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At La Menagere In Florence Florence Italy(2024) pic...
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 2 years
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valentinabarabuffi: Se Firenze avesse il mare 🧡🥂 @la_menagere #florence #somewhereiwouldliketolive #italy #tuscany
Via valentinabarabuffi on Instagram, 03/10/2022.
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lcasr · 2 years
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grapecinnamon · 4 months
Day 10 of Homeuary CATCH UP: Terror N Treats (or The Macabre Menagere of Monsterous Mischief Making)
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A spooky little Wally during the spookiest time of the year. Except I gave him a couple more devilish features
I was supposed to do this yesterday, but I was exhausted after doing all my school work. Today is Frank day, so you should be seeing a Frank doodle later today
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Dungeon: Menagerie of Lament
Don’t let the howling of our collection bother you, as the canticle of our soverign makes a nest within your skull you will find it becomes a soothing resonance with the screaming of your own thoughts.
One of the many domains of the crawling king, this horrifying demiplane takes the form of a shattered moon and asteroid field hanging somewhere in the astral sea. Though lifeless and barren on the surface, the deep fissures and innumerable crags of these floating rocks have been hollowed out to serve as massive prison for horrors from across the cosmos, ranging from run of the mill aberrations to living nightmares to kingdom destroying kaiju. 
While the Menagerie began as a sacred vault to keep the worst of the multiverse’s horrors sealed away, over centuries the order that protected it became corrupted, falling under the sway of the god of torment and madness and straying from their sanctified path. Now the Monks of Lament (Or Menagerics as they are sometimes called) deal in the monsters they were supposed to contain, selling them off to despots as curiosities or warbeasts, then turning around and using their riches to breed more horrors, or reward hunters across the planes for bringing them more.
Adventure Hooks:
After successfully clearing a monster contract or two, the party are approached by a group of professional hunters known as the Savage-Rationals who recognize their talent and give them an in on better contracts. Ornim, grizzled leader of the Rationals is a valuable mentor to have, as his hard won lessons will likely keep the party alive through the most difficult challenges they face. All is not how it seems however, on some jobs, Ornim receives orders from a pallid and offputting courier, and though those missions pay the best, the Rationals must take extra risks to ensure their quarry (no matter how horrible) is captured alive and delivered somewhere particular.  Should the party get nosey, they’ll discover that Ornim has dealings with the Menagerics, and many of the creatures the party have helped track for him are still alive and waiting to be sold off, rather than being harvested for alchemical components as he’d always said.
While venturing through the cavernous highways of the underdark The party stumble into a caravan of monks guiding a reinforced cage, out on its way to be delivered to some tyrant of the deep. Both groups appear to be travelling in the same direction, laving the party in an awkward position: the monks aren't openly hostile and travelling along with them may provide additional safety through the world below HOWEVER, there’s no doubt that great harm could be done should Menagerics reach their destination, to say nothing of what might happen should their beastly cargo break free during transit.
Though shifting underdark tunnel and teleportation circle account for most of the Monks’ transportation needs, the largest and most dangerous of their inventory requires a special means of conveyance: locked into its own meteor cage and hurled at the client’s world through the astral sea. This delivery method is only so accurate which gives the party a chance to fall back and escape after their current villain delivers a one-two punch of buying a kaiju off the monks and then slamming it into the countryside outside their hometown. The Tarrasque does not qualify for free shipping but boy howdy does it arrive in style.
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aaronburrdaily · 10 months
August 26, 1809
Couche at 12. I preferred to lay¹ on the sofa without undressing. The beds are too soft. At 6 came in the flika² with coffee. This is caffè³ and not breakfast, a little brö. or skolpen is served with it. At 8 walked over to the mines, two miles. (Note: Miles are always English miles unless I distinguish by S., which means Swedish.) This is a most beautiful village, and like that at Dannemora, is the property of the owners of the mines. All the streets with rows of trees; the houses neat. For an account of the mines see a loose sheet in which the errors of writers of travels are corrected.
