#might be a barista soon! fingers crossed!!
wampabampa · 1 year
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Ayo! Been busy with school so take a silly howdy drawing and a few doodles
School hasn’t even started yet but it’s already bustin my behind 😔
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moonstruckme · 7 months
no cause I was thinking…. reckless driving by lizzy is so james coded!!! so I wanted to ask if you could write something inspired by it with reader being a bit insecure about loving him loudly and he’s just like a walking „I love my gf“ sign
ily I hope you are having a great day/night🫶🫶
Thanks for requesting, love you!
modern au
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
It’s beginning to frighten you how often you think of James. One of your friends will make a joke and you’ll catch yourself trying to remember it for him, or you’ll see a cute dog and want to send him a picture, or you’ll overhear a conversation in public and wish he were with you to press in close to your ear and ask Did you hear that? 
It’s sort of pathetic, really, considering you’ve only been dating a few weeks. The last time you’d met up you talked about how much you both loved the thin oreos, and when you saw a pack in the store yesterday you’d almost bought it for him. Only the realization of how much your life has started to revolve around him stopped you. 
You can’t be acting like James’ girlfriend. You’re only dating. It’s not like you love him—though you could, definitely, in time. But if you start doing girlfriend things, he’s going to think you are his girlfriend, and things will spiral out too fast for you to stop them. You have to dole out your affection in measured doses. Careful, controlled. 
You feel James enter before you see him. He holds the door to the coffee shop open wide, letting another woman exit before he steps inside, and the cool air that comes in with him has you turning your head. 
James is smiling as soon as he sees you. It’s a seemingly perpetual thing for him, this expression. You’re tempted to look out the window to the sidewalk and see if he’s left a trail of sunshine in his wake. 
“Hey,” he says, sitting down across from you. “You look really lovely.” 
You look exceedingly normal, but you thank him for the compliment anyway. “So do you.” 
“Thanks,” James says easily, like he gets this all the time (he probably does) but appreciates it nonetheless. He starts to dig in the tote he’s hung on the back of his chair. “I’ve brought you something.” 
You start to protest, but he anticipates you. 
“It’s tiny, don’t worry. Here.” 
He slides something crinkly across the table. It’s a pack of thin oreos. 
“Oh, no way! I almost…” You look up, meeting James’ eyes as your brain catches up to your mouth. Too late, you’ve blurted. You can hardly roll it back now. “I almost got a pack for you the other day, too.” 
He doesn’t seem to take your insensitivity to heart. In fact, his eyes light up. “Really! That’s so funny.” His hand remains still on the table but his fingers stretch towards yours, the barest of touches. “It was nice of you to think of me.” 
Your heart slumps. “I’m sorry I didn’t get them for you, though,” you say. “We should share these ones.” 
“Nope.” James leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. “Those are all you, love. Say, have you had a look at the menu?” 
You wince. “I’ve already ordered, actually.” 
“That’s alright,” he says breezily. “Back in a sec.” 
He stands and gets in line, leaving you to contend with the semi-awkward silence of being in the same place yet not speaking. Right as he finishes ordering, the barista calls your name. James looks like he might grab your drink for you, but you meet him at the counter, thanking the barista as you take it. 
“No problem,” she says with a smile. “Love your outfit, by the way.” 
You fluster a bit at the compliment, a break from the typical coffee shop dialogue you were prepared for, but James wraps a friendly arm around your waist and beams right back at her. 
“She’s got great taste, doesn’t she?” he asks, and you manage to cast a quick thanks over your shoulder as he steers you back to the table. “See, it’s not just me that thinks you look especially pretty today.” 
“Oh, hush,” you say, taking your seat and looking down to stir your drink bashfully. “What’d you order?” 
“Irish cream latte. Limited edition, apparently.” 
“So, the sweetest thing on the menu.” 
The smile spreads on James’ face. It ebbs and flows like the tide, you think, never really leaving. “You know me so well.” 
The warmth in his voice makes your chest feel hollow and achy. James goes to such lengths to do nice things for you, to show you that he pays attention and thinks about you and cares, and yet when it comes to you he’s left settling for whatever scraps of affection he can get. 
“James…” Your tone reveals your shift in mood instantly, and James’ head straightens the way a dog’s ears perk when it hears something alarming. “You know I want to take things slow, right?” 
He nods, and when he speaks his voice is considerately softer. “Yeah, you’ve said. Do you think we’re—I’m moving things too fast right now?” 
“No, just,” you wet your lips, having some trouble looking at his face, “I don’t know, I feel like I’m not being as good as you deserve. You’re such a sweet person, and I think…sometimes I feel like maybe you’d be happier dating someone who could be more all-in. You know?” 
For a second, the silence is torture. Then: “Someone you’re trying to set me up with, sweetheart?” 
You look up in surprise, but James is smiling again. Softer, now. Almost tentative. You find yourself mirroring him reflexively. 
His knee bumps yours under the table. “I don’t mind moving slowly with you,” he says. 
“Are you sure?” you ask. “Because you seem like you’re ready for more.” And I don’t know if I can manage that yet. 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He takes your hand in his, and his eyes are soft, sweet caramel. He looks almost like he could love you. “If I’m coming on too strong, you can tell me, but I care about you. It’s hard for me not to be all-in, but that doesn’t mean I’m expecting the same thing from you. You seem like a sane, well-adjusted person.” James nods seriously. “Something I could use, I’ve been told.” He tries to keep the poker face when you grin, but fails in half a second. 
“Okay.” You give his hand a little squeeze. “Let me know if you change your mind, okay?”
“I won’t,” he says certainly. “I always go for the sweetest thing on the menu, remember?” 
You take your hand back to cover your face, and James’ laughter echoes off the walls. 
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weemssapphic · 1 year
Hi how are you? I hope well! so i really like your writing actually ur my fav writer here on tumblr ;). So i had this idea for a fanfic by Miranda Hilmarson x reader. It was about Miranda being a traffic cop sometimes too and then she ends up giving the reader a ticket in one day and the reader gets really mad and even fights with Miranda, and then they end up meeting again, but what Miranda didn't know was that the reader would be her new boss!! From there I leave it to you, it can even be an enemies to lovers, you know.
I just had this silly idea, maybe you'll like it and I'd be super happy if you wrote it.💗
another thing! English is not my language, I'm literally writing this through Google translator so if something seems strange to you, you already know ☠️
A/N: thank you sooo much, that is so kind of you! I really liked this request and enjoyed writing it - it's my first time writing for Miranda so I really hope it's okay <3 just gonna post this and go hide now ahhhh
not your fault
Words: ~7.4k | ao3 link in title
Content/warnings: slight enemies to lovers, mentions of Adrian Butler (ugh), reader has a temper - poor Miranda is on the receiving end, mentions of cigarettes and alcohol, employee-boss relationship, angry Miranda, but also adorable puppy Miranda, nsfw (smut) - vaginal fingering, cunnilingus
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“Are you fucking kidding me…” You groaned under your breath as you snatched up the little piece of paper stuck between your windshield wipers - a parking ticket. You were already running late thanks to your cat having puked all over your carpet that morning, and thanks to the barista at the coffee shop who’d taken ages with your latte - and now you were going to be even later.
You whipped your head around, looking for the officer who’d given you the ticket. A tall, blonde woman in a police uniform was strolling down the line of parked cars, handing out tickets to each one. The officer turned as you stomped over, eyes widening as you advanced on her until you were standing right in front of her. You had to crane your neck up to look at her - in any other situation, you might have found this insanely arousing, but right now you were far too pissed.
“Care to explain this?” You waved the paper in her face - she went slightly cross-eyed as her eyes followed your movements. 
“Uh, that’s a parking ticket, ma’am.” The officer swallowed visibly, taking a step back.
“I park here every goddamn day,” you hissed.
“I’m sorry…” She seemed a bit dazed and distracted for a moment as she regarded you, her eyes darting between your own, before straightening her posture and clearing her throat. “There’s, uh, a festival downtown this weekend, they’ve closed most of the parking zones until it’s over. There’s a sign at the start of the road.” She nodded her head over to a single sign set up at the next intersection, one that you had clearly missed in your rush.
You were seething, a billion arguments ready on your tongue, but the clock was ticking - and in the end, she was right, no matter how pissed you were.
“You know what, fucking forget it. I’m already running late! Thanks for nothing.” You stomped back to your car and crumpled up the parking ticket, tossing it on the passenger seat and groaning in frustration - the officer stood rooted to the spot, watching as you drove away.
Not wanting to get a speeding ticket in addition to your parking ticket, you took your time driving to the police station for your first day on the job. You’d just moved to Sydney to replace Adrian Butler as he left his position to “focus on his marriage” - you hadn’t even started yet and had already heard rumors of his extramarital affair with a constable. Men are pigs, you thought as you strode into the station and took the elevator up to the third floor, half an hour later than you’d planned.
The room was buzzing when you walked in but as soon as you cleared your throat and made your presence known, everyone went silent.
“I’ll spare you all the usual ‘first day’ speech - you should know who I am. I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other well over the course of the coming weeks, but for now I already have my hands full with everything that Detective Sergeant Butler so generously left for me.”
Your eyes landed on an empty desk near the center of the room. “Who usually sits there? Are they out sick?”
Some of the men began to snicker - one in particular answered your question. “Oh, that’s Hilmarson.” He smirked and took a sip from his coffee mug as he leaned against the side of the copy machine.
You raised an eyebrow. “And? Where is Constable Hilmarson?”
The elevator doors opened behind you and you turned around, eyes widening as you were confronted with the tall, blonde officer who’d given you a ticket. Her own shocked expression mirrored yours.
“That’d be her.” The man - Constable Brown, you’d later come to learn - chuckled, his smirk widening.
“Constable.” You glared pointedly at Constable Hilmarson. “My office, now.”
She frowned and followed you to the small office at the side of the room. You closed the door behind her and took a seat behind your new desk, gesturing for the officer to sit. She scrambled rather clumsily towards the chair and sat down, looking like a child about to be reprimanded.
“Constable Hilmarson, is it? Miranda?” You regarded her carefully. Her cheeks were rosy with embarrassment, her eyes wide as saucers. And, God, were they blue. They were mesmerizing. Miranda bobbed her head up and down in answer to your question, a bit of her pale blonde hair falling in her eye. She raised a hand to her head, dragging long fingers through her hair to brush it back - you had to physically shake your head to stop yourself from getting distracted by her movements.
“I like to be prepared, Constable. So I was having a look at your file the other day, you see, and I was under the impression that you are currently on a homicide case with Detective Griffin. Or am I mistaken?”
“Yes - I mean, no, you’re not mistaken.” Miranda shook her head furiously. 
“Then pray tell, Constable - why on earth did you spend your morning handing out fucking parking tickets?” You couldn’t keep the venom out of your voice as you questioned Miranda - something about her was pissing you off (or maybe it was just the fact that you hadn’t even been able to drink your coffee yet), and you were having trouble reigning in your emotions.
Miranda’s face was bright red and her hands shook slightly. “I lost a bet,” she mumbled, unable to meet your gaze.
She cleared her throat, her eyes locking with yours. “I lost a bet. I had to take over Constable Brown’s duties for the morning.”
You sighed, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of your nose.
“I’m not here to play games. Do you understand that?” Your voice was sickly sweet, bordering on condescension - it was not lost on Miranda, who was starting to look like she wanted to argue.
Evidently, she thought better of it at the last second, for she simply nodded as she glowered at you.
“You’re here to do your job, not Constable Brown’s job. And I expect you to do your job well. So, seeing as you’ve not only made me late, wasted your entire morning, and wasted even more of my time with this silly conversation, I would appreciate it if you could get to work. Now.”
Miranda stood abruptly, sending a stack of papers flying from your desk as she stormed from the room. You rubbed your temples, wincing at the force with which she closed the door behind her - you were already starting to develop a headache, and it wasn’t even 10 am.
As the morning went on, you found yourself growing more and more agitated, unable to focus on anything. You realized as your stomach growled for the fourth (or was it the fifth?) time that, in your rush, you’d skipped breakfast. 
The second the clock hit 12 for your lunch break, you were on your feet. You’d have to work through much of your break to catch up, but you could afford to take a few minutes to grab a coffee and a granola bar from the vending machines in the lobby.
Passing by Miranda’s desk, you noticed that her chair was empty - the sight made your blood boil. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down - it was her lunch break, too, and she had every right to leave her desk during that time. Her messy, cluttered desk… You clenched your fists and headed for the elevator.
That wasn’t the only time her desk was empty, however. Throughout the afternoon, you would look up from your paperwork (you found that Adrian had been terrible at properly filing paperwork, making your job that much harder) every so often - and more times than not, the constable was nowhere in sight. With a frustrated sigh, you stood and strode over to open the window - you desperately needed the fresh air if you were going to make it home without strangling someone.
The sight of Miranda smoking a cigarette in the alley next to the station, just under your window, had you clenching your jaw, nostrils flaring. You couldn’t help yourself - you immediately headed towards the elevator and took rapid steps out of the station, rounding the corner and advancing on the constable, whose back was turned to you.
“Hilmarson!” you barked - Miranda flinched as she turned to face you.
“What did I do now? Am I not allowed to smoke or something?” She sounded agitated, and that made you even angrier.
“This is your fourth smoke break in the past two hours alone. If your habits are going to get in the way of your job, then I suggest you-”
“You know, you’re really stressing me out!” Miranda yelled back, gesticulating wildly as she spoke. “I’ll do my damned job, okay? You’re just really not making it easy.”
You laughed - it was hollow and sarcastic - and took a step closer to Miranda. Your face was inches away from hers now - this close, your eyes were drawn to her lips, soft and plush, trembling slightly with anger. A little scar adorned her top lip and your gaze lingered there for a moment, arousal pooling in your core - until Miranda brought the cigarette back to her mouth to take a drag.
Torn from your trance, you plucked it from her grip and dropped it to the ground, crushing it with your boot.
“Talk to me like that again and I’m sending you home for the rest of the day. Now get back upstairs.”
Miranda pushed roughly past you, her shoulder bumping into yours as she headed back into the station. You leaned against the wall and let out a loud groan, your eyes fluttering shut. Why was Miranda determined to make your day as difficult as humanly possible? 
With a heavy sigh, you opened your eyes and pushed off the wall, following the constable back inside.
Your second day on the job started out significantly better than your first. You managed to eat breakfast, get coffee, and make it to work on time, all without getting a parking ticket or arguing with a certain constable. Miranda had been at her desk when you’d walked past it and, mercifully, hadn’t said a word to you - though you could feel her eyes on you as you disappeared into your office.
When you left your office for your lunch break, you found the main office empty - you figured most of your officers were taking their lunch break as well. You strode over to the little kitchen, reaching for the handle when the door swung open in your face - your body colliding with a much taller one. You heard a gasp above you and looked up to see Miranda standing directly in front of you, eyes wide, mouth hanging open in shock.
It was then that you realized your shirt suddenly felt a bit wet - your eyes fell to the half-empty bowl in Miranda’s hand, then to your torso, which was covered in milk and little pieces of cereal.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me,” you growled, pushing past Miranda and ignoring the apologies that poured profusely from her mouth. You grabbed a fistful of paper towels and dabbed at your shirt, quickly realizing that it was no use - you’d have to get changed.
You spun around when you felt a hand on your arm, glaring up at Miranda who looked down at you apprehensively. At your furious expression, she pulled her hand away as if burned. “Do you need help?”
Sighing, you closed your eyes and attempted to reign in your temper. “No,” you grit out. “It’s fine, you’ve done enough. I just have to go home to get changed, I guess.”
“Well if you don’t have a shirt with you then you can borrow mine?”
Your eyes flew open, meeting Miranda’s soft gaze before flickering down to her torso. “W-what?”
“I mean, I have an extra shirt in my locker.” Miranda gestured back towards the elevator with her thumb, a faint smirk playing upon her lips - the fact that you had just basically ogled her chest was not lost on her, apparently.
You could feel your cheeks turn red and you looked down at your own shirt, clinging to your chest - it had turned slightly see-through, and you could see your bra through the thin fabric. The drive home would cost you your entire lunch break, and Miranda did owe you for this… You sighed heavily.
“Yeah, sure.”
Miranda smiled, her eyes lighting up and crinkling at the outer corners - it was the first time you’d seen her properly smile, and it was beautiful. She crossed the kitchen and peered out the door into the office.
“The coast is clear,” she said with a grin, gesturing for you to follow her. You rolled your eyes and the two of you headed down to the empty locker rooms.
“I always bring something to change into after work,” Miranda supplied as she busied herself with opening her locker. “It might be a bit big on you but at least nobody will be able to see your bra.”
You started to unbutton your shirt, feeling Miranda’s eyes on you as you did so. It was hard to focus with the constable in such close proximity - you struggled with the buttons as you found yourself growing more and more flustered.
“Here, let me help,” she murmured, and before you could stop her, her hands were on the buttons of your shirt. Her fingers brushed against the swell of your chest, just above the fabric of your bra, and you shivered visibly, your mouth going dry.
“T-thanks but I got it,” you mumbled, gently pushing Miranda’s hand away. “Could you turn around?”
Miranda furrowed her brow, her face flushing. “Oh, sorry!” She placed a baby blue t-shirt on the bench next to you, then turned and studied the bare wall with great interest as you got changed.
“You can turn around again,” you said, clearing your throat. Miranda did as she was told, her eyes getting stuck on your chest for a moment before meeting your gaze. Your anger had all but dissipated, replaced with an unfamiliar and somewhat unsettling tension as you looked at Miranda, your stomach flipping.
“Uh, thanks,” you whispered. “For the shirt.”
Miranda’s lips curled up into a smile. “Yeah, of course. You know, I’m really excited to have another woman on the force. Last night I was looking into your case in Auckland before you got promoted - I talked to Robin about it, even she was impressed.”
For once, you were left speechless. For all the crap you’d given Miranda since meeting her, she seemed so genuine and excited to be speaking with you in that moment - you could feel yourself get flustered again, and all you could do was nod your head as she spoke.
“Oh, my lunch break is over so I have to go meet Robin but, uh, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
You nodded absentmindedly, stuck on the way Miranda’s hands moved as she spoke and the brightness of her eyes. She shot you one last grin before turning and taking long strides out of the locker rooms, leaving you to stand there in a daze, holding your wet shirt.
It was finally Friday and you’d been invited to go to the bar for drinks after work to celebrate the end of your first week - you stood in the lobby of the station, waiting for Robin to join your group before heading out. 
Since the little cereal incident, you were trying to actively avoid thinking about, looking at, or talking to Miranda, but she was making that damned near impossible. When you’d returned her shirt back to her, freshly washed, she made sure to allow her fingers to brush against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. She wasn’t at her desk much throughout the day, off investigating leads with Robin, and for that you were grateful - but every time you saw her desk, littered with empty takeout containers, paperwork, coffee mugs, you felt a twinge of annoyance, followed by a sinking feeling of guilt that you couldn’t quite place. As a result, you spent much more time than you wanted sitting at your desk, dissecting your feelings for the blonde but coming up empty.
The door to the station opened and a civilian walked in with a small goldendoodle on a leash. A gasp sounded to your right and you couldn’t help yourself - your eyes followed the sound just in time to see Miranda crouch down and extend her arms towards the dog, which jumped excitedly up at her, trying to lick her face. 
You couldn’t tell who was more excited about the interaction - Miranda, or the dog. The blonde was letting out little squeals of delight, cooing at the dog as she buried her fingers in its fur.
“Pull yourself together, Constable,” you grumbled, annoyed mostly at yourself for the way your stomach was reacting to the sight of Miranda cuddling the dog. It was childish and unprofessional… You most definitely did not think it was cute. Not even a little bit, no… You blushed and looked away as Miranda stood up, missing the look of disappointment in her puppy-like eyes.
After that, though, you found you couldn’t even enjoy getting drinks with your colleagues - your mind was going in circles and you were unable to shake off this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. You sat at a booth near the back of the bar, nursing a beer as everyone around you joked around and slowly got drunk. 
You couldn’t keep your gaze from wandering towards Miranda, who was seated at the opposite end of the table. She sipped her beer, smiling occasionally at something one of the others said - your eyes, once again, got stuck on her smile. The upward quirk of her lips, the subtle scrunch of her nose, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. When she caught you staring, however, she quickly looked away, the smile sliding right off her face.
It affected you more than you would care to let on - as soon as her smile was gone, you wished for it back - desperately. And it was stupid, really - she’d somehow managed to sour your mood every single day this week, and yet your body was reacting to her in ways you hadn’t felt in a long time. With a sigh, you drained your beer and ordered a second one - this was going to be a long night.
If you’d thought your second week on the job would start better than the first, well - you’d quickly find out just how wrong you were.
Monday morning started like any other - you strode into the office with your coffee to-go cup, passing by Miranda’s empty desk. There was a half-empty bowl of cereal at the edge, stacks of manila folders and paperwork strewn over the surface, an empty, crumpled paper bag from the local bakery that had been tossed unceremoniously onto the computer keyboard. It stirred up a twinge of annoyance in you, but you tried your best to shake off the feeling.
Looking up and seeing the blonde standing at the coffee machine in the kitchen, you quickly averted your gaze and hurried to your office.
Your mind began to wander as you answered your emails and a flash of blonde through the window in your office caught your eye. Miranda walked back to her seat, a mug in her hand. She reached her desk and distractedly looked up, talking enthusiastically with Robin as she placed the mug down on a teetering pile of papers.
You looked on in horror as the pile slowly toppled over, spilling coffee all over her desk - you couldn’t bear to watch anymore, dropping your head into your hands in frustration as you heard Miranda let out a gasp.
Not my problem, you thought, trying to take steadying breaths. It wasn’t your desk that she’d spilled her coffee on, after all. 
You stood and made your way to your office door, calling out for Robin.
“Did you manage to get a copy of the autopsy results already? I really need them.”
Robin shifted slightly from foot to foot, a frown growing on her face - you really didn’t like the look of that.
“Actually, I sent Miranda to get them this morning.”
Raising an eyebrow, you looked past Robin at her colleague, who was frantically wiping up the spilled coffee from her desk. “Hilmarson, can I get those autopsy results?”
Miranda looked up, freezing in her movements. Her eyes darted between you and her desk and her cheeks were rapidly turning pink. “They, uh… Got a bit soggy.” She strode over to you with a piece of paper in her hand. You took it gingerly, a look of disgust forming on your face as the entire thing was brown and dripping wet.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” you growled. Miranda shrugged sheepishly and muttered out an apology - you glared at her in return. “I need you to get me a fresh copy by this afternoon.”
Miranda opened her mouth to speak but you interrupted her, balling your hand into a fist and crumpling up the paper, tossing it on her desk. “And tidy your fucking desk like a grown up,” you snarled.
Miranda’s face was red as she turned sharply on her heel and stormed out of the office, taking large strides towards the elevators and disappearing from view. 
“She grows on you,” Robin supplied quietly, watching you watch Miranda. You snorted.
“I doubt it.” Your stomach churned uncomfortably even as you said those words. Why did this woman have such an effect on you?
“She’s been having a rough time, ever since the breakup with Adrian.” Your eyes widened at this piece of information - you’d known about Adrian’s affair, of course, but you’d never thought it would be with Miranda. “They were going to have a baby together, you know.”
You coughed, choking on your own saliva. “They what?” You couldn’t picture Miranda as a mother - she was far too clumsy and chaotic… and goofy. And generous. Okay, maybe you could picture it, a little bit. Your stomach churned uncomfortably - you didn’t know the details of the affair, but breakups were rough - you’d moved across the country after your last breakup. You suddenly felt ashamed for being such a bitch to her. 
“Yeah, well…” You cleared your throat awkwardly. “I have a lot of work to do, so if you don’t mind…” You forced a smile and Robin raised her eyebrows, nodding and leaving you be. You tried to focus after that but you couldn’t, your mind wandering quite insistently to a certain constable. Guilt began to gnaw at your insides after having been so harsh with her. You’d have to - you wanted to - apologize for your behavior.
You locked yourself in your office and finished replying to your emails. Even half an hour later, Miranda was still not at her desk - nor was she in the kitchen, the locker rooms, or the alley under your window. You finally found her behind the station, looking out over the water and smoking a cigarette. 
“Hey,” you called, your heart clenching when you saw Miranda flinch as she turned to face you.
“Oh fuck. Look, I’m sorry, okay, I-”
“I’m the one who should apologize. Robin told me it was you.”
Miranda’s face scrunched up in confusion. She dropped her cigarette and took a step towards you. “Sorry?”
“You know, with Adrian.”
Recognition flooded Miranda’s features and she dropped her gaze to the pavement. “Oh.” She let out a hollow chuckle and turned again, walking towards the water and lowering herself to sit at the edge. You followed and took a seat next to her, leaving a healthy distance between the two of you. 
“Men are pigs, you know?” Miranda said after a moment’s silence. A loud snort escaped your lips, causing Miranda to laugh - you hadn’t heard her laugh so freely before, but it made your heart soar and you thought it might be your new favorite sound in the world. It wasn’t quite melodic, not necessarily akin to birdsong - it was loud and unabashed and very Miranda, and for some reason you found you really liked that. You couldn’t help but laugh, too.
“You’re alright, you know that, Hilmarson?” you said with a grin, gently bumping your shoulder into hers. Miranda’s laughter slowly died out but the smile remained on her face, accompanied by a faint blush.
“Thanks. You are, too.”
“Hilmarson.” You slung your jacket over your shoulder as you strode past Miranda’s desk the following day around noon. Her eyes grew wide and she dropped the pen she was holding, straightening her posture. “Come with me.”
Miranda scrambled to get up, slipping her phone into her pocket and following you to the elevators and out of the building. 
“Where are we going?” she asked, confusion evident in her tone as she scurried after you. You bypassed the parking lot, heading down the street instead.
“You’ll see,” you said with a smirk, wordlessly offering Miranda a cigarette. She fumbled around in her pocket for a lighter but you were quicker, holding up your own. “Hold still,” you murmured, holding the lighter up to her cigarette and lighting it for her, your eyes catching on the way her long, slender fingers held it, as if it were a delicate thing. 
Your destination was a nearby coffee shop, and you held the door open for Miranda to step through. “After you,” you purred, smirking at Miranda’s wide eyes. After a moment’s hesitation, she scrambled into the cafe, waiting awkwardly for you at the counter.
“It’s on me,” you said before ordering yourself a latte and a sandwich. “Get anything you like.”
Minutes later, you were sitting together at a little table in the corner.
“Look,” you started with a sigh. Miranda tilted her head. “Can we start over? I haven’t exactly been fair to you. You aren’t the reason I was late last week. I was angry and took it out on you, and that was really shitty of me.”
“I did spill cereal all over your shirt, though,” Miranda murmured with a sheepish grin, her cheeks turning adorably rosy.
“Yeah. Yeah, you did,” you said with a laugh. “That’s not the point, though. You’re too good to let yourself get walked all over, you know that?”
Miranda shrugged, unable to fully meet your gaze and focusing instead on her panini, out of which she took a huge bite.
“Not by me, not by Constable Brown, not by Adrian - you’re a solid officer and you have potential, you just need to stand your ground more.”
“Oh god,” Miranda spoke through a full mouth, her voice slightly garbled, her eyes wide. “Is this a performance review or something?”
You laughed, your stomach flipping as her blush deepened. “No. I just…” You hesitated, biting your lip and looking away. I just really like you. “I just wanted to apologize. I want us to work together, not against each other.”
“Really?” Miranda grinned, her eyes sparkling - the hope written across her face nearly made your heart stop, and you nodded. “I was so scared when I found out you were my new boss. I really thought you hated me.”
“I did, too,” you said with a laugh. “But… for the record, I don’t. I hope you don’t hate me.” 
Miranda’s cheeks puffed out as she chewed and she smiled widely. “I don’t.”
Ever since your lunch “date”, your feelings for Miranda were only growing. Your heart skipped a beat when you caught sight of her at the station, your stomach fluttered when you heard her voice. You even found yourself timing your smoke breaks with hers, just so you would have an excuse to chat with her and bask in her presence.
The following Friday at the bar, Miranda chose to sit down next to you. She placed a beer in front of you and offered you a wide smile - you felt your face flush as you muttered out an uncharacteristically shy “thank you”.
The two of you listened to your colleagues talk and banter - or rather, perhaps Miranda was listening, but you definitely weren’t. You were far too focused on the constable and your close proximity to one another; the way her shoulder bumped yours every so often, the way her hand flexed around her beer bottle, the way her throat bobbed whenever she took a sip.
Miranda laughed, throwing her head back, her shoulders shaking. She looked to the side, meeting your gaze - you couldn’t help but grin giddily back at her, chuckling a bit, and you could see her cheeks turn red as she returned your grin. 
After your third beer, you started to feel a little daring - you placed your hand gingerly on her thigh, your touch feather light as you were afraid of crossing a line. To your surprise, Miranda placed her own hand on top of yours - it was warm and soft and large, and you could feel your pulse pick up as her long fingers curled slightly around yours. When you dared to steal a glance in her direction, you could see a soft smile playing upon her lips.
“Hey.” A low voice coming from the doorway to your office caused you to look up from your laptop. A smile involuntarily spread across your face seeing Miranda leaning awkwardly against the doorframe, her hands clasped behind her back.
“Hi,” you replied - Miranda hadn’t come into your office proactively since you’d started working at the station, but you supposed a lot had changed in the past few days. “Do you need something?”
Miranda shook her head. “No, I, uh, I actually wanted to ask if you’d want to come over to my place for a beer or something tonight?”
“Oh.” A swarm of butterflies erupted in your stomach at the prospect of spending one-on-one time with the blonde - who was looking increasingly like she was about to throw up, the longer you took to reply. “Yeah, yes, I would love to.”
Miranda’s eyes widened. “Okay, great. I’ll send you my address. How’s 7?”
“7 is perfect,” you said with a growing blush, chuckling as Miranda rushed back to her desk to grab her phone - your own phone pinged with a text moments later: an address.
You showed up promptly at 7, your heart pounding fiercely against your ribcage as you knocked on the door to Miranda’s apartment.
The door swung open to reveal the tall blonde, wearing the blue shirt she’d loaned you after spilling cereal all over you, as well as a pair of shorts. 
“Blue is definitely your color,” you said before you could stop yourself. It really was, though - it brought out the blues of her eyes, making them shine and sparkle against her pale skin. 
“Thank you,” Miranda said with a laidback grin, gesturing for you to enter her apartment. It surprised you to see that it wasn’t as messy as you’d have assumed it to be - it was definitely lived in, but it was clean and had very home-y vibes. More than anything, the first thing you noticed was the smell. It smelled like Miranda - light and clean, but with the faint scent of cigarettes clinging to the air. Her shirt had smelled like that, too, when you’d borrowed it, and though you never would have admitted it back then, you’d buried your nose in the fabric more than once before begrudgingly washing and returning it.
Miranda offered you a beer and guided you to her living room, settling on the couch and motioning for you to join her. The couch was relatively small and though you tried to leave some space between you, your knee ended up pressing lightly against Miranda’s thigh.
Despite your nerves, it somehow felt right to be in her space. You felt as though you were able to see a whole new side to Miranda - a side that you really liked. As the two of you engaged in some timid small-talk, you couldn’t help but wonder why she’d invited you - you hoped it was for the same reason that you’d said yes.
“God, I was so nervous to ask you to come over,” Miranda said with a cackle, shaking her head at herself before taking a swig of her beer.
“Were you?” The thought amused you greatly, and it gave you a shot of confidence. You dropped your voice an octave and leaned forward. “Do I make you nervous?”
Miranda looked like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes widening. Your eyes flicked briefly to her lips, to her wet, pink tongue darting out to lick them, and you found yourself leaning even closer. 
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” you murmured, scanning Miranda’s face for any sign of discomfort. Miranda’s pupils dilated and her lips parted slightly.
“I would kiss you back,” she whispered, her gaze landing on your lips.
“Yeah?” you whispered back with a smile. Miranda nodded slowly.
You closed the gap, your lips meeting hers - she tasted like beer and cigarettes, and her lips were impossibly soft. She kissed you back eagerly, whimpering a little as your tongue darted out over her lower lip.
You pulled back, your cheeks covered in a light blush.
“I’m sorry, I hope that wasn’t-” you started, but Miranda interrupted you with a second kiss, this one deeper and hungrier than the first as her hands grabbed your cheeks, holding you in place. Her tongue licked greedily at the seam of your lips, which you immediately parted for her. You let out a deep groan as her tongue slipped into your mouth, dancing with yours in near-desperation.
“You taste so good,” Miranda moaned, her voice low and sultry, and desire pooled in your core.
“Mmmh,” was all you could reply as your hands gripped at Miranda’s waist and you swung your leg over her lap to straddle her. Her hands slid down to your waist, then your hips, then came to rest on top of your thighs. She gave them a squeeze and you found yourself involuntarily grinding your pelvis into her lap, her touch sending your body into overdrive.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered, Miranda swallowing your words as your bodies pressed against each other, a steady and suffocating heat building between the two of you.
The constable’s hands slipped under your ass and she turned you onto your back - breaking the kiss only briefly to position herself above you. One of her knees came to rest between your legs and she pushed it against your core, drawing a groan from your throat. The pressure was delicious against your aching sex and you bucked your hips to get some much-needed relief.
Miranda’s lips left your own and began to trail down your chin, your throat, your chest, stopping at the top button of your shirt - hot, wet, needy. She lifted her head and you looked down to meet her gaze - her pupils were blown wide with lust, her cheeks gorgeously flushed, her hair tousled.
“We- fuck,” you started breathily, finding it almost impossible to think as Miranda’s knee pressed against your clit. “We should slow down.”
Miranda nodded, her eyes widening and her cheeks bright red as she reluctantly pulled her leg away from your cunt. You bit down on your lower lip to stop a whine from slipping out at the loss of friction.
The constable settled half on top of you, leaning against the back of the couch and propping her head up on her arm. She closed her eyes as she tried to steady her heavy, ragged breathing. “Right. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you whispered, your voice hoarse with want. “I just don’t want to take advantage of you.”
Miranda’s eyes snapped open and she met your gaze, a slow, easy grin spreading across her face. “You’re not. I want this.”
“I don’t think I just want this,” you mumbled, closing your eyes and swallowing hard. “I want you.” 
“I want you, too.”
You opened your eyes and met Miranda’s bright, eager gaze, searching her face for any hint of doubt or hesitation. “Are you sure?”
Miranda nodded and you lunged forward, your lips crashing into hers as your hand snaked its way around the back of her head, holding her in place. Your fingers threaded through her hair - it felt like silk under your skin.
Your other hand settled on her waist, tugging her on top of you - her body weight pressed you down into the couch and you groaned at the feeling. You needed more, you wanted more, so your hands found the hem of Miranda’s t-shirt and you slipped underneath it. Her bare skin was impossibly smooth, and you felt electricity coursing through your body at the feeling of her soft hips in your hands. Your hands found their way up her back and you raked your nails over the expanse of it, pleased with the hungry growl that escaped Miranda’s lips.
Finding the clasp of her bra, you unclipped it, slipping a hand around to the front of her torso and under the loose fabric to palm her breast. She grasped desperately at your waist as your warm palm rubbed over her nipple, rolling it into a hard peak. Miranda let out a breathy sigh and sat up, straddling your waist and pulling her shirt off. Her bra followed, and both were discarded on the floor behind the couch. 
