#mermaid percy
neo-kid-funk · 4 months
Would you consider drawing a mer!Percy for MerMay? And maybe Nico is there too? I love your style!
Ooooo I love the idea of Mermaid Percy!! I kept thinking about the little mermaid movie lol but of course I gotta give it a like sprinkle of percico 🥰 Thanks for the awesome art recommendation! Drawing Mermaid Percy was soo fun!! Hope you like it! 💖💖
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Mermaid! Percy and Prince! Nico 🌊☠️
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
«Love Isn't Enough».
Andromeda "Meda" Lysia Jackson, - not only a halfgoddess, but also a selkie/mermaid/any sea creature whose legacy was awakened when she was 19, and since then Jackson has been suffering from a wild desire to go to sea forever.
But she can't—she has family here, beloved Jason and friends.
She and Jason, after consulting and talking with whom they could and could not, found a way out — Andromeda would go to sea for a short time, for a couple of weeks or a maximum of one month.
And for several years it has been successfully helping — they finish their studies, get their favorite jobs, buy their dream house, officially marry and have a child.
Everything seems to be fine, until one day Meda, going down the stairs, just faints... since then everything has gone downhill — her health is getting much, much worse, and Andromeda herself is literally bursting with longing for the sea.
But she's holding on, or at least trying, after all, she has her whole life here on land—family, friends and work.
Jason, who loves Andromeda endlessly, is afraid and supports her, saying that this is just a period and very soon everything will get better and will be as before.
But they both know perfectly well that this is a lie.
One day, on a mockingly beautiful night, Andromeda becomes completely ill, the condition is almost near-death and Jason realizes that it is no longer possible to delay the inevitable…
The child stays with the neighbors, waiting for the arrival of Grandma Sally and Grandpa Paul, and Jason takes Andromeda by car to the sea.
He carries her in his arms until the water reaches his waist, hugs her to him and whispers words of his love for her and thanks her for everything.
Both Andromeda and Jason understand that these are their goodbyes.
She removes her hands from his shoulders, kisses him, infinitely bitterly-tenderly and ... her body slips into the sea.
The dark, graceful silhouette is rapidly floating further and further away from the land and deeper and deeper into the sea, where her true home is…
In her soul she feels the tears and pain of her husband, the fear and anxiety of her child... but…
Love is not enough to overcome your very nature.
Ah yes, the heart-wrenching love story I've been waiting.
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Where. Where are the siren, mermaid, literally ocean bound Percy Jackson head canons and stories? We need MORE. Who cares about Percy being able to blood bend when he could/should be able to be a mermaid??? Like come on guys, priorities😌
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Trying out new techniques 2...
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svetalmeow · 3 months
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specific solangelo mermaid au
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50044w44s · 11 months
- do you think we're together in other universes?
- maybe
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i love them so much
edit: i forgot to add it before, but pf course credit to the artist of the first fan art. us signed smoustart, so I guess to them. and if anyone knows where the photos came out definitely tell me so i can give credit for those as well <3
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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“To The Night & The Cloud” by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Artist : Jessie Bayes (1876-1970)
Source : pbagalleries.com
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priyajoyyy · 7 months
Rough waters
Literally what is that name?
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Clarisse la rue x mermaid!fem!reader
Very certain the perspectives makes sense, but may not.
It switches between what reader and what Clarisse are thinking and doing but is always in readers perspective, if parts are wrong, don’t be afraid to let me know.
Sorry about the ending I think it’s kinda shit.
Mentions of past trauma, protective siblings, eventually protective!Clarisse, poor writing, drowning, cannon typical violence, Clarisse isn’t toxic to reader for once 🥰🤩, implied nudity (the mermaids become human at one point and don’t really have clothing but it’s normal to them, they don’t expect any humans to actually see them and I’m not describing anything), mentions of anxiety and loneliness
Clarisse knew there were plenty of mythical creatures living in the forest and waters surrounding camp halfblood, but she had never realised the lake also habituated mermaids, and especially not pretty ones…
Clarisse hadn’t properly seen all of the creatures in the forest surrounding camp half blood drying her stay, mainly because a lot wouldn’t be very favourable to half bloods invading their space.
