blew trumpets as they flew over armies clashing below. A leopard with 666 on it was slain with a splash on a shore. Flames and dark magic were tearing two worlds apart, one in white clouds, the other in brimstone. Dark angels holding spears fought off monstrous humanoids, demons, dragons, and hellhounds. Lucifer and Michael were squaring off, wielding powerful flaming swords. Lilith was yelling at a ruthless angel in white who was tormenting demons around her. A bunch of other angels stood in the clouds, ready to fire arrows at any demon they saw. Humans screamed and ran for cover nearby.
And a horned blond princess stood before a man in a throne, her body ignited on fire. Flames encircled her and swirled protectively around several demons. She appeared to be trying to take demons with her, while the portals to the crumbling worlds tried to suck its inhabitants back through.
Charlie’s hair briefly turned white with pink highlights in it. She let out a high-pitched musical scream and the world filled with an intensely bright light.
Azrael continued, his words growing louder in harmony:
“And when creation turns to dust”
“We will all do what we must”
“Upon my last day”
“You will still be okay.”
The portal closed as Azrael draped a skull blanket over a sleeping Quartet. He looked back at her one last time before closing the door.
0 0 0
Many years later…
Quartet at age 17 rose out of bed and happily put in her earbuds. A happy pop song called “My Life Is Shining All Around Me” played as she hummed along. Her room had black walls and a few skulls here and there but that was where the similarities between her and her father ended.
Cut-out colorful flowers and musical posters hung around her room. Her bed and rug were bright grass green. Some of the posters showed a variety of animals in a forest with “All life matters” on it. There were books of nature, weather, herbs, geography, geology and even the study of snow.
Quartet was the opposite of a stark, gloomy goth teenager. To her adoptive father’s surprise, she was more like a Barbie or a Disney princess at times. She would often spend her time writing and listening to cheerful songs, possibly to make things less depressing. Azrael loved his daughter but found her cheerfulness to be out of his comfort zone.
The swan princess strolled down a hallway, dodging, and maneuvering around venomous snakes that were pets of Azrael. She wore dark pants, heels, and a green shirt with black skulls on it. (There were a few traits she had adopted as she lived with Azrael.)
“Morning Mom! Morning Dad!” she called cheerfully as she walked into the kitchen.
“Are you daydreaming about Samael again?” Flora asked Azrael in suspicion.
“Of course not,” he replied. “He’s a pompous hot-headed brass-hole that needs to really chill out.”
“Then why are you writing down ‘He’s a fire to my life, a dangerous savior of strife,’ on the paper?”
A blushing Azrael glanced at the “Oh Samael” song lyrics surrounded by heart doodles and crumbled it up. “Just a little thought, heh, heh, nothing more. Though he’s been pestering my favorite elf friend, bribing him to hand over a Bible and be punished every month. If he weren’t so sadistic, he could very well be…I-I’ll just stop talking…”
He paused under Flora’s cold glare. Flora rolled her eyes, gave Quartet a hug, and gave an elf butler some blueberries before she left the room.
Quartet sat down and got ready to have some cereal. “Charity Crunch” was on the cereal box. She drank from a mug.
“What are you listening to?” Azrael asked casually.
“’My World Is Shining Around Me’ by Love You Dad. It’s a band,” Quartet replied.
“How charming!”
Azrael opened a fridge, took out a piece of steak and tossed it to a nearby giant snake covered with eyes on its scales in an adjacent area. The snake chewed and gobbled up its meal.
Quartet brightened as she came up with an idea. “You know what we haven’t done in a long, long time?” She went over to her father with a smile. “We haven’t been to one of my favorite places in all of Heaven! Why don’t we go to Woo-Hoo Land?”
“You’re not five anymore,” Azrael remarked, a monotone look on his pale face. He straightened his dark hair and adjusted his pointed black crown on his head.
“I was always so happy when we went to Woo-Hoo Land! What do you say we go there again? Just the two of us?”
“I don’t suppose reaping myself would make things better?” Azrael muttered.
“That’s the spirit!” Quartet said, bypassing his comment. “Anything but staying in this house. Now go call some more people to come with us.”
“More people?”
“Of course,” said Quartet. “Two people isn’t as much fun. Three and four make a party!”
Azrael walked over to a rotary phone with skull shaped speakers carried by the elf butler.
“You do realize I have a lot of work to do,” he said.
“You can always go back to it!” Quartet mentioned.
“I’m only doing this for you,” he said with a sigh as he rotated the dial.
At the E.L.F. office, Tirred was casually throwing darts at a picture of Sunna.
There was a loud knock on his door.
“What?” Tirred yelled.
“Docile wants to see us,” Timmid said with a flinch.
In Docile’s office, Docile was talking to Azrael on his cell phone. A white mug was in front of him with the words “#2 Boss, God is #1” on it.
“Azrael, sir, it’s been a while.”
“Indeed. Has Samael been troubling you again?”
“Do me a favor and don’t subject yourself to his punishments. He might need the Bible for his work, but I do as well, and I can handle him.”
“Oh. Uh, I’ll get it to you as soon as I can…”
“But I’m not here to talk about that. I’m taking my daughter to Woo-Hoo Land, and I was hoping you noble elves would accompany us.”
“That does sound fun, but we’re guardian angels, not bodyguards.”
“Close enough. I’ll pay you.”
“With what?”
“We never ask for fees,” Docile said.
 Azrael sighed, rolling his eyes. “You’ll get to play Save the Soul, and I’ll give you a free Gabriel’s Trumpet toy.”
“Done!” Docile affirmed, hanging up. He produced a megaphone. “T and T, get in here! We’re going to Woo-Hoo Land!”
“Woo-Hoo Land?” Tirred asked, eyebrow raised.
“Woo-Hoo Land?” Timmid asked fearfully, bumping into the door.
“Woo-Hoo Land!” Docile confirmed.
“Wake me up when it’s over!” Sunna called from another room.
Part Two: Woo-Hoo Land
Docile drove the group (minus Sunna) down a golden highway in a blue van. The exit sign to the right read “Halo of Charity, Exit 33.”
After getting past toll booths and security, they made it to the amusement park. The van pulled into a crowded parking lot. The van door had an E.L.F. decal in bright blue on it. Tirred wore a white suit and sunglasses. He got out and pulled open the van door. Azrael’s dark silhouette appeared with red eyes before he hopped out with a look of annoyance on his face. Quartet’s green eyes glowed in the darkness before she cheerfully hopped out as well.
