#metal horizontal staircase railing
championbuttmaster · 1 year
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Home Bar Galley Image of a home bar in a small mountain style galley with a medium tone wood floor and a brown floor, shaker cabinets, dark wood cabinets, granite countertops, and a black backsplash.
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celebsaggers · 1 year
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Home Bar Galley Image of a home bar in a small mountain style galley with a medium tone wood floor and a brown floor, shaker cabinets, dark wood cabinets, granite countertops, and a black backsplash.
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dianamsphotography · 11 months
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Deck - Contemporary Deck An illustration of a sizable, modern backyard deck design
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romancevsreality · 1 year
Deck - Contemporary Deck
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An illustration of a sizable, modern backyard deck design
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rolloollor · 9 months
Deleted Scene from Dark Fire (Smoldering Desire) Where MalleRollo Storm Idia's Room
I wanted this to work and tried it a few ways, but it always felt like filler to me. Anyway, here's one version of it. It's not super polished or anything.
Note that this has an abrupt end since it's where I went "No, this isn't working." I'm the kind of writer that has to write out the majority of a scene before I realize it isn't working...
This scene takes place soon after the birthday. I replaced it with Ortho dropping in to check up on Rollo.
As they walked to their final class, Flamme turned to Malleus. “Do you think we could find Ortho after school? I should apologize for… the confusion.”
With no club activities, they had some free time between their last period and dinner. They had vanished on the younger Shroud without explaining why, which would have startled anyone. Lilia had handled it. But he doubted that was good enough for Flamme.
“We could try, but I don’t know where he spends his time. The older Shroud would. We could visit him.”
“In his room, I suppose. We can go there?”
“I’m certain we can find it.”
And so, once freed from scholarly restraints, he brought Flamme to the dorm entrances. One thing Malleus had noticed in his time at Night Raven College was that the Ignihyde mirror had the least amount of traffic. It also had one of the more geometric designs, along with a Cerberus’ three heads glowering at anyone who dared approach. Quaint.
They passed through.
A staircase hewn from rock stretched in front of them, climbing around a natural stone pillar. Behind them, scores of boney fingers reached through blue mist. Skeletal figures with glowing ultramarine eyes rose from the depths to support an ancient building—likely the dorm itself. Nothing but the sound of languidly flowing water and the distant whirr of electronics reached them. Desolate. Ominous. It was no Diasomnia, but the aesthetic had promise.
Flamme started up the steps, every footfall echoing out into the ether. "This completely unsuitable for a child," he mumbled.
“He can fly, so the lack of any railing poses no threat.” Malleus caught up to Flamme. He ensured that he stood between Flamme and the edge of the stairs because he might rather take a fall than use magic to catch himself if he slipped. Not that Malleus couldn’t pluck Flamme out of the air, if need be.
“I mean the décor.” Flamme gestured toward one of the skeletons, its skull pointed toward the path, as though it could observe them. “But it is dangerous, as well.”
As they entered the dorm building, they found the common area. The vast room had pairs of couches sprinkled about, each with a gap between them. A massive object made up of black, inorganic roots stretched from the floor to the ceiling. Charts and symbols made of light flickered in the air.
A grand total of two students, aside from himself and Flamme, made use of the place. They sat across from each other, each engrossed in their own square of flashing colors.
Flamme marched over and stood beside the table between them. “Excuse me.”
One jolted and jerked his head toward Flamme. The other, wearing black earmuffs, had not noticed anything amiss.
The Ignihyde student looked Flamme up and down. “You’re… in the wrong dorm.”
“I wish to speak to Shroud. Where is his room?”
“Ah. Yeah, good, bother him instead of me. Go out through there,” he paused, pointing to a pair of metal sheets without doorknobs. “And down the hall. His room is the last one on the left.”
Without bothering with thanks, Flamme returned to Malleus’ side. They left the pair of students to their squares.
Were most Ignihyde students like Shroud?
The two doors glided apart to allow them through once they approached. On the other side, archaic pillars lined a hall with walls, floor, and ceiling covered in triangle designs. Between certain columns, graphs made of light displaying something or other hovered. Not a speck of dust remained on any surface.
A silver disc rolled horizontally across the ground, making a whooshing sound as it came around a corner. It had no eyes. How did it know where to go? Malleus couldn’t tear his gaze away from it, even as they passed the thing on their way to the leftmost part of the corridor.
"What do you imagine that round creature is doing?" Malleus asked Flamme, nodding toward the disc.
Flamme's eyebrows furrowed as he gave Malleus a long look. "I believe that is a vacuum."
An absence of matter? No, that wasn't right. Whatever it was, Flamme’s tone didn’t sound promising.
"It’s cleaning,” Flamme said.
All by itself. It had quite a bit of ground to cover, so it must have been dedicated. “How admirable. But it can’t handle a gargoyle. Correct?”
“No.” Flamme’s pace slowed. He glanced at Malleus from the corner of his eye. “Would you rather have a machine assist you?”
What a ridiculous question. “There is no one I would trust more to work with gargoyles than you.”
Finally, the end of the hall came to meet them. Instead of a window, opaque black glass, framed in yet another triangle, hung on the wall. On their right was another passageway with sliding doors and no way to open them. They refused to part at their advance.
“Should we knock?” Flamme asked, glaring at his reflection in the metal.
“No need.” He channeled magic, wrapping it around both components of the door.
Flamme clicked his tongue. “This is a waste.”
“It won’t require much.”
The sliding doors juddered and wobbled as the material whined, but they stood no chance. A screech sounded from inside the room—Shroud, no doubt. Finally, the two metal sheets thrust apart, slamming into their hidden compartments. The way was now clear.
A pajama-clad Shroud whirled around in his swivel chair, knocking an open instant noodle cup onto the ground. Brown liquid oozed onto his rug. But the area around the chair, which should have been blue like the rest of the fabric, was already darkened by previous stains.
“Augh, dark spirit has invaded! I’m not ready for PVP!” Shroud cried.
Sometimes he seemed to speak a different language. “What is Pee Vee Pee?” Malleus asked.
Shroud pointed at Flamme. “What’s he doing here? You led him to me! Did he hit you with a status effect?! Confusion? Anything but charm!”
Flamme surveyed the room, but the younger Shroud was not there. Only then did he turn to face Shroud, who blanched and covered his face. One of his fluffy trouser legs (covered in pink and green creatures of some sort) had landed right in the overturned cup noodle mess.
“Cease your rambling, Shroud,” Flamme said. “I had hoped to speak to Ortho. Do you know where he is?”
Shroud steeled himself for something, perhaps expecting a blow. When Flamme brought his handkerchief to his nose, but did nothing else, Shroud eased his arms down.
“Oh. Yeah… he said something about…” His voice became too quiet to hear.
“Speak up, Shroud,” Malleus said.
Another flinch. He snatched a blue rectangle off his desk and held it up to his face.
Odd… but Flamme did something similar, did he not? Though he could at least maintain eye contact with his handkerchief.
“He mentioned your, uh, talk. He was worried about your doki doki panic more than anything, but don’t you think it’s kinda weird to spring that stuff on him? You’ve barely had a conversation. How did you even get those dialogue options? Normies, I swear…”
Either Flamme had understood what a dough key was or he had refused to even entertain the word because he sneered at Shroud. “Oh, you think have a leg to stand on when it comes to questionable decisions. The impudence of criticizing me when you—”
“Flamme.” Malleus put a hand on Flamme’s arm which, thankfully, captured his attention. “We came here to look for the small Shroud. He is elsewhere. Don’t fight with the larger Shroud.”
Frowning, Flamme sniffed. “At least keep your room clean to set a good example.”
“Hah!” Shroud peered from over the top of his rectangle. “He’s not some monkey see monkey do kid—he’s good on his own!”
 “Ah, it all makes sense now.” Flamme tilted his head up and looked down his handkerchief-covered nose at Shroud. “I couldn’t understand how such a well-behaved child could develop from your tutelage, but I suppose we should be glad he knows a poor role model when he sees one.”
Again, he stopped, but he threw Malleus a glare. Worse, Shroud chose this time to let out his strange laugh.
“Shroud, you are not helping.”
Perhaps he should have known better than to bring them together. The younger Shroud was friendly, but the older one was anything but.
“He has a lot of dialogue for a boss we defeated already.” Shroud sighed, shaking his head. “Ortho’s with his club right know. The Film Appreciation one. They spawn all over the school, so who knows where they are today.”
Flamme flattened his lips into a thin line. Indeed, this news complicated things.
“Then will you pass on a message for me?” he asked, the words small, hesitant. “I want to apologize for disappearing without warning. And… I want to thank him. He was very helpful.”
This was the perfect opportunity for Shroud to petulantly tell him no and spew some more words no one else understood. But Shroud said nothing for a moment, his gaze on the floor. The spilled cup noodle had, no doubt, gone cold by now.
“Fine. Quest accepted. Just don’t barge into my room again.”
Flamme huffed. “Rest assured, I have no intention of returning. Let’s go, Malleus.”
If Flamme was satisfied, then that was enough for him. They departed. Flamme hurried down the hall, his arms straight at his sides—he must have wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to fix my door?!” Shroud called after them.
He had ruined it—etiquette dictated that he should go back and fix it. But Flamme didn’t acknowledge Shroud’s comment and, if anything, increased his pace. Malleus matched him. Shroud could repair his own machinery.
They rushed their way through the cavernous common room and out to the staircase that led back to the mirror. Flamme finally slowed. He treated the steps with the respect they deserved, no doubt thanks to his responsibilities in the bell tower.
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 years
WIP Wednesday (Thursday)
Thank you for the tag @reyesstrand - sorry I'm late!
(Going to start posting this fic at the weekend!)
Three days after TK’s seventeenth birthday, the temperature in New York City drops to 22oF. The north east wind screams through the streets, violently shaking strings of Christmas lights and flinging horizontal razors of sleet into TK’s face. He skids along the sidewalk in his vintage Doc Martens, pulls his shearling-hooded parka tight around him.
