#mesmerized by mesh
laurettelarue · 11 months
Mesmerized by mesh... and gloriously beautiful Jhenna Greey
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
Pluto through the houses: Synastry
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1st: Both people have a way of prying under the skin of the other bringing all the insecurities they thought were hidden to the light. It can be almost jarring and abrasive. Even though its not intentional they pick up on it so naturally they probably didnt even know they hit a wound. This relationship may come about at a time when your self image and public persona is going through a change. Lying about that image can also be an issue here. Lying to protect how the other views your life. A lot of glamorization and intentional avoidant of details. These two can be mesmerized by the persona of each other. Pluto person is almost thirsty for the attention of house person. House person likes the attention but is much more nonchalant about it maybe even a little scared of plutos intensity. Their upbringing emotionally is similar but may not seem similar in the physical aspect of it. People could look at this couple as an odd pairing. It can seem taboo for one or both of them. You can tell that they were attracted to the darker aspect of each other. Its pluto so you know the power dynamics are being tested, pluto person is controlling over the house person. Sometimes that could be to extreme extents. They want their full undivided attention always. If pluto person releases their grasp this can be a very powerful magnetic couple. Manifesting with ease through how others view them together.
2nd: Pluto person ''levels'' house person up, this could be financially or with plutos image but essentially both people add to each others persona. The flow is more natural if the woman or more feminine person is the house person. Wishful thinking could be a problem here because this is actually a very romantic placement. The way love is expressed if very comforting and ideal for both people. Theres a mutual taste in the type things you enjoy so it becomes easy to believe you might not get this somewhere else. The dates are very fun and the couple loves to show each other off. This is one of the easiest houses to create abundance in as a couple. Balancing work and love is an obstacle, if both parties aren't equally as committed to setting aside time together. It can easily become a situation were someone feels neglected. It takes a certain amount of emotional detachment to have a long lasting relationship with this placement. Id say this is a more subtle place for pluto to be it isnt as harsh as some of the others.
3rd: Challenging each others views is almost second nature. Both help each other think outside the box. Their perspectives usually differ quite a bit so it makes for interesting conversation. Pluto person redefines how house person approaches business and relationship matters, offering constructive criticism that the house person usually appreciates. This placement can be nice for an entrepreneur and their partner. Pluto person sees house persons gifts and wants to help refine it. House person teaches pluto person new ways of achieving goals. Too much focus could be on career matters and the relationship could be on and off one or both parties could make excuses for why the communication isn't consistent. One person can try harder to keep the relationship together the other avoiding emotional intimacy. When things are smooth they view each other as the ideal partner then the communication waivers again. Pluto person encourages house person to come out of their shell. If you have any fears about expressing yourself without guilt or shame. In its positive this relationship will help you feel comfortable being yourself without judgement.
4th: Pluto person reminds house person of family member usually a parent. For better or worse. These two came together to unlock something in each others DNA, realizing something about their worth or finding a new sense of gratitude. They mesh well into each other, operating like they've been together for years even if they just met. This connection could've been established through insecurities or for financial benefit. There could be insecurities around how much more money one person makes over the other or secretly competing with each other. This relationship could demand a lot of time and attention being distracting to the career of one or both parties. Or on the flip slide someone can feel unseen and lonely falling to the backside because of the career of the other. Emotionally there's a feeling of being unfulfilled like something is missing. House person views the pluto person as their ideal, perfect match even, The childhood of these two was similar. They share similar wounds around the upbringing. Others may look at this couple and think why are they together? They don't care how people view them they have an understanding between each other. They view each other as someone they would want to have a family with. They are very giving towards each other the energy balances well they know the unspoken things that would make you smile. They fit well into each others families. This person can feel like your calm space, enjoying spending time together at home.
5th: They both love children and can want to have a family together. If they have pets they treat each others pets like their own. They see the beauty in each other and want show their partner off to the world. They introduce each other to a lot of new people blending into each others friends group really well. Power struggles can create tension because they could feel like the other person plots on how to have power over the relationship.Pluto person has a lot of control over the emotions of house person. House person may try to play it cool but pluto has a hold of them. Pluto person wants to lead the relationship but house person may not be okay with that. Public arguments could be familiar to them. It doesn't even have to be an argument but people can tell when they aren't on the same page. They can try to make each other jealous when there out together. Its exciting to see each other worked up. House person could want more public affection so the jealously feels reassuring. This connection could've started at some sort of get together or the first few times they were around each other there were other people present. They could embarrass each other in public flirting with someone in public in the lower natures. This connection feels very familiar to both people. They could feel like siblings not in weird way lol but just the way they were raised and how they think, its very similar to each other. They have alot of fun together. It takes both people back to childhood. This could've started as just friends then turned into something more.
6th: Friends to lovers type of vibe. This match could've been unsuspecting. Knowing each other for a while but just now deciding to give love a go. Theres a lightheartedness about this connection. Both people are just seeing where it goes without pressure or expectations. No expectations may not be the best thing though, it may keep these two in a cycle of unknowing. They can feel like they manifested each other but question if their ready for what they asked for. Self worth issues play a big role here. Theres changes that need to be made internally to make this connection work but one or both people are reluctant to change. Holding onto the past wounds from relationships. Making the assumption that everyone is the same. The energy in this connection can be unbalanced. Someone feels they aren't good enough for the other or thats implied by the other person. Routine are a topic of conversation, they could feel insecure about how they spend free time and feel the need to lie about what they actually do or feel uncomfortable about always doing the same things. On the flip side they can give each other better physical and mental habits, showing more efficient ways to get things done. Living a more healthy lifestyle and thinking more positive. They love spending the morning together getting ready together. The type to make sure you've ate and check in just to see how your doing. They show love by being reliable. This is the type of couple that would discuss what their gonna wear so their outfits are similar. They could have a busy schedule and have to plan time together. Meeting up could always feel so exciting because of the timing factor. Teaching each other how to be honest about your needs and expectations could be hard but pluto is in the 6th house for a reason.
7th: Pluto person wants to show house person off to everyone. They feel like they really got a catch and wants everyone to see how special house person is their very proud to be with them. They want to invest in each other, bossing up each others aesthetic and or finances. In the lower octave the masculine energy fears the feminine is attracted to them mostly because of the money or gifts. The masculine can have insecurities around their worth so they lead with money but then still feel unloved because they led with materials. Both people couldve came into the relationship with insecurities about the physical body they make each other feel confident and dissolve the previous thoughts. They want the same things in life, sharing the same values. Be aware of the promises you make not getting carried away in excitement and not being able to uphold it. Or vise versa the actions are more important than the words. They could've meet on social media or in a work setting. Theirs interest around what each other do for work. Something about the career is attractive to the other. They bounce ideas off each other and help further their career advancement. Maybe even working together. They don't mind putting pressure on each other to maintain a level of structure and refinement. They watch your social media pages fantasizing about the two of you together. Also something about the way this person dresses you either love or you just want to dress them yourself.
8th: At first they could've found it hard to completely give into this connection and avoid true intimacy. Serious commitment is important for them they aren't into flings, they do things with a purpose. They view the relationship from a practical standpoint and analyze how this will contribute to their lives and how much they are willing to give to make it work. When the bond is proven to be strong they want to share their resources. They can give too much though then build resentments about not feeling the energy is being reciprocated. A lot goes unsaid, trust issues and resentments are lurking in the shadows. On the stingier side pluto person doesn't want to share their success with house person or they want house person to jump through hoops for it. They love sharing information with each other. This couple can be a mystery to others. They dont share much about their relationship preferring to keep things private. They notice the friends their partner has that dont have their best interest at heart. Self esteem and codependency issues could show face. The arguments they have are intense. Triggering unspoken insecurities in each other. This relationship builds the confidence of each person. Your a safe space for each other without judgement. On the flip side its important to focus on your own identity and not get to caught up in what your partner thinks. Change because thats what you want to do. Learning to relax and go with flow will do this couple well. Except that everything cant be planned and controlled. This placement creates a solid foundation for a long lasting relationship.
9th: These two share a lot of experiences together. They've been a lot of places together, been seen in a lot of rooms together, everyone knows that these two are together. People cant take their eyes of these two wanting to be in their business. This placement really makes me think of youtube couples.Transforming each other preparing for the spotlight. They really boost each others popularity. They love to be seen out together but that makes sense because they get alot of attention. They share a lot of similar interest and love to combine ideas. An example would be two musicians making songs together. Wounds of hyper independence makes being available and being of service something that really brings them closer together. Traveling together is really looked forward to. Traveling also doesn't have to be physical, a lot of mental shifts happen in this partnership. You really get to witness the growth in each other. In the lower natures the ego wars are strong here. Both people don't wanna feel like their submitting to the will of the other. They make each other chase, a lot. Outside influences cause a lot of friction in this relationship. Other people could know when their at odds with each other. Both like to go back and talk to friends or the internet about whats going on. The arguments are PETTYYYYY. They affect each others self esteem alot.
10th: Proud of each others public image, the work ethic and goals align. These two make a good team they share alot of similar ideas so they naturally go towards the same direction. Creating a business together could be a good idea. They look very aesthetically pleasing together and both know this, using it to their advantage whenever they can. This connection could be stop and go or have taken a while to really get off the ground. It seems there was always something else taking attention away from growing the spark. The more dominant energy could subtly restrict how much the other person expresses themselves. Power struggles and feelings of having to fight to have your opinion heard may present but thats the perfect time for them to assert their own beliefs. Which will always be respected in any healthy relationship. Putting on a brave face when things might not be so well is something that attention might need to be brought too. You cant have support if your not honest about your needs. The relationship could be different behind closed doors than what they present to the public. An example is seeming serious in public and maybe not that affectionate but much more goofy and relaxed at home. When traveling together may be a time frustrations really appear. One person could me more relaxed with how they do things and the other could prefer to have a schedule and routine in place. They could also want to do the same things but at different times. They feel a responsibility over each other, they stand up for each other.
11th: There is a lot of love to go around. Friendships, familial relationships and business relationships are equally as important as intimate relationships to this pair. This is a very busy couple that has hands in many points they both have hobbies or responsibilities that take up a lot their time. Double dates would be really fun for them. Doing physical activity together really grows this bond as well. Beware of how much money your spending when together. Yall like to have fun first and consider cost second. Trying new things together is something that really brings this couple closer. They love surprises and spontaneous dates. Both people are very good at vetting out potential partners their very particular about who they show interest in. The fact that you two came together you take the union serious and both require the stability of a solid foundation. This started as a friendship then grown to become more serious. You didnt expect to meet this person when you did. Meeting through other people, spontaneously or online. The friend groups of these two are different they can also come from different cultures or have different upbringings. In the lower natures someone could want to much freedom, they dont want to put ''tittles'' on the relationship. Favoring partying and keeping the vibe light and friendly. Pluto person could try to use house person as a status upgrade. Like the gateway to other groups of people. Im sure they would just call that networking though lol. This relationship can lack a long term vision. One or both people can feel like they aren't worthy of a ''normal'' functioning relationship. Preferring to keep things spontaneous when their actually just running from fear of the unknown.
