#merry starry
animunerdery · 2 years
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Well dang I somehow forgot to post this here!
OPtober2022 | 14 | STARRY NIGHTS
Play along if you want to!
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veronikamagic1214 · 9 months
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Merry Christmas to everyone! 😄🎄🎉🎁
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astrxealis · 9 months
i like how my last post is "astarion" but my rambles in the tags have nothing to do with him or bg3. anyway. good day & hats off to you all <3
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karamell-sweetz · 2 years
SO. SO WAS NOBODY GOING TO TELL ME. that sweet sweet white song actually has your centre say "merry christmas! :D"??? or was i meant to figure that out myself
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dreamylight5 · 1 year
Starry Carousel (Rosalina)
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8fmg8 · 2 years
Merry Christmas everybody!
Just sitting on a rooftop, watching the holydays go by...
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mj-muse · 9 months
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merry xmas everyone! 🕯️
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4giorno · 2 years
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YEAAAAH girlboss ibara is finally mine 😭💖
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
had some SAGAU thoughts this merry night
there's an old rumor that floats around the circles of the divine, that the Creator god will eventually and inevitably fall to the whims of the Abyss, consumed by the darkness forevermore. it terrifies the Archons and other divine beings to know that the one they worship and adore so much would have to endure such agony, so as all the devoted do, they try to prevent it. every law and order that is passed prepares only for the Creator's arrival, in hopes that the combined power of Teyvat will be able to keep their god safe and sound, sparing no expense to eradicate the Abyss' presence from the above world.
in their madness, they lay their eyes upon the one they worship and declare them- you- a heretic.
it was like a dream come true when you first woke up in Teyvat, the setting of your favorite game, but the dream quickly twisted into a nightmare as you found yourself hunted by every nation, seemingly every person yelling for your head on a platter. an imposter, they called you- a decoy sent by the Abyss- and for that, you deserved execution and death.
and execute you they did, when they inevitably caught you after weeks of running, your blood running a deep red on the pavement, speckled with nearly invisible stars.
when you wake up again, you first only feel pain, pain everywhere, from your head to the tips of your fingers. you want to cry out, but your throat is bone-dry, only faint, raspy coughs coming out. then suddenly you're surrounded by warmth, a pair of arms grasping your broken body gently with a soothing purr. Childe- Foul Legacy- cradles you lovingly, helping you sit up slightly to sip water before settling you back down with a soft croon, the entire Abyss silent and peaceful in your presence. Legacy traces the scar that runs the entire circumference of your neck with one delicate claw, letting out a quiet hiss at the thought of those foolish gods and mortals who hurt you before holding you closer and giving your head a comforting pat.
you smile, weak and faint, at the action, and Legacy rumbles in delight as the Abyss wraps around you; a dark, starry blanket of warmth and peace.
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bettyrightnow · 6 months
thinking about how taylor has talked about light or the lack thereof in the past couple of years .. how it began as "something happened for the first time in the darkest little paradise, shaking, pacing, i just need you" -> "you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room" -> "i'd kiss you as the lights went out" -> "starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights" -> "we could follow the sparks" -> "the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home" -> "meet me in the afterglow" -> "this ultraviolet morning light below tells me this love is worth the fight" -> "i've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night, and now i see daylight". and then it turned into "my eclipsed sun, this has broken me down" -> "across our great divide there is a glorious sunrise" -> "i'm sitting on a bench in coney island wonder 'where did my baby go?' the fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go" -> "it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down" -> "remember looking at this room, we loved it cause of the light. now i just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time" -> "half moonshine, full eclipse". how initially he was a force that pulled her from the darkness and brought her light, the light was a safe place from them to stay. then it became something that he was taking from her, not letting her shine as brightly as she felt they once did. it was something that she could only reminisce on from the dark that she had been re-delivered to. and how the beginning of the resolution of the arc, which i'm sure will be discussed in much further detail in ttpd, can be found in bejeweled: "i miss sparkling" "i'm still bejeweled, when i walk in the room, i can still make the whole place shimmer" "what's a girl gonna do? a diamond's gotta shine"
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aesthetic-bbyg · 1 year
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LA!Luffy x fem!genie!reader
in which Luffy stumbles across a seemingly quiet cave, till he trips over a genie lamp, and a flirty genie grants him all his desires
Nattie speaks: Someone needs to take my brain out my head bc these ideas be so random but I have to write or I will go insane
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THE GOING MERRY WAS DOCKED at the harbor of a large town, the new place was bustling with people and full of lively music. The positivity of the place was infection, there were dancers roaming the streets kindly smiling, and on each corner was somebody singing for some spare change. The smell spices and food was intoxicating, especially for Luffy as he wandered around with curiosity. Zoro was hanging back to protect the ship, the rest of the crew roamed for supplies and whatever they could afford with the extra berry in there pocket.
