#mens kimono jacket
molliiewoodtodd · 10 months
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tanuki-kimono · 4 months
hello! if you get a chance could you explain haori himo? i am incredibly bad at picturing what they mean. all they say is "they attach". especially when the jacket is hanging or not being worn - do they dangle there? did they really have metal hardware at the ends, for the loop? at what point would you detach them, like before or after sitting? if it's a big puffy one, is that both ends or only one end? thanks for the help
Hi! Haori himo come in several styles :)
The traditional ones can be braided, or leather, etc, but all have loops at their top ends. Those ends are looped through matching loops called chi 乳 sewn on the inside of the haori collar.
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But, as attaching himo this way is bothersome, they often come nowadays with metal fasteners, be it hooks or jewelery clasps. Those are easy to put on and off, and so it's much easier to change himo depending on your kimono. They also allow more styles, like the beaded ones :)
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When you take off your haori, yes the himo stays there - you would not unsew buttons off a coat, it's the same here. If that bothers you, just tie/shut your haori himo before hanging ;)
You'd detach completely your himo from your haori when 1) wanting to change styles, 2) storing (mostly to keep the himo for another haori, if not they can stay attached yet not tied - be careful with the beaded ones though I'd store those apart).
Keeping your haori closed when sitting is not unusual, especially for men formal outfits. The big fluffy haori himo they wear are called bonten-fu 梵天風 (lit. Brahma-style) and those are now often pre-tied and never actually untied (thank to the clasps).
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Hope this helps !
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shuttershocky · 2 months
You've probably done this before but, do you have a Nasu's top 5 characters?
Only your most favourites
This is hard because while I do have favorites, I'm easily pleased and can have many favorites without actually having much of a hierarchy so any Top 5 posts I make tend to change slightly each time I make them.
If I thought about it now, my current top 5 (I have many more favorites than just 5. Some of them aren't here because they weren't written by Nasu, while others are also extreme faves but I can't fit them in) would be Kohaku - The Hisui route of Tsukihime is one of my favorite works of horror. It's short but seems to stretch on forever, a good chunk of it is confined to one bedroom while Shiki gets driven mad, and Kohaku's confession at the tree has stuck in my mind forever. Since Tsukihime was a horror game about supernatural monsters for most of its run, the switch to grounded, almost mundane horror using the most "normal" character in the cast is a gut punch that really hits even when you already know what's coming.
Tamamo No Mae - I'm not writing this post again when I've made like, 3 or 4 about Tamamo in Fate/Extra over the years, but basically if you know Tamamo through Extella or FGO, you don't really know Tamamo as the pathetic shade of divinity that she really is. Stripped of nearly all her power but not her cunning, she fights like if Vertigo-era John Constantine replaced the coat and cigarettes for fox ears and a deeply insecure need to be seen as sexy, being completely awful at a straight up fight (a bad trait to have when in a death game) but more than willing to play dirty with trickster magic, poison, or cheap shots.
She contradicts herself all the time, she lies in about half of what she says, and the first time her behavior clicks as the actions of an inhuman, once all-powerful sun god trying to mask as a person makes Fate/Extra's complete dogshit gameplay actually feel worth it. Fingers crossed the Fate/Extra Record stays faithful to her original arc so new players can get the good Tamamo without having to play the original Fate/Extra.
Ryougi Shiki - What makes Kara No Kyoukai so fascinating and weird is that Shiki and her master Touko are sci-fi characters but in an urban fantasy setting, BUT in a love story. In the first arc alone, Shiki is essentially a cyborg-ninja: a girl with an enhanced prosthetic arm, clashing Japanese + Western fashion (red jacket + blue kimono), living in a dark and crime-riddled city in the shadow of an economic collapse, with augmented vision she can turn on and off at will that allows her to see beyond human eyes and her blade to cut through anything no matter the material.
Rather than fight street thugs under neon lights though, she investigates a building filled with ghosts that also kidnapped her boyfriend's soul and thus she's forced to spend nights alone eating ice cream one-handed (she removes her prosthetic when at home) until she gets him back. It's such a bizarre, confusing introduction that Shiki being a maximum chuuni deviantart first time OC type of character that any writer would be embarrassed about actually slips you by unnoticed until you're already convinced she's the coolest fucking girl in this world.
I really don't know how Nasu pulled this off, especially when nobody really bought Kara No Kyoukai (the author of Otherside Picnic actually has one of the original copies ever sold, and there were only 6 of them) until Tsukihime came out. If I was the one who wrote her, I'd be discouraged and try to hide her existence instead of making a VN with the intent to use it to get Shiki more exposure instead. Incredible, she's the best.
Ciel - Did you know Ciel once consistently ranked as the least likedgirl in Tsukihime and for almost two decades had people saying her route was skippable? Proof that you can't listen to Type-Moon fans about anything. She has a big gun that canonically takes ten men to lift that rapidly shoots bible pages at vampires after she impales them with the spike, crafted from a slain unicorn, that's automatically the coolest thing you could put in your story. Ciel haters seething about the Tsukihime Remake giving her so much attention and a hundred more upgrades was pure vindication. I can't imagine being Ryukishi07 and being a Ciel super fan in the early years when even Type-Moon themselves would joke about how unpopular she was.
May Riddell Archelot - The best character in Mahoyo only has a screentime of 15 minutes, and she used every second of it to its fullest.
Riddell is just brilliant as a character, an example of how being raised from childhood to be a mage is sort of like being abused as a child star, in that you never earn the rewards of any of your own work (that goes to your parents / ancestral line), you are saddled with responsibilities and tasks that stunt your development, and in the end you are left lonely, insecure, and longing for any kind of human connection that you must hide by flaunting your wealth and social status. She is surrounded by fans but is left completely without love, and pretends she doesn't need it while the gaping maw in her heart that no amount of fan adoration could fill only continues to deepen. And to boot, she exemplifies all this while being the funniest character in a game with Soujuurou in it.
She's a rock star with international tours! She's a powerful mage and the heir to her family line! She travels around via helicopter! She's so desperate to have anything at all that her heart can hold on to that she invites herself into birthday parties and her closest friend is someone that literally crushes her heart with magic twice in ten minutes.
Mahoyo 2 when?
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dystopyx-blog · 3 months
It’s moth time baby
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Ivo the Io moth.
He’s the delusional archetype. Funnily enough, he is the most sane, rational, and normal one of the group. So excuuuuuse me, princess if he assumes that he’s the one you’re dating! hes just a sane, rational being, and you’re his exhausted partner (exhausted cuz you have to deal with the other freaks)
Another weird delusion is he treats the other moth men like they’re your kids?? You’ll tell the others to knock it off/stop fighting and he’ll come in like “listen to your mother.’ And everyone’s just “???” I imagine business casual attire, medium length hair pulled over one shoulder idk how to describe it…
Appearance: Pretty tall, Kuu and Atlas are just fuckin freaks /hj. 5’9 As I mentioned I have a specific hairstyle in mind but ajsjdhdudnududdi idk man. Wears a simple pale yellow dress shirt, his wings draped behind him. The biggest/fluffiest antenna of all the bois. Soft, kind eyes. Fluff around neck, arms, and legs.
Okay so does anyone know the “sex-crazed moths” meme?
Because my obsessive moth i inspired by that.
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Kuu the Luna Moth
the poplar hawk moth is the one associated with that particular meme But I’m using the Lunar moth for my obsessive boyo because fuckin look at it. Luna moths, like the poplar hawk and most other large moths, have no mouth and cannot eat or drink. They fuck then die. My boy Kuu has a moth, but that doesn’t make him any less desperate to get with you. He is the prettiest fuckin boy. And he is so so so fuckin desperate for you. He’s also fuckin pathetic. Pretty boy who’d [REDACTED my blog is all ages!!] if you so much as touch him istg With the other boys he’s an egotistical sassy drama queen but with you he’s just desperate lmao
Appearance: Tall and thin. 5’11 Loooooong white/pale green hair trailing all the way down his back. Man exclusively wears robes and kimonos and the like. Handsome man. PRETTY BOY.
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Ash the Cinnabar Moth
Okay actually I’m unsure of possessive I want a bigger moth but also I kinda wanna go with cinnabar moth? Edgy boi who feels entitled to you. Gets into the most fights. Possessive but also kind of tsundere. He is smaller than most of the others, arguably a lot simpler looking too, but he has a BIG personality. His name is Ash.
Appearance: Second smallest. 5’6. Least fluffy. Black hair with a red highlight, black antena. Red pants, black boots. Red bandana on neck. Black leather jacket with red accents. Piercings. Rounded sunglasses. And cinnabar wings ofc.
