#michael x pike
juuls · 2 years
Juulna’s 2021 Multi-Fandom Fanfiction Rec List - Part Four
(Yes, I realize this is a year late, but this year's been a bit nuts. I still hope you enjoy these fics anyway!)
Based only on what I’ve read with my own eyes this year!
Follow me on my journey into what, at times, was…
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…actually rather calming! Perhaps you can find some comfort and entertainment, fluff and angst and romance and friendship, smut and a distinct lack of it, space adventures and fantasy and modern adventures, serial killers and good guys, redemption and reconciliation and learning to become someone completely different — there is so much here I read that stuck with me over the past year, and the 2021 Fanfic Reading Challenge ( @fanfic-reading-challenge ) allowed me a new way to keep track of all of my favourites. So props to that event! Definitely participating again (considering I run the event, yeah, that's probably a given lol, but full disclosure).
Without further ado, here were my 2021 fic favourites!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
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Fandom: Potterverse
Lady in Red by JamieOlivier
After a year of secretly being in love with Hermione, Bill finally gets a chance to show her how he feels. But what will happen between them when they're faced with the consequences of their night together?
Fourteen Thousand Galleons by @frumpologist
After the War, there is a boom of marriage and divorce. Hermione finds herself among the statistics of war heroes who couldn’t save their marriages. When she receives the invoice from her solicitor, she has no choice but to answer an ad in The Daily Prophet: Malfoy Heir Seeking Nanny.
But, everything is not quite what it seems as Hermione navigates the waters of post-divorce life.
GES Winner 2020: Best Love Story
The Library of Alexandria by @senlinyu
The Library of Alexandria is not for just any witch or wizard. Many bookworms may try but few are permitted to pass through its doors. The books residing there are ancient and powerful and, if one happens to make a mistake, the consequences can be rather—novel.
Height by @senlinyu
“Tall? That’s what you think I should notice about Malfoy? His height?”
Ginny quirked an eyebrow and licked the tip of her quill suggestively. ”Well, isn’t that your thing? Lockhart. Krum. McLaggen. Ron. The only thing they have in common is being tall enough to give me a neck ache.”
Hermione felt her ears grow hot, and she gripped her book tighter. “I don’t have a thing for tall men. Their height is—completely coincidental.”
Dramione Height Differences Minifest 2020.
The Malaria Visions by @heymanticore
Hermione has a series of vivid dreams about Draco Malfoy after taking anti-malarial medication. Can she reconcile the real Draco with the one she sees when she sleeps?
Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie
Bellatrix's torture of Hermione uncovers a long-kept secret. The young witch learns her true origins in a story that shows the beginning and end of the Wizarding wars as Hermione learns about her biological father and the blood magic he dabbled in that will control her future.
Those Who Can, Teach by @inlovewithforever
“You do realize,” he spoke measuredly, “how absolutely insane you sound, trying to protect the long-gone virtue of your nearly forty-year-old professor? Who happens to be a werewolf?”
“You’re not my professor. Not anymore.” --- Dirty little Remione one-shot featuring gratuitous use of erotic poetry as foreplay. Canon divergent from the beginning of Deathly Hallows.
Moonlight by @kittenshift-17
Coming to call on a werewolf hours before the full moon rises has unexpected consequences for the brightest witch of the age. Hermione never expected that Remus would ever let her get so close, but the allure of moonlight finally proves too much for the lycanthrope to resist. Remione.
Hungry Like the Wolf by @iamtarasoleil
"Where am I?" she demanded, though her voice still shook slightly from embarrassment. "My flat, obviously," the man replied with equal unease. "Who are you? Why are you here? … And why would you turn such a bloody awful record into a portkey?"
