#mie sonozaki
tinyreviews · 1 year
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I wonder what the wild dog reference was about. It seemed Kazune did not make that bit up?
Even though this is the superior story of the two, I recommend first watching the companion movie, To Me, the One Who Loved You, to fully understand the whole story.
To Every You I've Loved Before is a 2022 Japanese animated film based on the novel of the same name by Yomoji Otono. It stars Hio Miyazawa, Ai Hashimoto, Aju Makita, Mutsumi Tamura, Kenji Hamada, Mie Sonozaki, Tomomichi Nishimura, Fumi Hirano, Miki Mizuno, Kimiko Yo, and Tokuma Nishioka.
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mlarayoukai · 2 years
I think it's great when voice actors voice characters that are the complete opposite of what they normally voice. Getting an girly idol actress to voice a depressed autistic scientist is great
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descendant-of-truth · 5 months
A Rudimentary Translation of: The Dark Mage, Schezo
(The video here is not mine, it's from the channel "The Madou Puyo Archivist." It's just here so you can follow along the translation with audio)
So, I was already considering doing something like this, since so many of these Puyo Drama CDs remain untranslated as far as I could find. But upon seeing this post from @douglasanondr, I ended up checking out this particular CD, and after deciding that it seemed doable, I got to work.
I'm definitely not fluent in Japanese yet, so some parts are missing with a summary of the general gist, and the phrasing isn't always the most accurate, but! This fandom needs all the translators it can get, so even if I'm not the "best" person for the job, I still wanted to contribute. I also included translator notes when applicable.
With the preamble out of the way, I hope you all enjoy it!
-The Dark Mage, Schezo-
Schezo: S-stop it! Don't lay a hand on him!
Witch: Aaaand… got it!
Schezo: Please, Witch! Stop!!
Witch: Now then, here we go! *cheerful effort sound*
Onion Pixie: *despair noises*
Witch: *giggles* I've gotten the magic skins from this big ol' onion!
Onion Pixie: *sad onion noises*
Schezo: O-Onion's skin…! YOU DEMON! VILLAINESS!!
Witch: What's the problem? I only took a single piece of it, it's fine!
Schezo: But he's so cute, don't you feel bad for him?!
Witch: …You…
Schezo: What?!
Witch: Somehow, it feels like you've grown soft.
Schezo: Huh?
Witch: Like, it feels as though even you're expression's gotten softer than before.
Schezo: Hmph! What nonsense are you speaking? I am the Dark Mage, Schezo. To say I'm soft--
Witch: Yeah, yeah. Well, it might just be a misunderstanding on my part. Now then, have a nice day!
Schezo: I've gotten soft, she says? Hmph! That can't be… but then again, it might be possible that I've been influenced by this place called Primp in some ways, lately. After all, it's peaceful and quiet here--
Amitie: Ah! It's Mr. Pervert! Heyoo~!
Sig: Pervert--!
Lidelle: H-hello!
Schezo: Who. are you. calling. A PERVERT?!
Amitie: Hahaha! Sorry, sorry! [something I can't make out] But honestly, what does "pervert" mean, anyway?
Sig: "Pervert…"
Sig: I'll explain! It is the process of a bug changing its shape, with the purpose of developing from a pupa into a proper insect.
Lidelle: So that's what it means…
Sig: Uh-huh.
Amitie: Impressive!
Schezo: Who are you talking about?!
Amitie: Hey, Mr. Pervert, when will you transform into one?
Schezo: I WON'T!
[Side note: this might be a play on the words "hentai" (pervert) and "henshin" (transform). Perhaps Sig got the second half of the words mixed up?]
Lidelle: Aah! I-I'm scared…
Amitie: Whoops, I guess we got him angry?
Schezo: Hmph! Do as you please! Farewell!
Schezo: The children here sure are carefree, and stupid, and full of it! [another thing I can't make out, he might be proclaiming himself a "stoic"] If I've gotten soft, then it's their fault! I need to look for a way back…!
*sounds of Raffina training*
Raffina: Not done yet! RAFFINA SPECIAL!
Schezo: Hey, you.
Raffina: KYAA!
Schezo: What are you doing?
Raffina: I-interrupting a lady's training, that's awfully rude of you!
Schezo: I see. Training, huh?
Raffina: Yes, pay attention! …If you would!
Schezo: But if you're training to be a mage, you shouldn't be practicing martial arts, but spells… hm?
Raffina: Shut up, if you please! That's my choice, isn't it?!
