supernovasilence · 1 year
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The strange boy's eyes are as black as the depths of the sea, and when Caspian helps him, dripping, onto the deck, he walks with a swaying, stumbling gait. The men mutter and whisper—'tis bad luck, for sure, to find a castaway so far from any shore or shipwreck, and worse to bring him on board—but Caspian does not care. If the boy is cursed, Caspian welcomes the adventure. And if, instead, the stories are true, and some beings of the deep can change their form, shedding scales for skin and tails for legs in order to bring grief to sailors above…
Well, don't those stories also say merfolk hoard treasure beyond imagining?
Caspian grins at the boy, and the boy grins back, teeth sharp and eyes sharper. Excitement curls in Caspian's chest, and as the boy leans into the arm Caspian has about him, Caspian thinks one part of the stories, at least, is true: the folk of the sea are beautiful.
Casmund pirate x merman AU anyone?
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Vote based on the design AND the backstory
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(The Choice to Love - 2017-2018)
Role: side character
He works as a butler for Ernest, and he is very dependable and diligent, but rather closed off and quiet. He treats the others kindly and even friendly, but he never reveals anything about himself and is offended by questions. His very tragic past is revealed at some point in the story.
Žadgailas (here: human form)
(The Keeper of the Underwater Graveyard - 2023)
Role: Protagonist
He is a young merman who has been barred from contact with humans, aside from the graveyard that he manages. Ever since he was a child, he was made aware that humans see them as death deities, and that he should embrace that fact, but he was always deeply saddened by that fact. The moment he is first able to see the outside world, he feels as if having come to life, and he now seeks to expose the evils that he grew up with, even if it means putting himself in danger.
Additional info
The Choice to Love - 2017-2018
Status: incomplete (Romanian, English, a few chapters typed, many scenes handwritten, many comic scenes drawn etc, full outline done)
Form: novel
Genre: Victorian romance
Ernest and Jeannine are made to enter an arranged marriage. She is glad because she already had a crush on him, but he feels guilty that he can't force himself to fall in love. Many many many side characters all play a role in, directly or indirectly, imparting life lessons on the protagonists. The side characters also have their own complex dramas and lives. Ernest has a found family dynamic with his household servants, but has some sort of conflict with his family of origin, which gets somewhat solved by the end of the book, but under very dramatic circumstances. Jeannine is always by his side, so he realises hey she means a lot to me.
The Keeper of the Underwater Graveyard - 2023
Status: completed (English, typed)
Form: short story
Genre: dark fantasy, drama
This is a sort of dark little mermaid type of story, with Žadgailas, a young merman, seeing the human world after his only connection to humanity were the corpses he was tasked to bury. He begins to realise the sheer corruption of his world (mermaids being worshipped as death deities), and allies himself with a human girl, Lærke, to change this. They essentially get persecuted for this, and have to run away lest they risk their lives, but they do find a community who also believes in the true God. The loyalty between these two was only such a treat to write.
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Sailor Edmund Pevensie/Merman Caspian X
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leileitts · 4 years
✨i’M No OrDiNarY BRÖThEr✨🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️
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mermaidenmystic · 2 years
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The Merman King by Edmund Dulac (French-British artist, 1882-1953)  
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edmund-dulac · 3 years
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The Little Mermaid: The Merman King, Edmund Dulac
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abdomented · 7 years
"Harv help I'm so itchy! This rash won't go away no matter how much lotion I use!" "....I....I'm not sure how to tell you this, Dash, but you're developing scales."
HHHHHHehehe I wonder if this is the same transformation dialogue anon from before…
Either way, oh lord what a mental picture. Also: Dash waking up one morning and looking in the mirror only to see some SLITTED PUPILS staring back at him?? Slowly-becoming-reptilian!Dash ftw.
