writingamongther0ses · 11 months
WIP Folder
Thanks for the tag, @hallwriteblr!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, & then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS. (optional)
So I don't have everything on here but I tried to get a broad range!
Klein Security Keycards
"I'm back."
Nightmare- Chapter ? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Memories of Needles
Showtime- Chapter ? (1, 2, 3, 4)
Wise of Odin- Chapter ?
Spell on You
Bite Me
Ball Trap
Blue Dress
Interview- Chapter ? (1, 2)
Suzie Klasky
Bad End
Locked Out
The light of the laser died
The moment the door closed
What appeared to be Liza
I'll tag, with no pressure, @magic-is-something-we-create, @mariahwritesstuff, @chauceryfairytales, @mashuheartwrites, @happyorogeny, @rhikasa, @rhiannon-writes, @scmalarky, @inkwell-attitude, @loopyhoopywrites, @raevenlywrites, @pheita, @fields-of-ink, @taz-writes, @stardustspiral, @merigreenleaf, @howdywrites, @lettersandinkstains, @sleepyowlwrites, and free for all!
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lux-scriptum · 2 years
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A comprehensive guide with very little actual information, just for you guys. Tag list below the cut
@theguildedtypewriter @aesterea, @kclenhartnovels​ @golden-eyed-writer​ @thespooniewrites @thebluepolarbear @owlsofstarlight @idreamonpaper​ @mecharose ​ @knightedwriter ​​ @allyreyna @merigreenleaf @dontwaitforinspiration​ @gingerly-writing @rrrawrf-writes @alittleyellowdinosaur @haphazardlyparked @incandescent-creativity ​@siarven @ageekyreader @lady-redshield-writes @sheralynnramsey
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
Alavis -- The High Priestess
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Intuition, mystery, knowledge // Barren, neediness, disconnected from self
“The most intuitive, connected card in the whole Tarot deck, The High Priestess is a card of awareness and subconsciousness. This card urges you to listen to your inner voice and to follow your instincts. Your mind knows far, far more than you think it does, and The High Priestess embodies this concept. When she arises in your Tarot reading, stop looking for answers in the outside world and instead, turn within for the guidance you seek.” (source)
The Vera are known for their intuition all across the universe. Or maybe it’s more than intuition. They are an ancient race--one of the oldest sapient races, appearing during a time when the universe was full of more divine energy. So it is possible, likely even, that they really can see all of the possible paths the universe may take. Of all the Vera who travel around other worlds, none embodies this theory more than Alavis. She is mysterious, and seems to revel in it. She always seems to show up around the time something big and/or important happens, and comes off almost as a sort of fae or trickster--mischievous in ways, but helpful. Everything she does has a reason. But what that reason is remains a mystery. For now.
Image sources: Wikipedia /  Mega Fantasy Avatar Creator
@diseonfire​​​ @lady-redshield-writes​​​ @dam-those-words​​​ @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables​​​ @livvywrites​​​ @ascendingdread7​​​  @jade-island-lives​​​ @the-children-of-the-stars​​​  @jaimistoryteller​​​ @zusollen-writes​​​ @permissiontobreathe​​​ @typewriter-jade​​​ @starlitesymphony​​​  @merigreenleaf​​​ @rosesonneptune​​​ @silenciadelumbrae​​​ @cjjameswriting​​​ @ratracechronicler​​​
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Restarted Nightingale and Peregrine again, gave moses a villain moment I’m proud of.
Spade shattered the glass in the museum door, pushing the remaining shards of the door away with telekinesis. If he had to steal something, he was going to be obvious about it.
He sauntered over to the desk, searching for the keys to the glass cases. They had to clean them somehow, and Spade planned to take his time to do this right.
“Stop right there.”
Spade made eye-contact with an older guard, one he recognized from his field trips here in high school, holding a tazer like it was a gun.
Of course he had to defend himself from the nice one.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone, least of all you.”
“Then let me take you in. Whatever your stealing can’t be worth arrest.”
“Oh, I’m not getting arrested, friend. You see, this isn’t my first rodeo,” he grabbed the keys he wanted, “And you don’t have the stuff to stop me.”
“Who said I have to stop you?”
He knew there was a reason he liked the old man.
“Which will come first, I wonder, the hero or the cops?” he took a step toward the old man, grabbing the tazer with his mind and flicking it away. “I’m a bit more fond of Nightingale, myself, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”
“You said you didn’t want to hurt me.”
“And I don’t have to.”
The old man backed up into a wall. Spade took his glove off and placed two fingers to the man’s temple the way his sister always did.
The guard slumped to the floor.
“Sorry if I gave you nightmares.”