“Whoa!” Quartet exclaimed in admiration.
The amusement park was unlike anything she had seen before. Back when she was little, it was mostly a small theme park with blueberry mascots like Archangel Michael’s Woo-Hoo World. But not wanting to come across as someone to plagiarize ideas, the legendary Archangel Gabriel talked with Michael about the situation. He then decided to rebuild it and create a stunning place of his own vision. Under the white sky of the Charity Halo, the amusement park and added water park attraction sparkled in a crystalline glow with indestructible crystal structures. Many denizens claimed it even surpassed Michael’s theme park. Many people loved to go there because they would often get free things. Everyone, including the rich would go in and a part of their payments would go to charity (both to the Charity Halo and charities in need.)
A white sign read in bold gold letters, “Gabriel’s Woo-Hoo Land.” In the background were roller coasters, a Ferris Wheel, water slides, swimming pools, food stands, fun houses, and plenty of games. A vendor sold balloons that looked like white lilies.
“Gabriel certainly made some great improvements,” remarked an impressed Azrael. An elf handed Quartet a white lily balloon and she happily took it. She also got a white baseball cap with a gold “G” on it. They all got their tickets and headed inside.
“Remember,” said Docile. “I’m here to have fun, but eventually I’ll need to go back to work. Humans aren’t going to save themselves, you know.”
Azrael stayed silent.
“Not like you’d understand, anyway,” Docile continued.
Azrael turned to him, pointing with an accusing finger. “If you try to embarrass me in this park, I swear…”
“Swearing’s not allowed,” Docile added.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“I am literally getting hyper!” said Quartet, clapping her hands. “I haven’t been here in forever!”
“Well, have at it, flower lady,” Tirred said with a roll of his eyes. He fumbled in his bag. “I have several things you might like. Sunna’s catnip. Sunshine D, endorphins.” He briefly held needles with golden liquid in them.
“No thanks,” she said. “If anything, you need those more than me.”
Tirred yawned and scoffed. “Not likely.” He tossed the needles aside and they landed on a cardboard target of Lucifer.
“Nice shot,” called a kid as an elf baby crawled dangerously close to the needles. A cotton candy booth was nearby.
On a wall were posters that read, “Woo-Hoo World in Holy City, partnering with this park!” “Bio Rizz show at 7PM!” “Woo-Hoo Land is still better.”
“Oh no!” Timmid whimpered, pointing ahead. “It’s Little Sprite!”
She pointed a shaking finger at an animatronic of a white sheep with big eyes near a booth that read “Lilith’s Army Attacks!”. The sheep burst into a repeated song: “Good people spread the love! Praise the Holy Lord above!”
“That thing always was annoying,” Tirred said in agreement. “And too cute to be true.” He made a face of disgust and suspicion.
“Well, I think it’s wonderful,” said Docile from nearby.
“Of course you would,” Tirred said. If only his boss could see things from his perspective. Maybe if he could punish some sinners, take his place, see the adoration for him in his eyes…
“Have…have you been here before?” Timmid asked softly, interrupting his thoughts.
“No need to waste my time at a kid’s place,” Tirred replied, crossing his arms. Then he grinned. “Did you hear about the mascots here?”
Timmid’s eyes grew wide. “M-mascots?”
Just then, a giant golden trumpet popped up in front of them.
“Hallelujah helloooo!”
“Ahh!” Timmid screamed, cowering behind Tirred.
“I’m Woo-Hoo!” greeted the smiling elf from inside the trumpet costume. “Welcome to Woo-Hoo Land! If you get hurt, free compensation and care!”
Quartet and Azrael stood by a carousel with moving white unicorns and horses with wings. 
“Look, Daddy! It’s Woo-Hoo!” said Quartet, pointing.
“I have a question,” Azrael asked.
“Ask away, my lord,” said Woo-Hoo with a bow.
“Since this theme park is brand new, do you think Michael will try to copy it?”
The elf smirked. “I’d like to see him try. His theme park may have been updated with rides made out of gold and gemstones, but they don’t have the big water park like we do here. No need to brag but we are in the uppermost Halo of Heaven. I think Michael is secretly jealous sometimes.”
“Quite a lot of healthy confidence there,” Azrael said.
“Yes,” said Quartet. She pulled her adoptive dad along, “Now let’s go check out the rides!”
0 0 0
Tirred and Timmid headed down a pathway while a sweating Tirred stopped to catch his breath. “You really dislike this place, huh?”
“I h-hate this place!” Timmid exclaimed in fear. “My parents would bring me and my siblings here. My siblings made me go on all the scary rides! Don’t even mention the upside-down roller coaster.”
“Ah the classic ‘Loop-De-Loop,’” Tirred mentioned with a grin. “Let’s try that one first!”
“You are such a jerk!”
“You are such a wuss.”
An elf wearing tight clothing and a white hat pushed a wheelbarrow full of toys into a nearby toy shop. A nearby sign on a brick wall showed a Bio Rizz doll and the words, “New! Rizzy Buddy! He laughs, he sings, he prays! Tell your parents to buy me! Over 100 lovable phrases! Posable! Only 48% asbestos.”
The two elves approached a window where dove plushies and trumpet shaped novelty cups with Gs on them were sold for 25 cents.
“How do these people manage to sell so much food?” Timmid wondered as customers got to relax with heaps of heavenly hamburgers and hot dogs.
Tirred mentioned, “Yeah, this place seems excessively generous. I mean, giving people 10 novelty cups they won’t even use?”
Docile came over, fumbling with cups and wearing a lily hat. He dropped several cups.
“I can’t hold these much longer! Vendors keep giving more!”  Timmid giggled.
After straightening himself up, Docile played a tune from a toy trumpet. Tirred stood still and spoke in a monotone voice. “My name is Tirred, I’m your employee and your horn has no truth power on me whatsoever.”
Docile looked at it in disappointment. “Very funny.”
He set the cups down on the ground. “Why don’t you two go and have some fun? I gotta go watch Azrael.”
He glanced at Quartet who held a white balloon in her hand.
Tirred picked up Timmid and raced onward.
“Where are we going?” she asked in fear.