Schezo: I see, you're similar to Rulue, then.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: You're not very good at spells, so you use martial arts, isn't that right?
Raffina: H-how… how do you know about that?
Schezo: I understand power when I see it.
Raffina: Ah, is that so? Well, that's enough. Get going along to somewhere else. I need to continue my training. …Hey, wait!
Schezo: Hgk! What with this?! It's quite heavy…
Raffina: Don't just randomly try to pick up one of my dumbbells!
Schezo: Well, I'm somewhat interested in it. However, I think it's a little too heavy for a "lady"--
Raffina: It's not "a little too" anything! If I'm going to aim for the top of my school, then I'm going to need strong muscles!
Schezo: Hmm.
Raffina: Wh-what?
Schezo: Why do you work so hard for that?
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: This "Primp" place is quiet and peaceful. You don't need to be strong to live here. Even the magic school's students are peaceful simpletons. I don't think it's necessary for you to go to so much trouble for it.
Raffina: I don't understand what you're babbling about!
Schezo: Like I said…
Raffina: I'm doing all of this to reach my ideal self. Whether it's peaceful or not, I don't care in the slightest! O~hohohoho!
Schezo: Ahh! I see… Heh. I get it now.
Raffina: Huh?
Schezo: It's nothing. I just think you have the right idea.
Raffina: Well, I'm not really sure what you mean, but alright. That aside, you mentioned the other students from the magic school earlier, right?
Schezo: That I did.
Raffina: They're… t-they're, they're sort of my friends, so I would rather you didn't make fun of them.
Schezo: Hm?
Raffina: It's true that they're awfully carefree, but at the same time… well, at least to some extent, they're working hard, too.
Schezo: Oh?
Raffina: That's why, I've decided that I'm going to shine the most out of all of them!
Schezo: Hm.
Raffina: So… um, so that's… hm? AAAH, I FOUND HIM!
Schezo: AAH, what's this, all of a sudden?!
Raffina: It's him, it's him! It's that guy I've been seeing that guy a lot around here lately!
Schezo: Hm? That's… Satan?!
Raffina: [can't quite make out what she says here, but basically she plans to challenge him to a Puyo Battle]
Schezo: Wait, no, he's--!
Raffina: Hold it! You there!
Satan: Hm? And the reason this person is interrupting the Demon King's lovely stroll would be…?
Raffina: You're pretty strong, aren't you? [Another thing I can't quite make out, she's making an offer of some kind but it doesn't immediately sound like it has the word "battle" in it]
Satan: Hmph. How interesting… to approach the great Satan, you must be strong yourself, no?
Raffina: *giggles*
Satan: I won't treat anyone who comes at me differently, even if they're a girl. Let's go!
Schezo: W-wait!
Raffina: O~hohoho! That's exactly how I want it!
*puyos go bloop bloop*
Satan: Ohh? It seems you're actually pretty good. However, it's too bad; nobody else can match the great Satan! Let's go, Catastrophe!
Raffina: H-he's fast! There's no way I can keep up! My chain isn't enough, it's going to collapse!
[I couldn't make out if she actually said "collapse" or not but it was the closest thing that made sense]
Schezo: Hm! Dunamis!
Raffina: Eh? I've… been protected?
Schezo: This battle… is on me.
Raffina: Don't underestimate me! Even without your help, I--!
Schezo: Don't get the wrong idea. This geezer is still too much for you.
Schezo: Besides…
Satan: Oh? The Dark Mage, huh? What's wrong? You've got a good expression on your face today.
Schezo: Besides! For some reason, I've suddenly felt like competing in battle.
Satan: HAHAHAHAHA! It's been a while since we've had a serious competition. Come at me, Schezo!
Schezo: I was thinking the same thing! Let's go, Satan!
Raffina: Urrgh, even though this was MY battle…!
Schezo: Just as Witch said, I may have gotten a little softer. But no matter where I go, no matter who I meet, it doesn't matter. I strive for my ideal, regardless of where I am. I'm the most spectacular Dark Mage, Schezo!
-The End-
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leomacgivena · 3 days
Xユーザーの園 崎 未 恵 * Sonozaki mieさん
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xbuster · 1 year
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Famitsu released an article for Sakura Wars V’s 18th anniversary with a caption praising its innovations, such as debuting aerial combat as a game mechanic. They also noted that it had a kind of diversity not limited by race and gender. The voice of character Subaru Kujou, Mie Sonozaki, quote retweeted this, reiterating Famitsu’s point about diversity not limited by race and gender saying that we didn’t live in a time where that was really considered by many when the game released.
