#mentally unfit
porterdavis · 18 days
Maggie knows him well
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dhaaruni · 8 months
Depp v. Heard made men realize they can treat women horrifically and get away with it by declaring the women are crazy, and the public will fall for it hook, line, and sinker because there’s nothing the world loves more than the spectacle of a beautiful fallen woman
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
There is a lot of emphasis in the news media on Biden's age while almost nothing about Trump's fitness. This needs to change and we should be more active about holding news organizations to account.
In a four day period in September, the cable news stations mentioned Biden’s age 193 times while Trump’s age was mentioned just 56 times. (MediaMatters.org on September 29, 2023.) After this one sided coverage, these same media outlets then polled the voters about Biden’s age and found (surprise!) that voters are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s age. It’s garbage in and garbage out.
There's just a 3.5 year difference between Biden and Trump. But Trump is not the fitter of the two. Being an epic blowhard and blabbermouth is not a measure of fitness.
After Biden concluded his debt ceiling deal with McCarthy in June, the extremist so-called House “Freedom” Caucus members complained that Biden “outsmarted” McCarthy in the negotiations. The House GOP’s most extreme members hate Biden and have zero incentive to tell the truth about Biden’s good state of health.
So even the most extreme Republicans had to admit that they were outfoxed by Biden.
On October 2, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took to the floor of the House to denounce the deal that funded the government for forty five days Gaetz said: “It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden feeble while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation.”
As for Trump's health, mental health in particular, the evidence of his debility is on full display.
Meanwhile, the mainstream press has largely ignored and downplayed Trump’s declining mental condition and increasing tendency to threaten violence. Probably the only mainstream media piece that accurately described the respective health of Biden and Trump was in the New York Times on June 4, 2023. The pertinent excerpts are as follows: “While in office, Mr. Trump generated concerns about his mental acuity and physical condition. He did not exercise, his diet leaned heavily on cheeseburgers and steak and he officially tipped the scales at 244 pounds, a weight formally deemed obese for his height. After complaining that he was overscheduled with morning meetings, Mr. Trump stopped showing up at the Oval Office until 11 or 11:30 a.m. each day, staying in the residence to watch television, make phone calls or send out incendiary tweets. During an appearance at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, he had trouble lifting a glass of water and seemed to have trouble making his way down a modest ramp. Most striking was Mr. Trump’s cognitive performance. He was erratic and tended to ramble; experts have found that he had grown less articulate and that his vocabulary had shrunk since his younger days. Aides said privately that Mr. Trump had trouble processing information and distinguishing fact from fiction. His second chief of staff, John F. Kelly, bought a book analyzing Mr. Trump’s psychological health to understand him better, and several cabinet secretaries concerned that he might be mentally unfit discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him.”
He's gotten worse rather than better since leaving office.
These aren’t isolated statements. The highlights (or lowlights) of Trump’s deteriorating condition are as follows. Trump forgot who is currently president, and claimed “the Obama administration” recorded the length of his “border wall.” He even claimed **Jeb Bush** invaded Afghanistan and Iraq! Trump appeared confused when he said Jeb Bush was president during the Iraq War. “You know he was a mili — he got us into the, uh, he got us into the Middle East … Right?” In September, Trump mixed up Biden and Obama, and claimed Biden might start World War TWO. Trump even said you need a government photo ID to buy a loaf of bread. At the same time, Trump’s remarks have taken a dark turn and he has repeatedly threatened violence. Trump suggested that General Mark Milley should be executed. If anybody else had said that, they would be getting a visit from the FBI. The fact that this isn’t being treated as major front-page news is astonishing to me.
Trump makes threats to media moguls and they go easy on reporting his delirium.
The run away front runner for the GOP presidential nomination said Comcast, the owner of NBC and MSNBC, “should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason’” and promised to do so should he be re-elected president next year. Why does the press continue to cover up Trump’s poor health when he has promised to go after them? How can they be so stupid? It’s pretty wild that, of the two leading presidential candidates, the guy found liable for rape and who is facing ninety one criminal indictments isn’t the one who is facing calls to step aside for someone else to run. The mainstream media has lost all sense of scale and proportion. The media fixation with Biden as opposed to this clearly impaired guy is journalistic malpractice.
Psychologist Mary Trump, Donald's niece, called her uncle a "dangerous presence" on Australia's ABC earlier this year. She also said he was essentially "an insecure little boy who seeks attention".
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Ask your news providers why they are seldom mentioning Trump's mental health in their coverage. They should not be normalizing his threats against people and his bizarre erratic comments.
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Riley: *exists*
Canis: I've only known this dog for a few minutes, but if anything happened to him: I'll kill everyone on this base and then myself.
Canis' Instructor: ...... 😰
Canis' Instructor: ... do we need to Section 8 her? *whispers to another instructor*
Instructor #2: That's a rabbit hole you do not want to fall into...
CODMW2 Masterlist
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listenupcupcakes · 2 months
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"When I was a kid, my dad threw me in the basement and tortured me for decades after I told him I didn't love him. No, wait…that's Christianity."
You don't "love" your god. You can't claim you "love" it when your strategy with non-believers is to warn them of the imminent existential threat, that they're at risk. Don't tell me I should be concerned and then pretend you "love" the same god I should be worried about. You don't. You're afraid of your imaginary abuser.
