#mexican l'manburg
cdroloisms · 2 months
I like messing around with the characters who have nothinburgers of lore its a fun playground
see c!eret doesn't even have nothingburger lore it's just. sighs. inconsistent. especially with what i'm preeetty sure was creator intent, especially near the end of things.
i can take the lore at face value, right, and tell you that c!eret was a character that got supremely fucked over by a vindictive harassment campaign, canonically at least partially fueled by jealousy (as well as c!wilbur obviously being. triggered as hell over the final control room and the loss of control he felt bc of it) that had very real ramifications in character (and outside of it, honestly). and i can tell you that the consequences on the character made them rewrite history in their own head and then like, literally, where they had to redeem themselves of their single sin that they got tempted into by the devil manipulated by c!Dream into committing, when from the beginning while c!Eret was partially motivated by self-interest she ALSO just thought that the FCR was the best way of returning the server to peace??? and either way ... it was a war like yes i'm sure there are ethical and moral ramifications to being a spy in a war yadayada but a lot of the assumptions that emphasize the FCR as being something ~supremely fucked up~ relies on the idea of L'manburg's side in the Revolution being So Much More Moral than the DreamSMP side, never mind that the FCR existed at a time where physical violence with long-lasting ramifications such as canon lives literally wasn't a thing yet and was explicitly a means of stripping them of their gear. that they returned to them after the war.
and it's just so crazy to me, because the actual FCR which became twisted into c!eret's Single Crime is just nawt that big of a deal at all but did become the major talking point for the campaign to treat her fucking terribly on the account of Being A Traitor Hey New Person Did You Hear That Eret SUCKS Because He Betrayed Us !!! but what does feel like more of an issue include a lot of the later actions, such as the excessive gloating towards L'manburgians in ways that were kind of meanspirited (but were hella funny shoutout to the prank war) and then the...kind of tyrannical actions lol umheyyyy do we remember the taxes. also just the knights of hope were ... well they sure were! (i wish wegot that lowkey yesssssssss go hunt c!dream like an animal please ^_^") mexican lmanburg negotiations cough cough anyway. TURNING LOGSTEDSHIRE INTO A MUSEUM EXHIBIT????????????????????GIVING TOURS THERE???????? HEY LOOK HERES THE POLE WHERE THIS KID WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR BTW TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF. LIKE WHY. WHY DID THEY DO THAT.
i don't mind any of this, btw--if i were to give a kind of short explanation to c!eret's character i'd say that she tends to have good intentions overall, but drank so much of the lmanburg kool-aid that it became a whole new thing and also in general has a tendency to act in her personal self-interest and have a pretty short-sighted, self-centered view of the world more often than not. they're not evil, and they certainly don't go out of their way to hurt people, but they also push the blame onto c!Dream a lot, including in ways that don't make sense, and does things like the museum exhibits abt exile and the casual taxing of everyone just cuz and expecting all of dream smp to follow them in supporting a coup against the country they're allied with For Their Redemption Quest in ways that suggest that they tend to prioritize themselves and their wants over a more reasonable. consideration of the people around them. also he got SUPER fucked over by c!wilbur and continues to center their story around him because he thinks that he needs to be redeemed through him, and the thing he thinks he needs redemption for he simultaneously blames on someone else and also just wasn't. A Grand Crime For Her To Need Redemption For. she took the lmanburg story said 'what if i was the main character doe' made a new lmanburg koolaid chugged it and tried to make the whole server fall in line. essentially.
the problem is that i don't think that the character was ... meant to be written like this, and therefore there aren't that many satisfying conclusions. also just in general plot points kept getting set up with little follow through. (i'll limit any cc criticisms here, but i will say that the fandom was an obvious driving point in what happened with the character.) the biggest problem for me was the frequent retconning--it's kind of bad practice in general to Take Back rp frequently, tho c!eret is mostly forgiven bc most of the retcons did happen with solo lore (not ... all of them tho)
but yeagh. i appreciate what is there for c!eret dont get me wrong but ... i do wish it was utilized in a slightly different way
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imagines-babes · 2 years
Black out days (Dsmp)
Hey, im back. So I wanted to try out this idea I had. So I hope you do enjoy this. This is about c!y/n and involves the explosion. Y/n view and who she is a little. The song today is Black Out Days by Phantogram.