He moved up the stairs, hoping the item was where it was a few years ago. Museums like this didn’t tend to move things unless there was an exhibit. Right where it always was. Why did his employer even want it? His job wasn’t to ask, just to bag it and bring it.
He turned. Her hands were covered more than last time, all but two fingers covered by the white fabric. Her red braid was the same though, and the mask still covered almost the entire upper half of her face. The bodice still hugged her torso just tight enough to keep her range of movement. The skirt still reached her just above her feet.
“Long time no see, Songbird.”
Tag List: @kaylewiswrites​, @taz-writes​, @theshadowsofthenight​, @merigreenleaf​, @lady-redshield-writes​, @concealeddarkness13​, @authorisada​, @cadewrites​, @elizabethwillow​, @writing-in-mermish​, @royalbounties-main-blog​
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clarislam · 2 years
Heads Up Seven Up Tag
Thanks to @thecatwriter23 for tagging me! I don’t normally participate in writer dash games but I figured this would be a fun opportunity to show an upcoming work of mine. :D
These are the last seven lines that I currently have for the FIRST chapter of a new Super Smash Bros./The Last Story multichapter crossover fanfic: 
“What the hell is going on, Zael?” Zael looked toward Arganan, who was now approaching him – albeit leaning on the cane he often used for support. Asthar followed after him, brows furrowing slightly. The former Count of Lazulis looked Zael in the eye with his one working blue one, a half-scowl on his face. “And where are we?”
Zael swallowed lightly as he glanced between Arganan and Zepha, the latter still clearly frustrated by the total confusion and inability to just lash out. Zael had a feeling that neither Arganan or Zepha were going to take news of the current situation well, but what else could he do? A sigh left him, resigned to his fate, and he hoped that the two wouldn’t try to kill each other (or anyone else) too soon.
“I can explain…”
I’ll be tagging @maxkirin, @hell-yeah-fantasy, @merigreenleaf, @gidget-goes, and @olivieblake. No pressure to post your WIPs, but I just wanted to boost other writers here!
If any of you enjoyed reading this snippet and want to read “A Place To Belong,” the prequel to this upcoming fanfic, you can find links here for Ao3 and here for Fanfiction.net! 
Feel free to also follow my other links (including my official website!) here: https://clarislam.carrd.co/ 
Thanks for your support, and happy writing! 
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
PEH Update
I got 66 pages into writing it, and now I realize I have to start over..... again. I am all at once saddened by this, and excited. Feel free to send me asks about it if you are interested. 
@dowings @creativewritergirl1 @extraisthmus @mouwwie @merigreenleaf @inkchantress @writeblrfantasy @thethistlegirlwrites @doubi-ixi @thepotatowriter @badasspupqueen @shaheenarnitipsyart 
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albatris · 4 years
Happy STS! What's the most surprising thing about your characters? It could be an interest or personality trait you didn't plan for them, or something that takes other characters by surprise, or something that takes the characters themselves by surprise. However you want to answer this. :)
happy sts!! I’m responding to this almost a full week late!! thank you for the ask!! my apologies for the rambles I am literally incapable of being concise
one thing that I can remember that took me by surprise is like........ before I started writing her, I had intended for Shara’s social anxiety to be fairly similar to my own, but pretty quickly it became clear that her vibe was actually much closer to my best friend’s brand of social anxiety, so...... less "panic and clam up" and more “literally cannot stop talking”? so, yeah, an anxious chatterbox who is definitely internally screaming through almost every social interaction she has, but tends to ramble and blurt out whatever comes into her head and desperately fill the silence rather than hanging back and appearing "shy" :P
lots of things about Shara surprised me actually! she’s the one of the gang who threw me the most curveballs during the recent frankendraft, sometimes she would just be like “cool so I’m creating an interdimensional map using radio waves” and I’d just have to be like. sick. ok. well I guess I have to figure out how the fuck that works now
then uhhhhhhh
in terms of both “something that takes other characters by surprise” and “something that takes the characters themselves by surprise” I think the most common answer is “Noa is a nice person” WHICH SOUNDS REALLY MEAN but like
it takes a long while for the Being Nice to kick in when she's getting to know someone and it always just catches people so off guard when it finally happens lmao
she works real hard at her intimidating standoffish don’t-fuck-with-me vibe, which is........ a defence mechanism, yeah
Shara and Kai’s first introduction to the concept of Noa Yun is hearing Tris talk about her, which is an issue because Tris has been best friends with her for four years and will jump at any opportunity to tell Literally Whoever Will Listen about how kind and smart and compassionate and friendly and amazing his best friend is and it’s very sweet but he does forget that said best friend is actually terrifying as all hell and Does Not Like People
so when they actually meet her in person they’re both lowkey kind of like :))))))))))))) hey tris quick question what the fuck
