#micheal mann
tendie-defender · 5 months
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L.A. Takedown 1989. Heat. 1995
Michael Mann.
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brothertedd · 1 year
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Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino sit with director Michael Mann between takes filming the iconic final scenes of Heat (1994)
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steampunkforever · 6 months
Miami Vice (the 80s television show) was for 1980s pop music what Reagan-deregulated children's TV was for Mattel and Hasbro toys. Just as every Transformers of My Little Pony episode was constructed around a marketable children's toy, any given episode of Miami Vice would contain a segment featuring Crockett and Tubbs (delightful 80s detective names) that would effectively act as a mini music video within the episode. MTV was en vogue, and frankly 3-5 minutes of filler content is great for keeping your plots tight while meeting time limits. Plus, they're vibey.
Of course music has a much more impactful role in art than the latest GI Joe action figure release, but the point remains that Miami Vice was not a surprising pick for the cash grab feature length adaptations of 70s and 80s TV shows. The real surprise came when the 2006 Miami Vice movie actually ended up being good.
I'll attribute most of this to the fact that Miami Vice was directed by Micheal Mann, who not only directed landmark crime movies like Heat and Thief, but also produced the original TV series and therefore understood the soul of what Miami Vice is: about the vibes.
Jamie Fox aggressively talking into a flip phone. Twin-hull speed boat races. Colin Farrell with a mustache and mullet brooding into the sunset as his Banana Republic button down flaps in the wind. Ferraris, Cadillacs, Bentleys, cop cars, and Private jets. Police standoffs in shipyards. Nightclub stakeouts. FBI agents leaking intel. Beachfront mansions. It's all vibes, all the time. This is truly faithful to the formula. You could tell me this was an unproduced two part episode and I'd believe you.
Except this is 2006. The Ferrari is a 360, not a Testarossa. The Cadillacs are Escalades. The Bentley is now being manufactured by the VW group. The vibes are there, but the music is Linkin Park and Jay Z doing Numb/Encore, not Phil Collins doing In the Air Tonight. Driving fast cross country isn't the Cannonball Run anymore, it's the Gumball 3000. The drug war still rages, but now we face the consequences of past Iran-Contra mistakes. The real constants throughout are rich people doing drugs and immaculate vibes.
And they're spectacular. The whole thing is shot on Sony digital, done in a documentary style that screams the 2006 Paris Hilton trashy rich, not 1986 Grace Jones flashy rich, yet it captures the tone and soul of the arpeggiating synth and drum machine-soaked TV show even while replacing Dire Straights with Moby and Audioslave.
This is the difference between Miami Vice and other TV adaptations of the same era. Starsky and Hutch or 21 Jump Street leaned into comedy, while Charlie's Angels or The A-Team focused more on campiness to support their premises in the modern day.
Miami Vice does none of this, instead focusing on earnestness and pure vibes to produce a solid thriller full of cars, crime, and dramatic sequences of men staring into the sunset.
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xsssy · 8 months
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Convinced this scene from Heat (1995) is responsible for the male loneliness epidemic. 🤷‍♀️
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table-cat-games · 1 year
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I can't believe there is a role playing game based on The Keep. The Keep is a horror movie by Micheal Mann, yes the guy that made Miami Vice what it was and also made movies like Heat.
And this movie that has a super complicated release history (which was in this weird limbo of almost lost). And a movie that Mann doesn't really talk about it, since it was a pretty big failure.
And Tangerine Dream did the score, yet it's really hard to get. And every version of The Keep features a different score. So yeah, it totally makes sense this movie that flopped would have an AD&D compatible role playing game associated with it.
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archaalen · 5 months
Climate scientist Michael Mann wins defamation suit over comparison to molester, jury decides
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3llisarts · 6 months
Playing catchup
Ft my Ferrari OC - Matteo Rossi
“Your OCs as kinds of suffering”
Matteo Rossi - The Giver
“Your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. People walk and take, but no one ever leaves. You’re constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. You’d give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can’t say no?”
“Music Monday”
Outlaws and Outsiders - Cory Marks
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Ava DuVernay & Michael Mann l Directors on Directors
In their 'Directors on Directors' conversation, Ava DuVernay ('Origin') and Michael Mann ('Ferrari') reminisce about the first time they met and share valuable insights on how to capture the perfect shot for a scene. l Presented by CREED III
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omnivorouscinephilia · 7 months
The Killer: Fincher's Further Descent into Hitchcockian Thrillers
David Fincher's latest thriller is finally out on Netflix! It's good, but feels like a disappointment considering the directors esteemed recent work. Consider watching the film and then reading my review!
