gender-jargon · 5 months
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[Image ID: the Trinteri pride flag by Gent of Gender-Jargon. The Trinteri flags consists of three down-pointing chevrons of the same size, with negative space above, between and to the left and right bottom corner of the flag. The top negative space is very light green. The left-botton negative space is very light pink. The right-bottom negative space is very light blue. The chevrons from top to bottom are indigo, grey and teal with very very light grey space in between. ./. End ID]
Trinteri: a gender amidst the Gender Trinary; a gender that is centered in the middle of the Male-Female-Neutrois trinary.
[PT: Trinteri: a gender admist the Gender Trinary; a gender that is centered in the middle of the Male-Female-Neutrois trinary. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End ID]
From Latin, "Tri-", a prefix meaning "Three" + "Inter" meaning "Between" + "-i", an English neologistic suffix indicating genderness. Literally "between the three". Coined by Gent (Gender-Jargon) (link) in March 2024.
[PT: Elaboration ./. End ID]
Trinteri was created as a result of this post (link) by @your-bigender-big-brother (link). The post posed the question, "what gender quality is right in the center of the trinary?". Most replied, including myself, neutrangity, while others cited epicenity or neutrœmmity, but the more I thought about it, the more I began to feel like these suggested designations were only approximate and didn't quite get to the root of the question.
As Stormy said emself in eir essay (link) ey wrote, the Gender Trinary contains qualities aside from masculinity, femininity and androgyny. Aside from these three, some others are effeminacy, femmulinity, epicenity, neutrommity, neutremmity, neutrœmmity, gynxemity, androxulinity, gyndroxity, neutrangity, tomboyishness and janegirlishness, to name a couple. This got me thinking, which lead me to coin Trinteri as a centrigender that includes the entire Gender Trinary.
Here is the graphic that Stormy included with eir question, which I edited to add Trinteri in the center for reference:
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[Image Id: a graphical representation of the Gender Trinary. It is a down-pointing triangle with the left corner labeled "masculine", the right corner labeled "feminine" and the downward-facing point labeled "neutral". Between masculine and feminine, feminine and neutral and masculine and neutral are double-pointing arrows. In the left corner, there is a point labeled "Man". In the right corner, there is a point labeled "Woman". In the downward-facing point, there is a point labeled "Neutrois". Between "Man" and "Woman" is a point labeled "Androgyne". Between "Neutrois" and "Man" is a point labeled "Neutromme". Between "Neutrois" and "Woman" is a point labeled "Neutremme". In the very center, circled and pointed to by a large arrow is a point labeled "Trinteri", which is located at the very center of the diagram. ./. End ID]
I propose the term trinterinity to refer to the quality of gender that is located in the very center of the Gender Trinary. I would be very interested to hear about Stormy's thoughts on this post to see if ey agree, if I missed the mark or if ey have any other kind of feedback for me.
Trinteri is can be considered a midtrinary aporagender. Trinteri is:
a single, specific non-binary identity.
located in the very center of the Gender Trinary of Male-Female-Neutrois.
a centrigender of all trinary gender qualities.
[PT: a single, specific non-binary identity. located in the very center of the Gender Trinary of Male-Female-Neutrois. a centrigender of all trinary gender qualities. ./. End PT]
Trinteri is quite similar to, but distinct from Neutrangi, Neutrœmme and Epicene:
[PT: Trinteri is quite similar to, but distinct from Neutrangi, Neutroemme and Epicene: ./. End PT]
[PT: Neutrangi ./. End PT]
Neutrangi and Trinteri are both in between Male, Female (rationalized as Androgyne) and Gender-Neutral, but Trinteri is also centered/in between all other trinary genders.
[PT: Neutroemme ./. End PT]
Neutrœmme and Trinteri are both in between Male, Female (rationalized as Femache) and Gender-Neutral, but is also centered/in between all other trinary genders.
[PT: Epicene ./. End ID]
Epicene is a gender related to Male-Female indeterminance, having characteristics of both Maleness and Femaleness and/or having no characteristics indicative of Maleness or Femaleness. Epicene is a relatively complicated identity, as it can be considered masculine, feminine, androgynous, neutral and a sort of genderless all-in-one.
