thatqueersteer · 7 months
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Don't be like this and all because I have 7 theriotypes when according to her 6 is the maximum,being aggressive for absolutely no reason.
Therianthropy is one if the core parts of my identity,I've been awakened since 2013 and even before that I created a name for what I was before discovering other therians,I've experienced shifts of different kinds and intensely ever since I was I'd say around 5 or 6 and I have trauma connected to this part of me in the canine aspect so I ignored it and only recently started healing from that.
Each theriotype I have is capable of a strong shift,each one I've had connections to a long time including the time before I knew specifically what it was and each is truly a part of me and there's nothing anyone can do to force me to doubt that.
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grimmwolf · 2 years
Ever since being more active on tumblr, I’m getting Shifts. I never really have Shifts cuz I always or consistently have the mindset of my ‘Types, similar to a Contherian / Suntherian. But dang, seeing all this new content I guess is what’s making me feel “Shifty”. Not complaining tho. Pretty affirming, honestly. ( If affirming is the right word there idk )
Anyhow, Hyena and Arm Wing shifts are intense.
Very Loud, Vocalistic. And Flappy. Lots of arm stretches happening as well.
Just feeling the Feathers move as I raise and drop my arms as if I’m Flying with them is kinda Euphoric. I don’t usually feel Euphoric in any way, so I’m happy I’m getting more Shifts lately.
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ecstilson-blog · 9 months
Hope is a Powerful Motivator
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This is my second 90-minute scan since Thursday. Wow, this journey is exhausting. I didn’t fully understand how tough fighting cancer was, and like I keep saying, you never know what someone else might be going through. Be kind. 🤗
Anyway, I can hardly wait to get home, give the kids their charms from the gift shop (they love it 💓), play a board game with Mike, and snuggle Borah.
I met a family from Africa today. They were so grateful to be at the Huntsman specifically. It sounds like this cancer center might be their only hope at beating the exact cancer they’re facing. I need to remember to pray for them. To travel from soooo far away… Just the thought was sobering. And I act like Idaho is far 🤦‍♀️😅
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elliethehonest · 4 years
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Otherkin 101: More Terms Here are some more terms commonly used in the otherkin community! Please be kind to all people, alterhuman or human, neurotypical or neurodivergent, heterosexual or LGBTQ+! Spread kindness, not hate! . . . #otherkin #otherkincommunity #alterhuman #therian #therianthropy #fictionkin #kintype #kintypes #kin #theriotype #otherhearted #kith #phantomlimbs #shifting #mentalshift #mentalhealth #lgbt #otherkin101 #whatisotherkin #kind #kindness https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2PXZDht6T/?igshid=isxtrpi70f5
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ancestralvoices · 6 years
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#ancestralvoices #think #master #masteryourmind #masteryourthoughts #thinking #mind #mental #mentalshift #paradigmshift #spirituality #spiritual https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHNYXaHGqL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1efrl3dy3szdc
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bluenosedigital · 3 years
Memory Improvement Mastery: It's Time to Make a Mental Shift!
How exactly do you go about changing your mental attitude, though this is all fine and dandy? How do you regain control of the situation, reclaim your enjoyment, and begin living a meaningful and inspiring existence again? The first step is to figure out what's wrong. What's the problem with your mind, anyway? What can you do to fix these problems? There is definitely a lot wrong with your thoughts, so don't worry about it.
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What are you thinking about constantly? . . . #tommydanger #extremeexecution #personalgrowth #mentalshift #mindsetmatters #selfhelpquotes #thinkandgrowrich https://www.instagram.com/p/B-acCA6nW84/?igshid=oqtn4elx3ar2
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Do you decorate for Christmas? 🎄 • Have you put your tree up yet? 🌲 • Do you have rules for when it goes up and when to take it down? ☃️ • The last time I put up a tree in my house, it stayed up for 6 weeks... Maybe a little longer. 🤣 • It's not that serious to me, whether I do or don't, or put it up early, or take it down after NYE. I don't think you should feel pressured to live up to anyone's standards or traditions unless you just want to. 🎉 • When it's forced or you feel any type of shame or guilt over what you do or don't do or what you are unable to do for the holidays, it sort of defeats the purpose. If you have children and feel guilty because you can't buy them everything they want or otherwise feel the need to meet the expectations of others, maybe it's time to regroup on what it's all about. 🛠️ • [photo c. 2015] • • • • #Holiday #DIYHeadExtraction #mentalshift #letitgo #DoYou #createnewtraditions #lifehack #lemonade 🍋 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5oCtc8nF8f/?igshid=1e12kdjjgze0a
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thatqueersteer · 7 months
Carnivore/scavenger therian enrichment idea I'd you eat meat (especially to any other vultures out there unless your a palm nut vulture probably).