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daz4i · 1 year
ooooooh nikolai clearly has trauma related to freedom. not just his whole Thing with it, but the fact his ability gives him a quick and easy escape and especially a way to go around rules - even the rules of physics! and going by the assumption that your ability manifests in relation to past trauma, i really wonder what made him this way.
my first thought would be imprisonment of some sort. being chained somewhere, unable to leave. perhaps in a cold place, thus his idea of escape is also tied to an overcoat? it seems a bit too on the nose doesn't it?? esp with the bird in a cage metaphor
@/creantzy's fyolai comic made me think of brainwashing of some sort. definitely works with how terrified he is by it
i think a spicy take would be. that he was just a normal guy. just kind of Off, brain wise. so the monotony of a normal life drove him insane. or maybe his parents(/some other guardian bc everyone in bsd is an orphan fr) had great expectations of him that he failed to meet, and he felt metaphorically chained by that. maybe they were very protective of him and didn't let him out or do things he wants, so he felt caged by that
actually the more i think about it the more i like this idea, of a very grounded, realistic, common trauma for this character that's anything but normal in a series where everyone has these tragic larger than life sob stories. it can be a very nice subversion of expectations and imo make him even more interesting - because a backstory like that is so common even for us real life people, if he became That, there must be something wrong with him. and i think that's really poggers
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sailorsally · 1 year
everyone cheer for me to finally suck it up and join a yoga class
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avezavis · 1 year
distraction while delirious
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caughtinanotherworld · 8 months
Aus der Sicht perverser Freaks: Doppelleben, Dichten und der Druck V
Du hast die Chance gesehen und du hast sie ergriffen, der WeG zum ultimativen faux schizophrenen fame, der übEr UnS nach oben führt. Immer neu, trotzdem irgendwie alt, bloß hässlicher, immer verzweifelter. Fast wie nicht nette wirre Gedanken auf einem Tumblr Blog, aber man muss den ja auch nicht lesen. Ist nicht so als ob ein paar Stalker reichen, bald folgen dir auch Faltenhunde, Naziköter, ungeliebte Direktionsmatratzen, verzweifelte Schlampen, ihre Anhängsel und generell, Wahnsinnige. Fast gleich wie verschmähte Psycho Stalker, Hysterische Hyänen auf der Suche nach der großen Liebe und einem Ring. Manche können wegen ihrem Aussehen nicht mal schlampig leben, du bist auch irgendwie schuld. Du hasT DAs perfekte LEben, damit sich aNderE besser fühlen können. Ist doch ein Journal, oder? Wie eine Flut der Verzweiflung, alle tAnzen nach mEiner (unSerEr) Pfeife, meine zurückgeblieben Mistkäfer richTen das beste an. Und, reicht es dir bald?
BalD fliEgt dein Doppelleben auf, deine List, diE UnwahrheiteN, deR BeTruG. Es ist ganZ einfach, wir packen alles mögliche raus und hoffen das es stimmt. Aber während WiR alles mögliche Sachen rumschmeißen, schmeißen wir sie uns selber wieder ins Gesicht, bisschen wie eine Klatsche. Rette den RuF wo es noch geht, dann lässt man manchmal ein paar Sachen aus. WiR kennen die Wahrheit und Hysteric Karen GmbH gibt uns unerwartete Unterstützung. Auf jeden Fall, Hilfe, wo man es nicht erwartet.
Du bist indirekt, direkt, indirekt Schuld daran, dass Karen & Bärbel a) nicht zurückgerufen worden sind, b) von ihren Kollegen immer nur zum ficken benutzt werden, reicht nie für ne Beziehung, dabei sind das immer die heißesten Feger, solide 5/10, manchmal sogar niedriger, manchmal sogar 6/10, c) wenn KollEgen über ihr Privatleben reden, ihr Privatleben?! d) allgemein wenn es regnet, e) der Grund warum sie sich gehen lassen, aber vielleicht sehen sie in der Öffentlichkeit auch immer so aus, f) wenn es im Beruf bergab geht, g) der Grund warum sich fremde Ehepaare scheiden wegen fremden Affären und generell weil manche ihre Jugend vermissen, kp, h) wenn aus Gesellschaft nichts ernstes wird, und man sich nicht gerne mit ihnen in der Öffentlichkeit sehen lässt, i) warum manche unverheiratet sind, immer mehr zunehmen und alles immer mehr hängt. Darüber hinaus, ebenfalls schuld, wenn j) wenn sich Freunde die gleichen Frauen teilen müssen und nicht mal aus Spaß, einfach wegen mangelnder Auswahl, jetzt du, in ein paar Stunden der beste Freund ❣️, aber dann können sich Freunde noch gegenseitig schmecken, no homo, besser als Butter, für die krassesten Kripo Hengste, auch Muttis die fast in den Wechseljahren sind, so führen sie sich auf, so sehen sie auch aus, aber nur die heißen Mamis, wie die eigene Mami 😍, sharing is caring, wenn nichts anderes übrig ist, beste Reste von der Arbeit und beste Reste von deinen Freunden🔥, k) wenn der Drogentest wieder positiv ist, denn du warst bestimmt der Dealer, l) deine Grausamkeit kennt kein Ende, aber es liegt an deiner listigen, schlitzäugigen Art und gelben Grausamkeit, m) wenn dumme