#tf jim
sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
I find the kids' reactions to Starscream's death in the original Japanese dub to be more impactful than in the English dub. There are no words, but just the incredible music playing while the kids all silently grieve for Starscream.
Sometimes, it's better to show than tell.
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umbrellacam · 1 year
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Batman (1940) #516
sad Bat gremlin mercilessly roasted by bitter ex-bff, attempts to curl into a sad pillbug vortex of darkness. reports indicate he is indeed Very Pitiful and ex-bff is very cruel and heartless not to care. more at 11
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lothkal · 3 months
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dumblefork · 1 month
Someone explain to how the f**k did the creators of Trollhunters manage to f**k up the ending so bad???? I mean, I just watched the movie??? And it SUCKED?????? WTF was the ending?????? We need a whole ass thesis to understand wtf actually happened because WTF?????
And the show was going so well too I CANNOT-
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moonlitdark · 10 months
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bruciemilf · 6 months
Have you heard Smosh's new song? With bbno$? I thought of your Bruce AUs
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Live Lee reaction
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henrysglock · 9 months
they’re everything to me actually
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asexualenjolras · 4 months
It's a really common theory within the Stranger Things fandom that Karen Wheeler is Alice Creel grown up because the Duffer Brothers said the parents will play a bigger role in Season 5.
But, as someone that has seen Stranger Things: the First Shadow in London, I wanted to let everyone know that it's not possible for Alice to be Karen.
Karen and Ted Wheeler feature in the First Shadow, as do the other parents of the gang, as classmates of Henry Creel.
I think the parents will play a bigger role because their backstory as Henry Creel's classmates is going to become more prominent to the storyline.
We find out in TFS that Joyce, Bob and Hopper were the reason why the cops believed it was Victor Creel that killed his family. If Nancy and the gang find out that all of their parents went to school with "Vecna" then we will see them ask their parents about it.
That's how the parents will probably play a bigger role.
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erikiara80 · 9 months
Theory: the car crash in the winter of 1976 (Part II)
You can read Part I here
To sum up: my theory is that Joyce had a son with Lonnie, Jonathan, but then she left him because Lonnie is an a-hole. She always liked Hopper, so they finally got together and they had Will (and maybe El). The story of Agent Orange could be just a hint at the LSD mind control experiments. Anyway, in 1976 something bad happened and Hopper and El? were separated from their family (see Part I). Love this Father and daughter missing.
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Not sure if Brenner was involved, but there are hints that Lonnie was. He's heavily paralleled to Billy's father, and in Billy's memory Neil believed that his wife was cheating on him. The first thing Lonnie asks Jon is if Hopper is still chief, and the moment he thinks that Will is dead, he "comes home", calls Joyce babe and tells her that she needs him. I think he didn't just want the money, he wanted his family back. And Will wasn't part of it.
A possible hint in The First Shadow that Lonnie did something to Joyce and her family is the mention of him stealing the baby from the nativity scene. Will has always been associated with Jesus...
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It's also interesting, and could be evidence of different timelines, that Will is associated with fire but El is associated with cold water. Maybe Will died in the fire in one timeline, and in another one El drowned in a lake? Maybe they were both in danger but their parents could only save one of them. They both say many times that they can't breath, which is also a parallel with Sarah, so I think it's clear that something bad happened to both of them.
Did Will burn alive? I hope not but... In 3x08, when Joyce hugs him, he says that he can't breath, he's suffocating. In Fred's vision, he sees a coffin with the grandfather clock that has the name Williams engraved on it. And in 4x04 we see Billy/William's tombstone.
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El sees Heather being dragged underwater, after Max opens "the floodgates" (Owens mentions them when he explains the anniversary of the event) If Billy is paralleled to Will, Heather is paralleled to El, so maybe this scene shows us what happened to El in the past.
The vanishing of Will Byers and The case of the missing lifeguard are connected.
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And when she goes into Billy's memories, there's a transition from the car crash and El in the water. Car in a lake -> El separated from her family.
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Hints that Lonnie might've been involved in the car crash
In Lonnie's very first scene, there's a little bike in his house, and Jon checks his trunk. Not a good sign.
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After Joyce breaks the wall with the axe, the only thing she sees is her car. Possible hint that after the car crash one of the children was taken away from the family by powers. Time powers... Tears in the fabric of time and space...
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That night, when Lonnie arrives, the first thing we see is his car headlights.
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Then he closes "the door" that Will used to communicate with his mom, with a hammer. As he talks about the quarry and Joyce freezing to death.
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In 2x06, after they bring Will to the lab, after he screams that he feels like he's burning (Hopper is screaming too, but they're using water! Always water and fire) there's a transition to Steve's car, and the song in this scene is Hammer to Fall. In 2x09 Jon mentions Lonnie and the hammer they used to build Castle Byers.
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In S4 there's another connection between Lonnie, cars, time loops and the resentment between him and Joyce. When Jon says that the cycle never ends. We see part of the conversation through the broken window of a car.
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Other hints
Billy and Max
They both have many parallels with Will, and most of their scenes together take place in the car. Billy's car is actually the first thing we see.
They always fight in that car.
Billy tries to run over the kids. This reminds me of the night Will vanishes
And the scene of Billy's possession IS a parallel to the 1x01 scene. He and Will both run off the road
In 3x07, Billy almost burns alive in his car
In S4, Max confesses that she had wished her brother to die in a car accident
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In 2x05, Terry shows El a police car chase!