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simmancy · 5 years
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вríng thє вσчs σut
he ate my heart, he a-a-ate my heart
2 Spooky Bois... and One Merman for your games
CC listed under the cut - all clothes & hairs come from EA!
they do require some presets, so if you don’t have those in game they’ll look a little different!
Simbience’s Nose Presets
Squeamishsim’s Roman Preset
Vibrantpixel’s Summer Lips
Vibrantpixel’s Asymmetrical Lips
check out my TOU about sims here but the TLDR: they’re now yours, do what you will
🕴️ download here (simfileshare) 🕴️
Augustus Gloom (spellcaster)
overlay | skull....ery? | lashes
Edmund Munster (vampire)
overlay | lashes | vampire details | hairline | small skindetails
Theo Neptune (merman)
overlay | lashes | scales | face,,, gills | ears
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rainyday-deer · 4 years
(og Raptor anon) okay, so the merpeople au is basically the sundrop gives Punz (still a human) the ability to breathe underwater and Gothel is sort of a sea witch. Eugene's a lone pirate and The Dark Kingdom is underwater (Eugene's an hybrid basically?? His mom is human but Edmund is a merman) so Hector is a merman, ofc. The sundrop was found like very near the sea, on a coast cave and the moonstone is underwater and receives constant moonlight. Tell me what you think 👀👀
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Hey I love this?? Please tell me more omg
I really like the moonstone being under the water!! Especially since the whole Moon/Water correlation is like........... Super cool. I also like Punz being human but still being under water? Makes her being kept by Gothel seem more obvious in a sort of ‘well you don’t fit in REALLY do you?’ kind of way
So is Gothel a mermaid then? A human who lives under water via sea witch powers? How does this turn into Raptor i must know
Tell me more
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supernovasilence · 1 day
I wanted to post my merpirate au fic for Mermay, but, alas, I do not write that fast. Apparently I can whip out a video in four days, though. (thank you william moseley for being in a mermaid movie so i already had files on my computer lol)
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despairforme · 5 years
ANONYMOUS ASKED: how's mernnoitra doing? dead yet?
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ Hello, good evening and WELCOME to ‘ In The Spotlight ‘. I’m your host Forrest Blair. With us tonight is marine biologist and shark expert Dr Deanna Richardson, Steward Wright, spokesperson for Ocean World, and animal rights activist Joanna Graham. They are here to discuss the topic that’s been huge around social media these days. The ‘merman’ who now lives at Ocean World. Animal rights activists globally have petitioned that this unique creature needs to be set free. I’ll start, if I may, with asking you, Deanna. A lot of the activists are using the argument that this creature has such a high intelligence level, that keeping it in captivity is the same as doing it to a human. What are your thoughts on that? How intelligent IS this ‘ merman ‘? ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ Oh, highly intelligent. This new species might prove to be the most intelligent we know of. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that keeping it in captivity is cruel, or the same thing as imprisoning a human being. The likeness in behavior between the merman and the Great White, however, cause far more concern. It is impossible to keep a Great White in captivity. ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ This creature has the appearance of half shark - half human. Would you say it’s more a shark than human? ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ Yeah, absolutely. Its behavior proves that. There is a significant lack of curiosity, which we find in other intelligent naval creatures, such as whales, and especially dolphins.  ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ Obviously, Joanna, you are of a different opinion? You’ve been at the forefront of the protests. What are your thoughts?  ❞
     JOANNA GRAHAM:  ❝ I don’t know if Dr Richardson has actually been to the park and SEEN the merman--- ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ I have. ❞
     JOANNA GRAHAM:  ❝ Then you’ll know that he’s clearly distressed. He’s all skin and bones, and all he does is swim in circles. He’s got a terrible wound in his shoulder and several scars, as well as a blind eye. I don’t understand how people can look at him and say: yes, he’s having a good life. He needs to be let back into the ocean, as soon as possible. ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ And this has been the demand of so many different animal rights organisations. Steward, what does Ocean World have to say about this? Can you give us any information about the animal’s health?  ❞
