#genderbend percy
yonemurishiroku · 9 months
If Percy Jackson had been born a woman [Penelope, Andromeda, Persephone or Amphitrite] Nico Di Angelo would be homoflexible.
Because regardless of the universe and circumstances, — Nico Di Angelo is always in love with Percy Jackson.
This is so poetic.
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modawg · 5 months
i stand by bi4bi percabeth but if they were straight you can’t tell me they wouldn’t be gay for eachother LMAO
like if they got hit with some type of sex-swap type curse or smth the other would be the gayest person on the planet and it would be so fucking funny
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sunshines-child · 3 months
*looks down upon ye*
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trainsandkitties · 30 days
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Thanks to @panicky-pansexual for making a sick set of gender-bended humanizations and inspiring to do so too
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w3ndytheraccoon · 9 months
Genderbend Percy should get a different name
So, I love genderbend shits, but GB!Percy's name should not stay the same.
Like, yeah, there's nothing wrong with naming your daughter Perseus and calling her Percy as a nickname, but why would you name your daughter after a male demigod when Atalanta is right there ????? If Sally named Percy after Perseus in canon because Perseus got a happy ending, then she should named Percy after Atalanta if he was a girl.
Plus, think of the pun / nickname potential ! Like, Atalantis, or something like that. And like Percy, she gets a nickname too, since her full name is a mouthful, like Tala or Ata, or Lani works too ! Like, think about it !
Point is, GB!Percy being named Atalanta is a hill I will die on and I want other people to know about it.
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demiaseranmage · 10 months
Probably a hot take, and an odd one in 2023, but all those gender bent Percy Jackson fics where her name is Persephone with Perci as her nickname are bad. Not badly written, (though they probably, mostly are) but bad in concept. Sally Jackson named her son Perseus because the myth of Perseus ended happily for him. Want to know another myth where it ends happily for the protagonist? Psyche. That’s right folks, Psyche Jackson, daughter of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. Also, what does Psyche mean? Soul. Pathos. And that’s what Sally teaches Percy and would teach Psyche.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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2sakkun · 1 year
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a quick sketch of percabeth genderbranding. There are several headcannons here, but maybe someday I'll make a art with them XD
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captainpluto13 · 1 year
Random doodles
Solangelo, other characters, just silly things
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trying out a new artstyle
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g0thnico · 9 months
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Day 4: genderbend
Day 3: childhood friends
Day 2: mermaid/merman
Day 1: Vampire
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poppitron360 · 4 months
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I made a post about Transfemme Leo complaining about the lack of pockets on women’s clothing, and now I’m obsessed. I can’t stop thinking about her.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
«Love Isn't Enough».
Andromeda "Meda" Lysia Jackson, - not only a halfgoddess, but also a selkie/mermaid/any sea creature whose legacy was awakened when she was 19, and since then Jackson has been suffering from a wild desire to go to sea forever.
But she can't—she has family here, beloved Jason and friends.
She and Jason, after consulting and talking with whom they could and could not, found a way out — Andromeda would go to sea for a short time, for a couple of weeks or a maximum of one month.
And for several years it has been successfully helping — they finish their studies, get their favorite jobs, buy their dream house, officially marry and have a child.
Everything seems to be fine, until one day Meda, going down the stairs, just faints... since then everything has gone downhill — her health is getting much, much worse, and Andromeda herself is literally bursting with longing for the sea.
But she's holding on, or at least trying, after all, she has her whole life here on land—family, friends and work.
Jason, who loves Andromeda endlessly, is afraid and supports her, saying that this is just a period and very soon everything will get better and will be as before.
But they both know perfectly well that this is a lie.
One day, on a mockingly beautiful night, Andromeda becomes completely ill, the condition is almost near-death and Jason realizes that it is no longer possible to delay the inevitable…
The child stays with the neighbors, waiting for the arrival of Grandma Sally and Grandpa Paul, and Jason takes Andromeda by car to the sea.
He carries her in his arms until the water reaches his waist, hugs her to him and whispers words of his love for her and thanks her for everything.
Both Andromeda and Jason understand that these are their goodbyes.
She removes her hands from his shoulders, kisses him, infinitely bitterly-tenderly and ... her body slips into the sea.
The dark, graceful silhouette is rapidly floating further and further away from the land and deeper and deeper into the sea, where her true home is…
In her soul she feels the tears and pain of her husband, the fear and anxiety of her child... but…
Love is not enough to overcome your very nature.
Ah yes, the heart-wrenching love story I've been waiting.
