#mentioned one-sided logince
starlit-roman · 2 months
What your favorite sanders sides ship says about you in my opinion
I got this idea from @sandersontheside
Logince: Your favorite episode is why do we get out of bed in the morning and you question that too. You’re a fan of those red and blue haired character anime ships, and let’s not mention how much you love enemies to lovers. I feel like you like spaghetti with a shit ton of Parmesan, and sprite or Pepsi.
Logicality: You like sweet, wholesome ships the most and have probably either written a fan fiction about, read a fan fiction, or have thought about them baking cookies together. Also for some reason I feel like you like John Mulaney
Analogical: You like angst, not a crazy amount but you like to dip your ankles in it. Speaking of dip you probably either really like ranch or bbq sauce. And your favorite squishmallow is the bat one.
Loceit: You’re either the most chaotic person I will ever meet or you’re scarily chill about everything. You like it when all sense of right and wrong leave the room and just pure chaos despite how chaotically chill Logan and Janus are. You’ve definitely committed arson, and you’re a fan of tin cans and rainbows.
Intrulogical: You’re special, with love. I bet you watch doctor who while deepthroating packets of fun dip, sweet tarts, and/or hot tamales, I don’t have much else to say (I like this ship btw)
Royality: Opposites attract isn’t a thing that even registers in your brain, and despite what I want to think you’re probably the friend who corrupts the brains of your innocent friends and tells them about god knows what. If that’s not the case though you are the innocent friend who has surrounded themselves with not very innocent people. You like pasta with cumin. You also really like blueberries, soy sauce, and bluey.
Prinxiety: You’re correct. You prefer Ryan Gosling over Ryan Reynolds and you hate honeydew. You also probably have social anxiety.
Roceit: You like longer slow burn fanfictions and not just one shots, that along with enemies to lovers and a lot of tension. You’re definitely a maximalist when it comes to your room and you love rupauls drag race.
Moxiety: You’re a really sweet introvert and you like romance movies with happy endings. You probably like Mac Demarco and Arctic Monkeys and you like the scent of vanilla.
Moceit: (Kiss me) You really like stuffed animals and just fuzzy things in general. You’re a dog person but you like more cuddly cat-like dogs. You also like tomato soup.
Intruality: You’re super chaotic but super sweet, probably an Enfp or Entp. You like pickles and skunks and peanut butter cookies and cars 2.
Anxceit: You’re favorite social media is tumblr and you miss MySpace. You love hoodies and sweaters, your favorite season is winter, and you really like old artwork. You’re also really good at makeup, especially eye makeup
Dukexiety: You’re probably super all over the place and your rooms a mess but you know where everything is. You also really like snake plants and spiders
Dukeceit: You love the whole “He’s an idiot, but that’s my idiot” thing about this ship. If you have a roku it’s not set to the default theme and you probably like 90s-00s hiphop and you despise when your bed has crumbs in it.
Remrom: …
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Role Reversal
Roman kept mentioning that he doesn’t like transformations and it kept reminding me of Patton turning into a giant frog and Janus disguising himself as other sides. It would be very cool and epic if you could make some Roman angst based off this concept (no pressure obviously) – anon
The song "I Am in Great Pain, Please Help Me" by Crywank reminds me so much of Roman (specifically, your brand of Roman angst). I was wondering if you had the spoons for it, to write something inspired by it? No pressure to, ofc! – anon
Perhaps something where Roman is comforting Logan and then after Roman leaves, Logan is like, “Wait, shit, I should have been comforting YOU!”. You know the scene in What Makes A Perfect Gift where Logan asks for Roman’s input and Roman looks genuinely surprised? The angst potential for Roman not thinking he’s needed at a BRAINSTORM is so slept on. I know you’ve had a lot of Roman angst asks lately so I understand if you don’t want to do it, but I definitely wanted to ask just in case! – anon
Roman angst disguised as Logan centric. Logan Sherlock fic about him trying to figure out why Thomas’s mental health is so bad. – anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: roman being insecure, logan being insecure
Pairings: logince can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 3143
Logan feels stressed about Thomas's mental health and goes to Roman for help discussing a possible upcoming video, only for Roman to accurately guess that Logan's feeling insecure about his own role in keeping Thomas happy and healthy. Little does Logan know: there's more going on than meets the eye and it isn't until later that he realizes Roman's far more fragile than anyone could've guessed. After that, well, there's really only one course of action.
If Logan had not been paying very, very close attention, there is every possibility that he could have missed it.
He almost did; despite being entirely focused on his goal, he has to admit that it wasn't something he saw as necessarily related, and as such, dismissed initially as not relevant to solving the problem of why Thomas's mental health had been in a steady decline since the wedding. However, upon further reflection, he can conclude that not only was the sudden tightening of Roman's expression related, it was most likely the strongest indicator he's seen since he began.
"Sorry, Specs, I think my hearing cut out of a second there." Roman scratches the back of his head almost sheepishly. "Can you—can you say that one more time?"
"I believe it would be helpful for Thomas for us to do another 'low-key' video, as it were, and for you and I to work together."
"Yes, I heard that part."
"As we want to focus on recapturing some of Thomas's whimsy and zest for life—" here Roman's expression quirks towards amusement— "it would be apt for you to try and recreate some of the dreams Thomas has held onto in the past."
"Right, but not like—"
"Including transforming into those he aspired to be or the roles he aspired to fill," Logan finishes, frowning when there's that momentary tightness in Roman's smile again, "do you concur?"
"I—so I'm all for helping Thomas fall in love with his dreams again, you know, but, um…" He twists his fingers together. "I'm not sure that this is…the best way to do it?"
"You are the embodiment of Thomas's Hopes and Dreams. Who else would be better equipped to help me?"
Roman blinks as if he hadn't been expecting the comment. Which is in and of itself a little odd; Roman typically never passes up the opportunity to remind them of his standing in Thomas's psyche, nor to claim credit for half of the things Thomas does even when it's far more of a group effort. "Right, but I don't see how me turning into various things would be helpful."
"Thomas is a very visual learner. It's been proven in the past via various theater productions and other activities that he thrives in environments where he can immerse himself in what it is he's doing. By having you, his Creativity, directly mimic the dreams he wishes or wished to obtain, we draw a more substantial connection between the Thomas that he is now and the Thomas he aspires to be."
Roman's mouth works. Logan frowns.
"If you have something you want to say, Roman, by all means, speak your mind. This brainstorm won't be nearly as successful if only one of us is contributing."
"Where is this coming from, Logan?"
"I'm not quite sure what you mean."
"This." Roman gestures back and forth between them. "This sudden need to 'fix' Thomas. You've been pretty clear with the rest of us that you don't think staying 'in his head' would be helpful, not when you're working so hard on your lists that you want him to do."
"Well, it's been pretty clear those aren't working, so—"
"But they have been. You know they have been—we all celebrated when Thomas finally managed to clean his kitchen and you were right, he did feel better afterwards. Your methods were working, are working."
Logan swallows. He did feel very accomplished after the last bowl had been placed in the cupboard, and no one had been happier than he when Thomas not only made himself dinner but cleaned up afterwards, but this was different. "Thomas deserves the drive to go after what he wants as well as doing the maintenance required to sustain his current lifestyle."
Roman nods. "And what sorts of things are those?"
"Roman, I don't understand—"
"Please," he interrupts, holding up his hands, "humor me?"
"You're the one who's Hopes and Dreams," he protests feebly, "you're Creativity. I'm not going to be good at coming up with them."
"Just try. You're better at it than you think."
"O-oh." He blinks. "Thank you, Roman."
"Of course."
"Uh—well, I think Thomas has a passion for filmmaking that he hasn't fully realized in shooting the YouTube videos due to the constraints of the channel."
"He's been enjoying doing the modeling shoots for Instagram as well. And he has a few shows that he wants to catch up on—not a dream, I know, but something he wants to do."
"That's good, Logan. What else?"
"Does he still have the dream of being an actor? On a more professional level?"
"I believe so, yes."
"Well, there you are, then."
Roman nods. "And if we go off of your transformation idea, what—what exactly would I be transforming into?"
He furrows his brow. "Well, you would be—if you were doing—I suppose you—ah. I see your point."
"It's not that there's something Thomas isn't that we need to make him into," Roman says quietly, "we can just remind him of the things that are already inside him that he can chase and pursue."
"…that is a very valid conclusion to have reached."
"He doesn't have to work all the time—I think both you and I know the dangers of letting yourself believe you can," he says with a gentle nudge to Logan's shoulder, "he can give himself time to rest and work on things that he wants to, not things that he has to."
"And I suppose making another video would be counterproductive to this aim, as it requires a level of work that would not be outweighed by the reassurance it might provide."
"I don't know if I would've said it nearly as well as you, but yeah, pretty much."
Logan sighs, closing his notebook with an almost despondent flap. "Then I suppose I have nothing else to work on."
He frowns at Roman. "'Good?'"
"Well, now that means you can do the things that you want to do."
"M-me? What on earth are you talking about?"
"Did we not just go over how important it is to not be consumed by work all the time?"
"Well, yes, but—"
"Did we not just talk about how it's necessary to rest and do the things you want to do from time to time?"
"I don't—"
"Did you not just say that you have nothing else to work on right now?"
"I know what you're doing," he says, meaning for it to come out accusatory and missing dreadfully, "it's not going to work."
"Me convincing you to take time for yourself and enjoy spending your time how you want to spend it isn't going to work?" Roman grins, leaning forward onto his elbows, propping his chin on his hands. "Are you sure?"
"Roman," he warns.
"What? It's not like I was the only one who came to this conclusion about Thomas a second ago, you were instrumental in figuring it out, Specs."
"And we all know that you're way smarter than I am, so if you're going to take your own advice—which you should, then—"
"Alright!" Roman laughs as Logan buries his face in his hands, trying not to smile too obviously at the praise or blush from how many compliments Roman's just given him, "you've made your point, you can stop now."
"I think you mean I've just reiterated your point, but that's alright." A warm hand pats his shoulder. "You're doing great, Logan. You don't have to stress out about this right now. Thomas has earned a break and so have you, okay?"
"…I suppose there are a few things I've been waiting to do that could occupy my time."
"There you go!" Roman claps his hands and gets up, affectionately ruffling Logan's hair and dodging his attempts to swat him. "Let me know how it goes, I'd love to hear about whatever you're working on."
Logan aims another swat at his shoulder and misses, watching Roman sink out. He shakes his head, unable to keep the growing smile off his face as he thinks about his own projects. Yes, there are several things he could do, he could work on refining the data for the experiment, he could read that study he's been eyeing for a few days, he could look over the manuscript he's drafting…
It isn't until he gets back to his room with a different notebook open on his desk that he pauses.
Why had Roman been upset at the suggestion of transformation?
They had agreed upon resting and doing what they wanted, letting Thomas do what he wanted. They had agreed that resting was good, pursuing one's own passions was good. What about transformations had rankled Roman so? He hadn't directly addressed it—something virtually unheard of for Roman. Perhaps it had been something to do with the act of transforming itself? But no, Roman had always been among the first to thrill at being someone else, or pretending to be someone else. What had caused such a dramatic shift?
What sorts of transformations had they done recently? There had been the whole thing with Remus—Logan suppresses a shudder as he remembers Remus's song and everything that happened in it—but Roman had been unconscious for most of it. Aside from that, it had been…
Well, Janus had been transforming into them more often than not, but that was him, mostly, not Roman. And Patton had become the giant frog, but that hadn't really affected Roman that much either. No, the last time Roman had been the one transforming, it had been…for…
Logan stands up, eyes still fixed on a point in the distance as his mind races.
Roman hadn't transformed for himself. It had always been at the whim of someone else. Roman was Hopes and Dreams—Thomas's Hopes and Dreams. Roman did things for Thomas. He was Thomas's wants. Despite how often they all called him selfish, he…he didn't really fight for the things that he wanted.
Could he name a single thing that Roman wanted that wasn't something for Thomas?
I think you and I both know the dangers of believing you can work all the time.
There's nothing that Thomas isn't that we need to make him into.
"Oh, Roman," he whispers into the quiet room, "when did you get so good at hiding?"
He doesn't want to know the answer, but his mind is already coming up with a helpful list of every time he can remember where Roman let himself get pushed to the side, overruled, scolded, overlooked, for the sake of someone else. He thinks about the times where Roman had been obviously uncomfortable with what they wanted him to do, and then did it anyway. He thinks about how long it's been since he's actually heard Roman say what he wanted, not what Thomas wanted, not what Patton or Janus or even he wanted.
How long has it been since someone wanted Roman for Roman?
He looks back down at his desk and pulls out a different notebook. He's underestimated Roman. He won't go into this upcoming conversation unprepared.
He knocks on Roman's door as softly as he can, waiting for the quiet come in to push it open. Roman looks up from his—
Oh, no.
"Oh, Roman," he murmurs before he can stop himself, crouching next to Roman's slumped figure and carding a hand through his hair, "I'm so sorry."
"N-no, I'm sorry, 'm sorry, I can—" he scrubs a hand harshly across his face— "it's fine. What, um, what do you—"
Another sob interrupts him before he can finish asking if Logan needs anything, which only makes his chest ache all the more. He eases himself down next to Roman's buckled legs and wraps a comforting arm around his shoulders, pulling him close enough to wipe a thumb across his cheek.
"Shh," he says when Roman tries to speak again, "don't stress yourself. I'm not here for anything other than this, little one."
The pet name rolls off his tongue before he can stop it, but at the slightly wounded noise that leaves Roman's lips, he resolves to use them as often as he can. He scratches his nails lightly against his scalp, shushing him again when he tries to stifle another sob.