TK will not know for almost a decade that he will get to live through winters in another place, where mostly the sun shines and air travels up from the south, where December means sweater weather and February already smells like spring.
On an ordinary freezing day after school, he’ll reach his apartment building and bound through the door, foregoing the elevator so he can run up the staircase and keep his circulation pumping, breathing into his hands and rubbing them together as he goes. He’ll glide into his apartment, into the warm, dump his schoolbag down by the door, unlace his boots and kick them off dramatically, and head into the kitchen where he squeezes cheese from a can directly into his mouth and follows it with a milky bowl of Cheerios. He can do whatever he wants until his mom gets home in the evening. He can start his homework, or boycott it. He can load up his PlayStation, or watch porn. He can brave sitting on the fire escape to smoke weed, or he can feel very classy and warm his bones with a brandy from his mom’s stash of spirits.
In a gut-punching, humiliating twist, this is not an ordinary day. He is staying overnight at his dad’s – which he hasn’t done for three weeks because of awkward shifts – and Owen is already at home.
Owen wasn’t supposed to be clocking off until 8 p.m, but he’s asked his deputy to cover for him because he needs to deal with his son. That’s how Owen worded it in his text to TK. “Just had a very difficult phone call with Vice Principal Woodsman. Johnny will cover the rest of my shift and I’ll deal with you when you get home.”
TK stops outside of Owen’s building. He stands in the freezing wind, battered by icy rain, and stares at the dark wood door and the metal railings that protect it. Being out here is better than going inside. He has cash in his pocket. He could sit in Starbucks for a couple of hours and read Heart of Darkness for his book report.
The thing is, TK is good. He messes up, but he’s good. He takes a painful breath and enters the building, rides the elevator up, squeezes his hands into fists to warm his numb fingertips.
Owen is sitting in his La-Z-Boy chair when TK plods in, because the chair has a direct eyeline to the door. TK wonders how long Owen has been waiting for him. He unlaces his boots slowly, uses his hands to guide his feet out of them, and he leaves them neatly on the hessian welcome mat to dry. He doesn’t dump his school bag, but rather keeps it on, wearing it like a heavy talisman as he walks in green dinosaur socks over to his disappointed father.
“So, they did a random locker search today, huh?” Owen says.
I know we are beyond Wedneday but tagging @ladytessa74 @never-blooms and @heartstringsduet with no pressure at all of course ❤️
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stair-warehouse · 22 days
Are you buying horizontal railing? Look no further than Stair Warehouse! Our Horizontal stair railings merge functionality with sleek, modern designs, enhancing both the safety and aesthetics of your home. Choosing the right horizontal metal railing contributes significantly to your space's overall appearance. For more information, you can call us at 800-591-722
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the-yuanjian-blog · 1 year
What is Stainless Steel Handrail Fittings?
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Stainless steel hand rail fittings come in many different types, allowing you to easily adjust your rail system to the layout of your home. Handrail fittings commonly used in life include handrail support, handrail bracket, handrail end cap and other handrail connectors and glass fittings. Stainless Steel Handrails are an essential part of any staircase. These provide an extra level of safety, helping people avoid dangerous trips and falls.
Either you have purchased a new house or are planning to remodel your existing home; you should consider adding handrail fittings to your stairs. These railings are important because they can stop people from falling down the stairs, and they look sleek and give people a firm grip on it. When it comes to stainless steel hand rail fittings, you might wonder which type is the best choice.
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Stainless steel hand rail fittings are typically made from 304 or 316 stainless steel. 304 stainless steel is a general-purpose stainless steel that is corrosion-resistant in most environments. 316 stainless steel is a more corrosion-resistant stainless steel that is often used in outdoor applications. It is because stainless steel is one of the most durable metals used to improve household tasks. In addition to being highly durable, they are also super easy to maintain and clean, which is why they are so popular with people right now, especially house owners. Not only are they easy to maintain, they are also very easy to install, so they can be used for both indoor and outdoor stainless steel hand rail fittings.
Some common types of stainless steel hand rail fittings include:
1. Handrail brackets: These fittings are used to attach the handrail to the wall or other supporting structures. They provide stability and support to the handrail.
2. End caps: End caps are used to cover the exposed ends of the handrail, providing a finished look and preventing any sharp edges.
3. Elbows: Elbows are used to create bends or turns in the handrail system. They allow the handrail to follow the contour of the stairs or other architectural features.
4. Connectors: Connectors are used to join different sections of the handrail together. They ensure a secure and seamless connection between handrail components.
5. Flanges: Flanges are used to secure the handrail to the floor or other horizontal surfaces. They provide stability and prevent the handrail from moving or wobbling.
6. Glass clamps: In some handrail systems, glass panels are used as infill material. Glass clamps are fittings specifically designed to hold the glass panels securely in place within the handrail structure.
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sophielewis1998 · 1 year
Balustrades and Grab Rails: Merging Safety and Elegance in Architectural Elements
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In the realm of architecture, the synthesis of functionality and aesthetics is a perennial pursuit. The blending of safety and elegance within architectural elements encapsulates this pursuit in a tangible manner. Among the numerous facets where this harmonious integration can be witnessed, balustrades and grab rails stand out as quintessential examples. These unassuming yet indispensable components of architectural design not only ensure safety and accessibility but also contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic appeal of structures. Balustrades, with their ornamental grace, and grab rails, with their discreet assistance, have evolved far beyond their utilitarian origins to become emblematic of the confluence between safety and elegance in architectural discourse.
Historical Evolution: Form Meets Function
The origins of balustrades can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The Greeks and Romans were among the first to employ these architectural features, although in simpler forms compared to the intricate designs that would emerge later. Initially, balustrades were primarily functional, serving as protective barriers along elevated walkways and terraces. Over time, as craftsmanship flourished and artistic sensibilities evolved, the utilitarian balustrade evolved into an expressive element of architectural design.
In parallel, the concept of grab rails, though not as visually conspicuous, also has an extensive history. In mediaeval times, rudimentary versions of grab rails were incorporated into the architecture of castles and fortresses. Their purpose was to facilitate movement along steep or uneven paths within these structures. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that grab rails truly began to be integrated into public spaces and buildings with the intention of aiding individuals with reduced mobility.
Safety: A Paramount Concern
The paramount aspect that balustrades and grab rails bring to architectural spaces is safety. In the modern world, where design is not just about aesthetics but also about usability and accessibility, these elements play an indispensable role. Balustrades, often composed of a series of vertical posts or columns connected by horizontal rails, act as protective barriers, preventing falls from elevated areas. They are a crucial presence in spaces such as balconies, terraces, staircases, and walkways. Not only do they provide a physical barrier, but they also offer psychological reassurance, enabling individuals to navigate spaces with greater confidence.
Grab rails, on the other hand, are discreet yet vital aids for individuals with reduced mobility. Whether it's the elderly, people with disabilities, or those recovering from injuries, grab rails offer essential support when navigating spaces that involve steps or elevation changes. Positioned strategically along staircases, ramps, and corridors, these unobtrusive elements blend seamlessly with their surroundings while providing a steady anchor for those in need. By facilitating movement, grab rails enhance the inclusivity of architectural spaces, making them accessible to a wider spectrum of individuals.
Elegance: Aesthetic Enhancement
The evolution of balustrades and grab rails from their rudimentary origins to their contemporary designs showcases the marriage of safety and elegance. Balustrades have transcended their utilitarian beginnings to become exquisite architectural features. Crafted from an array of materials such as stone, wood, metal, and glass, balustrades offer a wide canvas for artistic expression. Intricate carvings, delicate motifs, and innovative patterns contribute to the aesthetic allure of these elements. They serve as visual focal points, enhancing the beauty of spaces and often becoming symbols of architectural sophistication.
In parallel, grab rails have also undergone an aesthetic transformation. No longer limited to purely functional designs, modern grab rails exhibit a range of styles that seamlessly align with diverse architectural sensibilities. The materials used in their construction, such as brushed stainless steel, polished brass, or even timber, not only ensure durability but also offer a touch of elegance. These rails blend discreetly into the surroundings while adding a touch of sophistication.
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Architectural Integration: A Harmonious Blend
The successful integration of balustrades and grab rails into architectural designs requires a delicate balance. Architects and designers face the challenge of merging these safety features with the existing design ethos of a structure. When executed harmoniously, these elements enhance the overall aesthetic, reinforcing the notion that safety need not compromise elegance.
Modern architecture places a premium on the symbiotic relationship between safety and aesthetics. Balustrades and grab rails exemplify this principle through innovative design approaches that amalgamate form and function. Glass balustrades, for instance, introduce an element of transparency, providing an unobstructed view while maintaining safety. Inclusive design principles dictate the strategic placement of grab rails, ensuring that they blend seamlessly into the environment and cater to the needs of diverse users without interrupting the visual flow.
Future Horizons: Innovations and Sustainability
As architectural technology advances, so do the possibilities for balustrades and grab rails. The 21st century has witnessed the emergence of smart materials that offer enhanced durability and aesthetic potential. Nanotechnology has enabled the creation of self-cleaning surfaces for glass balustrades, reducing maintenance efforts while preserving their clarity. Additionally, the integration of lighting elements within balustrades and grab rails has transformed them into functional pieces of art, illuminating spaces and adding to the ambience.
Sustainability is also a driving force in contemporary architectural design; balustrades and grab rails have not been left untouched by this movement. The choice of eco-friendly materials, efficient production processes, and thoughtful end-of-life considerations all contribute to the eco-conscious evolution of these elements. The marriage of sustainability with safety and elegance aligns with the broader ethos of responsible architecture.
Kinds of Balustrades and Rails
Glass Balustrades: Sleek and modern, glass panels provide an unobstructed view while maintaining safety.
Wooden railings: with their traditional and adaptable nature, impart a sense of warmth and charm to loft spaces.