A cautionary tale. Or: why you should never bet with Sirius Black by theGoddessofSamothrace
Hermione has lived with two of the most eligible bachelors of the wizarding world for two years now. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black invited her to live with them when her relationship with Ron Weasley collapsed and she gratefully accepted. The household works for all three of them: there is someone at home when she gets back from work, Remus has an intellectual sparring partner and Sirius is kept in line just a little more when there's a woman in the house. But what happens when this comfortable setting is disturbed by a very, very bad decision on the part of a certain miss Granger?
Stay by nymueladyofthelake
Hermione finds herself targeted by a law, a Muggleborn Registration Act being led by Dolores Umbridge. Sirius and Hermione immediately form a marriage bond to protect her from receiving the trace. Remus isn't sure what that will mean for their pack bond or for his relationship with Sirius. The Order tries to circumvent the dark plans Voldemort has for all muggleborns.
The Sun, The Moon and The Star by @ladyblack3
WINNER! of Mischief Managed Awards 2018: Best Soul Bond Fic. Eight years after the war, life at Grimmauld place is settled for the widowed Remus, his metamorphmagus son, and the brightest witch of her age. What happens when they uncover that they yet may return a lost Marauder? What will Moony have to say about all of this? And was this their fate all along? Triad, HG/RL/SB!
This Dizzy Life of Mine by @inlovewithforever
Hermione wants desperately to make the world a better place. Sirius wants more than anything for Hermione to take him, well, seriously.
AU in which Voldemort never existed, but blood prejudice and anti-Muggle sentiments reign supreme.
Looking Like a High I Want to Be On by weary_kind
It wasn’t the Wizarding World’s happiness that kept her out of Diagon Alley, not exactly. It was the news articles that were written about her during the divorce. They weren’t written about Harry. Or Ron... Just her.
Being as well-known as she was, the Daily Prophet had paid close attention to her relationship. Especially the end of it. How exactly they got ahold of her medical records from St. Mungos was anyone’s guess. But they had.
Sirimione & Remione:
The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie
When Hermione finds a way to bring Sirius back from the veil, her actions change the rest of the war. Little does she know her spell restoring him to life provokes magic she doesn't understand and sets her on a path that ends with a Time-Turner.
Meta: The Not-So-Comprehensive Guide to Hermione/Severus Clichés in Fanfiction by Electryone
The majority of HG/SS plotlines in under 500 words each. Time-turners added!
The Witchhiker's Guide to Beltane by TeddyRadiator
Wizarding Britain, ten years after the war. Things are good, but the Ministry thinks what's needed is a good old fashioned Beltane revel. Hogwarts is just the place to do it. In the meantime, Severus isn't enjoying life right now; he's the subject of Rita Skeeter's new tell-all book. And don't get Hermione started on how Ron continues to make her life a misery. Perhaps this Beltane stuff may just be the ticket to help them out as well. Written for Jenidralph in the winter 2013 LiveJournal SSHG_Prompfest.
SSHG & Drarry:
The Problem With Purity by Phoenix.Writing
As Hermione, Harry, and Ron are about to begin their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, they learn some surprising and dangerous information regarding what it means to be Pure in the wizarding world. HG/SS with H/D. AU after OotP.
SSHGRL (Snape, Hermione, Remus):
Snow Turns The World Deaf by TeddyRadiator
Severus has always believed that, if you love someone, you must promise them the moon, and deliver it. How do you wrestle that moon to the ground?
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts
Masquerade by @prosodiical
MACUSA's annual New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball is the largest, most magical event of the year - and Newt, dressed to the nines and miserably bored, really just wants to leave.
But when a handsome man in a wampus mask comes to his rescue, Newt finds himself very quickly swept away.
Five Times They Weren't, and One Time They Totally Were by Anonymous
Tina is beginning to think that this fiancé act is a getting a bit suspicious. But that can't be right; she just has an overactive imagination. Surely Percival Graves isn't serious when he calls Newt Scamander his 'betrothed'. Right?
Roar by @elenothar
After Graves' fourth escape attempt Grindelwald decides that turning the man into a magical creature - a process thought to be impossible to reverse - will take care of the problem quite nicely. Too bad he didn't anticipate Newt Scamander.