Both Trinteri and Epicene encompass experiences of masculinity, femininity, androgyny and neutrality, but Trinteri involves all other trinary identities as well. Trinteri is explicitly a centrigender, where as Epicene is generally considered not to be. Epicene is definitively indeterminate with regards to the Male-Female binary, but Trinteri may or may not be indeterminate in it's nature.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
The Trinteri pride flag was created by the coiner at the same time of the term (Gent, GJ, 3/24). The flag consists of three down-pointing chevrons of the same size, with negative space above, between chevrons and to the left and right bottom corner of the flag. The top negative space is very light green. The left-botton negative space is very light pink. The right-bottom negative space is very light blue. The chevrons from top to bottom are indigo, grey and teal with very light grey in between. The colors have the following meanings:
The very light-green negative space represents neutrinity.
The very light-pink negative space represents femininity.
The very light-blue negative space represents masculinity.
The purple chevron represents androgyny.
The grey chevron represents neutremmity.
The teal chevron represents neutrommity.
The very light grey negative space between the chevrons represents the center of the Gender Trinary.
[PT: The very light-green negative space represents neutrinity. The very light-pink negative space represents femininity. The very light-blue negative space represents masculinity. The purple chevron represents androgyny. The grey chevron represents neutremmity. The teal chevron represents neutrommity. The very light grey negative space between the chevrons represents the center of the Gender Trinary. ./. End PT]
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ryanyflags · 3 months
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t-abine/t-abinarine ✦ t-midbine/t-midbinarine ✦ t-bine/t-binarine
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t-atrine/t-atrinarine ✦ t-midtrine/t-midtrinarine ✦ t-trine/t-trinarine
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T- flags (❛ᴗ❛)
[part 1] ✦ [here] ✦ [part 3]
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My understanding of t- terms is that they are both a shortening/alt to trans terms, can represent other terms starting with t (ask here), as well as be their own standalone terms (which makes sense, sometimes people feel described by one term, but not another, even if they are for the same definition).
Just wanted to state my ideas behind these terms. I mean for these flags to be inclusive, so if anyone connects to this in a way not really included by the definitions I listed, I think you can still use them.
Also, I wrote all the names with a dash, but they can be used without the dash, or different capitalisations too.
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The flag formats are based off of @revenant-coining's tfem & tmasc flags. Which I assume are based off these trans flags, going by the colours. So I took various trans-gender-quality flags, without the white stripe, and mirrored them across the middle. (The removal of the white stripe is just for aesthetic/formatting purposes, not to take away from any meaning.)
For the sources of the middle colours, see this post. See also these posts for midtrine/midtrinarine and trine/trinarine trans/cis/tris flags. (They weren't included in the first set post.)
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ryanyflags · 30 days
Gender-quality presenting flags :D
Wanted to make some presentation flags that were missing (or at least, I don't know of any flags for these terms), so here they are. (May or may not be part of a bigger flag project)
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abine presenting ✦ midbine presenting ✦ bine presenting [pt: abine presenting, midbine presenting, bine presenting.]
✦ abine also can be called abinarine & abinine. ✦ midbine also can be called midbinarine & midbinine. ✦ bine also can be called binarine.
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atrine presenting ✦ midtrine presenting ✦ trine presenting [pt: atrine presenting, midtrine presenting, trine presenting.]
✦ atrine also can be called atrinarine & atrinine. ✦ midtrine also can be called midtrinarine & midtrinine. ✦ trine also can be called trinarine.
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ilyagine presenting ✦ aporine presenting ✦ outher presenting [pt: ilyagine presenting, aporine presenting, outher presenting.]
✦ aporine can also be called aporaine. ✦ outher can also be called outhr, outhrine, & outherine.
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keno presenting [pt: keno presenting.]
✦ keno can also be called kenoine & kenous.