Metal Balusters: Metal options like wrought iron, stainless steel, or aluminium lend an industrial or contemporary look.
Cable Railing: Taut cables between posts create an open feel, perfect for minimalist and modern designs.
Vertical Bar Railing: Vertical bars provide a classic appearance with added security for loft areas.
Horizontal Railing: Horizontal lines offer a unique twist, creating a sense of space and visual interest.
Mesh or Grid Panels: These combine modern aesthetics with safety, often used in industrial or loft-style spaces.
Plexiglass Panels: Similar to glass, plexiglass offers transparency with added durability and lightweight construction.
Rope Railing: Nautical-inspired ropes or cords create a rustic or coastal ambiance in loft settings.
Concrete Balustrades: Incorporate concrete for an industrial or Brutalist aesthetic, often paired with other materials.
Branch or Nature-inspired Railing: Twisted branches or organic forms bring a touch of nature indoors.
Perforated Metal Panels: These panels offer privacy and an artistic element, suitable for contemporary lofts.
Mix of Materials: Combine wood, metal, and glass for a multidimensional and customised railing design.
Floating Handrail: A minimalistic approach with a floating handrail attached directly to the wall.
Sculptural Railing: Incorporate artistic elements into the railing design for a unique focal point.
Each of these balustrade and railing options contributes to the overall aesthetic and safety of loft spaces, allowing for creative expression and functional design choices.
In the grand tapestry of architectural design, balustrades and grab rails stand as prime examples of the integration of safety and elegance. From their humble beginnings as functional necessities, these elements have blossomed into intricate pieces of art that define and enrich the spaces they inhabit. Their evolution is a testament to the adaptability and creativity of architects and designers, who constantly seek to harmonise form and function.
In an era where architectural discourse is characterised by the pursuit of holistic design, balustrades and grab rails exemplify the union of utility and aesthetics. They remind us that safety need not be stark or utilitarian and that elegance need not sacrifice practicality. As we continue to shape the built environment, these unassuming yet vital elements will undoubtedly continue to merge safety and elegance in ways that captivate both the eye and the heart.
Elevate your architectural vision with Loft Boarding Specialist, where safety and elegance converge. Contact us to transform your space with exquisite balustrades and discreet grab rails, creating a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetic allure.
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10 Stunning Balustrade Designs for Your Home's Staircase
 for contemporary and industrial-style homes, the glass and steel fusion balustrade design offers a sleek and sophisticated look. Glass panels are mounted between steel balusters or posts, creating a seamless and transparent barrier. This design not only enhances the modern aesthetic but also allows light to flow freely, brightening up the surrounding space.
Vintage Charm
If you long for the romance of the past, a vintage-inspired balustrade design will suit your taste. This design often features delicate spindles or turned wood balusters reminiscent of traditional architecture. Cast iron detailing may also be added for an authentic vintage touch. When paired with a rustic handrail, this style exudes warmth and nostalgia, making it perfect for country-style or farmhouse interiors.
Mediterranean Flair
Embrace the coastal elegance of the Mediterranean with a balustrade design inspired by the region's architecture. Terracotta or patterned ceramic balusters are common choices, evoking the vibrant colours and textures of the Mediterranean landscape. This design complements homes with Mediterranean, Spanish, or Tuscan-themed interiors, infusing a touch of Old World charm into the space.
Contemporary Cable Rails
For a sleek and minimalist look that emphasises clean lines and open views, consider the contemporary cable railing design. Thin stainless steel cables are horizontally stretched between metal or wooden posts, creating an airy and modern appearance. This design is particularly suitable for modern, industrial, or loft-style homes, as it accentuates the contemporary vibe.
Curvaceous Beauty
A balustrade design with curvaceous elements imparts a sense of grace and elegance to your staircase. Balusters crafted from bentwood or wrought iron can gently curve along the handrail, creating a flowing and harmonious look. This design adds a touch of sophistication to homes with traditional or transitional interiors, elevating the overall aesthetic.
Geometric Patterns
For those seeking a bold and artistic statement, a balustrade design with geometric patterns is an exciting option. Balusters in shapes like squares, triangles, or hexagons can be arranged in creative and intricate patterns, creating a visually striking effect. This design is perfect for contemporary and modern homes, adding an element of artistic flair to the staircase.
When it comes to choosing a balustrade design for your home's staircase, the options are vast and exciting. Each style offers its unique charm and aesthetic appeal, allowing you to personalise your staircase to match your taste and interior theme. Whether you prefer the timeless elegance of classic designs or the boldness of contemporary styles, the balustrade can serve as an impressive architectural element that enhances the overall beauty of your home. 
Remember to consider factors such as the interior style, durability, and maintenance requirements when making your final decision. With a stunning balustrade design, your staircase will become a captivating centrepiece that reflects your style and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who visits your home.
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stepbeyondsblog · 2 years
The Top Fence and Deck Designs of 2023
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If you're looking to upgrade your outdoor space, consider installing amazing fence and deck designs to elevate the ambiance of your property. Whether starting from scratch or renovating an existing feature, choosing the right plan can greatly enhance your outdoor aesthetic.
Below are some of the top fence and deck design ideas for making the most of your outdoor space.
A horizontal slat-style fence
It is a popular option as it provides privacy while allowing light to pass through because of its unique design.
For those who prefer something more modern, try an open picket fence with thin vertical planks separated by narrow gaps. It adds a lattice panel to a solid board fence for an intriguing contrast. Or, if you have a sloped yard, opt for a stepped look that follows the grade. 
Split Rail Fences 
Split rail fences are great if you want an easy-to-install option that won't break the bank. As its name suggests, it's made up of two or three "rails" that split into multiple pieces and fit into post holes on either side of the fence line. Split rail fences can range from 2 to 5 feet tall and provide just enough security without obstructing your view of your surroundings. 
Metal Fences
Metal fencing is an excellent choice if you're looking for a long-lasting solution. These fences can withstand extreme weather conditions without rusting or deteriorating over time, as other materials may. Metal fencing is also available in various styles, such as chain link fencing (which can be used as both residential and commercial fencing), ornamental iron fencing (which has decorative details like finials), aluminum fencing (which offers a more modern look), and wrought iron (which adds an elegant touch).  
Vinyl Fences
Vinyl is another popular option for fencing due to its durability and low maintenance requirements. Some popular vinyl fence styles include privacy, shadowbox fences, lattice top fences, ranch-style rails, open picket tops, and more! Vinyl fencing is also available in various styles and colors, making it great for customizing your outdoor space according to your personal taste and needs. 
On the other hand, discussing deck design for your property is equally essential. 
Your deck design should suit your needs—whether for entertaining guests, relaxing after work, or creating somewhere to spend time outside.
Platform Decks 
These are one of the most common decks and are generally used by people who need more space or an easy-to-build solution. Platform decks are built on top of existing structures, such as patios or slabs, requiring little to no excavation work.
Raised Decks 
A raised deck is just as it sounds—it's elevated off the ground and usually requires extensive excavation work to build. Raised decks typically come in two forms: freestanding or attached. Freestanding decks are not connected to any other structure, while attached decks must be connected to your home or another existing system, such as a shed or garage.
Multi-Level Decks 
Multi-level decks are great for homeowners who want to maximize their outdoor living space without taking up too much room in their yards. These decks feature multiple levels connected by staircases or railings and can be customized with features like built-in seating areas, hot tubs, fire pits, and more.
No matter what kind of fence and deck design idea you choose for your backyard, plenty of options will fit into any budget or aesthetic preference! Make your property’s fence and deck renovation project easier by connecting to an experienced company like A Step Beyond In home renovation, with over 30 years of commitment to serving their client with the utmost professionalism.
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ladywhistleclown · 4 years
Anthony Bridgerton x F!Reader: Stairs Solve Problems
Summary: You try to teach Anthony to loosen up at a party, your way.
A/N: imagine the stair sliding scene in Ella Enchanted except with Anthony. Thank you for your time. Yes this is self indulgent. Enjoy.
Word Count: 2467
Warnings: Fluff, Anthony and Reader are childish, they also constantly banter at each other but it’s Bridgerton so-
“If Anthony keeps making that absolutely dour face through the rest of the party, it'll stick that way.” You grumbled, Benedict laughing loudly in response as you tossed another glance at the sour viscount.
While you had made your best attempts at mingling and partying, even gracing a few with dances (a regret, to be sure), He hadn’t moved from his spot against the wall in the last hour, deflecting mamas and maidens alike, content to stand and scowl at the masses.
“Ah, well. He must be in a mood.” Benedict said in a way of explanation, taking another sip from his liquor. You rolled your eyes, turning to face away from Anthony and his harsh glare.
“If he can’t even smile, how will he ever get a wife?” You tsk, shaking your head with mock disappointment, causing Benedict to snort and nearly splutter up his drink.
“How will he ever get a wife at all?” He countered, dabbing a bit of his spilled alcohol off of his jacket. “With an attitude like that, not even the mamas will approach him before long.”
“Perhaps I should go cheer him up?” You suggested, turning back to look at him. He was still glaring, although it looked like it was now directed in your particular direction. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, and you looked away quickly.
“If you dare.” Is all Benedict graced you with, his mischievous grin growing wider as he slipped past you and into the gallery.
Artists! You thought, shaking your head. Anthony was a close friend, but you had meant to approach him with Benedict. You were close enough to know his ‘moods’, and how to steer clear of them.
It appeared though, that as he continued to stare sullenly, that you were the only option.
Sighing, you leveled your chin and swept up to him, trying to appear both as regal and ridiculous you could, a smile bubbling through your composure as you dipped into the clumsiest, lowest curtsy of your life in front of him.
Hopefully, Whistledown, whoever she was, wasn’t looking in your direction tonight.
“A dance, My Lord?”
“I believe it is customary for the man to ask the woman, no?” In spite of himself, he smiled, both at your request and theatrics, and you knew you had won already.
