#micron legend sandstorm
sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
(Sandstorm/Cyclonus getting ready to throw the kids over a cliff.)
Sandstorm/Cyclonus: All righty, kids. Here's the end to your short, little lives.
Carlos: Wait! Wait, wait! Is this really what you wanna be doing with your life? Tossing kids off cliffs?
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a little mech.
The kids: ...
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: I was a strange sparkling.
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jj-gold-falcon · 9 months
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Did a Redraw Challenge where you draw the image as a Ship you like. I did Demolisher (Ironhide) and Cyclonus (Sandstorm) from Transformers Energon (Superlink)
I think I cooked.
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sabrina-gothic · 2 months
so I have watched all of Transformers Super Link and have come to a conclusion about it
a couple actually
1. This was not the show I watched like nothing of on Toonami, i have now confirmed that
and 2. It is not as bad as I was led to believe, I would go so far as to say that is is alright. NOW obviously the 3D animation is bad, anyone with eyes can see that, they do not move right it is as shrimple as that. HOWEVER i would have to disagree on the writing. In my opinion, I think that this show is written very well, with the exception being how quickly Kicker is willing to interact with his dad, but other than that i enjoy how this story rhymes with Legend of the Microns, it's exploration of what Unicron is, It's shifting balance, and it's characterization (as well as other stuff that i cannot think of the words for atm). I do think that it sucks about Iron-Hide/Demolisher, though in my opinion, i think the show is making a point about Galvatron when he brings back Iron-Hide as Iron-Tread, as well as the rest of his men. Galvatron, in this series, does not create anything himself, he forces others to create things for him. He does not make the Terrorcons, Alpha-Q and later Mega-Zarak does. He did not create Nightscream or Mega-Zarak, he just corrupted them. Even the colony's with witch to do a dropping, Galvatron forced Unicron to make (the first one was wholly made by Unicron and then the later ones forced out my Galvitron).
In Super Link, later in the show it is talked about how Unicron breaks down Cybertronians to there most Dominant trait and we can see that with the Reformatted Cons (and Night-scream) Iron-Hyde was Duty, Starscream was Honor, Shockwave was Love for Megatron, and Sandstorm was being a Jackass. Megatron, who was stuck inside Unicron for like 10 years also had this Happen to him when he came back, and his was Control, Galvatron NEEDS to have the last word on anything and everything the Decepticons do. He must have complete control over all aspects of his men, which is why, I think it is actually a good character bit that Galvatron Forcibly wiped Iron's memory, to exert more control over someone he knew was not fully committed. It is supposed to be tragic that Iron-Hide was this person who tried to accept peace and waited the longest to switch until Galvatron was right in front of him, that even after joining he was still trying not to hurt the people he cared about on the Autobot's side, and that would, despite clearly not wanting to have to make these decisions, make the sacrifice to save his beloved leader from destruction. And what does he get for that? He gets morphed into a parody of himself by Galvatron, because Galvatron only wants to control Iron-Hide and those decisions where not ones made by Galvatron. Iron-Tred, while being comic relief in the latter half of the show, is supposed to be a tragic character, along with Mega-Zarak in the latter half, and Nightscream, these are characters who have lost complete autonomy to Glavatron.
I do think that the Writing gets better as the show goes on and there are some good spots of 2D animation, but the show does feel like it was rushed out (idk if it was or not). I can understand why people would drag it for constantly being about Unicron, but Unicron is a known factor as of the start of the show, it could not be about anything else since Microns established that Unicron is basically the architect of the Cybertron Civil War. I do like the (kinda) characterization that Unicron gets and how he is talked about. And with the introdiction of the Super Energon in the Temple Deep Below Cybertron, it brings into question if Unicron (the Giant planet eater) was not someone like Megatron to begin with that wanted the power and control of the Super Energon and was taken over by Unicron (the force of Destruction).
this is a very large cast and i can hear same voices coming up, but I never had trouble distinguishing who was who, there is like one or two jokes i did not like but overall I would say it is alright. I would watch this show again 6/10 it would be much higher but the bad models bring it down alot.
now this is all about Super Link, I do not know how much can be applied to the Energon Dub so results may vary also i didnt even get into themes and stuff THIS SHOW HAS THEMES
i may have a biased perception of this show since I came into it with the lowest possible expectations but that is my abridged notes on Transformers Super Link for anyone to read I will now be cursed with the tag (Superlink Defender) for the rest of my Life, I have only done this to myself and I do not apologize
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beforethestory · 3 years
To be honest, over the years that I have worked with the Unicron Trilogy, I have not been able to understand how it is possible to explain those terrible changes in such a character as Optimus Prime/Convoy from Superlink/Energon. I cannot perceive him as a leader, I cannot accept what he has become. It is simply impossible to justify his actions in any way. Optimus Superlink is the Optimus I would be happy to forget. I will not list all the reasons (many people have already said this for me here, and I am in solidarity with you guys), and... Today I realized two things: the first - for me personally, Optimus Superlink is the worst in the history of Transformers, and the second - I had to admit a long time ago that my attempts to somehow justify these drastic changes in it are hopeless. Yes, Superlink is undoubtedly a good series with its advantages and interesting things, but at the same time this series made an Armada/The legend of Microns is simply nothing. Starscream's death was actually in vain, Unicron somehow suddenly ceased to be a sentient being, Demolisher/Ironhide and Cyclonus/Sandstorm was degraded to the highest possible level, and Optimus, the main hope of this whole project as such, turned out to be the same dummy.
You can call me a fool if you think otherwise (and I'll understand that; as many people as there are opinions), but right now my point of view is this.
(the text may seem incorrect because my native language is not English)
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
Transformers: Superlink References I Noticed
Most Trans-fans watch Transformers: Armada and Energon and see them as a completely different universe with little to no G1 references (and some Star Trek, Star Wars, and Pokémon references peppered into the trilogy), besides seeing them as some of the worst Transformers media; I saw Transformers: Micron Legend and Superlink that have a lot of G1 references, as well as being some of the most underrated and underappreciated Transformers media.
Superlink, especially, have many references from The Transformers: The Movie (1986) as well as parts of the original series, including Season 3, and a few callbacks from its predecessor, Micron Legend (Superlink is its sequel, after all).