"I'm here because I realized I'd hurt you earlier," he continues, still speaking gently, "and I did not attempt to comfort you in any way. No, no—don't pull away from me, dear. Shh, don't fret, don't fret, I'm not upset—look at me, Roman, do I look upset?"
Roman's eyes, still filled with tears, roam frantically over his face. Logan keeps his expression as soft and open as he can, letting the concern write itself plainly over the furrow in his brow. After another moment, Roman sniffles and he's already reaching for the tissue box he can see perched haphazardly on the end of the desk. He takes it with a grateful mumble and blows his nose with a honk.
"You were right. You don't need to change to be worth something, or to be fixed. You don't need to become something you're not—oh, darling, hush, now," he says when Roman's eyes grow wide with distress, "I'm not angry, I'm not—oh, you poor thing."
For Roman had begun to sob in earnest, trying in equal parts to pull away from Logan's embrace and push himself near into his chest. Logan slides an arm under his legs and pulls them into his lap, tucking Roman's face into the crook of his neck and kissing the crown of his head. There's a moment where Roman tenses and he fears he might pull away, but then he all but collapses into him and buries his nose in Logan's shirt.
"There you go, little one, shh, it's alright. You can cry, crying is good. You're alright, you're safe, I'm right here." He runs his hand up and down Roman's back. "Shh, shh, that's it…that's it, my dear."
"Sorry—'m so sorry—"
"Shh-shh-shh, no apologies from you, not about this. You're overwhelmed and overworked, it's perfectly alright for you to be emotional right now. You can let it out, I don't mind at all. In fact, I'm here to help."
"Mm. You took great pains to comfort me earlier, even when I did not ask, and you," and here he gives Roman a little shake, "have not let anyone comfort you in quite a long time. So yes, I am here to comfort you, to help, and if that means letting you cry in my lap for as long as you need, then that is what I shall do."
"It's so hard," comes the sniffling whisper from under his chin, "I keep—I keep trying to be what they want but they don't know what they want and then it's my fault and I can't—they keep changing and wanting me to change and I can't—"
"Shh, shh…hush, my dear, it's alright. That's right, just let me hold you…"
They spend a great deal of time like that, curled up on the floor. Logan keeps carding his hand through Roman's hair, soothing away the more violent of sobs with gentle touches up and down his back or patting his chest. How long has Roman been holding this in? How long has it been since their prince has let himself fall apart without remorse? And how long has it been since they took pains enough to notice?
He pulls himself from his own thoughts when Roman's head turns, bumping slightly against his chin. He tilts his head to press a kiss to his temple, leaning back just enough to see the blotchy face come into view. Taking another tissue, he carefully dabs up the last of the tears he can see, holding it so Roman can blow his nose again.
"…thanks, Logan."
"Of course, my dear." He raises an eyebrow at the little shudder that goes through him. "No?"
"N-no, yes. Yes. Very much yes. Sorry."
"None of that now, my dear. Do you feel any better?"
"A little bit."
"That's excellent. Shall we sit here for a little longer, or do you want to move somewhere a little more comfortable?"
"C-can we just stay here for a little longer?"
"Of course we can." He runs his thumb over Roman's cheek again. "I am truly sorry it took me so long to figure out what was going on, little one. But I'm here now."
Roman averts his gaze and once again Logan is struck by how different Roman is right now; no longer does he see their fiery prince who so eloquently made him take his own advice mere hours ago, instead he sees a shell of a Side who shies away from a gentle touch like a dog too scared to eat. The comparison alone is enough to coax him to lean forward and kiss his cheek, cuddling him against his chest.
"I'm here now," he repeats, "let me look after you."
"You will?"
"Yes, Roman, I will. I'm right here—" he pulls him a little closer— "I've got you, little one, you're alright."
"I don't know what to do."
"Right now?"
Logan's heart clenches in his chest and he forces the ache away, running his thumb over his cheek once more. "Well, what do you want to do right now?"
"I want to stay here."
"Then we shall stay here. And when you're ready to figure out what you want to do next," he says, adjusting them until they're both comfortable as can be, "I will be here to help."
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs@el-does-photography@princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl@raven1508
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Okay so with the new sanders sides content coming out i feel like i gotta share my thoughts on some things
The orange side, i’ve thought for a very long time, will be the opposite to logan and embody instinct. i feel like that’s just the most logical (no pun intended) route for that character to go.
Also! ship wise, i feel like i have some rare takes and some really common ones. Im ngl i dont like prinxiety. i dont know what it is about them, i just never got the hype. i see them more as good besties. on the other hand, i love logince. i think that logan and roman have a great dynamic and the whole creativity vs logic aspect is something i’m a big fan of. Next off, janus and paton belong together. i’m sorry, i had to say it. janus is the mom of the dark sides and patton is the dad of the light sides, it just makes so much sense. and not even mentioning morality and deceit being in a relationship… and that leaves us with remus and virgil. i think their dynamic is funny and anxiety fits well with intrusive thoughts, as we’ve seen in his intro episode. anxiety kind of relies on intrusive thoughts and intrusive thoughts wouldn’t be an issue without anxiety.
I’m so hyped for this next episode it’s not even funny. i’ll post my thoughts about it then!
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Stargazing the Stargazer
Happy Logince Week! A lil drabble to start off this wonderful event.
Pairing: Logince, gen
Trigger/Content Warning: none?
Description: Logan and Roman go stargazing in the Imagination.
Extra: written for Day 1: Stars of @loginceweek2024! A lil cliché but still cute to write. Yes, I posted this at 1am on the 21st. Fight me.
[Masterlist] | ao3 link
[read under the cut]
As much as Logan and Roman oppose each other in baseline functions, they share plenty of similarities. They both do their fair share of research for projects- how else would you get representation for a story right- and they always make time in their schedules for brainstorming sessions. They both appreciate poetry in their own ways, if the rap battle they did was any indicator. 
Most importantly, they both love the stars. 
And thus, this specific shared factor spurs Roman to take his nerdy friend on a trip into the Imagination. He stands before Logan’s door, its wood decorated in hues of indigo and adorned with little white painted stars. It’s alike that of a starry night sky in differing shades of blue. Logan’s name hangs on in silver metal lettering, the font being as sharp and concise as he is. Roman knocks in his signature pattern: one short knock, a longer knock, and then another short knock. To most, it’s just a random series of knocks; to Logan, who’s adept in morse code, it’s announcing that it’s Roman at the door. Roman knows Logan’s skills in different languages, which includes a set of codes. Once he learned this- sometime before there was a big shift in Light and Dark- he learned a decent amount of morse code to better connect with Logan. He still remembers a few things from before they broke into their respective cemented roles and opposed each other more harshly. 
Upon hearing the recognizable knock, Logan steps up to his door and opens it. Roman smiles at seeing his hair a little unkempt, and Logan steps aside to welcome Roman into his room. As Roman walks in, Logan smoothes and fixes his hair to be more presentable. It makes Roman’s chest ache a little, thinking back to when the logical Side used to feel comfortable to have messier hair around others. Then again, it’s been so long since then. It shouldn’t be a surprise, but it still aches when the Prince sees how his companion tenses with another person in the room. 
“What is it that you need, Roman?” Logan’s voice is a constant steady noise.
“Well, my dearest nerd, I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me to the Imagination for a surprise?” Roman watches as Logan tenses more at the mention of a surprise.
He never did like surprises.
“Roman, you know I don’t like surprises. Furthermore, I already have things I need to do.”
“I- well, I know that. I wasn’t done yet.”
Logan looks at him with patience, nodding at him to proceed.
“This surprise isn’t an adventure, or anything like that. I wanted to take you to a certain hill and sit with you. That’s it.”
An eyebrow raises and, “Then, how is it a surprise?”
Roman smirks.
“That, dear astrophile, is the reveal you shall see. A mystery to solve.”
Logan’s shoulders slump at the knowledge it won’t be an adventure, but still a mystery to uncover. Roman practically sees gears turning in his nerd’s eyes as he waits, shifting in place. 
“Well… I do like mysteries,” the nerd trails off as he glances at his computer.
“It can always wait if you can’t come right now. I know your work’s important to you, and it looks like I may have interrupted it,” the Prince quickly adds, hoping he’d at least agree to come along at some point. 
Logan pauses, seeing an odd anxiety twist in his fellow Side’s eyes. Roman can be loud and excitable and take up an entire room, but he also notes things most don’t. Like how who and who doesn’t like surprises, how certain Sides like their coffee in the morning, everyone’s varying love languages and they best receive affection from others, and so many more things. It still makes Logan pause, sometimes. He’s not used to being known, to have his little likes and quirks known and acknowledged by someone else. It’s been… a long time since he really felt known by someone. And he can’t say anyone but Roman has made an effort. Perhaps, though he’d never admit it, he welcomes Roman’s company over the Others because of how well he knows him, especially with how well he continues to know him. No matter how much they oppose each other. 
So, though he has work to do, he turns and saves his work as he shuts down his computer. When he turns back, Logan can’t miss the hope and excitement in Roman’s eyes. It makes them twinkle like spotlights. 
“Well, I was about done for the day, anyway. I wouldn’t mind accompanying you, Roman. Besides, who would I be to turn down a mystery?” Logan says, and Roman’s smile matches his eyes. 
“Wonderful! Come with me, Microsoft Nerd, and let the mystery begin,” Roman offers his hand, radiating an excitable energy only ever akin to him. 
The detective blinks at the gesture, humming before he takes his hand and gives a rare warm smirk. A brief look of princely fondness, and Roman pulls him along as they leave the room. 
After a bit of walking in the Imagination, Logan can’t help but think Roman planned detail into this little trip. 
Sometimes, he forgets how much thought goes into everything Roman creates. The path they walk is dirt, tall oak and vibrant irises line the sides. It’s in the middle of a forest, it seems, and Logan spots birds in treetops watching them as they stroll. It’s dark, but a plethora of fireflies light their way as swarms of them guide them to their destination. Their lights reflect in Logan’s eyes, and Roman finds himself distracted by the constellations he can see in them. He forces himself to look away, to ignore the fact his companion hasn’t taken his hand from his, and looks for the landmark. He smiles when he sees it ahead; a small flower of red, blue, and purple, each blossom its own colour, a flower that’s three flowers in one. It’s very different from the indigo irises around it, a floral creation of Roman’s own. Logan spots it as they walk closer, curiosity blooming like the flowers they pass by. 
“Roman, where are you taking me? We’re still in a forest,” he speaks softly, not wanting to break this peaceful atmosphere with his voice. 
“I told you, I’m taking you to a hill.”
“And yet all I see are trees and no hills.”
“Oh, and so you doubt my abilities, dear nerd? I thought you wanted a mystery.”
Logan rolls his eyes as he examines their surroundings. 
“Well, if we are going to a hill, and the path is through a forest… and it is dark out here…” the logical Side mumbles his thoughts. 
Roman smiles, listening for the inevitable moment when the nerd figures it out. 
“Perhaps… will we see the sky out on the hill?”
“We will,” the Prince feels excitement bubble in his gut as they walk an upward path.
Here, the trees are slowly less and less, but the flowers increase in number. The flora slowly changes from indigo irises into red and blue asters as they continue on. The fireflies slowly leave as well, making it darker and harder to see. Logan almost worries before he spots bright dots through the leaves of treetops, his heart racing at the hope that he gets to see something he really likes. He can see more and more lighting up the inky sky as the treetops become thinner and thinner.
“Roman, are we… the stars?”
Roman turns to Logan, seeing the hope in his eyes and a wonder he hasn’t seen in so long. He can only nod, silenced by his own awe of how beautifully soft and at ease his detective is. His detective’s eyes widen slightly with poorly veiled excitement and joy, his mouth agape. He quickly turns to see ahead of them, spotting a few stars peek out from where the tree line ends. Roman tugs his hand lightly, hurrying to the hilltop where the path becomes grass. 
Once they get there, a soft and plaid blanket awaits them, surrounded by all the odd asters. They sit down, releasing hands. Logan lays down to stare up at the starry night sky, and the Prince lays next to him. They’re quiet in this moment. The astrophile gapes and gazes at the asterisms of stars; the royal stargazes at the stargazer. Logan forgets the oddity of asters being red and blue- they’re only supposed to be white, purple, and pink realistically- captivated by everything he loves about the sky. He points out every constellation he sees. Delphinus, the Big Dipper, and even Ursa Minor as he whispers what they are. He doesn’t notice how Roman nods at him, though still staring fondly at Logan. To him, to the Prince, to this part of Creativity, Logan is the starry sky that’s filled with wondrous and curious things. He cannot look away from him; he cannot look away from his brilliant asterism which lays beside him. 
“Isn't it just astounding, the beauty of the universe and its many mysteries?”
“Yeah, it is,” Roman whispers back, because his beautiful universe is made of logic and starry eyes and indigo and glasses, and he’ll never not be astounded by him. 
As much as Logan and Roman oppose each other in baseline functions, they share plenty of similarities. They both love peaceful walks in the Imagination. They both appreciate each other’s presence, the ease it can bring to be around someone who knows you. Most importantly, they both love the stars. 
Logan loves the constellations and mysteries and wonders the night sky brings. 
Roman loves his own star, his favourite asterism of mystery and wonder, and he’ll always be starstruck by him. 