they don't really believe him until a fair way into the story, when eventually that switch flips and they catch a glimpse of a Noa that's not holding them at arm's length and glaring at them all the time and emitting Generally Threatening Auras
n like, Kai enjoys teasing her and getting on her nerves but doesn't twig that Noa actually considers them a friend till at least two thirds into the book when she flat-out says it in the midst of an argument and Kai is just like Hey Wait Hold Up What Was That
and as for Noa herself, it’s like
she's always felt kinda alienated and weird and Not Able To Be A Person In A Way Other People Like, she was subject to a lot of senseless bullying and cruelty from other kids when she was younger, nowadays people still form all sorts of judgments about her and the reputation of being someone prickly and mean and unpleasant is one that is applied to her almost by default, even when she doesn't want it
it's easy for her to spiral into viewing herself as someone who is just inherently unpleasant and difficult to be around, someone who is just simply a naturally unlikable person
which, like. >:(
n even in those moments where she's able to drop her guard conpletely or be openly caring and affectionate with people she's comfortable with and share in a friendship, it's a difficult belief to shake and she often feels like she's just tricked people into liking her
there's a point near the end of the story where someone calls her a good person and their friend, and it's..... not the first time she's heard that said to her? but this time, hey, she's just gone through a whole big character arc and Learned A Lot Of Things About Herself and for the first time she's actually like wait holy fuck AM I a good person???
and is just COMPLETELY thrown for a loop about it and has a minor existential crisis
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lynnafred · 4 years
Happy Tender Tuesday! What's the sweetest thing your character(s) have done for someone they love?
Mer!! Thank you!! 💗💗 There’s so many little gestures for this crew that I’m going to try to keep it to romantic partners, but I know that a few friends will slip through. (Also, QPP absolutely counts in this ask and in all my other answers for Tender Tuesday.)
Pierre’ll tell you that the sweetest thing that he’s ever done is saved their life. (It would be a lie if it wasn’t immediately noted by others that that you should do that anyway if you’re a hero.)
Devin will say that the sweetest thing they’ve done for Olivia is the three-year long globetrotting escapade they did. (Olivia will say the sweetest thing that Devin’s ever done for them was being unconditionally supportive of their transition when they came out, but Devin says that’s too low a bar to count.)
Devin will also make it known, loudly, that there is nothing that will express how much he cares about Vincent more than breaking him out of jail. (Vincent wishes he’d stop saying that within earshot of a cop, but says it’s certainly better than the time that he was given an STI for his birthday that one time.)
Michael doesn’t think it should count, but it was the simple act of being there and being supportive - coffees on sleepless nights, snacks foisted instead of a simple reminder to eat, a simple ear to listen to problems, things like that. (Things that, in his opinion, you should do for someone you love anyway.)
Ant will say that it’s picking up the pieces of another bad night and poor decision without ever making it into a judgement or a blame game. 
Cass will tell you that it was coming home in time to tuck her daughter in. (Chloe won’t disagree.) 
Vincent knows that taking care of Ant when he’s sick is the sweetest thing that he can do for him; he never tries to deny that, even when Ant tells him he can take care of himself. 
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
STS time! :D Imagine you've got like a huge fandom-- how would your characters respond to finding out they had tons of fans? How would they react to learning that fanfic existed about them? Who do you think would be shipped together? Who wouldn't you want shipped together?
Well, in universe the dancers of Asylum *do* have fans, and so there is almost certainly fanfic about them. The nest is very careful about monitoring internet access, both keeping the younger members safe from their fans, and keeping some privacy about the nest from the rest of the world.
There is really only ONE ship so far that I cannot allow, and it’s Kyle and Lia. One, they’re best friends and I hate when those deep meaningful friendships aren’t respected/are treated like lesser than a romantic/sexual relationship, and two, Kyle is GAY, gay gay gay, and there are like, SO MANY bi/pan characters to play with, so any Kyle ship that doesn’t respect his orientation would just make me really really sad.
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lux-scriptum · 2 years
Give Me Ur Eyes, a Snippet
As always, a slut for validation, I am.
“Something changed today,” Eydis whispered abruptly. “It started with Ellias Gladwyn’s disappearance,” they added, grabbing Karme’s wrist when she didn’t look over fast enough. “But it won’t end there. It can’t. He won’t allow it.” “Ellias-?” “No. Him.” Eydis’ green eyes were wide. “The Everbright. He locked my Lady away, and he will not allow her to walk free.”
taglist under the cut, as always, pls let me know if you want let off the taglist!!