“To the scariest ride of course!” He smirked again as Timmid yelled “Nooo!” in protest. They went on the Loop-De-Loop roller coaster that spun them upside down as the trumpet mascot posed by a rules sign. A shaken Timmid was later comforted by a pink winged horse at a petting zoo after the ride.
Timmid then glanced over at the water park and grinned. “Your turn to follow my lead. They manifested their golden staffs and waved them over their bodies. Tirred was soon in black swim trunks with skulls on them, white Timmid wore a white one-piece bathing suit. Tirred couldn’t help but stare a while at her beautiful figure, breasts, and curves.
“Let’s go, goo-goo eyes,” she pulled him along, Tirred blushing despite himself.
Tirred grinned as he and Timmid raced over to the water slides. They screamed in delight as they raced each other down teal blue slides riding on blue body surf boards. One water slide ride had a seat where the person was dropped randomly down a steep white slide. Several couples cruised on love boats shaped like crescent moons. Several kids yelled in delight as they were jetted out a waterslide in the air before zooming into another one on the other side. Being angels, they didn’t have to worry about heights. One sign read, “Please keep your arms and wings folded at all times!”
“I dare you to try this one!” Tirred said to Timmid, mentioning to the drop-down ride. Timmid only grinned. “You go first. You lose if you scream.”
“You know I always win courage contests. I never scream.”
“Prove it.”
Sure enough, Tirred took his place in the black wet seat, stood and waited.
After a few minutes, he sighed. “Is this thing broken? This means that you are the wuss elf and I win. Killing demons is nothing compared to…AHHH!”
Tirred screamed as he was suddenly dropped down the white water slide, speeding down until landing safely at the bottom. He spat water from his mouth and shook his head of hair as Timmid posed over him with a smug look. “I win, you lose, now you get a big fat booze.”
Tirred then laughed, coughing up water. “Booze? There’s none here. Though I wouldn’t mind one.” He shook water off his white wings.
“Come on, let’s get dried off,” Timmid said as they stepped onto the concrete. “Where are the towels?”
“Don’t need ‘em,” Tirred replied. He waved their golden staffs again and they appeared again, dry, in their regular clothes.
“Sure is great to be immortal in paradise,” Tirred grinned.
“Technically only God, the elite angels and the saints are truly immortal,” Timmid mentioned.
“Oh, shut up!”
Quartet happily carried her balloon in her hand, munching on pink cotton candy while Azrael slouched on in boredom. Quartet noticed some of the swimming pools had water of different colors and smells: red for strawberry, orange water for oranges, lemon yellow pools, green, blue, purple, pink, and rainbow. Of course, the water didn’t taste good, as one little angel kid found out. Nearby hot tubs had divine holy water that provided healing properties and other ones could make you laugh or feel sleepy. One hot tub was actually cold. There was even an “Earth Hot Tub” on display with regular water. A nearby sign added, “Earth Hot Tub, Boring Isn’t It? Well, Have Fun Anyway.” A large pool flashed advertisements at the swimmers, each image tailoring to the customer’s likes.
Quartet and Azrael walked by a stand that read “Angel Cakes: Eternal Bliss” with popcorn and a sausage on a fork. Docile snuck around like a secret agent with his golden staff. He appeared on a teal-green tent roof of an “Ice Cream Crystals” stand. Docile slid with his staff and almost knocked over cups at a “Holy Grail Drinks” stand. A nearby blaster game was titled “Save The Soul” and showed a moon and cardboard demons with xs over their eyes surrounding a human.
Five giggling elves with cameras peered out from an alleyway at Azrael, itching to take selfies with him. Docile slid along the floor, then glared at the elves, causing them to scatter away. There was a game where one could toss balls into halos and a ring toss.
0 0 0
Meanwhile, Tirred and Timmid walked along a line of booths, one read “Muppet” and one read “Knock a Bottle.” Timmid suddenly flinched and pulled Tirred toward another vendor. An elf wearing a yellow hat and a red shirt spotted them.
“Hello, hello!” he called. “Step right up and win a thing!”
Timmid’s eyes shone in happiness as she gasped and pointed upwards. “Oh, look Tirred! A thing!”
The “thing” was a purple stuffed animal wearing pink overalls with elf ears. It had a yellow beak, and a cross on it and a tag with “Thing?” on it.
Tirred looked at her with a small smile. “Oh, you like that thing?”
“Yes, I guess. Please win me that thing.”
“My pleasure.”
He walked up to the vendor, took out some money and handed it to the carnie. “Okay! One game, please!”
The carnie smiled and handed Tirred a trumpet shaped blaster. It was one of the few older games in the park. Tirred pulled the trigger and the cork projectile missed the cardboard blueberries in praying positions.
“Nice try, little man,” said the carnie.
“I’ll try again,” he said.
Tirred tried again and missed. “The Hell’s name is wrong with this thing?” He tried again and again and missed each time.
“Let me try!” Timmid said, taking the blaster from Tirred. She fired it and the cork hit a blueberry. Timmid clapped her hands. “Nice shot, miss,” said the carnie. He handed her the plushie.
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Meanwhile, Quartet pulled Azrael close with a gasp, letting go of her balloon.
“Look, Daddy! There’s the Bio Rizz show!”
Quartet mentioned to a large circus tent with promotional signs of Bio Rizz on either side. She thought back to when she was a young child, and Bio Rizz allowed her to go on stage and sing for the crowd. He even gave her a lollipop at the end.
Docile and Quartet said at the same time, “I love that smart jester!”
Meanwhile, Azrael flinched as he was surrounded by elf fans taking pictures of him. One of them stroked his wings.
“Docile, I need my bodyguard please!”
Docile rushed over. “Break it up guys! He’s busy!” The elves groaned in disappointment before wandering off.
Quartet led her father to the stands where they sat and watched the show.
0 0 0
Two spotlights merged into one on the stage and the robotic Bio Rizz flapped open the curtains. He wore a jester outfit, and his ears were covered with stripped cloth and little bells hung from the ends. A happy face and sad face pin were by his shoulders along with a string of lights as a necklace. His pants were striped, and he wore gloves. His shirt had small purple hearts near the bottom and his eyes glowed blue.
Six lit up arrow signs pointed to him and read: “Bio Rizz,” “Property of Gabriel,” “Look at him go!” “Yes! Love 2 c it!” “Wow!” “He.”