Schlampen alles wörtlich nehmen, denn je mehr sie sich einreden, desto besser fühlen sie sich als LiebesrivAlinnEn, n) wenn Hysteric Karens mit Leuten schlafen, die danach über sie lästern, ebenfalls deine Schuld, allgemein wenn jemand lästert oder sie sich nicht waschen, oder wenn sie ledig ihr bestes Leben leben, aber eigentlich mit Kind verheiratet sind, o) wenn im Supermarkt, die Bio-Bananen ausverkauft sind, wenn manche ganze Zeit welche wollten und wenn jemand wegen seiner/ihrer Vorliebe wieder Syphilis hat, p) du arbeitest nur an einem Ort, aber das scheint mir doch sehr unrealistisch für dieses high life, hab dich gesehen? du hast mit 20€ Schwarzgeld bezahlt, morgen nehme ich dich im Namen meines Vaters fest, dann ganz Berlin, q) wenn anderen Leuten ihr Doppelleben auffliegen tut, obwohl die voll das krasse image hatten und gerade voll seriöse Typen klären wollten, r) wenn Karen Co KG durch priVaTe Blogs scrollen, auf der Suche nach InFos, aber nur SchmErzende Worte finden, Balsam für ihre gekränkte Seele, s) wenn du (erneut) Wahnsinnige anziehst und siE LüGen verbreiten, damit Karen& Bärbel, Claudel und Freundschaftskreis-Birgitte wieder was zum reden haben, t) manche Mamis mögen gerne regelmäßigen Gangbang, aber mögen es nicht wenn Leute darüber reden, ebenfalls deine Schuld, wenn manche sie auf Arbeit nicht ernst nehmen, am Ende versuchen die dich noch wegen ihrem eigenen Privatleben anzuzeigen oder zu verklagen, aber macht einfach keinen Sinn????, u) wenn jüngere Frauen älteren Frauen vorgezogen werden, nicht mal du persönlich, einfach allgemein, manche hatten schon Hochzeit geplant, dachten sie wurden dieses Mal nicht schon wieder hingehalten, v) wenn manche ihren Frust wegen Getuschel über ihr Privatleben an dir auslassen wollen, und allgemein für mehr Aufmerksamkeit 😜, oder um abzulenken, generell um sich überlegen und begehrt zu fühlen, z) wenn sie wiSsen wollen worum es geht und wie diE KonkurrEnz aussieht und dann selbst reingehen, um später zu sagen, wie Streit gesucht wurde, wie obsessiv kleine, gelbe Menschen sein können, warum jemand plötzlich so eine Fixierung auf sie hat und wie sie verfolgt wurden. Gesucht, gefunden. Auserkoren. Plötzlich schreibt so eine kleine, bösartige Asiatin über sie, und verliert deswegen immer wieder ihren faux schizophrenen Faden. Aber ganz nah will keiner rangehen, dann denkt man wieder daran, dass man offiziell eigentlich einen „seriösen“ Beruf hat.
Boah, gut dass wir keine Privatsphäre kennen, wir kennen nuR VergEltung. Ein Recht für Germanen, ein Recht für whatever. Du hast eine ganz komische Obsession mit uns und präsentierst dich AlS etwas was du nicHt bist. WiR wissen was du wirklIch bist.
-> Du bist ganz dumm, hast unsere Sorgen falsch interpretierst. Das war unschuldiges Interesse, lästern. Sorge. Stalker Liebe. Ein Missverständnis, hättest auch gehen können und - ah ne warte. 😐 Egal, nochmal von vorne. Du bist schizophren und wolltest unsere Aufmerksamkeit. Du warst ein ganz schlimmes Partygirl, früher noch schlimmer, manchmal nach 21 Uhr noch draußen. Nach 7 tust du eigentlich mit Omi häkeln und puzzlen. Manchmal draußen unterwegs, in der Öffentlichkeit mit langen, fiGurbetonTen Sachen und mit den Make-Ups, sehr nuttig, aber besser als aktiv verheiratete, hinterfotzige Nutte für einen Freundeskreis zu spielen, verzweifelt auf der Suche nach jemanden, der über dem Ehemann steht. Was für Moralvorstellungen auf dem polizeilichen Heiratsmarkt, Freundschaftsmarkt, Singlemarkt, Kollegenmarkt, whatever.
Du bist die schlimmste Urkundenfälscherin Deutschlands und warst sogar zu dumm für einen Schulabschluss, deswegen musstest du es von Familie im Bürgeramt faken lassen, hast dich in bestimmte Kreise geschlichen, hoch geschlafen. Es ist nicht der mangelnde Schulabschluss, es ist die mangelnde Intelligenz die dich auf Arbeit immer wieder auffallen lassen, und Mathe meine ich nicht. Das und Affären mit verheirateten Männern in der Mittagspause, yolo. Deine Kollegen nennen dich Carmen Weberwiese und City Schlampe. Deine Vorgesetzten hassen dich, du nimmst immer mehr zu und es geht nicht weg, deswegen lässt du es an jüngeren, SchlAnkEren Frauen aus. Eine kleine, dicke und bösartige Maren hilft dir, warum, versteht kein Schwein. Hat Komplexe, ist frustriert, nicht ganz normal, aber wer ist da schon normal? War wohl für Kripo Tristl etc. feucht, aber Carmel war minimal schlanker und wurde bevorzugt. Da hat sich jemand verzweifelt nach Liebe und Kindern gesehnt und war ganz wuschig. Perfekter sidekick. Jetzt hAst du plötzlich ein Rassismusproblem wegen Namenwitzen. Daran liegt es bestimmt. Jetzt sagst du allen, eine kleine Verrückte hat sich urplötzlich auf dich fixiert und zieht dich grundlos durch den Dreck. Wurdest vielleicht irgendwo rausgeworfen, aber liegt daran, dass du kein Bock mehr auf die Polizei hast. Eine Verrückte redet dich SchLecht und du musstest schon darauf zurückgreifen, deine Anhängsel mit LüGen aufzuhetzen. War eifersüchtig auf dein Leben, deine männlichen Bekanntschaften, dein Aussehen, deine Figur. Noch nie so viele dumme Schlampen auf einmal gesehen. Jedenfalls so ähnlich, egal. Ah ne warte, das war jemand anderes.
