#michael kelso icons
that70sicons · 2 years
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random icons – eric's burger job (e5, s1). please like or reblog if saved! and credit if you repost somewhere else.
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lightofsanday · 2 years
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— 𝗞𝗲𝗅𝘀𝗼, 𝗝𝖺𝘆 𝗮𝗇𝗱 𝗝𝖺𝖼𝗸𝗶𝗲.
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ecnmatic · 7 months
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THAT '70s SHOW (1998) That '70s Pilot - 1x1 dir. Terry Hughes.
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megsforpresident · 2 years
Damn you, Steven Hyde! - Fluff
Steven Hyde x fem! Reader
A/N: Hi! this is the first one shot i have ever posted anywhere to be honest, but I've been obsessed with That 70s show and I wrote this directly here knowing that i would be forced to post it.
English is not my first language but I always loved to write so hopefully this is not too bad. let me know what you think!
I will make a part 2 of this, that will contain smut.
trope: two idiots in love, a little bit of miss-comunication.
TW: name calling, swearing, bad bad writing, smoking weed, under-age drinking. i think that's all, let me know if there are other things i should consider.
anyway, here we go!
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"Oh c'mon, I'll spend the night with you Fez." You promised. "We can watch a movie if you want, your pick." Fez smiled and crunched down a bit, hugging your neck from behind since you were sitting down on 'Hyde's chair'.
"This is why you are my favorite, Y/N/N." He smiled, accent thick on his tongue.
It was true. You were always nice to Fez and, even if you were Eric's twin sister, you were the only girl in the group that was single and Fez always thought he could have his way with you like he did with Donna and Jackie, if they were single.
Being Eric's twin sister had it's good sides. You were your parents favorite. It was more than likely to happen when you are the youngest and a girl. You weren't whoreing around high school like your older sister Laurie had been, and you brother, well Red just thought he was a dumbass while Kitty tried to baby him.
You didn't need that tho. you knew how to stand up for yourself, you were well behaved and your parents trusted you. Even if you did exactly the same things Eric did, it was always more fun to you even if you got caught.
Another thing, your friends were his and, most of the times, vice versa. The both of you had been friends with Donna, Hyde and Kelso since forever, always hanging out in your basement.
The bad side was Hyde. Not him necessarily, but the close relationship with him. You and Hyde would flirt all the goddamn time until your brother got uncomfortable.
Since you were around 11 or 12 that you had been fighting over who sits in that chair just for the sake of it, and that only stopped when you both decided by sharing a look that you would do anything to annoy your brother, so Hyde pulled you to his lap and ever since then, you would always sit on the chair or on Hyde, it basically just became a habit to everyone really.
And you absolutely adored the relationship you had with him. That's what fucked it up, Hyde grew up to be exactly your type. Or maybe your type was based on Hyde. You just know that on your last sleep over with Donna and Jackie when you borrowed your mom's cosmo you figured that Hyde filled all the categories as your dream man. And oh boy, did they tease you about it.
"But in all seriousness." Jackie said after a few laughs. "Hyde would never deserve a girl like you."
And that played over and over in your head.
After that you had gone to the disco and you bugged and bugged and bugged Hyde to come with all of you until he said yes.
That night you had danced with Fez after Jackie and you totally tired him out, after that you tried to dance with Kelso, cheer him up a bit and teach him a few moves so that he could keep up with Jackie before he realised that Fez and Jackie were outside alone.
And even after dancing for so long, you still wanted to keep going. You got that from your mother. The problem was, you obviously wouldn't dance with your brother, specially because he can't dance for the life of him.
"Hey that guy over there looks like he can dance." Donna declared, pointing over your shoulder. "He's been looking at you since you were dancing with Fez." She added quietly, mostly to your brother sake because he was obviously over protective of you.
In Eric's mind, if anything happened to you while you were both out, Red would absolutely kill him for not protecting his precious little angel enough.
"Let's see if he can dance." You add with a smirk, getting ready to get up.
"You wanna dance?" Hyde said before you even could get up. You looked at him puzzled, as did Eric and Donna. "C'mon, let's dance." He got up and grabbed your hand.
So that night you danced with Hyde to Fernando by ABBA. And he told you that he wanted to kiss you. And just for a tiny moment you thought he was joking, before you saw the seriousness in his eyes. And, god, did you wish the song could have lasted just a minute longer because you would've absolutely kissed him right there.
Ever since then, it had been different between you two, but only you had noticed. Hyde didn't want to make you weird around him and since you didn't answer, he took it as a hint that you would always be just friends.
