#midorya headcannons
aily-uk · 1 year
Izuku Midoriya Headcanons
Tags : Fluff for now <3
Summary : Headcanons as Izuku's partner
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Loves listening to musics with you as you cuddle . ☺️
Listens to this while thinking of you when you aren't hanging out :
Listens to you carefully whenever you talk about talk about something you love , so that he can surprise you with a gift or something related to what you were talking about later.
This cutie patooty is insecure about his scars ☹️ So to comfort him you'd take his hand and kiss the scars he has on it .
And it makes him blush so much. (+Is flustered and stumbles on his words)
He likes when you make fun of Bakugo for being so angry all the time , he always giggle and chuckle when you mock Bakugo behind his back 🤭
He absolutely LOVES Pda , he would hug you and kiss you in the train station crowded by people , but not because he wants to show off that your his partner , but because he genuinely love you sm 😭
You and him would often just cuddle in bed as he talked about random heros and fun facts while eating snacks his mom made for you (Live Laugh Love Inko)
When you are hanging out with friends , he would always look at you as you laughed with your friends. I mean could you blame him? You look like an angel when you laugh. <3
Would sometimes randomly kiss your nose just cuz he finds it pretty whatever the shape.
Loves when you play with his hair or count his freckles (He deff fell asleep once while you did so😭)
Thinks it's funny and cute when you studder.
This man would spend hours just watching you and listening to your laugh. I mean it. He would.
He once tried to pin you against a wall because you said you found it hot in a tv show , but you both just ended up cracking up and laughing about it for a good 20 minutes💀
He adores pinching your cheeks but groans and pouts whenever you do it to him
For your first kiss with him , it was so awkward since he never had done that before , poor baby didn't know where to put his hands☹️
It took him weeks before finally being able to hug and kiss you without feeling so nervous😭
If you feel insecure about your stomach, he will praise you for it and kiss your belly like it's his baby lmao
If you have stretch marks he definitely finds it cool and he obviously kisses them 🙄
He would often send you small little snacks that he made with the help of his mom <3
Love Izuku sm <3 he is such an adorable baby <33
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tooki0star · 1 year
"would you still love me if i were a worm?" you ask to the boy laying in your lap. "what?" he looks at you, with confusion on his eyes. "would you still love me if i were a worm?" you repeat the question, as it seems he has not heard. "why are you asking me that?" he asks. "i want to know if you really love me" you say. "of course i would. i would love you were a worm. and i would try to find a way to make you go back to being a person, because i probably couldn't deal with you not having your pretty face or your pretty voice. but you still would be you, and that's the most important thing." you feel tears welling up in your eyes. "i love you so much. i'm so grateful for having you". he kisses your lips, laying in your lap again.
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atsushi, tanizaki, odasaku, hinata, asahi, nishinoya, daichi, yamaguchi, midorya, kirishima, your fav.
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what type of music would ur favs listen to?
hmm okay so, toga would listen to hyperpop music, but also the most romantic songs (girl in red, etc), and also a mix of the two genres.. definitely a lot of rebzyyx (specifically "all i want is you" and "i'm so crazy for youuu")
izuku would be a mitski enjoyer, you cannot change my mind. i feel like he would also listen to alec benjamin and ajr.
hunter would listen to fnaf music. 100% he would there's no way he doesn't. i think he'd really like bo burnham. also cavetown!!
shinsou would also like mitski, but also my chemical romance and other alt bands. he probably likes the kind of music that's not slow, per se, but he could fall asleep to it if he wanted. I think he'd also like angsty songs written in foreign languages, so he can play them out loud without getting reported to a councilor.
tysm for the ask!!! these are so fun to respond to <33
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high-on-stickbugs · 2 years
Boku no Hero headcanon #2
Izuku is actually an amazing sketch artist. He is just so good at drawing people! And so quick!
He has a lot of practice since he's been drawing heroes on his analysis notebooks for as long as he can remember, and has been through almost every single "drawing tips" video on internet
He doesn't have a sketchbook, but he does draw on the margins of his school notebooks, books, and tests - and I'm not talking about little doodles, I'm talking about detailed, semi-realistic drawings. Aizawa and Mic actually comment on the ones he makes on tests.
His desk is full of pencil sketches, of his classmates, his teachers, or some hero he is thinking about - without reference, they are a little bit off, but he does them with no real effort, so who cares (Iida. Iida cares. He is absolutely, utterly, completely annoyed by the lack of care for the school property his friend seems to have, I mean, drawing on the desk? This is vandalism of school property and disrespect towards the teacher who's giving the lecture at the time you were drawing, Midorya!) They usually disappear when is Iidas turn to clean the classroom (Izuku is actually not upset by this. It just means more space for new drawings!). Any other classmate is careful not to erase any of them when on cleaning duty. Some even write little notes for him! (Bakugou even draws himself as a sticky figure showing the middle finger to a very amused Izuku)
His best drawings are up on his mum's bedroom wall, like a little gallery for her baby. He is embarrassed, but she likes them so much! So he keep giving her the ones he think she'll find nice
He does have one single drawing in his dorm. It's one of dekusquad, minus himself (Uraraka thinks this is a sacrilege, so she draws him herself, in a sticky note, and puts it in his wall with the drawing. Any attempt on getting rid of the post-it, and Izuku does try, a couple times, just leads to them multiplying, so he keeps it there)
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dreampurpledreams · 1 year
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★・・・・・・★ coming soon!! ★・・・・・・★
★・・・・・・★ coming soon!! ★・・・・・・★
Bakugou with A Gym Crush
↳Bakugou has a lil crush on you (1.5k words, headcannons/ficlet)
Warnings: Bakugou is completely and utterly smitten with you, as he should be🥴. Light cursing. one mention of the N-word. I'm black do not worry
★・・・・・・★ Pending ★・・・・・・★
★・・・・・・★ Pending ★・・・・・・★
★・・・・・・★ Pending ★・・・・・・★
★・・・・・・★ coming soon!! ★・・・・・・★
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marirey17 · 7 months
So my goal for this year is to get back into writing again. Several things last year kinda of made me realize that the fact that I have trouble with writing isn't not a me problem. It is just how writing is. And that I should give it a try again. So I am going to give it a more serious try. Now the problem of what to fucking write.