The principal director not speaking English or French, he put me in the hands of the sub-director, Mr. ———, who has been in England. The doctor, brother of my compagnon de voy.⁴ devoted himself to my amusement. The mine is in constant danger of being overflowed by the lake; this has twice happened; the mine about 450 feet deep; from the orifice you see bottom. They insist that this lake cannot be drained, which I deny, and can demonstrate that it can. We talked much of it and they listened to me with great attention. They bore logs (for conduit pipes) by hand with an auger, having no such machine as we used at New York for the Manhattan works.
The doctor invited us to breakfast. It was a sumptous feast of chicken, ham, fish, beans, salad, with dessert of preserved ———, a wild fruit which I found delicious; other fruits and bonbons. Excellent ale, which is drank with sugar and water in my own mode. The sub-director played on the peasant's violin for me. The instrument with seven strings and sixteen keys; only three strings are played on. Polonaise, the dance of the Norland peasants; it is the waltz with varieties. A dance something like our contrè dance,⁵ whence, probably, the English country dance originated; very pretty and danced with great grace. A young peasant now played. On first coming to the director's house had heard the jungfru doing a few notes; begged her to sing a song. Sang several. Marching and dancing in a circle; erect, toes out, yeux baisseès.⁶ A fine Italian face. Danced with great grace and agility. Joanna ———; hazel hair parted over the forehead and so just above the eyebrow over the ear, hanging in the neck; ends in musa. Gave 1/2 rix dollar. She took my hand gracefully, kissed it, bowed, and thanked me in the dialect of her country.
Quitted with regret to see and hear the blasting, which is always at 12. The reverberations of the sound in this vast vault of solid rock are fine. The steam engine made in England. Makes no more noise than a house clock. The chateau; pictures, faun surprising two sleeping beauties; bear fight. The stables 350 feet long.
26. Sköklaster.⁷ We left the chateau at dusk to seek our supper. It was good and abundant; only the hard bread, however. Having eaten nothing the whole day save two very small skolpen and some goosberries,⁸ I did great honor to the supper. Je mangois comme gourmand.⁹
Beds were provided for us in the house of the menagere,¹⁰ a house twice as large as Richmond Hill.¹¹ The rooms spacious and well furnished. La menagere a smart, sensible woman, was all attention and civility. Couche at 11. Rose at 5. Our coffee was served before we were dressed. It is much the custom to take it in bed; a single cup; far better than the drams and too much with us. I never saw in London a dram taken before coffee. With this coffee nothing is eaten; it is always strong and well prepared; equally well in the peasant's cottage.
We returned to the castle. The library is said to contain 10,000 or 11,000 volumes, chiefly ancient; many are ancient manuscripts. The chateau, the furniture, the books, arms, and manuscripts are all entailed and cannot be alienated. The proprietor, Count Brahe, seldom visits this place, having two or three others, and no person is permitted to visit the library except on permission of the maitre d'hotel,¹² so that the contents are unknown. We visited also the chapel, which is built on the spot where stood the cloyster¹³ whose ruins are still visible. The chapel is about the size of your churches; is handsome without being magnificent; the organist played several tunes for us. The vaulted ceilings give a fine effect to the sound.
At 11 we went to seek our breakfast. It was sumptuous. La menagere, having learnt that I preferred the soft bread, had made some excellent and had in further compliment to my taste provided fish from the lake which is within 200 yards of the door. Ate as though I had not supped. At 12 embarked to return. A boat had been procured and awaited our orders. It is about three miles hence to the chateau of Rudbeck. The shores of the lake always riant¹⁴ and picturesque. Walked to the post-house, 3/4 mile and at 1 set off.
At 2 P.M. a ferry at which I was obliged to be ferryman and hard work it was. Thence to the main road leading from Upsala to Stockholm, being about five miles. The road a little stony, being not much used and having been injured by the rains and being in the midst of harvest, the peasants had not yet found time to repair. Nevertheless that part of the ride is [rendered] beautiful by the varied landscape; lakes, meadows, rich fields, rocks, hills, forests, all constantly and charmingly blended.