That was another bad side of being a Forman. There were things that were hard to talk about, specially feelings. You got that from Red. But did you want to have the guts to tell Hyde how you felt.
When Christmas came along, he gave you his gift on the cruiser. He didn't get anything to anyone else because he didn't have the Money to do so.
He gave you the polaroid you had taken with Jackies camara on the next town over that you had lost over a rock, paper or scissors game. Hyde put a black frame on it with a bracelet from the concert you went to that night, and it had been in your night stand since he gave it to you.
You got him a new pair of sunglasses. The same exact ones he had and had you worked your ass off to find them. You were the only one who noticed they were broken so the lent would fall out. And he smiled so big when he opened the box, it was like he own a contest.
You thought he got the hint. He didn't. So now here he was, bragging about Chrissy, and the wild sex they just had, and how she had asked him to move to New york.
You weren't even listening until you heard your brothers pinchy voice, telling him he couldn't.
"Damn it Forman, now I lost my train of thought." He got up angry, touching your shoulder so he could sit on the chair. "Hey sweetheart." He said loudly, like he always did, coming to kiss your cheek, like he always did before you both sat back down.
"Hey Hyde." You said with a small smile, but avoided his kiss, reaching for the cruiser keys that were on the table. "What do you say Fez, wanna go grab a few movies?"
"Oh yes. Maybe the pretty blonde that works there will be there." He said excited, reaching for his jacket.
"Wait for us." You said more to your brother, knowing that as soon as Donna was gone and Michael was back they would get high, and you always did it with them, Donna didn't because she didn't like the smell.
Hyde found your behaviour weird since you never acted like that with him but your brother made the stupid joke that you were probably on your period which Donna hit him in the arm for, and quickly got back to trying to get Hyde from going to New york.
When you got to the video store, you gave Fez enough Money to rent two movies and stayed in the car. You cried, and you were woman enough to admit that you cried. Out of jealousy that he was with that Chrissy bitch, that he would leave town, but mostly because he would leave town with her.
You only realised Fez got back because he hugged you and you appreciated it even if you made him promise not to say anything and didn't exactly tell him why you were crying.
As soon as Eric heard the vista's doors closing, he got the pot from its hiding place.
"I don't think is a good ideia Hyde." Your brother said when it started to kick in.
And you blacked out. Not literally, you just didn't want to listen.
"Y/N you gonna help me and Fez out?" Eric asked.
"Nop." You answered, getting up from where you were resting against Michael. "Hyde can go to hell for all I care." And he laughed.
"Don't kiss my ass, sweetheart."
"But Y/N/N weren't you crying in the car because of..." And before Fez could continue, you threw a shoe at him. Yes, a shoe because your stoned mind couldn't think of anything else.
"You were crying?" Eric and Hyde asked at the same time but you quickly ignored them.
"I gotta pee." And with that you left before anymore questions.
The feeling left and Hyde went home to pack his bag, his mind set on going even after your brother's many tries. After dinner and before he went on his 'drive' with Donna, Eric tried to bug the truth out of you but you wouldn't open up.
"You don't want to tell me, fine." He said, annoyed. "I'm going over to Hyde's to try and talk him, do you wanna come?"
"Eric, mom and dad already talked to him, you bugged him all afternoon, me talking to him won't change anything, it won't either if you just keep repeating the same thing." You finally said, finishing up washing the plates from dinner.
"You haven't even said anything, I thought you cared for Hyde a little bit more." He said before he left and you just kept washing the dishes.
After a few minutes Donna showed up, sitting on the high stool as you cleaned the counter.
"Eric went to see Hyde before he left, he might be a bit late." You told Donna, avoiding looking at her knowing that she would know how you felt by just looking at you.
"And you stayed because?"
"It wouldn't matter if I went." Your voice was clearly emotional, not thinking about anything else but losing your best friend Hyde over New York, and the wild bimbo Chrissy.
"He likes you! You could make him stay!" Now Donna got up and you looked at her. "What are you waiting for? For him to leave with that bimbo? He's going to ruin his life in New york, Y/N/N. Talk to him, have him ruin his life here, with us." You laughed a bit.
"Do you really think I could make him stay?" You asked on a small voice, clearly wanting to ask something else.
"Of course!" Donna said. "Hyde is absolutely crazy for you." She smiled and you just left the counter half cleaned before you ran to the living room.
"I'm going out, but I promise I won't be gone long." You said before you tried to leave.