Luffy wasn’t sure how he got to the echoey cavern, all he knows is that his sandals were full of sand and the busy town was far behind him. The straw-hat boy walked through the sparkly empty cave, the sound of waves crashing against the rocks letting him know that what his eyes saw were reality. There was golden shimmer gleaming deep within the walls, it looked like constellations on a starry night, if you connected them they may create a zodiac sign.
“Hey is that the big dipp—“ Luffy let out a sudden yelp, foot catching itself against something making him topple over onto the rocky surface. He looked down, seeing a shiny lamp. The engraved gems began to twinkle, blue fog slowly fizzing out the opening before it levitated from the floor. Luffy quickly stood, backing up with his fist up and ready to fight whatever the hell was coming from the possessed thing.
Through all the smoke, a woman’s body takes form, making the lamp fall and clank onto the floor. The woman or thing, stretched and yawned. “Goodness.” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and looking around, eyes catching the presence of him. Your new master. You smiled kindly, tipping down your head in respect, picking up the lamp and handing it to him. “Hello, Monkey D. Luffy, thank you for releasing me, what is that you wish?”
The opened and closed his mouth, head titling to the side in utter confusion. “What—how did you—are you—where-“ The clueless boy stumbled over his words as the girl in the blue skirt and dangly gold jewelry giggled.
“C’mon, handsome, use your words, speak up!” You approached him slowly, “Need me to introduce myself? I can do a song, a poem, a speech, a dance, whatever you’d like, you choose.”
“Y-you’re asking me, what you should do?”
“Exactly!” You clasped your hands together enthusiastically, “Now you’re getting it, you’re my master, therefore, you choose what I get to do—but..” you lifted a finger, pointing it sternly at his chest, “no showing private body parts.”
Luffy blushed, face completely red and flushed as his hands coming up defensively, “No, no, I’d never ask you to do that.”
You let out another soft giggle, “I know, I’m only teasing, pretty boy.” You patted his shoulder, walking in a slow circle around him to get a full picture of your new master. “Either way I’d never expose any body parts, not unless..” Luffy glanced over his shoulder as you ran a manicured finger over his exposed shoulders, he caught a glimpse of the smirk on your lips. “You asked nicely.”
“I—I, no, I respect woman and all there body parts.” He said confidently, lowering his gaze as you walked back in front of him, his face embarrassingly flushed. “I even have a girl on my crew, and I totally respect her! She’s the navigator, one of the most important job!” With each word his voice got higher, growing nervous at the close proximity.
You smiled widely, wrapping your arms around his neck and embracing him tightly. “What a gentlemen!” You quickly pulled away, eyes wide in realization, “But, my, where are my manners!” Luffy assumed that you meant the sudden touchiness (which he didn’t mind all that much) but instead you planted a sweet kiss on his warm cheeks. “I am y/n, your genie!”
“Nice to meet you, y/n.” Luffy mumbled out shyly, “What..what exactly is a genie?”
Your brows furrowed, pulling back with a confusiones expression. “You don’t know what a genie is?” The curly-haired boy shook his head in response. “Three wishes? Genie in the lamp? Ringing any bells?”
“Uh, no?”
“Wow.” You placed your hands on your hips, “Well that’s definitely a first, I just thought you were confused because you saw a total genie hottie in your presence but,” you shrugged, walking further into the cave, “I guess that makes sense too.”
Luffy followed after you, jogging to catch up to you. “So are you gonna tell me what a genie is? What was it about wishes?”
“A genie is an powerful being that resides in a lamp until someone, a master, releases them. In return, you get three wishes.” You simply explained, hiking up the mounts of jewels and gold coins. “Trust, that you’ve never had a friend like me…or girlfriend.”
“So I can wish for any three things that I want?” Luffy raised a brow, following behind you, but staring at the expensive treasure with wide eyes, too entranced to hear what mumbled at the end of your sentence.