But she believed she at least knew of most of the other inhabitants of the camp, Chiron made sure to make all the campers aware of which to avoid and which would be keeping and eye on them and stopping them from misbehaving, so she assumed he wouldn’t miss any out.
It wasn’t till the middle of summer she learnt that mermaids lived in the camp lake, hiding away from the halfbloods and only surfacing when they knew nobody was about.
It had been hot the day she’s first seen them, she noticed someone swimming near the rocks while they were meant to be training.
Clarisses younger sister had gone to the toilet half an hour ago and hadn’t been seen since and she thought that it must be her in the waters, skiving to have fun instead of her punishment for their recent loss in capture the flag.
She stormed over towards the figure, expecting her sister to appear clearer as she got closer, only to realise it wasn’t her sister at all, and this person didn’t appear to have legs.
She watched from afar at first, listening and looking to see if she could approach any further.
She had seen you, laying by the side of the beach, your tail laid in the water while the top half of you lounged in the sun on the rock side.
Your eyes were shut, sun bathing and relaxing while what looked like your brother, sat on the rock to your side, watching over the lot of you.
Your sisters were through the bushes, chatting and dancing around, their tails now gone and replaced with legs, and carrying them through the small area of forest they dared venture in.
She watched you for a while, standing hidden behind the trees, looking at your face which rested on your hands and shifted every-once in a while, watching your tail flicker and flow around in the water.
She wasn’t sure how long she was there, observing and waiting for you to do something, but she was shaken out of her thoughts when she heard your sister shouting your name. Waking you up and telling you that they were all leaving.
“Come on y/n” your brother told you as you woke up, “we’re going back”
“I’ll stay a little longer” you responded in a mumble groggily, resting your head back down on your arms again and turning away from your siblings.
Your sister dived into the water then, swimming back up to the surface to splash you with water, laughing, “come on, you’ve done enough sunbathing for today”
You splashed your tail in the water in response, hitting her with water and causing her to swim backwards and grumble.
“I don’t want to, I’ll leave later” you responded rolling your eyes and then closing them.
“We’re not leaving you out here alone” your brother stated simply, raising his eyebrows at you as you ignored him.
“I’ll be fine, promise” you stated, before pushing yourself up and around to face him in annoyance, “I swear, I’ll be fine, I’m sitting by the water, if anyone comes by I can just swim off”
Clarisse knew then it would be a bad idea to try talk to you. But she couldn’t help but want to, she hadn’t felt this way about anyone before, especially not by just looking at them.
She thought about it, and she wondered if maybe it was because you were a mermaid, like how the Aphrodite girls could make people fall in love with them with their charmspeak, perhaps you had a natural version of that?
She had heard of sirens before, tempting people to their deaths with their voices, making people fall so deeply in love with them they loose their senses.
Perhaps you were one of those. Well perhaps not a siren, while there were some dangerous creatures when provoked in the forest, Chiron would never allow sirens to lure campers to their deaths.
But a mermaid that made people fall in love with them? She supposed that made sense.
Yes, that had to be it, it was the only reason why she felt so compelled to watch you, to have the need to speak, to you to kiss you.
“Honest, I’ll be fine” you reassured again, one of the girls in the water, rolling their eyes and finally swimming off.
“Scream if you need help” the boy said in full seriousness, causing you to laugh at his behaviour.
“Oh stop being so dramatic” your sister spoke laughing, giving you a quick grin and diving into the lake.
“I will” you responded as you turned back around to go back to resting, ignoring your brothers overprotectiveness and letting him swim off.
You knew he had reason to be worried, all of you had a distaste for humans and halfbloods, but he knew you particularly had a big fear of them.
You had good reason to be, humans could be cruel, halfbloods in particular, some of them were bitter and hateful, their parents habits reflecting on children they hardly raised.
You’d experienced this cruelty first hand, and ever since, your siblings had been more protective over you, especially when you ventured to the shores of the lake you lived in.