Sure I could finish the WIP from years ago but I am not really in that fandom anymore. Maybe one day I will pick it up again. But instead I am just going to write down some ideas here. From one my notebook of fanfic ideas. I should find my other one that has more fic ideas in it.
In no particular order lets go.
Percy De Rolo being pen pals with Anne Riply- I always imagine that the bit of Percy life that we saw in the campaign/show was the cleaner version of the events. I am full conspiracy theory that Percy was closer to Riply before murders. It never really made since that the Briarwoods just somehow got a dinner invitation to a very influenational noble family like the DeRolo's. It makes sense that they planned on how to inflitrate. Corrupting a tree from inside. The betrayel of incredibly smart Percy who feels left out of the family. He isn't the heir, he isn't particulary worldly, or physically strong. He is the smart one. Enter Anne who at first is just humoring then goes 'oh shit' he is smart and tries to corrupt him. Lots of ways this can go. Percy whump is one of my favorite things to read. This is probably only going to be pre canon.
Percy Seven Swans AU - I love the seven swans myth. So family cursed instead of murdered. Definitely not canon. Orthax requireing Percy to make Automatons? Chain mail, Mech hearts? Or resisdium stuff.
CR Campaign 2 Avatar Au - This is so bare boned in my book. All I have is Cad being bullied and a few elements assigned to people. So pass not gonna do this one.
CR Campaign 2 Soc Media AU- Yeaaa noooo I like Soc Media au. But this has even less than the avatar au. Just premise no prompts. Also modern au's are hard for me to write.
CR Campaign 2 - Caleb is a prince of the Dwendalian Empire. This is a headcannon that I have. But it doesn't make much since for Trent to be as obessed with Caleb as he is. Sure Caleb is a flawed prodigy. But to keep him alive for 10 years in a mental ward instead of killing him? Why do that? Makes more sense if Caleb is an illegiatment prince of the Dwendal family. The current heir is a miltary man right? Makes since he might have children out of wedlock. And his wife is looking for a cure to her fertility problems. What better than a prince you have under your thumb? The Cerberus Assembly is a shadow goverment already. But thats it that all my thoughts. And it would have to be a long fic to do it any justice. There are a lot of Royalty AU's in CR2. But most of them have someone else as the Royal. I also like the idea of Caleb becoming King then abdicating and making a democracy.
Next in old Journal is prompts from a year old Whumptober month. So lets see if there are any gems there.
Kaladin Stormblessed having stitches overgrown from stormlight. Ouch.
Sandry fa Toren from Circle of Magic- dealing with isolation. I think sandry has the hardest time connecting with people. Being a noble and having her friends be away all those years. She doesn't fit easily in noble society and the working class isn't at ease with her.
Midorya from MHA - dealing with chronic pain and challenges from all the injuries he has. This is a possibilty but I am so out of the MHA fandom.
Luffy from One Piece - Rubber has got to changed your sense of touch right? Probably dulls it. No wonder luffy glomps on people if all everything is muted.
2 different Log Horizon fic ideas! - Shiroe was in the game for much longer than anyone else. No wonder he is well known. People think he is an npc but he was just there for longer. And second idea Log Horizon Soulmate idea. The other world just has soulmates. Shiroe and Akasuki. I would have to refresh my knowledge of that fandom.
Hopefully this gets my wheels turning. Also anyone is welcome to grab these ideas and run with them.
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casualbiintrovert · 1 year
MHA headcannons
Izuku Midorya
Hi :D this is my first time posting any of my writing/headcanons, so I apologize if there are any grammar mistakes.
-He's a mix of afro Latino and Japanese, with Inko being afro-Latina (specifically Colombian) and his dad being Japanese. Both his parents were born and raised in Japan, but Inko spoke both Japanese and Spanish, and that rubbed off on Izuku with them speaking both languages at home.
-Though there is the common hc or stereotype for Latino characters to start rambling in Spanish only when they're really mad, I think it happens for him with any intense emotion. Whether it's him happy, sad, anxious, or even just mildly annoyed I think he turns to Spanish in those moments (he got it from Inko).
-He's autistic, and his special interests are quirks and heroes (obviously), but he has pretty bad sensory issues. Like, he can't stand the feeling of someone else's skin on his skin, he can tolerate it if he initiates the hug but other than that he hates the feeling. The same goes for crowded spaces, when he has to do things like joint class activities or is in the cafeteria he'll often be wearing noise-canceling headphones.
-I'd like to think that he's a bit of a mama's boy, but not in the way that Inko would do everything for him. But in the way that he was attached to her hip and wanted to do everything she did. And because of that, he picked up different skills and hobbies, like crocheting, knitting, and cooking, and he even has a bit of a green thumb. I like to imagine that when he was little all he would do is follow Inko around and have his own little set of everything she did, like a mini gardener sat with a shovel and gloves, and a little bag with his yarn and child safety hooks.
-He's ftm trans. Growing up he didn't really know the difference between "gender roles" because all he really had was his mom, so when it came to stereotypes and gendered clothing he didn't even know that it was a thing. He actually grew up till he was around 4 or 5 believing he was born a boy.