“Yes, but I can’t make anybody fall in love with you and again, no body parts,” You paused turning back around and looking the boy up and down. “For you…” You trailed off, a flirty smirk on your lips before turning around. “I’ll double it since you’ve been so nice.”
Luffy sucked in a breath, feeling a flutter feeling in his stomach, and his face heating up one more. “Um, and where are we going, Miss Genie?”
You threw your head back in a quiet chuckle, “You know your my master, I should be the one call your mister.” You smirked, turning back to look at him. “Unless your into any other titles, I don’t judge.” Luffy could’ve nearly exploded with the comment you casually threw at him, he was sure that his face could’ve been easily compared to tomato. “And we’re going to find a mirror, it’s been nearly five hundreds years crammed up in that stupid lamp.” You huffed, sliding down a steep pit of gold coins. “Here we are.”
Luffy just watched quietly as you examined yourselves, leaning in close to the reflection to swipe back any loose hairs or adjust your jewelry. You twirled, posing in various ways. “Wait, did you say five hundreds years?”
“Mhmm.” You hummed, “And still looking this good, don’t cha think?”
“Yeah.” The boy nodded, suddenly stopping. “I the least weirdest way possible, again, I totally respect woman and I’m just saying that you are very pretty.”
“I wish every master was like you.” You reached over to leave another kiss on his cheek, “Such a sweet, handsome boy.”
“Thank you.” He mumbled out bashfully, opening his mouth to say something but the nothing ever came out. It wasn’t till he felt the words forcefully spit themselves out. “Iwantyoutojoinmycrew.”
“There it is.” You smiled, “Well, as your genie I follow where ever you go, so consider me joined.”
“Really?” His lips twisted up into a large grin, taking your wrist and guiding back out the cave. “That’s amazing! I can introduce you to everybody, we have an amazing cook and Usopp is an amazing story teller, he’ll keep you entertained when we’re out on the open sea.”
You admired the boy with a smile, hearing his rant about his ship and amazing crew, but truly you were just waiting to get your hands on him. “I know a way you can entertain me when we’re alone.”
“I’m probably not as good as Usopp.” Luffy quipped back before processing your words, “That’s not you meant, huh?”
You gave him a wink, planting a kiss near his lips, making his eyes shift away from your hypnotizing ones. “So, are you ever gonna make your first wish? You got three of ‘em now, you know.”
“I think I’ll keep them for when I really, really need them.” The boy replied. “What even happens when I run out of them?”
“I go back into my lamp.” You nodded over the golden object in his other hand, “It’s my forever home, and I’ll wait until the next master finds me.”
Luffy frowned, “Then I’ll never use my wishes!”
“Already falling in love with me, pretty boy?” You smirked, wrapping your arms around his lightly toned one. “Just can’t get enough of me, can’t you?”
“Well—I mean, your very pretty, and—but that’s not obviously the only factor! You have a great personality, and you’re part of my crew now so we gotta keep you here, cause you important, y’know.”
“Such a lady charmer, master, have any experience any others?” You raised a brow, “Any experience specifically in the bed—“
“Luffy!” Nami shouted, running towards the boy with a relieved expression. “Where the hell have you been? We’ve been calling and looking for you!”
“I was with her!” The boy happily pointed towards the smirking genie that clung onto his arm.
“Luffy here has been busy.” Sanji walked up, hands in his pockets as a teasing grin twisted into his features, his eyes examined the lipstick stained all over Luffy’s face.
“And who this?” Nami questioned with a confused expression.
“I’m y/n.” You replied, “Master Luffy’s genie!”
“Master Luffy?” Usopp questioned with furrowed brows.
“A genie?” Nami muttered in disbelief, “This must be a joke, aren’t genies a complete myth?”
“No, y/n is the real deal, she came out of a lamp and everything!” The boy lifted the shimmering lamp up proudly, showcasing it to the rest of the strawhat crew who looked dumbfounded. Minus Zoro, who always held the unimpressed look on his face. “See.”
“Have you made a wish yet?” Usopp looked at the lamp curiously. Gently he rubbed the stained gold making you sneeze.
“Excuse me.” You mumbled.
“Isn’t, like, magic suppose to come out when you rub a lamp or twenty years of good luck or somethin’?”
“That’s only if I’m inside the lamp, obviously. And that’s a myth, by the way.” You rolled your eyes, “Rubbing it while I’m outside just tickles.”
“It tickles?”