The following G1 movie references I saw from Superlink include:
- The show brought back original characters from Micron Legend (including Ironhide, Sandstorm, and Shockwave), and then killed them off before even half-way into the series
- Megatron comes back as Galvatron; with not only a new body (which is a huge callout from the 1986 movie), but a different voice actor/seiyuu, as well
- Some of the original characters (especially Sandstorm, Ironhide, and Shockwave) were reformatted via Unicron’s power into completely different characters that are not as memorable
- Rodimus Prime (called Rodimus Convoy) makes an appearance, even though this Rodimus was not originally Hot Rod
- Springer (called Sprung in Superlink; which means the same thing) also makes an appearance
- A few scenes featuring Rodimus and Galvatron fighting each other is quite a big reference to the final battle in the 1986 film
- My least favorite Transformer: A Quintesson (Alpha Q)
- The animation is different than it was in Micron Legend; much like how the animation for The Transformers (1984-1987) was animated by Toei Animation, while the 1986 movie was animated by AKOM (and its style is a little different, as well)
- A completely different soundtrack specifically for the anime is used without reusing the Micron Legend soundtrack
- While songs like “The Touch,” “Dare,” and “Instruments Of Destruction” played at least once in The Transformers: The Movie, the intro and outro songs (“Taiyo no Transform” and “Calling You,” respectively) featured during certain episodes, especially in epic moments featuring fight scenes
- Not only is Kicker Jones a reference to Daniel Witwicky (a young tagalong human who is friends with the Autobots), he is also a composite character with G1 Hot Rod by behavior/attitude (he is quite impulsive, and wants his friends to not give up and fight for what is right)
- The female Transformer, Ariel, is a reference to G1 Arcee, since there was already an Arcee in Micron Legend
- There is a really fast Autobot; for Generation One, it is Blurr, and not only does he go fast, he even talks fast, as well; for Superlink, it is Wing Saber, who is quite an energetic Transformer to begin with (Episodes 26, 28, and the TV special are some well-known examples displaying his speed)
- Unicron looks a little more like his G1 counterpart than he did in Micron Legend
- Both the 1986 film and Superlink have their dark and silly moments, including beloved characters being killed off and Unicron causing destruction, and some slapstick moments regarding the Transformers
There are also some references from the original G1 TV show, as well:
- In both the G1 show and Superlink, an Autobot was killed off, and was reformatted into another, yet very similar, Autobot that is more well-known to many Trans-fans; respectively, they are Orion Pax (now Optimus Prime) and Wing Dagger (now Wing Saber); coincidently, both of their voice actors also voiced Ironhide (both Optimus Prime and Ironhide were voice by Peter Cullen in Generation One; Wing Saber and Ironhide were voiced by Koji Yusa in the original Unicron Trilogy)
- The G1 transformation sound effect is in the show!
- Many Transformers are based on their G1 counterparts, including Inferno, Wheeljack, Skyfire (almost), Omega Supreme, and Lazerwave (his G1 counterpart is called Shockwave, but since there is already a Shockwave in the Unicron Trilogy, the Decepticon’s name is Lazerwave, much like his Japanese version)
- Although they are not the same character, Superlink’s Red Alert and G1 Mirage share a very similar alt-mode, which is a blue Formula One race car
- The Shadowhawk Terrocons almost resemble G1 Lazerbeak; the Command Jaguar Terrocons resemble G1 Ravage; and the therapod Terrocons are called Dinobots (although, some may say they are a reference to Beast Wars’ Dinobot)
- The combiners made appearances in the show, including Buildron (a reference to G1 Devastator, but since there was already a Devastator in Micron Legend, the Decepticon combiner is called Buildron), Bruticus (whose individual combiners even kept their G1 names), and Superion (an Autobot combiner); there are also a few moments with Superion and Omega Supreme, as well, much like in Generation One
- One word: Energon (except, in G1, it is Energon Cubes; Superlink has Energon Stars)
However, being a Mecha anime show, Superlink also has references to other Mecha shows, including Voltron (as well as Beast King Golion and Armored Fleet Dairugger XV, due to the Grand Force (Prime Force) serving as Optimus Prime’s (or Grand Convoy) arms and legs), Gundam, and even the Brave Saga (including Brave Police J-Decker, in which I am also watching).  The Brave Saga, in particular, are referenced in Superlink, including the following:
- Once the Transformers Superlinked (combined) with one another, we see close-ups of their combining sequence, they call out their forms, strike a pose, and then the battle begins; special mention goes to Optimus Prime/Grand Convoy, with his Super Mode/Hyper Mode (with the Grand Force), Wing Convoy mode (with Wing Saber), and Omega Convoy mode (with Omega Supreme)
- While the Transformers shout, “TRANSFORM!” the Brave robots shout, “CHANGE!” once they transform into their vehicle mode or robot mode
- Both the Transformers and the Brave robots are emotive, and have had many humanized moments, as well
- Since the Transformers and the Brave robots are sentient and can talk, they also have different personalities that makes them what they are as characters
- Both Transformers and the Brave robots have a human companion who fights alongside them
- Both franchises have their awesome, funny, heartwarming, terrifying, and heartbreaking moments that makes their target audiences attached to their works
I could list more references and callbacks that I noticed in Transformers: Superlink, but I will leave it at that, and maybe you can also find references in the show, as well.
Also, as I have mentioned, I am currently watching Brave Police J-Decker, and I have completed 12 episodes, so far; the robots are very similar to Transformers, it has their awesome, funny and heartbreaking moments that motivate me even more to continue the series until the grand finale, and I already got a favorite character since Episode 1, Deckerd, the main Brave Police robot, and the main human character’s companion; and a really cool vehicle mode (also, I discovered another really underrated seiyuu, Toru Furusawa; he also made a brief appearance in Transformers, but he is mostly well-known in the Brave Saga; in fact, he is so underrated that DeviantArt does not have a single stamp or fan art based on him (at least not yet); so, for any anime and seiyuu fans, I would suggest giving this voice actor more recognition, as well).
That is all I will be saying for now.  Stay tuned for more posts.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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aeonmagnus · 6 years
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Transformers: Legend of the Microns closing title character art.
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
One Of My Transformers Headcanons Regarding Micron Legend Ironhide/Armada Demolishor (Just Thought I Would Share)
I have been a huge fan of Transformers: Micron Legend (the original version of Transformers: Armada) ever since I discovered the anime.  And like many other anime shows, there are always opportunities for headcanons (meaning what may be canon due to what was implied, or basically hypotheses and hints from a viewer’s perspective that may be close to canon, even though it may not, sadly), as well as coming up with ways to expand a fandom.  And I thought about many, but here, I am going to name one; it has to do with one of my favorite characters.