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Atlas the… well, Atlas Moth
heheheheheh i am very basic when it comes to protective type yanderes and i refuse to branch out 🫵🫵🫵 My protective guy is a biiiiiiig big big man, big softy, big teddy bear. Who will hammer someone’s head with his bare fist if they hurt you!!! Wraps you up in massive, soft wings 🥺 He just stands behind you… menacingly (to anyone else, as soon as you turn to look at him he’s all smiles!) So what better than the atlas moth? And Atlas is already a perfect name, so Atlas!
ATLAS: BIIIIIIIG BOY BIG. 6’1 Dorito shaped tbh. Wears flannel but the flannel is the pattern of the moth teehee. Brown pants. Work boots. Gloves probably idk. I think for hair hmmmm braided? Man bun? I dunno!!!
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Roman the Rosy Maple Moth!
Finally We have our Manipulator. His name is Roman, but darling pleeeease call him Maple 🥺 The rosy maple moth. He’s just a lil guy! He’s baby! But oooo he’s schemin and plottin. With you he’s just baby, just an absolute delight, and so fuckin cute and fluffy. How could you possibly say no to this soft boy?! But he will tear another’s throat out. He will lie and corrupt and manipulate. He’s secretly incredibly rude, vulgar, and sassy. But with you he’s a perfect angel <3
Appearance: the smallest. Like 5’3. Fluffy yellow and pink hair, bog soft yellow attend, big precious puppy dog eyes. Massive fuckin yellow hoodie that is SUPER fuckin fluffy, with pink sleeves. Smallish pink n yellow wings. The hoodie goes down to like just above his knees. Pink leggings and pink calf high converse.
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kotelok16 · 2 months
What was your thought process for your post canon SDR2 designs for each character, if you’re able to divulge?
The thought process? No thoughts in this head, a perfect emptiness-
Okay, seriously, I'll try to describe it briefly, because there were a lot of thoughts in the process. But the post will still be long xd
1) Nagito and Mikan. I really wanted to make them simple and cozy outfits. They are just the usual calm (haha...) married couple, you know? Their designs have been around for more than a year, although I did redo Nagito's home clothes, I categorically did not like the original version. I can tell you in secret that Mikan's home clothes was inspired by Hitomi character from Ai Somnium Files.
2) Hajime is a pretty simple guy, even if he has experienced experimental surgeries from the academy. Therefore, I didn't think too much about his outfits, everything is simple, convenient, without bright accents.
3) Hiyoko. I really like the way her design turned out, I won't lie. I tried to leave Asian motifs in her everyday outfit as well, since in this story she is a teacher of traditional dance in her hometown outside Tokyo. And as soon as I came up with the idea to make her kimono monochrome, I immediately ran to do it, because the combination seemed very interesting to me!
4) Ibuki. I couldn't decide whether to reduce the degree of insanity in her image. She's a grown up woman, after all. As you can see, in the end, crazy colors and combinations in clothes won. It's Ibuki, damn it! Although it was difficult for me to find references, because I still did not understand the name of the Ibuki style. I mean, it's not really a scene kid or a similar direction... As a result, some kind of mixture of different options came out. The main thing is that there are massive cool shoes, yahooo!
5) Akane. I wanted to give her a comfortable sporty style, so I was looking for something appropriate. It's pretty simple. And in her work clothes, I couldn't resist putting on high-heeled shoes for her, even though it wasn't very comfortable... But it's convenient to step on someone- okay, I'm kidding.
6) NEKOMARU NIDAI. I suffered. I suffered a lot. I don't know how to draw pumped-up men. But that's half the trouble. I had no idea what to WEAR to PUMPED-UP MEN. That's why he wears a little sporty, a little plain, something like that. But it seems to me that Nekomaru would not dress too fashionably? So whatever.
7) Mahiru. The woman is strict, demanding, restrained in style, so she dresses appropriately. I don't know what else to say.
8) The Imposter. I really wanted him to look so cozy, so that you would want to fall into his arms and feel in them that all your problems were left somewhere far away... And glasses! I don't know, I just wanted an Imposter with glasses!! Well, he's such a comfortable guy((
9) Peko. I also wanted to dress her quite strictly and restrained, like Mahiru, but with a little more... What should I call it?.. Freedom of expression? Manicure, bright shoes, unusual jacket style. Peko is no longer an instrument, but a personality, so I wanted to show exactly that she expresses herself, albeit in her usual restrained manner. Something like that.
10) Kazuichi... Um, well, did I make him homeless?? And did people like it?? I felt so guilty while I was doing his design, it's a nightmare. But in general, yes, he looks a little wild, because he lives 24/7 in a workshop on the outskirts next to an uninhabited destroyed area. From there, he drags all sorts of funny things from a landfill, so that he can make and experiment with them later. Inspired by Phoenix Wright's design from the game Apollo Justice.
11) Gundam. I wanted to make him such a modern vampire Dracula. Gundam is still on his own mind, but just much more restrained and majestic, or something. And damn long hair, I love drawing long hair for men TOO much. And yes, he has work clothes for work at the research center. He's a bit of a scientist, a bit takes care of animals.
12) Sonia. I wanted to highlight her by the fact that she looks younger than the others. I don't know if it worked out, I still have difficulties with the transfer of age in art. I don't have any clear definition of what was in my head when I created it. She's just a fashionable, well-traveled (because of work) woman in the prime of her life.
13) Fuyuhiko. He is... Yakuza... And I do not know what else to say. I was just trying to make him look like a yakuza... And he has long hair... that's it, bye.
14) Teruteru. For some reason, I aggressively wanted to give him a stereotypically French image. I don't know how it turned out or didn't work out, I don't know why I decided to do it at all, but the man looks stylish. I also couldn't stop thinking about that one character from the third Phenix Write game, who was just a stereotypical Frenchman and owned his own restaurant.
A bonus. Kageshimo (son of Gundam and Sonya) is strongly associated with the Little Prince from the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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cherrylng · 4 months
Bad Taste Fashion!? [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Be more outrageous, or be stylish! Learn the secrets of extreme fashion from the pioneers of the UK rock world
Text: Yoko Shintani
In 2009, Muse became a regular at music events. They have been lauded everywhere, from the Q Awards to BRIT, where they won the prestigious “Best Artist in the World Today” award, to being listed as one of the nominees for “Worst of the Best.” The problem was, of course, Matt Bellamy's fashion sense.
Although he narrowly missed out on the award, he was in the running for “NME Awards' Worst Dressed” along with Liam Gallagher, Ellie Jackson (La Roux), and Katy Perry (the winner was Lady Gaga). While his love of fashion is evident, both on stage and in his personal life, his taste is risqué . His taste for light, red, white, or high-contrast coordinates such as red and white or black and white, tailored jackets, uniform designs, sporty and cyber-inspired details, and thoroughly super-slim shapes……. None of these tastes are weird on their own, but when they all come together on a matte canvas, they present a strangely strong and cloying bad taste, which is a sad state of affairs. Incidentally, at the “NME” Awards ceremony, he wore a black-and-white polka-dot shirt, a silver-grey suit, and a hot black-and-white tweed coat over it. He must have really liked it since he wore the same coat to last year's “Q” Awards ceremony. However, wearing the same coat twice at an awards event is a total no-no.
However, the British rock scene, which has been led by art school graduates, has always had a taste for the kind of sleaze that makes it impossible to determine whether it is stylish or grotesque. Looking back over the past 40 years or so, it goes without saying that the 70s stand out in terms of sheer eccentricity and ferocity. With glam rock and the two stars of the scene, Marc Bolan and David Bowie, the boundaries between men and women quickly blurred, and all the rules of Western male dress were broken down, with hair and makeup becoming completely unisex. Bowie, in particular, actively collaborated with Kansai Yamamoto and other designers to create an even more out-of-this-world image by playing the fictional character “Ziggy Stardust.“ On the other hand, in Roxy Music, which was also a leading glam rock band at the time of its debut, it was not frontman Bryan Ferry but Brian Eno, who was in charge of synthesisers, who experimented with outlandish fashions.
