#midst theories
elfietheespeon · 7 months
I'm curious to see where the Midst community's heads are at regarding this overarching mystery!
We do not have all the pieces yet, but it's safe to assume that a significant amount of the clues were present in seasons 1 and 2. It goes without saying that this is the mystery at the heart of this storyline, and there are no shortage of suspects to choose from.
(Excluding the final entry, this list has been set in alphabetical order so as to avoid personal biases)
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lovereadandwrite · 7 months
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my bby has done nothing wrong ever in his 1000 years of life THIS IS SLANDER !!!😩😬
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essektheylyss · 8 months
Midst stan conversations like
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chartedterritory · 2 months
Am I the only person who spent the entire time listening to Midst thinking that Hieronymus Loxlee is a trans man?
Hear me out:
1. Tzila didn't say she didn't have a mother. She really didn't answer Lark's question about having a mom at all.
2. Hieronymus refers to Tzila as his daughter.
3. Tzila didn't recognize Harry The Freight Captain or Hieronymus at all.
4. Unless there was a radical makeover (thanks to the breach), do we really think that the trust would let someone with caenum marry Imogen Loxlee?
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drinkingdeadpeopletea · 3 months
wait fuck we never got backpack's NAME.........
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vriskaserketdaily · 3 months
thoughts on tgirl vriska ? she’s real to me but ur like the #1 vriska enjoyer on my dash so I was wondering what u think
im gonna be real after going into the tag every day for the past 3+ years and seeing every possible take and headcanon my bar is so low that i'm just happy we're in agreement that vriska is a girl
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tgirl vriska is a well-supported read of her character, but not the only valid one in my opinion. that being said, if you're a hardcore cis vriska truther, you do yourself a great disservice by ignoring her dysphoric characterization---whether you read that as early-transition transfem dysphoria, lesbian butch dysphoria, alternian caste dysphoria, or any combination of the above.
i do not, however, read her dysphoria as transmasculine in nature, and maintain that vriska's gender (girl/woman) is extremely important in understanding her role in the story, her relationships with other characters, and how the concepts of heroism, protagonism, justice, and strength impact her narrative. a transfem reading does not detract from this, nor does it particularly enhance anything to me, someone who already read vriska as a dysphoric lesbian & therefore already accounted for some form of Gender to be going on regardless of the hypothetical birth-assignment situation.
basically, my personal opinion is that her trans status is a nice garnish but irrelevant to what already is a fascinating, compelling, and well-rounded (dare i say, strong) female character. the fact that she's a female character is more important to me than the fact (or headcanon) that she is a trans character, because i regularly see and cope with the most asinine and blatantly incorrect headcanons and takes about her on this earth. you're asking a man dying of thirst whether a gallon of ice water or a gallon of merely cool water is better.
my bar for sexuality headcanons is likewise on the floor. y'all don't have to agree with me on the lesbian reading but as long as we concur that she's wlw then everything is a-okay by me. my final message 2 da world: never go into the tags of your favorite character.
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abalonemacaroni · 1 month
Midst posting but it’s time for bocs theory:
I know that part of the fun/whole point of bocs is that they are thoroughly unexplained, but I was thinking about some aspects of the Cosmos when I noticed Third Person use a specific verb in the context of bocs: rewind.
What is the only* known constant in the Midst cosmos? Gravity. As described quite dramatically/poetically in Freefall, there is a universal downward pull across the entire cosmos, and islets have their own surface gravity or some close equivalent.
I was thinking of the concept of a gravity battery, which TLDR is a big tower. You spend energy to winch a big weight up the tower and the energy is stored as the potential energy the weight has (to fall back down). You can access the energy by releasing the weight.
What if bocs are largely just complex sci-fi gravity batteries, that take advance of universal gravity as constant power? We know that bocs generate their own power and that they need to be rewound, which could basically just mean resetting the weights inside incredibly efficient gravity batteries. In that case bocular -> mechanics optimized for compatibility with that kind of power/energy.
*We could assume other things exist universally like oxygen and atmospheric pressure, but those aren’t explicitly included and the worldbuilding is unique enough that their purpose could be fulfilled by something else
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utilitycaster · 10 months
This is perhaps my most cynical thought about fan theories, which is already an area where my outlook leans ungenerous, but I think a lot of people who are not terribly good at formulating theories with any sort of basis go straight to simply "what if things aren't what they seem" every time. And they're wrong most of the time, but occasionally they're tangential to the truth and correct in the broadest sense of "there was a subversion" even though their details were incorrect. And even more rarely they actually are on point, and they cling to those 1% successes and 10% "mostly wrong but correct that something was up" and keep shouting "but what if it ISN'T" whenever anything happens, ignoring that it usually is.
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foralleternityidiot · 2 years
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druidposting · 4 months
Are there any fans out there with actual experience in music theory who can write on how wonderfully crafted and perfectly implimented the Midst soundtrack is?
Cause all i know to say with my bare-bones knowledge is mmmm chacter themes. I love when i hear Phineas' leitmotif during conversations that mention him. I love how his character theme feels trepedatious at the start, and then swells into this grand, epic thing when he makes a leap into the unknown. I love the way that his full theme always plays when he makes a decision for himself, because the crux of his character arc is indecision and lacking a sense of self. I love the caution of the begining of his theme and the way it builds into this final, crystal clear crescendo and how it reflects the way he always feels most certain when in mortal peril. I love that when you strip away all of that epic instrumentation, that cautious, uncertain throughline, that Phineas core remains beneith it all. I love that its that core that's used as Phineas' leitmotif.