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modawg · 4 months
i was recently asked to give like a full rundown of a bunch of pjo characters genderbent don’t really know why;
listen i’m not like someone who’s a die hard gender bend person ?? idk what you’d call that but i don’t really care abt changing the characters i like how they are
while doing that (bc why not) i realised how much ppl just give the characters random ass names bc they start with the same letter and i beg you please stop it hurts me
like names hold so much power and if you simply look up the meaning of names or the origin of them that would be so obvious or even the simple reason their parents (or author) chose that name PLWASE
pipers name would not suddenly be peter hello ??? like why would we name her that why would annabeths name be andrew ? are we naming jason jessica now like what is the thought behind these names can we start really digging into this shit ???
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sunshines-child · 3 months
Hello there, my dear
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kitcat22 · 9 months
My Genderbent Percy Jackson Names ideas!
Hold on tight cause this could get long
Percy Jackson —> Penelope Jackson
Ive seen a lot of takes where persephone is used and while i could see sally or Poseidon naming him that as a way to appease hades and try and avoid his wrath, i like Sally choosing the name of someone who got a happy ending. Penelope in greek mythology faces a lot of hardships but in the end she did get her happy ending. I also feel like Penelope being married to one of Athena’s favourite champions goes well with Penny Jackson falling for one of Athena‘s favourite sons. Also this Penelope choosing to follow her boyfriend on his perilous journey (ie. Falling into Tartartus with him) than being separated from him like the original Penelope was.
Jason Grace —> Helen Grace
Doesn’t start with the same letter but i wanted a name relating to greek mythology that i could think of reasons for. Ican see multiple ways Helen would end up with her name
1. Beryl Grace names her that out of pride. She seduces the king of gods and now she has a daughter just as beautiful as the original Helen.
2. Helen Grace does actually look a lot like Helen of Troy and was named by zeus/Jupiter for the resemblance
3. Hera, the goddess of marriage and women, maybe not being as hateful of Helen of Troy because she’s one of Zeus’ demigod daughters and not a demigod son. Also the original Helen having tumultuous marriages (depending on which version you go by) just like Hera who’s husband is about as unfaithful as you get. I could see Helen becoming one of her fave demigods and wanting to honour her by naming this new child after her. Or again Zeus naming her for that reason.
4. Helen of Troy was used in an insult against Hera so Hera being like ‘fuck you this is the new Helen, she’s gonna turn out much better than the original and she’s all mine’.
Also Helen Grace ending up in a kind of forced relationship with a son of Aphrodite.
Nico Di Angelo —> Viviana Di angelo or Mirabella Di Angelo or Rosa Di angelo
This one I’m not as decisive on, but i tried to find some italian/latin names that could be shortened to a nick name
Viviana means lively. Can be shortened to Viv. I could see this as a sort of contrast to her being the daughter of god of the dead but also Nico going through a lot of shit but surviving.
Mirabella means wonderous beauty and admiral which i think Nico is. Could be shortened to Mira or Bella.
Rosa is just a name that was popular in 1930s italy.
Also Benedetto for Bianca
Annabeth Chase —> Anthony Chase
The chase family tends to go with long posh sounding names so i thought this went well. Means praise worthy. I could also see Alexander after Alexander the Great but i don’t like giving deep meanings to every single name.
Piper McClean —> Presley McClean
Chose this because it was one of the only male P names that i liked to be honest, but Piper’s dad is famous and famous people tend to give their kids stand outish, meaningful names so maybe Presley was named after Elvis or something like that.
Frank Zhang —> Freya Zhang
Also just liked this one. Could be Francesca (no clue if i spelled that name right lol).
Leo Valdez —> Leah Valdez
Closest name to Leo i could think of.
Hazel Levesque —> Henry Levesque
Just a popular 1920s boy name starting with H.
Thalia Grace —> Hector Grace
I chose Hector because Hector of Troy was the greatest warrior for Troy and i think Zeus would want his son named after a great warrior. Before you say ‘but Hector was defeated by Achilles so shouldn’t he be named after Achilles’ I think even Zeus might think twice about naming the possible child of the prophecy after someone that had to be shot down because he was getting out of control. I don’t know if it rolls of the tongue as easily as Thalia Grace but i also thought it went nicely with Helen.
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galaxyblast23 · 3 months
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3
Third Person P.O.V
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                          (Y/n) was gently shaken awake by her aunt as they arrived at the apartment complex that she and her mother lived in next to Sally and Percy. 
"Thanks for the ride, auntie..." (Y/n) said with a sad and tired voice.
Her aunt gave her a sympathetic look, "no problem,honey, take care..." She gave her niece a smile before driving off.
(Y/n) hated the looks of pity she had gotten from people.
But when you get kicked out of almost every school and your dad is absent people tend to feel bad for her.     
                          (Y/n) used the key under the mat and walked into the simple two bedroom apartment and smiled. 
She was happy to be home and away from that horrible school. 
She decided to wait for mother on the fire escape.
Her mother was a nurse at the hospital and often worked long shifts.