You nodded in confirmation huffing and pouting a bit in a agitated manner, unconsciously leaning closer to Luffy’s side. “Yes, it tickles—stop doing that.” You lightly smacked the boys hand away from the lamp as he continued to fondle with the thing.
“Sorry.” He handed the lamp back to Luffy, who beamed happily.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s celebrate the new member of the crew!” The boy dragged you onto the ship, showing you everything there was to know about the Going Merry, then he showed you his quarters. Very proudly boasting that it was the ‘captains quarters’ specifically.
And so the blonde chef pulled out multiple bottles of rum, commencing the start of a fun night. The crew drank the night away in traditional Pirate fashion, loosening up a bit and cheering in a drunken haze. You fed into there intoxication by showing off your magic and making more bottles of alcohol appear within an instant. They were absolutely entranced by your skills, how powerful your magic truly was, how you’d managed to hypnotize them with a wave of your hand. Luffy watched with beautiful rich, round eyes as you walked up to him, taking the strawhat from his head and digging your arm into as if it held many treasures.
The loud applause and whoops when you pulled out your hand and revealed different objects echoed on the wooden deck. The trick left a tipsy Luffy confused when you handed his empty hat back. After a few more flashy shows, you bowed with a seductive smile, exiting their line of sight and letting them go back to their celebrating. You felt a puff of pride in your chest, giggling softly and turning your head to Lu—where the hell did he go?
Your head twisted around in search of your master, frowning slightly before you caught sight of him atop of the head of the sheep, calmly staring at the dark waves. You sneaked past the crew, silently climbing up the bow and floating in front of him. You revealed your pearly canines in a flirty smirk, tilting your head to the side.
“All alone up here?” You asked softly, swinging your legs on either side ship figurine. “The crew seems to miss you.”
Luffy turned around, noticing how the partying had gone quiet and they’d all fell in a messy pile of bodies, dead asleep. He chuckled softly, eyes remaining on his crew that he cared for far too much, it warmed his chest each time he realized that he was finally a pirate. Maybe not king yet, but at least a Captain. “I think…I’m ready to make my first wish.” His slowly turned back towards you, a small smile on his lips. “All my life I wanted this, the Pirate’s life, and now that I have it, I never want to loose it.” His eyes looked back at his crew once more. “I never want to loose them.”
You scooted closer to the boy, leaning in close with a smile. “Say the words, handsome.”
“I wish,” He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision fall on his chest, “to never loose the people I care the most about.”
You eyes twinkled with a golden shimmer, hands clasping together as a bright ball of light engulfed your body, “As you wish.” You whispered, making the light disappear and a rain of blue, shiny sparkles fall onto the boy. It pricked his skin, but not enough to cause pain, he looked up as you watched him admiringly. The twinkle in your eyes no longer there because of the magic, but simply because you’d grown to adore this infectious boy in a single day. “Do you realize how special you are?”
The boy shook his head, blushing slightly as he realized the close proximity between the two of you. “I’m not special, I’m just Luffy.” You chuckle, placing a warm hand on his cheek and planting a sweet kiss on the other before you waved your hand, making the golden lamp appear on in Luffy’s lap. “Where are you going?”
“To bed.” You replied, a fizzing smoke taking over you as it sucked itself back into lamp, your figure dissolving into the thin air as if you never existed. The boy sighed, taking the time to close his eyes and breath in the salty air. The sting of your kiss on his cheek remained, the ghost of your touch burned his body as he bit his lip harshly.
“I need to sleep.” He muttered to himself, standing up and climbing down from his spot on the sheep’s head, his feet trudged across the ship and into the large cabin where a comfortable bed was stuff in the corner of the room. He placed the lamp on his desk where a variety of maps and papers, including his wanted poster of which he was very proud of, and laid down on the puffy sheets. The straw hat was laid over his face as his eyes shut, a content sigh leaving his lips. His muscle relaxed, his breath begin to slow and deepen as the world faded into black. But the darkness began to test him, revealing the one person that swirled his mind.
He wasn’t sure if you’d poisoned him with your touch, but the hot, prickly sensation of you had spread to the rest of his body like a virus. A trail of goosebumps following the fire that ignited within his veins till he felt a tent form in his suddenly tight shorts. Luffy shoved the hat off his face, stretching his rubbery arm to reach for the lamp that mocked him from across the room. Gently he stroked the sides of the cool metal, making the familiar cloud of smoke appear as you landed right on his lap, straddling his hips with wide eyes. He sat up from his laying position and leaned in close, a bruising grip on your sides. “I need you.”