@theguildedtypewriter, @aesterea​, @kclenhartnovels​ @golden-eyed-writer​ @thespooniewrites @thebluepolarbear @owlsofstarlight @idreamonpaper​ @mecharose ​ @knightedwriter ​​ @allyreyna @merigreenleaf​ @dontwaitforinspiration​ @gingerly-writing​ @rrrawrf-writes​ @alittleyellowdinosaur​ @haphazardlyparked @incandescent-creativity ​@siarven @ageekyreader @lady-redshield-writes @sheralynnramsey
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
Frenefern’kan -- The Chariot
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Willpower, movement, ambition // Inertia, arrogance, wrong direction
“The Chariot card is connected to your natural drive and determination, and can indicate an upcoming victory. This card reminds you that your greatest successes won't come through limited thinking -- when you combine the knowledge of your mind with that of your heart and spirit, you are an unstoppable force.” (source)
As the youngest Imperial Archivist, Fren is over underestimated or overlooked. But that doesn’t bother them. They’re too busy with their work--their research. Fren’s drive and determination make them a perfect fit for the Chariot card. They see connections in everything, which allows them to see causality across events all throughout history that others would have, and have, missed. But even with their aptitude for connections, they could use the reminder that knowledge isn’t everything. With newfound friends and newfound purpose, they have to learn that heart and spirit are just as important when it comes to saving the universe.
Image sources: Wikipedia / Me
@diseonfire​​​ @lady-redshield-writes​​​ @dam-those-words​​​ @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables​​​ @livvywrites​​​ @ascendingdread7​​​  @jade-island-lives​​​ @the-children-of-the-stars​​​  @jaimistoryteller​​​ @zusollen-writes​​​ @permissiontobreathe​​​ @typewriter-jade​​​ @starlitesymphony​​​  @merigreenleaf​​​ @rosesonneptune​​​ @silenciadelumbrae​​​ @cjjameswriting​​​ @ratracechronicler​​​
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elenajohansenauthor · 4 years
Happy Tender Tuesday! :D If your characters could only keep one thing that their significant other (or important person in their life) gave them, what would it be and why? (I know yours aren't technically signif others, so "other important person" might be more relevant a term here lol)
Amber did keep a Taco Bell receipt that Rob wrote something on for her. I won’t say what, because the dissonance between “fast food trash” and “keepsake” is too much fun to spoil.
At one point in the story she was also (offscreen, secretly) tempted to keep Rob’s hoodie, which he loaned her in a pinch. But it was far more useful to throw it in his face--literally--when they had to fake a fight about laundry in order to have an excuse to leave the bus together without seeming suspicious.
But she was definitely tempted, even if she couldn’t wear it around the rest of the band without raising unwelcome questions.
As for Rob, Amber hasn’t given him anything physical, and he’s not the panty-stealing type. Neither of them is much of a gift-giver, as the love languages asks have covered.
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writinglyra · 4 years
Happy MGM! :D If your characters had all their memories wiped but could keep one of them, which memory would they choose to keep?
Happy MGM! This question is too perfect for JC to not answer it, so...
"God, do you know how long I've been waiting for that offer? Since I was thirteen all I've wanted to do is forget. If I could wake up tomorrow not remembering a thing exept that one happy moment before it all went to shit, I'd be happy. I take that in a heartbeat."
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myhusbandsasemni · 2 years
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Ander - Ether Jumper - Evai
(Midnight) troublemaker, intelligent, entertaining
Ander’s magic is the ability to strengthen or weaken anything he touches. He can weaken door locks so he can break through, strengthen clothing fibers so they last a lot longer, strengthen his own legs so he can jump a lot farther and take longer falls, and strengthen the spells holding the balance together so they don’t need as much maintenance. 
Ander really enjoys coming up with new and inventive games to play with his friends but is also a bit of a workaholic. He often shuts himself in his office and works on the spells of the Balance, and needs to be reminded by Ril, his best friend, to come out and take breaks. Ever since the massacre, he has been working almost non stop. He understands that there is way too much work to go around now, and since he is not allowed to help with other work because he is in charge of keeping the spells of the balance up to date, he just sits and works on that all day long, trying desperately not to think how screwed up life has become. 
Plains, Ether, Hearth taglist
@dowings @creativewritergirl1 @extraisthmus @mouwwie @merigreenleaf @inkchantress @writeblrfantasy​ @thethistlegirlwrites @doubi-ixi @thepotatowriter @badasspupqueen​ @shaheenarnitipsyart​ 
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albatris · 4 years
STS time! What's your favorite trait that you've given to a character? (Good or bad or both!) Do you decide in advance what kinds your characters might have or are the traits more likely to evolve or surface as you write the character?
happy STS!!! sorry I’m a week late responding!!!! thank you for the ask!!!