     STEWARD WRIGHT:  ❝ Indeed I can. The first pictures of the creature weren’t published until a month after it arrived in the park. So, when people see the pictures of the merman and see its ribs, scars and blind eye, they naturally assume that these are wounds and health issues inflicted in captivity. However, that’s not the case. The pictures published were taken on the day it arrived. It was already underweight, half blind, and covered in scars. In fact, KEEPING it in captivity might be the only way to keep it alive. ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ So, you claim that Ocean World has had NO negative effects on the animal’s health?  ❞
     STEWARD WRIGHT:  ❝ Exactly. Our marine biologists say that its unlikely that it will survive out in the wild. Considering how underweight it was when it came to the park, it’s clear that it hasn’t been eating recently. It’s most likely due to its one blind eye making hunting more difficult.  ❞
 FORREST BLAIR: ❝ What are your thoughts on that, Deanna? Do you think the merman can survive out in the ocean?  ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ I absolutely agree with Steward and the marine biologists in Ocean World. An animal, and especially an aquatic one, would never be that underweight unless it had problems hunting. Considering the animal’s intelligence, we can only hope that it will soon accept being fed. It is the only chance it has to survive.  ❞
     JOANNA GRAHAM:  ❝ But, you said earlier that he is very alike a Great White, and it’s impossible to keep them in captivity. They WON’T eat. Why would he be different?  ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ Like it’s been explained, it was already underweight when it came to the park. This most likely means it has issues with hunting, but there might be something else stopping it from consuming food. We simply don’t have any ways of examining it yet. Until we do, we don’t know how its body operates. Whether it has an illness, some sort of organ damage, or any other health issue.  ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ But, with its - or HIS intelligence level, wouldn’t it be possible for his issues to be psychological? That he’s starving himself on purpose?  ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ No, this is not the case. It was proven by the... Terrible accident that occurred. This is a hungry predator. It wants to hunt.  ❞
     STEWARD WRIGHT: ❝ The horrifying accident that happened, when 18 year old caretaker Edmund Stephens lost his life, that definitely proves what kind of animal this is. With its intelligence level, it knew exactly what it was doing. It was an act of cruelty, and we’ve made several changes to the staff security, to ensure something like this never happens again.  ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ It was a shocking accident. Our thoughts go to the family and friends of Edmund Stephens. Do you think it’s true, Deanna, that the merman knew what he was doing?  ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ It’s difficult to say. It is a predator. It will kill, just like a shark.  ❞
     JOANNA GRAHAM:  ❝ Of course the accident was terrible. But, I think it should be a proof that he doesn’t belong in captivity. ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ I don’t think you quite understand the value of a completely new species. With its current health status, it would have slim chances of surviving out in the ocean. We can’t take that risk.  ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ So, should his health improve, your thoughts on releasing the creature would change?  ❞
     DR DEANNA RICHARDSON: ❝ Absolutely. We could learn so much from observing it in its natural habitat.  ❞
     FORREST BLAIR: ❝ Would Ocean World consider releasing him, if his health improved?  ❞
     STEWARD WRIGHT: ❝ I won’t make any promises, but I can assure you that the merman’s health is our number one priority. ❞ 
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jack-the-sol · 5 years
Fantasy AU Lineup: Part 2
I return with more boys. Let’s do this. 
The Aides: 
Richard Kidder Meade/”Richie or “Kidder”: A winged man. He’s the most sensible and stable one. His wings look like a Sea Eagle’s. Unlike many others, he has a tail (covered in feathers. He considers it a pain). He joined the group after getting stranded on one of the islands from a storm and hurting his wing. Upon seeing a need for help, he decided to join the rebellion against the British Navy invading the islands. 