-Boy is biromantic and demi-ace. I don't really have any backstory for this one except that he just thought everyone was attracted to both women and men. It wasn't until he was around 14 that he found out everyone was in fact not attracted to both men and women.
-Comfort items and food. His absolute comfort food is Katsudon, but only the kind Inko makes (and he's learned to make) because every other ones he's tried just aren't right. Those t-shirts that have the writing on them that either say pants or tux, he finds them both funny and comfortable. The same goes for his red shoes, though others might say they're an unsettling bright red, they're the only brand and type that fit him in a way that doesn't make him want to scream.
-Anxiety. With how much anxiety he has he's had to both go to therapy for it and even take medication. And it's not something he's ashamed of, it's something his mom does too since it seems to have been a common genetic thing in his family.
-Chronic pain after he started using One for All. Like, we all have seen how much he's either broken his bones or been extremely injured, I think that it's had a toll on his body. He can still move around and train just fine, but there are still times when he has to take a break because of the pain he's feeling. And there are even times when he has to actively massage and work the muscles in his hands and arms since he sometimes feels like they're either stuck or painful to move.
-We all of course know him as the ultimate All Might fanboy and just how much he tries to emulate him as a hero. But at the core of it, I like to think that he takes a lot of heart and inspiration for being a hero from his mom. Growing up she was all he really had, so he tries to emulate the strong and emotionally vulnerable person that made him feel so valid and safe in his own emotions when comforting and talking to both civilians and the people around him.
-He's not allowed to be alone with Hatsume for too long. It happened once and they ended up drawing out and even creating over 30 support items based on their collective observations and notes of hero student's quirks. They had even made a few inpo boards on what students they would be able to monetize on the most and showcase the quirks in the same time period.
If you got this far, thank you for reading! And tell me if you might be interested in my other hc for other mha charcacters <3
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inkybunny · 4 years
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Midorya was almost finished with school when he met you. He was growing so fast in popularity, the biggest candidate to be the next number 1, of course, that worried villains and paying villains are always welcome to the people who own you. You were the deadliest assassin they had, fast, precise and silent with no fear of death, you were giving all his information. It was a simple plan, luring him with a robbery, attracting him to a specific location without letting he see you and finishing the job, but, of course, killing him proved to be way harder than that.
    It was a surprise when you attacked and he was fast enough to dodge it, you knew he was fast but not enough to dodge an attack he didn't know where or if was coming at all, now, in combat, if he called for anyone it would be mission failed automatically so you needed to finish that quick. Thing is, you weren't made for long battles, you were made for single deadly strikes so the strength difference between you two became obvious quickly.
Deku didn't like the vibe you gave him, not only because you didn't use your quirk at all in the battle so he was always worried about what type of quirk it was, not only because he’s 100% sure he broke one of your ribs while releasing too much power onto you and you didn't even flinch before attacking again, not only because he didn't notice you at all at first and while he was going easy on you to try analyze the situation you almost cut his throat, not only because you didnt talk or react to any of his words. Above all, he hated your eyes, by your appearance you were almost the same age as him, maybe even younger, but your eyes had no life in them, they were… empty. 
    In a blow he managed to destroy your mask and apprehend you, bending some pipes to serve as handcuffs for your arms and legs, a bit overkill, yes, but it was what he had at that moment. He knew he should just call the police and be done with it but, looking at you, since he destroyed your mask he was able to see how innocent and pretty you looked, even with the obvious signs of bad fights, you looked so normal and cute and yet, it felt like you never felt anything, anything at all, not even anger or sadness, you looked so empty and that bothered him so so much.  
    He sitted on your side and tried his best to sound as gentle and kind as possible while talking to you, “What's your name?”, “How old are you?”, “Why do you do this?” he asked as he looked into your eyes with this sad worried look, something you never dealt before, something that filled you with rage. How DARE him treat you with PITY? WHO HE THINKS HE IS? WHO HE THINKS YOU ARE?
    He watched as he notice you were not happy, thinking it would be a nice topic he tries.
“What's your quirk?” 
    You look at him. “Great, at least that got her attention” 
“I figure, since you didn't do nothing special during the fight it was either something to boost your physical abilities or something more mental, like strategic wise, but it could be something other than that and you simply did not got the chance to use it or needed something specific to use, tho I find that quite unlikable since you seemed pretty well prepared to kill me so it would be very out of character to not bring an specific thing you needed to use your quirk” 
You kept looking at him, confused. “He didn't notice?”
  “So… What is it?“ He asked you, with some excitement in his eyes. “She doesn't seem unpleased, just confused, maybe that I was capable of noticing that much?” 
    You scoffed.
“I dont have one.”
“What?” Midorya got a little bit frustrated. “She's lying to me? Probably, but....”
“I don't have a quirk” You looked deep into his eyes, not a single trait of lying on your voice. “I’m quirkless” You said, getting your eyes off him again, looking at the ground.
    A little bit of silence filled your space as Deku was thinking about what you just told him.
“You’re amazing” You looked at him again. “You were able to fight me that well while being quirkless? That's impressive”
It's not like you never heard that before, your owners would often call your victories impressive, but never sounded that… sincere. You looked at the green haired boy as he felt more and more puzzling. “I’m Midorya Izuku, but you can call me Deku if you like” He smiled at you. “What's your name?” 
“I don't have a name, my owners call me 7B”
“Your...Owners?” You nod.
    You could not help but feel extremely comfortable next to that boy, like you could trust him, that he would not take advantage of you, which was super weird, since you just tried to kill him. Midoriya on the other hand, felt his heart grew tight as he felt you had dealt with way too many horrible things.
“Don't move?” You nod as the boy bended the pipes restraining your arms and legs, making you free again.
