#mha 301 spoilers
yreapwhatyasow · 1 year
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“But They Dunno what it’s like. . . To Have You as a Father”
“Look at me Endeavour…”
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kiritouyadeku96 · 2 years
Golly gosh look at that, the fixed timeline for 301-302:
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Touya “died” after Rei was sent to the hospital, and when she heard about it she got worse. So Fuyumi’s timeline was the correct one: Rei burns Shouto—>Rei hospitalised—>Touya burns on Sekoto peak! The confusion with the timelines had plenty of peeps bickering, but now it’s cleared up!
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seri-41 · 1 year
For the love of god, stop saying Endeavor was a good father (A long-ass RANT)
With the recent episode of MHA season 6 coming out, I started to see a lot of fans talking about how good of a father Endeavor was before Touya started burning himself. Let me start by saying I am a huge Endeavor simp and fan myself, but even I have the decency to acknowledge what a horrible shit he is. This is a rant about why Enji Todoroki has never been a good father. Spoilers ahead obviously.
Endeavor and his family
Endeavor started a family because he couldn’t beat All Might. He started a family and had children for his own gain. Starting with Rei, the wife he bought off who was like 19 at the time only because of her quirk. He never had any intention of treating her as anything but a baby-making machine and a nanny for his kids. The only reason he married her was to have children. After he got what he wanted (Shoto), he sent her away because he damaged her beyond repair and he didn’t need her anymore. 
Endeavor loved Touya because he had potential. Touya loved the training so that wasn’t a problem, but when his first son turned out to be defective, he quickly tossed him and forgot him. 
My point is this, Endeavor only ‘loves’ someone when they prove to be useful to him. There are a million ways he could have handled Touya. Training him how to use his quirk without hurting himself or quirk therapy or even heat-resistant skin grafting. He’s a top hero who had all the experience and money in the world, I promise he would have been able to call up the best doctor in the country, which is what he would have done if he really did love Touya. 
Fuyumi and Natsuo are literally by-products. I bet the only reason he ever noticed Fuyumi was because she was a replacement for Rei as the ‘mother figure’. He treated Natsuo the worst, not even acknowledging his existence, which is why Natsuo was the one who was impacted the most (other than Touya).
Shoto is one who he really loved, not in a healthy way, but because he was the masterpiece. Even after Touya died, Enji never learned his lesson and kept up with the abuse. I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if Shoto wasn’t born the way he is. Would Enji just keep forcing Rei to have MORE babies? 
Was he really an abuser?
Some fans say ‘oh he wasn’t that bad’ or ‘he never really physically hurt them’ because we never explicitly see it. For the kids it was mostly emotional and verbal abuse, I doubt he physically hurt Shoto other than the training. Enji would beat him until he was vomiting for the sake of training, but with Rei he damaged her the most. She married him for the sake of her family and tried to love him. She tried to be a partner to him, and he still pushed her away. He treated her horribly and was a monster. He never physically hurt Natsuo or Fuyumi but he beat Rei up like it was a routine. He slaps her around when she tries to voice her opinion or talk to him, and he downright blames her for everything, including Touya training in secret. 
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This panel is downright horrifying because it shows what a monster he was and how Rei saw him. This strong pro hero is pulling her and throwing her around like a sac of potatoes in front of the children. He is violently beating his wife. So for fans saying there is no proof of him doing this regularly, here is the page to prove it. I don’t think Horikoshi can show graphic abuse, so he tried to make it as subtle as possible, just showing hints. Not many people have seen these extra pages (from chapter 301-302) because it was only quite recently added to the chapter. The anime studio literally censors blood, so I honestly doubt this will be animated. Also in the manga, there is a panel where it is insinuated he slapped Rei. You can see the giant SLAP in bold letters.
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If this is a man who is supposed to be a top pro hero then these children and Rei have no one to run to.
Power dynamics and victim blaming
Its very interesting to see how much the Todoroki children blame themselves for how Touya ended up. This image is from chapter 302.
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Even if they went to the police, nothing could have stopped Endeavor. Given how corrupt the hero system is, the abuse would have worsened if someone ratted him out. There is no way Rei, Fuyumi or Natsuo could have stopped this. They are victims as well. Endeavor was the #2 hero, they would have easily swept it under the rug and called them crazy or ungrateful. Enji with his connections and status could have sent them away. What hero could they have gone to that would have believed them? Who’s to say they would even help?
Endeavor had this tendency to treat women who are not heroes in an odd way. He saw them as weak and preferred boys as successors. If you look at his behavior with women outside of the hero profession, it's super awkward and he in general doesn’t know how to treat or interact with them. This is mostly based on speculation, but I feel like this is where Touya got his misogynistic way of thinking. He had to pick it up from somebody and I doubt it was Natsuo or Shoto. 
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Facing the consequences
Endeavor wanting to atone and not asking for forgiveness is a major sign of growth. I’m glad he acknowledges his wrongdoings and is now trying to bond with his family, but that doesn’t erase the past. Enji had abused and tortured his family for years. You don’t come back from that.
I don’t like how Enji thinks he can do a few favors for them and call it atonement. He doesn’t face real consequences because in the end, he’s the #1 hero, he’s rich, and he still has his masterpiece. He is thriving and doing great careerwise. The punishment does not fit the crime. Enji being forced to atone is a super lenient consequence. 