12th: This couple manifest success together easily, people are intrigued by them. They give power couple vibes. Something is very alluring that brings alot of attention the magnetism has plutoian qualities. Others could think they'd like to have a relationship like this one. Thats from the outside though. Both people know how to keep private matters private. I think of public figures that want to uphold a certain image. These two idolize or romanticize each other, ignoring the obvious red flags. They can become very codependent on each other for emotional fulfillment. If their not on good terms it messes the whole day up. Breaking up to make up. Loving the passion that comes with it. Balancing work and the relationship may be something that has to be worked out. The arguments are very intense and passionate. There personalities start to merge into one, they start really sound, look and act alike. They give so selflessly to one another. They have dedication and patience to get through the challenging times. Their spirituality is developed through their love for one another. Experiencing things they haven't in any other relationship. Truly changed for the better. They understand each other like no one else ever has. They've both experienced something that was very specific and that bonded them. Its the 12th house so you know i have to mention addictions. Yes, this could be actual addiction to a substance but it can be an addiction over the career, belief system or relationship. An area in this persons life gets way more attention than the others. The belief system of these two can be different or started different.
Songs: i put a spell on you- Alice smith, haunted- Beyonce, sycamore tree- Kali uchis, boomerang- Yebba, something about us- Daft punk
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osachiyo · 11 months
love, love, what do you think about a reader who has really thick thighs :0 how would the bsd men react to it >:0 I feel like Nikolai/Dazai would like to force the reader to sit on their face lol (it’s a thirst just in case!!)
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ note. . . AAAAAA this ask made me so insane tysm for this nonnie. . . (mdni) not proofread sorry im a lazy fuck </3
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dazai would love them, maybe so much so that its a little concerning— only a little though ! he'd lovee to lay his head on your plush thighs, whining for you to sing him to sleep— its the only way he can get some rest, y'know? he already loves your thighs so much but if you like wearing booty shorts, tights or even stockings? this man is a goner. just a heads up though, they're gonna be ripped to shreds by the time he's done with you. and no, he's not gonna buy you new ones (he's too broke ya'll)
he's definitely gonna beg you to sit on his face— at least do it once for him, won't you? oh but when you actually give in, he's so fucking happy he could basically die. he'd even say it to you— pretty brown lashes fluttering as he slurs out muffled words like— "god, bella. i could just— could just suffocate between these thighs," and if you know him, you know he's being dead serious. but you can't bring yourself to complain when he's practically making out with your pussy so fuckin' good, making you drool and sputter your words as he runs his tongue up and down your slick folds. filthy slurping noises escaping his lips while his fingers dig into the fat of your thighs— they're definitely gonna bruise later..♡
chuuya would find them adorable. he just loves to bury his face between them. not even in a dirty or suggestive way— he just found it so comforting, y'know? but also would be downright mesmerized by the way your thighs jiggle and spill out of your tights— blood rushing to his face and he can't help but sneak a couple glances at your plump thighs. shit, did they look good but he just wanted to rip them off as soon as possible.
and rip them off he did— blunt nails easily ripping the fabric of your mesh tights as he continues lapping at your soaked cunt. he only chuckled when you gasped and whined about how those were your last pair! he'd peak his head from between your spread thighs— tongue running over his swollen lips and god, did he look like a total fucking mess. his eyes were glazed over with pure lust and love for you— twinkling with delight as you moaned and clutched onto the bedframe, holding on for dear life as chuuya ate you out like a fucking animal. a sloppy grin graced his features, hand moving from your thigh to reach between your legs— pushing two gloved fingers in with ease. "relax, doll. I'll buy you all the tights you need. jus' lemme enjoy my fuckin' meal." and with that, he dived right back in..♡
fyodor found the contrast between your body and his own adorable. he was tall, lanky and slim. you, on the otherhand, were plush, soft and just....so enticing to him. he loved each and every part of your body, of course but your thighs— god, your thighs. he'd love to just bury his face between them and stay there for hours. not that he'd ever admit it, though. his pride wouldn't allow it. that doesn't mean he wouldn't show his adoration for them in a...different way, of course.
he'd lay you down gently on your shared bed, kissing every part of your body from head to those delicious thighs of yours. and after he's finally done— he'd press them together before sliding his cock in between. what? why're you looking at him with those pitiful eyes of yours? what better way to showcase his love for your plush thighs than to fuck them, no? he'd shudder at the way the flushed head of his pretty cock would catch against your clit with every drag of his hips. he'd only laugh cruelly at your whining and begging for him to just put it in! oh well, he's not stopping anytime soon until he gets to cum all over your pussy and those pretty thighs of yours so..goodluck..♡
nikolai would just.. keep his hands on you all the damn time. i mean, how could he not? when you're practically asking him for it! that's why you decided to wear those tight stockings, didn't you? to show off your mouth-watering thighs to the world? he just couldn't keep his eyes off them the entire fucking day. the way the fabric clung and dug into the meat of your thighs and fuck. how could he not get rock hard?
and that's how you ended up seated on his pretty fuckin' face. eager tongue exploring your insides as guttural groans and growls left his parted lips. he was soaked— head getting squeezed by your thighs and he could almost cum from the feeling. his hands were also busy— occasionally slapping and pinching the soft fat on your thighs and snickering at your high pitched squeals. he'd also lift you a little by grabbing the back of your thighs just to look at you with those drunk-dazed eyes. and fuck, he was practically pussy drunk. he wasn't at fault though! it's all your fault for having such nice fucking thighs..♡
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS »»————> @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @lxverss @lynxxyyy @nanamibeloved
@sorahatsumi @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @hannzai @honeycombflowers @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @poisonedslop @sukiischaotic @squigglewigglewoo @boba-is-good @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter @4xxxv @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @qqingque @lunaeheroine18 @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @leftrunawaybanana @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @otakudul @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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toxicanonymity · 3 months
the green
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WC: 2.4k... I guess to find a scene, I had to find a world, then I didn't want to trim the fat because I liked it 😔
PAIRING: Ezra x f!reader; ft. others.
A/N: For @iamasaddie's writing challenge 4.0. I got Ezra: Aquarius, (i decided dark) Rave AU. Some of you write Ezra dialogue so well and true to character. That is not my forte and I didn't force it, but he speaks differently than others.
WARNINGS (not exhaustive, read at your own discretion): I8+ stefon voice: "this club has everything." drugs, surrealism, dark atmosphere*, sex cult vibes, public nudity, jacking off, manhandling, cumshot (dubcon), slapping, choking, spitting. Infidelity. You have a daddy. *I'd say "mild" horror but there's a mummified body in passing. A few cameos. It gets weird. unrefined chaos.
FIC ART: Amazing visual by @aurorawritestoescape
Drawing by @romana-after-dark
The Green was the one place your daddy explicitly forbade you from going. He never said why, but you assumed because the club entrance was down in the catacombs.
There were countless urban legends of doped up partiers getting lost, only to be found years later. One was discovered in a remote ossuary curled up with a faded can of New Coke. A picture had circulated – The poor soul’s shrunken legs were bent, knees drawn to their chest, yellow leggings stiffened and soiled under a pink leotard which by then fit like a paper bag.
When your friend said that’s where you were headed one night, you tried to convince her into going anywhere else. The problem was, she was obsessed with a DJ at the Green.
“I don’t get it,” she protested. “I know it’s not because you’re scared.”
“I just can't,” you pleaded futilely, and then she caught on when you wouldn’t meet her eyes.
Her jaw clenched, and her nostrils flared. “Let me guess,” she spat. “Because you’re letting a married man control your life.”
“Come on,” you pleaded.
“Billy may be a slut, but he's not married,” she bragged of the DJ.
. . .
An hour later, you and your friend were both high, dancing near the front of the crowd. In the humidity, you took off your bra, leaving a snug, mesh crop top and leather miniskirt. By then about 10% of the crowd was nude or close to it.
A song faded out, and a dense fog began to billow into the crowd. The fog smelled thickly of vegetation and masked some of the body odor you had been inhaling all night. The crowd quietly murmured, and with a few scattered whistles of enthusiasm.
As the fog settled, Billy the DJ put on a soothing binaural beat and introduced his mate, Ezra. As the crowd whistles and cheered, Billy hopped down from the booth and made a bee-line for your friend.
“There she is,” he murmured into her neck and wrapped his arms around her. “Is your friend joining us?”
“No,” she answered without looking at you. “Her daddy wouldn't like that.”
“Oh,” Billy looked you up and down, impressed. “Tell me ‘bout that later, love?” Billy winked at you as she dragged him away, leaving you alone.
Ezra stepped onto the stage and commenced with. . . spoken word poetry.
You didn't have the presence of mind for it, but the crowd was captivated. They knew him. As he droned on, some of them dropped to their knees, including a tattooed young man next to you in nothing but a sweatband. On the floor, he bent forward in child’s pose, arms stretched toward Ezra as though in worship. Through the remaining fog, the man’s glow-in-the-dark butt plug caught your eye.
Ezra had a mesmerizing voice. “Yes,” he echoed over the beat, and you found yourself tuning in. “Yes, feel my tongue penetrate you. Feel my words inside you!” You felt him opening something in your chest.
You scanned the crowd. The effect he had on these people was — The back of your neck prickled, and your exposed nipples hardened.
And then, you felt eyes on you. Not just anyone's. Your breath hitched. In the corner of your eye, Ezra was looking right at you. His voice became more tranquil: “I am already inside you.” A zing of pleasure shot through your chest, and a tingling heat spread through your loins. “Be not afraid,” he cooed. “Look at me while I penetrate you.” Your knees felt weak with need. You slowly looked up at him. He was sweating profusely through a worn, gray T-shirt and tactical pants. He dabbed his forehead with his wrist and ran his fingers through a shock of white hair. “yes,” he nodded, not taking his eyes off you. “Let me in deeper, little bird.”
“Let him in,” a few people murmured.
Ezra nodded, and his eyes sparkled as they briefly surveyed the crowd before coming back to you. He allowed a moment of silence, and over the beat, you could hear scattered moans. In your peripheral vision, the guy with the glow-in-the-dark butt plug was sucking cock while jerking himself off.
“Eyes on your god,” Ezra sharply demanded, and your face heated up as your gaze snapped back to him. Your eyes connected and locked together. It felt like you knew him. Like he knew you. You knew each other. You had to.
Ezra wet his lips, and everyone watched as he began to rub himself through his pants, looking right at you. Your eyelashes fluttered at the sight. His presence seized your whole body. Your breaths were shallow. The low beat thumped and hummed, with you in the tightening grip of his gaze.
From behind, you felt the wind of a stranger’s breath on your ear. “it’s okay,” she reassured you. “I’m gonna hold you for him,” the stranger slotted her hands under your arms.
“All over you,” Ezra continued, “the hands of my words, sliding over your skin.” He breathed heavily over the beat. You felt him. Pressure swelled in your depths, and you could hardly keep your eyes open. “Your god’s tongue, tasting the salt of your neck.” You really felt him. Your lips parted, and your clit twitched. “Yes,” Ezra nodded as he slowly rubbed himself, and the thick outline in his pants made you squeeze your thighs. Your body went nearly limp for Ezra's voice, and the stranger held you with your back against her chest. You could feel her nipples through the mesh of your top.
Ezra continued, “Your god’s cock, in the cunt of your soul.” And oh, you felt it deep. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and the crowd cheered and pleaded, “yes, Ezra,” “please, God.” He held his cock in his hand, shapely and majestic.
Desire flooded your body, buzzing and throbbing with the beat of his obscenity. Your mind was full of him and so was your body, it felt. You had room for nothing else. Someone stepped toward the stage, and Ezra let them spit on his dick.
The stranger holding you pushed you forward, bringing you closer to Ezra. Ezra pointed at you with his free hand. As you arrived at the stage, a familiar darkness fell over his eyes, and your heart skipped a beat at the weight of recognition.
You snapped out of the spell. There was something off about this, something wrong about him.