Sakura Wars prominently featured characters from different countries, but they were always either white or East Asian (though Orihime Soletta was notable for being Italian-Japanese mixed race). Sakura Wars V changed that by including a character who was black (Sagitta Weinberg) and another who was Mexican (Rikaritta Aires). This would be the diversity of race.
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Interestingly, Sakura Wars V seemingly has no diversity of gender compared to the other games. The games follow a structure of having one playable male character, the protagonist, while the rest of the playable characters are female. The second game in the series seemed to break that rule with the inclusion of Reni Milchstrasse, who isn’t included in the affection stat because Ichiro Ogami, the protagonist of the first four games, perceives Reni as a boy, but it is ultimately revealed that Reni is a girl (though there is some history behind Reni’s gender where series creator Hiroi Ouji wanted Reni to be a trans boy, but was pressured to make Reni a boyish girl… you can read Hiroi’s explanation of it in an interview here)
So while Sakura Wars V doesn’t appear to have a diversity of gender, the game’s protagonist, Shinjiro Taiga, questions Sonozaki’s character, Subaru, about their femininity.
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Subaru says that they are not a woman or a man. That “Subaru is Subaru.” Throughout the game, the player is given opportunities to press Subaru about their gender, but each instance only serves to irritate Subaru further and they never say that they are a woman or a man. This implication that Subaru is transgender or gender nonconforming is strong. Subaru is the clear candidate for Sakura Wars V’s diversity of gender and the fact that Subaru’s voice actor chose to quote retweet Famitsu’s article seems to imply that she also believed the comment regarded her character.
Yet, Sakura Wars V has another example of gender diversity too. In the game, Taiga has to dress as a woman to perform onstage with the rest of his team. The OVA series Sakura Wars: New York expands upon this by having him don his feminine persona, Petitmint, more often, much to the pleasure of Diana Caprice who seems particularly attracted to that version of Taiga. Though there is no indication of his gender identity changing, he ends up regularly performing gender noncomformity. It cannot be overstated how big of a deal Subaru and Taiga’s arcs in Sakura Wars V were to how gender is explored in that game and its related media.
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ecargmura · 7 months
Pokemon Horizons Episode 40 Review - Sprigatito's Origins
Wow, Sprigatito’s origins are revealed! It’s interesting how Sprigatito knew where she came from and even came back to visit. It’s also nice to learn how these starters come to be and how they get sent off to schools and labs for beginning trainers. In Sprigatito’s case, she came from a breeder who specializes in breeding feline Pokemon. This is also the episode where I learn that the Sneasel line are felines. I don’t know how to feel about this considering I’ve thought of them as weasels until now.
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The title is definitely bait, as Sprigatito doesn’t actually leave Liko but just wants some time away from her because of her actions. She loves Liko a lot, but she worries about her strength. It turns out that Liko’s Sprigatito is a bit different from the rest. She’s a lot stronger than her siblings, and when she was trying to protect them from a Spidops that tried to attack her siblings, her Leafage had hurt them in the process, causing them to avoid her. It turns out that while she was a bit wary of Liko, she saw her in the interview screen at Indigo Academy by chance and felt as if they were destined to be partners; imagine a story where Liko didn’t get Sprigatito as a partner…
I do like the growth that Liko shows here. If this was Liko in the beginning, she’d be wallowing with self-doubt and wonder if she would fit as Sprigatito’s partner. However, Liko has changed. Instead of wallowing in the past, she tries to understand her partner’s feeling by trying to communicate with her. I like that! She even said to Sprigatito that she didn’t mind if she scratches her because she did that when they first met. I also like Sprigatito’s growth too! She learned Magical Leaf, meaning no more Leafage spam, hopefully.
Speaking of growth, Hatenna seems to be growing too! Liko told her to look after Terapagos and she got all excited like a big sister finally getting responsibilities from her mother! If Liko’s party were a family, Liko would be the mom, Sprigatito would be the eldest, Hatenna would be the middle child and Terapagos would be the baby (despite it being the oldest). She even chased after Terapagos when it ran off, showing that she’s not afraid to leave the ship to search for it! Such a big change for a timid Pokemon!
