#mentioned g!technoblade
i-am-beckyu · 4 months
One Small Gift
HELLO! I TOLD YOU I'D POST ONE MORE FIC THIS YEAR! And I am very proud of myself for making it a Christmas centered fic! I can't believe it's actually been a year since I last posted a Christmas fic. Like where did the time go and how did this thing spawn?
I'm gonna ramble a bit more at the bottom of this fic about me and the community but lets not hold you up any longer so I give you: The Christmas Fic- One Small Gift :3
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), lying, panic and anxiety, fluff- Like, ALOT of Fluff, hidden identity and of course happy endings. You know, the usual angst/fluffy Beckyu fic :3 word count: 8351
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Why did the walls always have to be so damn cold? 
Tommy’s mind couldn’t help but linger on the thought, as the Borrower shivered making his way through the maze that was the inside the house walls.
Human Beans invented heaters AGES ago for the insides of their houses to keep warm, so how was it that the inside of the walls were still always so flippen freezing? 
Would it kill them to think of the little guy freezing their butt off just once?
Well no, maybe not. But it certainly would Tommy. 
As much as the young blonde would love to cuss at the home owner for not giving him a proper source of heat, the Borrowers code quite literally FORBID them from ever telling a Human of their existence. Not to forget the fact that it would mean doom for a borrower if they ever did. All the horror stories of Borrowers being squished or experimented on from the elders to go off being proof enough.
Death by Human Beans?
HA! Absolutely NOT!
That’s exactly the reason why he is trying to get supplies for the Winter to warm himself up, before it gets even colder! 
Tommy grumbled to himself as he ducked and weaved past forgotten cobwebs about how it was such a pain to be in this position in the first place. He’d had a perfectly fine home in a tree nook in the forest that had always remained nice and cosy warm during the colder months. 
Even if that meant he’d been living on his own, Tommy had been happy living as an Outie borrower for as long as he could remember. Well at least he had, before some tall, pretentious brunette freak decided his home would be the perfect tree to cut down and drag all the way back to his stupid freezing cold house. 
But it gets better, because even though the main part of his home was actually still intact under the now stump, the Bean still took the top half of the tree- 
With Tommy still inside it! 
They flippen took HIS house and wrapped it in a net; effectively trapping the poor borrower and then strapped it to the top of their car and drove hours and hours to a Human Town with him hanging on for dear life.
And that’s not even the worst part because not only did the flippen Bean steal part of his house, but then they had the audacity to cover the tree's dying corpse in fancy decorations and shining lights. 
Like seriously WTF?!
A Bean kidnaps him from the only place he’s ever really known and covers his once thriving residence all merrily in ornaments, while he’s forced to flee his only real known place of safety with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the few supplies he did have stored in the upper levels of his now dying home. He hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was the only choice he really had. 
Stay in the tree and get caught, or try and survive in the Beans' walls until Winter passes.
He chose the latter of course- (It’s not like staying would have helped him anyways) 
Getting down from the top of the tree had been, well- less than a fun time for the Borrower. The big purple bruises across his back were a throbbing reminder from his impact on the floor at times, but he managed. 
Instead, Tommy had started to navigate his temporary ‘soon to be home’ in the walls getting an idea of the layout and where the best places were to borrow from. He just had to make it through the Winter and then he could go home. Trying to get back to his nook now would be impossible with all the snow cover on the ground, but he’d get back to the forest even if it killed him.
Which might be the case soon if he doesn’t get some new clothes and heat source quick.
That was the main issue with being kidnapped after all. You only have what’s on your back and well, Tommy hadn’t exactly been expecting to get yoinked away in his scrappy T-Shirt and shorts. He had proudly made them himself with the few scraps of fabric he’d managed to find from some Beans that had been passing through years ago on a camping trip, but the fabric was light, and not made to be worn in such cold conditions. 
He’d only meant to go up and check what the heck the loud thumping outside his tree was like any normal person. He was expecting a deer or maybe a bear using it as a scratching post, not a Bean cutting their house down and taking him along with it. You don’t exactly have time to think about putting on proper clothing when your everything is at stake.
So that was step one: Find some material and make some clothes- a jacket the top priority.
Tommy is very thankful that he had his borrowing bag on him, that he still has his self made needle and some old thread so he at least didn’t have to start from nothing. Finding the material hadn’t been too difficult to locate either. When he first scouted the place, he discovered pretty quickly that the Bean had a habit of leaving stuff all over the place, so borrowing supplies hadn’t been difficult to do without being noticed. It’s how he found the most perfect fluffy woollen red sock to make a coat and blanket from. He would already have it now though if the Bean hadn’t come back before he could swipe it.
The Borrower had tried to come back for it later, but the Bean had decided it was time to clean their room up because he had some guests coming for this thing called ‘Chris-mass’- whatever that was- and the sock was gone.
So instead he grabbed what he could and made his way back to the walls with just enough fabric to make a new pair of pants and some crackers for dinner.
But it still didn’t fix the whole freezing situation.
What Tommy really needed was a candle. 
To a Human Bean it may seem to be an insignificant source of light, but to a Borrower it could literally be the difference between a warm nights sleep and becoming a Borrower popsicle! But that was easier said then done because all the usual spots Beans would normally keep candles, were replaced with flippen electric ones!!!! 
What’s wrong with fire on candles!? Why would you want a fake candle that just flickers and produces less light than a real one?
That or something for a bed. At least that way he’d have a comfortable place to sleep and trap his own body heat.
He really wishes he could have taken those socks…
As if this Bean wasn’t bad enough, not only did they lack the materials Tommy so desperately needed, but they wouldn’t shut up talking into the black box (a fone he thinks it’s called from memory) to other Beans with how excited they were about them coming to stay for the Hole-lid-days and spend time huddled together by the fire or something dumb. 
“Come on Dad! Let me host. If you let me host, I’ve got the coolest surprise planned for you and Techno I swear!! Plus don’t you want to come and see me?” 
Lucky prick. Got a Dad and a brother…
Now don’t get him wrong, Tommy is a big man, if not the biggest man to ever exist and he doesn’t need anyone. But he also couldn’t help but long for someone to share the cold season with like the Beans did. It had been so long since he’d seen another Borrower like himself and though he’d never admit it, living alone did get a little bit lonely sometimes. It would be nice if just once he could share a night cuddled up close to a loved one, and just bask in each other’s company. 
But Tommy didn’t have time to be sentimental about things he’d likely never have.
He needed to find a way to stay warm and get warm now.
But the universe decidedly hated Tommy because, tonight was apparently December 24th-
Chrisymiss Eve.
Tommy had been here about a week or so and in his short stay still wasn’t 100% sure what this whole Khrislermas was, but it appeared to be a BIG deal to the Beans. 
Apparently, all the Beans get together whether it’s family or friends to spend time together and exchange gifts. It’s about being thankful for what you have or whatever and something about showing how much you love someone by giving and receiving presents. 
Tommy thought it was actually quite a nice thing the Beans did and wished that Borrowers had something similar themselves in their culture. However, there was one thing he still didn’t quite understand about this whole holiday thing.
Who the heck is Santa Claus?
He’d been taking some more crackers the Bean had left out from the kitchen while this ‘tv show’ played on the Bean's big Black box that was talking about this Santa guy. Apparently, he was some elusive, big fat man, dressed all in red with a big white bushy beard, who climbed down the Beans chimneys, and left gifts for all the little boys and girls of the world. He had this list too that knew if you’d been naughty or nice and would leave the good children gifts and the bad children coal in their stockings. 
Children could write letters to Santa or he’d visit and children could sit on his knee and ask him for a gift they would like and he would deliver the toys to children all over the world on Christmas eve when everyone was sleeping, only to have disappeared by daybreak.
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this Santa at first- not when it was just another Bean to avoid. That was until he learned two very important details.
1- Santa delivered presents to ALL children of the world. 
And 2- Santa wasn’t meant to be seen by Humans either.
So not only did this Santa guy literally just give out free gifts, but Tommy literally had a way to get exactly what he needed for the winter!
All he needed to do was talk to Santa and he’d be saved! 
Now you might be thinking: But Tommy, you said it yourself. Santa isn’t meant to be seen by anyone so what makes you the exception? 
Borrowers aren’t meant to be seen by Beans and neither is Santa.
Which means just like Borrowers, Santa must not want to be caught (which if he thinks too hard about it makes sense since he literally breaks into houses but anyways) and unlike with Beans, there is no rule that says Borrowers can’t see Santa!
All he has to do is wait for Santa to visit Crystamas eve, and then he can ask for his gift! Santa probably even knows what he wants, being made of magic and all! He just never knew Santa existed so he’s never asked for his gift before! 
If he were a more greedy Borrower, he could ask for so much more to make up for all the years he never got a gift, but that would probably put him on Santa’s naughty list. And while coal would be good, Tommy doesn’t exactly want to burn the house down with him inside it. So this was his best shot to get exactly what he needed. 
The hard bit though, was waiting for Santa to arrive. That meant not only having to be out in the living room where the fireplace was, but also meant he had to wait for the Bean to fall asleep. Which really meant that it would be AGES before Santa would come because the Bean of the house was terrible at sleeping at night. 
The man literally had no sleep schedule and would stay up till terrible times in the morning before drifting off. Normally that wasn’t much of an issue for the Borrower having observed this early on, but right now it was very much a hindrance because it could be hours before they went to bed. 
It also seemed that they wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, because the amount of energy and excitement the Bean had displayed the whole day about his family coming home was overwhelming. He’d come home at one stage with this big bag of stuff talking on the black box about how his super cool surprise was coming along and how it would be awesome since they let him host Chrimpmas- whatever that meant. 
Tommy had hoped with the excitement of the holiday they’d have been ready to pass out by now, but he couldn’t be more wrong with the amount of commotion he could hear from down the hall- and that’s through the walls. 
At least he could observe everything going on from his place on the bookshelf. It was right next to a small crack in the wall he could just squeeze through, but it gave him a good view of the living room but also enough cover from prying eyes unless he made his presence known. However, being out of the walls had one difference the blonde hadn’t accounted for.
The fire had been lit and was keeping the whole room nice and toasty warm compared to the harsh bite the walls somehow managed to keep. The whole atmosphere made him almost want to curl up and fall asleep. It had been so long since he’d been able to just enjoy the warmth in the air and not be shivering to keep alive.
Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if he had a nap before Santa arrived.
Just a quick one….
Tommy was awoken to a rather loud THUNK as the Borrower shot up from where he had fallen asleep atop the shelf. 
It took the blonde a moment to realise where he was and not panic about being out in the open before his eyes settled upon a figure. 
Sprawled out across the floor in a heap of red and white was the jolly big man himself.
Santa Claus.
The one and only.
“Santa!” Tommy yelled excitedly as he hurriedly manoeuvred to stand. “Santa you came!”
Santa’s head snapped up from the floor alarmed, as they pushed themselves to stand and take a defensive stance.
“Who said that?!” they shouted, looking around wildly panicked. “Show yourself!”
Tommy giggled to himself. Santa was so silly. 
“Up here Santa! I’ve been waiting for you.” The blonde waved as the man's head turned and their eyes fell onto his small form. 
Tommy grinned at the magical man taking him all in. 
Just like the figure on the big black box, Santa wore a big red coat with white fluff lining the ends of his sleeves. A big black belt was strapped around their waist, fastened with a fancy golden buckle and sturdy black boots on their feet to keep out the snow. Their head was adorned with an oversized big red hat, with a giant white fluffy pom pom on the end, and they had a long white beard that travelled down their chest. And last but not least was a pair of gold rimmed glasses perched on the tip of their rosy red nose which accentuated their big brown eyes that were staring at him in wonder. 
He could have sworn that Santa's eyes were blue.
“I can’t believe you came! I wasn’t sure if you would since I never sent a letter but you must have known anyway cause here you are!” The little borrower stated excitedly as Santa removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! I really need my Crimpmess present.” 
“I’m sorry you’re what?” the man’s eyes furrowed in confusion as they processed what the younger had said.
“My present!.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “You know, the whole reason why you’re here.”