Wenn du existierst stehen Karen & die Anhängsel in deiner Nähe, you wouldn‘t know, sehen alle gleich aus. Verlogen und verzweifelt, extrem dünne Haut, siE kennen die Wahrheit, die machen FotOs, ist es die? Ja? Nein? Ja? Keiner folgt anderen sonst so hobbylos, um zu AnaLysiEren, wie im KonkuRrenzkampf. Hier kann man sich besser fühlen und überlegen. Du simulierst, du hast Geldprobleme, du nimmst fremde Menschen aus, du bist arbeitslos, du warst nie an der Uni, du hast gefaked und wortwörtlich mental zurückgebliebene und Dealer bezahlt, um es zu VerBreiten, für mehr grundloses Mitleid, dabei sollten Leute mit UnS haben. Du wohnst auf engen Raum mit ganz vielen Leuten als Teil eines/mehreren Kults und nur eine Handvoll Auserwählte dürfen die Wohnung verlassen. Dann rennst du rum und lügst und sammelst Spenden und tauchst dann unter, nachdem du sie betrogen hast. Nebenbei rennst du vor dem Gesetz und versuchst noRmale Arbeit und Lebensweisen zu finden. Dann nisten sich Teile deiner Großfamilie in verschiedene, christliche Organisation und Kults etc. ein und zwacken naive, alte Leute mit sad stories ab. Manchmal wohnst du versteckt im Keller. Oder folgst fremden Frauen, um sie zu rekrutieren, ne warte, sind die Nachbarn.
Eigentlich bist du Analphabetin, kannst dich nicht ausweisen und willst dich überlegen fühlen, deswegen lässt du anDere für dich schReibeN, nimmst Identitäten von anderen an und bElausCht sie einFach so, indem du SiE aufsuchsT und dann 2m hinter ihnen hinter einem Baum stehst. Oder schickst halt Minderjährige. Du bist bestimmt genau geistig behindert wie meine Freunde, ähnliche soziale Verhältnisse, aber different. ✨ Asia Fetisch ✨ Wenn du deine Erwartungen runterschraubst, dann wartet hier vielleicht eine drogensüchtige, schizophrene Liebe. Du quiekst, du kochst, du stehst immer auf und füllst die Reisschlüsseln, du putzt alles, du teilst deine Sachen, du finanzierst sie alle mit deinem Einzelhandel Money, als ob da so viel ist, weil keiner einen Job hat und die Gras etc. brauchen, eine geht schon wieder anschaffen und der anderen haben die das Kind weggenommen, einer ist behindert wie sein Vater, der andere hat ein Scheinleben gelebt und ist ein perverser Freak. Und sie kriechen an der Wand rum, wie Geckos. SiE verSetzen sich gerNe in dich hinEin, in Dein LebEn. Jetzt haben sie auch eine Obsession, denn ich habe sie verlassen. Zu viele japanische Pornos geguckt, du gehst bestimmt auf Kommando auf die Knie, machst auf Kommando die Beine breit und gehorchst ganz brav, AuF BeFeHl. Immer dankbar, dass diCH jemAnd liebt. Jetzt versuchen sie mit dir in verschiedenen Stimmen, Oktaven, in Selbstgesprächen und in nicht mal faux Schizophrenie, mit dir zu reden, kommt dir bestimmt bekannt vor. Nebenbei fahren sie jeden Morgen mit der Bahn hin und her, um Nachrichten abzufangen, um zu sehen, wie die AnDeren Leute leben.
Oder vielleicht bist du eigentlich eine Gruppenmatratze? Kollegenmatratze? Eine junge Frau, die Spaß sucht? Nein. Mitte 30, knapp über 40, eventuell auch mehrfache Mutter. Immer angefasst, nie eingepackt. Kein Ring in Sicht, urteilst wie andere, lebst wie die letzte, hässliche Schlampe, Leute wollen nicht mal zusammen gesehen werden. Bestätigung durch Sex. Unscheinbar, mitgenommen, verzweifelt, im Freundschaftskreis gerade noch die hübscheste oder schlankeste. 40 naht und man redet trotzdem wie 12-Jährige Teenies. Endlich begehrt fühlen. Konkurrenzkampf auf Arbeit und mit sich selbst. Morgen ist man eigentlich mit Kind verheiratet und heute sagt man jedem wie kinderlos man ist, mehr dates, mehr Sex, mehr Ruhm. Dann ist man schnell keine Mutter, wenn man dann mehr sex dates kriegt. Auch wenn man immer mehr ausleiert, dann setzt man was ein und ist unter den Kollegenmatratzen die engste. Oder immerhin die, die sich untenrum wäscht. Oder man wird plötzlich schwanger und hat 6/20 möglichen Vätern innerhalb kürzester Zeit und keiner will zusammen Vater werden. Oder hast du einfach eine Midlife-Crisis? Kein Bock auf die Kinder und Arbeit, aber lässt dich mit über 42 noch gerne unter Freunden teilen? Suchst zwanghaft Konkurrenzkämpfe mit anderen, jüngeren Frauen, weil du dir Beziehungen zu irgendwelchen komischen, jüngeren Männerhuren einbildest? Jemand der generell alles mitnimmt. Schon wieder irgendwo reingesteigert weil man mehr graue Haare und mehr Falten gefunden hat? Liest man wieder Sachen, die man nicht lesen sollte? Sollte man echt nicht machen. Hör bloß auf, sonst schweife ich von dir auf deine Eltern und deine Ur-Ahnen aus, das macht alles besser.