You Told Me Fortunes In American Slang by kopperblaze
Fill for this prompt on the Kink Meme:
Newt's dislike to looking someone in the eye and his aversion to human touch (that is not part of his family) is the result of someone playing an ugly prank on him when he was little. It's also the main reason that Theseus Scamander is a huge momma bear concerning all matters related to Newt.
After Graves is found and healed, he gets to know Newt a little better and falls in love. He quickly realises that Newt has been hurt in the past even without the constant messages from Theseus that hell is going to rain down on anyone in MACUSA even looking the wrong way at Newt.
I want to see Percival slowly gaining Newt's trust, then becoming part of his family and after months of careful wooing finally having his personal happy end.
Bonus: Newt has been in love with Graves for years hearing tales from his brother. The incident with Grindelwald was a huge blow to his ego until he realised that it wasn't Graves. Still he's too shy to make any first move towards the real Graves that is more than friendship.
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Fandom: Star Trek
Michael Burnham/Mirror Gabriel Lorca:
Hearts Like Ours by justrunthroughthenightglo
When Prime Gabriel Lorca finds himself on the USS Discovery, he must prove to the crew that he is trustworthy, acclimate to being back in his own universe, solve a mystery which begins with Mirror Landry's ongoing scheme, and figure out why he feels so incredibly drawn to Specialist Michael Burnham.
Light your tinsel moon by @lesspopped
A mysterious phenomenon temporarily takes out the eyesight of Discovery's human crew. Everyone is looking for ways to burn off energy; Lorca and Burnham find a certain amount of freedom in the circumstances.
The Other by LadyFangs
Everyone has a secret. Some deeper than others. Sometimes, objects in the mirror are far closer and much more similar than they appear.
In which Prime Gabriel Lorca returns to his rightful universe only to discover that everything he thought he knew, and loved, is changed.
Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike:
The Other Half by @alethialia
Pike nodded. "You should let the crew know. We'll switch badges and get new uniforms to make it as clear as possible. I'll need to walk Kat through this one myself, though; some of the crustier admirals are gonna have a nutty."
Saru blinked; if he'd been harboring any doubts that he was talking to Pike, they clearly evaporated at the phrase "have a nutty" coming from Michael's mouth.
In the sudden silence: "Okay, but body-swapping?" Tilly asked, her tone hitting the sheer ridiculousness of it.
Tough Love by @alethialia
"Are you harboring a romantic interest in the captain?" Spock asked from across the mess hall table, eyes trained on her evenly, all-knowing.
They had been eating lunch. Eating lunch and finally talking and that had somehow led to...this.
Michael stared at Spock, completely thrown. "...what?"
Series: Respite by @alethialia
The Terran Pike comes to visit the newly-resurrected Captain Burnham on the Shenzhou and things get...heated.
The Trouble With Spores by @elenothar
One moment Michael Burnham is walking alongside Captain Pike in the dusk that comes startlingly early on Stellanis, contemplating suggesting they call off the fruitless search for their strange readings’ origins – the next she steps over some protruding roots and the world explodes into particles of light.
An away mission gone sideways leaves Michael and Pike unable to exceed a certain radius from each other. Turns out that keeping her feelings for him under wraps is easier said than done when occupying the same set of quarters.
No going back. by @wearethewitches
When it seems like the only way to further progress a negotiation between two Acamarian tribes is to let them plan a cross-culture wedding, Michael Burnham volunteers to be their guinea pig bride.
Her supposed fiance? Christopher Pike.
Stars, hide your fire by @wearethewitches
When Michael Burnham's Vulcan husband comes aboard the Discovery, it is discovered that things are not what they seem - and it may be up to Christopher Pike to set it right.
a needle pointing true by @elenothar
Humans have always had soulmarks, causing a lot of (unnecessary) drama that all other species shake their heads at.