One of my headcanons is about Ironhide (or Demolishor), and it has to do with what type of Transformer/Decepticon he really was (or might have been), especially in the past.
When I watch many episodes featuring Ironhide, I notice how most of his Decepticon allies, besides Megatron and Rampage (or Wheeljack from Armada), can fly (Starscream has a futuristic fighter jet alt-mode, Sandstorm (or Cyclonus) a helicopter alt-mode, Thrust a VTOL fighter jet alt-mode, and even Shockwave (or Tidal Wave) can fly (or should I say, float), despite having an aircraft carrier alt-mode (which normally does not fly)); in Episode 8, when Ironhide was about to catch a Micron (Mini-con in Armada) from a collapsing shrine, he jumped quite high for a bulky missile tank; he was close friends with Sandstorm (and sometimes Starscream), and would be picked up by Sandstorm who was in his helicopter mode (most well-known sight is in Episode 23; Superlink also had a few moments like this); also, in Episode 26, he mentioned that he was afraid of heights after Jet Convoy (Jet Optimus) dropped him in the ocean, and even screeched out of fear (kind of like G1 Starscream, almost... or maybe Petrie from The Land Before Time; I wouldn’t be too sure...).
Outside the anime, an Armada fan listed Demolishor as one of the Seekers (with Starscream and Cyclonus), in which I thought was cool, and gave me more ideas and headcanons (although a Seeker is typically a type of Flying Decepticon who usually has a fighter jet (like an F-15) alt-mode; Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker are the most well-known Seekers); also, Ironhide seemed to be partially modeled after G1 Blitzwing, a Triple Changer who also has a plane alt-mode along with a tank alt-mode.  Not to mention Ironhide even sounded like a Seeker type if I listen very carefully.
As I put two and two together, I determined one of my Micron Legend/Armada headcanons: Ironhide/Demolishor used to be a flier.
My headcanon backstory would go like this: before the Autobots and Decepticons arrived to Earth, Ironhide was either a Triple Changer or basically a winged Decepticon (maybe a Seeker, or maybe not); one time, he was attacked by a small group of Decepticons that would make Megatron look like a saint (or was shot down by an Autobot, but then was found and captured by the Decepticon group), who then tortured him for quite some time, and/or tore off his wings, then leaving him there to die; Megatron rescued him along with Sandstorm and Starscream, and made him his second-in-command (or co-second-in-command with Starscream); such physical and emotional trauma Ironhide may have gotten resulted in a childlike state, rendering the former flier the most innocent Decepticon in this Transformers universe.  Had he not have been tortured and incapacitated, Ironhide would have been either the first Triple Changer in the anime (having a fighter jet alt-mode as well as his iconic missile tank alt-mode), or simply one of the fliers like Sandstorm and Starscream (my first thought was a fighter jet alt-mode modeled after an F-14 Tomcat or a Mitsubishi F-2, or even an F-117 Nighthawk).
I first thought about this Decepticon as a flier when I heard about another Knightformers film (Optimus Prime) coming up soon, and I made guesses about which Transformer would appear; my first thought was Demolishor modeled after Armada, but with the G1 style from Bumblebee (2018), and since Blitzwing looked like G1 Starscream and was just a Seeker in Bumblebee, I thought about Demolishor as a Triple Changer (almost just like G1 Blitzwing), with a twin-gun turret tank and fighter jet (my first thought is the Grumman F-14 Tomcat) alt-modes; also around Bumblebee’s age (like a teenager, almost).
The good thing about making headcanons is that it opens your imagination, and keeps you guessing until the next canon work comes up; the downside is that it may not come true; the redeeming side is that there is always fan media (and another work may be in production with similar elements from at least one headcanon).
Anyways, that is one of my headcanons regarding Micron Legend (and Armada).  If you have a similar headcanon like this (or different from a work or character I was referring to), feel free to comment or reblog.  Like if you found my post very interesting.  Move along if you dislike (everyone has different perspectives on a certain work, and it is a good thing, since everyone is unique in their own ways).
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
I Talk More About Micron Legend Than Armada
I have noticed many times how fans of English-dubbed anime insist that a character’s dub name is their real name (which irks me a bit).  And then there are fans who see two different names as the same character.
Personally, I think both have a point; however, if I view a work of a different language, I see a completely different work.  Take Transformers: Micron Legend and Transformers: Armada, for instance.  Not only do these two similar shows have different languages, but also different names for characters and objects, and even their titles are different.  To put it this way, if I view the original anime, and then I view the dub, I only see two different shows since there are obvious differences such as editing, name changes, intentions, and even personality changes.
So, if I mention the following names, you would know I am talking about Micron Legend, and not Armada:
- Convoy (but he will always be Optimus Prime)
- Hot Rod
- Ratchet
- Sandstorm
- Ironhide
- Cyberhawk
- Grap
- Devastator (Devastor)
- Doubleface
- Silverbolt
- Shockwave
- Rampage
- Stepper
- Scourge
- Megatron (Super Mode)
- Alexa
- Jim
- Wheelie
- Bank
- Arcee
- Bumble (I am thinking maybe Bumblebee...)
- Prime
- Hook
- Lift
- Dirt
- Turbo
- Barrel (“call him Barrel-sama!”)
- Grid
- Search
- Cannon
- Thunder
- Crush
- Bomb
- Ultra Magnus
- Cosmotector
- Astro Blaster
- Cybertron (always an Autobot)
- Destron (always a Decepticon)
- Seibertron (always Cybertron)
- Micron (known as a Mini-con, but I prefer Micron)
- Evolution!/Super Mode
The same goes for Superlink and Energon, as well:
- Grand Convoy (always will be Optimus Prime)
- Inferno V (Volt)
- Roadbuster
- Skyfire
- Rodimus Convoy
- Red Alert
- Springer (Sprung)
- Overdrive
- Wheeljack
- Galvatron
- Nightscream
- Snowstorm
- Irontread (the English version should have named him Long Haul, instead...)
- Shockfleet
- Lazerwave (the real Shockwave)
- Mega Zarak (always will be Scorponok)
- Ariel
- Airglide
- Blastarm
- Buildron (would have been called Devastator, but...)