I had a tough time with this one ahaha, for some reason I struggled to think of a response :’)
I’ll start off with the easy part! which is, yeah! I generally decide pretty early on in character creation what sort of “vibe” I’m going for in terms of personality, so will lay down some key traits for a foundation fairly easily! and those usually stay consistent through the writing process and turn into cornerstones of their character....... then, generally, some more subtle traits or a more “nuanced” version of them comes out during writing, but sometimes I’m thrown a curveball and things will go in a completely different direction than I intended!!
n now back to the first part, uhhhhhh
I don’t know if this counts, technically, but one trait that I’m super super fond of and that forms pretty much the entire basis of Undertow as a WIP is just, like.......... “ridiculously overpowered but completely useless”
basically everyone in Undertow is powerful enough to do more or less Literally Anything They Can Possibly Dream Of, but instead they just dick around and achieve absolutely nothing useful whatsoever
like, oh, these powers could be used for Tremendous Good or Tremendous Evil, but instead they’re just used for, like, making a slightly more efficient toaster, or getting a few more hours of sleep
Aster can communicate with the heart of the universe itself and can draw power from it, Kit is an insanely powerful magician and necromancer and has enough raw telekinetic ability to level an entire city, Meg is a mechanical genius and can find a way to build almost any contraption imaginable, Nolan can subconsciously change the very nature of reality with his mind
Aster straight-up forgets she has powers or thinks it’s impolite to ask the universe for favours, Kit is too lazy to leave the house most days and his entire approach to life is “ugh fine but only if I have to”, Meg is only interested in  Acquiring More Dogs, and Nolan has literally zero motives other than “idk it sounded fun”
that’s a very general, overarching trait hahaha
if I were to go with something a little more specific to a character, I really enjoy Tris’s specific brand of optimism which is basically “desperately pretending to be an optimist even though you’re screaming in internal terror at almost every single waking moment”, and I also like Shara’s specific brand of eccentricity and how she just kind of Does Things with zero explanation and everyone else just learns to roll with it
n yeah, that’s it from me, yeehaw
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lynnafred · 4 years
I'm new to STS, so this week I'm asking a general question I'd love to hear people talk about: what have you written that means the most to you? It can be your favourite, or the thing you're most proud of, or the thing that has importance to you personally. :-) (And I know you talked about this the other day, so if you want to instead ramble at me from the other side of the couch, go right ahead, but dangit you're getting asked this lol)
lol a day late, but getting an answer nonetheless. (As good as our couch rambles are, I think I can oblige you a STS ask or two... :D)
I think I might have talked about it before, either on this blog or my old one, but in Villainy! book one, there’s been a symbol that I’ve used since its very, very first draft: a bench. The bench is significant. The bench is, well, it’s a bench.
At the time when the project was still a comedy, the bench was something for old-draft!Vincent to rise above - villains, even truly diabolical ones, hardly ever had something named after them when they died, in action or elsewhere. In his own words, “If we’re lucky we’ll get a plaque on a goddamn bench to remember us by. But I’m going to change that.” He was certain that by being the most evil little gremlin he could be, he’d transcend the bench and make his mark in a bigger, more long-lasting way. His goal was to be so infamous that no one would have the choice but to remember him.
Current draft Vincent, on the other hand, has a higher set of morals and way less self worth. The bench, to current!Vincent, is what he aspires to. Just before his last fight with Subliminal, Pierre finds him contemplating their last moves in a church - “because sometimes you just need some nice architecture and quiet to get your thoughts together” - and the two of them have a much needed heart-to-heart about what comes next. Vincent knows that he’s putting the team in danger. Moreover, Vincent has accepted the possibility that someone in their team might die; they’ve never come close to beating Subliminal before, and now doesn’t feel like it’d be that much different. And while he’d been weighing his options, he comes to the conclusion that it’d be easiest--and best--if it were him that were in the most danger. Pierre disagrees, but neither want to have hurt feelings going into a fight they might not all walk out of. The scene closes out with Vincent asking, “Haven’t enough people died? Haven’t enough people been hurt? If something happens, it should be me. I’ve fucked up plenty already. Maybe this is how I can try to make amends. But, if something happens... Do you think they’d name a bench after me? Even though I’ve fucked up so much?”
So... it feels really silly, but the bench means more to me than most of the other symbols I’ve crammed into Villainy! even if no one else knows how significant it is besides me. (And, well, now you.)
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