Robert Hanson Harrison/”Robbie” or “Harri”: Another, much smaller winged boy. He cannot hold out during storms. He has the wings of a Military Macaw and isn’t suited for spying, flying long distances, or flying in rough weather. He’s very good at delivering messages and has an amazing memory. Full rainbow (he’s gay). He saves the feathers he loses and adds them to clothes or uses them as quills. He joined later than many of the other aides after literally passing out of exhaustion on the ship from trying to fly through a storm from the British. 
John Fitzgerald/”Fitz” or “Johnny”: Definitely not a winged boy. He’s a shapeshifter, though so he can change however he likes. He has a big crush on Tench. He joined everyone when he was trying to spy on them, but seeing their cause and honesty and courage, he admitted himself and Washington accepted him to the team. 
Tench Tilghman: He was the one that kissed Fitz first and he likes to remind people of that. He’s a pretty normal human, but wickedly smart (good friends with Tallmadge and Hale) and loves books and to write. He’s so used to writing, his hand almost never cramps. What makes him so special then? He can memorize things and never forget them. It’s been proven. He once received an anonymous love message from someone and submitted it to memory before hiding it. He copies every letter he sends just in case, though. 
James McHenry: The doctor. Nobody knows how he does exactly what he does, but he can heal you up better than anyone else. He has helped many of the aides himself when they’ve broken a bone or something. Due to Madison and Alexander’s tendencies to get sick, he’s kept with the aides as an honorary one, and in his free time, he bonds with his ‘brothers’. 
 The Queen’s Rangers: A pod of Killer Whale (Orca) mermaids. They’re allies with Washington’s fleet, though their leader takes orders from no one. They have a bad habit of sinking ships and drowning men before they’re supposed to. They wear special masks and armor, though it’s unclear why. Alex isn’t exactly a fan of them. 
Captain John Graves Simcoe: Captain of the Queen’s Rangers. A merman. He happens to have been assigned to this job by Major John Andre, who is a general that got injured during a battle and forced to stay on one of the islands they’re protecting. He started dating a lovely human man named Major Edmund Hewlett after “successfully failing” to keep prisoners alive, in his own words. He finds the shorter man endearing, even when he’s being scolded. Hewlett hates how ruthless he is, but Simcoe happens to have multiple mental illnesses and needs help, which Hewlett and the Rangers happily provide. 
Major Naval Captain Edmund Hewlett: Once a British Captain, then his boat was sunk by the Rangers under the command of Robert Rogers (who disappeared soon thereafter). After being interrogated by the Continental Navy (they call themselves), Hewlett learned their cause and joined it. He was more than helpful, having experience, but he is definitely not experienced in the fantasy side of things, which the British lack. He loves Simcoe with all his heart. 
Major Naval Captain John Andre: He’s a winged man in love with a mermaid named Peggy Shippen. John got injured during a battle and returned to one of the larger islands, where he vowed his love to Peggy, who gave up her tail to be with him. Unfortunately, British Captain Benedict Arnold is out to get her instead. Andre awaits the day he can go fight him face to face again. 
More to Come! This is only the tip of the iceberg. Below: Examples of the masks and rough, uncolored sketches of the Rangers.
