#metric system ftw
choccychipz · 2 months
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some misfits causing chaos in barovia
template can be found here
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tqgincorrectquotes · 2 years
Harry: To remember how many feet are in a mile, you just gotta use "Five tomatoes". Harry: "Five tomatoes" sounds like five-two-eight-o and there are 5,280 feet in a mile. Wexler: To remember how many meters are in a kilometer you just remember "One thousand" because the system of measurement in the rest of the world wasn't invented by a drunk mathematician rolling dice.
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gladosluver · 3 months
imperial system more like inferior system
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mayonaizs · 8 months
"I 2.54cm closer"
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I have updated the “rules”. I had to do it. Kisses <3
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nikatyler · 2 years
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Height Chart! ✨
(best viewed on the phone i guess lol)
I mentioned this a while back, I decided to update my characters’ height chart. Has anyone’s height changed? No, it did not. But I still wanted a new one. So here we are! At first it was supposed to be just the “main gang” as I like to call them but then I kept adding people and now here we are.
I don’t play with height sliders, in the game all my sims are the same height, but this is how tall I imagine they would be if we had height differences in TS4. Not sure if the feet conversion is correct, I had to trust the internet on this one lol. Metric system ftw
Caleb: 180 cm (5 ft 11 in)
Tyler: 178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
Bianca: 180 cm (5 ft 11 in)
Sharon: 176 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Rachel: 171 cm (5 ft 7 in)
Ross: 185 cm (6 ft 1 in)
Caleb V: 170 cm (5 ft 7 in)
Sunset: 175 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Dawn: 160 cm (5 ft 3 in)
December: 177 cm (5 ft 10 in)
Kieran: 174 cm (5 ft 9 in)
Vi: 170 cm (5 ft 7 in)
Prince: 163 cm (5 ft 4 in)
Claudia: 168 cm (5 ft 6 in)
So yeah. No one asked but here you go. I’ll probably do a part 2 someday, with the other half of NSB.
Headcanons and ramblings under the cut.
Yes of course Tyler is bitter about those two centimeters.
The height difference between Tyler and Sharon is different every time. They both wear high heels, so. And sometimes they even compete who can wear higher heels. You’d be surprised that neither has sprained their ankle yet. (because of their high heels competitions at least. there were probably injuries for other reasons)
I also like to imagine that they somehow got the same feet size, or very similar, so yes they do steal each other’s shoes all the time.
You know that “six feet tall and super strong” song from TikTok? You remember what people did to that song? The dances, the thirst traps...yeah. And you know who’s over 6 ft tall...I’m just saying
I don’t know if I’m amused by that or embarrassed for him and it feels like a slightly cursed thought but yeah he would join that trend
I was surprised how big of a height difference 15 cm is. Then I remembered how tiny I feel next to my cousin who is also like 15-20cm taller than me and it suddenly made sense.
I tend to make the heir (or the sim coming straight from the legacy family) taller than their spouse. I don’t know why but that’s a thing apparently
I do come from quite a tall family so that might be why? 😅
Maybe Darrin could be taller than Claudia though
Wait why didn’t I include Darrin
Oh. I didn’t mean to have Bianca and Ross wear pretty much the same outfit but I guess...fire people things eh?
Also this has been in my drafts since February or so and I just want it gone tbh
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fublebuble · 4 years
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I posted this on twitter a while ago and totally forgot to post it here as well. Welp, here it is now. Just gals being pals. Two girls sitting on a bench, 10 centimeters (metric system ftw) apart, ‘cause they’re both gay.
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tempetepapillon · 7 years
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Sooooo... I dunno if you know this, but the usa are actually on the metric system. They are one of the 17 original  signatories to the Convention du Mètre. It seems that the widespread insistence to cling to an archaic system of measurement is simply cultural stubbornness, similar to the UK. Wikipedia says:
In the United States metric units, authorised by Congress in 1866,[2] are widely used in science, medicine, military, and partially in industry, but customary units predominate in household use.
For once it’s not the us government being stupid and archaic, it’s the people... >.<
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abundantchewtoys · 3 years
HS^2, re: Chapter 15: “Ok So There's This Flower”
Well, it's been a while since we read some, let's see what we've got!
"So There's This Flower" capitalization not withstanding, the lack of punctuation made me think of Roxy. Though I like Blaperile's theory it's Dave spreading the story Kanaya told him, though probably in a very butchered way.
> 376
Welp, Futurama title screen reference, hahah. Quick, find the parallels between all the occupants of the pirate ship & the Planet Express crew! :P
Dave - Fry Roxy - Bender? Jade - Leela
then any sort of parallelskind of breaks down. I guess regular Calliope is Zoidberg. That, or Karkat (crustacean).
> 377
Hah, okay so Roxy is the professor. What's the "good news"?