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monkeythefander · 8 months
Logince Headcannons 💙❤️
Since it’s Logince week and I don’t have any art or fanfic ideas I thought I could at least write some headcannons for my fellow Logince fans. Two of the headcannons mention stars and adventures though, which are prompts for Logince week this year so I’ll mention the tumblr blog here. @loginceweek2024
Content warnings: mention of possibly getting hurt (no injuries happen though), mention of fighting/battling, food mention (specifically Crofters jam).
Click below the cut to read the headcannons.
- Roman has a library in the imagination, where he has set up a little reading corner for Logan to go to whenever he needs a break from helping Thomas.
- Roman and Logan like to write and read poetry for each other.
- For their first date, Roman took Logan out to the imagination to look at the stars and the moon. It was a full moon that night and the stars were very bright. Logan was so happy with the date that he gave Roman a kiss. This was their first kiss. Roman was at first very flustered by this, not expecting Logan to initiate affection. Then the creative side was a bit upset that he wasn’t the one to initiate the first kiss, since he’s the romantic side. But Roman quickly forgot about being upset when he saw Logan was smiling lovingly at him.
- After they started dating, Logan began joining Roman on his adventures in the imagination. Logan joins because he likes seeing how happy Roman looks whenever he manages to complete a quest or defeat an enemy. Logan also comes along to make sure Roman stays safe. The logical side brings a first aid kit, so he’s prepared if Roman were to get hurt.
- For their first anniversary gift, Roman gets Logan a tie with little crowns on it. The princely side says it so Logan will always have something to remind him of Roman, even when they’re apart. Logan gives Roman a necklace, that’s a heart shaped locket. Inside the locket is a picture of the two of them. Logan says that he remembered Roman mentioning how he found lockets to be sweet gifts to give to loved ones, so the logical side wanted to get one for Roman. Both boyfriends love their gifts and wear them whenever they can/feel comfortable doing so. Roman wears his locket all the time, while Logan wears the tie whenever they go on dates.
- After they started dating, Logan revealed to Roman his hidden supply of Crofters jam. The logical side loves the jam so much he keeps it hidden so the other sides can’t eat it all. But since he knows Roman loves the jam as much as he does, Logan now wants to share it with his boyfriend. Logan also trusts Roman to not eat it all. The creative side is happy that his boyfriend trusts him with the Crofters, and promises to keep the jam supply a secret from the other sides.
End notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you like any of these headcannons and want to make fanart or a fanfic based on them, you can do so. You just have to ask me first, and then credit and tag me in the post so I can see it.
-Monkey💜 (1/21/24)
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shsl-fander · 8 months
Logince Week: Day 2
Prompt: Revenge
Pairing: Logan/Roman
Description : Logan and Roman are extremely competitive with one another, and so they have their weekly game nights, however Roman offers a different prize for the winner
If you asked anyone in the mindscape who the most competitive person they'd ever met was, their answer would either be Logan Sanders or Roman Sanders, no one else would even come to mind. For this precise reason, what had once been an family game night tradition, involving every single side, had been entirely changed. Now it was left with only the logical and creative traits still involved, eager to see who would win the next time.
They'd found themselves in almost an endless cycle, either wanting revenge if they'd lost last time or wanting to continue their pridefull streak. Oddly enough, this weekly occurrence had brought the two closer than ever before, always looking forward to when they would see the other.
"Ahah! Finally! I've won!" Roman declared happily, launching himself up and out of his seat from the table to gloat. He danced around the area, occasionally doing his pose or smirking over at Logan.
Logan, who was still sat down at the table, their scattergories board between them. He was grumbling something about 'unfair' and 'statistically I've won more.'
"This is ridiculous, there is no way I've lost a vocabulary related game to Princey," Logan scoffed in disbelief, which only made Roman's smile grow even wider.
"Hey! I'm good at words too, Specs! You think all my wonderous stories just create themselves?! To be creative requires good vocabulary!" Roman argued, hands on his hips.
"Ironic, since the correct phrase would be 'I am good with words, too.'" Logan jabbed in response, a small smirk tugging on his lips. His smirk grew into an amused smile as Roman scoffed indignantly. "You are so ridiculous," he sputtered through laughter.
Roman dramatically placed a hand to his heart, stumbling backwards. "Your words hurt, Nerd! You've gotten your revenge, I understand now!" he gasps, turning his head away in faux sadness.
Logan shook his head, standing up so he could walk closer to Roman. "Do you really doubt me that much and think I'd give up that simply?" he said holding his hand out, "rematch?"
Roman grinned, eagerly shaking his hand, "Oh you're on, microsoft!" he exclaimed. "I think we should make it more fun though, have something at stake," he offered, with that creative romantic glint in his eyes.
Roman had an idea, an absolute awful idea, and he was dangerously close to letting his romantic thoughts win and doing said idea. He'd had a crush on the logical trait for ages now, longer than he could even remember given how long the two had known each other. There was something about Logan's competitive fire, the one that mirrored his own so well, that made Roman feel so warm inside.
"What are you referring to, Roman?" Logan pondered, scrunching up his eyebrows. His eyes widened as Roman took another step closer, blush rising to the apples of his cheeks. "Roman?!" he sputtered, attemping to keep his composure. Internally, however, Logan's heart was pounding inside his chest.
"If I win, will you let me take you out on a date?" Roman requests softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Logan swallowed nervously, and the added warmth in his body made his glasses to begin to fog. He cleared his throat, fidgeting with his tie. "You are interested in me?" he asks, audible doubt in his voice.
Roman laughed softly, shaking his head in disbelief, "Is that even a question?! Of course I am, I've been sending you hints for months."
Roman for one, absolutely loved to tease Logan, amd if Logan had remembered correctly, that was the way Roman showed his love. Not to mention all the comments he'd sneak into their discussions that could definitely be taken in a flirtatious way.
"So, do we have a deal?"
Logan couldn't fight the smile that snuck onto his face as he nodded, "Indeed we do, Prep."
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pencilpat · 11 months
Sanders Sides: College AU
Part two of this AU! Here are the character sheets for everyone. Both Logan & Janus are transfem in this AU. Prequel, Part 1
Featuring queerplatonic logince and implied future dukeceit!
Janus and Remus have some realizations about each other as they begin to settle into sharing a space. Roman attempts a confession again, with much more success. Virgil and Patton are doing well, and enjoying pulling the strings behind getting their friends together.
3,970 words
CW: brief mention of ableism from a parent, character living in poverty, swearing
Janus leans against her wall, pinching her eyebrows with a sigh. “So, a whole coffee shop right at your disposal wasn’t enough?”
Remus barely acknowledges her, simply continuing to set up the coffee maker he purchased while she was at school, humming to himself.
“Remus, I don’t even drink coffee. How do you expect this to be of use to me? In my apartment.”
“Ah please, it’s fine! If anything, I’ll just take it with me when I leave!”
“Yeah. Leave.” She pans her gaze over what once was her living room, however small and crappy it was. It’s now covered in folded piles of Remus’s clothing and miscellaneous junk. Sighing, she stumbles out of her crutches to rest them by the door, pressing her weight on the kitchen counter. “Remus…” she begins, but doesn’t even know what to say.
Hell, this is just as strange and surreal as it was last night when she got the text. Remus looks different, older, and healthier, with significantly more piercings and obscene tattoos. She can’t tell if he did them himself or got them done, but they do suit his ‘quirky’ nature. The wisp of a mustache above his lip is now filled out and curled. Him being entirely shirtless when she got home was also a surprise. When he said he needed a place to sleep she had assumed he would be sleeping here and not much else. It makes sense that the twin’s shitty parents got rid of Remus eventually, and the thought makes her pinch her lips together tightly. She observes him working to screw tiny screws into plastic, ashamed as she finds herself eyeing his lean muscular build. She scoffs at herself and walks the rest of the way over. It's just Remus, same idiot as he was in high school – she knows him and how to handle his eccentricity.
“Remus, the instructions call for the bigger screw for that hole-“
“Oh, I bet they do!” Remus chuckles, standing up with his hands on his hips to glare at the machine like it purposefully caused him to pick up the wrong screw. “Everyone’s always looking for a bigger screw aren’t they,” he says, this dramatic, pouting lilt coating the words. She snorts out a small laugh, a sound that seems uncharacteristic for her, yet one that Remus always used to draw forth.
“I’m sure they are with you, maybe,” she says in mock sympathy. Remus stands up straight and gasps at her, mockingly offended.
“Are you only good for witty quips or are you gonna help me build this thing?”
“I don’t drink coffee.”
“Huh, makes sense you don’t have the energy to help then!” Remus sticks his tongue out at her and goes back to his fiddling. She laughs breathily, and walks along the walls to her bedroom, overwhelmed.
She drops against her bed like a sack, muscles aching from a day of walking. She lays against her pillows and listens to her own breathing rasp slightly. Living with the mildew is taking its toll as well, she assumes. She blindly fumbles on her bedside table for the familiar feel of her over-the-counter pain medicine, taking two dry. Too tired to get a drink. Too tired to get up much more at all for the day, most likely.
Ah, but she does have to. She groans. Bananaconda, curse you and your feeding schedule, she grits her teeth, cursing her beloved pet for being so beloved. Her snake’s cage takes up and entire wall of her room pretty much, always present in her mind. She’s one of her main joys in life though, and God damn her if she doesn’t take better care of Banana than herself. She sits up again, giving herself a moment before pulling herself up fully to standing, stumbling over to the minifridge full of mice.
Bananaconda eats very willingly, thankfully, making her life slightly easier in its turmoil. She made sure to stroke her scales gently for a moment a bit before feeding her as well. Anyone who says snakes don’t thrive on affection is an idiot in her eyes. Janus sighs, watching the monthly lump of food slip along her pet’s belly. “I’m jealous of you, baby. If only I could sleep that much.” She laughs at her own murmured words, and half-stumbles half-crawls back to bed.
She’s resolved to study in the morning already when there’s a knock on her door. She hides her face in her pillow and groans. Loudly.
“Janus! There’s a whole horror movie marathon on! Remember watching all those old things? You should come watch!” Before she can say anything, her doorknob is turning. At the very least Remus has the decency to have his eyes covered as he opens the door, but he was seemingly too excited to talk through a door.
“Remus, I’m… very tired right now.”
“Huh? It’s only like 7!”
“Remus, please.” She holds up a hand, trying to pause him. “I… I can’t even get up right now, let alone get to the living room. I’d prefer to rest.”
“Oh.” Remus pauses, blinking behind his hand. “Well, I just know you used to love them a lot. I saw you lookin’ all sad and figured it might cheer you up?”
“Even if I do want to… I can’t get up, ok? I’m sorry, I know it’s annoying and inconvenient and whatever else, I’ve heard it before-“
“Why don’t I just carry you!”
Now that does pause her. “Remus, what?”
“Y’know, pick you up! Er, if you’re decent and all.”
“Yes, I’m decent.”
Remus immediately uncovers his eyes, still seemingly slightly disappointed as she says it. “I can carry you out here! You’re not heavy!”
“What, am I going to grow extra arms to hold on or something?” She can’t help laughing. She’s a grown woman only a few inches shorter than him – he can’t be serious.
He most definitely is, she realizes, as he steps over and begins putting his arms under her legs and back. She lets out a tiny yelp, and is up in the air before she knows it. Thank god the room is dark, because her entire face goes half dark half pink with flush. “Remus!”
Remus just cackles, and starts carrying her into the living room. The lights are also off out here, and she sees in the light of the TV screen that her cabinets have been scoured as there are packets of hot cocoa on the counter along with two mugs. Remus sets her on the pull-out bed with surprising gentleness, and she sees the beginning of the first Scream playing already. Remus goes to the kitchen and comes back with a cream yellow mug held out to her, steam glimmering in the TV light. She accepts it, still a bit breathless. Remus crawls over the bed, careful with his own mug of coffee – coffee, at 7 pm, she notes – and settles beside her. Their backs are pressed onto the backing cushions of the sofa.
She watches his face, glowing excitedly as he blows on his mug. He looks enraptured by a movie she knows he’s seen at least 6 times. It’s bizarrely cute to her, and she refocuses her gaze onto the movie, though not really watching. Was he always like this? She finds it hard to remember. She doesn’t remember being so… taken with him? She used to find him more of an annoying side-piece to the friendship with Virgil and Roman – a jester to their catty monarchy - though he was genuinely good to her and enjoyed being around her. She glances again at his brown eyes, seeming slightly red when lit up. He’s laughing through the first kill of the film, that high pitched cackle he’s always done. She supposes neither of them really knew what it was like to have people enjoy being around you before that little group.
She can’t help a light chuff of a laugh at herself, taking a drink of hot cocoa. What is she thinking about right now? It’s just Remus, that dumb kid from her high school. Any amount of loneliness on her part wouldn’t be a fair reason to tug at his heart, anyways.
Janus does enjoy the cocoa, and the movies – well, the three of them she makes it through. Remus made sure she was laughing and made as many inappropriate jokes as he could. He noticed her drifting to sleep as it got fully dark outside, and didn’t interrupt her, letting her fall to sleep. Her cocoa was fully drunk, and he lets her just… rest, for a while. He’s not an idiot, he did notice how exhausted she looked from the moment she opened the door. His eyes glance away from The Bride of Chucky onto her crutches. She didn’t have those in high school. Flitting back over to her face, Remus sighs out a low breath. Three years is longer than he thought, truly.
The molded apartment and impoverished conditions aren’t… new, for her, either. Virgil brought up to him once, during a panic attack, noticing Janus living in her car through most of the time they’d known her. Of course, himself and his brother were too rich and privileged to notice something like that. He glares at the television spitefully. If he had known, if she had ever mentioned it, if, if, if. Whatever. It’s unchangeable, and now he’s also cut off from that money and lifestyle. Turns out rich actors aren’t fond of ‘schizo’ sons. He shakes his head out from the thoughts as the marathon’s end title pops up, downs the last of his coffee, and then crawls off the bed. It doesn’t feel right to physically move her, so he sets the two blankets and pillow down on the kitchen floor and resolves to sleep there. Faces flit at him from the shadows of a new environment, but he's too at peace to feel distress.