Santa didn’t exactly seem like he knew what was going on. Right now all he was doing was staring and Tommy was getting a bit annoyed. 
Was that not why Santa was here? To deliver his present like the show had said?
Tommy huffed annoyed he had to explain all this. Wasn’t this like his job? He should know!
“I’m sorry,” Santa began slowly as if trying to process. “I didn’t actually know you were here.”
“Why else would you have come then?” Tommy crossed his arms unimpressed. “I’m the only kid here, but don’t tell anyone else I said that. I’m a big man! The biggest ever!”
This finally seemed to warrant a different reaction from the older, as they looked the boy up and down unimpressed by this so-called ‘fact’.
“A big man huh? You look more like a child. What are you- 12?”
Tommy feigned a gasp, grasping his chest offendedly. “I’ll have you know I’m 14 and the biggest man alive! I’m only a child for the purpose of getting my gift tonight and tonight only!”
Santa couldn’t stifle a laugh as he watched as the small child stomped his foot in a mini tantrum at being called 12. It was endearing in a way but he still wasn’t sure how to proceed with a tiny child standing on their bookshelf.
“Well whatever you say I guess, but I still I didn’t know you were here.”
The blonde shrugged before moving closer to the shelfs edge. “Ah well it doesn’t matter. You’re here now so I’d like my gift please! You have it right?” 
“If I didn’t know you were here, then how would I have your present with me?” Santa asked.
Well he did make a good point. It’s not like he sent Santa a letter and he hadn't met him to tell him like other human bean children had until now. 
“Oh right. Guess I better come sit on your knee and tell you what I’d like than.” Tommy stated matter of factly, as the small Borrower moved to the edge of the shelf and stabbed his hook into the wood, quickly jumping off to descend on his rope to the ground.
“Wait, DON’T DO THAT!” 
The blonde yelped in surprise, moving instinctually to protect his ears at the sheer volume the man shouted, in turn losing his grip on his rope, quickly plummeting down to the ground below. Santa lunged forward with an outstretched hand as the boy slipped down the rope at a rapid speed, catching him before any real harm could be done. He semi slammed into the wall, clutching his hand to his chest as they did so before quickly unfurling their hand.
“Oh my prime! Kid- kid are you alright?” Santa said frantically checking over the boy he now held in his palm. 
Tommy shook his head, dizzy from the sudden force that had rammed into him only moments ago. He tried to steady himself grabbing, onto the nearest thing his hand could find as he begun to regain his bearings.
Oh he was going to ache tomorrow…
“As soon as the world stops spinning, yeah.”
Santa sighed in relief as Tommy allowed himself to regain focus. It was then that he really took note of where he was. 
Normally, if a Borrower was sitting in the hand of someone almost 100x his size, he would be kicking and screeching to get away. But this was Santa Claus’s hand and Tommy felt only wonder. 
It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. The thing he had grabbed onto was apparently Santa’s thumb and it was almost as big as his head! Even if it was a bit weird sitting on the leathery texture of their skin, the warmth radiating beneath him was heavenly, and the way the man’s fingers curled slightly over him protectively felt nothing but comforting. 
Santa hadn’t moved since he caught Tommy mid air, and was staring at Tommy as if they would disappear. They seemed stuck on what to do next, but also amazed he was sitting there at all.
“You alright there big man?” Tommy raised a brow confused at why the man would act this way. Santa was literally made of magic and had flying reindeer for goodness sake! A borrower existing surely was no cause for such amazement? There were surely way more interesting magical things to see than a lowly Borrower like him. 
(But then again, he was a pretty poggers Borrower if he did so say that himself, so staring could be justified for that reason)
This finally snapped the old man out of their wondrous stupor, as they squinted their eyes open and shut with a quick shake of their head. 
“Uh yep. All good um. Let's- go sit down. Yeah- yeah, let's do that.” Santa said, confirming more to themself than Tommy.
Santa brought the boy protectively to their chest to brace them before they moved away from the book shelf, smoothly walking over to the couch where the old man sat down ever so slowly to not jostle their small passenger. The second they were bending down to sit though, Tommy was launching himself off Santa’s palm for his knee as the bearded man frantically tried to stop them in their escapade.
“Kid, would you stop doing that? You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“Pfft please. This is nothing compared to how I got down from that tree over there.” The boy grinned as they pointed to the far corner of the living room.
The man's head followed to where the boy was pointing, the Christmas tree displayed proudly in a large pot tied with a red bow, small lights flickering on and off in changing patterns.
“Tree? You mean the Christmas tree?”
“Yep!” Tommy stood proudly popping the p. “I had to get down somehow and my hook would have gotten stuck in amongst the branches if I had tried to abseil down. So I did what any logical Borrower would do and jumped.”
“You jumped?!” Santa’s eyes widened, as he looked back and forth between the boy and the top of the brightly decorated tree. He grimaced, imagining the boy throwing themselves from the upper branches like they had done only moments before onto his knee. 
What was with this kid and being so reckless?!
“You jumped from the top of the Christmas tree!? Why were you even there in the first place?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing their arms in front of their chest. 
“It’s all that stupid Beans fault.”He huffed annoyed. “He just came waltzing into MY forest, decided to be very rude and put their grubby hands all over MY house wrapping it up in some ugly net, only to cut it down with me still in it!”
Tommy didn’t notice the way Santa’s brows furrowed and their expression changed to one of horror as he continued to ramble on.
“They literally kidnapped me, Santa! They’re so lucky that the main part of my house is under the tree’s trunk and not the higher branches because I swear I would have murdered that Bean in their sleep by now if they had!”
Tommy was very pleased to have finally gotten to vent some of his frustrations to someone other than his internal self, but now he was finished he had a good chance to register the other’s reaction.
Santa looked horrified.
His eyes seemed glossed over as if he was holding back tears, and one hand slapped over their mouth, the other gripping their wrist tightly in an attempt to ground themselves. 
Uh shit. He hadn’t meant for that to happen…
“Uh but don’t worry Santa!” Tommy was quick to add. “ I wouldn’t actually do that. That would be a bad thing to do and put me on the Naughty list! I promise I won’t actually murder anyone!” 
Phew, that was a close one. He couldn’t jeopardise his only hope with a silly joke!
Santas’ face had yet to change and Tommy subconsciously started to fidget feeling nervous to how the older was reacting. Maybe he had blown it and now he was on the naughty list. Another glance at the old man's face seemed to confirm those fears.
He’d blown it.
His one shot at survival and he practically threw it all away with a vent. No wonder he ended up all alone.
“Please don’t put me on the Naughty list Santa. I need my gift.” Tommy spoke timidly. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I- no. No you’re not on the Naughty list.” Santa dragged his hands over his eyes a few times strained. “I'm just trying to process. It’s more of the whole kidnapping thing. ” 
If Tommy had been paying better attention, he may have noticed the few stray brown curls poking out from under the man's hat, but he was more thrown by their following question as the magical man continued on.
“If you were in the tree, why didn’t you say anything?”
Tommy drew a deep breath, before sighing as the boy shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Because Santa, Beans aren’t supposed to know that Borrowers like me even exist.”
“Human Beans Santa. You know, big people like you, but not magical and stuff.” The Borrower explained. “There’s no way I could tell the dumb Bean he was cutting my house down! Do you know what Beans do to Borrowers like me?” 
“Um no?” Santa fiddled with his hands as he looked away, eyes downcast to avoid the youngers gaze as they continued.
“They get rid of us. To them we’re just pests or things to be used.”
Tommy hugged himself tightly, anxiety pooling in his chest for the first time that night. He wished it wasn’t true, but Beans just held far too much power for their own good. Their greed often outweighing their need to do good without reward. 
“I’d rather risk jumping out of a tree than ever fall into the clutches of a Bean.” 
“But how do you know that?” Santa suddenly said, muscles tensing as they clenched their hand into fists. 
Tommy flinched at the sight of hands so close. Closed so tightly that he couldn’t help let slip the thought of himself in the mercy of their grasp, begging to be freed like all the stories had said of the Borrowers trapped in agonising pain. The man noticed his discomfort, and immediately loosened their fists, moving their hands away and under their thighs so as to not startle the boy any further than they already had.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Santa said with a sense of guilt.  “But I just- How do you know that though? Who says that they would have hurt you if you had just made your presence known? You wouldn’t have had to jump or gotten hurt.”
Santa turned away sheepishly, whispering sadly. “They could have helped you.” 
Tommy swallowed hard, his shoulders sagging as he observed the sad look Santa had as they stared at the Christmas tree. It was obvious they were blaming themself for what had happened. He was far too kind for that.
“Santa, it’s not your fault.” the boy sighed, “Every borrower is taught this from birth. It’s a known fact that Beans are all cruel, power hungry beings. They always want more and just take, take, take.”  
“But what if this ‘Bean’ didn’t know.” Santa shot back, causing the Borrower to falter. “What if you had said something? They would have stopped and left you and your house alone? How do you know they wouldn’t have helped you?”
“Because Santa,” Tommy turned and faced the man head on. “That’s just how Beans are. To them, we're just another thing to take and control.” 
Tommy wanted to believe Santa, he really did, but it was hard to just ignore years of being brought up to beware Human Beans and their cruelty. He’d seen it even from when Beans had once come into the forest with their fire sticks, and took down a friendly deer. It was unnecessarily cruel and was all the convincing Tommy needed to deem all Humans bad.
Santa nodded sadly in some kind of understanding, but Tommy couldn’t understand why Santa looked so hurt. It wasn’t his fault the Bean took him and his home, but he seemed so convinced that hiding and not asking for help had been the wrong thing to do. 
He thought they were the same, that if Beans caught him on Christmas Eve, then something bad would happen to him like it would for Borrowers. That’s why they had to stay a secret. Why no one could know they were here. 
But Santa wasn’t a Borrower who lived in hiding unknown. The Beans knew about the jolly, present giving man that only appeared in December. 
He could live among the Beans and it would be fine if he asked for help. Everyone liked Santa. He didn’t take things just to survive. He gave toys and gifts so he would have no worries about the repercussions of taking a paperclip just to get around. He wouldn’t have to worry about Beans hurting him if something went wrong. He would just use his magic and be fine.
It was Santa’s choice to stay hidden as an extra precaution to protect that same magic. 
“But you’re different from the Beans Santa.” The boy perked up instantly remembering why he was doing this in the first place. “You only come out of hiding at Christmas and everyone knows who you are! You only hide to keep your magic safe from Beans so they can’t have that too!” 
The man gave a small smile as the boy continued to ramble, pacing back and forth on his thigh as he did so.
“But I don’t understand why you give children presents when they already have so much!” Tommy stopped, his lips pursed together as his voice dropped to a whisper.
“Unlike me.” He confessed quietly, lifting his head to meet Santa’s sympathetic gaze. 
Santa was staring at the young boy again, leaned forward in concern listening as the blonde  continued to share his story.
“It's why I need my gift Santa.” Tommy wringed his hands together with a nervous glance to see Santa’s reaction who nodded in approval, gesturing for him to continue. 
Tommy steadied himself.
Now or never.
“I was brought here with basically nothing. Forced to move into the Beans walls or risk being seen. I’ve barely been able to get anything for basic survival and the walls are freezing!” 
Tommy shivered remembering the way the air had nipped at his nose as he struggled to keep warm. Clutching himself tightly in a poor attempt to retain any kind of body heat. The one time he went up stairs without his coat and of course he gets kidnapped.
He needed this. 
More than anything.
Wilbur had just wanted to have the perfect Christmas.
It was his first time hosting and had decided he HAD to go all out.
More decorations than his little house needed both inside and out, homemade hot chocolate from scratch and had promised his Father and brother a very special Christmas surprise if they let him host.
Their first ever living Christmas tree and a surprise visit from the Big man himself- Santa Claus.
He’d done a bunch or research into the best spots to go where he could get a tree and quickly had been recommended from several sites about the fir trees in Logstedshire, and quickly made the trip out to find a tree.
What the websites failed to mention, was that said fir trees might be inhabited and the home of tiny people that are terrified of Human Beings. 