All of Michael's marks, without fail, had needed months of knowing the other person to establish.
Less than two weeks after Christopher Pike came on board the Discovery her average is thrown entirely out of whack.
Readability by @elenothar
The most worrying thing about accidentally having linked her mind to her Captain's during first contact with a telepathic species is how little it worries Michael.
Chris has a less easy go of it.
Watch the Stars Fall by @wearethewitches
When the Discovery goes through the wormhole, instead of Terralysium, they find themselves in an alternate timeline - one where the U.S.S. Kelvin was destroyed in 2233.
or, I want to fix Star Trek 2009 and now I actually have a plausible way to do it. Michael-centric, new plot and I refuse to name Vulcans an endangered species.
Deep Space Wives:
From a Small Moon by celestialskiff
Set during season one. Kira has always known she wants to be with women, but she's never had the opportunity to explore her sexuality. When she realises Jadzia Dax reciprocates her feelings, she can't believe her luck. Unfortunately, memories of her life during the Occupation of Bajor keep getting in the way of her relationship. (Please note this story contains references to past rape and to abuse. It also contains really quite a lot of consensual lesbian sex.)
Jim Kirk/Christopher Pike:
What They Made Me by KrazzeeAJ1701
Her mother, Frank and Kodos had all tried to break her, it just made her stronger in the end.
Farrae Gunna by @straight-outta-hobbiton
Best, brightest, and most expendable. Leonard should have that printed on a t-shirt. That’s what the crew of the Enterprise is comprised of, after all— people who are the right mix of smart and bad. Why? Well, Leonard hopes to find that out.
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myfandomistingling · 1 year
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boo-trekking · 4 months
Does a fanfic author ever just hook you and you find yourself reading their whole collection? Like I’m eating this shit up rn, it’s not even a pair I came for, but I’ve been sold on it so hard it’s basically an OTP now. Fuck, they got me!
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spookymultimedia · 1 year
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nocreativejuiceleft · 7 months
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if you take one more step, then the damage is done. but if you turn around, you'll be giving this up. maybe it's time to feel trusting again. eurydice, darling, just give him your hand, he might love you. he might really love you.
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theadmiralslegion · 11 months
Katrina Cornwell Shipping Poll
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lyricalviolet · 1 year
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Chapters: 40/40
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike, Michael Burnham & Christopher Pike
Series: Part 1 of Doubt Thou the Stars Are Fire
All Michael Burnham wants is to be an explorer and to pay back the debt she seems to think she owes the Universe.
All Christopher Pike wants is to be a good man and to serve others.
Enter the Seven Signals, a murder mystery, galaxy-ending peril, and each other.
Surprise !
Hi, everyone. No, I haven't gone bonkers, and I'm sorry if anyone got *really* excited that I added another chapter to this. I haven't. However, there *have* been some updates to this. First off, there's a playlist. In the story notes, you see a link to the official YouTube Music playlist for Doubt Thou the Stars Are Fire. It's music I listened to as I was writing this, things I found to set the mood. As I went along in the writing process, I realized the music was telling the story as much as my writing was, so I ordered the playlist to follow along with Stars. As you can probably also see, I embedded the cover art in the notes. I also added section art and artwork for the interludes. I created all the artwork herein, with, as always, gentle and enthusiastic feedback from the wonderful No-C-Riously. This is a book. From July to November of 2022, I wrote a 140,576-word book based on Star Trek Discovery Season 2. After it was finished, I wanted to more clearly define the Acts of the book, so I looked up the phases of a military engagement. As you go through the piece, you will now see artwork detailing the start of a new phase, as well as the phase's definition -- at least, as it's defined by the US Military.  #'Murica I hope, if you've already read this behemoth, you'll give it another thought,  with the multimedia enhancements I've added. Thank you for your time, your support, your key smashing, and your love for this story. Always, LyricalViolet September 15, 2023
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vulcanhello · 2 years
no one’s more powerful than the ao3 authors who write michael centric fic. i’m naming my children after you
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
That Night In The Cave: Chapter 31
Read on AO3 or FFN
Rating: Teen
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, First Love, Romance
Pairings: Pike & Tilly; Una x OMC; Saru x OFC
Word Count: 1.8 k
Chapter Summary: The battle with the Klingons takes a turn for the worst.