“Heh, night Janus,” he whispers into the silent room. “Enjoy the bed.”
Apparently 9 pm on a Friday was the best Logan could manage, as their texts show, and Roman is chugging coffee just in case. Patton and Virgil will not stop being lovebirds in the living room, and Roman seethes over his mug at them from the chair across from the sofa.
“Geeze, Rom, if you glare any harder you might actually put holes in us,” Virgil chuckles, sitting up just slightly, laying against Patton’s chest and stomach. This only makes Roman glare harder at him, and Virgil rolls his eyes. “Roman, dude, it’s ok. We have the plan remember? Subtly clearing out once she gets here?”
“You could just go now!” Roman whines, very loudly.
Patton giggles at him. “Roman, c’mon, you know she thinks it’s a friendly hang out! She would be confused if it’s just you when she gets here.”
Roman groans, but he knows they’re right. It feels… icky? Just weird, to do to her, but if Patton thinks she’ll be ok with it, he trusts their advice. Roman takes a large drink of lukewarm coffee and pulls out his phone again. He is still in dress pants, his black gloves, and a slightly undone blouse despite Virgil and Patton having chosen to be in pyjamas. Casual elegance is always his expectation for himself, even when a cutie isn’t due over any minute. His phone has yet to show any signs of Logan getting any closer though.
Only a few minutes later, it seems Logan just doesn’t announce her arrival. Roman lets out a startled squeal as a knock comes on the door. He instinctively hides behind his hands for a moment, and Virgil laughs at him. He huffs and stands up to open it to her, coaxing his cheeks to lose their flush. He pulls the door open with a smile, and finds her standing calmly, dressed in a simple black polo shirt and jeans, the porch lights glinting off her piercings. Shockingly it’s the most casual he’s ever seen her, and he’s caught staring at her. The undone top button may as well be pornography as far as her usual attire is concerned.
She clears her throat. “Roman? Are you ok?”
He stands up straight, nodding. “Yeah- Yes! Yes, I’m fine. Why don’t you come in.” He bows to the side and gives her room to enter. She raises and eyebrow and smiles just slightly and his unnecessary grandiosity. Logan walks inside, already knowing where the living room is due to visiting Patton here once or twice. Roman trails behind her, brushing at his white streak of hair, tucking it behind his ear. He tries to watch her move without actually staring, her light and poised way of walking enrapturing him as always.     
“Hello Patton, hello Virgil,” she waves as she walks in, settling on one of the other free chairs that doesn’t have Roman’s cup on the table beside.
“I made coffee if you would like a cup? I even let it cool so I can put some ice in it!”
“That’s very kind, Roman, thank you.”
Roman smiles, proud of himself, and practically skips to the kitchen to get her a glass. Virgil turns his head to look at her, picking up the remote to turn off whatever gameshow was on previously. He switches to Netflix and smiles. “Going for the classic Doctor Who tonight, L? Or did you have anything new you wanted to check out?”
“I actually have not watched any of Doctor 12, my studies really picked up before I could get that far.”
“Actually shocking you haven’t seen Matt Smith yet,” Virgil teases. Logan raises her eyebrows at him with a playful smile. “Just saying, you’re a nerd for this show, I figured you would have seen literally everything it has to offer.”
“Eh, school has always been top priority, even if it means not doing much else.”
“Still, you should schedule in a free day, or something. Just like, a day for doing things for fun.”
Logan seems to consider it, touching her chin. “That is true, doing things for enjoyment is a necessary part of life – it’s just difficult to fit it in, what with work and school taking up almost every day I have.” She shrugs, closing her eyes with a sigh.
“You need something fun, Lo!” Patton calls, obviously already sleepy based on their voice. “Even if it’s a silly show or just going out to eat instead of… well, eating oatmeal for every meal.”
“I like oatmeal,” she retorts, sitting up slightly and crossing her arms.
“You like other things too, though!”
She sighs and nods, conceding. “You’re right, Patton. Other foods can be enjoyable.”
Virgil and Patton exchange a glance as Roman reenters the room. “Y’know, me and Pat are busy most of the week too, but Roman has pretty light courses – you two should go get dinner some time.”
“Oh! Why yes, Virge, that does sound lovely!” Roman hands her the cold caffeine and she smiles in thanks. Their hands touch slightly, and Roman rushes back to the other chair to try hiding the way his face darkens.
“Mm, very well. Getting food is an acceptable activity to lose time on, considering I would need to eat either way.”
“And I will be paying, of course!” Roman touches his chest as it puffs out proudly.
“Roman, I make my own money, I assure you I can-“
“Ugh, just let me do something nice for you!” he says, a bit too aggressively. Paton giggles at him and hides their face against Virgil. “You deserve someone to treat you, Logan.”
Logan sighs, not fully grasping the reason he wants to, but supposing that it won’t hurt. “Alright, Roman, if you insist. We can alternate who pays.”
Roman’s mouth shuts, and he tries not to look annoyed at Logan’s refusal to be spoiled. Patton and Virgil certainly never complain, considering his incredibly large allowance from his parents. Even with all the clothing he buys, it would still be difficult to spend $7,000 monthly without friends to support. He chooses to gripe in silence though, as Virgil turns on Doctor Who and the title theme sounds its sci-fi score through the room. Roman glances over at Logan again, pleased to see a relaxed grin on her lips as she drinks coffee.
They all relax through the first four episodes of the season, Logan occasionally asking for clarification on the emotional themes and Patton in return requesting clarification on the scientific themes. Roman makes occasional compliments to certain shot framing and lighting choices, and Virgil remains mostly silent.
After the end of the fourth episode, Virgil yawns exaggeratedly. “Well, L, I think me and Patton are going to head to bed, but since you don’t work until like 2 tomorrow, you and Roman should stay up and keep watching. If needed you can stay over, too, you know the couches rock.”
Logan smirks slightly. “Yes, the couches are quite comfortable. Very well, you two. Rest well, remember to brush your teeth.”
“If the couches are so nice, perhaps we should slide over onto that one now that they’ve cleared off!” Roman declares as the couple disappears down the hall to the bedrooms. Logan hums in agreement and they both move over. Their coffees are gone, and Roman finds himself with nothing to fidget with. He ends up picking at the leg of his pants and tapping his foot, barely able to pay attention to the show. How could he when she’s right there, breathing and shifting so close to him? He tries sneaking his hand closer to her own, trying to build tension. She doesn’t seem to notice, focused on the show.
Roman takes a breath, and fully slides his hand over to rest on top of hers. She immediately begins to pull it away, turning to glance at him. “Do you need something, Roman?”
“U-uh- Nothing, no! Your… hands… just look soft?”
She pauses, tilting her head at him. “Soft?”
Roman is screaming curses at himself in his head, but he tries to smile casually through it. “Y-yes! They look,” he picks one up gently, lightly running his gloved fingers over the back of her hand, “really smooth, and your fingers are very long and thin… They are quite dainty.”
“Um. Thank you, Roman.” Logan seems taken aback; her face confused. “Why do you bring it up?”
Roman meets her eyes, her light blue ones clear enough to hold his reflection, and a small sigh leaves him. “I don’t know. All of you has always looked quite soft to me. Truthfully… I think about it probably a bit too often.” He smiles bashfully, glancing down away from her eyes. “I think about you a bit too often.”
Logan tries to piece together what he’s talking about in her mind. Thinks about her? Her being soft? It’s not tracking with her – Roman thinking of her often doesn’t seem like a characteristic she would expect. “What do you mean by that, Roman?”
“I- I mean,” Roman glances up to her face again, something passionate and soft filling his features. “What I mean is that- is that I like you, Logan.”
“I like you too, Roman, you’re an excellent friend.”
“No! No, as- as more than that. I like you in ways beyond friendship.”
Logan blinks rapidly, mouth falling open slightly. “Oh- Goodness, Roman- I’m sorry, I- I don’t- I’m not exactly interested in romance. With anyone, not just you in particular.”
“Ah. Oh.” Roman chews at his lip awkwardly. Of course she wouldn’t be. It makes sense given how romantically illiterate she is. “I mean… we don’t necessarily have to be romantic?” he proposes.
“What do you mean?”
Roman licks his lips, sighing, trying to put his words in order. “What I mean is, while I do like you as more than a friend, that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be romantic partners!”
“How so?”
“Well- There are other types of attraction! Like how I’m mostly homoromantic, but sexually I don’t have much preference at all!”
“So… you are implying we would only be sexual?”
“Er, well no! Not necessarily. Oh, goshdarnit, words can be hard. There’s more than just romance and sex too! Like, even though you are feminine in your gender and not my typical type, aesthetically I find you incredibly beautiful! And- and I picture you erotically or sensually quite often as well.”
It’s Logan’s turn to go pink, glancing away to process her thoughts. Before Roman mentioned experiencing these feelings, she hadn’t thought to consider him in that way at all. But she quickly glances him over again, his dark skin with light markings glowing in the television lights and his perfect, slightly long hair. His golden jewelry and greenish eyes, filled with hope and warmth as he looks at her. Perhaps she gets what he means by aesthetic beauty.
Logan breathes in slowly, and fully meets his gaze once again. “Well, Roman- I suppose- I mean, I understand your thoughts. You are also a very attractive person.” Doctor Who is nothing but background noise now, their gazes locked solely on each other. Roman is clinging to every word she speaks, holding her hand in his own trembling ones. “If it would make you happy, I would… be willing to attempt non-romantic partnership. I need to do further research on this whole subject of attraction, I think. There seems to be more to it than I realized.” Logan touches her chin. “What do you call a partnership like this? I don’t know, ‘non-romantic partner’ seems a mouth full.”
Roman tries to tamper down the joy for a moment to properly explain the topic to her - it’s rare he’s the one to teach Logan something. “Well, in queer spaces most of the time they call it a ‘queerplatonic’ or ‘queererotic’ relationship.”
“That is also a mouthful.”
“Hence why they shorten it! ‘QPR’, ‘QPP’- er, as in ‘queerplatonic partnership’.”
Logan hums, seeming to rotate the words over in her mind. “Very well. I suppose, then, that you are my queerplatonic partner.”
Roman grins at her widely, his slightly crooked teeth shining in the low light. She smiles back, a bit shocked with herself. Roman squeezes her hand, and chuckles. “Er, for boundary reasons- Am I allowed to kiss you?”
Logan can’t help a single sharp syllable of an embarrassed laugh slipping out of her, her face blushing deeper. “Sure, Roman, if it’s quick. I’m not very big on physical affection most times.”
Roman nods, and plants a quick respectful kiss on her cheek, giggling at himself. “This is so stupid- I’m being so awkward, I’m sorry!”
“It’s quite alright, I also feel awkward.”
“I can tell, nerd, your face is so bright it’s shining.”
Logan looks away, adjusting her glasses on her nose. “You don’t look much better, frankly.”
They meet eyes again, exchanging tiny smiles. “I suppose those dinner plans are a definite now, hm?”
“I suppose they are.”
“Want to finish watching this stupid nerd show?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can I cuddle you during it?”
“Of course you can.”         
Roman and Logan lay against each other, their bodies warm with embarrassment. Logan lets herself get so wrapped up that she does end up having to stay the night for time’s sake, and Roman leaves her to rest on the sofa for the night with one more quick, flushed kiss. Logan curls into the throw blanket and lets a geeky smile fully fill her face in the cover of darkness. She doesn’t know how she got here, with a careless, dramatic theatre major of all things. Logically they’ll be incompatible, right? She doesn’t know.
What Logan does know is that Roman’s confession felt right, in some way – like it was meant to happen. And the brief kisses certainly didn’t feel bad either. She falls asleep warmly, with no idea what the future might hold for the first time in years.            
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ga3lixir · 1 year
Looking for Literate Roleplay!
Hello! I'm Alex and I'm looking for some fandom roleplay! The rest of the post will give more info.
Basic and Needed Information
The roleplays I am looking for are mostly romantic in nature, usually shipping a canon character(CC) with another CC. I might be ok with some OC x CC or OC x OC depending on the circumstance, though!
I am open to ERP, however I am not ok with that being the main purpose of the RP. Plot is a necessity for me in some sense. As well as that, I will not be ok with jumping straight into sm*t, there has to be build up an
d I have to get comfortable with you.
I am separate from the character I am playing. I am not comfortable with being genuinely flirted with.
I use tone tags when OOC...kind of a lot lol. If you ever don't know what they mean, just ask and I can send my fancy lil chart.
Now that that stuff is out of the way, let's get into the RP stuff!
2. Fandoms!
I am open to rping in any of these fandoms(The purple ones are the ones I either main or want to do the most): The Owl House, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, How to Train Your Dragon(not including the Nine Realms), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, The Dragon Prince, Sanders Sides, Miraculous, Avatar the Last Airbender, Pokémon, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel
Ones that I have/would make an OC for : The Owl House, Miraculous, Hazbin Hotel
3. Types of Roleplay
As said, I do mostly CC x CC romantic RP.