“Very well. I shall wait for my invitation.” You replied promptly, demurely folding your hands and continuing to stand in front of him. He chuckled, realizing you wouldn’t leave until he gave you what you wanted.
“I don’t dance.”
“This is not a waltz, My Lord.”
“I do not dance at all.”
“Not even my way? Away from...prying eyes?” He swallowed, shaking himself from the cesspool his thoughts had gone into the moment you had stepped closer, dipped your voice low to speak to him.
Of course, he knew you would never proposition him like that. You were devoted to your social standing, even as you hated it, and would never do something as silly as tempt a rake upstairs, unchaperoned, and away from a party.
So clearly, you were up to something else.
“Your way?”
You grinned.
Somehow, you had tempted a rake upstairs, unchaperoned, and away from the party. With pure intentions, of course, but the ton would view it the same either way.
If they find out, you reminded yourself, leading Anthony up the grand staircase in the deserted main hall. which they won’t.
Once you reached the top of the stairs, you stopped, turning back to face the floor below. Anthony stopped too, puzzled.
“Here we are, My Lord!” Your giddy voice only confused him more, as did your bright, excited smile when you glanced up at his face.
“The landing?”
“Hah! No, the staircase! Well, the rail.” You explained, patting the polished metal rail on the left of the staircase, gleaming from a fresh polish.
“I’m not quite sure I follow you, Lady.” He admitted.
“I always do this when I’m in a sour mood, and it appears as though you could use it just as well.” Before he could open his mouth to protest, you continued, “It’s quite fun. Just try?”
He sighed. He could never resist you, even less when you pleaded with him, and so he nodded quickly. He doubted whatever you had planned with the stairs would bring him much respite from his plaguing thoughts of Siena, but it was worth a try.
If for no other reason, to make a childhood friend happy.
“Alright. What is it you’ll have me doing?” You squealed at his assent, gripping his hand and pulling him closer to the rail.
“Sliding down the rail.”
“The rail. It’s very long, and the curve makes it even more fun to slide down. Have you never done this in your own home?” You cocked your head to the side, brow furrowed in confusion.
“Of course I had, when I was a boy. This is for children.”
“My Lady-“
“You promised you’d try.” You reminded, crossing your arms. You wondered if stomping your foot would be too reminiscent of a petulant child, and decided against it. Acting like a little girl wouldn’t help your argument now.
He stared, before finally shaking his head and moving to sit on the rail. He glanced up at you obediently once he had settled on it, and you smiled in encouragement.
“I must admit, this isn’t what I had in mind when you said ‘private dance’.” He laughed lowly.
“Rake.” You shot, but there was no venom behind the word, no malice. An almost practiced response.
“This won’t break, will it?” He changed the subject, glancing down at the rail beneath him. It seemed sturdy, but just because it could hold a maiden didn’t mean it would hold him.
“No, of course not. Now, slide down, and I’ll come down after.”
“I suppose you expect me to catch you?”
“It’s half the fun, Anthony.” Exasperated, you gently shove his shoulder. “Now, slide.”
“You’re very pushy.”
“I like to think of it as determination. Slide.”
Finally relenting, Anthony used his hands to push himself off, sliding easily down the waxed metal, following the curve of the grand staircase and landing neatly on his feet at the bottom.
Anthony tried to be a serious man, at least in society. Brothels and opera houses aside, when it came down to it, he thought he did a pretty good job of carrying himself through society as a Viscount and head of his family.
Yet, as his boots made contact with the marble floor with a loud click, indicating that he had landed, he was laughing. It was fun, although he was loathe to tell you that you were ever right (you’d never let him forget it), something about the nostalgia, laughs shared between brothers as they took turns bothering the help by ruining the perfectly polished stair rails.
It already had him forgetting, smiling, laughing.
You smiled, hearing his laughter from the landing of the stairs. I told you, you thought smugly, kicking off your flats and gathering your skirt as you sat on the rail, shoving yourself off. You giggled the entire way down, waiting eagerly to see Anthony around the curve, hopefully ready to catch you.
It would be very unbecoming to leave a lady to topple off of a stair rail. Though, perhaps it was more unbecoming to sneak away with a man to ride on stair rails and then demand he catch you.
Luckily for you, Anthony had no intention of letting you fall, catching you just as you rounded the curve of the stairs and hit the end of the rail, spinning you around in his arms and laughing along with you.
“I told you it was fun!” You said indignantly, clutching at his waistcoat before standing and righting yourself.
“You were right, of course. Again?” He was already rushing upstairs, leaving you smiling brightly below. His bright face and demeanor reminded you of the boy you knew before, not a Viscount or leader, or even a rake, but Anthony, mischievous and fun loving and sometimes a bit foolish.
You followed him up the stairs, hiking your skirts to run faster. He was already situated on the rail, and the moment he saw you had reached the landing, he pushed himself off, laughing and whooping. You followed shortly, and he caught you again, spinning you around before setting you down and quickly jogging up the stairs.
You must have gone down dozens of times, completely having forgotten the ball in favor of your childish game. Anthony didn’t mind, and neither did you.
At least until you came down, and after righting you, he grinned and said, “I don’t think I can go again, My Lady.”
“Why not? Must you leave?”
“We are ruining our clothes.”
“What?” You raised your eyebrows, and in response, Anthony turned around, revealing his issue.
In a thick, horizontal line, exactly the size of the rail, Anthony’s breeches were fraying and tearing away. It would only take one more slide to rip them entirely away, not that they could really be worn acceptably at all now.
You laughed loudly, and he turned around again, laughing with you. You had expected him to grow embarrassed or angry at your giggles, but it appeared as though the rails truly had loosened him up, willing to laugh at his misfortunes.
You were glad.
“Oh dear, that certainly is a problem! A funny one!” You snorted, patting his shoulder.
“Indeed. Although, I don’t regret the actions that led me to it.”
“Of course not! It was recommended by me, after all.” You turned, inspecting your own skirts. The metal had left dark stains on your gown, and the edges were ragged from your repeated trips up and down the stairs, often tripping over them in your haste.
“Mother will be furious.” You sighed, “Well, at least it is not a hole.” You glanced up at him again, barbing him with a sweet smile.
“Funny.” He rolled his eyes, although when he looked back down to you, they were...soft.
“Thank you. For trying to help me with my troubles.”
“Oh please. You’re my friend. Was I supposed to let you suffer in silence at the party?”
“Most would.”
“I am not most, My Lord.” He started, lips parted slightly in retort, and then froze. You had always been one of few to help him, to listen to his troubles with Siena and his mother and Simon, a shoulder to cry on for comfort and a beacon of advice for help.
In the cold, calculated world of the London Elite, you were one of few who were genuinely kind, accepting, helpful.
How had he not seen it before?
“No, you are not.” He said simply, quietly. Before you could question his meaning, the doors to the main hall opened.
“Lord Bridgerton?” You gaped as your mother stepped in, Anthony quickly turning to the door and folding his hands behind his back to hide his wardrobe malfunction. “...Daughter?” in a much more shocked tone. You shrunk away from Anthony to face her.
“Mother. Anthony was upset, so I was...helping him. We slid on the stair rail.” You admitted. It would be a flimsy excuse if it weren’t true, and you were terrified she wouldn’t believe you.
Honor was everything in the ton, and being caught alone with a gentleman would destroy yours.
“It’s true. We were...reliving childhood.” Anthony chimed. You shot him a grateful look, surprised that he had chimed in for your benefit.
Strangely, your mother simply smiled, a twinkle in her eye. “Of course. I remember how many gowns you ruined doing just that. And I can see the smudges from here.” She commented, pointing at your gown, where a large, darkened patch of your petticoat had smeared onto your sleeve.
“My apologies.” You mumbled.
“No need, dear. I suppose we must leave early, no need to raise suspicions, and your gown is in tatters anyway. I cannot let you enter a ballroom in it. I’ll call for the carriage. Wait here.”
And with that, you and Anthony were left alone together. You slowly turned to him, and judging by the expression on his face, he was thinking the same as you
“That went remarkably well.” He said, holding back a laugh “I thought she would kill me.”
“Oh, if anything, I’d be the dead man.” You scoffed. “I’m shocked she left us again, as well. She must be scheming something.”
“Our marriage?”
“Hah! You cannot be serious. She’d never let me marry a man who would slide down stair rails with me!”
You both laughed again, and your mother peeked in.
“Carriage is ready my dear. Make haste.” You nodded, turning to Anthony.
“I’ll take my leave, then. I had fun, Anthony. Thank you for indulging my foolish whims.” You curtsied, properly this time, and he smirked.
“Of course. Call on me the next time you have a whim. I’d be happy to join you.” He gave a short bow of his head, and you joined your mother at the door, disappearing behind it.
Once you were in the carriage, your mother sighed sweetly. You prepared yourself.
“Ah, young love! How fun!”
“We are friends, mama.”
“Oh please. Men don’t ruin their breeches for just anyone.” That made you laugh. And maybe, just maybe, you hoped she was right.
Anthony had no choice but to retire early, calling a carriage and going alone. He could explain to his family later, he was sure they were used to his disappearing act. A smile on his face, he floated about the house, going about his nightly duties, his mind only on you, your kindness, and your constant chase for fun.
It wasn’t until he had finished changing his breeches and settled into his office chair that he realized that for the entire night, he had completely forgotten Siena, entirely focused on you and your antics.
The next morning, Anthony requested that the stair rails in the Bridgerton home be well polished every morning. For no particular reason, of course.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 90
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(Blake PoV)
Adam came at Yang and I across the cat walk like he flew out of a canon. He slashed a wide swing which tore into the cables that held it up as well as the metal grating which made up the catwalk itself.
"You've come here to destroy me, haven't you, love?" He pressed.
I grit my teeth and met his slash with my weapons crossed. I held off the long katana which sent sparks up and harsh vibrations down my arm.