Other list Masterlist
My name is y/n. I live in the Kinko kingdom alongside Karl, Sapnap, George, and Tina. I was one of the founders alongside Dream, George, and Sapnap. Then later we meet Alyssa and Callahan. We 6 together. We were versed the mobs or the raids. But soon more visitors came and Dream offered them a home. Then Alyssa left one day only saying it was her time. Then Callahan. It was back to us 4. Then war came. L'Manburg. Mexican LManburg. Dream Xd. Pogtopia. Lives lost. Ghost. Manburg. Finding the end portal. Dream in Prison. Book of Revival. Book of Death. Dream escaping. There is more but too much to recall each little thing. Sapnap would come to my house and would punch the wall. He had a whole building to do that but somehow he comes here. Like tonight.
He came rushing in starting to punch my wall as I started to run downstairs. He punches a specific spot when he is angry, frustrated, sad, or sacrificed. It s near the picture between him, George, Dream, Alyssa, Callahan, and me. I glanced at him and then at the wall. His punches were harder than ever before. He warned me that if he were to bleed on that wall stop him. Stop him from breaking his hands. The closer I looked the bandages he had around his knuckles were turning red.
"Sapnap comes on ," I rush towards him trying to get a hold of his fist. I didn't care for my well-being. I didn't care if my hands were to be broken or my face to bleed. I tried to go between the wall and him. His face is red. His nose is running. The tears of his eyes fell down to the floor. This Sapnap. He's different from all the other times he punches the wall. This one was heartbroken, sad, and disappointed. As if the world is ending.
I glanced to the side of the wall to see the picture of everyone on the floor. The glass for it was broken. He heard the sound. He stopped punching that wall. He turned to see the frame broken. Kneeling down to hold it up showing all of our faces happy. Together. Before anyone came to our home and them leaving. To turn back the photo seeing the signature.
'Always Together'
That quote is a lie. That quote is like a promise and that promise is broken. That quote brought chaos. Everyone said a version of that quote. All it gave is pain, wars, and death. Nothing comes out to be okay or fine. Everything gets ruined. 'Always together,' gets ruined even if you are the last one to try and bring everyone together.
Crying in front of anyone shows weakness.
That is what I lived by. If you cried in front of someone that is how they get you. They see you at your bottom. They know your weakness. And my weakness is a fucking photo of 6 friends conquering this world. My weakness is in my hand and someone is here to see it. To see me cry over a photo. 'Why is the photo a weakness? That's a stupid weakness' many would ask. But that photo brought me peace. That photo made me feel like I had a home. That photo made me remember that memory and one day that we all will be friends again.
Feeling someone touch my cheek. To see Dream in front of me with a smile. His real smile. Not the mask. He looked younger. He pulled to me into a hug. This is the dream I remember. Somehow I only remember this dream. I tried to think of another memory but nothing. Turning my head to see everyone there. Sapnap and George yelling about something dumb. While further behind them Alyssa with Callahan. This is the moment I wanted. This is the moment I dreamed of. All of us being together. "Why are you crying y/n?" all I did is brought him back to a hug. He wanted to ask more questions but nothing. Sapnap and George watch the two. Y/n broke the hug and ran to Alyssa making her fall over. Her tears went down Alyssa's shoulder. Missing her. Slowly the boys would be joining the hug.  They all hug her.
Author pov
Alyssa was a sister to her and when she left y/n broke down. The only one who saw her like that was Callahan. He couldn't take it when she would cry so Callahan tried to convince y/n to leave. But she couldn't do it at least not now. That's when he left. She was afraid of what would happen to the three. Sometimes she wishes she did leave. But she stayed with her gut feeling and stayed. Y/n was broken. She betrays Sapnap and George by working with Dream. Then betrayed Dream helping Tommy and Tubbo escape his madness. She had guilt while betraying the three men she loved very deeply.