Favourite Ships(Purple are ones I main): Lumity, Huntlow/Winter, Raeda, Sashanarcy, Marcanne, Dipcifica, Hicstrid, Catradora, Rayllum, Ruthari, Amaya x Janai, Prinxiety, Dukexiety, Anxceit, Analogical, Logince, Adrienette, The M&Ms, Stolitz,
Characters I Play: Amity, Hunter, King, Raine, Marcy, Anne, Dipper, Hiccup, Catra, Entrapta, Double Trouble, Rayla, Callum, Runaan, Ethari, Amaya, Virgil, Roman, Janus, Logan, Adrien/Chat Noir, Moxxie, Blitz, Stolas
List of AUs for reference(I am more than open to others, these are just some from the top of my head): Coffee Shop AU, University AU, Avian AU, Hero AU, High School AU, Supernatural AU, Angel/Demon AU, Medieval AU, Magic/Fantasy AU, ABO AU
4. Limits
These are just some general limits I have with everyone, it doesn't matter who you are.
Out of character serious flirting
ERP with characters who are minors/being played as minors
Inc*st/Selfc*st(ex. R*mrom, Dipper and Mabel, etc.)
Minor x adult(ex. Eda x Luz)
S*xualising minors in or out of character
The Basics(TM): Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Sexism, etc.
Traumadumping w/out warning
If you are interested in anything I have mentioned here, just shoot me a DM on here or discord! My user there is the same as here(ga3lixir), and that is the only place I'll do roleplays. If you made it this far, thank you even if you're not interested.
17 notes · View notes
iceshard1011 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders & Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Unrequited Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders Characters: Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Orange Side (Sanders Sides) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Character Death, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders And Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders Angst, Car Accidents, Precognition, Abusive Parents, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Background Orange Side (Sanders Sides), Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders Needs a Hug, Logic | Logan Sanders Is A Good (Boy)Friend, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders is So Done, Sympathetic Sides (Sanders Sides), Mentions of various mental illnesses, (none of which any of the characters have) Summary:
"You know when people say your life flashes before your eyes? Well, it doesn’t. You don’t have time."
In which anyone who has ever hurt Remus immediately pays for it thanks to his menace of a brother.
4k word fic is below :)
Remus had always had rotten luck. Wherever he dared to have the audacity to step, utter chaos followed. Whether it was a punch to the nose from an asshole trying to mug him or a woman ranting at an accidental spill of coffee on her new shirt. Whether someone walked away with a soured attitude or broken leg, anyone who came in contact with Remus had their entire day — and sometimes their entire life — ruined, simply for looking at him the wrong way. Remus figured this recurring curse nipping at his heels was the reason he had no connections with his family, the reason no co-workers wanted to be around him, why no one in his classes stuck around long enough to know more than his name.
Oh, also, he was crazy.
If everything aforementioned wasn’t enough to push someone away, announcing that he had a voice that told him This person talks behind your back was a sure-fire way to send anyone scrambling.
At first, Remus thought it was normal. For a thirteen-year-old boy growing and changing and dealing with significantly more stress and grief than other people his age, hearing things like Your friends are toxic and This teacher sucks and You don’t need school didn’t seem so crazy.
Besides, he’d approached his parents exactly once about leaving school, and got his answer swiftly and harshly. He’d never asked again, too distracted with trying to help Mum when she came down with a sick spell for the next week and the way Dad’s car kept breaking down.
The thoughts didn’t cease.
It’s not wrong to like boys.
You’re not in love with your girlfriend.
You could anonymously key your English teacher’s car after school. The bitch deserves it.
Sometimes, Remus did stupid things like listen to the ridiculous thoughts that hummed in the back of his mind.
When he fled from the car, stuck in the middle of congested traffic just before a truck ploughed through the vein of vehicles and landed his father in hospital for days, his mother had slapped him upside the head and grounded him for far longer. Remus still wasn’t entirely sure why. He wondered if she blamed him for not warning them. He wasn’t sure if that was justified, as he hadn’t been thinking much else other than the GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT that had been ringing in his ears.
When the thoughts had mused, seemingly half-heartedly, that his father was going to trip down the flight of stairs if he went without his crutches, Remus’ attempt at a warning had earned him two weeks of dabbing foundation over the bridge of his cheek so no one at school would ask questions.
“Stop acting out!” his mum had screamed once as she pinned him to the wall, her nails digging into his throat and her expression blurry from his stinging eyes. “It won’t change anything!”
His parents’ breaking point was when Remus freaked out the entirety of his chemistry class when his mind insisted that the method the professor was teaching them was going to cause fire to catch on the hair of the girl at the far end of the classroom. He was called into the principal’s office during that class (escaped the smoke alarm going off and the screaming from someone who was going to have an unexpected style change, which was good) and then again at the end of school, with the addition of his parents, neither who were very happy about it.
It was then that he revealed, in a humiliated mumble, about the odd thoughts that continued to prove to have some truth.
The money for a doctor got on his parents’ nerves. He stopped visiting the therapist before any diagnosis could be determined.
Remus did his own research. Schizophrenia, bipolar, DID, OSDD, OCD, every relevant acronym and mental illness under the sun, yet nothing answered all of his questions. There weren’t any odd dreams, multiple voices weren’t clogging his mind, he didn’t feel out of place in his own body, he never saw anything that wasn’t really there.
Nothing explained the odd precognitions the voice gave him, the strange accusatory claims made of the people around Remus who he personally thought he was quite fond of, the baffling times where the voice tried to talk to him like it was any other casual conversation. Even things like how Remus was told not to cross that section of the road, or was mentioned a pretty-looking butterfly behind Remus that he hadn’t even seen yet.
Nothing ticked all the boxes. Nothing gave him all the answers.
Remus was in college, low grades, a shitty apartment, few friends who hated his boyfriend and a boyfriend who hated his few friends, when he reached his own breaking point with himself.
His boyfriend walked into the apartment, expression bored and eyes uninterested. Remus smirked over at him.
“You get my deodorant?” he asked, standing from the couch.
He didn’t, the voice said.
“No,” said Neroli. Remus wasn’t disappointed.
“I guess you’ll have to deal with the consequences of not entertaining me, then,” he said with a sharp grin, gripping Neroli’s shirt and tugging him down for a kiss. His boyfriend responded, suitably fervently. Remus was just getting to the point of reaching for his boyfriend’s belt when the voice growled, quietly, as if it hadn’t meant for Remus to hear, Cheating bastard.
It startled Remus so badly he yanked back from Neroli like he’d been scalded. He earned a bemused look from his boyfriend.
“Why, uh— why didn’t you drop by the shops?” Remus asked, hating himself for considering listening to the menace inside his head. Neroli shrugged dully, moving into the kitchen. He peered into the fridge.
“Got caught up.”
“With what?” Remus blurted, then screamed at himself for opening his mouth. Neroli shot him a dirty look.
“What, do you expect me to explain every second of my day to you?” he asked irritably.
“Only the fun parts.” Remus shot him another suggestive, toothy grin. It was ignored.
Don’t listen to it, whispered Remus to himself. Don’t listen to it.
Ask him where he was on the night you were studying with Logan, the voice said in reply. Remus growled and shook his head. The voice persisted; Ask.
“You look distracted,” Neroli noted, but he sounded detached.
“Maybe I’m thinking about you under the sheets,” Remus said.
Neroli didn’t entertain him.
“Maybe you’re cheating on me,” said Remus with another grin, waiting for Neroli to give him a reaction. His boyfriend merely glanced over at him with a considering look.
“Actually,” he said, and Remus’ heart dropped against his will, “I’m going to my friend’s place. I made plans with her instead of getting groceries.” He walked past Remus and took his car keys from the entry table.
Remus still remembered the way he had felt nauseous, and the ferocious feeling that had washed over him that somehow felt like the voice sounded when Neroli had said, “By the way, I’m breaking up with you,” without so much as a glance over his shoulder. “And I want you gone from the apartment by the time I come back.”
Remus had found himself with his head in his hands on the couch for the next few hours, going through the motions. He didn’t cry. He hadn’t cried for a long time. He had felt numb, even as the voice had murmured apology after apology.
Eventually, Remus had got himself and his things together and moved from the place, a worn backpack all to show for his possessions. He had ignored the voice ordering him to find somewhere to eat, some shelter to sleep, the demands to call his friends and ask for help.
Remus had spent the night of Christmas Eve shivering on a park bench, bag for a pillow and his own arms as a blanket.
(He couldn’t deny that it was his fault when Neroli got into a car crash on his way back to his apartment that morning.)
Over the following years, with more scenarios such as that, Remus learned that it was best if people knew he was insane. If they knew that, if they knew he heard things, and caused horror everywhere he went, they would stay away. If people stayed away, they saved themselves from a bad time and Remus from having to watch anyone he’d gotten attached to leave.
He was sick of people leaving.
Somehow, amongst this mindset, he hadn’t quite managed to shake a scattered few of his old college friends.
Logan, a nerd with a prime attitude and punchable face and also the least emotionally available person Remus had encountered, was somehow one of Remus’ main sources of support. He had taken up tutoring Remus, against Remus’ better judgement, and he had constantly offered his own house as a place for Remus whenever he needed it. Not that Remus ever accepted any of this, mind you.
The only problem was — Logan was feisty. Almost as feisty as Janus, and just as feisty as Roman. His stubbornness matched Remus’ and it was near impossible to shake the guy from an idea once he was fixed on it.
It was kind of endearing.
(It was also very difficult, given Remus’ goal in life had become to stop hurting people he cared about.)
Logan also rambled a whole lot, which Remus liked. It drowned out the voice, still present after all these years. It had quietened considerably, if Remus thought about it. It seemed to have a strange opinion on Logan. Remus ignored it, nonetheless.
This particular afternoon, Remus found that he couldn’t keep ignoring the cursed phenomenon following him.
“Are you paying attention?” Logan asked.
Remus smirked, keeping his eyes on the path in front of him. He kicked the stone again, and it skittered up the pathway then waited like a faithful dog for Remus to catch up. “More or less. Meteorology, right?”
He could tell Logan was looking at him. He probably looked outwardly annoyed, but there would be an amused spark behind the rim of his glances that never escaped Remus. “More or less.”
Remus bobbed his head. “Then yeah, I was listening.”
Logan hummed in agreement but didn’t resume the conversation. They walked in companionable silence along the street path, accompanied merely by the padding of their shoes and the tap-tap-tap of Remus’ stone. The road beside them was quiet.
“Remus?” asked Logan.
“Hm?” Remus said.
“Why don’t you come to my house tonight?” Logan asked. “It is New Year’s Eve. The others will be there. I would like for you to have some company.”
Oh, I have company, grumbled Remus. And it won’t shut up.
The voice, as if to solely prove him wrong, remained silent. Remus may have felt some indignation on its behalf, however.
“Maybe,” said Remus, which meant No.
“Please,” Logan said, because he knew.
“Logan,” sighed Remus, “you know how I—”
“Yes,” Logan interjected. “I know it distresses you to have companionship, but truly, it is not such the awful venture that you have convinced yourself it is.”
Remus sighed again, his shoulders sagging. He stopped walking and edged away from Logan, no longer happy to be alone with him. He didn’t know what to say.
He was too busy formulating some semblance of a reply to pay attention to the rising anxiety in the back of his mind and the distantly increasing screeching sound.
By the time the speeding car spun around the corner across the road, he was too slow to react.
MOVE, the voice screamed.
Remus couldn’t.
Logan might have shouted, but he sounded like he’d moved — further away from where he had been standing. Probably to somewhere safe. That was good, at least. Logan had something to offer the world, with that big brain of his.
The car skidded across the road, moving too fast to regain control. It sped forward, wheels rolling along the path, barreling towards the spot Remus was standing.
MOVE, his voice was shrieking. Crying. Begging.
Remus didn’t.
The car, by some logic, didn’t hit Remus.
The car didn’t hit Remus, because it hit something — Remus didn’t see what, and later Logan would agree — first, and flipped like a goddamn pencil being flung across a bored classroom. The hunk of metal flew into the air, the bottom turning to the sky and the roof glinting down at Remus beneath it—
And crashed to the asphalt metres away from where Remus was standing, completely unharmed.
He and Logan stood there, speechless, for a very long time.
The police, once having caught up to the hit-and-run escapee, deemed it an accident on the driver’s behalf. Remus and Logan were dismissed from the scene without being asked any questions. Remus hadn’t spoken a word since it had happened, anyway. Logan had been the one to text their friends and talk to the officers. He had then guided Remus back to his apartment, where the others were already hanging out. They greeted Remus at first but left him alone once being waved away by Logan. He was brought into Logan’s bedroom and set on the bed.
“Now,” Logan said without wasting a beat. “What. Was. That.”
Remus blinked up at him. He worked his jaw. Nothing came out.
Some expositional bullshit? he mentally asked hopefully. The only answer he got was what vaguely felt like the embodiment of a winded wheeze of an exhausted runner. Fantastic help.
“I would like some answers, Remus,” Logan said, and he looked almost angry. “Odd things have happened in your presence before but nothing like this. I watched a car run into nothing and flip as if it had crashed into a row of bollards. You otherwise would have been flattened. You should be dead, or at least in the hospital.” Cool hands cupped Remus’ cheeks, and steel blue eyes bored into him. “I am eternally grateful that that is  not  what has happened, but I need answers.”
Remus tried to talk but didn’t. Logan pulled back and began to pace.
“We already checked the surrounding area,” he began to mutter. “There was no lip on the pavement, nothing to cause such a graphic result. The car’s wheels aside from being burned from skidding were not damaged. I don’t understand what—”
“I’m cursed,” Remus finally croaked. Logan paused to look at him. “It’s me, I—”
“No,” Logan said. “You have tried to tell me this nonsense before, I will not—”
“It’s true,” Remus said vigorously. “It has happened for years, Logan. Every time something mildly inconveniences me, everything goes to shit. Someone on the other end of the street could look at me the wrong way and suddenly they’re tripping over their untied shoelaces and dropping their groceries into the road. My boss doesn’t give me enough hours and suddenly she’s firing the co-worker I hate and giving me their pay. I don’t understand it, Logan, but you can’t keep denying it.”
