#mia Lei
oh, mia lady, oh, mia baby, oh, mia Lei: se sto meglio, se sto in piedi, è perché sei qui.
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aimedis · 2 months
sam as a dad headcanons (+darlin') !!
sam and darlin' have one daughter (girl dad sam girl dad sam girl dad sam) ((this is like half darlin'-centric actually))
(note, there are a lot of inconsistencies with how these two would even have kids, what magical race their daughter would be (vamp-shifter hybrid), darlin's life span etc. but pls for the sake of my sanity pretend it makes sense lol)
Parents Darlin' and Sam who took a reallyyy long time to decide if they even wanted to have kids
Dad Sam who thought he wouldn't even know how to be a good dad, let alone if he wanted to have kids in the first place
Parent Darlin' who thought they were far too flawed and violent to raise a child
However, after a few years and slight jealousy from other pack parents, they decided to try
Parents Darlin' and Sam who regret not making up their minds sooner the second their daughter opens her eyes
Dad Sam who calls his daughter '(mini) darlin'" because she’s Darlin’s carbon copy
Dad Sam who also calls her 'sunshine' if she's particularly upset
Dad Sam who was far too paranoid to take his eyes off of his daughter when they first brought her home as a newborn (and he could afford to watch over her during the night/morning because he's a vampire)
Dad Sam who feels his heart shatter every time she cries
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves competing with a four year old for their mate's attention
Dad Sam who effortlessly flips between doting dad and disciplinary parent
Dad Sam who is surprisingly good at defusing the (many) tantrums his daughter throws, not getting mad but just sitting with and talking to her calmly
Parents Darlin' and Sam who were very much one and done (their daughter is too much of a handful to have any more kids)
Parent Darlin' who thinks it's both a blessing and a curse to have a daughter that acts exactly like them because on one hand, they have a mini-me and they can tell how she’ll react to certain situations but she also has their reckless nature and gives them a heart attack every other day (they find themselves yelling “Cut it out!” every single day without even looking at her)
Dad Sam who knows his daughter is just as strong as his mate but still worries over everything concerning her
Parent Darlin' and Sam who are still confused at how their toddler is so damn strong
Dad Sam who sobbed his eyes out when their daughter started school ("Wow, Sammy, you're crying almost as much as our four-year-old.")
Dad Sam who catches himself being too overbearing or protective sometimes and has to learn to let his daughter fail and get hurt occasionally
Also Dad Sam who after a few years of being her dad, becomes desensitized to her hurting herself daily (if she's not crying, he doesn't care anymore. a simple 'you good?' will do)
Dad Sam who said you would never catch him playing princesses or dress up (cue Darlin' laughing their lungs out at the sight of him in a way too tight princess dress getting his makeup done by their daughter)
Dad Sam who absolutely laughs when his daughter starts calling his Darlin' "darlin'" because of how often he calls them that
Dad Sam who is absolutely his daughter's favourite parent until Darlin' steps into the room (she will scream and cry to be in their arms)
Parents Darlin and Sam who have a very clingy very aggressive toddler that wants to be held 24/7 but will also start trying to fight them at random
Parent Darlin' who, after their daughter shifts for the first time, always play fights with her while shifted
Parent Darlin' who is constantly being forced to read at bedtime by their daughter
Dad Sam who rocks his daughter all the time in the rocking chair in her room
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves doing the high pitched baby voice they always found annoying to their daughter without even realizing it
Dad Sam who gets incredibly excited whenever his daughter's slight country accent comes out a little stronger
Dad Sam who feels his inner child heal little by little whenever he talks to his daughter the way he wished he was spoken to as a child
Parent Darlin' who acts annoyed when their daughter takes a liking to David but is silently happy she has a good relationship with him
Dad Sam who lets his daughter play wrestle with him just to laugh at her when she cries thinking she killed her dad
Dad Sam who tries not to cry whenever his daughter says he's the best dad ever
Parents Darlin' and Sam who show their daughter the same respect they want to see from her because it sets an example and she responds well to that
They are both so calm and understanding about her little temper tantrums that they don't even last long ("I know, it's hard and your feelings are too much right now. We're not gonna hit people though, okay? Okay.")
Dad Sam who has been wrapped around his daughter's finger since the day he laid eyes on her
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elbiotipo · 5 months
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En criollo esto significa que las empresas pueden poner precios sin IVA y cobrartelo en caja. O sea que el precio de la etiqueta no es el mismo precio de la caja. Es la boludez rompe pelotas que hay en EEUU donde tenés que sumar el "tax" en la caja (que encima varía por estado y localidad) en vez de pagar. El precio. Que está. En la etiqueta.