You felt the air leave your lungs as you stared up at Miranda - your mouth going dry. Her rosy nipples contrasted against her pale skin, her abdomen rippled with every heaving breath that she took. You couldn’t help but reach out and touch her, caressing her hips, her stomach, her breasts - flicking your thumbs over her pert nipples and watching them harden further.
Sitting up, you hungrily took one of the rosy buds into your mouth, sucking greedily and soothing your tongue over it as you felt Miranda’s hands thread through your hair. You repeated the process on her other nipple, thoroughly pleased with yourself when Miranda let out a soft, breathy moan - one that was so deliciously pornographic that you felt a wave of arousal course through you, your panties growing damp.
You released Miranda’s nipple, your hands drifting down to the buckle of her belt and making quick work of undoing it. Miranda took the hint, removing her pants in a hurry and then focusing her attention on your own clothes. Your own shirt was unbuttoned and tossed aside in an instant, your pants tugged down your legs and dropped onto the floor with the rest of the clothing.
Miranda’s bare skin was hot against your own and you pulled her back down on top of you, your pussy throbbing as her nipples brushed against yours. You kissed her with hunger and passion, your left hand palming her ass as your right hand found its way between your bodies to cup her pussy over her underwear.
The constable groaned, immediately grinding against your hand - you noticed that she’d soaked through the thin cotton of her underwear. You pulled the fabric aside and curled your fingers against the length of her slit, letting out a gasp as you felt her dripping for you.
“I need you,” she whined, shuddering as your fingers explored her folds - letting out a strangled whimper when you smeared her wetness over her clit and began to draw lazy circles over the bundle of nerves.
Miranda turned out to be as loud as she was sensitive - you found it easy to bring her to the edge, time and time again, your fingers applying a gentle pressure to her clit and pumping easily in and out of her, her slick walls drawing your digits in and clenching tightly around them. Her unabashed moans filled the air, echoing off the walls of the living room and having you wondering - only briefly, though - how thick those walls were.
After her fifth orgasm, when the stimulation finally became too much for her, Miranda whimpered and shifted her pelvis away from you. Taking the hint, you pulled your hand out of her underwear, your fingers shining with her arousal. You lifted them to Miranda’s face, smirking when she immediately opened her mouth and allowed you to place your fingers on her tongue. She sucked them clean, her flushed cheeks hollowing out, her kiss-swollen lips wrapped around your knuckles. 
You leaned forward to kiss her as she released your fingers, eager to taste the remnants of her orgasm on her tongue. The taste was heavenly - you were almost sorry that Miranda was so overstimulated - you’d have given everything to go down on her.
She pulled back from the kiss, her hot, heavy breath ghosting over your face as she rested her forehead against your own, trying to steady her breathing. A bead of sweat had collected on her forehead and you reached up to wipe it away, tucking a strand of mussed hair behind her ear. It was too short, of course, and immediately fell back into her face - it made you smile, and Miranda smiled - no, beamed - back, her eyes sparkling.
“I hope that wasn’t too much,” you whispered into the silence - Miranda blushed and shook her head no. Her fingers danced along the waistband of your underwear, lightly at first as she leaned in for a languid kiss. Then her fingers curled under the waistband and began tugging, her lips trailing down your jaw, your throat, your sternum, your stomach - soft, warm, wet, hungry. She tugged your underwear down your legs, her lips immediately replacing the fabric as she pressed kisses to your mound, to your inner thighs - finally disappearing between your legs. 
You felt her tongue lap hungrily at your folds, little noises of pleasure coming from between your thighs and vibrating against your cunt. It was both adorable and extremely hot at the same time, how eagerly Miranda ate you out - sloppy, yet determined (and very skilled, you noted mentally, letting out a filthy groan as her lips latched onto your clit, her tongue flicking at the sensitive little bundle).
By the time Miranda was finished with you, your thighs were trembling and your breathing was ragged. The constable pressed one final kiss to your clit, before sitting up and grinning goofily down at you. Her chin was coated in your slick and her cheeks were flushed, and you couldn’t help but loop an arm around her neck and pull her close, licking your own arousal off her face before meeting her lips in a slow, sensual kiss.
After what felt like hours holding each other, kissing and regaining your breaths, you felt your eyes begin to grow heavy and you sighed.
“I should probably get going,” you murmured, your voice slightly hoarse.
“Yeah - of course.” Miranda blushed as she pushed herself off you. “Can you just wait here?”
You nodded, furrowing your brows as the constable stood and walked out of the room. You heard the tap running, then she came back with a wet washcloth.
“Is it okay if I…” Her eyes darted down between your legs as she took a seat next to you.
It was your turn to blush. “Yeah, that’s okay. Thanks.”
Miranda cleaned you up with great care, being extra gentle as she soothed the washcloth over your clit. When she was done, you got dressed in silence, then allowed Miranda to walk you to the door. She paused with her hand on the doorknob.
“Would you want to…” she trailed off, not quite able to meet your gaze.
“Are you busy Saturday? Would you like to go on a date with me?” You couldn’t help but smile as Miranda’s eyes widened and she began to nod, a look of relief washing over her face as her lips curled upwards.
“Yeah - I’m not busy, I would love to.”
“Good.” You smirked, leaning in to press your lips to Miranda’s - her breath hitched in her chest. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
You turned to leave, exiting the apartment and walking down the hall. Turning around to wave goodbye, you could see Miranda smiling as her head poked out from behind the door. 
That night, you fell asleep with a soft smile on your face and a warmth in your belly - already mentally planning your date.
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fruitylo0pz · 2 years
A Perfect Fit (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x fem!Teacher!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut (with fluff towards the end), dom!Larissa, fingering, neck biting, cunnilingus 
A/N: Jealous Larissa is back again, but of course she’s also soft because I am so, so weak for her. It has been proofread, but as I've mentioned in every fic I am doing 20 things at the same time and can't concentrate for the life in me so I apoligise for any mistakes. Hope you enjoy!
Word count: ~2.9k
It had been two months since your last date, and Larissa barely noticed you. It made you furious because she had seemed so keen, but all of a sudden out of nowhere? Nothing. It was as if you were invisible to her. Now, it was time for your office party, and you had found another date. You bought the dress months ago, and you had actually bought it because you thought Larissa would appreciate it. You didn’t want to let it go to waste, so you had asked Alex, one of the baristas at the Weathervane if she wanted to go and luckily she did. She wasn’t really your type and you knew she had a reputation but you just wanted someone to take your mind off of Larissa, as wrong as that might have been.
You had been dancing with Alex non-stop when you noticed Larissa staring. She was sitting at her table with a drink, and she had a stern look on her face. You grinned to yourself, and you did like her staring. Maybe she finally realised what she’s missing out on.
“Wanna sit down, Y/N? This dancing has me exhausted!” You laughed before taking her hand and leading her back to your table. You wanted to enjoy the date, and you did to some degree. But Larissa’s look also awakened something in your core that you couldn’t seem to tame. You tried to dismiss it when you noticed her walking over to your table. The knot in your core tightened even more.
“Ms. Y/L/N, may I have a word with you?” Her voice demanding. She would not take no for an answer.
“Of course, Ms. Weems. I’m sorry, Alex. I’ll be right back, okay?” Alex nodded and smiled and went to get another drink.
“What is it, Larissa? I’m not at work now, and if you hadn’t noticed, I actually have a date.” Her boldness annoyed you. You were of course still extremely attracted to the tall goddess, but you’d rather she didn’t know that.
Larissa just looked at you with the same stern look. “My office. Now.” you were far too weak for her, and you agreed even though you were still annoyed with her dismissing you so easily.
As soon as you entered her office, she locked the door and you huffed “I asked you what you want. You took me away from my date, and I look smashing today. At least someone knows how to appreciate my effort.” you crossed your arms, and you actually wanted to leave.
She slowly walked towards you, and you gulped. No matter how annoyed you were, her presence made you weak. “You don’t think I’ve noticed how sexy you are? Your effort? I noticed the second you walked in. I notice you the second you enter any room.” Her face was neutral, but the tone of her voice told you that she was genuine.
“Really? It doesn’t seem like it. You have basically ignored me since our last date. I enjoyed myself and I thought you did too, but I guess I just wasted your time. And if you’re not planning on telling me what you want, I’m going back to Alex.” At this point, you were seething. Sure, she was your boss but she was not above you as a human being and she had no right to act like this. 
“I have been involved in an investigation, and I’m not at fault here but to protect the school, the students and my staff, I have had to keep my distance. I can’t tell you more than that, but you deserve to know why I have seemed distant and uninterested.” She actually seemed upset, and you were left speechless. She hadn’t ignored you. 
“I- You mean… You’re still interested in me?” You could barely utter any words, still shocked by her confession. 
She moved closer, trapping you between her and the door. “Seeing you with someone else made me furious. Seeing you getting all dressed up for another woman? It made my blood boil.” she ran her fingers through your hair as she leaned down to kiss you. You eagerly met her lips, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her closer. Your tongues danced a slow and sensual dance, making your knees weak and your mind foggy.
Her lips moved down towards your neck, sending shivers down your spine. “Tell me who you belong to, Y/N.” 
You whimpered and answered her with a breathy voice “You. I belong to you, Larissa.” she bit your neck, making you moan. 
“That’s right, Y/N. You’re mine. No one else gets to touch you. Now, come here.” she grabbed your hand and led you over to her desk and bent you over it. 
She started pulling up your dress, revealing your new lingerie. “You bought this for her too?” Her voice was angry and you could tell that it really bothered her. Her nails dug into the skin on your thighs, and you smiled.
“No, I bought it for your eyes to admire. I bought it months ago, and I was going to wear it on our next date.” You loved that she was so possessive, even though you weren’t actually a couple and you hadn’t slept with her yet. 
“It looks stunning, darling. But now I need you without it.” She slowly pulled down your panties while kissing your ass. Her lips on your skin made you even more wet than you already were, and you could feel it dripping down your thighs.
“Oh, look how desperate you are for me.” Larissa’s voice was low, almost whispering. She quickly turned you over and placed you on her desk. “Spread your legs for me.” you followed her order, and she smiled. 
“Please touch me, Larissa.” your voice was desperate and you didn’t even care. You needed her. You needed her touch. Her tongue. Anything.
She kneeled down and didn’t waste a second. She devoured you immediately, grabbing your thighs. “Mine.” you could feel her tongue spelling a word you never thought would feel so delicious on your clit, and it sent electric waves through your body. 
She slipped two fingers inside you, curling them to reach your magic spot. Fuck, her gorgeous hands and long fingers were even more skilled than you thought they would be. Her tongue circled your clit in a steady pace as her fingers went harder. “Oh, Larissa, I- I can’t hold back.” you uttered in between whimpers and moans.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, darling.” It sent you right over the edge and you gasped for air while your entire body tensed up in an exploding orgasm, making you buck your hips towards her. 
You were still exhausted from the orgasm when she lifted you up and carried you over to the sofa and placed you down before spreading your legs again. “I’m not finished with you.” she looked you in the eyes while shoving her fingers back in. Your back arched immediately, and you were so hungry for her. Your walls clenched around her fingers as she growled and leaned forward to bite your neck again.
You could feel another orgasm build up as her fingers started pumping deeper and harder. “I’m going to keep you coming until you can barely remember your own name, but you’ll remember who you belong to.” The words sent you over the edge in yet another intense orgasm, but she didn’t slow down. 
She continued in the same pace, fucking you hard. Your orgasms kept coming non-stop, your entire body twitching and writhing. You couldn’t even moan anymore, you just kept whimpering and gasping. “Now, let’s go back to the party. It will look bad if I’m away for too long.” disappointed, you fixed your dress and your makeup. 
You could barely walk, and your breathing was still mildly erratic. You smiled, but had hoped she would let you return the favour. You desperately wanted to taste her. “Larissa, do we have to go back?” You know you sounded whiny and begging, but you just wanted her.
She smiled and kissed you before grabbing your hand and guiding it under her dress. “You’ll take care of this later, but now we have to go back, my love.” your eyelids fluttered when you felt her damp panties, but you knew you had to wait. She made sure to fix her hair and makeup, and you went back to the party.
As you entered the room, you saw Alex dancing with one of the substitute teachers and you rolled your eyes. Now you knew why she had a reputation, but considering you were moaning with Larissa’s fingers inside you a few minutes ago, you didn’t even care. 
“I’m sorry, Larissa. Really, I just wanted a distraction and Jericho isn’t exactly a big town. I guess I just wanted to make you jealous.” You felt bad about the whole thing, and it was important to you that Larissa knew how you felt.
“Y/N, you didn’t know what was going on. I would have told you if my hands weren’t tied, but it’s over now. I promise. I am so sorry I made you believe I had lost all interest in you, really.” She knew it would appear inappropriate and unprofessional, but she leaned down to kiss you again and you blushed.
“Now, there is something I’d like to ask you, Y/N. I don’t want to waste more time, and I know I already asked you who you belong to, but that was in a far different setting than this right here. Would you let me call you my girlfriend?” You could feel your eyes tearing up, and you wanted to squeal.
“Yes, Larissa! Yes. I want to be your girlfriend.” you blushed at the thought, and you had been waiting for this moment, although you had almost lost all hope.
Larissa kissed you again before taking your hand in hers. A perfect fit, you thought to yourself. The party was coming towards an end, and you noticed Alex leaving with the substitute teacher she had been dancing with. She didn’t even say a word, just looked at you. You were in a state of ecstasy and pure bliss, and you couldn't care less about whatsername. 
“I’ll have to wrap this up, and then we can go back to what we were doing, my beautiful girlfriend.” Larissa winked and you grinned, wanting to scream from excitement at your new title. Larissa Weems’ girlfriend. 
After everyone had left she walked over to you and kissed you before taking your hand “Shall we? I don’t think I can wait any longer, my gorgeous girl.” you eagerly nodded. 
“And now I hope you will let me return everything you did for me, Larissa.” you looked up at her with hope in your eyes. 
She leaned down and bit your neck “Oh, I have wanted you to please me ever since I saw your pretty face for the first time, Y/N.” Her voice was low and hungry, and it sent shivers to your core. 
As soon as you came back to her office, she locked the door and took you to her private quarters. She pushed you down on her bed before she started stripping down. The look was intoxicating. Her body was perfect with curves to die for, and you wanted to touch every little bit of it. “Now I am going to make sure to put you to good use, and you’re going to do as I say, okay? After all, you did have the nerve to bring someone else. You’ll have to make up for that, my darling.” the knot in your core immediately returned, and you were eager to do whatever she said.
“Yes, Larissa. I just want to please you.” you were dying to taste her and she knew that. She knew exactly how to tease and torture you. 
“Good girl. Now, get up and undress yourself.” Her tone was gentle, but firm. You knew better than to defy her, and quite frankly you didn’t even want to. You just wanted to make her feel good. 
As you got up to undress yourself, she moved to the middle of the bed and spread her legs. Her cunt was glistening and you felt like you were about to start drooling. Her eyes followed your every move while her hand started sliding down her body. She started massaging her breasts and moaned when her fingers pinched her nipples. She let her hand wander further down until it found her cunt and started rubbing her clit. 
You felt paralysed and couldn’t stop staring. The look of her touching herself was almost too much, and you felt your arousal drip down your inner thighs again. She started finger fucking herself and moaned loudly while still keeping intense eye contact. You were so hungry for her, and she knew that oh so well. She pulled out her fingers and took them to her lips before she started sucking on them. “I bet you want to taste. I taste really good, darling. Beg for it.” her hand wandered back down and she started fingering herself again. 
“Please let me touch and taste you, Larissa. I promise I’ll worship you.” your eyes were practically begging too. You were desperate for her, and of course she knew this too.
“Come here, darling. Please your girlfriend.” Hearing her call herself your girlfriend was enough to melt you and you crawled into bed and collapsed between her legs. You grabbed her thighs and worshipped her thighs with your lips. 
She was clearly hungry for you too and she grabbed your hair, pulling you closer. You immediately obeyed and couldn’t help but moan when your tongue met her warm and soaked cunt. She was right. She tasted heavenly. She gasped as your tongue started circling her clit and she pulled harder at your hair. 
“Oh my god, Y/N. It feels so good. You feel so good between my legs.” she moaned and writhed underneath you and you couldn’t stop a smile forming on your lips. You grabbed her thighs harder, feeling like you couldn’t get close enough to her. You wanted every drop of her. 
“I have never tasted anything as good as you, Larissa.” The words made her moan out loud and her back arched as she gasped, and you could tell that she was getting closer. Her moans and breathing became more and more erratic and you kept a steady pace until she came undone and exploded in a loud orgasm, making her scream and shiver underneath you. 
Eventually she looked up and smirked “Fuck me, Y/N. I want to feel your fingers inside me.” she spread her legs more, inviting you in. Her cunt was still soaked and having you look at her like that made another wave of arousal pour down on the bed. She was so ready for you. 
“As you please, my beautiful.” you smiled as you sat up on your knees and started teasing her opening before you slid two fingers inside. Fuck, she felt good around your fingers. 
“Fuck me harder, Y/N. I want to remember your fingers inside me with every step I take tomorrow.” Her words drove you crazy. You added another finger and started fucking her deeper. Her moans were the most inebriating sounds you had ever heard, making your mind vibrate with lust. 
“Oh, that’s it. Show me who I belong to, Y/N.” you grinned and fucked her harder and faster.
“You belong to me, Larissa. Cum for me, my pretty girl.” Your words made her back arch and she tipped over the edge immediately, releasing her sweet arousal over your fingers. You wanted more, and continued. 
She clearly liked it, and she looked you in the eyes while you continued fucking her hard. She knew she was still in charge, but she loved being used by you. Her orgasms kept coming until you realised she was exhausted as she could barely keep still. You pulled out your fingers and moved next to her. 
“You clearly know how to please a girl, Y/N. Looks like I hit the jackpot with you.” she laughed and kissed you. She was so exhausted she had barely moved, and you pulled the covers over you.
“I know how to please you now, and that’s all that matters to me, my love.” you kissed her forehead as she wrapped her arms around you. 
“Y/N, I need you to know that you mean the world to me. I know you only said yes to being my girlfriend today and maybe it sounds immature or rushed, but I mean it. Ever since our first date, you have made me feel whole, appreciated and desired. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I promise I will try and make it up to you. You are my girl, and I only want the best for you.” you blushed and crawled closer to her. 
“You don’t have to apologise. You made it up to me already by asking me that one magical question. Ever since then, I have been floating on a cloud of pride and excitement. You are so beautiful and I am so glad I can call you mine.” you kissed her and she gave you a gentle smile.
“Let’s get some sleep, my girl. I’ll keep you safe in my arms now and for as long as I live.” she pulled you closer and rubbed your back with a hand as light as a feather. It made you drowsy, and you felt yourself falling asleep. You had never been happier, and you couldn’t wait to spend every night like this.
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ohwynne · 1 year
A Latte to Hate // Nora & Wynne
PARTIES: Nora @honeysmokedham & Wynne @ohwynne LOCATION: A Latte to Love TIMING: Early April CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A SUMMARY: Nora pays a visit to A Latte to Love for some free pastries. When Wynne tries to stop her thievery, she transforms into a giant monster that can only be defeated by a cruel blow.
A Latte to Love was Nora’s next target. She’d been casing the joint for one minute now and determined that at this moment, when she was staring outside the coffee shop looking in, was the best time to strike. The last customer had just walked out leaving the place empty except for the employee behind the counter. Now was her chance. Nora walked in, head held high, as she marched right behind the counter. If she acted like she was supposed to be there, everyone would believe her. As soon as she was behind the counter, Nora started fussing at the pastry pantry. All those little treats were going to belong to her now. Her mouth started salivating with excitement as she completely ignored the employee and went about trying to steal from the place. 
Work as a barista was ever-surprising to the likes of Wynne, who found small lessons in modern-world-non-cult-humanity in almost every corner. This world – that was to say, the one outside of the estate they’d grown up on – was filled to the brim with surprises, pleasant and unpleasant. A stranger marching behind the counter Wynne was managing? The latter category. “I’m sorry?” It was posed as a question. Then Wynne straightened their back, took a step and extended an arm to block some of the pastries. It was easy to roll on their back and let others walk over them — but Wynne had once held an important position. Some days they remembered. “Hey, if you want one of them, you can just ask to buy one. Or two, three …” They never felt like they were in much of a position to judge, but even Wynne thought stealing was crossing a line. “Like everyone else!”
“It’s okay, I work here.” Nora told the barista as she popped a cake pop into her mouth. Nora wasn’t the biggest fan of lying, but recently she’d found herself doing it more and more. It was really something she was going to have to consider about herself. Nora tried to keep moving around the hands trying to stop her as she continued pilfering the pastries. “Boss said I could come in whenever I wanted.” Was it really lying? Maybe it was just an alternate universe explanation of what could be happening in the scenario. If they lived in an alternate universe. “Boss didn’t tell you?” Nora was starting to pile what she could grab into her pockets, not caring what got squished or smashed with other items, all the while attempting to dodge the barista’s attempts to stop her. 
“I don’t think you do.” It wasn’t said with too much conviction: it could very well be that this person had been on a very long holiday, which would explain why she hadn’t shown up for shifts these past months. Wynne always struggled to tell lies from truth, preferring to go off people’s word but knowing by now that it wasn’t always in their best interest. “But even if that’s true, there’s a limit of one pastry a day for employees, you ought to know that.” No, this was far from employee-like behavior. And if this person was a colleague, then Wynne had a feeling that she might get fired real soon, anyway. “Can you stop? Those are for customers.” Their other arm joined the attempt to shield the pastries, trying to snatch a Danish from her fingers.
It was getting very annoying that the single employee seemed determined to stop Nora from her work. This was important hungry business. “I can’t stop,” Nora responded, allowing the employee to snatch back the Danish. What were they going to do with that? Sell it to a paying customer? Sell some Danish that had been touched by Nora’s grubby hands to a little human? That seemed like a funny joke. “These are rightfully mine.” An illusion flickered around Nora, her eyes shifting into porthole views of the ocean. All semblances of a human eye were gone, it was simply waves crashing against themselves. Nora’s skin shimmered as if coated in a light sprinkle of water. Behind Nora, large purple tentacles appeared to burst from her back. They waved menacingly at the employee that stood between her and her pastries. “Back off before I summon a tsunami to destroy us both.” 
Wynne was about to open their mouth to reply when the thief’s eyes changed, waves crashing where eyes had once been. The danish dropped from their hands as they stumbled back, an expression of shock washing over their face as tentacles took over the coffee shop. “No —” was the first word croaking past their lips, the counter hitting them in the back. Fear was an emotion all-too easily accessed by the likes of Wynne, who always seemed to be looking over their shoulder for something to come get them. Was this it? There were mentions of transformation in scripture, just not of this kind. Maybe they were simply losing their mind. “Just take it.” They gestured at the pastries, then tucked their hand under their elbow to hide its tremor. “Just take it and leave me alone.” 
Nora had the illusioned her grow taller, hiding in the body of the giant monster she’d just ‘transformed’ into.  While the show played for the employee, Nora got back to work shoving her pockets full of all the goodies her grubby hands could get on. The smell of orange mixed with sulfer greeted her nose, causing Nora to slow down on the shoveling. That fear… It tasted goood. It was an interesting mix. Nora stepped closer, bringing her large illusion with her. Nora wanted to know just how much fear she could milk out of this situation. “Now you want me to take it and leave?” The eyes went from a relatively calm ocean scene, to a storm. Lightning crackled down the illusion’s body. The tentacles slunk around the illusion’s body, aiming towards the employee. “Now is too late. Now I’m taking you back to my locker.” Davy Jones's locker was a thing right? Nora was like fifty percent sure it was a thing. 
They must be losing their mind. That could be one explanation: that the months of running and the moments of finally standing still led to this: their mind caving in. Their fingers reached for their collarbone, pressing down the way they had been taught — but Wynne didn’t relax, nor did the appearance in front of them. As its tentacles reached closer, they pressed tighter against the counter before ducking below its flap and moving into the store. The thing honed in on their fear: that of being taken elsewhere, or more specifically home. “Just take the food! I don’t even know what you’re on about, a locker —” There were lockers in the break room. And if they were supposed to believe the movies in schools. “Please, just go. You wanted the pastries, right? Just take them all.”
Nora was ready to follow the trembling employee to the back room, when the ding of the door opening made her pause. The illusion flickered out of existence so it was just her, standing next to a dropped Danish with a handful of pastries, and some sticking out of her many jacket pockets.”Welcome to A Latte Love. What can I get started for you today?” Nora mimicked the words she’d heard before. The customer said a phrase so long and outlandish that Nora just stared at them. She had no clue what half of those words were. “Okay. Five dollars.” A five dollar bill was handed to Nora, and she turned to stare at the coffee maker. Not a single thought crossed her mind as she considered how to use it. Nora grabbed a few more pastries before stepping into the back room. “You got a customer.” She explained to the cowering employee. “You should probably help them.”
And with that, the illusion was gone. The person who had hid behind it moved into the store and Wynne remained, covering their eyes with their hands before moving them up and running them through their hair. They were so tired of this, the panic rising in their chest and the fear that burst to the surface so easily. Of feeling weak. And yet there they stood, giving into instincts and losing themself in quick-paced breaths and memories. Wynne thought they’d escaped the worst thing, but there was so much bad stuff out here too. How was one supposed to find a way to live? In the midst of such ponderings the not-customer made her return. “What? What is wrong with you?” There was a flash of anger on their face before Wynne made their voice pipe up, towards the store, “Just a second!” They had to stop putting them on shifts by themself. Rising to their full (not too impressive) height again, Wynne looked at the other. “You know, if you wanted a sweet deal — no, never mind, just please leave.” 
Pockets stuffed with treats, hands covered in crumbs, clothes torn and disheveled. Nora stood still as Wynne’s words raced through her head. ‘What? What is wrong with you?’ A line that erupted into a choir, turning her mind into an echo chamber. ‘Why can’t you be like other kids?’ ‘What is wrong with you?’ ‘I don’t understand where we went wrong with you?’ ‘You can’t just scare people.’ Nora’s breath caught in her throat. A prickling behind her eyes warned her of a danger she couldn’t control. Disgust ran through her body like bile, hot and rancid, reminding her that despite everything she was a monster. Despite how much fun she thought she was having with others, enjoying her meal, she was wrong. She did not fit. It was a waring of emotions that caused turmoil through her veins. Her mouth opened. She wanted to say 'nothing', there was nothing wrong with her. But she knew there was. She’d always known. “Okay.” The word felt like thorns twisting up her throat to get out. Her mouth poised to say something more, but she couldn’t. Her once self-satisfactory joy of her little heist was ruined by five words. Five words that reminded her that she was a disgusting disgrace. Nora walked towards the back exit, pushing it open and stepping into the light. Light she didn’t deserve to stand in. Nora didn’t even feel like eating anymore. 
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unknownspecies · 1 year
Maple x Hanma ult post
ship names: mapna, hanple, hanmaple, uh, blondies, hama, hama-burger, hama-ndcheesesandwich, maple syrup ;) , high fructose corn syrup, sugar, eggs, spinach, strawberries, bread-
maple is a tsundere in this relationship, she pretends that he doesnt do anything to her but in reality shes sooooooo flustered and shes blushing constantlyyyyy oooooooh (moonface emoji)
hanma, of course, takes full advantage of this to see how much he can push her. always gets her flowers and compliments her constantly (it gets annoying frfr). you can tell he’s absolutely whipped for her its not even funny
since he becomes a photographer, he’s definitely always taking pictures of her. but his favorite types are the ones where shes not aware, so he captures her natural look (he has a hidden scrapbook)
okay now maple whatever selfship lore you had for him (and i know you had a loooot ;) ) scrap that entirely because thats not true, its fake and horrible. im giving you the real deal okay, im canon ur not
Yall definitely met in barista au
youre the barista
and the moment he walked into the coffee shop, you immediately hated him. why? i don’t know, you tell me ;) maybe it was how stupidly attractive he looked, maybe it was the swagger (nonexistent tell you i don’t know where you got that from) that he walked with, or his stupid grin. who knows?
either way, maple hated hanma, but hanma did not hate maple :>
Timeskip 200 years because maples playing hard to get and hanma finds her interesting enough to keep chasing after her (crazy i know)
even after they’re dating, maple still pretends she hates him while hanma’s even more smug because he’s got a gem by his side (and hopefully on her finger soon)
oh my goodness, imagine you guys get into an argument
he comes into the shop expecting to see her because he always comes on a friday and he’ll never break that tradition, and maple’s there standing, arms crossed and foot tapping waiting for him
there’s an angry look on her face but his coffee is already ready and waiting for him. except when hanma stretches out his hand to get it, maple takes off the lid and spits in it ! before covering it back up again, swirling it around so it mixes in and giving it to him
well two can play at that game
hanma uncovers it again and, without breaking eye contact, chugs it. the he holds up the coffee lid and makes a show of licking the bit of coffee that stuck to it too before saying something like
“would that cost extra, my love? that might become my new usual., although i prefer your spit just by itself” before winking and walking out the store
🧍‍♀️ you throw the cup at his head by the way
okay thats all i have
for noew >:)
@maplehanma come here u whore
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aquagustd · 3 years
quirofilia - MYG | M
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pairing: producer!yoongi x tutor!reader
summary: when a handsome stranger, who seems to know a lot about you, wants to help you have some fun, who are you to refuse this gentleman with heavenly phalanges?
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 3.6K
warnings/tags: strong language, JK is a high school kid, Yoongi’s new studio ofc, Yoongi isn't famous yet-au, explicit sexual content- blowjob, throat fucking, hickeys, thigh riding, choking, fingering, dirty talk
a/n: was this a self-indulgent fic based on my love for Yoongi's hands? yes no, absolutely not. (I have nothing against lawyers)
Pulling up in the parking space outside HYBE, you switch off the engine and grab your coat and bag from the backseat.
You scroll through your phone to find the room number again, because those three digits seem to slip your mind regularly, when your phone pings.
[15:30] Jeon Jungkook (T-T-S): sorry noona, dance practice seems to be taking longer than usual
[15:30] Jeon Jungkook (T-T-S): will be a little late today
This kid.
This morning, he had asked if you could come half an hour earlier for today’s session, then he tells you that he’s going to be late.
You sigh, adjusting the alligator clip holding your hair up. And ignore the messages from the bothersome group chat that your group of friends have and <lawyer dude>. Grimacing at his excessive use of emojis and the word “sweetie.” You had begged your friends not to give him your number, quite frankly, you weren’t interested in someone like him, but your friends had berated you for spending too much time with your work and students and to stop having such high standards.
It’s not that you have high standards, it seems like your friends don’t know you well enough if they’re trying to set you up with a lawyer, which is a red flag according to you. He’s too…Perfect. Something seems off about him. You know it isn’t fair to judge him based on a few exchanges but, your intuition has not once failed you. You’ll find out soon enough.
Stepping out of your car and adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you head for the coffee shop across the street.
The comforting smell of coffee wafts over as you enter the café, boots clicking on the wooden floor as you join the queue. You’re glad it isn’t as long today; you guess it’s because most people are heading home around this time.
Placing your order, you sit on the bench near the counter, waiting for the barista to call your name.
A guy sits next to you, but you don’t see him, you smell him. His woody scent envelops you and you hope he doesn’t notice the deep inhale you take with how close he’s sitting.
“Tiring day huh.”
A raspy voice breaks you from your daydream and you turn to see if he was talking to you.
You’re met with two cat-like eyes and pouty lips, you would’ve never guessed that someone like him would possess such a deep voice.
You aren’t really one for small talk and just nod, even though you only woke up a few hours ago. It is Saturday after all.
He nods too, sticking out his bottom lip as he turns his attention back to the wooden tiles.
“You’re Jeon’s tutor, right?”
“I’m sorry?”
His question catches your attention. Who is this beautiful stranger and how does he know who you are?
“I see you coming to HYBE, I kind of work with Jungkook.”
You nod, keeping your arms crossed on your lap, “so, you’re a trainee there too?”
He laughs, deep and throaty, “not really, I’m actually a producer.”
“Oh, okay.”
“And a rapper.”
Your eyes widen, a guy with such delicate features, a rapper?
You need to stop with the assumptions.
He’s staring at his phone now, and you take the time to observe him.
White, long-sleeved shirt with black sweatpants, black hair a perfect contrast to his milky skin, which looks silky and shiny with silver earrings and rings adorning his fingers. If you look at him from afar, you might think he’s living in his own black and white movie. Your gaze drifts to his hands clutching his phone and typing furiously, you gulp.
His hands. A. Masterpiece. What talented artisan crafted this man’s hands. Broad palms with long fingers that have protruding knuckles, veins prominent against his pale skin, soft wisps of hair dusted here and there. You salivate at the thought of seeing them at work, he’s a producer, right? His veins branch out and you curse the sleeve that covers the promise of an even sexier forearm--
He shoves his phone in his pocket and you blink, a second longer and you would’ve drooled all over your bag. Your mouth is dry, you really need that matcha latte.
He turns to you again and smiles, you smile back.
Your outlook on him completely changed, just like that.
“So, you aren’t seeing Jeon today?”
You swallow, his deep voice now sending shivers down your spine, “actually I am. He said he’ll be a little late.”
The barista calls a name, which is followed by yours, he stands and heads to the counter before you, carrying your drink and what you assume is his, to a table, gesturing for you to head over with a nod.
So, he knows your name too?
“I know Jeon, he isn’t gonna be a little late, trust me, might as well have your coffee here.”
You take the chair he pulls out for you, who are you to refuse this gentleman with heavenly phalanges?
He takes the seat opposite you and you take notice of his drink, iced americano. Of course.
“What’s your story?”
You take your cup in your hands, and revel in the warmth it provides, “my story?”
“Yeah, I know you tutor Jeon, but that can’t be all you do.”
You cock an eyebrow, “and what if it is?”
“I’m just saying, you tutor him in Maths and some other things too, right?”
“Yeah, and?”
“Is tutoring kids all you do?” He takes a sip of his americano.
You laugh at his tone, “would it be such a bad thing?”
“I mean,” he gulps, “I know that he’s insanely talented in music. I just don’t get why he still cares so much about going to college.”
“He just wants a backup plan, he’s also insanely talented in academics.”
He nods, “yeah I know, but I mean, going to college isn’t everything, there are much more important things out there than worrying about a grade that some people pretend determines whether they live or die!”
“Okay I get you,” you smile, “but some people aren’t as lucky as Jungkook, some people are only talented in numbers, and can only rely on their grades, such as myself.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” his gaze flicks up to your face and you laugh.
“Why? I enjoy my job quite a lot.”
“Hmm.” He gives you a discernible look, like you’re lying.
“And to answer your question, it isn’t the only thing I do. I have a degree and worked for a few years. Decided I wanted to further my studies and tutor high school kids.” You shrug, bringing your latte up to your lips.
“Damn, so you’re still studying and you tutor kids. How many? You tutor Jeon like, three days a week, I can’t imagine how packed your days must be.”
He seems to know a lot about you for someone you just met.
“Six. But not thrice a week like Jungkook, plus I have a lot of free time on my hands.”
“So you choose to tutor in that free time?” He quips, incredulously.
“I mean, yeah, it’s good to keep the cogs turning.”