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“Dom and Matthew at the NME Awards ceremony on 24 February 2010. While Dom is neatly dressed, Matthew wears a tweed coat with a slightly different length and broader shoulders, a half-size grey suit, and a polka-dot shirt that is out! The magnetic necklace-like chain and the Aki at the collar are also out of step with current trends. The coat seems to be his favourite, and he wears it to the Q Awards ceremony as well as when travelling to and from the Big Day Out. His hair is a bit flat, and his shoes are a bit off-putting, giving off a sense of carelessness but also a strong sense of commitment. pic: Dave Hogan / Getty Images”
He wore a kimono-like dress that would put Bowie to shame, or was adorned with feathers and lamé, and stood on stage in a manner that is hard to imagine from his recent appearance as a master producer. Speaking of unimaginable nowadays, Peter Gabriel of the Genesis era, who belonged to the progressive rock music genre, was another example. He borrowed his wife's long dress and other outlandish costumes from the neck down, but his head was particularly striking, and his “flower” costume with flower petals surrounding his face is perhaps the most famous. Other than that, he was also good at wearing alien makeup that looked like it came out of a sci-fi movie, or wearing a stuffed fox's head on his head……
Another person who should not be forgotten is Elton John. Although Elton John has come out and is now enjoying dressing up openly, at the time he was venting his repressed sexuality in a fashion that was a comical interpretation of glam. And Queen, who had a huge influence on Muse musically, reigned as the leader (!) of rock fashion in the post-glam era. The late Freddie Mercury, in particular, tried his hand at many risqué styles, such as jumpsuits, ballet tights, bare-chested and sleeveless, etc……
Later, with the rise of punk, UK rock once again became stoic, but regained its splendour in the 80s. The New Romantic & Goth era had arrived. Although the two groups have contrasting tastes in colour, with the former using extreme colours and the latter monotone, they share the same androgynous fashion orientation, with glam rock as their main source of inspiration. From Culture Club and Adam & the Ants to Siouxsie and the Banshees and Alien Sex Fiend, each eccentric artist heralded the end of the century. The visual and sonic tastes of that era are, as we all know, undergoing a major revival, with young pop stars such as Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, KE$HA, and others all looking to Bowie, Queen, and Boy George as role models. Without them, the world would be a very boring place!
Therefore, Matt's bad taste is also adorable when you look down the lineup of UK rock's most eccentric dressers. And in his case, it is his personality, the reset, the lighting, and the music that is the star on stage, not what he wears that matters so much to his fans. And yet, the discrepancy between Muse's musicality and his solid character, which lacks femininity or campness, and his glittery, watery clothing is truly bizarre, and what's more, the sparkly glitter is also extremely half-baked. The clothes show an extraordinary attention to detail, but the makeup is a complete waste of time, and the haircut is a bit careless. If you are going to do something like this, go for a Freddie-style fashion like Justin Hawkins of The Darkness, or go all out with the long hair and dreads, or paint your face like Peter Gabriel, or work with an interesting designer to provide futuristic costumes that synchronise with the stage direction, go Freaky and go for it. Then we won't be bothered by petty discussions about the worst-dressed. Or hire a competent stylist to help you find a simple suit that suits you. In the meantime, even though Freddie loved it, red-and-white coordination is too difficult and should be avoided. I'm probably not the only one who irresistibly thinks of the uniforms of the Japanese Olympic team……………….
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This is the rumoured ‘Flower Man’, Peter Gabriel's stage costume from his time with Genesis. It's funny because he was very serious about it. After leaving the band in 1975 and going solo, he became very ordinary.
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Brian Eno at the time he was in Roxy Music. His forehead was rising, but he wore a lot of make-up and wore his hair long. All of them wore flamboyant outfits with spacy decorations on their shoulders, etc.
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Sir Elton John, who now wears an ordinary suit and flashy tie, used to take the world by storm with his huge ornate glasses and flamboyant outfits. He is a drag queen in every sense of the word!
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Freddie Mercury, the king or queen of the bizarre = Queen. The familiar full-body tights costumes were originally designed by Zandra Rhodes. From kimono-style dresses with a daring take on Japanese kimonos to cross-dressing, you name it! pic : Koh Hasebe
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Adam and the Ants' Adam Ant pioneered the New Romantic movement of the 1980s and stole the hearts of girls. His unique ‘pirate fashion’, with its elaborate hair and make-up, was imitated by his fans.
Translator's Notes: I do find Matt's taste in fashion to be... quite interesting at times. But in all honesty, I'm neutral to his fashion tastes, given that I use his clothes, accessories, and even his hairstyle to pin down on the correct eras whenever I reblog Muse posts lmao
And also, Freddie's fashion is always 150% fierce AF. As for Adam Ant, him looking like a slutty pirate trying to seduce the Royal Navy to chase after him is just his default appearance since the 80s.
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Comfort at the Beach
Summary - Part 36 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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After finishing your delicious breakfast Dean takes your hand and leads you out of the restaurant. You assume he’s leading you back towards the car until he makes an unexpected turn towards the esplanade.
“Babe, the car’s back that way,” you state pointing in the direction of the Impala.
“I know. I had something else in mind…unless you wanna go back to the hotel and continue what we started earlier?”
“As tempting as that is, lead the way.” You let him guide you along the street as you each look through the glass windows at the displays. Eventually, he stops and leads you into a store filled with beachwear and accessories. You look at him shocked. “But you hate the beach?”
“But you don’t. I saw you looking out the window earlier.”
“But I’m not gonna go to the beach on my own on our honeymoon, nor am I gonna force you to be subject to the whole laundry list of complaints you gave me last time I asked to go the beach. You’ll just be annoyed and then I’ll feel guilty and the day will just suck.” You turn to lead him back out onto the street but he pulls you close to his chest instead.
“I won’t bitch about it, I promise.” Dean spots a sexy red bikini out the corner of his eye and drags you over to the display picking out your size and handing it to you. “Trust me. Just go try it on.”
“You promise? Not a word about the sand? Or the salt water? Or-”
“Anything for you, now go try that on and give me a fashion show.” He pushes you towards the dressing room as he collects towels, sunscreen, and a new pair of sunglasses for each of you.
Once dressed in the slightly skimpy bikini you suddenly feel very self-conscious. You throw the flannel back on over the top and nervously peak out of the curtain for Dean. When you don’t see him you quietly call out for him. He pops up from around the corner almost instantly with an overflowing basket.
“Alright, let’s see it,” he says encouraging you. You step out but keep your arms folded across your chest to keep the flannel shut. “Hey, it’s just me. Don’t get all shy on me now.” He places the basket on the floor and pries your hands away from your chest and slips the flannel off your shoulders. His eyes glance over your body as he makes you spin for him. “Can’t believe I got such a sexy wife.” Sensing your unabating discomfort he pulls a light red, floral kimono from a nearby mannequin and slides it over your shoulders. “Better?”
You pull it closed in front for more coverage and nod. He kisses your cheek and pulls you close. “You’re never this shy in bed.”
“It’s different. It’s dark and you’re the only one there.”
“If anyone else tries to check you out or touch you they’re dead. This,” he gestures at your body, “is all for me.”
“Alright, Mr. Big Talk, your turn.” You venture into the men’s section a pick out a pair of simple black boardshorts.
“Sweetheart, you know I don’t do shorts.”
“Actually, I know for a fact you do.” You push them into his hands and lead him back towards the dressing room. “I’ve seen you cleaning Baby. Not to mention we share a room…I’ve seen your collection of short shorts in your drawer.” You push him into the dressing room and close the curtain. While you wait for him you pick out a pair of slip-on sandals.
“Nope. No. Nope. I don’t do shorts.” Dean complains from behind the curtain.
“You promised. No complaints. Now get out here.”
Dean awkwardly emerges while pulling at the bottom of the swim shorts which fall just above his knees. You walk around him, checking him out. The shorts fit perfectly, moulding to the shape of his sexy ass. You nod in approval, “Perfect. But you are losing at least a few of these top layers when we get on the sand,” you say tugging at the collar of his jacket.
“Can we just pay and get out of here already? And stop objectifying me while you’re at it.”
You roll your eyes and head for the checkout.
As you walk outside you slip on the knockoff Ray Bans Dean picked out for you. You stop by the Impala to drop off your clothes and boots before making your way onto the warm, golden sand. Once you find a secluded space Dean spreads out the towels on the sand. You each sit down on them as you start applying sunscreen to your face and arms. Watching you, Dean pulls out his phone and holds it up to get a sneaky photo but you turn at the last second and catch him. You smile nervously, not the biggest fan of photos, and he snaps it quickly before tossing his phone down beside him and reaching for the sunscreen and gesturing for you to turn around. He gently slides down the kimono to massage the cream into the skin on your neck and back, his fingers skiming under the straps of the bikini ensuring full coverage. As he finishes, he pecks just behind your ear and you lean back against him. He squirts on a little more cream and starts massaging it over your exposed chest and stomach. His hands linger on your stomach, his mind momentarily wandering back to the time when he was imagining it growing with your child.
Feeling his hands you know exactly where his mind’s at. Not wanting to fall down that rabbit hole with him you put your hands over his and sit up. “It’s your turn.” You lift his shirt off his torso and start massaging the suncream into his skin, feeling him relax under your touch.
“So far this isn’t so bad. You didn’t emphasize how much touching came along with a beach vacation.”
“There was never this much touching in any of the beach trips I went on with my family. We all just managed our own sun safety. My brother never would have wanted to touch me, nor would I want him to.”
“So, you had beach days often as a kid then?”
“Every summer my parents would rent out a beach house in L.A. Except for that last one when my brother insisted we go camping instead…I complained so much, I hated it, but my mom promised me that we’d still get to go to the beach for a week after we came back from camping. Of course that never happened ‘cause well, you know the rest…”
Your hands stop rubbing in the cream and he pulls you into his lap. “I’m sorry. So the beach..you feel-”
“Close to them. It’s the last happy memory I have of my family. It’s been years though. I’m okay.”