So if you asked: No, Wilbur was not having a good night realising he had kidnapped a child that was deathly afraid of him and only okay right now because he thought he was the real Santa Claus. 
In a way, it was a good thing the kid hadn’t realised yet, because if Wilbur had never dressed up in this silly costume, he probably would have never known about the child freezing to death in his walls.
The child was so cold despite their lively spirit when he’d caught them after they launched themself off the top of the shelf. The fact it wasn’t the first time they’d thrown themself from such a height made Wilbur sick knowing had they not been lucky, could very well not have made the long fall. But the fact the kid had been struggling, terrified and afraid in his walls when he could have helped had the guilt eating him away as the boy rambled on.
They were so sure of themselves with the cruelty of humanity too that they had him so on edge. If the blonde knew he was really the guy that had cut his tree down, he very much doubted they would be this enthusiastic. He was talking about how much he needed his gift- the gift he still had no clue what it was, but just hearing the little blondes tale, and seeing how thin his clothes were had Wilbur making a very long list of things he needed to get to help the kid out. 
A kid which he still doesn’t know the name of.
The boy's eyes had brightened, as he bounded up and down on the balls of his feet eagerly, talking about what this gift would mean for him. He was actually quite endearing despite their seemingly dire situation.
“If I tell you my gift, then you can give it to me now and I’ll actually have a chance to survive the Winter!” He explained excitedly, grining.
Wilbur pushed down his anxiousness for the boys well-being. They had already suffered enough from his mistakes. He didn’t want them to suffer any longer than they had by them accidentally discovering the truth.
“What’s your name kid?” Wilbur mentally slapped himself  that he hadn’t asked sooner.
The tiny boy chuckled to himself as they crossed their arms. “Oh come on Santa, you know my name don’t you? You have a list with every child's name on it.”
Ah- right. Santa did have that Naughty and Nice list didn’t he? Curse Santa for having to live up to magical standards.
“Uh- I came here in such a rush, I um- ah must have left my list back at the North Pole.”
“So?” The boy argued, raising a brow. “You’re magic. Don’t you just know?”
Did he say endearing earlier? How about difficult for making him use his brain at 9pm at night. (Shut up. Don’t judge him for it)
“Well you know there’s like 2 Billion kids in this world and I see them all in one night. You don’t expect me to remember every name without my list do you?”
The kid hadn’t seemed to account for this, and thought it over before shrugging in agreement. 
Oh thank goodness for kids being young and naive. 
“I guess that’s fair. But you’ve got a s*** memory in that case Big Man. Getting old.” 
Actually, make that an annoying gremlin.
“I think if someone wants their present, they should be more careful about insulting their elders.” Wilbur teased with a chuckle. The boy rolled his eyes with a groan. 
Okay, an endearing gremlin then.
“Fiiiiiiiiine.” they drawled letting their arms drop to their sides before extending their hand up in greeting. “The name’s Tommy.”
Wilbur carefully lifted his arm up and slowly extended his pinky finger out for the boy to take in an oversized handshake. 
“Nice to meet you Tommy.” His finger dwarfed the boy entirely, his pinky finger only slightly shorter than the boy's total height, but nevertheless, Tommy took the tip and shook it lightly.
“Now, why don’t you sit down and tell me what it is you’d like for Christmas?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile at the little boy excitedly sharing in exact detail what he wanted. What the Borrower wanted wasn’t even that difficult to get, and he knew exactly where to find it. Tommy continued to ramble on for a bit longer about what he had been doing since coming here and Wilbur made mental notes of the few places where Tommy talked about entrances in out of the walls for future reference.
He was going to have to look out for Tommy from now on and if he wanted a shred of hope in getting him to trust him as Wilbur, he was going to need a plan.
“So could I have my gift now? I would really love it now and you still have a lot of other houses to visit tonight right?” Tommy asked innocently.
Wilbur really didn’t want to stop talking to Tommy. Tommy trusted the magical Santa Claus; not regular Human Being Wilbur Soot. He knew that if he let Tommy go now, it was unlikely he would see the kid again, but if he didn’t leave as Santa now, they would most likely get suspicious, realising he was a fake and panic. 
Wilbur sighed as he brushed a stray hair of fake beard from under his cheek.
“I- yeah I guess so. Best get you to bed then too.” 
“Awwww but I’m not sleepy yet!” The blonde pouted. “This is normally when I’m awake so it would be a crime to make me sleep now.”
“Well good little girls and boys go to bed when they’re told if they want to stay on the nice list.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Tommy stuck his tongue out in defiance and Wilbur had to bite his to stop himself from bursting out loud laughing. 
This kid was going to be the death of him he swears.
Wilbur extended his hand to the Borrower, keeping it steady as he waited for Tommy to climb on. He’s still a little huffy at first realising there was no room for argument, but climbs on anyway, sitting down in the middle of Wilbur’s palm bracing themself before he moves.
The brunette curls his fingers over the boy slightly, bringing his hand to his chest protectively. He tries not to linger too long at how it felt to hold an entire person in one hand for the second time tonight before moving to stand. 
Steadily, Wilbur makes his way over to the book shelf and cautiously raises his hand up for Tommy to climb off of. He sets his hand down on the wooden surface and Tommy takes no time in hoping off to stand, waiting expectantly for his promised present.  
“Okay I need you to close your eyes just for a second.” Wilbur asks the boy who quickly covers his eyes with his hands, only to peak out from behind his fingers seconds later.
“I mean it Tommy. Keep them closed.”
“Ugggghhhhh Fineee!” the boy said huffing, but relented nevertheless. 
Wilbur quickly whirled around and crouched down beneath the Christmas tree, snagging a gift from the floor and hastily tearing the gift tag labelled- Technoblade; from the gift before setting it next to the small borrower child. 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
Tommy removed his hands and squealed in delight, quickly reaching down to hug the gift. 
“Oh thank you Santa! You really are the most poggers man ever!!!” Tommy spoke rapidly, smiling so much his cheeks hurt. “Well after me of course, but only by a little bit!” 
Wilbur chuckled as he gazed affectionately at the blonde hunched over the brightly wrapped gift. “You’re welcome Tommy. I’m glad you like it.”
The boy quickly stood, and started hauling the gift to the crack in the wall, as they tried to shove the gift through. Unfortunately while the crack had been enough for Tommy to squeeze through, it wasn’t quite wide enough to let the present go in without getting a tad scrunched up and paper torn. 
“Um, Tommy? Is there perhaps a bigger entrance I could take this too?” Wilbur suggested, cringing slightly as the boy gave another hard shove on the gift, intent on getting it through no matter what.
“It’ll fit. Just gotta keep pushing it in.” 
After a few more attempts, the boy did in fact give up and relented their efforts allowing Wilbur to pull the now crumpled present back out from the crack, instructing him to take it to the kitchen and place it behind the toaster, assuring him he would get it before the Bean woke up explaining how the electrical socket actually came off as a secret entrance.
He offered to take Tommy over to it too, but the stubborn boy refused, insisting that he had done enough and needed to hurry up and deliver presents to the other children before the night was over.
Taking one more long look at the boy, Wilbur watched as Tommy disappeared through the crack into the walls, the sound of tiny footsteps pitter pattering away before Wilbur himself quietly crept back to his room before he removed the Santa costume and flopped down onto his bed. 
He’d just met a tiny child.
A tiny child trying to survive in his walls.
That was deathly afraid of him.
Quickly Wilbur shot up from his bed snatching his phone from the night stand; a plan forming in his mind. The screen read 9:31 pm before he hastily unlocked it and dove into his contacts, quickly stopping on a profile of a girl with light pink hair, dialling their number shortly after.
The phone rang twice before a woman answered on the other end.
“Niki? Hey! How’s the holidays going?” Wilbur asked as he grabbed his coat and gloves from the wardrobe.
“So I need a favour…”
Tommy awoke warm for the first time that week.
He opened his eyes blearily, almost willing himself to fall back into dream land before his eyes snapped fully open. Tommy rubbed his eyes a few times, eyes going wide trying to comprehend that this was real and not just a dream as the thoughts of the previous night played through his head.
He was in his Christmas present: A brand new pair of bright red, fluffy woollen socks- the most perfect bed ever and exactly what Tommy had asked for. He had basically run to get his gift as fast as possible, before hauling it back through the walls to a space close by the bookshelf; the space seemingly much more homely after last night's introductions. 
He hugged the woollen fabric tightly, smiling as he remembered the soft smile Santa had as he watched him go and how kind and gentle he had been with him the entire time.
The Borrower was so pleased and grateful that he had been able to meet the Santa Claus, and would cherish the magical night forever.
He stayed snuggled in his new bed for a little while longer before his stomach grumbled in protest that he should go and have something to eat. Albeit a little grumbly, his hunger eventually won out and Tommy made his way through the walls back to the kitchen so he could gather some food before the Bean woke up.
Stealthily, he removed the electrical socket, expecting to make it a quick supply run; stepping out into the open before freezing in surprise.
Laid out in a neat pile behind the toaster was a small stack of brightly wrapped gifts all wrapped in different coloured and patterned paper, and right in the middle, an envelope with his name written in gold cursive. Tommy smiled brightly, as he eagerly ran forward to the awaiting stack of gifts, quickly grabbing a gift reading the label. 
To: Tommy From: Santa
Tommy denies that he cried that day. 
That he took each gift home and opened each one oh so delicately, afraid if he didn’t they might just disappear, happy tears trailing down his cheek as he opened a gift revealing a beautiful, blue knitted sweater- and in just his size. 
His tears didn’t cease as he opened the other gifts revealing several new pairs of warm winter clothes, new rope and hooks for climbing, some tea candles with a tiny piece of flint and steel to light them, and the tiniest iced cookies he had ever seen. He could actually hold this in one hand like humans did and he had a whole bag of them!!! His prayers had been answered and he couldn’t be more thankful.
Soon, the only thing that remained was the envelope.
He dried his face as best he could, doing his best to not smear any tears or snot onto the pristine surface as he opened the envelope, revealing a card with a picture of glitter candy canes decorating the front. 
Settled back into his new bed, Tommy opened the card and read the message inside.
Dear Tommy, It was lovely meeting you and getting to know your story. I figured you might  like some extra gifts as well to help you be more comfortable in Wilbur’s walls. I think you should try talking to him.  You might be surprised. Sincerely, Santa Claus
P.S- He’s not as scary as you think.
Tommy’s smile became puzzled as he reread the last few lines.
Who the heck was Wilbur?
Was that the name of the Bean that lived here?
Oh come on, that's not fair! How come Santa knew Wilbur’s name but not his!
He grumbled a little bit at the thought, but his mind kept drawing back to the last line of the card.
‘He’s not as scary as you think.’
“Hmpf, you keep saying that.” Tommy grumbled. 
What was with Santa’s insistence on this?
As much as he wanted to be annoyed at Santa for putting forward such a ridiculous idea, Tommy decided to drag himself out of bed and to the book shelf crack. The Bean had gotten up not long after Tommy had made it back to his new home, but he’d been a tad too distracted to really care about how slow and heavy they had been trudging about this morning unlike their usually poised self.
Currently, said Bean was sitting on the couch, the exact same spot he and Santa had been last night, absentmindedly staring at his hand.
How could Santa think this guy was any good? They had kidnapped him unknowingly, almost let him die from hypothermia unknowingly, destroyed the top of his home unknowingly and Santa still thinks they won’t hurt him?
Okay so maybe it wasn’t their fault all those things happened just because they didn’t know he was there, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still very capable of hurting him for having to do all those things. But then again, Santa knew who was naughty or nice. And he wouldn’t ask him to do something that would endanger his safety if this ‘Wilbur’ guy wasn’t a good person right?
Tommy observed the Bean a little longer, as they ran their thumb over their palm. Their normally neat curly hair was all over the place and he could have sworn there were black bags under their eyes from lack of sleep. They suddenly turned their head and were staring straight at his crack by the book shelf. The Borrower was certain they couldn’t see him from the couch, but ducked back just slightly in case.
The Bean simply sighed as a small smile graced their features. Tommy was right about the black bags. Bean did not look like they had slept at all. 