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tornrose24 · 7 years
I Will Be There (FFB Style)
Hi! I hope you don’t mind, but I just came up with something cool! In the Little Mermaid AU, Krupp succeeding in separating the boys would be a good premise to sing this song from Count of Monte Cristo. And who knows? It could lead to a story where one of them escapes, becomes the richest merman alive, and vows to use that cash to mess some haters up! Street Justice! But I digress. Here’s the fic. George sighed as he heard the door lock, sealing his fate. It was completely dark in his cell, and cold too. But nothing was as bad as losing Harold, who was probably terrified. Even more so, probably, because he was in the dungeon at Krupp’s palace- and the mershark would most likely taunt him. The only comfort both of them had was that before they’d been separated, they’d promised to cast a spell. It would give them somewhat of a bond at night so they could talk to each other. It would be in the form of a song and would only work when the stars were out, so George had to begin now. The first few stars were out. He smiled, then began. In the light that falls at moonrise, in the rhythm of the rain, in the miracle of ordinary days… In the hush of night, I will be in the voices of merfolk everywhere. You will find me there. In the clatter of your meal plate, in the jangle of a chain, in a million little unexpected ways. When you lift your gaze, I will be like the shimmer of one small star out there, shining everywhere. The next words came out as a promise, for that was what they were. I will be there, beside you through the lonely nights that fall. So close your eyes and keep me in your heart. I will be there. Like mercy, I will find you through it all. This do I swear: I will be there. Harold had had his prison door locked by Krupp himself. For a brief moment, he considered cursing the king as he swam away, but he decided he had his whole sentence for that. He had a more pressing matter. He looked out at the sky through the one window his cell had, then sang. In the language never spoken lives the promises we make of the friendship that unites our hearts and souls. In the certainty, I will always be true and as near as my next prayer. You will find me there in the echo of the ocean, in the haunting of the wind, in mysterious, extraordinary ways. Through the darkest sky, I will be like the shimmer of one small star out there, shining everywhere. Harold’s promise matched George’s. I will be there, beside you through the lonely nights that fall. So close your eyes and keep me in your heart. I will be there. Like freedom, I will find you through it all. This do I swear: I will be there. The bond was strong enough that both boys could feel the pain in the other’s back from where their serial numbers had been carved into them. In these awful quarters. In the stone and mortar. In the star that we both share. Each voice was becoming louder in the other’s mind, and their presences were actually palpable now. In the sound of laughter. Now and ever after. Look for me- I will be there! The boys now spoke as one as the final affirmation of their friendship began. I will be there, beside you through the lonely nights that fall! So close your eyes- And keep me in your heart! And keep me in your heart! I will be there! Like justice, I will find you through it all! This do I swear: I will be there. Harold smiled sadly as he sang, This do I swear: I will be there. Each boy settled into their cot for the night, taking what little comfort they could from their bond. This do I swear: I will be there. Hope you liked it! And if you want me to, I can continue it. :)
I took a listen to the song @Future Legend (Uh, I never know if your name will pop up at the top when I share these, do you have an account yet?) That would be one EPIC bromance (and I’m a musical lover myself, so that was even more amazing) :D I’ve read the book before and I could see this happening. So would George be Edmund? He comes across as being the more charismatic of the two (I mean Harold would too, but his mentality was kind of… everywhere in comparison). Also… you had numbers carved into their flesh?! Yikes! (Also, I would personally go down there and smack whoever authorized that (and more) since that’s kind of like child abuse.) If you want to, I don’t mind if you wish to explore this (the idea of a Monte Cristo AU for Captain Underpants alone would be interesting).
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Reader Insert Masterlist Part IX {27/04/2020 Links Fixed}
If it says 18+ it means 18+. Please respect adult writers who wish to keep children and teens away from their adult content.
Beta- (Platonic Noah/Reader)
Graduation- (Emma Duval/Reader)
Fool For You- (Sam Wilson/Overweight Reader) TW: Bad days
I Can Tell- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Angst turns to fluff
The Jacket- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Break An Arm, Kid- (Steve Rogers/Reader) TW: Broken Arm?