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↓ References: ✦ original gender-quality-presenting flag format (feminine, masculine, neutral, & xenine presenting). ✦ nonbine, androgynous, genderless, & maverine presenting flags (in the same format). ✦ nonbine, midbine, abine, & atrine (alt) flags. ✦ binarine flag. ✦ midtrinarine flag. ✦ trinarine flag. ✦ ilyagine flag. ✦ aporine flag. ✦ outherine flag. ✦ kenoine flag.
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So they all follow the above gender-quality presenting flag format (3 stripes, with the outer 2 stripes being for the gender-quality in question).
I just took the colours of the above gender quality flags, simplified them to 2 colours, and used them on the edges. Pretty straightforward. The only slight exception is atrine presenting, which has a lightly yellower center grey stripe. This is to help a bit with contrast, and match the general aesthetic I do with atrinary flags (where atrinary yellowish white is used instead of plain white, or whatever the default light center colour of the flag format is).
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ryanyflags · 7 months
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midtrinary ✦ midtrine mtriaspec ✦ mtringender
midtrinary : see this and this post for explanations.
midtrine (midtrinity) / midtrinarine (midtrinarinity / midtrinarity) : midtrinary gender quality.
mtriaspec / midtriaspec : an umbrella term for anyone on the midtrinary spectrum. It includes all midtrinary genders, partial midtrinary genders, midtrinary aligned and adjacent genders, and genders which are in some way similar to / resemblant of midtrinity / midtrinarity.
mtringender / midtringender : an umbrella term for all genders midtrine / midtrinarine in nature.
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Some midtrinary stuff :D
[pt: midtrinary]
The midtrinary one is an alt flag, since I wanted one in the same style as my midbinary/abinary/atrinary alt flags. But the other ones should all be new, I came up with the names and definitions myself anyways.
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My understanding of trinary is a lot like what's shown in this diagram, so I consider masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and neutrality trinary. The midtrinary flag is based off that, but more blended, for the mid- part, kind of like my midbinary flag.
I chose green, blue, purple, and magenta as that's just what I see typically associated with neutrality, masculinity, androgyny, and femininity.
The other flags are all derived from this main midtrinary flag.
Midtrine is in a vertical 5 stripe pattern, like these gender quality flags (there's a lot of links in that post pointing to similar flags). I think it also helps separate it from the regular flag, so it won't just look like a 5 striped midtrinary flag.
Mtriaspec is a light center, gradienting to darker stripes on the edges. Like the original iaspec flags.
Mtringender has a wide middle stripe, and gradients to lighter colours on the outside. Again, like other ingender flags (mingender, fingender, lingender flags) (though I guess the center being the darkest may just be my own interpretation).
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ryanyflags · 3 months
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transmidtrine/transmidtrinarine ✦ trismidtrine/trismidtrinarine ✦ cismidtrine/cismidtrinarine
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Some midtrine/midtrinarine (midtrinary gender quality) trans, tris (trans cis / cis trans), and cis flags :D
There's also trinary versions.
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I combined the colours of my midtrine flag into 2 stripes (teal and warm purple), to keep with the format of the other flags.
The trans flag format is from here, the black/grey and white stripes mean the same thing as the originals, with the middle 2 colours representing midtrine.
The tris flag format is mine. The bottom 4 stripes get their colours from this tris flag. The top stripes 2 are for midtrine.
The cis flag format is mine again, based off my alt cis flag, with the outside colours for midtrine.
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gender-jargon · 5 months
Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist
[pt: Gender-Jargon GIN Terms Masterlist ./. End PT]
I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it.
[PT: I said I would do it, so I went ahead and did it. ./. End PT]
Tagging @imoga-pride and @in-nature-archive.
Here is a list of GIN ([Gender]-in-nature) terms that I used on my old blog (Gender-Resource) for tagging. I have also included more recent GIN terms that either I have coined or has been coined by others that I currently use or likely will use in the future for tagging.