"Hold it." Said Red Forman and, you didn't even register before you stopped and turned back to the living room. "You're finally going to talk to Steven?"
"Yes daddy." You mumbled. You could have tried to fool your dad but it wouldn't pass the Red-dar.
"Take the Toyota. I don't want you walking alone so late at night." He pointed to the keys on the high table behind him.
"Thank you daddy!" You kissed his cheek and ran to the garage pass Donna showing her the keys.
You drove quickly but a lot more careful than you would have done if it was with the cruiser. Parking next to the cruiser, you quickly checked yourself in the mirror, cleaning the remaining tears and fixing your lashes, knowing that Hyde would know if you were crying.
When you got to his front porch, you saw Eric and Hyde sitting, laughing a bit. Nervously, you put your hands on the front pocket of your denim skirt and walked to them, clearing your throat so they would notice you and stop the conversation, never trusting what they talked about when alone and definitely didn't want to over hear.
"Hey Y/N/N, did you walk here?" Your brother asked quickly. "Why didn't you wait until I got back?"
"Red borrowed me the Toyota." You said showing Eric the keys. "Be careful when you back up the cruiser."
"Oh right." He said, looking between the two of you. Eric might be dumb most of the times but this one he could tell. "I guess I'll see you around if I ever go to the big Apple Hyde. Good luck." And with that they hugged, Hyde thanked him, and Eric left.
It might have been a twin thing, but you shared a look and you knew Eric hoped to every God out there that you would get Hyde to stay, even if you were going to try, it made you lose a little bit of hope that it was all up to you now.
"Hey sweetheart." He tried again, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket.
Tears were back in your eyes when you finally got closer to him, pushing him in the chest.
"How dare you, Steven?!" You asked annoyed. "How dare you even think of leaving without saying goodbye?!"
"Sweetheart..." He started, finally noticing the tears on your face, trying to get closer to you but you pushed him again, pointing a finger to his face.
"No. Don't 'sweetheart' me. You were supposed to leave this town with me. Follow me to college like a creep and sneak into my dorm room like we promised." And that's when it hit him.
You had promised that one time on a sleep over when you woke up in the middle of the night and Hyde went to use your bathroom. He was the only boy you would let use your bathroom and he noticed you were up. You both got high on the room just outside your window and made that promise with each other before you went back inside and read to him the book Eric had gotten you for christmas and you both fell asleep.
Before he could respond, you had glued yourself to his torso, crying quietly on his chest.
"Don't go. Please." You asked before he tossed the cigarette aside and hugged you back. He calmed you down, before you pulled back to look at him.
You took the glassed from his face and held his face lightly. "Even if I lost my change with you, Steven, please don't go. I don't want to lose my best friend." You whispered.
And this time it was Hyde that was absolutely speechless, just like you were the night at the disco.
"I think I really want to kiss you right now, y/n." Your breath changed, as Steven reached to put a strand of hair behind your ear. "You don't have to kiss me back if you don't want to."
And with that you took initiative, you pulled his face to yours and kissed him. You felt him smile into the kiss, holding your neck and your waist as you passed one hand to his hair pulling him to you and smiled back.
"Promise me another one of those and I might just stay the rest of my life in this stupid town." Hyde joked when you broke a part and you both laughed a bit before you pulled him back in for another kiss.
"Can have as many as you want if you go tell that bimbo you're not going with her." You joked this time.
"Oh baby, are you jealous?" Steven tried to joke as you pulled him inside his house and picked up his bag. "Straight to the bedroom, hum?" He pulled you back by the hips, kissing your neck.
"Steven?" His mother asked, loudly.
"Gotta be quiet baby love." He whispered in your ear.
"Not right now, pretty boy. You got a heart to break." You pushed him back from you a lot softer than you had done outside. "Hurry up and you might just get lucky." Kissing his cheek you, left to the living room.
You knew his mom, and she surprisingly liked you.
"Hey Edna." You gave her a warm smile before she turned from inside the fridge to look over her shoulder.
"Oh hey Y/N! What a beer?" She took two out of the fridge as she asked and turned to you. "Would offer you a soda but I don't have any."
"Yeah sure, I'll take one." You kept your cool.
"Take a seat." She offered and you sat at the small kitchen table. "What are you doing here?"
"Steven came to pick some of his stuff up, we're having a sleep over." You lied easily, taking a drink of your beer.
"You are good to him." She said, sitting across from you and only then you realised that she was drunk. "I think he has a crush on you." Edna laughed.
"Mom." You heard Steven whine from the kitchen door.