You got up, killing him was a no chance now, even if you tried to catch him while he was distracted you knew it wouldn't work, you are way too tired and your pain and difficulty to walk straight was an indicative your ribs were definitely broken. You were considering your particular killer alternatives while going away when you felt your arm being grabbed.
“Where are you going?” Silence. “You’re going back?”
“No, they would never take me back with a failed mission, I’m the quirkless assassin, they consider me disposable and less capable than the others, my perfect score was able to keep me alive until now but that's out the window.” - “Others?” Midorya thought with himself.
“Come with me!” You looked at him, confused. “Look, I can help you, Aizawa-sensei can help keep you safe and you can help us find those who did this to you, we can hunt them down and-”
    No? What? Why? Weren't you unhappy with that life? Didn’t you want to stop murdering people?  Midorya asked himself as he looked at your serious expression, crying for answers.
“You wouldnt understand it” You release yourself from his grip.
“I… I can't understand it if you don't tell me! They are your parents? That's who you call owners? I know it's hard to betray them but…” He stared at your back as you walked away unfazed.
    Parents. Tho is quite unlikely you came into this world with no mom or dad, even tho sometimes you think god created you from nothing to pay for the sins of your past life, your owners weren't your parents, you never had the luxury of meeting them, you don't really know if they are alive or not, not that you have any energy to desire the answer for that. No, all your memories are from inside your owners training, all your memories are being trained within those grey walls and only being out to kill.
“Do you want to live like that forever?” Deku’s voice echoed in your mind, making you angry again.
“Do you think I want to live at all?” You went back to staring at his eyes. “You can't understand it, this is all I am, I’m an useless, quirkless person but being able to force myself at maximum, training harder than anyone else, that made me be here today. How many people do you think I killed? There’s no going back ‘cause there is no back to go to, this, a murderer, is all you’ll have from me.” You felt warm tears coming from your eyes, huh, you can't remember the last time you cried. “Actually, not even that, I couldn't kill my target so, even at the only thing I ever was, I failed. You think you can fix everything with your hero bullshit? I got news for you, some things were made to be awful and there’s no fixing.”
“Do you want to bet?” 
You looked at him, his face was completely serious, bet? Bet what?
“Stay with me for a month, I can make it so you are not suspicious at all, no one will make questions.” He slowly got close to you. “ If, for this entire month, you can't find a single thing you appreciate, if living a normal life, helping people with me, can't make you feel even a little bit of happiness…” 
    Midoriya looked into your eyes with nothing other than honesty in his words. He wiped your tears with his fingers as he looked even more determined.
“I’ll let you kill me!”
“What?” You were so confused, he was saying he would give his life up? For nothing?
“You can't go back to your owners with a failed mission, right? Stay with me for a month, if I can't make you appreciate life then you can go back with the mission completed, say that I captured you to take information but you were able to escape and finish the job.”
    This boy is insane, he has to be, giving his life up for someone he just met? Or he was just so confident in his plan? Maybe he was planning on betraying you and giving you up for the cops, all those questions pop off in your head, in all the ways you could look at this it was weird and completely crazy, insane! And yet, when he standed his hand to you, to firm the agreement, there was a small part of you who wanted to accept it, a small part indeed but so so loud, you felt like the will to accept it echoed through your body as your heart skipped a bit when you looked into Midoriya's eyes and shook his hand. “Deal” you thought.
    Midorya’s smile was the prettiest thing you ever saw.
“Well, since we’re doing this, you're gonna need a name, right? It would be weird for me to call you ‘7B’” You silently looked at him, you never thought of a name for yourself before. “No ideas huh? I could have imagine” He laughed.
“What about...Shizu? You know, as in silent? Since, well your very quiet and all” The boy kept feeling a little embarrassed, he never named a person  before. “No? Thats stupid?”
    The first time in a long long time, you felt yourself smile.
“Shizu is good.”
    Midorya kept every single promise he made you, he took you to so many places, to do so many different things, you read stories for children and went with him seeing the flowers blooming, not even a week in and he won the bet. Your heart was so heavy when you told everyone the truth, way more with the friends Izuku presented to you than to Aizawa-sensei or the cops, when you helped with crashing the Assassins organization. Being completely sincere with yourself you felt happier when everyone from class 1-A accepted you even as an assassin and continued to be your friends like nothing changed than when the judge decided you were not responsible for the things you did while in the organization. 
You still remember the rush of multiple feelings you felt when the widow of one of your victims went to talk to you, as she petted your head kindly and looked at you with those very very sad eyes.
“I’m sorry for everything you had to go through” She smiled. “It's okay, it wasn't your fault, I forgive you.”
    The agonizing feeling on your throat as you fell on your knees and screamed and cried “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry” those words felt like they were trapped for so long.
    You were the one to suggest yourself as a “hero” to the police, not exactly it but that's what they call you. Your skills were very appreciated in the police force and mainly used to serve as a scout or in missions who required fast and silent work, you were technically a hero but, without a quirk, you kept doing those kinda jobs and maintaining yourself low on the hero chart. Not like you didnt like it, in fact, you were quite satisfied with things exactly like that.
       After a year or so, as Midorya were already competing into the top 3, he confessed to you, he never went away and always supported you, even when you were in your “I’m a murderer, a garbage human who dont deserve any of this” moments, he never left your side and always made sure you felt welcomed and cared for, his feelings for you developed steadily for that year and you were completely in love with him as well.
       He was the hand that helped you out of that hell, that showed you kindness and care, nothing more than natural, you fell for him considerably quickly. He was so happy when you said you loved him back and he show you off constantly, to him, getting you off that life was the best thing he ever done, as a hero or not, he can only wish for you the happiest times and he will try his dam best to make you the happiest person on earth, cause, to him, that's what you deserve. 