Buy a rotisserie chicken eat it alone so you can shift comfortably as this may cause a shift or a already happening shift to get stronger and eat it with your bare hands.
I do this occasionally and it triggers a strong shift along with food aggression but it feels so good to shift like that for me personally.
Even if you're not one who shifts I recommend,hope this helps someone
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jeremiahjahi · 5 years
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No doubt. Some of my best gains (wins) have come during difficulty and loss. #mindfulness #mindset #wordsofwisdom #thoughtoftheday #discipline #perserverence #vision #creativity #instagram #facebook #twitter #tumblr #keepgrowing #keeplearning #goforitall #playtowin #mentalshift #perspectiveshift https://www.instagram.com/p/B3094copvsd/?igshid=73a60xx1uekh
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ecstilson-blog · 10 months
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Throughout my life, I’ve written letters, addressed them to God, and dropped them off at the post office. I did this when my first son died, when I got divorced, and when I finally attained my bachelor’s degree after being a single mom. I never included a return address or a clue to my identity. This was just my message in a bottle, so I felt like Heaven heard me…
Today, I thought about this at the pharmacy. Mike had tried getting my prescription, but there are national shortages on many medications—and mine are some of them. “They ran out,” Mike said, coming back to the car. “Sorry that took forever; there’s a huge line.”
“But… my oncologist called yesterday. They have just enough for 18 days.” And then I did something I rarely do in front of Mike; I cried.
We walked back into the pharmacy to see six people in line, and as we stood there, my right leg began to shake. “You should go sit down.”
“It’s okay,” I told Mike. “I don’t wanna miss when it’s our turn.” They hadn’t listened to him. Maybe they would listen to me.
At different points, each person in front of us glanced back. They all seemed around my age (40) or younger, healthy, probably doing some Christmas shopping. Then, I had the audacity to think, “Why don’t they offer to let us go ahead? Mike was just in here. And I can barely stand this long.”
One man in line called his mother and complained while we waited. “Hi, Mom.” He paused. “Yes. Just at the pharmacy. There’s a huge line.” Another pause as he glanced back, listening to her reply. “Right?! He said he can’t even face his friends unless he gets a new gaming system this year.” He exhaled with such force that I clocked it at 50 mph. “Oh! And you know I take Nicki on a shopping spree every year? It just never seems to be enough. I hate this time of year. Are all women that needy? No wonder men joke about marriage.”
Mike looked at me and smirked. I plastered a smile onto my face, but it felt subpar. I thought of this woman, “Nicki.” Meanwhile I’m just praying for another week, another day, another moment with my family.
After a bit longer, they called us up and my leg shook so badly that I held the counter in a death grip. “I have terminal cancer,” I said, my eyes pleading with the pharmacist and my knuckles turning Porcelain 10.
“It’s for Magagna, right?” He looked at Mike, remembering him from earlier.
“My oncologist called yesterday and said you have enough for 18 days,” I begged.
“But like I told your husband, we can’t fill this for the full 30 days. We don’t have enough for this prescription.”
“My doctors’ office is closed for the weekend, and I’ll be out of this tomorrow. If it’s not too much to ask, can I please have the 18 days?”
He typed something into the computer, and my breath stopped. He practically held my life in his hands. “This’ll take about 15 minutes. I’ll come get you when it’s ready? You can take a seat over there.”
I noticed then how stressed the pharmacist looked. “I’m sorry about the line,” I suddenly said. “This must be a stressful day for you too. Thank you for your help.”
His peered at me and Mike, his eyes widening with disbelief. “What you're both going through is so much worse. I’m sorry you have cancer.”
“Well, let’s just say I didn’t ask for it.” I tried to laugh, but it came out like a hiccup. Then I turned away.
Mike decided to shop for some ice melt, and as I walked toward the chairs, I fought falling into the throes of irony. A private corner seat, behind a display of reading glasses, seemed ideal. I felt secluded as I mulled my thoughts. Why had this hit me so hard? Then it came to me, the thing I’d said to the pharmacist: “Let’s just say I didn’t ask for it.”
One of the hardest things about cancer is knowing it can affect anyone. I’d gone from participating in marathons to barely being able to walk to my mailbox. I faced the pharmacy’s northwestern wall and tears flooded my cheeks. I have terminal cancer. And there’s no denying it. Every moment in pain is a reminder.
God, not this! Not here. Wiping my face with my scarf, I dug a medical bill from my purse and flipped it over. “Dear God,” I wrote, hoping to calm down.
Dear God,
I didn’t choose this situation, and right now that’s hard. I don’t want to have terminal cancer anymore. I want a day where I don’t feel sick at all. Even ONE day. Just to remember what that was like. I’ll appreciate it so much. God. I feel trapped in my own dying body.