He thought back to what Santa had said. 
I think you should try talking to him.
They certainly didn’t seem dangerous. Maybe they really weren’t bad like the Jolly man said?
But was it really worth taking the risk and talking to this guy?
Before he could dwell on it for much longer, the door bell sounded and Wilbur snapped his head to the sound before standing and stretching; their limbs popping and cracking slightly from their limited use. Before he left the living room, the man stopped and stared at his crack once more. Tommy didn’t dare breathe as they simply smiled and shook their head, before exiting and headed towards the front door.
Tommy allowed himself to exhale as the sound of footsteps got further away.
“Weirdo.” Tommy muttered to himself as he pushed himself back from the crack and began to head back to his bed for a well deserved rest.
He’d think about what Santa said, and just maybe he’d talk to this- Wilbur. If not, he hoped he'd meet Santa again so he could thank them in person.
Once he was back in his bed, Tommy quickly slipped in snuggling down, allowing himself to drift off to the chatter of beings much larger than himself from beyond the walls.
“Wil! So good to see you! It’s been ages!”
“Hi Dad, thanks for letting me host. I’m so glad you and Techno could make it!
“So are we, but you look like shit mate. Up late again? Wouldn't be related to that surprise you were telling us about?”
“You could say that…” 
Tommy never did meet Santa Claus again.
The card proudly on display in his new home, a secret hope he would one day and a constant reminder of what Santa had asked him to try.
And maybe one day, Tommy would finally take up the old man's advice and go and speak to Wilbur, and discover perhaps they may have been right.
Maybe then he’d finally have a friend to keep him warm during the holiday seasons and to rely on like he had wished. 
One that seemed to always know just what he needed despite never telling them, and was very insistent about never wearing Santa costumes.
No matter how many times a little boy begged….
 ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗   ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻  ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗  
That was a lot of words....
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING TO THE END! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it and it means a lot you read all the way through <3
Tag List: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10
And cue rant: Honestly you guys have no idea just how much you all mean to me an in this community and the impact you've had on me in the last year alone. I could not be more thankful for being apart of this and getting to know you guys. Getting so back into writing has been really good for me and rekindled something I love so I can't thank you enough.
And even though I know I've been a little quieter online, I'm still here lurking about and working on projects. A lot has happened in the last few months alone and I'm quite happy that I'm limiting myself to be a bit more healthier with my online habits.
Anyways thanks so much if you read this far!
Thanks to my Beta readers @a-xyz-s squishy and munchkin for reading this for me, and I wish you all a very safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Beckyu ❤️
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wendy130 · 9 months
Ghost Chasers
This was originally for a Fake Fic Titles thing (which you can find here), but I really fucking liked it so uhhhhhh, it gets its own post >:3
Ranboo has been getting stalked by giant shadow ghosts ever since he started going to his college.
He has no idea how to make it stop.
They come out at night, when he’s walking back from his classes. He supposes it’s his fault for taking mostly night classes. Gods, he wished he could change his schedule now. He feels like he’s gone insane. Maybe he should check himself into a hospital….. Or. Maybe not. He’s already swimming in debt.
He’s been able to escape their ‘grasp’ (they’re shadows, can they even touch him? He doesn’t want to find out but he had a feeling that they can) for now, but it’s getting harder.
There’s more showing up. He’s counted six different shadow monsters.
They all have defining features, of which he’s named them after.
Smiley for the emoji smile plastered on their face, Piggy for the piglike ears and outline of tusks on their face, Birdie for their somehow even darker shadowed wings, the Spider for the eight limbs jutting out of their back, and Bee for the translucent wings on their back.
After half a year of dealing with them, he had come up with a basic outline of how they worked. Smiley and Piggy were the most aggressive when it came to trying to find and catch him but they never chased him too far and they were uncommon. Birdie never showed up too often, but they were persistent once they did, often following him the entire way back to his dorm. The Spider and the Bee were the daily ones. They too would sometimes chase him all the way back to his dorm, but mostly stayed back like Smiley and Piggy. And their attempts to catch him were always teasing in a way. As if they were playing with him. A cat letting the mouse run until it tired.
And he was tiring quickly after half a year of dealing with them.
Jokes on him tho bc they literally all just want to cuddle him lmao
Techno - Piggy; Smiley - Dream; Bee - Tubbo; Spider - Tommy; Birdie - Phil
And here are some extra hcs!!
Phil can be seen hanging off of powerlines.
Tubbo and Tommy always hanging out at the nearby garden that Ranboo has to pass everyday.
Techno hangs out around tall buildings. Maybe one of Ranboo's classes (bc college is cool & has classes on certain days) is where he sometimes appears. Or, sometimes colleges have a building just for teacher’s offices, & he can hang around there. Ranboo sometimes goes to his teacher's office for help and Techno is like "ooh, frien has come for a visit"
Dream also likes to hang out around tall buildings and can float in the air which is v/ scary. Tubbo can do it too but he doesn't do it often, unlike Dream
There are noms
I will die before I give up noms
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brick-a-doodle-do · 11 months
"they frantically shoved another handful of swedish fish in their mouth"
rhhrhrhrh i had trouble with this but now i got it all figured out! i also switched the characters so many times and we eventually ended up with bedrockbros so yippeee ! ?
blinded by imperfect form
wc: 589
cw: intrusive thoughts, uninvited vore-related instincts, swearing
Light from the television hung lowly over Tommy's face, which Techno had only noticed because....well, because he was watching Tommy. Not stalking him, or plotting his murder, just, Tommy was in eyeshot, and he was small, and Techno happened to have rather entitled voices holding Tommy and his fragile form captive, and he found it soothing to watch the way the tiny moved.
The tiny was propped on a pillow supported by Techno's legs, who laid along the couch with a blanket keeping him warm from the winter air. The rest of the blanket had ended up around Tommy, who leant into it like he owned it.
And that was partially true, because some part of him had picked apart a sewing hobby over a boring coarse of life and decided it was worth it to present the boy with a gift.
Only, again, because of his voices.
Normally he wouldn't indulge in the activities his voices prompted, but this seemed harmless enough; it's not like Tommy was bothered by giant gifts and the occasional prowl.
Speaking of which, Tommy had seemed to tear his attention from the screen (which was playing Moana on a very convincing three-step plan that Techno had ended up giving into on account of his own pity of Tommy) to ask Techno for another piece of food.
Instead of asking, he stopped short and tensed at the intent eye-contact from Techno.
"Uh, Techno?" Tommy asks.
Techno's eyes never falter around Tommy as he responds. "Hh, yep?"
"Any reason you've decided to stare at me 'n shit?"
Techno shrugs. "You're unusually small, if you haven't noticed. Don't wanna lose you, Phil'd have something strong to say about that," he says. Okay, it had been made up on the spot, but it's not as if Tommy was anything unfamiliar with his voices, although admitting of his instincts only dug an opportunity for embarrassment.
Tommy blinks. "Wh– Techno I'm not gonna fall or something! I'm not fucking stupid," Tommy says, defensively.
It would be much easier for him to not fall if he was somewhere safer, a voice muses as his eyes drift onto the floor; more importantly the tumbling fall that'd injure the tiny without a second thought.
"Whatever, 'Creep-no-blade', I want food," Tommy demands, just as Techno had assumed.
"Yeah? And what food would that be?" he asks, eyes finding the various bags of snacks that had accumulated near Techno.
"Uh..." Tommy trails off as he gazes over his options: popcorn, Swedish Fish, M&M's, chip's, and... oh, well, there was a bag of donuts.
As Tommy decides, a voice chimes in with an peskily persuasive reminder as to what he wants for a snack.
"Techno? You with me, big man?" Tommy asks, pulling him out of his thoughts. He swallows, for the first time in a long time feeling genuine uncertainty.
"Ah, I hope so. What'd you say?"
"Popcorn," Tommy repeats.
He obliges, digging into the bag of popcorn and grabbing a piece, then handing it over to Tommy. The tiny's hands grab at it, two needed to support the almost air-like weight of it.
How easy it would be to grab Tommy right there and put him where he needs to be.
Techno's throat swallows impulsively as he imagines Tommy travelling down his gullet and finding a soft spot in his storage.
Instantly, upon his now-troubled self, he ignores his impulsivities and grabs at a bag beside him, frantically shoving a handful of Swedish Fish into his mouth to try and dampen his urges.
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chequered-career · 1 year
Tumblr media
totally on time birthday gift :’)) for the best puzzle piece ever
fanart for chapter 1 of Puzzle’s cat and mouse AU which is SO COOL
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
He could be different 3
This chapter is a bit short than the others but hey, new character revealed :)
Tw: past (technically) injury mention and that's it :]
Dream closed his eyes, falling sound asleep on the makeshift bed Sapnap made for him. He was really tired after the accident he had with his climbing thread so he soon fell asleep.
Everything was quiet when suddenly he heard a voice. "W-Who are you?" he asked in his subconscious. "Who I am doesn't matter right now, but I'm glad to see that you're finally with someone who treats you like an equal." “L-like an equal? Where do you know me from? And how can you talk to me without being here?” Dream asked, confused to the voice that spoke to him.
“Yes, like an equal, you are a human but smaller, an equal. And the reason I can talk to you is because I am able to communicate through dreams or well, rather telepathically.” answered.
“B-but how do you know me? Why are you talking to me?" Dream continued to wish that he could know the reason why he was speaking to him. “To put this easy… I was the one who opened the cage you were locked in in Tommy's room. I couldn't let you suffer there, so one night when he was already asleep I opened it so you could escape."
Dream was puzzled at the recent revelation. “You were the one who opened the cage? So… are you a human? but why-?" “Shh…Look, yes, I'm human, but I already said that to me you guys are like humans, only smaller. My friend, for example, is also a borrower, who from time to time leaves me in charge of his son for a while. But what I mean, trust Sapnap, I know him. He won't hurt you, he's a good person. Well, I have to go now. We will meet in person one day.” With that said the voice disappeared leaving Dream once again alone in the darkness of his deep sleep.
In the morning, he woke up remembering the entire conversation he had with the voice. Perhaps he could ask Sapnap about that human he spoke to? "Hey Dream, how are you feeling?" Sapnap said, appearing at his side as he placed a small plate of food next to him.
"Just like yesterday, it still hurts a lot." "Well, that's normal, the wounds are deep enough for the pain to not to go away in a single day." he replied as he watched Dream slowly sit up and start to eat. "Uh- Sapnap?" Dream asked, stopping to eat for a moment.
“Huh? What's the matter?" "I was wondering if you knew of a human who can talk to people telepathically and who has a borrower friend with a child." He continued looking at Sapnap waiting for an answer from him. "Oh, I think I already know who you're talking about, why do you ask?" he said looking at the borrower who finished eating another piece of food.
“Well, he was talking to me, but I don't know who he is…” “Well, I do know him, just as you described him, it was clearly Technoblade. He is a great guy, he has a lot of determination when he does things.” The dark-haired man said as he picked up Dream's already finished plate.
“I wish I could meet him in person, he seemed friendly.” he said as he lay back down on his makeshift bed. "He really is. Rest, I'll see you later, okay?" He smiled softly, seeing him nod as he drifted back to sleep.
He left the room, starting to go into a discord call as he sat on the couch picking up the controller for the console. He had closed the door of his room and the living room so that the noise would not disturb the borrower. It was time to play some games with his friends while Dream rested.
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
I have fallen (but have faith, for I shall rise once more)
. . .
Borrower Techno with rest of sbi as god's? More likely than you think :D
2.2k words for part one, definitely going to make a part two because I'm not about to LEAVE y'all on a cliffhanger like that.
(Cw: Blood, injuries, mention of death (non happens) swearing, angst, accidental fearplay and Techno passes out due to blood loss.)
Hope you enjoy my (technically) first addition to the mcyt g/t community from my user!
. . .
Technoblade wasn’t like other borrowers.
Other borrowers didn’t have voices in their heads, who screamed at him for blood, grew emotionally attached to the most random things, or know things that helped him evade capture multiple times.