Acceptance- (Platonic Peter Parker/ Non-Binary Reader) TW: Misgendering
Please Stop- (Bucky Barnes/Short Reader)
Bagels and Heart to Hearts- (Natasha Romanoff/Reader) TW: Sad reader
Gentle and Sweet- (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers/Overweight Reader) TW: NSFW, 18+, Smut
Man In Uniform {Part 4}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 5}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 6}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 7}- (Cop Bucky/Reader) TW: Mentions cheating, past emotionally abusive relationships
Man In Uniform {Part 8}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 9}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 10}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 11|The End}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Better Late Than Never- (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers/Reader) Sequel to Lonely No More
Bath Time- (Steve Rogers/Reader)
Fight For Me- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Violence, injury
Stranded {Part 1}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 2}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 3}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 4}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 5}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 6}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 7}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 8}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 9| Epilogue}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Fabric And Stitches- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
The Best- (Peter Parker/Reader)
You Lied- (Steve Rogers/Overweight Reader) TW: Mild angst Sequel to Gentle and Sweet
Cramps- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Periods
Sofa- (Tony Stark/Reader)
It Matters To Me- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Lil Angst
Focus- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Outside Intervention- (Erin Gilbert/Reader)
Teen Wolf:
Fifteen- (Past Scott/Reader) TW: Angst
Just Get In.- (Stiles Stilinski/Reader)
Make A Move- (Lydia Martin/Reader)
Secrets Always Come Out- (Stiles Stilinski/Reader)
Used To- (Past Stiles Stilinski/Reader) TW: Angst, break up
Dear Rabbit:
Druid? Like D&D?
Harry Potter:
Across The Room- (Luna Lovegood/Reader)
Mine- (Draco Malfoy/Underweight Reader) TW: Insecurities
Sick- (Draco Malfoy/Male Reader) TW: Reader being unwell
Missing You- (Hermione Granger/Reader) TW: Angst
Attempt Number Five- (Lucifer/Reader)
Scars- (Lucifer/Reader) TW: Injury, Angst
Mass Effect:
You’re Going To Be Okay. I Promise.- (Thane Krios/Reader)
You Hid It From Me- (Peter Parker/Reader, Past Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker) TW: Angst
One Night- (Sean Cassidy/Reader)
People Come And People Go- ((Parent/Child) Charles Xavier/Reader) TW: Heartbreak
BBC Musketeers:
The Situation- (Athos/Reader) TW: Angst, pregnancy
One of Those Days- TW: Bad day, unhappy reader
Stand In- (Porthos/Reader) TW: Injury, blood
Only Natural- (D’Artagnan/Reader) TW: Miscommunication
What If?- (Porthos/Reader) TW: Insecurity/fear
Loud Secrets
How To Get Away With Murder:
Too Long, Too Late- (Frank Delfino/Reader)
Watching- (Sam Winchester/Reader) TW: Hurt, Angst
Highway To Hell- (Dean WInchester/Reader)
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Bad Days Happen- (Jake Peralta/Reader) TW: Angst 
The Martian:
The Dare- (Chris Beck/Reader)
Unplanned- (Chris Beck/Reader)
4 Types of Kisses- (Chris Beck/Reader) TW: Mild angst
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
If I Could Turn Back Time- (Peter Quill/Reader) TW: Angst, hurt
Tangles- (Frank Castle/Overweight Reader)
Star Trek:
Mrs Kirk {Part 1}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) TW: Accidental Marriage
Mrs Kirk {Part 2}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 3}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 4}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 5}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) TW: Angst, hurt
Mrs Kirk {Part 6}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 7}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 8}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 9| Epilogue}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) 
Star Wars:
Love On The Brain- (Kylo Ren/Reader) TW: Angst, is all about the above toxic relationship so it’s not exactly a happy piece.