A nameless assassin (Micheal Fassbinder) waits in an abandoned building, day and night, to kill an unnamed target. He narrates to us, or perhaps to himself, that it is exhausting doing nothing, maintaining a routine of surveillance and existence before a killing. He listens to playlists based on his mood, each likely populated exclusively by The Smiths songs, while stating mantras to himself…
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oneflydude · 2 months
i can't believe i got a fever the day after watching heat (1995)
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Macbeth, William Shakespeare / Henry IV , William Shakespeare Collateral (2004) dir. Michael Mann
On the homophone pair ‘deer’ and ‘dear’ in Shakespeare’s works, the line in Macbeth denotes those that were dear to someone. Also seen in Henry IV.
In Collateral the function the usage of homophones assumes is adapted when Max makes out the bloodied windshield from the hit to be the blood of a deer; the original meaning being extracted just before with Vincent – in a similar vein – noting about his quarry, “they’re somebody’s friends…”
In addition, prior to the cops pulling them over, Vincent muses: “Probably married. Maybe that one's got kids. Probably his wife's pregnant…” assessing the potential familial relations of the (“deer”) persons he threatens will be added to the quarry of murdered “deer” ones filling the trunk space.
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Empire of Light (15): A drama from the cinema days of AA, X and XXX.
#onemannsmovies review of "Empire of Light" (2022). #EmpireLightFilm. Oscar worthy Colman heads up exquisite (but stressy) Mendes movie. 4/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Empire of Light” (2022). My first film of 2023, and it’s a corker from Sam Mendes – – “Empire of Light”. The movie gets its UK release on January 9th, but I saw this as a #cineworldunlimited preview screening. Bob the Movie Man Rating(s): Plot Summary: It’s 1980. Hilary (Olivia Colman) works as a deputy manager at the “Empire” – an art-deco style cinema in a…
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antennaed-shidou · 6 months
Different places
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☃︎ Micheal Kaiser x f! reader
☃︎ Warning: not prof-read,
☃︎ Misc: Word Count: 1k+ 12 days of Christmas special with the Blue Lock Boys. 7/12 days with the one and only Micheal Kaiser. Hope you enjoy it.
☃︎ In which you lived far away from your husband.
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It’s been a difficult past few months. Kaiser was in Germany while {Y/n} was back in France with her family. She traveled back home around November for the holidays.  She was going to fly back to Germany in December to spend time with her husband, but there were a lot of delays, and {Y/n} parents were worried for her to go home. 
“I know. Hopefully, I’ll be back before Christmas. I wanna see you open your gifts.” {Y/n} was on Facetime with Kaiser on her bed. 
A smile appeared on the male's face when he saw his wife smile. “Yeah if only you would’ve driven your car,” He teased his wife. He chuckled when he saw her reaction. She was always cute. 
“First off the weather is horrible and you know my parents wouldn’t let me drive. Second, it’s a long ass drive. And Third it’s not like we are poor so live with it.” She flipped him off which made him laugh.
“Whatever you say, darling.”
The two of them talked all night. They even fell asleep on the phone with each other. {Y/n}’s brother even had to tell them to be quiet some times in the night. {Y/n}’s sister was even annoyed at their brother for interrupting the happily married couple. He was just jealous he was still single. 
Next Morning ———
Anna was making breakfast for her family. She was making a simple breakfast that they all liked. The family could be picky at times. So Anna had to work around what is the best type of food to make for the holidays. But now it was easy since more of the family was about of the house.
{Y/n} was the first sibling to wake up. She walks into the kitchen and sees her mother cooking up some breakfast.  It was nice since {Y/n} didn’t have to wake up early and cook like she does at home for Kaiser. It was her mom that had to wake up early and cook breakfast for the family. That was nice about going home for the holidays. 
Kaiser was lying in bed still not feeling any energy. Even though it’s been about a month. It still felt weird to Kaiser without his wife by his side in the morning. He didn’t want to get up, so he didn’t get up. He lay in bed for a while up until 1:00 pm.
The only reason he did wake up was because he heard his phone ring. Kaiser turned over to see {Y/n} was the one calling. 
“Hey babe. What have you been up to?” {Y/n} happily said.
“Just woke up, meine Dame,” Kaiser's voice was groggy and deep. It was lovely to hear from {Y/n}.
“I can tell, Mein Mann,” She teased. “I just wish I was home with you right now.”