Other borrowers didn’t have memories that never existed, searing into his brain at moments when he loses themselves, of friendships with beings of power, of him being a being of power, of falling from the clouds for a crime he did not do.
When his sword is stained red from those who wronged him, then in his head it rings. When the voices, or as he called them, Chat, started chanting. It never made sense, what they chanted.
Blood for the blood god
And it scared him, not knowing what it meant. But he couldn’t dwell on it now, just like he couldn’t dwell on it yesterday. He was a borrower, and that meant he needed to borrow.
Techno stepped outside of the comfort that was the shelter that he had been using for the past week. Being a wandering borrower, he didn’t have a home, exactly. He wandered from place to place, travelling lightly and swiftly, being able to escape at a moment's notice.
He had bases in some places, so he could restock and rest for a bit, but he was exploring a new area and that came with the consequence of not knowing where safety lay, so if a bean were to see him, he might not be able to get out of there fast enough.
But it wouldn’t come to that. Techno was an amazing borrower, and his motto was literally ‘Technoblade never dies’. He started walking through the long grass, humming to himself. He wouldn’t get caught, he was certain of it.
So why did he feel so uneasy?
. . .
“Hey- Hey! Stop it!” He whispered, whipping his sword out as an act of defence. The crow squawked defiantly but didn’t stop trying to pick him up with its beak.
Techno groaned. Crows were always nice to him, and they were one of the few things that gave him those memories other than blood. 
Memories of black wings surrounding him, feeling safety and warmth, and when he looked into those eyes-
Other things that did this were music, especially guitars or discs, the colour red, and that one statue. It had been in some rich fucker’s garden, and from what he had overheard the people in it were gods, whatever that was.
Their names, according to the beans he had been eavesdropping on, were Philza, Angel of Death, a golden blonde man with large black crow wings, a fatherly expression on his face as he stared at Soot, the god of music and chaos, a brunette who was laughing and ruffling the hair of Innit, god of discs and the wilderness.
And, standing a little bit away from the others, was a statue with its head gone. According to one of the beans, it was because they had been banished from the kingdom above, for a crime so terrible, and therefore been erased from history.
He also heard them say that it turned out to be an accident, that DreamXD, had framed him. But by that time it was discovered, it was too late, and he had been cast down, though it is said those three gods still search for him, in the hopes that they could bring him back.
They said his name was Blade, the god of war and blood. And that’s how he got his name. 
And, another funny thing is, no matter how hard he sees those gods as Philza, Soot, and Innit, like the man described, some hidden part of his mind changes that to Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy. But that was beside the point.
The point was, that no matter how nice the crows were to him, they kept trying to take him somewhere.
Usually, they’d stop if he complained or shouted, or drew his sword (never intending to kill, just to scare them off) and they’d stop. But this one was even more persistent, and Techno realised now that he’d either have to fight it (something he would like to avoid if possible, he liked crows and they sometimes brought him gifts) or run.
He chose the latter, dashing to the side the moment the crow grabbed him. It squawked in outrage and Techno realised that it couldn’t chase after him on foot, with its legs like sticks. Birds were meant to fly, not walk.
‘Looks like I win this time, eh?’
He thinks, grinning to himself. The crow that he escaped from cawed loudly, and he only had a split second to wonder what that could mean before another crow SWOOPS down out of nowhere and yoinks (he’s not even sure what that word means but it seems about right for this situation) him up in its claws.
He had jinxed it. Techno didn’t believe in superstition, but he was certain that was what had happened.
The pinkette struggled in the crow's grasp, desperate to get free before it took him to… Well, wherever it was taking him. But it was no use. He wondered why it was so determined to bring him wherever it was going. Techno supposed he’d find out, soon enough.
Eventually, after a few minutes of flying, the borrower noticed something very, very strange. The crow was taking him up. And by that, he meant really, really high up. The world below was barely visible, as they went higher and higher, through the clouds.
And once they came out of the clouds, Techno couldn’t believe his eyes.
“The kingdom above… Fucking hell it’s real…”
He muttered to himself in awe. It was made out of pristine white shining material that might’ve been made out of the clouds themselves, with magical glowing lanterns floating in the air.
Techno’s first thought was that it belonged to the ruler of this kingdom, or at least some kind of person in power, I mean it was so fine and well-kept that it had to be, right? Wrong.
On closer inspection, he realised that the people walking down below were… Normal. This was a normal town here, and these were normal civilians.
The crow flew past it though, taking Techno with it. Its wingbeats never slowed, and it showed no sign of tiredness. This was no ordinary crow, he was sure of it.
And this was no ordinary place. Chat had stopped talking altogether, and his mind felt as if it was his own, at last. It was as if someone wanted him to be peaceful, but that was silly since he was literally getting kidnapped by a bird.
What a great day Techno was having, right?
Aaaaand now the crow was flying down, towards three people that looked awfully familiar, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it and then-
Oh fuck that’s Philza, Soot and Innit. He’d recognize them anywhere, after the incident with the statue. Oh, he’s fucked. He’s going to die, oh stars he needs to get out of this mess-
‘But aren’t the gods his family?’
He brushed that thought off with a shudder. Why on earth did he keep thinking stuff like that!? It didn’t make any sense, and you better believe that he was gonna get to the bottom of this.
Not today though. He was about to get caught by some of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, and he’d actually rather not. He valued his life, after all. So he did what any self-respecting borrower would do and fucking stab the bird.
Techno hadn’t particularly wanted to stab the crow. As he might’ve mentioned before, he liked crows. There just hadn’t been another choice. 
And it had worked.
The crow dropped him with a screech, alerting the three gods immediately. Their gazes fell on the bleeding crow who flew over to them with a lot of effort and landed on Philza’s outstretched arm. It healed almost instantly.
But the pinkette didn’t know any of this, because he happened to be falling when that situation had played out. And when Techno hit the ground, he felt his body scream out in pain and his head ring in agony.
The world around him felt loud and blurry. His head seemed to be sticky with what he could only assume was blood. He forced himself to stand, he needed to get out of here, needed to be safe-
Chat was back now,  just as incoherent and jumbled as his thoughts, and from what he managed to make out, delusional. They kept saying something about… Dadza? Who the hell was- Oh. Wait what!?
So Chat was no help. 
Techno winced. He couldn’t think, everything was just so loud and it hurt so damn much and he couldn’t understand and oh fuck did one of the Gods? beans just spot him and oh no they’re all walking towards him now.
The borrower’s eyes widen, and he couldn’t help but shrink back as the three gods towered over him, eyeing him over with such a strange expression of hope and longing that made Techno wonder if he actually was delusional.
The silence was broken when one of the gods, Innit, spoke up, voice breaking slightly and eyes glazed, as if holding back tears.
“Holy shit… Is it him? Like, really him?”
Philza responded, managing to sound calm and yet so desperate that it made Techno’s cold heart shatter, though he was not sure why.
“I don’t know Tommy (wait WHAT-), why don’t we ask him instead of talking over his head?” The angel of death suggested, and now they were all staring at him again, possibly even more intensely than before.
“So,” Philza said curiously. “Who are you, why did you stab my crow and why did it try to bring you here?”
There was no malice in his voice, it was just confusion and subtle amusement, but that just made Techno’s nerves worse. The only reason he could think of that would involve the god being amused about his half-dead state was-
Oh fuck, were they going to torture him?
“I’m Technoblade,” He said, after a few moments of hesitation. The pinkette ignored the sharp gasp of air from above, acting like he didn’t hear it, because he did not want to think of why the god might be shocked, and instead continued.
“I stabbed your crow because I was about to get seen (and look how that ended up) and I have no clue why it brought me here.” Techno knew it was not a smart idea to lie to a god, and he was anything but stupid. His injuries throbbed painfully, but the gods either didn’t notice or didn’t care.
Techno wasn’t about to guess which one…
After a very long while (in which Techno was trying his absolute hardest not to die on the spot) Soot spoke up. “So that’s a- a yes, then? It’s him?” He asked, voice cracking slightly. “Yes, Wilbur, (WHAT THE FUCK) It’s really him.”
The borrower didn’t have time to question what in the world he meant by that, because at that moment  Philza reached down, and Techno realised what was about to happen a second too late.
He scrambled backwards as the hand came towards him, absolutely terrified out of his wits, but the god paid no mind to that, plucking him off the ground by his waist easily. 
Techno struggled in his grasp but fell limp almost immediately. There was no way he was escaping from Philza, even though he wanted to, and besides, it just made his injuries worse. The tight grip the god had him in didn’t help either.
“What do you want from me!?”
He shouted, glaring at the gods, though it quickly fell as he remembered how easily they could crush him. Soot made a small noise (pity?) but he ignored it. “You- you really don’t remember us?” Asked Innit, with a look of despair on his face.
‘Remember you? I’ve never seen you before in my life!’ 
Not in this one you haven’t.
 Responded one of the voices, before it faded back into the clutter of noise. “Chat?” Philza asked, and Techno almost responded with ‘Yeah, it’s making no sense…’ when he remembered that he never told them about Chat.
Something clicked behind Soot’s eyes, and he spoke up. “So you really don’t know who we are… Right?” Techno nodded. Where exactly was (Wilbur) Soot going with this? “So that means…” “Means what? I’m not about to sit around all day waiting while you give me half-formed answers,” the borrower responded, with more challenge in his tone than was wise.
It’s not like you could stop them from doing that…
Said another one of those loud voices unhelpfully. ‘Thanks a lot…’ He thought to himself irritatedly and stared at Soot expectantly, which was harder than it seemed because his eyes kept unfocusing, and the corners of his vision were blurry and stained red. ‘Blood?’
“Listen, Technoblade, I don’t know what species you think you are, but…” He hesitated again, before continuing.
“You're a god, and our brother, at that.” Soot paused, and then started saying something more. “I’m so glad we finally found you, we’ve-”
But Techno didn’t get to hear what they’d done, the blood loss had finally caught up to him, and he passed out, darkness now surrounding him as he finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.
. . .
Aaaaaand that's it, folks! Great ending we got there, right? Hope you liked it :] Big thanks to Beckyu for helping me choose how to end it, and start next chapter.
That reminds me...
@i-am-beckyu and @brick-a-doodle-do, thank you for wanting to be tagged! If you want to be tagged, comment, ask or dm me and I'll add you! :D
Bye for now!!!
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Another request because ✨yes✨
Trans!reader (ftm) → Showing up with a tattoo representing them? (For example; Showing Philza a tattoo that represents him)
AIKE, that's adorable-
You're giving me such creative liberty with the tattooes dodbddkdk
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP react to Reader having a tattoo about them
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: Male (ftm) - He/Him (even tho the pronouns are not mentioned much :'D)
Dream: Smiley Face Blob
It's a very simple tattoo, that's true, but for some reason to Dream it means a lot. It's also very adorable and he loves it. But it does boost his ego a bit, so be careful haha
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
George: Mushroom with gogles
He at first looked at it and was like "Ok, cool lmao", but after you told him it was about him he got very exited. Like "Wait me? That's me? Hold on, let me take a pic, I need to show EVERYONE"
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sapnap: Panda with a bandana
Like George, he gets all exited and giddy. Will literally start jumping around because he's so happy. He'll like tweet about it and just brag that you chose him to get a tattoo after haha
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Bad: Muffin with horns and a halo
You got the tattoo in celebration for his song "Muffin". After the song was released, you showed him and he couldn't stop chuckling from how happy he was. He even considered taking one, but he got too scared
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Skeppy: his Minecraft skin
He at first thought it was a joke, or like one of those tattoo's that last a week or month. But when you told him that it was permanent he felt very touched, even if he did joke about how you'll have him with you forever
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Quackity: Las Nevadas chip
He came with you to get the tattoo because you needed "moral support", but instead you just wanted to surprise him. Once he saw the tattoo he was shocked but very happy; might've said "pog" at least a thousand times out of shock haha
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Karl: g swirl (the one he has on his mc skin)
Such a tiny and almost unnoticed tattoo held so much meaning to Karl. He couldn't stop looking and caressing it cause he thought it wasn't real
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Wilbur: "It was never meant to be"
This is one of the most famous Wilbur quote, and obviously you had to get a tattoo of it. When Wilbur first saw it he let out a laugh; not in a mocking matter, more in disbelief, but he does secretly love it even if he doesn't out right say it
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
C!Philza: Crow with a hat
He found the tattoo a bit funny and quiet adorable, even if he does question why you would have a tattoo of him
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
C!Technoblade: Axe of Peace
You got the tattoo as a thanks for what Techno did for you by keeping you safe from the fight no matter what happened. And he found it quiet amazing, he just stared at it happily. But he does make fun of you a bit tho, it's in his blood to do so
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Nihachu: Mermaid tail
You wanted to represent her in the OSMP, and the tattoo had very nice pastel pink and blue colors. Niki fell in love with it instantly and even got it matching with you
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Eret: Flamingo w/ a crown
It's her signature animal basically, so Eret found it very cool and she thanked you for even showing it too her
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Punz: Bee w/ a chain
Punz couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he first saw it, his thumb gently gracing over the tattoo. He really liked it and even braged about it on twt. I imagine him and Sapnap having a fight on which one is better 😂
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Foolish: Totem of Undying
You at first joked with Foolish that if he ever got the powers of a totem of undying you would get a tattoo of it. And once he did get them you got the tattoo, which he was surprised about because he thought you were joking. But he does love it
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sam: Creeper w/ crown
He did a live stream just to show off your tattoo, that's how happy Sam was. He really couldn't believe you actually got a tattoo of him, but he appreciates it very much
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
I'm editing and just noticed that I forgot Charlie and Aimsey, but I don't have much time to add them cause I'm tired, sorry :'D
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squishycheekanon · 2 years
Technoblade x reader
Dreamsmp reality
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, mentions of smut.