I'd like if Jade (and Calliope) were now part of the group again, I hope the situation has already improved enough by this point in their timeline.
Is Roxy gathering them because she believes they're nearing their destination and should strategize?
> 378
Pffff, Dave's the only one there. ... Okay, the only one there and paying attention.
Jade's off screen reading up on mushrooms? Did she immediately delve into developing her own quirky passtime for the trip? Or is there some hidden thing about mushrooms and cherubs we don't know about?
In any case, Dave would like some more in-depth info from Jade about what happened but she's too engrossed in whatever that is.
> 380
Hah! If ogling the camera's the only way in which 20-something Dave is shown to have grown some awareness about his state as a fictional character, it's enough!
> 381
20 nautical feet my FOOT. The buthering of the imperical system continues. Everyone, go metric already! :P
> 382
Dave's really only into Tony Hawk games, of course.
Ship etiquette? Is Roxy talking about pronouns, or of just, cleaning up after yourself? ... God, is he(? that Roxy's pronoun in this timeline?) pulling an intervention on Dave's slobbiness?
> 383
Hahahah, I was right! Roxy's pulling the parent card on Dave! And it's "he", right, Dave said it right there.
Pff, Dave tried to make it about fandom shipping.
> 384
Hah, they went at it for so long, Roxy came looking and saw the mess Dave had left. That's some Lion King 1 1/2 type perspective switch going on there. :P
> 385
Well that conversation took a turn for the worse. And Dave should realize Dirk wouldn't disapprove, I mean, he tried to set them up together before he left.
Pfff, okay, it wasn't that Roxy necessarily walked into their first kiss. It's just that, the laundry room has become their default make-out spot. Awkwaaaard.
> 387
So Dave is trying to be openhearted here, but deflecting just a part of his and Roxy's personality.
So we're on a tangent about Dave's real-life Fruit Ninja habits. Him de-ripe-ing a banana. And the discussion of generational differences in slang. Though, being raised by carapacians, we can excuse Roxy from pronouncing things in a way that is unique to herself. "lole" and "luhmayo" though. :P
> 388
Nice, Harry Potter reference FTW. It's surprising it took that long, with Roxy's fancy for wizards.
But yeah, realtalk. What are they going to do about Dirk, anyway? They can't keep pushing this subject ahead.
> 389
Dave's still struggling with the meta importance here. Whether Dirk's right and if they're in a story, it needs a villain or not.
While Roxy thinks that it doesn't matter if they're fictional or not, if they're just going with the flow. I think she'll ask Dave to consider what Dirk did was at all excusable.
It wasn't. If playing the villain perpetuates the story but brings other people misery, which it has, then Dirk is on the wrong side of the moral fence. And he should know, if he's defeated, the story would still end! Even if it continues with other perspectives, the narrative frame of Homestuck as it was, focusing on the kids, will cease at some point. Nothing to do about that.
> 390
Welp, sorry Roxy, you'll not get that answer just yet. Somewhere on the ship, Karkat's raging.
Would be funny if Roxy accidentally turned his laundry pink.
> 391
Pffff. So Calliope isn't really 100% yet, it seems. They're leaving Karkat meat. As in, Meat Timeline, maybe? :P Though maybe Calliope in this feral state is just imprinting on Karkat?
And of course Karkat feared Calliope was in the vents. He's had a bad experience, even if it was just for a few hours. It's a trauma.
Time for another view on the MSPA reader! Guess they recovered from the mindblowing revelation of Lil' Cal being a vessel to Caliborn's soul?
> 392
Oh, no, it just went straight to Karkat. The boy is reliving the trauma, poor him.
The vent being partially open and a light breeze being felt in the room can't be good for him right now. Even if the opening's hilariously small and Calliope would never fit through it. Unless she can transform into a snake now.
> 393
Oh god. Calliope, no, stop. Guess being creepy isn't something only Lil Cal (and thus Caliborn) was good at.
---> Now a thing in Homestuck^2: Oh, uh, hey there Calliope.
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7, 8, 9
Ask Me!
7. Do you have any pets?
I do! I have two cats, a black one and a tortie~ 
8. Where are you from?
I’m from Belgium. ^^
9. How tall are you?
I’m 170 cm which is around 5′6′’, I believe?? Metric system ftw. 
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omghotmemes · 5 years
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Metric System ftw
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captain--sif · 4 years
20 questions game
Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag bloggers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @theycallmebobbob
NICKNAME: Sif (mostly), but also soif or cap
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 162cm (metric system ftw)
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: German, English, French, Polish + a little bit of Spanish
FAVOURITE SEASON: Probably spring or fall. Bc you’re neither freezing nor melting.
FAVOURITE FLOWER: Tulips. If I had the money for it I’d buy tulips for my room all the time bc they smell so good
FAVOURITE SCENT: Tulips or strawberries
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Red and purple, depends on how witchy I’m feeling (or as some friends would say depends on how “edgy” I am feeling🙄)
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Ugh, cats, I guess?