Excerpt: Vayu
As Tilly climbed up the maintenance shaft, the ship continued shaking and rolling from damage, continued attacks, and Una’s hairpin turns, throwing Tilly’s body backwards and forwards and side to side again and again. Twice she lost her hand and foot holds on the rails and slid down the access ladder, her heart pounding as she frantically grabbed for anything that could arrest her fall. Once she plunged down two decks before hooking an arm around the ladder’s vertical support and wrenching her previously dislocated shoulder. Hanging there like a spider swinging in the wind attached to safety by only a hair’s width thread, Tilly commanded her body to relax and practiced the combat breathing technique Pike taught her while they were sheltering in the cave.
Mercifully, the ship’s movement ceased, and she was able to scramble to the top of the shaft and manually open the doors at the back of the bridge. But the Vayu’s pitch remained dangerously off axis.
Malie shouted, “Computer execute gamma-theta-omega12.”
A minute later Una shouted, “The Klingon ship is retreating. But why? They had us dead to rights.”
Continue Reading on AO3 or FFN
Story Masterlist | OC Masterlist | Author Masterlist
Story Summary:
Discovery’s crew is curious about Christopher Pike's background, especially his early missions shrouded in secrecy and his atypical medical skills. After all why would a starship captain be honored with the prestigious Carrington Award bestowed by the Federation Council for a lifetime’s excellence in medicine?
Tilly has a serious and secret (so she believes) crush on Discovery’s temporary commander, Christopher Pike. Saru’s Vahar'ai has triggered his species version of puberty with Pike serving as a stand-in father figure. Pike has a second and secret mission on Discovery in addition to sorting out the mystery of the seven signals. Restless while Enterprise is docked for repairs, Una takes a vacation.
This is hurt/comfort story of dangers, heroics, rescues, awkward situations, getting to know your crewmates, friendship, dating, romance, and the trajectory of first love for a young girl as she finds her place in her chosen profession. As well as the stranded in a cave during a storm trope. Pike whump. And a shirtless Pike stripped to his underwear.
Characters: Pike, Tilly, Saru, Michael, Reno, Detmer, Pollard, Stamets, Na’an, and the rest of the Discovery crew, Una Chin-Riley, and original supporting characters.
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @bardic-tales @themaradaniels
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moonxsolitaire · 2 years
How would y’all feel about a Hank Anderson (DBH) / Gender Neutral Reader chapter amongst all the other hyperfixation chapters- ALSO, I’ve been thinking of adding some (revamped) chapters from other fanfics I’ve written so they don’t get forgotten about it that would be a shame they went to waste.
So, feel free to check out my wattpad (beware for some ancient cringiness) and look through my fanfics and comment here which ones you’d like to have a chapter in the one shots fic!
Lastly, here’s a wee list of some of the one shots I’ve been thinking of doing! (ya might notice a pattern of MILFS)
(old) Carol Denning X Reader - maybe a Henny Russell X Reader instead
(Old) Carol Denning X Reader (A sorta AU where Y/N managed to get CO Hopper to free Carol instead of Chapman before she could get killed)
Perhaps a chapter with Rosamund Pike X Reader or Amy Dunne x Reader
(2018) Laurie Strode x Reader, I might do it so that it’s based on my fanfic about Laurie on wattpad where Michael is real but the movies had still been made and Y/N finds JLC to get help to dEfEaT Michael when they actually fall for each other- if I don’t do that, it’ll be a simple Laurie x reader
I might might do a Markus X Simon (DBH) chapter
I’ll probably do a JFK one that’ll most likely have a similar plot line that my ao3 fic does.