If anyone has any questions about the terms here, just let me know and I would be happy to answer them :-)
Fin: (Feminine-in-nature)
Unfin: (Unfeminine-in nature)
Troin: (Troinine-in-nature)
Min: (Masculine-in-nature)
Droin: (Droxinine-in-nature)
Unmin: (Unmasculine-in-nature)
Lin: (Androgynous-in-nature)
Unlin: (Unandrogynous-in-nature)
Femain: (Femasline-in-nature)
Ambiguin: (Ambiguine-in-nature)
Altrin: (Altraeninine-in-nature)
Nin: (Neutral-in-nature)
Unin: (Unneutral-in-nature)
Neuin: (Neutrine-in-nature)
Epin: (Epicene-in-nature)
Trinin: (Trinterine-in-nature)
Amin: (Ambiguous-in-nature)
Perin: (Peraine-in-nature)
Ilyin: (Ilyagine-in-nature)
Mvin: (Mavriquine-in-nature)
Auin: (Autonomous-in-nature)
Othin: (Other-in-nature)
Nuin: (Null-in-nature)
Vin: (Void-in-nature)
Agin: (Agender-in-nature)
Glin: (Genderless-in-nature)
Gein: (Generic-in-nature)
Kein: (Kenochoric-in-nature)
Luxin: (Luxine-in-nature)
Inbin: (Inbissiec-in-nature)
Enmin: (Enmitiec-in-nature)
Shocin: (Shocking-in-nature)
Uin: (Undescribable-in-nature)
Din: (Describable-in-nature)
Apin: (Apathetic-in-nature)
Usin: (Confused-in-nature)
Main: (Male-in-nature)
Fein: (Female-in-nature)
Lein: (Femache-in-nature)
Buin: (Butch-in-nature)
Sobin: (Soft Butch-in-nature)
Fuin: (Futch-in-nature)
Femin: (Femme-in-nature)
Bufin: (Butchy Femme-in-nature)
Genoin: (GNC-in-nature)
Qin: (Queer-in-nature)
Ain: (Aporine-in-nature)
Ouin: (Outherine-in-nature)
Diasin: (Diastine-in-nature)
Xin: (Xenine-in-nature)
Oriein: (Orientation-in-nature)
Lexin: (Lexcial-in-nature)
Gsrin: (Gesneriad-in-nature)
Aesin: (Aesthetic-in-nature)
Coriin: (Coric-in-nature)
Whilin: (Whilom-in-nature)
Roin: (Neuroine-in-nature)
Iin: (Intersex Exclusive-in-nature)
Altin: (Altersex-in-nature)
Yin: (Yonderine-in-nature)
Cuin: (Culturally Exclusive-in-nature)
2sin: (Twospirit-in-nature)
Amplin: (Amplusian-in-nature)
Chin: (Changing-in-nature)
Plasmin: (Genderplasmic-in-nature)
Cinn: (Choice-in-nature)
Idin: (Fluid-in-nature)
Uxin: (Flux-in-nature)
Flin: (Fluix-in-nature)
Aporin: (Nonspecific-in-nature)
Porin: (Specific-in-nature)
Unrelin: (Unrelated-in-nature)
Relin: (Related-in-nature)
Plin: (Partial-in-nature)
Poin: (Polygender/Omnigender/Pangender-in-nature)
Antin: (Antigender-in-nature)
Novin: (Novel/New-in-nature)
Infin: (infinite-in-nature)
Doxin (Paradoxical-in-nature)
Oposin (Opposite-in-nature)
Contrin (Contradictory-in-nature)
Vain: (Vague-in-nature)
Vasin: (Vast-in-nature)
Win: (Weak/Disconnected-in-nature)
Reclin: (Reclaimed-in-nature)
Rin: (Rejected/Repulsed-in-nature)
Contrin: (Contraversial-in-nature)
Polin: (Political-in-nature)
Sucuin: (Subcultural-in-nature)
Cocuin: (Countercultural-in-nature)
Quesin: (Questioning-in-nature)
Virin: (Virine-in-nature)
Lierin: (Eraine-in-nature)
Commin: (Commidine-in-nature)
Ithin: (Itherinine-in-nature)
Andin: (Anderine-in-nature)
Diphin: (Dipherine-in-nature)
Umbin: (Umbinine-in-nature)
Pretin: (Preterine-in-nature)
Bin: (Binarine-in-nature)
Nobin: (Nonbinarine-in-nature)
Enbin: (Enbinine-in-nature)
Midbin: (Midbinaraine-in-nature)
Nomidbin: (Nonmidbinarine-in-nature)
Abin: (Abinarine-in-nature)
Noabin: (Nonabinarine-in-nature)
Trin: (Trinarine-in-nature)
Midtrin: (Midtrinarine-in-nature)
Atrin: (Atrinarine-in-nature)
Noatrin: (Nonatrinarine-in-nature)
Tin: (Trans-in-nature)
Cin: (Cis-in-nature)
Trisin: (Tris-in-nature)
Ipsin: (Ipso-in-nature)
Ultin: (Ulter-in-nature)
Iptin: (Ipter-in-nature)
— Gent (link)
[PT: -- Gent (link) ./. End PT]
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ryanyflags · 7 months
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abin- | mbin- | bnin- atrin- | mtrin- | trin- ain- | ouin- | kein-
abin- / abinsexual / abinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves abine / abinarine (abinary gender quality).