“Why not hang out with friends or something in your free time?”
“They’re as fun as elderly people on Bingo night.”
You want to kick yourself at your lame joke, but he laughs and you join in.
Sitting in silence for a few seconds, until he speaks.
“I know other ways to keep your cogs turning,” your lift your head to see him staring at you, something about the way he said that…
“I mean,” he clears his throat, “we can have fun.”
“Well,” he pulls up his sleeve to look at his watch.
Holy shit.
“-I’m gonna head to my studio now, why don’t you come up with me? I can show you around. You’ve only been on one floor, right?”
“Yeah, although I’m not sure what time Jungkook is gonna be done, it’s way past our usual time.”
You look at the time on your phone when he waves his hands dismissively.
“Trust me, he isn’t gonna be done for a long time. He’s under rigorous dance training this week.”
You stand and sling your bag over your shoulder, “rigorous? I hope he isn’t going too hard on himself.”
“He’ll be fine.”
You grab his shoulder, he turns and glances at your hand, you retract it quickly.
“Your name?”
“Oh,” he chuckles, producing his hand for you to shake causing your heart to pound in your chest, “Yoongi. Min Yoongi.”
You place your palm in his and introduce yourself, enjoying his firm grip.
“I know,” he grins, gums on display.
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The place is massive, and you haven’t even toured the entire building. The small room where you usually tutor Jungkook is nothing compared to the other offices.
You and Yoongi turn around a corner and head down a hallway. You’ve learned that he’s also a songwriter and has a few trainees under him as well. He said he was also a trainee for HYBE once and produces songs with other artists.
“So, this is my studio,” he enters a code on a small keypad and the door makes a small beep as he pushes it open.
It doesn’t surprise you that the walls and floor of his studio are black, black drum set with matte black cymbals on one side of the room and his keyboard on the other. The room smells like his perfume and you find it insanely attractive that he keeps an aesthetic. Purple LED light lining the corners.
He sees you tilt your head to look up at the lights, “it can change colours.”
You smile at him and he scrambles to put some sheet music to the side of his desk.
“Do you wanna head out?” He rubs the back of his neck and you shake your head.
“It’s so quiet in here-“
“It’s soundproof,” he grins.
“Can we hang here for a while? I’m exhausted after all that walking.” You chuckle and he looks around.
“Let me get a chair for you-“
“It’s fine,” you plop down on the seat at the drum set, “I can sit here, if that’s fine with you.”
“Yeah sure, I’ll just-“
He grabs the leather chair at his desk and sits down.
“You sure that you’re comfortable,” he asks with a concerned look.
You giggle, “yeah yeah I am.”
Although your back hurts from sitting hunched at your computer all the time.
There’s an awkward silence, and you just admire his studio more, him tapping around on his computer. Things appearing on his screen that you wouldn’t even bother to try and decipher from how complicated it all looks.
“So, you’re a producer, rapper, songwriter…” You scratch your chin, “what else?”
“Hmm...That’s all for now.”
He spins in his chair to look at you, silence settling in again, and you feel heat rise in your cheeks with his gaze.
“Can I ask you something?”
He licks his lips, “sure.”
“Did Jungkook tell you about me being his tutor?”
He gives a breathy laugh and scratches behind his ear, “well, I hardly speak to Jeon really. I just saw you around a couple of times and I knew you didn’t work here. So when I saw him speak to you once, I asked who you were.”
You nod, “oh, I see.”
Silence again.
“Why did you ask him though?”
You are screaming internally, what a dumb question, this is exactly why you don’t do small talk. You fiddle with the handle on your bag to distract yourself.
“I was just curious, what’s a girl like you doing in a building like this. I knew you weren’t a trainee or anything, judging from your appearance.”
You shoot him a glare, “my appearance?”
“What I meant was, you looked different from the people around here, your outifts,” his gaze flickers down to your chest then legs, then back up to your face, “your hair,” he tilts his head.
Is he…Checking you out?
God, he is so hot, you don’t know what to say.
“In other words, you piqued my interest,” he says in a low tone and you feel your stomach flip inwards.
He rolls his chair closer to you, his scent fogging your brain, dark orbs staring into your soul.
You clamp your mouth shut and run your tongue along your lips, his eyes follow the action and you feel arousal seep into your panties.
“Well, you piqued my interest too.”
He chuckles and sets your bag on the floor next to you, you can hear your heart thrumming in your ears.
“You know what else piques my interest?”
He leans closer to your face and cups your cheek with his right hand, stomach doing somersaults at the contact. He reaches behind your head with his other hand and slowly pulls the alligator clip from your hair, your tresses resting against your shoulders as he places the black clip with tiny white flowers on his desk.
You feel his breath fan across your face now and you just want him to devour you already.
“Your lips.”
As he’s leaning forward, the purple lights turn red. Is it somehow connected to his mood? You see him leave a small remote on his desk from the corner of your eye and giggle when he winks at you.
He presses his lips to yours roughly, moving his soft lips over yours with vigour, you match his efforts. You run your tongue along his lower lip and he grunts, fingers moving to grip your hair and curling his tongue into your mouth. You moan when the wet muscle slides across yours, breaths mingling when you break apart. He pushes your coat down your shoulders and pulls your bottom lip between his teeth, taking off the first few buttons of your shirt to attack more skin. Placing sloppy kisses down the column of your throat and feeling your boobs through your shirt.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and he picks you up to straddle him on his chair, legs on either side of his thighs. He stops his assault on your neck to grip your hair tighter and pulls your lips to his, thrusting his tongue into your mouth. The only sound that fills the room is the loud smacking of your lips and he swallows up your moans when he starts to buck his hips into yours, pressing his erection against your clothed pussy.
He runs his tongue along the shell of your ear, “fuck, you’re so sexy.”
You start to rock your hips against his and move your lips to his jaw and neck, nibbling and sucking the skin between your lips, laving your tongue over the delicate skin that’s sure to bruise. You run your tongue along his Adam’s apple, his breath coming out in heavy pants.
You think he’s sexy too, but instead of telling him, you’ll show him.
Hopping off his chair, you kneel in front of him. He looks down at you with half-lidded eyes, red glow of the lights making his eyes look completely blacked out, cursing when he feels you palm his clothed member through his sweats.
You run one hand up and down his thigh while the other continues to palm him, he reaches down and pushes your shirt to see more of your boobs.
“Let me see you.”
You unbutton your shirt fully and pull your bra under the soft mounds of flesh.
Mewling while he runs his thumbs over your nipples, enjoying the stimulation for a while then pushing his hands away.
Reaching for the waistband of his sweats, he lifts his hips for you to pull off his pants and underwear in one go.
His painfully erect dick springing up and resting on his clothed stomach.
If you thought the veins on his hands were nice, you’re absolutely salivating at the thick veins running along his dick. He throws his head back as you reach forward and start to stroke him slowly, smearing the precum along his length.
You hold his gaze as you swirl your tongue around the red tip, splitting it with your tongue and running it along the underside.
“Mmm fuck, Y/N, so good.”
You hold the base of his dick and take him into your mouth, pressing your tongue on the underside and sucking your cheeks in, he grips the armrests as you take more of him into your mouth and pull back. The suction your mouth provides leaving him in pure bliss.
You flick your tongue against his head again and push him into your mouth, this time, taking him in to the back of your throat and swallowing, once, twice, before he starts letting out a string of ‘ah ah ah’. The sound going straight to your pussy.
Bobbing your head along his length, you bring your hand up to massage his balls, feeling it clench in your hands.
Turning your head to the side, you see he’s still gripping the armrests, knuckles turning white. You take his hands and place both on your head, looking up at him and silently telling him that it’s okay.
He finds a better grip on your head, and starts to thrust into your mouth.
“Yeah, you want me to fuck your throat.”
Picking up the pace as he thrusts into your mouth, you grip onto his legs and swallow around him again, taking a deep inhale through your nose. He tightens his hold on your hair and you groan in pleasure, the sound making his length twitch in your mouth. You push his dick against the roof of your mouth with your tongue, enjoying the way his face twists up in pleasure as he keeps his head in the back of your throat. Your tight throat swallowing around him as he starts to move his hips at a ruthless pace again, tears stinging your eyes.
“Fuck I’m cumming,” he moans, his hips stilling.
White, hot ropes paint your throat as he holds your head in place, letting him ride out his high.
Pulling your mouth off his length, he tucks himself into his sweats and pulls you up by your shoulders, attacking your lips. Moaning as he tastes himself on your tongue. He stands and takes you with him, gripping your ass. Not leaving your lips for one second, he pins you against the wall, pushing his thigh between your legs and pressing against your clit.
“Yoongi,” you pant.
He holds both your hands in one of his above your head, his body flush against yours. Grabbing your face and digging his thumb and fingers into your cheek, he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your lips. His gaze doesn’t falter, “tell me what you want.”
You moan, too lost in the pressure he’s applying against your swollen nub.
“I said, tell me what you want,” he growls, tightening his grip on your hands.
“Fingers,” you whimper, “I want your fingers.”
He lets go of your hands in favor of running his down your neck then chest, to rest on your boobs, tweaking your nipples. Your hands grip his shoulders, riding his thigh.
“Couldn’t keep your eyes of them, hmm,” you nod, “I bet you were thinking of them doing filthy things to you, playing with this dripping pussy of yours.”
He presses his middle and index finger to your lips, “suck.”
And you do, swirling your tongue and moaning around his digits.
Removing his thigh, he unbuttons your pants and shoves them down, rubbing you through your panties.
“Fuck, you’re soaking,” he pushes your panties to the side and runs his middle finger through your folds, nipping on your collarbone when you throw your head back.
He wraps his free hand around your throat, applying pressure with his fingers that has you feeling both lightheaded and extremely aroused. He eases his middle finger into you, digging your nails in his shoulders as he adds another finger. He starts to thrust in and out of you, curling his ring-clad fingers and hitting that spot deep inside of you.
“Mhm, fuck Yoongi,” you shut your eyes and bite your lip, enjoying the feeling of his fingers brushing against your walls.
He digs his fingers harder into the sides of your throat, pressing against your trachea, “open your eyes and look at me, fuck, your pussy takes my fingers so well, you’re gonna cum for me?”
“Yes Yoongi, keep going, fuck your fingers feel so good.”
“Yeah?” He moves his fingers faster, the squelching sound becoming louder, you look down to see his hand glistening in your juices and you clench around him uncontrollably at the sight.
“Cum for me, Y/N.”
Rubbing his thumb against your clit, it only takes a few more strokes before your head falls to his shoulder and you cum all over his hand, body shaking with your orgasm.
“Fuck,” he eases his fingers out of you.
He places a kiss to your lips, you’re too exhausted and fucked out to care about the mess you’ve made.
Right on time, or not, you can hear the incessant ringing of your phone. You pull your pants up and adjust your shirt, rushing to your bag on the floor, seeing four missed calls from Jungkook.
“Fuck, I have to go,” you tuck your hair behind your ears and grab your bag and coat, “where’s the restroom?”
He opens the door for you, “down the hall, on your left.”
You’re about to leave, when he grips your arm.
“Uhm, see you on Tuesday?”
You smile, leaning forward to place a kiss on his flushed cheek, “Tuesday.”
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“Noona, you look so different with your hair down.”
You set your pencil down on the desk, touching your hair reflexively, “oh.”
He pats your hand that rests on his textbook, “don’t worry, it’s a good different.”
You smile and avert your gaze to the math problem in front of you. You must’ve forgotten your clip on his desk. No, you definitely remember how he carefully removed it from your hair with his dexterous fingers.
You bite your lip, well, he can keep it, it fits his aesthetic anyway.
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a/n: as always, feedback is appreciated!
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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mistletoe magic | stiles stilinski
word count; 10,490
summary; stiles learns that his cute neighbour might be a witch after accidentally getting her spellbooks delivered to him instead.
notes; I know a witch!au isn’t a huge au for stiles, because he’s had evident races of magic throughout the series anyway, but just enjoy it!
warnings; smut, unprotected sex, use of magic
It had been a pretty regular Monday morning for Stiles.
At six sharp, he’d been up and awake, barely functional but stumbling through his apartment and clicking on the coffee machine, before hopping into the shower for a quick wash. When he’d emerged, the machine had just finished grinding, as always, his routine functioning like a well-oiled machine now, and he’d moved it all across into a to-go cup and left it on the counter before going to get dressed.
He’d stumbled around to find his school books and shove them into a bag, eaten two cinnamon pop tarts that had burned the tips of his fingers when he’d grabbed them straight from the toaster, and had still been chewing as he shoved his keys in his pocket and sipped at his coffee, straight into the elevator at twenty to seven.
It was a fifteen-minute walk across campus to his early morning lecture on a Monday, leaving him with a few minutes to spare, in case he saw the sweet older lady from two floors down and wanted to say ‘hi’, or the cute neighbour who lived across the hall that always made him fall over his own feet, or maybe even the kid who delivers newspapers and is always falling off of his bike. He made it on time, took some great notes, and was feeling a little more alive and welcome into his day.
At exactly ten past one, he’d been home, having gone to the library to get some study in and find his new books, and get lunch at the diner he always ate at after classes, a cheeseburger and curly fries, and grabbed his letters and a parcel from the mail slot with his housing number printed on, tucking the package under his arm and heading upstairs and back to his flat, ready to flick through his bills.
All according to plan. One year and four months away at university and he knew every day like he’d been doing it for a decade, so he was only half-way to the kitchen when he remembered the package he was clutching under his arm, coming to a complete halt, throwing the usual assortment of envelopes away to the counter, and producing the neatly wrapped bundle.
He didn’t question it, not even bothering to look at the front, figuring it was just an early delivery on the textbooks that he wasn’t expecting to get here for another three weeks, finger slipping under the folds of the brown paper and tearing it away, fingers dancing over the covers of the books, before his brows were furrowing once again.
These were definitely not his ‘intro to psychological profiling’ textbooks.
Beautiful swirls in gold, carved into dark leather across the front, Latin words he didn’t understand before he was opening the cover, brushing off a layer of dust and letting one brow arch up. The text inside was English - though, no modern - and paper that he was cautious to take care of, simply from what appeared to be the age of it, stained and worn, finger marks clear on the corner from being passed down through generations. It was handwritten, drawings in old ink that had leaked onto the paper a little, rough and coarse, and labelled doodles with names he had never heard of before.
At a glance, he would assume it to be some kind of witchcraft.
He felt on edge, suddenly. He’d left Beacon Hills to come to somewhere that no supernatural would follow, where things like werewolves were still a myth, something to be laughed at, and he swallowed thickly, looking around his apartment as though someone was going to jump out. He loved his friends, he really did, and he didn’t so much mind the supernatural when he was with them all because they protected him, but alone out here, he and his bat didn’t stand a chance.
Now, it was Christmas, he knew this from the poor excuse of a tree up in his living room, and the snow outside, and the fact that for the last six weeks, his usual mochas had been a gingerbread-spiced mocha, on the insistence of the barista who served him whenever he ventured into the little coffee shop joint, and he was growing find of it. So, he tried to be optimistic, in the spirit of festivities and all that, and texted the group chat, waiting to see if any of them had sent him the books as a present, maybe even his father or Melissa. He even texted Parrish.
Except, they all said no, and now, he was stumped. Then, as he was being extra nosey and flicking through the book, he came across a page marked with a small slip of card, the item falling out, and he cursed, having no idea which page it came from, but as he picked up the piece of paper, one of the questions in his puzzle finally gained another piece towards the jigsaw.
‘(Y/N), the spell you’re looking for is here, but be careful, it’s a strong one.’
So, the books are for his hot neighbour, the next number up from his, and it now made sense as to why he had these books - they were a mistake. It opened a new question, however, as to why you would be getting them.
He had absolutely no patience, barley remembering to flick the catch on his door so that he’d be able to get back inside, before he was striding across the hall in one, two steps, and knocking on the wood. He could hear you shuffling around inside, the soft and muffled notes of the classic rock music you’d been listening to getting turned right down to low. It only took you a further few seconds until you were opening the door, but it felt like years to him with his impatience, fingers tapping against the books agitatedly, biting the nail of the other thumb, and his foot was tapping against the floor.
When you opened the door, though, he felt like it was too soon, like he wasn’t prepared for what to say, his breath hitching in his throat as his heart leapt in his chest, eyes sweeping down along your body and widening at your bare legs, only a t-shirt hanging on your frame, rising up to reveal the edge of a pair of white lace panties as you opened the door, and he forced his eyes back up to yours, wincing as he bit down a little too harshly on his nail, and pulled it from his mouth, shaking it as his dropped to his side.
“Hey, neighbour.”
“H-Hi. Hello. Yes, hi.” He already wanted to die a little bit, he hadn't stuttered this much in front of a pretty girl since junior year in high school, even Lydia had lost this effect on him, and college really had been a growing experience for him. He’d had a fair few hook-ups, and experimented, and he wasn’t shy about flirting when he wanted to, but you always through hi right back through loops, like he was still that kid with a buzzcut.
“What can I do for you, four-A?”
“Stiles. My name is Stiles.” He waited for the usual reaction, the cringe, the eyebrows shooting up, the scowl, something to indicate that you had actually heard the pronunciation, but you only smiled a little wider.
“I know. After I introduced myself and you fell over and didn’t give me your name, I checked the mail in your post-slot. I was curious. There was a lot addressed to Mieczysłav, but then one with a handwritten address to Stiles.” You shrugged, leaning against the doorframe, and crossing your arms, and while you might seem casual, at least his degree was coming in useful for something, as your body language read an entirely different reaction, insecurity and worry rolling off of you in invisible waves of tells.
He rubbed at the back of his neck with his free hand, laughing slightly. “That sounds like something I would do.”
Silence fell between you both for a second, and he couldn't help but stare, taking in every detail of your face, the way your lower lip was a little reddened, and he figured you must have been nibbling on it while working, and your hair was messy, an attempt to pin it back that seemed to have come loose and entirely ineffective, presumably from dancing, because you looked a little flushed. When you raised your brows at him a little, he realised you were waiting for him to explain himself, why he was on your doorstep, and he flushed with embarrassment shaking his head clear.
“I got your spellbooks by mistake.” He held them out, eyes widening even more, before his jaw was dropping open. “Book. Regular books. Not spell books, because that would imply magic, right? And, that’s dumb. Just regular books. I didn’t look at them, at all, not even a little bit, I promise.”
“You don’t believe in magic, then?” You took them from him, a coy smile on your lips, and you placed them down on the counter beside the door, pushing a bowl of potpourri getting pushed aside, along with your car keys and what looked like an incense burner.
“Do you?”
He was testing the water, seeing where your mind was at, and as a whistling came from your kitchen, you glanced back over to the kettle on the hob, and he thought this conversation might be about to come to an end. “Well, I think there’s always a little magic in life, even if people don’t notice it. You have to believe in magic to be able to see it. It’s like the supernatural that way.”
“And, you believe in the supernatural, huh?” He felt bad for the way he said it, because it was mocking, but he had to be sure that you weren’t messing with him, or spying on him, he had to try and find out who you were, but you only looked away as the whistling got louder, opening the door a little more and waving him inside as you walked away, and he stumbled after you and closed the door before his mind had even caught up with the movement of his feet.
Your apartment was littered with plants. The windowsills were lined with them, all brought green and blooming, even though he was sure it wasn’t the right season, and there was even a set of cactuses along a shelf near the corridor. There was a homey feel to your place, almost earthy, neutral tones and soft accents, a smell that was so calming he felt his own muscles begin to relax, and the music had changed from classic rock to some country song he was sure he’d heard in a movie somewhere but couldn't quite place it, and he followed you to the kitchen.
Rows of cookbooks and recipe folders stacked up on top of a lower cupboard, and he swallowed thickly, averting his gaze from the way your lace panties hugged your ass deliciously as you reached up for a mug, bringing back two, and pouring them both full of the herbal concoction you’d been making. On a mismatching saucer, you offered it to him, and he sniffed it carefully, but remembered his manners, mumbling a ‘thank you’, because his mother raised his right, even if he was a little suspicious of you.
“Relax, Stiles, if I was going to poison you, I wouldn’t be giving you tea made of Valerian and Lemon Balm. Do you want any honey, honey?” You grinned a little at your joke, but he shook his head, watching as you stirred a spoonful of the sticky sweetener into your own, and taking a tentative sip after blowing on the surface. It wasn’t all that bad, he had to admit, and he found his tensions slipping away a little. “It’s for relaxing, and helping with sleep.”
“It’s good.” You smiled, blowing lightly on your own, and he decided that he could busy himself by checking out your posters. An interesting arrangement, one was a band poster, the other was a chart with the phases of the moon, a third with diagrams of plants and little facts underneath, and the fourth, with symbols and drawing he didn’t quite understand. “So, you’re really embracing that whole witch thing, then?”
“Well, seeing as I am a witch, I would think it’s only appropriate.” He tried to hide his grin behind his mug, shaking his head a little, not believing that they really existed, and you didn’t miss the glint in his eyes, clearly, because there was a playful kind of offence flashing across your face. “You can’t tell me you think I’m insane, not when there’s so much of the supernatural all over you, Stiles.”
“The supernatural? Really?”
“So, you’re not the emissary to a pack of werewolves?” You challenged, his jaw dropping at the accuracy of it, and it was your turn to laugh at him. “It’s literally stitched into your aura, I sensed another supernatural the second you walked into the building.”
“I just associate with a lot of ‘em, but I’m not supernatural myself.”
“You sure about that?” He stilled, memories flashing behind his eyes of a time when he once was, and you seemed to pick up on the slightly sour mood he’d taken on, then again, he wasn’t really sure where your abilities lay, being that Scott or Derek would have simply sniffed it out on him. Your hand on his arm snapped him back to the moment, fingers squeezing lightly at his bicep. “You don’t have to talk about it.”
“There was a possibility, once, but it’s gone. There’s a dark chapter in my past, and the spark I was told I once had disappeared when I got through it.”
It went quiet again after that, your fingers slipping down from his arm to take his, and you placed your cup down, the steaming brew barely touched, but he followed suit, letting himself be pulled along as you directed him back to the living room. You were distracting him, it was an obvious ploy, but he was excited to learn, and he let the sadness of remembering his possession fade away as the thrill of new knowledge took over. “I can tell you have a lot of questions, so, what do you want to know first?”
He rubbed at his chin, settling down onto the couch at the edge of the room, finding it surprisingly comfortable, and you were busying yourself around him, a little water jug in your hand as you nurtured the abundance of houseplants you owned. “How did you know about my pack? And how much do you know about them?”
“It’s in your aura, I suppose. I can just pick up hints of different things when you’re around. The wolves are obvious, I’ve been around a lot of wolves. I also get death, and I've never met a banshee, but I assume that’s what it is. I knew you were the emissary because you’re the only magic in there, I would sense other traces on you, and there’s something else I can’t quite place.” Your face screwed up a little bit as you thought about it, nose wrinkling adorably before shrugging. “Like a werewolf, but not quite. I can’t get it.”
“She’s a werecoyote.”
You paused your pouring, turning to look at him, eyes flicking lightly around his being, before smiling slightly to yourself, and going back to your task. “Huh. Interesting.”
“Have you been a witch your whole life?”
“Since the day I was born, but I didn’t know or start practising until I was older. It just kinda’ happens, comes out of nowhere at a certain age, you start to realise you have abilities.” You had moved onto using a dropper to give little drips of water to cacti and succulents, standing on a small step stool as you did.
“Do you have to go to a school, like Harry Potter? Do you have a wand?”
You laughed at that, a genuine and hearty laugh, and you finished up your tasks, legs folding underneath yourself and you smirked a little at him as you sat down and got comfortable. “You wish, Stilinski. It’s not like that, it's more of an earthly connection than magic. It’s why my plants are so healthy. I can brew stuff, make little potions-” You motioned a hand over the jars lining the shelves on the walls, his eyes scanning over each one, picking out the neatly written titles across the fronts. “-I can cast very light spells, but it’s not the sort of thing where you can curse people, or teleport.”
“So, you can’t curse people to turn into frogs?”
“No, unfortunately not.” He was sure your giggle was the sweetest he’d ever heard, and he dared to twist himself around a little more, inching slightly closer to you across the couch. “I can do some stuff, like make your skin break out or give you a rash that won’t go away until I let it, and I can even give you headaches and such, but I don’t like to dabble in that sort of stuff. I much prefer protection charms.”
“Protection charms?” His heart skipped a little beat at the way your face lit up as you nodded, and he was intrigued, interest piqued. “I could use one of those, y’know, I’m incredibly clumsy and often get into supernatural trouble when I’m home. Hasn’t been so bad since I got here. Will you make me one?”
Your eyes left him, bottom lip nibbled between your teeth, and for a second he had worried he’d messed up, unsure on how witch spellcasting etiquette worked, but then you were moving across the room, opening up the cabinet on the other side of the room, and inside the doors and wooden frame hung what must be close to a thirty different decorative charms. Some were dreamcatchers or garlands hanging on the inside of the door, others were handcrafted little ornaments sitting on the shelves and filling them up, and your fingers were flittering over them all.
When you found what you were looking for, you lifted it out, a dream catcher that was bright and colourful and a little odd-looking, before bringing it back over to him, and presenting him with it cautiously. “You already made me one?”
“Yeah, well, I couldn’t let the cute guy from across the hall get any more injuries. I watched you fall over five times in your first week living here. You’re really clumsy.”
He felt heat rush to his cheeks, and yet he couldn't help the goofy grin that travelled across his features, not mentioning the fact that he noticed you sitting considerably closer to home when you took your seat once again. He was embarrassed for two reasons, the first being that you had noticed his innate penchant for ridiculous injuries, but more overwhelmingly, the second being that you still thought he was cute. College might have helped him bloom a little, but when he had a crush, he was still a bumbling mess, and he didn’t know quite how to respond.
He busied himself with taking in the details of the dreamcatcher. Somehow, despite this being the first real conversation that the two of you had ever had, passing and fleeting chats in the halls and elevator not counting, you had managed to capture his entire essence, he could already tell. The strings were made of wool, chunky and all different colours, a mix of yellows and blues, woven in together and tangled in strange patterns, but beautiful nonetheless, and the little accents were what made it complete.
A button that had fallen off of one of his flannels, he recognised the distinctive wooden piece, and it was woven into the design, along with a blue ribbon in the same colour of the jeep that was tied in a bow, and a wooden twig tangled in it. Dangling on more pieces of wool from the bottom was a keyring he was sure he’d lost after leaving it downstairs overnight, the Yoda on it looking cleaner than he remembered, and you must've cleaned it. There was also a black feather, and a sprig of some kind of dried herb that he didn't recognise, but enjoyed the smell anyway.
It was intricate and personal, and he felt chuffed just to know that you’d made one for him, a little security and peace washing over him to know that someone was out here looking after him, completely unmaliciously, simply because you wanted to.
“This is incredible.” You let out a breath of relief, he recognised it in the way your body slumped a little, and he placed it down carefully on the coffee table beside you both, reaching out to take your hand in his, and daring to lace your fingers together and squeeze in gratitude, and you held onto him yourself, gaze dropping down to your connected hands. In a bold move of your own, you lifted your other hand, holding onto his with both of yours, and his thumb lifted out to brush lightly over your skin. “You’re the reason I don’t get papercuts and splinters anymore.”
“And you are very welcome for that.” You teased him back, and an easy kind of harmony fell between you both, your presence being more comfortable simply having only just really begun to meet you than he ever had been with someone new. It was strange, to feel so relaxed and at home with you, the way you put his fears at ease and soothed every worry without even trying, making him feel welcome and accepted, like he’d known you for years, not just shy of an hour. “Will you tell me about your pack?”
“You really want to know?” He couldn’t mask his surprise, and you nodded, excitement gleaming in your eyes, and he felt a surge of pride swell up in his system at the idea of getting to boast about his friends completely honestly for the first time in his life. There was no threat, he wasn’t showing off their skills as a way to try and ward off a threat or intimidate someone, but he simply wanted everyone else to be as awed by them as he was, and he didn’t have to hide any supernatural secrets from you. “Shall I start at the beginning?”
“Is it a long story?”
“Very long.” He confirmed, a shy laugh leaving you, before you were shifting again.
“How about I go and make us some fresh tea, then?” You were on your feet, wandering away to the kitchen as soon as he’d offered his affirmations of the idea, and he decided to follow after you, already beginning to blather about Peter Hale.
Hours seemed to pass by, as he spoke to you, two more pots of tea being made, and you’d broken out your snack-store for him, before the two of you had ordered pizza. He’d made himself at home, too, keys and phone sitting abandoned on the table, shoes kicked off on the floor, and feet stretched out along the couch. You were sitting at the opposite end, your legs stretched out in his direction, and one of his hands was sitting on your ankle, fingers drawing patterns on the soft skin there absentmindedly as his other hand was used to gesture wildly around himself.
He told you it all, confessing right from the beginning as he encountered Derek Hale, who liked to lurk in the woods, which had made you crack up as he told you about how the man was basically now the alpha, even if Scott was officially the alpha, and he’d told you about Jackson’s kanima phase, which had made you crack up even more as you claimed he deserved it.
You’d been shocked by his homicidal English teacher, and comforted him when he spilled his heart to you over the nogitsune incident he hated to think about, accepting your hush happily, and revelling in the smell of your hair when you’d pressed in close to him, before retreating to your seat.
He told you all about the benefactor and the dread doctors, and about Allison’s death, which he still blamed himself for when he was on a low day, and you’d used your thumb to clear away the tear that had fallen from his cheek, leaving him blushing and breathless for a second when you’d pressed a light kiss to his cheekbone just after.
You had scooted closer to him and stayed there near the end of his tales, tucked under his arm, playing with his fingers over your shoulders as he rambled about how alone he’d felt while taken by the Wild Hunt, thoughts that he’d always kept locked up in his own mind, never having shared with another person before.
“You really got the short end of the ‘supernatural encounters’ stick then, huh?”
“Oh, sweetheart, that is the understatement of the century.” You lifted your head from his shoulder, your feet nudging together on the coffee table, the reindeer themed fluffy socks on your feet playing with the patchy and worn door knitted socks he’d had for years, worn to keep warm during the winter, even though your apartment was nice and toasty, the heaters running and the radiators on, and it was much cosier than his place had ever been.
The Christmas lights on a timer had come on, flickering around the place once the light had started fading, hours flashing by in the blink of an eye, a hazy glow cast over the apartment and creating a whole new range of shadows. “Do you want me to make charms for your friends?”
He watched you for a moment longer, trying to discern whether you were serious, and when he caught no gesture of ill-will, or hesitation, or hidden-motives, he smiled. “You’d do that?”
“Seems like you all need it.”
He shrugged a little, smiling when you rested your forehead against his, fingers playing together still, but feet stilling in their game of footsie. “I can’t believe I waited this long to get to know you. You’re, like, the coolest chick I’ve ever met.”
His eyes fluttered closed, he couldn't’ help it, noses bumping together as you both simply drowned in the moment, in what the moment was leading up to, where you both knew this was going but were revelling in the simple but exhilarating tension that was crackling with electricity in the millimetres of space between your lips and his. You were so close to him that he could feel it more than hear it when you whispered some words he didn’t quite understand, your breath fanning over his face in a dreamy sigh, and it took his hazed brain a second to catch up, before he was pulling back just enough to catch your eyes, one hand coming up to rest over your cheek as he turned to face you fully.
“Oh, my God. Did you just cast a spell?”
“Look up.” He was hesitant to pull back much further, but did so anyway, and he chuckled slightly as he spotted the little green plant beginning to sprout from the ceiling. Vines were still strengthening along the beam, and the leaves were beginning to form right before his eyes, white berries hanging between the green stems, and Stiles shook his head, in complete awe as he looked at it.
You were staring up to, eyes focused on the plant as it bloomed and he assumed you were concentrating on its development, but he couldn't hold back anymore, two hands on your cheeks, pulling your face back to his, and your lips barely parted to speak before his mouth was colliding with your own. A squeak left you, and he wanted to grin at being able illicit such a sound from you, but the temptation to kiss was just enough for him to contain himself. When your mind finally caught up, you were kissing him back just as eagerly, a soft sigh leaving you. “You are fucking adorable.”
The words were whispered into your mouth, he felt you shake with a soft laugh under his hold, before you were holding onto him just as tightly in return. One of your hands wrapped around his wrists, the other sliding over his bicep to his shoulder, before slipping down underneath, and smoothing over the front of his chest. He puffed out a little under your touch, pulling away for a quick breath, groaning slightly at the way your nails dug into his skin as he did, and then, he was diving right back into you.
Your hand slipped down to rest over his heart, the organ thudding under your hand, and he felt like it was going to burst right out of his chest, but as he pressed a little further into you, a shock like an electrocution was racing right through his body, a kind of jolt that was thoroughly exhilarating, and he pulled away, eyes wide as he stared at you.
You looked just as shocked as he expected he did too, his hands dropped down as he watched sparks and electricity crackle between your fingers and his, your brows raising at him. “Thought you said you had no magic left after.. y’know..”
He couldn’t drag his eyes away from it, your fingers weaving with his, a loud snapping sounding as a particularly bright flare went off, and he flinched a little, jaw dropping and a whine slipping from him as you contained it all the sight disappeared before his eyes. “So, there really are sparks flying between us, huh?”
He regretted the words the moment he’d said them, expecting to see on your face the same kind he’d always gotten from Malia or Lydia when he made those kinds of cheesy puns that only he enjoyed, even Scott daring to fix him with a bored or blank look, and Derek would simply glare, but much to his surprise, you laughed. It was fond, with a roll of your eyes and a huff to preempt it, but you laughed nonetheless, and he felt himself somehow manage to brighten even further. “That was cheesy.”
“I know.” He beamed, shifting a little, hands sinking down to your hips to pull you closer to himself as he settled back into the couch, and your hand pressed to the cushions beside his head, the other one coming up to weave into his hair lightly.
“I loved it. I am quite a fan of puns.”
“That’s good, because I usually have a lot of them.” He leaned up, daring himself to be bold enough to close that gap once again, and he could feel your lashes tickling his cheeks as you nuzzled into him a little more. “If I kiss you again, will those sparks happen this time, too?”
“If I stop controlling it, they will.”
“Stop controlling it, sweetheart.” He felt you move to nod your affirmations, but dipped his head in time, proud of his own reflexes as he caught your lips, feeling the hand in his hair tighten, and he was so glad he’d decided to grow it out all those years ago, because right now, he was losing all sense of himself in the way your nails would scratch across his scalp, or the delicious burning that flared over his skin for a split second when you pulled on his hair, before you were rubbing it softly, fingers working in tandem timing with your lips, teasing over his own.
That same feeling took up, a sparking that felt like fireworks, like energy surging through him, escaping at his fingertips in every place that he touched you, one palm smoothing along your back to somewhere that was definitely too lose to be respectable, as the other held onto your cheek still. You were taking control, your tongue darting out to trace over his lower lip, bribing him to part them but he needed no convincing, letting your tongue meet his own only a second after you’d made the request, equally breathy and needy noises escaping you both at the slow and wet drag of the muscles over one another.
His lungs were burning, lips beginning to sting as his assault on your mouth continued, his neck straining to hold this angle, and yet the more you kissed him, the more that the hazy feeling of getting to be with you like this raced through his body was the more he became addicted to needing more, chasing a high that he didn’t even know he wanted until now, like an addict finding his next hit.
