tenth-sentence · 2 years
It was midafternoon and the sun was already low.
"The Church of Dead Girls" - Stephen Dobyns
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raining-anonymously · 1 month
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frame redraw! i like the mid-afternoon snack club.
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yutaan · 8 months
Upcoming commissions!
Hey there, my paper-loving lovelies! This is a heads-up that new commission slots will open in one week, on January 28th. I'll update this post with further info as we get a little closer to the date! 🌸
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i, like murph, will keep this simple. six fireballs(hots)
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zmediaoutlet · 4 months
wait we get to make you talk about ships? crowley/jack. what about that
girl you know you can make me talk about whatever you want. have to ask me to shut up probably!
I appreciate the audacity of this ship, first of all. Like Crowley dies the minute before Jack's born, right? That takes stugats. Like even more than that one determined Garth/Benny shipper. (Here's hoping Sheppard and Alex Whatshisname get married next.)
So your choices are full AU or an interesting post-canon thing where Jack dredges Crowley out of the Empty, presumably to smile at him and ask him all kinds of questions Crowley really doesn't want to answer but, whoops, New!God is completely immune to manipulation and you gotta be honest, because your lies will be super obvious and what's the point of that? So that's kinda fun.
but w/e, let's talk AU. Who cares how it starts in this sort of place. Like, whatever, Crowley gets a Jack Kline to dandle on his dadly knee instead of an Amara -- sure. I mean first of all let's all appreciate how hot that idea is, right? Woof. Blonde smiling shiny boy and Crowley's got 50 plans that he's meticulously arranging in the background and all kinds of manipulations and angles and uses to which the boy can be put, but also... god, he's shiny. And innocent in a true way, unlike pretty much anyone else Crowley ever deals with. The Winchesters are half-rotten even if they're determined do-gooders; Jack is just -- a fresh dawn, a spring morning. All the more appealing to try to spill some black ink onto and yet -- the purity is so thorough that he doesn't want to. He might do it still, because demons are demons no matter what, but...
There's also something appealing there about Crowley getting a kind of revenge on Lucifer by mucking up his son. Like you can imagine it as purely petty. Getting the kid on his back and wailing through a first orgasm and Crowley taking a polaroid from the side with a big grin like Happy Father's Day! Best served with a size of jizz, lol. And it could also be something to needle Sam and Dean with, since they're his dads too, although tbh I feel like Crowley should keep that one Real secret because Dean's general "no murdering Crowley" policy might end SUPER quick. (I don't like thinking of him as a shotgun dad, but given this particular kid and this particular suitor it's probably justified. Meanwhile Sam has a straight-up fury aneurysm.)
I guess I haven't mentioned Jack's side of the whole thing but lbr, Jack's ass is up for anyone who will be nice to him and offer to teach him things. Crowley is so willing to teach. Plus I bet being a super-nephilim, with all the power that implies, he's probably got a practically non-existent gag reflex!
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moon-buggg · 5 months
Worst part of working on a big complex art piece on my laptop for once and not my phone? Can't work on it while laying in bed
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six-demon-bag · 2 months
my hobbies are conflicting!! do i write! or gif things! or bake!! or watch another movie !!! or die on the couch
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
do I book a nonstop flight home from [redacted] that leaves earlier in the afternoon or do I book an evening flight that would let me have an extra half+ day in the city but is a connecting flight and would get me home at 1am my time 😫
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goldensunset · 8 months
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unopenablebox · 1 year
now that im no longer at work i can post about how genuinely tipsy i was for the last hour of work
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toastsnaffler · 9 months
they've had to stop the train im on bc they think it hit someone who was on the tracks. jesus fuuuucking christ
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astudyincontrasts · 1 year
You’re up so early!
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brain decided 4:30 am this morning it had enough of this ‘sleep’ nonsense I was trying to give it
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sarasa-cat · 10 months
My brain is devoid of thoughts
My body is devoid of calories
My backside is firmly planted
Waiting waiting waiting
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folkdances · 11 months
returning briefly to let everyone know it’s snowing outside
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hopetorun · 2 years
oh that little sibling take is so intriguing because i feel like matthew DOES come off as a little bit of a tryhard with how he tries to be on good terms with everyone “off the ice” or w/e (ie being a pest on the ice but off the ice he spits out this bs about how it’s just a game etc…). It’s like one of the more … intruding things about him to me because i’m like does he lack that much self awareness. Does he really not know WHY he wasn’t made captain in cgy etc???Although I also think he also may not be as socially inclined as other guys but tries sometimes to not shake the table?? When he was with the flames there was frequent gossip that he wouldn’t accompany the team on nights out to bars or whatever and if he did, he’d leave early lol
i super agree with you about the tryhard please-like-me that matthew gives off but i don't know if i agree that it's due to a lack of self-awareness? at least to me it feels like more of an excess of self-awareness, like he knows exactly why people might not like him (being a pest, not being friendly in the right ways, being the most annoying person on the planet) and is overcompensating in places
but also more broadly one of the things i really enjoy about writing rpf and being in rpf fandoms is poking at things like this, because real people are full of contradictions and things that just make no sense! we're our own worst enemies and we all do things like wishing everyone would like us while not bothering to do the things that would make people like us, and there's a really fun challenge in turning those messes of character traits into something that makes narrative sense for a story
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nerdierholler · 1 year
I’m going to be so tired of talking by the end of the day. Started with almost two hours of talking while leading a tour, the thirty minutes of talking about penguins, now a quiet lunch, but next two and half hours of training a new volunteer. All things I enjoy doing, it’s just an extra people-y day.
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