“I lost my mom when I was four, I’ve had my whole life to process it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. I wish I had known that’s why you wanted to come, I would’ve brought you here sooner.”
“After all your complaints it hardly seemed worth it, and then I also knew you’d just feel guilty for complaining. And I know you’re probably feeling that now, but that’s not why I told you. I just don’t want secrets from you, not that this was ever a secret per se, it’s just hard to talk about.”
He holds you close to his chest and kisses your head. You take a few moments to compose yourself and accept Dean’s comfort. Then you pull back slightly to look up at his face. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna go for a swim, clear my head.” He nods and starts to stand up with you. “You don’t have to come, it’s enough you brought me this far.” You lean down and kiss him as he sits back down. He watches as you descend towards the water.
You wade through the cool, salty water until it’s just past your waist and then splash some water on your face. After wiping your face you glance back up the beach at Dean. You can’t tell if he’s watching you through his dark shades but you smile at him anyway. The water provides you a comfort you didn’t know you needed. You turn around to go deeper where you can dive a little, when you come back up a little where you can stand comfortably you feel arms wrap around your waist. You scream out of shock as you quickly wipe your face and claw at the hands.
“Sorry, sorry, it’s just me.” Dean spins you around in his arms just keeping a light grip on your waist. Feeling a sting under the water he pulls his right hand up to inspect the scratches. “I guess I really should know better than to sneak up on a hunter.”
“Sorry,” you say as you bring his hand up to your lips kissing the scratch.
“You always were feisty, it’s one of the things that made me attracted to you in the first place.”
“I generally know your touch, it’s just a little disorienting under the water, I was in my head a little.”
He puts his hand back on your waist, pulls you close and kisses you softly. “I was thinking, since we just splurged on all this, whenever we catch a case near a beach we’ll take an extra day, or we can just make the drive. You seem so relaxed and happy here, it’s a good look on you, I wanna see it more often.”
“I like the sound of that. I was also thinking…how about tonight we do something that’s more typically us? Let’s go to a bar, get some drinks, hustle some pool, maybe earn back some of the money we’ve spent?”
“You sure?”
“You gave me today, here, despite your aversions to the place. I just want to return the favour.”
“I can think of other ways you can do just that…but I’ll take a night at the bar with you, some darts and some pool.”
You both move along with the waves closer to the shore. A cool breeze blows past you causing you to shiver. “How about we pick up some takeout, head back to the hotel, share a hot shower to clean off all this salt and sand, and then cuddle up for the rest of the afternoon?” You ask.
“That sounds perfect,” he replies before kissing you and walking back up to shore with you. He shakes the sand off your towel and then wraps it around your shoulders before shaking out his own and drying himself off. Slightly drier, he pulls his t-shirt on and then holds out your kimono so you can slip it on for a little extra warmth and modesty. You walk back to the Impala together and Dean tosses all the stuff on the backseat and then joins you in the front before driving back to the hotel.
After sharing a hot shower and changing into comfortable clothes you and Dean find yourself snuggling up in bed watching some reruns of Dr. Sexy. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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coralpaperthoughts · 7 months
My rendition of Adrien with the dog miraculous
Warning: I have the artist skills of a fermented potato, these are just quick sketches in the eyes of an artist (even if it took me like 3 hours to get it presentable)
But this is what I imagine Adrien with the dog miraculous to look like !!
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yeah it's not that good of a drawing, but you guys get the general idea right ???
I took inspo from Shiba Inus for the mask and general look (because Shibas are Japanese and yk Adrien is an anime fanboy, he probably spends his very little free time looking into the Japanese culture + the jacket he's wearing I just drew free handed but then I realised it sorta looks like men's kimonos, even though it's sorta cropped, and I'm content with that image)
idk what material of the jacket is, just that's the shape and size - maybe leather ?
for the eyes, I went with Barrki's eye colour just because I can and I wanted to - also I wanted to make them look bigger than Chat Noir's are coz puppy dog eyes :)
I've talked about the dog miraculous having a baton instead of a ball before here and I've kept it the same style as Chat Noir's baton, just refurbished it to suit his new style
he's still got the Chat Noir hair and his boots are either thigh high combat boots, same style as the lil image I put there, in that brown or the bottom part is the beige/yellow colour, to imitate how Shiba Inus have lighter feet than the rest of their legs
oh and his collar has his lil paw print on it :)
and also I took inspo for the colour scheme from Flairmidable (as in I eyedropper'd the colours from it)
I've been throwing around the words marron (french for brown), brun (another french word for brown), both shiba and inu (inu is Japanese for dogs, can't remember what Shiba means) and canine which is... English for dog 💀
maybe I'll go with brun inu so his initials are bi ;)
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cebwrites · 3 days
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oc x canon word count: 0.3k
Wearing the kimono of an onsen resort they're staying at to relax, Tae ends up running to his "husband", Yamato, in tears and burying his face in his senpai's shoulder.
Entirely taken aback at first, Yamato quickly falls into step when Tae whispers into his ear that they're both being watched and need an alibi, so play along and hold him for a minute or two. Once he's sure the enemy-nin have withdrawn, Tae leans back and breathes a sigh of relief.
It's unfortunate that Gai chooses now of all the times to barge in unannounced, while Yamato has one half of his kimono down and Tae's yet to move from where he straddled his senpai's lap. He apologized and closed the door faster than either could properly react.
After the commotion's - Gai, Aoba, and Naruto gossiping like high school girls - died down a little and the two of them have another proper moment to themselves, Tae says that strategy probably wouldn't work a second time; since he's taller than senpai and it'd be harder to believe he was his wife at a second glance.
Long after ghost ships, horrible mushrooms, clone mutiny, and laughable imposters are far, far behind them - when the two men have had a little more time to get to know each other better, Yamato brings up their little conversation again in passing.
How, sure, the whole "wife" angle probably wouldn't work again. But admitting with an averted gaze that he'd much prefer Taeru as his husband anyway. And that it was only right since they were both men.
Tae's expression remained unchanged as always, but Yamato knew better than most the way his tired eyes softened ever so slightly for him. Always just for him. Plus, the way his hands crept underneath the sides of Tenzou's flak jacket effortlessly conveyed more than he could put into words, and faster.
They kissed, uninterrupted this time under the pale moonlight, but across the village it felt like half the street shook with the force of Gai's sneeze.
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furious-rogue-stuff · 4 months
A Feral Interlude, Chapter 13: Epilogue
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Pairing: Victor Creed x Isabela Montecristo | Sabertooth x Vipress
Disclaimer: This series will have canon-accurate and heightened levels of violence, adult themes, slight dub-con/non-con overtones and undertones, descriptions of bloody gore and sadism, and graphic descriptions of sex. *Post-Origins movieverse.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
Word count: 3,500+
Series Summary: Victor Creed's reputation as the Sabertooth proceeds him. He clashes with a mysterious feral woman, an enigma and anomaly to everything he knows. What began as a hunt becomes a dance between like-minded predators.
🚨Warning: Explicit sex, adult situations, implied rape, graphic imagery, feral power play, slight dub-con/non-con overtones and undertones, descriptions of bloody gore and sadism, and a pinch of angst. I do not own any aspect or character of the Marvel Universe nor elements of the X-Men Origins movieverse.
A Feral Interlude Masterlist
A Feral Interlude, Chapter 13: Epilogue
He walked the feudal streets of the former imperial capital, guardedly watching the sights of people celebrating their ancestral festival with joy and excitement. Colorful lanterns decorated shrines and the ringing of bells chimed in echoes all around with the laughter and cheers of crowds. The feral wandered with no destination in mind, as had become his custom since he'd woken up with no memory of who or what he was.
Idly fingering his dog tags tucked under his shirt, Logan strolled down towards one of the biggest shrines in Kyoto on the other side of a vibrantly red bridge. The group of Japanese locals that bustled opposite him across the bridge paid him no attention as they discussed their plans and pointed out the lovely lotus lanterns that floated down river and under the bridge. Sniffing the air, Logan sifted the smell of snow that would come before nightfall as he crossed over to the shrine.
The subtle yet entrancing beauty of the Shinto shrine had attracted him since the first day he'd arrived in Kyoto. Across from the shrine he spotted a procession of beautiful geisha in their dazzling silks and alabaster faces with bright rouged lips. He stood off to the side under one of the shrine's torii, absently making sure not to lean against the gate as he shoved his hands into his leather jacket's pockets and watched the slow procession near. His gaze wandered from one lovely geisha up to the parasol of another before wandering over the procession and across at the stoic beauty of the surroundings.
She stood out to him immediately. Eyes like polished jade with a hint of gold in the middle; stark in their brilliance and focused alluringly on him.