You seemed to pick up on it all, as though you’d read all of his thoughts, because the second he’d had the lingering thoughts, you were settling yourself across his lap, a leg on either side of his own as you seated yourself down, and he couldn't help the way his hips bucked up a little to meet you, or the way his hand slid down fully to rest on your ass.
After all, as much as he’d gone through the make him grow up emotionally, physically he was still a horny-teen college boy, and you were one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, sitting half-naked in his lap and sucking on his lower lap while doing something with your tongue that was making him feel like he couldn't even breathe properly for how aroused he was.
Maybe you could feel the growing erection underneath of you, maybe you couldn't, but he’d stopped caring about being embarrassed around you about three hours ago when he’d had to tell you all about the time he’d once dropped a condom in Coach’s class in front of the entire classroom, and you’d laughed so much your face had gone red and you’d hidden it form him by pressing into his shoulder.
You were something he felt like he was dreaming up, like any moment now he’d wake up in a small puddle of his own drool with his face pressed into the desk of his lecture hall, the lights turned out and another note left by his kind professor to get more sleep at home, and to lock up when he left, before you were giggling a little at him, pulling away and stealing a few more pecks as you did, and he wondered if you really could read his mind, heat flushing his cheeks.
“Are you reading my mind or something?”
He felt stupid even as he mumbled te words, especially when it only seemed to heighten your entertainment, but you shook your head. “I can’t read your mind, I can just kinda’ sense your mood, I guess. It’s the connection, you were clearly thinking something funny, and I don’t know what it was, but I got a sudden rush of amusement.”
“That’s pretty fucking incredible.” He whispered, letting you peck his mouth a few more times, simply sitting there with puckered lips as he tried not to smile too much, before he was tucking hair away behind your ears and finally you were opening your eyes, and at this point, he really should learn to stop being surprised by new developments with you. “Holy shit, your eyes are glowing!”
“So are yours.” You winked, the bright purple being a shade that was so captivating and beautiful on you that he couldn’t look away, even when you leaned away from him to grab his phone, raising it up to snap a picture for him, and forcing his gaze down to it. Much like you’d said, his eyes were beginning to hint in with a faint purple, the neon shading beginning to drip into his irises and take over from the usual golden-brown that resided there. “You never made out with another witch before?”
He pinched at your ass for your cheeky comment, taking his phone and throwing it away to the side, grinning when you yelped at his painless attack. “I didn’t even know witches really existed before today. Besides, what makes you think I'm one? I had a spark once, but as I said, that died out. Nothing truly magical.”
“I don’t know, you’re having a pretty strong connection with me right now, aren’t you?” Your arms looped around his neck, snuggling in a little closer to him, and he bit back a groan as you shuffled in his lap. “I think you’re underestimating yourself, you just don’t know how to tap into your magic, you have to believe in it to see it.”
“You really think so?”
He was vulnerable and he knew it showed, he’d gone his entire life being unsure as to where all his energy and twitching came from, as to why he’d always felt a draw to the earth; the preserve and the woods, and justice and balance, and why he’d somehow fit into a supernatural world with far more elegance and ease than he ever had the normal one, and maybe this was the explanation. “I really do, Stiles.”
“Will you teach me?”
“I would love to.” He pressed a kiss to your jaw, and then to the spot below your ear, before flicking his tongue out a little to drag over the sensitive patch that lay there, before moving down your neck. He didn’t want to mark you without your consent, he wasn’t sure what was going to come of all of this and where it would go, but he was more than happy to lick and bite lightly at your skin, finding the sweet spot that made your hips roll down into his own and a sound of need and desperation to leave you that was like music to his ears, before his hips were bucking up to meet you once again.
“Y’know when you said that you could feel what I was feeling?”
“Uh-huh?” You were distracted, your reply seeming somewhat faded and distant, and he chuckled lightly, before making his way back up to your mouth now that you’d both had a chance to catch your breaths once again.
“Does that mean everything?”
“Are you asking if I know just how much you want to fuck me right now? Because yes, I do know.” He choked a little on his breath, your hand in his hair pulling his head back so that you could meet his gaze, your lower lip held between you teeth, flesh going a darker pink, and he longed to be the one biting that lip for you. “Trust me, the sentiment is returned.”
“It is?”
“Oh, yeah.” He wasn’t used to women being so confident with wanting him, being so unashamed of it, or of even wanting him at all. Most of his hook-ups had been slightly drunk make-outs and sloppy grinding, or booty calls and meetings in closets at parties. He got more action than he ever did in high school, he’d finally grown into his limbs and his looks, but that didn’t take away the surprise that still happened every time someone as pretty as you even offered him the time of day.
“Like, right here? Right now?”
“Been thinking about how much I want to ride you on my couch for like an hour and a half, now.” Stiles couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled up in his throat, lips parting as you ran a finger over his swollen lips, a cheeky glint flashing over purple eyes as you looked at him.
“You might just be perfect for me.”
“I like the sound of that.”
A toothy smile was offered to you, before he was pulling you back in towards him, hands slipping down to lay resting on your thighs as soon as your lips had found his once again. The heat seemed to have passed, and while the kiss was still completely intoxicating, there was something a little more tender about it, too. It wasn’t nearly as rushed and frantic, the sloppy kisses you’d shared as you learned one another’s ticks had passed, and as your lips worked slowly with his own, Stiles found that he much preferred this kind of kiss.
This was the kind of kiss that he could picture himself sharing with you in many settings. A sleepy, early morning kiss, when you were still between the land of consciousness and the realm of unconsciousness. Or, late nights, when he’d fall asleep while studying, and he would let you drag him to his feet and to bed. Or, simply when he would finish a lecture, or get you coffee, or meet you for dinner. The point was, Stiles already knew he wanted to kiss you at all times of the day, and to hold onto you, and to watch you brew little spells at the stove while holding onto you from behind.
Your lips were wet when you pulled away, eyes sparkling as you looked at him, a bright shade of royal purple, like silk and rich violet on flower petals, and you looked utterly ethereal. “Do you have any idea just how beautiful you are?”
“You’re sweet-talking me.” You teased, bumping the tip of your nose against his, and he shook his head.
“No, I’m not, I’m just being honest with you. I’ve been into you for a long time, even if I didn’t quite have my mind in the right place to actually say it.” You huffed out a little laugh, your eyes averting from his own so that you could try and hide your bashful little expression, but he didn’t miss it.
“Well, I’ve been admiring you a little, too. I should’ve had my deliveries sent to you sooner, if I knew it was going to end like this.” As if to punctuate your words, you rolled your hips down into his, reminding him of the solid erection pressing into his jeans, his fingers digging a little firmer into your skin, and he pushed your shirt up higher, the soft cotton of your panties revealed to him.
“These are just fucking sinful. Do you normally wander around your house in underwear and band-tees?” He tugged at it a little, before daring to tuck his hand underneath the fabric, trailing up, and a poorly-concealed groan left him as he found no further obstructions, fingers closing over one of your breasts, squeezing lightly as he palmed at your chest. “Well, clearly not all of your underwear.”
“I tend to, I keep it warm in here, for all the plants.” Your back arched up into his hand, one of your own closing over his outside of your shirt, as your other held onto his shoulder, fingers leaving crescent-moon shaped marks he was sure, and the rocking of your hips into his own only seemed to increase.
“I’d love to see you in one of my flannels sometime, just like this.”
“Give me your shirt and you’ll see it sooner than you think.” You teased, his brows raising, before he was pulling his hands back just long enough to lean into you, stripping the garment off as best as he could, leaving him in a thin black t-shirt as you took the item from him. He wanted to whine out as you stood up, choosing instead to replace the pressure of your core over his with his hand instead, palming at his cock through the thick denim, and you grinned as you watched him, yet he didn’t feel the slightest bit embarrassed.
You stood before him, draping his shirt across his spread knees as he slumped further into the cushions, getting himself comfortable and popping the button on his jeans, swollen lower lip being nibbled as you played with the hem of your shirt. Your hips were swinging to the beat of the song, and then, you raised the garment up and over your head, letting it drop away to the carpet, his jaw dropping as he looked at you.
You picked up his flannel, pulling it up your arms, and leaving it open at the front, just barely covering your tits. You were an angel and also the devil, tempting him to do so many wrong things. Stretching his hands out toward you, he beckoned you back into his lap, an act you were more than happy to take as you bounded over to him, a pep on your few short steps, before you were settling back into his lap.
He let his hands find the flaps of the flannel, pulling it open wide enough to be able to admire your tits fully, letting you push your hair back away from your shoulders for his unobstructed view. Sealing one hand around your waist, he dragged you up closer, until you were almost pressed to him fully, before dipping his head down. His tongue dragged over a hardened nipple, taking the taut peak into his mouth and sucking harshly, as your hand wound into his hair. You tugged, roughly, a groan that vibrated along your entire body leaving him and making you shiver, and you made the prettiest little noises above him.
He switches sides, making sure to give the other half of your chest that same kind of attention, leaving wet marks and stinging watches along your skin that would become bright purple marks in the morning to match the colour of your eyes, and he just hoped you kept him around long enough to see them when they did become beautiful and prominent. He wanted to see his good work, he wanted to see the way he got to mark you up and leave his touch all over your body.
“I do love how you sound moaning my name, princess, but I’m not sure how much longer I can last when you're making noises like that and grinding yourself all over my cock like this.” You grinned, letting him kiss his way back up your chest and throat until he was taking your lips with his own. Your hands were moving down, tugging at his zipper as far as it would go, hid hips bucking up into his hand as he felt you drag a nail along his covered erection, breathy sounds between you both when you pulled away.
He only had to lift himself up for a moment, before you were tugging at his jeans, helping him to get them just far enough down his thighs for his boxers to be able to follow. His cock was throbbing, painfully hard and desperate for you, leaking precum along his skin, and he gave himself some form of relief. You were watching him, eyes wide as he pumped his length in one hand, the other dipping under your skirt rubbing over your core, and you bundled up your shirt for him.
“Y’know, all those times I thought about us, a quick fuck on your couch wasn’t how I had wanted our first time to be, but then again, I didn’t expect the cute chick across the hall to be a witch, wither, so..”
He used his thumb to drag your panties to the side, your sodden folds revealed to him, and he slipped two fingers into your dripping core with ease. “I’ll let you take it slow next time, I swear, but right now, I’d really like it if you’d fuck me.”
He could only nod, heart skipping a beat at the promise of another time. Your legs shifted, muscles clenching as he forced himself to take his touch away from your core and bringing his fingers up to his mouth, sucking your sweet essence from the thin digits. As you leaned over him, he was sure to line himself up, and then, you were sinking down onto him, your forehead flailing to his as your mouth fell open, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“You’re so fucking big.”
“You’re so fucking tight.” He whispered the words, a little breathless and hanging on the edge of his orgasm already, and you seemed just as close, because as you finally sank all the way down and settled into his lap again, he could feel every pulse within your walls as you hugged around him.
It took him a moment, staving off his climax so that he didn’t come just from getting to feel you like this, and you looped your arms around his neck gently to find your purchase. Your nails were scratching lightly at the hairs at the base of his neck, his flannel once again flapping around you, panties pushed to the side to let him have access to your centre, and it was deliciously filthy.
Once you were settled, you circled your hips, a test movement, pleasure spiking in both of your systems and it felt like the temperature in the room was shooting upwards. Stiles could already feel sweat beginning to bead along his skin in a thin layer, and you pressed yourself in closer to him. Each time you shifted your hips you were moving a little more, every rock of your body into his, you were pulling yourself up just a little higher to be able to drop yourself back down onto his cock, stretching and squeezing around him.
You felt like velvet, slick and warm as you sheathed around him. You were precise and deliberate, and he couldn't help the wonton sounds that were leaving you with every drop down onto his cock, before you were taking him up to see stars every time, leaving the both of you resting in the clouds. Panted breaths, a scream in the back of your throat that tried to break out each time as you gave him broken moans of his name, picking up your pace further and further each time.
Once you were stable above him, you were moving with purpose, fast and quick as you rode him, gaining more confidence each time, and he was gripping you so tightly that there would be fingerprints all over your hips in the morning. He helped you go, lifting you up each time, only to pull you back down into his lap, thrusting up with a weak effort to meet you, but feeling you go wild each time. That same energy was back, crackling with more force, surging through him like nothing he had ever felt.
Stiles was in college, he was away from home and the weight of being the Sheriff’s kid for the first time, and he had experimented. He’d gotten drunk, and high, and hungover, but this was a whole new kind of thrill; it was like lighting up with fireworks and adrenaline all at once, like creating a bond with another person, and a tingling spread throughout his entire body as your magic bonded with his own. He hadn't felt this kind of singing in his blood since the day he’d managed to finish the circle with the mountain ash back when he was only sixteen, or breaking through the wild hunt barrier at almost eighteen.
These kind of thrills were rare for him, but they’d never been this strong, and as the two of you moved as one in the most intimate way that two people could, your mouth coming up to claim his as you silenced yourself and him, growing louder and more desperate as you went, he felt that final high beginning to build.
“‘M so close, honey.” His voice had taken on that same kind of scratchy rasp that he had in the mornings before he even broke into his day, “Oh, God, keep goin’.”
He knew his words were beginning to grow slurred, and he could barely buck his hips up into you. As everything within his body began to light up, he felt like all of his muscles were going lifeless, his body going boneless, because the heat was consuming him. He couldn't hold it back, he’d been waiting for so long to feel you this way, and his lips could barely even move back against your own as he went slack-jawed, exploding within your tight heat.
The send that he was shooting over the edge, you were following right after him, crying out his name into his mouth as you kept going against him, until you couldn't clumping down into his body as you trembled, and Stiles felt as though you’d milked absolutely everything from him that he had to offer. There was a crackling along his skin from everywhere that your fingertips smoothed over, sliding down from his shoulders so that you could press your cheek to the spot instead, fanning breaths rushing over his neck as you tried to catch your breath, racing heart just like his was.
You didn’t even bother to move from him, letting him throb within your walls with each flutter you made and each shift, and if you kept it up, he was sure he’d be ready for a second round, but he wasn’t entirely sure that he had that in him. Resting his head back against the edge of the couch, he let you lift yourself up and off of him finally, your legs shaking as you stood, offering him a weak smile as he took in your through fucked out state, before taking wobbly steps away from him, and disappearing down the hall.
He heard a door close, assuming you’d gone to the bathroom, and he leaned over to the coffee table to snatch up a few tissues, to clean himself up with, before sorting himself out too. He did the bare minimum, not even bothering to do up his jeans once he had them pulled back up, but he stretched out along the length of the couch to lay down, an arm popped under his head, and a little laugh on his lips as he did.
He took a moment to glance around, not missing the way that the plants all seemed to be blooming particularly beautifully, seeming more alive than ever. As he lifted up a hand before his face, rubbing his forefinger and thumb together, a spark travelled between the tips, and he felt a little in awe just at the sight of it.
“It's pretty incredible, right?”
He startled, jumping a little, before turning to look at you and propping himself up on his elbows as you lingered in the doorway. You had changed, your hair pulled back and out of your face, missing a few odd strands and you’d buttoned up his flannel along your body, mismatched and hanging unevenly, but still adorable. You took slower steps over to him, waiting for a second as you stood beside him, before he was lifting his arms and making it clear to you that you could lay with him, a smile gracing both of your faces as you flattened yourself along him, cheek pressed over his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist.
“You like feeling your magic, then?”
He lifted his palm, holding it to yours and admiring the final dying flares he saw, as the energy began to dissipate and absorb into his body and yours fully. “I’m not used to feeling special myself. I’ve always been a behind the scenes, research, kinda’ guy. I’m not used to being one of the main players.”
“Oh, hush. You told me your story, you were most definitely a key player, Stiles.” He shrugged under you, letting you cross your arms over his chest and prop your chin on them.
“Yeah, but I never really felt that way, and now I feel like I have something to offer.”
You leaned in, brushing your lips over his jaw with a sweet kiss, and he felt like he could most definitely get used to this feeling. Can I meet them?”
“My pack?”
You nodded, seeming a little shy now, and joy raced through him at the fact that you saw enough of a future with him to want to meet his friends an get to know them, and to once again be able to be completely open and honest with everyone, never having to hide anything from anyone, and being able to let you fully and wholly into his life. It was a surprise, because the more he’d thought about his future late at night when lying alone in his bed, he was so sure he’d never be able to really settle down, because he could never let someone in on his life in every single way, but with you, that wasn’t a problem.
“I would absolutely love that.”
“Really?” You were studying him carefully, trying to ensure that he was telling the truth, and he gave you the most honey look that he possibly could, before lifting his head to meet your lips as he leaned in.
Soft and delicate, like a kiss that was shared between deep romance and longtime lovers, and he rested a hand on your cheek, holding you to him, and rolling you to the side, to sandwich you between the couch and his body Your thigh came up to rest over his legs, his palm slipping from your face to rest on your leg, drawing patterns on the skin until you pulled away to breathe, lips detaching from his as you whined a little. You stayed close, though, a soft look etched onto your features;
“I just want to meet a few more supernatural people, and get to know others who I don’t have to hide from.”
“Well, you definitely don’t have to hide from them, and you’ll love them, just as much as they’ll love you. We’re a pretty odd group, you’ll fit right in.”
“You’re right about that ‘odd bunch’ thing. I’ve never met a banshee, or a - what did you call it? - werecoyote.” That was an undeniable truth, your head coming back down to rest on his chest as he shrugged, unable to deny that you were right. “Your wolves sound nice, too. All the other wolves I’ve met have been overly territorial and closed off.”
“Well, Derek used to be like that, but we’ve pulled him around a little. He is still broody, though.” You laughed at his joke, a sound that made his heart burst open slightly and bleed with affection, all for you, as you continued to take more and more pieces of his heart with every act, and he was falling in love with you faster than he’d ever known was possible. “Don’t take notice of any of his lurking, by the way, it’s his twisted way of showing concern and care.”
“I’ll remember that, and if I ever catch him hiding behind a tree, I’ll know that it’s real friendship.”
“He does that, I’m serious, don’t underestimate him. I think my dad arrested him for stalking, once.”
“I think your dad would be who I am most scared to meet.” A fond tone in your voice, before he was pressing a kiss to your forehead, humming under his breath.
“He’ll love you the most, don’t worry.”
Silence fell between you both then, and he busied himself with tracing illegible drawings into your skin, simply enjoying feeling so close to you. It was irrationally domestic, and you were the final piece in his college life and college experience that was missing. Despite not being a  wolf, he was unequivocally part of a wolf pack, and being surrounded so closely by such a tight-knit group of friends for those years had made him dependent on company and reliability, and he had been feeling so alone since leaving for college.
Scott had Malia, Lydia had rekindled things with Jordan, and even Derek had been (begrudgingly, to begin) hooked up with a deputy by his father, and they’d been on a few dates.
The last time he’d been home, he’d felt like a fifth, seventh, or was it ninth wheel, when Liam and Hayden were taken into account? He had been feeling awfully lonely lately, and he was glad to finally find someone that fit him perfectly, matching him like a glove.
“When I do introduce you to my friends, my pack, y’know, and my dad..”
You lifted your head, a little crease across your cheek from the fold in his shirt, and he rubbed the spot with his thumb gently, an attempt to remove the mark. “Yeah?”
“What should I introduce you as?”
“A witch.” You deadpanned, and he knew immediately that you’d clearly know exactly what he meant, but were playing with him, and he pouted, fixing you with a mock glare, before you were laughing to yourself over your joke, something so undeniably cute that he couldn't even pretend to be mad about it. “What do you want to introduce me as?”
Nudging your jaw a little with his, he puckered his lips, tempting you down to kiss him, and you were more than happy to press a series of sweet and short kisses to his lips. “I’d really like to formally claim you to be my girlfriend?”
He mumbled the words into your mouth, feeling your lips flick up at the edges in a smile as you gave him a kiss that was a little more firm, a little more loving and powerful, before whispering your reply; “Then we’re on the same page, because I’d like to introduce you to my coven back home as my boyfriend.”
“You have a coven?” He pulled back, a gasp of shock, and you giggled at him.
“That I do. Maybe I should tell you about them?”
“You absolutely should.” He insisted, his craving for knowledge taking over, and he couldn't have been more glad to whatever deity was watching over benevolently that he’d taken the choice to stay the first time knowledge had been offered, because it had led him to where he was now.
“It might take all night, maybe you should go and get a change of clothes. Get comfortable.”
“Is that an invitation to stay the night?” You only nodded, letting him roll you back over onto your back as he kissed at your neck. “I’ll buy you take out if you cuddle me later?”
“Cuddling and dinner? Glad I get to call you my boyfriend, now.”
“Not nearly as glad as I am to call you my girlfriend. My little witch.” His lips sealed over yours, silencing your laughs against his mouth as you teased him for the nickname, and he pinched a little at your sides. The mistletoe overhead grew a little more, a few of the berries dropping away and bouncing off of his back as the plant became bolder, just like the rest, that energy beginning to grow once again, as you got lost in each other’s touch.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors but other than that n/a
| form : headcanons
| published : 28 december
| request : Can I request reader as Megumi’s childhood friend and both Megumi and Gojo protective of them
| barista’s notes : good early morning from the united kingdom! i’m nearly done with all the headcanons that have been requested and will be moving on to the imagine very soon ʕ ゚ ● ゚ʔ and little random thing i wanted to say is that i have been getting into animal crossing : new horizons lately due to it being on my tiktok fyp quite a bit as well as my youtube recommendations! i really want a nintendo switch lite and that game now ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come again soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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Fushiguro as your childhood at the beginning was really difficult to get close to since he was a quiet child and someone who you disregard your presence - but since you were so persistent, he realised how much you cared about him and decided that it was okay to be friends with you.
As time went by, you and Fushiguro became really close and inseparable to the point where he would be protective over you (jujutsu sorcerer or not - doesn’t matter)
If you are human, he would make sure you have a cursed weapon like Maki and help you train to be able to defend yourself when he is not there.
But if you are a jujutsu sorcerer, he wouldn’t care how strong you are, the second you are in front of a curse, Fushiguro’s shikigami is already right in front of you before you could even blink.
“Ah...Megumi, don’t worry, I’ll be fine,”
“You never know what might happen, just let Nue carry you to safety when needed” - then what about you, you idiot?
He is also protective with you around boys since you both went to the same middle school and some of the guys would gang up on you to get a reaction out of Fushiguro - which they did….but not in a good way.
When Itadori came into the picture, he would always stand between you and him to make sure itadori wasn’t too close to you until he knew he could fully trust the boy - which he does later on.
But Fushiguro is still wary due to Sukuna being inside Itadori, so when he feels like Sukuna could make an appearance, he would just lowkey move you to the side and tell you to ‘run’ or ‘go away’ - I- I ain’t gonna run...are you stupid?
Itadori in an instant notices that Fushiguro is always standing near you and when you start walking or moving away, he also notices how Fushiguro keeps a very close eye on you before walking to where you are going
Overall, Fushiguro is like a protective brother when he is with you and will always make sure that you are okay at all times.
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When Fushiguro introduced you to Gojo - probably when you were younger and he was in care with white-haired shaman - Gojo will probably pick you up and coo at you based on how cute you look before Fushiguro will somehow make him put you down.
When you and Fushiguro become older, Gojo will tease you and Fushiguro to no end on how you two should get together and become childhood sweethearts - Fushiguro will probably give him a death glare to make him stop.
However, it seemed like Fushiguro’s protectiveness has also transferred to him as well since every time you would be in front of a curse, he would just causally appear out of nowhere, sliding his hands under your armpits, lift you up and put you to the side before attacking.
He would also make sure if you are not alone and will probably drag you somewhere with him - with without Fushiguro’s permission of course.
This happens quite a bit when you’re with Itadori and that is not because of the boy, but the curse that is residing within the boy because I know Sukuna will make a comment or two about you.
Gojo is somewhat of a protective older brother to you - just a tiny bit more annoying and completely the opposite to Fushiguro (isn’t that a good dynamic?)
Maybe a father that refuses for you to go out with anyone else but Fushiguro - since he wants to make little imaginary of his real.
When any boy tries to talk to you, expect Gojo to stand behind you giving the person a whole deadass death glare and when you turn around he would just go back to his childish antics and that cheeky smile of his.
When Fushiguro is also behind you with him, that will be more terrifying for the person trying to flirt with you since I can definitely see both Gojo and Fushiguro holding up the middle finger to them with a death glare.
Overall, Gojo is basically like another older brother mixed with a father - either way, he is still protective of you like Fushguro is with you.
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elftwink · 3 years
no thoughts only taakitz superhero/villain coffeeshop au. taako’s power is shapeshifting but he has a cool gun from lup. kravitz’s power is Big Fuckin Scythe With Unspecified Abilities. also there was no time to get into it but fantasy starbucks isn’t a real starbucks it’s a borderline illegal unaffiliated bootleg starbucks that taako and lup own. like dumb starbucks was.
By all rights, it should have been a fairly routine night for the Reaper. Go out, stop some crimes, arrive just in time to prevent whatever scheme the Mongoose had cooked up this week, exchange some one liners, make some threats that essentially amounted to ‘same time next week?’, the works. A regular Tuesday as a superhero in Neverwinter.
But Kravitz is tired, and more than a little distracted, so he’s not doing so hot on the one liners, and the Mongoose’s attacks are a little closer than they would normally be. He doesn’t even have a good excuse, it’s not like he’s injured, or that he has anything pressing to think of.
It was just— this morning his barista (who he may or may not have been harbouring a small crush on) had mentioned offhand that he thought the Reaper was ‘probably hot under the stupid all-black getup’, and Kravitz didn’t really know what the protocol was for someone complimenting your alter-ego was.
“I think if you were gonna go for the strong silent type, you had to start doing it months ago. Now it’s just acting like an asshole. Are you mad at me?” the Mongoose cuts into his thoughts, firing off another few missiles from his stupid umbrella gun (Umbrastaff, he called it, although it was a gun and not a staff so Kravitz had no idea why he insisted on calling it that).
“We are literally fighting as we speak,” says Kravitz, playing up the cockney accent, spinning his scythe to deflect the missiles off the blade, sending them ricocheting around the room. He’d said something like ‘how can you tell’ to Taako— the barista (well, they’d been on a first name basis for a few weeks, so, Taako), and he’d said ‘I can just tell’ which was not at all helpful in getting Kravitz through the conversation without saying or doing something to give himself away.
He’d almost given Taako his number, but how was he going to justify that? Hey, it’s me under the all black getup. Do you want to go out sometime? As if.
“You can have fights without being fuckin’ rude,” says the Mongoose, firing off another few rounds, which Kravitz deflects again, advancing on him.
“You’re right, sorry. I’m a bit scattered. Not exactly my A game.” As if to prove his point, the Mongoose easily dodges his next couple swings with the scythe, not even bothering to leave his range.
“Clearly. I mean, normally you’re at least close enough that I can feel the breeze from your sword.”
“It’s not a sword, and you know that.” Kravitz brings down the scythe in the space where the Mongoose was only seconds before, having already backflipped out of the way and landed a few metres back. Show off. Not that Kravitz had room to complain about that. The Mongoose spins to face him again, at least this time seemingly aware of what a close call that was. He’s tense, and his hair, which Kravitz supposes has thus far been hidden underneath his costume, has come somewhat unravelled, black braid falling to the middle of his back.
It seems... familiar?
He doesn’t have time for that right now. Kravitz draws back the scythe, feeling the hum of energy under his fingers, swinging again, and—
“Wait! Time out!” the Mongoose puts up a hand and Kravitz, for who knows what reason, stops his scythe mid-swing. The familiarity sticks, so it’s not just a trick of the light. It takes him a second to place, but the hairstyle... it looks a lot like a certain barista he’d been spending all night thinking about.
He shakes his head, trying to clear it. It’s because he has Taako on the brain, is all. Besides, he has other things to worry about besides seeing his crush in his enemy. Namely the fight currently happening with said enemy. “What? You can’t call a time out.”
“I just did,” says the Mongoose, fishing through his pockets and pulling out several bobby pins, sticking them in his mouth so he can use both hands to fix his hair. Kravitz blinks, still trying to shake off the sense of deja vu, but it won’t quit nagging him. “It’s a whole safety issue to leave long hair down.”
“It’s still in a braid,” retorts Kravitz.
“Somebody never took Foodsafe.” the Mongoose gives him a lopsided grin that Kravitz fucking knows he’s seen before, and suddenly it’s more than just passing familiarity, and how could he possibly have not noticed before, and— the Mongoose finishes putting up his hair, raising an eyebrow at Kravitz and his private crisis. “Alright. Ready—”
“You work at Fantasy Starbucks,” blurts Kravitz, without even thinking about it. The Mongoose stops dead in his tracks, and Kravitz can see his eyes widen even behind the mask. He splutters for a moment, and then seems to find his footing, already ready with a snarky remark.
“Yeah, well— your accent is fake.”
Shit. He’d forgotten. At the only time so far that having it would have been useful too. Still, he pushes it out of his mind; the Mongoose hadn’t denied it. And, well, he’s already solidly derailed this fight, so he might as well get some real confirmation out of it.
“...Taako? It is you, isn’t it?”
“Just who the fuck are y—” The Mongoose— Taako— levels the Umbrastaff at him, and then stops again. “...Kravitz?”
Well. Shit. Again. Kravitz doesn’t bother to affirm that; his silence is more than enough confirmation. One of them has to say or do something, but the seconds stretch on.
“You’re telling me I said all that shit to your face this morning?” says Taako.
“That’s what you’re worried about right now?”
“Uh, yeah—” Taako is backing up now, and they’ve fought enough times that Kravitz knows when the Mongoose is looking for an escape route; Kravitz’s feet still feel glued to the floor, even when Taako reaches the window, fingers already turning to talons around the Umbrastaff. Taako breaks the glass (because of course he does, even though the windows aren’t even fucking locked), breaking eye contact with Kravitz in order to swing his legs through the window before his form changes too much. “Look, this is like, a lot right now, and I— I’m getting the fuck out of here,” he says, and then drops. Whatever had been keeping Kravitz in place, slack jawed, ends as soon as Taako leaves his sight, and he’s moving before he has time to think about it.
“Wait—!” Kravitz runs for the window, but by the time he gets there, the bird clutching the Umbrastaff is nearly out of sight.
Well. That could have gone better.
Kravitz doesn’t go for his coffee the next day. Or the next day, either, although the day after that he’s sick of making his own coffee. And frankly, he misses chatting with Taako. Even if the guy was trying to kill him like once a week. He couldn’t just avoid this forever.
Still, the fact that Taako is working cash when he comes in makes him want to turn tail and run back home. He conjures up the memory of yesterday’s shitty coffee and pushes onward. The shop is mostly empty still, so there’s no line.
“The usual?” says Taako, like nothing abnormal has happened.
“Please,” says Kravitz, and then, before he can chicken out entirely, adds, “Uhm, do you have a few minutes?”
“My shift isn’t over until—”
“I’ll cover you,” comes Lup’s voice from the back room; she pokes her head out and gives Taako a look that is clearly significant, but that Kravitz can’t quite puzzle out. “Take five minutes after you’re done making his coffee.”
Taako scowls at her, and she smiles brightly before heading to the back again.
“Okay. I guess I have five minutes. Talk to you after I make your coffee.”
Kravitz nods, and goes to hover around the pickup counter, pretending to be interested in things on his phone. Taako makes his coffee in a ceramic mug, which at least means he doesn’t want Kravitz to get the fuck out as soon as possible, so that’s... something.
Taako slides the finished coffee across the counter, circling around to join Kravitz on the customer side as Kravitz grabs the mug.
“Lup!” he hollers, and then starts walking towards one of the corner booths without checking to see if his sister is headed to cash or if Kravitz is following. Kravitz does, though, sliding himself into the seat opposite Taako, hands wrapped tightly around the mug.
Taako speaks first. “To be honest, I kinda thought you would rat me out.”
“That would be shitty of me, to just sic authorities on your place of work without so much as a warning.”
“So is this the warning?”
“No,” says Kravitz, taking a sip of his coffee, “I... can’t really make coffee without burning it. And this is the only place for miles with tolerable muffins.”
Taako cracks a grin, like Kravitz knew he would. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” His smile falls, and he crosses his arms and leans back. “So. Reaper. Why didn’t you rat me out?”
Why indeed. Kravitz takes another sip of his coffee and thinks for a second, not even sure himself what his explanation will be once he starts talking.
“It didn’t seem... fair. You’re less of a villain and more of a pain in my ass—” Kravitz ignores Taako’s indignant noise and keeps talking, “—and while we always have cause to fight when on the clock, you’re not doing anything that I feel needs to leave the bounds of those... work hours, I guess.”
Taako is trying to pick him apart with his gaze; it’s something he’s been subjected to several times, although normally in costume, and in retrospect it’s difficult to imagine how he spent so long not noticing the Mongoose in Taako.
Whatever Taako is looking for, he must find it, because he relaxes a bit, and shoots him a lazy grin. “Plus, Mongoose related insurance just got rolling and it would be fuckin’ rude to take me out of commission before anyone got to use theirs.”
Kravitz laughs. “Sure.” He’s silent for a second, before adding, “You aren’t planning on revealing my secret identity, are you? Awfully rude of you to double cross me like that.”
“Wha— You didn’t even give me a chance to respond! Maybe I wasn’t!”
“Were you?”
“I was,” admits Taako, not even pretending to look sheepish. Kravitz raises his eyebrows, and Taako shrugs. “Oh, like you didn’t think about revealing my secret identity? And could you imagine the hype if I unmasked the Reaper? I was tempted.” He sighs. “But I figured then you’d have no reason to keep my identity a secret. No way am I risking a backfire like that.”
It sounds callous, but Kravitz has been talking to Taako almost daily for months; at this point, he can pretty reliably pick up on when Taako isn’t being entirely truthful about something.
“Hmm. Then I suppose it’d be in my best interest not to tell you that I wouldn’t reveal your identity even if you revealed mine?”
Taako narrows his eyes. “Why not?”
Kravitz makes a face. “It’s just in poor taste. I just think we all go through all the trouble to hide who we are and use these powers for good— or whatever it is you do— that it’s always going to be such a low blow to reveal who we are. There might be times where it’s necessary, but petty revenge is not one of them.”
Taako’s expression hasn’t changed; if anything, he’s narrowed his eyes more. “God, you are like— fuckin’ irritatingly nice. Fine. I wasn’t going to reveal your identity. That would be fuckin’ annoying to deal with. Plus I’m having fun.”
“Oh don’t— don’t fucking lie to me. I know you’re having fun out there too. With your stupid accent and one liners and shit.”
“Alright, alright,” says Kravitz, rolling his eyes. “But I’m not supposed to be having fun, so keep it quiet.”
“See, that’s why I market myself as a villain. No dumb rules.” He puts an elbow on the table and leans on his hand. “Why do you have a fake accent anyway?”
Heat rises to Kravitz’s face, and he’s hoping he looks less embarrassed than he feels. “It’s my— I do it so people don’t recognize my voice.”
Taako laughs. “Well, it doesn’t really do that if you immediately stop using it when you realize you might know someone.”
“I was caught off guard!” defends Kravitz. “It’s not every day you find out your nemesis is your barista.”
“Nemesis, huh?” Taako grins. “Didn’t realize it was that serious to you. You know I have other heroes to fight.”