How To Get Away With Murder:
Strong- (Frank Delfino/Reader) TW: Mentions injury
Chin Up- (Eggsy Unwin/Overweight Reader) TW: Angst, body shaming
Magnificent Seven:
We Survived- (Billy Rocks/Reader) TW: Injury
American Horror Story:
Guys Like You- (Kyle Spencer)
How?- (Clint Barton)
Diaper Days- (Sam Wilson)
Soft- (Bucky Barnes)
Bad Idea- (Bucky Barnes)
IOU- (Tony Stark)
Upside Down- (Peter Parker)
Blushing- (Wanda Maximoff)
Down With Me- (Bucky Barnes)
Family Now
Child- (Loki)
Self Esteem- (Natasha Romanoff) TW: Insecurities
I’ll Always Be Here- (Bucky Barnes)
Tell Me...- (Sam Wilson)
I’m Just As Fucked Up As You Are- (Tony Stark)
Different Sides- (Bucky Barnes)
I Don’t Understand- (Steve Rogers)
Grace You With My Presence- (Loki)
Safety First- (Sam Wilson)
Ruin- (Bucky Barnes) TW: Angst
We Need To Talk- (Maria Hill) TW: Angst
Laundry Mishaps- (Bucky Barnes)
Pizza Cake- (Clint Barton)
Halloween - (Tony Stark)
Annoying- (Clint Barton)
Creative- (Bruce Banner)
I Don’t Care- (Loki)
Babe- (Bucky Barnes)
Marry Me?- (Pietro Maximoff)
You’re A Geek- (Tony Stark)
Amazing- (Karen Page)
Candy- (Jayne Cobb)
Hurt- (Merlin)
Not Mine- (Eggsy)
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Dance- (Hermione Granger)
A Lot Of Books- (Remus)
Sunburn- (Tina Goldstein)
Could You?- (Lily Evans)
An Ass- (George Weasley)
After 5- (Sirius Black)
Believe- (Luna Lovegood)
You’re Freezing- (Fred Weasley)
BBC Sherlock:
Almost- (John Watson)
What’s Going On- (Sylvester)
Teen Wolf:
Power Couple- (Stiles Stilinski)
Let Me In- (Scott McCall)
Stupid- (Jackson)
Okay- (Scott McCall)
Stood Up- (Lydia Martin)
Hostage Situation- (Dear Rabbit/OC)
BBC Musketeers:
Rules- (Aramis)
Big Brother- (D’Artagnan)
Cold- (Constance)
Allergies- (Aramis)
Five Years- (Athos)
How Could You?- (D’Artagnan)
Man From U.N.C.L.E:
Why Are You Dressed Like That- (Napoleon)
Snowing- (Napoleon)
Star Trek:
No Idea- (Kirk)
Presents- (Kirk)
Jurassic Park/World:
Mud- (Owen Grady)
Sleep- (Owen Grady)
Maze Runner:
I Can’t Believe- (Newt)
Dragon Age:
Soon- (Cole)
Camp-- (Krem)
Pacific Rim:
Pick Up Lines- (Raleigh Becket)
Tell Me A Secret- (Raleigh Becket)
I Don’t Want To See You Anymore- (Edmund)
Costume- (Alex Summers)
LOTR/The Hobbit:
Not Alone- (Aragorn)
Star Wars:
I Don’t Even Know Who You Are Anymore- (Kylo Ren) TW: Angst
Better Than This- (Obi Wan Kenobi) TW: Angst
I Loved Him- (Obi Wan Kenobi)
My Universe- (Rey)
Breaking My Heart- (Obi Wan Kenobi)
There Was A Time- (Kylo Ren) TW: Angst
Waiting- (Finn)
Words- (Lucifer + Chloe)
The Martian:
Missing You- (Chris Beck)
Just Smile- (Chris Beck)
Candy- (Beth Johanssen)
I’d Kill For A Coffee- (Chris Beck)
I Am A Doctor- (Chris Beck)
This Is Bad- (Ben Finn)
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
I Just Want A Hug- (Peter Quill)
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Cuddles- (Jake Peralta)
You Won’t Scare Me Away- (Dean Winchester)
Wonder Woman:
Trust- (Steve Trevor)
Magnificent Seven:
Sleep- (Billy Rocks)
Together.- (Red Harvest) TW: Racism
I’m out- (Audrey)
Fucked Up- (Darry Curtis)
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Sleep- (Gibbs)
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janejeffer · 7 years
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Edmund Dulac, The Merman King
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edmund-dulac · 3 years
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The Little Mermaid: The Merman King, Edmund Dulac
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