“There’s a voice,” he blurted, because he never had much of a filter. “There’s this voice, too. It’s the same one, but I can’t really hear it, you know? Imagine a single intrusive thought, but it’s always saying different things and some of them aren’t even bad.”
Logan now looked concerned. “Remus—”
“It acts like it’s my friend. Like we’re old pals looking out of each other. I hate it, Logan! It’s the reason no one wants to be around me! It’s the reason I can’t trust anyone I meet, because either they’re going to find about me and leave or the voice will tell me something about them that I don’t want to know but it’ll end up being true—”
“Remus.” Logan was crouched in front of him, his hands squeezing his shoulders. “Please breathe. We will work this out.”
“You can’t,” Remus told him. “I have already gone to every doctor, every psychiatrist. The moment I was free of my parents I went to every damn qualified person in this place, for years, and none of them know what it is.
“I went to a goddamn psychic, Logan.” Remus laughed wetly, shaking his head. “That’s how desperate I was. Dumb, right?”
“You are not dumb,” Logan said, and he said it with so much ferocity that it took Remus a moment to realise the voice had said the same thing, much quieter. “You’re troubled. You’re— you just need to find the right answers.”
“I don’t even know what questions I’m asking, anymore,” Remus said, and hated how broken he sounded. He pressed his forehead to Logan’s chest when he stood. “So I don’t know what answers we’re talking about.”
“We’ll figure out something,” promised Logan. “I promise.”
Remus closed his eyes, so tears wouldn’t get past. They stayed like that until Patton tentatively knocked on the door to ask them if they wanted to count down for the new year.
They did. They counted down, and cheered, and danced and sang and Remus drank until he passed out on the couch, snuggled between Janus and Logan. He didn’t even mind waking up the next morning with a throbbing headache.
Virgil referred Remus to his therapist, a cheery moron with an obsession with pink and cartoons. He seemed less focused on diagnosing Remus and simply talking. He referenced a lot of things Remus didn’t know. The voice seemed to like him — not that Remus cared about its opinions. Remus thought that maybe he liked talking to him.
Somewhere along the line, Remus and Logan started dating. Remus wasn’t sure how it had happened, either. He was fairly sure they had been reading on the carpet, and then the next moment they were pressed against the wall, down each other’s throats, so… Remus wasn’t exactly  complaining.
There were bad days, where the voice hadn’t even done anything wrong and yet Remus clawed at his skull. Bad days, where he and Logan fought for real, which scared Remus (he wasn’t easy to scare, either.) At one point, Janus had picked a fight with the wrong group of people and got himself a concussion, which he recovered from fine, but sent Remus to bed with nightmares of blank eyes and bloodied skin for weeks after.
Eventually the dreams stopped, but Remus knew he hadn’t completely recovered when he found himself in the bathroom of an empty apartment, watching white porcelain run red.
Stop it. Remus still had little to no clue how so much as a voice could sound as if it was an aggravated wolf pacing in a tiny metal cage. You need to stop.
Don’t tell me what to do, Remus thought.
Don’t make me stop you myself.
Yeah, Remus thought with a scoff to himself. Good luck with that.
Remus. Please.
Remus shook himself, as if he could physically shake the voice from his head and continued. The voice went quiet.
Time passed, peacefully, blissfully quiet. The sink was stained further.
Remus was almost letting himself relax, but then the door slammed open, somehow, in the middle of the empty apartment, and Logan was standing in the doorway, looking furious, in the empty apartment.
“You said you were fine,” said Logan. Remus felt like a child caught with his hand stuck in the cookie jar. Crusty, bloody cookies. “You. Said—” Logan crossed the room and gripped Remus’s slick wrist in his— “that you were fine.”
“I am!” Remus protested. “I’m just—”
“You are NOT!” Logan roared. Remus flinched back. Logan stilled, then paled. Remus squinted at his far away gaze and wondered in horror why Logan looked as if he was listening to something. “I’m sorry for yelling,” he said quietly, “but you are not okay.”
Remus scowled and looked down at the sink he had ruined.
Logan hummed softly. “I’m going to call your therapist.” Remus whirled on him. “Just to book an earlier appointment, okay? I know you don’t like anyone helping you clean up.”
Remus scowled again. Logan brushed a cool hand across his chin and kissed his cheek. He pulled the medical kit from the cupboard and unpacked the bandages and antiseptic. He instructed Remus he was going to leave the door open. Remus silently got to work cleaning himself up.
Once Logan was out of sight (though Remus could hear him in the kitchen), Remus thought accusatorily, What did you do?
The voice said, without an ounce of regret or pride, I stopped you.
Stop interfering with my life. Whatever-the-fuck you are.
Somewhere, you’ve confused ‘protecting’ with ‘interfering.’
Remus threw the bottle of antiseptic across the room. It smashed against the wall and spilled across the bathtub. “SHUT UP,” he roared.
“Remus?” Logan called.
Get the fuck away from me, Remus growled before Logan hurried into the room.
“What is it?”
Remus shook his head. He couldn’t answer. He never did.
One night, Remus sat on the edge of his bed, staring across the room. The wall was bare. It let him concentrate on what he was thinking. For once, he started talking first.
You’re not a guardian angel.
You’re not a demon, unfortunately.
Certainly not.
Then what the hell are you?
As usual every time Remus asked, the voice did not give him an answer. Remus ground his teeth until his jaw ached.
If there was one thing Remus had been certain of in the duration of his entire life thus far, it was that the voice in his head was nothing but trouble. Irritating, infuriating, no-good trouble. It only ever ruined his relationships, got him into sticky situations, told him things that he didn’t  want  to hear, even if it seemed to think it would help.
The first time the voice was helpful, Remus also felt like his entire mindset had been flipped.
Remus and Logan had been fighting. Worse than usual. Logan was blinking faster than he normally would. Remus was chewing his lip to bloody tatters. He wasn’t sure who had yelled, or what had been yelled, but suddenly it was silent. Logan and Remus stared at each other. Then Logan inhaled shakily and turned.
Remus’ arm shot out and gripped Logan’s wrist. Logan shot him a dark look, but Remus couldn’t explain himself. His voice had completely abandoned him. He worked his jaw. Logan’s eyebrows drew further together.
Remus, for the love of the clovers we picked and weaved as children, kiss him dizzy before I send you both through the window in a fit of pent up frustration-driven rage.
Their lips clashed and locked in a startling display of star-danced vision and warm hands linked at the fingers.
Remus forgot about the voice, about the curse. He forgot about every time he had let someone in only to be hurt, every boyfriend who had taken his heart in their hands and clenched their fists. He forgot every time he and Logan had fought; every time Remus had told himself that it was all a mistake. He even forgot about the constant buzz in the back of his head.
For once in Remus’ life, his mind was quiet.
It was that night, with Logan’s body pressed against his side, staring up at the ceiling, that Remus wordlessly reached for the voice in his head. Somehow, even though he felt nothing and heard no voice, it seemed as if his hand had been grasped.
Remus lay there and maybe for the first time, wasn’t entirely sure he hated the voice in his head.
The voice didn’t remain silent after that night, but it did quieten slightly. Remus made no move to communicate with it.
One day, though, when it was storming outside and Remus needed a distraction because his wrists were itching and his eyes were seeing blood every time he blinked, he spoke.
“You picked clovers.”
We did.
“You did,” Remus corrected, not quite ready to have it spelled out for him.
Yes, said the voice quietly after a moment.
“You’re a voice.”
I have a voice, yes.
“In my head.”
Well, technically—
Remus clenched his fists, frustrated. It seemed to get his point across.
Yes. I suppose.
For a moment, they were both silent. Remus didn’t outright state what he was thinking, but he wondered if something with connections to his mind could work it out.
I can try and prove it, the voice said dubiously. Remus didn’t reply. Lightning flashed outside, accompanied by a low rumble that ratted the house.
Then, from within the bedroom, a low creeeeeak.
Remus looked around dully, too apathetic to be disturbed. His eyes widened, however, when he watched the bedside table’s top drawer sliding open.
“That was locked,” he said. He stood up, his heart beginning to lodge itself in his throat. He staggered around the bed towards the drawer. “No, wait— Not even Logan can get in there— Stop it!”
Something, somehow, slipped from the drawer. Remus practically dove for it before it could crack against the floor and shatter irreparably.
“What do you think you’re—” Remus’ voice swallowed itself back into his chest when he made the mistake of looking down at the picture frame. He snarled against his lumpy throat and tore his eyes from the pair of younger, happier, brighter twins printed on paper. He shoved it back in its drawer and slammed it closed. He pulled himself up to lean against it.
The thunder rumbled again. Remus needed something to ground himself.
“You never told me who you were.” His voice cracked.
A pause.
You never asked, the voice said weakly. Remus felt something inside him erupt.
“What sort of BULLSHIT REASON—”
There was a knock at the bedroom door. “Rem?” called Janus’ voice.
Remus shook his head. “Just— give me a second. I need to uh—” he laughed nonchalantly, “yell at my thoughts for a bit.”
Janus sounded hesitant when he slowly said, “Okay,” but he didn’t press anything.
Remus listened to his fading footsteps and muffled conversation before whirling around as if he were actually facing someone and hissing venomously, “You are very lucky you’re incorporeal otherwise I’d— I’d—”
Kill me over again? the voice supplied.
Remus broke down. Completely against his will, if he had been able to add his own input between the sobs tearing from his throat.
I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, bad wording, horrible word choice, I—
“Why didn’t you SAY ANYTHING?” Remus roared.
What would you have liked me to say? That apparently one accident is enough for a spirit to form and develop a connection with their only blood relative?
“Better that than all this— this— mysterious bullshit my entire life!”
You already thought you were crazy! Roman yelled, a little hysterically. How do you think that would have helped? ‘Oh hello, don’t mind me, just your dead brother’s ghost haunting you through your grief.’
Remus wasn't sure how he’d never noticed it before — maybe he wasn’t paying enough attention, maybe now that he knew he was actively listening for it, or maybe he had even subconsciously suppressed thoughts like the one he was about to admit to himself — but now if he listened, really listened, he could hear Roman in the voice. The way his voice would get higher when upset, and the baritones of his indignation.
Remus didn’t realise he was sobbing harder until he heard both Logan and Roman’s voices overlapping, concern and worry swimming in his head.
Please breathe, Remus, you’re working yourself into a panic attack.
Like you would know anything about that, Remus said.
I would, retorted Roman’s voice, without fire.
“What is it, dear?” Logan was asking, his cool hands tracing Remus’ face. “What’s happened?”
Remus looked up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks, and said with a wet laugh, “I’ve worked out what the asshole voice is all about.”
Logan had led Remus into the kitchen and pressed a warm mug into his hands. Remus had absentmindedly wiggled the cup, watching the dark liquid inside ripple. After making sure Remus was recovering, Logan had ducked from the room to talk to Janus.
“Tell me,” Remus growled quietly. He didn’t elaborate. He knew that he was understood. Still, everything was quiet.
You know when people say your life flashes before your eyes?
Remus did. He didn’t say as much, but he did.
Well, it doesn’t. You don’t have time.
Remus tried not to think about how little time there would have been. How scary it could have looked, could have felt. His clasped hands turned white at the knuckles. “What did you think about?”
A sizable pause, but not one without the comforting ever-constant buzzing hum of the voice’s presence.
You, was the final admission, with no preamble. Logan, too, I think. Our family must have a thing for hot nerds, eh?
“You had a crush on Logan,” Remus said hollowly.
Only a little one.
“That’s… That doesn’t help.”
Sorry. He sounded genuinely apologetic.
“You’ve been fucking with me for years and you don’t seem to have much to apologise for it,” Remus mused.
Sorry, Roman said again, sounding even more like a remorseful kicked puppy.
Remus sighed long and low. His mug tapped roughly against the table as he shoved it away from him to bury his face in his hands. “I can’t believe any of this.”
He wasn’t sure that thinking the weird phantom warmth was  ghosting  over his shoulders was going to do anything good for his deteriorating sense of control over his emotions.
Tell me what to do, said Roman. Please.
Remus squeezed his eyes shut. He swallowed.
“Stay,” was all he could say. “Just. For a while.”
Unfortunately or not, you’re going to be stuck with me for quite a while.
Remus sniffed.
Very unfortunate, he agreed with a hint of a smile.
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fedoraphe · 3 years
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Lil bit of a sweater weather doodle, with the kids!