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I’m currently knawing at bars of my enclosure and ripping out all the hairs in my scalp.
PT. 2!
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x-uno · 1 year
Hey! Do you think you could make a OPLA!Zoro x reader but like fluff to angst something like that?? You can do whatever you want be creative :) thank you! XOXO
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Silent Longing.
Pairing: OPLA!zoro x reader
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In the quiet corners of our hearts, there often exists a hidden treasure, a secret admiration that we dare not speak aloud. It's a tale told in hushed tones, a whisper to the universe, a confession to no one but ourselves.
"You have to stop being stupid and risking your life, Y/N," Zoro grumbled, his gruff voice cutting through the stillness of the night. "You're lucky I saved your ass in time."
His words, though laced with irritation, were a stark reminder of the genuine worry he held for your well-being. 
You couldn't help but smile, a mix of gratitude and longing in your eyes as you met his gaze. "I guess I owe you one, Zoro."
He shifted uncomfortably, the weight of your words sinking in. "Just don't make a habit out of it. We need every hand on deck."
A wry smile tugged at your lips as you leaned against the railing of the Going Merry, gazing at the starry sky that stretched endlessly before you. "Heh, worried about me?"
Zoro, who had been standing nearby, turned his head away, his face hidden in the shadows. "Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not worried about you."
"Whatever you say, mosshead," you retorted, using the nickname you knew he secretly tolerated.
As the stars continued their silent dance overhead, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Zoro. His profile was bathed in moonlight, revealing the scars that adorned his rugged face. There was a magnetic allure to him, an irresistible enigma that had drawn you in from the moment you joined the crew.
In these moments of secret admiration, we become silent observers, watching from afar, admiring the beauty or brilliance that has captured our attention. We find ourselves drawn to qualities that resonate with our own desires and aspirations.
"You know, Zoro," you began, your voice soft, "sometimes I wonder if the Grand Line has as many mysteries as you do."
Zoro's eyes, ever watchful, shifted in your direction. "What's that supposed to mean?"
You shrugged, your gaze returning to the stars. "Just that you're a man of many layers, and I feel like there's so much about you I don't know."
A hint of a smirk played at the corner of Zoro's lips, though he still avoided making direct eye contact. "You think you can figure me out, Y/N?"
You chuckled, your heart feeling oddly light in this moment of vulnerability. "I don't know, Zoro. But I'd sure like to try."
In the days that followed, your interactions with Zoro remained a delicate dance of unspoken sentiments. The crew sailed through uncharted waters, facing perilous challenges and ferocious adversaries, yet the magnetic pull between you and the swordsman remained a constant presence.
There were moments when Zoro would surprise you, whether it was offering a hand to steady you on a rocky path or sharing a rare smile when no one else was looking. Those moments became the source of both your greatest hope and deepest despair.
"Y/N, watch your step," Zoro's voice broke through the tension in the air as you navigate the treacherous, narrow ledge on a seemingly endless mountain path. His strong hand reached out, fingers grazing your arm gently to ensure your balance.
You couldn't help but glance at him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Thank you, Zoro."
His gaze met yours for a fraction of a second before he turned away, his expression unreadable. "Don't mention it."
The ambiguity of his actions gnawed at your soul like a relentless storm. Did he see you as nothing more than a comrade? Or was there a chance, however slim, that he felt something deeper?
In the quiet of your own thoughts, you replayed those instances, dissecting each one for hidden meaning. But in the end, you couldn't escape the truth that hung over your heart like a storm cloud: Zoro's actions, no matter how seemingly significant, remained shrouded. 
"Zoro, do you ever wonder what keeps us going? What's the point of it all?"
"We have our goals. We chase them. That's all."
"But what about... other dreams? What if there's something or someone you care about more?"
He didn't answer right away, and you could feel the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. When he finally spoke, his voice was like a blade, cutting through the silence.
"Dreams like that are for fools, Y/N. They lead to nothing but pain."
But, of course, it was an inevitable truth that in the depths of our souls, unrequited love resided, an agonizing ache we concealed beneath stoic masks.. It's a silent longing that beats like a quiet drum, an unspoken declaration that remains locked within.
A  bittersweet melody that plays in the chambers of our hearts. We yearn for the love we give to be mirrored back, but fate has different plans. It's an unspoken story, a love unfulfilled, a heart that beats out of sync with the world.