 Not that (Y/n) blamed her, her mother worked hard for her which she admired.                               
   Stepping onto the fire escape, (Y/n) let out a happy sigh as the sun kissed her face.
Even as a kid the sun always seemed to hit her in a beautiful way. 
It was never too hot and she had never gotten a sunburn in her life.
 "(Y/n)?" A soft voice called out.
(Y/n) quickly looked up and smiled running over, "mom!" she hugged her quickly.
 (M/n) smiled at her daughter, "oh honey, I missed you too," she hugged back. 
(Y/n) basked in this lovable moment with her mom, she loved her mother with a burning passion and her mother loved her back the same way.             
                  "Oh, honey," (M/n) cooed, stroking her daughter's hair with a smile, "you've grown so much since Christmas break." 
(Y/n) felt warmth in her heart at her mom's words, they sat on the couch with some cookies as she told her mom about her time at Yancy but stopping at the story of the field trip. 
"(Y/n)...Did something scare you and Percy?" (M/n) asked with worry in her eyes which was the last thing (Y/n) wanted to see in her mom's eyes. 
"No mom, we're fine, I promise," (Y/n) reassured her.
(M/n) pursed her lips, she knew (Y/n) was holding back, but she didn't push me.             
           "I have a surprise for you," (M/n) said, "we are going to the beach with Sally and Percy for three days in the cabin at Montauk." 
(Y/n)'s eyes widened she would play with Percy on that beach when they were 5-years-old.
"When are we going?" (Y/n) asked with excitement. 
"Once Sally and Percy come and get us, so go pack quick!" (M/n) said, (Y/n) running off quickly to pack.       
                     After an hour (M/n) got a text from Sally that they were ready for us to come down to the car. 
On the way down they passed Smelly Gabe and (Y/n) scrunched my nose as he past, he smelt like a dead cat and trash mixed. 
We put the luggage in the back and got in the car.
"Hi, (Y/n)," Sally greeted with her motherly voice.
"Hi, Sally," (Y/n) smiled before they took off.                   
       Percy and (Y/n) played a bunch of card games on the way up to Montauk while their mothers talked to each other on the way. 
Getting to the cabin, they unpacked before doing anything crazy.
When it got dark they made a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmellows and they we're having a great time before Percy and his Mom had a talk about his father.
 "Are you guys sending us another boarding school?" (Y/n) asked with worry.
Sally and (M/n) both looked at each other and had worried looks.         
                "We don't know guys, we'll have to figure out something," (M/n) answered for Percy and (Y/n) with a look of sympathy.
 "Because you don't want us around?..." Percy asked hesitantly.
"Oh, kids, no, we-we have to, for your own goods," Sally said quickly.
 "Because we're not normal?" (Y/n) spoke up.                 
         "You say that like it's a bad thing, (Y/n), but you don't understand how important you two are, we thought Yancy Academy was far enough for you guys to be safe," Sally told them as (M/n) nodded in agreement.
 "Safe from what?" The 12-year-old girl asked, just getting more and more confused by the minute.
 "There seems to be one place we could send you, both of your fathers wanted you two to go there," (M/n) said sadly. 
"Our dads wanted to send us to a special school?" Percy asked.
"Not a school," Sally corrected," a summer camp."              
               (Y/n)'s head as spinning, why would her and Percy's dad-who hadn't stayed for even a month after they both we're born, since they both had the same birthday- talk to our moms about a summer camp? 
"I'm sorry kids," Sally said, seeing the looks in their eyes.
They decided to end the conversation there but (Y/n) and Percy weren't satisfied.                           
 That night, (Y/n) woke up with a start. Outside, it was really storming, the kind of storm that cracked branches and blows down houses. 
With the next crack of thunder, Percy, Sally, and (M/n) woke up, sitting up, "hurricane," Sally whispered.
 Over the roar of the wind, they heard a distant bellow, an angry tortured sound.
A desperate voice-someone yelling, pounding on our cabin door.   
                          Sally and (M/n) sprang out of bed quickly and opened the door to reveal Grover, "searching all night," he gasped, "what were you thinking?" 
The kids mothers looked shaken, 'Kids, what happened at school? What didn't you tell us?" (M/n) asked sternly. 
Percy and (Y/n) were frozen looking at Grover, not understanding what they were seeing.
"O Zeu kai alloi theoi!" He yelled. "It's right behind me! Didn't you tell her?"
The two kids were in too much shock to answer. 
"Kids, tell us, now," Sally said in a stern tone the kids never heard before.
Percy stammered out the story about Mrs.Dodds causing Sally and (M/n)'s faces to harden.          
                    "Get in the car, all of you go!" Grover ran to the car but he wasn't running he was trotting. 
Because he didn't have feet, he had cloven hooves.
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