(con razón los yanquis se quejan tanto de los impuestos yo me volvería loco)
Hay medidas malas, hay medidas peores, y después está esto que es una rotura de huevos inexplicable. Todo con el único resultado de romperle las bolas a la gente. Imagínate comprar un alfajor a 1000 pesos (ya un concepto de mierda de por sí) y que el kiosquero te diga "ah no con IVA son 1200". Yo me vuelvo El Bromas no sé ustedes.
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ilsilenteloquaceblog · 3 months
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“… about you, me or us TOGETHER?”
Il Silente Loquace ©
— @ilsilenteloquaceblog
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i-am-a-polpetta · 29 days
chi di voi c'era nel 2020/2021 si ricorderà di me per tutte le avventure in farmacia per provarci con la farmacista fregna e bionda con gli occhi azzurri.
la cosa che mi fa immensamente ridere è che da quando mi sono fidanzata È LEI A PROVARCI CON ME
raga non avete idea, la cosa è troppo troppo divertente, io sono stra certa che se non ci fosse stata la fila mi avrebbe chiesto pure il numero di telefono.
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bsiren · 6 months
tabelas calóricas para te ajudar p.1 (thread)
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affogonellamarmellata · 2 months
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papesatan · 10 months
Ormai nessuno osa studiare con me, se non i disperati, i masochisti e i coraggiosi. Mi tremano innanzi, perché pretendo sempre il massimo (nulla più di quanto minacciosamente richiestomi dai genitori), laddove il massimo non sarebbe altro che una sufficiente capacità di rielaborazione del testo a parole proprie e un minimo di coerenza semantica e sintattica nella costruzione di frasi di senso compiuto fondate su soggetto, verbo e complemento (tutto questo a libro chiuso).
Sembrerà una banalità, ma nulla gli è più gravoso dell'organizzare un discorso armonico, per cui spesso tentano di mandare a memoria termini ed espressioni che risorgono mostruose dalla loro bocca, creature deformi e fuori contesto.
Di solito a questo punto m'arrabbio e li costringo a ripetermi TUTTO dall'inizio, finché non sono contento (ma non sono mai contento). Sommersi dall'ansia e dalla frustrazione, molti di loro non reggono e scoppiano allora a piangere. La mia reazione solitamente è aspra di fastidio, sono stanco, vorrei andare a casa e il tempo passato a piangere è solo tempo perso. Per quanto la mia anima sadica goda amaramente di quei pianti, esco un attimo da me ed entro in loro, mi calmo, mi ci siedo a fianco e li abbraccio, li consolo, li sprono. Ricominciamo, ma prima di farlo abbasso il livello di difficoltà da "Ultimo respiro" a "A fuoco lento", soprassiedo con dolcezza a libro aperto e fanculo i miei standard, fino alla prossima. So che non dovrei imporre a quei piccoli esseri la croce delle mie pedanti ossessioni, esigendo da loro una perfezione che non c'è, so anche che spesso e volentieri la vita là fuori gli chiederà di spingersi oltre la comfort zone di limiti autoimposti. Se non li si abitua a dare il massimo sotto pressione, teneramente cullati nella mediocrità, che adulti diventeranno? Evito di rispondermi e lascio che studino con le mie dipendenti, dolci, pazienti, comprensive. Almeno per un po' mi resterà la soddisfazione di non aver fatto piangere nessuno.
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auxoubliettes · 3 months
ho sempre tenuto i piedi per terra e sono sempre stata violentemente realista, ma inizio a pensare di aver esagerato ed essermi incatenata al suolo privandomi del rischio di slanciarmi, o anche solo di dire ad alta voce come avrei voluto slanciarmi. se il barlume di questa consapevolezza inizia a fare capolino solo adesso e si svilupperà poi con altrettanta lentezza, so già che la crisi di mezza età sarà a tema: potevo fare tutto (o almeno più di così) e ho sempre pensato di non poter fare niente
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faceglitchsworld · 8 months
In che senso ci sono i Ricchi e Poveri dopo?
Tutti i loro fan stanno dormendo a quest'ora
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likeanarrowinthedark · 8 months
Mamma mia calpestami, spegnimi le sigarette addosso
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Increíble como imaginas un pelotudo y se manifiesta en el acto pero yo no importa cuánto imagine estar casado con María Elena Fuseneco no pasa
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su e giù con le dita…
e con le mani,
COSPARGILO di saliva…
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SPINGILO, spingilo dentro,
in fondo alla tua gola
più e più volte,
fin quando
ne sentirai colare
tutta la Mia… voglia di te.”
Il Silente Loquace ©
— @ilsilenteloquaceblog
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i-am-a-polpetta · 2 months
come va quella tua piccola ossessione per Taylor Swift?
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bsiren · 6 months
dietas de alta restrição! (thread)
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lembre-se de sempre manter o foco, você consegue! 💗
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affogonellamarmellata · 8 months
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