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elfietheespeon · 7 months
Before Season 3 comes out...
I might as well write the predictions/theories I had back in season 1. I doubt most of them will come true, but if nothing else, this will be a good reference point to look back on; see where my headspace was at, that sort of thing
-Imelda and Atticus were working in cahoots from the beginning
-Hieronymous Loxlee was responsible for the moon explosion
-The acquisition of Midst was/is for the purpose of expanding the Trust into the fold
-There is something sinister going on with Loxlee lights. The Trust is experimenting with ways to expand their control into the fold for a purpose yet unknown. (More Tearror weaponry, like the fold grenade back in s1e17?!!)
-The Trust has access/knowledge of the prophecy abilities of the fold (Supported in s2e19; Lark's mom was/is working for the Trust, and had even stronger fortune-telling powers) and are using it for some larger plot. (Possibly connected with the death of Max Loxlee)
-Before the end of the series, Imogen Loxlee will be assassinated
-Moc Weepe is related to Kozma Laszlo
-Saskia will become the new mayor of Midst (probably won't happen, but it SHOULD)
-The conversion rates of Valor were deliberately tampered with behind the scenes to prevent Phineas from breaking even (the media was sent, meaning it was supposed to happen); all in an effort for Hieronymous to get control of Phineas.
-Phineas has been crushing on Jonas Spahr for a really long time. By the end of the series, he will confess his feelings for Jonas. (I'm willing to make a blood sacrifice if it means they have a hug by the end of the series. They need it.)
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becauseplot · 4 months
When it comes to Thiago deafness, Cellbit confirmed that if he did come out alive from santi berço he would not have actually healed his deafness. The same was for the other characters' wounds. It was very much the spiral hypnotic effect on them making them think its better.
Oh, interesting!! Didn’t know that. I always thought the perfectly healed hearing was definitely a way that Santo Berco was trying to endear itself to them—too-good-to-be-true effect, you know? And sure enough, it wasn’t true! Sucks we uh,, never really got to see the end results of that,, </3
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in my opinion, the most unhinged thing Spahr can do with his new clarity is tell Milton, in not so many words but essentially: "I do not believe you are as unaffected by your daughter's murder as you act. I think you want someone to blame, anyone but yourself. I understand, very much so. You and I don't want to admit it, but we are responsible. We have to blame ourselves—ourselves and all we've upheld in the Trust—for driving those in our care to their deaths. What happened cannot be undone, but it does not have to keep going like this."
this is REGARDLESS of what Milton actually thinks, this would be unhinged as a correct assessment AND unhinged as an incorrect assessment. taking wild swing on the hopes that he's read situation correctly. throwing all caution to the wind and saying whatever in the hopes that it'll turn out okay. just confidently say something to this effect to Milton, Jonas, I wanna see what happens.
more seriously, I DO genuinely want to know what Fleit thinks inside his mind about everything, from Maggie and Nick to current events; we know what he appears to think, but is that actually what he thinks? what's going on in his head. while you're at it, Jonas, someone, go check on Ginsberg for me.
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essektheylyss · 9 months
I made a joke in DMs about the Midst tearror episode that "the Fold knows what you need" but it's really funny to take that and apply it to an argument that the Fold "loves" the three protagonists, in very different, very wild ways.
Lark has been on the run for fifty years. She is the single most wanted person in the Un. The Fold tells her the future, what to do, and most importantly, when to run. Her mother evidently had the same "gift"—there is nothing to say where it may have led her even before Lark was born. How long has the Fold done the same for Lark—or has it just amplified a natural gift? Perhaps most importantly, did she, at thirteen-years-old, kill Maximillian Loxlee with or against her gut instinct?
Weepe has left the Fold, but it hasn't left him. It is curled inside of him, so deeply that he must drag it out, and it doesn't want to leave even then. Even in the brightest place in the cosmos, it still will not relinquish its grip on him.
Phineas has spent his life in some of the most dangerous situations imaginable, first in the Delta, the backwater of the universe, constantly flooded by tearrors and exhibiting strange cosmological properties, then as a member of the Consectors Company, thrust into high stakes missions and relatively constant scrutiny. Somehow, in spite of his childhood and now his venture into the Fold, he has remained untouched while many others hold horrible scars, as though something had determined he had it too bad to add to the pain.
The Fold loves you in its own way. Is that a good thing?
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hoarding-stories · 10 months
"Oh shut your fucking mouth. This isn't about Tzila. This isn't about Sherman. This is about YOU. You're just trying to play the hero to make yourself feel better for what YOU did."
"What do you want? Applause? Valor? You can't undo what you've done. EVER. This is part of who you are now for the rest of your life. It doesn't MATTER how many good things you do from here. This doesn't get erased."
While I don't think Lark is technically wrong, Phineas is trying but should definitely examine how he's thinking about/approaching all this, I do feel like this response is very personal, Lark is dredging up some of her own trauma here.
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master-dellamorte · 6 months
Weepe is gonna End the Trust. He will see that shit crumble. Because Imelda has to see all She cares for destroyed. And she will know it's her fault.
After he figures out a way to keep the money of course.
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