[26. At Sigtuna.] But I forgot to tell you that Sigtuna is the most ancient capital of Sweden, centuries before Upsala. Tradition and what is called history relates that it was taken, sacked, and burnt by the Russians about 1,800 years ago. Very fine ruins of three ancient temples; two of them, at least, are fine; fifty or sixty feet in height of the turrets are standing; several of the arches entire; trees growing on the tops; rude architecture. Of the date and particular use of these temples even tradition is silent. We visited the church; nothing very remarkable; much of the material taken from the old temple, which stands near and is within the same enclosure. On many of the stones Runic inscriptions so defaced as to be illegible. The priest asleep kept us waiting two hours for the key. Goosberries and blackberries in the churchyard; the latter tasteless. Left Sigtuna at 5, having taken there a dish of coffee and a skolpen, exactly our rusk. Everywhere, too, you get wafen¹⁵; our wafles,¹⁶ and made and eaten in the same way; an iron cut in diamonds. Sigtuna is now an inconsiderable town of about 200 wooden (log) houses.
Skokloster, August 26, 1809. At 3 P.M. yesterday the Häradshofding not appearing, went to his house; found all ready; took coffee with Madame. At 1/2 p. 3 set off; at 5 arrived at ———, where we proposed to traverse the lake. Took boat at the chateau of Rudbeck, formerly Wetterstedt's, who exchanged fortune for titles. An old woman rowed us over, about one mile English, and we walked about 1 1/2 miles to the palace of Skokloster. From Rudbeck's gardener we had got currants, apples, and a melon. They were gathering vegetables for market. Cabbages of uncommon size for 5 sch. each; paid a few sch. for our fruit.
Leaving Upsala in this direction you rise the hill on which is the castle and passing over the plain about 100 feet above the more extensive one to the north, you enter the park; fine, lofty pines, about 1/2 mile; then four miles to the river Sala, which you cross in a scow; three miles more to the post-house. Half a mile before reaching the ferry you are in sight of the lake and after crossing the river the road is parallel to the lake, distant perhaps half a mile. A gentle declivity. The country the whole way under high cultivation, interspersed with those little rocky hills and ledges which make it so picturesque.
The chateau now Rudbeck's is very beautifully situated on a promontory extending one-quarter mile into the lake; a long avenue of ancient trees; the body of the house five windows each story, being two stories in front and three in rear. The wings, three windows each story; a plain house; many outbuildings give it the air of a village.
Skokloster formerly a cloyster of which the ruins are still visible. The present chateau was built by ———, about ——— years ago. The four turrets about thirty-two feet diameter each; octagon; elevated a full story above the body of the building and again a dome and crowned with a sort of armillary sphere.¹⁷ The main building a square of —— feet on each side and —— feet in depth, containing an open court; below an arcade or open gallery all round; beautiful little brass cannon on each side; gallery in each story on the side of the court about twelve feet wide; on each pier, six in each story, the portrait large as life of some distinguished person, companion in arms or in council of Gustavus Adolphus.
On the opposite side of the galleries, some historical paintings; all painted on the walls; mottoes in Latin, French, Italian, Swedish. The building is three lofty stories and an attic. The gobelins in many rooms are well preserved and very beautiful; great number of paintings; portraits, battles; historical pieces. Of Aurora Comtesse de Koningsmare, by no means equal to that at ———. Ebba Brahe when a girl and when old woman; General Wrangle in every possible way; a picture of him on horseback large as life, underneath which is inscribed a complete history of his life. An equestrian statue in the apartment in the chapel where is his monument.
The attic story is principally a place of arms; ancient armour, spears, swords, bucklers, helmets, hung round with complete suits of armour, looking like so many men in armour. Guns, fusees, pistols, and firearms of all sorts, used 150 years ago; also wardrobes, boots, spurs, &c. Very few of the paintings of much value. The cabinet of ebony and ivory; and another principally ivory with a variety of jewels, trinkets, baubles. Four columns of two pillars each; each column with pedestal and capital of one solid piece of marble. These and many of the other things were brought from Prague when taken by Gustavus Adolphus. The columns, made in Italy, were in the palace at Prague; now supporting the arch of the vestibule. Bones found in Scania, believed to be human. A rib measured eight feet six inches, and is not entire; a vertebra of the spine, —— inches in circumference; near the same place was found a sword, here also kept, of singular construction; about seven feet long and of a weight which could not be used by men of these days.
