ruliefanaccount · 1 year
I am totally not Bailey
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The Chain in flower crowns Pt. 2: Hyrule
I did mostly weeds and wild flowers for his because obvi its Hyrule
I would have made this sooner but we’ve been busy with church stuff the last few days
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(Lanayru is ~900 years old)
Lily: “What was that like, Lady Lanayru?”
I don’t remember much, just that I had to save her life. I had no choice…but as I was losing consciousness I apparently told Nerin I was sorry. Those were my last words…
Don’t worry, my sweet one, it was completely painless and none of this is new to me, ok?
*Lily nods her head, the concern fading from her face.*
After my inevitable resurrection, I was carried back to my domain. These are from Nerin’s words, of course, not mine…so Lady Cordelia, Just Faron, Lady Lorelei, they all offered to hold me and take care of me. But Nerin snapped back, “NO! Don’t touch my Lanayru!” And she whispered into my ear, “You’re gonna be just fine, RuRu, I promise…” At least something like that, from what she told me.
“But my friends? Did they do something wrong?”
Your fellow Dwellers were just here to help, Lady Lily, they did nothing wrong…but one thing you should know about Nerin is that she can be extremely protective of me. She carried me up the stairs to get here while I was unconscious, a difficult task for one person! It would’ve been easier had Cordelia helped, but Nerin wouldn’t let anyone touch me. My little one…oh how I love her so.
And a month of intense waiting later…here I am!
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baileyboo2016 · 2 years
last post of the year!
well, it's official...2022 is over tonight. If you're reading this I hope you have a great start to the new year!
also teenagers heads up: starting tomorrow, ppl born in 2010 will become teenagers 😳
im an 04 and were gonna start being the oldest teenagers lets gooo
anyway happy new year!! love, the leader of the gulliver fan club
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breannasfluff · 1 year
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Hyrule appreciation hour
Credit to Jojo!
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magpie-sherlock · 1 year
@miadancer24 this is from like 2 months ago lol
"What's that?"
Warriors looks behind him from his seat on a log. Hyrule is looking at the Captain's mug, a confused expression on his face. The Captain seems to be drinking some sort of really dark... tea?
"It's... coffee. You've never had coffee before?" Warriors asks, surprised. He couldn't imagine life without coffee.
Hyrule shakes his head. "What, is it special or something?"
Warriors shrugs. "Keeps you awake."
"Can I try some?"
Wars tilts his head, considering. Kid's probably old enough for coffee. "Yeah, sure." He hands his mug to the Traveler.
Hyrule takes the mug gingerly and tastes the dark liquid. He makes a face. "It's bitter," he says with a scrunched nose, handing the mug back to Wars. How has Wars been drinking that this whole time? "You like how that tastes?"
"I do, yeah," Wars says, shrugging. "Some people don't. You can put cream and sugar in it to make it sweeter. I can make some for you, if you'd like to try that."
It's Hyrule's turn to tilt his head as he thinks. "Alright," he says. The two Links walk over to where there was some coffee left brewing by the fire. Warriors makes Hyrule a mug of coffee, being sure to add plenty of cream and sugar. Normally, he wouldn't add this much, but Legend was visiting the nearby town today, so they can restock. Hyrule watches as the Captain stirs the drink, wondering how that could possibly improve the taste. The mug is handed to him.
Hyrule takes a sip of the coffee -- more sugar and cream than coffee, Warriors thinks -- and his eyes widen. It's so sweet! He finishes the drink in a matter of minutes.
Wars watches as the Traveler downs the drink. He realizes only now that a mistake might have been made.
Sure enough, about twenty minutes later, Time approaches the Captain as he sharpens his sword. "Warriors. I think your coffee was left unsupervised." Hyrule's maniacal laughter is heard from the other end of the camp. Wars winces.
"No, actually. I gave that to him on purpose."
Time raises an eyebrow, giving Wars the look. He now understands what Twilight means when he says he's scared of Time's disappointment. "You mean to tell me you intentionally gave a fairy boy a mug full of caffeinated sugar?"