Vielleicht bist du auch eine Hyäne auf Ringsuche? Verschweigst dein ganzes Leben für den ultimativen Fang. Schönheitskorrekturen deines Lebenslaufs, zugezogen (nicht aus dem Ausland), besserst alles auf. Schläfst tagsüber mit deiner Mutter im gleichen Bett, nachts in Mitte auf Männerjagd. Es ist harte Arbeit, aber die lohnt sich irgendwann. Am nächsten Tag allein im Hotelzimmer, aber der hatte ne Rolex, ok und vielleicht einen Ehering, aber ne Rolex. Ein Börsenmakler, ein Unternehmer, Bänker, vielleicht ein reicher Sohn. Am Tag zu gut zu arbeiten, das sollen Ausländer machen. Vor dem Spiegel übst du was du sagst, hat schon einmal geklappt. Ganz vorsichtig. Dann versuchst du es wieder bei Exen mit Wohnungen, denn im Bett im Mami wird es zu eng. Bist du immer noch hochmütig? Ja, zu viel ungesundes Selbstbewusstsein. Nur die Oberschicht. Prinzessin hat erweiterten Hauptschulabschluss oder so, aber wehe asiatische Migranten atmen in ihrer Nähe, wenn ihR Ex mit dem höchsten Gehalt nie ernst gemacht hat. Er hat Platz! Und mehr Geld als früher angenommen. :( Ja, dann stalkt man halt. Ein wenig Genugtuung und Ablenkung vom eigenen Leben. Der Weg nach oben ist steinig und schwer, stetig wechselnde Betten, aber vielleicht wartet am Ende ein goldener Schlafplatz, ein fetter Ring und das Hausfrauen Dasein. Einfach alles schönreden, Vollzeit Erzieherin an irgendeiner Uni, sehr guter Schulabschluss, fast Miss Universe geworden, im Dorf die schönste, Vollzeit irgendwo im KaDeWe, hard-working af, nebenbei ein Abschluss in Männer scammen und Studium in Sozialer Aufstieg. Die Ränge der deutschen Oberschicht warten, Mamis Bett war gestern. Führst dein eigenes Rudel von Frauen über 34 an, die alle Zuhause wohnen, nur teilweise arbeiten und dann die restliche Zeit Kaffeeklatsch betreiben, gerade so hübscheste und wahrscheinlich schlankeste, diE GanG hatte noch nie so viel Aufmerksamkeit, aber die Kita hat beim Verhalten extrem abgefärbt. Konkurrenz + Familie muss beobachtet und ausgeschaltet werden, eventuell auch am Arbeitsplatz fotografiert werden, vielleicht stiftet man Unruhe am Arbeitsplatz, wie Junkie Soldaten des Robls. Fühlt sich besser an als das eigene, momentane Leben.
Auf meinen Schultern lastet der Druck der Vergeltung, ich drehe und drehe, bis mir schlecht wird. Du hast unseren Untergang geplant, ich drehe es um, du hast uns gestalkt, du bist diE pSychopathin.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
Need further proof of Donald Trump's mental decline? He's now claiming he won all 50 states in 2020.
Donald Trump has claimed that he won all 50 states in the 2020 US election at a Florida event where two of his rivals for the Republican presidential primaries were booed for suggesting the party should dump the former president before his legal woes catch up with him. Mr Trump faces 91 criminal charges across four indictments, two of which are related to election interference. [ ... ] "We won every state. We then did great in the election. We got 12 million more votes or so … 12 million more votes than we got the first time. The whole thing is a lie … the whole election is a lie."
Sorry Donald, it's not the election that lies – it's YOU.
Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
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The media continues to normalize Trump's unfitness. These are not simple gaffes, they are signs of dangerous self-delusion. Most people would not hire a dog walker who exhibited such symptoms of decay.
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nevsky · 2 years
#where kolya’s a painter and fyo’s a regular member of society.#this is not out of my personal fondness for paintings. this is not a way to relay all my favourite art techniques onto kolya. no.#kolya would probably somewhere post impressionism era. and her style clings to that but at the same time has this weird. quality that makes#it unfitting to any box.#like her. because she’s perfect.#mm i suppose she gets her recognition for painting things related to free will.#birds in cages. birds with injured wings. birds.#she just paints birds.#but they’re twisted. bodies are very convoluted the way she draws them. she makes it work though.#fyo doesn’t really know what she paints because she’s very elusive of it just like she is of herself.#or she’d paint clowns. something relating to the sad clown paradox.#i think if not for her own mental relation with the mind of a jester. she’d still like them for symbolism and all that. melancholy.#she also paints fyo. time to time.#fyo doesn’t know. but it’s always ‘unflattering’ paintings of fyo.#when she’s caught off guard or occupied with her thoughts. it’s always quiet when kolya looks at her and decides to paint her.#fyo’s imperceptible to herself. so she sees some of kolya’s paintings of herself and she sees what kolya sees.#which is a very intimate lens. she doesn’t know if she’s fine with that.#‘i see you have made me pretty.’ ‘i didn’t do anything. i just painted what i saw.’#either way. other people have assumed fyo was a model or some other person hired to pose.#i need to kill myself.#fyo.#kolya.
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hshouse · 2 years
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Queering the medical ethics of pregnancy to problematize a desire for “normal fetal outcomes” is an abandonment of evidence-based medicine and the principle of “do no harm.”
By: Jennifer Lahl MA, BSN, RN and Kallie Fell, MS, BSN, RN
Published: Jul 18, 2023
In recent years, a striking paradigm shift in medical ethics has emerged, driven by progressive political ideologies purporting to champion “Social Justice.” This shift has precipitated a surge in initiatives centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The resulting effects have varied considerably; they include the introduction of explicit racial bias in treatment protocols in a quest for “health equity,” and an unsettling disregard for biological sex as an important variable in both medical research and patient care. Instead, the new radical movement favors categorizing individuals based on their self-identified and medically irrelevant “gender identity.”
Even more alarmingly, we are witnessing a direct assault on the language associated with women’s health in medicine. Terms traditionally used in clinical settings, such as “mothers,” are being replaced with neutral alternatives like “birthing parents.” Similarly, the term “women” is frequently substituted with “individuals with a cervix,” even though nearly half of women don’t know what a cervix is and such language may therefore cause a significant number of women to forgo important routine cervical screenings.
This trend of overlooking biological sex as a critical medical variable stems from an ideological drive to “queer” the natural world. The proponents of this view resist categorization, arguing that such practices are instruments of oppression wielded by the powerful against the less powerful. According to this perspective, medicine must eschew not only biological categorization of patients, but also traditional notions of what is deemed desirable or adverse patient outcomes.