Wearing a traditional kimono, she stood out from the surroundings. Not a geisha—her countenance wasn't painted with the white base mask of traditional geisha—but not a tourist either. His interest was piqued by her, but the long procession made it difficult for him to make his way towards the grove she was strolling by.
The sound of rambunctious children running by distracted him as he narrowly maneuvered out of the way from having the rowdy kids bump into him as they rushed towards the shrine. When he looked back at the spot she was in, she was gone. In an even pace, he strode around the procession and cut through a group of monks—apologizing curtly as he did so—and followed in the general direction the mysterious woman had been strolling in. Winding down a stone path that led back to the narrow streets of the imperial city, Logan wandered into the heavy foot traffic and looked around and over the throngs when he spotted a flash of her retreating kimono as it passed out of sight down a busy avenue. He followed, picking up the pace of his stride as he turned the corner.
He halted, perplexed to not see the mysterious woman anywhere and confused by the sudden scent that tickled his nose as a rickshaw passed him on the street. Turning, he missed catching sight of the rickshaw's passenger, but was instead left buzzing from a heady and raw perfume that was left in its wake—tantalizingly wild. Logan tried to sift the significance of such a tempting scent, but shook off the curiosity and muttered to himself, "It ain't a memory, bub. Just a nice-smelling geisha…"
Riding in the rickshaw, Isabela felt her pulse slow again. She hadn't been so close to another feral in what felt like ages now, let alone the very feral brother of her former lover. She hadn't expected to be lured by the gravitating scent that she'd caught in the breeze on her walk through the festival. She loved Japan and always held a fondness for the imperial capital. Kyoto had managed to remain as pristine as it had been at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. The majesty of the city and all of its sites had lured her out into the crowds. She'd first caught his scent when the brooding feral was strolling through Maruyama Park and gazing up at the slumbering weeping cherry blossom tree. At first, she'd been confused by the familiarity of the scent and the unfamiliarity of the subject, until she'd seen him give a small smirk after he reached for a lonely pale pink blossom that was already in wilt and pressed it into his jacket pocket. The irreverent quirk of his boyish lips and the mirth that crinkled the corners of his eyes were very familiar and singularly reminiscent of Victor when he was devoid of any mischief or sadism; when amusement would curl genuinely free from the wickedness he wore like chainmail. Smiling, she was sure that the man had been the fabled Jimmy. His scent resembled Victor's, but unlike the feline feral, he had a softness in his brown eyes that disarmed her when they fell on her. He had looked young and bemused, struck by her, as if he'd never seen another feral before. It had stuck with her.
Musingly, she decided she would return to Tokyo before schedule. She suddenly felt ruffled by the proximity of another like her. It had made her yearn for contact—to share her true self with a being like her, especially one so close to the last person she'd tangled herself emotionally and physically with. Most of all, she'd been tempted to engage him and share her knowledge with him—about her and his brother. But the look in his eyes told her she and everyone in the world were strangers to him…it had unnerved her.
The animal wasn't pleased and whispered for her to remain as she's been: supreme and alone so as to avoid further entanglements of the mortal coil. Her intrigue curbed, she instructed the rickshaw man to take her to the train station. It was time she busy herself, and she knew Japan would keep her busy for quite a while thanks to its booming economy and rising global participation. Nothing better for a heavy heart than to toil at what one does best…
It wasn't the Gobi desert, but he was sure if he stayed long under the blistering heat he definitely could go mad. He remembered a few times in Vietnam where he would be so overheated he would forget what he was doing—feel caged and need to lash out to gain his bearings. Wait, why am I even thinking of the Gobi-fucking-desert?
He tossed his head, rubbing the sweat out of his eyes as he leaned back on the tree branch and looked up at the rays of sun blazing through the canopy of trees all around him. He was high off the ground, balanced like a lounging big game cat. He'd radioed in for pickup over an hour ago, but that wasn't what he was worried about. Digging his claws into the tree bark, Victor brooded, eyes hooded and faraway as he tried to focus his thoughts. His mind flashed to Isabela sitting across from him, looking alluringly seductive as she smiled at him from behind a wine glass. Oh yeah…goddammit. 
Victor had lost track of how long it have been since rapture had fizzled out of his system, but every once in a while his mind would betray him with an errant memory or silly reminder of Vipress. His viper. Isabela Montecristo had sent a shock to his system, or at least that's what he told himself whenever he needed to get his mind off of her. Lately it hadn't taken that much effort, not with work keeping him occupied. Said work had taken him to most corners of the third world, including his current position. He liked government work. The perks were just as good as he remembered and the hassle was never his problem.
Having his bloodlust met and getting paid for it had alleviated some of his rancor and pent up impulsivity, leaving him to only brood over her. He had made it so he wouldn't have much time with his thoughts, and he liked it that way, until moments like this when all he had to do was think.
The murmur of a helicopter in the distance was a reprieve to his rising thoughts—his desires that left him angry and scornful and brashly strategizing his next move in recovering what was his. He needed time to distance himself from yet another blow to his ego…from yet another loss that he ultimately considered his fault.
With a growl, he stood up on the branch and began to climb his way up to the top of the tree, reaching the blazing sunlight beyond just as the helicopter came into his eye line from across the horizon.
"An offer you can't refuse."
He both loved and hated that line now. Yeah, damn straight. Dan Dresner thought to himself as he gazed at the holographic archive that spun before him like a god come down from the heavens. It was all just so…beautiful. And he'd been involved—hell, he'd poured his mind and soul into it!
He didn't know where he was, who these people really were, or what side they were truly on, but he knew this could be used for both good and evil. The archive was unlike anything ever put together before. For once he felt a part of something revolutionary. Unlike his work for Stryker, his ability was used for knowledge's sake…for now anyway. He wasn't naïve. He knew that if Fury was just another Stryker—that all his work would go to mobilize destruction, human and mutant alike…but he didn't believe Fury was like Stryker.
Dan couldn't say he knew the man, but he knew what he'd read from him: Nick Fury was a man who loved his country and would do anything to defend it, short of the atrocities committed by evil men he'd fought against his whole military career. As far as Dan was concerned, he was doing good work, and was no longer ashamed or taking his powers for granted.
"Archeion, access mutant database. Codename: Archive," he instructed.
"Archive not registered, sir. Would you like to register?" The feminine-voiced computer asked.
"Yes," he responded, stepping into the middle of the hologram just as two electrodes descended from the central pedestal's ceiling console to attach to his temples. "Commence."
He closed his eyes and began to load into the computer all his self-knowledge about his mutant persona: Archive. Dan wasn't going to be a coward; he was committed to the whole process, good and bad of it. If it meant that he was now part of some list, so be it. There was no turning back, and for once, he wasn't scared of having to move forward into the uncertain future.
Highlights of the Iranian Revolution played out on the screen mounted on the wall, the sound muted. The rest of the modern penthouse was sterile and utilitarian save for the dazzling view of Tokyo behind the plush couch she was lounging on as she watched the television. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini rallied the crowds as the new Supreme Leader, and Isabela couldn't help muse ambivalently on how close she had played a part in any of it. It seemed to her that no matter how much she strove to remain distant from the mainstream world, she always found herself ensnared in sequences of events that would shape the present and future of a society. It was all too close for comfort.
Standing, she turned her back on the inset television that took up most of the wall and set her attention on the amazing view from her penthouse window.
It was yet another tower, separated from all the buildings around her, but unlike her place in NYC, it was much colder and severe. The style suited her lately, uncluttered and serene, albeit post-modern. After leaving Kyoto, she'd spent weeks on end staring out the window, just as she was now, wondering about her place in the world. Her beliefs had been shaken, undermined by the whirlwind she'd been swept up in, and all she could do was reflect on it all from the detached objectivity afforded to her by the beast within.
The viper…the animal inside of her had always been there to guide her. It would always be there for her, and during times of great soul searching, it was there to remind her: You are lethal. You are vicious. You are mighty. And you are me. We are indestructible and unattainable. 
This time, she wavered. Looking at her reflection in the glass, she stared into her preternatural gaze and thought that she was not alone. There were other animals like her out there, just as indestructible and fierce as she, but not as unrelentingly detached from the world. She had already crossed paths with one, and there were times when Victor weighed on her mind so persistently that she wondered if it wasn't time for her to rethink her path.
You'll cross paths again. If you choose to be his then…we will be his. 
The primordial whisper assured her, and she retreated to it, glad to be fortified by the gesture and soothed in the irrevocable acceptance of fate being what she would make. Isabela looked down on the world below, hope blossoming within her for the new decade before her and the absence of guilt she felt from the one past her.
He much preferred subzero temperatures to sub-Saharan heat any day. The only problem with the cold climate was that blood would ice over and crystallize under his claws, which made them ache if he didn't pick them clean. Otherwise, the cold always gave him some sick form of comfort.