He had someone else's face.
Someone you loved.
Your stomach turned as you stood there beneath Ezra, and he pumped his cock, with the crowd cheering him on. His eyes froze you in place. You willed yourself to move, as though stuck in a nightmare. It was just a bad trip, you told yourself. This wasn't real. It was the drugs.
“It's okay,” the stranger reassured you, and somehow, it helped you breathe easier.
Ezra breathed heavier, and his hungry eyes settled on your chest, making your nipples harden nearly to the point of pain. Goosebumps erupted from your chest and spread over your body.
“The seed of your god,” he panted, chest heaving.
“The seed of our god,” a few voices echoed.
Ezra bit his bottom lip and stroked himself faster.
“Especially for you,” Ezra spoke the words right into your soul, and your body throbbed out of control.
If it was a nightmare, if it was the drugs, you had nothing to lose by surrendering yourself to pleasure.
“Open your mouth,” the stranger urged you. And you did. You opened your mouth and closed your eyes. Ezra's sounds of pleasure became more pronounced. You couldn't be sure how long you stood there with your mouth open. The sound of Ezra growing ever closer to climax had you drawing in a deep breath through your nose and shuddering.
Soon, you smelled his musk and felt the humidity of his loins near your face. He groaned, and a thick rope hit the back of your throat. The warmth and tang of it was too much to bear. You squeezed your eyes tighter shut and saw stars. As your body spasmed, the stranger tried to hold you steady, but the cum that followed went all over your face and chest.
“Good,” Ezra praised when he finished emptying himself onto you. “Good,” he repeated.
The crowd cheered.
You opened your eyes and your body cooled with a wave of guilt. This is what Daddy wanted to protect you from. The spell of another man who bore a striking resemblance to him. You weren't yourself, it was the drugs, you repeated in your mind.
“You okay?” The stranger asked and you nodded.
“Now let them feast,” Ezra concluded and stepped down off the stage, his dick tucked away but his pants unbuttoned. People reached out to touch him as he came through the crowd but kept enough distance that he proceeded coolly, slowly toward the cave entrance.
Soon, you had hands all over you, too. Hands and tongues. People swiping at your skin, licking your face, desperate for a taste of him. You shut your eyes as they drew aftershocks of pleasure from your depths. After a minute, the stranger shooed them away. “Congratulations,” she said, and let you stand on your own.
Meanwhile, Billy and your friend had returned for him to resume his DJ duties. Your friend was dumbstruck by the scene. Billy looked more impressed. “Your first night? Alright, wow,” Billy marveled. “You must be special, love.”
It wasn't lost on you how this annoyed your friend. You pushed past both of them without a word and spotted Ezra's silhouette against the cave wall.
Ezra was uncharacteristically silent as you approached, simply taking in the vision of you, disheveled from the touch of strangers, unraveled from his words. He looked pleased with himself.
As you opened your mouth to speak, you hesitated, unsure you wanted to know the answer to your question, or how real this was. You asked him anyway, “What's your last name?” and your heart raced in anticipation.
“I don't have a last name,” he claimed.
“Bullshit. Is it York?”
Ezra drew in a deep breath through his nose and observed your face. “Mmm.” He glanced at the ceiling with a chuckle. “Well heavens, little bird.” His eyes turned regretful. “I surmise you belong to a particular agent of the federal variety.” He raised his eyebrows. “And if my calculation is correct, I sincerely–”
“--Apologize,” A handsome black man with short, greying hair interrupted. In an exaggerated motion, the man pulled up his sleeve to look at his watch. “A little late,” he stated with a glare, punctuated by a pout and raise of his eyebrows. Then, his hand engulfed Ezra’s neck with startling speed and precision. Ezra choked, and the man calmly held firm, beginning to explain, “In approximately 30 seconds, the blood flow to your–”
A different man snatched you by the arm from behind. The grip of his large hand was a familiar, painful comfort. You could feel the bruises forming on your bicep as he physically dragged you away.
“Daddy,” you whimpered. “I'm sorry, I–”
Mr. York didn't speak a word to you until he had you well into the catacombs, away from the club. You could only faintly hear the music start up again. He put you against a cold, rough wall, rolled up the sleeves of his powder blue button-down, and put his hands on his knees as he looked you in the face. His gaze was soft but ominous. It unsettled you.
“I'm sorry, daddy,” tears welled up in your eyes.
Still nothing from him.
His nostrils flared with a deep breath. You'd prefer if he yelled at you, smacked you around. As though reading your tears, he slapped you across the face. Your hand flew up to your cheek instinctively but he swatted it away and simply looked at you as the sting faded. He didn't have to ask the question: What the hell were you doing there?
“I didn't want to come,” you cried. “I didn't wanna–”
“You shouldn't be here,” he stated firmly, and you nodded.
“I know, you said not to come, didn't know it was cause, I didn't know about–”
“Who knows best?” He asked.
“Daddy,” you answered earnestly, “Daddy always does.”
He gave a short nod, then grabbed your jaw and studied each of your eyes. “High off your ass,” he grumbled. Then he sniffed the air. Still firmly holding your jaw, he brought his nose to your cheek, then dragged it down to your neck. There was nothing like your daddy’s touch, even when he was mad. Sometimes especially if he was mad.
He growled and stood upright, bringing his other hand to your neck so he had one hand on your jaw and the other firmly but gently on your throat. He demanded, “What did he do to you?”
“Nothing, he–”
He slightly pressed his finger and thumb into the sides of your neck as a warning, then released them.
“He masturbated and–”
“Did he touch you?”
Your daddy brought his face almost to yours, just far enough away to still look in your eyes. When he seemed satisfied that he had the truth, he squeezed your jaw and said, “open.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and opened your mouth. He spat on your tongue and you swallowed it gratefully. His hands released you and he cupped your cheek for a moment before looking back behind himself, getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry,” you repeated.
“McCall will take care of him,” he muttered.
He pulled you off the wall and led you out of the caves with a firm grip on the back of your neck.
In the back of the SUV, Mr. York was sitting on the driver's side, and you were face down sprawled across the whole bench seat. You put your head on his lap, facing his crotch. He laid a hand on your forehead for a minute, but you kept crying and rubbing your face on his pants, and he was tired. He stared out the window, despite that your microskirt had ridden up to where your ass was half covered. “Daddy,” you whined.
“Stop,” he commanded with a spank. Then he squeezed his hand between your legs and your thighs opened for him. He pushed your panties to the side and slid his middle finger into your cunt. “Be quiet.” He wedged his other hand under your cheek and fed you his thumb. He closed his eyes and held you still.
For the rest of the ride, you laid still and drifted off with his finger inside you and his thumb between your lips.
Thank you for reading 💚
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forever-rogue · 1 year
oh rockstar eddie my absolute beloved YES. i have so many thoughts about him and i’ll admit not all of them are holy 😙 i personally love the thought of being his girlfriend and seeing there’s girls that want him etc at a show and him belonging only to you after, wearing his shirt/jacket, making out backstage, maybe even 🤭 backstage… a lot of possessiveness/marking on both ends not in like a nasty way but in a like “i belong to you” way… okay bye !!!!!
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AN | My first attempt at Rockstar!Eddie, but I hope you enjoy 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Rockstar!Eddie x Sunshine!Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.5k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Hey rockstar," your sweet dulcet voice pulled Eddie out of his thoughts. He looked up from where he was sitting and re-stringing his guitar, a smile crooking up the corner of his mouth.
"Hey baby," he motioned for you to come over, and you eagerly bounced towards him. His eyes grew soft as he studied your outfit; short jean skirt, strappy tank top, and a pair of docs that he had gifted you. You had a VIP pass around your neck, courtesy of him as well and the ever present sweet smile, "you look pretty."
"Me?" Your nose wrinkled in surprise as you looked at your outfit and shrugged, "I didn't dress up much-"
"You're fuckin' gorgeous," he insisted softly as you sat down next to him, "always."
"Hmm," you shrugged as you watched him work, mesmerized by his deft fingers, "you look good, handsome - very metal. Are you ready for tonight?"
"I am now," he set down his beloved instrument and leaned over to kiss you softly, "I've got my good luck charm."
You couldn't help the small, nervous giggle that escaped your lips. You'd never been with anyone that treated you with such love and kindness and reverence before. But Eddie showered you in it and while you loved it, it still felt odd at times. 
You never imagined dating someone like Eddie before. He was, basically, the exact opposite of you. Where he was hard and dark and a literal rockstar, you were soft and gentle and shy. And yet the two of you meshed so well together. And to think you'd all met by chance; you accidentally walked into him at the coffee shop and hadn't realized who he was and he was immediately smitten. Turns out that metal still wasn't your favorite genre of music, but Eddie Munson was your favorite everything.
"Eddie, stop," you put your hand on his chest, peeking at the dark ink littering his skin and gently pushing him back, "you don't need a good luck charm. You're good on your own."
"Come on, princess," his large hands, all soft and rough at the same time, settled on your hips as he pulled you into his lap, "you're magic. Even if you don't realize that."
"Fine," you huffed with a pout, causing him to laugh brightly. You took his hands in your face and leaned in to kiss him softly. He sighed softly into your touch, squeezing the soft plush of your hips. You deepened the kiss, leaning into him, causing him to groan.
"Baby," he pulled back for a moment, something he was extremely reluctant to do, "we gotta stop - otherwise I won't be able to stop. And I'm not about fuck my girl on some cheap backstage couch."
"Oh?" Your entire face felt like it was on fire from his proclamation but he simply nodded.
"You deserve the best," his hand settled on your face and brushed his thumb over your cheek. You leaned into his touch and grinned at him, "you gonna be okay out there on your own?"
"I'm serious," he insisted sweetly, "it gets rough out there, you know that. I don't want you to get hurt."
"I'll be careful," you promised, "always am."
"Good girl," he praised, "take my jacket, okay? Don't want you cold either…or have everyone checking you out."
"No one even looks at me," sometimes Eddie wondered how you could be so blind as to what people thought of you or how they saw you. You were gorgeous and he wasn't the only one to see that, "it'll be okay."
"Take the jacket please," he insisted as you acquiesced, "that way everyone knows who you belong to."
"So dramatic," but inside you were practically bursting with joy and tenderness. He was always so fiercely protective over you.
"And one more thing," before you could even ask him, he was kissing along your jaw and down your neck, sucking on the soft, delicate skin. You knew he wanted to leave behind a hazy lavender reminder of him, "let them all see that you're my girl."
"I'm your girl," your voice trailed off into a soft gasp, eyes closing at the sensation of his lips on your skin, "Eddie."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you left the backstage area, the crowd was already bustling and filling the stadium. You made your way towards the front, flashing your pass to get into the VIP area. You definitely left a few glares and curious looks thrown your way, which didn't surprise you in the slightest. You absolutely stuck out like a sore thumb at a concert full of metalheads and you were well aware of that. But it didn't matter, you loved Eddie and Corroded Coffin.
"Did you get lost on your way to the Backstreet Boys concert?" A girl, somewhere around your age, smirked at you, exchanging a look with her friend. You had to admit they were both gorgeous and definitely more the type to be at a metal concert than you were. They were tatted up with short skirts and barely there tops and heavy makeup. 
"No," you smiled politely, only causing their disdain to grow, "I'm here to see my boyfriend actually."
"Okay," she rolled her eyes, as you looked towards the stage. She stepped closer to her friend and loudly whispered, "probably thinks she's dating Eddie Munson! She even got a little jacket that looks like his. Cute.”