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: Luna Lovegood, Natasha Romanoff, Izzy Lightwood, … (it’s a long list, this is just three of my favourite ladies that I’ll always be a little obsessed about)
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: I’ve got very particular taste when it comes to all three of them but hot chocolate is probably the easiest one
AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: average, hmm… I’m just gonna say 8😂
DOG OR CAT PERSON: Cat. I love dogs as well and basically grew up with having them around me but I relate to cats more.
DREAM TRIP: I guess I’d like to see a little more of Eastern Europe? And Scandinavia? There’s so much of Europe I haven’t seen before I’d venture to other continents
BLOG ESTABLISHED: Last autumn, when I set up my AO3 account
FOLLOWERS: Idk 5 probably?😂😂 I post nothing but fics and ask memes on here, so not a lot of people follow me (ok, just checked, it’s 13, close enough)
RANDOM FACT: I’ve had multiple people assume I’m a witch/wicca/... on instagram as well as irl, so apparently I give off a certain vibe. Do with that what you may XD
I’m tagging @depthandcharacter and @captainstennerstar
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theusaviator · 5 years
Every season has that one win that everyone remembers... this might be Season 2’s.
Also, screw the imperial system, metric system ftw
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all-funny-memes · 5 years
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Metric System ftw
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miafi · 6 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 30 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @homosociallyyours, thank you! I like seeing you in my notes. <3
Nickname(s): Actually, Mia is a nickname. It can be considered a diminutive of my given name - not a traditional one where I come from - but just roll with it.
Gender: Female.
Zodiac: Capricorn.
Height: 166 cm. (Metric system FTW!)
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Coffee and tea both. I can’t decide, depends on the situation and my mood.
Fav band(s): One Direction. Imagine Dragons. Prāta Vētra (an amazing Latvian band). Take That. OneRepublic. Manic Street Preachers.
Fav solo artist(s): OT4. Hayley Kiyoko. Plan B, Ed Sheeran. Jon Bellion. Mark Forster.
Song stuck in my head: People Give In by Manic Street Preachers. I can’t think of a better album opener than this.
Last movie I saw: A Dutch film called Jongens (Boys). Very moving.
Last show I saw: The Simpsons.
When did I create my blog: I’ve been on Tumblr since 2010, I think. I used to post mainly Formula 1 stuff back then. Then after a long pause I’ve started with posting again about 1D on February 12th, 2017.
What do I post: Mostly 1D related stuff. And anything and everything that I deem rebloggable.
Last thing I googled: Lyrics to People Give In.
Do I have any other blogs: I have two sideblogs that I don’t use. I just love the URLs and wanted to keep them. I used to have a MySpace blog. And that’s about it.
Do I get asks: Very rarely.
Why did I choose my url: It’s supposed to be Mia.fi. I loved Finland back in the day, so I added “.fi” to my nickname. And it just has stuck with me. I can’t imagine changing my URL.
Following: 675. Oh wow. How did that happen?
Followed by: 179. None of them is a porn blog.
Favorite color(s): All shades of blue. Black. Emerald green. Magenta.
Average hours of sleep: I need at least 7-8 hours, or I’m useless. Ideally 10+ hours - afternoon naps included.
Lucky number: 3, I guess.
Instruments: Piano.
What I’m wearing: Black leggins and a loose white and pink striped T-shirt.
Dream job: In theory, my current job is my dream job. In reality it’s horrible. I’d love to work part-time at my current position and part-time somewhere quiet (without people).
Dream trip: Hiking across Ireland. Or hiking across Scotland.
Fav food: Pasta and cheese. I can’t eat much of that because of my diet, I consider them a treat.
Nationality: Czech.
Fav song: Oh, a hard question. I’m going with Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons. That’s a song I love driving to. Incredibly powerful, especially live.
Last book I read: I’m reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. I have so many unfinished books that I honestly don’t remember what was the last time I’ve finished a book. It’s sad.
Last fanfic I read: I’m reading If I Was Stronger by haloeverlasting. Oh God, some parts are exactly what I’ve gone through - but I haven’t been able to write them down so eloquently.
Random fact: I have permanently damaged vocal chords so my voice sounds like I have a bad sore throat. People ask me at least five times a day if I’m ill. It sucks to explain it on a good day, it makes me sad on a bad day.
Oh, now the horrible part of tagging people. I’m too shy to tag someone randomly. So it’s you guys from my recent notes. Do it if you want and please ignore this if you don’t. And if you want to do it and you’re not tagged, please feel free and let me know. I want to get to know my followers.
@elusivelime @undersummerstars @catsanyesz @froyobird @polkadotsvstripes @pinkshirtharry @ot5safehaven
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penguinsledder · 7 years
Metric system ftw *flies away*
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