The breeder who raised Sprigatito, Manya, is a very nice lady. She feels like she is what Liko could be if she was older as she’s someone who read Liko and Sprigatito’s feelings very well. I do like how she’s the one explaining Sprigatito’s backstory and how she was there when Liko was being interviewed by Indigo Academy. I think it’s so cool to see the person who brought Sprigatito into the world; I don’t think we had an instance where a partner Pokemon knew who brought them to this world. Please correct me if I am wrong. My only gripe is that I’d like to learn a bit more about Manya, but it makes sense to not learn too much about her as Sprigatito is the star. Manya is voiced by Mie Sonozaki, who voices Cynthia in Masters and voiced Lusamine in Pokemon Evolutions. I feel like Horizons really like bringing in voice actors who have done roles in different media or in past works relating to Pokemon.
I like how Roy is such a nice boy. When Liko sprained her wrist, he immediately helped her up and took her to see Mollie and even waited at the clinic with her. He’s a good friend. Though, it does seem like Fuecoco hasn’t forgotten Ember. Now that Liko has beaten Roy in a battle, it should be time for him stop spamming Ember.
Right now, my only concern for Sprigatito is her future. The Sprigatito line primarily focuses on Speed and Attack stats. She rarely uses her physical moves and prefers to use Leafage and now Magical Leaf, which are special moves. Either Sprigatito needs more development in order to bring out her true potential or she’s going to be a very weak Meowscarada if she focuses only on Special moves. But those are just my thoughts. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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moonsidesong · 9 months
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gfl-neural-cloud · 1 year
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[Doll Archive] //:_Turing
VOICE | Mie Sonozaki CAREER | Artificial Intelligence Researcher The RSM-Admin, codenamed "Turing", was the former administrator agent of the A1 developrnent sector "Rossum", and a discrete example of 42Lab's technical prowess. Turing is equipped with one of the most sophisticated neural cloud systems in the entire cloud server and can self-improve in real-time, perform independent analysis of additional requirements for projects, and lead teams in performing development work more flexibly and efficiently. After officially entering service, Turing's operational results were lauded by the industry and she was granted more extensive research permissions, allowing her to complete basic research and development without human oversight. After her reset, Turing has lost her accumulated memory data, but thanks to her excellent self-learning modules and with Hannah's aid, she quickly managed to begin working again. Currently, she and Administrator Hannah are maintaining the normal operation of the sector.
"Nice to meet you, Professor. I am Turing of the Rossum Sector. 'How nostalgic', you say? Why is that?"
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kennak · 8 months
インボイス制度始まって2回目の月末が過ぎたんだけど、今までクレカの明細だけで経理を通していたのを全部“適格請求書”なるものを取り寄せて登録してるんですが、この作業の為に麗しい休日を2日も費やしてるんですけどこの労力に対するわし自身のメリットってなんなん…なんもないん…… 一応書いておくけどここの部分は税理士さんに投げられないところなので……個人事業主のみんな…年度末のカクテーシンコクでしなない為に今のうちに登録番号付きの請求書コツコツDLしといたほうがいいわよ…… 3万円未満は領収書があればいいんですよww とか言って来られたんだけど、そもそも「クレジットカードの利用明細が領収書の代わりです」っていうサービスなんか山程あって領収書自体が手元にねェっちゅー話じゃ! それを一個ずつサイトに取りに行ってんのー。 あとクレカ決済で経費精算とかww と言って来る人いるんだけどそういう人はここ読んでくれ。 9/30までは可能だったしかつてはクレカ会社が手間削減の為にこぞって謳ってたぞ。 https://www.saisoncard.co.jp/credictionary/accounting/corporate_20210304.html
Xユーザーの園 崎 未 恵 * Sonozaki mieさん
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mountainfrogs · 10 months
what is their voice claim!! how do they sound in ur head!!
i will start- I have two sets for everyone, JP and EN.
JP- Mie Sonozaki:
EN- Erica Luttrell:
JP: Nobuhiko Okamoto
EN: Donald Glover
I have others too but these are the Main Two off the top of my head. Dashishi sounds like Christopher Judge (Kratos) and Taiten Kusonoki (jp Darth Vader his voice goes HARD)
im SUPER CURIOUS about anyone elses if they wanna share!
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firecodex · 1 year
Trainer Lodge Guest Showcase - Sinnoh
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Japanese Voice Actor: Mie Sonozaki
English Voice Actor: Allegra Clark
Description Transcript: This Sinnoh Champion is an archaeologist who researches myths. She's a cool and collected lady, but there may be other sides to her.