 "But isn't pain a part of life, Zoro? It's what makes us feel alive, isn't it?"
Zoro clenched his jaw, frustration evident in his tense posture. "Feeling alive, huh? That's overrated. Life's about survival, not getting caught up in pointless emotions."
"But what if it's not pointless? What if it's what gives life meaning?"
Zoro's gaze bore into yours, and for a moment, it seemed as though he was about to reveal something hidden deep within himself. "Y/N, I've seen what happens when people get too attached to their dreams, to others. They lose focus. They get distracted. And then, they fall."
You felt a pang in your chest, a mixture of frustration and a growing sense of desperation. "But Zoro, isn't there something you care about? Someone you'd do anything for?"
Zoro's expression hardened, and he turned his gaze away from you. "I have my crew. They're my dream, my goal. Nothing else matters."
The silence hung heavy between you, a palpable tension that refused to dissipate. Your heart ached with the desire to break through Zoro's stoic exterior, to understand what lay beneath his tough facade.
"Zoro," You whispered, their voice barely audible, "sometimes, dreams change. Sometimes, they evolve into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. And sometimes, letting someone in doesn't make you weak; it makes you stronger."
Zoro's eyes flickered, a hint of vulnerability briefly surfacing before he buried it deep within. "I don't have time for distractions, Y/N. I won't let anything or anyone get in the way of my goal."
A tragedy it was, a love so profound it felt like both a blessing and a curse. To love someone with a depth that threatened to consume every fiber of your being, yet knowing that you could never truly be his was a torment that tore at the soul.
It was a love that coursed through your veins like a bittersweet poison, intoxicating your senses and clouding your judgment. Every stolen glance, every stolen moment, was a reminder of the forbidden nature of your desires. And yet, you could not help but yearn for more, to risk everything for the chance to be near them, to feel their presence like a lifeline in a world that seemed determined to keep you apart.
The very thought of  him was a constant ache, a haunting melody that played in the recesses of your mind. 
And yet, you knew that to pursue this love would be to court disaster, to dance on the precipice of ruin. The world had conspired to place insurmountable barriers between you, and the consequences of crossing those lines were too dire to contemplate.
So, you loved him in silence.
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© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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astrxealis · 2 years
i still kinda memorize jingle bells (french) lol
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sanjis-moulinrouge · 1 year
Sanji x f!reader | +18 | Smut
Summary: Sanji and Reader don't waste time when they are all alone at the Going Merry.
a/n: I tried to keep the romantic vibes <3 Also, I got inspired by a song called Sapphire, so… that’s the primary source for this fiction. Hope you enjoy and comments are welcome.
English is not my first language, so my apologies if something sounds unnatural.
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Moonlight bathing him, turning his back to the satellite, the outline of his figure hypnotizes you. His golden hair shines with grace and his sparkling eyes are fixed on you, you can't escape from the intense desire they emanate. Kneeling on the floor with the chin held on the surface of the bed, he is contemplating your entire self while your body is comfortably lying on bed facing up the moon. In his hand, a cigarette. The chef is so enthralled by you that the smoke is leaking through the window.
The sky is starry, the silence is broken at times by the waves. 
“We're all alone… together here dear” he whispers “completely alone… finally.” 
The fragrance of love in the room got you already craving for him. Sanji never gets tired of romance, you both enjoy the preamble and can be in that game for hours. 
Once the cigarette is out, he begins to crawl into bed, the prince of the night making the first moves. The atmosphere provided by the moonlight highlights parts of his body, his rolled-up shirt makes the veins in his arms stand out as he gets closer.
Gently he uncovers your legs and begins to caress them as if they were the most sacred thing before his eyes. 
“My queen,” he purrs as he slides his fingers in your thighs. The tension grows.
“I've waited for time alone for weeks. I think I'll die,” he confesses, frowning as he takes a long sigh.
He spreads his long legs to sit on top of you, placing your legs between his. Sliding both hands along your legs, massaging your calves and thighs, he squeezes them cautiously. His splendid hands made you feel a fervent need to place his fingers on your spot, but you wanted this moment to endure a bit longer.
“A-ah Sanji” you gasp “more, please.” As he pays attention to your call he smiles effusively.
His hands move to your lower stomach and pubis in circular motions. He loves to feel you getting ready, moistened.
He went slowly because he didn’t want to take your panties and shirt off yet. He wanted to touch your body first, every inch of it. That was a huge turn on for him, watching your body burst with desire. 