These ideological shifts have raised substantial concerns regarding potential harm that such denial of biological realities could inflict on patients. However, recent academic discourse has escalated these concerns to new levels. A provocative new paper in the journal Qualitative Research in Health titled “Medical uncertainty and reproduction of the ‘normal’: Decision-making around testosterone therapy in transgender pregnancy” by Pfeffer and colleagues propels us further down the road of medical malpractice.
The authors, a group of transgender sociologists and enthusiasts, and healthcare activists, with not one medical degree among them, argue to dramatically move the goal posts of medical ethics, choosing to completely disregard the health, safety, and well-being of the developing fetus, all in the name of “trans” inclusion. Abiding by their paper’s guidance would land us in a vacuum devoid of medical ethics and a seismic shift away from the importance of scientific research and medical evidence in favor of activist directed healthcare.
The authors argue that “gendered” pregnancy care is too focused on helping women have healthy babies, and that it might be okay for transmen to continue taking testosterone during pregnancy despite the known health risks to the fetus and effects on its normal development. The desire for “normal fetal outcomes,” according to the authors, is rooted in a problematic desire “to protect their offspring from becoming anything other than ‘normal’” and “reflect historical and ongoing social practices for creating ‘ideal’ and normative bodies.”
This is, quite frankly, insane.
In the paper, Pfeffer et al. maintain that:
[L]acking and uncertain medical evidence (HRT with testosterone during pregnancy and chest feeding) in a highly gendered treatment context (pregnancy and lactation care), both patients and providers tend to pursue precautionary, offspring-focused treatment approaches.
We argue that medical ethics exists to guide medical providers and protect both the expectant mother and her future offspring.
The authors of the article strive to underscore the prevailing power dynamic and expertise discrepancy between medical professionals and their pregnant patients. They also highlight “lack of training on trans pregnancy care,” and the failure of the current “precautionary approach” within a “highly-gendered space of pregnancy care.” However, conspicuously absent is any robust, concrete data to substantiate their claims. Instead, they bolster their argument by cherry-picking quotations from their study involving a pool of 70 international “trans” individuals and 22 “health care providers who self-identified as focusing their practice with trans populations.”
Before continuing, we must point out the obvious flaw in the article: pregnancy care isn’t “gendered,” it’s sexed. Only the biologically fertile human females of our species possess the physical attributes necessary for pregnancy and childbirth. This is a simple biological reality.
Let us now turn our attention to the role of a physician in caring for a pregnant woman and the developing fetus.
The doctor-patient relationship is sacred, considered to be the core element in the ethical principles of medicine. Medicine’s practice, at its heart, is a moral undertaking, thus conferring upon the physician the fiduciary duty of ‘primum non nocere’—first, do no harm. In the seminal work Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress, they delineate the four fundamental principles of medical ethics, often known as the “Georgetown Mantra”:
Beneficence: the duty to “do good”
Non-maleficence: the duty to “not do bad”
Respect for Autonomy: respecting a patient’s right to self-determination
Justice: the principle to treat all people equally and equitably
In the context of pregnancy, the physician must uphold these principles towards both the mother and her unborn child(ren).
The authors of the new paper are quick to point out the power and expertise imbalance between doctors and patients. This is neither a new nor concerning arrangement. Firstly, it is expected and indeed desirable that our physicians possess deeper knowledge and expertise in the field of medicine. We seek their counsel precisely because of their expertise, and in matters of pregnancy, we particularly rely on those with training in midwifery or obstetrics and gynecology. When complications arise during pregnancy, we consult specialists trained in managing high-risk cases or practitioners of maternal-fetal medicine.
Secondly, women are keenly aware of the potential power disparities, or injustices, that exist in medicine, notably in obstetrics and gynecology. This field, with historical roots in unethical practices and racism, often compels women to forego modesty and disclose their vulnerabilities. But one doesn’t need to enter a maternity ward to understand the difference between how men and women are treated in medicine. Generally speaking, women are often not accorded the same degree of seriousness as men in healthcare, particularly concerning pain. Research has shown that women’s pain and suffering are more frequently dismissed or misdiagnosed, especially among women of color. Instances of women being prescribed sedatives instead of pain medication, and misdiagnoses during heart attacks, are sadly commonplace.
A recent episode of The Retrievals, a podcast by The New York Times, titled “The Patients,” unveiled startling experiences of women at the Yale fertility clinic who underwent intense, unexpected pain during egg retrieval procedures. These women recount how “their pain was not taken seriously” and “they were not believed.” It emerged that a nurse at the clinic had been illicitly swapping fentanyl for saline. Even after this revelation, the center seemed to downplay the harm and pain suffered by these women, who had endured excruciating medical procedures with saline salt water as a substitute for anesthesia. These imbalances and injustices are not isolated to “trans” patients and should not be co-opted as a rationale for altering medical guidelines or evidence-based care, especially regarding the most vulnerable among us—the unborn child. Rather, these disparities should move medical professional societies, such as the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and the Endocrine Society, to uphold the highest standards of medical practice, grounded in empirical evidence and biological fact, irrespective of a patient’s sex.
The cornerstone of a patient’s trust lies in their belief that their physician’s recommended treatment plan will consistently be informed by these four core principles of medical ethics outlined above.
The concerns raised by Pfeffer and colleagues focus on the modern treatment approach physicians take, which they deem excessively “precautionary” and “offspring-focused.” Fortunately, caring for the child and the mother are neither mutually exclusive nor zero-sum. In situations where a woman aspires to become pregnant and commits to motherhood, physicians can provide care that optimizes outcomes for both parties while minimizing potential harm. If a woman chooses to continue a pregnancy, doesn’t the developing fetus also have a right to the four principles of medical ethics? In such cases, the physician is duty-bound to care for both the child and the mother. There will of course be circumstances when the mother may need to cease a particular medication or treatment to safeguard the fetus, and the physician must provide comprehensive counsel to the family, elucidating the risks and rewards involved for both the mother and the vulnerable life developing in utero.