Now y/n after seeing them she was free. Free from pain. From guilt. From betrayal. She was free and her friends were there. This is her peace.
What y/n didn't know was that they died along with the explosion that appeared that day tubbo sent the missle while Tommy talked to dream and punz in that prison.
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springatito-moved · 2 years
Best Early SMP/Pre-L'manburg Analyst: @judgehangman
Best L'manburg Independence War Analyst: @overthinkingfandom and @call-me-apple vote pool win
Best Pet Wars Analyzer: @sapnaplore
Best Election Arc Analyzer: @dreamsclock
Best Manberg Analyzer: @lasnevadaslaborunion
Best Pogtopia Analyzer: @inniter
Best New L'manburg Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Exile Analyzer: @cupsmp
Best Mexican L'manberg/El Rapids Analyzer: @gogtopia
Best Bedrock Bros Analyzer: @inniter
Best Doomsday Analyzer: @simplepotatofarmer
Best Hotel Arc Analyzer: @farfran
Best Tommy Prison Visit Arc Analyzer: @theenderwalker
Best Kinoko Kingdom Analyzer: @aetherknit
Best Las Nevadas Analyzer: @viceduo
Best Snowchester Analyzer: @transfissionduoswag
Best Outpost Arc Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Burger War Arc Analyzer: @ranvtuber
Best Eggpire Arc Analyzer: @eggpires
Best Sam Bucket Arc Analyzer: @bigboobyhalo
Best Prison Break Analyzer: @theminecraftbox
Best TFTSMP Analyzer: @snaxle
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randomchips · 2 years
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
Can we talk about how dichotomous/thematic c! Quackity is?
Trust vs Distrust. c!Q's life motto is "trust no one" then builds his entire life around people he cares about.
Selfless vs Selfishness. This guy would lay down his life for Las Nevadas. Yet manipulate mansplain malewife'd his way into getting each member of Las Nevadas to join him in the first place.
House vs Home. He makes Mexican L'manburg a home; shabbily built yet filled with love and friends. Contrasted by Las Nevadas; a house beautiful on the outside. Yet where he will ultimately be betrayed/killed by the residents.
Confidence vs Insecurity.
This man will literally jump in lava and go into battles he can't win without hesitation. Yet he will place dirt blocks beneath him to be on equal footing in petty squabbles, and will stubbornly build entire countries in an attempt to prove the haters wrong.
Projection vs Introspection. He gets hurt, and becomes acutely aware of his vulnerabilities. Doing everything he possibly can to try to avoid another heartbreak. Yet doesn't realize when he projects onto members of Las Nevadas.
ouhg. yeah. girls when the themse and NARRATIVES!!!!!
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
ehy did you gguyss know that for a good moment there i almost made heal quackity trans for the sake of giving him yellow wings as a full grown adult avian? there's a species of ducky that keeps its yellow color but its only the female ones that do. they're calld Saxonys and look like this
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i ended up having him be a cis mexican duck avian because i like the blue on their wings(it's shiny) & it just seemed like a better fit for his vibes and general character
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+the joke of him being a Mexican duck to go with Mexican Dream and Mexican L'manburg left me tickled. but yeah! there's some behind the scenes heal!quackity lore for you all.
now go vote ducky!!!!! gogogo!!!
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stellocchia · 2 years
New Twin Masks chapter!
This was the last build-up chapter for the whole Mexican L'Manburg conflict, so it was fun for me.