Victor made his way through the knee-deep snow, unfazed by the wind that whipped around him and obscured the landscape ahead. He was deep in the Northwest Territories, probably closer to the border of Yukon by now. The solitude of the almost polar landscape was an excellent place for his next rendezvous. Even with the modern conveniences of snowmobiles, most humans couldn't navigate the terrain. It was cruel and hostile—just like him.
Smirking, he scraped some of the frost that was collected along the fur of his jaw and made his way over an incline that camouflaged the secret base. He effortlessly trekked down to the unsecured series of structures, sniffing the air for any signs of vehicle exhaust. Looking east, he spotted the hangar and headed in route to it. Pushing the heavy side door open, Victor kicked the door closed after him, sealing the snow and howling wind outside as he loped over to the man sitting on the steps of the armored military helicopter. Which military? Victor didn't know and didn't care.
"What part of 'I'm on vacation' dontcha understand, huh, Hudson?" Victor groused acerbically as he approached the man, who was busying himself by lighting the cigarette dangling on his lip.
"The part where you come here for some R & R. Figured you were more bored than needing to relax," Hudson responded, inhaling deep and letting the puff of smoke exhale in a cloud from his nostrils. "Just cuz I said there were no supervisors doesn't mean yer not supposed to check in, Creed. And by the way, since when did you get into wearing fur? Kind of a weird look on yah, buddy," he straight-faced joked as he puffed away on his cigarette.
Dusting the melting snow off of his fur-lined trenchcoat, Victor snorted, "This ain't your mother's furs, asshole. 'Only wear what I kill, and this grizzly sure put up a fight; couldn't let the pelt go to waste." The other man whistled in response. "You didn't come here to give me shit about my fashion sense. What do yah want?" Victor muttered and gave him a calculating look that told the other man he hadn't trekked so far for low-rent shit.
Tucking the cigarette between his fingers, Hudson grabbed a folder that was sitting on the top step of the helicopter before tossing it to Victor. "Yah probably heard about this during your tenure with Striker." When Victor tilted his head in that dangerous way, Hudson quickly added, "A tenure we will never discuss, I remember."
Eyeing him sharply before pulling the form out of the file, Victor grunted and skimmed the old CIA form. His eyes lingered over a codename and he looked over at Hudson before looking at the name again, shoving the form back into the file and tossing it back at him. "Yeah, I heard about it, and I ain't interested," he stated with irrevocable steel in his tone.
"Yah sure?" the man said coolly as he stubbed out his cigarette on the side of the stairs.
"You guys can't afford me for this job. I'd charge double if I was interested, and I'm not interested," Victor remarked, his thumbnails idly flicking his other nails in succession, pinky to forefinger and visa versa. It was a telltale sign that he was impatient.
Hudson read the gesture and stood. "Alright. Not gunna lie, I was hoping you'd take it. Yer the only guy I could think of with the balls to go after him—"
"You fuckin' suck at flattery, Hudson, so can it. And do me a favor—don't fucking patronize me again," he let the deadly edge of his tone weigh the air before continuing, "Don't think just cuz I'll kill my own kind for money that I'm gonna help your kind tip the scales back in your collective favor."
"Figured you for a non-political kind of mutant, Creed, wouldn't peg you for a Homo-Superior—"
"So you pegged me for a self-loathing mutant bastard who'd wanna off a guy who thinks mutants are superior to humans? Last time I checked, you don't get paid to figure or peg—you get paid to hand out missions and get the fuck out of the way of the masters. And this fuckin' master is sayin' he's gonna pass on this…understood?" Victor snarled hostilely, watching as the other man shrugged and put his hands up in surrender of the argument.
"Got it, Creed. Sorry I disturbed your vay-kay. Just do me a favor: when yer done with the uninhabitable solitude, give me a call. I'll have something lined up for yah…" Hudson stated and with that, gave Victor a backwards wave as he turned and walked up the steps into the state of the art helicopter.
Victor watched the steps recede and the helicopter seal shut just as the roof of the hangar split and opened upwards. The advanced aircraft ascended into the howling elements, leaving the feral to huff and turn back towards the way he came. By the time he was stalking up the incline the helicopter was humming out of sight. Sprinting through the treeline, Victor prowled on all fours and galloped the rest of the way back to his hideout.
He had to admit, for the Sabertooth to be considered capable enough to be asked to take out Erik Lensherr was testament to how he'd come up in the world. Sure, he didn't take the job, but it meant he wasn't a lowly mercenary; he wasn't a guy you'd call to take out third world garbage anymore. More importantly, he was a man with options, someone to be up-sold and feared.
A smirk tugged on his boyish lips as he stared into the fire of his rustic hearth. It was a new decade, and a new day for Victor Creed. All the things—her—that he'd been longing for were pushed to the background in his mind. His solitary spirit was fortified and his pride swelled from the thought that he was at a place he'd always wanted to be: free, unburdened by guilt, and powerful in his own right. When it came down to it, he was the king of his mountain, and he liked his odds at staying on top. Most importantly, he was genuinely proud for the first time since he and Jimmy embraced their natures and formed their brotherhood close to a hundred years before.
The animal and the man were in true harmony…and nothing would change or stand in the way of that now.
The End.
Thanks for reading! Please consider leaving a comment and sharing your feedback. I would be eternally grateful.
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infinitycutter · 1 year
John Duka for the NYT, Oct. 23 1983
Yohji Yamamoto may stand barely five feet tall, but his effect on world fashion in the last two years has been enormous. Many people at the recent Paris showings said he is the best of the new Japanese designers - a distinguished group that includes Rei Kawakubo for Comme des Garçons, Issey Miyake and Kansai Yamamoto (no relation). Some say he is the best anywhere. His fans use his first name when they discuss his clothes, a sure sign that a designer has arrived. Fashion experts and retailers are often inclined to exaggerate, but Mr. Yamamoto's influence is hard to dispute.
''When I started designing clothes 12 years ago, I knew there were two ways,'' Mr. Yamamoto, who is 40 years old, said in an interview. ''The first is to work with formal, classical shapes. The other way is to be very casual. That's what I decided on, but I wanted a new kind of casual sportswear that could have the same status as formal clothing. So I use fabrics that are heavy-duty, like army fabrics, or just look heavy-duty, to give the kimono shape a new energy.'' He spoke in English as he sat in his spare white and black showroom near the Les Halles district of Paris. The room, cavernous and brightly lighted, was filled with buyers, trying clothes on from his spring collection.
Loosening the Silhouette
What Mr. Yamamoto and the other Japanese designers have accomplished is a general loosening of the female silhouette. This they have done with large, loose-fitting garments, such as jackets with no traditional construction and a minimum of detail or buttons; dresses that often have a straight, simple shape, and large coats with sweepingly oversized proportions. In general, there is a generosity of proportion and size, often with the kimono as a starting point of design, and fabrics that range from fresh cottons to robust linens to heavy wools. All of this came at a time when women's clothes by most traditional designers were moving in the opposite direction, toward a snugger fit and formality.
For fall, one of Mr. Yamamoto's most successful coats is made of a pressed wool in mustard and brown that has the look of great weight but is as light as a raincoat and has no definable shape, except perhaps a generic coat shape. Worn with simple Western day clothes, a pair of black trousers, a black shirt and black heels, it is one of the chicquer designs this season. Moreover, it can be worn during the day or at night.
It is also a good example of the flexibility of Mr. Yamamoto's clothes because it shows that they work best when they are mixed with Western clothing. When the new clothing from Japan is worn on the street in exactly the same way it is shown on the runway, the result often becomes a shapeless heap of fabric. Mr. Yamamoto is aware of that problem.
''I've become very nervous myself about the volume of the Japanese clothing and the kimono shape, so loose and oversized,'' he said. ''If you go too far with a kimono, the final conclusion is just fabric. That is not fashion. The kimono is easy to copy but difficult to make work. It must be done in a technical way, or it becomes sloppy, too big and too baggy. That is why my new collection has shapes that are narrower. I wrapped the body very tight.''
Mr. Yamamoto also continues to break new ground with his men's clothes. His men's spring collection, for example, has sports jackets, in navy or black, that are loose-fitting, with generous, rounded shoulders and gored backs. They are made of 90 percent cotton and 10 percent polyurethane and, as a result, have the stretch of running clothes. There are ankle- length classic trench coats, in tan or black cottons, with shoulders extended by tailoring, not padding. The trousers, some with elastic waists, are loose-fitting. And there are black cotton pullover shirts with zip collars. What strikes one about Mr. Yamamoto's men's clothes is that they would work as well on women.
Men's Shirts, Women's Skirts
A number of women have, in fact, been buying Mr. Yamamoto's men's clothes in New York at the Charivari Workshop, Columbus Avenue at West 81st Street. According to Jon Weiser, who will be adding a 1,900-square-foot Yohji Yamamoto boutique to his next Charivari store, scheduled to open this fall on West 57th Street, women shop the Yamamoto line in his store by moving back and forth between the men's and women's sections, mixing men's shirts with women's skirts.