One doesn’t have to look hard to find a list of drugs and substances that are known to be harmful to a developing fetus. Yet, for numerous other substances, safety remains indeterminate due to insufficient research. Pregnant women participating in clinical trials present intricate ethical challenges, potentially subjecting unborn babies to an array of unanticipated iatrogenic issues. Further, scientists might be hard-pressed to find a mother who would be willing to risk the health of her unborn child to advance scientific or medical understanding. Given the nature of the type of research that would be needed to satisfy the safety threshold for women remaining on their high dose testosterone throughout their pregnancy and breast-feeding period, we can again imagine a very small subset of pregnant women who would be willing and eligible to participate in this research endeavor.
This raises serious questions: Should we allow unborn children to be the subjects in medical research? Should we allow breastfeeding, newborn infants to be subjects in clinical trials? This concern is highlighted in the statement of a participant from the study under scrutiny, who pondered, “If I take testosterone, will that reduce my milk production? Will it transfer to my kid? I don’t know. Again, we don’t have any information on that because nobody lets cis women take testosterone and breastfeed” (emphasis our own).
Current research is already probing the effects of testosterone on breast milk production and its impact on breastfeeding infants. One unsurprising preliminary finding suggest that elevated testosterone levels adversely affect milk production. The La Leche League notes that “testosterone interferes with the hormone necessary for lactation (prolactin) and can cause a significant decrease in milk supply” and may shorten the the length of time a baby is able to breastfeed and increases the amount of formula supplementation.
Presently, testosterone is classified as a teratogenic, US FDA pregnancy category X drug, suggesting it can induce birth defects. It is labeled as such because “studies in pregnant women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus, and/or human or animal studies have shown fetal abnormalities; risks of the drug outweigh the potential benefits.”
It is well-established that prenatal exposure to androgens, such as testosterone, can cause genital defects in females. Androgens act as masculinizing hormones, guiding the formation of male genitalia and inhibiting the development of a vaginal opening in males. Consequently, medical practitioners are not displaying “cisnormativity and judgement” in their handling of “trans” patients regarding testosterone “therapy”; they are fulfilling their ethical duties of beneficence and non-maleficence. Given the known effects of testosterone on a developing fetus, a conservative, precautionary approach is duly warranted.
Before moving on, we would like to provide a direct quote from a woman taking testosterone that Pfeffer et al. highlight in their article:
There’s a bunch of research around androgen exposure in utero and intersex conditions…I did have a little bit of a complex feeling around working hard to not have an intersex child… As someone who is gender ‘other,’ to work hard to not create a different body that is gender ‘other,’ it feels weird. It feels a little hypocritical. But it kind of came down to wanting the child I created to have the most options in their own body in their own life which most intersex folks don’t have fertility open to them.
It’s essential to differentiate between being intersex and being transgender. Intersex variations or differences in sex development impact an individual’s chromosomes, genitals, hormones, reproductive system (including the gonads), and their entire life. Research shows that intersex adults experience significantly more health issues and are more likely to report physical health limitations than those without intersex variations. These are serious considerations for both expecting mothers and healthcare providers.
When considering the experimental nature of women who are on high-dose testosterone while pregnant, we concur with the authors that there is a scarcity of evidence and studies, but this is largely because this is unchartered territory. Safe and ethical methods to study, track, and monitor this demographic are lacking, as is a substantial sample size necessary to collect meaningful data. Putting the fetus aside for a moment, we currently have no data on the effects of testosterone on the pregnant woman herself, specifically a pregnant woman with gender dysphoria.
For those who wish to become pregnant, taking testosterone can be problematic. As indicated by Planned Parenthood, “some trans men’s ability to get pregnant might decrease after taking testosterone for a while,” in some cases halting ovulation entirely. In such instances, stopping testosterone may be necessary to conceive. For those who managed to conceive while still on testosterone, the NHS website recommends pausing testosterone usage during pregnancy and that pregnancy itself could trigger mood fluctuations and exacerbate feelings of “gender dysphoria.”
Pfeffer and colleagues write that most participants in their study use testosterone “as a critical medically managed component of their transition” and that there are concerns and fears about pausing testosterone prior to or during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Specifically, pausing testosterone would make “public recognition as a man more challenging” and might increase body dysphoria and depression, including postpartum depression. We have to stop here, rub our eyes, and shake our heads. Why would someone wanting to pass as a male desire to take on the very female task of pregnancy? Not only that, but none of the stated concerns or fears of stopping testosterone during pregnancy, postpartum, or while breastfeeding are life-threatening or permanent conditions. There are ways to safely manage depression and body dysphoria that don’t involve potentially harmful compounds.
Pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding are stages known to be associated with dramatic hormonal shifts. Physicians must consider these factors when counseling a patient who is also taking exogenous hormones, like testosterone. The effects of external testosterone on the female body during pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding remain unknown.
It seems that at least one of the the doctors interviewed agreed:
I think if you choose to have a pregnancy and your female hormone levels would be already so high that testosterone probably wouldn’t even mentally help… if you’re producing breast milk and you couldn’t be without testosterone for mental health… if you couldn’t deal without testosterone, then you probably shouldn’t be pregnant.
Upon reviewing the treatment approach proposed in the article, it’s clear that the authors lack a nuanced understanding of medical ethics and the principles of evidence-based medicine. They offer a distorted interpretation of the four basic principles of medical ethics and their application to patient care. If a “trans man” seeks to conceive and bear a child, the physician is obligated to safeguard both patients—the parent and the fetus.
The authors’ suggestion that medical providers should deviate from the principle of “do no harm” to follow paths where the evidence indicates harm is quite shocking. This perspective, driven more by ideology, emotions, and personal desires than by evidence, conflicts with the foundations of evidence-based medicine.