- Bruticus
- Superion
- Grand Force (Gyro-2 is the only Transformer with a dubbed name)
- Cybertron (always an Autobot)
- Destron (always a Decepticon)
- Seibertron (always Cybertron)
- Super Link
The next time someone insists I go by the dub name regarding the original anime, I would say something along the lines of “I am not talking about Armada; I am talking about Micron Legend” (and of course be respectful about it).
Anyway, I hope I made this a little clear to those who saw the English dubs first/only so they would not judge me as harshly as most rabid fans do to others.
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
What I Want To See More On Tumblr
Tumblr is a sharing/social networking blog site that has a variety of content.  However, there is content that also needs more recognition, and I see little to none of that content; probably because it is underrated and not very many users talk about or mention it.  Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to add more content, and I still have more information that must be voiced, but it would be nice if others take action and start expanding the site with extra and unlimited content (whether it be pictures, videos, audio, photographs, artwork, fan media, quotes, chats, weblinks, entertainment and media reviews, recaps of different works, memes, tutorials, self-help, GIFs, messages, etc.) as well.
Here are the following content that needs more recognition (it is a long list, so please pace yourselves):
- Skills and techniques with Microsoft PowerPoint (this may include picture making with the shape tool)
- Fictional landscapes created by users
- Synthwave, Vaporwave, and Retrowave (and other retro forms like these)
- OC and fan character bases and illustrations
- Microsoft Windows (1.0, 3.1, 95, NT, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.)
   * Desktop images (tiled pictures included)
   * Screensavers
   * Logos
   * Screenshots
   * Tutorials
   * Video clips
- Extraterrestrial content
   * Planets
   * Star systems
   * Phenomenon (including black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, etc.)
   * Plants/flora
   * Animals/fauna
   * Fungi
   * Single-celled organisms
   * Landscapes
   * Skies
   * Terrains
   * Montane areas
   * Oceans
   * Habitats
   * Climate phenomenon (rain, snow, wind, sandstorms, thunderstorms, blizzards, sleet, hail, auroras, etc.)
   * Moons and natural satellites
   * Technologies
   * Rocks and minerals
   * Intelligent life
   * Alien languages
   * Science fiction
   * Fantasy
   * Geography
   * Field guides
- Alien/space dragons
- Fictional rocks, minerals, and gemstones
- Real-life landscapes
- Firearms
- Psalms
- Vintage material
- Web-developing/web-designing ideas and blueprints
- Mesozoic Era (including dinosaurs, mammals, early birds, and flora)
- Hybrid/crossbreed animals
- Werebeasts
- Alien skunks
- Alien birds
   * Owls
   * Peafowl
   * Hawks
   * Falcons
   * Birds of paradise
   * Parrots and macaws
   * Sparrows
   * Corvids
   * Shrikes
   * Archaeopteryx (dinosaurs are included)
   * Crossbreeds
- Kitsunes (including alien kitsunes)
- Alien wolves
- Alien hedgehogs
- Exotic birds
- G1 MLP (we have enough G4/FIM already)
- Retro
- Fighter jets
- Cars from 1967-1988
- Quotes and scenes from movies, TV shows, videogames/computer games, anime, books, comics, music videos, radio, podcasts, direct-to-video movies and series, plays, scripts, and websites
- Any LGBTQ+ content that encourages diversity of thought, creativity, and staying true to yourself regardless of sexual orientation
Original Stories:
- Science fantasy
- Alien fantastical creatures
   * Dragons
   * Unicorns
   * Pegasi (flying horses)
   * Hippocampus
   * Cerberus
   * Roc (giant eagle)
   * Griffons
   * Hippogriff
   * Kitsune
   * Minotaurs
   * Ent
   * Basilisk
   * Gorgon
   * Harpy
   * Merfolk
   * Fauns
   * Orcs, ogres, goblins, and ghouls
- Action/thrillers
- Influences from sci-fi authors and writers (including Robert Heinlein)
- Female villains and complex characters
- Influences from Atlantis
- Mpreg and fempreg (hermaphrodites, transgender, reverse reproduction, magic, alternate dimension, etc.)
- Allegories (Christian, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Muslim, Scientologist, Judeo-Christian, Norse, Jainist, Gothic, any other ideology you can think of)
- Alternate dimensions
- Historical fiction
- Time travel
- Giant robots
- Original anime and manga styles
- Dystopian futures/dimensions
- Conflicts regarding the LGBTQ+ community (gay conservatives, march vs. morality, discrimination based on political party, heroes and villains regardless of sexual orientation, asexuality, intersex couples, coexisting with the majority, etc.)
- Space operas
- Travel and vacationing
- Crossovers (even with official media)
- Even memoirs
Statements and opinions:
- 1980's
- 1990′s
- Anti-identity politics
- Individuality
- Anti-misandry, anti-misogyny, and double standards
- Knight Rider (1980's)
- Sonic X (Japanese, English, or both)
- Transformers Micron Legend
- Transformers Superlink
- Transformers Galaxy Force
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (sub vs. dub, pro or anti, characters, pairings, etc.)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Mpreg and fempreg (pro or anti)
- "Hate is a strong word"
- "Original is better"
- Synthwave
- Bayformers (pro or anti)
- Sub vs. dub
- Anti-trolling
- Equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes
- "I'm gay and conservative; I make my own choice on who to vote, and to tell me otherwise makes you more homophobic than the ones you claim to be"
- Pro-individuality
- Variations of certain pairings (like Sonadow and Megascream)
- Anti-Shradow
- Anti-Sondash
- Sonic x Transformers crossover
- "Fandom abuse kills interest" or similar statements
- "You can be a patriot of your country and support another country at the same time"