BONUS: “Ah! Shizu, there you are.” Your boyfriend waved at you with the picnic caddy on his hand.
“I thought this was going to be a good spot for the flower blooming.” 
Izuku smiled and seated next to you, starting to open the caddy and put the food on the towel.
“You say that but this is the spot you choose every year!” You laughed, it was indeed, it was the spot Izuku brought you to see the flowers blooming the first time you met.
“You know” Izuku said as he finished with the food and gave you a little kiss on the cheek, he was trying his best but casual mouth kisses were a bit far for him yet. “I was thinking, we gave you a name but isn't it a little bit annoying having to deal with paperwork without having a last name? We should get you one.” 
You looked at him lovely and gave back that cheek kiss making him go a little bit red and smiled.
“I have one in mind, just, not the time yet.”
The green haired man looked at you saying “Hmmm” curious about what type of name you picked. He got two sandwiches and handed you one, your favorite, as usual, you giggle a bit and looked at the trees while taking a bite of the sandwich.
While you looked at the petals falling from not finding a space on the overcrowded trees, you felt happiness and peace. You beg the universe to let you be greedy this one more time, to be able to desire one little thing, you beg the universe as you mouthed the words taking care to not let your boyfriend read your lips, you beg the universe to grant you this one last thing and let you be named
“Shizu Midoriya” __________________________ HEY! Soooo this was fun :3 This is part of a small request I received but I had so many ideas to it I cound not help myself to write and oneshot about it Hope you guys liked it! Gonna post the request soon, dont worry
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cosmic-waves7 · 2 years
Cuddling/sleeping headcanons w Izuku Midorya
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Note: I know. I need to properly commit to posting regularly, pls don't kill me I was out of creativity.
He was definitely not the one to initiate this routine.
He'll get very comfortable with it eventually but for now...
Too stutter-y, too shy, too nervous.
But with you figuring out that everyone in class basically had free reign over the dorms, it was an expected outcome for the both of you to end up passing out in each others rooms.
It started by accident really, he came back from a long night of practicing new moves and training. He had promised to come in to your room for a quick pleasant chat, any excuse to enjoy each others company just before sleep drags you both away.
But soon enough sitting on the bed turned into laying down while still talking and that just turned into full blown cuddling (which he was crimson red throughout) and soon enough both of you had unknowingly drifted away into deep sleep.
He woke up that day by dawn, completely flustered as he scurried out of your room in fear of a non-existent visit from Mr Aizawa.
He still couldn't deny that, that was the best sleep he'd ever had in his life so it became more of a regular occurrence.
God does he cherish getting to nestle in close to you, nosing at your neck with his arms thrown haphazardly round your waist and his belly pressed close to your back.
It's so comfy, so warm and so utterly safe for him that he can't help it when he dozes off.
He's read somewhere that you tend to slip off to sleep more easily around loved ones due to the sense of security they provide with only their presence.
That handy piece of information only serves to make him feel a glimmer of satisfaction that he gets to experience that with you.
He knows he needs to stay awake if he wants to be sleeping in his own bed tonight but you're already so cosy and feel like home, he just can't help but sink deeper into the haze of comfort you've both created and soon enough he's knocked out clean.
Don't expect any snores coming out of him, only soft puffs of air out of his pursed lips.
Since he's training to become a hero his body is on constant high alert, even in his sleep, so escaping his grasp without his waking up in the middle of the night for whatever reason is proven to be unfruitful.
He's like a cat in that sense, once asleep you have to stay until he wakes up.
You can wiggle around as much as you like in his arms but forget it if you're trying to leave the bed. There's no hope in that.
Same goes for waking up in the morning, if you've woken up first you're gonna have to wait until your green haired boyfriend returns to the land of the living.
If he's woken up first then he'll probably be making breakfast for the both of you while letting you sleep for a bit longer because you looked to cute to disturb. (This is the most repetitive scenario that happens every morning)
If you've both woken up at the same time.
You're not leaving the bed until he says so. End of discussion.
You've seen what his quirk entails, there's no way In hell you're getting out of that bed without his say so.
He will lightly use his quirk to cling onto you for a bit longer and nuzzle into your body but he knows his boundaries.
He just wants to hold onto the last few moments before both of you have to properly wake up.
Of course Iida keeps a bit of an eye on you two as class president, his words are and I quote "no funny business."
He takes his role very seriously.
The girls always squeal whenever one of you shows up out of the others dorm.
Bleary eyed, lips puffed and hair mussed from sleep is Izuku's favourite look on you, it just softens you up so much he can't stop from cooing.
Likes it when you trace his scarred hands before you sleep. He's proud of the scars, just shows how hard he's been working to become a hero. Although he does realise maybe they're not a favourite for everyone to look at, so you appreciating their silent metaphorical beauty just makes him fall for you a little more.
Easiest way to make him fall asleep is playing with his hair.
Especially massaging his temples gently, that always gets him.
It's either that or letting him ramble until you can hear his words slur and his mutters fade.
Will drag out our of bed to wipe off any makeup if you wear it or even brush you own teeth for you. It's a very silly process of him ordering you to keep your mouth parted so he can brush while you nod off to sweet dreams.
Izuku will literally be midway though your skin care while you're sat on the countertop near the sink and your head keeps falling onto his shoulders.
He find it very endearing and never complains about it. You don't even remember half the time any of these occasions.
He always insists on holding hands or at least locking pinkies while you sleep, it just adds another of affection and really you find no reason to object to your sap of a boyfriend.
All in all wholesome to cuddle and sleep with 10/10
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midnight-on-pluto · 2 years
Hello! Just wanted to say that your content it so so we’ll done and I think you have a great talent for writing! I also would like to suggest a head cannon with Deku, Kirishima and Todoroki where the reader runs away from home (this can be their dorm room or something.) because they’re depressed and kinda wanna escape from everything? It’s totally okay if not and I fully understand because I know depression is a sensitive topic I just think this would be comforting 😅.