Kravitz rolls his eyes again. “I don’t see how you have the time, considering how often you’re causing trouble for me.”
Taako laughs, and it’s so contagious and the whole conversation is so surreal Kravitz can’t help but laugh too, before they both lapse into a comfortable, if drawn out, silence.
“So, uh,” says Taako eventually, “what now?”
“Well,” says Kravitz, “I want to keep coming in for coffee in the mornings. And I assume the Mongoose will continue with... whatever chaos it is you currently have planned.”
“It’s not chaos,” insists Taako, “I have plans. But yeah. And I assume the Reaper is gonna show up and throw a wrench in those plans?”
“Yes, probably. So we’ll just be enemies by night...” Kravitz trails off, not entirely sure how to refer to their by day relationship. Friends? Potential love interests? Acquaintances? There’s a few seconds of awkward silence before Kravitz gives up entirely.
Taako pulls and pen and a napkin out of his pocket, jotting something down and pushing it towards Kravitz.
“Here’s, uh, here’s my number. If you give me a heads up five minutes before you get here, we can have your coffee ready by the time you walk in. If you’re nice to me out there.”
“I don’t take bribes,” says Kravitz, grabbing the napkin and pulling out his phone to type in the number.
“That wasn’t a bribe, it was a threat. You don’t even wanna know what I’ll do to your coffee if you fuck me up.”
Kravitz doesn’t bother to point out that neither of them have ever caused any extreme bodily harm to one another and instead says, “So you’re asking me to go easy on you? I thought you were having fun.” He sends Taako a ‘hey it’s kravitz’ text before he has time to second guess himself.
“Could you stop poking holes in my threats? You’re harshing my fuckin’ vibe, Krav.” He sounds irritated, but Kravitz can see the smile tugging at his lips as he texts Kravitz a couple of skull emojis. “I should get back to work before my sister kicks my ass,” he says, standing back up. “I’ll see you tonight, nemesis.” Then he turns on his heels and heads back to the counter, saying something to Lup as he walks by. Kravitz watches him disappear into the back room.
Kravitz had better make sure he had hung his cloak up to dry.
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Fearing You, Loving You | Part 3
Word Count: 3.3k
Genre: smut, angst, some fluff
Warnings: dom!felix, sub!reader, yandere!felix, cockwarming, blowjob, felix loves hentai and humiliating oc, filming, creampie, spitting, mentions of violence.
Sequel to I'm Yours, You're Mine
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Gif credit @915archive (yes I'm only gonna use your gifs for lix from now on lol)
You decided that you can't just passively accept your condition. You had to do something to improve your situation, and you know just what to do. 
When Felix comes home from work, you greet him with a kiss that surprises him before you lead him to the bathroom where you had drawn him a bath, gently stripping him and pulling him to the tub. 
Felix stares at you in wonder as get a loofah and pour some body wash on it. 
"What's the occasion?" He asks, happily leaning into your touch. 
"Can't a woman show her husband how much she appreciates him?" You drawl, knowing that his delusional mind and his need to believe that everything is okay will make him easily accept your answer. “I just want to show you how much I love you…”
He relaxes into your touch completely as you gently scrub his body and wash his hair while he lay calm and content like a cat between your arms.
He looked so happy and peaceful, and you lean in to give his pouty lips a peck. His eyes spring open, staring at you in awe before they turn into the lovely crescents they get when he smiles.
“I love you.” He beams, and you curse your heart for still fluttering at his words after all he’s done, but you still can't bring yourself to reply, and Felix's face turns hard. He grabs your hands, stopping your movements. "Tell me you love me." 
You hold his gaze for a minute, your heart hammering against your ribcage, before you force yourself to smile. 
“I’m madly in love with you.” You murmur, washing the conditioner out of his hair before you pull him up to his feet and wrap a towel around his waist. 
Taking his hand in yours, you lead him into the bedroom, drying him off and grabbing a bottle of lotion. Carefully, you rub the product over his skin, taking care to massage the areas you think might be sore like his neck and his back. You tell yourself that you’re only doing this to appease him so that he'll let you have a relationship with your child, disregarding the ball of warmth that keeps growing in the center of your chest with each happy sigh and loving glance he throws at you. 
You dress him up in soft pajamas and sit behind to dry his hair. His eyes are closed and his mouth hangs ever slightly open as he surrenders himself to your touch. He looks so soft, just like the Felix you used to know, that you can’t help but let the towel fall away as you run your fingers through his soft, wet her and press your lips to his cheek. Felix hums appreciatively, leaving his head to the side to give you better access, when a knock sounds at the door, making you jump back. 
"Can I come in, daddy?" Your daughter’s sweet voice pipes up from behind the door.She wasn't allowed to step into the master bedroom without permission, and said permission could only be given by her father if he was present. Felix opens his eyes and is met by your longing ones, silently begging him to let your daughter in. 
He doesn’t look like he wants this moment to be interrupted so you’re shocked when his reply comes, voice deep with exhaustion."Come in, sweetheart." 
Your heart swells and you smile brightly at him. It's working!
He responds with a tired smile of his own as the girl opens the door and timidly comes in. 
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously. 
"Mommy is doing daddy's hair." You beam, playing with Felix’s hair absently. 
"Oh!" Her eyes sparkle, "Can I be the one who styles your hair, daddy?"
Felix chuckles lowly at her enthusiasm, "Of course, princess." 
The girl squeaks in happiness and jumps in place. "I just have to get some stuff from my room. I'll be right back." 
You stare lovingly at her small retreating form. When she's gone, your eyes go back to Felix and you see him looking up at you with adoration in his eyes that makes your breath hitch in your throat. He takes one of your hands in his and places a soft kiss to the back of it. "This is perfect, darling. Thank you. I promise you that I'll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.”
Your breath hitches and hand shakes in his hold. A million conflicting emotions swelled up inside you, but they were all smothered as soon as your daughter steps back into the door, jumping onto the bed with her little box of hair accessories and a comb.
You pull your hand away as she gets to work, and you watch them closely, eyes trained on your daughter’s excited smile as she messes with her daddy’s hair, and the equally as gorgeous smile he has on his face as he lets her unleash her creative side on him, encouraging her all the while. 
They looked so happy all wrapped up in their little bubble, and you so wanted to be part of it too. You could be. He promised you you can, if only you’d be good. And isn’t that what you wanted? The love of your daughter and your husband? Why were you fighting him so hard?
“Do you prefer the pink ribbon or the sparkly clip, daddy?” Your girl holds the items in her small hands to show them off and Felix pursues his lips in contemplation. 
“The clip I think.” You cut in, brushing Felix’s hair down. “It matches daddy’s sparkly eyes, don’t you think?” 
“Ohh, that’s right!” Your girl exclaims, putting the ribbon down and placing the clip in Felix’s hair. “What do you think, daddy?” 
“I don’t know. What does mommy think?” He holds your hand, smiling up at you, and you know you’re doing the right thing. 
“I love it. You look really pretty, honey.” You lace your fingers with his, “You did a great job, sweetheart.” 
“Yaaay!” Your girl claps in excitement, and Felix turns to her. “Would you like to go get some donuts, princess?” 
“Yes, daddy!” She chirps and jumps off the bed. “I’ll go get dressed.”
Your smile falls. You weren’t allowed to go on outings like this with them lest you steal your daughter and run away or alert anyone. 
"You wanna come with, love?" He brings your hand back to his lips, pressing a kiss to it. 
You couldn't believe how well this was working. You haven't been allowed out like this in years! Maybe you just needed to be nicer to him, and he'll give you everything just like he promised.
You don’t give him a moment to reconsider, rushing to accept.  "I'd love to!" 
Everything was perfect. The night breeze, your daughter's excited voice, the city lights. This is what you could have, always.
Only one detail was off, how Felix never let go of your daughter's hand. But you don't let that bother you. You still needed to prove to him that he can trust you. And everything will be good again.
You step into the store with a bright smile, following Felix to the register and watching him pay for the donuts and coffee. You all then go to select the donuts you want. You pick a chocolate one and a strawberry one. 
While Felix and your daughter choose their own donuts, the barista tells you that your coffee is ready. Not thinking, you leave your husband and daughter and go to pick up the coffee. 
"Umm where is the sugar--" You wonder absentmindedly before spotting it and reaching out for it. The barista reaches out at the same time and your hands touch. You quickly pull away, the both of you laughing.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You smile, a little embarrassed. 
“That’s okay. I don’t mind touching hands with such a pretty lady.” The barista flirts, passing you the sugar. You sheepishly reach out to take them, feeling a little anxious for some reason you can’t pinpoint. 
You realize your mistake when someone else intercepts you and snatches the sugar packets away. You look up to see a very angry Felix glaring the man down. "She is pretty, isn't she? She’s also my wife." 
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I was just trying to help.” The barista clears his throat and looks down.
“I’m sure you were.” Felix grits, quickly putting the sugar in the coffee and stirring it. As soon as he’s done, he hands you the coffee and drags both you and your daughter out of the shop. 
The walk back home he is silent despite your daughter’s constant attempts to make small talk. When you reach your building, he tells you to go up and get dinner ready.
"Where are you going daddy?" Your daughter asks, and Felix glares at you. "Daddy has to take care of something, princess." 
You blanch, holding onto him. "Felix, please." 
He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Do you want to make a scene in front of your daughter? Wanna let her hear how much of a slut her mother is?" 
Tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head. Everything was so perfect. How did it go so wrong? You were so stupid. If you hadn't moved from Felix's side, none of this would've happened. 
Felix pulls you off of him and orders you to go upstairs, and with a teary face you obey. 
When you step into the apartment, your daughter turns to you with crossed arms and a frown on her little face. “You made daddy angry again, didn’t you?”
You stare at her in shock. “What?”
“You always make daddy angry. You always ruin everything.” 
Finding yourself angry for the first time at your daughter. "You don't know anything. You don't know how much I sacrificed for your sake!" 
"I don't care. You only make daddy sad and I hate you."
Her words stab at your heart. With blurry eyes, you grab her and throw her into her room, locking the door behind her and falling to the floor in a sobbing mess. 
You felt wretched. You felt abandoned. You know it's not your daughter's fault, that she's brainwashed, but her words hurt you so much and you find yourself craving reassurance and affection that you know you can only get from one person. 
Wiping your tears, you go to your room to dress up for him, wearing the lingerie dress he had wanted to see on you, and then go to the kitchen to make him dinner, hoping that would appease him enough to give you what you need. 
When you hear the door open you freeze in your spot, all your fears reaching their extremes again. You remain still as a statue as you hear his footsteps approach until he's right behind you, his body flush against yours, his hands snaking up your body to grab at your breasts.
“Did you enjoy your little show babe?" He asks, tone sharp.
"No." You quickly attempt to clarify, "I didn't mean to be bad."
"Is that why you looked like you were going to get on your knees in the middle of the store and blow him?"
You shake your head harshly, "I didn't. I just smiled because I was nervous."
He scoffs, his small hands pushing your dainty bra down and roughly groping your tits. "You think I believe you? God, I let you out once thinking you'll be good, but my little cockslut can't help herself, huh?"
“No, Felix--” Tears brim your eyes once again. He wasn't giving you what you wanted. “I would never do anything to betray you.”
"But you did." He growls, rubbing your pussy coarsely while squeezing your tits. “I should’ve bred you before leaving. You’re much better behaved when my cum is dripping down your legs and reminding you of who you belong to.”
“I’m sorry.” You sob, leaning into his touch, hoping to appease him. 
"You will be sorry, baby.“ He promises, making you shiver as he backs away, “Put the food on the table. No plate for you. Whores don't get to eat food. I'll keep your mouth busy with something else."
You know what’s coming, and you feel incredibly humiliated. "No, Felix, please. It's embarrassing."
"Good. You should be embarrassed. If you're gonna act like a cock-hungry slut then you need to be treated like one." He snarls, chuckling at your tears. “You’re crying? Baby I haven’t even given you anything to cry about.”
Helplessly, you prepare his plate for him, already expecting his command. 
“Get on your knees.” He sneers, watching you get between his legs. “Take my cock out and suck on it.” 
You try to obey but when you see the blood stains on his pants, you stop abruptly. “Felix, what did you....”
He looks down at you with heavy eyes and smirks, "Don't worry I didn't kill the man you were drooling after. I just made sure he won't look at other men's wives again."
You shiver, not knowing quite what he means, With Felix this could be anything from a slight warning to a crippling attack. You know he won’t give you more information though so, for your own sake, you unzip his pants and pull out his hard dick, immediately taking it in your mouth. 
"That's a good girl." He breathes out, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair. "Show your master how sorry you are."
You swirl your tongue around his dick, sucking on it earnestly, but as you pull up to breathe he pushes you down, making you take him completely, your nose brushing against his pubic bone with his length fully down your throat. He holds you there and you try to relax your throat as much as possible and try to breathe through your nose, knowing he’ll keep you there.
And he does. Through the whole meal, he stays balls deep in your throat, only resurfacing to fuck your mouth before he buries his dick in your throat again.   
Soon, your jaw gets sore, making your saliva dribble all over his dick and crotch, but Felix doesn't care. In fact, it turns him on, knowing you’re struggling to accommodate his length.
It feels like forever before he lets you go, letting you crash back against the table as you cough and gasp in. You raise your hand to your face to wipe at the mess you've made but Felix stops you.
“Don't clean up. I want you just like you are, my dirty slut.” 
He has you on your back on the bed, arms hooked under your thighs and shackled together so that they are pulled up to your chest, immobilizing you and laying your pussy bare for him. 
The flash of the camera goes off as your husband takes a picture of you in the compromising position. 
He stares at it as it develops then he shows it to you, making your cheeks flame red at seeing just how lewd you look.
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby. And all mine, right?” 
"Yes, baby, all yours." You gush, hoping he'd have mercy on you. 
He brushes his fingers down your thigh, skipping over your core and going up the other one, making you shake in need. 
"Want my fingers in your pussy, honey?" He murmurs, brushing the tips of his fingers up and down your pussy with a feather light touch that only makes you whimper out in need. 
"Yes, Lix. Need you so bad." You gasp as his palm meets your pussy is a sharp slap, making your body convulse at the intense sensation. 
"Is that what you call your owner after everything you've done?" 
You shake your head, "No, master. I'm sorry."
"That's better." He purrs, slipping his middle finger inside of you. It was barely enough, just brushing your walls as he pumps it in and out of you. 
"More, please, master." 
"You're so greedy. Always begging for more."
He pushes his index in, the pads of his fingers brushing ever so slightly over your walls. You struggle, your body trying to close your legs but you can't. 
He curls his fingers and rubs back and forth against your g-spot, making you shake. "Master, please."
“You’re mine, do you understand? You belong to me.”
You nod, trying to appease him, and whine in distress when he takes his fingers out of your pussy. He brings them up to your mouth. 
"Tongue out." He says gruffly, placing his fingers on your tongue and pumping them in and out of your mouth, occasionally hitting the back of your throat and making you gag around them. 
"You're mine, baby. You were made for me. If only you would see." He sighs, taking a picture of you choking on his fingers before pulling them away, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. 
He presses his dick against your entrance and you whimper. 
"Gonna give you my cock now. Gonna stuff you full." He purrs, pushing himself inside. "Let's see if I can get your eyes to roll back into your skull, angel." 
He takes multiple pictures of you as he fucks you, instructing you on how to pose and what faces to make. 
"Yeah, that's it darling. Gonna carry these around to show to any man you try to seduce so they'd know whose slut you are." 
You shake your head, tears brimming along your eyelashes from how roughly he's fucking you. This isn't what you wanted. You need him to love you and be gentle with you. 
"That's not true!" You sob, barely able to get the words out between him railing you and your uncontrollable tears. "I didn't do anything. I was good just like you wanted."
"Don't fucking lie to my face!" He grits, throwing the camera to the side and grabbing your thighs so he can brutally drive his hips into yours, his cock not giving your pussy a break. "I saw the way you were looking at him." 
"No. No." Your eyes roll up as you feel your pussy start to clench around him, his cock forcing the orgasm out of you. 
"There you go. That's my good slut." 
You see the flash of the camera go off as you cum, and you can't even imagine how fucked out you look right now. 
He grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him. "Say ahhh." 
Dumbly, you obey, opening your mouth wide for him to spit into. You keep your mouth open while he takes a picture of you. 
"Swallow." He commands, watching you with dark eyes as you do and groaning when you open your mouth again to show him. "Good girl. You got me so close, baby. Gonna give you all my cum. You want it, baby?"
You whimper in agreement, your poor pussy getting sore and overstimulated. 
"I should take away your birth control and stuff you full of my cum. Give you another baby and keep you pregnant all the time so everyone would know that your pussy is taken." His pace gets sloppy and erratic as he nears his end.
"No, baby, please. Don't."
"Shut up, slut. I'll make it so everyone will know that you're claimed." He jerks his hips forward one last time before he groans loudly and his cock twitches inside you, filling you up with his cum. 
He stays there for a while, pluging your pussy and keeping his cum inside as if he intends on making true on his promise. 
When he pulls back, you feel his seed dribble out of your pussy before a flash goes off. 
"Stick your tongue out." He orders, and puts your fingers up in a double peace sign to mimic the fucked stupid characters in the hentai he loves to watch so much.
"Perfect." He smiles, showing you the picture. You look ruined, used, and entirely his.
A/N: hope you're as dead as I am
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 8)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: underage drinking, angst, hoseok’s bare abs
Word Count: 10,705
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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“Okay, even you have to admit this is too soon.” Finn stared, appalled at the chalkboard. “It’s not even Halloween!”
Laughing a little, you looped your arm around his to drag him towards the back. Plopping down in a chair, you placed your order number in the center of the table. Seating himself across the table from you, Finn began to undo his coat.
“Come on.” He grinned, brown hair flopping when he leaned forward. “Admit it – this is too early for holiday drinks.”
“Okay, maybe it’s a little early,” you acquiesced. “But Halloween is tomorrow! They probably just put up the holiday drinks so they don’t have to do it on Sunday.”
“Laziness!” he cried, jabbing a finger in the air.
Shaking your head, you smiled when Namjoon, the barista, placed a pumpkin soy latte before you.
“Thanks!” you said, pulling this towards you.
“No problem,” he said, flashing his dimples before he turned to leave.
Taking a long, slow sip of your drink, you groaned. “Oh my god. This is it. This is heaven.”
Finn laughed. “Is that seriously your first pumpkin drink of the season?” Sadly, he shook his head. “I remember our senior year, you dragged me out of bed at 7:00 AM on a Saturday just to get the first pumpkin drink of the year.”
“I know,” you sighed. “But I’ve needed the extra caffeine jolt each morning. Sweet drinks just don’t cut it anymore.”
“Ah, the first step in addiction.” Finn nodded sagely.
Smiling, you settled back in your seat as he took the first sip of his black coffee. It had been two weeks since your fight at the club and since then, Finn had been on his best behavior. For about a week, things between you had been awkward but slowly, your relationship was returning to normal.
Seated in the corner of your favorite coffee shop, you drank from your cup and glanced around the room. This was what you’d pictured when you imagined you and Finn living in the city together. Coffee dates, going on new adventures and continuing your relationship where it had left off.
Of course, this morning was only possible because Miss Britt’s ballet class had been cancelled. A contemporary master class had been scheduled for the afternoon, but your day before then was free – something you’d immediately taken advantage of by calling Finn. It was becoming easier to fit each other into your schedules, more like second nature, but things were still tense whenever things didn’t line up.
None of this was eased by the burgeoning whatever-it-was you’d shoved to the back of your mind regarding Jimin. Since the day of Mr. Vlad’s ballet class, you’d managed to keep your emotions in check, but were constantly on the lookout for dangerous situations. You and Jimin were professionals, obviously, but you were also only human. It was reasonable to have subconscious wants and desires, but these weren’t important unless you chose to act upon them.
You didn’t tell Finn about it because honestly, there was nothing to tell. Okay, so you’d felt an errant spark one day during a lift. Big deal. Finn had been your boyfriend for over two years – it would take more than that to threaten your relationship. A relationship which, frankly, had been getting stronger as of late. Telling him something as inconsequential as a spark you had with Jimin would only take you further down the wrong path.
“Are you sure you’re okay with us doing separate things tomorrow?” Finn interrupted your thoughts. His brow furrowed. “It is Halloween, after all.”
“Ah, yes.” You nodded. “Halloween, the internationally known couple’s holiday.”
He laughed. “Okay, point made – but still.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. This was something you’d already been over. “It just makes sense like this! Your friends are going to that off-campus party and I promised Noelle I’d go to this club thing with her.”
“Right, of course.” Finn grinned. “I’m bummed I’ll miss seeing you as the Powerpuff girls, though. Who’s going to be the third one, again?”
“Well, I’m Blossom – obviously.”
“Of course.” He nodded. “Miss Responsibility.”
A twinge of annoyance went through you, but you pushed it aside. You didn’t think you were always the responsible one but admittedly, you’d been more on edge than usual lately.
“Anyways,” you continued with a roll of your eyes. “I’m Blossom, Noelle is Buttercup and Irene is going as Bubbles. It’ll be fun! Aside from the whole club part, of course.”
“It does sound fun,” Finn admitted, a tad mournful. “Meanwhile, I’ve been roped into the classic college bro costume of Ghostbusters.”
“Oh, come on! That is classic! You’ll be super cute in your… suit? Cargo pants? What do Ghostbusters wear again?”
“Knowing Ben, something tragic from Party City. Pray for me.”
“I’ll light candles.”
Finn grinned, sipping his coffee again and your conversation slipped naturally to other topics.
Halloween fell on a Saturday this year, which meant every college campus was gearing up for some epic parties. Noelle had managed to snag tickets to a club fancy enough to require an RSVP. Apparently, said brother she missed was a DJ and could get tickets to a lot of things if Noelle bothered to ask.
A bunch of people from Russet were going, which made you excited. There hadn’t been many parties with your classmates so far this semester. Despite technically being in college, your classmates were all under the same intense pressure, only made worse by constant early morning ballet.
This week though, even your teachers seemed to have decided you needed a break. Aside from the master class you had this afternoon, there were zero Russet classes until Monday morning. The break in schedule meant you could actually go out – and drink – if you so decided. You and Noelle were planning on attending a ballet class tomorrow, but your entire day after would be free.
You’d originally planned on seeing Finn during the day, but then he’d been invited to a Halloween darty (day party) starting at noon. Despite not seeing Finn on Halloween, you weren’t feeling stressed. It was only one holiday and not even a couple’s one, as you’d said.
After coffee, you kissed Finn goodbye and headed to class at Danley Hall. The atmosphere was different as soon as you entered the classroom – all of the students were buzzing, excited by the prospect of the weekend ahead. The excitement only grew when coupled with the fact that today’s class was contemporary.
For nearly two months, your training had been mostly ballet. This was the foundation of all western dance, and where most dance students were expected to start. Finally though, you were being given a chance to show off. Today’s teacher, Luna Jordan, was a well-known contemporary choreographer across the globe.
You’d done a master class with her once back in high school and honestly couldn’t wait to learn from her again. She wasn’t alone, though, you noticed as you walked in – an unfamiliar, dark-haired guy stood beside her, stretching lithely before the room’s mirror.
“Holy shit,” Noelle whispered as she came to a stop. “That’s Jeon Jungkook.”
Startled, you looked twice and saw she was right. You hadn’t recognized him without his bevy of followers, but Jeon Jungkook was known in the dance world. A child prodigy, he’d been on America’s Got Talent at age eleven and finished in second place. Following this, his family had moved to LA and he’d been in high demand for movies, music videos and performances ever since.
You remembered hearing he worked with Luna Jordan, but the thought hadn’t crossed your mind before now that he might be here.
Noelle cocked her head to one side. “He’s hot.”
“Noelle,” you hissed, trying to shush her.
“What!” A devious grin spread across her face. “Am I supposed to be blind, as well as mute?”
“Well, no, but –”
“Alright, everyone!” Miss Luna clapped her hands together. “I know everyone is excited for the weekend, but we unfortunately have an hour and a half together before then. Everyone spread out for warm-ups!”
A few people laughed, spreading out on the floor as class began. Noelle wriggled her eyebrows, pulling you towards the front in order to get the best spot. Hiding a smile, you ducked your head and settled beside her into a stretch.
Noelle was nearly as excited as you were for the opportunity to dance contemporary. Most of your classmates knew this to be your forte – you caught glances from the corner of your eye while you warmed up, trying not to let their attention get to your head.
Jimin was also near the front, although on the opposite side. You suspected your class was equally excited to see him perform – as talented as Jimin was at ballet, there was a reason you hadn’t thought he’d be at Russet this fall. Jimin’s strength in jazz and contemporary was unparalleled. You would’ve thought he’d gone to LA to become a dancer like Jungkook.
Speaking of whom – Jungkook really was attractive; that much couldn’t be denied. He had dark, wavy hair pulled into a bun and cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass. When he glanced up from his stretch, his gaze somehow found yours and he smiled.
Eyes widening, you stared until you caught sight of Jimin behind him. Glancing between the two of you, Jimin’s expression soured before he looked away. Lips parting, you felt the sudden urge to say something, but there was too much distance between you.
“You ready?” Miss Luna called, an upbeat pop song blasting from the stereo. “Let’s go!”
She launched into isolations, leaving the rest of the class to follow. Warm-ups passed quickly and before you knew it, you were gathered at center to learn the combination. Miss Luna’s style was right up your alley. The steps came easily and, once you’d learned the whole chorus, she left you alone to practice.
You were helping Ari with a difficult move when you caught sight of Sabrina as you turned. She’d positioned herself near the back, which had to be a first. Usually, Sabrina was front and center to allow for maximum receipt of teacher praise.
The decision to stand near the back could’ve been strategy – sometimes, dancers did that at conventions. Conventions were giant weekends of competition with teachers from all over the globe who taught master classes to hundreds of dancers in hotel ballrooms and convention centers. Space at the front tended to be limited, so some stayed at the back, where there was more room to dance and be seen. You had a greater likelihood to capture the teacher’s attention when you had the room to do incredible leaps.
Sabrina’s decision didn’t seem strategic, though. While you watched, Sabrina stumbled transitioning from one move to the next. A brief twinge of pity went through you.
It was easy enough to spot ballerinas dancing anything but ballet. Although ballet was the root of modern westernized dance, it could be hard to translate into other styles. Ballet was more rigid than contemporary, jazz or hip-hop. In ballet, each position was defined, individual style was limited, and dancers were expected to all look the same. Standing out in the corps de ballet was equally frowned upon as missing an entrance.
Not that ballet wasn’t important to all dance styles, mind you. Even hip-hop dancers took ballet to improve their balance, core strength and general understanding of the body. There was an element of individuality in other dance styles, though, which lacked in ballet. Contemporary and hip-hop dancers were expected to have relentless technique all while creating their own, unique flair.
Just looking at Sabrina you could clearly see the holes. She was trying so hard to emulate the moves of Miss Luna, she was kind of missing the point. When Miss Luna did a certain flick of the wrist, it wasn’t a defined part of the choreography, but rather an individual choice.
Without thinking, you took a step forward – only to stop. Sabrina wouldn’t want your help; she’d already made that abundantly clear. Besides, you knew her friend Katie to be a contemporary dancer. She could help Sabrina and yet, when you looked, you saw Katie practicing near the front with Jungkook.
Jungkook obviously knew the steps, since this was probably the tenth time he’d learned the combination. Dance teachers often did that – selected a dancer to attend classes with them, traveling to different cities to demonstrate the combination and help when they weren’t free.
Before you could decide whether to help Sabrina, Miss Luna clapped her hands again.
“Let’s do groups!” she declared. “I’ll count you off into groups of four, and each group will showcase. Sound good?”
It wasn’t really a question so much as an announcement. The rest of the class nodded, waiting while Miss Luna counted you off. You ended up in the same group as Irene, Paulo and a few others. Jimin and Noelle were in the group two, while Sabrina was in the group after theirs.
Jogging off to the side, you waited while the first group took center. You were part of group four, which meant you’d be amongst the last to dance on the floor. When the music began, you closed your eyes and began to mark the combination. You tried not to focus on what anyone else was doing, but this became difficult once Noelle’s group stepped up.
Noelle had trained in jazz and contemporary, although she’d stopped in high school to focus mainly on ballet. Still, her artistry shone in her movement. She could definitely stand to loosen up a bit but was still one of the best in the bunch. You found yourself smiling when she landed a turn, silently cheering her on from the side.
While you were watching, Jimin cut across your vision.
Dropping to the ground, he rolled and arched as his forehead brushed wood. His quality of movement was breathtaking and for a moment, you felt like you were back in high school.
Suddenly returned to those dimmed auditoriums, you watched Jimin take the stage like an otherworldly being. His body seemed to move before your mind could comprehend. Barely did he finish one move before he was starting another, the steps flowing endlessly together like unhindered water. Although you knew the combination and knew how you would dance it, watching Jimin perform was a different experience entirely.
Ballet required dancers to stay on the beat but in contemporary, they were expected to lag. Extensions were all the more breathtaking when they clung to the last second, seeming as though the dancer might not make it before they caught up. Jimin was an expert in this, knowing exactly when to hang precariously over the edge and when to pull back.
Watching him dance, that pesky, strange something bloomed in your chest again.
Squashing this quickly, you looked away and resumed marking the combo. The end of the song was improvisation though and, unable to stop yourself, you found your attention drifting to Jimin again. He was ridiculously beautiful – you nearly didn’t hear when Miss Luna called for them to stop. As she turned off the music, she applauded the group while they walked from the floor.
Breathing heavily, Noelle came to a stop alongside you and – somewhat guiltily, since you hadn’t been watching – you gave her a high-five.
“That was awesome!” you said with a grin. “You definitely stood out in the group.”
Noelle snort-laughed. “Not with Jimin up there, but that’s okay. This is his specialty – and yours,” she added with a wink. “I’m psyched for group four.”
“Ah,” you groaned, rubbing your neck. “Too much pressure.”
Noelle laughed, shaking her head as group three took the floor. Both of you fell silent to watch, your curious gaze finding Sabrina in the back. Sabrina looked almost nervous; an emotion which seemed out of place on her features. It made her look almost human.
As soon as the music began, you stifled a wince. Sabrina stood out from the group, and not in a good way. She had the combination down but moved with a woodenness you would’ve expected from someone half her age. It was enough for you to glance at Miss Luna, wondering if she had noticed.
“Wow,” Noelle whispered, looking almost gleeful. “Sabrina is terrible.”
“Noelle!” you whisper-laughed.
“What? After everything she’s done? After everything she’s said?” Noelle’s gaze narrowed. “Sabrina deserves this.”
Despite privately agreeing, you couldn’t help but feel bad as Sabrina continued. Not wanting to watch any longer, you turned towards the front and resumed marking the combo. As soon as Miss Luna cut the music and polite clapping ensued, you turned back around.
It was time for group four. A shaky, sick feeling entered your stomach as you walked to center. So many eyes were on you, but it had been so long since you danced contemporary. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were as good as people seemed to imagine. Surrounded by so many dancers at Russet, surely your own talent would pale in comparison.
As soon as the music began though, everything faded. Insecurities slipping away, a lightness entered your chest as, eyes falling shut, you slowly inhaled.
Taking a step forward, you opened your eyes and began.
To you, dance had several phases. The first was learning, where you memorized each step and put them in order. The second was understanding, where your muscle memory began to take over and the combination felt smoother. The final phase, performance, was when you thought not of the steps, and were free to just dance.
This was your favorite phrase. In this phase, your mind separated from your body, leaving you only with sweat and emotion. Dance was the only art form composed solely of the body. An odd combination of physical strength and artistic beauty, it was both a testament to human capability and human emotion.
Losing yourself in the music, you ebbed and flowed through the combination until the choreography ended and improvisation began. Finally, you let go and held nothing back. Raw, unbridled passion poured out as you lost sight of yourself, so consumed by the movement.
When the song finally finished and you came to a stop, you were panting for breath. Glancing up, the first person you saw was Jimin.
He stood off to one side, leaning casually against the rungs of the barre, but his expression was anything but. Focused on you, his gaze had turned dark in a way which made you catch your breath.
Miss Luna clapped both hands once again, returning your attention to her. Blinking, Jimin shook his head and in your peripheral, you saw him straighten.
“Very good!” Miss Luna scanned the group. “I know our time is nearly at and end, but why don’t we have a few students come out and demonstrate?”
Again, this was fairly common in master classes. After learning the combination, teachers would often single out students to perform as examples. It wasn’t always the students with the best technique who got chosen. Oftentimes, it was as much for passion and performance quality.
Taking a step forward, Miss Luna began to call out names. You were one of the first – setting your water down, you jogged back to center. Jimin was the next person called, then Noelle, much to your excitement. Jungkook was also instructed to join on the floor.
Turning the lights halfway down, Miss Luna pressed play and let you improvise until the combination began. Jungkook started dancing and honestly, he was beautiful, but you couldn’t linger on him for long. 
Catching sight of Jimin again, you were once more transported to earlier times. This wasn’t the first time you’d been called out together. Oftentimes, this had happened at conventions but back then, your mind had been too clouded to see him for who he was.
You’d always wanted to beat him in high school, but now, you were consumed by the oddest desire to see him do well.
Glancing up, Jimin caught your gaze and he smiled – but then, the combination began.
By the time you were finished, you could hardly catch your breath but somehow, you felt the most alive you’d been in ages. Back in your own element, surrounded by some of the most amazing dancers in the world – this was what you’d imagined when you came to Russet.
People around the room clapped, some of them begrudgingly. You got the impression many of your classmates weren’t used to not being chosen. As you walked from the floor, you saw surprisingly, Sabrina wasn’t amongst them.
Instead, Sabrina simply looked tired – as though she’d tried her best and it hadn’t been enough. You knew that look. You sympathized with that look.
The look lingered in the back of your mind while you packed up your things and listened to Noelle discuss Halloween tomorrow. When she mentioned Ari had decided to visit her family this weekend, an idea began to form in your mind.
“Wait,” you interrupted, looking up. “Ari can’t come tomorrow?”
Noelle shook her head. “Her brother just turned eighteen, so her whole family is having a party or something.”
“So… her ticket is free, then?”
“Yes…” Noelle paused. “Why? Y/N, what are you planning?”
“Okay. Hear me out,” you said as you shrugged on your coat. It was cold enough now for the coat to be necessary.
Noelle sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Alright, I’m listening.”
Glancing away, you saw Sabrina packing her things on the other side of the room. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you returned to Noelle.
“What if we invited Sabrina?”
Noelle snorted. “Pass.”
“Noelle,” you laughed, reaching out for her arm. “Come on! Do you really think she’s doing anything for Halloween?”
“Probably not. And that’s her own fault.”
“Maybe,” you said, glancing at Sabrina once more. “But how could it hurt? We have an extra ticket, there’ll be tons of people tomorrow night. She’ll probably say no – at least this way, you can claim a write-off on your way into heaven!”
Noelle upper lip twitched. “Oh, is that how write-offs work?”
“Well, I can only assume.”
Finally, she laughed. “Ugh, fine. You can invite her – but only because it’s Halloween, and Halloween is a time for peace. And slutty costumes.”
“Thanks, babe,” you said, squeezing her waist in a one-armed hug.