"Oh." Wars winces as Legend swears from the edge of camp. "Didn't think of that."
Hyrule chooses this moment to present Warriors with the consequence of his actions, running up to him with a large stick. There's a knife tied to the end. "I made a spear!" the Traveler exclaims, his eyes wide. He's shaking a bit.
Time looks at Wars. "He's your problem now. Keep him from doing anything stupid." Wars nods as Wild starts yelling about a missing knife.
Wars spent the rest of the day making Hyrule run laps until he was too tired to commit atrocities and they both collapsed and fell asleep
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l3ominor · 1 year
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little fairy boi
he just a cutie
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la-sera · 1 year
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Coloring Hyrule from the secret drawing box for @miadancer24 that I made last month.
not a secret drawing anymore because I was found out by her instantly , even though it was drawn with the mouse. Too many traces of me
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 7 of the Linked Universe Winged Au (LUWAU)! After many requests and a very long wait we've got our boy, Hyrule!
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As per tradition here at Sass-Squat enterprises we have to start off with a little bird fact, so did you know that Henslow's Sparrows have the simplest and shortest song of any North American songbird? Their song is often described as a "feeble hiccup," and while they sing primarily sing at dawn and dusk, they are well known for sometimes singing all night long!
Anyways, I thought this was an interesting little fact because Hyrule oftentimes refers to himself as nothing more than a, "humble traveler" so I believe him having a simple "feeble hiccup" of a song matches that same energy.
However, Hyrule is heavily based off of a Henslow's Sparrow in my Winged Au for a multitude of other reasons aside from just his song. Hyrule is a such a sweet, simple guy, so I felt that it was right to assign him a bird that matches his down to earth nature, and a Henslow's Sparrow seemed the right fit in both appearance and behavior.
An example of their behaviors matching his own is the fact that Henslow's Sparrows take flight only with great reluctance, preferring to flee from threats by simply running through the grass. Before joining the chain, Hyrule was alone for the vast majority of his life both canonically and in this headcanon. As a result of this, he never really had anyone teach him how to properly preen or take care of his wings so they fell into a pretty disastrous state. This damage to his wings and flight capability didn't really bother him too much though, because much like a Henslow's Sparrow, he generally preferred walking as it was a safer, less conspicuous option of travel when he had monsters constantly hunting him down. The chain have all since helped him with his preening habits however, and he is doing much better but he still generally prefers walking over flying.
Another example of similar behaviors is that sparrows are oftentimes symbolic of productivity, cooperation, teamwork, and finding joy in the little things of life. Additionally, their spirits are said to be great at problem-solving and are capable of thriving in difficult environments. If that doesn't describe Hyrule then I genuinely don't know what does. He may not be as fast or strong as the other members of the chain, but he is very hardworking and he has a strong sense of determination and perseverance that really makes him shine in difficult situations.
Anyways! I could continue and go on for hours, but that's got to be all for now folks! Thank you all again for your kind words and comments! They always make me laugh and never fail to make my day. As always, feel free to ask any questions or simply leave requests for who or what you would like to see next and I will try my best to get to them all as soon as possible! Thank you all again!
P.S. I wanted to personally let @miadancer24 that I finally drew her boy! I promise I've seen your comments friend! :D I'm sorry it took so long to finish him!
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pallweople · 1 year
Assigning Pall Weople To Animals!