I hate knowing that without certain medicine I’ll die. I hate that these are my fears while some man’s wife is upset that she won’t get as much STUFF as she did last Christmas. Seriously?! I need strength. Strength to stop judging people.
Strength to keep getting cancer treatments. Strength to not complain and let this turn me into a bitter person with a curdled soul. No one can uncurdle milk! (Well, I guess YOU can.) But anyway…
Another person called last week and said I should quit getting treatments because I don’t have a quality of life. I laughed at first, but on my hardest days, I remember their words and it’s hard to keep going.
God… I’m sorry to be so judgmental. I really am. I’m working on it.
AND… if it’s not too much to ask, can you please give me strength? I know you’re gettin’ a lot of requests though, so if you can’t, I understand.
At that moment, I glanced toward the counter and spotted a woman who looked 10,000 times worse than me. She’d lost her hair and probably weighed 100 pounds—even with her walker. She could barely walk and hunched so badly; I wanted to pick her up in my arms and hold her tight. Why hadn’t I looked back when I was in line? Why hadn’t I offered to trade HER places? Screw my aching hips and shaking leg. Why hadn’t “I” done more? Then the answer came: Because I was too wrapped up in my own problems. And that’s exactly why other people hadn’t offered to help me…
Woah. Mind blown…
I suddenly felt sympathy for the man whose family always wants more. I felt bad for his wife who doesn’t know what really matters. I felt even more compassion for the pharmacist who’d just been yelled at and wiped sweat from his brow. And I felt a bit of strength come with every second that I stopped focusing on myself.
“You wanted to swing by the post office?” Mike asked as we walked out of the store.
I looked at the letter I’d written on a medical bill. It simply had my first and last name above all of the numbers. For the first time, I’d broken my one rule: to never write a letter to God that included personal information. “No, it’s all right. We can just go straight home,” I said.
With one hand, I crumpled the bill and threw it into a big garbage can at the front of the store. God had already answered my prayer. He’d given me strength AND empathy. I guess He really can hear us anywhere, even in a pharmacy in southeastern Idaho. Plus, He didn’t charge for same-day delivery or anythin’.
For more posts like this, please follow my page at https://m.facebook.com/realecstilson .
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elliethehonest · 4 years
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Otherkin101: Types of shifts!🦌 Not all otherkin experience shifting, but it is very common! As a side note, physical shifting is, obviously, physically impossible, so if any individual tells you they can physically shift, don't believe them! All shifting is valid and is a personal experience. If your shifting starts to interfere with your daily life in a negative way, please seek professional treatment! What shifts have you experienced?🐆 . . . #otherkin #otherkincommunity #alterhuman #therian #therianthropy #fictionkin #kintype #kintypes #kin #theriotype #otherhearted #kith #phantomlimbs #shifting #mentalshift #mentalhealth #lgbt #otherkin101 #whatisotherkin https://www.instagram.com/p/CKg8nEbhUAx/?igshid=1rrdej6mys03
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holyghostdriven · 7 years
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👨🏻‍🎓👨🏼👨🏾‍🚒👨🏿‍⚖️🤵🏻🤴👨🏼‍✈️#prayer #favor #blessings #forgiveness #righteousness #getahead #selfimprovement #spiritualgrowth #lasvegas #limelightchurchlasvegas #christianity #mentalshift #renewyourmind #renewyourspirit #renewyourthoughts #realmenpray (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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joshnix120 · 5 years
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“Her body literally shifted. She sat up tall, with her head held high, just moments after she seemed down and out.” If you have a moment, it would mean the world to me if you would leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. The link is below! Thank you for listening! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-empower1st-podcast/id1464772105?uo=4 #podcast #mindset #mentalshift #focus #nextlevel #selfdevelopment #motivation #inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/B063ER5AtuV/?igshid=1n3bcuvtu37lw
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mrpsplacecards · 5 years
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Use 'Joy' as your guiding compas to restore balance in the world. This is a movement, not a philosophy. . #mrpsplacecards #aplaceforeveryname #placecards #oldchatham #tabletop #interiordesign #interiors #interiorinspo #tablesetting #tablescape #thingswelove #joy #mrp #thejoyeconomy #movement #mentalshift #instaquotes @southernladymag @traditionalhome @elledecor @verandamag @milieumag @theworldofinteriors @vogueliving @southernlivingmag @betterhomesandgardens @oprahmagazine (at Old Chatham, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0UUWUHDs5/?igshid=13bmk61mcku9e
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sherondarone-blog · 5 years
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What are you thinking? What are you talking about? Remember that your words have power!! #selfcare #selflove #lovingme #mentalshift https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYCuwHnTen/?igshid=11kfycmauknsl
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