If only they knew. You would have told them too, if they weren't so terrible off the bat.
The crowd started cheering extremely loudly, almost deafening as Corroded Coffin finally came on stage. The opening act wasn’t bad, but you’d been more concerned with spending some time with Eddie backstage. But this was what everyone had been waiting for. 
You cheered along with the rest of them, happy to be so close to the stage versus somewhere out in the sea of people. You looked carefully for Eddie, watching as the rest of the band came out; naturally the front man came out last, charismatic, charming, and sexy as ever. 
It was like he could see you, even in the middle of hundreds of other bodies; you swore his pretty brown eyes directly met yours as he shot you a wink and smile before stepping up to the mic. 
If you thought it was loud before, as soon as he spoke his first few words, the crowd went absolutely wild. You were glad you’d listened to Eddie and taken his suggestion to wear ear plugs. If you thought it was loud with them on, you couldn’t imagine what it was like without them. 
Eddie was meant to be on the stage; he had a flair for the dramatics, which he’d insisted he’d had since he was young, and a showmanship that most couldn’t rival. He owned the stage, and you loved watching him perform. 
“He’s so hot,” you heard a few feet over. You couldn’t help yourself as you glanced over to see who had spoken. Another beautiful girl, tall and lithe, was watching the stage dreamily. You smiled to yourself as you sang along with him.
“I heard he has a girlfriend now.”
“Never seen her, so she doesn’t exist. It’s open season - I’m sure he’ll hook up with someone tonight. Hopefully me!”
“I’ve heard he has a big dick.”
“He’s definitely into orgies.”
“Eddie Munson definitely isn’t a one-woman guy.”
It was almost hilarious to listen to all the people around you gossiping loudly. A small part of you wanted to correct them and tell them the truth, but it wasn’t worth the time or effort. Who would believe you after all? You were the odd little duck in the crowd. 
You traced your fingers over your neck, wondering how prominent the love-bites he gave you were. You wondered what the people around you would say if they knew they were from him. Probably want all the details…which you definitely weren’t going to share.
You turned your attention back to the band and bopped along to them. You might have heard their songs so many times by now, but you still loved listening and singing along. 
But, in true Eddie fashion, he still managed to surprise. 
“Tonight,” he addressed the crowd as they hung onto his every word, “is a very special night - we’re going to share a new song with you all. And before you ask - yes, it’s a love song. And it’s for my girl, aka the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I hope you love it as much as we do.”
And yeah. You felt like you were about to melt into a puddle. You definitely hadn’t seen this coming at all; never would you have thought you’d experience someone writing a song for you. But here it was; his love for you was now evermore immortalized in song. Tears pricked at the back of your eyes as you kept your eyes trained on him, watching his every move and listening intently to every word. 
This was absolutely the most romantic thing that anyone had ever done for you. You loved Eddie so much that you weren’t even able to properly put it into words. 
But you knew that it would always be you and him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Once the show was over, the crowd started dispersing to go home, buzzing with that after concert high. It really was a beautiful feeling. You waited for the crowd to thin out before starting to make your way backstage. You found a few familiar faces, audio techs and managers, that waved to you in passing. There were even more strangers, most without any sort of special pass trying to sweet talk their way backstage. 
As you pushed through the ground, a few curses and dirty looks were thrown your way. But you ignored them all, not stopping until you were at the front of the crowd. You hastily dodged an elbow and caught the eye of one of the bouncers, giving him a small wave. He smiled back at you, ready to move to the side to let you back. But before you could take him up on his silent offer, the dressing room door opened and Eddie popped out. 
The girls around you shrieked in hysterics as they called his name to try and get his attention. None of them held his attention for more than a few seconds as he waved at the crowd and flashed his pretty smile. His eyes practically lit up when he saw you at the front, “princess!”
The swooning around you commenced as every girl around you thought that he was talking to them. He held out his hand to you and you edged your way towards him, murmuring a few excuse mes to the people around you. If there hadn’t been any sort of crowd control you were sure that you would have been taken down by someone.
“Hey handsome,” you whispered softly as you almost jumped into his arms. He easily caught you, spinning you around before kissing you softly. He was always so soft for you, despite the hard exterior. You could hear the surprised sounds from the crowd that was watching your every move with awe and envy, “you were amazing, my love.”
“Yeah?” his cheeks pinked when he realized you’d heard the song that was all about you. He knew you would, but having you acknowledge it was all the more amazing and nerve wracking, “you liked it?”
“I love it. It was the most special thing anyone has ever done for me,” you sighed softly as he set you down and took your face in his large hands, “I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you more, baby,” his smile made your knees weak, “come on, let’s get inside and I’ll change and we can go.”
“Eddie, hang on for a moment-”
Before he could get his full question out, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close, kissing him fiercely. You caught him off guard, but he quickly caught up and kissed you back. You didn’t break apart from him until you were both breathless, “baby?”
“Go on,” you nudged him backwards, “I’ll explain in a moment.”
He took your hand and pulled you along but not before you could turn around and scan the crowd. You managed to pick out the girl that had been rude to you earlier in the evening; the look on her face was priceless. You held up your free hand and waved at her, causing her to scowl even more.
She said you must have thought you were dating Eddie. The reality that you were indeed dating him made her anger spike. You couldn’t deny the thrill that came with making sure everyone knew who he belonged to. You.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“What was that?” Eddie stripped off his shirt and tossed it to the side. You studied him for a moment, eyes flitting to the new tattoo that he’d gotten recently. A heart around your name, all pink and red and perfect, “what got into you, princess?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged sweetly as he playfully rolled his eyes, “just made some friends out on the floor and watched them to know that you’re all mine.”
“Friends, huh?” he raised an eyebrow as you put your hand on his chest and gently pushed him backward towards the couch. He plopped down and you immediately straddled his waist, peppering his chest in kisses.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, trailing kisses along his bare skin, “they didn’t seem to believe that you were mine. And I wanted them to know.”
“I like it,” he hands settled on your ass as he grabbed ample handfuls, “I am yours, baby. Always. The real question is - are you mine?”
“As if that was a question-”
“You could have anyone,” he took your chin in his fingers and looked at you with an intense expression, “seriously. How’d you end up with a punk like me, huh?”
“I dunno,” you turned your face and pressed a kiss to his palm, “maybe because you’re amazing and wonderful and smart and sweet and funny and everything else. How could I not fall in love with you?”
“More like how could I not fall for you?” his sigh was soft and wistful, “my sweet girl.”
“Come on,” you stood back up and reached for his hand, “let’s get out of here.”
“Well, you did say you weren’t going to fuck me on this couch,” you reminded him, “let’s go back to the hotels and you can fuck me properly.”
“Let’s fuckin’ go!”
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zweiginator · 2 months
just thinking abt patrick jerking off while watching you and art fuck.. just his moans in the background.. so hot
oh patrick mesmerized by your body and how it meshes with his best friends…watching art push inside you and his mouth fall open. the small grunts as he fucks you faster. how your tits bounce and art can’t decide where he wants to touch you, how he wants you positioned under him. eventually he wants you on top and that’s when patrick starts stroking himself because he’s so hard it hurts and watching art’s hands guide your ass up and down his cock while you touch his chest, his jaw, his throat— makes it easy for him to get close.
the sounds are lewd and the music patrick put on in hopes of drowning them out aren’t working because one thing about patrick is he can’t be quiet. he doesn’t want to. he’s louder than you and art combined. and it feels so intimate when art pulls you into his chest and fucks you hard from underneath, his hands digging into your ass. the two of you watch patrick fuck his fist. when patrick announces he’s going to cum, he does it on your ass. some gets on art’s fingers and he pushes them into your mouth.
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blackelysian · 7 months
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Where your man at?
Kofi Siriboe x Black! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 997
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, Talks of infidelity, unprotected sex, cursing, roleplay
A/N: Its kinda short I knowww this is just a random story idea I had! Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @notapradagurl7 @livebythelovediebythelove @catxo @flydotty @henneseyhoe @novaniskye
Kofi sat back and watched as the brown skin goddess conversed with other people at the bar. She was fine as hell sporting a long black, form fitting slightly mesh dress. You could see the silhouette of her naked body underneath but not too much. He bites his lip at the sight of her. He continued to watch as she casually sipped on a lemon drop not even noticing me. The chocolate man downs the rest of his drink and makes his way over to the beauty. She was so engulfed in her conversation she hadn’t even seen him walk up. 
“Excuse me, beautiful” He said with a grin. She stops talking and turns to face him with a smirk. “ I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation but I just had to introduce myself. My name is Kofi.” She looks him up and down with interest. He reaches his hand out for hers. “YN” She replies as he grabs her hand placing a kiss on the back of it, noticing the shiny wedding ring on her left hand. The other person she was talking to excuses themselves and walks away to mingle with the other party guests.
“Your man let you come out the house by yourself like that?” He asks, leaning back to admire her curvy frame up close. 
“He did. I'm a big girl, I can look after myself,” she replies, taking the last sip of her drink before signaling the bartender to make her another one.
“Hmm, I see,” He said. She chuckles.
He instantly became mesmerized by her beautiful smile. “You are gorgeous, I had to come make myself known.” I smirk.
“You're pretty good looking yourself.” She replies with a wink, sipping her drink.
They sat at the bar, talked for a little bit and ordered another round of drinks. As they were finishing up he asked her if she would like to dance which she happily agreed, grabbing his hand dragging him to the dance floor. She turns around, putting her backside against him as she starts to dance. He grabs her left hand and raises it in the air as he lets her continue to push up on me, both of them completely getting into it. The sexual tension was thick.
He leans down into her ear and whispers “ Hmm hubby is not going to like this when he finds out” His hands find her waist. She turns around wrapping her arms around his neck bringing her lips to his ear. “What if he doesn’t..” She says, placing a tender kiss on his ear. He shuddered and turned his head to where their lips were literally just inches apart. 
“Hmm, you goin start something sweetheart…” He cautioned.
“I told you ima big girl..” she whispers back, rubbing the back of his head.
Their lips never leave each other as they make their way into her house. She pulls away, grabbing his hand leading him to her bedroom. Their lips meet again in a heated lip lock. He grabs at her dress gently pulling it up her body and over her head. She wore a black lace thong to match with no bra. His eyes are drawn to her succulent full breasts. He palms both of them in my large hands, massaging them pulling a light moan from her lips. His lips find her neck next, then her shoulders and then in between her breasts. He sucks the left one into his mouth as her hand finds the back of his head. Sweet, sensual moans escaping her. Her voice was beautiful. He picked her up gently tossing her on the bed, unbuckling my belt in the process. She palms his member through his pants in return he let out a low groan. He grabbed her neck with one hand and reached down with the other, pulling his piece out with the other. She reaches her hand down and starts firmly stroking him. He starts to slide her panties down to her ankles bringing her shiny wet center into view. 
“Your husband is one lucky man” He said, leaning down to place a single kiss on her clit. He lined himself to her entrance and slid in. Both of them let out a satisfied moan. His hips crash into hers over and over again. Her hands rub the back of his head as he fucked her with passion.
“Turn over for me” He said. She turns over stomach resting on the bed with her ass slightly raised as he slides back in instantly finding her spot. “Oh shit, right there” She moans.
“Right there baby?” He taunts, stroking into her mercilessly. “Oh fuckk” she yells out, gripping the sheets. “I’m gonna cum” she pants. He flips them over again, her ending up on top this time. “ Get your nut” he says, watching their bodies connect. She grabs his shoulders and starts to drop her ass down into his lap, chasing her orgasm. She throws her head back, feeling her orgasm build in her stomach again. “Shitt, You so wet babygirl.”  He groans, biting his lip. He continues to bounce her up and down on his shaft, aiming directly for her spot. He looked up at her, biting his lip at her love faces.