Based purely off of vibes! (I know I haven't talked/interacted that much with to a lot of you, but you're still cool as hell! :D)
( @arsonisticscholar ) Arsonator -> Red Panda
( @astral-catastrophe )Astral/Jay -> Moose
( @miadancer24 ) Bailey -> Otter
( @cal-the-duende ) Cal -> Koala
( @hero-dualies-pog ) Campfire/Zen Anon -> Swan
( @circusislife ) Circus -> Bear
( @frostedshadow ) Frost -> Penguin
( @justsomeghostt ) Ghost-> Axolotl
( @hyperfixatezz ) Hyper/Riju -> Ferret
( @justanotherhighlycaffeinatednerd ) Katnip -> Artic Fox
( @ladye-zelda ) Ladye ->Dove
( @linksarehere ) Link -> Zebra
( @misc-me0707 ) -> Flamingo
( @mushr0oms-and-m0ss ) Mushroom -> Frog
( @is-apotato ) Potato -> Rabbit
( @somebody-random-lol ) Random -> Bat
( @skyward-shade ) Shade -> Raccoon
( @hero-of-soup (aka. 6leafclover) Clover/SOOUP -> Humming bird
( @xjgbhk ) -> ShoeBill
( @mossy-chai ) Z -> Squirrel
( @link-or-sherlock ) Sherlock -> Cheetah
( @nancyheart11 ) Nancy -> Ocelot
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birb-boyo · 1 year
You lost the game! :)
@cal-the-duende @miadancer24 @nancyheart11 @bzagender @shadowlinktheshadow @link-or-sherlock @hyperfixatezz :)
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The Chain in Flower Crowns Part 3: Wind
It’s finally here lol
We’ve been really busy sorry it took so long
I spent way too long looking up flowers that grow on beaches for this to get ignored
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
(hint: it's me)
@miadancer24 I DID IT HERE'S YOUR BOY! This is a portion of a fic I'm working on that's basically 8 times Sky defends another member of the chain and one time they all defend Sky :D
So here, have 675 words out of context fluff / hurt/comfort first draft of our most precious bean learning to love himself (just like all of you should):
(Warnings: discussion of low self esteem)
Sky gently lowered himself to the ground next to Hyrule. Hyrule had his blankets wrapped snugly around his head and shoulders, and his eyes were still drooping despite the stamina potion from Wild. Legend had argued they needed to let Hyrule sleep, but Sky knew Hyrule would need food and water for his body to heal.
"Hi," Sky said softly. Hyrule's gaze flicked toward Sky then fell back to his mug.
"Hi," Hyrule said.
"Can we talk?" Sky asked. He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them.
"I'm not going to say what I did was wrong," Hyrule said.
"I know," Sky said. He felt a small smile on his face. "I'm glad you're standing up for yourself."
Hyrule's face burned red and he averted his eyes further.
"I want to talk about what you said," Sky added. "Do you remember?"
Hyrule paused a moment, then shook his head no. Sky sighed.
"I won't repeat it, but... Hyrule, can you look at me, please?" Sky asked. Hyrule slowly brought his gaze up to meet Sky's. Sky took a deep breath and put as much sincerity into his gaze as he could muster.
"You don't have to earn your place," Sky said. "We love you for who you are, not what you can do for us."
Hyrule couldn't hold Sky's gaze. He turned away and ducked his head into his shoulder. Sky scooted closer and hovered a hand over Hyrule's shoulder, but let it drop back to his knees.
"Your worth is innate. You deserve to be here because you're an amazing hero, and you have so many skills and talents, and you're a wonderful person to be around, but also because you just do," Sky paused, and let his own gaze fall to his feet.
"You know I get sick a lot. Before I figured out how to keep my body healthy, I would be stuck in bed for days at a time," Sky said. Hyrule kept his shoulders hunched, but turned his face enough for Sky to see the tears glistening in his eyes. Sky took a grounding breath, and continued.
"I felt like a burden, sometimes. I felt like I had to make it up to everyone when I was healthy since they took care of me when I was sick, but I would overdo it and end up sick again. Once, I admitted to Zelda that I felt guilty for being a burden on her, and..."
Sky chuckled as the memory of her, frankly adorable, angry face came into his memory.
"She was so mad. She was offended I thought that of her, and upset I thought that of myself, and mad at herself for letting me believe that about myself. Overall, not pleased," Sky continued with a smile. Hyrule's returning smile was small, but it was there.
"Now when I have bad health days, or bad mental health days, I just tell her, or Groose. It works a lot better that way," Sky said. He shifted until he was in front of Hyrule and put his hand on the dirt between them.
"I know you want to help, but you can't overdo it like that and risk your own health. We would still value you even if you never used your healing powers again, or never helped in battle again, or anything, okay?" Sky asked.