I flicked away into a clone up above him and Yang stepped into the space I formerly occupied with a haymaker. He blocked it but he had no room to step back given the damage Cloud had done to the platform behind him. I descended back down on him with a wild slash and landed behind him.
"You've got to be stopped Adam. You're way too dangerous. I have to stop you."
He blocked two slashes from me and then twisted around in time to deflect Yang's prosthesis to the side.
"I do remember you," he told Yang. "This time I will kill you."
Yang shot at him with her gauntlet and he leaned to the side but he still caught a handful of pellets that made his body twist to the left. He slashed at her, taking a long step forward to drive Yang back with his alarming strength.
Then he spun around and met one of my blades, then the other. With his back turned to her, Yang punched him hard in the back and he leaned against the rail of the catwalk like he might fall.
He snorted at us. He was penned in. He would need to make space if he wanted to beat us. He jumped off the catwalk and backflipped off the wall of the warehouse then came at me in a wide slash. I vanished in a shadow clone and left him cutting at air.
He cut through the grate of the catwalk more as he paced up on Yang with a sidestep. Yang warily stepped back and for a moment it looked like the two were dancing. Adam leveled his scabbard at Yang and fired a blast of pellets at Yang's head. Yang ducked and tried to step in with a punch but Adam used his range to block her to the side and followed it with a riposte that Yang deflected off her prosthesis, shielding her head with it.
"Can't you see I've done everything I did for you, Blake?" He grunted.
I descended back on him with three quick slashes. He deflected them, but he was shedding aura with the effort of keeping up with us. Then I drew back and fired at him twice with my gun. He grunted into the bullets, unable to truly block with Yang on top of him.
"I never wanted any of this. Be honest. You did it all for yourself. You wanted the throne of the White Fang," I fired back. I shot at him a couple times too from behind Yang. He sheathed his weapon and front-flipped at us. He drew it again in a dashing cut that was aimed at both of our heads. "And look where that got you. Sleeping alone in a warehouse at the edge of Mantle."
"This is the end of the line," Yang muttered in agreement. Her fist met his sword and they warred for a moment before he paced a half step back.
"I won't end today," he said gruffly. "Today will mark a new beginning for me after I've killed you and taken Blake back."
He cut twice horizontally with his long range and kept Yang at bay. She struggled to get in on him. Once she was in she could work him over but it was getting through the zone his sword provided that was the problem.
"You'll never have her back! Don't you get it?!" Yang shouted in his face.
Yang jumped back and I left a clone behind where she stood. It turned into fire and washed over Adam. He flinched back but he hardly had the room to escape the flames. He stuttered back in and rammed me with his shoulder, knocking me to the deck of the catwalk. He brought his blade down on me but I raised mine and covered myself from his swing downwards.
Yang stepped in over me and punched him in the jaw. He was sent reeling back into the little space he had reclaimed near the edge of the walkway. Yang chased him and hit him in the gut. Then she uppercutted him with her robotic hand. He sliced her back and she blocked by holding her arms upwards and bent at the elbow.
He then descended on her with some slashes and tried to open her up but she stood firm for the most part. It was hard for Yang to block without taking some hits on her aura but Adam would have to do more than chip away at her.
"We'll just see about that," Adam muttered.
I flipped back to my feet and stepped forward and unleashed a beam of purple light that rode down the catwalk and forced him to block.
"She's right. We're over Adam. You're over."
"You can't win her back. You crossed the line," Yang growled.
"I will have her again," Adam disagreed. "My love, be mine."
"Never again. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from yourself, Adam," I returned.
I twirled upon him and cut at him with both of my blades. He twisted Wilt around and held Blush over his face to block my attacks.
"Save me? I don't need saved. I have my duty to fulfill," he bit out.  
There was a time when I had admired his strength. His dedication to keep going. I admired his passion for our cause and how unflinchingly he looked at the world. Now I wish that he would have flinched, for a sign that he was just a person doing what he thought was right rather than a monster. It was the sort of little sign that Ruby and Weiss got from Cloud when he stumbled. A sign that he was struggling and that he would hesitate.
Adam never gave me that. About anything. He just pressed on like he didn't do horrible things. He went forward like he hadn't killed people. Cloud at least seemed on edge from the destruction he caused. A point in his favor perhaps. A difference between him and Adam.
Then Adam said he did it all for me and I had to know that he was lying. Even to himself. I never wanted this for him. I never wanted this from him. I'd rather that he flinched.
He slashed Yang away and pressed his advantage on her now that she was opened up but I flicked to place beside her and cut at him. Then I shot him twice in the chest.
He let out a little roar at being interrupted and came at me. His blade singing through the air. He pinned me back against the rail of the catwalk and swung. I cried out as he bit deep into my aura. Purple flared from where he cut me in a field.
"You're becoming bothersome, love," he rumbled.
"I'll always be in your way, Adam," I said steadily.
He slashed at me twice more and brought Blush to bear. He fired and the blast knocked me off my feet again. It slammed me into the rail and down to the metal grate. Yang roared and stepped over me into his space and he slashed at her too before he sent a shot whizzing into the aura around her head. She shook it off and came at him still. She swung with her right arm and Adam blocked it with a twist of Wilt. Then she buried her fist in his gut with her left arm.
He grunted again. We were winning. We were chipping away at him.
I looked down through the grate and saw Ruby and Weiss fighting off two of Cloud's sisters. Ruby turned into petals and dodged around her target and Weiss had a black glyph spinning to life beside her. I couldn't be sure how they were doing. Hopefully they were matching our success and we'd walk away from all this the victor.
I remembered fighting Cloud's sister. She was good. And they worked well together as a team. It could be dangerous for them down there but I had to hope that they could maintain the pace and win.
I rebounded to my fight and shot at Adam while he tried to keep Yang off of him.
Adam ripped into Yang's aura, ignoring my shots that pounded into his own. He cut her twice across the stomach then once diagonally from shoulder to hip. Then he kicked her in the chest and pushed her back before he fired right into her stomach with Blush.
Yang failed for a moment on the rail before I tossed her my ribbon and pulled her back on. We charged him with my ribbon in hand and clotheslined him on the catwalk.
We tried to wrap him up in it but he put his hand on the ground and cartwheeled free, this time moving forward so that we were cornered against the destroyed part of the catwalk. He had the space he wanted now.
He sheathed his weapon and side-flipped. He jumped off the wall and back to the catwalk and came at us in an enormous slash that cut into both of our aura and knocked me back a step.
"You can't beat me, love," he whispered. Like a knife on the bones of my spine. "I'll kill her this time. No running away from me."
"We will beat you!" I shouted back right in his face. I put my weapon together in a fluid motion and brought it down on his body. He blocked with Blush and riposted with Wilt and cut me across the stomach.
"Get off of her!" Yang slammed her shoulder into him and sent him sprawling across the catwalk. He just rolled away from us and back to his feet. We were pushing him close to a staircase upwards now.
He shuffled back and put one foot at the edge of the stairs. If we started to force him down them we would have the advantage and he'd be on the back foot. He would either fight us at an enormous loss or be forced to turn and run.
He snorted at the two of us. He knew it too. It wasn't in his nature to run if he could help it. I knew that about him.
He slashed forward at Yang and this time he bit deep into her prosthetic where she tried to block. She didn't cry out in pain, it wasn't attached to her body like that, but she did let out a little grunt at the loss.
Maybe Cloud should have been the one to engage Adam. Cloud's strength was terrible. It might be the only thing that could match him. Yang was now wounded and she was coming up short of taking him down. We both were. At this rate he'd be able to escape or kill her. Maybe both.
I hadn't realized Yang had gotten so low on aura. I wasn't doing well myself but I thought she had more in her tank. Aura was a finicky thing. You didn't have the same amount day to day. Besides Yang had been blocking most of his attacks on her aura. That was the nature of her style against a swordsman like Adam.
I'd need to make a play if we wanted Adam to die here and now and not live to fight another day.
Yang's prosthetic went limp by her side. Adam had struck a critical system in it. I flipped down the catwalk to where Cloud was mid-fight with this hovering specter and a girl inside of it. I lashed Gambol Shroud to the rafters and swung down and I clashed with her from behind and sent her tumbling into a shelf.
It raked at me to confess that I needed Cloud's help. It should have been me to take down Adam but I couldn't match him alone and with Yang hurt.
"Go help Yang," I told him. "Please trade with me. Stop Adam. You're the only one who can match him one on one."
Cloud hesitated. Then he nodded. "Beware her semblance. And… and don't kill her."
I nodded. He flew away up to the catwalk on a pocket of air. "Sit this one out, Yang. I'll cover for you," I heard him say.
His sister picked herself up out of the shelving I'd knocked her into from behind.
"That was family business," she snarled at me.
"Your family business involves everyone," I returned. "Literally everyone everywhere."
"You'll regret getting between us. I have no qualms about killing you," she added. I watched the specter around her fade with a closing wing around both her and it and I saw her wince. If it was anything like Cloud's power, her next use of it was a long ways away.
She flipped a dagger into her hands, rotating it so she held it reverse with a casual ease and she pointed her gun down at me. We started by shooting each other. Her with her pistol and me with mine.
Then we clashed with my scabbard against her knife. She pushed against me but I had a little range on her.
She did this three-sixty front-flip away from me and landed neatly like an acrobat. Then she rushed me and she did a sort of baseball slide with her leg extended to trip me up. I bounced off one of the shelves and came back down on her with my sword. Then I swept my scabbard into her gut.
She bent over from the force of it, a flare of red and blue aura spreading out from the attack. Then I shot her three times.
My gun clicked empty and I had to reload with a back-flip.  She approached me with another somersaulting jump. And she swept the knife at me in a move that caught my aura at the stomach. She didn't hit nearly as hard as Adam did. At least not with her semblance inactive.
She shot at me once, then she did an arcing flip that carried her into the rafters with her shooting down on me in a bullet storm all the while. It caught me off balance and as she landed she swiped the knife at me and shoved me into one of the shelving units.