Of course, not all halfbloods were like this, but it didn’t make you any less cautious, hiding in the hidden parts of the shore and avoiding them like the plague.
The only time you voluntarily spent time near halfbloods was when you were trying to save them. Being the one out of your siblings that tended to save the younger children from drowning the most.
You found when they couldn’t breathe, they were much nicer to be around.
You had calmed down again on your rock, relaxing under the sun on such a nice day, you stayed still there for quite a while before you heard a noise.
Clarisse hadn’t meant to step on anything, infact she was normally quite agile.
She had deciding to leave, realising it was beyond creepy that she had been staring at you in silence for as long as she had and that her siblings would be waiting for her, but stepped on a twig as she took her first step.
You jumped up quickly, turning to look around you in fear, noticing her in the trees, frozen with a pained expression on her face.
You went to jump away, flinching as she turned to face you beginning to apologise.
“W-wait stop, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that” Clarisse stuttered out, she didn’t know what was wrong with her, she never stuttered.
“I swear I’m not gonna hurt you…I just saw you in the distance and decided to see who was by the lake during training.
Against your better judgement, you stayed for a moment, watching and listening to her with wide eyes.
Clarisse could tell you were scared, despite the warmth you shook, and your hands clenched together onto one rock.
“I didn’t mean to scare you” Clarisse gently told you, “my names Clarisse…what’s your name?”
“I know what your name is” you mumbled, watching the girl like a hawk.
“You do?”
“You make the children do pushups by the lake” you stated quietly like it was obvious as to why she knew of you.
She looked confused at that, how many things must you have seen and she didn’t even know you were there for.
“You were there last week too” you told her, “you screamed”
Clarisse certainly didn’t need help to work out what the girl meant, everyone in camp had heard her scream, and everyone had been receiving the brunt of her anger since her spear had been broken by the new son of Poseidon.
After a long pause, you finally told her your name, Clarisse could tell you had relaxed a little, inching back to where you had originally sat rather than the edge of the rock as far as you could get from her.
You both chatted for a while, Clarisse with lots of questions and explanations, and you with short answers that slowly got a little longer.
You opened up as the time went on, still cautious but somewhat excited to have a friend that wasn’t one of your brothers or sisters.
Eventually you both decide it was time for you to go, both needing to get back to your siblings waiting on you, but Clarisse, not wanting to never see you again after this point, asked to meet again the next day.
Neither of you told anyone about your daily meet ups, you knew your siblings wouldn’t approve, stopping you from going up to the surface for a long time.
Clarisse knew she’d never tell anyone else, word would reach everyone in camp about a family of mermaids living in the lake in a matter of hours.
She also knew you had a large fear of other people. It was clear something had happened to you, and she had a feeling it had something to do with the camper that washed up to shore last summer.
She’d not gotten specifics from you, she always tried not to push you too far but she was so curious. She just put two and two together. The boy was horrid, rude to girls and she even had a couple of her younger sisters complain to her about him in the past, he wasn’t exactly missed by anyone when they found out he had drowned.
Of course she didn’t think you had done anything to him, not intentionally at least. you didn’t seem like you could even touch a half blood without trying to swim as far as you could.
However after observing your siblings around you for only a few minutes, she got the feeling they could certainly have been apart of it.
She knew she couldn’t let any of them know about you, they’d only hurt you and then all the progress you’d both made on her fear of half bloods would be for nothing.
So they continued to meet up on the daily. Sometimes you would wait until your siblings had left to transform your tail into legs, and meet with Clarisse slightly deeper into the woods.
Other times, she’d meet you by the shore, sneaking away after dinner and before bed, even letting you teach her how to swim.
It was a perfect summer, and it certainly helped Clarisse with dealing with the arrival and quick departure of Percy Jackson. And you with your loneliness and anxiety.