1 Generally so in the MS. 2 For flicka. Girl, serving-maid. 3 Probably for French café, coffee, though possibly meant for the Swedish kaffe. 4 For compagnon de voyage. Travelling companion. 5 Meant for contra-dance or country-dance. Burr's accent is wholly wrong, there being no accent over the e even in French, in which the word is contre-danse. 6 For yeux baissés. Eyes cast down. 7 For Skokloster. 8 So in the MS. 9 I ate like a gourmand (mangeais). 10 For ménagère. Housekeeper. 11 His residence near New York. 12 For maître d'hôtel. Steward. 13 So in the MS. 14 Smiling, cheerful. 15 For våfflor. Waffles. 16 So in the MS. 17 A globe surrounded with circles.
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northernmariette · 2 years
How to procure sugar during Napoleon’s time
The Fondation Napoleon is a treasure trove of interesting information regarding all aspects of the Napoleonic era. One of its many sections concerns the foods of the time, including several recipes.
The link I have provided below refers to the difficulty of obtaining foodstuffs such as coffee and sugar once France’s commercial routes to its colonies had been cut off. One result of this was the promotion of extensive cultivation of sugar beets in France and I suppose elsewhere in Europe. I’m not sure to what extent sugar beets are still cultivated around the world, but I know that here in Quebec they were still a major crop 50 or 60 years ago. 
An 1804 recipe provided in this article describes how to obtain a sugar syrup from cornstalks:
I was not able to find the quoted Recueil pratique d'économie rurale et domestique on Gallica, but the same author, Madame Gacon-Dufour, published in 1826 a Manuel complet de la maitresse de maison et de la parfaite menagere, which i would assume to be much in the same vein as her previous work. As some of us (you know who you are!) have a fascination with everything hussar, I absolutely adore books regarding the proper way for women to run a household. This particular one is heavy on how to educate one’s daughters, how to run households both in the countryside and in the city, and how to preserve foods:
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iamliyv · 2 years
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Salvador Dali. Menagere ( Cutlery Set) 1957
Ménagère (Cutlery Set): Six pieces comprising of two forks, two knives and two enameled spoons Fourchette 4 dents à manche poisson (Four tooth fork with a fish handle), silver-gilt with sapphire eyes, inscribed Dali, dated 1957, and numbered 4/99. (7 3/8 in.; 18.8 cm.) Fourchette-éléphant 3 dents (Elephant fork with three teeth), silver-gilt with ruby eyes, inscribed Dali, dated 1957 and numbered 4/99. (7 1/2 in.; 19 cm.)  Couteau escargot aux larmes (Snail knife with tears), silver-gilt with four rock crystal pendants, inscribed Dali, dated 1957, and numbered 4/99. (8 in.; 20.3 cm.) Cocteau feuille (leaf knife), silver gilt, inscribed Dali, dated 1957, and numbered 4/99. (8 3/4 in.; 22.3 cm.) Petite cuillère-artichaut (small artichoke spoon) and Cuillère-artichaut (artichoke spoon), silver-gilt with enameled artichoke leaf and polychrome, each inscribed Dali, numbered 4/99 and Cuillère-artichaut dated 1957. (4 5/8 in.; 11.8 cm. and 7 3/4 in.; 19.9 cm.) Cuillère montre molle (Soft watch spoon), Vermilion plate, inscribed Dali and numbered 4/99, (7 1/2 in.; 19 cm.)