She jumped, lashing out with two kicks into my gut that sent me reeling. She was formidable. As you might expect from one of Cloud's sisters. But she wasn't unbelievably strong like he was. She didn't share the sort of raw power that let him one-shot my aura to near zero or fifty percent.
She dashed forward to follow up her assault with two more kicks but I blocked both on my shins and I engaged her with my sword and my scabbard. I forced her to block twice in rapid succession then I flowed my weapon together and brought it down on her body. It flung her back into a shelving unit.
I heard two shouts above us and saw Adam slam into one of the walls of the warehouse and slide down it until he crumpled in a heap. Blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. Cloud was winning if he hadn't won already.
Cloud landed and grabbed Adam by his shirt and picked him up. He slammed him into the wall hard enough to shake the whole building.
I turned back to my opponent and found her running away. She was making a break for the exit and covering her sisters with a storm of bullets as they did similarly. I could hardly respond. My aura was almost empty. I watched Weiss and Ruby try to get in their way but the sisters were nimble and they worked well together in concert all three of them.
They flipped over one another as they made their exit and all I could do was watch. The girl I'd been fighting flicked her knife from by her side and it slid deep into my aura and from there into my stomach. A crackling of purple wasn't enough to halt the weapon.
"Blake!" Weiss shouted. She moved to cover me. A glyph spiraling to life over my body while Ruby took potshots at the retreating girls. They slid out of the double doors of the warehouse and I heard engines start but my vision was getting hazy.
Yang came up to us. Her arm still dangling uselessly by her side. "Blake!" She hissed urgently. "Stay with us. Don't go to sleep."
Sleep sounded so good, though. I blinked my eyes wearily from where I lay on the ground.
"Did we get him? Did we get Adam?" I asked.
Cloud's voice came in, he said something I didn't make out followed by, "he's gone."
Then I sort of slipped under before I could ask anything else.
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How To Paint Black Wrought Iron
Heritage Cast Iron produce the finest authentic cast iron backyard railings in Glasgow. Constructing a disability ramp costs between $875 and $2,seven hundred. It's possible you'll need it for personal causes or in a public area. The railing ought to be a part of the larger building project. This ensures that it complies with ADA requirements and the permit is appropriate. Requirements to follow embrace slip resistance, peak of handrails above the ground, and total size past the ramp.
Tumblr media
Iron railing straightforward set up and minimalist design. For a greater variety of cap kinds, improve to beefier 33-inch posts and select from types like this curvy form, designed to replicate a turned-wooden post. Go in between the home's two tales via an elevator or this good-looking staircase; it is limestone with an aged iron railing. There are three ways to mount railings: fascia, surface and wall. In architecture, the fascia mount refers to fixing an object, on this case a railing, to any relatively broad, flat, horizontal floor, to the outer fringe of a cornice or frame. That is additionally referred to as a facet mount or a joist mount. The surface mount refers to fixing the article to the part of the floor where one would stroll. It may be called a deck mount, flooring mount or top mount. There are also railings which might be fixed directly on walls.
Wrought Iron Railings is well-recognized for its exceptional and surpassed quality providers for building customized iron gates, hand rails, fences, balcony railings, and extra. The corporate has been serving the residents of Toronto and surrounding areas for greater than forty years and caters to a diverse clientele including interior designers, property dealers, architectures, civil engineers, landscapers, and private residential clients. We hold years of expertise in manufacturing exceptionally crafted fences, railings, gates, and different related products utilizing latest fabrication and molding technologies. We work with a range of metals together with iron, wrought iron, stainless steel, and aluminum to create astounding and premium quality custom iron fences and railings. Able to assemble: Building aluminum panels from a boxed equipment by screwing pickets to rails drops the panel value to about $eight per linear foot. However these panels can be found solely in the most basic styles. While that is the most time-consuming strategy, the packing containers are simpler to move with the average automotive. Metal is more durable to find as a kit. You will get the look of wood with different supplies that don't weather. Actually, one of the vital popular supplies for railings is vinyl. And producers have labored a very long time to make vinyl seem like wood with its graining and total profile. Vinyl doesn't should be painted or stained - it comes from the manufacturing facility already finished.
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stormears · 4 years
AO3 Author Tag Meme
I’ve used FFN since 2005 and still do, but lately it’s almost entirely to update 1 Naruto story that’s also cross-posted on AO3. For this, I’m using my newer, more frequently used AO3 account, which has the Naruto story and a handful of others.
AO3 Name: UmbreonLy [Umbreon if it was an adverb?] 
Fandoms & # of Fics: 4 Fandoms, 7 fics 
Naruto (link) 3
Haikyuu (link): 2
My Hero Academia (link): 1
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (link): 1
Final Fantasy VII Remake (1 coming soon I swear to god) 
Fic you spent the most time on: Chasm (Naruto, Sakura-centric, pretty dark) has technically been going since 2015, though I didn’t post it till 2018! I started it as a oneshot for MadaSaku week 2015 and it became far too big, which is my most common fanfic problem. I adore it though.
Longest Fic: Chasm. 4 chapters and about 75k words. Chapter 5 is in progress and has about 2k. Chasm has always had very long chapters which I love, but the disgustingly slow updates are making me consider chapters in the 6-8k range instead of 11-14k.
Shortest Fic: Dragoneyes. About 5k. I saw a MadaTobi aesthetic/moodboard post with dragons in it, made by a total stranger, and decided to write fic about it, because I love those characters and I love dragons. It felt fun to write something random, unconnected, barely structured...made me feel like one of those peeps who write 500 word prompts on a whim. Even though it took two weeks. 
Most Hits: The Long Walk, about 7400 hits. Chapter 1 of an MHA fic I’ll never finish, where ABO is a worldwide epidemic that caused mass panic and destruction before people started to settle into the new ways. Pro hero and newly minted alpha Bakugou comes across quirkless(????) Izuku in a random danger zone, but quirkless Izuku acts deeply suspicious. Written because I hate PWP ABO, wanted to put a plot into that trope, and wanted a tense and evenly matched fight scene between an alpha and omega. The fic is mostly Bakugou and Midoriya stepping awkwardly around their bad past relationship and beating each other bloody with ABO trimmings, and I think people appreciate that mix. 
Most Kudos: The Long Walk again. Every day I check my email eagerly for chapter updates on stories I like, replies to reviews I’ve written, reviews/comments on my own stories, but three out of every four AO3 emails I get is a kudos alert for this story. 
Most Comment Threads: Probably Chasm. 
Fave Fic you wrote: I love Chasm...but Darcia (Haikyuu fantasy AU) makes me proud in a way that feels unique and so worthwhile. I rewrote this thing 8 or 9 times across 6 months, struggling, succeeding, failing, hating my work, actually crying at least once because I felt so inadequate...and at the end came away with Chapter 1 of a story that read like a crown jewel to me. It has JUST the vibe and words I wanted. It’s a piece where the struggle was actually worth it.  
Fic you want to write: Gonna write a FFVII Sefikura fanfic where legitimate SOLDIER Cloud Strife comes to Midgar and slowly, with trepidation and confusion, gets close to respected General Sephiroth, who, at the point of gaining Cloud’s trust and love, begins to drop larger and larger hints that he had evil machinations all along and will now possess and keep Cloud like a puppet. 
Share a bit of a WIP or share a story idea you’re planning:
Excerpt from wip possibly titled “Day of the Navigator” , a Haikyuu horror/space AU. Iwaizumi Hajime is an astronaut, or “navigator”, who was preparing to help evacuate Earth from incoming predatory aliens when the aliens came early. He is forced to flee Earth alone but is soon followed by a party of different aliens who bear a strong resemblance to the Seijoh team and alien Oikawa is going to break in and fuck him. 
Tried to write with a “distant, vague” POV because I thought it might help cover more events in less time/paragraphs. This was a good idea because at first this was a oneshot for IwaOi Horror Week. In October 2019. It’s still not done, goddamn me. I don’t love the writing of this scene but MEHH
They stalked him.
He tracked them by their body heat and by the vibrations they emitted. They floated around the solar panels like eels through coral. Their claws tapped along the hull, their heads butted it. When they came too close or when a careful maneuver of the controls was possible, the navigator pushed back. With drills, hammers or projectiles, he punished them for their bullheaded pestering by mauling them.
Once their bodies were torn, they floated limply away—for a while. Even when he shot wires into their flesh and electrocuted them till their flesh started to cook, they returned. Once two of them drifted into range of extraneous thrusters that burned them till they cooked entirely. Their crisp bodies floated end-over-end into space. Two more of them whirled frantically about them as they floated away. 
Godspeed, cunts. Hope you die.
They never did.
Each part of the body crushed or torn returned, even if it took weeks. Even bodies ripped in half grew back or stitched together again. And after one period of many weeks, he could not put off a walk to the water filtration tank any longer.
He kissed Tory the tyrannosaurus and set him on an elliptical to wait for him. Iwaizumi would find him happily in the gym once he was done. He suited up for a spacewalk from the midpoint of the ship to the aft end. 
The airlock door opened. There was nothing around but a drifting comet in the far distance, silent and white. He was safely alone in the infinite dark.
The journey was quick, unfettered. Past the soldier-like battalions of solar panels, past the engine block and heavy storage armor. Three-quarters down the ship by the aft was the main water filter. Its panel came unlocked easily, dispensed easily, took a replacement receptor easily. From this view, the ship’s many dents and scars were visible. Nothing had ever come close to rupturing, but there were dozens of minor dents from impacts with debris and—and predators. His skin crawled under his suit.
A sudden alarm in the helmet told him to run for his life. The predators were coming.
Iwaizumi followed the route faster than ever before: hand over hand on the handholds, nearly requiring the air jets to realign himself when he missed one and nearly floated off. None of the creatures were in sight yet.
Take me to victory, Ushijima had said, so he did not stop.
