#tf carlos lopez
sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
I find the kids' reactions to Starscream's death in the original Japanese dub to be more impactful than in the English dub. There are no words, but just the incredible music playing while the kids all silently grieve for Starscream.
Sometimes, it's better to show than tell.
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Final Question Please: How would the G1, TFA, TFP and Rescue Bot Kids react to Armada Starscream, Armada Kids and Alexis? 💖 How would they all react to a sane/heroic/decent Starscream? How would the single parents (Isaac Sumdac/June Darby/Charlie Burns) would react to Armada Megatron being a horrible father to Starscream?
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Armada Megatron is very lucky that the parents have their children well behaved, or else... Armada Megatron would have to deal with a group of gremlins and little rays of sunshine...
Even so, I think that Isaac Sumdac, June Darby, and Charlie Burns, would be the first ones to notice that indeed, this Starscream is completely different from their Starscreams. But they would still keep their children at a safe distance from him until it proved that Armada Starscream is a good guy (and it doesn't take that long anyhow).
And, of course, they would give a warm welcome to the Armada children. Rad, Carlos, and Alexis are going to have a lot of fun in Griffin Rock :D
Basically. Alexis is the big sister of all the group (yes, even with Jack and Miko) she is the only girl the parents trust enough to let their children with (sorry Carly, but you already have a child to take care of). She also is the one that makes the other bots see that her Starscream is not a bad guy, but a sad boy...
Carlos joins the nerd club with Sari and Raf, they have full control of the nemesis in less than a month. But he also helps Miko, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack with whatever shenanigans have going on...
Rad helps Jack with the leather ship thing and now he has the option to rest for 8h... But Jack doesn't take it...
As for how the other children (Cody, Frankie, Sari, Jack, Miko, and Raf) would react to Armada Starscream... At first, would be a shock except for Cody and Frankie who still don't know who Starscream is.
But thanks to Alexis (and Cody) they all open up and start to get along, even Starscream Minicons want to play with the children :)
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wispyatomica · 5 years
Welp, I’m watching the Transformers Armada series once again. It’s been so long since I last watched it. 
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
(Sandstorm/Cyclonus getting ready to throw the kids over a cliff.)
Sandstorm/Cyclonus: All righty, kids. Here's the end to your short, little lives.
Carlos: Wait! Wait, wait! Is this really what you wanna be doing with your life? Tossing kids off cliffs?
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a little mech.
The kids: ...
Sandstorm/Cyclouns: I was a strange sparkling.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
Episode 7 of Micron Legend/Armada was super cute. Rad and Carlos taking the Mini-Cons to the carnival was adorable despite knowing that they aren't supposed to take the Mini-Cons out of the base.
The interactions between the Mini-Cons and the younger kids was one of my favorite moments in the series since the Mini-Cons can interact with beings who are the same height as them.
I love how the kids tried to protect the Mini-Cons from Billy and Jim/Fred, saying that there's no way that cute robots are capable of destroying the world. Hot Rod/Hot Shot was also cute with how gentle he was with the kids in the episode while showing off a bit.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
When the Micron Legend/Armada kids begging Convoy/Optimus and Megatron/Galvatron not to fight, I can hear is them telling these two that now it's not the time to make out while they're still inside of Robo Satan.
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
It was super cute that Hot Rod/Hot Shot wanted to fist-bump Rad, Carlos, and Alexa/Alexis, but couldn't due to his large size. At least Hot Rod/Hot Shot and Ratchet/Red Alert ended up fist-bumping.
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Carly: All right Carlos Lopez, if you were an office supply what would you be and why?
Carlos: I'd be a pencil because people use me and then throw me away.
Carly: Descriptive.
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Any headcanons for your versions of Sari, Raf, Miko, Jack and Cody please?... And do they all live in the same world or different worlds?... And what does your Jack look like, since you haven’t drawn him yet, can you describe him please? 💖
Yes, all the human characters of TF live in the same universe in many of my AU's, but with different ages and home locations.
3-10 years of age are Cece and Frankie Greene, Cody Burns, Priscilla Pynch, Wes, Bud Hansen, Koji Onishi, and Russel Clay. (These kids call themself the "Robot Aid gang"
12-14 years of age are Sari Sumdac and Raf Esquivel.
14-17 years old are Miko Nakadai, Jack Darby, Sally Jones, Minerva, Cub, shūta gō, Coby Hansen, Lori Jimenez.
18-22 years old are Kicker Jones, Charlie Watson, memo, Daniel Witwicky, Graham Burns, Dani Burns, Kade burns.
24-30 years old are Alexis Thi Dang, Rad White, Carlos Lopez, June Darby, and Verity Carlo.
32-40 years old are Agent Fowler, Spike, Carly Witwicky, Chip Chae, Captain Fanzone, and Marissa Fairborn.
50 years old are Charlie Burns, Doctor Erza Greene, Isaac Sumdac...
And some more, but the list would be too long :<
Some HC I have for these characters are:
Jack looks very similar to his show version, but he has shorter hair, clothes with more color, and some scars on his face. He got them protecting Raf from some bullies.
Carly works as a teacher in a really well know university where Graham, Charlie, and Kicker go.
Frankie, Raf, Sari, and Minerva are all part of the same school nerd clubs. As also, as secret gamers.
Koji, Bud, Cody, and Alexis have formed a "Friendly Decepticon club", only does who believe in redemption can enter the club.
Jack, Rad, Coby, and Charlie are the team leaders.
Jack, Minerva, Lori, Memo, and Alexis are the babysitter of the team!
Bud, Lori, Charlie, Kicker, Jack, Verity, and Rad are the mechanics of the team.
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