“Me too,” Kaiser added moving his phone to the other ear. “Maybe you should steal your parent's plane.”
She sarcastically laughed, “Ha ha you are so funny, babe.”
“I know I am,” he prided himself.
“Then you’re lucky I love you, Micheal Kaiser.”
“No, I’m lucky to have married you,” He kissed at his phone. He heard a kiss sound back.
{Y/n} kept on talking and talking. She was hearing ruffling and soft nosing in the background. She ignored the noses at first thinking he was messing with the blankets and or she was hearing things. She couldn’t ignore the sound anymore when she heard her husband breathing loudly. “What the hell are you doing, babe?” She finally questioned irritated and wanting an answer as it had been going on for a while. 
“Nothing for you to worry about. Just keep talking,” He voiced just barely and breathy.
They talked– Well {Y/n} mostly talked while she could hear Kasier beath and moan through the mic. They talked most of the day and never did she hear him stop. He did say a few words but they weren’t as coherent as hers. They hung up when {Y/n} had to go eat dinner with her family. Kaiser tried to get her to stay bc she did have earbuds. But she couldn’t. 
Christmas went by faster than they both thought. Now they were on the phone opening each other's gifts. There were a few questionable items. But hey they were married and it was normal if it was gifts or not. The rest of the items were sweet though. The sad thing about the call was {Y/n} had no news about when she was coming home. 
“Do your parents not like it when you speak German?” Kaiser asked opening another gift. He wasn’t too much paying attention the the gift but rather his attention was on his wife. 
“They don’t hate it, but they don’t like it when I speak German either. But they can’t say anything bc it’s my second language. I don’t say anything when Linse speaks Hindi, no one does.” The female shrugged her shoulder. If they were going to say something to her why not say it to her sister as well? 
Kaiser nodded his head. He opened the box. He pulled out the item with a thin lip smile, “Wow your mom is so creative.”
“You will wear it when you see my family again and when they visit. You’re going to appreciate that sweater.” {Y/n} raised her brow along with her voice. 
“Sure I promise.” He was sarcastic even when putting the sweater down.
The day went by fast, along with the week. And the next thing it was already New Year's and this is the first year. They weren’t by each other side. Though they were calling each other on the phone so they weren’t completely apart. 
“Ready for the countdown?” Kaiser says looking up at the big clock.
“Yeah, ready more than ever,” {Y/n} says looking up and down at her phone while pushing through a crowd. 
“Without me?” He teased. 
“Do you want me to hang up?” She stood still holding the phone.
“No, this is fine for this year, Meine Dame.”
“5!” A crowd of people shouted looking at the big clock. It was hard for people on their phones to hear the other person. 
The crowd got louder and more cheerful. 
“Happy New Year!” People shouted. Some people kiss their loved ones and hug friends and family. 
Kaiser stood where he was looking at his phone with a smile on his face, “Happy New Year, meine Dame.” As he was talking he felt a light tap on her shoulder. He turned around mouth dropped to the floor.
“Happy New Year to you too, Mein Mann”
Kaiser pulled his wife closer in for a kiss. It was a deep passionate kiss like it was his last kiss on earth with {Y/n}. It was like she was gone for years though it was only about two months. Kaiser missed his wife so much that he didn’t want to let go of the kiss. He went deeper and deeper into the kiss. 
This was a way to start the New Year. With his beautiful wife in his hand kiss her like the last thing on earth. He loved her so goddamn much and it showed. Kaiser finally broke the kiss. “Ich Leibe Dich, meine Dame.”
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a/n: I really love this one. One of my top three favorite Christmas specials.
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telectronique · 4 months
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Aschenbach noted with astonishment that the boy was of a consummate beauty: his face—pale and charmingly reticent... with a straight nose, lovely mouth, and an expression of gravity sweet and divine.
— Death In Venice, Thomas Mann (transl. Micheal Henry Heim)
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havinghorns · 1 year
do you have a favourite non-disney non-ghibli animated movie
Aaahh hmm well I don't love Disney or Ghibli really so you think this would be easy but I don't actually watch that many animated movies either...
I don't know if it's my fav but I'll throw out a rec for a lesser know early BL OVA Ai no Kusabi which is like if you put Blade Runner, Micheal Mann and a Dom/Sub AU fanfic in a blender.
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archaalen · 5 months
Climate scientist Michael Mann is suing for defamation in court https://www.npr.org/2024/02/06/1228720142/michael-mann-climate-scientist-in-court-suing-for-defamation
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