This scene is so important. I'm working on a new theory, but I'll just say that Terry (or whoever is communicating with El) isn't just randomly switching the channels. She's telling a story. Henry's story and how El got involved.
In fact, she shows El a blonde woman ("Virginia"?/connection to the Creel and how the lab kids were created?) then the Family Feud score (a family feud, hm) A donut commercial with many identical donuts (imo, ref to the lab kids), the commercial of a Computer Supercenter (the lab/Nina/this whole experiment) and then a police chase and someone pouring coffe into a cup. I think this is a huge hint at a car crash that involved Hopper. And I don't know why else Terry would show El a police car chase tbh. Then, in 2x07, Kali calls Hopper policeman many times. A clear connection with the car chase, imo.
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When El looks for the source in S3, the first thing she sees in the eye of the Mind Flayer storm is Billy's damaged car. Since Billy is paralleled to Will, this could mean that the source of everything started with a car crash and powers?
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I'm also thinking about this shot in the Vecna game. It looks very similar to a shot in Benny's diner in S4. Jason in a white outfit, like Henry, Christmas lights, a police car, the letters W and E, and another car with something that looks a lot like the Mind Flayer looming over it.
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And don't forget Joyce and Hopper escaping from Grigori and the engine of the police car literally exploding. And where do they find another car? At a Seven Eleven convenience store
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There are many other hints, but I think these ones are the most relevant.
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beastieblooddd · 4 months
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This is so fucking stupid I love it.
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sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
(Sandstorm/Cyclonus getting ready to throw the kids over a cliff.)
Sandstorm/Cyclonus: All righty, kids. Here's the end to your short, little lives.
Carlos: Wait! Wait, wait! Is this really what you wanna be doing with your life? Tossing kids off cliffs?
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a little mech.
The kids: ...
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: I was a strange sparkling.
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
The use of Time After Time in s2 and this photoshoot is how I know all these couples are endgame
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sonicasura · 5 months
Hear me out, a Transformers and Trollhunters crossover. The Transformers are an amalgamation of the various sources but the kids are from Prime and Animated, meaning Jack, Miko, Raph, and Sari.
The idea is that Jack and Jim are cousins on their dad's sides, so Jack and June come to visit Barbara and Jim during the first season of Trollhunters with Jack's autobot guardian coming along as well(June knows). While Jim and Jack catch up with each other while trying to avoid talking about the secret activities they've been up to. Unfortunately for the cousins they end up getting attack by either Bular or another monster, and Unfortunately for the attacking party Jack's guardian intervenes. Revealing the secret worlds of both parties
Someone actually did a Transformers Prime and Trollhunters crossover with a similar premise of Jack/Jim being cousins. Although Jim was staying with the Darby while Angor Rot drags the bots into the Trollhunter business when Draal follows the Trollhunter. Here's my interpretation.
Jim and Jack are actually school assigned pen/face time pals. The program later progresses to 10 students coming to Arcadia for a week then vice versa with Jasper. Now neither are aware of each other's secrets at first.
There is obvious signs however that there's something strange with the other boy. For Jim: hushing someone (Blinky/Draal) offscreen, looking beat up, flashes of light, and accidentally using some Troll terms. For Jack: Arcee's voice in the background, usage of suspicious names/terms(Optimus/Scraplet/Decepticon), and heavy stomps or screen shake.
This strangeness reaches the respective group such as troll artifacts being found by the bots to Cybertronian artifacts showing up in Arcadia. Bumblebee investigate one particular artifact only for a troll oriented guardian to attack him. Team Trollhunters setting off a Cybertronian trap.
Basically multiple incidents from both sides that begin to boil into the boys' assignment. Everything comes to ahead when Jack joins one mission only to collect what assumed to be a Cybertronian artifact which is instead a piece to Killahead Bridge and one of the bots triggers goblins to attack. Jim showing up on the battlefield in his Trollhunter outfit as things take a bad turn for the group.
Life tends to throw curveballs so why not the discovery of two different wars happening at the same time?
For Sari, Prowl is her guardian who isn't involved in the Autobot/Decepticon war. She's currently staying in Arcadia with a relative of her father so she can socialize unlike back in Detroit. Things gotten messy with Sumdaac Industries hence why Sari is there as Isaac wants to fix things before bringing her back.
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will80sbyers · 10 months
Pictures from The First Shadow by Manuel Harlan
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not-equippedforthis · 8 months
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strnger1985 · 8 months
i’m really bored and drunk so here’s a bunch of gifs that represent certain characters of stranger things (enjoy)
how mike looked when he saw the painting will made before being told it was commissioned by el
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El’s love for mike leaving after finding out the only reason her boyfriend said i love you was because his bestie persuaded him and the only way to convince that he really loved her was bc everything will was saying to him in the van made it certain that he loved her even tho these were wills thoughts and feelings not hers
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dustin and lucas in season 5 when they see how much sexual tension mike and will have
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steve’s entire personality in s4 with robin
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VS how jonathan sees him
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how i want jonathan and steve in s5
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How max looked in school as if she isn’t listening to a depressing ass song and that she didn’t just see her brother get killed violently
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El and Will finding out that hopper and joyce are together
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hopper in s5 after he goes to the “joyce hairdressers”
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