#parallel shift
rastronomicals · 3 months
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9:07 AM EDT July 3, 2024:
Rings of Saturn - "Parallel Shift" From the album Ultu Ulla (July 28, 2017)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Aliencore
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tinyreviews · 1 year
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I wonder what the wild dog reference was about. It seemed Kazune did not make that bit up?
Even though this is the superior story of the two, I recommend first watching the companion movie, To Me, the One Who Loved You, to fully understand the whole story.
To Every You I've Loved Before is a 2022 Japanese animated film based on the novel of the same name by Yomoji Otono. It stars Hio Miyazawa, Ai Hashimoto, Aju Makita, Mutsumi Tamura, Kenji Hamada, Mie Sonozaki, Tomomichi Nishimura, Fumi Hirano, Miki Mizuno, Kimiko Yo, and Tokuma Nishioka.
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charmac · 4 months
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14.02 / 15.08 / 16.07
Mac making his own decisions, because Dennis told him to.
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how2loa · 14 days
How exactly do you work on your self-concept? Despite trying, it still seems difficult to me and I end up the same as before.
HOW2LOA : improve your self concept !
before we start i want to mention that self concept isn’t just your confidence and self esteem but it is how you view yourself, how you assume others view you and how you perceive yourself and life in general!
working on self concept isn’t necessary to manifest but it definitely helps to have a good idea of self.
the only self concept that i really recommend working on is the assumption that you can manifest, that you are the creator of your reality, that you have power over your surroundings, that you manifest fast and effortlessly and in general anything that has to do with your manifesting abilities. this will help because it will be your foundation that you can fall back on when fears or doubts come up because they most likely will occur.
how do you manifest a good self concept? you persist, as with anything else. drill it in your mind that manifestation works for you, even if you have no proof of that yet. embody the version of you who has manifested everything you want, who gets whatever they want in seconds, who knows they are powerful so they do not need to doubt because they know they’ll get their manifestations, because they always do. tip: dress the part and act the part if that makes you more confident. building good habits will help you with persuading your mind!
there is a version of yourself out there that is just like who i described. they are you. you are them. there is no separation. you already have an amazing self concept. there is nothing to fix or heal. you are already confident, sure of yourself, powerful, determined, strong willed, positive, successful, you have a good self image and high self esteem. you are your best self now. play the part. stop trying to fix or correct yourself.
the moment you get opposing thoughts literally gaslight yourself. would your best self think like that? no. and since you are your best self now there is no need to dwell on those negative thoughts. they do not matter as they are just opportunities to jump to a different reality. but you are in your desired reality already so you don’t need to entertain them. this isn’t about doing, its about being, thinking as if, tapping into that version of you because the moment you decide it is instant and you jump to that reality! and when you fall back into the old state and think you have stayed the same, just make your decision again to be your best self.
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i forget how much I adore the tonal shift in ARR after the massacre at the waking sands. how dramatic the turn of events are—how sudden and violent and real it is to have the empire in your face.
how the WoL, fresh off the victory against another primal, comes back to this bloodbath. how they have to carry the bodies to the cart. the remarks of people who have no idea who the dead are and that they do not care. they are dead.
how you just helped the slyphs and there’s this joy of another victory and how this little slyph is here to help. how you have to carry her body all the way back home. she died so far away from home and her family; she died for people she believed in and wanted to protect. and you have to carry her body back home.
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humming-fly · 2 years
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Who better to trust with a secret than a known liar?
anyways my apologies to b99 and happy countdown to the magolor bullying simulator release later this month! 
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sproutedlavender · 6 months
Manifestation is easy. We're doing it all the time. We are literally creating the world around us at every moment. We can shift into any desired reality we want, so why are we making it so complicated? Manifesting is the easiest thing in the world. Set it and forget it, boom! Manifestation complete.
You might say "but I don't see it..." But you don't have to! By feeling it and knowing it is done, you shift your reality. The 3d is a bit slow, so it might take a little for your manifestations to appear but once you decide something you don't have to keep trying to get it. If you decide you have your manifestations, it's done! And all you have to do is be in the state of it being done. This means joy, confidence and ease.