Regina George x Reader
(And I’ll keep updating with whatever hyperfixation I get at the time)
So, that’s it for now! Thanks for reading <3
Now allow me to quickly make this clear, I do not in any way stand for the crimes Carol committed, it frankly disgusts me. I simply find her attractive so if you don’t like that please go elsewhere or you can leave recommendations on my page about ways I can change things up- it would be really appreciated.
Please be kind on my page, any hate will be deleted!
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boo-trekking · 3 months
Hi I’m a corny guy, and whenever I talk about Pike and Michael I call them just like that cause it flows in my brain nicely, but I just realized PIKE N MIKE WAS RIGHT THERE! FUCK!
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spookymultimedia · 1 year
The queers
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legok9 · 2 months
Friendship is Universal
Official Doctor Who x Star Trek poster by Dusty Abell
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Top: Yasmin Khan, Kira Nerys, Clara Oswald, Spock, Amy Pond, Data, Rose Tyler, La'an Noonien Singh, Sarah Jane Smith, Bill Potts, William Riker, Cleveland Booker, Donna Noble
Middle: Jonathan Archer with Porthos, War Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Sixth Doctor, the Guardian of Forever, the TARDIS, Fugitive Doctor, Eighth Doctor, First Doctor, Leonard McCoy, Beverly Crusher
Third Doctor with a tribble, Michael Burnham, Kathryn Janeway, James T. Kirk, Thirteenth Doctor, Christopher Pike, Philippa Georgiou, Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Benjamin Sisko, Twelfth Doctor
Fifteenth Doctor, K9, Jean-Luc Picard, Fourth Doctor
Bottom: Weeping Angel, Wirrn, Goblin, Khan Noonien Singh, Morbius, V5, Gorn, Beep the Meep, Cyberman, Maestro, Locutus of Borg, Vashta Nerada, Robot Yeti, Ood, Sil, Dalek, K1, Zygon, Kruge, Silent, Missy, Dukat, Ruk
The Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor are conspicuously absent. Also disappointed that Voyager's Doctor didn't make the cut!
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Bonus fact: Peter Capaldi auditioned to play Benjamin Sisko. Great to see them side by side.
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sp00kymulderr · 1 year
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take the long way home - part 2
series masterlist
Pairing: Marcus Pike x afab reader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, one night stand, cursing, reader is a mess, Marcus is Marcus.
Word Count: 1k
Series Summary:  Classic story, right? You meet a handsome man, let him take you home, and plan to never see him again. Of course, these things rarely go to plan.
A/N: To follow for fic updates only go to @sp00kyupdates​ or see taglist details on my masterlist.
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Marcus feels sick.
The moment he see's you in that meeting room, his new employee, he feels quesy with it. You...the person who had come in to his life one evening and left it without a word the next morning. He had thought about seeing you again, too many times to count...but hell, not like this. 
Definitely not like this.
When he had woken up that morning to find you already gone from his bed, from his home and from his life his first feeling had been quite reasonably one of disappointment. Marcus hated waking up alone, no one to talk to, no one to kiss good morning - in the past he had even chased relationships just to not be alone. After a breakup he would wake unfulfilled and lonely in bed, unable to shake the feeling for weeks. After Teresa it had been worse. 
Maybe he was naive but he had assumed you would at least let him make you breakfast, after what you had let him do the previous night. But you hadn’t left even a note, not your number pinned to his fridge or a ‘thanks for the memories’. Not even a quick cup of coffee and a kiss on the cheek. Had it been too much to expect? Was he just not well versed on the one night stand anymore? Maybe he really was just still making mistakes over and over again…just like before.