''I think that my men's clothes look as good on women as my women's clothing,'' said Mr. Yamamoto. ''And more and more women are buying my men's clothes. It's happening everywhere, and not just with my clothes. Men's clothing is more pure in design. It's more simple and has no decoration. Women want that. When I started designing, I wanted to make men's clothes for women. But there were no buyers for it. Now there are. I always wonder who decided that there should be a difference in the clothes of men and women. Perhaps men decided this.''
In the United States and Europe, Mr. Yamamoto's clothing is bought primarily by professionals, largely because of its cost. A blazer usually sells for around $500. But in Japan his biggest fans are students.
''I am designing for my generation,'' he said, ''but in Japan people are very much seeking the old way of life again. Sexual differentiation in clothing is more important. My major customers there are still the unversity students. My generation isn't ready for me yet. They think Yohji is not fashionable enough for them. They will see.''
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Higanbana-Hime Profile
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Here is the profile for the project I'm working on that is an original idea! Please be kind!
-Name: Princess Hayate Nadeshiko (last, first; Hayate means ‘hurricane’ and Nadeshiko means ‘carnation’; given the western way, name means ‘carnation hurricane’)
-Alias: Higanbana-hime (‘red spider lily princess’)
-Born late winter 1894, died early summer 1912; 18 years old when she died
-Looks: picture 1 above; waist length pure black hair, light brown eyes that look red in certain lighting; pale skin, very beautiful, petite build, 5’3, thin but toned, 32B cup size
-Personality: despite being such a legendary and fearsome warrior, she is actually quite soft-spoken and shy around others, preferring to listen rather than speak but when she does speak, people listen; is easy going so she’s easy to get along with, not selfish or spoiled like many would think a princess to be like, always willing to help others, but can get pouty when someone disrespects her or others, wanting an apology; wise, level-headed, very hard to upset but is rumored to be quite scary when mad; has an air of elegance around her but also has a strong fighting spirit, so those who are warriors themselves can tell she is strong; has a strong sense of right and wrong and her instincts are second to none when judging others
-Clothes: picture 2 above are her normal clothes, red hakama pants with black floral hakama kimono, with white tabi socks paired with her black lacquered okobo in picture 3, that she was raised on and wore all her life and is able to dead sprint, climb walls, and fight in them with ease (like wearing high heels); picture 4 is a haori kimono jacket that reaches her knees
-Weapon: picture 5, a traditional red Japanese umbrella made of silk, bamboo, and steel rods, making it heavy but she is accustomed to the weight and can use it to smack others if needed and it’s completely waterproof; the umbrella part is removable from the pole part, which is a hidden scabbard to a katana, so she can fight unhindered if need be; trained since she was a young child in judo, for self-defense, and with a katana, training hard to become a master swordswoman in Iai (the art of quickly drawing the blade, striking, then sheathing in one fluid motion)
-Past: only child of a kind warrior lord who always was fair and just, who insisted she trained her body in both martial arts and with a sword, both for self-defensive purposes; when she was 14, a cruel warlord who had been storming Japan, slaughtered her parents in front of her before demanding that she marry him, due to her beauty; she refused and attacked, managing to slice his right arm off at the shoulder, before running away, becoming a ronin onna-musha (wandering warrior woman), constantly hunted by that cruel lord as well as other lords, wanted for her otherworldly beauty; however, with her skills and strengths the gained over the years, none could defeat her and declared she would only marry the one who would defeat her in combat; when she was 15 she saved a young lord and his wife, who were both very kind and honorable and she swore loyalty to them, and to thank her for saving them, they gifted her with her Higanbana haori, which in turn gave her the namesake, Higanbana-hime; became an icon for women after she started going around and saving women and daughters from abusive husbands and fathers, delivering swift justice and became a legendary icon to women, but men saw her more as a vengeful spirit as rumors spread about a beautiful maiden in a red and black floral hakama kimono with a haori with spider lilies, or Higanbana, on it; died in the summer of her 18th year, when a cruel lord tried to take over the city she lived in, serving her lord and lady as a warrior, she died protecting a child from the blade of that cruel man, who was then almost instantly overpowered and killed by the people of her city and the remainder of his army fled; she was buried with full honors, honored as a hero and an icon and due to this, she was able to transcend to Valhalla
-Likes: relaxing under her kotatsu, eating zenzai (red bean soup with mochi), oyakodon (egg and chicken rice bowl), marshmallows (in small amounts), souffle cheesecake, drinking black tea, playing the shamisen, long walks in nice weather, rainy days, practicing with her sword  
-Dislikes: bitter food, natto, green tea, anything to do with peppermint, anything spooky (like haunted houses or ghost stories), insects (except for ladybugs and butterflies) spiders, and thunderstorms
For the first photo I used a dress up game on Doll Divine; link is below.
Mega Anime Couple Creator ~ dress up game (dolldivine.com)
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eorzeashan · 1 year
got pissed today unable to find nice clothes on swtor so! it's time for more Eight/Echani clothing hcs and a little fashion lesson!
As an echani duelist, I liked the idea that warriors and commoners wear the same everyday outfit with different additions, so of course I had to default to what is worn in kendo/iaido/most japanese martial arts: the gi and hakama. Besides being known as a uniform, it was worn everyday in the Edo period by everyone-- if you were more formal, you would wear more layers over it like the Haori (outer jacket).
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The skirt here is the hakama, with 7 pleats that are said to represent the foundation of bushido, or the warrior code. For lorebuilding purposes, and since it aligns neatly with the 10 echani martial art tiers, we can say echani hakama have 10 pleats instead. As for what word we'd call hakama in star wars/swtor...well, let's think of that later. Besides being a comfy piece of legwear, it connects your upper half with your lower with its built in belts and is the place where one puts their scabbard through. Contrary to star wars, swords do not just clip onto any belt and hang vertically down.
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The naga juban here is the cotton undershirt worn beneath your kimono to wick your sweat and keep it clean; depending on the martial art, some wear it by itself, and some wear it beneath a gi. As shown in the picture, it is worn regularly with fashion as well. Something to note is that men wear hakama lower on their waist than women, who wear hakama much closer to their chest just like their obi.
As the Echani are matriarchal, I imagine the popular style would be reversed, or that one can choose how to wear their hakama based on gender presentation. For Eight, he would wear it a little higher up to show he retains the femininity of his teachers as an act of respect.
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This is a very basic way of tying hakama, women's style: since the side slits here are long, this is a priestess' garb.
Now we come back to the question of adapting this to SWTOR and having a more "sci-fi" feel: while there are countless robes and ways to wear hakama-haori in real life history and SW itself, perhaps for Eight it would be something like a juban woven out of sheer synth-material with a plastic-y shine to it that goes over the top of his revealing bodysuit undergarments and protects from the rain like those clear ponchos, while the hakama is made out of whatever signature black cloth sith lords seem to favor with sharper pleats for an Imperial feel. Hakama in the Taisho period were mixed with military uniform in wartime, so standard military boots won't feel out of place for Eight's as well. Maybe the sheer synth-material juban even turns clear only when hit with moisture as a way of spreading it evenly...
Alas, admin's ideas are impossible to draw, and slightly finicky to describe.
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drengar · 8 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Yoshiharu Shida
► TITLE(S): Lady of Balla Dubh, Shogun
► AGE: 32
► SPECIES: Half Eastern Dragon / Half Wester Dragon
► SEX: Female
► NATIONALITY: Japanese / Scottish
► INTERESTS: Usually Shida claims that she doesn't have much free time for hobbies. But she does enjoy some more relaxing things like crocheting. She also enjoys caring for animals and has her own animal sanctuary where she helps rehabilitate injured animals. She owns a griffon and hippogryph that live at her sanctuary too.
► PROFESSION: Varies depending on verse. But in main verse she is a Lady so she owns land and oversees that it is taken care of along with it's citizens. She also works as a spymaster for her family.
► BODY TYPE: Slender with defined muscles along her stomach and a few places on her arms and legs.
► EYES: Violet
► HAIR/SCALES: Black, short on one side with the other being longer and gradually reaching her jawline. In dragon form, she has black scales, fur, and feathers.
► SKIN: Pale and healthy complexion
► FACE: Live action: Ueto Aya ; Animated: Maki Midorikawa
► POSTURE: Healthy
► HEIGHT: 5'2''
► VOICE: Ueto Aya
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: In main verse it depends on what she needs to do during the day. If she needs to be active then she tends to wear a kimono or a men's suit, something typical of the Victorian era. If she's staying at home then she will wear dresses. In modern verses, she usually wears leather jackets, tank tops, and jeans with boots.