{Masterlist} {Technoverse}
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Techno cannot sleep until he knows you’re okay and comfortable, until you’re clean and feeling at peace he cannot rest. He will do everything he can to get you to that place, whether it be bathe you, feed you or stroke your skin until your lashes flutter close and your breathing evens out.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) His favourite body part on himself would definitely be his hands, not only has he won countless battles and wars with them but he’s also brought you pleasure with them as well. To him his hands are power.
For you? Fuck he can’t choose. He might have a favourite body part a day, he loves all of you. You’re just too fucking gorgeous with your perfect face, kissable lips, stareable (I know it’s not a word) eyes, your strokeable (again not a word😂) hair, your utterly perfect body. He’ll pay special attention to any part you feel insecure about, it will be his duty to worship it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Maybe it’s because he’s part Piglin but Techno loves to scent mark you, just like he loves to cum mark you. He absolutely adores smelling his scent on you. Scent marking will ware off after a day or so but if Techno cums on you or in you he’ll be smelling himself on you all week. And it doesn’t get better than that, being able to inhale your lovely scent swirling with his.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Just like he loves you smelling of his scent, he loves that others can smell it too. You’re non the wiser but the other half breeds that live in the mainlands can smell Techno on you at all times, a silent reminder of who you belong to.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Very little, The Blood God was never attracted to someone before you, didn’t like anyone in that way before you, never even thought about sex before you. So when you first started doing stuff together, he was sorely inexperienced.
However that didn’t stop him from being eager to learn, Techno was sloppy and lacked technique at first. But now he knows, knows every spot that makes you squirm and every place that makes you scream. He has committed hours and hours to perfecting his technique and he will continue to do so.
F = Favourite Position (this goes without saying) His favourite position would be when you lay on him, your back against his chest, your head throw back against his broad shoulder. He loves every position with you but this one especially, he can grind deeper as well as touch, grab and squeeze whatever he wishes. To him everything about you just fits so perfectly with him like you were made for him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) During sex Techno likes to be more serious, he wants you to feel loved, wanted and appreciated. So his sole focus is you. He makes the odd joke every now and then but overall he’s more serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Techno is well groomed when he has the time, fighting battles and bringing down governments can be a time consumer so when he can he’ll make sure to neaten up his area down there. The drapes match ;)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Omg you can’t get anymore romantic than this guy, it’s like over the years he bottled up all that unused love and just exploded when he met you. Candles, flower petals, he’ll learn how to cook a special dinner for you and that’s just the build up.
Once he’s in it with you, he’ll make sure you know how much he loves you just with how gentle, patient and caring he is. He will kiss every part of you, take his time slowly appreciating and praising your body.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcannon) Techno doesn’t really do this, I’d say maybe he’s done it a couple times in his life before he met you and a couple times after you. Before you met he didn’t really look at anything as sexual including himself, and after you met there was no need for him to do it because he had you. There may have been one night a few weeks after you shot him with that arrow that he was thinking of you and couldn’t help himself but other than that not really.
K = Kinks (one or more of their kinks) This man is insatiable.
Housewife kink, god whenever he sees you cooking or cleaning he can’t control himself, size kink, dirty talk, primal play, he wants to hunt you down, thigh riding kink, sit on this man thighs, the classic spanking and choking kink, if he doesn’t see his handprint on your ass by the end of the night you won’t be leaving the bed until he does, this man loves to praise you in every way possible, suck on his fingers just do it, sensory deprivation, prepare to be blindfolded, edging, overstimulation, Techno loves when you’re feisty yet he can’t deny how hard he gets when you’re vulnerable, marking/biting, Breeding kink.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do) Anywhere, you’re always so gorgeous he can get turned on anywhere with you. He’d happily fuck you anywhere you’d suggest.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) You.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Hurting you is a big no no. Spanking and choking is fine, he doesn’t mind those things but he won’t actually slap your face or physically hurt you in anyway, Techno is all about making sure your comfort level is the highest it can be during sex.
O = Oral (preferences in giving or receiving, skill etc) This man would live between your thighs if you let him, he loves how you taste, craves it. In terms of receiving this man has no patience, he’s never actually let you carry out the deed no matter how many times you’ve tried. He’d much rather sink his cock into your soaking pussy and fuck you until you’re delirious.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc) It all depends on the situation, on a regular day at first he’s slow, slipping his fingers in and out of you letting the pleasure build and take its time. “Don’t rush.” He’ll whisper softly watching your brows furrow and your lips part, heat rushing through your veins.
He’s very different once he’s in and thrusting, his need to make you cum over and over until you’re practically loosing your mind takes over. Then he becomes feral, fucking into your tiny pussy, your screams only encouraging him further.
Other times he can be rough, his large hand gripping your throat and jaw, or pulling at your hair. Fingers leaving bruises on your hips, it’s okay they go with the hand prints on your ass. His cock ramming into you, hitting that spongey spot inside you, he won’t stop even when your body goes slack and you tell him you can’t take anymore, he’ll keep going until he’s done and you’re completely spent.
Q = Quickie (their options on quickies, how often? etc) Your crowned beast will take anything he can get from you so he’s not opposed to quickies. He much prefers the longer nights with you but if it’s all you both have time for then he’s alright with it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc) He’s open to experimenting, if there are new things you both want to try you’ll always talk about them in depth first before initiating anything physically.
He’ll try anything you want at least once with you, unless it’s something that’s crosses boundaries but you never ask for what you know he can’t give.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?) He can go for as long as he needs to really, due to being half Piglin he has the need to breed running through his veins so when you do have sex his basic primal instincts kick in and he’ll go until you can’t anymore, then his body will finally let him release but that’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy it because oh he does. He’s addicted.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on partner or themselves?) He has a small collection for sex with you, it’s mostly made up of bondage stuff, potions ;), a couples dildos, a few plugs and this new thing he purchased called a vibrator they’re new, he thinks an accidental creation but he’s curious to try it on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Oh Techno can tease for ages, days, fucking weeks. He’s a bloody pro. He’ll drag everything out if he knows what reaction he’ll get from you.
V = Volume (how loud they are? what sounds they make, etc) He can be fairly loud, he usually groans and grunts with heavy breathing mixed in. There is the odd occasion where he’ll whine, that’s usually when you’re teasing him. The ONLY time he’ll beg is when you’re hovering over his face, your dripping cunt inches from his greedy lips, the hungry glint in his eyes becoming more demanding the longer you hover there worried about suffocating your man. He doesn’t give a single fuck by that point, he’ll beg and plead until he gets too impatient and he’ll just pull you down on him, then you’re the one begging.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character) Techno loves when you’re wearing gold, whether that is gold coloured lingerie or actual gold. He especially likes it when you’re sporting that gold chain he made you, he loves seeing it bounce just above your perfect tits while he fucks you, his name shining in the reflection of his eyes.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) He’s big. I mean obviously, we’re talking about The Blood God here. The man who towers over others, his body huge so he wins those big battles. And lucky for you his body is evenly proportional.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) High, to put it plainly. Techno would like to blame it on his hot Piglin blood but he has to admit that whenever he sees you he’s instantly wanting to be inside you. When he’s away from you, you’re all he thinks about. It’s just…it’s you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Techno will make sure you’re seen to before he sleeps, once you’re asleep, depending on how tired he is he’ll either watch you for a little while, stroking over your skin, just loving you being so at peace. Or he’ll be out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow. 
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
Fic Recs July '23
What did I read this month? Aufest released, and I made it through the end of Extreme timed exchange, and there have been some WONDERFUL ones. Not entirely DSMP, even though I am Still That Way, but yeah, it's still a lot of Emduo. I Am Who I Am. And we have some TNTduo and QSMP in there too!
The Fics - 15k and under
O'Death by InsomniWillow Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia/Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Arranged Marriage, Religion, Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Hurt/Comfort Length: 1/1 chapters 2,950 words.
It's a Phissa arranged marriage! Missa-POV, about a death cleric being betrothed to the Emperor of the Antarctic Empire, and it goes into religion, and it's SO CUTE. I love it.
how to get a month behind on your paperwork in three easy steps, by Beans_McGee Fandom: SMPEarth Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Recovery, Missing Scene, Kidnapping, (aftermath of), Diplomacy, (arguable), Domestic Length: 1/1 chapters 2,440 words.
Beans always writes just incredible Emduo, and this is no exception. And it's just a wonderful slice of life of after a kidnapping, where Phil has busted ribs from CPR? I learned about broken rib recovery! I got to read about my guys and I learned about injury-induced pneumonia!
disaccharide by fensandmarshes Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Niki | Nihachu, Niki | Nihachu & Jack Manifold, Niki | Nihachu & Fundy Tags: Non-Linear Narrative, Memories, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, The Syndicate (Dream SMP), Baker Niki | Nihachu, Complicated Relationships, Character Study Length: 1/1 chapters 1,010 words.
Beautiful c!niki character study, through memory and baking.
burning gold, by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Wilbur Soot & Tallulah (QSMP)Alexis | Quackity & Wilbur SootWilbur Soot & Phil Watson Tags: Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Magic Apocalypse, Monsters, Post-Apocalypse, Wilbur Soot is Tallulah's Parent (QSMP), dadbur, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot-centric, Tntduo have divorced energy despite not having dated, Blood and Injury Length: 1/1 chapters 10,367 words.
I am a sucker for Post-Apocolyptic QSMP, and this is a really good one focusing on Wil and Tallulah. We get a glimpse at a whole swath of the cast, but the core is the wil and tallulah relationship, and it's wonderful. And COOL WEIRD MAGIC APOCALYPSE.
Multifaceted, by edgarallanpoestan Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle/Osvaldo Palacio Flores | ElMariana, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle & Osvaldo Palacio Flores | ElMariana & JuanaFlippa (QSMP), Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle & JuanaFlippa (QSMP), Osvaldo Palacio Flores | ElMariana & JuanaFlippa (QSMP) Tags: Charlie Dalgleish-centric, Alternate Universe - Professors, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Song: Jort Storm (Slimecicle), Bickering, Family Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Mentioned Alexis | Quackity, Mentioned Bobby (QSMP), Mentioned Tilín (QSMP), Good Parent Osvaldo Palacio Flores | ElMariana. Good Parent Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle. Good Significant Other Osvaldo Palacio Flores | ElMariana, Betaed, never used that tag before woag Length: 1/1 chapters 8,729 words.