As you moan, he blushes and his shirt starts to get damp. His hands go up to hold your breasts, as he strokes them your pulse speeds up. “Oh darling, please” you beg. 
“You seem to be in a hurry, sweetheart,” he replies. “Let me… taste those curves with my hands first, precious.”
You could feel how hard he was and your eagerness to caress his crotch was tantalizing.
“Oh, honey” he groans while noticing your excitement.
He gets closer to give you soft kisses, first on your forehead and nose until finally your lips meet. “The night is young, you have to be patient. Remember who’s the one dying for this?”
You couldn’t contain a giggle… “We’re both craving for this, sweet prince.” 
For Sanji it's still hard to believe how you desire him. He is always worshiping you, day and night, no matter the context. But when you expose your yearning with your body language and words, it is the end for him. Acknowledging that the devotion is mutual is like bringing heaven down to earth.
“Ma chérie,” his trembling voice exposed his hunger. Unable to contain himself anymore, he sinks his face into your neck, slightly biting your earlobe, tracing a path with kisses to your shoulder.
As you weave your lips together, you unbutton his shirt and brush his chest softly. Undressing him while watching his muscles contract always makes you go mad.
“Touch me, please” he whines, pulling aside his pants alongside his boxers.
You have the most privileged view, now he moves his body closer, your hips are between his legs, having full access to his erection. Stroking his solid thighs, you bring your hands closer to his member, rubbing his head.
Sanji took his time to observe your motions for a while, your hands move delicately as the pace starts to accelerate, it is an exquisite torture. Breathless and feverish, he holds your hands to speed up the rhythm, he convulses and moans, before he could reach his climax, you set him free, releasing small precum drops.
“We are not done yet, my love,” you murmur.
Moving aside, he doesn’t give you time to take control of the situation, throwing himself next to you, he starts to tap your spot passionately. “You're so wet, y/n,” he utters fondly in your ear.
Removing your panties, his fingers move between the damp lips of your pussy, rubbing your swollen clit. As he plays with the pace, you feel his hard cock pressed near your hips. You love when he spoons you, so you push and squeeze his waist towards you. The circular motions on your clit make your back arch and whine, he adores to observe your reactions, shockwaves down your spine, your body bursts into an orgasm.
“Let me get inside,” his fingers move to your entrance, putting them slowly inside you until he comfortably reaches your sweet spot. Your body was still shaking with the first orgasm. “A-ah,” you grunt. Raising his fingers, thrusting them up, you start feeling his fingertips rubbing inside and staying consistent.
“Please…” you whisper. “Please go faster.” Sanji’s pulse quickens. His fingers go faster than before and you moan while breathing heavily. Sounds echo in the room, and now the extreme thrusts and sounds of your luscious insides bring on another orgasm quickly.
“Oh my…” you say as your body releases its tension. Sanji could feel the heat and moisture coming off from your spot as he pulled out his fingers slowly.
Your body pulses, going numb with pleasure as tiny moans escape your vocal cords, he hold them back as if they are the most precious sound.
“Are you ok, y/n.” he asks. You look for his face quickly to capture his lips, biting and sucking them, flicking your tongues against each other, groaning. Your bodies tangle, seeking and stealing all the desire.
In a frantic impulse, you switch position, sitting on his lap. “My love, let me watch you move on me…” he gasps. You wanted to give him back all the love and pleasure he previously offered you. 
Looking down at him with a lustful stare, you start to adjust yourself into his erection. As he gets fully into yourself, you start to ride him at a slow pace. His hands grip your hips, the warmth inside your walls gives you goosebumps.
“Shit”, Sanji babbles as you bounce continuously. “My love” you cry when he grips even harder and sinks you down on his cock again and again. 
Holding hands, you start to swing faster, creating an electric friction. “So good, y/n” he mumbles. Scattering sweat, sparkling, you lean down to kiss him, your tongues clash. 
“A-ah” wrapping his hands around your waist, moaning loudly, you feel his orgasm forming.
Piercing himself deeply into you, making the last motions, you climax together. 
Ecstatic, you kiss and taste each other as you find a comfortable place next to him. 
Resting your head on the pillow and facing his lovely profile, you see him trying to catch his breath.
“You make my heart go crazy… I feel so alive, dear” his sapphire eyes gleamed with the moonlight while raising his neck slightly to meet your gaze, pouring his exhausted body onto you, he embraces you to warmly say good night.