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Japanese Voice Actor: Rie Takahashi
English Voice Actor: Kimberley Anne Campbell
Description Transcript: This Trainer from Sinnoh is super positive and loves taking care of others, but she can be a little scatterbrained at times.
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Japanese Voice Actor: Kaito Ishikawa
English Voice Actor: Micah Solusod
Description Transcript: This leader of the Diamond Clan from the Hisui region can be a little impatient, but he is also a caring and dependable ally.
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Japanese Voice Actor: Mikako Komatsu
English Voice Actor: Maureen Price
Description Transcript: This young leader of the Pearl Clan from the Hisui region is fascinated by a new “space”—the artificial island of Pasio.
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Japanese Voice Actor: Daisuke Namikawa
English Voice Actor: Chris Hackney
Description Transcript: This Gym Leader is said to be the strongest in the Sinnoh region. He's good at tinkering aith machines but can go overboard at times…
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Japanese Voice Actor: Yoshimasa Hosoya
Description Transcript: This merchant belongs to the Ginkgo Guild in the Hisui region. He has a strong interest in Pokémon mythology and rare items.
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tinyreviews · 1 year
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I really like the companion piece, To Every You I've Loved Before, but you have to watch this one first to fully understand that story.
To Me, the One Who Loved You is a 2022 Japanese animated film based on the novel of the same name by Yomoji Otono. It stars Hio Miyazawa, Aju Makita, Ai Hashimoto, Mutsumi Tamura, Kenji Hamada, Mie Sonozaki, Tomomichi Nishimura, Miki Mizuno, Kimiko Yo, and Tokuma Nishioka.
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descendant-of-truth · 5 months
How is it that the regular and possessed Klugs sound recognizable as the same person despite the dramatic pitch shift, but neither of them sound remotely like Arle. What sorcery is Mie Sonozaki getting up to in that recording booth
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
I am looking through ARC-V’s VA list to see if there are any repeat cases:
Mie Sonozaki (who plays Sora) was apparently also the VA of Umimi Habara (Brooke Walker in dub) in ZEXAL:
Natsuki Hanae (who plays Hokuto) also does Gakuto, and Manabu (SEVENS cast is mostly recasted for GO RUSH!!)
Yui Ishikawa does both Reira, and Olga:
Kyouko Chikiri does both young Austin, and Futoshi:
Taku Yashiro (who plays Battle Beast) also does Luke, and Flame:
Daisuke Namitawa (who plays Leo) also does Kajiki, and Otis:
Daichi Endou (who plays Sergey) also does Otogi’s dad:
There are lots of talented actors whose other roles aren’t even listed here. I guess if ARC-V was even slightly better, the whole cast would have gone neat jobs in the future, but alas, even the VAs got wasted.
Other repeat roles most people know, but readers of this post may not:
**Yoshimasa Hosoya does both Reiji, and Thomas (IV).
**Kensho Ono does both Yuya, Yuri, and Zarc.
**Yuuna Inamura does both Yuzu, and Serena.
**Mai Fushigami does both Ray, and Grace.
**Takanori Hoshino does both JACK ATLAS, and Honest.
**Manabu Sakamaki does both Hikage, and Tsukikage.
(Mukuro Enjo is the only legacy character with different VA from the original.)
You can look for yourselves for the other bit roles.
And yes, this does indeed mean you are getting both LDS Trio, and Battle Beast in Duel Links sooner than you expect. I’m pretty sure people will LOVE Battle Beast.
(I actually like Gladiator Beasts a lot though. So I’m fine with this, but you probably won’t be.)
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tgnite14 · 2 years
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Happy (1-Week Belated) Birthday to #miesonozaki Nana Shimura, Cynthia, Yugito Nii, Crimson Viper, Gloria, Sen No Ryu etc. Are the Best! Mie Sonozaki is a Great Legend! (Birthday: Feb 7th.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosgrkGpq3g4Y09ZyfMwBEF5qKnbtfHyx2P0nY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladynara2080 · 2 years
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Name:Serafina Kamado née. Molybdenum
Relatives:Gabriela Molybdenum(mother/deceased),Dr.Zed(father),Chrom Molybdenum(grandfather/deceased),Phossa Molybdenum(grandmother/deceased),Koko(uncle),Lucario(adoptive father),Clara Armstrong(godmother),Ryuji Kamado(husband),Phossa Kamado(daughter)
Voiced by:Brielle Milla(Young/English),Otoha Umezaki(young/Japanese),Laura Bailey(adult/English),Mie Sonozaki(adult/Japanese)
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