- "'Not My President!'  Then move to some other country where he is not your president"
- "This Blog Is A No Threat Zone"
- Supporting underrated characters
- Supporting underrated pairings
- Supporting rarer material that is not mainstream
- Seiyuu and other foreign voice acting
- "Fanboys and fangirls are both annoying" or similar statements
- "Hate a work?  That's your problem" or similar statements
- “Not all Christians are hateful towards gays; not all gays are hateful towards Christians”
- Current news unreported by mainstream media
Sonic The Hedgehog:
- Sonic X (styles and retroactive design is welcome)
   * Bilingual Sonic
   * Fake screenshots
   * Sonic and Shadow
   * Maria Robotnik
   * Adventure 1 and 2
   * Original vs. 4Kids
   * Metarex
   * Molly
   * Scourge The Hedgehog
   * Black Arms
   * AOSTH characters (including Catty Carlisle, Breezie, and Katella The Huntress)
   * Sonic Forces characters (including Infinite The Jackal)
   * Fan characters
   * Transformers in Sonic X style
- Shadow The Hedgehog (2005)
   * Firearms
   * Vehicles
   * Lyrics to theme songs
   * Karma meter
   * Japanese version
   * Screenshots
- Fan character Eggman badniks
- Chaos Emeralds (more colors besides the SEVEN)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons
- Sonic OVA
   * Sara (Sera)
   * Old Man Owl
   * Planet Freedom
   * Sonic vs. Metal Sonic
   * Sonic X characters in OVA style
   * Shadow The Hedgehog
- Green Hill Zone in many variations
- Other zones such as Spring Yard Zone and Lava Reef Zone
- Babylon Rogues
   * Jet The Hawk
   * Wave The Swallow
   * Storm The Albatross
   * Sonic X style
- Silver as a Sonadow fan child
- Archie vs. Fleetway vs. IDW
- Controversy memes
- Shadow mpreg (usually in regards to Sonadow or even Mephadow (though I don't ship the latter))
- Fan character creators
- Katella The Huntress
- Female villains and badniks
- Classic style of characters
- Planet Mobius
- Shadow, Silver, and Scourge as werehogs
- Cosmo The Seedrian
- The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Legends Of The Microns (Transformers: Micron Legend)
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers: Galaxy Force
- Transformers G1 Japanese canon
   * Transformers Scramble City (1986)
   * Transformers Headmasters (1987-1988)
   * Transformers Super-God Masterforce (1988-1989)
   * Transformers Victory (1989)
   * Transformers Zone (1990)
- Armada characters with Micron Legend names
- Energon characters with Superlink names
- Cybertron characters with Galaxy Force names
- Armada Demolishor
- Armada Thrust
- Armada Tidal Wave
- Armada Hot Shot (in new coloration)
- Energon Prime Force
- Energon Wing Saber
- Energon Mirage
- Energon Shockblast (should be Shockwave, because he pays homage to G1 Shockwave)
- Cybertron Soundwave
- Cybertron Thunderblast
- Cybertron Landmine
- Cybertron Thundercracker
- Ironhide
   * G1
   * Micron Legend/Armada (the only incarnation of Ironhide that is a Decepticon)
   * Prime
   * Bumblebee (2018)
- Springer
   * G1
   * Superlink/Energon (although he pays homage to his G1 counterpart, he is not a Triple Changer)
   * Live-action versions
- Chromia
   * G1
   * Galaxy Force/Cybertron (the only incarnation of Chromia that is a Decepticon)
- Laserbeak (G1)
- Armada characters in G1 style
- Armada characters in Bumblebee (2018) style, and vice versa
- G1 show fake screenshots
- Armada fake screenshots
- Stunticons and Menosaur
- Aerialbots and Superion
- Omega Supreme
  * G1
  * Superlink/Galaxy Force
- Controversy memes
- Fan character creators
- Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes
- Alice (ROTF)
- Charlie Watson
- Shatter and Dropkick
- Tina Lark (2018 Bumblebee film)
- Female Decepticons and villains
- Blackout (Transformers 2007 film)
- Barricade (Transformers 2007 film)
- G1 meets Armada
- Blitzwing (G1)
- Predaking (G1)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons (especially the Unicron Trilogy)
- More combiner robots
- Crossovers or stand-alone fan media with humongous Mecha piloted by humans
- Talaria (G1 episode: The God Gambit)
- Transformers with Pontiac Firebird Trans Am alt-modes
Mecha Anime:
- Beast King Golion
- Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Gatchaman
- Raideen
   * Yusha Raideen (Raideen The Brave)
   * Chouja Raideen (Raideen The Superior)
- Galaxy Express 999
- Space Battleship Yamato
- Star Musketeer Bismarck (Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs)
- Zoids
- Mighty Orbots
- GaoGaiGar
- Macross/Mospeda
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Queen Millenia (does it count as a Mecha anime?)
- Ergo Proxy (Autoreivs may count as mecha, since they are robots)
- Starship Troopers (OAV)
- Crossovers (including with Transformers)
- Original Mecha artwork as well as stories
- Creatures
   * Paleozoic Era creatures
   * Mesozoic Era creatures
   * Cenozoic Era creatures
   * Megafauna
   * Passenger pigeon
   * Echidna
   * Skunk
   * Peafowl
   * Kitsune
   * Owl
   * Falcon
   * Sonic The Hedgehog characters
   * Star Trek style characters
   * Animal crossbreeds
   * Creepy And Cute parts pack
   * Underwater creatures
   * SporeMaster (extra parts for creatures including extra wings, movable tails, whiskers, and tentacles)
- Flora
   * Pine tree
   * Plants with black trunks and green or blue leaves
   * Berry bush
   * Palm tree-like plants
   * Cherry blossom
   * Eyeball plants
   * Succulent plants
   * Groundcover
   * Fluffy plants
   * Water plants
   * Fungi
- Planets, moons, and stars
- Cells and microbes
- Early creatures
- Land, Air, and Water vehicles
- UFO's that look like fighter jets
- Realistic-looking wildlife and planets
- Asteroids and meteors
- Robots and Mecha
- Comets
- Galaxies
- Fonts
- Humanoid creatures
- Planetary landscapes
- Screenshots
Ships And Pairings:
- Sonic The Hedgehog
   * Sonadow (Sonic seme x Shadow uke)
   * Sonourge/Scouronic (Scourge seme x Sonic uke)
   * Manamy (Manic x Amy)