mbin- / midbin- / mbinsexual / midbinsexual / mbinromantic / midbinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves midbine / midbinarine (midbinary gender quality).
bnin- / bninsexual / bninromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves bine / binarine (binary gender quality).
atrin- / atrinsexual / atrinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves atrine / atrinarine (atrinary gender quality).
mtrin- / midtrin- / mtrinsexual / midtrinsexual / mtrinromantic / midtrinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves midtrine / midtrinarine (midtrinary gender quality).
trin- / trinsexual / trinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves trine / trinarine (trinary gender quality).
ain- / ainsexual / ainromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves aporine (aporagender gender quality).
ouin- / ouinsexual / ouinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves outherine.
kein- / keinsexual / keinromantic / etc. : attraction to people who consider themselves kenous (kenochoric gender quality).
The terms are prefixes basically, so they can be attached to any attraction ending (such as -rose/-romanticsexual, -tertiary, -platonic, -alterous, -sensual, -aesthetic, -physical, -emotional, and more). I only listed the -sexual and -romantic variations to keep it readable.
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(Copy and pasted from the first post)
For the definition of these terms, I reworded them a bit from common wiki definitions, but it follows the general idea I've seen in other posts discussing these terms.
Basically, when it comes to gender qualities, what counts as what can vary greatly between people. What one person considers masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc. can be really different from what another person considers it to be. Especially when you factor in things like different cultures, people with complex identities, or really queer people in general (as they can challenge such definitions).
Who's to determine what counts as what? Or say one definition matters more than another? I think it should be determined by the person in question. I can imagine a few issues otherwise. Wouldn't it be weird to put other people in boxes they don't identify with?
Also, these orientations aren't just being attracted to men, women, enben, etc., they're attractions to gender qualities (in either presentation or gender identity). So, for some examples, someone could consider themselves masculine while not being a man, and so be included under min-. It's the same for the others, someone could consider themselves maverine without being maverique. Or present femininely while being nonbinary. The combinations/examples are practically endless.
So the point of these labels is to be broad, and include those who want to be included, and exclude those who wouldn't want to consider themselves under that label.
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-in orientation flags :D [part 2 of 2] first post
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For the flags, I based them off of the 7 stripe -in orientation format, where it gradients to darker stripes on the outside, with a dark stripe in the center (minsexual, finsexual, ninsexual examples). I chose them because I thought the format looked really nice, and also because I don't know how to make symbols for these flags (again, if anyone wants to make symbol versions, feel free to do so). Unlike the original format though, the stripes on both sides don't mirror each other. I did this just because I wanted (more) colourful versions.
As for the colours, they're inspired (not exactly colour picked) by the corresponding gender quality flags. So abinarine for abin-, midbine for mbin-, binarine for bnin-, atrine for atrin-, midtrine for mtrin-, trine for trin-, aporine for ain-, outherine for ouin-, and kenous for kein-.
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