♡ day 4 of @loginceweek2022; free choice (sweaters, kid AU) ♡
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my tss shipping playlists but the titles get increasingly more ridiculous
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(uhhh links under the cut if anyone’s interested <3)
1. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4udFDZDbQcSYZ5kO5Ggh7V?si=694c6d47ed854e94
2. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73KACVg8H9YCulkzmRg4Oh?si=7c93f478f83c4a4b
3. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1qSOAzTN66jJfysKtzbcP2?si=441019ebc8c5446c
4. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/40OPKicJKPFBTED5kbDVdp?si=6d3a03d948e241d6
5. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JHBkeEsVXKfQN3WCEthiE?si=e2c6a1da36f44a22
6. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HbFWdSOAgbjWJxfjW5SJv?si=1c7f1a672c854124
7. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5MnuaW833IDgdwYC77kIjT?si=ac4167b240764091
8. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4pvsr0FQKGE5yJ6EKxxtEy?si=a00b66aa68a445ab
9. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3daZdBDPEqMXL6YtzvAFTv?si=c695046e7c91407e
10. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2UcfEfECnAHiDBaAfzdiMs?si=aa248816bbf3421b
11. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3iNXYn1snBXA71mQxCJLxW?si=5b4a1eceed8542dd
12. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1OCjnxPfk7roi3iVMAsnOx?si=0b8dbdfed0e54b5f
13. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0bPudrJgLh4TlSr6fmpjTk?si=ee80a09b48594ce8
14. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Z6nX7Oxff4auaOVl8vUBZ?si=129876277fef40a6
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» ⟬ Hearthfire Masterpost ⟭ «
This is my fanfic for the TSS Storytime Big Bang event. Chapters will be posted on Tumblr slowly throughout the day.
Feel free to read this story on Tumblr or ao3!
Rating: T (Teens and Up)
Pairings: gen, background qpp Logince
Summary: Orange accompanies Thomas and the Sides through a story of healing, getting listened to, a reveal of who Orange really is, and how Hope can look when the metaphorical plane is crashing down. As the story continues, strange and unfamiliar feelings arise between the creative and the logical. Brothers and old family reconnect, Sides get recognized for all of their contributions, and some adjust to the shades of grey mindset as a certain someone no longer has to watch from the shadows. Thomas learns what Hope and healing means, all with some help from a citrus-enthusiast as his Sides find Hope and truce within each other.
Warnings: Insecurity, Implied/Referenced Dissociation, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Accidental Self-Harm, Minor Blood, Spiders Used As a Metaphor, Parasitic Worms Mention, Worm Eggs Mention, Innuendos, Burn Scars, Weapons, Minor Violence, Threats, Burns, Fire, Touch-Starvation, Overstimulation, Repression, Emotional Repression, Fear of Vulnerability, Implied/Reference Intrusive Thoughts, Hopelessness
Word Count: 75k+
◅ Thanks & Art ▻
I want to thank everyone at @tss-storytime for organizing and putting their energy towards this event. It was so much fun to be a part of, and I hope there's many more years to come. I would also like to thank everyone in the TSS Storytime server for being so encouraging! Writers, Artists, Betas, Pinchhitters -- everyone was wonderful, and I'm glad to have met all of you.
Thank you to the wonderful artist who made art for my fanfic, @canvas-the-florist. Their art helps brings this story alive in such a lovely way. Link to their art is below.
Below is the link for Canvas' art
◅ The Story ▻
× Chapters ×
Prologue | Before 1 | The Daily Qualms of Rainbow and His Colours 2 | About One But Not the Other 3 | How to Hide in Pain: An Autobiography by Red 4 | The Armadillo and the Dog 5 | Avoidance 6 | There Will Be Hopeless Days (and That’s Okay) 7 | An Apologetic Bumblebee Talks to a Royal Cardinal 8 | 'Friends' is Too Kind a Word 9 | To Write a Cliqué Letter 10 | Reconnection 11 | When Six was Four was Three 12 | Another Meeting, Another Chance 13 | “And of Course, There’s Another One. I Just Can’t Have a Normal Personality, Can I?” 14 | Something Anew, Something Blue 15 | Anger is Hopeful, and So is Your Circumstance
(all chapters linked above are Tumblr links)
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Taglist: @lost-in-thought-20 @thegoldenduckie @not-sure-what-im-feeling
Let me know if you wanna be added on or taken off the taglist! I will only be tagging y'all on the Masterpost to avoid spam, but I will update this taglist if anyone wants to be added.
--- --- ---
◅ Official Playlist ▻
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carcinized · 4 years
hey, uh... im so bad at fic titles... um, Sing Me To Sleep, maybe? if you want
oh, this is logince. this is logince.
(i have logince brain rot, if you couldn’t tell.)
it almost gives me sunrise from in the heights vibes, though that may be because i associate that song with logince axjxxjjsjdjdjdj-
this is very much hurt/comfort.
warnings: talk of losing loved ones, crying, kissing faces (not lips)
something’s gone wrong for logan lots of times, and roman is always there to hold him. whether it’s that he’s overworked himself, that he’s had a bad day, or anything else, roman is there for him.
but when something goes wrong for roman—my creativity wants me to go with him losing a loved one—he acts like he doesn’t need help. he’s fine. he’s roman, he’s a hero, he doesn’t need help.
after many nights of wiping his eyes when logan walks into the room, acting like logan doesn’t know things are wrong when he certainly does.
one night, they’re sitting in silence. and logan tentatively asks, “roman?”
and roman finally, finally breaks down.
logan is almost relieved; he knows this is the correct response to losing someone. and he holds out his arms and roman throws himself into them, crying until he cries himself out.
logan wipes his tears away and kisses his cheeks and promises him everything will be okay again, and roman nods along through silent tears, sobs more spaced out and regulated.
just as they’re laying down to sleep, roman whispers, “logan?”
“can you... can you sing me to sleep?”
and logan smiles softly, only a little nervous as he doesn’t sing much, but he knows he’ll do anything for roman, and so he softly sings, just for the two of them; or rather, for roman more than for the both of them.
and roman is asleep by the end of the whispery head-voiced singing.
logan knows this isn’t the end of his grief, but he knows it’s a start. and he’s glad roman is finally allowing himself to process.
i’m sad now :,)
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shsl-fander · 2 years
While I'm Away - Logince Oneshot
Heavily Inspired by the comic by @menace-sama,please check them out!!
Pairing: Roman x Logan
Trigger Warnings: Blood Mentioned, Depression mentioned, Small implications of eating issues
Word Count: 1491
Summary is basically the comic linked below
@spacedouterri @autisticlogankin @chemicallyimbalancedroman
Logan never really understand the point of a stuffed animal ever since he has gotten older. He knew that the act of snuggling something warm towards your body could cause serotonin and positive simulation, however it was never really something that had been impactful for him.
So when Roman rushed towards him, shoving a stuffed animal towards Logan, it's bug like plastic eyes staring into Logan's soul, he was clearly puzzled to say the least.
Roman grinned, beaming ear to ear as he presented Logan with a plush version of himself, every minor detail from head to toe made to directly replica himself. "Ta Da!" he exclaims with pride.
Logan glanced ahead towards Roman, allowing his gaze to fall down to the stuffed toy itself. He raised an eyebrow, looking back at Roman once again. "What is this?"
Roman's smile dropped, the corners of his mouth falling to a frown, "What do you think it is, Nerd?! It's me!" he exclaimed, gesturing towards the toy that was now plopped into Logan's hands.
Logan sighed softly, shaking his head as his hands clasped around the plush, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Pardon, I suppose what I should have said is why?" he exasperated.
Roman gently nudged his boyfriend's side," Look I'm gonna be gone on another trip to the imagination for a while and I, " he fidgeted with his hands," I thought you might want something to keep you company. Since you obviously are just DISTRAUGHT without your prince Charming here to accompany you, " he laughed, though there was a hint of something else in his voice.
Logan blinked, rubbing the doll's hair, which appeared to be made of some sort of soft fabric. "So you've given me a replacement doll?" he repeats.
Roman's eyes widened, he gasped, stumbling backwards in disbelief. "How dare you replace the best with a mere doll?!?!" he yelped in offense.
"But no, I'll be gone longer than I was before and so I don't want you to be lonely."
Logan frowned,"But didn't you just return?" he muttered, raising an eyebrow. He was trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, though that was harder than intended.
Roman nodded, "Alas I did, but Remus seems to be really persistent about this one," he started, "Who even knows what he's doing now waiting for me," he chuckles sadly, scratching the back of his neck.
Logan placed the stuffed animal onto his shoulder, hoping it wouldn't fall as he stepped closer to Roman, ghosting his hands onto Roman's shoulders. "Is everything alright, Roman? You seem to be leaving more often, as of late. And while I am not aware what you do there, it still sometimes leaves me in concern for you."
Roman stammered, shaking his head before forcing himself to smile,"I'm fine darling! I'm a prince, you really think you have to worry about me in the imagination?" He removed Logan's hands, booping his nose.
"I'll get going now, see you in a couple days Love!" Roman sings, before rushing out the door towards his room to pack a few things.
Logan gave a meek wave in response before slowly glancing down at the stuffed animal sitting on his shoulder. Logan burried his face into the plush, hugging it close to his chest.
And then all that was left was an uncomfortable silence lingering in the room as Logan just slowly sunk down onto his chair. He sighs, tossing the doll onto his bed. "I have work to do, I'm sure Roman is fine," he insists, opening up his laptop.
Roman stumbled into the imagination, dragging a bag with him in his left hand, while his right hand had a tight grip on his sword,the blade newly sharped. The sun's glare glistened on the edge of his sword, highlighting its metal edges. He could tell, one falty slip and Roman could split his entire hand open, blood gushing down his palm.
The creative trait shook his head, trying to erase that image from his mind while he hesitantly tiptoed through the grassy land. His breath hitched at any nearby sound, for he was here to fight successfully, which meant being ready. The worst thing you cam be at a fight, is unprepared.
He felt bad for lying to Logan, though it wasn't necessarily lying it was more like acting! Acting like everything was okay, like this was just helping Remus with something again. But thats not really what it was, even if Remus would be coming here soon to assist.
He hopefully would only have to stay for a few days, just as long as it took to rid the imagination with all of those...creatures. Kill them before they spread into the rest of the mindpalace, lurking in the shadows of every corner like how they were here. Infesting Roman's safe space to create, filling the air with a dark, gloomy feeling. For anywhere Roman seemed to go, he was greeted with a mist of black, draining all his energy the closer he got. The less distance between them, the quicker Roman's vigor would drop.
The shadowy figures lurk behind, closing off the dazzling light to reflect a darkness even on what appears as the sunniest of days for Thomas. They were used as a blocker, pushing creative yearning out and blocking motivation and passion to create from entering Thomas's mind at all.
And these creatures, they aren't easy to spot. They're hiding underneath quiet patches of leaves, or behind tall booming trees, that watch over the land. Waiting underwater in a creek for the moment you're least expecting it, to drag you down with a echoing thump, consuming you.
They weren't always here! For the longest time, the imagination was truly the only place where Roman felt free, released from the chains of normality. A place where he could roam endlessly, living his fantasy filled dreams in every moment. Roman was able to transform fiction to reality quicker than a blink, able to make dreams come true in every breath. The imagination was his home. And it was Remus's home too. A place they could share, in harmony.
And when he would come here before, he'd never have to stay a night. He never left his boyfriend worrying about him, because he knew he could safely come back the next day as long as Thomas felt a creative urge. Which should happen everyday, at least once. At least once someone should feel open to create or consume art, especially someone like Thomas.
But once Thomas developed his depression, all his creative spark seemed to fade away, and eventually these creatures in the imagination started to form. Now Roman's job was to protect those he loved by getting rid of them while he can.
He just hoped he wasn't causing too much worry while he did so.
Meanwhile, Logan was once again sat at his desk just like days prior right when Roman had first left, trying to keep his focus on his work scattered in front of him. He huffed, slouching miserably as he reached for Thomas's planner.
Logan glared, face palming at the imense amount of plans he knew they weren't prepared for.
Logan groaned, "why does thomas keep agreeing despite his busy schedule?! Theres just so much to adjust," he complains, narrowing his eyes.
However, his expression softens when he catches glimpse of the Roman plush that was tossed onto his bed earlier. Logan slumps in his seat, before a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Logan sighs lovingly, slowly propping himself out of his chair and onto his bed with the doll.
Once Logan adjusts his position in bed, shifting to where he was comforting, he grabbed onto the Roman plush, tenderly holding it.
Its been days, he thought, that worry bubbling in his stomach as the butterflies swirled around, I wonder how you're doing.
I hope you remember to eat, you're so easily caught up with work, you often forget the essentials, Logan just gazed at the version of Roman that was in his arms as he let his thoughts wander and continue.
I hope you're resting right now, instead of charging into something when your body demands rest.
Logan slowly sighs, reaching over towards his lamp to click his final lights off. He bit his lip before hesitantly placing the doll exactly where Roman would sleep in his bed, on the left side of him. Normally, Roman would insist on cuddling close together, and Logan really didn't mind this at all. In fact he missed it right now, but at least having the doll sleep where Roman normally slept was enough.
"Good night Roman, I love you. Please stay safe out there," he whispers under his breath.
He couldn't wait for him to come back.
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sweetea-rosey · 4 years
Sun Rey on a Starry Knight
Virgil stared down into the water flowing beneath the bridge, the setting sun turning it to fire. His bangs fallen in his eyes as he feels his tears join the fresh water.
"Virgil!" Someone shouted, foot steps coming closer.
He knows that voice.
"Leave me alone, Roman! Please."
Roman never did listen to others.
"Virgil..." He pleaded, "Why did you run away...?"
Virgil shrugged and dried his eyes, "None if you business."
"Like hell, it's not! You're upset, and I wanna know how to fix it or who to stab."
"Oh, just stop...you can't fix this."
Prince Roman huffed, "I may still be training in how to fight, but the most I can do is protect your emotions in return for what you've done for me. Why did you run?"
Virgil sighed, his armor reflection the night sky, now.
"You and Logan... You're really cute together, y'know?"
Roman blinked, turned Virgil to face him, "Virgil, Logan and I aren't dating."
Virgil froze, "You're not- ?"
"Logan should be asking Remy out as of this moment."
"Oh!" Virgil sighed in relief, "Oh, that- yeah that's good."