Hyrule's gaze was locked on Sky's hand. Slowly, Hyrule pulled his hand out from his mound of blankets and placed it over Sky's. Sky felt hope surge through him as he flipped his hand to grip Hyrule's and squeezed it reassuringly.
"I know one conversation isn't going to completely change your mindset. You don't have to believe me right now, but... can you at least say you're going to try?" Sky asked.
Hyrule nodded, and Sky watched a tear slowly slide down his cheek. "I promise."
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
I declare it @anadorablekiwi loving hours!!
Troops assemble! (if you have the energy but no pressure)
@telemna-hyelle @swordsoffour @skyward-floored @skyloftian-nutcase @mothie-lad @mad-navi @bzagender @miadancer24
Can't think of anyone else rn but pls spread word
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
Pairing: Sr!Time x gn!reader (headcanon, romantic) Warnings: Fluff?Time being a grump! I ramble a lot, sorry ._.'
OKAY I KNOW I HAVE REQUESTS I SHOULD BE WORKING ON BUT MY BRAIN IS FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN WITH SACRED REALMS TIME!! The comic is @/zelda-the-sacred-realm (no I will not tag them, they're cool and I would rather die then have them acknowledge me being a simp :3 /hj)
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Honestly very surprising that you managed to woo the grump! His salty attitude and tough exterior is a hard one crack, let alone break enough to allow you to worm your way into his stubborn heart!
But once you're there, I can promise you that he isn't letting go that easily! He's your problem now! >:P
Isn't big on PDA at all. He has a image to keep and he doesn't want his team mate to see him weakened (by your charm)! Well- actually its more like he's trying to save both you and himself from their never ending teasing
cause oooo boy!! Those boys are RELENTLESS!! Its such an odd and rare sight for them to see the might hero of time is such a...soft state! You turn the frightening grizzly bear into disgruntled teddy bear with a simple kiss to his cheek!
This isn't to say he'll shove you off of him if you come to hug him, but he will give you a gentle reminder as he gives you a soothing but small rub to your arm before pulling back.
BUT behind closed doors/away from prying eyes?? He will take your loving in strides! (he still gets flustered when you hold hands) The hero will let you smother him until he does need to take a step back to calm down--
His favourite acts of affection to receive (tho he wont admit it) are kisses on the tips of his fingers while you cup his names! He doesn't know why but the act just makes him melt
He still struggles a lot when it comes to giving and receiving love, so please be patient with him!
Speaking of giving love, I see Time as the type of fella that uses gifts as a way to express himself!! He sees an object/item that reminds him of you? Oops, it's in his pocket now :3! You've been taking about this one really rare item to add to your collection? Oh how strange, Time had this little thing laying around, here ya go!
The hero also enjoys just...being in the same room as you! You both could be do your own little tasks, not talking or even sitting that close, but he'll enjoy the company you give him! It might seem strange to others but the simple fact that Time knows your there and within reach is just so...comforting?
The boys have used Time's love and affection for you as a way to protect themselves from his wrath LMAO
Like, World of Realm (link) will be hauling ass as they're running away from the furious spirit until they catch sight of you!! Their saving grace!!
And before you know it, two shaking heroes are hid behind you as your dashing lover comes to a screeching halt infront of you. All you can do is give him a raised eyebrow and curious smirk and boom! legendary hero defeated (turned in a small flustered mess)
But that's not to say you don't quietly chew out the two heroes! Nono! Time is still your lover and you don't appreciate the heroes riling him up so much. This tends to end up with u pull the heroes along to give the hero an apology (if they actually did do something to make him angry/upset) when you darling had the chance to calm down.
Overall, you're relationship is one that starts slow as the hero gets used to being loved once more. It's a lot of figuring out what does and doesn't work within your relationship and how to navigate those challenges!
But even with the difficulties, the hero can and will love you with his full heart (no matter how cold the others say it is) and will do everything in his power to make sure you're kept safe and happy!
Taglist: @the-cucco-nuggie @miadancer24 (If you wanna join it, just ask and I'll add you!)
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magpie-sherlock · 1 year
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Roolie got beat up
@miadancer24 i put him through the horrors
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