Now he thinks back to that night. Before you’d gotten home - before you’d gotten in to his bed. You’d mentioned a new life - a new job and a fresh start - in that hopeful but melancholy tone that had drawn him to you in the first place. God, he had never thought for a moment the job could be here. In his department. Working with him. Maybe he should’ve asked more but then there hadn’t been much talking after the bar.
So Marcus stands in that meeting room shell shocked and feeling sick. Not just that…he feels anxious and unsure and he doesn’t even think there is protocol in the HR documents for this kind of thing.
He stays silent for just a beat too long and someone in the room clears their throat. He’s just standing there barely through the doorway, staring at the new hire.
The prettiest new hire he could've ever imagined.
Damn he was screwed.
You give him a smile, hopefully something professional and not something that says ‘oh god oh god I slept with my boss’.
"Nice to meet you, Agent Pike" You say confidently, saving him from his freeze as you stand up to shake his hand. If you can just keep everything professional you’ll be fine, right? It was one night and it didn’t mean a thing, right?
The contact of his hand on yours sends a spark of memory right through to your brain and you have to blink sharply to stop seeing that same hand disappearing beneath the hem of your dress not that long ago.
"You alright, boss?" One of the others, Michael you think, says to him.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Busy morning, just trying to catch my thoughts before we go over this case" Marcus clears his throat and finally moves to sit down at the head of the table.
"So..." he takes one more moment, a breath, before pulling some papers from a binder.
There’s a syndicate of art forgers operating out of Chicago. Marcus talks the team through it as you try so, so hard to listen and not think about the things your mind is apparently determined to make you think on. This is your new job and your new life; you can't screw it up just because you screwed the wrong person.
Not again.
You want to think about work. You’ve uprooted your whole life to be someone new, someone better. But how the hell can you be that when your boss is a man with huge brown eyes and a soulful stare and a kiss that could stop time?
Somewhere in the distance you hear someone saying your name, but you're pretty damn lost in whatever the hell is happening in your mind.
"Huh?" You say, and see eight expectant faces staring back at you.
"Did you want to...can you introduce yourself to the team?" Marcus is speaking, of course it's his voice.
His voice had moaned your name just a few short weeks ago. If it wouldn’t look completely nuts you’d slap yourself just to get that damn thought out of your head.
"Oh. Yeah. Of course” You mumbled, trying to get your thoughts back on track. You sit up straighter and try for that air of confidence.
“I just transferred from New York - Organized Crime division - going for a bit of a change after…” After I got my heart broken by my partner… “After closing off one of the biggest cases. I needed something uh, different”
Not a lie, although not the whole truth. You’d worked with your partner for years and you’d loved them for years and then they’d met someone else. Just like that. After the case you’d been chasing for years was finally put to an end you’d had to get out of there and never see them again. But your new team didn’t need to know that. Your new boss definitely didn’t need to know that.
You look at the team. All of them pleasant, all of them welcoming. But all you feel is this pit of dread in your stomach. You don’t look at Marcus. After a few questions about your work, and an introduction to the others' roles they’re leaving the room before you even realize the meeting has ended.
And just like that it's you and Marcus in the room together. 
You clasp your hands together and stand awkwardly from your chair. You should look at him but god you don't want to look at him. How could you have let this happen, why did you have to go home with him that night? Why did you have to keep making these stupid decisions? 
"So...new job huh?" Marcus finally breaks the silence with a weak voice and you look over at him, steeling yourself. You will not be taken in by those warm brown eyes, you will not.
"Yeah. New job" You start, not sure what exactly to say 
“We should probably talk-“ He begins but you cut him off with a shake of your head.
"Look…Blank slate? Lets just- We’ll pretend we’ve never met before. It was only one night, it’s not like we know each other” 
Perhaps in your dream world, you’d like this to be different. He’s handsome and kind and you had really enjoyed your night with him. But this is the real world, and life isn’t a goddamn fairytale where you can make eyes at your boss without consequence.
“This job is really important for me. It's really, really important I don't screw it up" You explain and look at him with pleading eyes. Marcus looks disappointed? Upset? You're not sure. You don't like his expression.