Roman huffed and stared into the sky flowing below them, "Dark and Start Knight... you're so melodramatic."
Virgil just laughed as he gazed at hus sun standing next to him. He still has a chance...
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krowfics · 4 years
Logan’s Problem
Fandom: Sander Sides
Ship: romantic logince, platonic analogical
Plot: Logan was in love, this is a problem. He’s not going to tell Roman, of course.
Words: 2,586
Notes: Highschool AU, Virgil is into minorly illegal things (graffiti), there's a slightly nsfw joke(?), discussions of diet and food, misunderstandings (it’s pretty brief), kissing
Logan had a problem.
Frankly, he had lots of problems everyday but none were actually ‘real’ problems per say. He had plenty of math problems that equations and formulas could fix. He had problems with the classmates he tutored as their problems became his own. He had a problem when one of said classmates needed to cheat due to being unable to pass otherwise, not for lack of effort on Logan's behalf or their own of course, and Logan had almost gotten caught sneaking a picture of the answer key from the teacher's paperwork.
He had problems, he'd had some bigger problems in the past, but none can compare to this.
Logan was in love.
He didn't come upon this purely on his own, he did need to credit his local emo for planting the idea in his head.
It was a brisk night, but nothing too chilly, still that hadn't stopped Virgil from wearing his regular hoodie, it only encouraged him considering the fact that he usually wore it even on the hottest of days. Logan watched him as the delinquent sprayed the school's brick wall with fresh paint.
"He's infuriating." Logan said.
"Tell me about it." Virgil was clearly preoccupied with his piece.
Logan hastily ran his fingers through his hair, almost knocking off his glasses but not caring. "He just-" He sighed, "He's smart, and yet he's an idiot. He's an oxymoron! Schrodinger's cat but if the cat was some majestic beast who was both simultaneously perfect and flawed in the worst ways."
"Mm." Virgil hummed.
"I mean, for example," He began, "He works out everyday, he has a strict schedule of alternating which parts of the body to focus on which days to allow proper muscle growth and avoid unnecessary pains, something I do as well, but! He also spontaneously gets ice cream when out with the theater club! I've no problem with eating ice cream, obviously, but I'm not trying to be that toned."
"You got a thing for muscles, huh?" The emo cocked his head.
Logan felt his face flush with pure heat, "Ah- er- no. No." He stuttered out in response, "I mean, yes. But no. That has nothing to do with my point. My point! Is that he's somehow figured out how exactly to do spontaneous things like that without ruining the ability of others being able to see his abs by the next day- Abs are hard to retain is what I’m saying."
Virgil laughed, spinning on his heel to look at his friend, "Ignoring everything you just said about abs." He tried and failed to stifle another laugh, "We're talking about a boy who confused a frog for a turtle."
"I know!" Logan said far too dramatically but he didn't pay any mind, "And yet he aced the last biology quiz!"
Virgil blinked, "Did he cheat?"
"No." Logan waved his hand with a sigh, "I checked, besides, he cares too much about ‘honor’ to do that."
Virgil twisted his face at that, a clear grimace of disgust, "He's a goody two shoes. You have a crush on a goody two shoes. Gross."
"It's not-" Logan stopped himself, it only took one strong stare from Virgil for the truth to spill, "Holy shit, it is a crush."
Virgil stepped over to pat his back halfheartedly, "There, there."
"Okay but! Everyone in the school has a crush on him."
"I don't!" He defended.
"You did."
"I did." He conceded.
"Exactly." Logan said, "I'm not special, I'm just one of the many onlookers. Besides, it's to be expected that I am... attracted to him. He's physically fit and otherwise conventionally attractive, and very good at make up when he wears it for productions and he's kind to strangers and holds open the door when a teacher asks me to carry an absurd amount of paperwork and he usually offers help with that smile. You know that smile, right? That he gives and it's like it triggers a panic attack but good?"
"I think you're in love."
"I'm not!" He gasped.
"You are."
"I'm not."
Virgil stared at him with a deadpan look for a long moment before shoving his spray paint cans into his backpack, Logan glanced up and vaguely acknowledged that it was done and was an impressive work of art as usual. "Uh-huh." Virgil said, occupied with taking a picture of the graffiti with his phone.
"I'm not."
He was.
He was in love with Roman Prince.
This was a problem.
This problem became significantly more apparent when he ran into the boy in question at school, or rather, Roman ran into him. Literally.
He’d turned a corner, perhaps a bit too quickly and definitely too distracted by the sheer amount of papers he had in his hold. It was at moments like these that he almost regretted being such a teacher's pet, almost but not quite. it did have its perks along with its downsides, he wasn't exactly sure which one crashing into the other student was. 
He had yelped and dropped nearly everything, losing his own balance along with the papers. Luckily he was caught and held up by a strong arm, unluckily, being caught made him drop the final pages he’d managed to hold on to. He and Roman stared at each other for a long moment, Logan was almost certain he hadn’t breathed and his face flushed an embarrassing color. Roman had righted him but hadn’t let go of his arm yet, “Are you alright, Specs?”
“Uh- erm, yes.” He readjusted his glasses, both as a way to try and distract himself from his blush and to actually fix his glasses as they were skewed from the collision, “My apologies, I wasn't looking at where I was going.”
“Oh no, that’s on me.” Roman said, only then letting go of the other’s arm and Logan tried to not be disappointed at the loss of contact with the other student, “Don’t tell anyone but I may or may not have been running in the halls.”
Logan looked around, “Well, there’s no hall monitors or teachers in view so I could hardly blame you for trying to travel quicker.”
“What’s this?” Roman laughed, “Is the teacher’s pet encouraging rule breaking? How scandalous.”
Logan rolled his eyes with a smirk, “I can assure you, my loyalty to the staff is a purely fabricated illusion.” And that probably something he shouldn't say. It definitely wasn’t something he’d say to just anyone, really only Virgil and a good few of the more trusted classmates he tutors knew that he wasn’t actually fond of the teachers, it’s easier to break rules when teachers think you couldn’t lie to save your life, but Roman wasn’t just anybody, was he? Logan turned, hoping what he’d just said hadn’t been a blunder, and stared at the floor with a sigh. 
He crouched down to start restacking the pile, thank fuck they were all copies of the same page and thus didn’t need to be in order. Roman joined him on the floor, “So, to which teacher do we owe the pleasure?”
“Mrs. Libelle.” 
“That fiend.”
Logan snorted at that, “If you’re in a hurry, I can handle this.” he offered.
“Are you kidding?” Roman gawked, “First of all, what kind of gentleman would I be if I did not help a nerd in need?”
Logan refused to acknowledge his returning blush, he instead squinted at Roman and opened his mouth to respond but was quickly cut off.
“Second of all,” He continued, “This is like a thousand pages to many for one person. And third of all, I have nowhere that I need to be in a rush, I’m just impatient.”
“I see,” Logan said, gathering a few more stray pages, “In that case, thank you.”
“No problem, Nerdy Wolverine, it was mostly my fault anyway.”
“Agree to disagree,” Logan replied instead of addressing that nickname.
Once all the papers were picked up and Logan had to watch Roman stretch up to release tension in his back, and no, don’t stare at his stomach Logan. An inch or so was revealed when his shirt was lifted with the stretch, it’s just a stomach, stop staring.
Logan cleared his throat and reached for Roman’s stack, “Thank you for the help, now I’ll be on my wa-”
“Ah ah ah!” Roman leaned away, taking the stack of papers with him, “Lead the way, Pocket Protector.”
Logan stared for a moment, but didn’t argue. He started walking and the other followed, “I’m not even wearing a shirt with a pocket to be protected let alone a pocket protector itself.”
Roman snorted, “Whatever, Nerd.”
Logan failed to suppress a smile, “You have used that one already in this conversation.” He pointed out, “I thought you were more creative than that.”
Roman gasped, “Oh, how you wound me!” he said overzealously.
The nerd in question just rolled his eyes.
“I was going to call you dork, but Remus told me what that word came from the other day and I can't stop thinking about it.” Roman faked a gag.
“Ah yes, plenty of curses have odd origins that have little to no resemblance to its in current use,” Logan said, turning a corner and glancing over to see Roman still following, “But I do understand being disturbed by whale penis.”
Roman gawked, “By the stars! Not you too- How do you know that?”
Logan stopped as he reached his designation and spun on his heel to look at the other boy, “I’m a nerd.”
“Yeah yeah,” Roman shifted his grip and stepped past Logan to open the door that was already slightly ajar.
“Oh you don’t…” Logan started but trailed off at Roman’s raised eyebrow, “Thanks.” He said instead of finishing, ducking his head as he walked into the room.
Logan spotted a clear enough spot at a desk and set his pile there. This was just the first stop however, Mrs. Libelle had instructed him to bring half the copies to Ms. Leading’s office and the others to Mr. Sanders, because Logan was just her loyal dog, apparently. He sighed and walked up to Roman, who was standing there, looking like he was waiting for instructions. Which was kind of cute.
“Thank you for helping me,” He found himself struggling with eye contact, “I can carry the rest on my own, so you can head out now.” He reached for the stack and Roman pulled it away from him for the second time today.
Logan looked up to see Roman staring at him quizzically, “Do you want me to leave?”
“What? No,” Logan blinked, “I don’t want you to- No, you can do whatever you’d like.”
“Woah, hey, it’s okay Nerd.” Roman said, causing Logan to notice the tension in his shoulders, “I did something wrong, right? I’m a dumbass, I say the wrong things all the time. I’d like to know what I did but you don’t have to tell me, it’s okay-”
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot.” Logan breathed.
Roman tilted his head, which was absolutely adorable, “Thank you?”
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, “You haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t- I don’t want you to leave.” Logan sighed, mostly at himself, and looked at the other man. He tried desperately not to let his face flush but it didn't really matter right now. He’d make Roman think he’d done something wrong, and that chivalrous bastard wasn’t even pushing for an explanation. Honestly, he was too nice, too perfect for his own good. “My apologies,” Logan started, “It had been brought to my attention that I... retain romantic feelings for you, and it has made me anxious, I suppose. So I attempted to have you leave quickly. I’d understand if you'd like to leave now if knowing this makes you at all uncomfortable.”
The other boy blinked at him, “Simplify, please, Nerd.” He said very quietly, as if he was already aware of what Logan said but wanted to make sure.
Logan cleared his throat and readjusted his glasses, which probably didn’t need the readjusting at all this time, “I have a crush on you.” he clarified quietly, “And I’m not confessing, really, just giving an explanation for my behavior. Thank you for the help. You may leave.”
“You like me?”
Logan nodded, “This can’t be much of a surprise.”
Roman shook his head, “Did you not just call me an idiot?”
Logan’s eyes widened, “I assure you, I meant no negative connotations-”
“Chillax, Nerd.” Roman waved a hand, unknowingly giving Logan a moment to decipher whatever ‘chillax’ means before, “I like you too.”
And that left Logan reeling. Because no. No? How? Roman was the high school’s pretty boy, their prince, their designated hot guy with abs. How does the hot guy with abs like him back? There must’ve been a miscommunication. Somehow.
“Come again?” Was all he managed.
But Roman smiled and Logan’s heart went from beating out of his chest to figuratively soaring, “I like you too. Or uh, I retain romantic feelings for you too.” He chuckled.
Well, this was unexpected, “What do we do now?” Logan said, more to himself than the other.
Roman shrugged, “What do you want to do?”
“I honestly never planned to get this far.”
Roman huffed out a laugh, stepping around to the desk so that he could set his pile down next to Logan’s, “Well,” He said, making his way back to the student, “I could kiss you.”
“I-” Logan felt like a metaphorical deer in the headlights, but in a good way? If that was even remotely logical, which it wasn’t, “I wouldn’t be opposed.” His voice came out a whisper.
To that, Roman reached up and gently cupped his cheeks. Roman’s eyes flicked down to Logan’s lips and Logan found his eyes doing much of the same.
The kiss was soft, absolutely nothing like he’d expected from the student before him, but not bad in the slightest. It was short, too short, Logan found, so he took to pulling Roman back in only a moment after the first ended.
Roman pulled back again, rubbing Logan’s cheek gently with his thumb as he did so. He smiled so warmly, Logan thought he’d melt. 
“And…” Logan vaguely noted that he probably sounded a bit out of it, “What do we do now?” he smiled at the other.
“Hm.” Roman hummed, “Ice cream?”
“Ice cream sounds good.” Logan agreed. He had a date. A date with Roman Prince. “But, papers.”
“Papers.” He pulled away begrudgingly. He grabbed half the papers and went for the door, stopping only for a moment, “I'll be right back.” He then slipped out the door and speed walked to the other teacher’s classroom. Mr. Sanders was there and had made small talk that Logan managed to survive. He was gone as quickly as he arrived, rushing back to Roman and finding him just stepping out of the door of the room he was left in.
Roman grinned when he saw Logan approach, he reached for Logan’s face again once he was in range. He pulled him in for another kiss, something Logan could hardly argue against, “Ice cream now?” Roman asked, face still impossibly close to the other’s.
Logan nodded slightly, “Yes.” finding his hand in Roman’s a moment later, being pulled down the hallway. Roman’s unabashedly happy smile was sure to match his own.
So, maybe this wasn’t a problem after all.
This is actually a fully fleshed out au that i will probably write more of, idk- no promises
my,, hyperfixation on health and exercise kinda slipped into this one? im sorry, i don’t know what happened, but Logan likes muscles i guess asjkdkls
also i do not know how american high schools work at all, i was homeschooled so im going off fanfics and anime (which doesnt help with the american thing-)
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