“What time your man getting home?” he asks, with a smirk growing on his face. Too wrapped up in her own orgasm to hear him. “Ohh fuckk im coming!!” She yells, releasing all over him and his lap. He finishes right behind her unloading himself inside her. They fall back onto the bed next to each other. He grabs her hand, placing gentle kisses on the back of it as he plays with the ring on her finger. “That was fun, still didn't say what time your man was getting home” He says with a slight chuckle. She slaps his bare chest joining in the laugh. “Shut up babe, but we should definitely do this more often…
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moooncats · 8 months
✿ PAC : Love Letter From Your Future Spouse ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Hello beautiful, did you miss me? I know that everything has been so hectic but I swear you are such a fighter. I love the way you have this no tolerance go getter attitude. You are truly my muse. You transform the most mundane things and make them into gold flecks that flutter into the air and it's just awe inspiring. I have searched all over the world, met many inspiring people in my life and none of them compare to you- you captivated me, lured me into your beautiful unique aura and I can never forget that moment. I knew then, that you had to be mine. I thank the heavens everyday because you are the person I get to wake up next to- what a blessing! I must have done a lot of good in my past life to meet you. It truly is a gift being in your presence! We mesh together perfectly, your hand in mine, our bodies intertwined. I can't believe that manifesting someone as yourself actually worked. Our vibrations match perfectly as we are in tuned with each other. Like a root deep underground, it's vast and everlasting. That is our love, we will grow stronger together and I am missing every second, minute, hour that I am away from you my love. I can't wait to make it back to you so we can start our forever life together, and we can do it all over again in another lifetime. Please wait for me goregous, I love you with all my hearts. Sending my love to you from every universe. I know you can feel its warmth. ♡ Yours truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Hello goregous soulmate. I can't believe that it's that time of year again. I know you love letters from me and I've made you so many already but just know that every letter I write are my true authentic feelings. There is so much going on in my head everyday and most of it is because of you my goregous soulmate. You have encapsuled my love and intertwined it with your beautiful soul. I am forever grateful of your presence every day. You changed me so much and for the better. Before I was aimless in life, no drive, aspirations, no hope... then you came along. With your sunshine aura and I couldn't get enough of it. You are the light that guides my wandering soul out of the abyss. You are my forever muse. I can't wait to grow old with you and start that family we've always talked about, until then I have only my words to keep you going through these times. My will and determination to get us everything we deserve and need in life. You will never have to ask for more, anything you want you will have it my love. I love you so much goregous please don't ever change. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
You're not mad at me are you? I know I've done a lot of things in this life that have made me feel regrettable, but this- this is the one that tops it all. I am human... we all make mistakes. Please don't fester any bad feelings for me my delicate little flower. You know I had you in mind the whole time and I thought it would be best for the both of us. Everything I ever do, my thoughts, my actions, my feelings; I always take you into consideration. You are my everything, my delicate flower that I must protect. I will do ANYTHING for you baby. You don't know how much you mean to me, the day we met was the best day of my life. I will never forget locking eyes with you for the first time. My heart instantly went into hyper drive, it just wouldn't stop. I knew then that you were the one. The way you move gracefully through the shit show that is life is just mesmerizing. Life has taken so much from you... from us. We are 2 souls who were once lost but when we get together, we become 2 partners intertwined and formed into 1 power couple. I know you know this my love, words can't express how much I feel about you. You are my muse, my world, my will to live. I won't lose you this time, not again. ♡ Yours Truly. ♡
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girlcrushart · 4 months
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My goodness. Full transparency, this post is about boobs. Now, clearly Kayla Vasquez is about a whole lot more than her boobs—she’s stunning in every conceivable way. But her boobs started it lol. It wasn’t even this picture. It was a video clip of one of those excellent fashion shows featuring girls wearing nothing but black tape. What’s especially great about that look in a fashion show is that when you combine it with the classic model walk, then there’s a bouncing factor that occurs that is simply mesmerizing. Every aspect of Kayla bounces perfectly, but as I’m sure you can easily visualize she’s got the kind of boobs that are hypnotic when they bounce. Similar to how they hang in that perfect mesh bikini. So, ya. Hurray for boobs. And Kayla Vasquez, today’s girlcrushart guardián.
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snippit-crickit · 7 months
hi!! sorry im a bit of a nerd and im mesmerized by your 3D models!!
would you mind showing me the mesh? maybe share your process a bit? im trying to get into modeling and rigging, and your work is just so inspiring!
yippie im so happy to hear :DD!!! And sure thing :]] i wish i took more screenshot whilst modeling but, heres my mesh for example
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i dont know the standards for low poly meshes actually and i have no idea whats going on with the seams but IT WORKS, the second i start thinking it becomes overthinking and i loose my will to work on a model, no thoughts in this head i learn from my mistakes (the reason why theres more verticles in the head was because i only wanted to model the head the other day but somehow an entire model happened) then i unwrapped him and got ready to paint! this time i wanted to experiment using photoshop for the texture painting but..uh,,, due to shenanigans blender saved his texture as a jpg and the compression deep fried the entire texture, setting me back
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(so i started over, painting only in blender and saving frequently this time)
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then onto rigging and such, i didnt do a lot of weightpainting, suprisingly blender does get most of it right automatically (from my experience?), phew
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and yer done!
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or animate.... dont get discouraged because in the end the satisfaction of finishing a project from start to finish feels great :D!! Its okay if things arent perfect and most people wont notice until you point it out in any way, just keep goin, i wish you happy blendin :]] (and control+s the texture file oh my god)
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onlyyvette · 9 months
i need optimus pussy so bad
You're so real for that I'm actually going to make a whole thirst for this
warnings: dom/top reader + sub/bottom optimus prime + cybertronian reader + sloppily eating out Optimus' valve + praise + prime gets wrecked by the power of oral
a/n: thank you so much for giving me the inspo to create this🙏🏾
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╰┈➤ Just imagining Optimus laying down on his back and presenting himself for you, large white thighs shyly held open while his digits tentatively hold open his already leaking slit. It's not that he was necessarily scared or nervous, but he can't help but let shivers run down his spinal struts as you admire his valve so intently.
╰┈➤ You were mesmerized by his pulsing blue biolights decorating his valve lips and his oh-so-pretty red node resting in the hood of his valve. His array was the prettiest one you ever saw, When you say that out loud to him, he lets out a small "thank you" and tries to cover his pretty pussy with his servo but you move it out of the way, causing him to let out a whine. You look up from your spot between his thighs and drink in the look on his face. His battle mask was off. His optics are half-shuttered, the light coming out dimmed. A very prominent blue flush is spread across his face and his mouth is screwed into a slight pout. He was so cute and you hadn't even dome anything to him.
╰┈➤ Way too soon, your glossa is on Optimus' valve, and he lets out a short yet embarrassing yelp. In his defense, even though you had done this so many times before, you were always so quick to push your glossa into him and you never held back. Your glossa delves into Optimus' wet heat, forcing it as deep as you can as you listen to the Prime let out moans with his low baritone. He feels your nasal ridge crushing his node and the pleasure bursts under his eyelids.
╰┈➤ Optimus' thighs begin to automatically clamp down on your helm but the slight crushing feeling only raised your charge. You eat him out like a starved mech, sloppily lapping at every node you can feel in the mesh of his valve and making sure he can feel it. By now, Optimus is so close to overloading, he always overloaded quickly from being eaten out. If you lifted up your helm you would see Optimus biting on his servo joints, trying his best to not let out his embarrassing noises but clearly failing.
╰┈➤ With your eager mouth, you'll bring Optimus to overload so hard he won't even know what hit him. He'll let out a series of staticky moans while his thighs clamp down hard on your helm while he squirts, and you'll still work your glossa in his valve despite his recent overload. He'll whine and push at your helm but you both know that those weak pushes don't mean anything-- he doesn't want you to stop and you don't plan on it.
╰┈➤ You'll make him overload a few more times, each overload more powerful than the last. He keeps seeing stars in his vision and--oh Primus-- he's overloading again. He'll sob as he squirts for a last time, his frame trembling from the aftershocks as you suck on Optimus' node for the last time before releasing it. You're almost 100% sure you were left with some kind of helm processor damage, but you really didn't care. After you've eaten his valve out to your satisfaction, you bring helm out from between Optimus' legs and lay your frame on top of his. Your derma meet his and you begin to give each other messy, open-mouthed kisses. His optics shutter close as he whimpers into the kiss. Your servos roam his frame and you map out his familiar curves, lightly groping them, especially his chestplate while the Prime lets out sensual sighs.
╰┈➤ Underneath you, you feel his thighs tighten and rubbing against each other. Making out was getting Optimus charged up again, and it didn't surprise any of you. While your spike pressurized against his abdomen, you knew that you would make sure that your conjunx would be quivering in pleasure by the time you were done with him.
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sminiac · 10 months
xikers reaction to you wearing lingerie for the first time?
U r the best writer on this app fr
💌 — BFF!!! I cannot accept this compliment in good conscience when I have the mutuals that I have, but it makes me incredibly happy that you’re enjoying the stuff that I put out :,) LOTS OF LOVE!!! (I can’t tell if this is okay or not, but I’m posting so…)
Warnings — NSFW focused, light smut, MDNI.
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Minjae would be so incredibly taken aback, like he’s just so mesmerized to the point that he barely remembers that he’s physically in front of you until you’re poking at him, asking if he’s okay, and like- no???? The type to feel like it’s his first time being intimate with you again, shaky hands and stuttered words cut short by the haste of trying to settle his breathing back into a comfortable pace before you start noticing. Once he gets over the initial shock of seeing you in something so revealing it’s all he can ever think about, asking for pictures frequently, even when he’s working. It’s just- how could the mental image ever leave that pretty head of his once he’s seen it for himself, experienced it.
“Can you say something?” His gaze is fixated, unwavering even as you’re subconsciously starting to curl in on yourself from the fear of his sudden and intense silence. “Anything?” You squeak, hands wrinkling the thin fabric as they slide to cover the parts of you his eyes repeatedly flit between. Before you’re able to succeed in your feeble attempt to shield away, his hand gently catches at your wrist, silently easing it further back until he can see all of you again. “Don’t- just. I just need to take all of you in, for a minute, if you don’t mind?” The words scramble together in a careless attempt, he just needs more time, that’s all it is, needs the image of you splayed out so pretty to be burned into his retinas so that he’ll never have to conjure up the sight from scratch again.
“You’re everything, you know that? My pretty girl.”
Junmin is the type to be shy with his words but confident in his hands, poor thing can’t get a full sentence out without being accompanied by stuttering and taking back words because the way he strung them together didn’t quite convey the way he’s feeling, but could he ever? All while words tangle at his tongue his hands move to touch you with a surprisingly firm grip, he doesn’t tremble, he isn’t hesitant, he knows that you’re his to touch, why would lingerie change that? No way he doesn’t have a thing for those diaphanous babydoll’s, specifically likes having you ride him in them, watching through the delicate coloured fabric as you’re repeatedly swallowing down his cock.