   * Salamy (Sally Acorn x Amy Rose)
   * Wavouge (Wave x Rouge)
   * Chriselen (Chris Thorndyke x Helen)
   * Metandroid (Metal Sonic x Shadow Android)
   * Jetave (Jet x Wave)
   * Infiniles/Mephinite (Infinite x Mephiles)
   * Geoffershey (Geoffrey x Hershey)
   * Scourgiona (Scourge x Fiona)
   * Juladette (Jules x Bernadette)
   * Soneezie (Sonic x Breezie)
   * Eggella (Eggman x Katella)
   * Robotara/Eggera (Dr. Robotnik x Sara)
   * Knuxikal (Knuckles x Tikal)
- Transformers
   * Ironromia (Ironhide x Chromia)
   * Infernalert (Inferno x Red Alert)
   * Ironratch (Ironhide x Ratchet)
   * Optilita-1 (Optimus Prime x Elita-1)
   * Hotarcee (Hot Rod x Arcee)
   * Springarcee (Springer x Arcee)
   * Shocksound (Shockwave x Soundwave)
   * Optihide (Optimus Prime x Ironhide)
   * Bumblecliff (Bumblebee x Cliffjumper)
   * Megabird (Megatron x Nightbird)
   * Blitztrain (Blitzwing x Astrotrain)
   * Wreckancy (Wreck-Gar x Nancy)
   * Cyclonourge (Cyclonus x Scourge)
   * Hotolishor (Hot Shot x Demolishor); Ironrod/Hothide (Hot Rod x Ironhide)
   * Starclonus (Starscream x Cyclonus); Starsand/Sandscream (Starscream x Sandstorm)
   * Starshot (Starscream x Hot Shot); Starrod (Starscream x Hot Rod)
   * Hotjack (Hot Shot x Wheeljack); Hotpage (Hot Rod x Rampage)
   * Democlonus (Cyclonus x Demolishor); Sandhide (Sandstorm x Ironhide)
   * Radexis (Rad x Alexis); Radexa (Rad x Alexa)
   * Siderust (Sideways x Thrust); Doublerust (Doubleface x Thrust)
   * Blurshot (Blurr x Hot Shot); Silverrod (Silverbolt x Hot Rod)
   * Demolihide/Ironmolishor (Demolishor x Ironhide); Ironbuster/Roadhide (Ironhide x Roadbuster)
   * Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber); Roadsaber (Roadbuster x Wing Saber)
   * Winglock (Wing Dagger x Padlock)
   * Galvarage (Galvatron x Mirage); Galvafleet (Galvatron x Shockfleet)
   * Tidaldagger/Saberage (Tidal Wave/Mirage x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber); Shockwing (Shockwave/Shockfleet x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber)
   * Starwave/Starrage (Starscream x Tidal Wave/Mirage); Starshock (Starscream x Shockwave/Shockfleet)
   * Demolisaber (Demolishor x Wing Saber); Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber)
   * Bulkclonus (Bulkhead x Cyclonus); Springstorm (Springer x Sandstorm)
   * Starblast (Starscream x Thunderblast); Starromia (Starscream x Chromia)
   * Charemo/Memarlie (Charlie x Memo)
   * Shattopkick (Shatter x Dropkick)
   * Wheelarcee (Wheeljack x Arcee)
- Whoever you think need more recognition; there is too many to count.
- Sonic The Hedgehog x Transformers
   * Sonic games x G1
   * AOSTH x G1
   * SatAM x G1
   * Sonic OVA x Headmasters
   * Underground x RID (Car Robots)
   * Sonic X x G1
   * Sonic X x Armada (Micron Legend)
   * Sonic X x Energon (Superlink)
   * Sonic X x Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
   * Sonic games x Unicron Trilogy
   * Archie Comics x IDW
   * Fleetway x Shattered Glass
   * Sonic games x Shattered Glass
   * Archie Comics x Animated
   * Sonic Boom x Prime
   * Sonic Boom x War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron
   * Sonic Mania x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Sonic Forces x Cyberverse
   * Sonic Forces x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Team Sonic Racing x RID (2015)
   * IDW crossover
   * Sonic live-action (2019- ) x Bayformers (2007-2017)
- Transformers x Voltron
   * G1 x Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
   * Armada x Voltron Force
   * Unicron Trilogy x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Headmasters x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Victory x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Cyberverse x Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Alien (1979-2017) x Avatar (2009 film)
- 24 x Transformers (2007)
- Top Gun (1986) x Stealth (2005)
- The Final Countdown (1980) x Top Gun (1986)
- Transformers G1 x Armada
- Transformers G1 x Energon
- Transformers G1 x Bumblebee (2018)
- Transformers IDW x Dreamwave
- Transformers Armada x War For Cybertron
- Sonic OVA x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Underground
- SatAM x Underground
- SatAM x Sonic X
- Underground x Sonic X
- Sonic Universe crossovers
- Transformers Universe crossovers
Aliens And Extraterrestrial Life:
- Plants
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Mammals
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Dinosaur-like animals
- Amphibians
- Fish
- Insects
- Arrachnids
- Worms
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Autotrophs (plant animals)
- Humanoids
- Xenomorphs
- Algae
- Hybrids and crossbreeds
- Technology
- Advertisements
- Fonts
- Chrome
- Movie posters
- Art
- Stock footage
- Computer graphics (early CGI)
- Music and soundtracks
- Cars
- Aircraft
- Merchandises
- J-Pop and J-Rock
- 78 RPM and LP vinyl records
- Walkman
- Hairstyles
- Musical instruments (such as synthesizers and drum machines)
Patterns And Textures:
- Memphis-style
- Terrain
- Ocean and sea
- Flowers
- Space
- Faceted
- Planet texture maps
- Sand
- Snow
- Dirt
- Ice
- Sonic patterns
- Transformers patterns
- Geometric
- Grid
- Feathers
Media Reviews:
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (both Japanese and English)
- Plane and fighter jet films
- 1980's TV shows
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Sonic X (original Japanese version with English subtitles is preferable)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- G1 MLP TV specials, movie, and series
- Any anime and manga review
- Software and hardware
- Regarding fan media
- Memes in general
- TV Tropes
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia and RationalWiki (not just negative reviews for Conservapedia, and not just positive reviews for RationalWiki, either; balance them out, see if they have any good points; what are they both right or wrong on?)