Slimariana are professors! And nemesis's! And their students know they hate each other! And also they are married and love each other! What's gonna happen when the truth comes out? This was just full of adorable bickering and family moments and I loved it.
sometime before the sun comes up (the earth is gonna crack), by Odaigahara Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: T Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Chayanne & Tallulah (QSMP) & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Reality Bending, Quesadilla Island (QSMP), Stranded, Dragon Chayanne (QSMP), Human Tallulah (QSMP), Happy Ending, Art Length: 1/1 chapters 10,892 words.
And we are back at it again with the QSMP Post-apocolyptic, but this one again with a really cool apocalypse I dont want to spoil.
The thing worth doing well done, by WheelCoveredInEyes Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles/Tarik Pacanhan | Pactw, Noah Brown | Foolish Gamers/Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles, Rayene Guendil | Etoiles/Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer, Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle & Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo & Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles, Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles & Pomme (QSMP), Rayenne Guendil | Etoiles & Baghera Jones Tags: Gift Giving, Flirting, Minecraft Mechanics, Death Mechanics (Minecraft), Murder Flirting, First Aid, Acts of Kindness, acts of service, Crafts, Parenthood, Etoiles-centric, Kissing, First Kiss, Sparring, The sweeping edge glitch (QSMP), QSMP server polycule, implied polyamory, Blood and Violence Length: 1/1 chapters 6,949 words.
I have loved what I've seen of Etoiles on QSMP, and this is absolutely fantastic Etoiles writing, in a series of 8 vinettes focusing on his relationship with other people. Wonderful characterization and writing, this is so good.
sowing the seeds we reap, by Odaigahara Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP, 3rd Life SMP Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Charles | Grian & Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar Tags: Alternate Universe - Fae, Forced Bonding, Soul Bond, Cultural Differencesm First Meetings, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar Needs a Hug, Captivity, Oaths & Vows, Happy Ending Length: 1/1 chapters 6,211 words.
Oh absolutely fantastic desert duo, in a world I just went WILD for the worldbuilding of. They are fae! They are fae and they're bugs! A wonderful grudging respect and relationship unfolding from both Grian and Scar, and delightful cultural differences.
The Fics - 15k and Up
solving counting sheep, by Bee_4 Fandom: Evolution SMP Rating: T Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationship: Charles | Grian & Jimmy | Solidarity, Charles | Grian & Jimmy | Solidarity & Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood, Charles | Grian & Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood, Jimmy | Solidarity & Martyn Littlewood | InTheLittleWood Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Winter Soldier, Alternate Universe - Watchers, Agender Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Jimmy | Solidarity, Agender Grian ,Body Horror, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Brainwashed Charles | Grian, Watcher Charles | Grian, The Watchers are Evil (Evolution SMP), Watchers (Evolution SMP), Grief/Mourning, Blood and Gore, Loss of Identity, Identity Issues, Listener Jimmy | Solidarity, Listeners (Evolution SMP), Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery, Dysfunctional Relationships, nonstandard watcher takes, Temporary Character Death, past major character death, look whether they’re dead is a matter of philosophy, Post-Canon kind of. SEE: THE CANON DIVERGENCE, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, accidental misgendering, Accidental Deadnaming, (the deadnaming is more allegorical than literal but i thought the warning would be appreciated), POV Character Uses It/Its, Hurt/Comfort, also i promise despite the mumbo tag this is very much an evo fic not a mislabeled hc one, Bittersweet Ending Length: 12/17 chapters 54,858 words.
Oh man like, mind the tags, this one is gonna make you weep into your tea, but also, oh BOY it's so good. I just wrote 27 of dehumanized human weapon recovery so you know I like it, and Second is doing the same thing, except SAD. But every time Three want something or has opinions or is sarcastic I cheer wildly for its recovery, and AHHH I love it. I love the whole group. What a wonderful group. I wish them so well. The ending is gonna have me crying on main probably. It's still updating, but it's in daily updates, so it's gonna finish soon! I keep being told that it's gonna destroy me so I'm PREPPED. And it was part of the big bang so there's art too!
washed up, by monsterloot Fandom: DSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Wilbur Soot/Quackity, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit Tags: Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Unhealthy Relationships, Alternate Universe - Actors, Dream SMP Ensemble are Actors, Drug Use, Past Abuse, Flashbacks, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied Sexual Content, No Smut, Bipolar Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit has PTSD, Wilbur Soot is not Fundy's Parent, Adopted TommyInnit, not by phil, Vomiting, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, past quackity/jschlatt - Freeform. Food Issues Length: 2/? chapters 19,178 words.
So this is a Bojack Horseman AU for TNTduo I think? I never watched Bojack so I'm not sure, but like. Put that warning on the top. It's just SUCH a good tntduo character study. Do I think this is going to end well? No idea. Am I along for the ride while Wil drives his life off the road? Absolutely.
The Great American Novel, by astronomeridian Fandom: DSMP Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Quackity/Wilbur Soot Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - World War II, Manhattan Project, Screenplay/Script Format, Period-Typical Homophobia, Explicit Sexual Content, an indulgent amount of nuclear physics, Embedded Images Length: 1/1 chapters 25,220 words.
Okay so if you're over 18 and you like TNTduo you should read this fic so so so hard. It's so good. I can't talk about the structure without spoilers but the structure is SO well done there's flips in it that make me go insane. The way the whole thing pays out is incredible. The characterization is top-notch. Like, note the tags, it's not a happy ending, but it's an ending that hits like a fucking hammer. And there's BALLER art and web weaves attached.
A Necromancer and His Blood God, by Anonymous Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Cults, Necromancer TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Tommy is a vegan necromancer, Dehumanization, Child Abuse, Blood and Injury, Violence, Families of Choice, Bonding, Hurt/Comfort, Tommy is straight up not having a good time, Techno is somehow the patron god of a cult, Alternate Universe - Magic, Bedrock Bros, BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), hyped to be able to use that tag, BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF) Length: 6/7 chapters 31,128 words.
Tommy is a vegan necromancer— he can only work with plants. And this wouldn't be a problem, except necromancers are in short supply, and he just got kidnapped by a freaky cult, who wants him to ressurect their god? oh no.
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An Announcement about Dragonshifter
I’m not gonna beat around the bush, here. I intend to cease writing for Dragonshifter. Like several others in the MCYT G/T community by now, I’ve fallen out of interest in MCYT as a whole, and I don’t have nearly the amount of free time to write as I once had during the height of the pandemic. With many personal factors combined, I just don’t have the passion nor the will to continue it.
I wish I could reignite the spark, to recreate my zest for watching Dream’s videos, Tommy’s videos, Technoblade’s streams; I wish I remembered how to keep up with Dream SMP and enjoy every bit of it, the good and the bad, from the purest laughs to the true heartache. But I just can’t, and my muse has always been a fickle thing.
As it stands, I intend to finish Part III, and maybe also the short side-story I had been working on to be released around the same time. We’ll see how it ultimately shakes out.
Regardless, I do plan to pull back the curtain, as they say. Yep, I intend to write up a rough summary of my plans for the future parts that never were, complete with snippets of writing, where applicable. I had fully planned on a Part IV, and was in the conceptual phase of a potential Part V. And that’s not to mention the short stories that would be dropped in-between. And hey, if anyone wants to take a stab at writing those, just make sure to ping me if you do :)
Even though I don’t have the time nor will to write more for this story, I’m still immensely proud of how it turned out, and I’m so happy that you all stuck around for the ride. It’s been a journey, and I will always treasure you guys for stopping to read, like, and even comment on my silly little story.
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I posted 390 times in 2022
That's 390 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (17%)
324 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#snake's rec feed - 27 posts
#lore - 19 posts
#snake rattle and roll - 15 posts
#fic - 15 posts
#snake's rec list - 11 posts
#dreamnap - 11 posts
#laugh rule - 8 posts
#fav - 6 posts
#ideas - 5 posts
#mcyt g/t - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#lmfao i'm just imagining either all the gods are super big and so c!dream is like...sitting on their laps just doodling and not paying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clay | Dream/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs Additional Tags: First Meetings, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, DreNapWk2021_D1, Clay | Dream Being an Idiot (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap is So Whipped (Video Blogging RPF), Rivalry Summary:
Day 1: Meet-Cute
In the box were four neatly presented chocolate croissants. He had never seen anything more threatening.
The owner of the new patisserie across the street leaves a treat outside Dream’s bakery every week. This can only mean one thing: war.
5 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
shoutout to roman for 1) being my only follower and 2) somehow finding 6 of my 22 tumblr blogs and following them wtf
6 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Hey do you guys wanna read fic that updates on average once every 5 days and has been ongoing since August? One that focuses on heavy themes of grief, found family, revolution, and overcoming trauma? One that currently has 97,788 words across 46 chapters? One where none of the creators (except Schlatt bc that seems like something he'd like) are irredeemable, and, honestly, even villans? One where Dream and Tommy are actual, genuine friends? One where SBI family is a thing? Where Puffy is Foolish and Dream's dad? Where Dream and Ranboo are half-brothers and therefore Endersmile??
Then you may like my fic, The Ties That Bind!
It's got karlnapity, puffy/niki, Emotional Trashfire Wilbur Soot, baby Fundy (coming soon), dteam family feels, velvet is there sometimes, Dad Bad, mind control curses, and the end of the world! Oh, and have I mentioned that they're all kings/queens/princes (some exclusions apply)??
And there's more!
Puffy and Phil are married (for political reasons only)
Through marriage Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Dream, Foolish, and Ranboo are all brothers
I accidentally made past Sam/Puffy but its okay it was platonic
Niki is Trans! I love her
Technoblade is a nerd. Half of this fic he's literally just been reading and its great
Tommy is a smart kid!!!
There is a slight hint of lemur throughout the fic
George is pissed off!!! If you want to see Rabid George click the link!!
This is essentially a Sapnap sickfic
tbh its everyone whump no one is having a good time lol
esp not the dream team tho
There is no smut at all. I cannot write that and I don't want to lmfao
Ender dragon Dream, Niki, and Ranboo! Yeah!
Some considerations before you start reading:
HEAVY mentions of child abuse, torture, and violence. This fic's main driving thing is mind control lol
A/B/O is a thing in this world but ONLY for like...5 characters and it is completely unrelated to romantic relationships. The A/B/O is just used for 1) mind control and 2) family dynamics.
(Sorry I'm over explaining but I know a/b/o is a turn off for a lot of people and I wanna let you know its different and only relevant in that they're literally bound together through platonic love!!! They care about each other your honor!! Also I wanted to give them telepathy)
If you want to read a fic with all of this, check out The Ties That Bind Today!!!
6 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
/dsmp /rp
my favorite thing on earth is platonic dreamnap they're just so *clenches fist*
it was like a year ago but I read a post about quackity selling sapnap an "enderdragon" and quackity dropping a fucked up dream off at his door and then bouncing. The thing had stopped there but my brain hadn't
was it one of those where quackity knew it was wrong? one where he expected sapnap to agree with him? did he see dream as so subhuman that he didn't think twice about it? did he hear sapnap rant about how much he hated dream and assume that he would enjoy owning Dream and getting to do to him the same things Quackity had enjoyed?
and, if he didn't, if quackity knew that delivering dream like that would cause sapnap distress, to ruin anything he may have had left with his once-fiance, did he do it out of spite? had he had dream the whole time, broken and under his thumb, until his fight with sapnap escalated? and he begun to associate dream with sapnap, and dropped him off in a way to 1) get dream off his hands and 2) get back at sapnap?
How would sapnap react? Would it be anger? would he chase quackity? would he bring dream inside and try to help, only learning more and more howbad a shape dream was in? Would quackity lie and say dream had chosen this, or it was sam's idea? Would sapnap buy it? would there be some part of him that was happy?
I dunno man my brain just keeps going
18 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
George's Desk Light
Vauge Hollow Knight au in that Dream is a lumifly. Nothing else is really specified lol
Trigger warning for dehumanization and objectification, as well as a sprinkle of neglect. This is my first writing I'm posting directly on tumblr so please be kind >.<
George loved his desk light.
It was just an object, one Quackity had given him for his birthday, but it was so perfect that he loved it.