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eventually marries an oni if she follows her main verse canon.
► COMPANIONS: Ren (her oni bodyguard), Hiro (younger twin brother), then her cousins
► STRENGTHS: Her stubbornness is actually a strength. Shida will not let something go until she is certain that it's resolved correctly. Be it an issue that was brought to her attention or making sure a family member is being taken care of. She will go to great lengths to sure the problem is resolved to her high standards.
► WEAKNESSES: Her family is a very big weakness of hers. She will sacrifice everything to make sure they are happy and protected. It doesn't matter if it's her brother or cousins, even if she can be at odds with Ciar from time to time. Because of this, it's easy for anyone to take advantage of her once they figure this out. The only saving grace is Shida is a private person and tries not to make it public just how much she loves them.
► FRUITS: She will eat just about any kind of fruit. Usually apples and cherries are ones she loves eating the most but she won't turn any fruit away.
► DRINKS: She alternates between water and tea. Usually whatever is more available to her at the time. Alcoholic drinks are also something she will almost regularly seek but those she saves for the evening or when she's at a social gathering. In modern verses she does drink coffee in the morning.
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: She loves alcohol and will try anything new. Her go-to's are fruity cocktails, sake, and Scottish whisky.
► SMOKES: Every so often she will smoke but it's always used as a stress reliever. She will have a smoke maybe once every other month.
► DRUGS: Only for medical use and even then she only takes the ones that Senga gives her. Maybe with a very close friend, she will consider trying some.
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: In any modern verse she does have a driver's license. She actually has a motorcycle license as well. Her vehicle of choice, and something her family is constantly worried about, is the fact she prefers to drive her motorcycle than a car. She owns a black and purple sports bike.
Tagged by: I stole it Tagging: Just steal it from me
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Dystopian Omegaverse AU: Clothing
In general: Married couples would have wedding rings depending on which marriage. When it comes to Gammas and Omegas, they wear mated collars with matching colors. 
The clothes for Alphas are tailor-made, expensive clothes that are made of luxurious fabrics. These are Burmese lotus flower silk, Vicuña wool, Koigu Kersti cashmere, and Cervelt. Their clothes can have extravagant designs in different colors as long it is not the main color. The colors must be in shades of black or gray. Some Alphas and most Elders would wear traditional, semi-formal, or informal clothes for everyday wear. For example, a female Alpha Elder from the Far East Regions can wear a black decorated kimono, which is technically called a kurotomesode, with silver embroidery, nacre kushi, seasonal tsumami kanzashi, silver obi, black getas, and white obi. Another example would be a male Alpha from the Northern Isles Region can wear a black tartan kilt with a sporran, Argyll jacket, gold cufflinks, and a pair of black Oxfords. Once they are married, they are to wear a black wedding ring.
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Delta Plus
The Delta Pluses wear high-end, militarized clothes to show off their military power. The primary color is green, though head towards emerald once they were married. Even their casual clothing is heavily influenced by the military, especially for Tamers as they need to assert authority over the untamed Omegas. Speaking of Tamer, they wear strict, military dresses. Men who wear Rifle green suits are either a “Techmancer” or “Securitore”. Once they are married, they are to wear a dark green wedding ring.
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Delta Minus
The Delta Minuses wear smart causal clothes as they are not as active in the military. The primary color is green, though it leans towards moss green once they are married. The smart casual wear allows others to be less tense around them while showing their authority. If they are overseeing Droughters, they would wear sap green, sometimes with a gas mask and riding a horse. When onboard, certain young women would wear more modest dress in a shade of olive green. These women are known as “Missionaries” as they job is to go into other nations and recruit others, primarily Omegas, children, and other vulnerable people, to go to Sol Fertilis. They would do this for three years until they can get promoted to either “Teacher” or “Trainer”. Once they are married, they are to wear a standard green wedding ring.
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Beta Plus
The Beta Pluses wear informal clothes as opposed to Delta Minuses. This is due to their high positions that required knowledge and immense training. The primary color is blue, though it leans towards turquoise once they are married. As they are not in high positions of power, they wear this to showcase their high intelligence. On special events, the women would wear formal hats, such as mushroom hats, bicycle clip hats, and fascinator hats. Girls and unmarried women would wear doll hats, cloches, half hats, Eugénie hats, and cocktail hats. Once they are married, they are to wear a dark blue wedding ring. 
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Beta Neutral 
Beta Neutral wears standard-produced clothes. They can wear pencil skirts, shirtdresses, polo shirts, and sweater vests. The primary color is blue, though it leans towards teal once they are married. They can also wear a standard blue wedding ring.
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Beta Minus
Despite the style, the clothes are mass-produced since they are deemed as uniforms for their respective positions. This can range from personal assistants to newscasters. The primary color is blue, though it leans towards indigo once they are married. Their casual clothes are usually dresses or a shirt and a skirt with flat shoes for women and a shirt with pants for men. Once they are married, they are to wear a light blue wedding ring.
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Gamma Plus
Like Delta Pluses, they wear high-end clothes, such as a wrap dresses, coatdresses, blazers, and dress shirts. Their uniforms are often elegant and tailor made for give off comfort. The primary color is purple or violet, though it leans towards royal purple or burgundy once they are married. They are allowed to wear cocktail dresses, evening gowns, and black lounge suits for special events. Women can wear peach basket hats and pillbox hats. Once they are married, the women must have a head covering, depending on where they are. They also wear a pearly purple wedding ring.
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Gamma Minus
Like Beta Minus, their clothes are cheap, mass-produced, and similar to each other, depending on their occupation. They are basically uniforms with a nametag. The color must be either mauveine, for women, or puce, for men. They would also have some accessories, such as maid aprons, high-visibility vests, hats, and gloves. Their casual clothes are usually dresses or a shirt and a skirt with flat shoes for women and a shirt with pants for men. Female Gamma Minuses must only have minimal jewelry and makeup. For the Pleasure Venues, they would wear costumes depending on which theme. For example, they would wear an oiran costume for the Edo Japan theme or gimp suits for the BDSM dungeon. Once they are married, they are required to have a head covering, depending on where they are. They would also wear bluebonnet wedding rings.
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This is split into two categories, which are Omegas from Alpha-Omega pairs and “tamed” Omegas from Droughters. The primary color is red. The fabrics for the former’s clothes are mulberry silk, baby cashmere, Pashmina, and linen. For the latter, it’s soft cotton. The children would wear informal traditional clothes. For special events, they would wear formal, semi-formal, or folk clothes. Recently, “tamed” Omegas would wear red/wine mass-produced dresses due to them not coming from Alpha-Omega families. They wear haute-couture clothes once they’re married. Depending on where they are, they are required to wear a head covering of some sort. These include, but are not limited to, hijabs, hanging veils, shpitzels, and mantillas. They also wear a ruby red wedding ring. Maternity clothes are ready for them once they become pregnant. It’s expected for them to show off their pregnancies.
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Pups would wear white clothes to symbolize their birth, innocence, and renewal. They wear white until they wear the colors on their ranks.
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Droughters wears only orange clothes if they are within Sol Fertilis. In the Menageries and Savage Zoos, they wear ragged “savage” clothes. In The Fields, they wear prison jumpsuits. These are clothes barely fit as it provides little protection from the harsh environment.
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memoriae-lectoris · 6 hours
What Ishizu was referring to was the aesthetic of bankara, which involved ‘intentionally dressing like a rustic, wearing a ragged and dirty kimono’.
Initially, bankara, in the late nineteenth century, was a reaction against hikara (Western chic) and the movement of Westernization, intentionally bringing back a style resembling the rough and dishevelled rōnin (drifter samurai) in order to make gentlemanly hikara men ‘effeminate’.
This concept became particularly well associated with schoolboys of old higher schools (kyūsei kōkō), which were exceptionally elite and exclusive institutions at the time. The kimono was replaced by ‘a uniform modelled after Prussian military uniforms: a black high-collared jacket with brass buttons, trousers, and a cap with a brass badge’. Their sartorial styles were often defined through the amalgam of privilege and self-inflicted shabbiness. Sociologist Yumiko Mikanagi describes it as follows: while sanshu no jingi (three sacred objects) – a black school cap decorated with white lines, a black cloak, and hōba no geta (clogs made from the Japanese big leaf magnolia) – symbolized students’ privileged status, it was always worn torn and shabby as students cherished the hēihabō [literally shabby clothes and torn cap] style.
By the time Ishizu was a young man, the tough, violent aspect of bankara was somehow downplayed and it instead blended with a new type of masculine ideal, which Mikanagi terms as ‘self-cultivation (kyōyōshugi) masculinity’. While preserving the bankara aesthetic by wearing their school uniforms often in a rugged and shabby condition, those elite schoolboys nevertheless emphasized ‘the pursuit of knowledge in academic fields such as Western literature, culture, philosophy, and art’.
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