“You’re- this, this is what your surprise is?” He’s got his lower face nestled into the crook of his arm, knowing that if it were to be shown you’d laugh at how evidently warm he’s gotten in the matter of seconds. “You don’t like it? I thought it was, pretty.” You catch a glimpse at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out the thin mesh, unabashed as you adjust it around the seams, meanwhile Junmin is sitting like stone on the bed, fighting with himself over allowing himself to fully take you in or to keep awkwardly looking away from you every few seconds. You’re his girlfriend though, he could stare without there being any repercussions, right? Without it being weird, you wouldn’t mind, surely. He continues eyeing you up through the mirror, eventually quietly asking of you to come to him, that he just: “wants a better look.” Shifting himself to sit at the edge of the bed, guiding you to stand between his legs, your back to him so you can watch through the mirror as he inspects the small embellishments he couldn’t see as well from afar, the delicate lace detailing that lines the bust. He thinks you make the set even prettier, just wants you to admire it too while his fingers are fucking into you, eyes suddenly not so shy.
Before Sumin actually sees you in lingerie he’d sometimes make passing comments about someday wanting to, walking past a certain store in the mall? He’s shameless in pointing out certain pieces through the windows, even going as far as to explain that he thinks you’d look good in certain colours, patterns, cut. Isn’t shy about the specifics at all, which is why he has the biggest grin on his face seeing you in familiar looking panties paired with a similarly style of bra, a thin silk robe with intricate patterns haphazardly balanced on your shoulders. Think he definitely has a thing for silk, there’s this thought that’s been rotting in my head that he he buys silk ribbon, uses it in the bedroom on you, but also as a sort of outfit accessory in public, lol. He’d have a thing for those crazy detailed sets, like the ones with garter belts, lace, ribbon etc.
“So you did get it, I was wondering why you were so short with me when I called.” Whatever was on his phone couldn’t be less important than it is now, it falls from the tips of his fingers into the soft comforter, fuck, he could’ve thrown it across the room and not blinked twice. “You wouldn’t shut up about it, big mouth.” You pull out a chuckle, though it sounds distant, like the sound you make when you can’t tell exactly what the other persons saying so you laugh in hopes that it fits the context, he doesn’t regard it, his hands just need to be everywhere, anywhere. “You can put it to use then.” Guiding you into the bed, his eyes move in the same fashion that his fingers do as they run across your skin, slipping under the thin band of your underwear, he runs it all the way to the round of your hip before he goes still. “Take this off.” He says, already so eager, making his own work of it before you have the chance, “But- I thought this is what you wanted?”
“Don’t care, you look too good, just needta’ fuck you. Now.”
Jinsik, sweet boy, would be so constant and loose lipped with his praise. Maybe only briefly mentioned it once or twice, but never explicitly stated that he’d want you in something so scandalous, even if it’s just for a night, but he gets so giddy when you’re telling him to take off one of his over sized shirts you’ve thrown on top to keep the surprise hidden, the lace details so pretty under the tips of his fingers as he drags the hem of his shirt further up your torso, the more that’s revealed the more strained he’s becoming in his sweats. The type to want to make you the focus of the night, because you’re so sweet, dressing up just for him, will want to let you know how appreciative he is.
“You’re not real,” he breathes, eyes nervously darting from your face and back down to the slow motion of his arm that works his shirt up and out of the way. “there’s no way.” You’re giggling in his ear, a hand idly rubbing through his soft hair, keeping the ends from falling over his eyes, but he’s far too entranced to care. “You’re so dramatic.” His tongue wets at his lip to keep the words flowing steady, cause if not then they’d surely lodge into the back of his throat seeing the way the trim of your bra hugs at the top of your breasts. “Can I… I’m allowed to touch you?” The front of his brows raise, his eyes big, cute as he silently pleads with you. “‘s is all for you, I’d hope that you’re allowed.” His irises roll, the corner of his mouth pulling into a crooked grin, but his fingers keep moving, feather light, almost teasing.
“You don’t even realize that you’ve got me wrapped around your finger. Tell me what to do next, please baby- tell me what you need.”
I think out of all of them, Hyunwoo would be the most collected, manages to keep a level head despite how raptured he is with you. I think he’d also be the most nonchalant, yet confident in bringing up lingerie, the type to be comfortable to talk with about it while not having to worry about him dropping dizzy to the floor once the pieces are actually laid out in front of him. Wants you to know that whatever you’re comfortable with, what you feel good in, is more than enough for him.
“You’re already making me hard.” His head curls into his shoulder, watching as you wrestle off your clothes that were purposely thrown on top, knees dug securely into the mattress beside to keep you steady in your hurried attempt. “I haven’t even taken this off yet.” His hand moves to rest over the top of your thigh, thumb rubbing warm circles into your skin, sighing, “I know, but it’s the fact that I know what’s under. You can’t blame me, you’re just so attractive in general.” He’s offering to help undress you, but only because you’re taking so long by yourself, and his hips are starting to subconsciously roll at the thought of what’s yet to come. Plants wet kisses anywhere he can possibly reach once he’s got you laid out, secretly just wanting a closer look, to get a feel, because tonight will certainly be on replay in his head for months on end. The following weeks he’s trying to subtly get you into lingerie as often as he can, becomes a real sucker for taking you shopping for new sets.
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entropy-sims · 1 year
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Nightcrawler’s Mesmer 4to2
— for teen-elder, female only — polycount: 31.1k (from 38k) — smooth bones assignments and animated — textures: original texture — color palette — binned and familied; elders come in grey (linked to black); custom greys are available for teen-adult — original ts4 mesh here
Turnaround: https://ibb.co/HdFLkM2 Download: SFS | Patreon (free)
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nanaminokanojo · 4 months
BAD NEWS (part 50)
-just when you thought you were over your humongous crush on your older brother’s best friend, geto suguru, you couldn’t have been more dead wrong, except satoru doesn’t like suguru for you because he knows his kind all too well: a huge ass playboy who breaks hearts like he changes socks. but you think, MAYBE you’ll be the exception…maybe not.
CHARACTERS: drummer!geto suguru x you/afab reader | gojo satoru | various jjk characters
GENRE: full-length smau + prose | band au | college au | stupid pining | aged-up characters | friends to lovers (?) | smut
TW/CW: strong/mature language | adult content so mdni on some parts | mentions of alcohol, drugs | mentions of cheating, promiscuity, mild dubcon, etc. | god-awful pet names | toxic behavior | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 50 next>>
A/N: Panels at the end of the narration.
The heavy thuds in your chest accompanied each step that you took from Sukuna's car to your doorstep. The deep breath you took remained baited in your lungs up until the moment you reached the door and had to turn around to wave goodbye at him. And the moment he drove away, you exhaled loudly, tapping at your chest as you adjusted the nylon mesh bag for your soccer ball over your shoulder.
What he did in the car was absolutely unexpected, and though you didn't want him to see just how much it had affected you, your ears and cheeks had been warm long before you exited his car. The image of his smug grin drove you crazy, knowing that he was fully aware of the fact that he had that effect on you. The feeling was so weird, considering what he had always been to you for as long as you could remember.
Shaking your head, you unlocked the front door, distracting yourself with your phone to check messages as you blindly made your way up to your room.
The silence as you traversed from the first floor to the second pretty much told you that Satoru wasn't at home. He usually wasn't at that time of the day. Just as well. You didn't want to face him when you're getting all confused with Sukuna.
You haven't even made it halfway through the long hallway when you heard the sound of a door opening to your right. Before you knew it, you collided with something, startling you and making you lose your footing. But nothing could have prepared you for the sight that greeted you when Suguru suddenly came into view, eyes as wide as yours were as he kept you on your feet. He felt warm and damp against the skin of your arms, his hard chest pressed against yours, droplets of water saturating the fabric of your jersey from his raven hair that hung around his face.
"Careful, kitten." You felt the soft purr of his voice through his chest instead of hearing it through your ears. "Didn't know you were home."
You just stared at him, unable to form words, the smell of his shampoo invading your senses with every shallow breath you took. Suguru just looked so mesmerizing fresh out of the shower with his luscious hair down and his slightly tanned skin so smooth over his hard, well-defined muscles on full display –
Realizing that, you jumped back, swallowing hard as you finally got a look of the whole picture. You've seen him shirtless before, but not in just a pair of tight-fitting, black boxers that accentuated his...
You shook your head, chuckling nervously – why the hell were you chuckling? – and stepping back to pick up your ball and gym bag. "What are you doing here?"
"Satoru and I have stuff to do tonight so he told me to come here ahead of him. I'm on break."
You rolled your eyes when you saw him smirking at you. You just know your ears were all red again. "Well, don't go walking around like that." And for some embarrassing reason, your next move was to level your expression to his, openly checking him out as you leaned against the wall, arms crossed.
"What?" he said between soft laughter.
"Don't go parading about like that."
He scoffed. "Says the little kitty who's ogling me right now." He took a step towards you, making you move back jerkily when he bent down to your height. "Wanna touch?"
"What the hell –"
"Or take a photo. Lasts longer, mm?"
Gathering all your wits, you made a face at him and even made a show of pushing past him as you walked to your room like he didn't affect you. "Get dressed, Geto." You looked at him behind your shoulder. "You look indecent."
At that, he scoffed but still retained his sly grin. "You and your dirty mind, kitten."
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TAG LIST: @lilc77 @strxkbylightning @lavender-hvze @maya-maya-56 @kibananya @nerdisthenewcool @darkstarlight82 @lysaray @ti-mame @ri-sa20 @diogodxlot @starlightanyaaa @sugurubabe @guacam011y @yeehawslap @luvvmae @s-j320 @ichorstainedskin @iaminyourfloors @tanchosanke @hellyyy06
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Hii, I'm new here and loving everything you wrote xD
can I request one pedro x reader in which they meet each other at a party or sth but reader is in a relationship with someone else (famous or not, it doesn't matter) but pedro gets mesmerized and it's pretty much love at first sight on his part and he acts respectfully but yet very flirty saying one day they'll be together and reader will be his and some months or a year or so later they meet again by chance and reader is now single and also sure pedro forgot about her but he didn't and they just flirt again and there's a sparkle there, it could end on smut or not, it's up to you! Thanks 💖
ill wait for love - pedro pascal x female reader
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Summary: Pedro waits for you after a love at first sight moment with you.
Word Count: 4.6k
Content Warning: reader has a dirtbag boyfriend, abusive relationship, he threatens to off himself. (Reader is oblivious). Use of whore, hooker etc. Foul language, getting drunk. Bit of spice at the end but nothing actually happens.
Note: thank you for requesting this, I went overboard I’m sorry 😭😭😭🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I decided to change things up a bit to go with the plot I hope that’s okay!!
“You’re not wearing that. You look like a cheap hooker, go change now.” You frown at the comment, liking how the dress sits on you, but you know better to argue, Ben, your new found boyfriend of a few months was sensitive on topics like this; what you’re allowed to wear, but you thought it was sweet, it means he cares about you right? Plus you were his, your body wasn’t meant for wondering eyes.
“Sure hun. Do you want to pick out something nice and I’ll change?” You start to kick of your heels and unzip the knee high silver dress, approaching the mirror in your bedroom, you take a look at yourself and decide he’s right, it’s not the right outfit, you do look cheap.
“Put this on.” He had pulled out a floor length gown, navy blue in colour and it had mesh long sleeves, and a high neckline, it kind of felt suffocating but you didn’t argue. “Zip me up?” He does, his hands feel like fire on your skin, and like a flame you try not to flinch at the warmth on your cool skin.
“What do you think?” You ask, twirling for him, holding your hands in front of your stomach, fingers intertwined in a nervous twitch as you rub your fingers together. He smiles, his suit hanging off him loosely as he walks towards you. “You look perfect. That’s my girl.” You relish in the compliment, your eyes flutter shut and he kissed you on the forehead, smoothing your hair after he disturbs it.