It was a little glass jar, not ornately carved. For all he could tell, Quackity may have made it out of an old jelly jar. The top was covered in a thin metal lid that had two latches on either side. Holes were poked through, allowing the small lumifly hybrid to breathe. One in the center was larger than the others, allowing George to drop food flakes every few days to keep the hybrid alive. For a while it had begged, asking for food more often, but Quackity had warned him that this one was particularly gluttonous, and that if he fed it more than every other day that it would become sick. So, for the sake of the lumify, he ignored the small cries. They stopped eventually, anyways. 
Turning the lantern off and on was pretty simple, considering its power was near limitless. Lumiflies created their light through flight. George’s hybrid, however, would often just curl up in the bottom of the jar, sleeping or shaking. Quackity had found a solution, however. On the outside of the jar there was a small chain. On one end it was connected to a small collar around the lumify’s neck. The other had something akin to a clamp, one big enough it wouldn’t fall through the hole in the lid and get stuck. On the side of the jar a small peg had been attached. Whenever George wanted to turn the lantern on, all he would have to do is tug the chain and attach it to the peg. The chain was short enough that, once attached, the lumifly would not be able to touch the ground without choking itself. This meant that as long as the clamp was attached, the lumifly would have to fly and therefore create light. 
The chain doubled as a way to keep the lumifly contained. If George decided to change the glass, all he would need to do is affix a peg to the side and keep ahold of the little chain to place the lumifly in its new home. Sapnap had given him an ornate bottle a few days ago, one that had originally stored alcohol. George had started preparing it, just waiting for the glue to set. He’d tried to clean it out as best he could, but he figured the scent would probably last a long time. He asked Quackity, and the man said that it would be fine, that lumiflies were resistant to any fumes in the air. 
He sat at his desk, smiling as he read his book. Beside him, the lumifly fluttered, pretty and graceful in the center of the jar. Sometimes, George could swear the other was watching along, but that was silly. Lumiflies bred for captivity never learned how to read, only wild ones. And Quackity wouldn’t be the type to steal a lumifly from its home. 
George hummed, turning the page. 
Maybe he should find a couple picture books at the library. The lumifly would probably enjoy looking at the pictures. 
George loved his desk light. 
35 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
the fire and the flood
by a_piece_of_the_puzzle
‘Our brother owns a theme park on the island. I very much doubt that you will get bored, Theseus.’ Is what Techno said.
Tommy scrolls through his phone before deciding to search up the place. He types in ‘themeparks on smp’ into the search bar, only one result turns up.
Las Nevadas.
[title from bitter water - the oh hellos]
Words: 2205, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), (Minor character) - Character, Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson | Philza, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Alexis | Quackity, (Minor character again), Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle, (mentioned)
Relationships: TommyInnit & Technoblade, Tommyinnit & Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Alexis | Quackity & Wilbur Soot
Additional Tags: alternative universe, G/T, mcyt gt, mcyt g/t, Kinda?, the mer is a mingiant so- ig it counts, mini giant philza, Mer Philza, Bad Sibling Wilbur Soot, Good Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), warnings, :, Angst, Swearing, Fear of Death, Near Drowning, Miscommunication, (As per usual with a puzzle fic), Minor Injuries, Blood, I believe that is all?, this is alsoo inspired by free willy, skjfdhgrth, (i cannot stress enough this is about the characters not the cc's)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40642914
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siriuslydaz3d · 2 years
Thank you, Technoblade.
I'm going to put a break so you dont have to read this if you arent comfortable, but I just needed to get my thoughts and feelings out. The last few hours have been rough. This post includes mentions of cancer and death, so avoid if those things make you uncomfortable. I love you all.
When I found out about Techno's passing last night, I instantly burst into tears. Technoblade has been an off and on hyperfixation of mine for so long now. He's one of the reasons I've wanted to become a content creator on YouTube.
I've never talked about him much on here, but over on twitter, I've tweeted about him countless times. I rarely missed a stream. He never failed to make me smile. He was a strong fighter, and in a way, he beat cancer's ass by leaving things in a tie.
His death is hitting very close to home right now because I'm currently losing my aunt to lung and endometrial cancer, after almost losing her to uterine cancer a few years ago. I watched my own mother battle cancer, so my entire heart goes out to his family and friends.
I'm going to link some cancer charities you can donate to. If you have the money, try to donate. If not, share them around.
Sarcoma foundation
Saint Jude
Riley Hospital
Susan G Komen
Once again, Thank you, Technoblade. Thank you for the joy you brought everyone. Thank you for everything you did to spread awareness for cancer.
Technoblade never dies.
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gekuu-does-stuff · 1 year
some random info about 'Wake up, Lethe'
As I've mentioned, I had the idea to write this after playing Half-Life Alyx (which is such an incredible game, honestly almost worth buying VR just for that alone). Funnily enough, I started playing it very shortly before Ranboo played it on their stream, which just made me think about the game even more.
If I'm remembering correctly, the idea to make a crossover story came from hearing the banter between Alyx and Russell in the game. It's very well written and charming, and just thinking about the characters and their dynamic eventual led me to compare them to DSMP characters.
I'm a big fan of Bench Trio, especially Allium Duo, so I pretty quickly connected Alyx to Tommy in my head. They're both young, confident, and witty, and from there it was easy to extrapolate Phil as Eli Vance.
I then wanted to incorporate Ranboo as a major character to fill out Allium Duo, but I didn't feel like he really fit any of the Half-Life cast. That was part of the reason why I made them an original character.
The other reason is because I LOVE the more magical, science fantasy aspects of Half-Life's worldbuilding and I wanted to tap into it more than the games do. Stuff like the G-Man, the vortigaunts, and the weirder technology of the Combine is so fascinating to me and it's presented in such a nuanced way. Ranboo has actually talked about this a little bit on their streams, how sometimes it's much more interesting to give little to no explanation for a phenomenon in fiction. It also means that you can expand upon it however you like without having to worry about breaking "rules" that don't exist, which is sorta what I plan to do with Ranboo's character.
So, I had Tommy and Ranboo fitted into this universe, which was great. Then, however, I ran into a problem: Gordon Freeman.
How could I possibly write a Half-Life crossover without having a Gordon Freeman analogue? He's one of the coolest fucking characters in a video game without even speaking. I needed to find someone to play his role, but who? Tubbo was the first thing I thought of, as the last member of Bench Trio, but he... doesn't really fit the character. I briefly considered swapping Tommy to be Gordon and Tubbo to be Alyx, but Tommy just fits Alyx so well, and then it would be a little strange to have Tubbo as Phil's son if Phil was to remain as Eli. I already had Ranboo as an OC, and they don't really fit either Alyx or Gordon that well anyway.
And then I realized how fucking stupid I was, because how on earth could I forget about Technoblade? He's one of my favorite characters to write, and he fits the bill of Gordon Freeman perfectly. Unstoppable badass, genius scientist, and socially awkward to boot. There truly was no other choice.
That was when I stopped treating the idea as just a story in my head and started planning it out to write. There was one other minor character choice that was actually what pushed me over the edge, which I will not be spoiling, but once I had the main cast decided, it felt like a pretty complete premise for a fic.
I feel like there should be some conclusion to this goddamn essay I just wrote, but my thoughts end there. Go read the story if you haven't!
PS: if you haven't noticed, the fic title and all of the chapter titles are quotes from Half-Life!
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
For your Borrower Dream AU.
Since now we know Techno is a borrower as well, and helped to set Dream free, could they possibly find each other again when Dream's in so much danger he can't fight everything alone?
Well, first of all, Technoblade is actually a human not a borrower, you might have got it wrong but yes, they're going to see each other again, when Techno visits Sapnap because his brother's son wants to see him :)
If Dream's in danger because of Tommy, he probably won't hesitate to punch him in the face. >:]
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razor-dragon · 2 years
I’m Cold
Note: This is a story I made after seeing one of sprite-addicted-artist’s comics. If they tell me to take it down, I will. Don’t want to be stealing other people’s work.
Warnings: safe vore, panic, mentions of digestion/death, unwilling prey, swearing, and I think that’s all. Tell me if I need to add more.
Tommy shivered as he made his way to Phil’s room. The giant had adopted the tiny about a year ago, and Tommy was happy here. Sure, his older brothers Wilbur and Techno were a little annoying with the pranks they pulled, but he still loved them, not that he would ever admit that to anyone but himself. Tommy had a blanket Phil had made him wrapped around himself. The heater had gone out, and while the others were just fine, Tommy didn’t have much body heat. So, he was freezing.
Phil’s door was always cracked open in case Tommy ever needed anything. Tommy walked into the crow hybrid’s room and climbed the steps at the edge for the bed, one of many sets Phil had placed around the house for easy access for the tiny.
Tommy’s fingers had started to turn blue at this point, but he kept walking until he face to face with his father. Tommy put his hands on Phil’s nose and shook him a bit. “Phiiiiiiiil! Phil, wake up!” Tommy called out.
Phil awoke and gave a grogy hum towards Tommy. “I’m sorry to wake you Phil, but the heater went out and I’m really cold,” the tiny whined. Phil, still being half asleep, stared at his newest son for a minute as slow thoughts pooled in his head. ‘Heater? Cold. Warm up. How? Cuddle, would squish him. Fire, cause damage’. All his thoughts wouldn’t work, all except one. It would warm Tommy, up and keep him safe.
The crow hybrid sat up now and carefully picked up his son. Would this probably traumatize his son? Yes, but the giant was too tired for that bit to come to mind. Tommy looked up at Phil confused, Phil never picked him up unless he agreed to it. Tommy looked down as he was lifted higher up “Phil? What- what is- what are....” He looks up as he says “you... doing!” Tommy’s eyes widened as, when he turned to look at his father, he was meet with a wide open mouth.
Tommy’s mind went into overdrive, and he started to spout out pleas. “Please, Phil! Don’t eat m-!” Tommy was cut off as he was stuffed in the maw. A soft click sounded out, trapping the boy inside. He scrambled to the front of the mouth and banged on the teeth to try and get Phil’s attention. However, luck was not on his side as Phil started to lick at him. It didn’t take long for Phil to completely coat Tommy in saliva, to make the trip down easy. Strings of saliva hung off of Tommy, and he grimaced at the sight. Tommy didn’t have much time to stay disgusted with his situation as Phil tipped his head back.
Tommy panics as gravity starts to shift. He scrambles to grab onto anything that would stop him from moving any farther, but everything was too slippery for him to grasp onto. A loud, sickening gulp sealed Tommy’s fate as he was dragged down into the gullet of his father. He squirmed desperately, trying to do anything under his own power, but the throat constricted him just enough to keep him from moving without squishing him too bad.
Tommy slipped past the sound of a loud, thunderous heart and air whooshing in and out of Phil’s lungs. Though it didn’t take that long, the treacherous journey felt like an eternity to Tommy. Finally, he was pushed through to an open space. He couldn’t see, but he knew where he was, Phil’s stomach. Tommy had no more energy to fight as the reality of his situation sunk in. He put a shaking hand on one of the walls and slid down it.
Tears pricked Tommy’s eyes, and he gave out a weak sob. He was going to die here, inside the stomach of his own father. Tommy curled in on himself and cried until he passed out from exhaustion.
Tommy wasn’t expecting to wake up. Nor did he expect it to be to the sun shining in his eyes and a very anxious Phil sitting in front of him. When Phil noticed Tommy was awake, he wasted no time in apologizing “Tommy! Oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn’t realize what I was doing. You just said something about being cold and I-” Tommy rubbed his temples as he listened to his father ramble on in his apology.
After a minute, Tommy cut Phil off “...How am I here though?” This question caught Phil off guard. ‘Surely Tommy knew right? There’s no way he forgot to mention it to the tiny, right?’ Phil awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and started to explain everything, from the storage stomach to both Wilbur and Techno being able to do this too.
Tommy thought over this new information. It was terrifying to think that they could all do it, but at the end of the day they were still his family, right? Tommy silently goes back to his room not quite sure what to feel, but at the moment he just needed proper rest. So almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.
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