Iwaizumi instead took himself off the usual route to a different airlock entrance than usual. It was closer, but with a longer code required for entry. While he punched digits into the panel, the alarm in his suit sounded quadruple signals of four unique heat signatures.
He foolishly spared a glanced up. One of them was crawling between the forest of solar panels above. Atop its head was brunette-colored hair. It was the outcast attacking first, pupils shrunk to nothing.  
The airlock opened and Iwaizumi pushed inside with a helpless cry that fogged his helmet.
Over his head there was metallic clattering and bumping as the being crawled down the hull to him—no, two of them did. One of them grabbed at his suit as the door automatically closed.
Iwaizumi’s mind quit all efforts, longed to faint. It left him to protocol instead of thought—he twisted in the thing’s grip, executed a lean maneuver to flip and kick the attacker in the chest. There was a harsh vibration pulsing into him like an indignant scream near his head. 
He rocketed into the airlock foyer, unable to breathe. He struck a wall. The door closed and sealed but he still wasn’t breathing.
Air was evacuating the suit through a horizontal tear in the arm. Pressure was returning to the chamber at the same time, beating on his ears and throat. Iwaizumi collapsed to the floor. The helmet fell off and hit the tiles with an undignified clank-clank-CLANK.
Outside the little window in the door, a man’s face looked in: the red-mouthed outcast, now with narrowed brown eyes and an open, conniving mouth with lips. It was a face he’d seen as a boy many a time when he had time for play, when he cared about sports. It was the face of a rotten bastard looking at him through a net, who’d almost seen a cheating plan to fruition. And it was the knowing smile of a man plotting. Finally the navigator, too, became knowing.
How foolish to label this one an inept outcast. How shortsighted, to not see that it danced with danger first and most often, received the most wounds and that it led its pack in these hunting parties in pursuit of him. It had followed him and brought the others to follow him. It knew how to smile. It was truly intelligent life, almost human in its persistence. Its humanity made the animal nearly able to capture and destroy him.
Take me to victory was such a fucking stupid thing to say when he had nearly been pulled away from his escape and into an open mouth. The smiling thing twitched its fingers by the round window to catch his attention. Its hand briefly seemed to be inside the glass.
Iwaizumi squinted his eyes and recognized that he was beginning to hallucinate, that his heartrate was lightning-fast and nauseating. His arms and legs shook so hard he could not control them. He gritted his teeth and tried to move them anyway, watched by the leader of the hunting pack. He rose by grabbing the nearby staircase railing and pulling forward. With it, he began a stiff, horrible walk up the short metal stair steps to the hall beyond.
The walk was short and then the railing was gone and then he could no longer stand. After turning the corner, he fell onto his knees. He sat just out of sight of that window, shaking for hours and then days.
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percussiongirl2017 · 6 years
Crowley’s Orders
Title: Crowley’s Orders Part 1
Characters: Reader, Sam, Dean, Crowley (Eventual pairing later on)
Prompt: “This is what you do when I’m not here. Type?” (From an old challenge)
Summary: Things haven’t been easy since the boys got you back. They call in Crowley to help and realize that you’re struggling more than you let on.
Word Count: 3463
Warnings: Mentions of torture, talk of suicide and self-harm, flashbacks, angst, fluff
A/N: REPOSTING OF AN OLD FIC. This was originally a Sister!Winchester fic, but I’ve rewritten it with a different pairing in mind. I’ve also corrected the tense changes. Part 2 is already in the works. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Tags are below the cut.
Buy Crowley’s Scent Here!
     Sam and Dean were gone on a hunt so you had the bunker to yourself. You put your headphones on and cranked up the volume on your phone. Slipping your phone into your back pocket, you wandered around the bunker aimlessly. You wouldn’t normally walk around the bunker with your headphones on in case something happened, but you really needed the music today. You needed to escaped reality for a little while. Your favorite bands shuffled through your headphones as you made your way throughout the bunker.
*Crowley’s P.O.V.*
     I followed Moose and Squirrel to the entrance of the bunker and waited for Squirrel to unlock the door. Eventually he got the metal door open and walked in. I followed after him and Samantha followed behind me.
“Be quiet.” He whispered.
“Why?” I asked.
     He pointed over the rail into the library. I took a step closer and saw Y/N moving around the library with her headphones on. Her laptop was set up at one of the tables, but she didn’t seem interested in it. I watched as she mouthed the words to whatever song she was listening to completely oblivious to our presence. We quietly walked down the metal staircase and headed down one of the hallways, but not before I caught a glimpse of Y/N’s arm. The sleeve of her shirt rode up enough for me to see the horizontal lines across her wrist. Some looked new while others were faded. I continued down the hall and was lead into a smaller version of the war room.
“What’s wrong with Y/N/N?” I asked. “Why are we being quiet around her?”
“She’s been like that since we got her back from your demons.” Squirrel explained.
“They did something to her, Crowley.” Moose added. “She’s not the same girl she was before even after Cas healed her.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Squirrel sat down at the table. “She doesn’t eat or sleep. She’ll be fine for two or three days then suddenly she’s mute and she stays in her room.”
“We can’t risk taking her on hunts.” Samuel added. “We’ve tried talking to her, but she just brushes it off.”
“What does this have to do with me?” I questioned.
“It was your demons who took her!” Dean yelled. “She wouldn’t even look at us when we got her back. Now she hardly talks to us.”
“We were just thinking that maybe you could talk to her.” Moose said calmly. “You two were buddy buddy before she was taken. Maybe it would help if someone who wasn’t us talked to her. Please, Crowley, we just our Y/N back.”
     I looked at the broken looks in their eyes. They must be desperate if they we were calling me in for help. I did like Y/N more than the average hunter. She wasn’t as harsh or blunt as the Winchesters and actually enjoyed my company. I sighed and pushed back from the table.
“I’ll see what I can do, boys.” I stated. “I make no promises though.”
“Thank you.” Moose whispered as Squirrel nodded.
     I left the room and made my way back to the library to see what kind of miracle I could work.
*Reader’s P.O.V.*
     You eventually sat down at the table and started typing on your laptop just like you did every day. You shuffled your playlist a few times before finding something you liked. A shadow appeared over the top of your laptop and you looked up to see Crowley sitting across from you. You went back to looking at your screen and pretended not to see him. He tapped the top of the laptop and you glanced up. He motioned for you to take the headphones off and you shook my head and continued to type. He tapped again and you looked up.
“Please?” He mouthed.
     You sighed and slid the headphones off.
“What?” You said softly.
“Long time no see, sweetheart.” He smirked. “How are you?”
“Fine, Crowley.” You said. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I drop in to pay a visit?” He asked seeming offended.
“You can do what you want.” You shrugged. “I’ve been doing the same thing since the last time you visited.”
“This is what you do when I’m not here.” He said. “Type?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “My life doesn’t revolve around you, Crowley.”
His head tilted. “Why are you being so defensive?”
“I’m not.” You snapped. “You’re just pissing me off.”
“Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Talk to me.”
“I’m fine.” You spat.
“No, you’re not.” He insisted. “What happened, Y/N?”
“Nothing.” You said.
“The cuts on your arms say otherwise.” He pointed out.
    You shoved away from the table and turned your back to him. You were shaking and your fists were clenched in your attempt to stop the memories that were bombarding you.
“Shut up.” You ordered.
“What did they do to you, sweetheart?” He pleaded.
“Why do you care?” You hissed.
“Well,” He started. “I consider us friends. You don’t try to kill me every time you see me so that’s a perk.”
“Sam and Dean put you up to this.” You realized out loud. “You don’t really care.”
“Why wouldn’t I care?” He countered.
You spun around. “If you cared then you would have looked for me! You would have saved me from your demons! You would have done something to stop them from doing what they did to me!”
     You broke down and collapsed to your knees with your arms wrapped yourself as the memories replayed in your head.
“You would have been there when I screamed for you.” You sobbed.
Crowley was confused as he knelt beside you. “You screamed for me?”
“You, Cas, Sam, Dean.” You listed. “No one ever heard me. No one came to my rescue.”
“How long?” He asked.
“Three months.” You replied. “Three months of torture. Three months of mental abuse. Three months of fear.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“No, you’re not.” You said. “They were your demons who were following your orders. I’m not stupid, Crowley.”
“Despite what you think, I didn’t send anyone after you.” He informed you. “I would never do that to you.”
“That’s not what they told me.” You stood and brushed him off. “Just leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
      You wiped the tears from your face and sat back down in front of your computer. You pulled your headphones on and turned up the volume so you couldn’t hear Crowley.
“Y/N.” He called.
     You continued typing and wiping the fresh tears from your face. Crowley walked over and pulled your headphones off.
“Give them back.” You shouted. “I need them.”
“No, you don’t.” He countered. “If you would get off that computer for five minutes and talk to me, I could explain my side.”
“You don’t understand, Crowley.” You muttered. “Just give me the headphones.”
      From the corner of your eye you saw Sam and Dean quietly walk in.
“Not until you tell me why.” He shrugged.
“Crowley, please.” You whispered.
“Why do need them, Y/N/N?” Crowley asked. “They’re just headphones. You can live without them and your laptop.”
“No, I can’t.” You shook your head.
       You turned to go to your room to get another pair of headphones when Crowley grabbed your wrist. You hissed in pain and jerked your arm back to see that several of the cuts had reopened. You grasped your wrist to your chest and looked at Crowley.
“You wanna know why I spent all my time writing and listening to music?” You asked. “Because if I don’t, I’ll lose my mind. I’ll lose what sanity I have left. It’s how I’m coping, Crowley, but sometimes it isn’t enough as you can see.”
     You let go of your wrist and several drops of blood hit the floor. You shrugged your flannel off and exposed your scarred arms. Crowley stood silent as he took in the lines that covered both of your arms.
“Guess I’m not coping too well, am I?” You said softly.
Crowley stammered. “Y/N/N, I’m…”
“Don’t.” You cut him off. “Don’t say that you’re sorry because it’s too late for that.”