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theoriginalhenry · 8 months
Legends of the DSMP: Exile (Prologue)
tw: torture, substance abuse, su1c1dal themes
Tommy couldn't take it anymore. The depression, the loneliness, it was getting to him. How did it come to this? Tommy thought to himself as he looked at the compass around his neck. The compass that signified his bond with Tubbo. Tubbo, who had betrayed Tommy and exiled him. How could Tubbo do this to me? Tears welled in Tommy's eyes as he pulled out a small bag of pills that Mexican Dream had sold to him. Tommy sighed looking at the bag, it was nearly empty and the pills weren't helping anymore. Dream would be back soon, and Tommy couldn't take another day of this hell. I'm sorry Tubbo. The tears rolled down Tommy's cheek as he mined. He stacked the cobblestone as high as he could, taking a good look at the area around him. Maybe if I'm gone, L'manburg will be ok, Tubbo will be ok, Everything will be ok. As he cried, Tommy took one last pill, then, he did the only thing he could. He closed his eyes and jumped off of the tower.....
Tommy's body hit the water like a ton of bricks. His eyes opened and he felt a wave of calm rush through his body, This is how it ends, this is it for me. Tommy thought as he sank deeper and deeper to the bottom. Tommy couldn't breath, he felt his lungs struggling, keeping him alive for every last second they could until, everything went black.
(once the story is fully done it will be on a03 under the same name)
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wolfmage553 · 10 months
Don't Go To Him DreamSMP/SMG4 Crossover
(Context: Dream tested The Revive Book's power by reviving Axol from the SMG4 universe only to have Axol break out of his cage and run off . When Tommyinit gets exiled, Axol talks with him in secret messages after secretly witnessing Mexican Dream's murder. Once Logstedshire gets blown up by Dream, Axol fully introduces himself to Tommy. Tommy suggests they go to Techoblade's place and Axol is hit with visions of what will happen if they go to Techoblade's place, up to and including Project Early Dawn. Axol tries to convince Tommy to pick a different place to stay.)
I can see what will happen
*singing* This is how it starts
He pulls you in
It all falls apart
Where do I begin?
Takes you by surprise
As he wrecks it all
So look into my eyes
And tell me how this works
Techno will kill you
You know you aren't immoral
If you go to him
He'll destroy L'manburg
You're a warrior and a knight
So just end this silly fight
He'll tell lies and you will die
I cannot let this happen
So don't go to him
I'll stop you here
So don't go to him
You know how this ends
You will be all alone
Made the scapegoat
As they will doom us all
This server will be stuck
In a chaotic hell
All because of lies
And your misplaced trust in him
It's done
It's been fun
I know you're not listening
Something tells me that this will be the end but
You're a warrior and a knight
So just end this silly fight
He'll tell lies and you will die
I cannot let this happen
So don't go to him
I'll stop you here
So don't go to him
Just know that if you're gonna go
And then he breaks your trust in two
I cannot be there for you
Just know I'd warned you
That this is how things would play out
Techno will kill you
You know you aren't immoral
If you go to him
He'll destroy L'manburg
But I know deep inside
You won't give up this fight
You'll know lies then you will die
Why would you let that happen?
So don't go to him
So don't go to him
So don't go to him
So don't go to him
*speaking* I'm sorry, Axol. But I have to.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 2 years
For a second I thought El Rapids was another dead person in limbo, not somebody else's limbo
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cdroloisms · 11 months
If you're not already burnt out from analysis, do you have any thoughts on the Mexican L'Manberg debates?
hmm i have to rewatch the vod tbh it's been a bit--not many thoughts that haven't been regurgitated a million times though.