Bio Rizz held up a sign with “Woo-Hoo” on it. He also briefly held out a blue and silver contract signed by Gabriel: “This is a statement regarding the unfair accusations that my theme park “Woo-Hoo Land” is trying to surpass my brother Michael’s park Woo-Hoo World and Hell’s Loo-Loo Land. This is false. These allegations are baseless and untrue. Michael and I have already discussed the matter and he has agreed to let me have this theme park and for me let him have his. He may have had the first one, but has he made it truly original? Nope. We are all friends here. Signed Gabriel.”
“Hey… elflings!” Bio Rizz trilled in a robotic voice. He looked at a notecard in his hands. “It’s me, the Biological Rizz! Bio Fizz or Rizzafolli, either name works! Hailed from Gabriel’s place to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Woo-Hoo Land and life! Hit it!”
Rows of spotlights lit up and he began to sing. The curtains opened and a singing elf choir holding candles appeared on stage. Real life animals covered with eyes played instruments: a dove played a trumpet, a lion played a guitar and a bull played a bass instrument. An eagle laughed as he played the drums. The lit-up sign above read “Rizzafolli and Friends.”
“Woo-Hoo Land! Woo-Hoo Land!
Everybody sing along with the Woo-Hoo band!
Every boy, every girl, every woman, every man loves Woo-Hoo Land!”
When the show ended, with Bio Rizz/Rizzafolli and Docile posing together with fireworks on stage, Quartet clapped joyfully. Bio Rizz/Rizzafolli tried not to look nervous.
Behind Azrael, an elf armed with a camera rose from beneath the seats. Docile glared at him and he ducked under the seat.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Azrael said, turning to leave.
“Dad, wait!” Quartet called, her face falling as she hurried after him.
“It’s so great seeing you again, Docile,” said Bio Rizz/Rizzafolli, smiling. “I missed you and your sister when you performed here. Your jokes were amazing.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Docile said. “You haven’t changed a bit…literally. I found my calling at E.L.F. but I’ll have to come back and visit.”
“Please do,” Bio Rizz/Rizzafolli said. “I love entertaining kids, but I never forget the completely biological friends I’ve made.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” asked Docile.
“According to my records, I was born a stillborn elf in Heaven. My parents prayed to Gabriel to bring me to life. He brought me back, but I had problems with my limbs and voice and my mind wasn’t the same. With Heaven demanding perfection, Gabriel decided to update me in his lab, fixing my limbs and brain with wires and cybernetic parts. Thanks to him, I now have a unique status as an A.I./cyborg in Heaven, who can live a decent life. Gabriel is brilliant with communication technology, travel, and so many things. My parents thought I could do well at the circus, so I embraced my new role. If Heaven can be accepting of robots and different species and even those with disabilities, why can’t they accept sinners?”
Docile pondered long and hard, his face darkening. “I guess Heaven is more similar to the racist, discriminatory human population than many want to admit. I have yet to see humanity embrace people of different genders and races let alone abilities, species, and robots.”
“Wait…your friend is a robot?” asked Quartet.
Docile shrugged. “Long time ago when I was younger and before E.L.F. and choir and really making any friends. It’s hard to socialize when your father has high expectations of you.”
“Tell me about it.”
The two of them went their separate ways.
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“Dad, what’s wrong?” asked Quartet in a more secluded area five minutes later. They sat next to each other on a bench, looking at the blinking lights on the rides. The sun had begun to set, turning the sky a golden yellow. 
They sat in several moments of silence. A stray tear escaped from Azrael’s eyes.
“It’s just…” he began. “I feel like I haven’t been the best father. I guess it makes sense; I’m not your real father.”
Quartet stared downcast. “No offence, but some part of that is true. You’re always so gloomy and your head is stuck in your job most of the time. I’d say that Mom puts more effort into spending time with me. And yes, I have some qualities from my real father, even though I’ve never met him. I sometimes wish he hadn’t abandoned me.”
“I know.”
“Is there anything you’re afraid of?”
After a long silence, Azrael sighed, wrapping a black feathery wing around his daughter. “I’m scared of losing you. It’s been my biggest fear since you were little. Are you gonna go off somewhere else and leave me behind? A place less death-like?”
“Eventually for a little bit,” she said, tears in her eyes. “But I’d never dream of leaving you behind entirely. You’re my dad and I love you so much. And I do understand that both of us are very different. I suppose what I’m saying is…don’t let the deaths of others get you down. You need to enjoy the good things in the present moment.”
Azrael sighed. “You’re right, Seadrop. You’re so right. Being an angel of death makes it hard sometimes to appreciate the life in front of me. I promise…I will never abandon you. I…do need some advice though.”
“Thankfully, I can help you get started.” Quartet said. “In fact, I’ve had lots of fun here, but I suppose you want some peace and quiet.”
“A darker place would be appealing,” Azrael smiled. He picked her up like she was a kid again and Quartet smiled. “Let’s go home.”
Later, Bio Rizz/Rizzafolli happily rode the pink horse through the park as everyone cheered.
Docile, Timmid, and Tirred talked about the adventures they shared as the sun set. Azrael carried a happy Quartet out of the park.
“Can we go to ‘Animals Inc.?’” asked Quartet. “They sell pet food and anti-taxidermy flyers there.”
“Sure, I guess.”
“You’re alright sometimes, dad.”
“Thank you, Tet. Thank you.”
Timmid flinched as she saw a white cat rubbing against her legs. She then leaned down and smiled. “Hello there, Feeuq. Valentine treating you well?” The cat meowed in affirmation.