      Crowley remained quiet, unsure of what he could say to fix this situation. Sam and Dean went to walk closer when you spoke again.
“It was excoriating.” You said. “For three months, they cut me every way imaginable and watched me bleed. They broke my bones just to see how much pain I could stand. They fucked with my head so bad that I can’t get the voices to stop because they’re so loud. I blare my music in hope that it will dampen them some. Every day I sit in front of that laptop and make a pros and cons list of why I should even bother living. I can’t keep living like this. I don’t eat or sleep. I can’t hunt anymore. I can barely stand being in the room with you or the boys because of the fucking voices in my head. I can’t even look at you, Crowley, because they said it was you that ordered it. It’s reaching the point where the cutting isn’t enough and I just want to put a bullet in my head. I want it to stop.”
    Sam walked up from behind and wrapped his arms around you as you finally broke down against him. Crowley didn’t have many feelings, but what he felt was regret and sadness. Y/N was always the strongest of the group and Crowley had never seen her look so broken and fragile. He moved and knelt beside where she and Sam were seated in the floor.
“I’m going to fix this.” He said. “I promise.”
    He made eye contact with Sam and Dean before disappearing. Dean moved forward and sat down by Sam and tenderly wrapped your hand in his.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” He whispered.
You leaned your head back against Sam’s chest. “It’s not your fault, Dean. I’m just not strong enough to do this anymore.”
“You don’t have to be strong all the time.” Sam assured you. “Dean, Cas, and I will always have your back.”
“We just need you to talk to us.” Dean added before gently squeezed your hand. “Let’s get these bandaged up.”
*Reader’s P.O.V.*
     Sam helped you stand up and move to the table as Dean went and grabbed the first aid kit. Sam moved his chair closer to yours and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“I love you, Y/N/N.” He said.
You leaned against him. “I love you too, Sammy.”
     Dean came out and pulled up another chair across from you. You kept your head down as you watched him clean and wrap the cuts on your arms. He secured the last of the bandages and you tucked your arms against your body. He carefully grabbed your hands and pulled them to bridge the space between you. You glanced up and saw him looking at the white gauze before meeting your eyes.
“I can’t tell you how to feel or how to deal with what you’re feeling,” He started. “but I don’t want you to ever feel like this again or feel like this is the only way to deal with it.”
“I can’t promise that.” You whispered. “I wish I could, De, but I can’t.”
“I know.” He nodded. “I want you to promise you’ll come to one of us if you ever start to feel like this.”
You looked between him and Sam. “I promise.”
     Dean stood and kissed the top of your head before heading to the kitchen. You turned and closed the lid to your laptop and disconnected the headphones.
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“I think.” You chuckled and grabbed your things. “I’m going to go to my room.”
     Before you could react, Sam picked you up and started down the hall.
“Put me down!” You laughed for the first time in months. “I can walk just fine.”
“I know.” He grinned.
     You eventually stopped fighting and allowed Sam to carry you. He set you down after opening the door and you placed your things on your desk. You flopped down on the bed and kicked your shoes off. Sam was still standing in the doorway.
“I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready.” He said before turning.
“Sammy…” You called.
He turned back. “Yeah?”
“Will you sit with me for a minute?” You asked softly.
“Of course.” He smiled.
*Sam’s P.O.V.*
     Y/N moved over and I sat down beside her. She scooted back over and placed her head on my chest as I put my arm around her shoulders and held her close. I looked down and watched her frown.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“It’s quiet.” She replied.
“That’s a good thing, right?” I asked.
“It’s normally really loud in my head,” She muttered. “but it’s quiet now. It’s-It’s nice.”
     Her eyes drooped shut and eventually closed completely. Her breathing evened out as she fell asleep beside me. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. I was glad to see that she was finally getting some sleep. Dean appeared in the doorway about 45 minutes later and I gestured for him to be quiet. He walked in and sat at her desk.
“She’s asleep?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yeah. She said it was quiet for once.”
“That’s good.” He said. “We have a long road ahead of us.”
“I know.” I agreed.
“I got a text from Crowley.” He said.
“Really?” I whispered. “What’s up?”
Dean scrolled through his phone. “He says he has a couple leads and to let him know when we want to meet up.”
     I carefully moved without waking Y/N and covered her up with a blanket before following Dean to the kitchen.
“He knows we can’t go anywhere any time soon, right?” I pointed out. “We need to focus on Y/N before going on a wild goose chase with Crowley.”
“I know, Sam.” He sighed.
     Dean seemed distracted as he continued to scroll through his phone.
“Dinner’s ready.” He said. “I didn’t know Y/N was asleep.”
“I’m sure she’ll be hungry when she wakes up.” I assured him.
     He handed me a beer and a plate of food before joining me at the table. We ate in silence as we silently replayed the day’s events.
*Reader’s P.O.V.*
      You woke up covered in sweat and breathing hard. You turned your alarm clock around and saw that it was 2:30 A.M. You sat up and tried to catch your breath. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but it was nice until the nightmares started. The voices weren’t as loud, but they were still grating. You changed into sweatpants and one of Dean’s old shirts before walking down the hallway. You paused in front of Dean’s door and hesitantly turned the knob.
“Dean?” You whispered.
     You opened the door wider and stepped in. Dean was sitting against the headboard with his headphones on. You waved your hand to catch his attention.
“Y/N?” He asked while pulling the headphones off. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You shrugged. “Just wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.”
“Yeah, of course.” He said.
     He slid over and you sat on his right side. You fiddled with the edge of the bandage while you tried to think of something to say. Dean grabbed your hand and held it in his. You looked at your white bandaged arm compared to his and struggled to find the words you were looking for.
“I’m sorry.” You said abruptly.
“For what?” He asked.
“Today.” You muttered. “The last few months. I pushed you, Sammy, and Cas away when all you tried to do was help. I shut you out.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, Y/N/N.” He assured you. “We understand that you needed time to work through everything. We waited for you to come to us instead of pushing you further into yourself.”
“I-I just don’t know what to do about Crowley.” You whispered. “I can’t…”
     Dean let go of your hand and placed his arm around you so you were nestled against him.
“Don’t worry about that right now.” He told you. “We’ll deal with him later. Right now, just focus on yourself.”
You let his words sink in before a realization hit you. “Why are you still awake?”
     He stiffened next to you as he rubbed the back of his neck and stumbled over his words.
“I can’t sleep.” He finally said.
“How come?” You asked and were met with silence.
      You could see the gears turning in his head and patiently waited for him to answer. You moved so you were sitting across from him. You reached over and grabbed his hands.
“Talk to me, De.” You whispered.
     He turned your hands palm up and was focused on the bandages. Your arms felt exposed as you waited for Dean to answer.
“I was thinking about today.” He sighed.
“Oh.” You said.
“I thought I’d lost you.” He whispered. “Sam and I searched for you every day, but we couldn’t find you. When we finally came across that hideout we had no idea you would be there. I saw red when I realized that it was you hanging from the chains.”
     Dean gripped your hands tighter as he continued to relive the memory. What he didn’t know was that you were holding on just as tight to stop the flashbacks that were bombarding you.
“Sam stopped me from charging straight in.” Dean explained. “He said we needed a plan, so we called Cas and waited. Eventually we got the all clear and we snuck in the back. Cas watched the door as Sam and I unchained you. You looked so broken and I blamed myself because the worst part was that…”
“I flinched.” You finished. “You were reaching out to help me up and I flinched away from you.”
Dean looked up. “You remember?”
You nodded. “It replays over and over in my head that I flinched away. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know.” He said. “You wouldn’t look at us and Sam tried to convince me that it was understandable, but I still felt so helpless. I didn’t know what to do to fix it. Then we got you home and Cas healed you and we didn’t know what to expect next.”
“I didn’t know what to expect either.” You chuckled. “You and Sam never said anything so I just thought everything was going to go back to normal. I stayed quiet and figured I’d do the same.”
“You know we’re the farthest thing from normal, right?” He joked.
You laughed. “Yeah.”
Dean fell silent as he traced his hand along your arm.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there while you went through this.” He said. “I never knew th—”
“It’s okay, Dean.” You cut him off. “Really, it’s fine. I’m…I’m going to get better. That’s all that matters, right?”
“Right.” He nodded.
*Dean’s P.O.V.*
     Y/N moved back next to me and rested her head on my chest. I could tell she was having trouble staying awake. I glanced down and noticed the black shirt she was wearing.
“Is that my AC/DC shirt?” I asked.
“Yeah.” She mumbled as she drifted in and out of sleep. “I sleep better if I have something of yours or Sammy’s on.”
“That explains why several of my flannels are missing.” I laughed.
     I looked down and found her fast asleep with her arm across my stomach. This was the first time in months that I had spent any time with Y/N. I gently carded my hand through her hair as she slept. It was moments like these that made me realize that Y/N wasn’t the same small hunter that joined us all those years ago. Despite only being a few years younger than Sam, she already had gray scattered across her hair. She had broken just as many bones and accumulated just as many scars and bruises as me and Sam, but somehow, she managed to hold it together better than us. She was always there to patch us up when a hunt went wrong and to celebrate when a hunt was successful. She always put Sam and I before herself and these last few months have taught me that I needed to step up more as a friend. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head before turning out my lamp.
“As long as you’re comfortable that’s all that matters.” I whispered.
@impala-dreamer @feelmyroarrrr @mariekoukie6661 @latishiante1001 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-cant-believe-its-not-satan @ellie-andthemachine @spnbaby-67 @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @meeshw777 @rideandwritethings @sleepylunarwolf @moose-and-sqruille-lover @youre-acting-like-a-psycho @waywardasfudge @amotleyworld @fallenangelsneverfade @claitynroberts @wingedcatninja @dean-winchesters-bacon @death-unbecomes-you @arses21434 @lonely-skys @mannls @internationalmusicteacher @theloudkilljoy @closetspngirl @sandlee44
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