This is actually pretty scary. Endeavor is the hero with the most cases solved, you CANNOT tell me he didn’t run into a few domestic abuse cases in his 25+ years as a hero. He is locking up abusers while being an abuser himself. Talk about double standers- 
Glad he got exposed (#Endeavoriscanceled)
If it weren’t for Dabi/Touya revealing what Enji did publicly, I don’t think he would have ever faced real consequences. The world needs to know this man is no hero behind the scenes. In any country, abusers whether male or female get jail time, probation or fines. For long-term abusers, I’m pretty sure jail time and a criminal record is on the table. Also, aren’t quirk marriages illegal in some places? Or at least have laws and regulations? 
After the final war arc there might be a chance he will retire, but this retirement won’t be easy. Endeavor will be disgraced and knocked off his pedestal, which is exactly what he deserves. It's devastating as an Endeavor fan but honestly this man needs to learn his lesson the right way. Thank you for reading my rant.
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bunnabi · 3 years
I have boku no hero academia brainrot, here's my thoughts on the new chapter leaks and also several bones to pick with this god awful fandom:
this chapter really did its job at filling all the gaps missing in Touya's and the Todoroki family's backstory.
something that really stands out is the fact that apparently, for the first time, we are not hearing about their story from anyone's point of view.
we are experiencing what happened as it was, with no distortions, and we can finally see how dysfunctional everything was. we see the true extent of enji's selfishness and greed, rei's miserable life, and, most importantly, touya's pain.
little touya loved his father so much he wanted to carry that burden he was given even if it hurt him. endeavor just saw a stubborn failed experiment, not his son full of love and admiration for him, which made him act the way he did by replacing little touya over and over again. he took the meaning away from him.
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he kept pushing through the pain and the hopelessness just to try and get that love back, but his father had tossed him aside like garbage long ago, using rei as literal breeding stock, until he got the perfect weapon, shoto, who he would isolate and abuse.
once again, people are excusing enji for his horrible actions by saying it was a misunderstanding and that touya is to blame for being stubborn, or, as said by someone, "a jealous little psycho" .
people would rather blame a child needing affection and validation than accepting a person can be that horrible. I wonder how these people would react while talking to an abused person in real life.
children are not to blame for their parents actions. children are not to use to achieve your selfish goals. children are not to discard nor replaceable, they're their parents' responsibility to love and to care for. if you can't see that children will need attention and validation, then I don't think you should be allowed near a child.
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erasurecloud · 3 years
Main problem is he did not provide resources. Endeavor is the reason why Touya is so obsessed with this goal. Touya just sees this goal as away to have his father's love and attention. How is Touya supposed to learn that there's more to life than being a hero when Endeavor is not practicing what he is preaching? He does not reassure Touya by telling him that he will be there for him or that they can find something else that they can do together.
What resources ‘should’ he have provided? He was open with him, he explained why he couldn’t be a hero repeatedly and offered for him to find other things to do. In Japan, children are taught to devote themselves to their work and Touya was taught that he could do what his father could never- that he could surpass All Might. It’s not common for a child to give up aspirations like that and those drives and work ethics are carried well into adulthood. He knows there’s more to life than that, but this is what he wants. It’s what he was born for, so accepting otherwise doesn’t feel like an option to him.
Enji did reassure him though. He told him there were other things he could do. He encourages him to make friends, to play with Natsuo and Fuyumi.
And as for “finding things they can do together”, it’s not very common for working parents to come home and then spend hours bonding with their young children.
MHA takes place in Japan and the Todoroki’s are a very traditional Japanese family. Enji did do absolutely everything a Japanese man could do for his son, but people in the west are putting their standards on what should’ve happened instead of realizing this is an entirely different culture with entirely different values and expectations.
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savnofilter · 3 years
This isn’t an unpopular opinion (I think) but I love Dabi with his white hair
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the person who did the edits are @/hexamendle (their bio says message to use and i have too much anxiety for that <3) so i will be rbing because they do in fact have a tumbla. 🤧
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viridianoleanderson · 3 years
Touya... that's too much angst for such a small child. Stop glaring at the babies!!!
God, why did I have to be right... I'm not gonna be happy through this chapter.
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caedesetgloria · 3 years
does anyone know where to find all the panels/scans/leaks of 301? i need to put all the pieces in place and i keep finding different things
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nanaosaki3940 · 2 years
Rei, you got the wrong child...
Rei saying about Shoto - 
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Ma’am, I think you got the wrong child…
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ttoya · 3 years
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the todoroki children
» then vs now
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yreapwhatyasow · 1 year
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“Do You. . . Even Want to Be a Hero?”
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kiritouyadeku96 · 1 year
I’m so excited we’re like two days away from Touya’s backstory, and I’m so excited for more baby Touya and Shouto, ready to be sad and just all round ready for it!
What I’m not ready for is the no doubt re-ignited discourse of “Touya was evil from the start” “Enji was a great father” or hell the few sodden weirdos whom blame baby Shouto for being born 🙄 just in general the all round discourse centred around the Todofam! Not looking forward to that!
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calyxs-stuff · 3 years
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tekuo · 3 years
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i will not let these panels of tiny todorokis get brushed aside. not this time
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remcadll · 3 years
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erasurecloud · 3 years
if therapy is taboo in japan... why did he send rei to a psych ward?? it’s obvious he just saw his children as objects
Because she lashed out and hurt their child lmao
As for seeing his kids as objects
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You’re totally right
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Endeavor doesn’t care at all
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Why did he even bother having kids
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Theyre really nothing more than objects to him
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