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thefierylotus · 2 years
Your Guardian Angel Based on Your Birthday
March 21–25: Vehuiah (Vehujah)
March 26–30: Jelial
March 31–April 4: Sitael (Sirael)
April 5–9: Elemiah
April 10–14: Mahasiah
April 15–20: Lelahel
April 21–25: Achaiah
April 26–30: Cahatel
May 1–5: Haziel
May 6–10: Aladiah
May 11–15: Lauviah (also June 11–15) (Laviah)
May 16–20: Hahaiah (also July 17–22) (Hahajah)
May 21–25: Iezalel
May 26–31: Mebahel
June 1–5: Hariel
June 6–10: Hakamiah
June 11–15: Lauviah (also May 11–15) (Laviah)
June 16–21: Caliel
June 22–26: Leuviah (Leviah)
June 27–July 1: Pahaliah
July 2–6: Nelchael (Nelakhel)
July 7–11: Ieiaeil (Jejalel)
July 12–16: Melahel
July 17–22: Hahajah (also May16–20) (Hahaiah)
July 23–27: Nith-Haiah (Nithhaja)
July 28–August 1: Haaiah
August 2–6: Terathel
August 7–12: Seheiah (Sehijah)
August 13–17: Reiiel (Rejajel)
August 18–22: Omael
August 23–28: Lecabel
August 29–September 2: Vasiariah
September 3–7: Yehudiah
September 8–12: Lehahiah
September 13–17: Chavakiah
September 18–23: Menadel
September 24–28: Anael
September 29–October 3: Haamiah
October 4–8: Rehael
October 9–13: Ieiazel (Ihiazel)
October 14–18: Hahahel (Hahael)
October 19–23: Mikael
October 24–28: Veualiah (Vevaliah)
October 29–November 2: Ielahiah
November 3–7: Sealiah
November 8–12: Ariel
November 13–17: Asaliah
November 18–22: Mihael
November 23–27: Vahuel (Vehael)
November 28–December 2: Daniel
December 3–7: Hahasiah
December 8–12: Imamiah
December 13–16: Nanael
December 17–21: Nithael
December 22–26: Mebahiah
December 27–31: Poiel (Polial)
January 1–5: Nemamiah
January 6–10: Ieilael (Ieliel)
January 11–15: Harahel
January 16–20: Mitzrael (Mizrael)
January 21–25: Umabel (Umbael)
January 26–30: Iahhel
January 31–February 4: Anauel
February 5–9: Mehiel
February 10–14: Damabiah
February 15–19: Manakel (Manadel)
February 20–24: Eiael
February 25–29: Habuhiah (Habajuah)
March 1–5: Rochel
March 6–10: Gabamiah (Jabamiah)
March 11–15: Haiaiel (Hajael)
March 16–20: Mumiah (Mumijah)
From the Encyclopedia of Angels by Richard Webster
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jarwoski · 2 years
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pitbullruggero82 · 4 years
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Una promesa
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En la costa este de Neoinferno… El fragmento de concha se desintegró entre la espuma de la penúltima ola de ese día, antes del anochecer. Acababa San Valentín… y los de la expedición a Australia aún no habían vuelto. De todas formas, había aprendido a no preocuparme mucho por ellos. Si realmente estuvieran en aprietos, Alaska ya nos habría avisado con su telepatía. En lugar de eso, no podía dejar de pensar en el pasado. No como alguien que deseaba rebobinar el tiempo hacia atrás, sino para recordar lo ingenuo e idiota que fui y cómo habíamos llegado a esta situación, y me refería a Tess y yo, porque hoy me sentía romántico, porque con esa primera vez que habíamos tenido en la playa, realmente nos grabamos su esencia en el alma y ya no podía pensar en otra cosa cuando estaba en una playa al anochecer.
En ese entonces, los dos éramos tan ingenuos y estábamos al mismo tiempo emocionados y preocupados por las profecías de ese tal Enoc que ahora me hacía sonreír ver que estábamos bien enteros (bueno, me faltaba un brazo, pero… minucias). No nos habíamos convertido en estrellas de fuego encadenadas y arrojadas a un abismo infernal. Ahora que caía, ¿no era Uriel el Vigilante y el Santo que le decía todas esas cosas? ¿Las habría dicho realmente Urian? Quizás, algún día, si le veía en una fiesta y de buen humor, se lo preguntaría. Él siempre parecía demasiado preocupado por las consecuencias de sus acciones y no le culpaba, viendo su suerte, pero Tess y yo nos habíamos arriesgado, y sí, habíamos tenido una suerte impresionante, por eso ya dudaba de si simplemente era suerte o que al destino se le había metido entre ceja y ceja que debíamos ser felices juntos. De ser así, me caía bien el Destino. Tess y yo habíamos logrado ser felices juntos en un mundo donde lo que tenía más sentido era matarse los unos a los otros. Creo que cuando estás en el borde de la piscina tienes que saltar, luego ya te las apañarás en el agua, pero siempre hay que saltar o las cosas nunca cambiarán. —Creo que de todos los guerrilleros, vosotros sois, sin duda, los más felices –habló Menadel. Él había estado a mi lado en silencio todo este tiempo, por lo que sabía que le habían llegado todos mis pensamientos y más. El ángel se veía imponente con su figura recortada al atardecer y sus plumas negras, parecían más oscuras todavía; sus ojos, más vibrantes. —Supongo que no puedo evitarlo —le dije—. Hubo un tiempo donde me daba miedo estar feliz, porque estaba convencido de que, después, algo malo pasaría. Pero es que la vida no es una línea recta. Pasan cosas tristes y felices todo el tiempo. Gracias a las tristes, disfruto aún más de las felices. Y gracias a estas, las tristes me afectan menos. —Antes solía ser optimista, como tú… ¿Sabes? Creía que por haber leído El Principito y haber visto a miles de personas enamoradas abrazarse, sabía lo que era el amor. Pero ahora me doy cuenta de que el Principito es una sarta de convicciones con cierta profundidad dichas de forma encantadora. —¿Y tenías que elegir San Valetín para arruinar un clásico? A este paso, también la tomaba contra Albert Espinosa. —Es solo que los humanos os enamoráis cuando queréis un reconocimiento especial. Al igual que los ángeles estábamos obsesionados con obtener el reconocimiento de Dios. Se podía decir que amábamos a nuestro Creador y, cuando dejamos de hacerlo, nos acostamos con otras personas. —¿Por qué lo dices? —me interesé. ¿Qué le había hecho sentirse así? Aunque me hacía una idea... —Según el Principito, cuando domesticas a alguien, querrá volver a verte y al ganarte su amistad, deja de ser alguien cualquiera… ¿Pero y si el Principito nunca hubiese regresado y se hubiese olvidado de su Rosa y del zorro? —Seguirían siendo únicas en el mundo, estén donde estén. —No si el Principito se olvida de que existieron… No puedes domesticar a alguien, Leo. —Si Tess decidiese dejarme, no quiero ni imaginarlo, pero de eso se trata el plan de hoy -–Guiñé un ojo—. Trato de esforzarme para que no me olvide tan fácilmente. « ¿Me juras que va a valer la pena? Promete que siempre estarán tus ojos cuando no sepa dónde poner mi sonrisa, que siempre estará tu piel cuando los besos no me quepan en los labios, promete que cuando me sienta sola vas a volver, así como la marea siempre vuelve hasta la playa.  » Le había hecho muchas promesas a Tess aquella noche. Y todavía no tenía la certeza de que las hubiese cumplido, aunque Dios sabía, donde quiera que esté, que lo intenté y lo sigo intentando en cada segundo de esta segunda vida que Ambrose me había concedido. A veces la sentía junto a mí y junto a mi familia y, tal vez, estaba imaginándome cosas, pero podía sentir que era feliz, que no se arrepentía de lo que había hecho porque siempre le habría gustado saltar a la piscina por mí, pero eligió protegerme. Los ojos se me humedecieron ante el sentimiento tan abrumador que me causaba su sacrificio y Menadel lo notó. —En fin, cuando quieras –-anunció. Le prometí a Tess en la Antigua Era que haríamos todas las cosas que apuntó en una lista: disfrutaríamos del helado italiano, bailaríamos toda la noche hasta caer rendidos en la orilla… y muchas de ellas no habíamos podido cumplirlas porque en Neoinferno no existían ya esas cosas. Pero resulta que un par de conocidos que simpatizaban con la causa guerrillera me debían un par de favores- Sergio dormía tranquilamente y había conseguido convencer de nuevo a Noah que se quedara con él esta noche. Siempre que Noah le cuidaba, Sergio debía de respetarle mucho porque se portaba mejor que nunca. Contemplé la pulsera de plata en mi muñeca. Tenía grabadas dos runas enoquianas: verdad y justicia. El regalo que me había hecho Tess para hacerme saber que ya no creía en Abaddon. Me la llevé a los labios y sentí su cálida energía envolverme mientras llamaba a mi mujer. Ella acudió a mi llamada y yo debí sonreír con la misma cara de bobo que ponía siempre al verla, incluso diez años después. Aunque conocía cada rincón de su cuerpo, aunque el uniforme guerrillero que llevaba no era inmune al polvo y a la tierra de Neoinferno, aunque tenía grabado a fuego una imagen muy graciosa de Sergio tirando con todas sus fuerzas de esa trenza que llevaba, era consciente de que ella era un ángel, una criatura divina de miles de años, y aún no comprendía que había visto en mí y que, contra todo pronóstico como nos vaticinó el Infame, no se había cansado de mí. —Hola, amor. —La saludé acabando con la distancia que nos separaba, aunque para ello me mojé los pies con la primera ola de la noche y me los llené de barro. Una vez frente a ella, la besé como si llevara días sin verla y me tuve que recordar que Menadel nos estaba esperando, sino, habríamos hecho el amor en esa orilla antes de partir—. Me preguntaba si querrías acompañarme a tomar helado italiano...
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ariaqueiroz · 5 years
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sketching some siblings for Kamael
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ourguardianangels · 6 years
Menadel Guardian Angel Born September 18 to 23
Menadel on the spiritual level is a step in the ladder leading to Chavakiah. Even under his guidance, therefore, the person is driven to undertake an arduous work of reflection on himself. Menadel inspires awe also to the mystics, because he is (the foreman) of the Divine Factory, as the representative of the leader (in this case – since in his choir he dispenses the energies of Mars, of the…
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kathyprior4200 · 1 year
Meet the 2P characters of HH/HB
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Property of Helluva Scribe/Kathy Prior 42
Reverse Locations:
 Haven Hotel (Opposite Hazbin Hotel)
Holy Halo City (Opposite Pentagram City)
E.L.F. Headquarters (Opposite I.M.P. Headquarters)
Humility Halo (opposite Pride Ring)
Charity Halo (opposite Greed Ring)
Chasity Halo (opposite Lust Ring)
Kindness Halo (opposite Envy Ring)
Temperance Halo (opposite Gluttony Ring)
Patience Halo (opposite Wrath Ring)
Diligence Halo (Opposite Sloth Ring)
Woo-Hoo Land (opposite Loo-Loo Land)
 Currency: souls (Hell) spirits (Heaven)
    Haven Hotel:
 2P Charlie Magne/Charlie Morningstar – Coercea Eveningstar (has a crush on Adam the Exorcist, teal suit, black hair, sharp fangs, violent, evil, prideful)
 2P Angel Dust – Devil Grit (dark fur, hates sex, straight)
 2P Alastor – Stalaro (blue and white, cowardly, sad, loves dubstep and sex, Techno Angel, loves sweets and tea)
 2P Vaggie – Phalla (loves men and hates to fight)
 2P Niffty – Klutzy (lazy, rude, gluttonous, lesbian, water/ice powers)
 2P Husk – Core (white cat, friendly)
 2P Valentino – Valentine
 2P Vox – Nil
 2P Velvet - Ashen
 Lucius and Lilian – Coercea’s angel parents, counterparts of Lucifer and Lilith
 2P Travis – Sivart
 2P Egg Bois – Hatchlings
 2P Baxter – Baker (the artist/animal lover, uses science for good)
 2p Crymini – Joymaxi the Heavencat popstar
 2P Mimzy (miserable and flimsy) – Jueva (joyful/strong)
 2P Sir Pentious – Bold Egull (bald eagle angel) (originally Anguis/snake)
 2P Cherri Bomb – Berri Blossom
 2P Razzle and Dazzle – Pub and Chub (Coercea’s rocker cherub lackeys, creepy babies)
 2P Katie Killjoy – Catie Carejoy
 2P Tom Trench – Ron Wrench
 2P Helsa von Eldritch – Seraphia (fiery angel princess bird)
 2P Seviathan von Eldritch – Enochsera (fiery prince)
 2P Rosie – Violeta
 2P Roo – Moo (cow, instead of and kangaroo trash-loving, hungry, Australian demon) likes vegetables and being proper
 2P Molly – Holly
 2P Fat Nuggets – Thin Tenders (Devil Grit’s boar)
 2P Adam and Lute – (Eva and Harp white anti-exorcists)
   Heavenly Boss: (in order of appearance)
 2P Blitzo – Docile
 2P Moxxie – Tirred
 2P Millie – Timmid
 2P Loona – Sunna
   2P Eddie – Ellie
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 “Savior Family”
 Mrs. Mayberry (good alternate universe)
 2P Jarold – James
 2P Ralphie – Ralph
 2P Martha – Mary
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  “Woo-Hoo Land”
 2P Octavia – Quartet
 2P Robo Fizz – Bio Rizz
 2P Wally Wackford – Sully Serious
 2P Fizzaroli – Rizzafoli
 2P Queef - Feeuq
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika) and Lord Menadel
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 “Autumn Intact”
 2P Verosika - Veronica
 Kiva Perdera
 Kiva Perdera’s cherubs
 2P Vortex – Portal
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 2P Lyle Lipton – Kyle Kipton
 2P Loopty Goopty – Straight Nate
 2P Cletus (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Erebos (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Collin (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Devvin (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Keenie (C.H.E.R.U.B.) – Dammna (D.I.A.B.L.O)
 2P Deerie – Doe-Doe
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  “Sowing Sun Festival”
 2P Striker – Soother
 2P Joe – Max
 2P Lin – Min
 2P Sallie May – Polly Pax (deaf, expert in sign language)
 Lord Menadel
 2P Billie May, Willie May, Tillie May, and Killie May (Millie’s siblings) – Polly Pax, Molly Pax, Holly Pax, Jolly Pax, Dolly Pax ( “Tolly” Timmid’s siblings)
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 “Lying Inductees”
 2P Agent One (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative One (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S.)