There's nothing left to do! You're living your dream life right now! Worries are out the window and life is good. <3
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So I went outside to watch the sky and I saw two shooting stars, 20 minutes apart (I checked) and then looked down at my phone and this was the time
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So… the kids are gonna be alright (it’s me I’m kids)
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varpusvaras · 1 month
Since I was watching OWK again for research, the scene where Leia burns her cousin (with the "then I guess I don't need manners when I'm talking to you!"), a lot of people take that as "she's Anakin's kid, making her dad proud!", and I'm like......have you guys met Bail???
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anderstrevelyan · 3 months
Baldur's Gate 1, every time you load it up:
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Sceleritas Fel circa Baldur's Gate 3, "My liege, I do believe we've been quoting it wrong all this time":
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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Different techniques
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rastronomicals · 8 months
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10:54 AM EST January 12, 2024:
Rings of Saturn - "Parallel Shift" From the album Ultu Ulla (July 28, 2017)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Aliencore
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fearwakes · 1 year
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Succession 1.06 / 2.03 / 3.06 / 3.09
So, Shiv is going to Washington, so why don't, tonight, why don't I take you out?
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themanirealityshifter · 4 months
oh yeah, forgot to mention, i might’ve shifted yesterday?? two days!?? (cant remember exactly) to another parallel reality.
i was going to take a shower and the soap bar in there was brown before i got in. when i got in, it was grey.
i could just have horrendous memory and wasn’t paying attention enough though, especially with me being sick, but who knows.
pretty sure i shifted, cuz i swear it changed colors.
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how2loa · 1 month
can I change my appearance and genetics completely if yes how do? Recently I’ve experienced a lot of passing events that has caused me to hate what I look like and how I feel and my genetics as a whole i’m starting school this Friday and I want to do anything in my power to look different before school starts and feel comfortable with how I appear I have heard LOA and manifestation can change anything so I’m wondering if it works for this as well
HOW2LOA : manifest an appearance change !
shortened version: create your new desired story and stick to it no matter what. as with any other manifestation. but for those that want a more detailed explanation keep reading :)
manifesting an appearance change is just as easy as manifesting a car or manifesting money. here are some steps i’ve been taking to manifest my desired appearance
# 1 — identify what you would like to look like
find what you would like to change about your appearance. let’s say you want to change the look of your eyes. get detailed. do you want to change your eye shape? your eye color? the size? decide on the details. in the case that you want to change multiple features for example your nose, eyes and height, do the same for all features.
# 2 — think from the end
imagine you got your desire. you look in the mirror and you see that you look exactly as you wanted to. your feature(s) finally changed and now you have your ideal appearance. what would be your initial reaction looking at the feature(s) that changed. “wow, i love my button nose”, “my skin is so smooth”, “i’m in love with my blue eyes”. make affirmations that sound like YOU. there’s no magic affirmation, the best one is the one that actually sounds like an ordinary thought of yours.
# 3 — stick to the end
now that you have figured out how you would react mentally if you saw a reflection that you are satisfied with, stick to that story. mental diet is everything! persist until it materializes. remind yourself constantly about your new look for quick results. embody this new character that looks exactly as you want to. because you are them and they are you. once you make the decision it is done, you have your desired look.
# 4 — avoid the mirror
if you are good at ignoring circumstances and not wavering you can skip this step, but i encourage you to avoid the mirror. do not dwell on the reflection if you catch it as it will bring you back to the old story. it doesn’t matter what you see in the mirror. it can change in an second. if you decided that you look a certain way then that is true now end of story. you have it therefor you know it is yours. checking the mirror for changes and not finding any might discourage you. a good rule of thumb is, if you’re looking for it its probably not there. your manifestation won’t miss you.
# 5 — use placebos
another good way to get your appearance changes fast is to use placebos. you can pick small actions that people often use to glow up like drinking water, brushing your teeth, getting better quality sleep. you can also use habits of yours that you don’t even think about to your advantage like licking your lips or even blinking. “every time i drink water i lose weight”, “every time i sleep i get prettier”, “every time i blink my eyelashes get longer and curlier”.
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gayvecchio · 6 months
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due South - 1.20 Victoria's Secret pt. 1 || 4.12 Call of the Wild pt. 1
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