Each inscribed, dated and numbered
Silver-gilt, the spoons with enamel, one knife with rock crystal attachments
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chrisryanspeaks · 3 months
Ethereal Folk Pop | Ginger Winn - “Super 8”
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Originally from South Carolina and now residing in South Africa, the singer-songwriter Ginger Winn unveils her enchanting new track and video titled “Super 8.” To mark this occasion, Winn is set to hold release parties for her single at Early Terrible in Woodstock, NY, and La Menagere in Florence, Italy, on March 23. Attendees can secure their free tickets through RSVP, enjoying complimentary refreshments and snacks at both locations. "Super 8" emerges as a reflection on the journey of a young woman navigating through her aspirations and the realities of pursuing her dreams. With a backdrop of an acoustic guitar and embellished with lush horns, Winn's hauntingly beautiful voice guides listeners through a mesmerizing journey filled with love, aspiration, and nostalgia, akin to watching memories unfold on a Super 8 film reel. The song pays homage to the elusive dreams of youth, capturing the essence of longing, love, and the quest for adventure. The track's production, led by David Baron—who has worked with artists like The Lumineers, Shania Twain, and Shawn Mendes—was completed at Sun Mountain Studios in Boiceville, NY. It features an opening with a French celesta played by Thelonious Monk and a nod to Louis Armstrong with its captivating horn arrangements. Trumpeter Chris Pasin, known for his work with legends like Buddy Rich and Frank Sinatra, adds a layer of sophistication to the song. The production aims to transport listeners to a whimsical world, ending with a gentle invitation to drift into slumber. Accompanying the release is a video shot on Super 8 film, edited by Nicholas Paul, which visually narrates Winn's complex story of fluctuating between dreams and reality. The video, directed by Tina Baione and Ellery Luse Weiss, and shot across Brooklyn, NY, Woodstock, NY, and Tuscany, portrays the intricate and surreal nature of dreams, showcasing Winn in a series of dreamlike scenarios that bridge the gap between the fantastical and the real. Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 3 months
Ethereal Folk Pop | Ginger Winn - “Super 8”
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Originally from South Carolina and now residing in South Africa, the singer-songwriter Ginger Winn unveils her enchanting new track and video titled “Super 8.” To mark this occasion, Winn is set to hold release parties for her single at Early Terrible in Woodstock, NY, and La Menagere in Florence, Italy, on March 23. Attendees can secure their free tickets through RSVP, enjoying complimentary refreshments and snacks at both locations. "Super 8" emerges as a reflection on the journey of a young woman navigating through her aspirations and the realities of pursuing her dreams. With a backdrop of an acoustic guitar and embellished with lush horns, Winn's hauntingly beautiful voice guides listeners through a mesmerizing journey filled with love, aspiration, and nostalgia, akin to watching memories unfold on a Super 8 film reel. The song pays homage to the elusive dreams of youth, capturing the essence of longing, love, and the quest for adventure. The track's production, led by David Baron—who has worked with artists like The Lumineers, Shania Twain, and Shawn Mendes—was completed at Sun Mountain Studios in Boiceville, NY. It features an opening with a French celesta played by Thelonious Monk and a nod to Louis Armstrong with its captivating horn arrangements. Trumpeter Chris Pasin, known for his work with legends like Buddy Rich and Frank Sinatra, adds a layer of sophistication to the song. The production aims to transport listeners to a whimsical world, ending with a gentle invitation to drift into slumber. Accompanying the release is a video shot on Super 8 film, edited by Nicholas Paul, which visually narrates Winn's complex story of fluctuating between dreams and reality. The video, directed by Tina Baione and Ellery Luse Weiss, and shot across Brooklyn, NY, Woodstock, NY, and Tuscany, portrays the intricate and surreal nature of dreams, showcasing Winn in a series of dreamlike scenarios that bridge the gap between the fantastical and the real. Read the full article
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 2 years
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valentinabarabuffi: Se Firenze avesse il mare 🧡🥂 @la_menagere #florence #somewhereiwouldliketolive #italy #tuscany
Via valentinabarabuffi on Instagram, 03/10/2022.