“You can put those black heels back on, I love how they make your ass look, but I better not catch anyone else looking.” You’re grateful to wear the heels, not really wanting to wear flats of sneakers to a work after party. You check your watch, you were running late now, you had to get there. “Are we ready to go?” Ben hums in return and slightly pushes on the small of your back to get you moving, you almost trip on the fraying carpet of the bedroom.
When you get into the car, the aircon is blasting in your face, the music is too quiet and you wish you had something to focus on that would take the nerves away. You decide on smoothing your dress over and over in an attempt to calm yourself.
“What are our social rules? Tell me babe.” You knew this was coming, the rules he’d set every time you’d go to a public function together, in which you reasoned, he just wanted to keep you safe, he didn’t want to be seen with a slob.
“1. No swearing or cursing. 2. No hanging out with guys without you. 3. No getting stupid drunk.”
He looks at you with pride in his eyes and offers you a lopsided grin. “There’s my good girl.” You feel yourself smiling, cheeks hurting as you force the grin, all you want to do is make him happy, proud of you.
When you get to the event his eyes are watchful of the people around you, his hand immediately meets your ass as he leads you around like his award winning show animal.
The noise from inside the club is booming from outside, you come across your security guard from work and he greets you. “Good evening miss, sir. Enjoy the night.” He winks playfully and you smile at the tall man, “thank you Simon, be seeing you!” Your boyfriend scoffs from beside you and your smile drops, not wanting to annoy him already, you had just gotten here.
The music was loud inside the club, the lights were colourful and the speed in which they move around began to hurt your sensitive eyes. When you move into the dance floor, a familiar voice comes through the speaker. “Here’s the women that made it all happen, everyone give her a round of applause.” The DJ pointed to you and you flush red, bashful all of a sudden as your work colleagues cheer for you. You wave in a thanks and you’re about to keep moving when your co-owners stand on the stage, baring teeth as they grin at you, the music has stopped now and Ben pulls you to him roughly with his arm around your waist.
“Thanks to this lovely lady, for pushing us to make the game so special to us into a tv show, which has been shown so much love in return and unspeakable success, without you we would have found our new family.” You’re crying at the speech Andy and Jason are giving, and you thank the gods your make up is waterproof.
“We want to give you the pleasure of inviting you back to our VIP area with a few more special guests in our team tonight, what do you say?” The room goes quiet and you’re cheering, nodding yes. How could you refuse that offer, Ben stands beside you however is furious, you hadn’t consulted him, you had publicly embarrassed him as he had not been invited, he wouldn’t be allowed in. What were you trying to do, get away from him? Not going to happen.
“You’re not fucking going in there, I can’t protect you in there.” His hand is on your wrist and you wince, pulling away from his grip as Andy and Jason come over, eyeing the two of you before leading you away, “come on, let’s get this started hm?” Jason stays behind, feeling the first hand anger of your boyfriend being embarrassed, “sorry man, no plus ones.” He held his hand out to stop him and walked off, unaware of the holes Ben was burning in the back of his head. You turn around and mouth ‘I’m sorry’ but by the look in his eyes as he watches the men lead you away, you’d fucked up, badly.
You turn to the men, anxiety clawing up the back of your throat, “hey Um, maybe I should go, you know.” The men look at each other and shake their head, “absolutely not.” Andy huffs. “You’re coming with us, pretty lady.” Jason compliments. That would only get you in even more trouble.
The VIP area was stunning, there was one giant lounge that was in the shape of a half circle, the dark red velvet felt amazing as you graze your fingers over it, a large chestnut wooden table sits in the middle. The people who already are seated, stand up to greet you. First is Bella Ramsey, you pull them into you, squeezing them before you let go. “You look beautiful you know.” You shrug it off caustically, “and you look handsome.” Your fingers run across the blue suit they wear, the blue brighter than your own dress but still looked like you dressed to match.
Next was Anna Torv, her long blonde hair sits on her shoulders, you smile as you see her, you’re both mock screaming as she pulls you into her. Your chin rests on her shoulder, in your heels you’re almost as tall as her without. “It’s so great to see you, you’re looking stunning.” She gives you a once over once she pulls back, looking you up and down before smacking your ass. “How have things been with Ben?” You sigh, people knew things weren’t great but was the only one who spoke of it.
“He’s upset I came in here, I dunno maybe it was a mistake coming at all, i just wanna forget Anna,” she grins, “then we’ll make you forget hun, what’s your poison?” You hum, looking at the menu she had handed you that was sat on the table, “it’s gotta be a fruit tingle, I would die for one right now.” She walks towards the private bar and orders you a drink. The last man that’s in the room and coming towards you is Pedro Pascal, an emerald green suit clings to his broad shoulders, a black turtle neck fits him deliciously underneath, his hair is messy in a way that makes you swoon, the unruly curls and patchy beard have you swooning for the man before he even says a word to you.
“Hi I’m Pedro, it’s so wonderful to meet you again, we’ll properly this time.” You give him a lopsided smile, “it is wonderful to meet you properly. How are you enjoying your evening?” He shrugs, “I haven’t had the chance to check out the bar yet, care to join me?” You nod, “sure, Anna’s just ordered me a drink.”
When you get to the bar Anna turns to you, seeing Pedro in tow by your side, she gives you a smirk and you raise an eyebrows, giving her a look that ceases her action. “Hey pretty lady I was just coming to find you, here.” Pedro orders a whisky as he stands beside you. She hands you the drink and you sip out of the straw, stirring the ice and watching as it swirls around the glass. “Pedro, this is gonna be a great night dontcha think?” He looks at you, actually taking you all in with a slow up and down look.
He takes a sip from his glass, nodding to himself. “Yeah, it’ll be a good night.” The words left unspoken were in her company.
Hours go by and you realise you’re tipsy, you should probably stop now while you’re ahead, you’re sat between Pedro and Anna, the two are up to a whole lot of mischief when they hang out, now you’ve been dragged into it. “So you’re the beautiful lady I gotta thank for turning the game into the tv series huh? Anna told me you’re a founder of Naughty Dog.”
You shrug, your humbleness was something everyone admired. “I thought it would be awesome to see it on screen you know, I grew up playing the game and wanted to do something special with it as an adult. Keep the story alive.” Pedro sits with his legs towards you, leaning in close to listen as the music blasts over the speakers, lifting his drink to his lips as he takes a sip, his tongue licks the sticky residue off after some drips from the cup.
“I actually pushed the casting director to try and see if you’d be interested in the role when I realised you’d auditioned, I just knew we had to have you.” Your words sent Pedro’s cheeks flushing bright red, he runs a hand through his hair at your drunken confession. “So you’re the woman I have to thank for my success.” You set your drink down on a coaster on the table, your hand on Pedro’s knee as you give him a sincere look. “You’ve got no one to thank but yourself, you’re a talented actor and I’m sorry it’s taken the world this long to appreciate you and your hard work.”
Pedro thinks he fell in love then and there, he wanted to pull you into him, kiss you with all his might and take you home. But he couldn’t, he saw you walk in with some guy that’s the opposite of how he looks, blonde hair, green eyes and a slim build, there’s no way you’d find him attractive. He shoots his shot anyway; being too drunk to care about the consequences, especially not the fact you’re literally his boss. “You’re gonna be mine someday, beautiful lady. I gotta have you.” You bite your lip as you look up at him, wishing now for nothing more than to kiss him and let him take you home.
“Yeah sure, Pascal whatever you say.” You roll your eyes playfully and stand wobbly, he helps you up and holds you in place as you wipe your sweaty hands on your dress, Pedro’s flirty and charming personality was taking its toll on you.
“I better head home, it was incredible to meet you properly. Hopefully we can catch up again soon.” You smile, your face completely red as you realise how much you’ve had to drink. His face is unreadable and a beat goes by before he offers, “why don’t I take you home, just so I know you get home safe.” You turn around and look, not being able to see Ben anywhere in the general club area, you’re humming and ah’ing about what to do. “I came here with someone, I should probably wait for him.”
“Actually, your boyfriend left like an hour ago, he was super pissed about something.” Your heart drops to your stomach, fuck.
You rush to gather your things and scramble in a panic that worries Pedro. He stops you with a hand, “hey, you’re in no state to go home alone, let’s catch a cab.” Your heart rate is pounding so fast you think you might spew. “Okay.”
The cab stinks of cigarettes and cheap cologne, a bitter mix that had your gag reflex heaving, you had to fight the nausea of the car rocking back and forth not to spew in the car. Pedro rubs your shoulders as you slump into him, his hands tucking your loose strands of hair behind your ears. “Hey, keep your eyes open for me gorgeous, don’t fall asleep you’re almost home.” Home. If your home was with Ben then why did everything with Pedro feel so natural, so beautiful and seemed to be flourishing already. You sighed, you’d have to go back to Ben and he would be furious with you.
The cab comes to a halt and you open the door, turning back to Pedro, “let me walk you to your door.” Pedro offers, you shake your head, “he’s already mad I don’t-I don’t wanna make him angrier. See you around.” You offer a small smile before wobbly stepping out of the cab into the cold air, it was 12:38. The cold nipped at every crack and crevice in your body, only warming after you had climbed 3 sets of stairs to get to your apartment, the elevator was unavailable to use after 11:30pm, stupid assholes whoever made that rule.
As you get to your door, your chest is heaving, you bring your keys up to the door to unlock it and turn the key, but it doesn’t unlock, you try every key on your lenyard but it doesn’t work, he’s changed the locks; again. You start to bang on the door, not wanting to deal with his bullshit this late, you were exhausted, just wanting to go to bed. With no reply you start banging on the door more furiously, “Ben let me in!” You stand for a few more minutes and you hear shuffling, “you can find somewhere else to stay tonight, whore.” You sigh, “please ben, just let me in.” He scoffs, the sound muffled through the door, “get lost.” His footsteps shuffle away and you hit the door and yell, “fuck you!”
You race out of the building, heels in hands by the time you get to the bottom of the stairs, tears in your eyes and body freezing. You ring Anna a few times, who was by the sound of it, still at the club. She was surprised to hear you crying, but not really. “Hey An, can you come get me please? I need a place to stay tonight.” Your voice is wobbling and shaking at the cold air and the emotions you’re feeling.
“Stay where you are hun I’m coming to get you.”
You weren’t sure how long you waited before Anna shows up, Simon was driving and he got out of the car to help you up off the sidewalk, your shoes still in your hands as your feet ache from 6 flights of stairs you’d walked tonight. As Simon helps you up, you hear Ben yelling to you, cheeks red and gasping for breath. “Babe wait! Wait please.” You turn to him, a scowl on your face as you wait for him to explain himself. “Don’t leave babe please. I need you, you’re the only one that stops me from hurting myself, please don’t leave.”
You freeze, you didn’t want him to hurt himself, of course you didn’t. You were scared it would be all your fault if something did happen, that’s what made you stay as long as you did. Anna steps between you, offering a barrier between you to protect you from the manipulation, “she’s coming with me Ben.” Ben growls when you don’t come to his defence. “I’ll fucking kill myself if you leave me.” He shouts at you, “it’ll be your fault you know!” You’re sobbing and shaking into Anna as she leads you to the backseat of the car. “No wait! Babe please wait! I’m sorry I’ll change!”