Finding comfort in Deku, Kiri, & Todoroki
Genre: fluff, comfort
A/N: thank you so much!! I’m so sorry this took so long to write, but I want to make a comeback by starting with some asks I’ve had in my inbox for a while ♡ you’re ask is so cute! I hope this helps if you’re having a bad day!!
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✰ Deku is VERY concerned for his friends
✰ When you show up, clearly upset about something he immediately drops everything for you
✰ Try to apologize for disturbing him? He is insistent that you aren’t bothering him 
✰ He hugs you soo tight, such sweet hugs 
✰ Whispers to you, tells you how he’s always there for you, you’re okay, etc
✰ “Y/N are you okay? I’m here, I promise.” 
✰ He isn’t one to prod for information, he just wants to make you feel loved
✰ If you guys are dating, 100% kisses your tears
✰ Holds you while you cry, rocks slightly
✰ Lets you rant while you guys cuddle 
✰ While you rant he doesn’t interrupt or try to give you advice
✰ Best listener, hands down
✰ He gets you a comfort food and just lets you wind down in his dorm
✰ Anything you want, he gets
✰ Probably has lots of tissues in his room
✰ Doesn’t mind you just hanging out in his room
✰ Lets you lay in his bed and just cry it out
✰ Makes sure you hydrate! 
✰ He’s a shusher, he just runs his fingers through your hair and shushes you
✰ He listens to you, but also tries to give you advice
✰ Can’t understand incoherent babbles, you have to say things two or three times before he understands
✰ Has chocolate in his dorm that he lets you eat when you’re feeling down
✰ Holds your hand while you guys sit on his bed
✰ “You can tell me what’s wrong, I promise.”
✰ Probably puts on some soft music and lets you sleep it off
✰ Plays with your hair to help you fall asleep
✰ When you wake up he’s probably fallen asleep next to you
✰ Confused
✰ Doesn’t know why you’re at his door, or why your face is kinda puffy
✰ Once you explain your situation, he understands a bit more and lets you in
✰ He does try to give you advice while you rant, but once he realizes you don’t want advice, shuts right up and just listens
✰ He isn’t very good at comfort, and doesn’t know why you came to him
✰ Googles ‘how to comfort upset friend’
✰ “Y/N, I am here for you” reading directly off his phone, not even looking at you
✰ He honestly makes you laugh
✰ Lets you just hug him and he subconsciously plays with your hair
✰ He’s so sweet, lets you stay as long as you want
✰ Makes you soba if you’re there for a while, he thinks it helps people calm down because it comforts him
✰ He listens mostly, very quiet while you talk
✰ Best listener, give him a golden star tbh
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visit my masterlist submit an ask
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dollymadness · 4 years
A request:
Tw: mineta.
How do you think jirou, shoto, bakugou, and izuku would defend reader from mineta ?
i love a good mineta slander 👹
(sorry if i took long to reply baby, but im here now mkay?)
headcannons time !! - TW: mineta
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her face woudn't hide the disgust. staring bluntly and blanky till the dirty grape notices that she is there and not happy about it.
"back off. its the first and last warn im giving you" she walk in his direction and gets in the middle of you guys
"don't you get it? she is uncomfortable, as everyone is when you're around." the earphones go directly to his ears and you now what happens next
the she looks at you with a tiny and comforting smile 😍
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he have been holding his anger back for a good amount of time, as his first intention was never to get in a fight. mostly bc he doesn't want it to look like he thinks you cant handle it with your own hands, what he is sure you can do
but mineta doesnt seem to be getting the memo, so he calmly waits for you to get out of the class to grab mineta up by his uniform suit and firmly speak "i don't want to see you around her EVER again. you better listen to my word and take it." he realizes some cold ice right on minetas "hair" and let him go.
you get back after the break, already in fear that mineta will aproach but he doesnt even stare. you are happy and confused, while shoto is smiling to himself that he solved it.
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Bakugou would catch the conversation from afar, and wait to see were it goes. he would be letting his complaints slip out of his mouth, till his anger was bigger than his control (knowing him, wouldnt take long)
he just walks pointing at mineta from afar. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" the explosions are strong, as he rlly mean to hurt him. "don't you DARE to even get closer to this other fucking extra in all your pathetic life!" he punches him to finish with a gold key "fuck you."
he looks at you and shut you up with his finger when you were going to thank him "tsc, learn to speak up to yourself, loser." and walks out.
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Izuku is so frustrated to see you struggling to put mineta away, mumbling how he is going to fix it quickly.
his choice is to walk to you guys and put his arm around your shoulder "hi guys, mind to explain me whats happening here?" his smile looks mortal. "mineta, i see you have a hard time reading other emotions! So let me help you out this time, ok? she is uncomfortable. I suggest you to let her in peace, you don't want too see me angry, do you?" he closes his eyes on the brightest smile, leading you to his desk instead.
"o-oh my god... was that good? i was so n-nervous, i-i" poor baby used all his confidence at once.