Sighing exaggeratedly, Noelle waved aside your thanks. Hiking your bag higher, you began to make your way across the room. As you closed in on Sabrina, you began to rethink your choice. It had been nearly a month since anything bad had happened between you but still, you found yourself feeling wary. As tough as you pretended to be, rejection hurt you just as much as the next person.
Still, dancing with Jimin had been a reminder of just how bitter your relationship used to be. If that relationship could change, you had to imagine things with Sabrina could, too.
Coming to a stop at her bag, you waited for her to look up. When she finally did, her brow wrinkled in confusion.
“What?” Sabrina asked, sounding defensive. “What do you want, Y/N?”
You couldn’t really blame her for her suspicion. Had your situations been reversed, you would’ve been equally distrustful. It was likely Sabrina thought you were coming over to gloat, or say something to do with class today. Another twinge of pity went through you as Sabrina zipped her bag shut to stand.
“I just wanted to know what you were doing tomorrow,” you said, trying to smile. “Noelle has an extra ticket to a Halloween party, and we thought you might like to come.”
Sabrina stared. “What?”
“Tomorrow is Halloween,” you said, a bit slower. “You know – when we were kids, it was all about costumes and candy. Now, it’s about costumes and booze?”
Sabrina failed to crack a smile. “And you want… me to come to this party?”
Something about the way she said this made you sad, as though she genuinely thought this might be a joke. As though at any moment, someone might jump out and yell SIKE.
“Yeah,” you said, softening a little. “Look – it’s not a big deal if you can’t make it. A bunch of our class is going though, so we thought of you.”
Sabrina hesitated, then glanced at the door. “Okay,” she said, looking back. “Okay, yeah. I’ll come.”
Stifling your surprise, you nodded. “Great. I’ll text you where to meet us tomorrow before the club. Wear a costume,” you added before walking away. “Noelle said it’s required.”
“Alright,” Sabrina said, so quiet you almost missed it.
Walking away, you were nearly at the door when Jungkook popped up before you. Flashing a smile, he fixed a loose strand of hair away from his face. Feet fumbling to a stop, you could only stare.
“Y/N, right?” he said, sounding shy.
Unable to find the words, you blinked in response. The way Jungkook danced had been so confident, you’d only assumed this to be his off-floor persona, as well. Hearing him sound shy was unexpected. 
Also – you hadn’t expected him to know your name.
“I… yeah, that’s me.” Shaking your head, you smiled. “Jungkook, right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I just wanted to say I’m such a big fan of your dancing. It was great to take class with you today.”
Without meaning to, a laugh escaped your lips. Jungkook stared at you, baffled until you quickly waved him off.
“Oh, no – no! Sorry,” you said. “I’m not laughing at you! I’m just laughing at the ridiculousness of you saying you’re a fan of me.”
Some of Jungkook’s wariness disappeared, and a small smile played across his lips.
“Well, I am.” His grin widened. “I used to assist on the convention circuit, too and I remember you being called out all the time. You and Jimin,” he added, glancing across the room.
You looked, too and saw Jimin still packing his things. His back was stiff, pointedly not looking in your direction. Lingering on him a moment, you returned to Jungkook.
“Still,” you said with a laugh. “It’s a bit of a stretch to say we took class together when you’re the teacher’s assistant.”
“True.” Jungkook paused. “Well, next time you’re in LA, let’s fix that. Let me know if you’re ever in town and we can take a class together.”
Despite yourself, your brows raised. It was harmless, but Jungkook was definitely flirting with you. He was attractive, sure and seemed nice, but he lived in LA and you had a boyfriend. You should probably leave before things had the chance to go any further. The last thing you needed was another complication. Adjusting your bag, you gave Jungkook a small smile.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said before turning away.
Jungkook chuckled from behind. “Bye, Y/N.”
As you joined Noelle at the door, she stared over your shoulder.
“What?” you said, coming to a stop.
Noelle’s gaze moved to yours in disbelief. “How?” she demanded as you exited class. “How do you have all these men just… tripping over themselves for you?”
Heat rising to your face, you shook your head. “That’s – I,” you sputtered. “You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I?” Noelle grinned. “First Jimin, now Jungkook… and all this while having a boyfriend.” 
“I… you... Jimin is not tripping over himself for me!”
Both her brows shot way, way up. “Is that the only part of the sentence you took objection to?”
“Shut up,” you groaned and shoved her in the side.
Noelle laughed but nodded. “Alright, fine! I’ll stop. Did Sabrina say she’ll come?”
“She did.”
“Great. I still don’t like her,” Noelle said, pushing open the door. “But I guess you’re right, I have an extra ticket. It’s nice to be nice.”
You laughed, pulling your coat tighter as you walked outside. “You’re a saint.”
While you walked, your phone dinged and pulling this from your pocket, you saw a notification on Instagram. Jeon_Jungkook97 has followed you.
Shaking your head, you returned this to your jacket as you continued. While it was nice of Jungkook to compliment your dancing, his approval didn’t mean as much as certain other peoples had. This realization stuck in your mind, making you wonder about Noelle’s teasing jibe.
She had said Jimin flirted with you, but that wasn’t true – was it? You would have known if Jimin were flirting. It was hard to pick out though, since Jimin was friendly with everyone. That was just who he was; as he’d said earlier, he liked to be liked. A note of uncertainty entered your thoughts though, recalling the ballet class with your chest pressed to his. Shoving this away, you forced yourself to focus on the upcoming weekend.
Halloween was a night for fun, for letting loose and enjoying yourself with your friends. You refused to let the night be spoiled by any lingering feelings – either from you, or towards you.
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The next night was perfect Halloween weather.
Chilly, but not cold enough to risk snow falling. There were several Halloweens from childhood you could recall trick-or-treating with a winter coat flung over your costume because the temperature had dropped below freezing.
You, Noelle and Irene showed up to Paulo’s house around 8:00 PM, shivering a little while you stood on his doorstep. Paulo was one of the few freshmen who lived off-campus, having known several upperclassmen before he came to Russet. The brownstone he lived in was cute, with window boxes you imagined hosted flowers in the summer.
Tugging your pink and black minidress down, you adjusted your bow as Paulo opened the door.
Blinking, he took in your costumes. “The Powerpuff girls!” He cheered, raising an arm overhead. “Try not to take down any of the villains upstairs, yeah?”
“No promises,” said Irene, flicking hair over her shoulder.
Entering the house, you heard thumping bass from an apartment upstairs. Paulo lived on the third floor and as you climbed the steps, the music grew louder. It took Paulo two tries to shove open the door – “warped wood,” he explained – but once you were inside, you saw familiar faces.
“The Powerpuff girls!” Jasmine cried, jumping up from the couch. “Finally! Thank god – can you take down Eamon? He came here dressed as a potato, or something.”
“It’s an avocado!” Eamon shouted from the kitchen. He was dressed in a round, green costume with a halo overhead. “I’m ‘holy guacamole’ – get it?” he said, pointing at the halo.
Jasmine stared at him a moment. “That’s terrible. Worse than mine,” she said with a wave down her body. “I’ve been Princess Jasmine for the past five Halloweens. It’s easy to remember and I already have the outfit.”
Laughing, you shrugged off your coat and added this to a pile on the couch. “It’s a classic,” you agreed as you turned.
Noelle had managed to procure at least twenty tickets to the party tonight, so a lot of your freshman Russet class was in attendance. Including Sabrina, who stood in the corner, talking to Louis over cups of red punch. She looked up when you entered, pausing before she gave a small wave. Surprised by the gesture, you did the same.
“No.” Noelle groaned, coming to a stop alongside you. When you looked, you saw she’d already removed her coat. “Tell me Sabrina didn’t come to this party dressed as a ballerina.”
“We did invite her at the last minute,” you laughed. “Hard to find a good Halloween costume in a day.”
“Hey,” Noelle argued. “There’s no we here. You were the one who invited her, and you’ll be the one to accept the consequences should your social experiment fail.”
“Done,” you agreed. “Speaking of social experiments though, I’m ready to get drunk tonight. Where’s the alcohol?”
“Kitchen!” Irene called, brushing past. “Or – that’s where Brian disappeared to when we entered, so I can only assume.”
Telling Noelle you’d be back with drinks, you wound through the room towards where Irene had pointed. The kitchen was tiny, on par with most city apartments. There was only room enough for one or two people, so you were lucky it was deserted when you entered.
Surveying the counter, you found the usual party staples. A bowl of red punch, a bunch of beer and various liquor bottles with chasers. Skipping over the communal punch bowl, you reached for a bottle of diet coke and coconut rum.
“Oh,” a voice said as they entered the kitchen. “Sorry – I didn’t know you were in here.”
Glancing up, you saw Jimin and froze.
He’d dyed his hair black – that was the first thing you noticed. Jimin’s hair was no longer blonde, but completely dark. His outfit confused you at first – a frilly, white blouse with slicked-back hair and dark trousers – until you saw his bright red contacts and the dribble of blood at his mouth.
“A vampire,” you said, finally recovering your voice. Scanning his body, you frowned. “Where are the teeth, though?”
Jimin blinked, his gaze jerking up from your waist.
“Huh?” he said, sounding a bit strangled.
Cheeks heating a little – your dress was pretty short – you repeated yourself. “The teeth,” you said, pointing at your own lips. “Don’t vampires have fangs?”
“Oh, right.” Jimin dug around in his pocket – fuck, were his trousers tight – to produce twin fangs. “I took them off when I got here. They’re really hard to talk in.”
“Go on then, Park,” you said with a grin. “Put them in.”
“One second.” Twisting to face the wall, Jimin popped them in his mouth. Turning around, he bared his teeth. “Sexy?”
With the teeth in though, the word came out more like shex-shie and you burst into laughter. “So sexy,” you agreed, reaching past him for a cup.
Jimin stiffened when your arm brushed his front. Unbidden, you thought about what Noelle had said – Jimin had been flirting with you. Pulling away, you resumed making your drinks and tried not to look in his direction.
Even so, you remained aware of his presence. Jimin inched his way behind you, reaching for the whiskey on the other side. His arm brushed your elbow as he went, right knee nudging yours in an intimate gesture.
Glancing up from the counter, you accidentally caught his gaze. Despite your earlier joking, he did look sexy. Devastatingly so. Even the blood-red contacts weren’t enough to deter the shiver which ran down your spine.
Shaking yourself free from your trance, you grabbed both cups and pulled back. 
“So, what’re you drinking?” you asked. 
You decided it was best to steer the conversation away from how sexy Park Jimin was or was not.
Seemingly oblivious to your inner turmoil, Jimin poured whiskey into his cup. “Whiskey and coke. Can you pass me that bottle?”
“Sure,” you said, leaping at the chance to prevent him from walking past you again. “Here you go.”
Pushing this forward, you watched Jimin pour both drinks all the way to the brim. He paused near the end, staring into the depths before he looked up. He seemed to be warring with something, debating whether or not to speak whatever was on his mind.
“So…” He paused. “Do you know Jungkook, or something?”
You blinked. “Jungkook…?”
“You know, Miss Luna’s assistant. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh! Jungkook. No, I don’t really know him.”
“You were talking to him at the end of class, though?”
Hearing the curiosity in his voice, both your brows raised. “And?”
“And nothing,” Jimin said, sounding uncomfortable. “I just… I didn’t know you knew him, that’s all.”
“I mean, I don’t.” You paused. “But even if I did, what does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.” His cheeks began to redden. “It’s just – ah, never mind. We don’t have that great a history, that’s all. He’s kind of the reason I’m at Russet this year.”
You stared at Jimin a moment. “Wow, what a tragedy,” you said, stifling a laugh. “To have been forced to attend one of the most prestigious dance institutions in the world.”
His upper lip twitched. “It’s not that. I was deciding between attending Russet and accepting a job offer out west. I was asked to join this pop star on tour… anyways, Jungkook’s never liked me much. It’s a long story.” Jimin’s brow furrowed. “My offer was rescinded at the last minute. The artist never said why, but I always got the feeling he had something to do with it.”
You stared at Jimin a moment, unsure how to respond. Jungkook hadn’t seemed like that kind of person, but you supposed you’d only talked to him for a few minutes. If that was true, what happened to Jimin sucked and yet, the next words from your mouth nearly had you face-palming.
“And here I thought I was your biggest rival, Park,” you said.
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Are you… jealous, Y/N?”
He sounded almost pleased by the notion, which sent a different kind of shiver down your spine.
“Not at all,” you said quickly, turning back to your drinks.
Jimin made a soft tsk-ing sound, as though he didn’t believe you.
“That sucks,” you continued, determined to change the subject. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Yeah. Maybe it was all for the best, though. Things happen for a reason, right?”
Looking up, you caught Jimin’s stare. He didn’t look immediately away and you got the oddest sensation he meant more than what he said. Hastily, you pushed this feeling aside, clutching your drinks as you entered the main room. Jimin followed close behind, two cups in his hands.
“When did you get here?” you asked. “Been here long?”
Jimin shook his head. “Nah. Hoseok and I got here like, ten minutes ago. He should be around here somewhere, he –”
You looked up just in time to see Hoseok, Jimin’s roommate, barreling towards you.
“It’s been so long!” Crushing you to his chest, Hoseok wrapped you in a hug. “Hope Jimin isn’t boring you to death,” he stage-whispered before he pulled away.
“Just for that.” Jimin arched a brow. “Both these drinks are for me.”
“No – wait, wait. I’m sorry!” Hoseok pouted. “Hand over the drink, Park. It’s been the longest fucking week.”
Jimin grinned and relented, handing Hoseok his cup as you laughed. Hoseok was a newer friend, but he was close to Jimin, so he’d gradually bled into your latest gatherings. Despite not being on the ballet track, most of the dancers at Russet knew of him. Hoseok had that way about him.
Glancing down at your outfit, Hoseok held up a finger. “Let me guess – Blossom,” he said, turning to scan the room. “Which means… aha! Irene is Bubbles and Noelle is Buttercup. Makes sense.”
“And you are…” Pausing, you squinted at his outfit. “Someone at the spa?”
“Sure.” Hoseok shrugged. “Honestly, I just wanted to wear a bathrobe.”
Said bathrobe was paired with only boxers, the front of the robe open to display his toned abs. The costume didn’t surprise you, based on past interactions with Hoseok.
Casually, he twirled the robe tie in a circle. “Impressive, no?” Hoseok glanced away. “Whoa, wait – they have beer pong? See you all later!”
Hurrying off, he left you alone with Jimin. Shaking your head, you glanced in his direction and saw Jimin down his whole drink. Arching a brow, you were about to ask why when Irene called your names from across the room.
“Y/N!” She waved her hands. “Jimin! Get over here, you two – we need more for flip cup!”
You found yourself pulled in this direction despite your insistence you didn’t do well under pressure. Jimin ended up at the other end of the table and you lost sight of him when you started to play, paired with Jasmine for a partner.
By the end of the first round, you discovered you weren’t as horrible a player as you’d imagined. Then someone suggested mixed drinks for the second round, and things became fuzzier. There were more people present than just current students of Russet. One of Paulo’s roommates knew Seokjin, so you saw him in the room, along with Sana.
You chatted with both over the course of the evening, in addition to a guy who’d recently debuted on Broadway, Kim Taehyung. Apparently, there was already buzz around him for a Tony. Taehyung was nice, but it was sometime during this conversation you realized how tipsy you were. Apparently, not drinking for several months and then going ham made for very low tolerance.
Collapsing onto the couch, you joined Irene and Brian’s conversation. In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Noelle – a terrible flip cup player, she’d roped Hoseok into giving her private lessons, but these seemed to be going terribly. Or perhaps very well, given how much the two of them were laughing.
You completely forgot about Jimin until you spotted him across the room talking to Sabrina. Seeing them together, you straightened. Both seemed fairly comfortable, which struck you as odd. Since that morning in Jimin’s dorm, you hadn’t really seen them hang out together.
Despite this, Jimin was laughing at something Sabrina had said. Tearing your gaze away, you forced yourself to focus on the conversation at hand. It didn’t matter who Jimin spoke to, or even who he decided to go home with tonight. He was your dance partner and friend, nothing more and besides – you had a boyfriend.
Blinking, you reached into your clutch and pulled out your phone. To your disappointment, you’d gotten no texts from Finn since this morning. You assumed he was still at his party but didn’t know for sure. Shooting him a text, hey, you waited for a response and when you got none, returned your phone to your purse.
Across the room, you heard Noelle yell your name. “Y/N!” She cupped her mouth with both hands. “We need another person for flip cup!”
Laughing, you pushed yourself from the couch and were immediately roped into your fourth game of the night. The night blurred again after that, turning into a pleasant hum of conversation and booze. At some point, Ubers were called to bring you to the club. As you rushed downstairs, you realized you forgot your coat as soon as you stepped outside.
Shivering violently, you rubbed your arms and cursed yourself for poor foresight.
“Y/N?” Jimin came to a stop alongside you. “Hey, where’s your coat?”
“Inside,” you said through chattering teeth. “I-it’s fine, though. I’m fine!”
Jimin gave you a look. “Where’s Paulo?” he said, glancing around. “I’ll grab him, we can get your coat before we go –”
“The Uber’s already here, though,” you argued, grabbing his sleeve to drag him towards the curb. “I’ll be fine from here to the club!”
Jimin sighed but gave in, following when you rushed to the grey SUV. Irene had claimed the front seat, so you and Jimin pulled open the middle door – Noelle and Hoseok were crowding behind you, so you and Jimin ended up together in the backseat.
Collapsed in a heap, you giggled as Jimin tried to squish himself in a corner. “Sorry,” he said, trying – and failing – to keep his knees separate.
“Jimin.” You snorted. “Are we going to go through this again? Your hands have been in way more inappropriate places than that this semester.”
Jimin’s lips parted, shocked, but you were already hoisting yourself over the middle seat. Draping your arms next to Noelle, you begged her to play your favorite song on the radio. Had you been more sober, you might’ve recognized your position to be precarious – perched on the edge of your seat, your ass hovered inches away from Jimin’s face.
Plopping back down, you glanced sideways at Jimin and found him frozen. Suddenly, you realized the visual he’d had.
“Um, so what happened to the teeth?” you blurted, determined to change the subject.
Jimin blinked and managed to meet your gaze. “Casualty of flip cup,” he said. “One of them fell out during the game and I couldn’t find where it rolled.”
“Well, that’s okay. You can just be one of those vampires who blend in with normal humans. You know, the kind whose fangs only come out when they want to bite someone.”
“That’s true.” Jimin arched a brow. “Lucky for you, I’m not hungry.”
“Lucky for me? Lucky for you,” you retorted. “My blood is about half alcohol right now. If you drank my blood, you’d be a very silly vampire.”
The idea of a silly vampire made you laugh – even more so when you pictured said vampire as Jimin. He seemed much too coherent for your liking right now.
“A silly vampire, huh?” Jimin looked on, amused. “Damn, Y/N – when was the last time you went out? Your tolerance is shit.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I haven’t drunk much this semester. Too much dance, too little time. I think the last time I went out was –”
“We’re here!” squealed Noelle, throwing open the door.
A blast of cold air hit you and you shivered, wishing you’d worn your coat. Jimin’s gaze remained steady on yours.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he said lowly. “I can give you, uh…”
“Your shirt?” you said dryly, lifting a brow as you brushed past. “Then you’d be shirtless, Park. Let’s think this through.”
Jimin chuckled before he followed suit, although you cursed as soon as you left the car. He was correct. It was freezing, even with your alcohol-induced blanket.
“Come on!” you yelped, following Noelle towards the entrance.
Bypassing the line, Noelle walked straight towards the bouncer and showed him her phone. He nodded and waved her past, counting your friend group who followed. Not everyone from Paulo’s place had gone to the club, but enough for you to make quite the entrance.
“Y/N!” Noelle doubled back to link arms with you. “Come on – this way! That guy’s going to show us to our table.”
“Table?” you asked her, wide-eyed.
Tables in a club on Halloween night were ridiculously expensive, but it seemed Noelle had downplayed her brother’s connections. Your group was led right to the front of the upper balcony, getting a coveted spot overlooking the dance floor below.
This was undeniably the coolest club you’d been in. Not that you’d been in many, mind you, but this one had to take the cake. A half-circle of tables took up the top floor, with twin staircases descending to the main room below. Most of the lower floor was for dancing, although you saw additional tables pushed to the sides. Fluorescent bars and dance platforms were dotted throughout and above all was the DJ booth, blasting the latest songs.
“Whoa,” you breathed.
Noelle grinned, squeezing your arm to pull you into the booth. As soon as you settled in, Jasmine leapt up and clapped her hands.
“I want to be in one of those!” she said, pointing to a glowing cage at the center of the dance floor.
“Oo, me too!” Irene leapt up to join her.
“Me, three!” said Paulo, clambering out of the booth.
“Awesome.” Irene beamed and glanced your way. “What about you, Y/N? You in?”
The idea was tempting for a moment, but then Finn flashed through your mind. You highly doubted he’d be on board with you gyrating for a room full of strangers without him. Somewhat dejectedly, you plopped back on the bench.
“That’s okay,” you sighed. “I think I’m going to stay here for a while. I’ll join you later!”
Irene frowned but nodded, following the rest when they left for the stairs. About half the group went, clearing out the table while you stared at the dance floor.
Jimin slid into the bench alongside you. “You don’t want to dance?”
Startled, you glanced in his direction. While you watched, Jimin began to undo his cuffs, casually rolling the sleeves of his shirt. His hair, which had been slicked back at the start of the night, was starting to fall. Several dark strands hung over his forehead, although this only seemed to make the look more appealing.
“No,” you said, crossing your legs. “I just… don’t really feel like it.”
“Is this the whole hating clubs thing again?”
“Kind of.” You laughed. “I don’t know. Club dancing isn’t like normal dancing, you know?”
“It is when you’re at the club with all dancers,” Jimin pointed out, nodding towards the floor.
Following his gaze, you saw Jasmine dancing full-out in a lit-up cage. She wasn’t so much gyrating as she was creating choreography on the fly. The mere mortals around her looked on in awe. Fighting a smile, you returned to Jimin.
“Okay, that does look like fun,” you admitted. “The last time I was at a club was with Finn.”
Jimin blinked. “Sorry – what?”
“In the cab,” you said, leaning closer in order to be heard. “You asked me when I last went out. It was that night… um, the night you came and picked me up.”
Jimin stared at you a moment, as though contemplating something important. Abruptly, he stood and held out a hand. You blinked at this like he’d offered a football.
“What are you doing?” you said, glancing up.
“Taking you down to the dance floor.” Jimin retracted said hand. “Come on, Y/N! You don’t have to give out dry lap dances, or whatever.”
“Hey!” In disbelief, your mouth fell open. “You said you’d forget all about that!”
His smile turned impish. “Seriously, we can just do the sprinkler, or something. It’ll be fun!”
“The sprinkler?” Starting to laugh, you stood. “Was that really the first move you thought of?”
“Nah. My go-to move is the criss-cross, but I figured this was more your speed.”
Snorting, you shoved him in the arm before following Jimin to the dance floor. It didn’t take you long to spot your other friends, clustered near the front and around the DJ booth.
“Y/N!” Noelle cheered, breaking off from the pack. “You made it!”
She nearly spilled her drink while she danced, catching herself just in time as she spun around. You grinned, entering the circle with Jimin by your side. He did, in fact, pull out the criss-cross – Hoseok joined in and soon, there was a Fortnite dance battle between them. You truly haven’t lived until you’ve seen a TikTok dance-off between two semi-professional dancers.
This ended with both declaring mutual defeat, and Hoseok disappearing to buy the next round. Noelle shimmied her way over to Jasmine, accepting the hand given to stand on the platform.
You laughed at their ridiculous dance moves, choosing instead to stay on the ground. The crowd around you had thinned since you’d joined. Eamon disappeared a few minutes later, saying something about needing a drink upstairs. Before long, Irene had joined Jasmine and Noelle on the platform, leaving you alone with Jimin on the floor.
Under other circumstances, you might have felt uncomfortable, but Jimin was so good at putting you at ease. Determined to keep you in the present, he came up with more and more complicated dance moves which had you snorting with laughter.
On a particularly flamboyant spin, Jimin accidentally smacked the drink from someone’s grasp. Blue vodka splattered everywhere, drenching its owner – a burly man in leather who snarled in frustration.
Looking up, he met your gaze and his eyes narrowed.
“Shit. Run!” you blurted out.
Grabbing Jimin by the arm, you dragged him into the crowd.
“No, wait – let me apologize!” Jimin tried to twist around. “I can pay for his drink! I can –”
Once there was suitable distance between you and the guy, you came to a stop. Laughing so hard you nearly fell over, you turned sideways to face him.
Bodies pressed against you from every side but rather than feel claustrophobic, all you could think about was Jimin before you. His hair had become thoroughly mussed during the night and you fought the sudden desire to smooth it down.
Although your breath came hard, the club around you seemed to slow. The music somehow had narrowed to pinpricks, a heady thump of bass while everything dulled.
What you should’ve done was taken a step back – but you didn’t.
Instead, your gaze drifted across his face. Jimin stared back, something intense to his gaze you couldn’t quite name. Breath caught in your throat, his eyes dropped to your lips.
Before you could react, someone bumped into you from behind, sending you careening forward. Jimin caught you easily, one arm around your waist and your chest pressed to his. You could feel every hard line of his body, his thigh wedged between your legs while you grasped at his arms. Heart thudding traitorously against your ribcage, you tried to ignore the emotions which followed.
It was impossible. 
The song playing was slower, sexier than the one which had inspired the dance-off. Without meaning to, your weight subtly shifted. This caused your hips to move against his as Jimin quietly sucked in a breath. The effect this had on him was instantaneous. His grip on you tightened, gaze heady with desire and something more. Before you could second-guess what you were doing, you moved your hips again – this time, on purpose.
Jimin’s eyes darkened. Without looking away, his grip on you tightened as he slowly dragged you up his thigh. Suddenly breathless, your hands gripped him tighter while your eyes fluttered shut. The heat of his body on yours, the faint smell of cologne and sweat, the tension in his limbs and the knowledge of what he could do to you – it all left your head spinning.
“Y/N,” Jimin murmured, low in your ear.
You weren’t used to him saying your name like that.
You were used to him saying your name in every other way, but not that. Sharp with dancer’s critique, brusque with instruction, light with teasing – but not like something heavy was lodged in his throat. Maybe his heart.
Panicked, your eyes flew open.
What were you doing? This wasn’t some random stranger and this sure as hell wasn’t your boyfriend. This was Jimin. Stumbling backwards, you broke from his hold. Jimin seemed equally stunned, staring at you on the dance floor.
“I have to go,” you blurted and whirled around.
Shoving into the crowd, you heard Jimin emit a soft groan. Despite this, he didn’t immediately pursue, for which you were grateful. Stumbling through strangers, strobe lights flashed brightly overhead. You squeezed between someone dressed as a go-go and another person dressed as a werewolf. Skidding to a stop on the edge of the floor, you scanned the room and saw no one from Russet.
When you glanced over your shoulder, you saw Jimin now followed. Panicking again, you began to move. Beside one of the bars, you spotted a hallway labeled restrooms. Heading in this direction, you quickly disappeared inside the door marked women.
Once inside, you locked yourself in a stall, lowered the lid and sat down. Head in hands, you slowly exhaled. You were a coward; that much was clear. Jimin was probably out there looking for you right now, but you’d rather hide in a bathroom than face him.
The fluorescent lighting overhead was too bright – it made you feel overexposed. After a long moment, you fished around in your purse and pulled out your phone. Flipping to your thread with Finn, you saw he’d sent no response since your text. Complete and utter silence.
Heart cracking a little, you slid this in your bag and stared at the door. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. When you imagined you and Finn at college, you’d always pictured you together, attending the same parties and sharing the same adventures. Tonight though, had proven to be anything but that. Finn hadn’t once glanced at his phone judging by the unread mark next to your text.
Dimly, you wondered why you weren’t more upset about this. It should bother you that Finn hadn’t called or even texted throughout the day. Sure, he was out with friends, but so were you and you’d reached out – as soon as you thought this, your heart sank.
You weren’t sure you could call Jimin a friend after what had just happened.
Sure, you’d only danced, and it had only been for a second but still, guilt bloomed behind your ribcage. The idea of Finn doing the same thing with anyone else made your heart twist. You wouldn’t feel that way if what you’d done wasn’t wrong.
Groaning out loud, you lowered your head to your hands. After several minutes, you felt calm enough to stand and pretend-flush the toilet. As you exited the stall, you walked to the sink and began washing your hands. Staring at yourself in the mirror, a million things ran through your mind.
Clearly, the situation with Jimin was worse than you’d thought. The spark you’d felt kept returning, no matter how much you tried to ignore it. Maybe the only solution was to find a new partner. The very idea made your heart sink, but you couldn’t deny things had gotten out of hand.
Before you could seriously consider the option, the door to the bathroom flung open and banged against the wall. Sabrina stormed in, wiping both eyes with the heel of her hand. You froze, staring at her in the mirror but she didn’t seem to notice your presence.
When she finally lowered her hands and took a deep breath, she saw you and froze.
For a moment, you both only stared at each other and then – you coughed. Awkwardly, you began to dry your hands.
“Are you okay?” you asked, tentative.
Sabrina stiffened. “I’m fine,” she muttered, walking to the sink.
You watched her wash her hands, struggling and failing to control her expression. Sabrina’s hair was a mess and you stared, wondering where she’d been. You hadn’t seen her since you’d entered the club, but had assumed she’d stayed on the second floor.
“Are you sure?” you pressed, remembering your night at the other club. “You know, you can –”
“Will you… just stop.” Sabrina closed her eyes. “Will you … stop pretending like we’re friends, or something?”
Struck with disbelief, you could only stare. “I… are you serious?”
“Wow.” You shook your head. “Just wow.”
Her lips tightened and finally, she whirled around. “What?” Sabrina demanded. “What is it?”
The look in her eyes was familiar. Her frustrated, angry look was mirrored in your expression, but you found you didn’t care. Sabrina was clearly going through something, but her rudeness to you was the final straw. Tired from Finn, Jimin and the constant pressure you were both under, something about Sabrina’s words made you break.
“Why are you always such a… such a bitch,” you blurted, hurling the word like a knife. “What did I ever do to you? Why do you always act like you hate me so much?”
Sabrina’s upper lip curled. “Why do you always think this is about you, Y/N? Maybe I just wanted one second of peace and instead, here you are. Like always.”
“Here I am, in the public restroom of a club we’re all at?”
“No. Here you are in my life,” she snapped, pushing herself from the sink. “People won’t talk to me? It’s because you’ve run your mouth about things you think I’ve done. I’m falling in the class ranks? It’s because you’re after my spot. Jimin doesn’t want to be my partner? It’s because of his feelings for you. I’m sick of turning around and always seeing you there!”
“Okay, but none of those things – I, Jimin doesn’t have feelings for me,” you sputtered.
Sabrina gave you a look. “Oh, please, Y/N.” Her laughter was harsh. “Why else would he turn me down?”
“Um, maybe because he’s a decent human being? Unlike yourself.”
“Great, yeah.” Sabrina glared. “Make me the bad guy again.”
“I’m not the one doing that,” you huffed. “You are. You want to blame me because no one wants to be your friend? Maybe try reaching out first. Maybe don’t talk shit about people behind their backs. And I’m improving because I’m taking extra lessons. No thanks to you, of course.”
“Don’t try and make me feel bad because I didn’t have time to give you lessons.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m trying to explain why I’m improving and you’re not.”
Sabrina bristled. “Are you saying I don’t work hard, too?”
“No.” Mirthless, you laughed. “I know you work hard – maybe even as hard as I do. But you know what the big difference is between you and me?” you said, drawing yourself to your full height.
Sabrina’s eyes glimmered while she stared you down. Still, she retained her aloofness when she said, “What? What’s the big secret?”
“You think everyone’s out to get you,” you said, stepping closer. “You think not asking for help makes you stronger, but it’s the exact opposite. At least I’ve improved since the start of the year. What have you done?”
Not waiting for an answer, you pushed past Sabrina and walked out the door.
Shoving it wide, you entered the hallway. Dance music flooded your senses and you winced, remembering where you were and what you’d been doing. Luckily, Jimin was nowhere in sight. He must not have seen where you’d disappeared to.
Shoulders slumping, you pulled out your phone and dialed a number. Walking to the front, you concentrated on breathing while you waited for them to pick up. Coming to a stop beside coat check, you didn’t leave the club – a lesson you’d learned the hard way.
Noelle answered on the third ring. “Babe?” she yelled, barely audible over the din. “What’s going on? Where are you?”
“Are you…” Closing your eyes, you paused. “Can we leave?”
Noelle paused, then muffled her phone with one hand. “Irene!” you heard her yell. “You good to get a ride home for these people? Okay, cool. Bye!” Her phone became un-muffled. “Where are you, babe?”
After explaining your location, you hung up and hugged yourself with both arms. Noelle burst into view a few moments later, scanning the crowd like a mom on a mission. When she saw you, she rushed over – and you promptly burst into tears.
“Oh, no!” Pulling you into a hug, Noelle began to rub your back. “No, no, babe! Don’t cry! What’s going on? Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”
Hearing Jimin’s words said by Noelle only made you cry harder. Wisely sensing this to be a problem not easily solved, Noelle continued rubbing your back while walking towards the exit.
The two of you went outside and, as luck would have it, saw a group of people arriving at the club. Noelle snagged their taxi, helping you in the backseat and giving the driver your address. As you settled against her, your head on her shoulder, Noelle kept rubbing your arm and waited for the tears to stop.
You weren’t really sure why you were crying.
Of course, Sabrina was terrible, as was the situation with Jimin, but it was more than that. Dancing with Jimin hadn’t caused problems in your relationship with Finn. There had been problems in your relationship Finn and so, feelings had crept in which led you to dance with Jimin.
More than that though, you couldn’t help but notice Noelle had come to your aid much faster than Finn ever had. Even Jimin had dropped everything when you asked, and he was someone you’d once called your enemy. Noelle had been having fun, but she’d cut her night short because you were upset. This knowledge crushed you and for the very first time, you realized your relationship with Finn might be unfixable.
Curled up on the backseat, you let yourself cry a bit more. You could be calm and rational in the morning, you decided but for now, you just felt defeated.
When you finally climbed into bed at your dorm at night, you looked at your phone and saw Finn still hadn’t texted.
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Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! 😊 New chapters of Raise the Barre are posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
1K notes · View notes
Summary: Meeting a single Dad on the plane back to the states was maybe just the distraction you needed to get over your fear of flying.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!reader
Wordcount: 3k
Warnings: reader is afraid of flying, one panic attack
A/N: First time writing for Frankie. I don’t know about fear of flying or about babies, so of course I decided to write about both 🙈 Let me know if you like it 😂
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Maybe it was time to find a new job. A job that didn’t require traveling to other continents at least once a year. You could be a barista. Or… any work that would require you staying on the ground where you belonged. Not in a tiny capsule that traveled way too fast and way too high.
You felt anxious throughout the whole day when you knew you had to go on a plane. It wasn’t even the height you were scared of. You couldn’t describe it. You always were very independent. Maybe it was the fact that you had to trust a stranger not to fuck up and make the plane crash. You didn’t know who would be the pilot. Of course, you knew that they were all trained professionals, they have to be but… ugh. Overthinking. You were overthinking again. Handing the stewardess your boarding pass she smiled kindly at you and you tried to smile back before you sighed and slowly walked down towards the plane.