Now you just had to tell your siblings…
Ending is kinda shit but I didn’t know how to end it lol, Let me know if you’d like a part 2!! Feel like I have some more ideas but I have a series in the works so may focus on that instead
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog
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kosherwitchy · 10 months
I love you black annabeth I love you Jewish Spiderman I love you Desi rapunzel I love you black Ariel I love you Hispanic snow white I love you black captain America I love you seeing yourself represented in your favorite characters
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sukibenders · 9 months
Me, whenever I see poc, especially dark-skinned, characters in fantasy and/or historical period dramas depicted with dignity and respect and just simply given opportunities to have happy storylines that aren't solely fueled by trauma on the aspects of their race: Someone cooked here.
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suzieloveships · 9 months
I need someone who can make gifs sets to make a parallel gifs set of Percy Jackson learning he can breathe under water and Merliah from Barbie in a Mermaid Tale learning she can breathe under water
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Literally the same person
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neo-kid-funk · 2 months
Nico pushing Merman Percy around in a wheelbarrow on land
Haven't drawn Mermaid Percy and Prince Nico in a hot minute lmao,,, this idea is so adorable 😭😭💖💖
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Fandom-brained white women truly don't view black female characters as female at all and extend that to black adaptions of them.They NEVER give black actresses a chance,they always jump to harrasment because they think blackness is stripping them of girlhood and inherently makes them unrelatable to them at the same time they get mad at black girl geeks for not relating to white girls as much as we do our characters and cry about how 'their childhood is ruined' as they don't care about the improvement and validation it gives to black women who grew up on literally the same shit because they think we don't,aren't,can't be female and it's not even just transmisogynoir because the most cis black women of all times get called tomboys and even 'manly'.Fuck's sake man,i'm literally a black trans man because i'm afab and bigender/genderfluid but fem presenting to the max and that includes that not only do i not want t or surgeries but actually find the thought of them actively distressing because it's defeminization and masculinization
Black women are women.Black female characters are female characters.Black women know the female experience as much as white women do,if not BETTER.Colonisadoras shut the fuck up and go back to talking to your racist ass cis white boyfriends.And to everyone who cyberbullies black actresses for playing childhood roles but most of all Leah Jefferies,i have two words for you:Drop and Dead.You've earned it after being abusive and borderline fascistic pieces of shit
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livlaughloveluke · 3 months
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sea nymph!reader x luke castellan 🪼
i was inspired to make this while watching h2o
p.s- working on requests and wip’s before starting anything new, so if you sent in a request recently, i promise i will get to it 💕
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ssparksflyy · 5 months
merman!percy x human!reader
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sparklypinkangel · 2 months
🐚♡ sweet!mermaid!reader ♡ 🐚
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🐚♡ you were a mermaid situated on the ocean just a couple of minutes from camp halfblood.You were the sweetest girl ever and you loved collecting seashells and swimming all day with dolphins and your girls.
🐚♡ you lived in a kingdom underwater,you loved putting on makeup and find treasure in the sea….you’ve always wonder how humans lived,do they speak the same language as you ?what do they have instead of a tail ?sometimes the camp throw party on the beach and you spend the entire night with your girls watching them,how they acted..how beautiful their dresses were.they were so different from your people and yet so interesting but also deeply scary.
🐚♡ you watched percy a lot….when life at camp became too much he’d go for a late night swim in the ocean to relax and you loved seeing him in his element,he seemed so free.you though that he was beautiful,you develop quite the crush on him but you were to afraid to go talk to him,you’ve never talked to a human before or demigods for that matter.you learn his name because one night,one of his friends came looking for him screaming his name.p-e-r-c-y,what a beautiful name you thought.you crave it on a seashell that you transform into a necklace so you can have him everywhere you go <3
🐚♡ but what you didn’t know was that percy watched you too…..he was fascinated and hoped that one day he could find the courage to go swim to you.But for now,he was okay with just watching you swim and laugh,and create flower crowns for the dolphins…but his minds seems to always wander to you,he dreamed to know your name.he tried asking about mermaid at camp but they all told him that they were beautiful but dangerous creatures….he refused to believe them,you seemed everything but dangerous….
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divider by @sseuda !!!
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