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AU where everyone who anyone thinks has any secrets about their identity, such as Dabi, Mr. Midoriya, Touya Todoroki, and the dude with the signal jammer quirk that the League ostensibly brought to USJ are all AFO wearing different paper plate masks
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vilespawn · 5 years
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A trans Midorya moodboard I made a long time ago bc of @maidsonas lol
{Trus/cum, anti anti's ect dni}
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
**✿❀ Students Masterlist ❀✿**
♡ Key ♡
💌 = Fluff
💕 = NSFW/Suggestive
🍡 = Comfort
🍓 = Angst
🎀 = Domestic
🍭 = Platonic
♡ Bakugou ♡
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Yandere Bakugou Headcannons💌 Yandere Bakugou NSFW Alphabet💕
Wisdom Teeth💌
Angel (Poly!BakuDeku)💌
Angel (Part Two) (Poly!BakuDeku)🍓 Angel (Part Three) (Poly!BakuDeku)🍓
Things Katsuki Would Buy for You💌
Stop Apologizing💌🍡
Silent Agreement (Poly!BakuDeku)💌
Slasher (BakuKiri Poly)🍓
Gingerbread Men (BakuKiri Poly)💌
Picking Up The Twins💌🎀
So Good (Poly!BakuKiri)💕
Caught Red-Handed (Poly!BakuKiri)🍓
Power Outage (Poly!BakuKiri)💌🍡
Ornaments (Poly!BakuKiri)💌
Glass Slipper (Poly!BakuKiri)💌🍓
♡ Denki ♡
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Yandere Denki Headcannons💌
Yandere Denki/Shinsou Poly Headcannons💌 Caught🍓
Saved (Poly!DenkiKiri)💌🍡
♡ Jirou ♡
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Nothing yet!
♡ Kirishima ♡
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Yandere Kirishima Headcannons💌
Welcome Home💌🍡 First Kiss🍓
I Really Missed You🍡
Deserved Love💌🍡
Mission Across the Mountain💌
Slasher (BakuKiri Poly)🍓
Saved (Poly!DenkiKiri)💌🍡
Gingerbread Men (BakuKiri Poly)💌
So Good (Poly!BakuKiri)💕
Caught Red-Handed (Poly!BakuKiri)🍓
Found Em’ (Poly!BakuKiri)💌
Power Outage (Poly!BakuKiri)💌🍡
Ornaments (Poly!BakuKiri)💌 
Glass Slipper (Poly!BakuKiri)💌🍓
♡ Midorya ♡
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Midoryas Darling Having a Close Friend Headcannons💌
Please Don’t Cry💌🍡
Yandere Izuku Headcannons💌
Angel (Poly!BakuDeku)💌
Angel (Part Two) (Poly!BakuDeku)🍓
Angel (Part Three) (Poly!BakuDeku)🍓🍡
Things Izuku Would Buy for You💌
Yandere Deku NSFW Alphabet💕
First Aid🍡
Cuddle Session🍡
Caught in the Act🍓🎀
The Perfect Family💌🎀
Silent Agreement (Poly!BakuDeku)💌
Bunny Bunny💌
Like Mother, Like Son🍓
Home For Christmas💌
Lost Progress🎀🍓
Back Home🎀🍓
Bad Dream💌🍡
Home Early🍓🎀
The Path💌
The Witch💌🎀
♡ Mina ♡
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Yandere Mina Headcanon💌
♡ Mirio ♡
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Things Mirio Would Buy for You💌💕
Too Big💕
Sick Days💌🍡
Yandere Mirio NSFW Alphabet💕
Mirio With A Darling Who Is Scared of Him💌
♡ Momo ♡
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Things Momo Would Buy for You💌
Yandere Momo/Ochaco Poly Headcannons💌
Good Girl💕
Dragon Mother💌🍭
Dragon Mother: Part Two!🍓
Tea and Books💌
The Queen💌
♡ Nejire ♡
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Yandere Nejire Headcannons💌
♡ Shinsou ♡
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Yandere Denki/Shinsou Poly Headcannons💌
All I Want for Christmas is You💌
Kitty Kitty🍓🍡
Things Shinsou Would Buy for You💌
It’s Alright🍓
Over Soon💕
Tag Team💕
♡ Tamaki ♡
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Tamaki With a Darling Who Doesn’t Talk to Him Much💌
Good Luck💌
Don’t Leave🍓💕
Good Boy💕
The Prettiest Flower of them All💌
♡ Todoroki ♡
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Yandere Todoroki Headcannons💌
First Look💌
Birthday Present💌
Holding Hands💌🎀
A Day For You💕
Cat And Mouse💕
Babies First Christmas🎀
Safer Here🍓🍡
All Yours💕
Middle of the Night💕
Advent Calendar💌🎀
Small Gurad💌🍭
♡ Uraraka ♡
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Yandere Ochaco Headcannons💌
Yandere Momo/Ochaco Poly Headcannons💌
You’re Getting Bullied🍡🍭
The Fae💌
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adenes-archive · 3 years
Okay but boxer!bakugo🧍🏽‍♀️
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he’s fucking fine as shit but let’s see some of my headcannons on illegal boxer Bakugo :) they might be bad sorry!!
also credit to the artist linked above :) @/dekuhrs_ on twitter :)
WARNINGS: death mentions, near death mentions, swearing, murder mentions, kinda gory?, blood mentions, basically a whole bunch of violence (such as dislocations, sprains, joint popping, bone breaking, and you get the jist 🧍🏽‍♀️), and yeth enjoy!