"Really?" You laughed. "Do you have anything to say about it Steven?" Before you could embarrass him further he pulled you hand and started walking through the house to get out like it was eating him alive.
"I'm staying at Foreman's tonight." Was all he said before you both left the house, and he forced you to run to the Toyota.
part 2 - to be added.
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that70sdream · 2 years
♡ Playlists Inspired by Characters in That 70’s Show ♡
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burkelso · 1 month
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gryfficons · 1 year
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calbutbetter · 2 years
them them them!!!
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latency-girl · 2 years
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donna pinciotti
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saintlopezlov3r · 1 year
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Michael Kelso🥤
That ‘70s Show
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donniefrankdarko · 1 year
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That 70s Show
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fallensapphires · 1 year
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TV Shows: That '70s Show (1998 - 2006)
You morons just hung vacancy signs on your asses… and my foot’s looking for a room!
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lightofsanday · 1 year
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— 𝗠𝗂𝖼𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗞𝖾𝗅𝘀𝗼 𝗶𝖼𝗈𝗇𝘀.
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
If you are doing fic requests, can you make one of Donna, Eric, Jackie and Kelso meeting again after a long time and that leads to Eric to confront Kelso about Jay and Leia dating, I love overprotective dad Eric and I'm sure Kelso would take this opportunity to do his iconic burns lol
Thanks for the ask! This is part 1 of a 2 part double-date drabble (part 2 here 😁) Prompt Ask Game
"Be nice," Donna warned Eric as he pulled open the heavy door to the restaurant and they walked inside.
"Nice?" Eric exclaimed, incredulous.
Donna rolled her eyes. "Fine. Be... not awful."
"I'll try," he growled under his breath.
Donna waved. She spotted Jackie and Kelso across the room, and jabbed Eric with her elbow. "C'mon."
"Eric Forman," Kelso drawled as they approached the table. He stood up and reached a hand out towards his old friend, like he was going to shake his hand. But when Eric extended his, Kelso yanked his hand back and smoothed his palm over his slicked back hair. He laughed abrasively, and then yanked the scrawnier man into a hug anyway.
"Ha. Ha," Eric forced a laugh as they pulled back.
"Jugs a 'Poppin," Kelso acknowledged Donna next. He stared at her chest while he sucked on his teeth. "Still got those poppin' jugs, I see."
"Michael!" Jackie swatted at him.
"And you haven't changed at all, Kelso," Donna chuckled. She and Jackie sat down on one side of the table, and Eric and Kelso sat on the other.
They kept it cordial during their beverage order, and the bread basket. Packers vs the Bears, some small-talk about their jobs, a little about Red & Kitty and Kelso's folks. But as Kelso downed his first beer and started on his second, he licked some of the foam off his upper lip and smirked at Eric. He was starting in.
"Can't believe we have kids now."
"Yeah." Eric shook his head. "I know. It's weird. All grown up."
Kelso shook his head. "All's I can say is I'm glad me and Jackie had a boy." He burped inelegantly, and leaned in with another smirk. "So I only have to worry about one dick instead of every dick, like you."
Eric's expression hardened. "I'm only worried about one," he glared at Kelso. "Your kid better keep his nasty little hands off my Leia, or there'll be - "
"Oh they haven't done it yet," Kelso interrupted casually. He took a bite of his entree. "I asked him last week." He smirked conspiratorially. "Even gave him a few pointers, if you know what I mean - "
Eric slammed down his silverware, hard enough that it caught the attention of the tables around them. He stood up, shoving his chair back from the table with some force.
"Eric," Donna's eyes immediately shot to his, a warning, questioning look on her face. We talked about this.
His inner conflict was apparent on his face. Eric stood for a minute longer, eyes darting for the door like he was contemplating an escape, but he finally sighed and slid back into his chair, his loyalty to his wife and daughter winning out. He rested his head in his hands, while he heard Donna order him another drink. Something stronger. That was probably a bad idea.
"Kelso - you have a daughter too," he said, finally dropping his hands to look at his old friend again, exasperated. "How do you want guys to treat Betsy when they date her?"
"Oh, she's not allowed to date," Kelso chuckled.
Eric sighed. "Leia wasn't, either. Until Jay came along."
It had been the wrong thing to say. Kelso was grinning like a cat who'd eaten the canary.
"Yeah. Yeah, we Kelsos have that effect on women," he grinned proudly. His eyes widened comically. "Including your wife and daughter. BURN!"
Eric rolled his eyes. "God I... love this topic. So much."