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gabrielleragusi · 11 months
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"To the north, different mountains surrounded the city across the river—a range of sharp peaks like fish’s teeth cleaved the city’s merry hills from the sea beyond. But these mountains behind me… They were sleeping giants. Somehow alive, awake."
Velaris, the City of Starlight, from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, was the location for the June Wanderlust Window collectible included in The Bookish Box's YA box ✨
Which Court would you call home? I kept thinking, 'I want to live there,' while painting this landscape. Only last night, the sky finally cleared where I live, and it was so beautiful. I saw a real starry night for the first time after months of pollution and bad weather.
Instagram  - ArtStation - Website - Inprnt - Etsy - TikTok
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whatever-imagines · 29 days
Can you we please get more Butch Wolverine?! Please?
Merry Christmas.
Rated: G
Logan scratch the back of her neck uncomfortably while staring at the party goers. There were too many sounds, too many smells, too much… everything happening all at once. She craved the solitude of her room; the distraction of you came to mind, maybe she could convince you to ditch the Christmas party all together and hide away from everyone.
Logan’s keen eyes seek you out and find you in the crowd. You’re dressed nice, cute; carrying a bag of presents as you distribute gifts to your friends and teammates. You looked so happy and thrilled to make everyone else happy and thrilled.
On second thought, maybe Logan should just pull a lone wolf card and leave by herself. You seemed to be enjoying yourself too much to have her pull you away for selfish reasons.
As she turns away though, she hears you call her name, hears you wrangling through the crowd, and Logan is equal parts thrilled and worried. What if you try and make her stay? Or worse, join in on the festivities.
“Lo! Logan, wait a sec, I have something for you!”
The Wolverine groans lowly. It wasn’t that she was hard to shop for, it’s just that people misinterpret what she wants, and then she feels bad about not wanting the useless crap given to her.
“Listen princess-“ she starts to protest, starts to stop you, but she couldn’t get a third word out before you toss a very small package at her.
Logan catches it mid air, effortlessly. The wrapping was buffalo plaid, no bows or tinsel or extra dress. With a questioning eyebrow, Logan gives you a look.
You stare at her all starry eyed and excited. “Well? Open it! It’s your present!”
The wolverine shift her step. “I’m not big on gifts-“
“Open it, Logan.” You demand.
The firmness of your voice makes her relent. It’s a rare occasion to see you stand up to her about anything.
With deft fingers, the wrapping was removed, unceremoniously dropped to the floor, and once the small black box was revealed, Logan worries the worst, jewellery.
Sucking in a silent anxious breath, she opens the box.
“A leather keychain?” Logan questions, also taking not of a silver knob looking thing attached to the ring.
“Open the leather bit, it’s a cigar cutter!” You exuberantly explain.
Logan pauses as you continue to ramble. “You always use your claws and I know sometimes you’re in a place you just can’t pop them out, so I got you this nice one instead! And that little silver one is a cigar puncher, you can unscrew it to use it.” You go into detail, moving closer to show off the present you thoughtfully gathered for your companion. “There in this keychain so you can add it to your carabiner. Merry Christmas!”
Logan stares at you intensely. This was… honestly the perfect gift for her. True, she uses her claws mostly to cut her cigars on the road, and if that wasn’t an option, her trusty pocket knife was always there, even if it did a shitty job. This was well thought out and personalised to her specifically. You even got a puncher, another form of to open up certain kinds of cigars. And in a fashion she could carry it with her constantly.
A little reminder of you and your thoughtfulness.
Logan purses her lips together to think carefully about what she’ll say next, all the while you stand there, pretty and perfect, waiting for her to respond.
“Thank you.” She settles on. No jokes, no smart Alec comment. You deserved sincerity at this moment. “I didn’t get you… anything-“
“Well, do you like your gift?” You ask.
She did, Logan really did. She loved it, she loved how the leather smelt like the sweat from your palms, you must’ve messed with it greatly before giving it to her.
“Yes, but-“
“Then that’s the best present you could’ve gotten me!” you chirp, delighted.
Logan wants to respond smoothly, wants to give a compliment suave enough it makes up for not having anything physical to give you, but you’re called away by a smiling and laughing Jean.
Before you leave, you rush Logan for a quick hug, which she reciprocates. The scent of you fills her and makes her almost giddy.
‘Merry Christmas, indeed.’ She thinks idly, looking for mistletoe hanging around and planning on pulling you under it.
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