- DeviantArt
- Tumblr (the website you are in)
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- Avatar (2009)
- Alien vs. Predator media (1979-2017)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
- Terminator (1984-2019)
- Stealth (2005)
- Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'hoole (2010)
- Cobra (1986)
- Judge Dredd (1995)
- Total Recall (1990)
- Demolition Man (1993)
- Any Garfield TV specials (1982-1991)
- The Land Before Time films (1988-2016)
- Animal Farm (any film or TV show)
- Dragonheart (1996)
- Dirty Dancing (1987)
- Strictly Ballroom (1992)
- Die Hard films (1988-2013)
- Iron Eagle (1986-1994)
- Young Guns (1988-1990)
- The Lost Boys (1987)
- Flatliners (1990, 2017)
- Any direct-to-video film
TV Shows:
- 24 (2001-2010, 2014)
- La Femme Nikita (1997-2001)
- The X Files (1993-2002)
- The Dukes Of Hazard (1979-1985)
- Mr. Ed (1961-1966)
- Any Lucille Ball show
- Stranger Things (2016- )
- The 100 (2014- )
- Knight Rider franchise (1982-2000)
- G.I Joe (1985-1987)
- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
- Xena: Warrior Princess
- Star Trek franchise
- Star Blazers (1979-1984)
- Voltron (1984-1986)
- Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1979-1981)
- Battle Of The Planets (1978-1985)
Videogames And Computer Games:
- Halo (1999-2014)
- Sins Of A Solar Empire (2008)
- E.V.O.: Search For Eden (1992)
- Darkspore (2011)
- Unreal (1998-2014)
- Half-Life (1998-2003)
- Age Of Empires (1997- )
- SimCity (2013- )
- Crazy Taxi (1999-2007)
- Nier series (2010-2017)
- Flow (2006)
- Diablo (1996-2017)
- Flicky (1984)
- Ecco The Dolphin (1992)
- Classic Pac-man games (1980-1984)
- Let’s-plays for videogames lesser known in mainstream
- Any fan game
Books And Novels:
- Dragonriders Of Pern
- The Space Trilogy (1938-1945)
- Dune series
- Red Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson)
- The Dark Tower (1977)
- The Maze Runner series
- The Chronicles Of Narnia
- Any book and short story by Robert Heinlein
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Space Odyssey (Arthur C. Clarke)
- Guardians Of Ga'hoole
- Watership Down
- The Plague Dogs
- The Rescuers series (Margery Sharp)
- A Brother's Price (Wen Spencer)
- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
- Any book by Isaac Asimov
- Any webcomic you consider underrated
- Older Garfield comic strips before 2006
- Hyperbole And A Half
- Your own comics
Music And Soundtrack:
- Rush
- Kenny Loggins
- Karen Guys
- Laura Brannigan
- Pat Benetar
- Bon Jovi
- A-Ha
- Rick Astley
- Anime songs
- Off Course
- Brian Eno and Roxy Music
- Collective Soul
- Owl City
- Dead Can Dance
- Cheap Trick
- The Cars
- Cyndi Lauper
- Heart
- Hailee Steinfeld
- Any Sonic shipping fandom
- Transformers Armada (Micron Legend)
- Transformers Energon (Superlink)
- Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
- AI (artificial intelligence and computers)
- Female villain fandoms
- Seiyuu
- Fighter jets and military helicopters
- Classic cars
- Mecha anime
- Any religious fandom (not that I am religious myself)
(Please note that I may also do some of these, myself, but I encourage others to do so, as well; there are plenty of users who are more skilled and knowledgeable than I am.)
When it comes to content, I leave overrated stuff alone, and yearn to increase underrated stuff, even content that may be overrated in many areas, but underrated in others.  I also encourage differing opinions of such content; people can like a certain content that others hate, and vice versa; I have no problem with that; just as long as no one harasses, bullies, trolls, denigrates, or threatens others who do not think the same way they do.
I also encourage alternative sites for content, as well as many more websites solely for entertainment purposes.
For everyone else in Tumblr, as well as many others in other websites, be creative, bring up new ideas and opinions, teach people something interesting, make what you like, encourage other people to do the same, and be cordial and respectful to one another.  I wish you the best of luck.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
15 notes · View notes
firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
When I Prefer Micron Legend And Superlink Over Generation One
Without Generation One, there will be no Transformers franchise (no Beast Wars, no Robots In Disguise, no Unicron Trilogy, no Bayformers, no Animated, no Aligned continuity, no Bumblebee (2018), no other work relating to Transformers).
Generation One originated in the 1980's, considered to be the best decade in pop culture history.  Transformers gave us giant robots besides Mecha anime shows like Voltron, Gundam, Mazinger, Robotech, and Evanglion; cool music ("The Touch," anyone?), and many different ideas for fan media.  The franchise is also well-known for having so many different characters of many different incarnations, with G1 being the most intriguing.
That said, while I really like Generation One, I came across two (technically three, but I saw two) anime shows that have the most G1 callbacks of all Transformers works; these anime shows are Micron Legend (original version of Armada) and Superlink (original version of Energon).  As I saw both of these anime series, and am currently rewatching the Generation One TV show, there are many factors in Micron Legend and Superlink that are actually better than G1.
Here are some examples where Micron Legend and Superlink are superior to the Generation One TV show:
- Micron Legend and Superlink prove to be darker and more heart-wrenching than G1; for instance, Thrust's death in Micron Legend looks more gruesome than Starscream's death in the 1986 film (getting slowly crushed to death feet first over freezing into crumbling stone the instant a laser hit its target), and the reactions to Optimus' death induced me to tears in Micron Legend (Hot Rod blaming himself for yelling at Optimus without getting a chance to apologize or say goodbye, even Megatron was grieving for his arch-nemesis' death (listen to him shouting Optimus' name after Prime was reduced to space dust in Episode 39), also Starscream's reaction in Episode 40), as well as Unicron
- Unicron's interior (and the Planet Eater, in general) is more unsettling than in G1; mind screwing other Transformers, tentacles trapping characters, paralyzed Transformers, the Micron's (Mini-con) origin, etc., the whole interior is similar to many cocooned scenes in Aliens (1986)
- The anime shows did not overdo it with puns (they hardly have any puns), while G1 had plenty of puns (yet interesting terminology); Armada and Energon, on the other hand, are filled with confusing puns that even 4Kids would have done better with during their career
- The characters in Micron Legend and Superlink were introduced better and more coherent than in G1 (G1 had the characters debut without any explanation as to how they arrived to Earth and allied with the rest of the Autobots or Decepticons (it was never explained how Brawn and Huffer came to be in Episode 9 vs. Silverbolt (Blurr) was called by Devastator (Scavenger) to search for more Microns in Episode 20 of Micron Legend)
- The Transformers in Micron Legend and Superlink are a lot more human than the Transformers in G1; for instance, they make sounds when in pain or distressed (grunting, groaning, screaming, and whining), show exhaustion after running or fighting, have inner thoughts (anime tends to do that, anyways, mostly with humans), and even sob (younger Transformers tend to cry, while older Transformers are silent, or scream in agony (like Optimus Prime in Episode 33 when Grap (Smokescreen) died); of course they have feelings and emotions); they even make grunting or screaming sounds while in their alt-modes (even more so than G1, which did not do as much human-like sounds with alt-modes as with robot modes); to put it plainly, they are more relatable to most audiences