As soon as your nose smelled the engine (yes you could smell it) you felt like your stomach wouldn’t make it. Closing your eyes you breathed in deep, trying to remember that millions of people did this every day. Opening your eyes you looked at the plane door where a man was just climbing in, a baseball cap on his head. He was carrying a baby that was sleeping on his shoulder as if nothing else mattered. You smiled softly. If a baby could do it, you could too.
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Nope. No you couldn’t.
You felt your throat getting dryer the further you walked into the plane in search of your seat. You never sat at the window, always in the middle. You read that it was more safe once. When you arrived in the row you would be sitting you couldn’t help but smile, finding the man with the baby sitting on the window seat, the baby carrier in the middle seat. He looked up and you were met with warm brown eyes. His hand was on the baby’s back, almost covering it entirely. He gave you a tired smile and you nodded.
“Hi,” you whispered, not wanting to wake the baby.
“Hey,” he nodded quietly. You took your coat off, putting it in the cabinet over the seat, and sat down. You intended to work on your way back to the states so you brought your laptop. Pushing your bag under your seat you got out your phone, putting it in flight mode before you secured the seat belt. People were still coming into the plane and you felt yourself getting more nervous. Sucking your bottom lip in, you took out the card with the safety instructions in front of your seat, reading it carefully. Your assigned security exit was just two rows behind that was good to know. You were unaware of the man sitting two seats next to you watching you. You crossed your legs, your sweaty hands on your thigh when they closed the doors. You turned your head as you heard the man next to you mumble in Spanish and noticed that the baby had woken up and was now looking at you with big eyes. She was still lying against the man’s chest, her head just under his chin, his lips kissing her head. You looked at him then, noticing how attractive he was, his eyes closed as he gently rubbed circles on the baby’s back. His base cap sat deep on his head, dark wild curls underneath that peaked out. You never thought a mustache could be attractive but maybe he was the exception.
People were finally settled in their seats and you felt the plane move as the announcement from the boarding crew came for the safety instructions. You heard a tiny whimper and looked at the man. The baby was clearly not happy with the loud voices from the speaker. You wondered why he was alone on a plane on a seven-hour flight back to the states with a baby that couldn’t be much older than maybe four months. A noise made you jump and he looked at you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled embarrassed.
“First flight?” he asked. You shook your head.
“I wish it was. That wouldn’t make me being scared so embarrassing,” you sighed, your eyes wandering between him and the baby on his chest. He smiled a little.
“You can’t choose your fears,” he shrugged. He was right you couldn’t.
“I wish I could though. I feel like I’m gonna faint every time I have to fly.”
He looked at you before he began to open a bag that was laying in the baby carrier.
“You probably already heard all kinds of solutions for going over your fear but as a pilot let me assure you, that it’s perfectly safe.” He seemed to have found what he was searching for, a baby bottle with milk in his hands.
“You’re a pilot?” you asked fascinated.
“Was. Military. But can’t with this one needing me around,” he kissed the baby’s head.
You smiled. “She’s adorable.”
“She’s my whole world,” he put her in the crook of his left arm, his right hand checking the bottle.
“Gotta make sure the entire plane doesn’t hate me for bringing you on here, baby girl,” he said quietly. She looked up at him with big eyes, her little arms going up as he brought the bottle in her line of view and you chuckled. He looked at you, giving you a soft smile.
“It’s our second flight but she’s a trooper,” he explained. “Feeding her during take-off and landing helps with the ear pressure,” he explained.
“Are we taking off already?” you asked, feeling the nervous flutter inside your belly.
“I can talk you through it, if you want to?” he offered as he brought the bottle down and the baby began to suck eagerly just when the plane seemed to be in starting position.
“I don’t want to bother you,” you shook your head.
“I wouldn’t have offered, if it would bother me,” there it was again, that shy smile that made your heart seem to stop for a second.
“Okay. Thank you…”
“Frankie,” he offered.
“Thank you, Frankie,” you smiled.
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You still felt nervous after an hour in the air but now you weren’t sure if it was the flight or the man sitting next to you. Finding an attractive and, as you found out, single Dad that looked at his baby girl like it was his whole world, didn’t help to settle your nerves or ovaries. But you would take this kind of nervousness in a heart beat instead of your fear of flying. He had talked you through every little step on what the pilot would be doing. It may vary from flying a helicopter as he did, but the steps were the same. He had squeezed your hand that was grabbing the seat like a lifeline an hour ago. You swore you could still feel the warmth of his hand.
Sofia, the 3 ½-month-old girl that was his daughter was now laying in the baby carrier in the middle seat, her hand squeezing your finger as she slept. Every thought of working on your project was gone as you looked down at the sleeping baby.
“She’s got a pretty hard grasp,” you said looking down at her.
“Yeah. She’s so big already. I can’t believe it,” Frankie said. You looked up, seeing him lift his hat, his hand running through his hair before he put his cap back on. You smiled at him.
“What brought you over here?” you asked. He made a face.
“One of my military friends was wounded.”
“Oh. Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. Thank you for asking.”
“I wish I had friends like that. Flying for me over the globe in a heartbeat,” you sighed, trying to overplay the sadness in your face.
“Oh I’m sure you have someone,” he mused.
“I used to. But I moved across the country after my father died and I never really got settled in where I live now if that makes sense?”
“Well, why don’t you hang out with me… uh us?” Frankie suggested. You looked up at him.
“Careful with an offer like that. I might just say yes to hang out with Sofia,” you teased. As if she could hear you, she squeezed your finger and you just about melted.
“She’s great to hang out with, I’ll give her that,” Frankie said “But can she hold an hour-long conversation with a beautiful woman?”
You looked up then, seeing him look at you and you felt your cheeks getting warm.
“Guess I’ll have to talk to you until she can, huh?” you teased.
“Guess so,” he shrugged, a small smirk on his lips.
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Frankie had just left to use the bathroom, leaving Sofia under your watchful eyes when her eyes blinked open. She seemed to look for her Dad until she looked at you. You could see her small lips pouting, her face frowning and your heart broke before she had even whimpered for the first time. Carefully you took her out of the baby carrier, hoping Frankie would be okay with you taking her out and took her into your arms. She was fully crying now.
“Shh…” you mumbled, propping her up so she was lying in the crook of your arm.
“Dad’s gonna be here any minute now, sweet Sofia,” you said soothingly. She didn’t stop. Sighing you changed so she was with her head on your shoulder as you got up from your seat. Maybe taking a little walk with her would help. You run your hand over her back like you had seen Frankie did before as you walked down the aisle and her cries got quieter until they stopped when you were close to the cockpit.
“There you go. You just wanted to see something different, huh, baby girl?” you asked whispering soothingly.
“Where’s your papa? What’s taking him so long?” you ask, beginning to walk back towards the seat. Frankie’s wasn’t back so you took Sofia down to the other side of the plane. You giggled as you found Sofia grab your hair and pulling lightly.
“Hey… Do you do that with your Dad’s hair too?” you asked, knowing you wouldn’t get an answer. You pulled her from your shoulder and she looked at you with big eyes as you put her in your arm so she could look up at you. Passing an older lady you smiled.
“She looks just like you,” the woman smiled softly as she looked down at Sofia who was still looking at you. You felt your cheeks getting warm again.
“Oh... I’m not…” you began but she only nodded at you and walked back to her seat. Confused you walked further until you saw Frankie walking towards you. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at you and you hoped you didn’t overstep.
“I’m sorry. She was crying and…”
“She likes you,” he said, his hand brushing over her cheek and she smiled, clearly noticing her Dad was back.
“You want her back?” you ask, secretly hoping he didn’t.
“I think she looks very comfortable where she is,” he said. You looked up, finding him looking at you. He was taller than you but he was close. So close. You didn’t notice the spot on his jaw that was beard free before and you found yourself wanting to kiss him there. Kiss him everywhere. You gulped, looking down again.
“Let’s get back to our seat, huh, little lady?” you asked and walked back.
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Sofia was sleeping again and you were trying to read your book. And not think about the man sitting two seats next to you. You looked at him from the side and found him always already looking at you. You felt like a teenager. You had to smile to yourself, thinking that must have been the longest date you had ever been on. You chuckled to yourself which made Frankie look at you, an eyebrow raised. You just shook your head embarrassed.
“I was thinking…” he began.
“Yes?” you asked.
“Can I invite you for a drink?”
You blinked at him, sucking your bottom lip in. You were about to answer when the whole plane shook with a turbulence and you sucked your breath in harshly. For a moment you had forgotten where you were.
“Shit…” you whispered to yourself, leaning with your head against the seat, closing your eyes, while your fingernails grabbed into the seat. The plane shook again and you breathed in and out to control your rising panic.
“Hey…” you felt someone grab your hand. You were too scared to open your eyes.
“It’s just some minor turbulence. We gonna be out of it in no time,” it was Frankie. He felt how your hand was shaking and didn’t let go.
“Just breathe. Can you open your eyes for me?” he asked. You shook your head, squeezing his hand harder.
“I know you can, look at me Hermosa,” you could sense that he was closer. Turning your head towards his side you opened your eyes.
“There you are, now breathe with me,” he looked at you and you got lost in his eyes as he breathed with you and you felt yourself calm down.
“That’s better. You made it,” he smiled. He was still holding your hand.
“Thank you, Frankie,” you said quietly. He leaned down, kissing the back of your hand he was still holding and you shivered when his lips connected with your skin.
“You’re very welcome,” he mumbled.
He didn’t let your hand go until Sofia woke up and demanded very loudly for her bottle.
It was you who gave Sofia her bottle as the plane landed and it made you forget about your fear of flying. Frankie watched you the whole time and it made your heart flutter. You wanted this. Only 7 hours ago you were on another continent and alone and now you had the baby of a man you met on a plane in your arms you didn’t want to let go.
You never even thought about children. There never was someone you could imagine having children with. It was always you. Just you.
But Frankie had shown you more attention in the last hours than any other person ever since your father died. You were lonely, you knew that. But you had made your peace with it. You were enough. But maybe you didn’t have to be just enough. Maybe you wanted to be more. Maybe Frankie wanted to be more.
The plane stopped and you smiled sadly down at Sofia in your arms. Slowly you put her in the baby carrier and she wasn’t happy about it. You almost cried.
“Come on you were so good the whole time…” Frankie whined and you giggled. He looked at you with a playful pout.
“I think she misses you already,” he said and you sighed.
“I’ll miss her too,” you smiled down at her, your hand brushing over her head and she took hold of one of your fingers again, making you chuckle.
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You helped let Frankie out to get his stuff first, staying seated with Sofia. He gave you your coat and you reached for your bag under the seat before you got out of your seat. He had a backpack on and reached for the baby carrier. You were the last people on the plane. You waited until he had everything before you slowly walked towards the exit of the plane. Thanking the stewardess who was standing near the cockpit with a smile you got out of the plane, thankful to finally be on solid ground. You were about to turn around to look where Frankie was when you felt him grab your hand, squeezing it once. There it was, the nervous flutter in your belly again as you looked up at him and saw his small smile.
You were standing together waiting for your suitcase. Frankie had put Sofia in her stroller where she was sleeping peacefully. He already had his suitcase and was waiting for you.
“So…” you began, looking at him. He turned, now facing you fully.
“So?” he asked, a teasing smile on his lips.
“I was wondering about that drink you offered?” you asked. He nodded.
“How would you feel about dinner on Saturday? I’ll come and visit you in the big city?” he smiled. You felt your heart almost jumping out of your chest. You couldn’t wait.
“What about Sofia?” you asked.
“My friend can watch her. He owes me and… I want to be alone with you,” he stepped closer and you sucked your bottom lip in as you looked up.
“It’s only an hour drive, please say yes…” he whispered.
“Yes,” you breathed.
“Great. You have to get a table I have no idea what’s good over there. I’m more of a country guy…” he brought his hand up, cupping your cheek and you leaned into his touch.
“How about I cook dinner?” you offered, “So we truly are alone,” you clarified.
He leaned down, his lips brushing over yours softly and you closed your eyes, your hand clutching his soft shirt. He leaned his forehead against yours when he parted from your lips, breathing deeply.
“Yeah. Alone. I like to be alone with you,” he whispered, his nose brushing over yours. You nodded before you took a step back.
“Saturday?” you asked as you walked out.
“Saturday,” he replied and kissed you again.
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darthwheezely · 4 years
grande - g.w.
Summary: George meets a mighty adorable barista in the new cafe on Diagon Alley and the man just can’t help himself... based off the song Coffee Girl by Johnny Socko! Sorry this took me absolute ages (9 days oops) to get out, guys :/
Warnings: DIABETIC FLUFF STUPID AMOUNTS OF CARDIAC ARREST INDUCING FLUFF UWU,mentions of sexism, Fred being Fred, cussing probably, alludes to sex, PG/PG-13
taglist or people that might like this but idk: @theweasleyslut @kitwalker02 @loony-loopy-lupinn @wand3ringr0s3 @gcdric @thehufflepuffwife @monoscandal @lupinsclassroom @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @rogueweasleys @band--psycho @lumosandnoxwriting @oh-for-merlins-sake @amxrtentias @virgohufflepuff @vivianweasley
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George Weasley didn’t sleep. This had long been the habit of his ever since he and his parents had discovered that his elder twin Fred had been an avid sleepwalker by age 4, then became a (minor) party animal in his Hogwarts days, and finally when he became the co-owner of one of the Wizard World’s most successful entrepreneurs and business owners.
The man hadn’t slept in about 18 years give or take. And days like this reminded him of it constantly.
It was a Saturday, the first of the month, and to boot, it was about to be Christmas in a little over a week. Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes was packed with everyone from couples window shopping, children in desperate need of fun now that school was out, parents trying to keep them in line, and even some old lady named Ethel (who swore she was part Veela, and therefore Fred couldn’t “escape her girlish charm.”)
“Ethel, you have an absolutely ravishing day, and don’t even worry about that moisturizer it’d be a waste of product on a natural beauty like you” Fred winked and kissed the old lady’s hand, George watching from the top of the steps rolling his eyes.
“Oh, Freddie, you know how to keep a lady young, don’t you? Oh - goodbye, Georgie! Have a good rest of your day boys!” She waved majestically to the younger twin on the stairs and he bowed royally in response.
“Bye, Ethel!” They both called as she exited the building, the bells flurrying in her wake.
“Georgie, mate, hate to say it but you are being uncharacteristically quiet and it’s making me uncharacteristically uncomfortable.” Fred said bounding up the stairs to meet him, chuckling briefly.
“Freddie, mate, hate to say it but I’ve had absolutely no sleep as of late and it’s getting to me. But I’ll be back up to my usual antics in no time.” He padded down the stairs, winking at a couple young ladies ogling him, sending them into a fit of giggles. Fred sat down on the middle step eyeing his brother carefully. It didn’t take a genius to see George wasn’t holding on much longer, the dark circles littering his eyes and the way he mussed up his already purposely messy hair just...didn’t comfort his older twin at all.
“George.” Fred sighed, George looking back at him, confused. He took his hands away from the merchandise Wonder Witch he’d been rearranging and gave him full attention.
“Take your lunch break early. And longer if possible.”
��Pffft, why would I do that when I have women to woo and boxes to juggle?”
“Stop, I mean it. You look half dead as it is, just go take a nap or get an espresso from the cafe down the aisle or something that reinforces the idea that yes, you are a human being and no, not a zombie.” Fred crossed his arms feeling suddenly a lot like Molly and dropped the cross. George pretended to ponder this tapping his chin, rather finding the mature brother role reversal funny as hell.
“Oh, alright, but can I still be a zombie when I get back?”
Fred hit him with a folder and sent him on his way.
You had just finished the lunch rush, finally being able to calm down and not have to worry about making one more goddamn Butterbeer Latte for at least another 20 or so minutes...until there’d be another rush. You grabbed a lemon scone, took off your apron and sat against the back counter. You inhaled the citrus scent, it was always something that you loved to savor, and took a bite.
The holidays for the Merlin’s Mochas, the cafe, had been absolutely atrocious so far. All you had for customers were angry businessmen, bratty kids and their upper class parents who let them run around the already small place being rude to everyone, your boss Lionel who had an affinity for calling every woman who worked there a “bitch” (...ok lionel) and to top it all off: you’d been pulling 9 hour days every day except sundays. Needless to say: you kind of super hated your job.
You had just finished your scone when you heard the door chime signal a customer, immediately wiping your hands on your jeans and restrapping your apron.
“Hi how can I-“ oh Jesus this is the hottest man I have ever seen. He was easily no older than 23, fiery red hair, a perfectly tailored striped terracotta suit, green tie, and the most gorgeous doe brown eyes you’d ever seen.
“How can you...?”
“Help you, ohmygod, I am so sorry I’m super-“
“Tired? Yeah me too...interesting how similar we are this early in the game hmm?” He winked at you and your knees felt too weak. No he was just a stupid hot customer that also was really hot and also? Was super hot. No worries, Y/N, just don’t die by 22 okay thanks.
“Very funny...wait are you-“ your finger led from him to the statue outside Wizard Wheezes, realizing a simple oh shit
“Yeah, that would be me. Or my twin Fred but we never really decided, that’s why he kind of looks like both of us mixed. Although we’re twins so we basically look the same anyway. I mean because were identical. Twins, yeah.” George, what the fuck is wrong with you, why are you sweating? She’s just a simply beautiful girl in a simply maddeningly purple coffee shop can you please breathe and not make yourself look stupid-
“Oh, wow! I’ve never met a twin before - not like twins are anomalies or anything it’s just so crazy. Science. Science is crazy” You closed your eyes and took a breath
“We should probably start over shouldn’t we?” You wrinkled your nose.
“That sounds much more redeeming than anything we both were about to say” George breathed out laughing softly, rubbing his hand through his hair.
“I’m George. Weasley. Like I said, I work at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, the shop over there, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this place before...or you for that matter, I never forget a beautiful young woman.” He said smoothly, his heart steadily subsiding - something about you had the power to not only make him scared out of his mind, but also totally at ease.
You returned the smile, warmly, the blood rushing to your cheeks at his compliment and sticking your tongue to your teeth. “Well, George Weasley, of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes I’m Y/N Y/L/N. And yeah, we’re new around here,” you leaned further onto the counter, realizing, albeit a moment too late that your eye level was directly with his abs now, and although he was wearing a suit...you could definitely tell they were there.
“We erm, just opened three months ago. It’s honestly a bit of a time to work here.”
“Oh and why is that?”
“Well, nothing like a blatant sexist to run an entirely female employed establishment and weird stuffy rich people.” Your eyes widened suddenly, and you felt like you had said far too much far too soon. But he gasp-laughed - laugh that ended as soon as it began and burst into a smile...like you had shared a secret with him.
“What the hell is he doing here then? Got a boy’s club to run in a purple coffee shop?”
“I mean you never really know these days, George, imposters are among us at every moment” you purred and pushed off the counter, meaning it as a joke but George’s heart screamed when he heard your name. As you moved to the other edge of the counter, he followed you.
“What a resourceful and cruel young woman, I am starting to like you, Miss Y/L/N.” He clucked. “And do you think of me like you think of Mr. I-Hate-Women-That’s-Why-I-Hire-Them?” He got inches from your face, smelling the coffee beans and vanilla extract that riddled your skin.
“Hmm...Mr. Weasley, I’m not so sure.” You coyly stepped away from him and took long strides to the far end of the coffee bar by the wall. George immediately felt a pit of flirtatious butterflies and (arousal?) something more in his stomach, jaw dropped, he followed you again. He pressed his hands to the counter in front of you.
“Well, how can I convince you?” He asked rather quickly.
“Hmm...” you leaned forward like he did before and his breath hitched in his throat “...let’s get you a cuppa first.”
“Wait, okay let me get this straight-“
“You have 6 other siblings.”
“...because your mom wanted a girl?”
“That-that would in fact be true, yes.”
You thought for a moment.
“So you’re telling me after she made it through you two-“
“-she still wanted to have more of us, believe me, it races through my mind daily.” He nodded vehemently laughing with you. You two had taken to the empty cafe at a table nestled in the corner, him sitting in a chair across from you on a bench. You had both been cracking each other up with stories from your childhoods, like how you both had managed to never know of the other’s existence until now.
He’d discovered that you had transferred from Hogwarts to Beauxbatons early on in your fourth year. You, a Hufflepuff, loved the quiet and soft landscape of the French school. You both had absolutely no idea the other existed. How? The world may never know.
He was brash. You were careful.
He was already flying when you were just feeling comfortable learning how to walk.
But you sat there with him for the better amount of an hour and a half, laughing and interrupting each other with memories of the school years you had, some weird and strange, and especially during fourth year, hard for George to talk about.
Ginny, his baby sister, had almost died. And as he said to you in a candid and highly vulnerable state: he blamed himself for almost letting her go to this day.
“I...I really do believe it was my fault.”
“George, it couldn’t have been your fault. Hogwarts is a big freaking death trap - you and I both know that,” you had said with an exasperated laugh, eager to make him feel better in any facet.
“Yeah, but...I’m her big brother. Yes, she has five other older brothers but...we were supposed to protect her.” He swallowed and blinked back tears. “It was her first year, for Christ’s sake, and I paid about as much attention to her as a doorknob would.” He had rolled his jaw and taken a gulp of his gingerbread latte (you had said it was your favorite, and he was loathe to try anything else) and you had softly draped your hand on top of his.
“If she’s as kind and loving and funny as you, I’d love to meet her.” You quipped, a small smile growing on your face in effort to soothe. He had smiled back at you, turning your hand over in his and drawing his digits lazily over your palm.
“Funny, because I was thinking the same thing.”
He had told you to close your eyes, that much had been true.
See, his coffee had started to get cold. So, like if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll have to have some milk-
If you give a George a latte he will have to not only have another one, but also feel the strenuous need to show off for you and take you to his place of work. Naturally. And it was so lucky that by the time he’d proposed you leave, he even helped you clean and lock up afterwards.
Truthfully, it almost scared you how much he had seemed to care.
“Alright, Y/N, darling, I’m going to release my hands on the count of three, yeah?”
“Perfect, Georgie” you giggled. You’d legitimately only knew him for so long, but you just...you trusted him. He grinned widely, his strong hands only applying a slight amount of pressure as not to hurt you.
“Alright, then. 1. 2-“ he took his hands off your eyes and watched you adjust not only to light, but to your surroundings as well.
“3.” He breathed out taking in the way you smiled like a teenager, face alight with pure inundating wonder. You squealed and started to run around the store.
“Look at these! Pygmy Puffs - ugh they’re so adorable look at this one! Oh, oh - ‘Fizzing Whizbees’ - these look absolutely wicked! And Per- ‘Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder’?” You picked up the glittery stone in your hand, and heard a smooth voice perk up behind you.
“A real money spinner, that one.” You turned around and there was a man that looked absolutely identical to George, although entirely different in the same way.
“Handy if you need to make a quick getaway,” you heard George on the other side of you. He smiled warmly down at you, nodding his head up to look at the twin across from him.
“Y/N, this is my-“
“-older, much more attractive and fiscally responsible brother.” He winked and you blushed almost immediately. “Fred. Weasley.”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Georgie has told me a lot about you and the shop - absolutely marvelous this place is, I cant believe you two created so much in such a short span of time. Brilliant it all is, really!” George had started to flush, rubbing his jaw to seemingly take the red away from his striking face. Fred, upon hearing the genuine warmth from your voice and the unmistakable use of “Georgie” had a small, but highly distinct aha moment:
“Well, we couldn’t have done it all on our own, one of our best friends helped us out a good lot. But thank you, really...it means so much when other people see how much we do and-” he looked directly at George.
“-acknowledge the things we love, right George?”
“Absolutely, Frederick.” Fred had given him the look that seemed to imply: “please, God, make a damn move.”
“Well, Y/N, I’m going to be off and woo some ladies, have a biscuit and do some paperwork” he smiled wide when you giggled, already enjoying your company.
“But I hope to see you again, very soon, yeah? Please stop by whenever you can, we’re alwYs just down the street.”
“Freddie, for your company, I’m not so sure, I’m still deciding.” You quipped. Fred laughed heartily at that and looked at George.
“Georgie, I like this one.” George looked at you and winked.
“Me, too Freddie, me too.” You leaned back on your heels as Fred padded back up the stairs to the flat, now completely alone with George. You threw your arms behind you back and forth and took a long stride to George.
“So...what are you those?” You nodded up to the array of pink bubbles in a clam shape in the corner. He hummed and reached to grab your hand.
“Love potions - c-can I show you?” He raised an eyebrow slightly, but he felt his whole body turn to mush when you accepted his hand and nodded slowly. As he walked with you, you memorized the feeling of his callouses and veins, the way your hand curled deliberately in his.
You wanted to make sure if it was the last time you felt something like that, you had that memory with you for a while.
“Essentially, if you give these to a person they will temporarily have feelings of love and attraction for you. Depending of course on the dosage you use and the weight of the person in question.” He explained. You watched the way his suit jacket pulled taut against his back muscles and instinctively wanted to honestly just take the whole thing off-
“Hmm...I don’t know about these, Georgie.” You hummed mischievously. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
He scoffed placing a dramatic hand over his heart. “Am i being questioned in my own establishment, Miss Y/L/N?”
You rolled your eyes and hit his arm, bowing slightly at him. “Well, do forgive my feminine insolence, Mr. Weasley, it’s not often I meet such bewitching mad scientists like you.” You watched his face grow blank for a moment at your compliment and immediately wanted to throw up.
“George, I’m really sorry, I know we just became friends-“
“Do you mean it?” He took a step towards you. You swallowed finding again his perfect milk chocolate eyes. You nodded.
“Hell yeah I did, you’re smart...and wicked hot” you both laughed at that. He took another step, the distance being unbearably harder to live in as his digits found a piece of hair and wound it behind your ear.
“Well, darling, the feeling is quite mutual.” He said quietly, taking in the whole of your face. He wanted to crash his lips onto every possible nook and crevice of your face, collide with you entirely.
“We’re going to have to do something about that, then, aren’t we?” You gently nudged his nose with yours and wrapped your arms around his neck, his strong and powerful arms pulling you to him gently. He wanted you to feel him not to break under his embrace. He leaned down and brushed his lips up to yours, feeling you whine and let out a minuscule sound.
“Got you making noises for me already and haven’t even kissed you yet, hmm?”
Your eyes fluttered close and one of your legs made it’s way in between his, snapping any chance at loose air between you two out of the way.
“Please, Weasley, pants a bit small for you?”
“Keep talking like that and they might, yeah.” You two laughed softly and with a final look to your lips he closed the last gap.
His mouth was perfect. His lips ghosted over yours one last time before wrapping every part of himself onto your frame, your lips entangled in each other like you’d never be able to taste him again.
But it was loving and slow and sweet. He tasted like gingerbread lattes and pastries and cinnamon and licking into his mouth you could feel the spice. He moaned lightly into your mouth, sending your knees buckling. He dipped you slightly, a hand traveling to your lower back to keep you steady, and his other hand coming up to nestle under the nape of your hair. Your hands caressed his face, his chest, needless to say? You wanted them everywhere. You wanted him everywhere.
The kiss broke and you and George were left breathless in each other’s hold, your foreheads pressed together as he kept you slightly dipped.
“Y/N, I’m feeling a bit tired” he quipped hoarsely, pressing a brief kiss to your lips and onto your neck. You hummed satisfactorily.
“Georgie, you’re gonna need another latte aren’t you?” You set multiple chaste kisses to his lips and cheeks, feeling him rumble with a small giggle. He caught your mouth with his and you moaned slightly.
“I’m gonna need a whole pot, to drink you in, love.”
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Afterglow - Part 8
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A/N: Is it time for some much need talking? Hmm....perhaps. As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know. xx 💕
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: drug and alcohol mentions; slight language 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You drifted in and out of sleep that night, waiting up several times due to the jolt of a startling nightmare. At first you almost forgot where you were or what was going on - why were you asleep on the couch? But it hit you like a ton of bricks; Frankie Morales was currently asleep in your bed. 
A few times throughout the night you’d gotten up and stretched your stiff bones and wandered to the bedroom door, opening it just a crack to peek inside. Each time, Frankie was fast asleep with Daisy next to him. It caused you to relax a little, knowing that he was okay, and you needn’t worry about an overdose or anything like that. But it didn’t ease the pain of seeing him again or knowing that he was struggling with an addiction...or something.
The universe had put an odd situation on your plate. 
Once you couldn’t sleep any longer, and had gotten tired of lying on the couch, which it had turned out was not an ideal sleeping situation, you made your way into the kitchen to start breakfast. You weren’t even sure what to do really, but it was a bit of normalcy to offset your otherwise shaken up routine. 
As soon as you started the coffee, something that was an absolute necessity, you’d left messages for your clients apologizing for the early call and canceling their appointments due to a last minute emergency. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind. As the coffee percolated filling the kitchen with warmth and the delicious smell, you reached into the fridge and started pulling eggs, bacon, and other items to make breakfast with. Grabbing a bowl and a pan, you quickly settled on pancakes, wondering if they were still his favorite. He’d always loved them when you were younger and on more than one occasion had your little date nights ended in a small 24-hour diner, where’d he chow down on them. 
The memory made you smile,  as you recalled one particular time when he eagerly topped off his pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream, which had gotten on the corners of his mouth. You’d reached over and wiped the whipped cream away, licking it clean from your own finger. It seemed like yesterday, even though it was so long ago. 
Sighing, you pushed the memory away and carried on preparing the batter and throwing some bacon into the oven. As soon as your coffee pot signaled that it was done, you grabbed your favorite mug, followed by another and poured the black coffee in. You finished yours off as you liked, topping the other off with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It amazed for a mere fraction of a second just how well you still remembered the things he liked. But your amazement was quickly cut short when you heard a quiet throat clear from the opposite side of the counter. 
“H-hi,” he said quietly, almost tentatively as he seemed to look anywhere but your eyes. You took the cup you had prepared for him and set it down in front of him, motioned for him to take a seat at the bar. 
“You look like hell,” you commented as he sat and clutched the steaming cup between his hands. He made a small sound of agreement as you turned back to your pan and poured some batter in, “I made it how you used to like it....I presume it’s still the same?”
“Yeah,” he said as he put the mug to his mouth and took a long sip, “thank you.”
“Mhmm,” it was a small, noncommittal sound as you focused your attention on the pancakes and eggs. Daisy came over and you offered her a treat before getting her into the backyard and preparing her breakfast. The tension in the air was palpable and you could see that Frankie was eager to say something. But he didn’t dare to be the one that broke the silence. Gods knew you were just as eager to say something, a lot of things honestly, but all of that could wait for now.
Once everything was finished, you grabbed two plates and piled them high with a spread of items, topping them off with some fresh berries on the side. Daisy had been a good girl, clambering between the two of you, so you offered her a piece of bacon and a few berries, which she eagerly took and ran off with and  into her bed to eat. 
Handing a plate to Frankie, you set down your own, as far away from him as possible at the small bar. It didn't create a huge divide between you, but the point came across loud and clear.
The two of you ate in silence for some time, the only sound in the kitchen was the scraping of utensils and a few small huffs from Daisy. She gave you an almost pathetic look a few times, and you just rolled your eyes at her. You knew she wanted to be out and in the company of others; once she'd overcome her initial fear of people, she thrived in attention.
"Oh hush," you told her before passing her another strip of bacon, "we'll go for a walk later, good girl. Or maybe you can go play  with Eddie."
Frankie remained silent as he watched you, doing his best to keep a smile from stretching across his features. But you were too quick and caught him staring.
"I've been bringing her into the office with me every day," you explained, "she likes being around the people and they often find just as much comfort in her. It's a win-win really."
"Hmm," he commented as he shoved another bite in his mouth, "office? W-what kind of office?”
"Yeah," you said softly, "I, ugh...I'm a therapist.” 
He caught your eye and offered you a slightly confused look. Never once had you ever mentioned wanting to be a therapist. In fact, you had wanted to avoid anything you had once deemed similar to your parents as a big no. Coming from a surgeon and a doctor wasn’t a far stretch from a therapist. When the barista at the coffee shop had referred to you as ‘doctor’, he had envisioned...many other things. This was very similar to things you had proclaimed you'd never wanted to be, "oh. I thought you wanted to be a zoologist. That’s what you always wanted to...study animals. UCLA-"
"Yeah," you cut him off sharply, "I did once. In another lifetime. I had to make decisions back then.. Ones I didn't think I'd make or have to make. I thought things were going to play out in a very different way but the joke was on me, right? So, here we are. I'm good at my job and it just...worked out."
"But do you like it?" he asked tentatively as you narrowed your eyes at him. No one ever really asked you that...it was just sort of assumed that you did, or if you didn't, that didn't matter one way or another..
"What does it matter, Francisco? A job is a job," you almost snapped at him, "but yes. For the most part I enjoy my job. I'm glad to be helping people that need it.”
"It just didn't seem like something you wanted to do..." he trailed off softly.
"Well, I also didn't think I'd go to college alone and have to make an entirely different series of choices. I didn’t think you’d just leave me and go into the military - and you were going to leave me in the dark about as long as you could. Remember that?" you knew it was a dig, the lowest of blows, but in that moment you didn't care. Things had ended a long time ago and at the end of the day, it didn't matter anymore, "because I do. So yeah, my life plans changed. But you know about that just as well. How did that work out for you?!"
You hated yourself in that moment, and as soon as the words left your mouth you wished you could take them back. You hated how much venom was lacing your words, how angry you still were with him. It was twenty years worth of pain and hurt bubbling to the surface all at once. And yet - the look on Frankie’s face was enough to make your heart break. Sighing lightly, you tossed the fork onto your plate and slid out of the bar stool. Tears were prickling at the back of your eyes as you held up your hands in surrender, lips trembling slightly. You tried to slick past him, but he reached for your arm to try and hold you back, "honey-"
"I gotta go," you said, pulling out of his grasp as motioned for Daisy to follow you. Nervously looking between the two of you, she trotted over and perked up slightly when you grabbed her leash, "I-I'll be back. I’m sorry.”
You dashed out the door as swiftly as possible, letting it shut softly behind you as Frankie stared at it, a heavily, weary sigh escaped his own lips. Setting down his own fork, he pushed his plate away, no longer feeling hungry. He wasn’t mad at your words, or the spite you still held for him. If anything it made him hurt just as much. He’d always been confused on why and when you finally decided to cut your ties with him, but he never blamed you. If the roles were reversed he might have done the same. But he’d never hated you for it. He could understand why you did what you did. He was just Frankie after all, he wasn’t worth waiting around for you. Just because he’d never let you go, didn’t mean he expected the same of you.
Standing up, he picked up his own plate, followed by yours and brought them to the sink. Turning on the tap, he set everything under the warm water to soak before quickly deciding to just clean up the kitchen then and there. It was the least he could do. Frankie carefully put everything away, making sure everything was going into what he was sure were the proper spots before loading the dishes into the empty dishwasher. He stopped himself when he reached for your empty coffee mug, holding it delicately in his large hands as he examined. It was a soft yellow, covered in little flowers and beehives and bees. A forlorn little smile crossed his features as he decided to hand wash the mug, drying it with the utmost care before putting it away in the cabinet.