Simon shoves Ben as he nears the car, a clear warning of what he’ll do to protect you. As Simon drives off you head the distant shout of, “you’re nothing without me!” You sob and Anna pulls you into her, running a hand through your hair as she shushes you, “you know none of that nonsense is true hun. I’ve got you.” She kisses the top of your head and let’s you cry into her, she feels a sense of pride when you speak through your tears, “I’m done An, I’m finally done for good.” She had never been more proud of you.
The next time Pedro sees you is nearly 10 months after your proper meeting at the work place party. You had returned to work after months in therapy and working on yourself, it had been hard work, trying to reverse all that Ben had done to you. You’d even gone to the lengths of getting a restraining order after he had followed you around town a few times, even sitting in the workplace parking lot waiting for you to finish work.
You looked different to the first time he got to know you, not by physical appearance, but you had a shine about you, you were glowing in your own warmth that had come from your hard work alone. You had been shuffling through some paperwork when Pedro had knocked on your door in the office, you’re met with a nervous Pedro, you have a gentle smile on your face and welcome him in, “please, have a seat.” He sits across from you and you set your paperwork down.
“Is everything okay?” He shuffles, “uh yeah everything’s fine, I just wanted to say it’s great to have you back.” Your heart flutters at his kindness, he was such a sweetheart. “Thank you Pedro, it’s incredible to be back, is there anything else?” You didn’t want to rush him out, in fact you loved his company, but you could tell there was something that was bothering him.
“Tell me if I’m reading this wrong, but I’d like to take you out for dinner, you know, on a date.” You smile at him, finally.
When you don’t reply as a beat passes he’s chuckling nervously, “sorry I said anything I must’ve-“ you stand over the desk and caress his face that’s looking up with to you with those chocolate brown orbs, full of vulnerability which makes you want him more. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask for months, of course I’ll go on a date with you.” His breath hitches when he realises how close you are, you kiss the corner of his lips and sit back down on your seat, picking your paperwork back up.
He watches you, stunned with your confidence and your actions, “pick me up from mine at 8?” Pedro nods, cutely stuttering as he agrees, “right, y-yes 8 will do perfectly!”
“Alright handsome, now get back to work.” You wink to him, “yes ma’am.” He says before leaving. Your heart is hammering so hard in your chest you’re finding it hard to focus on any paperwork. You start to wonder what the hell you’re gonna wear to dinner.
Pedro shows up at your house at 7:45pm, a punctual man is such a turn on. You’re shimmering your dress down a little bit so it sits comfortably, the red dress accentuates your body perfectly, the sweetheart neckline shows off a decent amount of cleavage without leaving nothing to the imagination, your gold heels were sparkling in the hallway light, your purse hanging off your shoulder as you answer the door. “Hey,” he says as if he’s breathless, and hands you a bouquet of flowers, he’s wearing a navy blue suit that’s unbuttoned, a white turtleneck sits comfortably underneath.
“Hi.” You greet, not hiding how obvious you are to checking him out. “You look so handsome,” you muse, taking the flowers and hold them to your chest. His cheeks flush as red as your dress, he takes your hand to lead you to his black Audi, “you look breathtaking, I’ve never felt luckier.” He opened the door for you and you sit down, carefully setting thr bowyer down at your feet, to your surprise, he leans over you and buckles your seatbelt in for you.
It drives you crazy, the smell of his natural musk mixed with cologne and his hair mousse. You have to fight the urge to bite the flesh on his neck to claim him as your own.
The radio is quiet as he drives to your location, the gps interrupting the song playing as it directs Pedro to take a right at the next set of traffic lights, he’s still beside you, looking like he’s fighting himself internally. You reach over and set a gentle hand on his thigh, that seems to relax him as he takes the right turn, his hand rests on top of yours as you encourage him to relax.
“You have arrived at your destination.”
The building was fancy; that was an understatement. It was a large building, what you can only assume are thousands of bricks and large open windows, the parking is exclusive and he picks a spot that he reserved, having to punch his reservation number into the device before the gates opened for him to enter.
“Thank you, such a gentleman.” You compliment as he opens the door for you. He readjusts his suit jacket, nerves getting the best of him as he locks his car as you walk towards the entrance of the building. You feel the ghost of his hand on the small of your back, as if he’s scared to actually touch you.
The interior of the building was beyond what you could’ve imagined, the lighting was dim; romantic. The music was quiet and the building was completely empty; had he rented out this whole thing? Just for you? The first man you meet is dressed in a suit, “welcome, Mr Pascal, please join us at our finest table.” He leads you away from the main area, into a reserved room which was stylishly decorated with balloons, rose petals and two tall candles on the table.
“Oh Pedro, you didn’t do this all for me did you?” He pulls your seat out for you and sits across from you, “it’s too much isn’t it? I knew I was going overboard. I’m sorry.” You frown at him, your hand caressing his own on the table, the silk tablecloth was gentle on your fingertips. “Pedro, listen to me sweetheart I’m only going to say this once.” His brown orbs meet yours, worried about what might come from your mouth.
“I like you, I have for a long time, okay? Whatever we do together I’m happy with. We could’ve went to McDonalds and I would’ve had a great time with you. No matter where we are or what we do. Now unclench your jaw and relax your shoulders handsome.” He obeys you, you see him visibly relax at your orders and he gives you a bashful look, he’s trying not to apologise. “Thank you, I just-after everything you’ve been through. I wanted it to be perfect.”
Your heart aches at his sweet confession, the words stick to your heart like thick honey. “Oh Pedro, it’s always been you sweetheart. You are perfect for me, perfect to me.”
The waiter comes with the first course, you hum in delight at the taste that tingles on your tastebuds.
“You know, Anna was the one that pushed me to ask you out, she knew I wanted to I was just-spineless I guess.” You laugh, of course she did.
“She’s been rooting for us since that night at the club, I don’t blame her. Look at us.”
The second entree is delivered to you, as well as the waiter offering wine in which you accept, you both opting for red. You sip on your red wine as you pick at your food, talking and eating in between bites.
“You know I’ve had a crush on you ever since game of thrones, how could I not, are you kidding. Oberyn Martell was the love of my life as a young adult.” Pedro laughs at that, the crows feet by his eyes are endearing to you. The sound of his laugh is like the sweetest symphony you’ve ever heard.
“He’s everything I want to be, the sexiest guy ever.” You can’t contain the smile that breaks on your lips, “please, have you seen yourself? Every person on the internet right now wants Daddy Pascal.”
The sultriness of your voice wasn’t meant to be that-sexual. It had just slipped out-kind of. Pedro was cut off by the main course arriving, the smell was delightful and tasted even better with the accompaniment of the wine.
“What do you think of the whole daddy thing?” He asks, it’s not a question you’re expecting to come from him. You nearly choke on your food from laughing, you carefully swallow the food, the fullness becoming more and more with every bite, you were thankful the last course was dessert.
“I think it’s sexy.” You deadpan, honesty is the best policy right?! He spits his wine into his napkin, obviously not expecting that to come from your lips.
“I don’t have daddy issues, if that’s what you’re wondering. I just think it’s sexy that you embrace it, like you’re a dad for all the people out there that don’t have a good father figure. I think it’s sexy because I can imagine how good of a father you would be to your own children.”
Pedro watches you, dumbstruck, completely and utterly in love with you, without a doubt you are meant for him. The waiter clears your table, returning a few minutes later with dessert, the last course.
You sit in comfortable silence, you don’t mind that he didn’t say anything back, it’s a lot to take in and process and maybe you could’ve been crossing a line-but you wanted to be completely honest with him about your feelings.
“I think I love you.” He sputters out, “no.” He nearly shouts, earning a confused look from you, “I know I love you. God I want you to be mine.” His fingers are tapping on the table in a nervous stim, trying to draw the nerves away from his mouth and anything stupid he might say.
“I’m yours sweetheart.” It’s everything he wants to hear, you waltz over to him, sit on his lap sideways and play with the curls on the nape of his neck, “I’m yours Pedro.” He leans forward and brushes your lips together softly. You pull away after a few seconds and his pupils are blown out, dopamine flowing through the two of you creates a high you’ve never felt.
His fingers trace the hem of your dress, tickling your thigh which emits a low groan from you, “you’re gonna be mine forever right?” He already knew the answer, he just wanted to hear it. His fingers dance up your thigh, kissing your shoulder as he looks at you through his dark lashes. “Yeah baby, ‘m all yours, forever.”
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Fem Megatron x Fem Rodimus NSFW pls :)
Fem megatron has extremely large breasts that her chassis just can’t really hide.
She’s more vicious in battle and larger than when she’s a mech.
As a femme she’s deadlier and more cunning. A real problem that the autobots are glad changed sides even if they still are terrified of her and don’t want her there.
Getaway thinks twice about trying to kill her, Getaway still tries but it takes longer to figure out its him since he went through all the trouble of pinning it on someone else out of fear. It was Rodimus he should’ve been afraid of.
Rodimus is a gorgeous femme, more gorgeous than when a mech.
Her chassis is decent sized and she’s still around male Rodimus’s size but she’s got a very very large pair of breasts hidden beneath her chest plating. Rodimus has very thick thighs and a ridiculously curvy waist. She’s used to the stares and doesn’t mind so long as no one touches.
The best part?
Rodimus has two valves for double the penetration, she can also make the two one big valve but she needs a lot of slick and transfluid to do it.
Back to Rodimus being a threat.
She is much more vengeful as a femme and when she gets her servos on Getaway she takes pleasure in tearing him apart piece by piece after hunting him down on the ship and slowly killing him for what he did to herself, Megatron, Tailgate and her crew.
The sight of Rodimus so brutally killing Getaway makes Megs so charged she scoops up Rodimus right in the heat of her heaving from ripping Getaways spark apart and rushes them both to her hab.
Right there she pops her panels open, slides her glossa down Rodimus’s throat and hears Rodimus’s panels click open and slides her extremely large spike into Rodimus’s valve that struggles to form into one and take all of her.
Megs is careful with her rough treatment but she does give Rodimus the fragging worthy of an energon soaked femme after battle like in the days of her gladiator past.
Rodimus is more than willing, more than eager to accept Megs spike and servos wandering every part of her she once kept hidden.
The two are roughly pushing against the other, undoing chassis locks, panel latches and helm keys to see all of each other in the most raw form they can.
They’re soft with each other after their charge comes down.
Their overload is loud and rattles the berth and door, Megs thunderous slam into Rodimus that ignites sparks that start a small fire on the floor leaves them slightly exhausted. The fire is lazily put out and Rodimus gropes Megs first while Megs can’t take her optics off Rodimus’s large jiggling breasts.
They’re both mesmerized by the size of their breasts and colors of their mesh and protoforms.
Rodimus would’ve thought Megs to be all gray but the shades of black, brown and surprisingly red thrill her.
Megs is more than happy to be right about how bright and vibrant Rodimus is. Hues of orange, yellow, red and even deep honey enthrall her.
To see each others sparks glow for each other beneath their breasts has them pushing the large mounds together. Of course Megs are bigger but Rodimus isn’t that far from her.
They rub and touch each other in no hurry.
Rubbing their nozzles together feeling milk from Rodimus’s ducts spill, their outer nodes rubbing each others swollen, coated in slick and fluids they both slid digits into to taste.
Megs won’t let Roddy’s fuel go to waste of course.
She drinks from Roddy’s nozzles greedily as Rodimus slides a fist inside Megs valve and Megs slides the fat outer node of hers into Rodimus’s valve.
They both make each other overload for hours.
The crew has the unfortunate pleasure to hear whats going on.
Its only unfortunate because they can’t join.
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