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toutmontbeliard-com · 7 months
Mise en place du bac jaune dans une partie du centre-ville de Montbéliard
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La collecte des déchets recyclables en porte-à-porte démarrera début janvier 2024 pour une partie des rues du centre-ville de la commune de Montbéliard. Le bac jaune permettant la collecte en porte-à-porte des déchets recyclables (hors verre) y sera livré du lundi 20 novembre 2023 au vendredi 8 décembre 2023. Quelles sont les rues du centre-ville de Montbéliard concernées par la mise en place du bac jaune et quelle est l’organisation de la distribution semaine par semaine ? Semaine 47 : à partir du 20/11/2023 ALLIES (Avenue des) BLANCHERIES (Rue des) BRIAND (Avenue Aristide) CARNOT (Avenue) CONTEJEAN (Rue Charles) DE GAULLE (Place du Général) DE LATTRE DE TASSIGNY (Rue du Maréchal) ÉTUVE (Rue de l’) GOGUEL (Rue Charles) GRAVIERS (Impasse des) LECLERC (Rue du général) (du 7 au 17 et du 18 au 34) MOUHOT (Rue Henri) ROCHE (Impasse de la) WILSON (Avenue du Président) Semaine 48 : à partir du 27/11/2023 CHEMINEAU (Chemin du) CITADELLE (Rue de la) ÉGLISE (Rue de l’) FERRER (Place Francisco) GAMBETTA (Avenue) HUISSELETS (Rue des) POTIERS (Rue des) PUITS (Rue du) SAINT-GEORGES (Rue) SAINT-MAIMBOEUF (Rue) TUILERIE (Rue de la) Semaine 49 : à partir du 04/12/2023 CHAMP DE FOIRE (Rue du) LALANCE (Rue Charles) MATTERN (Rue Ernest) MONT-BART (Impasse) MONT-BART (Rue du) MONT-BART (Rue prolongée) ROCHES (Impasse) TOUSSAIN (Rue Pierre) Semaines 47, 48 et 49 : du 20/11 au 08/12/2023 : BESANÇON (Faubourg de) Quand commencera la collecte du bac jaune pour ces rues du centre-ville de Montbéliard ? A compter du mois de janvier 2024, la collecte des déchets recyclables (hors verre) s’y effectuera en porte-à-porte. Le ramassage du bac jaune s’effectuera toutes les deux semaines, en alternance avec celui du bac d’ordures ménagères. Les jours de collectes de ce bac jaune seront diffusés par les calendriers 2024 consultables sur le site internet : www.agglo-montbeliard.fr/vivre-ici/dechets/les-ordures-menageres. La collecte du bac jaune interviendra les jeudis des semaines impaires, la première collecte aura donc lieu le jeudi 4 janvier 2024. Quant à la collecte des ordures ménagères, elle aura lieu les jeudis des semaines paires, la première collecte se fera le jeudi 11 janvier 2024. Attention, le bac jaune reçu ne doit pas être utilisé avant début janvier 2024 A quoi sert le bac jaune ? Le bac jaune est dédié aux déchets recyclables (hors verre) c’est à dire que l’on peut y mettre en vrac les emballages en plastique, en métal, en aluminium, en carton, ainsi que le papier. Il rend ainsi le tri plus facile pour les habitants en particulier les moins mobiles et les familles nombreuses. Il permet de mettre moins de déchets dans le bac d’ordures ménagères et donc de maîtriser la dépense relative à ses déchets. Pour savoir exactement ce qui va (ou ne va pas) dans la poubelle jaune, consultez l'autocollant apposé sur son couvercle, le nouveau Mémo Tri, les vidéos ad hoc sur la chaîne YouTube de PMA. Quand présenter son bac jaune ? Les habitants peuvent présenter leur bac jaune à la collecte aussi fréquemment que possible, c’est-à-dire toutes les deux semaines. En effet, les levées du bac jaune ne sont pas comptabilisées dans le calcul de la REOMI ; seules les levées du bac d’ordures ménagères sont prises en compte dans le calcul de la redevance incitative. Quand seront disponibles les prochains calendriers de collectes pour l’année 2024 ? Les nouveaux calendriers de collectes seront mis en ligne au plus tard le 20 décembre 2023. Ce calendrier fera également mention des dates de collectes des encombrants. Les calendriers de collecte sont exclusivement numériques. infos > www.agglo-montbeliard.fr Read the full article
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looybi · 9 months
Les tâches ménagères sont-elles uniquement pour les femmes ?
ICYMI: https://looybi.com/style-de-vie/amour-les-taches-menageres-sont-elles-un-2020-03-22?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sparrowspine · 2 years
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La Menagere - Firenze
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vieillesboutiques · 3 years
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Ecole ménagère centrale de Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain.
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diotuo · 5 years
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Possiamo riassumere tutto in un “no non esco” Cena al mercato centrale è bevuta + dolce alla #Menagere a #Firenze e chiusura con match a freccette al #tittytwister @agnemaru brilla anima della serata anche perché non si cheta mai 😂 (presso La Ménagère - Firenze) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8_Cb5loHL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19u7lyibf0l7t
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