Kelso nodded smugly. "That's why I always bring it up."
The waitress arrived with the whiskey Donna'd ordered for him, and Eric grabbed for it desperately. "Alright, give me that."
"I think it's perfect that our kids ended up together," Kelso continued. "It'll be the burn that keeps on burnin'."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Eric interrupted him. He felt the alcohol already. "No one said anything about 'ending up' together. This is a phase, alright? I'm not spending my Christmases with you."
Kelso looked wounded. "Why not, man? I do an awesome bottle rocket show every year." He grinned and held up his left hand. "Almost lost my thumb last year."
"That's... why."
Kelso had turned serious - well, as serious as he ever got, anyway. "Jay really likes her, man."
"Well of course he does. What's not to like?" Eric shrugged dismissively.
"I think we should give them a chance."
Eric was thrown by the usually goofy, immature man's tone. "A chance?" he sputtered. "A chance to do what? Get in her pants?"
"No, man. To fall in love." The words were soft and sincerely said, and they took Eric by surprise. He was quiet for a minute, actually considering Kelso's words. But then he started to laugh.
"They're 16, Kelso." Eric took another sip of his drink and shook his head, as if to reassure himself. "What are the chances?"
Kelso shrugged. "I mean - look at you and Donna." He grinned. "And me and Jackie."
Eric raised his eyebrow. "How many times have you guys been divorced again?" Kelso flashed a 2 on his fingers, and Eric frowned. "Yeah, I'm not sure that qualifies as a happily ever after..."
"Oh, we're happily ever after in bed, Eric, and that's all that matters."
"Aaaand it's time for the check." Eric glanced around hastily. "Waiter?"
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asadfangirlbitxh · 2 years
Blogmas #11
Comfort Friendship Groups <3
The loft gang - New Girl
What I'd do to play a game of True American with them
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2. The study group- Community
This show is one of the best-found family shows. The group dynamics are just so amazing. Even the additional new characters such as Chang, Dean, and the replacement characters.
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3. The kids and teens - Stranger Kids
Friends who fight interdimensional monsters together are the cutest. I just love their dynamics so much. Honestly, the friendship was the reason season 1 was so good. I wish it was more highlighted in the new season.
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4. The kid group from Recess
Their friendship always stood out to me when I was younger.
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5) The Police Squad - B99
The fact that every character has a fleshed-out dynamic with everyone makes me so happy. And male and female friendships that are just platonic? YES
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6. The Good place - Michael, Janet and their humans
They are the most random people and nonpeople. But they fit with each other so well.
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7. The murder podcast group- Only Murders from the building
Two old men and one sarcastic brunette? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
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8. Derry Girls
I love my chaotic Irish girls and the one English boy so much
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9. Sex and the city squad
The iconic New York Squad
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10. Scrubs Doctor Squad
The people who can put up with JD and Elliot deserve all the awards. I couldn't find a gif but this mention includes Dr Cox, Jordan, Dr Kelso, Nurse Roberts, Bob, Janitor, Doug even Todd
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that '70s groupchat!
by moonyspadfoot14
in which eric, donna, jackie, hyde, kelso, and fez have a groupchat together! slight variations from canon but most plot points will be introduced! it's basically if the characters from that 70s show could text.
stevenhyde: give him a break jackie its not kelso’s fault he’s mentally deficient
michaelkelso: i am not mentally efficient
ericforman: yeah no kidding
michaelkelso: thank you eric!
michaelkelso: wait
michaelkelso is typing…
stevenhyde: careful kelso dont hurt your brain trying to think of a response
Words: 802, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: That '70s Show
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Eric Forman (That '70s Show), Donna Pinciotti, Jackie Burkhart, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso, Fez (That '70s Show), Red Forman, Kitty Forman, Laurie Forman
Relationships: Eric Forman/Donna Pinciotti, Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Jackie Burkhart/Michael Kelso, Michael Kelso/Brooke Rockwell, Eric Forman & Steven Hyde, Fez & Eric Forman & Steven Hyde & Michael Kelso, Jackie Burkhart & Donna Pinciotti, Kitty Forman/Red Forman
Additional Tags: Texting, kelso isn't a jerk, jackie is an icon, donna is an icon, everyone is an icon, groupchat, Funny, Crack, Fluff, texting au, i love that 70s show, That 70s Show - Freeform, Inspired by That '70s Show, there aren't enough that 70s show fics, so i wrote one, 70s references
from AO3 works tagged 'That '70s Show' https://ift.tt/6AEZGly via IFTTT
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