- The soundtrack (score) in Micron Legend has a more variety than G1 did (classical, rock, 1980's style music, and sometimes techno (especially in Superlink))
- Even Superion looks better in Superlink than in G1
- Certain characters subvert their traditional G1 roles in Micron Legend and Superlink (like Starscream whose main motive was not overthrowing Megatron and is more sympathetic than his G1 counterpart, and Ironhide who is a Decepticon instead of an Autobot and is younger instead of older)
- The deaths in Micron Legend and Superlink are a lot sadder than in G1 (Starscream in Micron Legend (Episode 48) and Ironhide in Superlink (Episode 16), as well as Optimus Prime in Micron Legend (Episode 39) and a few others in Superlink such as Wing Dagger and Inferno (both of which got better and had new forms))
- Micron Legend and Superlink are more mature than G1 (even though G1 has more mature themes like espionage and betrayal than other cartoon shows)
- The two shows are more thrilling, exciting, suspenseful, action-packed, and have me at the edge of my seat, especially in the last episode of Micron Legend
- Age is more apparent in Micron Legend and Superlink than in Generation One (behavior, wisdom, height (sometimes), even voice); younger Transformers tend to be more emotional than older Transformers, for instance; both Autobots and Decepticons have really young, almost teenage-like, Transformers (Hot Rod (Hot Shot) and Ironhide (Demolishor) are really well-known examples) that make the anime shows a lot lighter despite their really dark themes
- While G1 was set in 1984 when the show debuted (1984), it was implied that Micron Legend was set in a more contemporary future like 2010 when the anime debuted (2002-2003)
- G1 had nearly the whole human population know about the Transformers since the More Than Meets The Eye portion, while in Micron Legend, the whole population (aside from the main human characters and the children) were unaware about the Transformers existing until Superlink (set in a farther away future); and since even Decepticons have children in their rankings, it is slightly concerning how the adult humans would react if they were to come across at least one of them (God forbid if they started to attack Ironhide in front of Megatron, Starscream, or Sandstorm (Cyclonus)), since Deceptions are brutal enemies, and their leader may be more dangerous when a younger Decepticon gets attacked (even in self-defense); in other words, humans are generally safer in Micron Legend than in G1, in which the Decepticons would be more than pleased to attack, kill, or even kidnap humans for their own agenda
- The two anime shows are how I became really interested in seiyuu in the first place (especially before I knew some of them in Sonic X); seiyuu are extremely underrated in Transformers since not very many fans (Trans-fans and seiyuu fans) talk about them as much
- Micron Legend and Superlink are generally really underrated anime shows
Of course, Generation One will always be better than most other works, but if you add the two anime series to the equation, Generation One has many flaws (then again, almost all Transformers works have errors), and some of their plots are slightly off and confusing.  Micron Legend and Superlink does better with the plot and introduction, but the only reason I will put them in a draw with G1 is that G1 has classic 1980's songs that the anime shows do not have, and the anime shows have more callbacks to Generation One.
That is all I will be saying for now.  I am still making a list of specific content that I want to see more on Tumblr, DeviantArt, and many other fandom-friendly sites; I still have more to be filled in before I consider it complete so I can post it.
Stay tuned for future posts.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
4 notes · View notes
firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
My second favorite Transformers anime; Transformers: Superlink.  I found this show to be extremely appealing despite some flaws, and how they killed off original characters from Micron Legend, even though new characters were introduced (that said, The Transformers: The Movie (1986) did the same thing, yet I still like the film).
Probably one of the most appealing parts of the anime was the Eyecatches with different characters, and said characters have speaking moments (including introducing themselves, or making funny statements).  You will notice during each eyecatch, there are two parts with two different characters.  Most of them will say the title of the anime and/or say their name.  Sometimes they don’t use their names (or say the title).  The Eyecatches in Micron Legend were good, too, but Superlink has more diversity, since we are shown different characters with their own unique quotes; I don’t know if other anime shows (besides Pokémon) ever did something like that...
The Eyecatches in the show are similar to the eyecatches in Sonic X, where there are two cards that introduce a character, and give us their background (in Japanese, of course).  Maybe that is another reason why I like both Sonic and Transformers so much; they have many similarities from each other.
So far, my favorite Eyecatches in Superlink are Optimus Prime (called Grand Convoy), Galvatron (Megatron), Kicker and Roadbuster (Ironhide), Rodimus, Ironhide (Demolishor; first body), Shockwave (Tidal Wave), Sandstorm (Cyclonus), Airglide and Blastarm (Skyblast and Strongarm), Nightscream (Starscream), Lazerwave (Shockblast; the real Shockwave), Shockfleet (Mirage), Wing Saber, Wheeljack (Downshift), Springer (Bulkhead), Omega Supreme, and Inferno.
Reblog or comment for what your favorite eyecatch is.  Like if you have seen Superlink, before (reminder, Superlink is the original Japanese version for Energon).  If you don’t particularly like this anime, that is fine, too.
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dragonkeeper19600 · 8 years
Just an orca on a stroll... Wait, that's not it.
In episode 15 of Micron Legend, puzzlingly titled, "Strong Gale," Double-Face makes his debut. Appearing first in his Cybertron form, Double-Face protects Hot Rod from Sandstorm (in a truly awesome display) and accompanies the Cybertrons back to their base. However, many of the good guys, both Cybertron and human, have multiple reservations about Double-Face, not least of which that he showed up the fuck out of nowhere and nobody on either side has ever heard of him before.
Of course, these concerns don't in any way lead them to prevent what ultimately happens next.
Nor do they stop the kids from riding Double-Face like a goddamn pony. I never noticed before watching the Japanese version of this episode how baffling Double-Face's intro is. He seems to putter around from scene to scene, apparently desiring to get involved but without a set goal in mind. I suppose you could argue that him giving rides to the kids is a way to get the Cybertrons to trust him, but considering what his true motives are, it's pretty weird.
This compilation also includes an ongoing motif in this episode: Nobody likes Jim. While Jim is an annoying character (and that goes triple for this English counterpart, Fred), he in no way deserves the treatment he gets in this episode, being ditched by both his best friend and THE CYBERTRON LEADER on the side of the highway like a cigarette butt.
It should also be added that Double-Face's name is WAY less subtle than his English name of "Sideways." Perhaps it counts as subtle because it's in English...?
Spoilers: Rad's wish in regards to Double-Face? Yeah, that doesn't happen.
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