The whole process to getting everything clean again took him some time, but by the time he was satisfied with his handiwork you still weren’t back from your walk with Daisy. It gave him pause to wonder if he should just head home or if he should wait for your return. Eventually he decided to opt for the latter, figuring it would be rude to just run out on you. If nothing else, he’d thank you for the help from the previous evening and then leave, but a smaller part of him hoped that you’d ask him to stay. To talk. There was a lot to talk about after so many years. 
And yet - there was nothing. The relationship was done. Ended. Nothing. 
He went back down the hall to straighten your bedroom up and gather his shoes, but he trekked slowly, taking a moment to study all the pictures on your walls. Some of it was more or less generic artwork, some were photos of you with friends and family over the years. He had admired each of them, how you had changed from the beautiful girl he had fallen in love with to the still beautiful woman he was infatuated with. It was amazing to him that you still looked the same after all this time - the same soft eyes, the same sweet smile, the aura of kindness that seemed to follow you everywhere. He was nothing like he once was, not in his mind anyway, instead of ragged and worn out. A sight for sore eyes.
Shaking his head to himself, he finished the walk back to your room and began to tidy up, making it a point to keep away from anything that looked personal. But in his keen attempt to make your bed, he accidentally knocked over what liked a journal from your nightstand. Groaning at his carelessness, he picked it up and attempted to set it back, but instead,  a couple of photographs fell out of it. He swooped them up and curiosity got the better of him as he studied the pictures intently.
They were of you - you and him. 
One of them was from one of the winters you shared together, the two of you were bundled up in thick jackets and scarves, Frankie’s old beanie on your head, with the skating rink visible in the background. You both looked so young, so carefree, so happy. You were smiling for the camera but his eyes were slowly focused on you, the grin on his face speaking volumes. 
The other one was from Halloween, and the two of you were dressed up as Morticia and Gomez from the Adams Family. Your feeble attempts at costumes had been laughable, but the joy in your faces was undeniable. This time he was smiling for the camera, an arm wrapped tightly around, but you were looking at him as though he was your whole world. 
You had kept the photos after all these years. He let out a long breath before tucking them back into the journal and setting it back on your nightstand. As he finished making up the bed and slipping his shoes back on, he heard the front door open, followed by the sound of Daisy’s footsteps. She eagerly nudged open the door and wagged her tail at him, trying to get his attention for pets. 
"Frankie?" your soft voice reached his ears as he gave Daisy a nervous look before slipping out of your bedroom. He stood in the hallway, nervously twist his hat in his hands as you stood at the other, an unreadable expression on your face.
"Hey," he softly as you just nodded. The two of you stood there for a moment, silently staring at each other. When you didn't say anything he started walking down the small way, "I should go..."
But before he could slip past you, you reached out and grabbed his wrist in a surprisingly firm, but gentle, manner. He turned and gave you a confused expression, "stay. W-w should talk...instead of just running every time we see each other."
"Okay," he agreed as you gave him a momentary smile before leading him outside, to the small little backyard sanctuary you had created. It was crisp and cool, the promise of fall and new hope with the changing season lingering in the air. Daisy was close at hand, bringing out a toy to play with as sat down at the patio table, Frankie taking a seat at the other end of the table. It was silent for some time before you finally mustered up the courage to talk to say anything.
"I'm sorry for earlier," your voice was quiet but Frankie heard you loud and clear, "I shouldn't have exploded like that at you. It wasn't fair."
"'S okay," he insisted. In his mind he deserved a lot more than just a few angry words. A new silence loomed over you as you watched your dog run around play, easily keeping herself amused.
"I was supposed to get married," you blurted out suddenly and Frankie's attention was hyperfocused on you, his deep brown eyes trying to decipher every expression, "in a few weeks actually."
"Oh," he said casually as he if hadn't noticed that you weren't sporting the huge engagement ring you had been wearing when he first ran into you again, "I-I figured...the ring and all."
"Yeah," you said with a scoff, looking over at him and rolling your eyes dramatically, "was going to. Completely dodged a bullet with that one."
"W-what happened?" he wouldn't deny that the fact that your engagement ended instilled a small sense of hope in him, "if you don't mind me asking..."
"A lot of things, honestly,” you shrugged lightly. It wasn’t a complete lie...there were a lot of factors that ultimately led to your decision. The fact that Frankie had appeared out of the blue, out of nowhere, was just another incidental happenstance that seemed to jog you into making the decision. But you weren’t about to admit that to him...not yet anyway, “I basically realized I was unhappy...that he was everything I never wanted and the life I was leading was the one I had wanted to avoid for so long.”
“Oh,” he completed quietly as you threw up your hands in exasperation, more at yourself than anything else. It was just…a hard situation. It wasn’t easy for anyone and with Frankie right there next to you it was hard not to picture a life with him. What would it all have been like if he had been the one?
“I was becoming...became everything I hated,” you laughed dryly at yourself, casting a quick glance over at him as he was watching you intently, “all those things I said I never would be. I ended up being them. I ended up as this quiet, pathetic excuse of a woman that just did what everyone told her to do, what everyone expected of her. I became the model daughter my parents always wanted - working in what they deemed a proper job, never speaking out of turn, marrying the successful lawyer, never straying from the line. And then...I just realized...this isn’t me. This was never me. It’s not who I’m meant to be. I knew that if I went through with that wedding and everything that came afterwards I would never be happy again. Despite the years of self loathing, I couldn’t do that to myself.”
Frankie was listening intently as you seemed to work this out within yourself as the words poured out of your mouth. He knew exactly what you meant, and at the end of the day, he was proud of you for being able to make the decisions you needed to for yourself, “so you just called it all off?”
“Yeah,” you dabbed at the tears that pearled up and slipped down your cheeks, before laughing lightly. In the moment, it had been a bold, dramatic move, one that you considered almost worthy of a cinematic masterpiece, but looking back on it, you had probably seemed like a mad woman, “basically. It was the day of my last dress fitting and it just...hit me. I was with the dress maker and her niece and they were asking me all about my fiance and asking me if I was excited and how in love we were and everything. And it hit me then and there - I couldn’t do this. So...I bailed and left. Called it off an hour later. You should have seen the poor things! Oh Frankie, they looked so surprised, but they understood. I paid for the dress and I told them to donate it to someone that deserved it.”
“Holy shit,” he breathed out as he pictured the scene. You caught his eye and the two of you started laughing together. Gods, in that moment, it was easy, so easy to just laugh and not think about anything else. It still felt so effortless with him, even despite everything that happened between the two of you, “you just did that!”
“You know what they say about mad women, Frankie,” you teased, taking a moment to collect yourself. Looking back on it now it was funny, but in reality...it had been a harsh end to your previous life and a bumpy start to your new one, “but...at the end of the day it was the right thing to do. I couldn’t marry Chad and just be Mrs. Wadsworth forever.”
“Chad? Wadsworth?” Frankie couldn’t help but snicker at the names as you nodded before hanging your head, giving him just a glimpse of that smile that always made him weak in the knees, “oh honey, you should have known from the name alone.”
“I was a fool,” you admitted with a dramatic sigh, “a self righteous fool. At the time it had seemed...right.”
“Did you love him?”
“I-I suppose I did,” you said softly, “at one point or another. I don’t know where along the line it just ended up as routine and just me going through the motions but obviously it did…”
“I’m sorry you had to do through all of that,” he said quietly as you shrugged. It wasn’t his fault...that was all of your own doing, “how did your family take it?”
“About as well as you'd think,” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep more tears from flowing worth, “you know them, Frankie, they’re the same as they’ve always been. At first it seemed like my mom understood, and she seemed to care, but by the next day it was like a flip had been switched. They had seemed to side with Chad and somehow none of feelings were relevant. And all of the friends we’d had basically decided that I was the bad guy. So it kind of...left me to figure things out on my own. Luckily, I do have a few really good friends left. They helped me out a lot...even to find this house actually. Things could have been a lot worse...they were rough but they’re getting better.”
“Still,” he almost whispered at you, “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. You don’t deserve it.”
“Such is life,” you looked at him and offered an almost teary smile, “but about you? Did you ever get married or anything?”
“No,” he answered quickly as you tried to ignore the small skip of your heart. He tapped his fingers against the glass top of the table for a few moments, “there was never really...anyone else.”
“Nope,” he was almost nervous as he swallowed the lump in his throat, “I was in the military for a long while...overseas, special ops...never really had much chance to worry about that kind of stuff back then.”
“What about when you got out?”
“There were a few here and there,” he admitted quietly, “nothing serious, nothing that lasted more than a few months.”
“Oh,” it was your turn to be surprised. For some reason he had struck you as the type that would have settled down...the type of man that would almost yearn for domestic bliss. Little did you know he did exactly that, just not with anyone that he encountered so far. 
“Yeah,” he exhaled sharply through his nose, “it hasn’t been much of an exciting life.”
“Surely it must have been,” you insisted, “special ops? That sounds like it be one adventure after another...but it was the military…”
“I was glad to get out when I got out,” he insisted and you could tell there was a lot more he wanted to say. But he tensed up lightly and you weren’t going to push him to tell you anything. If he wanted to, he would, but as far as you were concerned he owed you nothing. And yet...a small part of you hoped he did still want to open up and confide in you.
“What...what do you do now?”
“I’m a mechanic,” he stated simply and pointedly looked away from your eyes. He didn’t know if he wanted to see the expression in them, to know if you suddenly thought him to be much lower, “it’s nothing much but I-”
“It’s brilliant, Frankie,” you insisted, quickly cutting him off and causing his head to whip in your direction, a small smile tugging on the corners of his mouth, “you had always had a knack for stuff like that - it never made any sense to me, but you? You always had a sharp mind.”
“I was a pilot too!” he eagerly told you, and you could have died at the excited expression on his face, “in the military and…”
“And what, Frankie?” you asked, noticing the rapid change in his mood, almost as if he hadn’t meant to tell you quite that much. He stilled for a moment before looking away, “Frankie?”
“And for a while after that for private individuals,” he almost murmured, “but umm...n-not at the moment.”
“Okay,” you replied, telling him in that one word that he never needed to go past what was comfortable for him, “Frankie, I’m glad that things worked out for you...really.”
He just nodded, and gave you a weary look before silence fell over the two of you again. You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them, watching as Daisy sniffed everything before bringing her ball over to Frankie. He gently took it from her and tossed it across the yard, repeating the action several times over before she grew bored of it and went to follow around a squirrel. 
After some time, you cleared your throat, deciding that now was as good of a time as any to lay everything out on table. What was the worst that just happen? He would get mad, you would get mad and then he left? It wouldn't put you in a worse position than before. There was literally nothing left to loose, and you'd hate yourself if you didn't at least tell him. If nothing else, you would get it all off of your chest.
"T-there was another reason I called off my wedding..." you admitted and slowly shifted his gaze back to you, "umm, everything kind of...I realized how unhappy I was and that things weren't right after...after running into you. That day at the coffee shop when I spilled coffee all over myself."
Frankie tried his best to keep his expression neutral but it felt like a swarm of butterflies had just been released into his stomach. He was trying not to read too much into your words but he was loathe to deny his excitement. That meant you had felt it too; he wasn't wrong in thinking it was just him. He looked at you to go on, making a small sound in his throat, "I-I remember..."
"It set off...something," you said softly, "and that's what caused me to realize everything else."
"If nothing else, I'm glad the spilled coffee led you to realizing that you deserve better...that you deserve the world..."
"I...I never stopped loving you," the words shot out of your mouth before you could do anything to stop them and Frankie's jaw dropped and practically hit the floor, "seeing you made me realize that...there was never anyone else that I could ever love because they weren't you. Even after everything that happened, all this time, it always came back to you."
"Honey bee," the nickname flowed easily and you didn’t bother to correct him. You liked the way it sounded, you had missed it even. It was so much better than sugar plum, which still made you cringe to even think about, “you…”
“I know,” you said quietly, bringing your hands up to your face as you tried to hide and  make yourself feel smaller. You hadn’t, not in a million years thought you would see him again, let alone admit this to him or yourself, “I just...the more I thought about it, especially with Chad, I kept comparing everything to you. Even if I didn’t admit it out loud to myself, that’s one of the main things that it was. It was always you.”
“I-I don’t understand…” he said quietly, “you never...I called you and you never called me back. I thought...I thought...why?”
“I know,” you admitted, “I just...I couldn’t, Frankie. You left me and I hung around waiting for you all the time. My life revolved around waiting for to call, or email, any little hint from you. It wasn’t healthy - I was missing out on so much, because I was always waiting around for you. I couldn’t do that anymore, to wait to hear from you from an hour once every two months whenever you got the chance? It wasn’t fair to me or you. So I just...decided not to anymore.”
“But I-I came back,” he said meekly as you shrugged lightly.
“When? How many hours was your life devoted to the military? How many years were you gone for the majority of the year? It wouldn’t have been fair to me to have to wait for you, and it wouldn’t have been fair to you either, to only get to see me once in a while. Wasn't it easier to just not have to worry about it?” you tried to rationalize it to yourself and him at the same time. But as the words left your mouth you wondered if it had been easier that way. Maybe it would have been easier, maybe you would have been happier if you’d tried to make it work...but now you would never know. 
“I don’t know,” he sighed heavily as he leaned his elbows on the table and rubbed his tired eyes, “I don’t know...but I do know it was hard for you.”
“You left me Frankie,” you said softly, trying not to cry again as you thought back to the day you had discovered that he was leaving for the military. It had been the worst day of your life back then. It still was to this day, “we made all these plans, our future, and you left me.”
“I did what I had to do back then,” he said softly, and while you never believed, even back then, you knew he had his reasons. You knew that the choices he made for all calculated and thought out - he was never one for rash decisions, “the choices I made helped become the man I am now. And look where you needed up - a therapist. A successful therapist. That counts for something, right?”
“I know....I know you did. I understand that now. A small part of me still thinks I would have rather have been with you, Frankie,” you said softly, turning to face him and resting your head on your knees, “even looking back on everything now. I wish you would have let me come with you -”
“So what?” he almost snapped and you jumped slightly at the sudden change in his voice, “you could have been some military wife that’s never happy?”
“I would have been happy with you!” you retorted with just as much edge as he had given you, “I would have been happy if I got to be anywhere with you. You were my everything, Frankie, and that never changed.”
“You would have been alone half the time,” he sighed heavily, “and I never...I never wanted you to have to worry if I was dead or alive or if I was coming back at all.”
You remained silent as you mused over his words. He had a point...if you had been with him, when he was overseas, you would have been wondering every minute of every hour if he was alright or not. That was a fate almost as cruel if not more so than what you were put through. 
“I wanted you to have a chance at happiness,” his tone softened as he looked at you with big brown eyes. They were full of emotion, holding so many things inside of them, “without me you had a shot.”
“I thought I did too,” you agreed, your lips trembling effort to keep from crying. Gods, you felt like you had been crying more recently than you had in many years, “turns out we were both wrong.”
“In some ways I wished I’d just gone with you anyway,” you shrugged and he made a small sound. You were both stubborn fools in your own ways, “in some other ways I wish I never met you.”
It felt like his whole world stood still as he cautiously met your eyes. Now those were words he never thought he’d hear you saying. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before stumbling over his words, “w-what? I thought…”
“If I had never met you, I never would have missed you,” you explained, “I never would have gone through the heartbreak of you leaving, of loving you and looking for you in everything and everyone else, never finding you. I would have been…”
“Maybe you’re right…”
“Yeah...but I’m not,” you concluded, “because if I had never met you, I would have never been loved by you, or gotten to love you. I never would have...discovered how to be myself. You showed me that it was okay to be different from my family, to be my own person. It worked...even if I got lost along the way and things changed. At the end of the day, it was you. And just when I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, you came back. Out of all the times. That-that has to mean something right?”
Just like that every piece of his heart that had felt like it had hardened and decayed over the years seemed to come back to life. His heart started racing in his chest as he stared at you, long and hard, and you stared back with just as much ferocity and intensity. You were thinking the same thing he was - the timing, you both coming back together, it couldn’t be for naught. It just couldn’t. The universe was a strange and wondrous thing, but maybe...maybe this time it was getting it right…
“M..maybe…” Frankie stood up as you tried to collect your thoughts and slowly strode over to you. Extending his hand slowly, he held it out to you and you stared at it for just a moment, contemplating taking it. Taking his hand was a lot more than just the simple action of taking his hand, you were both well aware of that fact. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you let him help you to your feet, and you stood directly in front of him, “Francisco.”
His large hands found your face, his touch gentle and saccharine as you relished in the feel of his soft, yet calloused skin on yours. Your lips parted slightly as he traced over the highs and lows of your features, making it a point to commit this version of you deep into his mind, just like he had twenty years ago when you were younger. His thumb swiped along your lower lip and your body was practicing screaming for him to touch you, to kiss you, anything.
“You are still as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you,” he whispered, inching incrementally closer and yet not close enough, “honey bee, I loved you then and I never stopped. I will never stop.”
“Francisco,” it was a soft plea as your hands found his wrists, gripping onto them tightly and vowing to never let go, “please.”
Please kiss me. Please don’t ever leave me again. Please just love me. 
It was so many things all in one simple word.
“May I kiss you?” he leaned in and his lips were practically ghosting over yours, his breath warm and sweet. You nodded quietly before closing the almost nonexistent gap between your bodies, weaving your arms around his neck as his hands found purchase on your hips.
It was slow, sweeter almost than honey as he kissed you, and you allowed yourself to get lost in him. If you thought kissing him back then had been amazing, this was that and then some. Every part of him melded perfectly against you, an ease to your movement like neither of you had to think or even try. It was like it had always been meant to be. In some ways, you supposed it was. It was always supposed to be you and your Frankie. 
“I love you, Frankie,” you murmured against his lips when you parted for a breath of air, “it was always you.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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namluve · 4 years
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↳ an alpha’s touch | johnny x reader | 4.0k | oneshot | 18+ genre: smut, supernatural, werewolf, alpha/omega mates warnings: dom/sub themes, possesivness, spanking, size kink, praise kink, oral sex, a little manhandling
❝ determined to finish your studies before you would start dating, you had rejected your mate a year ago. as your heat approaches, your alpha and mate johnny wants to do everything he can to help you through the pain. will you resist him or will you give in to your alpha’s touch? ❞
note: this fanfic is for @nct-writers​ halloween event. an excuse for me to finally write a fanfic about my ult-bias. beta read by my best friend @you-better-stob​ thank you amanda ily. hope you all enjoy! 
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The cold wind grabbed hold of you as you walked down the street with your two best friends sending shivers down your spine. Couldn’t you have chosen a café that was closer to campus? None of you talked on your way over, the bitter cold in October being enough for even your loudest friend Laura to keep quiet.
One foot in front of the other, you thought as you crossed your arms over your chest. Head down as you hoped to God you would reach the café soon. Longing for that hot pumpkin spiced chocolate you had been craving all day.
You were on the verge of going into heat and craving sweets, other than for someone to rail you all night of course. Knowing things would only get harder once you got into heat, you decided to hang out with your friends. Before you would spend the weekend alone in agony in your bed of course.
A sigh of relief left your lips once you opened the café door, the heat embraced you as you stepped inside. Your cheeks turned slowly to life again as you approached the barista. The bitter cold left your body with every second you spend in the shop.  
The cute barista you recognized from campus greeted you and your friends with a warm smile. You knew he was part of your pack, unsure of what position though. Your parents had been strict with school above werewolf duties. An education was more important than a mate in times like these. You had to be able to stand on your own, get a job above all else.
“How may I help you?” The barista asked and your friend Laura responded before you and Ally even had the chance to open their mouths.
“We’ll have three pumpkin spiced chocolates.” The barista placed the order, his fingers tapping fast on the cashier. Had you always had a thing for hands or was this a new thing? You couldn’t help but to stare at them, a whine almost left your lips. They looked pretty. Long, slender, could probably hold down your body really good. Probably even-
“Y/n, hello? Where do you wanna sit?” Ally asked and brought you out of your trance. Cheeks red as you turned and looked around in panic. Pointing to an empty table by the windows, you hoped no one had noticed you staring at the barista’s hands. You didn’t even dare to look back at him as you pointed towards the table.
“There- We can sit there.” You nervously ramble as you start walking towards the table. Your two friends followed you closely, laughing as you got to the table. As you all sat down, you stared at them with a face that said ‘what?’ which only made them laugh more.
“We know you are close to your heat but damn girl, do you have to be so obvious?” Laura speaks and Ally nods in agreement. Burying your face in your hands, you silently hoped your cheeks had turned back to their usual colour.
“Do you think he noticed?” You asked, you question muffled as you let your head rest in your hands.
“Yeah, well I think he knows you are in heat if I’m being honest.” Ally said and you looked up to meet their faces. Confused as to how he could know.
“Why? Is he a werewolf?” You asked and Laura answered your question.
“He is actually Johnny’s beta, Jaehyun if you didn’t know. God, your parents should at least let you attend the pack meetings.”
You groaned as you threw your head back. Jaehyun would 100% tell Johnny that you were in heat, which was the last thing you wanted. The two of you had a complicated relationship to say the least.
You were his mate and he was yours. Only problem? You had rejected him. Wanting to focus on your studies before you got into a relationship, you chose to reject your mate last year. Your heart is still weary and wounded. Your wolf cried for his every night, longing for the connection you both craved.
Why couldn’t you have been one of the people that met their mate at an older age? Every night you wished you could’ve met Johnny when you were done with college and had a job. If that were the case you would've been in his arms right now, never letting him go.
Johnny was hurt but he knew how strict your parents were. The choice hadn’t been entirely yours. He just wished he could’ve had you in his arms right now, not in two years when you get your college degree. He wanted you as his from the moment he had smelled your scent when you walked onto campus.
The two of you had talked about it, matter of fact, you kept in touch with each other through text. You weren’t seeing him so there was no harm in it, right? Except for the fact that you craved him more and more each day as you got to know him. You loved him more and more for each day.
Oh how screwed you were if Johnny found out you were about to go into heat. No way would you be able to resist him. So, you made a silent wish. Wishing Jaehyun wouldn’t tell Johnny anything. Besides, you had never seen him before. There was no way he knew who you were, right?
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That night you clutched your arms tightly around your knees. Laying in your bed in agony as your heat kicked in. Sweat dripped down your body despite that the air condition was on max and you only wore a tank top and panties.
It was far worse than anything that you’d anticipated. Probably since you had found your mate already and your wolf was calling for him. You’d lost count the amount of times you’d told her to shut up. Johnny wasn’t coming, the two of you were alone in this.
Suddenly, it felt as if you could think again. A strong scent filled your nostrils with hope. It reminded you of something, of someone, but you couldn’t figure out what or who.
As it got closer, everything felt as if it got easier. You sat up on your bed, confused as you could feel your wolf being overly excited. Why was she suddenly so happy?
“Y/n?” Oh… That’s why… A soft whine left your lips as you heard Johnny call out your name from behind your apartment door. No, he couldn’t be here. Not now.
“Y/n answer me, I know you are in there. I could smell you miles away.” You didn’t miss the alpha tone in his voice that instantly brought heat down to your core. Your submissive side now at war with your rational thoughts. Craving to give in and give your alpha anything he’d ask of you.
“Yes?” You quietly asked, knowing he could hear you despite the bedroom door and apartment door blocking the soundwaves. All werewolves were blessed with supernatural hearing among many other things after all.
“You didn’t answer my texts, are you alright?” No, you wanted to say that so badly. Ask him to make you his right here and then. If only it wasn’t for the fact that your parents would immediately be able to smell it on you the next time you would see each other. A claimed mate had a special smell to ward off unmated wolves from them. Making it easier for werewolves who still searched for their mate.
“Yeah… I’m fine!” You lied, your wolf crying as you did. Every cell in your body protests as the words leave your mouth. It wasn’t in your nature to lie to your alpha and it hurt. You bit your lip as you felt a sting of pain in your stomach. You couldn’t make any noise. You couldn’t let Johnny know anything. You had to keep quiet so he would leave.
“Don’t lie to me now,” Johnny warned and you could imagine his jaw clenched as he growled, “come to the door so we can talk.”
You didn’t stand one chance against his alpha voice, your body moved on its own account. Soon enough, you stood in front of your apartment door. The only thing in between you and your mate.
“Good girl.” He praised and your wolf purred. With the last willpower you had in your body, you slid down against the door. You threw the back of your head against the door as you let out a deep breath. You could do this. You could sit here and talk with him without anything else happening. You could do it.
“Now… Why didn’t you tell me you were going into heat?” Johnny asked and you chuckled. Because if I had told you, I would’ve let you fuck me all night long. Funny story, right?
“And how come, I had to find it out from my beta because one; he could smell you. And two; you drooled while staring at his hands.”
“I didn’t drole!”
“Ah, so you admit you were staring at his hands?” Well fuck. You couldn’t exactly lie to him. Best thing to do now was to probably keep quiet. If Johnny came here jealous out of all things, there was no way you would survive the night. He wouldn’t do anything you wouldn’t want him to do, but if he kept talking like that, you might just give in.
“Is there anything I could do to help?” He asked with his voice softened. Johnny had swallowed all the jealousy he felt. He needed to be there for you right now, he could be jealous later. Right now, you were the most important thing to him.
You thought for a little while before you answered him. “It feels better just by sitting like this.”
“Do you want us to do that? I could talk you through it you know? Anything I can do to help I’ll gladly do. You know that.” You did know that. Johnny had expressed several times through text that he was willing to wait for you and that he would come running first thing if you ever needed him. Just like he had done now.
“It’ll get uncomfortable for you.” You replied and your wolf suddenly got mad at you. Probably because she thought you were going to reject him again. When in reality, you just cared so much about him. The thought of him sitting all night outside of your door broke your heart in all honesty. All because of your stupid rules.
“It’s still nothing compared to what you’re going through.” Well, he wasn’t wrong, but still, it didn’t feel right to leave him outside. You could let him help you through it. You could just let him in, stay in his arms until it was all over.
With that in mind, you mustered strength to unlock the door. Your hands shaked as you turned the lock. Johnny listened outside of the door, tried to figure out what you were suddenly up to. His question was answered quickly when he heard the door unlock and you crawled away from it.
You made your way over to the nearest wall surface by the door. Resting against it, your breathing was heavy as if you had just run a marathon. Still, Johnny didn’t open the door. He waited for your next move, not wanting to cross any boundaries.
“You can come in… if you behave.” Your voice low as you spoke, and Johnny understood right away what you meant. He carefully placed his hand on the door handle, turning it slowly as he stepped inside your apartment. Closing the door behind him before he looked down on you as you sat on the floor.
Eyes closed as you struggled to breath, your body shivering as if you were cold despite the sweat dripping down on your skin. He tried his best to keep his eyes on your face. Growling as he recalled the split second he’d let his eyes roam over your half naked body. Legs on display for him, only panties and a tank top to cover your body.
Combine it all with your sweet smell and Johnny was lost. Both he and his wolf wanted nothing more than to mate you and put you out of your misery. So, he took a step back. A deep breath left his mouth as he held himself back. You trusted him by letting him in, he wasn’t going to ruin that.
“Could we… watch a movie?” You suggested and brought Johnny back from his thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah… of course. What do you wanna watch?”
“Anything… Can you carry me to the bed? My laptop is in there?” To the bed. Johnny had to lay beside in bed, have you in his arms and not do anything. Impossible was his first thought but he had to do this, he had to do it for you.
“Yeah… Just give me a sec.” He said before he disappeared into your bedroom. The smell of you almost overwhelming as he removed the bedcovers to make space for you two. Anything to buy him some time to collect himself before he had to carry you over here. His wolf screaming at him to just claim you as his.
The pain in your stomach stopped for a little while and your wolf encouraged you to go to him. Reasonable, you thought and slowly got up from the floor. One step at a time, you made it into the bedroom. Startling Johnny in the process, he had been too caught up in his own thoughts with his wolf to notice you until you were in front of him.
“You can lay down.” You nervously muttered and Johnny nodded at your command. Laying down on the bed, he promoted one of his arms above his head. In Johnny’s defence, he thought it would be the easiest position that you could lay down on him and he could wrap his arm around you. Keep your head on his shoulder, but all you could do was let out a shaky breath.
His white t-shirt rose a little in the process, exposing a tiny bit of his lower abdomen. His black boxers and abs immediately caught your eye and you felt yourself get wet. Johnny could immediately smell your arousal. Your eyes hungry as they stared at him. Was this how you had stared at Jaehyun’s hands?
Fuck it. He had to at least teach you a lesson not to drool over any other man. Especially since you were his and his only.
“Like what you see?” He teased and your eyes met his. Cheeks flushed and with your mouth slightly opened, you couldn’t help but to nod.
“How about you let me play with you? I promise I won’t mate you. I could just make you cum and let you focus on other things.” It was tempting to say the least and Johnny promised he wouldn’t mate you. There couldn’t be any harm in that, right? The thought of cuming made you clench your pussy. You could get the best of both worlds, you just had to be careful.
“Please…” You whined as you walked over to your alpha and Johnny sat up on the bed. You felt so small as you stood in front of him. You were the same height as him right now, only he was sitting down and you were standing. His hand reached out to pull a few strands of your hair away from your face and tug them behind your ear.
“But first… I do think you need to be reminded who you belong to, don’t you think?” At Johnny’s words there were no thoughts left in your head and you only got more turned on by the second. Johnny closed his eyes for a second as he allowed his body to take in your scent.
“Think I need to leave some marks on that pretty ass of yours. Make sure everyone knows who you belong to.” At this, your breath hitched, eyes glowing with excitement. “We talked about this right? Green means all good, yellow for if it hurts and you need a break-“
“And red if I want it to stop.” You interrupted him, excitement rushing through your whole body as you remembered how the two of you discussed some of your kinks not too long ago. You had even been the one that brought it all up a lonely night when your hand hadn’t been enough to satisfy you. Johnny knew exactly what you liked and would finally be able to explore it.
“Exactly… However, you can’t interrupt me whenever you want little one. Over my knee and make sure you count.” Anticipation filled your body as you did what you were told and laid your body over Johnny’s knees, giving him the perfect view of your ass. His hand caressed it, gentle strokes that made you lean into his touch. Wanting more.
“Let’s see if you can be a good girl to your alpha.” Johnny’s voice had softened and both you and your wolf whined. Both wanting nothing more than to submit to your alpha. His hand left your butt cheek shortly after, only to deliver a slap a second later. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt the impact.
It stung a little, but it didn’t hurt too bad. The reason you had gasped was more because of the shock. The thrill of not knowing when he would spank you. “One.” You counted.
“Good girl, was it alright?” He asked, not wanting to push you too much on your first time. Only wanting to put you in your place for speaking back and ogling his beta. The hand that had made the impact stayed on your ass, rubbing it softly.
“It felt so good.” You moaned and for the first time since you had started your heat, the pain had been replaced by pleasure. Johnny hummed in approval before he spanked you again. This time your other cheek.
“T-two.” You mewled and so it went on until Johnny had delivered five spanks on each cheek. Your voice week, panties drenched as you counted for him. “Ten.”
“Good girl.” He praised and you could swear you’d never been this turned on in your life before. “Now it’s time for your reward. Lay down on your back.”
You followed Johnny’s orders, weakly getting off his lap in order to lay down on the bed. Your whole body felt weak as you awkwardly climbed onto your bed on all fours before you laid down on your back. Johnny got up from his sitting position and stood now beside your bed.
A yelp left your lips as Johnny took hold of your ankles, dragging your body closer to him. Your legs dangled off the edge of the bed as he placed himself between them. Still holding your ankles, he locked eyes with you. His gaze filled with pure lust.
“You look so small little one, bet you’d let your alpha do anything to you, wouldn’t you?” He growled and you arched your back, desperately seeking out his touch. But his hands stayed wrapped around your ankles, even as he slowly got down on the floor. His body now between your legs, face dangerously close to your core.
From this angel, he could see how drenched you were. Your body squirming with anticipation of what he would do next and he loved it. Loved how he was the one who made you feel like this.
“But I want you to know that I’m at your mercy, always.” Johnny spoke with a low voice, placing a sweet kiss on top of your thigh. You got up on your elbows so you could see him more clearly. On his knees, in front of you, at your mercy, Alpha Johnny Suh was certainly a sight to see.
“I want…” You began, locking eyes with him as he encouraged you. One hand on your knee rubbing soothing circular motions, he waited for you to speak. “Could you eat me out? Please.”  
Johnny wanted to tell you that you didn’t even have to ask but his mouth found your thigh once again only a second after the words left your mouth. His kisses now rougher, hungrier as he made his way slowly upwards. His hands explored your body on their own, one found their way to your ass while the other one played with your boobs.
His body worked on its own accords, as if it wasn’t his first time exploring yours. As if you had been his forever. Every touch made you crave him more.
The hand that had been playing with your boob left and you let out a whine that was soon replaced by a moan as you realized where it was going. Taking hold of the side of your panties with both hands, Johnny dragged the drenched material down your legs and threw it away.
With your panties now on the floor, Johnny had a perfect view of your puffy pink drenched folds. Not wanting to waste any time, he spread your legs even further apart. Giving himself more room to devour you and you sighed the moment his mouth came in contact with your core.
His tongue collected all your wetness. His primal need of eating you out completely took over the moment he got a taste of you. The whimper that left your mouth as he traced your clit was so sweet that Johnny wanted to hear nothing else for the entire night. His mouth stayed on clit, circular motions that made you reach your high ridiculously fast.
“C-close.” You moaned and Johnny took the que to go faster, desperate to have you cum on his tongue. Your high washed over you and you tried to desperately get away from your alpha, oversensitivity had kicked in the moment you started coming down.
Johnny, however, pinned you down. He wanted to savour this moment and he wasn’t going to let you escape it. With his hands on your thighs, he held you down onto the mattress. No matter how much you whined, squirmed and tugged at his hair, he wouldn’t stop devouring you. The only mercy you were shown was when his mouth vent further down, tasting your cum before he licked it all up as well.
His primal need to clean his mate overthrew any logical thinking. Growling into your heat as he licked you clean. A hum off approval left his lips when your oversensitivity slowly went away and you relaxed in his embrace.
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded. Your body no longer felt as if it was on fire or in any pain. You were at ease. Johnny had helped you through your heat.
“Are you going to stay?” You asked and soon you felt his presence beside you. Johnny was now sitting on the bed beside you instead of in between your legs.
“Do you want me to?” He asked and you almost wanted to laugh. As if that was even a question, of course you wanted him to stay.
“Yes silly, now get in here.” You said as you crawled up further on the bed. Johnny’s hungry stare never left your half naked body which only made your confidence grow. You may have pulled through your heat, but you still desired him, now more than ever. Screw your plans, you wanted him.
“Y/n… you need to put on some clothes… or I won’t-“
“Won’t what?” You cut him off, and his eyes shifted to focus on yours. His stare purely animalistic as your eyes shifted from his to look further down. Your mouth watered at the sight off his hard dick that was trapped underneath his layers of clothes. “Don’t.” He warned, and you looked into his eyes again.
“Or what?” You challenged and Johnny replied with his alpha voice. “Or you’ll be in for a long night.”  
“I want that… I want you…” You whispered and Johnny’s eyes widened.
“Are you sure?” He asked and you nodded as you answered him. “Please mate me alpha.”
That was all Johnny needed to know before he let himself go. A long night waited for the two of you. Finally, you were his and he was yours. 
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