#mermaid fishing
Season three time babes!
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Because my mom is coming to get me. Both of them.
That's right henry they done fucked up.
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Oh shit.
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I love this though.
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Yes Killian, yes it is..because
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Okay but this coat?
On a pirate ship?
Maybe it's a good thing belle stayed behind because she'd be going feral.
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Great this kid is back.
😂😂 they're thr home office. Take that you fuckers!
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Oh dear, oh no, they're dead.
So sad.
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Who the fuck is this kid?
I doubt your ass is really being helpful.
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Yay Neal's alive!!!
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😂 a 45 caliber arrow.
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fulsvamp · 24 days
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Behold-- I've created a man
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bc-byron · 7 months
Mermaid Fishing
Going mermaid fishing.Gonna catch a fishy friend.Nobody believes me,but I'll show them in the end."I've never seen a mermaid" everyone insists.Well, they need a special kind of baitthat mermaids can't resist.A photo of my handsome face,which every lady wants to kiss.When those lips are firmly placed,I reel her in from the abyss.I'll put her in a fish tank,my scaly little miss,to plan a lovely…
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psalidodont · 29 days
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Her name is Marie :)
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violetwolfraven · 1 year
The funniest thing in the world to me is when people write mermaids that are bothered by humans eating fish. Like do you think fish don’t eat each other? The ocean is full of little freaks that will eat whatever or whoever the fuck will fit in their mouths. If the mermaids haven’t been eating fish this whole time what do you think they’ve been eating? If the answer is humans, that doesn’t make it any less funny. They’ll eat the species that looks like the top half of them but won’t eat a species that looks like the bottom half? Peak comedy.
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rainy-nomad · 5 months
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Late for mermay? Early for mermay? no, I say mermay is today! I really wanted to draw them as fish and I could not wait until May so I present... Janumaid
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shpepyao · 1 month
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Working on mermay, not following prompt list, just drawing fish people and what not
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sibmakesart · 20 days
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guess who remembered it was mermay
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irideer · 1 year
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revretch · 13 days
I saw a post where someone interpreted a mermaid's lower half as being 100% accurate to fish anatomy and that bothered me because like
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But if that's where you want your mermaid's butt to be, go on ahead
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shirecorn · 10 days
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Another deep sea mermaid with a creative body plan: the stoplight loosejaw. This dragonfish has unfolding jaws that allow it to swallow slippery, oversize prey, though it is happy to feast on copepod plankton, which power its unusual bioluminescence.
Red light disappears in the depths, but the mermaid still sees what is illuminated, unknowing, in front of its jaws. Blue light to lure prey in, red to signal its impending death.
A truly gorgeous creature!
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sharkie-19 · 1 month
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fire-bay · 4 months
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Fish oc
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darksilvania · 2 years
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PARALOUSE (Bug/Water), SQUAKER (Water) & PARASCYLLA (Bug/Ghost) PARALOUSE (Parasite/Louse/Perilous) is a small bug type pokemon that lives among the corals, it awaits for a fish pokemon with a mout big enough to jump in, where it will eat and replace that pokemon's tongue. Once it has gained enough strenght by weakening its host it will evolve
PARASCYLLA (Parasite/Scylla) the "Mermaid" pokemon. It emerges from its host's mouth, the one it completely fills. At this point its host is competely taken over, becoming PARASCYLLA's new tail. To further keep its "tail" in place, it will stick its lower legs through the fish's gills, securing it in place.
SQUAKER (Squawk/Cracker) is a parrot fish pokemon that inhabits the same coral reef where PARALOUSE can be found, they love to feed on coral using their strong beaks to cut and swallow large chunks of it, which sadly makes it the perfect victim for PARALOUSE. How ever if SQUAKER manages to avoid becoming infected by PARALOUSE it can evolve into the dangerous PARROTEER (Parrot/Privateer)
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PARROTEER (Water/Dark) is PARASCYLLA's natural predator, it preys upon PARASCYLLA with extreme prejudice, using its massive size and hard-as-rock head to knock them out, it then uses its bolt cutter-like beak to cut them in half by the waist, feeding only on the upper bug half and leaving the tails to sink to the bottom
PARALOUSE is based on the cymothoa exigua, a type of parasitic isopod that attached to fishes mouths replacing their tongues
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PARASCYLLA is based on a twisted version of a mermaid with some inspiration is the Greek monster Scylla, a creature with the upper torso of a woman, but a lower body made out of heads and tails
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SQUAKER is based on the Steephead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Scarlet Macaw
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PARROTEER is based on the Humphead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Dracula Parrot, as well as being based on a Pirate
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PARROTEER hunting and feeding only on PARASCYLLA is a reference to Pirates hunting mermaids as represented in some myths and popular media, like Peter Pan or Pirates of the Caribbean
At the moment, SQUAKER is the only suitable pokemon available in PARALOUSE's habitat for it to attach, but, if more pokemon were avaible it could attach to them as long as they met certain criteria: -Being a Fish (No mammals, reptiles of crustaceans) -Having a big enoug mouth Here are some examples of PARASCYLLA using other fish pokemons as its tail
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The only exception to this rule being Gygantamax PARASCYLLA
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kororobus · 1 month
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Lilypad ...not proud of this one but it's ok and orange is tasty (#`-_ゝ-)
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filez34 · 11 months
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when he fucking gets ya
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