"Blank slate, yeah, that's fair. I wouldn't want to start you off on the wrong foot here…. It was just the one night. Right" Marcus's voice is a little quiet, like he's not sure he believes those words as he looks at you - you feel like his eyes are searching yours for something. You try very hard to not give him anything to find.
“Well…" He finally gets up, saying your name as he opens the door for you.
“Welcome to the team. It’s nice to meet you” 
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lyricalviolet · 2 years
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Chapters: 39/39 Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike, Michael Burnham & Christopher Pike Series: Part 1 of Doubt Thou the Stars Are Fire Summary:
All Michael Burnham wants is to be an explorer and pay back the debt she thinks she owes the Universe.
All Christopher Pike wants is to be a good man and to serve others.
Enter the Seven Signals, a murder mystery, galaxy-ending peril, and each other.
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electronickingdomfox · 7 months
TOS comics ranking
At this point, I've read all the TOS comics out there (or almost), so this is my personal veredict, from best series to worst:
DC comics
The best by a long shot imo. Also the longest running series. Set mostly after The Search for Spock (vol. 1) and The Final Frontier (vol. 2). The following are my favorites.
From Volume 1:
-The Mirror Universe saga (issues 9-16) by Mike W. Barr: It becomes a bit of "star wars, phaser pew pew" in the second half, but still pretty entertaining.
-The first Annual, also by Barr.
-Double Blind and The Last Word (issues 24-25 and 28) by Diane Duane: The first one is hilarious, while the second is pretty moving and spones-coded.
-The Paradise Lost saga (issues 43-45) by Michael Carlin: A payback for The Apple episode.
-The Dante's Inferno/Death of James Kirk saga (issues 48-55) by Peter David.
From Volume 2:
-The Trial of James T. Kirk saga (issues 1-12) by Peter David: The humor is overdone at times, but this author brings a unique freshness and originality to the series. The trial itself is absolutely hilarious, specially when the gangsters from A Piece of the Action show up as surprise witnesses.
-Once a Hero (issue 19) by Peter David: Kirk has to conduct a memorial for the redshirt that just died protecting him, and he finds out he doesn't know anything about the man. Brutal, honest, and has one of Jim's best speeches ever.
-The Class Reunion saga (issues 25-28), The Tabukan Syndrome (issues 35-40), A Little Adventure (issues 42-43) and the Time Crime saga (issues 53-57), all by Howard Weinstein.
-The Alone (issues 62-63) by Kevin Ryan.
2. Wildstorm
Only two TOS comics from this publisher (actually a branch of DC if I'm not mistaken): All of Me and Enter the Wolves. Both are pretty good.
3. IDW
I haven't read all of them, since some series focus on characters I don't care much about, like Gary Seven or Number One. From those I've read, the ones I liked the most were New Visions (made with photo montages from the series), Hell's Mirror and Mirror Images (both set, of course, in the mirror universe), Echoes (set in the TMP era) and The Primate Directive (a crossover with Planet of the Apes).
4. The Tokyopop mangas
There are three volumes. Some stories are fine, others are meh! Perhaps the second volume was the best.
5. The UK comics
Do they have a lot to do with TOS? No. The authors were not really familiar with the series. But they're bizarre, fun and have pretty art.
6. The newspaper comics
Some of the first story arcs were quite good, though it lost quality over time, specially in the art department. Set in the TMP era.
7. Marvel second series
Consisting of the Unlimited and Untold Voyages series, as well as a mirror universe one-shot and a crossover with X-Men. Rather generic. Haven't read the Early Voyages series, focused on Pike.
8. Marvel first series
These are quite bad. Set in TMP era.
9. Gold Key comics
Some stories are imaginative, but they could be about any characters instead of Star Trek and it'd be the same. This is a problem with the UK comics as well, but somehow I enjoyed the others much more.
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