By: John Ely
Published: Jul 20, 2023
Fury over 'insane' call to let pregnant trans men take testosterone despite risk to babies - as woke, Government-funded researchers claim gender-affirming care is more important than having a 'normal' kid
Controversial study was funded by a £500,000 grant funded by the UK taxpayer
Pregnant transmen shouldn't be pressured to stop taking testosterone despite the risks it poses to babies, researchers have controversially claimed in a Government-funded study.
Current maternity care guidance for transmen — biological women who identify as the opposite gender — recommends they stop hormone treatment in pregnancy.
The NHS warns it could 'affect the baby's development', with some studies linking exposure to the male sex hormone in the womb to genital abnormalities. 
Testosterone is listed as a 'category X' substance in pregnancy in the US because of the dangers it poses to a foetus.
But a panel of experts, including three from Britain, said the current advice centres too heavily on preventing babies from developing birth defects. 
Objections against the use of testosterone in pregnancy are too focused on creating 'normal' babies, they argued. 
Instead, the team — given a £500,000 grant by a subsidiary of Britain's UK Research and Innovation to conduct research on trans male experiences — suggested NHS guidelines should be shifted to better support trans men to live out their gender identity. 
The three British experts were sociologists hailing from the universities of Sheffield, Westminster and Glasgow.
American bioethicists Jennifer Lahl and Kallie Fell called the findings 'insane'. 
Writing for the website Reality’s Last Stand, they said: 'Abiding by their paper’s guidance would land us in a vacuum devoid of medical ethics and a seismic shift away from the importance of scientific research and medical evidence in favor of activist directed healthcare.'
Testosterone is considered teratogenic, meaning that it has been linked to birth abnormalities.
Female foetuses are particularly vulnerable to the effects, scientists believe. 
High levels of the hormone in the mother's body have been linked to problems with genital development, a process called masculinisation.
Studies suggest this can lead to incontinence and infertility, and trigger subsequent psychological consequences later in life. 
Writing in the journal SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, the researchers, which consisted of experts from the US, Australia and Italy, argued such concerns should take a backseat compared to the harms trans men might experience from not taking their hormones. 
'Both patients and providers tend to pursue precautionary, offspring-focused treatment approaches,' they wrote. 
'These approaches reinscribe binarized notions of sex, resulting in social control in their attempts to safeguard against non-normative potential future outcomes for offspring.
'These offspring-focused risk-avoidance strategies and approaches are, we argue, part of the gendered precautionary labour of pregnancy and pregnancy care itself, and not without potentially-harmful consequences for trans people.' 
They based their arguments on a survey of 70 trans people, as well as answers from 22 health care providers who worked with trans people. 
Most trans men they quizzed had fears about ceasing testosterone treatment during pregnancy, it was claimed. 
Worries included the fear of losing facial hair, change in voice and being mistaken for a woman.
Other feared being misgendered, which could result in 'increased levels of body dysphoria and depression'. 
Some volunteers described their opposition to ceasing testosterone while pregnant, explicitly stating they had wanted to be a 'pregnant man'. 
Healthcare providers offered mixed answers in what guidance they provided.
But most offered a 'precautionary' approach, warning trans men about the potential risk testosterone posed to their baby. 
The authors were critical of this approach, writing stating such advice 'may not take into full consideration the degree to which some trans people’s sense of self and wellbeing is linked to continuing testosterone therapy'. 
A UK Research and Innovation spokesperson told the MailOnline the project was funded by its its Economic and Social Research Council.
They added: 'The Economic and Social Research Council invests in a diverse research and innovation portfolio. Decisions to fund the research projects we support are made via a rigorous peer review process by relevant independent experts from across academia and business.'
[ Continued... ]
Jesus Christ...
we find that health care providers reinscribe their status and authority, in the context of uncertainty, by prescribing caution as they advise their trans patients to pause testosterone therapy,
What they're trying to say here is that in the absence of 100% certainty, then any medical guidance is just entirely a guess (just as "assigning sex" is just a "guess"; this is how postmodernism deconstructs), and no better than any other guess by anyone else, including the mother. And any advisory given is simply the medical professional enforcing the power granted by their institutional positionality, and not anything to do with years of medical training and experience.
center normative development of trans offspring, and cast trans patients' pursuit of testosterone therapy during pregnancy as illicit or selfish.
"Sorry you're sterile and have deformed uterus or testicles, but it was all worthwhile because mommy really needed to grow in her beard."
Worries included the fear of losing facial hair, change in voice and being mistaken for a woman. Other feared being misgendered, which could result in 'increased levels of body dysphoria and depression'. 
Well, being accurately perceived as a pregnant woman certainly is far worse than having life-long medical complications because your mother was a rampaging egomaniac who couldn't put her vanity aside for 9 months to give a shit about her own baby. Because eating an unwashed apple and having a few sips of wine make you irresponsible, but injecting unnatural levels of powerful mood and body-altering hormones for cosmetic purposes is just being a good parent. /s
There's nothing more uniquely female than being pregnant. You're going to be perceived as a woman. Because you are. If you can't get over that, why are you pregnant?
If you actually had clinically significant dysphoria, the entire idea of getting pregnant should have triggered you in the first place. And if you proceed anyway, then you already accepted the consequences of this choice and forfeit the right to whining about being "misgendered."
explicitly stating they had wanted to be a 'pregnant man'. 
Creating a baby as a prop for a fetish is an absolute gutter-trash low.
These same people would stare daggers at a pregnant woman smoking, while being narcissistically as dismissive of their own baby's wellbeing.
When your pregnancy is all about you and not your baby, you're an gaping, prolapsed asshole and an unfit mother.
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charliespringverse · 2 years
contrary to popular anxiety i have no fear about turning 30 someday. i do not feel like i was designed to ever be young. i just need everyone younger than me to stop aging at the same time.
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kyaruun · 1 year
what is truly stopping me from picking any knights' mv and try to learn the dance
because i couldn't care less about the broken foot bone. and the broken ligament. and the messed up tendon—
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