 2P Agent Two (D.H.O.R.K.S.) – Agent Negative Two (C.H.A.R.M.E.R.S)
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 2P Asmodeus/Ozzie – Archangel Uriel-Uri
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 Future/other characters:
 2P Barbie Wire – Holly Dove
 2P Cash Buckzo/Blitzo’s Father – Deferent
 2P Tilla/Blitzo’s Mother – Allie
 2P Joe and Lin – Max and Min
 2P Andrealphus – Damabiah (65th duck-like angel of the 72 angels, opposite of Andrealphus, representing sun and summer)
 2P Crimson Knolastname - Turquoise
 2P “Rosa” Knolastname/Moxxie’s Mother – Teal
 2P Chaz Turman – Zach (letters mixed)
 Additional characters: Azrael, Samael, Flora, Veronica (good Verosika), Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jophiel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Chamuel, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Lord Menadel etc.
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witch-of-tupelo · 3 years
The Demon-Angel Correspondences
Hello everyone. I am making a post on behalf of @godspriestess, for those like her & others who could utilize this information.
For every Demon, there is an Angel there that works in conjunction. This allows balance in the universe to occur. So for those who work with either spirits, or even both of them, it is important to know who works together with who.
Utilizing the 72 Shem HaMephorash and the 72 Goetia Spirits, both are organized to match with one another. The first of the 72 Angels aligns with the first spirit of the 72 Goetia.
The way the Shem HaMephorash is designed is by specific dates that they rule over; similar to how Astrology operates. When you are born under a day ruled by a Shem Angel, their influence will be positively granted towards you in life. The paired Demon alongside is the influence negatively granted towards you. This is then how the balance is functioned for a human.
In Demonology, these infernal spirits rule over a specific period of time, in specific degrees of the Zodiac. Two demons - one for day, and one for night - rule over these periods of time and degrees. For example, both Paimon and Vine rule over June 11th - June 21st, in Gemini from 20-29°. Paimon is designated for the day, while Vine is designated for the night. This system does not add up to the Shem HaMephorash system; therefore, your designated Angel and Demon will give influences positively granted towards you. To find your designated Demon, refer to this post.
The list below aligns the Shem Angel with the Goetic spirit that negatively affects it. It does not mean that Goetic spirit rules over those specific negativities; it is just a common basis for how they oppose the Angel’s abilities.
If any of the information in this post is incorrect, please let me know as soon as you see it. I will fix it and make sure I give accurate information, as I always try to do. Ave! 🐐🖤
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diabolicum · 3 years
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@yourheavenlyunvirtues​ says:
"No. Spite does not move the world around. That would be the gravitational trajectory that keeps the world moving. Spite is just an emotion that causes people to, and I quote, "Be a dick"" - Menadel
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“That humor of yours does wonders for your complexion, buddy.”
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gabbysgrabbag · 3 years
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@yourheavenlyunvirtues (Menadel)
"Don't you have anything better to do?" Stolas commented sensing a familar presence.
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morelikeastrhoelogy · 4 years
How to find your guardian angels according to your birthday (I/3)
As I said in my last post, I wanted to make a special post to help you finding who are your angels depending on your birthday, and how to call them.  Calling your angels is very simple : you can say their names out loud or in your head three times, and ask them politely to come by your side to help you. I used to do this every time right before my exams at school ! Talk to them with an open heart, and they will listen, ask them to guide you on the path you were meant to have, and trust them - and don’t forget to thank them for their support at the end of your prayer, letter or calling.  You can also light a white candle for them, especially when you ask for protection or help during dark times. Angels are always here, they don’t know temporality or distance, so you can call them whenever you need to, after a nightmare or during the day - even several times - you won’t ever disturb them.  Here’s a list of the angels, and the days during which they can be someone’s guardian angels. Before, I’d like to remind you that just because an angel isn’t your guardian angel, doesn’t mean you can’t pray them or call them for guidance, especially regarding their specific blessings/gifts. Also, never use your guardian angels for dark magick or intentions, please, that wouldn’t end well - although you can ask them for divine justice or truth, which is far more efficient and better for your karma than hexing or cursing through them. As I already said in my last post, you have at least two guardian angels, one who depends on your very birthday, the other determined by your birthday week (or rather 4-5 specific days during which this angel offers their guidance). I will start by this kind of guardian angel, once again according to kabbalistic beliefs (which explain why most of these names are in Hebrew - but they may appear under other names in other beliefs) :  Angel Vehuiah :  21- 25 march Angel Yeliel : 26 - 30 march Angel Sitael : 31 march - 5 april Angel