something that has always interested me is the whole dethronement debacle/mexican lmanburg debates in relation to how leadership has worked for the greater smp faction, largely because the dsmp was never meant to be a faction and the creation of the official kingship for c!Eret was very much in response to L'manburg at the time. and there is honestly quite a bit of conflict that rises from the fact that the greater dsmp faction was never really meant to have a king in the first place, and the confusion that would arise about what the role of the king even was supposed to be (especially as the idea of c!Dream having any kind of legitimacy was worn away over time.) it'd be an interesting meta to write if i could think of a way to word it all--but it's always fascinated me, in this conflict, how the progression of "he's in charge of the server, i'm in charge of the land" to c!Dream's no-mans-land position of leadership in the dsmp faction progresses as the server goes on is utilized in c!Quackity's favor to effectively block c!Dream out of the conversation (even with so much of this being quite directly an attack on dream in the first place.) something something being king of the dsmp comes with a level of restriction, yes, but also a level of protection--and while c!dream, viewed nebulously as a leader, was also subject to a certain level of restriction to a certain extent (see: his asserting that he couldn't publicly stand against schlatt because of the peace treaty between their two nations), the fact that his leadership was more de facto early on (because the dsmp faction wasn't yet a faction) as compared to the kingship, this conflict is a clear demonstration of how he doesn't have the same political sway as the dsmp king to be able to ask for quite the same level of protection (and hence, how his request for an apology in the peace treaty goes unheeded and how he ends up as a trading piece in the negotiations.)
otherwise, mexican lmanburg definitely has a lot in terms of echoes of c!wilbur and the lmanburg narrative, particularly regarding c!dream's view on factions, which is interesting--c!dream has never actually been "anti-people doing what they want in a group," but of course that's how things ended up being popularly seen because. gestures. and of course, there's the whole idea that every single conflict on the server ever was initiated by c!dream which...again, lmao. along those lines:
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[thinks abt lmanburg. a lot] yeah.
and lastly...this isn't really just a mexican lmanburg thing, but c!dream around this time was kinda known to reacting to threats by basically doing the thing where he would make like, a laundry list of threats, right, just really over-the-top stuff that would freak people out like hell, right? we see it in exile negotiations, we see it in mexican lmanburg debates--
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and you know, they've regularly been pointed to as you know, look how crazy evil he is an how he overreacts to shit and etc, whatever. and it does interest me how these speeches are quite similar in pattern to moments post-prison as well:
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specifically being quite consistent with moments where he's feeling, well, a bit unstable. it's an intimidation tactic that c!dream has long used, of course (white flags speech is a well-known example) but it's interesting to see it often in context of c!dream being to some degree, scared (or paranoid)--even in white flags, that was obviously a conflict that c!dream treated seriously that was quite a bit different in character from conflicts that preceded it on the server and therefore demanded a greater level of wariness and caution from him. always interesting, to me, the ways that certain actions for c!Dream are so deeply related to fear, feeling attacked (compared to, say, c!sam who would do the whole I Am The Warden power play against anyone that he felt challenged his authority)
very very scattered thoughts, but um--yeah! i really should rewatch this stream especially bc the transcript is incomplete, but alas
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nesonkin · 4 years
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Tubbo when he finds out his new VP just caused problems again after he had to exile his best friend to avoid said problems
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journal-number-3 · 4 years
My friend sent me this after quackity's lore stream last night
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michibikionmain · 4 years
the funniest thing about the dream smp streams rn is Phil and Techno being like “hey bud want some flowers my good friend?” Of course buddy!” while the kingship and mexican l’manburg are having a fuckin war mans
its so funny ok
like the imagery of phil and techno picking flowers in the artic while explosions and fighting happen in the background? hilarious. iconic. we love that
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anymal28 · 4 years
I feel like Quackity has a mission to just tick off Dream.
Like yeah, Quackity hates the guy. Dream's half the reason they had to fight for L'manberg back and he didn't allow Mexican L'manberg to be recognized as its own nation. I'm pretty sure everyone on L'manberg's side hates Dream.
But when you look at Tommy's exile, Quackity seemed to be the only one to really try and change Tubbo's mind. I mean yeah, Fundy was upset about it and wanted to go a different route, but Quackity and Tommy had built up a good partnership in the time they spent together. Quackity didn't really blame Tubbo though, he knows it's Dream's fault for loosing his friend. And ever since the exile, Quackity has seemed to be set on causing problems for Dream.
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all of this is because George is a Scorpio and Dream is sick of his dramatic ass lol
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