(This is a pretty intense "first post")
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anyway, BOXER!BAKUGO is the one of the best illegal boxers there are
he has a badass temper and takes it out on his opponents like it’s nothing
he’s known for sending people either to their death bed, a coma, or close to both
he’s ruthless and the ring can’t let him go because he’s the best of the best. and losing him won’t bring in half as much profit as they make now
not only is he murderous but he takes his job seriously
he’s not unbeatable, he has intense matches that end in ties, ones against his best friend Kirishima and his childhood friend Deku (Izuku) to name a few
he loves the thrill of the fight. he likes the adrenaline rush and he likes feeling noses, jaws, and any joint pop out of its socket when he lands a lethal punch💥
he’s hardcore and takes his job seriously, you never catch this nigga lackin🙅🏽‍♀️
he works out religiously and keeps a strong, scary, predatory persona.
he doesn’t fucking play
when it comes to his s/o he really doesn’t fucking play🙅🏽‍♀️
once a guy tried to hit on you while you were out on a picnic date and got sent to the hospital with a few broken bones🧍🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
“he was harassing my baby.🤨 you mean to tell me I can’t defend them?”
nigga had a lawsuit knocking at his door🧟‍♀️ (you and a few people were called up for witness statements YEAH THAT BUM ASS HOE BROUGHT IT STRAIGHT TO COURT NO NEGOTIATION and it worked out in Bakugos favor. y’all won’t the lawsuit and got money from it🤪🥳)
he LIVES for when you treat his wounds!!
he got a nasty ass cut on his cheek that almost scarred his gorgeous face🥺💔
he beat the guy to a pulp and woke you up at 3:57am to clean up his wounds despite not being a nurse and just knowing basic cleaning and prepping (but if you are then ignore that :))
BOXER!BAKUGO who is soft for his prince(ss). the person that makes his mornings just by seeing your sleeping form cuddled to his scar infested chest
he loves seeing you, kissing you, and holding you
if you’re chubby or (i don’t like this word) “fat” he especially loves holding onto your soft spots. he likes the feel of soft skin pressed to his. he wants to keep your skin away from cuts and bruises the same thing that litters his skin, yours needs to stay soft and untouched
he’s always loved seeing you smile at him. it never ceases to amaze him how he got someone as special as you from your personality to your beautiful looks. he could’ve never imagined getting to you in this way
he hates being away from you, and fighting is him taking that anger out.
he’s a bit clingy but denies it harder than how hard he denies losing a fight to Midorya
this is all over the place💀 omg sorry y’all
anyway, he refuses to allow you to attend his fights
the scene is aggressive and rowdy and he doesn’t need to send a bystander that’s paying his bills to the hospital for hitting on what’s his
not to mention said random extra will be taking up his precious time with you with a lawsuit…
that also happened and he had another lawsuit🧍🏽‍♀️
“Katsuki we can’t keep getting sued :(“
“fuck them. tell them to leave what’s mine alone and we won’t be in said predicament”
since then you haven’t been allowed in the arena.
you came across Bakugos fight manager, he said that he would pay you well if you fought this other rookie. and bitch were you down to kick some ass🏃🏽‍♀️💨👻
ofc he suggested the night when Bakugo would be off…getting out of your apartment to go to the fight was a hassle
you said you were going out with friends…mistake 1
he agreed and asked when you would be home…to which you replied 3:40am-4:00am mistake 2
and leaving at the exact time Bakugo would
well dumb ass that was mistake 3🧟‍♀️
but he let you go, he followed your ass tho. when he saw you went into the ring through the back??? bitch he was not gonna watch his girl lose
he followed you and came in your dressing room. he yelled at you, kissed you, yelled some more, kissed some more, and glared at you.
“I just wanted to beat a bitch up🤷🏽‍♀️”
“yeah we’ll be happy you learned from the best, don’t make me look bad out there”
and you left no crumbs🙅🏽‍♀️
homegirl was not a rookie, she fought some bitch the last time you were there she won and the girl had some injuries, some bad
you showed her up.
Bakugo was so proud, he treated y’all to a vacation for a week to Fiji
You loved the rush of adrenaline but felt the fighting scene wasn’t for you
So you chillin' on that.
You just wanna keep your current job and stay by Bakugos side.
he wants a family but doesn't plan on having one until he is done with boxing (more like after he beats Deku 100 more times)
Overall, Bakugo loves you and wants to protect you.
He fights to let his anger out and makes bank off of it.
So in conclusion: BOXER!BAKUGO is scary and a great boyfriend :)
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jalice713 · 3 years
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I got bored and made my headcannon for Bakugou and Midorya's children. So many quirks so one has to make babies. Casual and formal (or as formal as Bakugou gets).
We have the twins Yume (curly hair) and Ichika (pony tail), their son Toshi and their little girl, Kohana.
Yume wears contacts and is a force of nature. She likes cute clothes, cuddles and wants to be a hero. She is the eldest by 3 minutes. Her quirk, Blazing Gaze, allows her to heat up things she concentrates on and with practice, she can make them explode. She eventually becomes a hero and helps run her dads' agency.
Ichika is very somber. They like books and animals. They love doing Kohana's hair and works at the family agency as a manager. Their quirk is telepathy. Its strong enough to float multiple people but it tires her out. She uses it to hold her books when shes reading.
Toshi is named after Toshinori because our boys are nerds. Toshinori cried into Inko's shoulder over it. He likes music, baking and heroes, hisfavourite being Sero. His quirk is Black Whip and he wants to swing around and save people like his uncle Sero. It also wraps hims in a ball that cushions all his falls on instinct. He can only summon one whip in each hand but it has endless reach. He learned to bake from his Nanna Inko. He is trained by Aizawa ans Sero and becomes an underground hero.
Finally there is Kohana. She is exactly like baby Izuku while her siblings are more like young bakugou but they all have kind hearts. Bakugou made sure of it. Bakugou dotes on her as she reminds him of Izuku and he wants to support her the way he didnt support Izuku. She also had a phase of dressing like animals she liked. Her quirk is Fireball, a mixture of Explosion and telepathy. She can create balls of fire and float them somewhere and explode them on will. If she makes one, it has to explode which can be annoying when she makes them on accident when shes startled. She becomes a hero and after her parents retire, she becomes the number 1 hero.
And that is it. If you use these ideas or characters, tag and credit me. I hope you like it. I rather enjoyed thinking everything over so i may do this again. They'll probably be Bakugou centered as he is my gremlin baby.
Have a lovely day :3
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