Elemiah : 6 - 10 april Angel Mahasiah : 11 -15 april Angel Lelahel : 16 - 20 april Angel Achaiah : 21 - 25 april Angel Cahetel : 26 - 30 april Angel Haziel : 1 - 5 may Angel Aladiah : 6 - 11 may Angel Lauviah (1) : 12 - 16 may Angel Hahaiah : 17 - 21 may Angel Yezalel : 21 - 26 may Angel  Mebahel : 27 - 31 may Angel Hariel : 1 -  5 june Angel Hekamiah : 6 - 11 june Angel Lauviah (2) : 12 - 16 june Angel Caliel :17 - 21 june Angel Leuviah : 22 - 26 june Angel Pahaliah : 27 june - 1 july Angel Nelchael  : 2 - 7 july Angel Yeiayel : 8 - 13 july Angel Melahel : 14 -18 july Angel Haheuiah : 19 - 22 july Angel Nith-Haiah : 23 - 28 july Angel Haaiah : 29 july - 1 august Angel Yeratel : 2 - 7 august Angel Seheiah : 8 - 12 august Angel Reiyel : 13 - 17 august Angel Omael : 18 - 23 august Angel Lecabel : 24 - 28 august Angel Vasariah : 29 august - 2 september Angel Yehuyah : 3 - 7 september Angel Lehahiah : 8 - 12 september Angel Khavaquiah : 13 - 17 september Angel Menadel : 18 - 22 september Angel Aniel : 23 - 28 september  Angel Haamiah : 29 september - 3 october Angel Rehael : 3 - 8 october Angel Yeiazel : 8 -13 october Angel Hahahel : 14 -18 october Angel Mikhael : 19 - 23 october Angel Veuliah : 24 - 28 october Angel Yelaiah : 29 october - 2 november Angel Sealiah : 3 - 7 november Angel Ariel : 8 -12 november Angel Asaliah : 13 - 17 november Angel Mihael : 17 - 22 november Angel Vehuel : 23 - 27 november Angel Daniel : 27 november - 2 décember Angel Hahasiah :  3 - 7 december Angel Imamiah : 8 - 12 december Angel Nanael : 13 - 17 december Angel Nithael : 18 - 21 december Angel Mebaiah : 22 - 26 december Angel Poyel : 27 - 31 december  Angel Memamiah : 1 - 5 january Angel Yeyalel :  6 - 10 january
Angel Harael : 11 - 15 january Angel Mitzrael : 16 - 20 january Angel Umabel : 21 - 25 january Angel Iah-Hel : 26 - 30 january Angel Anuel : 31 january - 4 february Angel Mehiel : 5 - 9 february Angel Diamabiah : 10 - 14 february Angel Manakel : 15 - 19 february Angel Ayael : 20 - 24 february Angel Habuiah : 25 february - 1 march Angel Rahael : 2 - 6 march Angel Yabamiah :  7 - 11 march Angel Haiaiel : 12 -16 march Angel Mumiah : 16 - 20 march In my next post, I will give you the calendar for the other kind of guardian angels, and other few advices !
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@yourheavenlyunvirtues​ said: "Greetings, Human. Do not be afraid." - Says the giant molten robotic-skeleton with far to many eyes all staring down at the Agent. Bad form Menadel. Bad form.
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And....Agent Two promptly faints.
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
"You're fingernails are extraordinarily long. Do you require assistance in cutting them?" - Menadel
     ❝ Oh, no, ❞ he said, struggling with the STICKY TAPE currently securing mock-blades to his fingers. The things he did for the sake of a joke. ❝ I groom myself perfectly well. I'm a grown man-- get. Get off. GET OFF! ❞
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     He flailed his hands, irrationally enraged by the cellotape currently sticking to his fingers. After one particularly furious swipe, it came loose, fluttering to the ground like stray confetti. He straightened up, adjusted his collar, cleared his throat.
                          ❝ -- as I was saying. Grown man. ❞
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hell-propaganda · 4 years
List of Angelic and Demonic Adversaries
Alright so a while back I made a big long post about the morality of demons and I listed 9 out of 97 of them as having a specific angel designated to counter them and be their personal enemy, basically. I have since realized that that was WAY off. I am under the impression now that every single demon has a formal angelic adversary, and the main problem with finding out this information is that apparently no one studies angelology and demonology side-by-side anymore, so most of the time the official enemy just goes unstated.
So! Some enemies, in a convenient masterlist. Angels on the left, demons on the right:
Michael -- Satan
Raphael -- Asmodeus
Yasariah -- Asmodeus (sometimes it takes two)
Reiiel -- Astaroth
Ieuiah -- Gaap
Ieuiah (yes again) -- Gamigin
Elemiah -- Gamigin (idk man)
Haziel -- Paimon
Lauviah -- Gusion
Lauviah (again) -- Botis
Leuviah (this one’s different) -- Saleos
Pahaliah -- Purson
Menadel -- Stolas
Vehuel -- Crocell
Haaiah -- Bune
Seehiah -- Berith
Sealiah -- Vine
Sitael -- Vassago
Aquiel -- Surgat
Haamiah -- Halphas
Rehael -- Malphas
Jelial -- Agares
Vehuiah -- Bael
Mahasiah -- Marbas
Poyel -- Gremory
Achaiah -- Aamon
Cahetel -- Barbatos
Aladiah -- Buer
Hahasiah -- Balam
Hahaiah -- Sitri
Hahael -- Focalor
Iezalel -- Beleth
Mehahel -- Leraje
Melahel -- Aim
Hakamiah -- Zepar
Mikael -- Vepar
Caliel -- Bathin
Nelchael -- Morax
Ieiaiel -- Ipos
Ieiazel -- Raum
Haniniah -- Naberius
Nilaihah -- Glasya-Labolas
Ierathel -- Ronove
Omael -- Forneus
Lecahel -- Foras
Lehahel -- Valefar
Lehahaiah -- Furfur
Chavakiah -- Marchosias
Aniel -- Phenex
Veualiah -- Sabnock
Ielahiah -- Shax
Ariel -- Bifrons
Hariel -- Eligor
Harael -- Orias
Asaliah -- Vual
Mihael -- Haagenti
Daniel -- Furcas
Imamiah -- Allocer
Nanael -- Caim
Nilhael -- Murmur
Mehaiah -- Orobas
Nemamiah -- Ose
Ieialel -- Amy
Mitzrael -- Vapula
Umahel -- Zagan
Iahhel -- Valac
Ananel -- Andras
Mehriel -- Flauros
Demabiah -- Andrealphus
Manakel -- Kimaris
Eiael -- Amdusias
Hahniah -- Belial
Rochel -- Decarabia
Jabamiah -- Seere
Haiaiel -- Dantalion
Mumiah -- Andromalius
And that’s it! Or at least, that’s all I know of, with the shitty sources I can find online. If anyone has anything to add, please do so!
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